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During the Summer Remember to Haoc The T-D Sent to Your Resort Address. D tiring Vaca t ion Lei The T-D Keep You Posted on Richmond's Home News. 65th YEAR volume: 65. number 221. RICHMOND, VA., MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1915.?TEN PAGES. wpa?31? UNSETTLED PRICE, 2 CENTS HOPEWELL HAS LID 1 ON FOR FIRST TIME: Illegal Resorts Closed by Order of Judge West at Mid night Saturday. GRAND JURY MEETS TO-DAY Investigation of Graft and Law lessness to Be Vigor ously Pushed. With the "lid on" at Hopewell yes terday for the first time since the town came Into existence. Interest In condi tions there turns to the Brand jury In vestigation into Kraft, bribery and other lawless operation at the powder plant city, which begins at Prince George Courthouse this morning. The questionable resorts are no longer to be allowed to run with the sanction of the law on Sunday or any other d;iy in the week More than 200 witnesses have hern Hummoned to testify before the grand jury, which will be impanneled by Judge Jesse P. West, of the Circuit Court of Prince George County. Com monwealth's Attorney Timothy Hives will be assisted in the probe by At torney-General John Garland Pollard and Special Prosecutor George K. Wise, of Richmond How lonn the investi gation will continue depends largely on the rapidity with which the grand jury is able to sccure information on which to base indictments against the grafters, bribers, liquor dealers and other evil-doers, who have operated at Hopewell In open defiance of the law for several months. ? TRIALS OK ACCL'SKU Wll.f. FOLLOW PHOMI'TLY The court will j*o Into the trial of ac cuser! men as F.oon as possible after the Indictments have been returned by the grand Jury. The defendants will have an array of legal talent to repre sent them, and every technical ob stacle will be thrown in the way of the prosecution in securing convictions. Hopewell yesterday spent the quietest Sunday of Its mushroom period. No liquor or beer was sold, and It Is. said that it was even impossible to ?et soft drinks of any kind. The gambling joints, which have thinned out considerably since the town police force was removed from ofTice last Tuesday, were idle and the resorts, frequented by the 200 women of questionable character in the town, were closed to the public I.m WAS ITT ON .SATURDAY .NIGHT The lid went on at midnight Satur day. Judge West's order for everything: of a questionable nature to close down was received by O. .M. Re-eves, super visor of the Du Pont police, about S o'clock, and Deputy Chief William A. McDonald, who is in actual charge of the powder plant policemen on duty in the town, lmmcdlatelj hega.i to notify the proprietors of these places of the instructions given by the court. It was nearly 12 o'clock before McDonald com pleted his rounds and. after midnight, a new atmosphere appeared to pervade the town No trouble was experienced in en forcing Judge West's order. Chief Mc Donald made two more rounds before daylight yesterday morning and found only one case of disorderly conduct. Following the arrest last Tuesday of Police Chief Henderson and Lieutenant, porter, the Du Pont oflicers have had little trouble in maintaining order In the town. Chief Reeves held himself and his men subject to Judge West's orders and, when the word came to put the lid on. they were ready to enforce the Instructions to the letter. Many of the proprietors, who were gouged by the grafting Bvstem before the up heaval came, have been aiding the au thorities by voluntarily furnishing in formation and details of the operations under which huge sums of "hush money" went Into the pockets of half n dozen or more men, who appear to have been In complete control of affairs in Hopewell. F.niToii nu ooxsri/rs ATTORXEYS FOR STATE One of the most significant develop ments of the past week has been the change In the attitude of the Hopewell Dally News toward the efforts of the authorities to "clean up" the town. Richard F. Bauer, the editor and man ager of the paper, was a member of the committee, headed by the then Chief Henderson, who called on Governor Stuart two weeks ago and told hlrn that conditions