Newspaper Page Text
ALDINE HOTEL Chestnut and Nineteenth Streets PHILADELPHIA 300 outside rooms with baths. Beit residential section. Within easy walk ol the leading shops and all railroads. Highe^-clasa American plan from $4.00 European plan from $1.50 Otto E. Hansen STEAMBOATS. OLD DOMINION LI L.V. KW limond. foot of Ash St. dally.7 :00 i'. M. I .eaves Newport Nc?n A. M. Arrive Nortolk 0:0c A. M. Connections with main line steamers !??:?% iiik NoMolk for Now York, daily, e\<-,pt Sun day. 7 :(,'U I M. Coimv !;i>' -i ; lv. made l.y N. ?V \V. Jiy. r. M. and v.'. .v o. iiy. ut ?? I'. M. Nlpht lino stomni't!i stop at Claremont on siKiial. an>l are wet l>> public oux evaiu e. Villi. IMA N.WItiATION CO. .lames Itiver duyupht Norfolk. Old Point. Newport News and .ill James Kiver landings. .Monday. Wednesday and l'riday at G:mo A. M. Freight received for all James Hl\er points. ' ?>n:>n. tilr lipnrrntr I rnnontinatliir? POST AI sr. it vice. k^'.aEW Y0Ri\ to BORDEAUX ROCHAMBEAU. .August 14. 3 P. M. LA TOUKAIXE July 24, 8 P. M. CHICAGO Iuly 81. 8 P. M. ESPAGNK August 7, 3 P. M. HH> IMMKMAIION Al'1'1.1 to s It. I tow man (IIS KaM .Mnln Strnit. telephone itumlolpli 4,*iS*. Kiehmnnd Iritufar Co., ? ta; \;.iin Airnt. ttirhmonit. EXCURSIONS Joint Excursion to Ocean View Br Broth*riiood of Railroad Trainmen WKHNKSDAY, ,JI T.Y 21, 1915 Leave Byrd Street Station at 7:30 A. M. Stops at Hull Street l>epot Kolng and re turning Tickets, Adult?, 51.26: Children (under 12 years), SO Cents. Picnic If you want to have :i good time come with us to Lakeside Thursday, July 2?. WORKMEN' S CIRCLE AND S. P. Admission -.*> Cents. Dnncing and Refreshments. 1 to 12 P. M. U I H O Picnic to Buckroe o O Beach, Tuesday ^ A. M. July 20th *>c The United Sunday JjJ Schools of Highland ^ Park (Raptist, Motho dist. Lpiscopnlenn and X Presbyterian churches) will go on thoir annual Q picnic to Buckroe Z Beach. Tuesday morn ^ inp. July 20th. fivery Nulv invited for a CO . to 1 time. 3 z H Lkl S o o Adult*. only ,S1 Children 50c Train Leaves 8 A. M. C. & 0. Station OVER'S SIXTH TlVD-flAV I'OI'Dl.AR Excursion to the Mountains and Caverns of Luray Via N. & W. and C. O. Ry. Hours of travel through the Shen andoah Valley In full view <<f the Itlue Ridge and Alleghany Mountains. A night and nmri- tri one-half day :it Luray. All expenses?railroad fare. thr<e mealF. lodclng. transfer from L'.tray to Caverns, admission, si-,own \\ ;tlt guides?Children, Leave Petersburg, N. & W. Depot. Thursday, July 20,< A. M. Arrive Luray 5 M0 P. M. ReT'.irnlnc, leave Luray Friday, 30th. 2 P. M. Arrive Petersburg 1^:1 r> P. M. Apply .Norfolk and Western Agent, S3S F.ast Main Stn-et. Richmond, or write IS 11A M R DVKR petershut STEAMBOATS. "Queen of Summer Trips" NORFOLK to BOSTON "By Sea" Most delightful xvny to .\>w England, steamers. Best service. Dally sailings from Norfolk. Va. Tickets In clude meals and stateroom berth on steamer. Summer excursion tickets on sale from all points. d>Oi round trip from Richmond. So,ui Tour Hook. E. c. t l.ohr. Agent, Norfolk. Va., or apply C. & O. Ry.. N. & W. Ry. Hownian's Tourist Agency. CIS E. Main Street, and Richmond Transfer Co.. oo East Main Street. Merchants and miners Trans. Co. Turner. <i. p. a.. Knltlmore. Md. KAIMlOArn SOUTHERN RAILWAY -?''V . 1 ' ilv" l{,chmond? St. ?t ,t!.,n <!>m i ?i m !}K"r':- not ?ryiit?p<l. Ko? th* , v, . ? V> \i ' M '"??|: 10:30 A M., t I '' 1 ? ~vpres?. with ohst-rvi i???n - eeplN,; car for Atl.i n?aU:]5 I' \| ?M.rUs l Chase City-week dm.... e0,?,? J i ?'