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BELGIANS ARE COMING; WHY NOT TO OLQ VIRGINIA? They Arc Intensive Farmers, the Kind Most Needed in the Old Dominion. AM) THKV CAN UK HHOI GHT IX Men and Women Who Made Helghi-n AKrlrultnrallv and Industrially CJreat Seeking Homes ?n South. The> Are Wanted in Virginia. In last Sunday'* Industrial Section there was n n article concerning the movement of .Belgian refugees to this country, and t > statement was made that if rr ->e: effort were made hun ?Irds of the?. Helginns might he brought to Vlrttni'i to settle up >n the lands that arc now p a, tl ally Idle it is a well k now 11 f.i't 11 :?t the lielglan- are farm- ' er? from th?- crom.d up Intensive farm ers. too, .1 in 1 11 ;.(> - ??> eli ?:<??{ to some Virginia l??.?st?fs that it would i>e ;i mighty tiling to coi a hundred of these 11. ? ? : 15. lc:ai: :':u Kiel's lo rated on \":*? tr!.1 lands Tl>i? was t'i>? idea thrown out lust Sunday in the Industrial Section. and sine.' then the Industrial Kditor hns re. eiveil not less than two dfiiion letters from land ow n ers in various p.i!t> of the State mak ing flit t'ler ? i(T! ' in* the method, etc., of sro11i??.vr ! ese refugees to turn their eyes toward Viruinia. It is worthy of remark that th< writers of all of thes. letters seem to )..? looking to the public good Not a single one, of them is tivinu to drive a real estate barcaii. o! ti- i"u t" -ell <iff undesir able lands It i>- trip that s -in? ? of them mention the fa t that they have surplus lands lone of them having as main as 2.000 neie?i. that tin-y want to see cul tivated. hut none ,?f them trying to drive a hard and fast bargain. \51 of them seem to enter into the spirit of the movement to cet some of these son'! people to tilling Virginia soil. None of them ?'f 1 ourse. has any land to ci\e :twa- hut all ??f them, juditiiiK hy the letters they have written t<> the Industrial Kditor, an willing to "givo and take. ' That i> to siy, they are ready to sell to the I'.eigians <01 long time, in to rent to them on easy terms, or to employ lh* * 11 a? laborers, or to do al most anything to induce these good people to sock a new home in Virginia and help make ' ?? 1 old StHte Idos som. \ \ OIM'Oll'I'l N IT\ -I II VI' sum not ttf. M:t;i,i:t-TKii The Industrial Kditor Is inclined to th'.nk that an opportunit v is at hand to do good things for rural Virginia and to brine into active use and service a very desirable imn -ciation eon t i IIR ent. Some concerted a> 'is necessary, and , it seems t" me that if some of the own- , ers of surplus lands nritl some of the 1 rep.l estate agents ar.d Virginia boost- j ers will cet togethei right now and act , quickly splendid may l?e the results, especially If nil entei into it in a patri- j otic spirit. In ? 1". i s .-oniu .-t ion an Interesting stcry taken from the current lssii? of th-1 Manufacturers" K??rord and written' from \V limine tot N hv Booke' may c'.ye some pointers worth while North Carolina that is said to v.r f-.-st ?.-.d for* ? ?-! ir. a many rood ?V.'.nss. s cotton a little ahen4 of Virginia In catching the j ? t F''.c a' far?.' ? * thk. nno '? ?^>I; |N t ,IlolIXA Th? fcitu V ' .:? r ofrter s i?: -r*:ec * 55 '.o^r?'t'V *r.. ? -j-J. Mr r <-.l rsorK. r rp "v* r.i: J ** L<5o! * ' tfil! " nU*. ' ' " ? ' hOffiM ? '' " ~?e-:-.s* ?B- ???'? !-''1 Tt. j>? b> the waynlde from wan. pi rjr.'ir ? ? ? ? v ' ' * ' "r't* ' ' timlUta total : c P > 'lanted a* ? ?' - -.,' v.- <.-?? r ? v ? . . ? t . : ?? or ?T'" i f.r.ii > .r-M H C M a c H fe ? A > ' ? ? t*' v C.K.. ? - ? : ? c rr.r,f.? ?1 i-' " ? .? ? ? ?<?.? ' ? u ? *. ?' **? r f. , ?-S <Je*ire-*? ?* ' ? Aft?r ' -? ^ r ?' ? ' f?n \iroof r-' v ? '' ? v' ? ' *? ; ?* ? *-1 \ equipped tor hoo.-? eeplnp and th> land prepared " ?. ? i.- :Ve "nv they th" >'*. 1 ? ? ' : ' . ?? 'ievel oplnp 'vr> t ?? t * < : i.-intl to'-.n.-t ?? - J.|(. ' ? - ; 'i? ?S. tO Jrlve *>,?? J.