Newspaper Page Text
A NX UA L MEET1NG. IHE annual meeting: ot the utockhold crs of the Watklns-Cottrell Co., will !?': held in the ollice of the company, '?'ourteenth ami Dock Streets. Rich mond. Vt>.? on Tuesday, August 10. 1915, ''<?1 12 o'clock noon. C. S. KENSOM. Sect etar.v-treasurer. MEETINGS. ?SYRACUSE LODGE. NO. 5. K. Of-' P. This lodge will meet iti regular convention Monday night. July 19, 1 Dir., at' Smlthdeal's Hail. Work in the ranks ex pected -Ml I'ythiiins welcome. AUCTION SAI.ES?Future Days. BY SUTTON & CO.. INC., Estate Agents :incl Auctioneers, 12 North Ninth Street. COM MISSION ICRS' AUCTION SALE < )F TWO BRP'K B1" 1LDINGS AT Til E NORTHEAST COKNCIt < >!?' JACKSON \ NI > ChAKKK ST11KKT.>. DESKi S'ATKD AS No J". S ANN 10 WKST JACKSONSTREET Pursuant to a decree of the Rich iiiond Chancery court. entered on the Ttli day of July. 1915, in the chancery Miit. entitled Anderson James et als. v.i. William I. James, the undersigned ap pointed special commissioners will, on TUESDAY, JUIA* 20. 1915, at 5:3<t i'. M., offer for sale at public auction, upon tit?-, the property described above. The lot fronts on the north side of Jackson Street thirty-one 131 > feet nine ('?i inches, and runs hack between parallel lines sixty-eight (fi's) feet. This pioperty is located in one of the best tenting localities on Jackson Street, and should commend itself to those wishing to buy a home or as an in vestment. TERMS: One-third cash, the balance 1r. equal installments, at six and twelve months, with interest from the day of t-'ile, to be evidenced by notes of the purchaser, title to be retained by the < ourt until all of the purchase money paid, or all cash, at the option of the i jrchaaer. JAM MS W CORDON, T. CRAY HADDON. ?Special Commissioners. I certify that the bond required by the above decree of the special com missioners has been duly given. Given under my hand tills 13th day of July. 1515. CHAS O. SAVILLE. Clerk. BY J. THOMPSON BROWN CO.. 1113 Main Street. TRUSTEES' SALE OK NEAT CHt'Rfll HILL DWELLING. No. 721 NORTH TWENTY-NINTH STREET. WITH LARGE LOT. By virtue of a deed of trust, dated July 9, 1*113, from Charles E T. Stew ard and wife, and recorded in Rich mond Chancery Court, D. B. 222-C, page 49 k, to tlie undersigned trustee to secure cetftin notes therein de scribed, default heitiu made, and beii required so to do. we will sell at pub lic auction, on the premises. TUESDAY. JULY 20. at fi p. M , house and lot on Twentv-ninth Street, between M and N Streets, bediming on east line of Twenty-ninth Street, at a point 2? feet south of M Street; thence eastwardly and parallel with N* Street 101 feet ?1 Inches, thence south wardly and parallel with Twenty ninth Street 3' feet 1 1-2 indies; thence eastwardly and parallel with N Street 30 feet 6 inches; thence again south wardly and parallel with Twenty-ninth Street 21 feet: thence westwardlv an" parallel with N Street 12:: feet to the eastern lir\e of Twenty-ninth Street; thence northwardly along t?i eastern line of Twenty-ninth Street 59 feet on hnlf ir.'h to point of beginning. TERMS. Cash as to expense of sale all last due taxes to day of sale and* to pay two notes, one of 119.50 and 51.3'if-, with interest front July 1915, ar.d balance in twelve months, r. pVr cent added, secured i>v deed of trust LE ROY E. BROWN. W. A. RICKS. Trustees. PROWS' .<? CO.. Auctioneers. CHARI.KS K WII.MS A- CO., Heal Estate Auctioneers. By virtue of a certain deed of fr-i?t. dated June 21, 1M1, to the- undersigned trustees, recorded In clerk's office, Cii - cjit Court of Henrico County, in D B 151-A. page ill-fault having been made in payment of a portion of the ilcht thereby secured.' and being re paired by the beneficiary therein so to do, we will, on TUESDAY. JULY 2". at ?'? o'clock I*. M , on the premises in the village of "West wood," proceed to pell at pub lic auction the following described property mentioned therein: All those two certain pieces or par cels of land, with the improvements thereon and the appurtenences there to be Ion Ini.'