? M . Steamer i U'lilcr mi -*asCSni?L't,l,5 for '^'tliuore I lor'll '? l,nd 4:!0 p- M ? dolly I K_ ?t.. Phone .MH.IUnn j Richmond & Chesapeake Bay Railway Company *M|.crt.edli<ic Schedule of April 14 ,, / Mliediilc Subject to Change Witliont t* iSotlre, m i"1*. '''V" 'i,chmon.l b?f.:Ro A M ?? * fKV:Mp: m.a'3'p: U-/HV v. M- 7:lu ?"? i'M.. io i'. m.; -JJ'r?Vi?*? br.::o?i'n M.! \m rioap \tl"i ,p M - b9 r. M.f 11 p M '' * * i . M., ??^a-;3oln'l^SaE0- 'Da?* except Sunday Richmond & Rappahannock River Ry reave Richmond. I^ftTe ,.amunkey ;ii:co a. m. ^ M ?i-'oo m1' p- M A. M. $10*16 A Af REDUCED SUNDAY RATES All STATIONS only? > excepl Sunday. tDally. jSuaday All Travel ArrnnRrmcnts" Ove7on?" Counter. American or European ?nrt. SteuniNhlp and Pullman D ilckotfi. Bnggnjre Checked. Tnxlcab. Travelers' ,UCHM0>nD THA^kr COMPANY, , 800 I-.nnt Main Street i. "Jinch Olllces: Jefferson? Murphy's "ttmt- Hotels. y TIMK ANIj THQV;Hj4xq SAVERS." Richmond & Petersburg Electric Ry l<envc Iilehmond 1.envoi. ?>.< 'Ii35 A. .11. *4i35l? Si* +I?i|OA.M. 5,35 P: Vr ->? HiMp. M. "S.IK A. >1. ?7:3k i> ?>. ?MM55 A.M. 8:32 P. ll?35A.M. 0:35 1'. >1 ]r:iin r- M.?i?i4o p. Si." 1:3.. P. .11. 11140 P. 91. *135 I*. M. : ??X! 8MSWS.' " I i A. .11. 4 l?. ;|| ti.'i*; a ^ ' 8 A.M. 5 p. m! ?0 A.M. f5i45 , 10 A.M. ?? P. M. j II A.M. -7 P. M. "12 A.M. 8 P.M. 1 I*. M. -0 P. M. 2P.M. I0P. M. 11 P. II. Chester *12 P. M. Peters!*. ... wm tl.l.nlte.l i'Wt;k ?nyB on|v CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RY pin KocJ W"S8 l3 % P- Ml:00 p rt. 'ifV ^ Jl: S Newport News Uocal ?; 15 ? '"v ?? ?6 3calr 'i 30a"a. .7:4?5?pP ?'m,x 5l'? ?? t Except Sun.iny ^folk & Western Railway ' ach^diV"fnIl;rrVct'BAprr?. *E0iifk0LM' M.. *9:00 P. M ' U" 8:l' P. on'ly.n,,y" tDB'"y tSuidar % T. M^Ao^oK^ W c 8AUNDE?S c. H. HQSLEY^ a.R A RHmo?d"v^ ^SEABOARD AIR l.lvr RAIT.WAT I olcepers to Jarknonvliu,; r ," v Atlanta. HlrinlnKha;n (?,Vk?onviu ?? ",i,el?"ra. and coaches .laekeonvUlc k o,,v,",,? ^ampa ?fesssssrs2?j?j3t * sr'r ?:30 A. M.. 6:S7 i? M * ?i0 A' M Atlantic Coast Line Th? EFPECTdlv"r,M,?r TRAINS I.EAVE IUCllMON?m^A1, T 1' !m.. 12"? A "? S?U,h: :;'S A l^M.. t?O:10Opk:M9':00 A" M- ,i0? ?*? ?? -.0. A.^M. 3;# M *:16 A M" 9:M Ir?-? Goldsboro and Favi>(i..-iti.. ? ,Jrsr?" a ?T*?? "iW p. ii: * 00 K M - a;,)o P- M-. TUni0^ ?Surdn.y- 'Sunday only. Uo,lf guaranteed*' <3epar,ure ttnd connoo p. a.. U, Mam St. \ JOINT EXCURSION % (i TO ' \ OCEAN VIEW By Brotherhood of Railroad ernouu 01 ixauroau ? Trainmen | V- Mother State Lodge No. f>34 ? ^ George Washington Lodge No. 651 >? ^ Old Dominion Lodge No. 38ft ^ % WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1915 \ 3 Leave Uvrd Street Station. 7: X0 A. M. Leave Norfolk, Church ^ Rt . 7 P. M Stops :it Hull Street Depot going and returning. ^ V ROATINfi, HA TH1 NCI, FISHING AND DTI IKK AMUSEMENTS ^ ffc Tic|(?>is. Adults. $1.2>">; Children (Under 112 years), ."?0 Cents. \ tt Refreshment? hy Ladies' Auxiliary. V////>^ ?5^s^\\\u%vvv\\v//// I SPEND A COOL SUNDAY AFTERNOON WITH THE ? ! RICHMOND GRAYS | ^ Down the JAMES on the | STEAMER POCAHONTAS & S Bout Leaves 4:?.0 1'. M. Music, Refreshments. Returns, 8:30 P. M. ? m Adults, 50r. Children (Under 12), 25c. S ?sw\\\\r////Mv\^\v vvw////^?^\\\\\\\uvv^///r#//A TIAILllOADS. Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac R. R. \ To Washington and beyoud. dally. *4.05 av.15.30 am. 18.40 AM. 19.2.1am, ?9.35aM. 112.01 nn. 13.30 I'M, ?fi.tTPM, 18.20pm. l'roni WaililiiKtotiand beyond. dally.17 60 am, ? l-M. 12.60 I'M. io.2.'