Newspaper Page Text
WANTFI)?A Rents. ATTENTION butter. 4c a pound: won derful patent machii c, which mirpes on? pint of milk into out- pound of butter (making two pounds) In two minutes. 15?> per cent io agents. Write for informalioi. Family Better Mii^fr Co.. Washington. D C AGENTS, for West Virginia only, mak ing big money selling out new policy, winch pays weekly when injured or hick to men nr women, ages 1 to 7t>. foi S4 Of 1 ? I? t.ll death: COSt $1m yearly. policy. St", yearly. Fred. J. Kdi u li t , Manage!. Chestnut Street i ti l !;??!?? iplu.i. l'a A< 1 KN'T^ w.n.t'ii- '?? r.ainie writes- "1 s. 11 ;i out of l? " Scranton makes over $1" weekly. Big motley selling our brand-new "f>o kitchen' utensil. Write tot f.ill information at once. Sample -")>? H W. 10 Mfc Co.. Seventh Street, Binghamton. N. V. AG ENTS wanted; < .i ri: $ 1 T> daily calling on .tiuomooilc ownctH Particulars] free. Hat cis Agency. hemoroM, <ia AOKNTS. ? LittW < ;? m A ttotnat io Gas ; Lighten int-et instantaneous sale, j Newest iiiti-nts' artn !< Over lf>0 peri cent ptoilt; get busy now. Postal) brings valuable proposition. Automatic: Uas Appliance Co.. Inc., I l:nion Square,! New Yoi k. I GARTSIDE'S Iron Rust Soap Co., tOi l| Lancaster Av>iiue. Philadelphia, l'a j Gardst.b - Iron I'.ust f>o.i|i (trademark, print at,.: copyright icgistcroi in the j United SlutcH Patent otlice) removes] iron rust, ink and ail unwashable stains i trom clothing. inarble, eti Good seller. I big margins, agents wanted. The oris-I inal, a tul e. Beware of infringe- I men t s and the penally for making, selling and using ag infringed article. I AGENTS, every town; hest selling I household article. Success assunu. J J25 to j.^c wt-ekiy Write to-day. I'ark ; Merchandising Co., t>04 i'ark Avenue, N?\e York City RESPONSIBLE manufacturer desires I placing valuable agency; sure ie-j peat- r; permanent income, business builder: ? as.v, no competition; protected territory guaranteed. lYricction c'oni- i paiiv, :\\'t;t Thirty-flrSt Street, New! >>tr.... ? -I Atir.Nl S want* <1. every county, selling1 a tt> w ii,-.proved vacuum cleaner.! f.'t: a rati t ?: 1 ?? y, Exclusive' teiritorv. Consumers Mfg. Co., 315 SOuth Dearborn Stredt, Chicago. ACTIVE agents, something new. Sells I ?'It i.^ht itl ev,f\ home, store, O flic It and cafe Sanitary cork. For milk. I liquor, cats.ip. itc open? and ? loses in bottle. Lasts a'lit'etinie. isti: profits Sar.itaty Cork Co. Suite 22e Fifth , Avenue! New York City. $ 10 da:',;.. <.ipttal r. eco.ssti r v. Noth ing to sell. Kctltiishltig brass beds, chandeliers, etc. Your opportunity. Write for particulars. Eclipse Metal Co., 305 North Mich. Avenue, Chicago. OLD substantial manufacturers ofl products in universal demand want i nun ti * d w -net, t honesty, ambition j and i i,, : ? t ? Ik ? otnc .merits. Spare j time Immediate income and assured! future Mii: profits Exclusive rights. : Credit pivrn. Culinary rtilltie.- Dept., [ Desk 10S-G. ill Broadway, New York, j R E P R ES E NT A TIV E wanted", exclusive j territory. New invention guaranteed! hy reputsbb , ,',rp'.t a t i ? ? ?;. javing 2."i per' cent to Caroline users or money re-j funded. \ .;;om .'.m ii'.'itorboat. sta- ; tionary engine owners ' iy ..t nrst of- i fet ing Terr:toiy g.dr.c quickly Gas j Paver Sales < on".pac,y, l"9ft Broadway, | N< u York. WE start you in buslneHX, furnishing] evetythinu. men mid women. s;.i(| to, {200 weeklv opeiating cut "N>\v Systi m ; Specialty Candy Factortes " Home or , small room .my w here, no , amassing, j < ?ppot t unity lifetime. hnnlclet free.! Bagsdab- C" . Box S, East orange, N. .1. ! KOkV< WHEAT CRISP. fl'ft daily profit. ' New cotifect ton. ."jc packac.- costs lc. j Car, of samples 10. Particulars free. Machine prepaid ?' 1'ept A I'atkside. ? liicago. j AGENTS, new game for cigar stores, easy .-"llei hie repeater , part 1- tila rs free I'nited Sales Co. Walnut Place. Philadelphia, Pa AGENTS, a i , ? r,t p'-stcaol wiij ptit you in touch with ait Sso a week propo- i sition sell.i,.; aluminum utensils ,tnd| spei if,11lev dire, r to the consumer. Don't : let 1 cent stand between \ou and pros- j parity ntv ; - . a tneric i ,i Aluminum Mfg Co., Lemont. III. ' AGENTS?Oni b iust hold specialties -T-ll i themseT* ?s- u . talking stmplv show1 their Write fot cat >1. ie to-day > Henderson Specialty Com pan v. Dept. | ''^wee-.K, .,t homo riurint! njonts. rVhsoluCely no can* ?exfier'tenci nocessary. Fur- I C I WOI !' . a lull! t ires ? I'.-? <1 11 lifiiwa, 1 ' f1: j hie ? r sellei . some- : cfiin , i.tratf"! soft drinks. I let rj.-i s soft drinks :n ! time, anywhere Popular [ ? , : ? parties, socials, t- e l undei I*. P pure food j weight l ickapi s l?v parcel! lay Enormous demand J t,^ tv iney . $?', to f l v a day. \ ? : ? 11* rs all blu rep..,iK rs . j 1 l ot: t A - entS' "? ;t ti t tree, i r 1. r-i'.t P-- 'I'll' k ? just a ! A ll'.ef'K'M I Products Co., ; trert. Cincinnati; O. >".,1! 2ft; h l?y f< A M a i ed. 1 ? i? East Broad. foi: r:r:\T?Kooms. NliATI-V ! in i' mums tn a <vil"t, re spec ta' ).<? is- at v?-ry rt-aionahlo ratci-; f rule ?:? ? tj-ily tI'.f:i Kast Marshall FURNISHED room next to bath, 417 FQR 11 r::. 2 ?" 01 * room ttr.*t tloor, 12 Ora ?? Strfrel. Doctors and dent :*???, a- ; '!'?? plion?? M iili.-nri r.s ?. TWO 1 ar-? <? bright furnlthail or'i' lU'i w.'.h > !?-itr:c lit; his. hot a no ii . \*' ' ? ! iiii i ?t>, 11- No Kit Lombard-. Phone M.wiison FURNISHEl5 : r. M central N'ouh Fift: stj.-t-t TWO or 3 rooms for light housekeeping, Wltr. iv. ? <~>!h; block of <a 1 i r.App'u !*'?:< pilawtre Ave nue, Highland Park, or phone Rand >lph 152. Nl'-fll 7 fi:i: ' t "<1 rc.i ?: {or ^entleinan who ? '.