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MARKET PROFIT-TAKING CAUSES IULAMTV 1'iiial Prices Show Losses for Day, hut Substantial (Jains Over Week Ago. WAIl SIT AIIKS AKK HIT IIAIU) Heall/.itiK Is Pronounced in These Issues, and Crucible Steel and Hcthlehcm Steel Score Larue Losses?Fears of Crash Revived. IIV IIHOADAN NKW YOIIIC. Auk iik t Wall vtri??t to day Hosed the week'* Mock market with profit-taking that I til r?.T r t?-'I !rr?rul.?rl(v to the llht. y?r 1?? * t. while showing sllffh.t friK-tlonal Iohmpk for the Hay In .the stand :*r?1 ra 11 road < an I ind retrial.*. showed inib* Ma.iti.l tr 11fiv rivrr a week atco. Itoallzlnc ivok prntiniiiictil In th" war s-trn k* ?'rucllilo Steel and Mel hlelietll St"l ?ho-v l rc- for th" day. nth a: x hhovti ct Hi" opening. "ralri* of from .i frullon a fu*l point Im-!iis r'liirdl'l through" ,t the list. Onll'.lni: fal? ?> 'itp In Iai'i'o vol'imc !r. tkie last ? ???;!. MUH'nr ? lit;. ? ,,f more th:>n a pout, I nt htfor" tin; low" th"w m a roco\ery. 'Ih" l.i ft fr ? p.initio* nf trailing re\lve>: fo.u- nf a pOffltiU- ? olln p.H? III th" war 'tn kf by a l.roak of nearly "> point* In i.'riitlW sipi-i, tit., tlnal ^notation for which y th<> lowest oi tin 'lav and *'? points uii ?!?r III- lish. Tlir :i? lion of < 'n- Ib'e In tin' Inst I?i> mlnnle* of tridlnr ftrnlshed hi 111 i-tr.itl' i. what ma" lii|i|i-n -inv mo.n?i.? in ij.p n:ir shares M un i-ln-k - In Hit. romnilf *loti li oil 5i*i were sounding ilie noon houi ?l?-i?ttt|ti^ I'll 1 litf of liisl i "*? - I ? n i 'r .i''Ililt*, wh P h w ,i f *.#> i i n .' rn ,n ; Vj. turn-"! * rjik un I tlropp?ti| l'_. ? 11 ? t. 1; i<l It not '?( i n 1! * ? ! V f.i.i' ii i 1 ?i i' --oiiii'lf'i r t l'.ti th" ?lt ? 'int. : ri.' .>.ly f11? I.I have eontIn i'"l . Trmi"- ? ''it.pnr, nlilih lii' !trok*ti away from 'hi* ?n of ihr ? opp": fliar'* h?i ;tu?? It" p.-o 'I ii" Ion oi i .ioj.,-: 1 only pa"! 'it If- h Ml ne?f . ontlniioil In demand -int! n.-? to a new hlrh pi'ti* tor ilii> movement on ?h-t ?? it that It lt.i- pr i Tally ionilU'l"'I i v ?ilarp" '?'?ntraet fir eld with oil" of Mi" alli'K Thin an nl?o rutin.t? iht> th" ?1lrictrr? would not he adver?" to lnrrfns Ing thft divider.!, l? ii'liis; earned t ?.? I f. NKW YOflTC. .ViRijut r ft r"firt h cbloil i ? iy from tj,, >i. . v. mark't ami h?r? wa? a general rli'ilin* on comp.irrt* \< licht I.iof Tli?- ilemanil for all r"." .tirk> -.'"licil ant| t li"r" wa ? r".t*"l >i'i >?!!' hii." to i Knur", win ?: t th nt ;t ! t l.tjj ins of th" far'It >&rt ol i h? eek. W": Mil k* \t or*. m<>?t % ulnerable to : r. v .! * "I ?.< Hi.i wa? or?l"rly. hiw ?: th no i . 1 ? I"i.? " of ms>nt or i' ? :. r. K Not wlthittdndlns th" general trend, ef ??iir-t. with temp'arar} suice>? Ir, a f"v i *i . u ? S ? * r l ?? ?< . t f. |..;. i.r*r in ! lit irm'* 'i.i 11*. Ii roje ; p' lnt" to .i new l.lch ??' ? : : t T-t |; t-. ?. i.. j,r i. i v wiri> oi;- !" .t I fit r i! >*??'.??? - >? t. >i t?{% n. ..! ': i . ' til Will. i i ? ?' it! ?! nl h i Of" IS to U%\. Bethleheni Steet was quieter than h?-tetofor?-. making; oh|>" a final1 glittl. ah these stocks fell i>u k on th" ^e tier a I Th' ? .???< " ? tk ? ..?? in Ht t'1 ? ? *i i 1 V M V .ft :'|? v on th? iy. i! 11 . * ap* as .tf|'i? ' - '>f to* -! t - !" ?? ?!," I'.t S Sfl". ,l:n .. ? v it,- n i - hi; !? ir ? hc> 'if ? I." ,? i . ?tr jt tlvi> Infljim " Vnr ! \V. ?tt i ? ?? J in* cro? . ?Hrntiir? In |MC <?/ .tr.<l n?I "art lngf IS'.j.tO n |' i:it I'nipi iti\" f 11 oti u - ? v that th" -1-ijiI 'llvH' ttoij'i i r ?. 1 ? " x w e r k ma:-i" -*af t-asv. t'nl'*!! State* .; .? ? :: ? 1 L? ? r. a'.I dut Ing t ?.? \V YORK A-.cti?t ' ">! ?rr* nf !!* *?a ?i. .in, Sfr'lnc ii\t\ (lav litll? It i" nii.ii. It"'.. t"i eablesi H.tWi l*tr . ?:*, Mexican dollar*. v.\ JJoverii r. !? mi i'|i HrttlroH'l ! r. r i-\ BOND LIST ?"in* fo\': l.ln? !?? ?? h!'!> f. ??!. N ? 1?k?,? 11 . <" I. (V ?- ? 1 r. Hiltlitnr' ?-il If"! > "" j 11 y* . I.', iv. ~r an I Mv?r? T? ?-lll?ul ftn W?U :? v. in! \\ 4 4?~> 1 bid 1 It'S t \!" ! .!ne ^'amped t* T'1. ? ?..-?! vi- adj. :.k .. n !';i III. ? v i' w, II H'Utt IV * > . l/l \ jih'tn Hal.way s ... .-? ||.ti4l?rr! J 93ft . |.M I ... R'3l?ttr? t \y.\ i?iM? If^y, f'anaiot l{e|;istere<l 5s. IStl I bid I.. 'O'V^ ?<?ci*v <? 1 s. stoel za s? }o:\i .? ? l.t Hrfrti! 