. situate in the settlement known as "Westwood," in Hcnriio 'County. Virginia, containing about two acres and consisting il> of lot No. 10, as laid down on the plat re corded with a deed from J. H. Monta gue and wife to Charles Warwick and others, in I>. B. 125-A, pa fir- l'O, and <2) the strips of land adjoining that just mentioned, described in deed re corded in D. B 3 77-B. page 43<i. TERMS: Cash sufficient to pay all costs of sale, taxes and insurance to day of sale and a deht of $20.15 and interest from day of sale, and the residue in one and two years, with in terest added and secured by a deed of trust on the said property, but sub ordinate to the other credit payments, or for all cash as to said residue, at the option of the purchaser. R. 11. DAVIS. A. C. HA H.MAN. Trustees. BY N W. BOWE A- SON. INC.. Real Estate Auctioneers. COMMISSION ICRS' SALE OF A Great Number of Lots in the Plan Highland Park Addition, ADJOINING HIGHLAND I'ARK. AT AUCTION. In execution of a decree of the Chan cery Court of the city of Richmond, entered July 1. 1915. in the suit of "Ellen G. Knld vs. Hitrhlanci Park De velopment Corporation et als.," we will sell at auction, on the. premises, on SATURDAY. JULY 17. 1015. 4:30 o'clock P. M.. a laree number of lots in the nlan of Highland Park Addition. adjoining Highland Park, on the northeast, part ly in the citv of Hichmond and partly in the county of Henrico. Va. These lots front about 30 feet each on Dill. Fourth. Fifth and Dc-troit Ave nues. and run back a good distance to alleys in the rear. The streets are graded, and have sidewalks in front of a portion of these lots. This properly, by reason of its near ness to the car line, and Its beautiful topography, should command tho at tention of homcseekers as well as in vestors. and bargains can certainly be expected to be had. The auctioneers and commissioners will meet at the. corner or Dill Avenue and Front Street. Sale begins at 4:30 o'clock P. M. As many of these lots jis necessary will be sold to raise the sum of 515.000. TERMS: One-third cash, and the bal ance in two equal installments, at six and twelve months, for notes, with In terest added, and secured by a deed of trust on the property, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. HILL CARTER. ALLEN (!. COLLINS, WM. M. JUST It?, JR.. i STUART BOWE. Special Commissioners. 1 hereby certify that the bond re quired In the abovo mentioned suit has been Riven. Teste: C. O. SAVILLE, Clerk. A plat of the properly abo\ c men tioned can he seen at any time before the sale at the office of the auctionecrs, or of any of the commissioners. On account of rain, the above sale is postponed until MONDAY. July 19, 1JU5, fat tho same hour. N. \V. BOWE & SON. INC., | Auctioneers. AUCTION BALES?Future Days BY 11. SELDON TAYLOR & SON* nml | E. A. CATLIN & CO.. Heal Estate Auctioneers. HANKHIM'T SALE BY PUBLIC AUC TION OK THAT VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN ; THE C1TV OK H1C11MOND, VA. I KNOWN AS Nos?. 10r AND 103 GOV i ERNOR STREET. , By virtue of an order of the District Court of the United States for the {Eastern District of Virginia, entered July 2, 191u. In the matter of I'icot | Printing Company, Inc., bankrupt, the undersigned special commissioners of i said court will sell by public auction, upun the premises, on ! WEDNESDA Y. JULY 21. 191 F>. at 12 o'clock noon. , [the above property, bounded and de I scribed as follows, io-wit: | That certain lot of land, with the I brick buildings thereon, designated as iNos 101 and 103 Governor Street, lying .ami being In the city of Richmond, Va , [beginning at a point on the east side I of iJovernor Street, distant i>7 feet south of Ross .Street' theneo running southwardly along said Governor Street 3^ fe?-t to an alloy; thence eastwardly along said alley ,xf> feet, more or less. I to another alley in the rear: thence I northwardly along the western lino or i said last mentioned alley 3*. feet; I thence westwardly S5 foot, more or less, to the point of beginning, j TERMS: One-third cash an'I the resl jduc in thrr-e equal installments, at six, I twelve and eighteen months from the i day of sale, the purchaser to give nego tiable notes therefor, with interest < added at the rate of G per cent per J annum, the title to be retained until all the purchase money Is paid and a conveyance ordered by the court, or all cash, at the option of purchaser. This property is in the heart of the business renter, is admirably located and adapted for manufacturing aid 'commercial purposes, and should ab stract the attention of investors in cen tral serviceable property J. JORDAN LEAKE. S. S. 1*. PATTESON, \V. M J U.ST IS, H. L ANDERSON. Special Commissioners. H. SELDON TAYLOR & SON, E A. CATLIN CO.. Auctioneers. PM^NE HA.Q1S0N IQQtT^^J ^ 616 EAST RROADlI^ BANKRUPT AUCTION SALE OK EQUIPMENT OF PICOT PRINTING COMPANY. INC. Pursuant to an order of the District fourt of the United States for the ! Eastern District of Virginia, entered : on the 2d day of July, 1S15. In the mat i ter of the Picot I'rlntinc Company, Inc., j bankrupt. I will sell, on The premises, i No. 101-103 Governor Street, WEDNESDAY. JULY 21. 