<? ..ppreri ?t? a \vell-k?'pt i oon. T ': i * ? < .r?ii TWO ????;? ? f r ?!.: i ? r:.neatly furnished foi light housekeeping! (?( f t lal i U7 Kant Oia> KOI', i ? :.? la--i ( i r i.. !:??<! front room. _1<'?". South P.flh S-1 ? ? t FOR i;t Septfimhci i. 5 parlors, for d ? !"r or'. . ? i t . ? ,,..(| }?' ?jft. C ft f ? T n:.?> ? Dis; i 1 ? i -.Oft Not t': T' ritl .?< furi..- !?? d room for i ouple or 'l gentlemen Fr?K ih,i. :: roomp modern Call Ran dolph 1J'".4 THREE to r> nice rooms Apply (507 North Thirty-*"Cond Stre? t, church Hill NK'EI.V fun.: 'her:, <?' ir?>!nK. fl r.ft pM \* i-f-Vt ij f'hori'-, hath I < v. a I ? I ;i11> Hart Clay TO' W -:-f i ji ,. oe cool d-hl: able r-.o.T.?. liOit r<J eonvenient JT II U : 1 > r?>n:/is >.'. ?; k *? - kif-pii.K, to married couple. 766 Joti Averr e BRIGHT rooms with bath; rates rea sonable K' atlem?'n. .Mm. -loi iind floor ro'.iv ? nfurnlshcd. Phone ?fi?, \V< y! ?Ira. < Stir. ! J*V>r'f; >?r roomt-. S::<tii Str.<t, Ore.?n View, ;? ????It of J .i> 'J<i !?> Ai>cr?? i>? 2. Ail ? ? iiiivmilfMi'-'f How mo. a Tf-iinji i<?. Apply to Ms:-.- Kat?- I. Cohb, I.nth ton. Vh. I THIRD story back room, bntb, ??<??*nr. h^at. Phon< Apply 2 \\'<8t Orare. 1 FOR RENT?Roouis ' NKVVLY furnished front bedroom to gentlemen. Apply - West Grace St reel. FOR rent, 2 roonits and hall room for settled couple or an elderly lady: $5 ? per month. Applv 207 Temple Street. ' Wcst Knd- ^ FOR rent, room, with board, Hanover I Avenue, near Allen Avenue. Li lis, r:no Times-Dispatch. . N1 CELY-fUrnISHISD. In private fam ily. for gentleman. with all home ! conveniences. Address O 111, caro | Times-Dispatch. i'i>MPI,rn;i,V furnished housekeep ing apartment, connecting rooms, I sci cened. 12 South Fifth. XlOKhY furnished rooms, also flat for | ! light hous,-keeping; running water. I PI 1 Fast ?May ? | FOR gentlemen, "front room, furnished, all roiiveni>'iii,',s, central location, j [summer rates. _'lf> Fast Grace. FRONT and back parlors for light] i housekeeping. 517 North Fourth! | St r>'? t. FOR rent, small 'apartment for house- I keeping, suitable for 2 persons; ev-J erylhing furnished for f3.25 a week. J 613 East I.eigh Street. j A TT i: A< T 1 V FRY fVriTish^d bed ~ o7- ; housekeeping looms. 31!i Fust ' Franklin street. OCCUPANT for nicely furnished room, i neni bath; central. 3l<? Fast Frank lin Stre?>t. i.'NK nicely furnished front ball-room, ! price. V2 per week; bath and phone. I Apply Mrs. M. Richardson, 5ut5 Fast t Grace, third tlat. j WANTED?Rooms. WANTED. 3 or 1 bright rooms suitable' for light housekeeping; rent must be reasonable. State full patticuiars. G i 112. c.iri' Timet:-Dispatch. j WANT 2 or :: unfurnished rooms in I private family for light housekeeping by a widow who will make her stir- ! rounding:- pleasant. State location and price. Address F -12, care Times-Dis patoh. j WANTKD, by young- man. 2 unfur- I nished rooms with bath, in private i famil\ preferred. Centrally located.! H :t i 7. Ti mes-Dispatch. | HOARDING. ROOM and board. 203 South Third | Street, Mrictlv modern; cuisono unox- | ceiled, shower baths. FIRST-Cl-ASS apartments, vapor heat, ! private hath and excellent cuistne j furnished to permanent unu transient! Iiunr:!" ri at Mrs. Hornco Wellford : Jones's new ami wcll-evjulppeil house. | 20ft East Franklin Street. | DFhIOHTFL'Ij alcove front room,1 ; outlivrn exposure, board. 410 W.-s: C race. BOARD Fit:- wanted 100 Fast Grace. Reduced rates for summer. i 209 Fast Ora ? nicely furnished, clean) rooms with board. Tablo boarders.1 C(?i|,, attractive rooms" with bath and' board. Monument Avenue. l'hone | Boulevard 37S-.1. ROOMS a lei board, transient or per-: ms ncnt. 101 Fast Franklin. WAXTI5D. 1.' couples or 4 sentient en in ? room ati'i board in private family, | home comfort:; ;;ood table board in fine neighborhood. West End. Address1 P. O. Box 02. city. BRIGHT, airy rooms; every conveni ence. Excellent table. Special sum mer rntes Mrs. E. 53. Evans. 115 East Franklin Street. j COOi., airy rooms overlooking Monroe I i'trk, eii suite or singly, both with In- I stantuneous heater References ex- j ch.nged. Summer rates wltii board.! ^ North I.aurel. Phone Randolph* 606a \v. WHEN y.-ui ,-r.;,>e to Richmond, stop at ! 1000 E*ist Clay Street. Convenient.) ?nlral and terms moderate. TWO double ror,ms with single beds, | southern exposure, private family; J home nmfoit;., good table board West ; End near Harrison. Randolph 119S-J. DESIRARIjE, large front rooms, second i and third floois. with board, also I table boarders wanted. Reduced rates | for summer Reference required 20R i Fast r;race Street. M US mod < Jrac Its ,I"H\ Ri'KRESS has taicen Mrs. Bland Spottswood Smith's handsome oiiertily appointed house, 011 West | ?ace Steam heat, electric lights, pri- j vate baths Bookings are now being i made for guests September 1. Per ma- I iH'iU, transient and t ible boarders. Ad difS:; ,.'(ui West Main Street. WANTED, transient tabic and regular boardei>. Inst class far". AOS East G nice. iMIt.TPAN'TS larce .md ro?m, w'o< board; cntnll, private family. 310 West Graci BOARDERS wanted al.-o husbands to c t with me while familles are out of city. No. 522 North Tenth Street. POOMS and I'oard. transient or per manent let East Franklin. FiRST-OEASS a. ?oinmoilations. both', truiis vet and permanent guests de- i sired. 11H East Franklin Street. PLEASANT rooms, table .hoard, sum-j mer rates 1 ??."