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Richmond times-dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1914-current, August 08, 1915, Image 20

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THE TIMES, Konndrd 18SS
THE DISPATCH. Fonndrd 1850
PablUbrd every day in the jrnr by The Times.
Dispatch Publishing Company, Inc. Addreaa nil
commuDtratloDi to THE TIMES - DISPATCH.
Tlmea-Dlapatch Building, 10 South Tenth Street.
Richmond. Va.
Publication Ofllce 10 South Tenth Street
South Richmond 1020 Hull Street
I'eteribnrg 100 North Sycamore Street
Lriclibura 218 Eighth Street
HAsnnooK, story nnooKS, ino,
special Advertlalnic Representatives.
New York 200 Fifth Avenne
Philadelphia Mutual Life Bulldlnc
Cbliiijf"? People's (ia? liulldlui;
BY MAILi One Six Threo One
POSTAGE PAID Year. Mos. Moi. Mo.
Dally and Sunday *0 (Ml *3.00 SI.50 S .55
Da?ly oaly 4.00 2.00 1.00 . 85
? (today only 2.00 l.OO .50 .23
By Tlmes-Dlapatch Currier Delivery Service In
Richmond (and suliurha) and I'cteralinrg t
Daily with Sunday, one vreek 15 centu
Dnlly v*lthont Sunilnr, one nrrk 10 cent*
Sunday only 5 cent*
Entered January 27, 11)05, n ( Richmond, Vlt., an
aecond-clann matter under KiS of Coniprean o(
Mnrrk 3. 11TS.
Mnnnncrlptn and communication* mthmlttcd
for publication Trill not he returned uulrss
nccompnnled by poatnRc ntamps.
SUNDAY, Al'tiUPT S. 1015.
Hopo fi>r Troubled Mexico
IT requires some hardihood to predict the
return of peace and good government in
Mexico. hut it may be said with reason and
conviction that the chances are better now
than they have been at any time since the ;
assassination of Madero.
Thf> conference of Pan-American diplomats !
with Secretary Lansing lias resulted, it would j
sopm. in practical agreement on a course of i
action, which only awaits the approval of
Prosidont Wilson and of the diplomats' home ,
governments to bo placed in operation.
Carranza, now the dominant figure in |
Mexico, appears at last to get a glimpse of 1
the light, and accompanies his appeal for ]
recognition with an expression of his will- j
ingness to treat with the loaders of the other j
Mexican factions.
Even the generous Mexican appetite for j
revolution probably has been surfeited, and
the Mexican people look forward with hopo,
strengthened by desire, to stable peace and
the orderly processes of the law.
Wo see much that is hopeful in this
A dispatch tells ur of a bad boy who was
reformed by a medical operation. The old
slipper system worked by a mother was quito
efficacious and cost less money.
Judges and Politics
INVESTIGATION of the charges against
Judge R. II. L. Chichester, made originally
on the floor of tho House of Delegates by
Delegate S. P. Powell, will be followed with
interest by the people of the State, in the
anxious hope that nothing will be adduced to
stain the judicial ermine. That this hope, so
widely held, will be justified, Judge Chiches
ter's friends express every confidence.
Of course, however, the investigation must
be rigid and s*archinK No perfunctory in
quiry will satisfy any one concerned.
As The Times-Dispatch said when this con- i
troversy first i' : the i.rht. the worst fea
ture of tfce cii* '.h the con-action which it
ar'^r.'UiV! bJudiciary and the
politic* of V'.r y'.t-'.c. This connection le
the cm'.!'.: ' " *?- '.tw for which Judge
C v.-r - i? ?? - ?> - - ? ?<-??.r bie Judges on the
Y? " . ' '.*e* i ? - *he duty of naming
titf - ? ? whatever high
ly, ir.i-'" *-v. ? i' j ? hr-*-<- ?"nalpol5tlcal
1 u r. r?'. ? v ? J.*;- .? ? " be the objects
of rr ? ' *" i". ?? : y WLouid be spared
j-p; - - ? > % ? r - %? ? * ett Krf-o< r:ck:
burg v.-. ;.-.h of a change.