1915. | beginning at 12:30 o'clock P. M., 'the equipment of said concern, consist ling of Linotype Machine, with two ?extra magazines. Babcock Cylinder j Press, 2?>x3S; Miehlc Cylinder Press, '3Sx54; five Chandler-Price Job Presses, Isizes. two C\12, one 10x1"., two 12xlS: [Champion Paper Cutter, 4 4 Inches: I Dooley Paper Cutter, 32 inches; Sherl ,dan Auto Paper Cutter, 3S Inches; (Paper Knife Sharpener, two Matrix i Presses. Stereotype Metal Furnace, two Paper Ruling Machines, Paper Slitter, i Dexter Folding Machine, Binding Press, j New Jersey Wire Stitcher, Peerless Punching Machine, Round Cornering I Machine, Wetmore Glue Tank. Roller j Making Equipment. No 1 Economy [Fireproof Paper Bailer. Drying Rack, jlarije number Rack and Type Cases, ?Type Cabinets and Furniture Racks, large quantity of Type. I'roof Press. Imposing Stones, main line of Shafting and \arious Counter Shafts and Belts, 2-horsepower. 5-horsepower and T 1-2 liorsepower Motors and Starting Roxe*. Stationary Boiler, Platform Scales. Hand Drill, Vise, Cincinnati Time i Clock. Iron Safe, Office Desks, Smith . Premier Typewriter. Tables, Chairs and various other articles used in larye print intr establishments. j Sale positive. TERMS: Cash. C. A. BRYCE. Trustee in Bankruptcy. | W. M JUST IS. JR. ' Attorney for Trustees. I THE VALENTINE AUCTION CO. Auctioneers CHARLES K WILLIS & CO.. :i n d .T. D. CAP..VEAL & SOX. Rial Estate Auctioneers. Bv virtxip of a certain deed of trust, ! daKd March 22. 1 & 15. to the under-| signed trustees, recorded In clerk's of fice. Richmond Chancery Court, in D. R. 231-B. page 410. default having heen made in payment of a portion of the debt thereby secured, and being re quired by the beneficiary therein so to do. we will, on MONDAY. JULY 10, 1015, at 6:30 o'Clock P. M.. on the premises. Providence Park, pro ceed to sell at public auction the fol lowing described property mentioned therein, to-wit: "Beginning on the southern line of Park Avenue at a point distance thereon, one hundred and twenty <120) feet eastwardly from she eastern line of Branch Avenue; , thence running eastwardly alone and j fronting on the southern line of Park j Avenue, thirty (30) feet and extending j back southwardly from said front, bo ! tween parallel lines one hundred and j thirty-five (135) feet to an alley fif teen (15) feet wide." TERMS: Cash sufficient to pay all costs of sale and a debt of $30,301 and the balance of the sum of $570 secured in the deed to be paid in monthly In stalments of $10 each, the first to be come due July 22, 1015. and the residue at a credit of one and two years, with Interest added and secured by a deed of trust on said property, but subordi nate to the other credit payments, or for all cash as to said residue, at the option of the purchaser. F. SITTERDING, J. n. CARNEAL. CHARLES K. WILLIS. Trustees. :ntinc ?u< PHONE MADISON 1006 -6j8"EAST ftR9AP~"ST^ AUCTION SAL E OP Railroad Goods AT PAGE'S COMMISSARY. lfiOo EAST FRANKLIN STREET. TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1015, beginning at 10:30 o'clock A. M. "Pago says sell." Four cases Rubbers, 200 dozen Ladles', Men's and Misses' Hose, Ladies and Men's Shoes, 20 holts White Goods, large lot Crockery, Glassware, Enam eledware. Tinware, etc.; Clothing. Red ding. boxes and contents, tine Picture Frames, Automobile Supplies and va rious other goods. t Page must vacate this store, and or ders everything sold, regardless of value. Healers especially invited to attend. THE VALENTINE AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. ALCTIOX SALJKS?Future Days BY C. I, A- H. L. DKNOON, Real Estate Auctioneers. Bankrupt Auction Sale | I of that valuable Dairy Farm 'known as | Chatsworth ; in Henrico County, about 2 1-2 miles below the City of Richmond, Virginia, front ing on Osborne Turnpike and extending back to James River, containing 285.77 acres fine land. In execution of nn order of the Dis trict Court of tho United States for the j Eastern District of Virginia. entered on ijun?t 14. 