? East Grace. ROOMS WITH HOARD. LARGE, cool rooms with board; table unexcelled 32<"' East Franklin. WANTED?Hoard. BOARD wanted for pentlema.n and slsfer in private family. Address J car* Tines-pis,?.a! :-h. \\ ANTED?Room niul Board. WANTED. rooms it ml hoard by 4 young men central location. A 303. ear? Times-Dispatch j WANTKI). !">.i .mIi.U* in country; near Richmond, convenient to car line ot rallropd. Address 1023 Floyd \VAXTKI)?Country Hoard. V< >1*N< J pritiYssional in:tn wants board in raiiintr for 2 months with family that have no boarders. Must have tine] ? irinkinj; water and good food. Pleasej sive particulars Terms must be rea sonabU I:ntr.< rliate answer Address A .t rare T i mew-Dispatch. K I'M MICK BOARDING Vine; IN IA lieach, the Burbank Cottage is now open. Reservations now be- i ing made at S27 West Krunkliit Street, !. > hmond, Va. ! ? 'NT'S Collage, Ocean Vitw, Va.. second large cottage on rottaee line. Rates. apply Mrs. George Blount, Box liOULKVAHD irin. on Hampton Road#. Beautiful location, country and nea i-l.oiu combined, with city conveniences, i Excellent table. Tcrmti. 59 to $12 per week Near nolf llnkj. Open all th? | ye ar. Misses Tabb. Boulevard Inn. iliaii iiiiin, Va. SIIADV lawn, r. acres, brick buildings; pood table, water, i.-it?. Swimming, [boating etc. Folder, nhoto. Rates on application Drawer 1 , Orange, Va. IHOARDERS wanted in country borne. I'lenty ot all kliuls of fruit. cream and lo.nev. I: M Murdo, Charlottes ville, Va. ' _ ] uOT Southwest Mountains: for people appT. elai inn refinement ami homelike comlltlojis. good table; modern nfi'Om , ino latioti>. no children. Mrs. Krnle M ? y, < iamont, Albemarle County, Va. .-I MMMER BOARD i'lenty of veg6> 1 -1i? I.??. cii'atn, milk, etc.. large rooms, ??ha le, ic?.*; tennis, croquet, bathing. rt< ? . ri'.,-. .? able terms, Mrs. \V. K. jMot ?? pbell Albemarle County. Va. ? <'AllTKI( <'ot'aOcean VteV. Va.. Is imw Hate. j7 a>lid up Sea i chore 'll.,>,. ? ' Within walking dis tance of hotel. Mis. Georse lllodd worth. V'top. IN suburbs of ui iverslty, < o??* house, large porch's, t-haded yard, one block jto car. ir. and Jo 1201 Wertland (Street University, Va ! DKEIGHTFTTj country home for ?rv. I era) truest* "SprlnjjfleiriB," Gordons* I vllle, Va / SUM ME It BOARDING (THE Greenwood House opened for summer guests June 20. 1915. The J 'Jreciiwood House is situated high In ? the Blue Ridge Mountains of Albe i marie County. Va.. on inn In line of ; Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad. within I few hours' ride from Washington. ' Richmond and Norfolk. Has lln?! min eral water. large shady grounds, hot I and cold water through house. Ice. ; milk, fresh fruits and vegetables in ?abundance. Tennis courts, croquet ' grounds. danco hall, etc. For further i information. ; pply to Mrs. M. S. Harris, lirccnwood, Va. ! IN suburbs of ??niver?-?ty. cool house, ; large porches, shaded vard. one block i to car. $5 and S6. il'JC Westland | Street. University of Virginia. "LEGO," a country residence, hue | mountain views; constant breeze; [pure mountain water; bathrooms, tele | phone, large porches, References ex ! changed. Miss Cornelia J. Taylor, j Charlottesville, Va. LIJliTUD number summer boarders taken. Ten minutes' walk from sta tion. P. O. Box "4. Crozet. Va. WANTED, 6 miles from Richmond, children from R to 14. Address G 11". care Times-Dispatch. A vacancy at "Buck lllll." For terms, etc., address Hack lllll. South Rlch mi.HKl, \*a.. phone Madison 'J34I?. COUNTRY mountain homo, can a??.om modate a few more guests. Price moderate; good table, invigorating at mosphere. Mrs. Daniel. Rockflsh. Va. TRY Mrs. J. D. Gwaltney, Hewlett. Va., for summer board. House new, rooms large, windows screened, beds excellent. Terms reasonable. 400 yards from sta tion. A private family would like a few guests. Plenty of shade, fresh vege tables. chickens and country hain. Terms moderate. Address Lucy Stuad. Fork I'nion. Va. I AIH5E shady lawn, nice rooms. porches and bat.h. Fine location, near Orange. Hoard unexcelled Terms reasonable. Apply to Mrs. A. V. House worth. Orange. Va. Till', Tyro Art Colony opens its third session August 1. Landscape paint ing. figure painting, clay modeling. For ; art booklet and terms for board, ad- j dress Mrs. M. IS. Massie, Tyro. Va. WANTED, a few boarders in a private family; large cool rooms, shady lawn,! good country board, delightful neigh- i borhoodi near post-oflice and sulphur! magnesfri springs. Terms. $5 week C. , A Hughson. Polndexter, Va. IN private home, near mountain*, on j C. & O. 11 y. All modern conveniences, i Mrs. A. J. Bell. Cobham, Albemarle j County, Va. WANTED, summer truest*. private j home. No accommodations for clill- i dren. Address Mrs. H. Moore Rowcn. A ft on, Va. Till-* Altamont, elevation 2,000 feet;! main line C. A O. It. It.; modern baths, j acetylene lights. For rates, address j J. D. Low man. Mlllboro. Va. BOARDERS wanted at Mt. Airy. Ap-j ply to Mrs. Rosa Seav, Hardware, ; OCEAN Wave Cottage, Ocean View, j Va.; water front; modern convenl-i enc?-s; spe.cial rates to week-end par tie?. Phone No. ?;ft. Miss Hattie. E.I Harden, Miss Annie Koo. MAKE yourself comfortable while' boarding. Beautiful shady lawn,] eonl, restful porches, electric lights; I taltle excellent. Mrs. .lanie? H. Har-i rls. Box 373. Ashland. Va. Pliont 1T-J.| YOUNG couple having attractive bun galow in Oak Grove. 