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FOR RENtf?Real Estate. FOR RENT. No. 1607 Park Ave. Thin In a nice home at only 137.50 per month rent. DOUGLAS E. TAYLOR. ' S07 East Franklin. FOR RENT. SIX-ROOM APARTMENT. No. 1650 West Grace Six rooms, modern, heat furnished during winter months. Possession September 1. 1915. DOUOI.AK E. TAYLOR. S<i7 East Franklin. FOR RENT. No. 1613 Park Avenue Seven rooms, hot water heat and elect! le llshts. DOUGLAS E. TAYLOR. x'i7 East Franklin. Call Mad 49 FOR RENT LIST. DOUGLAS E. TAYLOR, >>07 East Franklin. Save You Money GET OL*R NEW RENT LIST. J THO.M PSON HHOWN & CO. . Lowest City Rents NEW LIST JUST OUT J. THOMPSON nnoWN fr CO. FOR RENT. No. 1 1 19 W. Main St. Eight rooms. Possession September 1. 1915. * DOUGLAS E TATLOR ?07 East Franklin. FOR RENT. No.2606 W. Qrace St. Most desirable home, good-siz^d rooms and well pitched; beautiful yard and excellent heating system. DOUGLAS E. TAYLOR. Phone Madison 49. FOR RENT. 702^-704 E. Leigh St. Eleven rooms. In good condition; good location for boardlng-houHe. RentAl MOO per annum each. DOUGLAS E TAYLOR. SO" East Franklin. FOR RENT. 1 04 E. Grace St. A modern house of fourteen rooms and large parse. Reduced price. SHEA & KEEGAN. Cheapest City Rents SAMPLES. Grove Avenue dwellinn. elaht room#, reception hull, furnace heat Only 137 per month. Kensington Avenue, eijrht ror>m*. hot water heat, electricity. Only J35 per month Main Street, three-story, ten rooms, two baths, near Monroe Park. Only S35 per month Clay Street, rinht rooms. |2!i. GET PRINTED LIST. J. THOMPSON RROWN fe CO FOR RENT. 3 1 20 Wallace Street New six-room, detached house two blocks west r.f the Reservoir. IKi per month to good tenant. Wallerstein & Nelson 111- East Main Street. House You Want IS IN OUR NEW LIST. J? THOMPSON HROWS' k- CO. W. S. Robinson & Co. 715 East Frankltn Street. Madison 3059. FOR RENT. HOUSES. JS.i.oe p/>r month?34 13 Hanover Ave, S rooms. Sept l. J2f> 00 per month?2?1<> W. Main St.. 7 rooms. At once Jlfi.00 per month?r.f>2 Pickett St., 6 rooms. At once. ^ FLATS. J.35 00 per month?300f> W. Grace. 6 rooms, modern in every respect. Sept. 1. $27.50 per month?270fi-.\ W. Main, 5 rooms. Sept. 1. J25 00 per month?5008 N. Fourth St., 5 rooms. Sept. 1. $20.00 per month?C.59-A North Eighth. 4 rooms. Sept 1. SI2,5ft per month?220s Ensl Leigh St.. 4 rooms At nnce WEST END MODERN FLATS Five and six rooms. ICS and S27.50 per month. Convenient in every way. Morton G. Thalhimer First National Bank Building. Call ftent Dept., Ran. 3600, Ran. B721. Call, Write or Phone for Third Edition of Our Rent List A few desirable apartments and dwellings may yet he had. JOHN T. OOPCn.V & co. FOR ~RENT~ No. 201 East Frnnklln Street; very dfisirnblo second and third floor flats, eight or nine rooms each. Most de sirably located. Possession Septem ber 1. SUTTON & CO. SEPTEMBER RENT LIST Cftll or phone for one before renting a house. SUTTON & CO. FOR RISNT. Street-Floor Office Eighth Street, near Main. Heat and light furnished. Rent reasonable. MOOREFIELD & BLAKE, 20 North Eighth Street. FOR RENT?Real Estate. West End Homes Seven rooms. Just being completed. Rent $25 Per Month A HEAL BARGAIN. Morton G. Thalhimer First National Bank Building. Call Rent Dept.. Ban. 3600, Ban. 5721. BE SURE To call, phone or write for Our Rent List Houses everywhere, for everybody, at attractive ratc-B. Chewning & Boxley Large Modern Ashland Residence Modern, In pood repair. MORTON O. THAI.HIMER, First National Hank Building. Call