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#THE CHURCHES AND TO-DAY'S SERVICES Solomon Anointed King .Sermon liy nr.v. Fi.ovn \v. tomkixs. Text i I. KIiik* I. 1-BUl II. 1-12. We have a long lesson to-dav and an important on? Solomon wan tho third King of nod's people. He began splendidly, he ended disastrously. So long as ho obeyed God and kept him self faithful to the statutes of the Al mighty he was blessed and honored and successful; hut. like many another man who has become rich, his money was tr.o much for him, and it led him away from Jehovah and causejl him to sink Into the misery of heathen customs. ' Mji lesson to-day especially refers to Solomon's anointing. There was some little difficulty about it. as there seems to have been about the anointing of a good many or the Kings of that period There were many rivals, and each one had his following: but Solomon was the one whom God had chosen, and there fore Solomon was finally placed upon the throne and his rivals were dis'-om fltted. though their lives were graclous ly spared. God has the ordering "f 'he affairs of men. They try to rebel against His ruling, and disaster and trouble result, but God's ordering re mains and is bound finally t.i conquer. Right cannot be defeated. It is a com fort to realize that God has a hand In the affairs of men. Ther may s?-ek t'i oppose Hun. to destro> Him and to set up the Idols of their own passions ar.d foolish Judgments, but voon or Into these are swept aside, just as the in coming tide sweeps away 'he little rand houses which the children h:i vc made on 'he 'hor'. and the Divine Will con trols. "We cr*n do nothing against th* truth but for the truth.-' says St. Paul. t.OI) ( A V I'M-: VOfTII AS \\ AS OI.II Ai.K Solomon was younk when he was , chosen. God can use youth as well as old age. If it is only consecrated to. Him We may well believe it was a youth of promise, a youth in which al r'-adc ihcri> breathed the strength which led Solomon afterwards? to he called wise. To be sure, the dlsAp pointment of )iis obi ape. which we find suggested in the liook of Kc?"l?-slastos. takes something from tl?e fragrance of his early days: but we can forget that i for a moment and rejoice In the youth ful enthusiasm which made bright, we may well believe, the closing hours of David's life nr.d which gave promise of great good for the future of the king dom r>l'ier people must not rebel against or fail to understand the ad vancement of those who are younger. We live in an tee when youth Is more in demand than ever before. Positions are largely filled hv young men. Ther? Is a rapid approach to maturity to-day which is different from anything that has been known before. Lot not thos* who have passerj the r.enith of life's eampaierr. complain of thic. but let them rather rejob-e that the voutig are more capable than th< v used to be and that they are ready to take their pln<-e in 'he human conflict it 1* the j..- ? t of ape to be cennrout and to guide so far as may b' possible through experience, the activities of youth. But there must never be that unpardonable Jealousy which shall suspicion the young ?c full of error, sr.d which shall make their efforts more difficult. r.nn cai.i.s \i u v I'ropi.k TO A f "f'OM I'l.l <? II MIS \VI 1,1. Notice the nsrencies broucht to benr in connection with the rroivsiinc of th*1 Kir.p Th?r? was David. his father, of course, and Pathsheha. and Nathan, the pri h*t. Rut in addition to thr-^. th^rc * ? 7.irink, th** priest. and many others sociaterf with th* tabcrnacle worship All this ik int??estlnp. p s fhowlnc how God calls many prople an'l use?- manv thires in ih<> accom pllshint: of His will Is it not so In our life"* Whatever comes to us In th* M'av of responsibility should make us consclotis of our obligations to many of our brothers \V* r. w <? much to thousands of p*ople ?ho rt re ilaily nervine us Whatever work T rnav be able to do with my hands or my brain I have been helped to do by thou sands of men and women, many of whom I have never seen. This is or,* of fh* Interesting truths of life, and its lesson Is found in the rail to uni versal service I am to serve every body Kverybodv has a claim upon me, and J can pass by no man or woman and thlr.k that 1 am entirely without obligations. And when 1 tealize this world-wide servic* rendered ine. and that I also may have a share in ren derinc such service to another, th*re nin-t com* a pelf-reverence and self control. which will help me to be what God wants me to be and to dr. what God want^ me to do. SOI.KMN AM) nKAlTIKI I. I.BSSON DAVID lilVKS SON There is one other lesson, and it is fcund in the solemn and beautiful ohntrc which David gives to his son. Tn it h* reviews his own life. Tn it he warns him of the enemies of the king dom. To l>e sure, there is a little of that bitterness concerninc his enemies which was characteristic of the genera tion in -which he lived, but it is also a warninp. which proves how loyal David was to Oort. "Keep the charpe of the Lord thy God, to walk in His ways." j Does not that teach us that nation can hope for permanency and prosperity, where the law of God Is neplertcd or the worship of God thrown aside? We may thank God that In our American povernment the President takes his oath of office with his hand on the