5 minutes', walk from station, can accommodate' few people for summer. Address Box i 3, Fredericks Hall. Va. j WXNTED. summer hoarders; convenl-l ent to railroad station; hot and cold i water gas; attractive rates; all trains' met. Kie's Hotel. Cartersville, Vn. BOARDERS wanted hi private family,! near Orange; healthy location; coon J fare; pure water; dairyman; phone; service, etc. Miss B. W. Biggins, Orange. Vn. ' WANTED, cuosts. Refined home, 1 mile station on meendam road; rool house. One shade; tine mineral and free stone water. Terms reasonable. Box 4. Greenwood, Va. BUSINESS CHANCES*. CAPITAL enlisted for Industrial, min ing and legitimate enterprises through sale, of stocks and bonds on commission. Established 1R94. Wlera & Co.. 11S Broadway, New York. WANTED, ideas. Write for fist of in ventorles wanted in prizes offered for inventions. Our 4 books .?oiM fnc litems secured or fee re turned. Victor ,1. Fvans & Co., !!S Ninth Sti-et. Washington, 1). C. WEST 1 <">IN'T. VA . offers to manufac turers natural advantages that will offset a hip per cent of bonuses offered by other citlcs not so well located. It will pay you to investigate before lo cating. Chamber of Commerce. ON account of leaving city, large, nice-I Iv furnished rooming-house in ex- ] cellent condition; centrally located.! Call Madison 4."i 13. LOi'al manager wanted ai Knhmond. to represent responsible, up-to-date) Illinois manufaet tiring Company; ex-j perience in our line not essential The | right n:nn can make a good connection j that should pay from $200 to $400 p<?r1 month. An investment of ??i00 to $l,-i 000 required, which is secured at all' times by stock of merchandise A<1 -! dress National Manufacturing and' Kpeeialty Co., First National Bank Bldg.. Chicago. A company, with n in pie capital, wants reliable State representatives for one of the most meritorious inventions ever marketed; large demand; repent orders; large profits; $500 finances your business; handle own inoncv. Sales Manager. lOSfi Otis Building, Chicago. Ill SSTABLiSHBD manufacturing com pany wants business man; open of fice And manage sales force; exclusive territory: >nu handle own money. Should net $7,000 annually; $400 to $R00 Investment In Roods required. SALES M A NAG EH, 14 2ft Carroll Ave nue, Chicago. WANTFBD to buy, picture theater, Rich mond. or any town over f.,000. A. P. Neal, t'harlotte, .V C. BUY oil stock in $t!0.000.000- company; ground floor proposition; lOO'",. ftO days possible; 1ft wells at once. Quick action on your money, limited number shares; 3c per share. $1 par value. $10 buys $.13.1 par value. This stock advances to f>c per share August 10. Company closing big production in Headelton Field; surrounded by 1,000-barrel wells. Remit now. Write for free informa tion. Dividends declared soon. Amal gamated < til Company, lir>0 Colc.ord HUlg., Oklahoma City, Okla. SALESMAN wanted. We offer the op portunity for a real live-wire sales man or organizer to settle down for life in a permanent, good-paying propo. sit ion as general manager In a legiti mate, profitable business that we will show him how to organize alr>tiK such lines as will make it practically his own business. This is not an ordinary stock-selling proposition. No one ask ing for "advances" will be considered, but if yon ?re looking for the oppor tunity to secure a proposition that will be worth at least $5,000 a year to. you, let us know soniethins: of what you are and what you have done, and we will pivo you full details. 1314 Rtarks Bldg., Louisville, Ky. H ELI ABLE matt to distribute from fac tory to merchant. $fi,000 to $8,000 earned l?y capable man: investment of $300, full secured required. You handle own monev. Slllix Mffc. Co., Kansas jClty. Mo. ' MElVifoniors enterprises financed; corporations reorircnlxcri; consolida tions effected: stock and bond Issuos negotiated; money loaned. State full details of your business and require ments in first letter. Strictly confiden tial Address .10* Hoffman Building, ! Baltimore, Md SALOON with cabaret and dance hall, with 14 rooms furnished. Incomo $8:> to $?!> dally. Sickness compels quick sale. Business can be more than doubled. Low rent Terms arranged. C'harice of lifetime. Commercial Busi ness Exchange, lift East Lexington Street. Baltimore Md. FOR sale, well-established commission business, centrally located, good rea son for selling Answer A 335, care Times-Dispatch. I BC8LXKSS CHANCES ! CONFECTIONERY and notion store for ; Mile doing a mood paying business ?anil A-l resident part of city. Will | have to be se?.?n to he appreciated. | Owner has other business. Address tJ , IIS. care Times-Dispatch. _____ __ jCHANCE for live, progressive man to secure half interest in established 'wholesale business in Richmond: too ' big for a dead one. Chance of a llfe ' lime to right man. Requires about 1 StiOO. (live phone and reference. F 21, ! euro Times-Dispatch. j FIVE per cent money loaned to buy, I build, improve property or lift mort (Klines, same to be repaid in 10 years ' at a monthly payment of $8 on each '$1,000 borrowed, or $96 yearly, plus 5 per cent interest. Write for booklet or [call on Empire Really and MortK&ge j Co., 1017 Mutual Bldg., Richmond. Va. i WANTED from owner, interest with services, or All of going business on i salt water, i ml ml inn ship chandlery, I boat supplies, etc.: Virginia or North ? Carolina, inside capes. Address, full . particulars. I*. O. Box f>. Richmond, Va. PARENTS should consider a practical | business education for their boya ?and girls. Sure and quick road to in dependence and success. Reduced rates; catalogue free. Massey Business I College. PARTY owning an active business, well-located in Richmond, of 10 years' continuous stnnding in otllce supplies and specialties line, wishes to sell as a whole or in part for $3,000; gross profits $500 per month. F 46, care Times-Dispatch. j ?? ?"' -?-M- ?? AUTOMOBILES. j WE buy and sell second-hand automo biles of every make. Va. Auto Supply j Co.. 606 to 613 West broad street. WE have a few more first-class used cars, ro.-.dsters and tourings, to move at once. Name your own price. Over land Motor Co., Inc., 114 West Broad Street. FORD roadster. 1911 model; excellent condition; cheap for cash. A. H. Tiller. HQS West Broad Street. 