Newspaper Page Text
roil SALE?ltottl Estate SIX-ROOM detached frame ho'.iri new ly painted. First-class condition. Wide, tit'op lot. Wcsi End. $1,750; over lft per cent Investment. Owner. Box 43. Station A. MODERN S-r n homo ^ tli?> Wt it End. A bargain in a quirk purchaser. G ICO. care Tim^s-1 Ms ,? v*li &03 Hull Street, South Richmond, lot 22x140; leaving the State, will noil at once About $300 cash. iSO per foot. George C. Poindexter, 403 North Ninth Street. MY li'-ro"1" Iviisi' i':i Grove Ave nue for 5al?- at a bargain. Will make reasonable terms Price way below market value. Answer quick. F 10. cine Tintes-Pispateh. J A CONNEPLY & CO., Sevfnth and Franklin Streets, Richmond, Va. WEST Grace Street, detached, S-room brick residence. Sanitary plumb ing. hot-water heat. $100 cash. $100 monthly RROPKDALE < adjoining Ginter Park). convenient to car. 100-foot lot. S-room modern dwelling I2.S00; S." < oash, $30 monthly. r> . tter see this. NET $ per cent West End brick, 2 family lions'*. $4,000. small ? ash payi eiit. balance monthly. HIGHIjAND Park bungalow. ?> rooms, modern. Well constructed. HIGHLAND Park. new. T - room brick./ ri. 1. .1 l-.i-.'v.e l,art:e lot. Satii-j t.irj plunbin- i3.,?00. Small ? , cash payment, balance monthly.) J A. CONN PI .1 .Y Si CO. M id; on 3."r.l~-Madison 33^2. .JOHN T GOPHIN .<? CO. Established 1S6S. ^2,^?Centralis l??.-at?"l. 7 t nnm de-| tached 1 otis? renting for $300. Large, yard, 7<? x 1 5? fee-t $4.00C?3 ? o? ? 1 ?".-room" houses in heart] of Jackson Ward, retit'iv.; f>>r Si'.4*'. j ?Nov apartment" on Floyd Ave-; nut ( - ? :i< >i, hot-watci boat, I 11? .? t! ic lights. Rented 1". ji -.oo?< if' in bt i< k. nil conveniences. ; near Loiribirdy Street; good terms. $.?.50C>.?? rooms, electric lt-hts. bath, | 't' . on Ojikwood Aventie. Most de-i sirable home H1G1 U.ANP PARK 13.560? t rooms, electric lights, Introbe, ] beautiful ! awn with t": jit trees in, re.'i i I .ot 11" f. et i ront j GOLSAN A NASH. INC., .1 P<-> i'o 12 North Pisrhth. WILT. trade 2S" feet of tlu prettiest building lots on one of the best West End Avei.ii. i.<- n">rii;ay.?*. f>>r high class 111 \ brick property in the c i t y. POR <iulck sale will sell Monument ? A vonu?' ho'.:s- for i i ?'.???><? ? 11 rooms. | 2 baths, attractive In every detail, l.ot 30x150 feet. i WAMTKP to trade ? ??n.:iv of *1 .">00 in S-rooih brick house lit West End for. tin. tv imi'erf i lot WILL sell a good 6-room house Ini .-"..'tth nil for S: I" ? '"0 cash. l ilance j.*:? monthly. A bf a tit if ill W.-st Avoniif house. !> ; Minr.s, 2 bath.-.>'i 1 ? .it. eleo-, trielty and Kas. very attractive. $8.750.1 GOP? AN & NASH. INC. Ileal ate. 12 Nort'.: 1Citrht>? Str? ? ? t. <"*it>?. v ?? NT ED, to Sell lot on Beverly Street. ] What h^ve you to otter for part i-x-1 chance? Address M. o. M . Route No. FOR quick sale, will sacrifice my S-| room sttie.-o housa in Rarton Heights; hot-water heat and every iik> lern c >>:Veiiii'-n. ? >.? ?? block from fit lino; n ,o n< ? hborh-.od. Address P 21. car.- 1 ! .ties -1 >i. i ; t h I't 'l: . lot 2?"> \ t'oe' > :i Park Ave le 1 e? we* 1 > . . . :v lei 1 Id en Streets at $40 per foot. Address C 141, iir- T1 mes -1 ' pa i h. FOR sale cheap, the prettiest 60-foot I* til id ire lot on <".!.>?? tv \\>st of fotllev.ild. AtidteSs Lot, J \ 1 ?;. r i t y \vi..-T P.ti-l. near Rouleynrd, beautiful I S-room hotise, hot-wnier he it, hard-' wood floors. ? 1.7.".? t> t in.- > . PI.