were "improving" In Hope well and that there was no occasion for the State to take a hand. Bauer has been one of Henderson's staunchest sup porters, but now the paper makes o excuses for conditions. Hauer has been in Richmond for several days and yes terday called on .Special Prosecutor Wise at the latter'a residence. He also hoped to see Attorney-General Pollard. The nature of Bauer's disclosures, if any, were not made public. According to police officials and spe cial investigators, lawless conditions at Hopewell have not been exaggerated. It is true that there has been compara tively little open violence, considering its cosmopolitan population of 20,000 people, gathered there in four months from every quarter of the globe. But, on the other hand, no one now attempts to deny that ther? has been wholesale graft and bribery connected with tho operation of the law-defying places in the town. STATIC'S IiAWYERS BUY BRF-n FOR EVIDENCE So wide open were things loat Tues day that threo bottles of beer wer# bought "as evidence" by th? prosecut ing officials. An automobile stopped In ' " (Continued on Last Page.) Delightful Overnight Ball to Baltimore. Via. York Rl?*r and Chesapeake Bay. Onlv $2.60 one waj*, H and H.W round trip, la oul-e SO* Ea?t Main, or phone Madlvon I7S, relative Atlnntle City and Niagara Fallo Cheap excursion fares. F our Persons DroWn in Cape Fear River Motor boat in Which They Were Going to German Vessel Capsizes. WILMINGTON, N. C., August 8.?Four persons. Including Dr. J. H. Borncmann, Jr., assistant to the chief surgeon of i the Atlantic Coast Line, and Dr. Morris I M. Caldwell, resident surgeon of the ! Seaboard Air Line, were drowned In the Capo Fear River hero early to-day, when a' motorboat in which they were crossing the river to one of the Ger man steamers Interned in this port, capsized nearly in midstream. The two other victims were Clell Caldwell of Concord, N. C., brother of j Dr. Caldwell, whom he was visiting. am! Chief Engineer Warwell of the ' German steamer Nlcarla. A fifth rnein ? ber of the boat party, Chief Engineer i Reimorp, of the German steamer Kiel, swam some distance to a piling in the river and was subsequently rescued. In an effort to rescue a companion who was in bathlns; with hlni, Adam F. ' tVlegand, a young man, was drowned in Masonboro Hound, near here, late this ' afternoon. His companion, Carl Strunck, managed to get ashore. The body of j Wiegand will be taken to-morrow to j his former home at Wllkepbarre, Pa., : for Interment. CATHOLICS TO MEET i A iimm I Convention of Kederntlon In Toledo, AuKTUMt 1.1 to IS. TOLEDO. August %.?Plans were an 1nounced to-day for the annual conven tion of the American Federation of i Catholic Societies, the largest Catholic | organization in the United States, to * be held here August IB to 18. The papal delegate, Most Rev. John Bonzano, will open the convention with pontifical mass. The business sessions will he held In j Memorial Hall beginning Monday, Au gust 10. and will be presided over by John Whalen. of New York. Immedi ately after the federation convention th're will be a meeting of the Catholic Press Association of the United States, presided over by John Paul Chew, of St. , Louis. | WILSON ON LONG MOTOR TRIP i Tnkr* Hide Over firern Motmtnlnn, OlNtunce of lltS Miles. CORNISH. N*. H., August 8.? Impor tant communications from Secretaries Lansing and Garrison and Attorney I General Gregory, occupied President Wilson's attention for several hours to-day. In the afternoon, accompanied j by members of his family, he motored to Rutland, Vt., over the Green Moun tains. a distance of 12D miles. Although no statement was forth coming as to the contents of the reports i from Secretary Garrison. It was under | stood they dealt with the subject of ' national defense. Secretary Lansing's i report, it is 6flJd, related to the Pan American conference on the Mexican plttiation. NO STRIKE OF MACHINISTS KfT?rt In Srt'urr Better W'nrkinf; Condi ITnwcvrr, Will Fie Mmlr. HARTFORD, CONN., August S.?After n conference here to-day between Wil liam H. Johnston, international presi dent of the Machinists' Association, and sixteen union officials from the Xew Kngland States, it was announced that nu general strike of the machinists would he called to enforce the unions' i demands for the eight-hour day. It was decided, however, President John ston said, to start a general campaign to secure the working conditions asked for throucrh negotiations with employ- j ers. If that falls. Mr. Johnston added, strikes probably will follow. MURDER ATTEMPT FAILS Aa?!