14ts, 7-passenger Packard, $2,000; 1012 is Packard, Imp. Limousine. $l.500: 1910, 30 5-passenfccr Packard. $S00; Cadillac "S." $1,700. All in good con dition?fully equipped. B 347, caro Times- Dispatch. 2-passenger Paige-Detroit roadster. In | good shapfe. Can be oetft at Cheinl- i cal Co. Price, $176. OVERLAND touring car, 1914 model, J $425; Ford touring car, 1914 model,] $276; Ford roadster, 1914, $275. Above cars In excellent paint and mechanical condition. A. R. Tiller, 1West j Broad. Randolph 1S57. FOR sole. Maxwell runabout, cheap. Phone Boulevard 1051. WANTED, to buy a Ford runabolit. Must be good; cash. Call Randolph ?531. A Colllo for your automobile; attrac tive combination. Beautiful male puppy for sale; pedigree given; blue blood stock. W. Gay Smith. Custom 1 louse. FORD tourinc, recently overhauled throughout; good condition, extras on car. Cheap for cash; Jitney license If desired. Phone Randolph S3. \VANTKD, to buy 5-pnssengftr Ford In good condition. Must be cheap. Ad dress F. 4*. care Ttmes-DlBpatch. For sale, l Kelly truck In good me chanical condition. K 60r?, care Times-Dispatch. WILCOX 1-ton truck for sale; half IIrice. just the thing for Petersburg nnd City Point delivery. ALSO large S-cyllnder 7-pnssengcr Mlirhell car at one-third original price. Both practically good as new. BALDWIN & BROWN, INC. FOR sale, cheap, nice touring car In first-class condition, or will exchnnge it equity for real entnte;.farrn pre ferred. B SO*, cure Tinier-Dispatch. CADILLAC, perfect condition, cheap for quick sile; need money. Address F 44, car? Times-Dispatch. BEE-the Paige $1,095 at Wm. P. Atkin son's. completely equipped. PARSE 1916 Model now cur, usert 2 weeks. Bargain for immediate sale. Address F 22. care Tltnes-Dlspatch. CADILLAC 1913 model, perfect condi-j tlon, $750 for Immediate sale Ad- j dress F 43. care Times-Dispatch. 1 have for sale 2 new 5-passengcr. S-j cylinder King automobiles ai $950 finch: 1 Pullman car at $600. new. If, Interested, apply to Mr. John T. Wil son. trustee. Bank of Commerce and Trusts. Ninth and Mnln Streets, Rich mond. Va. I have a first-class horse, phaeton and harness to exchange for a good au tomobile. 5-passcnger: must he in good condition; pay difference in cash. Address <i 115, care Times-Dispatch. FOR sale, Ford runabout. Randolph S2IS-J. NEW automobile body, $4. I>. Rose & Co.. 4 20 Brook Avenue. AUTOMOBILE, real bargain. Wnverlv j flectric. 5-passenger, $65. L. Rose & Co.. 120 Brook Avenue. FOR sale, Briscoe 3-passenger clove.r ! loaf roadster (regular price, $S10),| used only as demonstrator. Will take $?*50. Can be seen at 920 West Broad. Telephone Madison 1861. FOR sale. Ford roadster, almost new. t equipped with shock absorbers, slip] j cover, electric horn, Yale locks. A snap !nt tho price. Telephone Madison 1361. i For sale, one-ton truck, recently over- j j hauled, solid tires, express body with! top and curtains, well-painted. No reasonable offer refused. Telephone! } Madison 13fil. RARtiA 1X8 in used cars?Fords. Bris coe, pleasure curs and one or two used trucks at ridiculously low prices, i Telephone Madison 13fil. | ONE ft-pas'senger automobile, electric j linhts. electric self-starter in thor- i oueli condition. Object of sale, owner I wants to buy larger cnr. Address P. | i <>. Box 102. for demonstration. 11"??li sale. Ford touring car In excel lent condition. Has number of ac- j ? cessories. ''an ho seen at Richmond I i?rv Qoods Co., Tenth and Cary. E. K. l linckle. FOR sale, 1014 Ford totiring car. cxcel leni paint and mechanical condition. $3.M> For particulars call Madison 10X7 - W. FOR sale. automobile. 7-passenger; pood condition. Make your own price. Address 11 317, care Times-Dis patch. or cull Boulevard 247G-J. j FOR s;ile, pood running: 10-pasenger | car; could be used for wag-on; terms j (o suit you or trade. *23 West Cary. I Ffv E - P A 88 EIn"'!E11 Rul'.-k auTomobile* I cheap to <iuick purchaser; first-class ! condition. i!M North Fousliee. Phone j -ISfi. j HOD1ES for Ford cars in stock at a saving to you of $16 to ?25. Ree ub before you purchase elsewhere. We can build you any style body you may neWl for any kind of cnr or truck. Repainting and top work in all its branches. Prompt service guaranteed. Our prices the lowest. A. Meyer's Sons, I 731 East Cary. POULTKY AND HIIID8. FOR sale, stereotypcra' mats, 18x24; flexible and tough; Just thn thing to line chicken-houses nnd outhouses; $1 !per 100 pounds at Tho office; 25 cents extra for out-of-town orders for cart* oge. Address Tlmes-Dlatiatch. PPRE bred" pulie7<*"~ihat" wTlT lay-all winter, delivered now. 3 month's old, f,0 cents; i months old, 75 rents. B. Rocks, W. Wyandotte.s, Leghorns, R. I. Reds. A. M. tllhbon, Nit. Holly. N. J. i FOR sale, Homer pigeons, fast breeders i from the very best stock. Prices ' reasonable. Write 8. W. McClary, Lanes. 8. ('. WANTED, to trade, young pure^hred white. Leghorn rooster and hen for frying size chickens. PhOne Boule vard 1632-W. FOR SAL.E?llorsos FOR sale, first-class fancy driving I horse, most stylish horse in city: ' I combination horse. Kentucky br?d, o years old. well broke: also runabout land harness. Phone Madison 2641. i FOR sale, line driving horse: city broke; | any lady can drive hiin. II 331, care i Times-Dispatch. ___ I FUR sale, good horse, wagon and har ! nesa; suitable for contractor or gen ; oral use. G 106, cure Tlmes-Plspntch. FOR sale, cheap. 1 {food work horse. Apply 1914 Floyd Avenue. FOR" sal*. "\Vr lsh^Sh.t la ml pony. ?(?? 9; sound and gentle; Brewster gov* ' erness cart, silver-mounted harness, | Saddle and bridle; cost $375; price, $:.<i0. | 13 East Grace Street. | J FOR sale, cheap, t horse. 