101f>, In the matter <>f Harry I L. Trowbridi?e, bankrupt, we will Hell by public auction, on the premises, on THURSDAY. JULY 22.'1915. :it 12 o'clock noon. jthe real estate described in said order, as follows: I "All that certain tract of land located in Henrico County, Va , about 2 1-2 miles below the- city of Richmond, Va.. and containing 2S">.77 acres, bounded on I the north by the land of T. C. Williams, on the east by the Osborne Turnpike. ; on tlie south by the land of Buritwyn and Clarke, on the west by the James R1 ver." The improvements consist of a cood dwelling. ample barns and stables of concrete, with water convenience and everything complete for a dairy busi ness. This is one of the finest dairy farms in tills section. An opportunity i.? her? offered .o se cure a most valuable dairy farm, well Improved, and one which offers com bined features of a splendid revenue and future enhancement as well. This sale is to be made free and clear of all liens and subject to the confirmation of the court I T15RMS: One-third to he paid in cash ;and the residue to be paid In two -.qual I installments at one and two >?*ars, with Jinterr-Bt at c> per cent from date of sale. The def<^red payments to lie evidenced ?by negotiable notes of the purchaser, and the interest to be paid semian nually, and title to the property shall be retained until all of the purchase money is paid, with interest and a conveyance ordered by the court, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. THOMAS O. MOSS. Trustee in Bankruptcy. THOS. C. GORDON, DA V11? M 15ADK WHITE. EDGAR B. ENGLISH, Special Commissioners. C. L. <fc H L. DKNOON. Auctioneers. I hereby certify that the bond re quired of the special commissioners by jorder entered .Tun* 14. 11 o, in 'he mat ter of Harry I,. Trowbridge, bankrupt. I lias been duly executed. ii. 15. POWERS. Deputy Clerk, j Fre? lunch will be served on the j grounds. S<C^PHONE MADISON i ^?&|Q East aqnAD ^ j Trustees* Bankrupt Auction Sale < ?F ! HERD DAIRY COWS. MULES. HORSES. VEHICLES, farming AND DAIRY I M P L E M E N T S, WHEAT. HAY, ' STRAW. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, j PIANO. ETC, OF THE Chatsworth Dairy Farm Pursuant to an order of the District Court of the United States for the East ern District of Virginia, entered on the 14th rlay of July, 1915, in the matter or Harry L- Trowbridge. bankrupt, we will sell at public auction, on the premises, known as the "Chatswortli Dairy Farm." in Henrico County, lo cated on the Osborne Turnpike about 2 1-2, miles below the city of Richmond. Va., THURSDAY, JULV 22. i91o, beginning at 12:30 o'clock P. M., the assets of said bankrupt, consistinc of in part about 27 Holstein Cows, one Holstein Heifer, five Jersey Cows, seven Shorthorn Cows, seven Mules, three Horses, about thirty Fowls. Incubator and Brooder, Silos. Swill Tanks and | Trucks, Gasoline Engine, Stationary Holler, six Wagons of various kinds, [Surrey, Runabout, Buggy. ten sets ot ! Harness, Cultivators. Feed Mill, Corn I Planter. Mowurs, Prill, Fnsilage Cutter and Blower, Plows, Feed Cutter, about 'twenty-five Milk Cans, Cream Aerator land various other necessary and useful I tarm implements. A large lot of Wheat, ; Rye, Hay and Straw; also a large and valuable lot of Household Furniture, 'etc., consisting of handsome Upright Piano, Parlor Furniture, Bedroom Suits, I Dining-room Suit, Kitchen Furniture, I c-1 c. ! I.unch will be served free. j Sale, positive. TERMS: Cash. THOS. O. MOSS. Trustee in Bankruptcy. THOS. C. GORDON. DAVID MEADE WHITE. EDGAR B. ENGLISH, Special Commissioners. THE VALENTINE AUCTION CO. Auctioneers. I hereby certify that th$ bond re quired of the. special commissioners by order entered June 14, 1915, in the. mat ter of Harry L. Trowbridge, bankrupt, has been duly executed. R. E. POWERS, Deputy Clei-K. /fFEEEiBHEIZAycTToN^ tAOISON I906^i^yj ??L6 EA&J ^OAD We will sell nt public auction, for account of the city of Richmond, TO-MORROW. MONDAY, JUDY 19. at 10:30 o'clock A. M. in front of our auction salesrooms. No. CIS East Broad Street. ONE WORK HORSE. TERMS: cash. THE VALENTINE AUCTION CO.. Auctioneers BY POLLARD ? BATTbY, Real Estate Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE TO CLOSE AN ESTATE OF DE- ! TACHED FRAME DWELLING, No. 017 NORTH TWENTY - SEVENTH STREET. We will sell by auction, to close the j estate of Alice V. Gornto, on THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1915, at 5:30 P. M., jthe above mentioned attractive frame | dwelling, containing seven rooms. Lot j 23x123 feet, to an alley. This property must