open Rihle. We may thank God that we have our chaplains in Conpress and in our Leplslatures. We must hold fast to these thinps, and we must also demand that tlie righteousness of God shall rule everywhere amonp us, and that thinps contrary to His will shall be cast down. May God hasten the day when obedience to His will shall be counted as the most important thinp. Dear Lord, as Thou didst anoint Thy kinps of old to do Thy service, so do Thou anoint me. Thy humble child, that 1 may do Thy will in my day and feneration. Help me to pive all that I have and all that I am to the joy of Thy service. Make me to know my duty to all my brothers and open mine eyes that I may see; the opportunities of life. Rut. above all else, oh. Thou preat and only Kinp,: keep nie near to Thee: hold me from J wroncr and lead tne'to the risrht. For] Thine own dear sake. Amen. The Sin of PrnyerleBsnpKs. "God forbid that I should sin apaInst I the Lord in ceaslnp to pray for you."?| 1 Samuel xii. 21. How few of us have placed prayer- j lessness amonp our possible sinn! And 1 how even fewer have, placed the omis- j slon to pray for others in the black jist of sins apalnst the holy Lord! | We have called It thouphtlessness, or i neplipence. or even apathy, but we | have not called it sin. Put how this word nln, a? used in thlH unfamiliar relationship, broadenn and deepens the ministry and oblipatlon of prayor! My needy brother has a right to my pray ers. They are to be rogarded as part | of his capital strength. They crni- ; I stitute a part of the forces which were purponed to make him victorious In all the battles of life. My jirayetK t for lilm are part of bin army. 1 con , trol sotne of his vital equipment. Without my co-operation in prayer he | Is weakened and* maimed. If I re ! fuse him my prayers, I deprive him of so much of his heritage. I de fraud him. I wrong him in a far more doadly manner than if I refused to pay a material debt. I disclaim my spiritual debts, and he is impov erished in the central resources of the soul. 1 help ilim into moral bank ruptcy by depriving him of his sacr?d duos. Thus do I wroiip my brother, and thus do 1 sin against God. All this, 1 say, is a very lofty con ception of the obligation of prayer. It is something we owe to others, and if we refuse to pay, we leave them poor indeed. On the other hand, how ; uplifting ib the conception that by i my prayers 1 am Increasing a' man s moral capital. 1 am helping him to : mobilise ill.-1 spiritual lor . h I mid ? , sending him army corps to enable him . to meet his enemy at the gate and overthrow him. 1 may share tn his warfare, and I may rejoice and glory in his triumph.?Itev. J. H. Jowett, I 1 D. 1>. WORKING AMONG WOMEN IN CHINESE FACTORIES .Mifcobinnrfen In Peking Kind ?%t l-'lclil in Kuoinn \\ here SoldierH* I inthvs Are .Mnde. ' v { It is a wide swing of the pendulum j that takes Chinese women from their, conservative home life and assembles \ them in great companies for factory' toil and other industrial labor. These ' changing conditions are gradually j i-oiiiiiia about in the cities. In i'eklng l.SOM women and (sirls ate employed! for six days a week to make soldiers' | clothes. They are gatheied Into three' enormous thick-walled rooms in an old granary, formerly used to store! tribute grain and no longer needed in 1 tiicse republican days. }!v great dill- ! vence a few earn ten cents a day, but] very many not more than three or four ' cents. The order kept is remarkable and the treatment fair and good, as far as the casual visitor can see. The overseers are women. Only'a few tailors and a few guards are needed and they occupy a separate room where the finished work is received. Mis sionaries and native helpers connected with the woman's board work in i'e kit.u have interested themselves in the.-" patient toilets and been cordially received. The guards consented to let them mingle with the workers and even invited them to come often and "lecture" to them. <_>ne American missionary writes; "As we have watched these women >i111uir on their mats. COO in each of the rooms, our hearts went out to them In a pre at sympathy. On our lirst visit the work that day was put tine fur lininKS Into long khaki gar ments and the dust from the fur so tilled the air that it was almost im possible to speak without coughing and to address women who had never learned to listen to public speech was not easy. Warned by the difliculties, the next time we went the plan was tried of sitting among them and speak inn to the twenty ?>r thirty who really could hear. When six speakers can bo and spend two hour? it is possible to reach most of the women" Many of the workers are Manchus: nio?t of them are city bred, and some have seen better days A number of Christians have been found among them and many Mohammedans, as th* workshop is near a mosqu' and a Mo hammedan settlement. A JEWISH PRAYER j"Spore the Remnant of Tliy Penplf li?rn?"l W lt?