> fM. * i'M, to.oo in. id aoFM.1 ?12.35 nf. 112.40nt. Ashland. wcck-dayslv. 57.30 am, ! 52.15p.m. *"i>.30fm: nr. \0.30am. 511.*25 am.55.42 pm. I mlcflokrtiuri;, wcek-daye, Iv. 14.00 ru : :ir. 16.25 am. Sunday Iv. 54 16pm: nr. 510 45 am. ?Main St. Sta.. tltyrd St. Sin.. 51-:ibaSla. J Trains to or Ironi llyrd St. Sta. stoi> ftt l-lb?. Head tlio 8l?tlS. SCHOOLS NORWOOD HOUSE (fwvmrrlv .\onvoinl llljth School and C'tlllCRO.) Open July, August, September to limited number of boys. Summer soot ts. Good faro. Tutoring if de sired. Terms reasonable. For partic ulars, apply to .MAJOR nml MRS. C. R, CAIllll.I. Norwood, Melmin County, Vn. Mt. De Sales Academy ofthe Visitation IvHlulitislied 1853. by the Sisters of the Visitation. nt '"?itons i ville, near Ualtiniorc, Aid. Music, I,an RUii^rx. Art. IteRuiar ntid elective i-ourscs. I.uruc, modern buildings. lloine-IIUo en \ Ironmont. Outdoor roireatioii. Heautiful. extenslvo grounds. ' For rata log. address TilK OIKKCTHKSS. JACOB RE1NHARDT, Wus. Doc. STt'DIO, 12 KiiMt firncc Street. Will teach during the sum mer months a limited number of ad vanced pupils. I'iano, Harmony and Theory. Tel. Mud. nssu. THE JEFFERSON RICHMOND. VA. The most magnificent hotel In the ?onth. European plan. Rooms single and en suite, with and without baths. Special sample rooms. MURPHY'S HOTEL j (Incorporated) EUROPEAN PLAN, RICHMOND, ?> - - VIIliilMA. JOHN MURPHY, Proprietor. A atrictly modern lioutis, fronting ! on three streets), in the heart of beautiful Richmond. Hoorhs front j ing every way. Special Table d'Hote Dinner will I be ? ervod with music In Murphy's j Hotel Cafe from 6:00 to 9:00 P. M. , Sunday Evening. Price, one dollar and a quarter <91.2R). JAM ICS T. DISNEY. Manngrer. RESORTS?Capo May, N. J. mrfx Cape may. n. j. AMfRfCA'S FINEST BATHING BFACI1 300 tiooms ir.0 hatmuoomh l-Mreproof construction. Conducted jn the American J'lnn, white ser i*lce throughout. (iol.K, TKXXIS, BOATINU, FISHING, GAHAGfi. Saddle Horses with Instructors. Address: Hotel Cupe May. Cnpe .May, N. ,1. JAMES 15. GALMltlSY, Manager. ; SUMMER KKSORTS?Pennsylvania [Bedford Springs (Pa.) Hotel and Baths In tho most <I?liKhtfui section of the beautiful, healthful Allegheny Mountains. I'ool .Invigorating bree:t.-.:. Good road> !or niotrrlng Hotel and estate afford every comfort anil Indoor and outdoor diversion. MAC.VKSIA HAT IIS AXI/ M1!>I<;INa1, \\ VTKIIS. Now ?.|.?n for automotdle tourists. II. K. I?KM IS, Manager. HUM MICH RESORTS?Virginia WACHA Pit KAGl'K, VA, Country and Seashore Hestful. Healthful. I<elnvl|;oratiiiK. Shady I,awn, I'mey Drovcn (Sandy Heach, 7 miles I, Surf li.ithltiK- Hoatir.j; and KlshlnK Parties. Good tine nearby Islands, Klali Krles, Clainh liaises. etc. Booklets. A. 11. G. MKAHS, Warlmpreague. j ____________ Shore, Va. ! Summer Rest | Opens July 1st V. W. c. A. offfee for Information j I open Tuendaya and Fridays from 5 to ! ' 7 P. M. SUMMEli RESORTS?Virginia FRONT VIEW COTTAGE Hl'CKltOK 1IHACH, VA. Facing Chesapeake Hay. Larue, Airy Hoom.s with Modern Conveniences Fine Boating, Fishing ami Bathing. Kxeolli'iil Table. Homo Comforts. Reasonable Hates, '?'or particulars apply to MlCS. WM. V. JSLEY. Special Rates to Parties Come to the Rockbridge Inn (iOSIIKN, VA. Always cool; elevation 1.900 feet; brick bulldlni;. newly equipped nn?i newlv built cottages. with UiK- rooms. Hot ami colrt baths; largo xliu<r.' lawn, tennis courts, cro *'? e,l'v 1'me .able, fresh vegetables and flints dally from hotel Kurden. Kxccllent