< L ' '.os kiV1 ^ chance to make rood I' they do tiMncrnr*-? * U?' cor/ ? s *: e. ? leHow ronntryn.rn, the a ~ri'ul'ural and In dustrial pO?.?Sl . of the South. It I". '?! ? - ' to | pox ai-ordlni? to Mr M < ? . v..-. \tl! be .?? y ' ?* i it" i. t h i ? ihi'! ? : i' i ' ' ? ? ? ' u :, ? : th?> ?% at rr.r.k' cn cJ BETHLEHEVi STEEL PROFITS Wnr In l'ur>i|ir- llflps hi l.?-akt One t.rrm lnilii?ir> in I hi* < umilr). Th<- nf-- ? ? ? i . t> ]< lu-ni t4Corpoiu , fr?t half ?.f th?- ?-urrer t ? ? ?? . . m. i.f {i,1! ;? Dihf OiiaM-'t-s tv ? r . . ? : ? r, ,i4.. prestation, i? ?? ? from Wall MiH'i ?.'.!< ii 11, i,(? conservative l:ethle hem 1' f.i ?: . . for dividend* oi th< common stock In She 11f >* l-.'uf ' 4 ' i ?-r| ; to bnwin i ? . <?'.!, ? Is conipuwd Tli y . ? t, of :o per cent f.or thie full year. In 1 914 th?* (.< ii.!' ' ' ? ? ? lit- ? ;<!?? of T :-M ' em OI ; I K.tof k ?4nd f.-' per ? ? *i ? r. In IMS the surpK;- ? . * i ..i?l? .<? was p.;';.!'. io . ferreri ar.'l 27.44 pei en I o? the com mon. Tin- Ret I < ?, ? has heei; -1 ; i ; t - . . i- ot munitions <! "a- f ? > t ? , , .,; i s I>aiit I'nllke othe: ? ? ? ? ;.. ? <- r<, v mf; war oi :i v.- . t for t urmi.oi; t hi < . *? a re said to". ftrn! order u.i!- r <?? ? panieit that have i will r.ot ! e ;thl<- t unr.l 111< 1 ? t< ' pa- ? < ' ? ipTnetitF Another 111 k It lt?-ront. In e ? ports <<f dom^t; : : ?i- t?. |n U&frTOflH te saiue o1 foroitn tt; jttirj lr. favorable balance of traiie, ,) t?. Unlten Mates Hia?le a IH-W ..-ti r, , . <} ir: the ft e? a I \ear ended .luix i ? ures made public b\ the i~>epartn>fi:t of Commerce >!ow that imports and exports combined totaled .""j an Increase of J l S4,0'?0.r?c?r? over 1!<14, rtnd of J1 '? 4.ofifi.'ioo over 301 S, the i>rioi high-record \ear In total trade l;*. port* in J r? 1 r. totaled 12,768,?'.4S.532. an Increase of 1404.000,OOli over 1&14 and S2'j?2,(lOO.OOO over 1&13. Imports iits-e pated $ 1,674.220.7 40. a decrease (it 700,000 from last vear> total and of >13fc,b00,t>u0 fioin th^t ol 1913. INDUSTRIAL OUTLOOK FROM VIRGINIA TO TEXAS Something Is Doing All Along (he Line?Now Enterprises Oiniing and Old Ones Enlarging. NEW MONEY INVESTED IX SOI TH Georgia Wants Shipbuilding Plant. Texas Is After Iromvorking Plants. Alabama Iron Industry Looking I |>?Industrial News From Dixie, j I.AI/1 I.MOHK, AID., AiiRUdt T.?Sig nificant of the renewed activities of Soulhern industries is a report from tho Hirming ham correspondent of the .Man ufacturers' Record. announcing that all the steel industries of the Birmingham i district are now operating: almost to capacity. some to full capacity: iron in? { teicsts nre so well soiil ahead they can demand an advance In price: foundries have becomc active again for the first time in over a year: wholesale machin es dealers admit a substantial better ment and very encouraging outlook: j seyern I thousand idle men have re- I turned to work in the Birmingham dis- ! trict with the resumption of coal min- j iitg operations, coke plants, blast fur- i nnc-s. etc.; water and r;ik pipe fno- | tories are operating on a large scale, and tinallv, tho increase in the grain yield. ha\ crop, raising of pure-bred | cattle, etc.. together with arrangements which look like a guarantee of fair' prices for cotton, have created a sub- ! stnntinl optimism In the rural districts. ? The recovery during the past month J has been on a large scale, and by Oc tober. when the ?-lTect of larger pay tolls will have been felt, the HirminK iiam district ought to lie in as good position as it ever was. Definite announcement is made as to the war munitions contract secured l?y! the Hartleti Hayward Company, of Hal- : timore. The contract is from tho Ilus- ! Man government, and amounts to more | than $12,000,000. which will probably he' doubled or tripled, according to re ports in financial circles. A number of I new buildings will be required for the ? enlarged capacity needed to fill these orders. Tu'o of the buildings are nu<? 