> SulTcr."' ?omf time before this war, which has I changed the whol'- face of the world [and Introduced a now era in human1 I affairs, there was a trial in a Russian court at Kl'ff on the ape-obl accusation of ritual murder. A Jew was accused of murdering a child that its blood might be used In a religious c*r?mony | at the Passover The Jew was ac quitted. and we all hoped that his ac- j ?lUittal was a slprn that the dark acres ' of th?? world were over, nf this we are not so sure, since we have heard of nelpiuni and Serbia and Poland, and of Jewish persecutions going on in Russia still?not to speak of the horrors of the Balkan wars which went before as a kind of prelude to the present ki 11 - inns and cruelties Put to recover from that ancient age of perhaps three , years ago a prayer which some of th< t Jewish religions leaders of Russia pre I pared In that time of hatred and ! suspicion: "We beseech Thee, O God of mercy and forgiveness, who penetratest unto the heart and knowest the most hidden mysteries of all living, when i Thou slttest this day upon the throne I of judgment to judge the world with [ righteousness and the nations with equity, he Thou filled with mercy and i spare the remnant of Thy people Israel j who suffer for Thy law and Thy holy words, and remove from them all hatred and envy, all libels and outrages." TRUSTING WITHOUT PROOF BRINGS GOD NEAR TO US Why Ask Him for Rvlilrnrp When We Accept Statement* of Human Friends. To feel that we can trust Clod hetter I i after He has done for us something that we sorely need Is to insult God, I says the Sunday School Times. God s works, do not add to His trustworthi ness. We do not ask our trues't human ; friends to prove their word to us. If one whom we love and we know to lie j true tells us that he will do a certain < thing for us, we do not reply, "Well, , i after you have done It 1 shall know I I that you mean what you say." Human j I friendship would not last long on such ; a basis. Yet wo constantly, though i j often unconsciously, treat God in that way. He says to us, "My grace is snfll- j clent for thee" By this we know that lie means that in the particular need of this moment, in which we are so ! helpless and which means defeat or : ruin for us unless we can find some way out, He Is taking upon Himself the ! entire responsibility of meeting the need for us triumphantly, lie tells us j that He will see to It. in His omnipo tence and with His Inexhaustible re- j sources, that we do not fail. And wo i say that we shall feel easier about he- ' licvlng this after God has really shown us the way out and has plainly pro- ' vided all ttint we now lack. We can- 1 not quite believe that lie is true. In other words, until Ho proves it. The worst of this is that so long\as wo. ask God to prove Himself trustworthy j He cannot do for us the great things | thai we need and that He is longing! to do. Only when we trust Him com- i pletely without any evldenc ? can He! pile up the evidences In our life. Shall) we nbt now and forever give God the snm? standing, in our confidence, as we give our best human friends, In order that lie may do for us that which our bent human friends can nover So? Preaches Here To-Day IIKV. JOSKI'll T. WATTS, Stute Sundny-Srliool Secretory. Mr. Wnttn nill occupy the pulpit of <Iip l-'lrnt llu pi lit t liurcli to-ilny in llic tiliHriicr of the |in*tor, llrv. (iroritf \V. tlcIJnnlet. l>. 1). CHRISTIAN HYMNS GIVE TRUE EXAMPLE OF UNITY Srrvlrc of Sonic Ii? Mnr I'xprp*Mlon of Drrpmt nnd llollrxt I nion Anions liotl'M People. By Rev. R. H. Titt, D. D. in the , Religious Herald: While brethren of various church I connections and turns of mind are ar guing about the mechanic? of Chris- j tian union, giving, as it stems to us, j undue importance to mere identity of | organization, while others of a some what different temper are urging, or resisting, as the case may be. enlarg ed Christian co-operation, we are for getting that for many centuries in our service of Christian song we have a fine and notable example of the deep est and holiest union among Ood's people. Browning around among God's Christian hymns for another and a different purpose, the Messed fact of this deep spiritual unity has been j made more palpable and impressive to ? us than ever before. Picking up from o?ik desk the P.ap- | tist Hymnal, surely a thoroughly or- ' thodox volume, and glancing through! the list of authors, we find representa- j lives of many rn<-es. many centuries, and of all important Christian bodies ?Protestant and Catholic, Anglican and Non-Conformist. Armlnian and Calvinist, Knglish. Welsh, Ocrman, Italian, Hindu. French. American ? here they are. singing together with out a note of discord the praises of the Most High. In another connection we have noted the ascendency of j Watts in the Baptist Hymnal, but Watts was a Presbyterian. We Bap- I tist people do not rare for robes and 1 gowns, for bishops' rings and the like, but Ifeber in in many respects a man after our own heart, and we can sing | with real fervor. "Brightest and 1 est of the sons of the morning." or "By cool Piloam'5 shady rill." It is frequently sai<1 that doctrinally Baptists and Catholic? are antipodal. Yet many of us have heard with de ligh' and in our feeble fashion have helped to sin? "Hark, hark, my soul, antrelic songs arc- swelling." and our souls have from their depths responded to the cry? "O paradise! paradise'. Who doth not crave for rest? Who would not seek the happy land. Where they that loved are blest?" Yet both of these are by Frederick William Faber. the English Catholic priest. As to tribes :ind races. we have them in variety