1 double- j | horse Ice wagon and 1 double set or : harness, either part or whole Apply I2S17 Hull Street, or Phone Madison, 605. ! FOR sale, beautiful bay mare, !< years , old, guaranteed sound and gentle. | Good traveler ami lady or child can > drive. Not afraid of anything; will stand without weight. For quality, | her equal not to be found. Phone I Madison 4 65-W. 'FOR sale, Shetland pony, 4 years old: | buggy and harness, cheap. Apply 921 North Twentieth Street or phone I Madison 3050. _ FOR sale, 7-year-old sorrel mare, weight, 1.000; work anywhere; ! cheap. 823 West Cary. i FOR sale, bay horse, years old, weighs 1,000 pour/Is; work or drive, i Apply 921 North Twentieth Street or j phone Madison 3650. RT Y L1SII ~d r i v i n g or riding horse cheap ; to riglit party. Can bo seen at 1402 Porter Street, or phone Madison 2S53-.I. J FOR SALE?Animals. FOR SALE. HORSES. MARES. MULKS ! AT CRULLTS STABLES. IS SOUTH , ?TENTH STREET. j I HORSES and mulea for sale or hire. : j Phone Randolph 4376. SHETLAND POMES. (NINE purebred Shetland?, ranging In > age from 1 to 7 years old. Must sell, as I have no pasturage for same. (Catalogue furnished upon application. {Also 30 pair (mated) extra One White : King pigeons for sale at J3 per pair ! Write W. 13. Guerrant, Danville. Va for saiTeTi"pair oT^ofJ'rT mi'lks J RIGHT Ol'T OF HARD WORK. $:.*>) ! FOR THE PAIR. APPLY C. F. SAL* El: COMPANY, MEADOW AND l'.ROAli I STREETS. PURE~1VR~ED Collie pups for sa fe: 0 , weeks' old. Apply R. II. Thomas,! Dumbarton, v a., at Stop 45. Lakeside! care line. Phone Madison 5035-R. I FOR sale. 2 genuine Fox Terrier pup-1 Iples and 1 French poodle. 511 I North Thirty-first Streot. j FOR sale, fresh cow. 4-gallon milker. I and calf; can he seen at Saunders' drug sjore. corner Brook Avenue and! | Leigh Streets. j FOR snle, fine fox terriers, talking poll! ? parrots and fish food. 602 East Slnin. i 'FOR snle. 6 good, lnrge, young mules ? i I akcs from 5 to 9 years old Will sell cheap to close out tills week: also e\- ; tra n:ood saddle mare, sound. 15 1-i' ; hands high, fi years old. Price. Jien I Can be seen "at Southern Transfer ? Stablea, No. 16 South Fifteenth Street. I FOR sale. 1 fresh cow. Apply 711 i North Twenty-third Street FOR SALIC?Business. [MUST sell at once, confectionery store with ice cream factory, equipped with J (electric motor. Good paying business; ? i centrally located. Re anon for selling,! j going in wholesale business. Plu>n? I Madison 5833, or address A 321, euro I Times-Dispatch. If have for sale my well-known the atrical hotel located in the heart of I the city of Baltimore. Doiim a big ! business. Can be bought cheap. Ap ? ply Nachman's Hotel, J. H. Nickel, pro prietor, 700 East Baltimore Street. j OWING to other business, w ill hell liquor store on Broad Street for icash at once. Apply G 122, care Tlmes j Dispatch. [MOVING picture parlor for "sale, ot: main thoroughfare, Washington, D. C. j Very reasonable. Best reasons for IsMling. William Cramer, 1231 11 Street. ! Washington. D. C. i FOR sale, hardware and house fur nishiiiK business, centrally located, j lowing to declining years owner wish- t j ing to retire. C 316, care Tlmea-Dis- ; ! ON ACCOUNT OF ILL-HEALTH, ONE ' 1 OF THE BEST LOCATED DOWN- J TOWN SALOONS IN WASHINGTON*' CAN BE BOUGHT AT A REASONABLE PRICE. FINE EQUIPMENT; VALU ABLE LICENSE. IF INTERESTED .ADDRESS B. I). C.. CARE TIMES-D1S 1 PATCH. TOBACCONIST stand in hotel in thip city. A good proposition worth con sidering. Business now carried on with ] large stock. Everything as a Koing! concern. JS00 can make terms. See | .las. \V. Lord. 1110 East Main Street, I Richmond. GROCERY business together with ( stock, fixtures, fitting^ and utensils. 1 j delivery wagon and all itq a going con j cei n. Only $3?o. A big bargain in [ western part of Richmond. See .las. W. Lrird, 1110 East Main Street, Rlch I mond. FOR SALE?Vehicles. FOR sale, vehicles, our own make; 1 Hartun surrey, 1 Phaeton, 1 full Phaeton wagon; also runabouts, bug gies, etc.; fine Babcock and Moyer makes: all below coat. R. H. Bosher'a I Son;, 15 Smith Ninth Street. | FOR nafe. good top grocery wagon In j porfoct condition. Phone Madison j FOR sale, waprnn and harness; pood as j new. Can be seen at 211 South Pine i Strert. FOR sale on account of having pur- ' chased automobile, 1 surrey, 1 11 vht ; wasnn with buggy top, 1 phaeton. All In Rood condition and cheap to quick j purchaser. Madison 505$. i reasonable prices. WK art- ( losing out our entire stock j of buggies, surreys and wagons at ; greatly reduced prices to make room! for auto work. PERCH and platform grocery wagons, $8J? to $130; several steel-tired runa bouts and bugiries, $45 and $50; new. SMITH-MOORE VEHICLE CO.. I 3H ^orth Fifth Street. FOR sale, surrey, phaeton and harness! very cheap. Owner gone to war. I Apply 72ft West Broad Street. ONE new ladies' phaeton, I new dump- | seat surrey. 1 Frell platform grocery | wagon. All our own make and will bo i sold far below cost to close out. Also; 1 second-hand 1-horse truck, very! cheap. R. II. Bosher's Sons, 15 South ' Ninth 8 treeI jSEVERAL top buggies for the business ? | man that wo arc selling at bargain prices. Ruggtes and runabouts from $50 and up. See us before purchasing j your buggy or wagon needs. A. 1 Meyer's Sons. 731 East Cury. FOR SALE?Machinery. REBUILT, guaranteed wood-working or Iron-working machinery, boilers, engines, concrete mixers, hoisting en gines. steam pumps, pulleys, hangers and pipe. I. Blueford & Co. ONE electric forge motor. D. C. & A. c7"; 1 new rubber tire machine, 1 lot rub ber swages, 1 medium size Singer sew- i ing machine. 