*tant Mlntater of ForHfm Affair* : Narrowly Rarapex Afma.iatB. LONDON. August 8.?An attempt to assassinate M. Neratoff, assistant Rus-1 slan Minister of Foreign Affairs, is reported by Reuters Petrograd cor-j respondent. ? M. Neratoff's assailant, a former offi cial of the department, rushed into the assistant minister's room, brandishing an a*. When this weapon was wrestorl from him, he drew a revolver, but was overpowered- before he could Are. The man was dismissed two years ago, and is believed to be demented. OFFICERS' CASUALTY LISTS Total British I.onh Since War Heprnn Reaches IS,(15(1. ! [Correspondence of Associated Press.] LONDON, July 30.-?Officers' casualty lists from July 1ft to July 30 show that the British army lost 116 killed, 236 wounded and fourteen missing, a total of 3G5. This brings the total loss of i officers since the war began to 13.6fi6, .of whom 4,176 are recorded dead, 8,305 ! wounded, and 1.17B missing. j During the ten days covered by the : lists, regiments in the Dardanelles suf j fered most hoavily. SUNK BY^UBNIARINES i Hrltlah Steamer, Swedish Ship and Trawler Destroyed. LONDON, August 8.?Lloyd's an nounce that the British steamer Glen ravel, the Swedish steamer Malmland and the trawler Ocean Queen have be<*n sunk. The crews all were, saved. The Olenravel, 1,002 tons, was owned in Belfast, and the Mnlmlnnd, 3,779 tons, in Oothenberg. TO HELP RIGHT EASTLAND Hurc Steel Orane, Towed From Cleve land, Arrives In Chicago. CHICAGO, August 8.?A huge steel cranc, towed from Cleveland, arrived alongside tl\o steamer Eastland to-day, prepared to aid In righting the vessel, which capsized In the Chicago River two weeks ago, with the loss of nearly 1,000 lives. Expulsion of Guatemalan Minis ter by Carranza Gives Blow to High Hopes. LANSING AND M'ADOO CONFER Fail to Consider Plans for Finan cing Government in South ern Republic. Five Americans Wounded nAHLISGEN*. TEX., Au*u*? ??? Five Amerlcnn ranchmen were wounded. ?tto ?erlou?l>-, nnil ?ev ernl Mexican outlaw* were rct>*>rted killed or nonndril In n battle to night between Tcia* ItniiKcrs and American rancher* and a bnnd of Mexican bundtt* at \orla* Knnch, In Cameron County, a telephone nicRMUKc from .Norlan wald. WASHINGTON. August The Pan American confercnce, initiated here last week to devise a plan for* restor ing government in Mexico, probably will be resumed in New York on Wed nesday. Secretary Lanslni? made this an nouncement to-night on his return from New York, where he conferred with Secretary'McAdoo on Mexican af fairs and the co-operative effort of the United States and Latin-American re publics to end the factional strife. ?We talked of the Mexican situa tion." said Secretary Lansing, "but we did not consider any financial plan for supporting a Mexican government. The principal purpose of rnv visit was to talk with Mr. McAdoo concerning financial arragements for the Pan American Financial Congress to be held at Buenos Aires in September. There is considerable preliminary work to be done in connection with that." Asked when the conference on Mex ico. which recessed here on Friday night, would be resumed. Mr. Lansing said: "It will be resumed early this week, probably on Wednesday, in New York." \VASHINCTON OFFICIALS ARK XOT SO SAXfil INE Administration ofTlcials who have predicted an early peace parley be tween Mexican factions were not so sanguine to-day. Reports from Mexico City that General Carranza had or dered Or. Juan J. Ortega, the Guate malan minister, to leave the country within twenty-four hours were respon sible for this change in mind. Guate mala is represented in the Latan American conference, and Carranza s drastic action is regarded here as indi cating a disposition of unfriendliness toward the conference. Ortega's forced depart11 from Mex ico. together with the departure of M. Cordoza. the Brazilian