and sin? after them with no thought of these differences, but with a deep and gratifying sense of spiritual unity with them. Of course, the preat majority of our hymns arc by Englishmen or Ameri cans Few of these, however, are more popular than those, for example, by Bernard of Clairvaux, the French Catholic. When Dr. John A. Broadus had fin ished his preat commentary on Mat thew. lie closed his foreword with lines which we often sing and which this Bernard wrote; ".Tesus, the very thoupht of thee With sweetness fills my breast, But sweeter far thy face to see And in thy presence rest." Then. too. there is Bernard of Cluny, of like faith and like nationality: "Jerusalem, the polden. With milk ami honey blest. Beneath thy contemplation Sink heart and voice opprest. <">h. sweet and blessed country. Shall I e'er see they face?'* And acain: "For thee, oh dear, dear country, Mine eyes their vipils keep." And so we might po on. but must not. Everybody knows, of course, the sin pie hymn which is contained in our collection written by Krishnu Pal, and everybody knows something of the author's history. The hymn books print his name Krishnu, but the biop raphles sivc it Krishna. For the sake of the youns people something: about him may be told. He was a native of Bengal, India, and was by trade a carpenter. "William Carey, after seven years' ministry in the East, baptized Krishna, the first' fruits of his "labor, in the flanges on the 28th of December, ISftO. The Bengali translation of this hymn was sung on this occasion. "Jesus, and shall it ever he A mortal man ashamed of Thee?" This hymn was written by Joseph Cirigg, of whom the books at our dis posal makes no mention. Notice the sentiment of the hymn and compare it with the hymn hy Krishnu Tal, writ* ten a little later: "Oh, thou my soul, forpet no more The friend who all thy sorrows bore; Let every Idol he forgot: But, oh, my soul, forget Him not." It is Interesting to note in passinp that in the Baptist Hymnal the two hymns are put together, though, as it seems to us, they oupht to have, been in reverse order. Krlshnu's hymn is ?145 in that collection, and Griggs', 416. But we must desist. We have let our pen run away with us. Here is the. service of song, in the praise of the Most High, when our souls do magnify the I<ord and His goodness to the children of men, the prayer of our blessed Redeemer "that they all may be one," comes nearer to fulfillment than in any other Christian function 1 of which we have any knowledge. ] Here, more than anywhere else, Pen- j tecost comes again, only in this new Pentecost we do not speak with other tongues, but all with the same tongue. ?Parthians, Medes and * Elamlte*. strangers of Rome, Crete* and Ara bians, all voicing the deep things of the soul. EMERGENCY FUND FIGURES i ISSUED IN BULLETIN! i Episcopal Hoard of Missions Prepares Statement Concerning Collec- j tion of Great Sum. "WHAT DAY'S INCOME WILL DO" Table Shows Results to Re Ac complished With Money Donated. ' ontrlhutions Coming From Alas ka, Honolulu and Indians. Th?' Episcopal Hoard of Missions has 1 just Issued a bulletin giving various statistics In connection with the col- 1 lection of the fmcrgrncy fund of $>00- | 000 that it is planned to raise before August 31, as well as interestinc facts incident thereto. It notc.i that $L'6t.0^0 . "f the amount has been raised to date. ! A table is included, Fhowing "what a I day's income will do," as follows: I One dollar will support a hospital j berl in China for a week. Two dollars will support a hospital bed :n Alaska for a week. Thre- dollars will pay all the ex ! penses of keeping and teachinpr a boy 'inrt a ?irl f?r a ln one of our Indian nchools In South Dakota. Five dollars will provide the salary of a Bible woman in China for a month. lai,Tn!'.?0!!arK "A!!1 rav th? ?xpenaeH of an operation that will give ?iKht hark j plo in cfhlna.curabl>' blind pao ! J?'?ntr-ilve dollars will pay ? months salary of on. of our women workers among the mountaineers of the South. ' f^1 wl11 P?y the expenses LhiJl w*e*Brot <*?? launch Pelican, Ahich cairiec- Bishop Rowe and Arch deacon Stuck up and down the Yukjn River in Alaska. One hundred dollars will P,y for tIlf) training of a young nesro man or woman in St. Paul's Ind istrial School Lawrenceville, va., for a year Five hundred dollars will make it possible for some growlne town in the ^ est to have a resident clergyman lor a year. Also the bulletin tells of various unusual efforts by individuals and groups in making their contributions ' toward the fund. One Maine church woman has sent 170 personal letters 1 to friends asking for gifts to the ' emergency fund. An offering of $11 ' has been received from St. Stephen's I Church, Kort Yukon, Alaska. Mis- ' slonary Bishop Restarick, Honolulu, sends a letter written to him l>y 'Cour Lahaina Children of St. Cross School.' which savs that "we cannot srive one day's salary to the board of missions because we are not big enough to work for a salary, so we each send you the price of one moving-picture show. Wo hope there will be plenty of money for you to send to New York."' INDIA \ CONG II EGATIONS GIVE (ilCNEROl'SLY From He v. Philip Deloria, the Dakota clergyman in charge of a number of j Indian congregations in South Dakota, j there comes a check