be sold, and pros pective purchasers tuny attend this salo expecting to secure a bargain. TERMS: Easy, announced at the POLLARD BAG BY, I Auctioneers. AUCTION SALES?Future Days By, X. W. BOWK & SOX. Inc.. Real I'>tato Auctioneers. TRUSTEES SALE OK Xo. 2420 EAST MAIN* STIIMKT AND No. R NORTH TWENTY-FIFTH STREET, AT AUCTION. In execution of a certain deed of trust, dated July 1, 1313, to the und? r fslKned trustee, duly recorded in the clerk's office of Richmond Chancery < "onrt. In D. It. 222-B, page. 470. there having been default in the payment of the debt thereby secured, and being required so to do by the beneficiary, i will offer for sale, by public auction, on the premises, on TUESDAY, JULY 20. 101:1. at 4:30 I'. M. the property described in snid deed as follows: All that certain lot of land between Twenty - fourth and Twenty - fifth Streets, with all the improvements thereon, lying and being in the city 'of Richmond, Va.. on the north line of Main Street, beginning at a point 11 feet west of Twenty-fifth Street and | running theiie? westwardly along '.lie i said north line of Mailt Street and fronting thereon 22 feet: thence back [ northwardly, at right angles and wlth ! in parallel lines 1 Ort feet, being No. | 242''' East Main Street. | Also, all that piece or parcel of land, ' with all the improvements thereon, lying and being in tin- city of Rich mond. Va., and beginning at a point ton the west line ?>f Twenty-fifth Street ?17 feet north of Mam Street; running I thence northwardly along the said ; west line of Twenty-fifth Street 1 ft i feet to the center of the partition wall : separating 11?ifrom the tenement on j the north; thence westwardly and at ! right angles and within parallel linos j 44 feet, with a 3-foot alley in com ! moti on the south. TERMS: Cash sufficient to pay the I costs of executing this trust, includ ing the trustee's commission of 5 per J cent, and all taxes, levies and lasur | ance premiums, it' any, now unpaid, arid also a ratable proportion "f the taxes and levies for the year IMS. and to discharge the sum of ?2.5oo. with interest thereon from May 3". 1315, and the bnlanoe in two equal instal ments at six and twelve months, for ! notes, with interest added, and secured by a deed of trust on the property, or all cash, at the option of the purchas er. THOMAS W. PL'RCELL, Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OK MOST VALl'ABI.E AND DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE. ON 1'REMISES. N E A R H O P E WELL. I' R I N C E GEORGE COUNTY, VA.. CONT\IN IXG 400 ACRES, MORE OR I.ESS TUESDAY. JULY 20, 1015. at 12 o'clock noon. By virtue of a deed of trust from R. E. Baker and wife to D II. Willcox. trustee, dated March 11. 1313. and re corded in the clerk's cflice of I'rince : George County, Va., in D B. 57. page i 5S8. which secures the payment of a certain note therein mentioned, default I having been made in the payment of : said note, and being requested so to do I by the legal holder of same, and also I by virture of a decree entered on July 7, 1315, In the matter of Robert Ed | ward Baker, bankrupt, in the District ? Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Virginia, directing a sale of the said property, the under signed trustees, will, on TUESDAY. JULY 20. 1315. at 12 o'clock noon. on the premises, in the County of Prince George, Va., on the t'lty Poj:;t Road, near Hopewell, offer for "sale t public auction, the following property; | All of that certain tract or parcel jof land, together with all the impruve linents and appurtenances thereto i>e I longing, situate, lying and beinw tn the ICountv of Prince George, Va.. and con taining four hundred acres, more or I less, and bounded and described as I follows; on .he north by the Appotnat . tox River, on the east by the land of ; Dolan, on the south by the City Point j Road and the land now or formerly i belonging to Captain Cope, and on the west by Bull Hill Creek; it being in all respects the tract of land known as "Mitchells," which was conveyed to the tsaid R. E. Baker by W. H. Denton and wife by their deed dated March 11, t 1013. and of record in the clerk's office aforesaid, in D. B. 57, at page 587. i This property Is less than one mile .from Hopewell, and is the best located [property for subdivision in that vicin ity. Jt is the only property that has * river front and wharf. The water of the Appomattox is about fifteen feet at this landing, known as