1 set large dies and taps, 4 large cotton covers for automobiles. All the above very cheap to close them out. B. II. Bosher's Sons, 15 South Ninth Street. FOR BALE?Household Goods FOR sale, nice household furniture cheap, account of moving. Phone Boulevard 1110-\V. FOR sale, antique highly polished ma hogany bureau! $25. 70k West Grace. "WE ITft ve TtT" If you are. looking for bargains In furniture, call and seo i our stock before you buy. We. sell on easy terms. Main Street Furniture Co., t Inc., 1429 East Main Street. FOP SAItE?Household Goods U'T ?'e RrrapHophono rTcorda. 10 centi ?? "*? AlOTlIKJl llubhard kitchen" cabinets ?, n . \? ,M',u'r kind. Buy one and we will buy your old ?nf? in ex<;hiinKH Southern l'urniture Co., 2 Egat Broad! I HOLLER-TOP desks. both new aTTd uacd ones. Southern Furniture Co | Last Broad Street. ! USE a new Perfection oil stove while paving: for same; tf-burner otove. (in | southern Furniture o?.f ?> Kast Broad.* I "CENTURY*' k ih ranges arc both ciil < lent and economical For sale T>v the Southern Furniture Co., 2 Hast Broad. i(OK SAJLE?Miscellaneous. * al1 Jlzea; sale or renting fot j campers. L?. Roeo & Co.. 420 Brook /.venue. Randolph 144b. 1 and '?llCe c.lean whlto pTiper. 33 Dln^r nnJ?M? wl(,e- Suitable for wrap eu"^ as brow? r1e,|,"rin* wt,l?e Paper. floor. InicB* Dispatch otllco. flrat f-' ?Tt "ale. 1 butcher's leo box nr-ic 3SJ V-J. brnn',new- Phone Madison ' "iuniap,an?. 2~^: i^sS&S&ss <t corner Eighteenth, Decatur and iviersburc Turnpike. will sell >i whole or sennmtelv ?, o?-'i as xssss. "?? rif STA\'?t?W"''S.? MACH1N o U Ortice, 525 West Broid Street, new styles on easy term" ?n "A i/*,!}*l|1r,?rt1,*7' 'to Hew like Randolph ?m lnrkc' n?cnl p,,0?? xr ?j Hr1! psuch ' caro Tlm*?-R!s ?'!Hl 'mv?t xm""'hav; 7o Condition* com ttVf ?0Jrter1i fln? for f each a 0 f'flclit wi" Mil patch." 2 ' CRr* Tlmes-nis. SS-IWP# 5* patch. * care Timca-Dls MtaTn- new""?!'? ~~r^T. . Addreaa fjualneaa Bo* tss. ^Tynewrlter 1 r'mo^?' Underwood a?i!R. %S" ^ nl, ^^Jr' & (,rt. square. J .1 r,; rn rvert Str "at.C"r,,0"'it,nK'No. V'! "'k?m ?n7oad V"? m;.ki iVrmS"if*'? 2DSI* x?. s'S h^sSu^.^jTwS -Nfl Enst Broad Street. '""'nnv1' u,L',^n?V ~pl,ir'?' <ln"< matin*. btTrr^nlrS: Broad /'TPoratlon, No. 20r, Ea?t inrtil-tSRADE mahopany pIay?M- J^on Corporation, ; 5^?V" ,,ir,? ^ndltlon/ fHco 51.5. PonM worry about all cash A phl0e" ,hl' Instrument j ti join home, th.-n a sninll weekiv payment do's the rest. Colonial T'lnno Corporation, No. 20S F,n*t Broad Street ! FOR sale. at barcaln. brand new 7to wall tent, 10-ouncn duck with ilv ' Poles and pins. Address I DTO.-^i 1 itn^8-Ditspatoh. ?rc CHOICE Malne-ffrown Green Mountain need potatoes. 10-peck sacks. J12 net snir "? 11 '''"r"h' c'Vy "v?luinM " KiiT UnL s. l_ > olurnes (). Henry's best! works; cloth blndinp-. I'rii-e $i'< 1 dress .I.*?1<?-_^re_Thnes-DispatVh Af1* j Wtvan'H?ftVito ^ll or r'*nt ?-foot marble"*! wall soda fountain. 10 sniifots t ? Rose_& Co.. 420 Brook_Aven.l? I < npppf t ji n k, 1 n0 cillnnQ t * j)"" Co., 4 20 Brook Aven', "" ' ' R?'"> j WANTED, to buy lafffe ranpe. i7T^7, ! ohf?nn MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. . . t WANTED, office space. first floor pre- I ferred, with use of window. Must Up ! reasonable. A 309, care Times-Dls- , j patch. WANTED, old-time sofas, clialrsT side- ' hoards, tables, high post beds, clocks, j old gold and silver, brass andirons. I fenders, candle-sticks, In fait, anything! old. Write me what you have. J. K. I Heard, 15 Went Main. Madison 0307. j AUTOGRAPH letters of celebrated au-] thorn, statesmen, Presidents of Knltefl States and other distinguished people bought for cash Hooks with Inscrip tions by their authors Thomito K. Aitadiean. 5ni Fifth Avenue, corncr Porty-sccond Street. New York City. WANTED, t second-hand ? half Job press, 1 wire stitcher or staple: also typo. Address, stating where can be seen and price. Address B 308, care Times-Dlcpa tch. ?WANTED, from 20 to 30 head of horses or cows pasture: Rood grazing, plenty of water and shade and a man to look after them. Apply F. tJ. Traylor, 11 io East Main. WANTED. to buy mint In both large and small <|unntitk*s. Will come and cut same If necessary. E 732, care Times- Dispatch. WANTED, 3-wheel invalid's chair fn good condition. Phoni'. Madison 2181. MONEY WANTED. MONEY WANTED. WANT lonn, from private party, of $750 for 2 or 3 years; secured by first mortsraute on Improved city real estate. Address E 737, care Times Dispatch. WANTED, to borrow $1,750 on good real estate. Rest part of city: sec ond mortgage. J 335, care Times-Di? patch. "* MONEY- WANTED. WANT $2,500 from private party Tor 2 or 3 years; secured by first mort gage on new, improved oily property worth $4,750, Will pn.v a reasonable brokerage. Address P 50, care Times Dispatch. MONEY WA NTI5D. WANT private loan of $100 for 00 or 00 days. Will secure you and give plenty of security. Address A 30$, euro Times-Dispatch. | TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITER In good condition. Will sell cheap. Address A 316, care Times-Dispatch. V ? "*? ' REPAIR SftOFS. t*ICYCL.I5S. REPAIRING our specialty. Blcyclea for hire. Open Sundays. /A. P. Gen try. 503 Went Broad Street. Phono Randolph 2031. PANAMA "and :i if kinds of iiatfl clean ed wiiil re-blocked Into Ihe latest styles. Verrn Hat Works. -11 North First Street. ALL kinds of h:its cleaned and re blocked Into the latest styles. Mall orders given prompt attention. SchloSa, the hatter, 822 East Broad. FOR all 'kinds of trimming, see tho automobile top builders, Smith-Moore Vehicle Co.. 314 North Klfth Street. f O. U. (mASl7ioit(jKH~carriage and au tomobile trimming:: repairing our specialty. 