Mr P.ir/ef' >* ?? ight r.he Apbrvd *.?
statue Of r'.-:.*1'- Mr Rockefeller wtt c'
trac* ??-'*. '7 ts of the w ll"
i not by the trartir io.\ 1 i< -'o 'J "j ? ? ? >jv
that Aphrodite was sprung from t>.? *ei.
h^sca foam atid oil won't mix
A Light Tluit Fails
OUR always luminous, but not always im
partial, contemporary, the Ni-w Vor/
Sun. discussing Southern resentment ' t l;r '
tin's cotton policy, charitably remarks that
"the ?rouble which brewing in the result ??f
the South's fatuous devotion to the single
crop." This logical effort would do credit to
the German Chan* ellor, or any of his profe
torial assistant ?
The Sun thinks that "political interests in
the South, with a hyphenate hacking, are pn
paring to make an uproar in Congress over the
allies' interference with th?"> cotton trade,"
which show? among other things, that the
Sun dorsr: ? know what It is talking about.
DoubtlCM- whatever "hyphenate hacking"
can do to increase the cotton planter's resent
ment not be ornitf-d, but the resentment
exists quite independent of outside influence.
All tha* the rot ion trade asks is what this
govprnm"! '. already has asked - that Kngland
keep within th> law. if that demand is to
be withdrawn hC'-aus-1 'he South, in tho view
of the Run, has forfeited its claim to protec
tion by "fatuou d- vo'.ion to the single crop,"
it will be rather remarkable.
The International A sociation of Display
Men objects to the suggestion that it |>o
called the Window Trimmers. There are
too many other trimmers in the land Just
now. Even display men, operating along
other lines, are a p. st
Rush the Rappahannock Railroad
THE macs-meeting at West Point Friday
night to discuss and indorse the pro
pound Richmond, Rappahannock and North
ern Railroad showed the interest of the peo
ple of the town in this great work of public
The advantages of the project are pr-if
evldent, but the possibilities: of the new line,
as compared with actual conditions else where,
are worth considering.
The increase of population in 741 square
mile* tributary to the N V . P. & \" Railway,
vhich paRses through territory identical in
Foil, climate and general conditions with the
Territory through which the Richmond, Rap
patmcock and Northern Railway will run,
from 1S90 to 1900 was 26.4 per cent, while
the Increase In population of 1,200 square
miles of country not now tributary to any
railroad, but through which it is proposed
to construct the new line, was only S.S per
cent. From 190n to 1910 the increase in popu
lation in the N*. Y., P. & N. territory was 16.S
per cent, while in the same period the in
crease in the territory of the new project was
only 5.3 per cent.
As The Times-Dispatch said a few days ago,
Baltimore has nothing to fear from this road's
entrance into the transportation Held. The
territory, with railroad facilities, must in
crease enormously in population and produc
tiveness. and Baltimore will he as much a
beneficiary as Richmond and its adjacent in
terests. Competitive institutions in this age
are neither detrimental nor injurious to exist
ing institutions.
Greece is in no hurry to join the allies.?
News dispatch. Which will probably remind
the allies of Byron's remark: '"Tis Greece,
but living Greece no more."
NDER the commission-manager plan of
city government, Springfield, O., in eight
months after the plan went into effect, had
cut its lloating debt in half and materially re
duced its bonded indebtedness. Last year
the. city's income exceeded its expenditures
for the first time in history, and a surplus of
over $51,000 was accumulated.
These and other interesting statements
about Springfield's experience with a simpli
fied charter are made in an article printed in
The Times-Dispatch this morning. Accord
ing to the writer of that article, and in the
view of citizens In- has interviewed, the com
mission-manager plan has made good.
Virginians will feel a special interest in
Springfield's experiment because the city man
ager went there from Staunton, where he had
held the same oifice. lie is winning new
laurels in his new environment.
This very transfer of Mr. Ashburner's ac
tivities, by the way. is one of the most en
couraging incidents in the development of
the commission-manager movement. It points
to a time when the manager of a small
city, who has proved his efficiency and worth,
may expect to bo promoted in due course to
the management of a larger city, and to the
more distant time when city management will
be as distinct a profession as medicine or law.
By that time, it is quite possible to believe,
courses in city management and allied sub
jects will be offered in all of our great uni
versities. and a corps of trained men will be
turned out every year.
Municipal departments will be filled with
young men who are perfecting themselves in
their profession, jlist as the young doctor
spends two or three years in a hospital and
the young lawyer tinds a desk in the offices
of some older member of the bar. The pros
pective expert in city government will be
learning his profession as well as practicing
it. When he Is called to take charge of a
department, or assume the direction of a
small municipality, lie will have actual ex
perience as well as academic instruction be
hind him.