Mitchels Wharf. There is a beautiful three story Colonial dwelling on the prop erty, together with outbuildings; also a fine orchard. i Located In the fast growing section ; of City Point, Hopewell and Dupont. [this is an ideal property 'or subdl ; vision, a home or an investment. The I property will be sold free of liens. . j TERMS: One-half cash, and the bal ance in two equal installments, at six land twelve months, bearing interest 'from the date of sale, with the right I to anticipate payment at any time, or i all cash, at the option of the pur j chaser; the deferred payments to t>e ? secured by deed of trust upon the property at the purchaser's expense. D. H. WILLCOX. Trustee. L. P ror.i,, D. H. WILLCOX, C. H. JOYNICR. Trustees in Bankruptcy. JAMES R. HARRISON. Auct loneer. ! I I ABATTOIR EQUIPMENT AT AUCTION. MONDAY. JULY 13. at I P. M.. at the plant- of Keck & Schmidt's | abattoir, on Gordan Street, to the < right of Brook Road, just beyond j Bacon Quarter Branch: 2 Engines and : Boilers. Tanks. Pots, Sausage Machine. ! Shaftings. Beltings. Wagon, Buggy, ! Harness, etc. I Dealers invited. ! TERMS: cash. ? VIRGINIA AUCTION COMPANY. Auctioneers. ! AlLTIO.N' SALKS?Futuro Dh>s i> i i?nv Kl'l-I-IVAN CO., ueai l-.Matf Aut iits and Auctioneers. COM .MISSI OX K | ;? s Al'CTlOX SAI.K ;Nos. 923 Buchanan St. A N1 > ,1717 Washington St. : fr itvauii! ? ii.-i-r'... < lit. i .-<1 jn (|u, , hail, try suit therein ponding. entitled "Sarah C 1 avix?. <tli;inliaii. et<? v* Rosa Anna c? "... undersigned ap L ?i . ..''""'"HwioiHT Will offer for j?aii? ai tlx- promises, at public auction, THfltSHiW, .11'I,V 22, 1015, i i'l r.:30 p. M. ,, M the nliovo propertios. re Street <orfor,?? "rst rja Hue ha nan Muchanan Stroot consists of fnS|"'V "'welling "ii int .otntucnciiig 21 S^r .o,fr?!"i Jf?'11'l".o of Washington ,.'r l- frontinu on . .,st lino of Uu i. l't I -! {""l 1 1?1' on o? li", ? 1:,<k between para I- i """ ?? -| ofNN.i 1 V.SI root consists! Is? h - i ,,."l?r?,v?-nu-iits. beginning I Zi 4 im-lit'H wohi of Mij. han in s m,,,ps f-"'" i-rop-1 r . ? " Buchanan St root aiuli 1 fronting; on the south liix of Wa*-h-' : ?iK ton St root -jo feet. more or loss and foo7. morl^oV ?????" iH?.'-o,V^V.o,,'U'"l,Vr1 of ,h?' P'irrhaswi I ? i""1 ,h? in two <.?IU.ll installments, at s?v '.n,! mouths, respectively. th* 'dcrirUcl n'tv* I inents to he .m.I. iuhJ t,v i.ron Ls.'.rv i | notes of th? pur, ha.- waiving Tome r- a?l exemption, ami hearing interest! j at b per ,-ont from .late of sale, and the 1 purchase pri.eH paid"an'i lh* ?nllrn ."J-'-od hj- the eourtl oV'^^TW at tho option of tlx- purchaser .." kloraxce. ? p.M'ial Commissioner, thl decree" ;?$ove'referred .TV?'?'/ b>' |lSa.ViV- "y "om!m ;Ju?y>VCjn915.n<,Cr my hi,n'1 thi's ,7lh of j U'TIIKIl 1,1 UK V, Clerk. ^ggVALENTINE^AUgjg^ PMONE MADISON 1906 -CQQa'st RBQAD StZ J S TOC K A X D F1X TIJ R KS .. F . y P | W A ;r E j i' i: us I xks? [[ ,v A\>(!.;. i -?.& ?aBra&fc&Jttfc vta iStr'co",'. oi'i Xo' :10: l;?? ???"' i FRIDAY. JL"I,Y 23, piir, j hop In nine nt 3:30 o'clock I1' M , handsome solid Marhlo Soda Fountain lo?K mirror back tUturo SoVla ?-l>!ion;i1. ''''*h Reulster." Silent ? il* . nuiii Show ('asf*?, i 'fo-jin T .Kift and Chairs. ? 'as hi or Uork and ItTil (Plate Glass Wall l'a.,,1 Minors Ice Cream Cabinet. Cho.-olatc I'm I un.-h Counter. Wall Case. Stock Clears .Cigarettes. SmokiiiR and Chewina To-' ! h.icco, ( andles. Cakes, ?;inMe and other soft drinks, .-to This place will he offered hoth in de n ?P lr v.1)?' if s1?1'1 in 'i",an ? 'r *y, 1 If so,fi ^ a Whole one-half i ?-.n payable nmnthlv. Rent in\ Ji iAVf,r mo",h- Tills Is a tine busi ! MI, ;i rn,'? Chance to take ! ens\ terms' ,n:sino-,!-s at a ?>?rRaln on THE V.\|,EXTIXK Al'CTlOX CO.. A uct lonoers. ?, kcrxiti he Axn i I'l UMMII.ViS ? GOODS ? SKI,HERS. CI 3 XORTH ! STREET TCErtDAY. .1 u 1 v 22. at lo.-30 a. .Si : J- urniture. Crockery. Glassware. Stoves Pictures. Mirrors, etc. s' i Dealers invited. Sale positive. TERMS cash VIRGIXIA AL'CTIOX CO.. I Auctioneers. H\' -T? H- CARXRAL ,<t SOX. Heal hstiito Auctioneers. AL'CTIOX SALE OF A GOOD SEVEX-ROOM. DETACHED DU KLI.IXG, Xo. 1720 JAV STREET BET WE EX SEV EN'TEEXT II AXD* Bl'I' H A N' A X ST RI: RTS. OX TUESDAY. Jl'LY 20, lftin, at fi:30 o'clock P. M, on the premises, we will offer for snlo !ft \?V0 I "'"Pert y. The lot -hejiPis : L? f nvc-si oj Kuchanan Street and ! s westwardly 33 feet 0 inches bv ff'01 on "ie north side of Jay Street' .This property is in good condition -it j ways rented, it Is located in -i fino renting locality. Will p:iy woM as /m iliiyestment or speculation, "it is he Ins sold for a division. ' j bargain c teixl sale. 