1!r"s < :f? 1 \\* Vn )..., rS \ I. r.<1 5''>v. *r C?. n* 1 bid 1 . k? V* ?'.-j t <"*>?'? . i? ! Co, Si (bid) S8 fill IIM'iNIi >T(I' K MAHKKT. 1' "i.-kie ?; Huri-h sj en 1 ? 1 V.i , A-JfU-: 7. IJ'.i. ? \rr. ?i:? cjutiks. bh ,\.?k?a. ??. Old C and ft ?-Vt V> Centurle* S. C. and R V5 *"i STJIKKT IIA II.WAY BONDS. v... H\. -nd Power Co. '.s SI M - 1' H K KT K A 1 i .W \ V STOCK S. \ . !! in - 1' Aier Co.. pfd .. V. I' \ , t If*' V O ST< ICK.S Atlftnti*. coin lift . . ;"h Mti.eak* ! Ohio.. I. Norfolk md W'slcrn om ir'r< c? 1board AI ?" pfd 3"> Seaboard ,\ir T.lne, com 14 ... af?i"h?Ti? f: . " v. I'M ? 4* S".'belli Hi!' ' ? v, > r.111 15 !' \NK fT - ' K \ ?u r 1' in N ?i i'-n il ;V I street 1? 1 -ik * hir-t National Hmk . jr.* .-'?|iin ps' of IM'-hmor.d 93 T!tr.-T < '< )M I'AM 1 :s STOCKS OW Dominion Tru 1 Co :o3 Virginia Tru? f M I ?irU.I.A.V KoCS V 1 fit. Ch e ,!i I- 1! pfd . .. :<Vi v.i. Car. Che*rilcal, ? o?n 35 rcHOS MAItKKfS. N'.W \11r1iKt Ar or?nin? :t .1 - v:ir.rn in the ???USfiii murket to-d.i> ?.? i?l l>.v* <? l lis r" 11 tlon- but i>ri <.? >irin^i! v:p ay-'ila on tlif rep.irl~ *i| ???ntintiv! <!rv ??;ithfr aii'i lilKher t?tnp^rat*irc? in T* wlih tli?* ilojr ilrm at a n<M ailx mi. p f.f T to 0 polr.tF. f>lntivi*> rtrm i .ililf '. an>! iti'* fft:liir? o? the weathf-r imp to thou an\ rain of con ?ioq-ior.' o in th" Soutbw??t to be liirr.i'lv ri'f-pftiolblo lor iho op. nirs i\.!v:?nce ->f 'omc r to ! opoii !s .mil bl'vll f Was nl-n eni ouracfl by balHs>i private crop rpport? fro ii North *J>xas? and Southern Oki-ihonta Tli-'re wa- a tjoo<i lioal "f rc.t'iy'ini: (<>r over wc^k-ond. however. Some lorn I traders srcnu'i to think that the \ve?rerr. !i.?U fore ran for clotnly weather ntight tu-n into rain prospect.- over Sun.lay. v. bile pr: ?ite reports that it lias rainiliK at Wichita l'.iltM. Toy., teniie.l to entourage thi? view of the situation. H; vine was not much 'n evl rlerce, ft? the market, worked of; to t ^iift'Ve uniler Fruh'y's clo.?e. but the 'le lHlle.1 w.Mthci report for the Hous'on dic irU't. fhowlni no rnln. with 13 points, re porting maximum tompenilures of 100 !? crfi - or over, ch-'. ktil the s^lllni; movement. I'rlces th? n tr.lliei! unite sharpiv on T.iver pool iii'l New Orleans buyinc The un -ert'iinty of rrowiiifr conditions in the South west seemed to counteract the bearkh view rf th-> approachinc new crop movement. =o far as th" Immediate market was con cerned. Cotton futtues clo?e.l firm. Open. Mich. Close OctiiHer !? I". ;i.51 9.41 ft.r^ Pe ember &.!!? ?>.SI 9.7ft r, so lan.inry ?!?3 f?.?4 9.S3 ? ;? March 1? ?'( 10.!? !ft.ft; in.r, Mav m.Sfi ift.SS 1ft.'ftss Sj Ht .otton, quiet; middling, uplands. 9.?*>c. No sales. N i'.W VOItK. Auftnst 7.?Port movement ? J!id UIiir. 9.4*c. 1C\ports, ".ftft bales; stuck. ?ll x. 1 bales. Total to-dav at' all ports?No' receipts. ; (i9T iia'es ;e\ports. ?i.59S bales; stock, ro1; 1 ab s Total for week?Net receipts, 2.ft9T hale*; exports'. bales. Total for season?Net receipts. I'ft.ft."..' bales; ?\ports. M.KS bales. \r \V ORI.KANS. August T.?The price of t-oiroii move.I wlth'.r a narrow racuc 'c iav. Ptilllsh influences were at work, hut the market was held down by realizing of profits on 1 he loni; side. The net chnnfte for [l,p -os-lon *\cs a sa'.n of ? to ! noints. The loiio "vas noi.e too ^ood ov/inK t'? <inioadlnjr ?,c lonjr-. Cotton (utures closed; Octoiier. O.'i e iib- r. 9.5s; January. 9.71; .March, 1.91 May. rfpot cotton steady, imilianprd. Middllnr. , S}c. Sab s 011 she spot, -.'Oft bales; to ar rlve, boles. NKW YOllK I'KOIXX'K MAHKKT. X k \v YORK. AukiisI 7.?Sura r futures market rioseil. flutter, and cheese, .steady. Spot coffee, <|Ul*i; Hlo No. .7, 7i$>c; Santos No. 4. ? , ., The cofionseed oil market was quiet, hut prices were -..leadler on eove*-ln(r. d-;e to a flrr Ifrri market and on small oiYerinpK >f the cri'h article, closinp at H to v points net ail vance. Sales. 9.00ft barrel* Tile marl.-et dosed firm; spot. .V!K"> bid; Au?iisl. I.95fl6.10; September. October, .V9I November, &.32?->.90, Uocombc.-, 5.3?^ f nit*. Slock. 5,?(?0 Allls-Chaimcrs 100 AlllH-ChalmerH, pfrl. ... Am. Art. Chem., com... 3.N01 Anttr. Hect Sujjar. com. ? .<"?00 American Can 200 American Can. pfd ?