minister, will leave in the Mexican capital no diplo matic representatives of the seven na tions participating in the Mexican con ference. Dr. Orteca, it is stated here, has not been on good terms with Car ranza for sonic time Carranza agents here have been appealing to the CJuute malnn minister to the United States. Mr. Mendvz. urging him to tight the cause of Carranza in the joint delibera tions now brine held. Their appeals, it is declared, have not been suc cessful. Minister Cordoza. who has heen in charge of American affairs at Mexico City since the withdrawal of Charge O'Shaughnessy, will leave, for \ era Cruz for the United .States on Tuesday morning. He has been in communica tion with Senor da Gania, Brazilian ambassador here, and one of the Mexi can conferees. He will go to Long Branch to see Mr. da Gama as soon as he reaches this country. It has been suggested that Cordoza's Information regarding conditions In Mexico will be of value to the diplomats in their con sideration of plans for settling affairs i in Mexico. State Department officials cabled Consul Canada at Vera Cruz to-day, in I structing him to extend to Minister Cordoza the courtesies of tin* govern ment. sewspapeh conresi?oxdkxt IS REPORTED I .M1KH AltHKST Inouiries wore sent to \*<ra Cruz by the State Department regarding a re port to the Carranza agency that W. H. F'rancis, a newspaper correspondent nnd British subject, had been arrested there, charged with sending "malicious and libelous information to the foreign press." The Vera Cruz report said that "another correspondent, guilty of tho same offense and fearing prosecution, has taken refuge in the United States consulate." Consuls Cnnada and Si 11 i man have been asked to investigate this case also. With regard to General Carranza's suggestion in the brief filed for him yesterday with tho State Department that his representatives would confer "with any element" in Mexico for. the welfare of the country, no develop ments have been reported. It is known that the suggestion was dispatched to General Villa, now at Juarez, but no response from him has been- received. Jesus Acuna, Carranza's Foreign Minister, cabled to-day from Vera Cruz regarding conditions in Moxico City. A report from the capital, he said, an nounced tho opening of the railway southwest to Toluca for bringing pro visions purchased by Carranza In the State of Mlchoacan. BELIKYKD TO CO.WKY WILSON'S EXACT IDEAS NEW YORK, August 8.?A confer ence, which was believed to have had an Important bearing on efforts to re store peace in Mexico, was held here to-day by Secretary of State l^anslng and Secretary of tho Treasury McAdoo. Before leaving for Washington. Mr. Lansing declined to make any state ment. Mr. McAdoo was summoned here (Continued on Fourth Pago.) German Attempt to Destroy Re-1 treating Russian Army Makes Progress. RESISTANCE IS STUBBORN Renewed Hope That Grand Duke Will Be Able to Save Troops. ' LONDON*. AiirusI S.?The Gcrmnnsj continue to make prosress in all direc- i tlons in their efforts to cut off the I ; Russian r<tr<*at from Warsaw They j ! have commenced an attack on the' I fortresses of Kovno and Ossowetz, j which are among tlie obstacles barring! them from the railway from Warsaw j through Vllna and Dvinsk to retro- | grad. They have taken the minor | I fortress of Seroek, at the junction of j I tlie Narew and the Rue. and have j crossed the Vistula in the vicinity of I Warsaw: and further south. General 1 Wovrsch is advancing eastward. Field Marshal Mackensen Is being stubborn ly resisted and apparently making but slow progress. On the whole, the daring Herman scheme to destroy the Russian army before It can retreat is unfolding slow-j ly, as must be the rase from its very magnitude. With the three main rail-I ways, besides those built since the] j war, it is believed in military circles] ! here that Grand Duke Nicholas will ! he able to extricate his Warsaw army. | The events in the east, however, will continue to hold the world's attention for some time to come. cain mix on SVCCKSSES IN ARROWK FOnrcST' The Germans have pained minor suc cesses in the Argonne forest, where the j army of the crown prince has been j 1 trvinsr for weeks to find a weak spot I ? In the French defenses, but a German effort to recover lost trenches on the Lingekopf. in the Vosces, is declared to have cost them dearly. There has heen some heavy fighting in the Caucasus between the Russians j and the Turks, but official reports are ! so contradictory that it is impossible j to say in whose favor the encounter j iF going. j Interest continues keen in the diplo j matlc negotiations in the Ralkans. Re ' ports Indicate that Serbia at last is i willing to c?