All this is a long way in the future, of
course, but it is a pleasant prospect. Most
men take far more interest in a business or
profession, which represents their life work,
than In a mere political job, from which they
may bo ejected at any time. When Ameri
can cities nre governed by those who know, in
an exact and professional way. just what
they are about when the direction of sub
depart ments, as well as of each city as a
whole, is in the hands of men trained and
expert?we shall have something in the na
ture of a millennium. In the meantime,
probably, we shall have to follow the example
of "the poor benighted Hindoo, who does the
best he kin do."
Progress in City Government
Mr Bryan says ho is in politics for the res-t
of his life Hope lie nets more rest in the
future- th;in he lias in the past.
I'fist Prom I'ollco Agitation
IT v.ouid h<? ardently hoped hv the mass of '
P.'.rhmond's citizenship?we believe it is ko i
hoped that when the Hoard of Aldermen J
?. !', j: nrrow evening it. will arrange fur
i r,ti <- ;,< i dy disposition of the report or the
cor v ;*?<-?? that investIgated tin- I'olbe He
parin < rt? <<rtainlv as to the punitive recom
? the report makes.
]'.:< * mmd has had enough of this particu
...? The waters have been stirred
?' g<. ?; p-jrpose perhaps, despite the quan
? ?v i f t: u>! that has drifted to the surface,
I. j' it is i iiji<- now to permit the stream to
mv '? Agitation Is an excellent thing in its
vr.fev ar;d sometimes vitally necessary to com
munity happiness, hut even of an excellent
we fan have too much.
The f ornmitt< e's recommendations as to
punishment are not oversevere. They are
approved not only hy what is termed the
"mural element," hut also hy the ordinary
male human being the man in the street
who considers that a police commissioner,
intrusted hy his oath and duty with the en
forcement of law. should hold himself to a
Mre-ti-r code of per: on a 1 conduct than the
man in 111?* street oh. < rves himself or expects
to he observed by other private citizens. This
is not first-rate morality, certainly, but it Is
the viewpoint, nevertheless, of a considerable
section of this and every other community.
There is little rime and less reason, there
fore, in prolonging the discussion on this
The constructive portions of the committee
report are another matter altogether. The
plan to place the I'olice Department under
the direction of a commissioner is an excel
lent one. but it should receive careful con
sideration before it is adopted. It may be, in
view of prospective changcii in the city
charter, that it would be wise to defer tills
reform and permit it to come alon; with the
others the city confidently expect*
What the police force now needs is stability
and an end to argument and agitation. No
agency of government can work satisfactorily
, when it is in a state of constant excitement - -
of attack and criticism from without and of
dissension and distrust within. Whatever i:i
to be done should he done with as much
promptness as posMbb- The ?jepartmcnt
needs a rest?and so doen the community.
O Dcutschland! Iteutschland! beware of
the day when the Russians meet you in battle
army; when tint Russian behr on the River
Rug will take you in with a Russian hug.
The election of a President in Portugal a
few days ago was so quiet that, ofllclal returns
i will be necessary to prove that one was held.
The New Jersey hen that laid an egg In a
barrel of tar was stuck on her Job.
Nevertheless, Hopewell Is not yet Hopeless.
Time to Count.
Whi>n pretty little Genevieve
Decided she would wed.
She caused much woo. you may beliexe.
And quarts of tears were shed.
For pretty little Genevieve
Was belle at every ball.
And though, of course, she'd not deceive.
She smiled on one and all.
AthI each and every ardent swain.
Transfixed by Cupid's dart.
Had thought with all his inlpht and main
That he had won her heart.
Thus once again we may perceive
Vhe truth in childhood taught
That chickens liko fair Genevieve
You should not count till caught.
Tlie I'cuolmlKt *?n.v?!
The reason troubles never come singly Is
that misery loves company.
(?rent Expectation*.
Customer (who has struit
Kled hi vain with his din
mr>?What do you mean by
bringing me a steak that
could not be out with an ax?
Waiter (who went untlpped
last time)?Why, I thought,
sir. that if you could Ret
into that steak you might
find a way to open your
Illuut Instruments, 1'robnbly.
"1 wonder why so many doctors fail to achieve
financial prosperity?" asked the man who always
wants to know.