for a round $!00 for the emergency fund, eiven by the people of six con:rccations in amounts ranging from $7 to $67. Rev. Amos Ross. another Indian priest, pledaed his congregation tor >100. Here are some of the contribu tors: Mrs. Louisa Red Horse. Mr. and Mrs. Ell Charging Bear, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lone Wolf, Daniel Bad Wound, Miss Lyrta Firethunder. Howard Fly ing Horse, Mr. Georce Dull Knife. Presiding Bishop Tuttle, of the Do mestic and Foreign Missionary So ciety. of the Episcopal Church, has written a letter, accompanying the bul letin, making a strong plea for sup port of the movement. Ho says in part: "I am an old missionary bishop of twenty years' experience in the Rocky Mountains. "My heart is warm with cratitude to God for the work h*1 strengthened me to do and helped me to do forty years ago. It was the board of missions that generously stood by me in the doing of It. It was the office of mis> j slonary bishop that put me in the best I sha pe to do it. "The same board of missions and J similar missionary bishops, twenty of; them in the amazingly expending work under the flag and nine of them abroad, as in the wonderful awakening na tions of the Hrient, are in the thick ' of the same sort of work thatl tried to do. "Under them are 2,700 missionary ' workers. And month by month these i must have bread and butter, i "Hundreds of chapels, schools and i hospitals must be maintained. "Do you know that last year our missionary hospitals helped nearly 500.000 people" "To do all this we must have near ' a million and a half of dollars each j I year." A PRAYER The Bishop of Western Colorado has issued this prayer, which it is hoped [ will commend itself to many outside ( of his diocese: i "O God. the Father of our Lord Je- \ sub Christ, of whom every fatherhood j in heaven and earth is named, spread, j we beseech ??Thee. through the world! the knowledge of Thy holy name and | of Thy saving truth. Awaken in all i i members of Thy church such a deep i I sense of their duty to maintain and j I set forward the work of missions, that i I by their faith and zeal Thy holy name j ' may be glorified and the bounds of . Thy kingdom enlarged. And especial- I ly in the present emergency, may the \ 1 work of our church be set forward by j the gifts of Thy people, according as Thou hast blessed them, through Je j sub Christ, our I.orrl, Amen." SOLDIERS ON FIRING LINE DO NOT FEAR "LADY DEATH" j Story after story comes to us from j the very front of war?mere samples of ;ihe floods of self-sacrificing courage] j among the heroic ages of the world, i "Formless and colorless and common- j ; place," men were calling our modern i ! life only a year ago. There was little. I 1 in Its record to make the eye kindle or i ' the heart leap up, or the breath come ? fast, as we attempted to make real to our imagination what was happen | ing. Rut who shall dare to say that | now of what our brothers have at j tempted and attained? Listen to an : extract from the letter of an Italian! ; private written from the front. "Here," j he says, "the talk is only of Trento and Trieste, and of our wonderful can j non. No fear is shown or felt of Lady ' Death. We all hnve blows to give, land if our drenms could come true our ! cannons would bore through the moun | tains. If I die, remember me. If T j live, there, will be a world of glorious' j tales to relate, tales over which we | will laugh and we.ep all our lives." We | cannot all attain to the exaltation of j feeling of Private Angelo Clpolia, but | I we plodders, upon whom perhaps the i , lassitude of age Is creeping, may j breathe deep breath with him in his trench upon some Alpine mountainside and feel a pang of envy for his defiance ? and welcome of "Lady Death." RKV. CBOHC.K II. MrFAOF.N, Superintendent of tlir MnNiiitic llome of Virginia. )|r. MrFfldrn will prcneh rit the l''lr?t rrrxli)'(rrinn Church to-rinj riurlUK the vnrntlon of hin brother. Ilev. F. T. >!*?? Fnrten, L>. I>. RELIGIOUS CONDITIONS AMONG SOUTHERN NEGROES Correspondent* of Southern Church man Tell of Ante-Ilclliim l.ife in Various Southern Slnte*. For some time post tho Southe/n Churchman has been devoting consid erable space to communications con cerning the religious conditions among Southern negroes prior to the abolition of slavery. Two recently published are especially informative ami interesting: "The settlement of Georgia. for the humane purpose of relieving the vic tims of England's mistaken debt law, brought there a generous element and many Christian spirits, some for the direct purpose of forwarding benevo lent work and some to make homes for themselves away from the scenes of religious troubles in other lands. These were, of course, the coast peo ple, but the mountain folk have shown much the same character. In reading of the movements in England during the nineteenth century for the better ment of civic conditions ! have felt that General Oglethorpe was a century or more ahead of those who seught to effect such reformations. One Chris tion gentleman gave as the reason for his consenting to the introduction of slaves Into the colony of Georgia, that it was the only opportunity he could so* for Christianizing the African. We saw the result, in the next century. In tho beautiful and influential char acters of many of our 'Mammies.' I look back to the one who cared for mv mother, as one of the tenderest and gentlest spirits I ever knew, with that quietness of manner which evi dences the moderation which, we are told, means in scripture self-possession, the control of one's own powers. I knew a Virginia "Mammy' to whose fine character her master said he at tributed much of the high character of his children. 