Hent Dept., Ran. 3600, Ran. 5721. FOR RENT. Ginter Park-Home Eight rooms, hot water heated, nice lawn. $15 per month. OREEN & REDD. Call, phone or write for the fourth edition of our Fall Rent List Attractive dwellings, flats and apart ments. OREEN & REDD. Let us solve tho house question for you. Our Fall Rent List Fourth Edition, will bo mailed you on request. ELAM & FUNBTEN, Madison 1P62. Cheapest Rents IN THE C1TT. 3 N. Boulevard New, detached dwelling, hot water heat and two bathn. Everything at tractive. Specially convenient to cars, parks, etc. C. A. BOXLEY. Rent Service Besides our office force, we have four I men, two autos and horse and buggy at your service. All kinds of houses, stores, flats and offices, i J. THOMPSON BROWN & CO. Don't Delay GETTING A COPT OF OUR Fall Rent List Fourth Edttlon Ready. ELAM * F UN AT EN, Madison 1962. 218 West Main Street Will he put in perfect order. Imme diate possession, r*nt to begin Septem ber 1. ELAM & FUNSTEN. FOR RENT. ; Call for Rent List , We have somo houses for rent from ; September, 1615. C. L. & H L DENOON, J 807 East Main Street. i FOR RENT ; 2 1 1 3 Y* Grove Ave. Nine rooms, modern in every way. Must be seen to be> appreciated. 1570 per annum. Let us show you thlB. E A. CATLIN & CO. Phone Madison 67A. FOR RENT Shop Rear 7 1 0 East Main Street Can be used for machine shop, warehouse, storage house, plumber's shop; any other busi ness. Dimensions, 26x75 feet. Rental, $25 i?er month. Raab & Co., Inc. Mutual Building. FOR REST. Apartments in THE MEREDITH 3M2 Monument Avenue. 86ven rooms, four closets, three baths, servants' room. Modern In every respect. Let us show you these. Only two left. RLANTON A CO.. 1111 East Main Street. FOR RENT. j 1 508 Grove Avenue I Will Install hot water heating plant, I electric lights, two baths and other | needed improvements. Rent, $S00. N. W. BOWK & SON. INC. We Give Special Personal -Attention to the management of rental property, and will bfc ghtd to scOurfi a tenant for that vacant property of yours. Just phone, write or call to see us. MOOREFU5LD A BLAKE. 20 North Eighth Street. 921 W. Franklin St. Fourteen rooms, four baths. See us. N. W. BOWE & SON, INC. FOR RENT?Real Estate. If You Want a Tenant Just liBt your vacant property with MOOREF'TEM) & ULAKE, 20 North Eighth Street. They have had remark able success in securing tenants for property under their management. Tlifcy take pleasure carrying prospec tive tiilAnta to inspect any properly In their rare. FOR RENT. 315 W. Grace Street, 12 rooms. 108 E. Franklin Street, 12 rooms X. W. UOWE & SON. INC. 5 1 3 W. Franklin St. Two bathe, hot water heat, nice con dition; cheap rent. N. W. BOWE & SON, INC. Attractive Rent List Apartments, Dwellings. Flats. Call, Phone, Write McVeigh & Glinn FOR KENT. 10S EAST FRANKLIN STREET, Twelve Rooms. X. W. HOWE & SON. INC. FOR KENT. 2523 West Grace Nine large roomn, hot water heat; cheap rent. Be quick. N. W. 1KIWE ft SON. INC. FOR RENT. 2030 W. Grace, two baths, hot water heat. 316 W. Grace, 12 rooms; nice condi tion. 302 W. Franklin St.. 12 rooms. 403 E. Grace St., 12 rooms. N. W. BOWE & SfiN. INC. FOR F JNT?Furnished Houses. FOR rent, furnished or unfurnished, desirable home on Hanover Avenue, near Allen. For terms, address G 116, care Tlmes-Dlspatch. LADY, having cozy cottage 30 minute# from heart of city, on auto and elec tric road, desires congenial adults to share home and expenses. "Cozy," Route 3, Box 43-B, Richmond. FOR RENT?Farms. GOOD tenants wanted?200-acre farms in Nelson County; land In good con dition; liberal terms to the right par ties. Address L 958, care Times-Dia patch. FOR RENT?Stores. 