^'YO >. r ?!>"?, v rf>oms. cr iner de- ? t.i.iied bt ; U. natderc dv. *.:. <".'. ?v. I % - - " NORTH Richmond, 11 rooms; corner I ! t 1 < " f. . t ?! ?>' ' ;? r S' liM!; ' i ,v ) FOR sale, 11 ghland PaVk corh6r I '"- uk. j:;ts; ' liberal terms. ^Ajldresp 10S, care; T' I' '.- 1 M. p.i ? v ^ '? Sacrifice on the Boulevard Or acrount of owner leaving the oltv h t- Mi'! i ? : i t' ? tli ? w*ll-liuilt ami at t r:.' ? ? ?? . t ? <1 .,t thi- not t! . r firri' r <f i!p 1'.?>'?1r? 1 :iml K.o yd Av'-iiuo. an) ki.-.w! n> s*o. 1'" North Boulevard Rullt l>v owner for his lion ? Lot | 31x140 feot, to an alley. Two-story brick, coin pa rn lively new. A ??..!! 1- a-!'!' a: walls nre thlcl House Has t?'n rooms, larKQ t ? two''^ < om-rr tf ? <"1 - !:r ' '>. *-r !? '.-I '1! places. al:-o a l.r?. k garage 1 Sx31 fee: Will ho open (< r inspection Sliiulay from ? to : !: : c . ii.t t ? . . ? . i .. i ? ? i; i t i r. 1?? 11 , i mil t.i.T .v i o, Nortn I-'i'-'hth Street r,. - our ov : a. ? i,t 1 'I: SAL1: Nice 6-Room House in \Vf ?. If* ? .??*''' I'nv f<-?r 1 I'l'VAI. ,5 CO . 1! . 1 ' i . t. 1'i.or |. I: I liolph 10. w oodland Heights Lois Are Goin<^ Fast?-Not Many Left W'? l.avr ? ?"i .'.it*' ti .t? can l.r- i... .. ? * i : ? . i . r cf*t * *.. ? ? ? " .:)? !.? Two ? \ ? v.-ry < h<> * f< ' ? ? >u want Two bungalow . on Twenty font t *i r< ? ' " ? i? * r ? i ? > Two cotl ? fiUei on Thirty.thir. St r* ? I J . ' ' h*- :? i- ' for : >. oi \, r, j con. rot t iv* ]>f , n t '* ? " - O; ;.,..t . . tv flit liv if you want to btiilfl ti,..t hom< "TV . -i- r.t: v ' . .... i, v. ,r m'-tit. whether >"i v ir' hf<!:i'* o JiOt r; k (,i \\\f. .. r< . 'M* II..' ! . t fhone 1. i r. iol ph 10 ? \VF.ST KM) I'MVKLMNO Kr,s-t uf I?i>bttiJ" ? ri * r* < ' ? o, ?; every moiPt n ???;..?:.?.>* !.. < 11 , ; -t 400. W. ROBINKON & (hoi "BARGAIN 1 jt.2% V.'eFt Taylor Strf * t, . roon brick, elertrlc light*. <on p,?tatj\ n*v.- Rent, 1200 per annum. $850 In oath will kwIiu. tj:..? nrt'iM:?;T - o 2ft North Kt^'lith >:r> -t. Or own agent. FOR SALE?Ileal Kstato \V. R. ROBINSON & CO.. 715 East Franklin Street. O INTER I'AliK LOT. Corner lot, 100x240, Scntinurj Avenue, Glntrr Park, to be sold at a sacrifice. W. s. ROBINSON & ? "O | 715 East Franklin Street. j FOR SALE. Established Real Estate Business Owner leaving the city. I Addr? K 0<17. . Tin'. -1 ? t ? ? "l Broad Street Lot I 03 Per Foot South Side. CiKORtlE C. POINHENTER. ?Id;; North Ninth. V'OK SALi:. Brand New Dwelling in Norwood Large lawn: hot water Itoat. electric lights and gas. l.ilieral terms, r lUtECN &_REDD. $500 Cash Balance monthly, will soon pay for a new brick residence, six rooms ami hath, hot water heat, hardwood lloors, and i vvry modern convenience. located on one ot' the best avenues in the West End. us show you this, W.M M MILLER .V CO.. INC H'S North Kighth Street No information through phon< FOR SA 1.1" BY White & Co. BARTON HEIGHTS, NORWOOD AND BATTERY COl'RT. Barton Ave, < rooms l..imti A\ i-. S rooms, new 1 ' j1.''1 Stuart Road, S looms, new I Stuart Road, >. rooms, new 55,000 Garland Ave., : rooms, how $ 5,0(?o <iiaiftim Road, >> rooms, new ?"''?> Montrose Ave.; S rooms, new 55, 50 i Miller Ave., rooms t-3,500 ,'"ire-enwood Ave. v room? Roberts St.. B rooms ? ? 350 I .anili A \ ? .. 7 rooms North Ave.. 8 rooms $.1,000 lilt IHLANI.) PARK Third Ave. s rooms.. .Maryland Av>\, ?