1 have seen her. with quiet dignity, still instantly the rol licking spirits of a set of young brothers Just enterincr manhood, by beginning to sing the hymn. 'How Firm a Foundation.' they sitting te spectfully quiet until she had finished, and we knew she had purposely not chosen a short hymn. She said that she had learned to read in answer to prayer, and could read no other book but tho Bible. "Before the war. In the suburbs of Augusta, then known as the Sand Hills, there was a succession of lovely homes extending for the distance of a mile. One of these was the residence of tho widow and descendants of one of Geor gia's early Governors. Through the range of this district there used to pass from time to time a blind negro man holding religious services in the cabins of the negroes. And with him went, to assist in these exercises, the young ladv of the family mentioned, khe reading and he offering prayer. Pome of his expressions were peculiar, but the interpreter was above, and his audience was not critical. But 1 re member his once praying for me as 'Miss Kate's nephew.' In the spring of 1S60 the grandmother in this house hold was called from the chamber, which she seldom left, to the deathbed of a former maid. When the latter passed away she fell across the bed saying 'Take me to my room. Her voung grand-daughter carried her aero*"* the yard and up the stairs, where Khe soon ' died. After the war the negroes on what had been my grand mother's plantation used to say. It s a hard case that we has to pay rent f?r the houses our old missus had built "I once asked my father his opinion of such presentations as were embodied in the character of T.egree in 'Uncle Tom's Cabin.' Ho replied that there were such cases and conditions among overseers and others who had made some money and 'purchased slaves" Another correspondent writes as fol lows: "I wish to add .my testimony as to the care taken by the Southern masters and mistresses for the religious train ing of their servants. My mother taught their children and young people every Sundav In a Sunday school, and ser vice was held for them on the plan tation regularly. The planters engaged a minister who resided on one planta tion and preached at several others every Sunday. In our native town. Beaufort. S. C.. the large churches re served the galleries entirely tor the servants, and smaller churches had ;ea?s for them in the rear. Grace chape was built for them, where they could hold service at night when their work was over. The galleries of St. Helena s were always full: now empty except In case of a funeral or wedding. Sheldon church, which we attended In winter, was also provided with seats for the servants. and cross-road churches were built for them all through the country. The Infants were baptized and parents married by our pastors." There Is a peace that cometh aft<*r sorrow, Of hop*' surrendered, not of hope fulfilled; A peace that looketh not upon to morrow. Rut calmly on a tempest that is stilled. A peace that lives not now In joy's excesses. Or in the happy life of love secure. Hut in the unerring strength the heart possesses. Of conflicts won, whilo learning to endure. A peace there is In sacrifice secluded. A life subdued from will and passion free; "Tin not the peaco that over Kden brooded. But that which triumphed at Geth aeraano. GATES. M'S LIFE PROBLEM CLUB IT CENTRAL Y. M, C. L l?r. W. A. Flecker, of State Hoard of Heulth, to Address Hoys on "Habits." SALVATION ARMY SERVICE I Rev. Ceorfje H. McFnden to Preach for His Brother, Rev. Frank T. [ McFnden, I>. I)., at First Presby I terian Church?Other Services. This Xlfn'j I.lfe Problem Club ?vill hold its regular meeting this after noon at r!: !n o'clock in the Young .Men's ! Christian Associat ion. Oeneral-Secre-I tary S. K. MrKcc will lead the 'lis - j cushion 011 the problem on "Tho ! iniition." j Dr. W. .\ flecker, of the State ' Hoard of Health, will address the Revs' I Sunday Afternoon Club on "Habits" 1 .The meeting will he held at 2.30 o'clock In the boys' lobhv. i"?n account of the storm list Sun day, the Salvation Armv could hold ? no park meeting. and it "has be.-n ar ranged to carry out the program to day. A good program of son?* have been arranged, and a special speaker will he present and deliver the ad dress. Adjutant Mamie Johnson, whose fiinsan? in tho past lias boon a *lra\v ; inu card. will again rondo several 1 choice selection?, and will also sp? ak lh? park service will begin at 4 15 o'clock and scats will be provided for all. LOCAL CHURCH NOTICES f-lr*t Presbyterian?Rev. Ceorge W. Mi !? aden, brother of the pastor will preach this morning. There will be no evening service. SfM-or?,| ProMhytfrlnn?There will he prcaching this morning at 11 o'clock. t ? niee-t 'n venn n t PrMhytcrinn-Ov. m,?'