>de Macedonia to Bulgaria, | but that Greece is opposing any sug | gestion that she should give Bulgaria i Kavala. the seaport in the Vilayet of I Salonlki. It Is thought, however, that j this opposition may be changed with M. ! Venizelos's return to power, expected j when the Greek Parliament reassembles i early in September. VISX17.12LOS OFFERED IT FOR NFl'TRA I.ITV : M. Venizelos offered Kavala to Bul garia when be was Premier simply in 1 return for continued neutrality while i Greece went to the assistance of their allies, but King f'onstantine put his foot down on the whole policy, and the political crisis which resulted In tho ! resignation of the Venizelos Cabinet followed. The Petrograd Bourse Gazette says I Germany has made pence proposals to Russia, but that they were rejected. There is no confirmation of ibis state ment. POI.KS \V.\n.Ml-Y WIOI.COMK RKI.1ICK FKOM RI'SSIA [Special Cable to The Times-Dispatch.] BERLIN (wireless via Sayvillc), Au gust S.?The semiofficial Trans-Ocean News Bureau transmits tHe following:! "The special correspondent of the j Berliner Tageblatt reports that a citi zen of Lcmberg, who succeeded in es- ] caping from the besieged city of War saw, says: " 'Despite the most strict surveil lance exercised by the Russian au thorities, proclamations wore circu lated in the city, appealing to the popu lation to oppose the military authori ties and pay oft" old scores against the Russians. "'The only representatives of neutral j countries remaining at their posts were1 the American and Norwegian diplomats. I "'Agents of the Ochrana (an anti-j Jewish organization) organized thoi rabb'le into hands of guerrillas. " 'I'rince Leopold of Bavaria received ! a tremendous ovation on his entrance into Warsaw. Most all the citizens and subjects of neutral countries par ticipated. especially the American war correspondents. " 'Russian prisoners from Ivangorod (Continued on Second Page.) Richmond's Glad Hand Weefe Begins 7 o-Day Retail merchants and wholesalers luive united In presenting u n u s u a 1 attractions this week to out-of town visitors and home shoppers, who will sec our handsome shops looking their best. Something dif ferent every day. For ..latest information, rend The X^ines"I^8" patch every morning. KAISER PROPOSES PEACE TO RUSSIA Germans Continue Relentlessly Their Drive Against Russians THIS Germans are roiitlnnliiK; re lentlessly their drive iiKuinjit tin- Hussions In Poland nnil the llnl tl?* provinces. Tin* Hussions near ly everywhere lire still rIvIiik them buttle In MtronK rcnr-guiird actions nnil coiinternttncks. I'ctrngriid noNertfi tlint the 'I'cu tonN linvc liccn lieltl or driven buck on several sectors, mid that at one place?on the left lintik of the Vleprv., In Southeast I'olnnd?In the course of a counterattack, "Koine hundreds of prisoners" were I'Mj' tured. In addition, near lllprn. on the Iinltlc, I'etrograil says the ticr mnn.H have lieen dislodged from po sitions between the Dvlna, ICItiiu and An Klvertt. Hcrlln's latest olTlclnl rnminunlcn tIon ninkew no reference to the light* In FC around Hlgn, and concerning that on the Vlepr/., merely declares tlint the Teutonic rlulit wing still Is finhtlupr. The Cerrnsn War Ofllre. however, report* tlint at Scgr/.e. near N'ovo gcorglcvsk, the Hussion fort* linve been captured; flint Seroek, niTtli east of the fortress. ban been occu pied, and that udvnnccs linve been ninde oa the liiMir/n-<?!?lmv.