'renting locality. Will paywoll Investment or speculation, "it is K!5*,f.?r a 'h.visio"- -md must go.;"'v Pend saIe?U" ? ha<l" 1)on t ?t sa?ei:,?1S: Libern,? announced at I<OU SAI E?Heul Estate GROVE Avenue home, 10 rooms, f] 0i"'0 r>i 'i ? ' ' ',oc,a1 terms for 'vilance Bank Streets."^??"> ??? THE art of selling for cash! This lit- I ex'>lai,"? fully how we! for J V ' ' rpal L's?"?e or business mean It nw 'n:,tlcr where located. We mean it. \\ rite to-dav, descrihintr what you have to sou, huv or ovchantro and receive this booklet free iI k' I Mcdnes. fotva. Wcat Wnlnut street. De?| ?:'H ;!u ?*'""' od; tx-w i'.-room" |,*.,n" ' , t" ?"'o.Mric liuhts: on car line, 1 1-.' miles ot ,-ity. Ji.oOO cash* terms ar ran god for balance. Address K i/ofi care rimes-Dispatch. 'j F"" s;i}''? -'."?xir.iV.".n l^kTvonuc ' ne.ii at $3.1 per foot. This is .1ft bob.u nwirkot val-io. Address V cart' I imos-1>ispatch. BANKRUPT AUCTION SALE HANDSOME KI'RMTl'UR, CUT GLASS. CHINA, SILVER-PLATED WARE. DRAPERY, LACK CURTAINS, VICTUOLA, AND PERSONAL EFFECTS. Pursuant to an order of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, in the matter of C. M. Liphart, bankrupt, duly entered, we will sell tor the umlersimied trustee, at our salesrooms, r,11; Easi IJroad Stieet. TUESDAY, JULY 20. commencing at lrt:3<> A. M. Colonial Dining-room Suit, consisting of Empire Sideboard. 7 foot r,n-inch Round Pedestal Dininu Table and China Closet to match: Double Collarette. f> Chairs nnd 2 Arm Chairs, Fern Cabinet, French Red, llair Mattress, Pil lows, t>-root Goose Neck and Clawfoot Sofa, 2 .Mahogany Mockers, Clawfoot MahoRiny Dresser. Work Table, I trass Costuiner, Mahogany Commode. XVI. Victor Victrola, with 150 Records and Albums, Table nnd Red Linens, is pairs Drapery, Lace Curtains, Silver and Crystal, Cut Glass Lamp Candela bra, handsome pattern llaviland China Dinner Set. handsome odd pieces China, Cut Glass, l?rie-a-Itrac, Silver Plated Ware, Pictures, Mirrors, Quilts, Blankets, Mantel Covers, Silk Cushions, etc. Also many other pieces too numerous to mention. Thi.? is a handsome collection of'Colonlnl Furniture and personal cffccts, and well worthy the attention of conservative buyers. Ladles especially invited. TERMS:"*Cash. R. R. FLORANCE. Trustee. VIRGINIA AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. GEORGE V. OLIVER. Salesman. FOR SALE?Real Estate. I\ A. GRKEN & CO.. 01 r. Hull Street. Telephone Randolph 10. WOODLAND Height*?beautiful and modern home, I square from Scmmes Avenue In tho best section of the Heights. Seven rooms, bath, pantry, large cellar. Hot-water heat and elec tric light. Large corner lot. Flowers, shrubs, garden, etc. l'rlce, $5,000; rea sonable terms. NICK lot on Semmes Avenue, adjoins Fontlcello: x ns. Water, sewerage; gas now. Price, $25 per foot. One fourth cash, balance 6, 12 and IS months. LAROE lot on lower Hull Street at a sacrifice price to close an estate. I*. A. lillKEN & CO. FOU sale, at Westhampton, 2 blocks from car line, nice building lots on easy terms, $10 cash and $0 per month, without interest and without tuxes liberal discount for cash. Address II 320. c"are Times-Dispatch. NICK building lot at Westhampton, on car line. 1 block of Country Club. $20 per foot if sold at once. Adure&& G 119, care Times-Dispatch. $*'."0 will buy 4-room cottage rented for $S per month, clos?- to car; 15 per cent. Ft. C. Burnette, Highland Springs. GOOD home and business. 3 miles fro-u city, near school, church and station. Fine opportunity for man with family. I-ox -19. NORTH "Richmond, $1~2 frTot ; F<7ndaTl Avenue, near car. Choice lot. 50x135: all city improvemenis. easy terms. J 333. care Times-Dispatch. 15ATTKRY Court, $15 foot, corner Wickham Street and the park Three choice lots, together or separately; easy terms. A 317, care Times-Dis patch. HIGHLAND Pi?rk. ii-room home direct from owner. All conveniences, in cluding electric lights, gas. hot and cold water, etc. Oarage; lot ?