20 North Twentieth Street. Phono Randolph 1181. CA BIN KTMA KING, upholstering, re j finishing and repairing furniture. '*"? White, successor to J W. I'en i'*1', 18-20 North Fourth Street. Phone Madison 5426. PALM Beach suits cleaned and pressed. 50c; Panama hats cleaned, 60c; straw hats, 25c. All work guaranteed. Ladles' work our specialty. National Dyeing and Cleaning Works. Madison 3781. TO EXCHANGE. 20-ncre truck, poultry and fruit fnrm on main road, 2 miles from Port miles from Klchmnnd; pretty cot tage home. A hie bargain at J2.0f>r>; mortgage of 1600 due In 2 years. Will trade e<iuity of $1,40(1 for cltv renting property. Ace .las. W. Lord, 1110 East Main Street, Richmond. PLRASANT South Cherry Street homo worth ll.50<?. mortgage $600 flue in 3 years. Will trade $900 equity for oottaRp near Highland Springs. S<?e .las. W. Lord, 1110 Kast Main Street, Richmond. WESTERN farms?We have several Mlchlgnn and ' ?hi?? farms to trade for Virginia farms. S?e .las. W. Lord & Co.. lil't Kast Main Street. Rich mond. ???????????????? NURSERY STOCK DON'T pluce your fall orders for nur sery stock until you see Whitley, representing Hoods, of Glitter i'ark. Shrubbery, rose8 and hedging a epe flaliy. Phone Randolph 52S" .1. ICE, COAJL AND WOOD WOOD and coal Is selling at summer prices and by getting It in now you not only get It nicely screened, but get a better selected wood; prompter eervl^" Slab w&od is ?- - cheapest hot weather flru Phone for a trial before It ?;oes up Long's. IT ?? West Broad. BYCICLES AND MOTORCYCLES. WANTED, second-hand bicycle; mutt be in good condition, and cheap. Ad dress E 73^. care TimCH-PiHpatch tiOLI) AND SLLVEC-. WANTED to buy for cash old gold and silver. Fine watch and jewelry f pairing a specialty. E. C. Meyer Je-w elrv Co., 21 West Broad Stre?t g. I J'- JJ PRINTING AM) ADDRESSING. PRINTING. business cards, only II.R0?Uie J2.25 kind. The reason ? no solicitors, no collectors?they're cftsh. 60 hi -h grade linen finish visiting cards with your'name sent postpaid for 27 cents. Leak" Printing Co. f.Qg East Main 8UOE8. CL.'T RATE SHOES (SULLIVAN'S). Family shoes at rock bottom prices. EM>'I 111. Shoe Co.. 504 Wen Broad. DtriECil VJEB. BURGH'S prlv,.te detective agency; home office Park Building. Richmond. Vs. INSTRUCTIONS. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity Study mechanical dentistry. Demand for trained men School offer complete course. Fascinating paying profession. Diploma granted. Address Dr. Fore man, Emmltsburg, Md. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. DRT storage, furniture and household goods. 3".< Nori h Fjf t h. PERSONAL. WANTED, you to know that W. H. Cowardln's aons" prices on watch and jewelry work are the lowest In town. Satisfaction Is guaranteed. 1815 East Main. SPECIAL NOTICE. W.\fP and >;o to Buckroc Beach with the Pine Street Baptist Church Sun day School. Thursday, July 22. Train leaves C. A O. Station 7;15. Adults. $1; children, 60o. WAIT and go to Buckroe Beach with the Pint* .street Baptist Church Sun day School, Thursday, July 22. Train leaves C. A: O. Station 7:16. Adults, |1; children, 60c. WANTED, you to know that W. H. Cowardln's Sons' prices on watch and Jewelry work are the lowest In town. Satisfaction la guaranteed. 1815 East Main Streot. A new and up-to-date shoe repairing company. Something different from any other shoo repairing company in Richmond. Our shop is fitted with a special and private ladles' waiting room. The cleanest place ever offered In Richmond. Our shop Is conducted by intelligent and experienced white mechanics. If you will call and look at our factory, also our offices and waiting-rooms you will he convinced wo have tho most up-to-date place in the ulty. We call for your shoes and deliver them the same day in any part of the city. Mall orders given our prompt attention and returned by par cel post the same day received. United Shoe Repairing Company, 323 North Fifth Street. Phone Randolph 6286. huohess ilvjrdressing parlors. SHAMPOOING, manicuring, fnelal maa mgc, scalp treatments. We give the hot oil antiseptic pcalp treatment. Com plete stock of human hair Roods and toilet article*. Combines made into | any style. 20ft North Third. C. C. MlLLNER'S Transfer, moving and i crating furniture a specialty, trunks | hauled, claim checks Issued at the hoiiBfi for your baggage, two men on jour wagon. Pianos properly hauled. 302 North Ninth Street. rhone Madl I son 1445. i IK you want yc ir homo beautiful, let I vis do your papering and painting at j the most reasonable prices for flrst ? class work. Wo also make a specialty j of out-of-town work. R. E. Gardner. 435 West Main Street. Phone Madison 63fiL WANTED, the public to know that Jahnke Bros., Jewelers. 912 EJaat Main Streot, buy, noil, exchange nnd REMOUNT DIAMONDS IN THB LATEST STYLES. Old gold and silver _ taken In exchange. j COM K in and sot? the wonderful Ander ! son burner and learn to cook on 51 i h month. No dirt, no ashes. 000 Ea*t Main. W15 are ciosfnii out all our vohlclfta A1 j a great sacrifice. Everything has to be sold. Don't fall to see our stock of I wagons, runabouts and surreys. R. H. I llosher's Hons, 15 South Ninth Street. jpOll iow estimates and good work, call H. B. Brauer, the wallpaper man, 103 [North Eighth. Randolph 1690. ? .MARSH iand reclaimed; diking, dredg I Ing pllftdrlvlnp and wharf building. J. ll. Boyd, contractor, Chester, V*- .. I ' "" ..-??? ? .I ii? NOTICE?Administrator HAVING qualified as administrator on the estate of Eleanor F. Webster, de ceased, nil persons Indebted to the es tate will please settle promptly, and all persons having claims against the estate will please prevent sam? nt one*. THOfi. W. GARDNER. Administrator E. F. Webster, deceased. Anerican Bank Buildlntr.