1903-1905 East Main Street New stores at reduced rent. MORTON G. THALHIMER, First National Hank Building. Call Rent Dept., Ran. 3600, Ran. 6721. FOR RENT?Apartments. A few modern apartments left. See our rent list. Elam & Funsten. Madi son 1962. FOR rent, apartment corner Floyd Avenue and Roland; 6 rooms, bath, pantry, closets. Hot-water heat, gas range. Combination fixtures Separate furnace. Wirt S. Francis, 1021 West Clay. Randolph 2470. FOR rent, nice bright apartment, 2 rooms and bath: possession Septem ber 1. No children. Thi? Franklin, 301 East Franklin. Fashionable Apartments The Stafford 2007 MONUMENT AVENUE. Beautiful, light rooms, in suites of seven each. J. D. CARNEAL A HON. Apartment Fashionably located; beautifully ap pointed; seven rooms; 'The Brooke; three baths. 2215 Monument Avenue. J. D. CARNEAL A SON. Don't close your lease until you have Inspected the Allen Ave. Apartments 410 ALLEN AVENUE. StyllBh neighborhood; ultra In every J. D. CARNEAL & SON. Monument Avenue Apartments New, modern and up-to-date. Very best value for money in the city. Heat And water Included In rent. Details on application. Morton G. Thalhimer First National Bank Building. Call Rent Dept.. Ran. 3800, Ran. 5721. Steam Heated Apartments Centrally Located Only three left. Attractive price*. Lease now. Rent to begin September l. GREEN & REDD. APARTMENTS One eight-room housekeeping apart ment. Possession Sept. 1. One two and one three-room non housekeeping apartment. Immediate possession. The Shenandoah KOlfc 11KNT?Apwtinenu. FOR RENT. Berkeley Apartment I Franklin and Harrison Streets. Don't miss It. Third floor apartment. | .N: \\\ BOWK & SON. IXC. FOR RENT. ! APARTMENTS I A largo selection from -N. W. 1JOWE & SOX'S rent list. WANTKI)?Apartments. ! WANTED, flat of 4 rooms and bath, I nouth of Hrond, strictly central, near I car line; r?!iit not over $15. Address j M care Times-Dispatch. . WANTED, September 1st. first flat, 3 or 1 rooms; centrally located. 11 ! rarft Times-Dispatch. FOR RENT?Flats. I - I UNFURNISHED third floor flat of 2 large rooms and kitchenette; mod i frn; private family. 1000 block West j Orace. References. Ma<llsoti 4t>4. ! LOWER flat 4 rooms, private bath, vlec I trie lights. at once or September 1. ; 2111 Orovi' Aven ie. Phone Doulevard 1?;S4-J. FLAT for rent; .vroinn, second story, with buth. 1*12 Marlon Avenue, Bar ! ton Heights. Phone Madison 2U02-W. [FIRST flat at 2515 Park Avenue. 4 ; rooms anil bath; possession at once, j Apply ;>t v'ji> West Hroad Street. 'FOR rent. new corner flat facing Byrd Park, 0 large rooms, bath, linen closet, large back porch, electricity and gas. Phone Boulevard 2036-W. 104 East Main Street, flrst flat, 7 rooms. elegant, spacious parlors; French plate mirrors. Second flat, 6 rooms, 4 porches, separate entrance. Both flats have hot-water heat. [?624 North Eighth, 2 flats, 6 rooms each, 1 bath and pantry; front and back porches, separate entrance*. First flat possession at once. <511 East I.elgh. fln?- basement flat 4 rooms and nice bathroom. FiRST floor flat, 7 rooms, bath and pantry; large, elegant rooms. 'SECOND flat, (5 rooms, modern appoint ments; separate entrances. JULIUS RAKER, j Phone Randolph 2539. FOR rent In Highland Park, tipper flat 5 largo rooms; all conveniences. Phone Randolph 215-J. FOR rent, flats 17 and 17 1-2 North Twenty-ninth Street; 7 and S rooms, facing Lib!),' Hill; all modern Improve ments. Appi..