"That's easy enough." replied his discerning
friend. "They find it Impossible to carve their
way to fame."
The Horn Plplomnt.
Fh" (jealously)?1 saw you with your eyes
glued on that odious Miss Sweetthing.
He (enthusiastically) ? Pid you, my dear?
Then you must have observed that I turned my
eyes Immediately in your direction, so that 1
might reward them with the sight of a really
good-looking woman.
Simply Great.
Behold the little Jitney bus
That ambles to and fro;
It takes you almost any place?
Save where you want to go.
Chats With Virginia Editors
Or: emergintr. with whole bones let us hope,
from a red-hot eontroversary with local ofli
j cialdom, and after much "agitation" that really
I agitated, the editor of the Newport News Press
confesses and proposes as follows: "One of the
meanest things the newspapers do is to publish
hot <dltorlals all through the hot season, never
giving the readers a vacation. When the Vir
ginia Press Association next assembles, we are
gong to offer a resolution that every editor
I give his readers a vacation for at least two
weeks in each summer and fill the hot-air
spares with breezy stories from mountain and I
seashore, such as soothe the mind and make the !
heart glad, Instead of agitating the entire pop- ?
illation raid making the hot spell worse. Editors |
are so inconsiderate, and we shall try to bring '
them to their senses an<1 make them have pity I
upon a long-suffering public. The people need
a rest."
From a safe distance the Lynchburg Advance
looks hop.tfully to the future in the following:
"Hopewell is a lusty municipal infant and has
outgrown Its official clothes. The action of the
authorities in dismissing the police forep and j
ordering a cleanup of the city, ho far as viola- j
tlons of the law are. concerned, will do the town
more good than anything else of which we l
know, for the reason that only by drastic action I
can the authorities show the law violators 1
that such action will not he countenanced nnd !
that Hopewell must become a law-abiding and I
respectable town, and not a life-size imitation )
of the mining towns of the West."
"If you liko your home town." says the Em- '
poria Independent, "tell everybody about it.
Hut If you don't like it, go to work and do <
something to convert It into a town that you
can like Perhaps the only thing the town ,
needs may take root in your own brain."
The Richmond Times-Dispatch gives a long
list of equipment that a Swiss soldier has to
carry and says It include* a bottle. Rut the !
usually accurate and thorough T. D. doesn't
state what is carried in the botlle.?Covington !
Virginian. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sirup, of
[ course.
Happy is Rlarkntono, if the Courier, of that
! town. Is altogether reliable, and it usually Is.
rhaf paper says. "Richmond is still having
trouble with Its jitneys, while Blackatone bus
neither Jitneys nor trouble."
Current Editorial Comment
American "demandfi" are an '
What's Host r*''' story lo tho Mexicans. There i
foe have t ??-<? ti so many of these
Mcxicitlis? "demands" and no little attention
was ever pai<l to them that tho
only possible thing for the United
Slates to do at this lime to command respect In
to <|iilt Issuing "demands" and ilo something
ft?? ftii11? There I;- ample .IiikI Went Ion for taking
the whole l'it of t he Mexican leaders by the
i i iuf( of iJielr necks :ind tumble them into tho
first < otiveiijeiit Ja I, following this course hy a
general cleaning up of li 11 the lessor bosses and
"genera Is" until ;i wa\ l.s opened for the Mexl
can people lo (.elect their own officials and adopt
their own KVMem ?? f sell ling their domestic
problem:*. Kfilt'-.t: l.'lty .louMial.
I h' i" are Just ;-'lTleen Slates
A llcplv 1 "ion in which no women
lite )!'i" anything whatever.
"Antis" li'ere in. twelve suffrage States.
There are twenty States In
which women have a partial
right to vote? generally f,,|- incnilicis of school
boards So in two-thirds of the United States
the question If no longer, "Shall women vote?"
It Is. rather, "Shall women who vote for this
be allowed to vote for thai as well?" And In
one-quarter of tho States even ihai searching
question has been answered in the affirmative.
I,ei us face ilie Issue squarely. Since women
may vote on child education, why not on child
labor? Since women ma\ have a hand in the
i-pending ef publle moneys for hiring school
iea hers, why not for emp|o\ing food inspec
tors? Since their voles may Influence the build
ing of a Hc.hoolhouse. why not <.r a poM-oflice?