>,000 Amcr. Car and Kdry.... -00 American Cotton Oil... 100 Amcr. Hide and l,cn., t>r jM'O American Linseed Oil.. -.j.'OO American locomotive .. -"'?O Amcr. Loco., pfd >>'>00 American Smeltinp .... _ American Snuff, com.... -'00 American Sugar 1 ''0 Amcr. Tel. and Tel. Co.. American Tobacco, com. American Tobacco, pfd. ?>.-00 Anaconda Copper 1,200 Atchison Atlantic Coast Line A. C. L. of Connecticut. ..'?0 Baltimore and Ohio ; ,-00 Met hlehcm Steel Co.. com ?i.000 llaldwin Loco Mrl tlsh-Ainer. Tob. Co.. '.OOHrooklyn Hapld Transit Central Leather, com... 4.^00 Canadian Pacific ?>oo California Petroleum -00 Chesapeake ami Ohio 100 Chicago (ireat Wes-tcrn M?0Chi. (ireat West., pfd 1;"0 ( hi.. Mil. and St. Paul.! '?"0 i ,'hlno Copper J';.f';;;;;;ruc{bie steei cor'..*Vom* , ' ruclhle Steel pf<| ..,(?00 Colorado Fuel and Iron! inr. Southern. I no f 0||K0]|r].l t f.fl fias I ni) rorfl product*. Voni!!" .* ? -'hi. i- Z1" u com I,i if* i-rie, ist pVd ?#,M.'" :"1*1 Hm ? pf'j -'0 (rcneral Klectric J.J'OO i.oodrlrh. com. - ;!!!":r,;i1 Northern, pfd..*. ^'?nn nn81, Northern Ore Ctfs ->oo Illinois Central 400 Interl.oro-Met !! :"it tin. Harvester, rorn. ? "0 IiiI. |'aper Int. I'aper, pfd "00 Kansas City So., corn 1>^ HiOMAS & CO., Hunkers and Hrokers CI on lug Open. Hlieh, lllil Axk'<l .?al?i?. Slo< k 34 <58 J 55 j 594 ior,i 621 494 34J 1-'* 5 :i i OS SI i ioj 122j> 09 8 101 I SO I 300 79 i 'sr,3 1 IS K, 42 30 J *2 4 443 90-92 i loss 4 2 i2S 15 172 r.ig 11 !? 4 2} 103 i 20 a 1 07 i 91 37 J 24 i 34 3 fiSi 654 59 s 1064 621 r.o 34 J 12} r. 4 us sis i i 6a 122 a 691 101; si 302 79 J sr. 3 44 k 14 9 3 1 6 42 30 i S3! 4:. a 933 1053 4 2 ii's 15 172 52 8 1191 42g 103 if 20 J 107 4 91 37 J 24 J Low. 328 0*4 54} r.s* 10ti 614 4 9 4 343 12* r.28 9S 80} io6 1221 " fifij 1 01 t 80J 290 78} sr. j 434 1 4 S 1.1 42 30 S2| 443 85 J 104 4 41 128 1 4 | 2 ? i *27g 208 1 71 J 514 119 41 1034 20 j 1074 91 ? - 211 324 6S4 56 54 4 59 106 614 491 341 12 528 98 sog 145 109 1224 2254 106 69 101 y 100 102 S04 293 7S4 144 sr>4 45} J 4 S3 151 414 111 293 f>2| 45a S51 1041 41 25 12S 148 26 4 4 I J 4 5 171 51 J 11S4 41 103 204 107 ll 37 24 4 328 694 594 100f 62 50 35 124 53 9sa S04 1504 110 122a 229 107 694 101 3 101 112 so 3 298 79 151 S6 4 54 1 19 16 1 2 30 S3 454 S6 1044 411 2S 1 2SJ 1 4 i o?4 42 4 9 172 51 3 119 104j 1 l.liOO \\ r st i 2fll Wabash 109 400 Wabash, pfd. . 91 800 Western Cnlon ?J j Total sales for 'In \ -'?1 Total sales for week (six 700 Lehigh Valley j'jKKi'tt and Myers, com L'Kwett and Myers, pfd 1 .orillji?-<| Tobacco, com Loriliard Tobacco, pfd 'jouisvillo and Nashvlli if?0 Maxwell, com Maxwell. 1st pfd..... 900 Maxwell, 2d pfd 2.200 Mexican Petroleum .. i00 Miami Copper 2,..00 Mo., Kan. and Texas 1,100 Missouri I'acillc National Hiscuit ....'. ?00 New Haven l,5oo New York Central. .. . 00 N. V., Ont. and Western Norfolk and Western.. 600 Northern Pacific "00 I'aclflc Mail 1,300 Pennsylvania I'eople's Oas I* (.. C. and St. I, coin TOO Pittsburgh Coal, com 1,200 Pressed Steel Car... 1,-00 Hy. Steel Spring, com.. 600 Kay. (.'011*. Copper.. S.000 Heading ;\'-O0 Hepuhllc Iron ami ::00 lte|>iiblic I. and .< . 7,?00 Hock Island (obi) Hock Island, pf<l 600 Seaboard Air Line, ! 00 Seaobard Air Line 200 St. Louis-Soothw . '00 Sloss-Sheffiebl ... 4.000 Southern Pacific . 1.500 Southern Hallway 100 Southern Hallway. Standard Oil of N. 100 Texas Pacific 9.500 Cnlon Pacific 1,"00 C. S. Cast Iron Pipe, con Cnited f'ijsar Stores... Cnlt?'d States Hublier., J3.900 Cnited States Steel... ? 2;? I nited States St?*el, pfil 400 Va.-Car. Chemical .... Va.-Car. Chemical, pfd West. Maryland Stei Pfd com pfd com pfd Y. . ripen. Mich 461 1161 353 35J 331 79 264 4 0 224 I .*04 131 !?v 174 i 4 J .35 1 4 4 61 SS J 154 4f.j 131 4 72 3 1128 331 331 79 26 4 s* 3 51 ?il s 64 s 24 63 63 63 901 90J S93 274 274 -'74 i 67 4 i osi i 07 * 33 33 33 10S3 J 09 10S3 241 59 4 404 22 4 1514 1 U 9S IS 14 3 351 1 i 461 SV? 153 464 1318 ..91 2 2 a 149 4 4 3 9S 154 ' i i 1 343 1 4 4 5 ss 15* 4 64 1 30 173 734 713 lr.'S ii28 35a 35 113} 113J 1113 21 6 116 168 i 09 35 S3 30 773 264 S4 24 1 20 621 89 J 27 3 1 06 6St 24 391 224 9S 164 i 144 35 14 H J SSI 158 453 ?00 173 474 72)| i ;<<i .04 704 .161.300 shares days). 4.305.400 shr ' v< January. s.'tjf?.: ?3? M r? h. f, February, <0395.13;! III('U)IOM) rROIIlTR MARKET. Wlinlfkali' 4|nntntlon? 