* John R. Orlmes, 14 North Thirtieth Street. I MODERN r.-room upper flat, opposite' Ohimborar.o Pnrk. All conv-nlcnoes; | I large rooms. separate entrance. Pos session September 1. Address D 012, care Times-Dispatch, or phone Madison 168^ THREE or 4-rootn flat, unfurnished, second floor West Orace; reason-1 able. Madison 1S96-W. I IF you are looking for a flat, our fall rent list should be consulted. Phone J Madison 19C2 for u copy. Elatu Fun-j | sten. j FOUR new flats on Gary, near Laurel. Plans at our office. Elam &. Funsten. NEW flat of 3 rooms, 1005 Second Ave nue, Highland Pork. Hath, jjas and electricity. Attractive price to desir able. party. FURNISHED or unfurnished flat, all conveniences. Apply 2 West (.race Street. FOR rent, 1016-A West Clay, 4 rooms, bath, closet and gas; separate in | every respect. Wirt S. Francis, 1021 ? West Clay. Randolph 2470. FOUR-ROOM upper flat, near audi torium, $10; modern conveniences. Inquire 103 South _Bee.<ih Street^ FLAT, modern. up-to-dato, electric lights, hot-water heat. 322 North Harrison Street. Phone Madison 5750-W. RRICK flat for rent, r> rooms, gas, electric lights, range In nice residen tial section, southside, one block from car lino; reduced rent, as party has to leave city. Phone Randolph 3607, or Madison 4097-J. THIRD floor flat, 2 rooms private bath. 415 West Orace. FOR rent, September 1, second flat of 4 rooms and bath to adults. 613 East Leigh Street. FIRST flat, 4 largo rooms, packing room, bath, la t robe; large front porch; near Lihby Hill Park. Apply 117 North Twenty-ninth Street. FOR rent. 4-room newly papered flnt I and bath. $S per month. 1106 North Twent.v-flrst Street. Apply 2202 East j Marshall. i 113 North Third, flrst flnt. 7 rooms, hot water heat. etc.. $40. ! 113-A North Third, third flat, 7 rooms, i hot-water heat. etc.. $35. \ 1109-11 North Third (Caroline Apart | ments). 4 and 5 rooms, modern, and j heat furnished, rent *3<"> and $33.34. JAMES H. CRENSHAW. 600 East Main. FOR RENT. , Modern Flat in West End Floyd Avenue. Ave rooms, separate hot water and h*at A bargain at $360 annum. Let us show you tnln. F.. A. CAT LIN & CO.. 22 North Eighth Street. FOR RENT. AO, ? SINTFn PA.nK FLAT 622- A Hawthorne Avenue; for adults Six rooms, bath, pan, electrlcltv Rent' I water and light furnished 3 jftO n ; | month. See us nt mice. P r X. W ROWE & SON. INC. FINANCIAL $3,000 To Lend at Once ON A DESIRABLE PROPERTY. H SELPON TAYLOR & BON. SEE US if you wish a loan on your real estate. We have several sums of money to ! lend at once on city property. Wallerstein & Nelson. 1112 East Main. Money Money $1,000.00 91.400.00 $2,000.00 $3,000.00 $4,000.00 $0,000.00 TO LEND OX REAL ESTATE IN THIS CITY PROMPTLY. Chewning & Boxley. "I Am 82 Years Old To-Day" And been dolnp huslnetit with yon for forty years," said a rood old rllartt last week, "and your Real Estate 6% Mortgages hav? paid me better than anything else." Testimonial#, like this occur dally", for NO CLIENT EVER LOflT A DOLLAR ON OUR L0AN8. Le' tin serve you. NO COST TO LENDER, and Interest collected Quarterly without charge If you want to LEND or BORROW, see us. $250, $600. $1,000, $1,500. $2,000, $3,fld0, $5,000, $10,000. J. THOMPSON BROWN & CO. s REAL ESTITE RECORD j AND COURT CALENDAR Week's Transfers Show CJain Over I'recodlnx Week, Despite llot Weather. DEMAND FOK SMALL HOMES West Kud Dwellings Are Bringing (iood Prices, and Sales Are Head ily Made Where Modern Conveni ences Are Supplied. ! Despite the fact that