If women are to vole at all, ihey should vole in
all If woman's place Is In the home, it i:J nH
bad f'-r her to tfilio a place In a school board as
In ft health board. For two-ihlrds of the Culled
States ihe question of woman's voting i:, settled
The onl\ open question is "ihe further .xlens on
of suffrage lo women." To thai qmsiton logic,
^o'm) (?* use and pair play have but one . 111; \\ *? r . .
The Independent.
Whether culpable or not, it
now looks as if the coiton farmer
will be again "In a hole.' ;na|
must again appeal for ilnancl ii
Intervention on the part of the
government or the banks if )!ft
had bread and meal to sell, lie would have little
trouble in gelling his price for It. or if he ?ould
noi sell all of It. he could <?"? P'"' ??f it hlin
h, If ThaV something, must be ?lono to help
him tide over I lie danger period on which he
will soon enter and lo prevent hit tailing a
victim lo Ihe speculator Is rocognl*/'<l hy in,,
action of Ihe Federal Hep?rv? Board (in linking
iho bank a In the roiton uoctlons to fco.op.nu.
IfMp tho
I 'niton
in cxli'niltnu financial relief to the Southern
grower until he can reallr.c a fi\lr price for his
product. While the warehouse faculties are
admitted to be still Insufficient to provide stor
:\co nt one time for the whole crop, the board
believes that they are adequate to meet emer
gency demands and to protect, through the re
discounting of warehouse receipts, tho helpless
planter who Is unable to hold his crop for bot
ter prices. ? Baltimore Sun.
Gossip From "Down Home"
Strnnge accidents occur "down home" some
times. The North Wllkesboro Hustler tells
nbout this one: "Mr. O. M. Pllkenton. a county
merchant of W11 bar, was here Saturday on
his way to Greensboro for the treatment and
examiuatlon of his right eye, bndly injured by a
stopper from a pop bottle flying Into It. Tho
doctor here expressed doubt as to saving the
As to muskrats nnd corn, tho Mnrshvllle
Home sheds some thoughts It snys: "Some
towns have n reputation for gro\vlng cotton
within the corporate limits, but Mnrshvllle
bears the distinction of being a corn-growing
town?so much so that the muskrats are mak
ing their homos along the Spring runs in town.
Mr. B. F. Black reports that they have been
cutting his corn, and Mr. \V. A. Bariino
knocked one senseless with a piece of stovo
wood while gnawing on u stalk of corn one
day last week."'
There Is going to be some trouble In the
pood town of Rocky Mount, where they have a
baseball club, a leaf tobacco market and some
other things that go to make up a live town.
The Telenram, the only dally paper of the
town says: "Thnt the drun stores of the city
are not jiolng to charge drinks, cigars or to
baccos after the middle of the present mouth
may be as a bomb dropped in the camp of some,
but the reasonableness of tho ruling and the
coofl It will work for all concerned will better
be appreciated when the detailed work of mini
mum 5-cent charges is taken into considera
tion The druggists report that It ij? next to
impossible to keep trace of the sales and punch
the tickets or record charge cheeks for the
sales of tobaccos, while on the other hand it
tends to extravagance with some and resultant
bad credit."
Things politically arc waking up "down
home." The Raleigh Times says: "In
dications point to a somewhat lively race for
Attorney-General. Thomas H. Calvert, assist
ant Attorney-General, is an avowed candidate:
\V. A. Self, of Hickory, Is being boosted for the
place; Col. Edmund Jones, of Lenoir, is really
being urged by many friends, and Judge Frank
Carter has already entered.'*
The Greensboro Record says: "The rity
probably the best negro citizenship in the
State, and it Is well known that North Caro
lina colored folks compnre very favorably with
the best in the country. Greensboro has very
little trouble with the mass of the race. It is
true that without certain of them the city court
here would be a dull place, but it is also a
fact that those who enliven the tribunal aro
repeaters. There ar? a hundred or so who keep
the city judge busy and help work the s'r?;. i
by compulsion of the law. The others or the
negroes are working for the most part and
aio ne'if-respectinc."
1 he Voice of the People
Annncliiteil < luirltlrN' Work.