'By I.evv Commission Co.) Klchtnond. Va , August 7. !?'.?. Live Poultry. <"h!' keiis. rh"l< ?. sna!:. lb ;o to 21 ' f*hl< kens. ? holce. median. lb n to yi I >4err. per lb to i;?* Roosters. each JO to <0 Keen. t In ( rat?.?. uoar-hv, fresh. doz... to !7 Guinea ?gge. doz to 12Vi Butter. r?r rotund. Kimllv. chol'e. fresh 22 to 25 t Merchants', fair. o?r lb li'.^to IS Lire Stork. ; choice I'^to 9 ; -"eats. poor to fair R to 7 ? 1 ".*I\es, runners S to 7 >h*ep 4 to S . .ainbs, sr-elhg 7 to I ' ~?ttl? Ji-Jto 7>/4 | ? iocs. rhol o to 7 j fountry llnron. Marrs. ??:l mnkul, small It to 20 -Lima, well smoked. large IS to .7 j I -ld?s. Tell s-noked to IS ! , Shoulders. well ?mok?d to IS i M isrrllanooiis ' niark'VD pea*. No. 1. bushel ..250 to 2 1% I MAi'.K KT CONDITION Kzg?M*rk?t active. outlook hlrhor. re- j ! ?xtremc'y light. demand heavy. Pout- J t'v "hlckens a'tl\e at price" quoted; bene; t ?ri demand; reo-lpts. ilcht Butter ? Market unsettled. ou:l?- k lower. All other j produce In perioral fairly a-ti r. j Sc*r<-e nn'l prices In nr?>< of fiuv; i'lon?. HIDE AM) WOOI. .MARKET. My Cl?l Dominion Hide and P\ir Co.. Inc.) ?Mchm<>l?d. Va August U'.V Hldea ger Pounl , 1r?en snlt IS to 1? . 'Item 17 to IS Talf sklr*. according to size and take off 1 00 to 1 50 Dry flint .... to 27 ?>ry *.tlt to 55 and rfartiaged hide* at value according to how bad tStey are da ru.< c?'i ; Or-eti hides should be thorough Iv salted lr. warm weather to keep them from *j>o!llng. Tallow. '>?! bright . 8 lo Daik ">r burrt ?'4to 5 i Good. bught beesvtx 26 to !l IVooL Bright. No. 1. tubwsshed S3 to 87 Bright. No. 2. tubwashed J? to 24 Unwashed. free of buna 29 to 31 Unwashed, free of ourrs. 2! to ? Unwashed, light burry 25 to 27 Unwashed. medium burry 22 to 24 Unwashed, heavy burry 19 to Zl market condition. The hide market has advanced again, and hides are jtlll In good demand. Wool ha* s!?o advanced a little. owing to scarcity. It Is \eiy dangerous to ship green hides In this kind of weather, at they are ll:Me to spell. CHICAGO CRAIN MARK FT. CHir\i;o. August 7. ?Active buying that! j appeared to Indira t? a lively export .!?? | i maii'l helped to make the wheat market j fit ii to..lav throughout the session. The; i --lose. uhli h ? a> a! almost the top point i i of th* la>. ranged front 5<* to I-'JlKc above Ust nlcht. Other leading .-taples. too. all ??< ored net gains? corn, a shade to Sc ; oDts. s-*r to i,'-. and provisions 5jc to JT'^c. , WHEAT? Open. lllgn. Low Close. September ... 1.07'? I 07\ 1.0?\ I December .. . IV-, 1.0S>, 10?\ 1 I May .. 1.1?', : l?*i 1.12*4 l.lSTj ; rin- v_ ' September . Tt*? 7.'?'? 74S 74'i December . . '\1\ R4 i May 0**i *V>F*s i O VT< September <li-i S>S fVi Df ember . tft'? tC-a 40 10H ; M I'i illk-IVr bbi. September . . 13.13.75 13 57 IS 72 j O' 13?? 13 33 13.V) 13.S7 La K 11?I*?r 100 lbs September . 7 *?.*> S 17 7.77 V.2 C>< tober ...... T.TO S.5?> 7.'i i ?0 ! SHOUT RIBS? I'er 100 lb? September . 5 ?o S *.0 s "V> !>.10 i October s.oo s.;r. s.m 910 <Vi<h grain: U'b^at?No. ; red. *!.K'1$!.l*l4: No. _? h.-:rd. I! 30. Corn?No. 2 yellow. Vl'ic. others nominal. RICHMOND GRAIN MARKET. Kichmond. Va.. August 7. 11:5. WHOI ES/.I.l" QUOTATIONS ON CHANGE WHEAT?Car lots. No. 2 red Western, new if 1 IS No. 2 red. Virginia, new 1 1* h 1 II No. 3 red. !>?-u . 1 12 Virginia, bag lots 1 00 1 11 CORN?Car lots. No. 2 white ? $9>A No. 3 white f? ft So. - mKed iO fr No 3 mixed 5S Virginia, bag loss, v/hlte SS ? 90 OATS?Car lots. No. 2 mixed, old 9 58 No. 3 mixed, old 'f? a" No. 2 white, ohl fil fn No. 3 whltt, old "7 W) 1 Winter s^eeil. U?tg lots, new.... 50 tap 60 i RYE?Car lo{?. , No. 2 rye, new <5 1 OS Vo. 3 rye. new 1 01 (-it i Vltginla. bag lots, new 1 00 ? 1 05 RICHMOND HAY MARKET. Richmond. Va., August 7, 1915. Car lota No. 1 timothy, ol.l ft 25 00 No. 2 tlmoth;. old f? "4 00 No 3 tlmotl.y. old !1 00 <q l.leht clover, mixed, old (t 34 00 j No. 1 clover, mixed, old 23 M ft j No. i ' lover, mixed, old 21 00 fr j No. I clover, old 22 90 tti I No. 2 clover, old 20 00 fj> ' Sample hay nominal I ST HA W?Coir pressed V S 00 I.oose-pressed larse bales... & 0 00 MILLFEED. Cur lots? _ ? Shlpstuff. winter rf -0 oo Br;in, winter 2 ?/ ? Shlpstuff. spring W liran, spring ? 00 CHIOUiO I.IVK STOCK MARKI.T. CHICAGO. August 7.?IIors, steady: bulk. | $fl.20^!