> rooms, brick Virginia Ave., S rooms Second Av<-.. T room? Gladstone Ave., t! rooms Bancroft . ti rooms Burns St.. rooms Delaware A*, i . T rooms WHITE A CO.. American N. Bank lluildin:' Highland Park Homes We have sever; ! real bargains in this beautiful sulmiK. nit . !v loeated, ill city conveniences, which >ve can sell you at a low figure, upon a small cash li.i'. ment. and th> balan. ? month! . Stop paying rem. .1: -1 let us sell you a home W.M M MILLER & CO, INC.. l"'i North 1!i~*itli Streot. 1 he Bigge?t Bargain Ever Offered IN Sl'BCRRAN l'R"!T.I:TV To EP'H MONi) 1 k ?.M ES EE K ERS Nine room.-. i:Ot water heat, from and rear porches, stable, lot 100x1 feet. The lawn of this property is !>? . ut 11 ully sh; led. and fronts on one of the l est str . t - of North Kicemon.i For a quick sale. f.'.,i>oo. For further particulars, . ? ?? V. MITE ri'iMPANY, American National Bank Building. FOR SALE. Floyd Avenue, Brick Hats New. Will rent for annum. Will yield ah< 10 per cent gross. Let us show t?. you now RICHMOND TP. EST .v SAV1NC.S CO., REA1. ESTATE 1 ' i. I 'A 11TM ENT, Main and Seven Hi Streets. $1,800 Pi:.- Si re.: i. ]. <. seven roomr. and bath, in nice condition, leased to a i.ood ''.naiit, i?.i} '. ; ? . -mi. Easy i ernis. w.m m miller x co, inc.. North E._hth street. . . . i 4,000 > ? ? ? ? 1 . . .: l.OOo . . . ; J.nil . . . $ 2 20Q . . ? 5,600 . . ? . >0 ion sai.i:. No. 8 East Franklin Street Twelve rooms', three laths, modern, hi^h pitched coner-Hd hasement under entire house, cho: < location. J'rice, tea son.i lilt-. No. 814 Grahan Road Harlot 11 ? i i- !. . | ? rooms, strictly | modern Specially deftlruhlo location. jN-.'W. I "fit .- .> > i ? i I ? rii.s at t ract i\c. 1 1.04 Barton Aven ue i-auht !''? modern. 07-foot lot. j IV : rablt : >r horn- ? ? h ? r. 2006 Monument Ave. i Kieven rooi.i- two Paths. modern. ]? ?ff? r? d at vi r. low prii ? l;K'IIM<'.VI' TUCST SAVINCS CO., r.KAL I.. *1 \T I: DKi'AI'.T.M KNT, Main and Seventh Streets I'd: SALK. 529 North Fourth Street I'.rirk, seven rooms, hath, tv-s Two lOi-iii i. hitch. !: in \ . id. \\ id. lot. Ill ..mi l ord< ! lfo t!'il I'rice ' m asonahie S". u. i^oiit tins. ItlClIM'>N1> TIM' ST .V SAVINfSS CO., i:i:.M. K STATE DEPARTMENT, Main nnd Seventh Streets Will Trade " r;ood income ? itv property for a small ,fni in, convenient to the city. What have yo\i to offer" WM M. Ml 1.1.El? ?<t CO. INC., j North Eixhth Street. Wnt.ted a i-ood tenant for that m <1 ern. ? '??iifoi tai '.< residence, 824 W. Grace St. Pr.*.'e-?don s< ;,'i i Reasonable I rent ;u:ni;v s. nrT/.i.i:n .v co. l"l;; |.,i? i .Main :-i r< ? FOR SALE. Corner Brick Store 1 nn-i dw-iiirii- i old .! icVisnii Ward 1,1'!. ; "I t I ' !?' I 1* a .-e. | Tit 11.ANTON & CO.. ill! iiuai Main Street. FOR SAIilO?Heal Kstiilo. FOR SALE.' Confectionery Business i 0" account of ill-health, the owner is com;>< lied U> retire. Will sell a >;oad iciyiut; i'om fcctioiiery business very cheap. or will trade for a small home In tho suburbs. This is a splendid op portunity for a k;ooil business man. WM M. >111.LEIt .V: CO. INC., i. ' North Klglith Street. "REAL ESTATE" Why, yes, lis hard to ;ret good and acceptable tenai ts. We <io ii uiul yet ?? <ion't mind tin trouble by reason , of t!?t fact it pay:-, us to <lo it- Why doubling stand'.' Why delay? Urinj? us your business to-day. KDWAltlt S. ROSE CO.. I (Ileal Instate in All Its Branches, 11 North Eleventh Street. Slop Paying Kent And let lis so,11 you a home. We have them on all of the best