the summer season Is alreadv far advanced, when the business men of tlie city, almuHt with one accord, hie away to the al luring seaside resorts and to the Hha<ly places far out into the country, while the less fortunate real estate agents forget, to Home extent, tin- bargain nml sale enil of their business ami concern themselves more with their fall rent als, the local real estate market evi denced .a normal steadiness last week, and the amount Involved in the transactions overreached of the week before by gome $ With the week starting out poorl> and holding X>ut little hope for the future, in view of the facts already mentioned, the tlnal results of the week's operations were very g ratifying to every one in terested In the local market. Monday was an unusually dull day. but ?ith tlie mercury cuing up by leaps and bounds until it lacked little of bursting out of Its limitations, the "upward striving" tendency that is Usually apparent in the month of July In quarters other than the thermo meter began to be fell in the real estate market, and Tuesday brought a revival of business that continued throughout the week. Each day for the nfxt succeeding two days outshone Its predecessor, reaching the maximum Friday, when the combined sales showed an exchange of $32,320. AVEHAiiK ft 1 7,K OF KAI.KS XOT AS I.AIKJK AS WKKK IIIJKOHM While the average sale of the week just ended was not quite so large aa the average sale of the week preced-l Ing, It Is 'nevertheless true that a , larger proportion of the sales recorded I last week were for larger amounts than was the case the week before.] I The fact that no unusually large! : amounts changed hamls accounts for i the difference In the average sale. Not a single sale during the week reached five tlmires. but a majority of them perhaps ranged around $3,000, while something like a third involved more than this amount. The city's newly annexed territory continues popular. Henrico County property was more l than normally active during the week, I with a decided tendency to suburban lots just without the city limits. Few farms were sold, when compared with the sales of the preceding week, and all of these were of small acreage. The large farm, with Its hundreds of acres of untitled and nonproduclng land. i? becoming more and more un popular, and the tendency here, as elsewhere, in to the small farm, made to yield gtcater profits than the large one through the intensive method of farming. A majority of the farms sold i ranged from ten to ilfty acres. The agurc?ate *nles of the week ; recorded in the Chancery and Hustings Courts were $ll?,!|5, a gain of almost jr.. ooo over tlie total amount of tho preceding week. The number of deeds of trust was much larger than is usually tho case, the amount Involved ' overreaching that of the week before by something over J5-.000. Deeds of release corresponded with the others both In number and In amount. | SOMK (toon HKSIDKNTIAI. PnOPIOItTV OIANUKS HANDS Among tho larger ? sales recorded j were the following: Ada E. Ware sold house and lot, 103 West Street, with I a frontage of 23 feet 6 Inches, to Marie , ft. McCarthy for $1,500. u. s. Oilman ; transferred lots 12 and 13, plan of West View, to Harvey C. Brown, at a consideration of $1,500. Maud P. Tins ley sold her property, 50(5 North lOighth Street, to Thomas A. Gebhardt for $4.Son. Kmily Somple Valentine bought a home, 1720 Floyd AvOtue, from Davis Brothers, Inc.; the 'conalderation is understood to have been $1,200. Tlie Virginia Realty Corporation sold M. H. Staples a two-story brick flat and lot fronting 20 feet on Mulberry Street, 122 Met north of Main Street, for $4,500. W. F. Pierce bought property fronting 100 feet on Hawthorn Avenue, 116.17 feet north of Westwood Avenue, from A. Herbert Smith, at a consideration of $7,30). B. II. Melton sold F. T. Al The Week's Record 5ft property transfers ... .911ft, 14.' no W) lirrd* of trunt I7",NU(! 