1 under construction, comprising a two- ! story t2?x71 1-3-foot structure for ma-[ chine shop, costing $50,ftOO. and a one-I story .137 l-2\171-foot structure for j boiler and forge shop, costing $118,000. ! The by-product coke plant of the' Kentucky Solvny Coke Company, at | Ashland, Ky? is to i>e doubled in capac- ? ity. at a cost of $70(1,000. A Louisiana industrial enterprise, the Gullet Gin Company, at Amite, has fol- , lowed the practice of some of the most j thrifty New Knclnnd cotton mill own ers in taking advantage of the recent lull In business to practically rebuild its plant. C\Ht \|, (. I, N \ < K \T THIXfiS AM. OVKIt DIXIKI.AM) I.. It. Akin. State Senator, Atlanta, Ga.. has offered an amendment to the State Constitution to provide a ten-year tax exemption for any shipbuilding plant that may be established in Georgia with $3.000,">00 or more capital. It is understood that plans for such sn enterprise are being considered, but no definite statement can now he obtained. Among the many manufacturing and other industrial enterprises reported duruiB the w -ek are the following: Texas City Company. Texas City, T-x , was Incorporated with $l,370,o?o i capital for developing the ison mining j ar.d manufacturing industry of Texas. J flinchflejd Products Company. John-j son City, Tem... has organized '.o build i ?a plant for manufacturing dye ehemi- j cals from feldspar, the Initial Invest-' ? ? ? t to about $250,000. with a pro- | for a developing investment of a:.. J*?00.. is about to begin con- ' struct ion of brick or concrete build- I ings. 160x120. SOOxfiO and 160x10 feet. J :.'.*ary ManuJ" turins Company,' X*-- va W. Va . was organized with | }: at ,v l a- 1 purchased build- . ires which will be equipped for man-! rii'F sanitary 'Mures, plant will | : i ]>- t ras*- foundry. machine shop, I ;. ? t t ? r ;? enarr.elir.E department. et<r. ! Ker'ucky Hlvr Power Company, . Hazard. Ky.. wtil be organized with a; $850,000 capitalization to distribute I electrii-itj for power and lighting i thro-.rgl.G'Jt thf Hazard >. '.al fields; hns t. r ntro! < ' th? East Tennessee ; Coal company'? e!< trie plant and will" enlargVlt while planning to build al Cli nch'.iel '. Products Company. John son <".t\ Tenn will hulld reported to $" pla: ? to erect 110x12ft, : IVixCO r-nd f,(<\X'.'-foot buildings to be equipped for manufacturing chemicals from feldspar Black River Cypress I.umber Com-1 par.y Sardinia. N C. was organized I w.: 1. capital for timber-land' development and f ypress-lumber man- ' ufact ur* 1 N. A- < '? Taylor Companv. Philadel- ' i I : a decided to bjtld another open-) hearth steel furnace and provide ac-J companying equipment necessary be-! ? ause of its increase of steel prorluc- ! tlon, the plant being located at Cum liei r.d. Atd SI ss? Sheffield Iron and Steel Com pa : Pi t :?ilng ha m. Ma . appropriated for improvements and furthei d> \ ?-:<>pn.e:itv at its Russellvllle iron' r r.: t ? ? -. to Include installing electrical' machinery, besides which it content-I plates a $50,000 expenditure for addl-j blow ng engnes and other ma-' < l.riery at its North Birmingham fur-j Federal Oil and Refining Companv. j \i.-\andria. I .a was organized <\ith: *50.OO0 <apital to build reflnetv with, da .v capacitv l.Ofin battels of oil. i I'.l,' Cotton Mills. I'a ve 11 e\ i He, Tenn, de ded to build a 150x 125-foot addi-l ?;oi .ns'all '.(-'mi spindles, etc , at ;,n ! ? stiinated * ost of sf$ii (ifiO Tallajioosa Alica ('nmpnnv. Dadeville. 1 Al:. was liii-orporated with $50,'<00 ' ,-a I'dtal for- a development of mica ; mlnev n Tallapoc?sa an'l .Jefferson i Green Marble Company, San Saba.; Te v was Incorporated \s- i t h $l':0,00ftj apital fot the de\elopment of marble i qua : i le? N?*u ? n leans Silica Prick Compa'i.v, j NVw '?'rleans, was organized to htilid j Idaf;t u Mi da 11 > capa.-lty 75,u0fi brl' ks. J To i Wade * Sons. Memphis Tenn.,' warded contract for const ruct i ng I 1-11: i-I. n-? which t>ie\ will equip fori dall; capacity ot ?.'