water, ct<\ 300 yards front C. & O. ? n station. Hates very reason tble. Write for circular to Jilts. J. R OUIXN*. Eggleston Springs Hotel (<?ltl Xetv Itlver White Sulphur) Kgglenton, Vtt. A new modern hotel, newly emiln Pf'l throughout, hot ami cold run niinr water, baths, etc.; elevation -.0,1,1 teet, in the heart of the \lle uhanics; easily accessible bv Xor lolU ^ Western and Virginian Hall roads. scenery unsurpassed; cool nmhts and no mos<iuitocs; dancing bowling, bath liigr, boating-, Ashing tennis and all nut-door amusements' Hates reasonable. Write for book i?*t. K. M. 1 eters, Manager. BRUNSWICK INN Waj-nesboro, Vn. This popular summer resort In the Blue Hid go Mountains is now open for ctiests. Hates and booklets furnished on application. MRS. R. A. ROBINSON. MRS. W. A. WILLIAMS, Lessees. Maple Shade Inn Under New Management. Most beautiful lintel and grounds In mountains of Virginia. Ten arr?? of shaded lawn; danclnir. tennis, goif and excellent motoring. Write for booklet. ?IAS. C. MORE HEAD, MiiiuiRrr, I'nlnnld, Virginia. Wilson Cottage Directly on the ocean. Excellent table. Home comforts. .MRS. C. W. WILSON, Virginia Beach. Va. A few minutes' walk from station. Stribling Springs Shcnnudonh Ml*., Augusta Co.. Vo. Sulphur. Alum and Chalybeate Waters. Eie \atlon. 1,0V). Acreage. i,?on. Never beforo bo nttriictlve and comfortable. is to J10 per week. Richmond references, Railroad sta tion. Staunton. Write for I'n-prigc Illustrated booklet. Ask C. & O. H. It. olflee ?r writo F. CHICHESTER. Mount Solon. ' Aucusta. Co.. Va. The Pocahontas VIRGINIA nBACII. VA. Greatly enlarged three-story cottage. wide verandas. directly o?i ocean; fine table and good service; near rest station. For terms address MRS. B. WIM.IAMP. Large and Elegant New Cottage on Water Front All beach Attractions, hot and cold water, electric lights and excellent table. MRS. l?\ K. MOO It K. Dench Haven Cottage, CottaRe far l.lne. Ocean View. Va. SUMMER RESORTS? Virginia Lowe Cottage Virginia liny Station, Ocrnn VlfiT, Vn. j NcVv buildings, new furnishings . throughout. Running water in every I room. Situated directly on water | front. Attractive rates for month of j July. Fifth successful year. MIIS. W. T. liOWK, Prop., llox 02, Oitum View, Vn. AVntcr Front. .Moderate Kate*. Fine Tnlile. Clear View Cottage P. O. Box 208. Near First Street Station. OCKAN \ Ii:\V, VA. The Porter Cottage Virginia Beach, Va. I.arge, cool rooms; fine bathing: all I modern conveniences. Rates, fS.o<> to '? $12.50 per week. Write for reserva | tions. | ii c CKitoiMiiCK r'oit i > cnrr.M.i:. ?S.r.? to 915-00 Weekly. I Special party and week-end rates. Ad j dress MRS. E. B. MOOIUO, Buckroe ! Beach, Vn. i Orkney Springs Hotel and Ilatlis. Orkney Spring*. Vn.. Opi'n Juno 1. Rer.utlful mountains; Always cool; elevation ! I.SOO. if you value health, pleasure, rest, come. Restorative waters equal Carlsbad. Germany, for nervousness, poor blood, g'n eral debility. rheumatism. kidney, .?nd : tdomaeh troubles. Free amusement, dnnclng. pool, tennis, croquet: good table; reasoriab'e rates; cai>. 