0-1 ?ft rrleiiMe drrils Kt.ftTO II 27 hulldlliK permit* 7I.WI- Oft 11 tlren I.01S7 ?M> Dosses at two biu Arcs had not been adjusted yesterday. FOK IUSNT?Flats. FOR RENT. 5-Room Flats 207-A and 209-A. N. Rowland St. 200-A and 202-A N. 151m Ht. Hot water heat, reasonable rent, Ave Ibrifiht rooms each. Me riuiok. N. W. HOWK to HON, INC. FOR RENT. 1 NORTH ADDISON. First flat, electric lights, newly pa pered and painted. N. W. ROW F. & SOX, INC. # Act Quick if you want the prettiest and most up Ito-date six-room Mat In the city, 2219 (upper and lower) Hanover Avenue. " ' N. W. MOW 10 ft. HON, INC. FOR RKNT?Furnished Flats. NICRI?Y furnished flat, 3 rooms, for | rent until September 1st; rent rea sonable. Apply 522 West Clay Street, t or call Madison 477 5. Monday. TOO JLATE TO CLASSIFY THRISK-ROOM apartment, all outsid* rooms, ample hall, private bath, large porch; arranged for light housekeeping. Water, lights, heat furnished. Kxcel lent location, tlrove Avonue. Hoard If desired. I'hone Itoulevard 1377. ! MTU A YKD. female Sen fob "col II et~bro w n - i white. wearhiK license tag 832. Ran [ dolph 2fi:tti. Reward. j FOR. sale cheap, Highland Park house j 7 rooms and reception hall, bnth, pantry, electric lights; easy terms. Corner Fifth Avenue and Chostnut I Street. Rhone Randolph <1219. DEATHS URI,f;il 15.?Died, at Stuart Circle Hos pital, 3:20 I\ M. Saturday, July 17., MRS. BDMONtA A. RKLCHIO She is survived by her husband, Mr. ,T R. Relche; one son, T. K.dgnr Terry; father. John A. Duke, and brother, J. Haywood Duke. Funeral from her residence, 42f> North Thirtieth Street. MONDAY AFTF.R NOON, July 19, 1915, at 4 o'clock. Burial in Oukwood Cemetery. friend a houso and lot with, a frontage of 25 feet on Addison Street, near Park Avenue, for Annie Lee Sydner transferred her brick dwelling 2 4 0 ?* Hanover Avenue, to Lucy O. Willis for 17,800, and Travis H. Kpes bought a piece of proporty fronting 28 feet on 1 Urovo Avenue. near Sycamore Street. ! from E. -C. Klrtliyul for $S..S<n>. This, i una the largest Male to develop during I tin- wt-ek. r.uiMinit operations continued active | throughout the week, though the total {amount to be expended In the erection ! of these buildings la not so large as it was for the week preceding:. This ' may be accounted for, however, by the | fact that only twq of the twenty-seven permits issued by the Building In spector called for an expenditure of over $S,000. These were issued to C. ! 12 Sprenklc, to build fourteen brick I dwellings, seven on Ilurton Street, be lt ween Pink and Twenty-third Streets, land seven on Venable Street, In the i same locality, at a combined cost of , 53??.Ol>0. i With the losses from two llres not I heard from, which are known to have ? entailed heavy damages, lire losses for i the week were unusually heavy, | amounting to 51,'>27. CHANCEItY TIIAXSKERS. 'I'liree Drnl* of llurftnin and Snle, A moiln 11ug to $:t,ftOO. K. W. Minson to Mrs. A. E. Mottley, 48 feet 2 Inches by 56 feet 9 inches, 517, 511) and 521 North J'rcntis Street. July 12. 