?? barrels of flour r.d rii<:,|. reported t.> in\,sr $7*.,fi00. I SOME FACTS FROM AFAR >;,,rr> than '? <"n naflians nrr> , tii- ir?i rnihtnry v.- <? Of ih^sc, t i- !!)-.<?? ;it U-:ist 7.*. p<-r of-nt it" 5.) ? v ; .t 11 y lit Tin- InrtlMi population of th* t'n\Tf*cl nt ih< . r,?i of ,lnn<? lftRt y^arj : ioihi<-ri an.; V.or?- than f>2 '?<?(? ivim'-n In thf- I'nited I ;stat?-? rulttvRTo fr'iit. among thf*ni hr-j | :n? vnrrnl of ?'}?!. fornla's most sue ????fixfwl fruit uTf'\v*-rt? 1 1 Tin* firM um- iif the t rcarlmill was in ? !,:i w lin < 11 ?1|rl Hfrvli c in romotp jiln '? iti irrlcat r s th?- !r? n<l It wan I 11 ' t c 1 ?! 11 ? '? <1 lrit'i f".npi ?h prisons in 1M7] '? !i? .i nif-an* of punishment. 1 Sv.'n Hft/lin. th?- iliMlrtRui&hrr) 5*w^d-l 1 i?t? <-xplor#>r, hai? ^xchided from' ! honor-try membership in the Royal 1 if ORi ;? vihicai Society ami fiotn the Kusfiar. liii'fr iil Society ' j hf him- <?f Y * pro-(*?('man iittitudu In < onnr t ??.t? wnii \j.e n :ir. INDUSTRIOUS RF.1.G1ANS LOOKING TO SOUTH COAL PRODUCTION DOWN IN THE SOUTHERN LAND ome IIier vi ork Dnvrii in y | r ??"!-. I <r?.?rky llnd Ark,,? V ,r,T F nc,H ?"'l Kluiires. ...,'""F:U-?TO-V' VA.. August 7. rrT Irar,nfa hroko all record* in <_?>.,I profhionon ll: S8H> omrm f<f ? short tons, valued at tho "kf> *'i t 371,331,403 Thl?? o (rcaii? ?f .?limit i. A.u, an in -*~T.rT some part* of Wi.ji Vh4"?il?,,'v"rVr'n '!' S?? ? by inc^v3o5nu? tw veail'd, ;'yri"C ",0 '?'??? *r rnpun; ,.,nl , * firing auionc tl ?? coal Milnt ? > tn oh|o .|Uo cnn|),..(| ( tlmt ; 10 '<?> 1 Hi; zTXirT-' .' ) v i*-ri??Ia recorded increaae, in di'n-inl ."-Ti ''ounty sil'.no in ]'?!?.. 'oris Arkansas produced |,s3?,r,.|f> tr,.1c JT ,W: wlilrVuca' ':?"? * ?' I.nis shows a deer.- .> from tho production In I f. j .?{. which is J"r' f'Mine off in the demai: 1 for tn nut, n.Hnp purpose, due to de moralization 111 the cotton Industrv in the lattei part of th- and to m" dftcjease Jn dom-stlc consumption ... - cause of mild wither during the win ter of l?H wee suMicient to more than offset the slight increase in railroad consumption resulting from the inability of the Colorado mines I.e. cause of a stnke. u. supply fullv' the demand upon them. A favorable m-pect of the coal situa tion in A1 l<anM:> was- tn,. <1. crease in the .quantity ;,r:,l ?.r,,.l;,ane of coal . ,h? the amount thus mined in IfiH being Ts per cent ..f the ? with "!?."? cent in "? 1 'I'Jiinntv of machine-mined coal was l'. ;.??! rent of the total, and A per ' ?-11 * was undercut bv hand Kentucl y. |,|.,. w.-st Virginia. broke it* record of coal production, with an output foi ivn ?f 2u :<V_\76.< short tons, valued a I the mines at ?> L'tt.b103, the output ixc edini: the previous high mark in 1 ft 1.1 by 7r.?;.it;?. ions The increase was all t lie more notable be cause jt wj,' made in a year when most ? ?f Die . oal fields of the country showed 3 decrease, aiwl it was due t(? activity In conl-mltiliij; in tho eastern part of the State, particularly alone the Vir- , pitna border, and to the construction of new railroads. 'I he nunibei of nien employed in 1 teased Horn in 1 ft 13 to L'K.Tfit in I'M 4 The averaue daily production per man also increased from H.". tons in H?13 t.. n.R III 1 ftH, the Increase being due to the extended use of mining ma chines. OlK I.umber Company I* i'~oriuc<l. j COMJilBIA, S. August 7.?Organ ization has been effected by the Black River (Cypress Company, Sardinia, S. ?' recently incorporated with a capi talization of J ;.lo,ooo. Officers have been elected as follows: <'. |', Goble, president; W. H. Hewes, vice-president; \ <i. Henrheartl, secretary, I.. \V. Gil bert, treasurer. Plans are being con sidered for timber land developments and lumber manufacturing. ORIGINAL Tanner Paint & Oil Co. 1117 and 1419 t. Main St. Kiclimontl, Va. CAROLINA FLOUR MILLS FLOURISH IN GREAT WAY IIIk f.rnln Crop* In Old North Slnle Kfi'P All of the Mill* Mils.i Till* Yrnr. KALKiriH, N*. C.. August