000; booklet. II. <?. Carter, l'rop Come to the Natural Bridge Hotel A garden spot In the Virginia mountains, offering penco anil contentment. Hxcellent cuisine. Table supplied from hotel garden and dairy. All cows teste.i. .Ballroom, swimming pool, bowling alley, ! tennis court, automobiles, waddle and driv ing horses for hire. Automobiles meet all trains. I Owned and operated by the Natural I Bridge Company. Send for circulars. Otterburn Lithia Springs Hotel Forty miles over good automobile ! roads, newly routed and posted under I direction of Richmond Automobile i<*lub. (Sec July number Richmond Motorist for route.) Otterburn i? now I tho popular resort for ltlrhmond and Petersburg week-end parties. Private hat lis, rtinning water, large cool rooms. ' Rest tabic, good service. T'ublic dance Saturday nights. Free garage service. Kales. $2.50 and per day. Weekly j and monthly rates. Booklet. .Mnnngcr, Otterburn Hotel, Amelia Courthouse, Va. AFTON HOUSE Opened June 1st. Owing to its elo j vation, the dry, salubrious climate, the absence of dews and the constant breejto, Afton is one of the most health ful of all the Virginia resorts. ( Address MRS. JAMRL R. GOODLOE. Afton. Va. | COTTACF. BUCK HOF. BF.ACH for AUGUST can be rented at reasonable rates. Barge porches. City water, ' atre, etc. Address ('HAS, K. WIl.l.IS & j City. "The Blue Ridge Inn" Travelers' retreat and summer guests' resort; :<hady lawn: large, airy rooms, ?<?' ! country fare: modern conveniences; terms reasonable. I'ortrr meeth all t ruins. K. W. MOON'KV, Proprietor. Buffalo Ridge Springs 1 in the foothills of the Blue Ridge ? Mountains; the most efficient mineral 'water in America. C. 1> Ml'NI'V, l'rop., | t>epnt. Buffalo Springs, C. & O. R. R. j P. <>., A gee, Va. Rose Cottage> llelfleld Avenue. Near Beach and Piers Home com forts. Kxccllent table. Bathing from house.. $7.0ft and up. Rockbridge Baths Hotel & Springs Now open for guests. High elevation; delightful climate; beautiful scenery; driving, boating, fishing, poolroom and tennis court. Swimming pool of natural medicated water. Lithla- and Magnesia Springs. Vegetables fresh from our rtWn gardens, and milk and cream from our herd of cows. On auto route from Staunton to Natural Bridge and Ilot Springs. For rates and further information, address J. S. CRAIG, Proprietor. Rockbridge Baths, Ya. Glen Allen, Va. Have You Been Out This Summer? If not. you don't know what you are missing. Set in the midst of 1.000 acres of woodland, the air is always cool and fresh, and yet it is only 20 minutes' ride from 101 ha Station direct to the Lodge gates; or if you come by auto, about 35 minutes' delightful tide through the \voods, over the smoothest road out of Richmond. The Lodge contains over 100 rooms, Is lighted by electricity, is abundantly supplied with pure water, coming through solid granite from an artesian well over f>00 feet deep; wide spacious verandas; \hk. roomy halls; airy dance hall and billiard and pool-room at our guests' disposal. Weekly Rates ---To permanent summer guests our weekly rate is $10.0" to $12.00 p?-r person. Forest I.odge is so readily accessible by train from Richmond it enables the busy man an opportunity of pro viding a comfortable summer home for his family without (he necessity of lengthy separation. l>o business In Richmond this summer and live with your family in comfort at Forest Lodge. Week-End Rate ? For week-enders we offer a most attractive rate, from Saturday night supper until after breakfast Monday. Two cool nights' sleep on comfortable beds In large, airy room and fine, sat isfying meals, for $;{.;,0. Can you afford to swelter at home the?e hot Sundays? Saturday Supper Dance ?This ought to appeal to tho young folks. Come out any Saturday afternoon, enjoy a real chicken supper, and dance as long as you want, in the coolest, breeziest little ballroom you can imagine. We'll provide a good, generous supper and