.?? Mnc,k- n- n- will conduct both nioining and evening services First nnptlst?Rov. Joseph T. Watts, ^tate Sunday school secretary, will preach morning an<P evening rncp Street nnptlst?Rev. C r ,-ox of Newport News, will occupy "the pulpit this mornintr at It oclock No i services will be hold to-night. fine street nnptlst?The morning services will be conducted by Dr | Douglas S. Freeman. j Or.ive \v-nue Itnptlst?There will be [ preaching this morning by Rev. Rv i land h night, D. I\ Ilnrton Heights llnptlN<?Rev. W T | morning. Wl" OCCUpy the pulp,t ,h,? I Second nnptlst?Rev. ,T. A. French i ; former Richmond citizen, and now of ! !ncrl,n 1 ' Wl" Prca?h this morn ! Sfeef nnptlst?Rev. J. J ?ii "i11 Preach this morning on | How to Have Heaven on Earth." fin'l I to-night at R:i5 o'clock on "Sure C\."o I of the l-.lues. I Monument Metl.odlnt?Service* will i , conducted this morning and to-nitrht H. Tous? D?CD. bi' Ul? PaSt0r* ,tev' I{" I'll Ion Station Methodist Rev W | Ashury Christian. D. P.. will preach torV'rnrt "* n", on the Arm or or -,od. and to-night at 8 o'clock Master OUr ,,nhit Voi,r Slf^ve or Your Central Mctho,ll,t?Rev. 'A*. A Cooper uill preach this morning on ".M>i,|ln~ \\irh Christ." and to-night on "Christ's ? ouimand to Mis Followers to V\';?|;e j < entennrj .Methodist?Rev T McM j *"??*nn. l> p . will preach this morn-' > ng. and Rev. J r. stann will occupy the pulp't to-night. Ilrnud Street Met l.ndlst?There will VvPrn^h^ mnrnin" evening by , Ke\. I). 1. .\ferntt, D. D. ! Fail-mount Avenue Methodist Rev - \. < arson. the pastor, will preach of n"!?r" i"n "C1?lnfo,'Iint; Thoughts; of n..?th, and to-night on "Sowing an 1 | I Reaping. 3 j M-oniHmid Heights Methodist?Rev ' A. t. Merry in a n, the pastor, will preach i this morning, and Rev. R. n. White of ! the oodlanl Heights Baptist Cnur.-h ? I !o-n.ght. High In ml Pnrk Met liorii* t ? Re v r ' !??. I'u11le, the pastor, Will this {morning on "A Real Source of Satis- i t.?< tion." Anbury Methodist?"Neglected Gifts" I will he the subject of the sermon to he I preached by Rev. J. R. Eggleston this I morninp. To-night he will speak on I Rejecting Matured Counsel." <? race Methodist?Services will - be reminded this morning bv Rev I R ' j Spann. Hanover Avenue Christian ? Rev. 1 I ? leorge W. Kemper, the pastor, will preach this morning. L'nion services will be held here to-nicht for Hanover Avenue. First English Luthran and ? Westminster Presbyterian churches j Rev. C. O. Tuttle will preach. 1 f'olontnl i*i nee Christian ? Sunday ! school will he held at l o'clock, follow ing which there will he preaching ser vices. ? St. Paul's Episcopal?Rev. C. C ! Chamherlayne will preach this morning j on "Pifliculties and How to Meet Them " I and to-night on "St. Timothv, Friend jaml Representative of St. Paui." St. .In in en Episcopal?Morning prayer ? will he held at 11 o'clock, with sermon | by Rev. Jacob Brittingham, D. D., rec ' tor of St. Luke's Church, Wheeling. Summer Sunday school will be held at ? 10 o'clock. In the absence of the ree tor there will be no evening service during August. i llnly Trinity ? The rector. Rev. Thomas (J. Faulkner, will conduct the i morning services. ? St. Andrerr's Episcopal?There will ! be morning prayer and sermon at 11 ' o'clock, and evening prayer and sermon at S:15 o'clock. First English Evmigcllcitl l.uthernn? Rev. J. J. Scherer, Jr.. the pastor, will j preach this morning at 11 o'clock. First Cliurch ?f Christ, Scientist I I Regular services will be held this morn- ! 'ing. The subject will be "Spirit." THIS MINISTER OF GOD IS | "ALL THINGS TO ALL MEN" j Out iii Rerkshire County is a minis-! tor who comes close to I he apostolic idea! of the minister who in .ill things to all men. His title is county, pastor or missionary of the Massachusetts Home Missionary Society But Rev. j Silas P Cook is much m>>re than that. I He is the friend, councilor and helper j of the country pastors from the Vor- ' niont l<? the Connecticut lino He is advisor, insptrer and shepherd-in-chief! of all the missionary churches. Ho. knows the highways and byways of! Berkshire as few men know them, and ! he travels many miles of them in a1 year. Ho is also editor, and general ; manager for that matter of the Evan- j gel, which is the clearing house, in- I formation bureau and inspirational helper to the Churches of Western Mas- 1 snohusetts Mr. Cook is a friend of prisoners, too. As county missionary lie might be expected to look after the county jail and its inmates. He does, but he also keeps in touch with every prisoner from Berkshire County who Is in Concord Reformatory or In Ch?rlHi? town Stat# Prison No matter what hl? religion, or lack of it. no mntter what his church or denomination. Mr Cook not only helps the prisoner, but visits hi? family back on the Berkshire Hills. Every year he takes to the men in Con cord the mountain laurel In all its beauty and splendor to remind them o( home and that somebody cares. This is but a part of the varied min istry of this rural preacher?man of Cod and brother to men?but It is a satisfaction and an Inspiration to know that Massachusetts has such a man ministering to the back corners of her State and reclaiming the men who aro down. PRINCIPLES OF CHRIST WOULD PREVENT WAR If World Followed Trnchlnjc* Inntend of Den I lilt; In Diplomacy* Intrigue Would Knit. "Our L.nrd never condemned war: Tie simply introduced