1!il5; 51,300. i I T. W. Moore et ux. to R. H. Cobb et j nl., 18x60 feet east line of l.ombardy (Street, corner of l.ombardy and Wind-j j er Streets; also 1Sx60 f<-et east line of I Lotnhardy street, 54 feet south of i Winder Street. May 8, 1315. tax, $1. 50; $10. Abbey Realty Corp., to Rank of I commerce and Trusts, lots 1 and 2. i block 1, section A, Colonial Place. July j It-., 11115; 5700. i II K N It ICO TltAXSPKItS. 'I'wo Dreiln of llnrgnln and Sale. Amounting to Edward Skinner et a I. to West End Rank, of Richmond. 1 acre, between lots 26 and 27. 315 feet cast of the land of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company, Glen Allen. June 26, lf?15; tax, $1; *10. Charles K. Willis, Jr., to West End Rank, of Richmond, 6 acres on the Cjuioccasin Road, about ?lght miles west of Richmond. July 1, 1U15; tax, 51; 510. cha.vcehy i)i:i;ds of tiicst. Five Deeda of Trust. Amounting to Jjtn.MNO.NI. O. C. Hopo to Richmond Trust and SavlnKK Co., (50x140 feet. 515 Fourth Avenue. July 1*1. 1915; 53.250.S1. E. 11. Smith, substitute trustee, to R. C. Wherry et al., trustees, 21x1 I'i feet north lino of Broad Street, cor ner of Broad and Eighteenth Streets. July 15. 1015; $3,540. James It. Vest et ux. to Rlcheson ."i Crutchflehl, trustees, 26x125 feet north line of Fairmount Avenue, 108 feet 0 inches west of Twenty-first Street. July 15, 1915; 52,360. William Stevenson et ux. to John R. tSayle. trustee. 21x73 feet, 431 CabHI Street. July 17. 1015; 5300. L. R. Kolley '-t ux. to E. F. Schmidt, trustee, 150x120 feet south line of1 Pickett Avenue, 225 feet east of Stuart. Avenue. July 10, 1015; 5530. llEMtlCO DEED OF TltlTST. One Deed of Trust, Amounting to $74^. Edmonla Ford Barnett to F. M. Rox ley ot al., trustees, 3 1-2 acres on south side of the Milliard Road, between the Hermitage Road and Lakeside Ave nue-, 624 feot cast of the Hermitage Road. July 14, 1U15; 5742. CHANCERY HEI.EANK DKKns. Three Deed* of Helen*?, Amnnnt ing to sir., Wallace F. Brown ct nl.. trustees, to Cullle C. Shackford. 27x135.87 feet east line of noulevard, corner of Boulo ! vard and Floyd Avenue. July 15, 1915; i 53.540. I F. T. Sutton, trustee, to M. J. Ful ! ton, 158.5x203.25 feet. east line of \ Seminary Avenue, corner of Seminary Avenue and Rrookland Park Boule vard. July 15. 1915; 511,080. Clarence S. Wallerstelit et al., trus tees, to William Stevenson et ux., 2lx 73 feet, 431 Cabell Street. July 17, ; 1915; 5185.50. MISTING* nEI,EASE DEEI). Onr llrfil of Itelense, Amounting to *304.ft0. T P. Pettigrew, trustee, to 11. C. j Rroaddus, 47x108 foot west line of ; Seventeenth Street, 75 feet north of | Decatur Street. July 1(5, 1915; $301.50. II10 X It I CO II EI.EASE DEEDS. i Two Deeds of IteU'iise, AmnnatinK to j C. P. Caldwell et al., trustees, to I E. J. Melton, 2.55 acres enst side of the property of the Richmond. .Fred j ericksjiurg and Potomac Raflroarl. commencing at Intersection of lots 26 i and 27, Olen Allo.n. Juno 10. 1915; $4 72. Edward II. Brown, trustee, to T. Orayson Jones et ux., 26 1-4 acres on I the Hllliard Road, about five miles north of Richmond. July 2, 1915; 5750. 29. i i. s. cinctTiT coritT of appeals. The United States Circuit Court of j Appeals convened yesterday morning I at 10 o'clock, with Circuit Judge Knapp and District Judge Waddlll in attend ance. Court announced and handed down | its opinion in the following e .????. No. 1309. Norfolk and Western R??U way Company, plaintiff in v. I.ouella Gillespie, administratrix of \ K. Cillespte. deceased. defendant 'm | error; error to the District Court V. Itoanoke. Opinion by Judg.