good music, and we'll only charge you $1.00. In order that I may give you the best of service, phone me personally In advance?County 2214. W. C. Saunders, Prop. SUMMER RESORTS?New Jersey. The Ideal Seashore Resorts Wildwood by-the-Sea Anil Wildwood CrrNt. Bight on the Atlantic Ocenn. There Isn't a better plapo anywhere or more convenient for your summer vacation or a few days' rest: always cool, healthful anil entertaining; quick train service. A mifn place for your famll>; apartments. bungalowa, cottiiKcs or Rood hotels at moderate ra t est. For beautiful booklet or detailed Information, write to-<lay to J. Whltesell. City Clerk. Wildwood, N. .1. SUMMER RESOR'lS?Canatla Virgin lakes dotted frith pine clad islands. Up-to-date hotels. including Koyal MuskoVa. scattered about this marvelous holiday country, heir ynu enjoy a real hea1th??ivini'. vacation. Hates range from SlOper week up. Malaria, mosquito*, hay fever un known. More real holiday enjoyment f4?r less money than anywhere el*e in the world. List of hotels frtim Moikoka N?Tif?titn C*.(?t uv< nhtirst .< >nt.< \\\. , VISIT THIS M.UiAIIA PIONINSL'I.A, Can 11 iln'M r'rult Hell, I St. Catherine's, Canada, ! Kleven Miles from Niagara Kails. j.M.r- ral Springs. Boatinjj. Tennis. Golf. Apply .Manaaer. "THIS UKM.AXD." Hound Trip to St. Catherine's. Resorts?Delaware Water (Jap, Pa. ' 'a mountain top, coolest and fluent lo cation In Ilio mountains of pennsylvunla. Open to Iiecejnbcr. Tills famous re Hort hotel, the leading and most modern !?i this rcploti. provides every possible appointment and comfort of the in?>st renowned metropolitan hotels?tiled pri vate baths. running water In rooms, ele vators, electrb lights. steam heat open lot; Jit es, etc. eti . Irent-h yhefs; white ? r ? 1 ?>u r farms supply uliun<iun" ? >f freyh vegetables. poultry, milks. etc. > ?r< best ra. Magnill ? ut I'.tlin I'ourl Cafe iuid ? irlll. Championship golf course, ? and Is holes; tennis, eadtlle horses, ca noeing. bathing. water sports and every outdoor ?11 version. Special inducement i iri rates for July. Coaches meet trains. M'??k|et and auto maps mailed. MOTORISTS will llnd WAT Kit GAP M< ir.SK (he most attractive point of t1 nation that can be made in any of the f>i"rt tours. No excess In rates to auto II."Ill list s. JOHN* PUIIOT COPE. Prop-r. SUMMER RESORTS?Atlantic Cltj KENTON HALL On beach, nt Belmont Avenue. Chelsea Cm obstructed ocean view; running water In ail rooms; elev.; capacity fiOO. TIIOS. KK.-.'T. up weekly; TJ.tO up daily; Arner. plan. HOTEL WILLARD N'ew Yorlc Ave. and Bench; fireproof; de lightfully cool; centrally located; newly fiir l I.-' "... "levator, prlvit'e baths; running w.i- j t*r In rooms; bathing from hotel, ejri>i>n! t..*!e and s ? rvI? ? e ; capacity. Kuropean and Amerlcar. plan. Itooklet. HOTEL SHOREHAM VIKCINIA AVE. AM? BEACH. A modern hotel with every convenience. 1 Private baths, elevator, etc. Capacity r."0. I Splendid table, open surroundings. Hates I UU.&O up weekly, JI'.r.O up daiiy. Booklet. \V. B. COTTEN. Mcr. THE WILTSHIRE Virginia Avenue nnd H"iich; ocean view; ? apacpy 3M; private baths, runnlnt; water in rooms, elevator, line perches. etc ; music. Spn lat?t'.ltO up weekly; {_? !