Tn the Editor of The Times-Dispatch:
Sir.? Hot'. Well, it certainly was yesterday, and
I wnnrtir if our good friends iri winter colA. and
who ;tre away in tJi?? mountains or flown l>v ih<
Hen. ri-a 117.0 that our poor peoplo suffer <-v<>n
mor'' from heat than cold? Well. such of the
charity workers who stay in the city will tell
you It was just so hot that 1 thought I would
bo to the Assoelat e?| Charities an<l see what
they were doing for relief of the situation. I
wish some of our good friends who <lo help us.
and others who have so much criticism, could
h ive heen with me As I entered peals of boyish
laughter rang through the old building. I
pooped in the door and saw about forty little j
boys diving, swimming and just having a plnrl- I
ou? time. Could there be. godlier work than this I
swimming pool? A competent doctor was in
'halve. 1 tjii. stioned him as to hours and if
any admission fee was necessary. Not one cent.
Th?'V are arranged in classes; no boy is allowed
10 stay over an hour. The bovs como In group:;,
bringing their own friends, and thu '?las.- th?-m
nlvi'S. The director. Kenly J. Clark. seemed
most enthusiastic, and as I Raw the little fel
lows clean?at least, for a time?I thought and
felt < oolcr, although the thermometer had not
dropned. "Does the city allow an appropria
tion?" "No." was the reply, although they hail
been asked for $300, but Dr. Ruchanan had asked
some of his friends, and they were giving to
enable t h<>so boys to have tiiis healthful and
safe amusement, for. with the director always
present, .ill danger is avoided. Don't criticize
th> \ 01 i.-,ted Charities. C'.o and pee for vour
s?-If M US. N. V. RANDOM'H.
Portland. August .1, lf'l.'i.
Queries and Answers
X'lr^lnlnn F11 ntlllfH.
Is it true that the Virginia Harrisons are
descended from the regicide? Can you give
me tin- names of the Randolph estates on the
James River? E. P. C,RAVES*.
Some may be. The. more distinguished family
of the name comes from Banjamln Harrison,
born in Surry County in ami certainly not
a son of the regicide. Tuckahoe, Chatsworth, j
Wilton. Varina, Curies, Rremo, Turkey. Island
arc- all we recall. j
??fJntlier Yr Rosebud*."
We reprint below the verses of Robert Herrick
asked for some days ago:
Gather ve rosebuds while ye. may,
Old Tlmo is still a-flying.
And this same llower that smiles to-day
To-morrow may be dying.
The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,
The higher he's a-getting.
The sooner will his rare be run
And nearer he's to setting.
Thai age is best which is the first,
When youth and blood are warmer;
Rut being spent, the worse, and worst
Times still succeed the former.
Then be not coy, but use your time,
And. while ye may, go marry:
For having lost but once your prime,
Yo may forever tarry.
<?Tlie ?'It* of (he Dead."
They do neither plight nor wed
In the City of the 1 >ead.
In the city where they sleep away the hours;
Rut (bey lie. while o'er them range,
Winter blight and summer change.
And a hundred happy whisperings of flowers.
No. they neither wed nor plight,
And (lie day Is like the night,
Kor their vision is of other kind than ours.
They do neither sing nor sigh
In the burg of by and by,
Where the streets have grasses growing cool
and long:
Rut they rest within their bed.
I.eaving all their thoughts unsaid.
Deeming silence better far than sob or song
No, they neither sigh nor sing,
Though the robin be a-wing.
Though tiie leaves of autumn march a million
There is only rest and peace
In .h<? city of surcease
Kioin tho failings and the. waitings 'neath the
And the wings of the swift years
Rent but gently o'er the biers.
Making music to the sleepers, every one.
There in only peace and rest,
''.lit to them it scemeth best,
Kor they lie at ease and know that life in
?Richard Burton.
Olio of the Day's Best Cartoons.
Illy finrrcll I*. Scrvlns.)
If our American mind.s were as ?nl>
terraneously superstitious as those of
the and-lit Egyptians we uouM wor
ship a sacred beetle, too, and at. even
more remarkable insect than t!>?? fa
mous scarab of the Nile !t wnnl<! he
tlie porindb m1 cicada, or the "sovctitfoii
year locust,'" as It is popularly called.