>0xl40. <>ne block car line. rrirc. $4,.Son. Ad dress K *?20, care Times-Dispatch. OWNKR leaving town, must soli mod ern 8-room house, steam heat; also furniture, iiarton Avenue. G 105, care Times- Dispatch. BROAD Street lot 30x130. near Shep herd. south side. $in;i per foot; valued at $150. Am leaving the city is reason for sacrificing same direct to purchaser. < >ne-thlrd cash. George C. I'oindexter, 403 North Ninth Street. SUBURBAN home with 3 acres, oak grove of many years growth and par den. Many fruit trees in bearing. T,arge stable and grass lots for cattle or horses. Also such city conveniences as electric lights and running water with 2 baths. Douglas E. Taylor, SOT Kast Kra nkliu. FOR SALE?Rral Estate. WlLL sacrifice my H-room house on Church Hill; convenient to park, schools and etc. Must he seon to b? appreciated. If you want a bargain, address P 47. care Times-Dispatch. xv. s. K< >R1NS< >.n ,v ci ?. 715 East Franklin Street. NEW fi-room brick house. WVst End. hot-air heat. r:is and electric liKbts Terms. $300; balance $"0 per month. XKW "-room house Highland P.irk. ? tapestry brick front, large basement, i piped for hot-water hent. 5500 cash j will turn deal. Price, $4,000. j NEW S-room house on Colonial Avenue, hot-water h??;it. hardwood floors. Price. $4.">00; 1500 cash will turn deal. OWNER, leaving city, will sacrifice S room home in Lee District: modern in every respect; must be sold by Sep tember 1; terms If desired. Address K 1."). care Ti :i; ??:< -1 >i spa t <- h FOR sale, country store and dwelling ? and 1 acr<- on eood road near Rich ! mond Thickly settled country; a bar I gain for rjutck sale I'olndexter. .low it/.^rs Armory, North Eighth Street. I. A. CONNELLY & CO.. Seventh and Franklin Streets. Richmond. Va. CHURCH Hill dwelling on Thirty-sixth street, rt rooms, frame, in qood condition, with,ot lot. Price. $2,600; terms easy. BATTER V Court lot. 50x103. Price. *K<in Owner will exchange thi.< lot as part payment on Highland Park dwelling worth about $.'1.000. STUART Avenue dwelling. 7 rooms, white brick front, on 25-foot lot, near Meadow Street. Price, $5,250. OINTER Park dwelling. A most at tractive home with every niodei n convenience, in most attractivo corner location. Price, $11,500. GROVE Avenue dwelling ? 10-room dwelling, with .1 baths, oak floors, attic, etc. Huilt only 2 years. Price reduced and terms, no cash, . $150 per month. Location, ea^t of Robinson Street. J. A. CONNELLY & CO. Madison 33?l?Madison 3362. JUST completed beautiful S-room North Richmond stucco home: every modern convenient: on one best avenues. $5,500: easy terms. Something nice. Lot us take you to see it. Address J 327. care Times-Dispatch. 3.000 acres good high land, 3 miles from pood town, three-fourths mile from railroad. Good timber on land. Price, $S per acre; one-half cash, bal ance 2 vears. H. M. Peagler, Homer ville Arrangements are now oeing made by the Engineering Depart ment of the city of Richmond to open Thirtieth Street from Bain bridge Street through Fonticello Park to Semmes Avenue, and for other street improvements in Fonticello Park. The property is al ready rated as having increased in value over 10 per cent since be ginning of the lot sales. We believe Fonticello Park will treble in value in three years, because It increased in value over 4 0ft per cent during the past five years when unimproved and outside of the ciry. Fonticello Park is now in Richmond?surrounded by improved property?the property itself is already hooked for all city improve ments. Its value is bound to increase. You can buy Fonticello lots one-thirtieth down, balance in 29 monthly payments, under guarantee contract. Prices, $15.00 front foot up. Terms: One-thirtieth down; bal ance in 29 monthly payments. Prices of lots range from $350 up. DON'T DELAY?BUY NOW BEFORE PRICES INCREASE. JAS. T. COSBY, Agt. 801 Mutual Building. Phono Randolph 4104. GUARANTEE CONTRACT. We will, on application, issue a Special Guarantee Contract, which provides for return of full purchase price at the end of thirty months If the purchaser so desires. FONTICELLO MINERAL SPRINGS CO., INC. | The Satisfaction of Owning Your | I Own Home is a Great Comfort | !$ S s t WHEN THE HOME IS | i % ^ Thoroughly Modern, ^ ? Scientifically Constructed ? J and Well Located ? 5" 'v % a , g s You are sure to get all these features in the ^ ^ homes we are now building, TO BE COMPLETED ^ SEPTEMBER 1ST. fj 8 | Comer Hanover Avenue and | | West Street I s % % YOU CAN MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW AND % % s 5 HAVE YOUR HOME FINISHED TO SUIT. ? I ? I S : fj Builders and Owners. $ 6 1201 Mutual Building?Phone 1866. ; ' I I & Pollard & Bagby, Agents ^ 1102 E. Main Street?Phone Madison 178 Muhleman & Kayhoe,