-0 up dally; open all v??r; booklet; auto at trains. sami:k;. HOTEL RAYMOND r ^; nn! StoH l'i?r. Kontim with private t-ith 111 I I IttYllttR WUtcr, o\( . n J. Si P. Miller. HOTEL RALEIGH Bench Front Accommodations at Half Price. i"'t Charles place ,v P."aclv The popular sec tion. within eight and sound of the w- in. IV) lat Re rooms, all open exposure, pri\ ate laths. running water, porches, .levator, CultdliC and yrvl'e best obtainable. i.ow rates Booklet. II. .!. I?VNRS. ATLANTICCIIYU UAI.J. [nJOTEL?SANATORFUMf Ideal iii its appointments cornlorts.table ar?iservice witMiaths for rewhcalth ALV/AY.S OPLN , CACACIT Y.OSO F. i- VOUNG/t^ii^^i i ATLANTIC CITYX THE I.ATKST FIREPROOF HOTEL. American plan. Alwaiaopen. Caparlty ?i0. On beach directly between the two grent flcean T'leri. s.-a water In alt baths Orchestra. Oarage, lllu&lrat d literature. Ownership management. ALAMAC HOTEL Ocean Front. In tho heart of Atlantic City. Absolutely Fireproof. Open Always. American and Kuropean plans; hot and cob* sea water baths; capacity, 400; "I.atz iceller"; Brill; orriiestra; danc-inje. ffarazo. .NfACK-EATZ & CO. SPKf'l A Ij SI MMKII It A'I I S-.00 up tltilly; si' up weekly aliu:mahle IiMdliiR hifrh-class moderate rnte hotel, VjrRinia Ave., near Beach and all attrac tions. Capacity 3T0. ;oo cool front rooms, new metal beds, comfortable furnish ings; elevator, private Imtlis. 4,<W> feet pore hen, excellent table < evening din ners l, courteous service, home-like. Motorists' patronage solicited. 14th year. Booklet. J. p. <;OPE. RESORTS?AUantlo City CONTINENTAL r^rj?f*8e? Avenue, near Reach; alwavs open, private batlm; running water In J>ervVri? ol, v"lor; luble r whlte Ti. m ?. rchoH,rn A?n. plan: i" 00 un 1 "y ? *10 CO to $:7.C0 wkVv Hookle,s r 'Ke- -M. WALSH DUNCAN. ' THE ST. CHARLES ATLANTIC CITT. S. J. Slost Select Location Fruntlot the % v * . | Bench. <?s elxc"uBlvnrVi,'"!" r?P"?atlon for ronnVe " 8 a.n? '''Cli-claw pat <?,le'tely eouinDP.! 'no,,prn ?nd vice.. Hath rill p . ,Cnurt?ou? ser frcBh una "?l i,n'1 cold, shower*. etc. oeei,. .r "^"chrnent. porches nn<f mm Lxtentdv* the Hoard \V,.iu JLor OVB?">ooklng epen. Golf nriv/i Ocou"' Always tuoklet, 'v'lt'Keu. illustrated NKWI.IV IIA INKS COMPANY. ?? Hotel Majestic felu AK%a"a -f attractions; ocelln ,1??* olTpaclty0'1^? ??levator, private baths, white service ' .? .??ip*rior table. SixtIuJ iinw. ? ***?-? I {-w "P "nl'v nook let. ar ? New Hotel Merion r'j[p7^ ?Vermont Avonw and Reach; capacltv v* erv moderate ri.te* f?r 11?? romfortr poi itmenti and tahle of the largest toteis ti up dally; special weeklv. I.arr* r Ai ?>?*c:.n view rooms, etc. Hooklet. ' c ? Pretty man. v' "? LEXINGTON i g;i;?dp'? ???t( | o suRFT"0?mw rT'ri5E H?&? ; g8S*wA^U"s ?'.,rs ssf&sffla? SI.50 and tip daily, to n7 50 A J: ? can plan. WniTE SERVICE GARACF i Booklet PAUL C. ROSECRANS. GARAGt" I.. nOTKL FRANCIS I ilw-H &???!*?" .,Av"niU": n*"r nU "ttrnc. Uncle or ?n i? tcl,c,tJll,lrnnl,E*- Kooina Rates t'T ,,-hi " . ,?? ' Private baths, parity". *3iW' weekly. Ca J- *'? * M. C. DONOVAN. ELDERON 8KIVni i * ? throughout. Rur.ninir 40flfei? r??rnS . , rivn'?- '?ths. Metal Uds i/J. .if, of ,R"rc,h*B- Kirollont tabic Fnch V, in?i >ws srreened. White fervi e BooKlet. Spt?ci?|; 1K.OO to?31 .on wreUIr: ? *???10 ?Lallr. R. B. LL'DV. M. D. WESTMONT HOTEL 'VR.. FAr i.v,; OCK?V '?' ?'??>? .. Spoil,i .e.? son rates Tf,-'n I ?UK M Hj I ? K K I F' "T j'r OSTEND '->rc,:rMnK at, .I!t|r? b,?fk ?f r on- cmne-ted win, the f;.tnou* funttltv-.IV 'n the pr,pu|;tr n? ,,v ' uniiauully i,rr? coal r-.. ....ft y' ' '? ?truct?d viev. or ocean from nil ? "very"nn* polntmeni! and comfort; sea .-.r.d fresh water n a.I ,.a?hs. rarinlnR n;it?r ir, n- w '.Ir.ti.K- t.oin over!- :k:< i',? .,M , -Olvlne whit- McrNir: or.")"'!, ,f danclnc tv.-l.e .|,Hv. .