avenues in the West End and in the suburbs. We can sal! you by makinsr a small pay ment, and the balance monthly. Lot us talk with you. WM. SI. MILLER & CO.. INC., 1211 North Eighth Street. HQS IK SELLERS. FOR SAI.l'i. $5,250 Seven-room home on Stuart Avenue. B.'ick. Hot water heat. HI.ANTON S; CO.. 11M East Main Street. FOR SALE Modern Brick Residence, $4,000 Between Broad and Slain Streets., east of Robinson Street Hardwood . floors, furnace heat, in best of condl-. lion; plenty of lie.hi; it i?hoim or pood investment. Set lis at oma SIOOR 10FI El ,1) .V BLAKE 20 North Eighth Street. j City Homes Handsome West ("Jrace Street brick residence, ten rooms, all lr.odern con veniences, vapor hcatiim plant; every- j thing in nice order. Lot 2Sxl1" feet ' Handsome Glnter Bark residence.) stucco dwelling on Chamberlfivm Ave nue; ei?lit rooms, ail modern conve-t niences, including hot water; lar-e . lot, 100x240 feet, with jjarasje. shrub-; bei'j aikI fruit trees. C. L. 11 L. I?ENi '? 'N*. m>7 East Main Street. FOR sale HOMES! i All sections of the city and suburbs. New is tho time to ?'>? !"'?* .September possession. Don't de'ay. but let us-1 show you from our splendid list of homes. j UOOHEF1KI 1"? f. BLAKE. 20 North Eighth Street. $600 Just think of it. Wo can sell you a fiv- -room cott.i.-c on t'ie car line; lot 72x1'jo feet. for it'.i'O. How us this- for a baiu.unV W.M M MILLER CO. INC., 123 North Eu,h th Street. FOR SALE Hanover Avenue Specicil Delightful detached brick residence! m ai jj.ivi.- Avenue, > rooms, hot water I., t. ?lc?tric li. hts, two baths, and in : pleudid condition. We < an soil this li .ii.i- si'veral hundred dollars under the price .a which otliois recently sold, if S"id Muici Don't mis:; this opportunity, t b .{ s- e u.- at oiic?"*. SIOOLLFIELP .v r.T.A 1\ E. J" North Eighth .Street. | Suburban Homes New bungalow. five rooms, front and b:i'U porches, eh cire M^iit.s and out buildings, with 3 I-S acres of ground, on S< ? n I'ines Railw iy. near, the Ma sonic Home. For sale on easy terms. I'rame house, six i .onis, newly plas- ' t-r. . and redecorat- pull.-ii.-.i" Moots a;i.i oathuihiiims. uo-mI v. at.: pump In y.1 ;'d, 1 ? > i' acres oi i.i land. l.o'v pre ? li'i unu.-uaUy , asy terms T'-n acr'-s v round, llvc-r om cottage, bat m ? ? ? s i? ? 1.?-H e.oux . on ? . ? of t ie ln.-t roads into ILohiiiord 1 an lie bought ou . .1. y terms. C. J. .V H L. !>FNOON, S0T_ l!a_st .M.nii Si lie; ? FOR SALE?Far 11 is. 7."> acres in Hanover County, l.alf ? cleared, in good cultivation, all plant I ed, on iitiio highway, one-fourth mile ito K.. F. & t". 1J. R. .station: ?-xc< 1;? : i G-rooin dwelling, 3 barns and other out houses. chicken housi.'s; lots of fruit, springs ar.d creek Price, J4.S50 ' ? ral terms Would consider suburban ! property in trad p. Meadow Crct k Poultry Farm. Ashland, Va. ! WTI.L sell, very cli?-ap, 25 acres in i Chestcrlield or t ra lc fur city proper ty or bushus Fnounh cord wood to I pay for it; small house, stable aim branch. !? _*7 West Pi AT slutton on Fredoricksburi; Rail rohd 7 atit> hou.il1 rooms, [?IIOUSE 1? rooms, -1. acres, $2,500. I ASI(IjAXI) car 'line, house h rooms, l.trjo lot. f COTTAGK, I rooms. $I?00. r. S. 1. FA K *1, Glen Allen, Va I FIVH acres ikiiri bungalow; car line, near Richmond; ai >:..