the principle that, thoroughly worked out, would make war Impossible. And then He spiritual impulse and spiritual power to His members to make that principle effective," says the Living Church. I "The world's diplomacy has tried I other principles. With honeyed words, 'diplomacy has been, even up to our i own day, a synonym for intrigue, an affront to considerations of honesty, a j violation of principles that are es teemed binding in their personal re latlons by the very diplomats them Ives. What is the extent of this j hypocrisy that we term diplomacy is . [revealed, perhaps only partially, in much of the political biography of the nineteenth century. Even after the outbreak of the present war, one j 'statesman.' commenting on the 1 marked discrepancies between the variegated-color 'papers' of the na tions. was quoted as saying that no I nation was bound, in publishing its | diplomatic correspondence, to include any more of that correspondence than j was necessary to establish his coun try's position. Diplomatic corresponi ence consists chiefly of dispatches be tween a foreign office and Its own rep resentatives in foreign capitals, and no one is in position to point :o omissions or emendations that may be | mnde in the published text. I "Kurope in this year, 1315, presents a moving picture of the result of this diplomacy. It has had full sway since tho dawn of civilization. It has al ways had supreme Indifference to con siderations of the Christian principle of conduct for nations, and particular contempt for Christian missions. Jesus Christ waited nineteen centuries for those whom He had drawn to Him 011 the cross to Impress the sign of the cross upon the diplomacy of their nations. And generation after genera tion failed Him. This Is the result." Children'* Church Hour. Mount Vernon Congregational Church is making an interesting experiment this summer, every Sunday at 5 P. M? in using Its cool yard opening on Bea ! i on Street and the esplanade for a children's hour of song, Bible study and story telling. | Mr. Brlggs, of the Floating Hospital, spoke the tirst Sunday, and the summer contributions will be given to this good I cause. Accepting an invitation to visit tIto boat, the children and some of the helpers spent a very interesting hour seeing the sick babies and the splendid [care given them. At another time Miss Virgin, of the Woman's Municipal I ..digue, told of the organized work ! being done by children to help keep | the city clean and wholesome. She I showed many pictures. On future Sun flay afternoons some of Boston's good story tollers will be on hand to interest and inspire the children. While this service is under the auspices of the Mount Vernon Sunday school and con ducted by the pastor's assistant and a few of the church members and young people, it is their desire to open it to children of all denominations and their parents, knowing that many Sunday schools are closed for the summer. THE CALL. I From the CommonTrenlth.) "T.ord. Thou didst call me over field and wood, But life was good. And there were flow'rs about me. where I stood. And all the way. And I, to gnther them, must further stray. And so?at shut of day 'My feet were bruised and sore. The (lowers lurerl no more. And i had wandered far and lost my way. 1 "Lord. Thou didst call me in my quiet home And bidst me"come. there were books of wisdom, not begun I To master one by one. Deeply I studied them till day was done. | Ah. but at set of sun, I My brows were aching and my eyes unbright. And, lo, my hair was white! "Lord. Thou didst call me in the busy street. But there were friends to meet. And one I longed to greet, And all the day 1 lingered In sweet pain Lest she should come again. Or send some token: ^ But watched and longed In vain. \r.d when night came?with rain? .My heart was broken. "Lord had I come when Thou didst call, f might Have served aright. But now 1 am not fit to serve at all, Vet?Thou .lost call. Oh. Savior, Thou wast with me all tho day riven in the way Wherein my foet did stray! Thou knowest the mad folly of my youth. And that strange pride I called The ?Search for Truth.' Thou knewest all?even that hope that stole And broke the heart, which Thou didst ask for. whole. And Thou didst wait. With loving patience at the wicket gate, I'ntll. with tear-stained face. Broken, unserviceable, I reached this place And there, dear Lord, dost stand, and call tnc home. My God T come." noous ok the nini.r. I Prom the Christian HernM.) The pseat Jehovah speaks to us In Otnesls and Exodus; Leviticus and Vtmbers see, 1'ollowed by Deuieronomv Josh un and Judges sway the land rtulh cleans a sheaf with trembling hand. Samuel and numerous Kings 'lpoear. Whose Chronicles we wondering hear. iJzra and Nehemlah now' Next Esther's deeds hei goodness shew, .lob speaks In siRh?. David in Pialtna: While Proverbs teach to scatter alms. Ecclesiastes then comes on. And the sweet Sona of Solomon, Isaiah: Jeremiah then With Lamentations takes hl? peri Ezekii 1 and Daniel close The greater prophets' hopes tnd ????, llosea. Joel, next, and Amos Begin the lesser prophets famous. Obtdiah. Jonah. Mlcah come. Valium mid Habakkuk rtnd room. Zfphaniah to call: . Kapt Zechariah builds the walls. While Malachi, with garments rsnt. Concludes the Ancient Testament.