|fi.90; light. St*..S0fl$7.(v.; mixed. $C.I0f( $7.40; heavy. J.VftoTlSfi.SO: rough. $;1.?"i?J$0.10; | Pigs. JC."fl'n$7,f.0. Cattle, steady; native beef I cattle, $10.K: <o\\s and heifers. 52.10'if Jn.?; calves. $7.60f?*ll.2". Sheep, firm; sheep. $>t.2lif)}T.10 ;lambs, $7..'".' RICHMOND I.IVE STOCK MARKET. (Sale4 at Union Stookya'ds ) lilchmoml. Va.. August 7. l'J'.a. Rest steers. &&8V*. choice cattle higher; medium to good, "VifiS; common to fair, fi'i'<?(Vy4; best heifers. Ti^^S: medium to good. C^i'nTVts: common to fair, best cows, medium to good, JSifti""**; common to fair, 4frf>; best oxen. S'/WI; medium to ifood, u\rH6%; coinn.on to fair, best bulls. 6; light. 5T(3H; fresh cows. $tOU$75; bent veals. 8fi9; common, lowc-r, bent sheep, oftSH: medium to good. 40IH; common to fair, 3Hff4; best lambs. *; common to good, 6fi7Vj; best hogfc, 7Vj: sows and fitagg. o^j6. MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. DRY UOODR. NEW YORK, August ".?The cotton goods markets were somewhat Irregular to-dny. Yarns wete slightly firmer; linens, firm, and bu.-laps. steady. Hosiery was steady call for export. NAVAL STORES. -SAVANNAH, 4iA., August 7.?Turpentine, firm, C0V4; sales. 376 casks; rcc?lpts, 36i cask*; 'hlpmfnlo, *7 casks; stork 2Vt'l ! cask". RokIii. firm; sales. 317 bi:rr*>ls; re ceipt*. 1.071 barrels; shipments. J'i'i barrels; stock. 6!.54'i barrels. Quote- A. R. 2'"). c. D.. !.M; K.. 3.<)'?: V., 3.10: . 3.20: h .. ! r.20<?3 :.. 3.30*11.2.*; K. 3.1* ; M. 4 ftVft? ??>, N., 4.'J'.; Wg.. 5.t?: Ww? B.S0 rF.TKnsni Kf; it.anit mahkf.t (Reported by [lodcirn. riumwr .fc Co.. !nr.) PiZTr-.R.SRl K'J. V\. Aujrust : -Spanish-- ! Farmers' stork, market quiet; first quality, i ?Oc per bushel; off srade, jfio to He per ' bushel. Vlr(Iniai"-Farmns' ?'took, tna'lct j 'venk; fancy .Iuml>o. S'jc per pound; fan?'> ; handplckeri. :>.c per pcund; utri pt'.me. t Zc per pcun?; shelllm; ato'-k. 2,?'-' to 2\c | per pound. Rank Statement. N'KW YORK. AuRvi."?t ".?The a'tus! con-'i- I tlor of c|eariM;-hoiise l.ank" an'l trust '-oir.- | pantos for lh?- w eeK shows that th.y hold i il'yti.CVStO rc'?rvi> In pxr??s <>f lepa! r?. iulrrm*ntii. This !* a J?" rense of $M. from Ifisil ??>'!(. ? Ttie sta?em?nt follows: Actual con'I It Ion: l.oan>, i to., J?,r.*9,",iF.W: Ihtojiso, $'1,7-m w ? Iti'SPi v? In r>\\ n v? jltx, |tl"...'t*,W. of which ! I $370.v>1.0f0 I* f-ie; i]fcrpa13,716.^09 P.cset \'e In Ke.iera! r?orv l>ank. $134,921.- I | too. roaso. $2,413 W). I Reserve In oth"r depositories. $25.23').000; ' decrease. $t> r/ltZ-OO. ! I Net. riertiaii'i i|?posltf, It..'3'.277,oq ; ?!<?- j I crease. <v*\ I Not time .1? po?lts. $MT> <W1; |n<-r? i*?. 'J.- i ! SM.'/iO. *'Ire ula 11on. iSr.W.W; de. roaso. {sri w.. I A?TKr?cat? r?s?rv?. $'*V".44:!.<Kp9. K>r?ss r?"rve. $IC*.9r.*.3K,': decrease, f'.t.- I ! Summary of Stat" l.ank? anri trust t'TTl pantes In 'i-fatfr N"?\* York. not. Ir.cli: ied j j In clearing housr statement; l.oans. Mc? l.^5.S.>5.l)00; Increase, "t". yvt. ! ! Specie. Increase. $'..V:. ; I^ecal tenders. JV.V!,W): decrease. ,Wi Total deposits. $74;.'.31.7.00; increase, ((.lie,- I ! WV> i Ranks' cash r???rv? in vaults. $,.1.S0I -VO ' j Trust companies' < ash reserve in vaults. j $47.f<2.?V' ; 'cash wheat handlers UNABLE TO GET GRAIN They Have Order* Which an Yet Are I nfilled?Quality of OfTerlnK* la Very Poor. [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] CHICAGO, AuRust 7.?According to j reports from cash wheat handlers, ex- , porters are still unable to ;ret enough Krain to meet their orders. In addi- ? j tion there are said to be- orders here j for larjre amounts of wheat to ko , abroad, which will be filled as soon i as the new crop eomences to move freely. The weather is now more < favorable throughout the entire winter ! wheat belt. The bears are likely to pain full I control of wheat because of the poor ] fjuality of offerings. Sales were 225,- i j oon bushels cash wheat, of which 200,- i j 000 bushels were to exporters. The | seaboard reported thirty boatloads held. There was a strong undercurrent in ?wheat to-day, and resting spots showed j net gains of to 1 cents. The mar ket was in an oversold condition on account of the large short sales on Thursday and Friday. Reports received to-day from the spring wheat belt claimed