> Woo'/ Aflirmed. Court adjourned until the .-?<?cornl Tuesday in August. M \ It It IA f; K l.l CI5XS K. A marriage licenso was Issued yes terday by the clerk of tlie llustinii ' 'ourt as follows: William King and Marie Lou John nun.dim; permits. Two II it I lil I Permits Amounting to X.'t.HtlO. Permits for new work were issued yesterday by Building Inspector Butler as follows: .1. A. i lark, to build a frame dwelling ??as? si do oi Twenty-tlfth Street. Wood , land lloightj<, to cost $2,2^0 i ? -Mi- ?to 'addition to |1 V;do S' "'i,> st Clay Ktl"??et. to cost l'l.t'MIIINCi PKHMITS. j The following permits were <ssu;d ' rl(r!s?r V ''1'mihinif Inspector Lan Capital Plumbing Co.. for EfTie D Cone. 1002 Third Avenue. Highland ra rk. James E. Phillips & Son. for Mrs. An derson. 027 West (Srace Street. KI.ECTHIC PKKMITS. The following permits were Issued yesterday by the Electrical Depart ment: tiodsey ,?t Trey, for I., w. Oodsey, 31S North Twenty-ninth street, one outlet. I.. It. Warrlncr. for Philip Trania, 117 .North Twenty-sixth Street, eighteen outlets. Same, for same, 4in North Twenty sixth Street, eighteen outlets. Same, for Julia Carlton. 1003 Second Avenue, Highland Park, fourteen out lets. ... Sam??, for M. U Hubbard. 1403 North I wenty-fifth Street, seven outlets. Nerr Knitting >1111 tict.x llu?y. CONNELLY SPIUNOS. N. C.. July !7. ?1>. It. Mull, president of the Icard Manufacturing Company, with offices here, announces that he. with W. V. Krazier, will establish n new mill at I card. X. C. They havo already about completed the building and will soon instali the necessary machinery. Over % Mile of private railrond sid ings extend into and through our plant, af fording us unexcelled shipping facilities for bundling our large and growing business. By saving handling and hauling expenses we are nhle to make closer prices and to furnish better material and workmanship ? ail of which in to your advan tage as well as ours. When you place your next order, specify Mon tague lumber and mill work, and you will he sure to got the best that can be had for the money. Montague Mfg. Co. Lumber and Mill Work liroad Street and Belt IJne Prices Reduced On all Refrigerators and Ice Chests. Purchase now and save money. Fourth nnrt Hroart. i | Spend Your Vacation in | 1 "The Land of the Sky" ] g Beautiful Western North Carolina | I SOUTHERN RAILWAY | s * & Announces its Second Mountain Excursion of the season *g ?I to the following points: < 0 Asheville and Black Mountain $0.00 & g Hendersonville, Hot Springs and Waynesville... , ..$10.00 ? *1 Lake Toxaway and Brevard ,. ..$11.00- ^ | AND RETURN . I S TUESDAY, JULY 20th ? | Tickets valid for use on all Regular Trains, !n firsf- ^ class coaches or sleeping cars. > Trains leave 5:30 A. M., 10:30 A. M., 6:00 P. M. and S 11:15 P. M. Tickets good returning any time within final ^ limit, August 4. 1015, provided original starting-point is j reached before midnight of that date. ?? 1 An Exceptional Opportunity S To visit this wonderful lake and mountain region at a 2 minimum cost. Fishing, boating, riding, driving, golfing, 5 tennis, motoring?in fact, all of the anticipated pleasures ti of vacation tia>e are yours to enjoy tenfold more in this n favored land. Make your plans now. Call at or phone 8 Southern Railway office, 907 East Main Street, Madison j} 272, and secure complete information, descriptive matter, Jfc V etc.. etc. ^ H. L. BISHOP, W S S. D. KISBR, Division Passenger Agent* ? g ^ City Ticket Agent 5