-ri!b ??. Addie? i (I care Times-1 ?i.? -at li. K"i; :-ale. ?The Model Farm,"'of" wTT wick County; I75 acres of the very ! best self-drained land. 1 - miles iron. ! station. S 1-2 miles from this city. Splendid dwelling set in nice shad.1 (yard. Kvcelhnt outbuildings with . 11 - j v.?ni/ed toot's. Fine fences; >."? a'lej ! "1> treil and ha lame w-11 set in soiio inc.- timber worth probably li i I'.'IS this farm was held at SlL'.'b'ai jif vim btiy it now you ? mi get it loi only ?;?.|M"'. This is the !? i "est and | b? s t bargain "w e have ever offered Jarouii'l h- !?'. All vi- ask you !<? ? !" is ' to look at it and w?.' know that you will a: with us. Also have 71 acres near the above which we can sell in the next j week for only SPOOl*. This is line land, w 11 protected by woods. 40 acres cle.ii e,: aiel balance in timber worth Fair tenant house and barn (>ne year au ? the price >>f Ibis farm was .a.. We ar< oil' ring you a reduction ? of > '?an. which you cannot pass by i wiili" I inc. st i g a t ? n * * l.ei us know ? wlii n i?> look for \ on hct i to see these and other (heap ol-ces which we hnvo foi ,-alv Soi'inierv ilii Trust ?.'o.. Inc., u | ia I Ne w s. Va 8PLI?XniD opportunity?Store, farm, iiome. post-oili'-e and railroad a!-'? ik y, all combine*!, in a mftst desirable section of the Slate. Kami his S'lf. acres and good outbuildings. Store lias slock of about ?' 10.'iofi, with bii; trade. .\ 1 ve niiin can make Jlu.'iOrt per \*ar Price for the whole (in ? Imliiiv. stock >;oods|, $22,000. Tel 111 S to SI I 1 i ,i. a. roxxKi.i.v .<:? ro. Madison :tMC,l M.niison .'13112. FOft sale, nice little farm on railroad, I 2 mib s from lllchir.oml; l'i acres, 7 room house. growing ??t.-ps line- writer; a fine bargain. K 7;!".. care Times Dispatch FOR sale. 100-acre, 7-room house, new barn; acres in corn, possession at once. Only 7i>0 if sold promptly. ' !?; 7 1. ( .!.'? TllileS -1 >lsp? I ell. | FIYF. 'o'res on Seven Fines line: will | f-.r small house and lot I or V.'ot thampton acreage. <i 1 <?f?, care ' T;.iics-Dispatch. l?X>lt SAL10?Faint!) J. A. CONNELLY CO./ Seventh and Franklin .strcots, Richmond. Va. Street Road, 7.1 acre.-, oik*-half olearod, balance in lirst-class wowl. Wood will cut more rtiun .'>1111 cords. All croos, stools, f.Mining implements yo with the farm at $",".*10. AMKLIA County. 3"'* acres: - 1-2 miles lrom station. Old Colonial house, numerous barns a art outbuildings. 200 acres in hi^U state of culti vation. One of the finest farms in county. I'rice, $10,000. t'l lESTERl-'l 101,1) County. -IS acres, only s miles from city. <Joo<l t!-rooin house, new burns ami outbuild ings. Kine orchard. 11 head of line stock, Karmin;; linplcinviits, poultry, i tc.. go with larm, for $5,000. DARBYTOWN Road, 107 acres, 10 miles cast of city. Splendid dwelling: and outhouses. bains, etc Kim water. runnint; streams. J00 fruit tri'i s. One or the host farms in county, S.1 acres in high state of cultivation. AMELIA I'ountv. 230 acres In Amelia County, " 1-2 miles from Jetcrs \ille, 30 acre:* cleared, balance In cord wood. A tine farm and only $3,000. KIS111X01 lake and grist mill, tine 3 story mill in perfect order. Small dwelling, good soil, plenty ot wood. One o! the best mill prop erties in country. See us for particulars. APPOMATTOX River farm?f.00 acres in Amelia County, one of tin most up-to-date farms ill State. Land in highest state of culti vation. Owner will consider an exchange fur small farm near cl t y. 7~? acres on R? F". & P. and Washing ton highway. Splendid horse and outbuildings. Owner will e\ chany for suburban home with large lot. Price. ?.",000. .1 A. COX MOLLY ?Vi Madison .'t'tti 1 -- Madison "J3'"2 J AS. \V LORD & C4>. Aotioneers and L*'arm Salesmen. i"c> down, balance monthly will pur chase a little 3-room cottage ,nul one-acre of land situated near High land Springs ear line. Only i'-"". I'un't I'ay rent when you can start ??nuiiu >oiir home to easily. See Jas. \V. Lord. O.VK acre of land and a 4-room Minga lo*c near Newhv l'.ridgc Chur.'li i n the Highland Springs line. ?