Tts form would l>e iviivcil in jewels of
Jasper, a?ate, sard and earnep.nn, and
worn for a charm and as a token of
the eternal cycle tl ;it leads tfjrout;h
11f' to death and hack a pain through
death to 1 if
The seventeen-yenr cicada is. in some
respects, th" most wonderful inse.-t
ktiown on the earth. For o;i<- tl.inu, it
i' the lotiK< st-llvcd. ISllt what a life'
1">? i mote tluin sixteen consecuti%??? y?rtrs
an uuly Krub. dwelling underground;
then a living six-legged honor, cra.vl
inu a few feet up the trunk of a tree
and nnchorir.ir st?>?-1 f with harOed claws
t"? the hark: n<'Xt splitting open along
its abhorrent hack as if chc sun had at
the mere sight, smitten it with instan
taneous deiitli; and finally a hron/.o
wii'in d, huiiKlitm. butting, elephant
bodied fly. making a tioi.-e like a toy
sawmill, and winding up its ophetnei tl
<ai<ii above ground within two or
thr? i short wi> k.s; Sixtt-<>n yi-ars rrut)
biiii: underground for only that'
The male cicada is the serenader.
II' has m his body two drums, env
? red v. ith membranes, soir.c of which,
are as brilliant and transparent as
mica, and which are set into vibration
l.v special muscles Those product a
buz/ant-', dreamy music, uhih singu
larly accords with the slumberous
spirit or a summer afternoon, ami
forms, from the human point'of view,
th<- only excuse for the cicada's exist
ence. Hut there ate persons who would
not ur.nt e\en this excuse.
The female Is no la:'.y. idling *nu
sic-maker, like tier husband, but a
doer of damage to trees. She is armed
with an Instrument that has been de
scribed once for all by Dr. T. \\\ Har
ris It consists of a piercet, having
'three parts i:t close contact with e.tch
other; namely, two outer ones grooved
on th^ inside and enlarged at the t*ps.
which externally are beset with small
teeth like a saw', and a central, spear
pointed borer, which plays between the
other two.
"Tints this instrument hts the power
i and, (loos the- work of both an awl and
| a doubl?--odged haw. or rather of two
kevliole ha\\ j) cutting opposite to each
1 oth- r. '
Headers, if there. be any, who have
never seen this remarkable insect will
have an opportunity to make its ac
quaintance i arty this hummer, almost
anywhere in the Northern and Central
States, from the Hudson to the Mis
hihi-ippi. The present invasion, ac
cording to tho Department of Agri
I culture's entomologists, will r.ot be
marked by any great numerical
strength of tho i'i cad a armies, sprung
f r o m tiie ground like the dragon
brood of Argonautic. Jason, but rather
by the wide expanse of country cov
ered. for t!.e seventeen-year horde
i that appears this ye;*.r is territorially
tho most extensive of all the thirty
broods it.to which cicadas are divided.
Here is another wonderful thing
about these ?trang<- insects. JCntomolo
gist.s have discovered that there are
two r.T'i s of tb<> periodical cicada, a
seventeen-year race and a thirteen-year
rare K.n h tare consists of a number
of mii" ssive lironds or hordes?seven
t>, n <>f ihe swonteen-ycar race and
thirteen of the thirteen-year r.tce. or
thirty broods in ail Kvery brood has
its own particular year for appearing
above ground, and its own chosen ter
ritory, and no other brood of the samo
race ever appears in a year that be
longs to another. This year's seven
teen-year horde bears, in the entomolo
gical index, the Roman numeral VI.
The lat? st and best studies of these
wonderful creatures have been made
by Mr. L Mrirlatt. of the L'nlted
States Bureau of Entomolog y.
The earliest recorded ;appcarance of
the seventeen-year cicada whs In 1633,
at Plymouth. Mass.. where they greatly
astonished the Pilgrim Fathers. In
Nat ha Mel Mortons "New England's
Memorial" tho sudden apparition of
the insects is quaintly described:
"There was a numerous company of
i Mies whif h were like for bigness unto
wasps and limnbb-bees. They cams
out of little holes in the ground, and
did ea? up green things, and made such
| a constant yelling noise as made tho
I woods ring of them, and ready to
, deaf< n tho hearers '
COrENMIAOKX. August ?>.? F.xr<.ptInc
tho western put <>f Norway anil the
fon.-ti route up to <r??* North. Scandi
navia ncve-r 11s luen Included in :he
KiT.it tourist countries "f the world,
a n'i this in spite of all I he splendors
nature has lavished on her. One cause
for ihis state of things Is that \ ry
little has b? en (lone to decently re
ceive and lodge a greater number of
; tourists. Denmark, for instance, is
larking in sutmm r resorts of tl-e first
class. A few there are which may be
counted as comfortable establishments:
at Sknw, for instance, on the Island
of I'ano, and Marionlvst. on the shores
of Oresond, the renowned strait of
Sweden is situated a little too much
out of the way, and yet much has been
done by the government and by an ex
ceedingly well organized touring club
to found summer resorts, specially in
the Provinces of Darlecarlia and Lap
land, and oti the rocky shores of Stock
holm and ?'iotehorg.