the late wheat is not out of danger of black rust, and that in case of hot, damp weather losses are probable. Liverpool reported wheat in light of ferincs there, and the general under tone stronc. Harvesting in the United Kingdom has been delayed bv un favorable weather. Russia has had heavy rains over the widest harvest I area and France has authorized an appropriation for the purchase of 20. .">00.000 bushels of wheat, most of which it is believed will ho bought in this eo un try. The bears in corn were disappointed to-day because of the strength of the 1 market. Kestinir spots '.vorc >,* to sj? I cents higher. The cash demand was ! light, with sales of 155/>ori bushels, but this was partly offset by the tighten- | ing of the grip by farmers on the grain 1 In their hands. The "woath'-r is generally fine: som? warmer over the corn belt, which will help to finish the crop. I Sentiment in oats was bearish, yet ! there were advances of to cents 1 on covering by shorts. f>fferitiKs In the pit were smaller on account of the wet weather in Iowa and Southern N'e- ; hraska. The long-drawn-out liquidation in the provision market seems to have j placed pork, lard and ribs in a stronger ' position. It was shown conclusively I to-day that the market is not in need ' of support from packers, as prices were bid up by short interests. WHO PAYS THE PIPER IN DAYS OF WAR AND THINGS ~ i Some Thoughts Thnt Naturally (iron Out of n Stiidjr of Wnr Times In riurope. A writer, who delights to harp on the Fox question as it occurs to htm, talks to the Industrial Kdltor as may be seen below: Few of us stop to think how the present war is to be paid for. Nobody J knows its cost, hut everybody knows It is a fabulous sum. There is talk that the victor will demand an in demnity of $1 "i.nOO.fiOO.OOO. An incredi ble sum; utterly beyond the imagina-j tion of the ordinary mind. Sny it is more than twenty times the value of the heart of New York City. How is this i>?id? By government j bonds. Dace the totnl cost of the > war at S3n.000,000,000 (double the in-| credible sum) the annual Interest at I ?4 per cent is $1,200,000,000, or ??> each j per year for every man, woman ami. child in the warring countries. Can 1 the rulers squeeze this much more cut . of the industrious people" The present taxes in the United States, direct and' indirect, seen and unseen, known and ] unknown, is about $3?> per head per | annum. Soon be a revolution if this were paid directly, would there not? Hut it is collected just the same and industry foots the bill. To most peo ple this tax comes in the form of low wages. A bank clerk gets, say $50 a month, when he earns J??0. Me never misses what he never receives. Hence , few of us realize that we are taxed | at all. When the authorities want to raise j a ruction or a rumpus they go to thei bankers and say: We've got to have | a fight, our boys are spoiling, our ofll- i cers can't get promotions till somebody gets killed off; the war will probably cost so much; and we think we cen force the people to pay this back "ASK MR. BOWMAN" For information and rates to Callfor- j nla impositions before making ar rangements elsewhere. He can proba My save you money. Tickets by rail or water iu all points, i'hono Ran dolph 4SN7. 01* f-. Alain St., Kichniuild. L'a "I Have Read Your daily advertisements regularly and have been impressed with the safety, convenience and returns of an invest ment made in your coupon bonds based on real estate mortgages. I hope next fall to have some money for both my mother and myself to invest with you." Extract from a letter signed by a gentle man whose name will go down in the history of the State as one of its greatest men. Dated August 5, 1915. Virginia Trust Co. 1106 East Main Street. Richmond, Va. Founded in 1892. without any trouble. Will you take our bonds ami help us out? The bunkers look into the mat'er. And the people produce so much, sir? only taxed so much and vl 11 probably stand another turn of .he tightening screw. The bankers have a lot of rich clients who have made thousands or millions out of the sweat of the brows of their people, and they are pining for koo'I investments. So the govern ment pledges Its power to tnx the people in order the rich may have I a permanent income of 4 or 