>it 1 >? *?>00; will take $200 down, balati o monthly. House could not be Isuiit for the mon^v. See .las \V L<>rd WK1.L situated little truck, poultry .ami fruit firm, eood water. , 1 orchard; small dwelling on main r?>a-i "> miles from Ric imond. together with all stock crops, farm t-iols, ete. i inly $1,200; half cash. See .las. W. Lord. COt'NTRY store 7 acres of land and a eood dwelling riu'ht on car line, be tween Richmond and Ashland A great business opportu nit v. See ,i|> \Y. Lord RKAUTIFTL c<i intrv horn- and farm, old-Cme- house, "'*? ,k res 'tool lann: finest shade; i acres of lovely orchard; rui nir.vr water, timber and "cordwood; matji aiito road near Richmond. See .las. W. Lord. FOR farms and suburban homes, s> ? ?! as. \v. LOR I), Auctioneer, lll'i Kast Main Street. Richmond, Va. FOR sale ISO-acre farm, house, barn ami outbuildings: 3o acres in grow ing crops. Good roads; fine water and nearcounty seat. Only $3.'.'"ft Address Ji 31 cure Times-1 >ispateh. WILL take automobile in exchange ft r suburban acreage that can Isub divided. J <: . )? Times-Dispatch. r'i'R rent or sale, modern country liomf and farm on main road out of Lynchburg, Va.; tine neighborhood; immediate possession. Address L f'T -, c 11 ? Times-Dispatch. FOU SAM-;?I'mms FOR sale, cvhickeu farm of r> acres. 4 room cottage. l?arn, chioUotihoiisi'S, fruit, etc.. a I Stop 10. I'oti'rdburK i'nr line. I mile:; from Richmond. l'l'ii'O, $2,100; $350 cash, balance as rent. Call phone Boulevard 1D67, BBAUTlKUh far in; near Richmond, main mad, iiivihest state culti vn I ion. thoroughly foiux'il. modern buildings, every con venienee, $1,000. Malcolms Sharp, Madison. X. <*. TwISIjVI'J an?i one-liulf-Mcra farm, cleared; on railroad ami car line, ? ?flit fan-: $21"' pel* acre. Will sell part or all. Will lake Westhampton acre age in exchange. <1 110. care Tiines Dispatch. ATTENTION! Mr. City Man, Mr. Farmer For sale, a most desirable farm of about 130 acres, 1 no clear, balance wooded. location close to station; liiuh elevation, larne v.rove and dwelling or nine rooms, baths and running water In bouse; necessary outbuildings. Tin; splendid train rviee, ami unly twenty miles from Richmond, makes this place a most attractive home for a city lyan. A bargain price, on:y .<??.."i00. Address II :;r.<, care Times-liispatch A Bargain i O ! About 'J00 acres near city for half its lual \alue. MuM be sold. It. 1! < 'J IA F !? IN X- i I ' . INI'. Main and Twilftli Str- ? ts ) FOR SAKE. Magnificent Jnmfs River t'.irin, in Coochland Coun ty, mile.- wi? st of i:iehi..'>ini A i i of "Ratididpli" est ate. ?..,?? acres. 1..? r and alt.' i -live dwelling, ood > :t hoUises. I'piamls ai'il low I ?? : I? ?!: I#' ?il?'. Can be bought, now at bit. iln price. RICIIMONI* 'PRI ST .V SA VIN11S CO.. HilAL ESTATE DEI'A ItT.M ENT, .Main and Seventh Streets Orange County Farm Most Delightfully Located One of the most productive farm?' In the county. Contains l'.'io .ui.s oi ? y line land ami practically all eleai?