T.?W. A. i flniham, commissioner of agriculture, , has stated that this year's wheat crop will more than meet the requirements , of tii'- people of North Carolina, for ! the first time since 18f.o. This achieve- ' ment is arousing a great deal of com- ; ment throughout ^e State nn>! rise- ' where, and it is hopvd that the in <-reused grain production in Nortii Caro iina will I)'- made permanent. Considerable comment is heina: made at this time of the fact that while North Carolina has a number of tlour mills, it will be of still further ad vantage to tiie .State to have all of inti wheat raised in North Carolina ground into Hour instead of ha vine; any o t it shipped to mills elsewhere. Th-re is already a flourishing ilour- ' mill business in lite State, oik- :r.ill at lJurham, owned by General Julian s. t'arr, putting out 2".o barrels a day, or 1.5 oo barrels a week. It is spoken ? if as one of the finest equipped il'.tjr mills south of Raltimore, anil one o? the best in the entire country. The McNeal roller mill, at Kavette vilie, is reported as running night. and i day to grind the thousands of bushels of wheat raised in that section of North Carolina and the upper part of , South Carolina. The mill is grinding; 17"i bushels a day. A flour mill company, incorporated with a capital of 5100,000, has bt-.-n formed at Charlotte, and there are a number of other new companies throughout the State, so that a very good beginning has been made in the development of this important in dust ry. Avernfce Itnllwny Holdings. Average individual holdings of the stock ownership of the railroads of the I'nlted States is widely scattered, ac cording to (mures presented by the bureau of railway economics. It has been computed thai June 30, 1914, the sir., k of .ill the railroads of the coun ti\, $.S.>; V.. ,Ti4.l 25 in amount, was held bv 02-.2S2 persons of record. Some ?I'Ipii< ?;>? I en ootibllesA exists, because of th?- ownership by one person of shares in several roads. The average par amount i f stock held per stockholder is I.a see on the foregoing figures. As a matter of fact, however, the ac tual average holding for Individuals must be considerably smaller, because of lite large blocks of railroad slocks heio by the railroads. According to the latest published statistics of the Inter state commerce commission no less than J3.4KS.4s7.570 of th<> }X.000,000,000 and more of Ihe total stock issue is held by Hie railroads themselves. This would result in an average Individual holding valued at )ft,3W, or n fraction more than eight y-three shares. VIEWS AND NEAR VIEWS; . HINTS AND SUGGESTIONS IIV FKAMv S. WOODSON, IixhiMtrial Kdltor. I liis column |n open (u contribu tor* who luive moiiipIliliig to nay of h MtiRKONtlvr nature, nnd nho are willing to make hint* nnil miRKfii tioiiN looking to tlie L**ftcr dtvrlo|i? incut of thf good olil Mtntcn of Vir ginia, \\ rut Virgtnln and North t nrulinn. nurt nlio enn hold their tiiggCNtloun do it ii lii u.ujr one laxtie to Irom ITil) to l!llll nonln. Such coni niiinlcii tioiiN, nddrraitrd to the In diiHtrlnl Kdltor, III receive prompt nt tenttnii. 'I lie Time to IJc llriglit nnd llnppjr. I" rom all parts of Virginia and from every bailiwick in North Carolina cotno glorious reports of bright crop prospects and all other kinds of lovely things well calculatod to make a boomer and a booster feci glad. In every section the rains have been seasonable, some of them a little too much washy. It is true, but In the main they came In good time for the growing crops, and as far an the eye can now see, this promises lo be in all respects a real "bumper" year in the two good old States whose destinies are so closely intertwined. The ques tion if: how are we going to use this great and glorious crop year to the upbuilding and the advancement of the best country in the world? As We Should All See It. A Brunswick County enthusiast who Is always looking on the bright side of every picture that shows up, writes the Industrial Editor from his sick bed as follows: "Did you ever see anything like it? I mean the way t i i e good I,ord has been blessing us of lato. Did you ever see rains come in better season or on better time? !