1 1-2 per cent forever; for tiie bonds will never | be paid off. why should they? ! Having arranged the tinanclal end, I the militarists and the capitalists I shout patriotism t<"i the poor devils of toilers and th~w,> rally to the Hag ?f | "I.a I'atrie." "Per Vaterland," or "Our ! King and County," and rush out t<? I shoot each other. It matters not what ! country they belonu to. for they have ? not all been taught "patriotism" at the i school, at the cliurch, and at the i mother's knee. The uppers can al I ways depend upon devotion to the flag from tne lowers. Thus the masses are killed for the : benefit of their rulers, but have the , added honor of paying the cost of he | ing killed. Vet they all seem to enjoy ! it. so what's the use ">f further talk I Ing? BRANDY STATION THINKS IT HAS REALLY STRUCK OIL Well I>ucr for Water Only, Snltl to '?Ivr Forth Something Much Mitre Yiiliinlilt'. A correspondent writing from llran ; dy Station, a "station" somewhat fa mous in Civil War times, writes to the | Industrial Section as follows. "Wo have struck oil " This is literally true with regard to the lit tle village of Brandy Station, in Cul peper County, only sixty-tlirec miles i south of Washington, on th<> Southern ! Railroad; and with no effort on the | part of the people of Brandy. ! For over a year the well at the i home of Frank Kyle had been tast ! ing of oil, and the water was so con ! tnminated that it could not he used for lO'inking purposes. I.ast summer oil appeared in the well The Idea Is Prevalent In some quarters that n? ins to the litsh QI'AL IT Y of MONTAdl'K lum ber and mill work t it o I'RICR must m i essarlly he high also. Th' quality of our work IS tilth, nn mistake about thM. hut the cost Is surprisingly I jD\V. We aro ;* 1 ;t yH Kind to give estimate!?:n fart, we have a depart ment especially devoted tr> that work, ami wish to ev tend you a cordial Invita tion to make t'SK of It. Send us your lumber lists and the plans and specifi cations for your mill work, and let us show you how little really C.nri'n work will cost you compared with the OKDINABY kind. Montague Mfg. Co. Lumber and Mill Work llroud Street and licit 1,1ns This Big National Bank For Your Savings Any one can have the pride and satisfaction of an account in the Planters Na tional Hank. $1 will start you. and we pay interest at 3%, compounded semi-an nually. And look at your protection; Capital S.lftO.OOO.OO Surplus $J.?0(>,?0(),00 RICHMOND TRUST , K. & SAVINGS V.COMPRNY J Mnln nn?l Seventh. Poor Richard9s Almanac "It is hard for nn empty sack to .stand upright." Well said! The hundreds of savers who come to us weekly with additions lo their growing at counts feel the same way ahout it. He one of them! Allowed on savings and e o m p o u n d e d monthly on your daily balances. Banking Trusts Savings Real Estate One Million Dollars Capita in n rofincd state, us quantities sulll j clent to burn. It is almost as . lea r as I ; the Standard ?>ll in appcatance. and ' when lighted gives a cli .tr. whit*' llatne. Ami what should <i<-liui\t i It <> lic.irt of tlw housekeeper is 1 it il'M-s not smoke the l.iin(i chltnt . ?Mr. Kyle was advised I" :: ? < hi* ::us! at the Virginia Military Institute, who analyzed it not to use it in limps. ,<s it has a Strom; explosive in :t. The oil is drawn from the well by an ordinary iron pump, and frequently preceding the oil is a vapor of the a ?n?e: ra nee of thin steam. A match was applied to this vapor on one oc casion and it exploded like a hand ful of loose gunpowder. The quantity varies?sometimes a half an inch to a bucket of water ami ' sometimes as much as three Inches. Samples may l>e seen at Mr. Kyle's store oi in the Second National !!an!< . at Culpeper. Several have insinuated tint the oil ' came from leaky barrels placed nearby, but an expert had the well pumped dry land kept closed for twenty-four hours, when a test was made which proved conclusively that the iil vein is a ; t ea lily. This seems to me to be an oppor ; ttinity for Virginians t > investigate. and if it Is worth developing, do it i th 'inselves and not leave it to Northern ! capitalists. I There was an indication of oil sev ' era 1 years ago at one of the railroad stations north of Brandy, .in'! a com pany was organized and l>orimr was h v;uii, but oil was not found In quan tities to justify operations, lfowover. It wr.s stated that tho Standard l>il t*opipai>;- hoard of it. and told tho par ties w ln> wcro doini? tho work, that if thoy found oil to stop horinjr and ri rvnla!?? : n?' report that thero was no ??i 1. :!?! (!?;?