<l liid in cultixniton. Particularly h:i> for : 'ui K or dairying, owner. no: i t. fb'tcrmined to sell. I'rice. ? 11." ? ? ? ? on terms; 5:.i,i>oti cash ami Ioik t. .< on balance. E. A. CAT!.IN v'. CO 1 IK A I. ESTATE : Oil KXCIlANiiK. WTE1, (?!., hanse West End llat, f r l ite moil* I antomol-i!? Addrci-s J s i Ti:n< s -1 'ispa t eh. WILL exchange S-paasonger automo bile. in icoo'l coii'ln b?n, f ?? small house oi lot in suburb... II i ire TlmeH-DlgpatCh. | V.'IEE trade choice lot at ^Vesthnmp ?<>n lor I ite-t model aativ.i.i. i >. Address ll 321, care Tlmca-Pispat h. Wit.I, trade e.juitv in beautiful lot in West End f<-i 1<>. ! :a:i htne. Address E 10, tare Times - I'lspatoh I- t 1'" R - A CR E ihi-ken favm. ?-?oom hour' . a!. ? s-r? om bunnalow 1 i- .? lot; l>th pVi ? s tii.-.v and : ? ? ;??? t ?. r u I 'uiiiie. on A^hi.'inl -a: i.ic . pr-fer f.iim land. ?".ill IVnidolph 37j>tj. FOR sale, or will exchange my equity of $:.'?>> in : betuttt'il Wiiuht I'.irk !??:? fret front by !.*??. for ,,?? ni;t nni'il'i b? in ti i: t-cla? ?? ? <->nd:: .o;i l-iioae Madi.-on ? :-W. VVANYKD?I ten I Estate. LIST your farms wJtli J. A. Connolly ? Co. Wrltu pustul lor necessary blanks. WAN'TBD, 7 or S-room house within 10 squares of Seventh uml llroati Streets. $3,000. 1'hoiie Randolph 4140-J. WANYKl) to rent, by September 1. a .siiinll house in suburbs; must have c'.ly water, t<as or electricity; not more1 tli.'.n $20 !>???? month. Will lease and i;i\o excellent references. i'liono Uou !? .art! 21S4-J. COLORED property paying 12 per cent or mure. Address 11 3?-'!?, eur<; Times Dl.tpalch. WANTKD, to rent furnished hotel In prosperous city or town; 10 years' experience. L it TO, cure Times-Dis patch. _ WANTED, to rent or buy house of x rooms in suburbs. Address A 302, j , care Tidies- Dispatch. i WANTEU to rent, small More In good ! location unliable for cotifeetiom ry I business. Address E 733, cure Tlmes 1 >ispntch. WANTED, furnished cottage at Wll-j loughby for 2 or 3 weeks from Au-i kusI l; slate price and location in ilrst letter Address .s West Carj or, 1 phone .Madison 3-W. WE have prospects for an ^ or 9-room house in iSartou Hcit;hts or Lee Dis trict; will pay cash; price not to ex ceed $<;,000. Let us know what you have at once. Sullivan Co., No. -I North T< mth Stre? t. | WANTED for camping and farming, 10 acres or more. Must have good uwitn- ' tulnu. bathinn and drinking water ad-] i:\c.Mit Give price, location, description and other information. Adtlress M, 8. K-rr, I'o-t-OlllC'-. I Sox 123\ Kichinuiid, ' FKo.M owner, cottaise f? to 1 rooms; j extra large lot, handy walking (lis-, tance Westbampton lin?. About 43.000.' Address .) 324, care Times-Dispatch. WANTED to bu\ from owner, modern li'ime i n Ha: ton Heights or Ginter: Park line. Small cash payment, rest monthly. State full particulars. Ad i", ill. tare Times-Dispatch. W \NTED, to lake $'J > or *30 house \\ ill respnii.slble party in West End; . . i-.-n ? -s exchanged. II 317, care Thheu-Disputch. W \NYEf>. a ni' ?. commodious h" ise : ,ii" raiin ,ti r.illtoad Mation and near I'! iv-b;. ;? rla ii Church. Addr? L ST:', care Tlmi ?> -1 Hspatch, I V. \N1KU. a Ivuse in jml'Urbr tor 1 or | months. convenient to car line; | plenty of shad*- furnish'd or unfur ii :-h* 1. K 731, rate Times-Dispatch. J-OU HE.NT?Ileal Kstato. 