>id you ever ktiow a primary election to turn out better? I)ld you ever hear of a better prospect for a corn crop? Did you ever hear of a hotter tobacco crop prospect? I believe we are going to have the greatest year of prosperity old Virginia has ever known." That letter comes from a man who hustles when he is well and thinks nhout hust ling' when he is sick. In either case, and right now he is sick abed, he al ways look.-s on the bright side of things. The hint is plain enough. Little Too Much War \orrm. "You ask for suggestions," writes a good friend, "and 1 have one to offer, although jr may have the n.pprarance of meddling with business that is not mine. I suggest that our daily papers out down the space they are plving to war news. Of course, I mean the war in Europe, and. incidentally, that little skirmish affair that Is supposed to he on in .Mexico. As a matter of fact, the war news from Europe is very unsatisfactory, because it is contra dictory all the time. No two columns in one paper read alike, and after we have waded through the whole layout about the only conclusion we can reach is that the French and the Eng lish and the Germans and the Rus sians and tho others are racing one with the other to see which can bring forth the most unreliable reports, or, in plain English, be the "biggest liars. We get through with several columns of alleged war news and really know less about the war than when we com menced to read. Let me suggest that you newspaper folks let up a little on war news and give us more industrial news, especially in the Sunday editions. Sunday is not a good day to read war news, especially when it is so un reliable, but it Is always a good day to take In nnd digest news and detail that tells us about the development and industrial advnncoment of our own country and especially our own State." From '\V?v Down in Xnnti County. Down in North Carolina they have the county farm demonstration agents just as we have them up here in Vir ginia. The Rocky Mount Telegram tells of the doings of one of them, and the telling affords some hints and sug gestions. Here it Is; "Cover crops are to he made a thing of reality In Nash County this fall, ac cording to the plans of Farm Demon strator .losey. incidentally. If this of fice may bring home this truth to the fat triers of Nash county and no other even, It will have accomplished a good that will Justify Its existence for many years to come. Nash County has had an acquaintance of less than twelve months with Mr. Josey, hut already his work for improved farming and farm conditions have had a telling effect, with indications that be la just now nti the threshold of the greater and fuller development of his plans. As a believer In raining on the farm that which Ih consumed at home, Mr. Josey Kpreads a gospel that will moan hun dreds of thousands of dollars to the county In the run of time." | Do Not Wait Until Sept. 1st J. If you are going to move give uh your order NOW. a ^ Will store or pack and Hit 1 p your household goods direct g to your residence in any large city. ^ Will clean, disinfect, and guarantee your rugs against ^ moths if stored with us. Will store your silver and other valuables. W. Fred Richardson, Inc. 2 Fireproof Storage. / Main & Italvlttare Streets, g itandolph 843. ^ IIS SEEN IN CHESTERFIELD Some Serious Complaints Are Made That May or May Not Re Groundless. EVADE ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS At Least Such Are the Allegations. Clover Hill District Claims to Have Grievance?A Call That Conies From the Woods. A writer In Chesterfield County, who claims to be a patron of tiio schools, writes as follows: I ccrtalnly wan immensely interested In that article in the Industrial .Section of The Times IDispatch on "Home and School on Kasy Speaking Terms." Professor Coggin i has reduced the work of the rural school down from theory to practice ami seems to bo making school work well worth while. We have school troubles in Chestorfleld County. Can only got a teacher about half a season although wo pay taxes enougn t-? k-?ep ' the school open the full term. We lay our gtievnncos heforo the county super intendent?he does not even reply: we lay them before the chairman of the county board and ho closcs his eyes ' and ears to our petition: we get in | touch with the .State superintendent i of education and we get evasive an - | swers to pointed questions. The nost | that we can learn is that our tax money j was expended In othor sections In pre- | vlous years and hence we can not have but half a term unless we dig down in ' our Jeans and pay the teacher dlicctly I for the oth?>r half term. The Clover! Mill district of i ae^terfield County is treated disdainfully by the school pow ers of the county. A niio.\r? VIKW OF THINGS IS T.VKK.V j The public school Is the only Insti tution in the land that lays a guiding | hand on the shoulder of every child: rsuch guidance should therefore be of the best and It should be as constant and full as possible. As the child now so will the county be In a few years | to come. Neglected children means | negligent men and women. Idle chil dren now. idle parents a little later. | Weak and anemic youth means weak I and helpless manhood and womanhood, t The rival districts of Virginia need more than schoolhouses; they need so ! clal and Industrial centers. Four-room | schools with ample acreage around them to keep the teacher for a life | time?a permanent home during good | behavior. <"?n the Bchool farm let's; have model barns and buildings, thorouschbred cattle, hogs and poultry, j [Install a dynamo and pumping plant, j Then will the school serve the com-| inunlty; then will the teaching of the i j school hold ihe boys and girls on the' farm. As it is, our boys and girls! are being trained for cltv life and' activity. The desire of the children! should he .towards the farm solidity,! not towards the city's glitter, j To such an industrial center every! i patron would run a telephone wire, and! 'thus there would be a community! j phone. He would also run a wire fori i power, lijthl, heat; would save in j | fuel, and mother would not have to, spend half so much time in the hot i kitchen. The farmer would run a mile! j of pipe and have running water from ? the industrial center for ail purposes at all times. ' Every Saturday we could all have a half-holiday and get the boy s and| girls and the men ,and women from; near-by sections to picnic with us.j play ball, sing, dance and be Joyful. | And we could have farm detnonstra-! tlons every week. In short, there is nc limit to the activities of a real live school In a rural community. But; before we. can accomplish much we cer-| tainly must have men in olFieo who are; already awake to the great possibili ties of an active school. At present woj I have too many men In ofllce all too! anxious Just to hold their Jobs, and are but little concerned In the progress and welfarp of young America. [Note.?The writer of the above speaks right front the shoulder. His name is 'on tile in the oflice of the industrial j editor, and can he obtained if necee jsary to add spice to the discussion.J i SECOND HAND BAGS For Sale! Save Money. Oft Our Price*. BL'HLAP and COTTON BAGS for shipping corn, oats, whea* beans, pens, seed, meal, bran, pti>' toes, cabbage. Ice, coal, etc. Richmond Bag Co., Inc., Richmond, ST. PXUL FARMERS HOLD ANNUAL CONFERENCE The Great Industrial School for Nefcro Farmers at Lawrence ville Makes Its Keport. negro farmers doing well One of the Institutions That Has Hone Good Work in Virginia. Eleventh Annual Session of Con ference Held at the School. LAWRK.VCKVIM.b, VA.. August ?. ? The eleventh annual session