The gay Copenhagen, with her <100,
?'?ao inhabitants, remained to last Au
gust a typical Danish town, but the
war has brought chances, and the city
has become cosmopolitan, owing to the
invasion from Germany of well-to-do
foreigners. Russians. Italians. and
others, who prefer to watch the devel
opment of events from the vantage
point of ne.utral Denmark.
The economical situation of the.se
countries has also changed to a degree
never observed before. Tl'.e accounts of
profit and loss of the transportation
lines, particularly those of the railway,
show tins'. Norway and Sweden es
pecially have received large revenues
which are. still increasing". of what,
consequence this has been for the rail
ways owned by the states of Norway
and Sweden will be understood when
it is said the private railways of Swe
den. during the last year, have seen tho
baggage t radio increased by 21 per
cent the gross amount of receipts by
17 per cent. In -spite of this, the net
revenues of the railways of the states,
as well as those of-private systems, are
not higher this year than they used to
he, because of the enormous price of
coal Norway and Dcnir.r.-k. which
lack coal niine.s. are bitterly suffering,
becahse America Will not'sell at tea
sonable prices a sufficient quantity of
the black fuel. Sweden's secondary
railways are firin.T with wood, b.it ac
cording to the latest reports the state,
has entered in contract with some
American lirma for a laige consign
ment of coal. v
l.nnsrn at Sen.
What has been said about the profit
and loss applies also to the shipping.
The sums gained by the merchant ma
rine of the three countries are consid
erable in thoso days of high freights,
but the loss la treat. Norway has al
l ready lost, as the result of torpedoing
[and mine explosions, ships and carpoes
worth about 30,000,000 crowns. Den
mark. has lost nineteen ships, to the
value of about S.000,000 crowns.
localise of tho enormous export of
? provisions to Kncland and 'Sermany,
not only from the agricultural Den
1 mat k. but even from the. industrial
Sweden, it is rather difficult to buy food
| in s andinavia, since there is very lit -
tie in tho way of provisions left for
the countries themselves. To help this
, shortage the governments are buying
in America and Russia great quantities
of grain. Sweden this Juno Imported
100,000 tons of Hour and Denmark 7,000
tons of rye. In addition, the three gov
ernments of the north have issued very
i vigorous decrees prohibiting the ex
| porting of certain articles.
There is an abundance of money, al
| though, of course, this condition is not
j to be considered as. of a constant na
ture. Very pleasant facts are the fa
vorablo development of the three na
| tlonal banks, the big dividends of tha
; joint stock companies, and. last but not
least, tho good effect the loans of tho
three governments have had en the home
market. Sweden, for instance, has up
to date been able to borrow 135.000,000
crowns, anil Norway B0,000,000 crowns.
But these phenomena are trivial in
comparison to the fact that nowadays
the governments are obliged to borrow
large sums of money In order to clear
themselves?new taxes on a largo
scale being neither popular nor possi
ble. The Swedish budget, as a result
of tiie expensive neutrality arrange
ments, was increased from 278,000,000
crowns last year to 100,000,000 crowns
this year.
What (lie Doctor's Wife Pound.
(Philadelphia Record.)
The well-established practice of sew
ing up sponges, towels and small sur
gical instruments in wounds made in
patients ought to be confined to the
laity. A man who is not a doctor or
surgeon Is not expected to know what
is the matter with himself, and if ho
objects to hardware and textiles in an
incision he can be disposed of by the
assurance that he doesn't know what
is good for him, and has no degree or
certificate authorizing him to discuss
surgery. Rut when a towel or nankin
ten inches squnre was sewed up in
an incision made in Dr. J. ICdsrar Todd,
of Toms River, the ethics of the pro
fession were violated because tho vic
tim was a doctor. The wound made
seven months ago did not heal, and
when Mrs. Todd was dressing it she
saw something white hanging out of
her husband. Believing It to bo no
part of htm, she pulled it out. These
adjuncts of the operating room oUeht
to l?e kept out of mcmbors of the pro

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