1 <>!: rent, 11" North Adams Street, 7 looms; mod* rn conveniences. Apply 1! \V. i I .y Street. ! COTTAGIS FOIt RENT \T Wllloti^liby, Ocean View, furnished; vie-trie lights, water. T rooms. Hy v.eek, moniii or season. C. I'. Scott, Portsmouth. Va FOL'RTEEN-ItOOM house on Grace near Kichth Strc?t, or will rent as 2 llats (J 101, ? ire Timet- -1 dspatch. ? FIRST-CLASS irnrnire < n Monument Avenue Address G 103, - are Times Dispatch. FOR rent, 7 - room house; all conven ncrs. 12 N'-rth Thirtieth Sire ?. l.i>.bv I I'll. Apply John R. Grimes, 14 Nortn Thirtieth. FOR r< nt store room next door to J. G. M.t'tor" ?> and 1 '-cent store, o'ci ; i"'l at present by Fourijuean &. Temple ? I'-vartment store. Possession <-in be had September 1. For particulars ap plv to .1 <"> MeCrory's ?> and 10-cent ? tore, Broad Street. F'U'RTH edition of Elam Funsten's I ill t". Ill list wil' he mailed VO'J on re?| Phone Madison 11?'?2. ,-KK our list of dwellings and flat-* for r? in >>n Church Hill. Elam .'c Funsteh. Madison 1962, SEE Elam .v Funsten tf you want to rent in Glnter P?rk. <-,'i?<i> liouse with conveniences, 1302 Decatur, Randolph 2077-J. R rent, < rooms and bath 23^4 Spring Hill Street, Woodland If. :--hts. FOR KENT?Ileal Estate. 2223 Went Grace Street, 8 foomn, mod ern. Rent reasonable. 917 Kloyd Avenue. first flat, 6 rooms, modern. Heat furnished. Rent low. 004 Enst flroad Street, third flat, 5 rooms, bath. Central. I 330 West Cary Street, 9 rooms, bath. ! Rout low. | 720 Garland Avenue. North Richmond. I 10 rooms# bath, I.ot 90x130. Con I vcnlcnt to ear line; 10 minutes to Uroud I Street. Itent low. 1?>07 Delaware Avenue, Richland Park, / 7 rooms, bath, electric lights. Rent, ?3<I0. 4 South Plum Street. 6 rooms, bath. Stable In rear. Kent. $240. 403 Poe Street, Karton Heights. 8 rooms, modern. 100-foot lot. 23or. Stuart Avenue, 8 rooms, modern. Will rent cheap. 207 West Grace Street, 11 rooms, hath. Good location. Kent. 1000 30* West Grace Street, 9 room*, bath. Itent, ??00. RICHMOND TRUST A SAVINGS CO.. Rial Estate Department, Main arul Seventh Streets. FOR rent, 927 Went Clay, 7 room*, h?th. closets, latrobe, ran?e and pas. Wirt S. Francis, 1021 West Clay. Karulolim 2170. SI' 111' R HA N lu>:ne for rent, all or a part; furnished. Hox 343. Ashland Va. EIGHT-ROOM brick* house, 1 409 West Main Street, $2f? per month. Call Madison f>07-J. HRICK house, 7 rooms, conveniences, stable. roo'I yard, excellent neighbor hood. Church 11111. Possession Sep tember 1 Randolph 3300-J. FOR RENT. Five-Room Flat Second floor, No 1720 Grove Avenue, modern, In good condition. Price, }2Ti per month No children Apply at premises or phone Randolph 4555-W. Rent List Chas. A. Rose Co. Phono Madison 1;>60. FOR RENT. 3001 W. Grace Nino rooms, two baths, hot water heat. CHAS. A. ROSE CO. Our Rent List Still contains a few most choice dwell ings and flats. R? sure to nee one he fore renting. Call or phone. MGOREFIEI.D A- RI.AKE, 20 North Eighth Street FOR RENT. 1 5 1 5 and 29 Floyd Avenue Ei>;ht rooms. Possession September 1. DOCGl.AS K TAYLOR, &07 East Franklin The Roselawn Land Corporation offers for sale, be ginning July 19, i 91 5, attractive home sites of about one acre each at 1 his property is east of, and a portion adjoins, the campus of Greater Richmond College, and is on the car line. City Water, Electric Lights, Telephones, Sewerage and Good Roads. See for complete information 12 North Eighth Street Tenth and Bank Streets Sales Agents