of the St. Paul Farmers' Conference, held here nt the St. Paul Normal hikI In dustrial School. was full of Interest and variety. The conference Is an or ganization of 2.000 negro farmers and workers, organized and fostered l.v the school for the purpose of soclai. material, moral and religious uplift. Through the medium of tho conference the great work of the school In main taining helpful relations between the rjices. securing better school facilities! improving farm methods, elevation of morals and encouraging thrift and in creased self-respect Is carried into every nook of the county with the re sult that negroes of Brunswick are aniotiR the hest behaved, most thrifty, law-abiding and Industrious In the State. The conference gives attention to such practical and helpful things as better methods of farming, better homes, increasing the length of the school term by local self-taxation, buying land, repression of crime, pay ment of capitation taxes, sanitation and maintaining Rood relations be tween the races. The county Is dl \ Ided into conference communities to the schools, and representatives from these are asked to report upon community conditions. There are four teen questions asked embracing such subjects as the school, the home neighborhood morals. amount of money raised by extending school terms, number of acres of land bought, number newly-built houses or remod eled. repslred. painted or whitewash ed; whether frame or log, number of rooms, etc.. and upon the crop in crease, etc.. or decrease of acreage, soil improvement, giving of crop lines! growing corn, raising hogs, chickens! stock, production of milk, butter, etc. qt KSTIONS A.\ n A \S\\ Kits THAT MEAN MICH The questions are a most intrrest inir phase of the conference's work, as they rcflect the real life and purpose of community activities The replies are tllumntnating and Interesting, showing that thtrty-f1\e new hours had been built at a cost of from S40fj to J1.200 and others remodeled, re paired and paintod. Over 1,000 acres of land purchased since last confer ence, two new schoolhouses built hy co-opcrative effort. $500 raised to ex tend the school term one month. Jl.600 raised by subscription or paid in cash for prospective new schools or for va rious school improvements such as new desks, industrial material, etc In the matter of food supplies, the ques tions brought out that more farmers were attempting to raise food for themselves and stock, more hogs be ing raised and the acreage in corn practically doubled. As to the monev I crops, tobacco, cotton and peanuts st'll hold first place, but more farmers are getting away from the strictly money crops and are diversifying their farm ing. Apart from the quetsions the fea ture of the conference is the splendid (Continued on Seventh Page~) Richmond Lumber Co., Inc. Fourth. Between Decatur and Stockton. LUMBER AND MILL WORK Abnormalties Must Pass; War Must Close; NATURAL. RESOURCES ABIDE; FOODSTUFF ADVANCING; FARM LANDS MUST ENHANCE AND PROSPERITY'S TIDE IS BACK TO THE FARM. Send for our catalogue of Farms and Timbers. Virginian-Seaboard Realty Co., ALBERTA, VA. Then My Not Waverly, Va, With its banking facilities, modern schools good churches, electric lights, paved streets throughout the town, mineral springs nearby. Two railroads ?competing freight rates. Finest climate in the world. Snacial Inducements offered to new enterprises, particularly of the woodworking kind. Small farms near town at reasonable prices. For Information address ROBERT W. ARNOLD. Mayor and Chairman Publicity Committee. If. A. Gray. President of Town Council. OLD DOMINION INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION West Point, Virginia ? All that its name Implies. Doing things for West Point and all of Virginia. DO VOC WANT PAVING LAND! Write for booklet and genoral literature to tha OI.T> DO.MI.MON INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION, West Point, Va. (Port Richmond).