-<? ia diver real,lent phy.lclah; n,;Knl?cent new Palm l.oonRe; special $17.50 tin we-k' ? ment aUt? JOII.N C. OOS5L5R. Mgr. GRAND ATLANTIC VlrKltiln Ave., Near ltea< h. . .tuated >>n the highest poirt ,f Krouri; II Atlantic City. In ..^y reach of all I'l - and arnu erner.'.s Cap,, tv w lin ?h"" >* nr''' i''-' ,,f lf>- Inritf Ft hot- s |n the re?,.rt. Kvery (lrst-clnRa hotel at.. |".lntiiient Private !arr^ .,!.. ..pen hurroundlnifH- ev-en^,.' |i"r'h"n Ball-room. ..tthestrn 'levator I naurpassed table and ?e,-vpV S*To per day up; .special weekly. American I -Ti. M....klet, w. K. SHAW. HOTEL SOTHERN wn,.,MA rEET . .T?n',h aii-i homelike; rr| \ nt" bathe. runiiinK wat. r. .-lexator; rp L I'AKK *#. $l?. 912.50, $15, $17.50 tVeclily. j!L> | i> Ilailj. A.MKIIIC.W I'L.W IIATUS M5T lOCATfi) POP!MAR PRICE FAMILYHOTTX ITWS^TUN[,I: fJTV X'l' NETHERLANDS ^ ork av r.. ."jo yards ruon ivurdwalk IN THE HEART OF FINEST BATHING SECTION Overlooking lawn and ocean. CK.VJKK OF A 1,1 j ATTRACTIONS ' apaclly, 100; newly renovated. Eleva< BbnclJ'nr running water; roon.a "inpie or en nuite. i?rlinmU.n,,y lf'rK0 porcheR, exchance p-,r. ?d?he!i V r<,p,,Ptl1n rooms, handsomely fur, nlhhed for uso of our guefits. Nporial I'roo Kentures LAW.V TKNMS COl'RT FLOOR IlathlnRr privilege nllotrcd from Hotel Shower Ilal In for use of guesta. Write for free booklet with polnta or tnw terest In Atlantic City. AH.US J" Hl.'HWA DML. Proprietor. te ISlliir Virginia Avenue and Itc-..-i. ,. . C'ii' v i-fi ?... '"??ill. o<-can view. & Thi ycar. Hookle(. ' ^?:i Speaking of the concrtte eonitruetion of the Blenheim. Thomns A. Edison taid. "It is the coming construction for ail great butldinge. It won't bend. ?t won't break. and you cuuUin't burn it if you tried." ( flRarlborougfosJSlenfeeim. ATJ^ATVTIC CI TV, IV. J. THE LEADING RESORT HOUSE OF THE WORLD Capacity IIOO American nnd Kuropenn Plans The great essential of a resort hotel, as distinguished from a city hotel, is ample public space devoted to the use of its guests, in the form of bright and airy Exchanges, Lobbies, Parlors, Galleries and Solarium*, affording pleasing vistas and beautiful promenades, the whole combining into a harmonious vision of grandeur and beauty, while replete with the cozy group seclusions of home, and yet affording full view of the pleasing panorama of the resort life. In this essential the {Haribornitcilt-&Urul)rhu stands without an equal in Atlantic City or elsewhere. Its "Ownership Management, while accounting for its unique reputation, is a guaranty of the high character of its patronage and the unexcelled quality of it* service and cuisine. It employs only white service in both its American and a la carte dining rooms. It makes a specialty of its high-class music every evening throughout the year, with special Sunday night solo features. Romani, the world's highest Tenor, of Venice, is engaged lo sing at frequent intervals during July, August and September. Atlantic City, with it* only real comnotitor (Kiirope) this year impossible, is offerine unusual attracting anil entertainments. Two flvinfc boats are daily sources of interest. Two rrnlf courses, the Yacht Club, the fishins- fleet and the wonderful bathing beach attract their rospnetive devotees, while the pier amusements. th? Boardwalk, the fine motor roids and the splendid hote'a and restaurants, afford enjoyment to all. There is only one Atlantic City, and thia summer it in particu larly attractive. TVrite for illustratml booklet and rates, ?IOSIAll VfIIITK A SONS COMPANY