( the Standard ''il Om woulil p:i y them well for what they had <li>ii'' nn?i for the false re port. W i?t in-r tliis story is ttuo or i < ? t One- not ;?It.? t- the fact that thero is i ? ? ? ? t.? ?1 oil ;,t Brandy Station?a fact should !??? investigated. and if In Mil'ii i ? t <|uanl it ics to justify opera tions oui:lr ?.o he worked bv* Southern ??; pit 11. Tito would suggest that a sattiplt of t| is oil he placed on exhibi tion ;it tli" next State Fair at Rich mond. which >~a tuple ran be had on ap plication to Mr. l*'rank Kyle at Brandy Station, Ya (onI output of llnmptoii ItnniU. NKWl't ?!:r XKWS, V.V., August 7.? Inn .n- Juno thoro w ?;0S,.VJ9 tons of mill ex port oil : : Hampton Itoads, V;i? of which -5 1, tons wont to Italy, 1070 tons to Brazil. IT,70S tons t?? Panama. J'VJ.'fi tons to Cuba. tops to, IS, :*>>:? tons to France, 11,o?> tons Barbados, 13,i>38 tons to Spain and tons to Trini lia l. etc. ! CASH versus CREDIT] | J TODAY you are selling on GO or 90 days' | I time with 3rr off for cash in 10 days, and you g have a $25,000 credit line with your Bank, and 0 | are in pood trade credit.? i TOMORROW you change your terms to 80% n 3 cash against bills of lading, reducing your prices by 89c, 1 and you expect to increase your volume or buy for cash, . 3 ?discount all purchases, etc.? B | How could such a change of "terms" either ? ? cause your Bank to curtail your line of credit or B unfavorably affect your credit in the trade? 9 " Your customers, like you, must carry open ? g accounts and must buy on time. Through us, and wlth ? out their knowledge, you simply change your credit sales | to 807c cash at dato of shipment, giving us about the 0 ? same discount for our Cash as you offer to your cus- ? B tomers for their money in 10 days. g ? Your contingent liability on accounts sold to ? | us is only your risk of loss by failures, and even this ? ? can be restricted under Credit-Insurance. | When these facts are clearly understood, why ? shouldn't the honest assignment of accounts by any firm | be encouraged? A i Write for further details. ^ rrrnldcnt. ! Commercial Credit Company, 6 Capital and Surplus over $1,600,000 ? Commercial Bankers Non-Notiflcatlon System Home Offloct Baltimore ncprmcntctl at New York Philadelphia Chicago Cincinnati Boston ?? ? mm? era? erv ? ra ? * jivumu *5?"?Tc? 4iS 50UND BANKING - ALL THE_TIME.Jfc? With Capital and Surplus of Three Million Dollars We offer "perfect protection." A savings de partment for the thrifty. First National Bank >inth and Main. Issued in Denominations of $50.00?$100.00?$500.00 and $1,000.00. If You Want Safety and Six Per Cent ^ Purchase One or More of Our Certificates. ^ Interest January and July. ^ Fidelity Loan and Savings Company ? (Incorporated) % Phone Randolph 2211, Chamber of Commerce Building. ^ ?.? w 11 i nn' t ? ifi i nit ini<k nit ^ L. cash C apital, $100,000.00. g To Business Men and Women And to-day them are few of us who are not in some way identified with business, even it he hut the business of financ ing a household?we offer facilities which are unsurpassel. We invite you to visit us and got acquainted. Richmond Bank and Trust Company Main ami Eleventh Streets. ??MBMWBaMWMPBTTOMIBgMlflWHIWiWUSMBBIMI The up-to-date business man realizes that an annual audit of his books is of as great value 10 him as his fire insurance. Why not Rive such an important matter careful thought. The Federal Reserve Bank is, in many instances, calling on tho Member Banks for statements from their customers when their paper is presented for re-discount. It is best to be prepared for such a contingen cy. We are in a position to give quick and competent service. Let us talk it over with you. American Audit Co. 21 I .American .National Bank Building, Kicluuoiid, Va. ALI.AN T.ALBOTT, Resident Manager. ?BM???M?M hiiiT OBM >VT**T>mtt.,* HtEWRY S. HUTZLER 41 CO. BANKERS IN ALL LINES Or general; banking INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS : -?ii : ' I