\Vj'?i7 kow road between the Snrew and the Hug. Farther south, the Germans are snld to have crooned the Vistula near Warsaw, putting them lata doner touch with the garrison of the I'ollsli capital, while between the VlNtula and the llug the Hus sions continue their rctrcnt nortli wnrd nnd eastward under prr.naure of Von .Mnrkeaaen's forces. Whether the Hussions can bring tlieir armies Intact to their newly cIiohcii lines of defence still lit doubtful. Military observers In London, however, believe thnt. with the railway la tlielr control, a ma jority of the Hiisslaii fiirees will rench their objective. Considerable Hjthtlnp is In prog ress In France and llclgiuin and on the Austro-Itallan frontier and the Galllpoli I'eninsnla. Paris concedes to the (icrmaiiK minor gains in the Argonne, but asserts that a Ger man nttnek In the Vosges failed with heavy losses. TO REMAIN IN CABINET Flo Accedes to Reqnest of Emperor, nntl Has Prepared List of Colleagues. HIS IDEAL IS STRONG JAPAN i : He Had Resigned Recause of Allega tions of Election Bribery, but Was Unwilling to Be Means of Con ! cern to Ruler. TOKYO, August 8?Premier Count I Okuraa virtually has decided, at the re j iiuest of the Emperor, to remain in j office, and has arranged the following i Cabinet: Premier and Mlnistor of Foreign I Affairs, Count Shigenobu Okuma. Finance, TokitOBhi Taketomi. Marine, Vice-Admiral Tomosaburo 1 Kato. War. Lieutenant -General lehinosuka Oka. ! Justice. Tukio Ozaki. Communications, Katsundo Minoura, or Viscount Masakata Scngoku. Commerce and Agriculture, Hironaka Kono. Education, S. Takata. Interior, Kitokuro Ichlki. ThA assumption hy Count Okuma of tho foreign ministry, after Takaai Tato i had declined to retain that portfolio. Is ; tr> hp temporary pending selection of a j permanent minister. CAHIXET Ml .ST 1110 ACCEl*T A111,E TO HIM Premier Okuma's decision to remain in office was contingent upon the eon strtictlon of a Cabinet acceptable to him. The association of Okuma sup porters has sent out circulars urginpr support for the Premier on the ground that his ideal is to make Japan a na tion of foremost rank, capable of com peting with the most powerful coun tries. The count, the circulars say. re signed because allegations of election bribery created a situation repugnant to one of his lofty principles, but, nevertheless, ho was 'unwilling to be a cause of concern to the Emperor, who asked him to remain in office. Notwithstanding the pressure brought to bear on Count Okuma to retain his j place, differences of opinion havo ! sprung up among his supporters. The i leaders of the Osaka branch of the j Okuma organization telegraphed the < Premier urging him to insist on retir- I ing. The appointments for the War, Jus tice and nomm'Ti'p portfolios are tho same in the Cabinet which resigned July 30 In consequence of charges of election Irregularities affecting mem bers of the government. Vice-Admiral Kato, named for Minister of Marine, was Admiral Togo's chief of staff in the battle of the Sea of Japan, and last ! year was appointed commander-in chief of the First Japanese Squadron. M. Taketomi. selected for Minister of Finance, was Minister of Communica tions In the retired Cabinet, and M. Ichlki, named as Minister of the In terior. was Minister of Education. M. , Minoura, whose name is mentioned for | Minister of Communications, has held j several public offices and is editor of j the Hochl Shimbun. Viscount Scngoku, j alternative choice for fhis place, is a member of the House of Peers and a manufacturer, and formerly was secre tary of the Home Office. M. Takata, designated Minister of Education, Is dean of Wascda University, and a mem ber of the higher educational council. LANDSLIDE KILLS SEVEN Vltlnar I* Wrecked and I.oetMChoerfC Tunnel EndanKcred. [Special Cable t<> The Tlmes-Dlspatch.] GENEVA, August 8.-?Seven persons were killed and many injured by an enormous landslide which swept tho village of Ragogna, on the Simplon line. Tho village was almost com pletely wrecked by the falling bank of earth and stone which measured half a mllo In length. The Loetschoerg tunnel, near this point, was oiwlangerod. No Announced Candidacies nnd No Pronounced Issues Devel oped So Far. CONDITION WITHOUT PARALLEL Forces Apparently Working In Favor of Republican Party Months Ago Made Futile by European War and New Issues It Created. [Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.1 WASHINGTON, August S.?Tho coun try in being treated to a rnro political phenomenon, marked by tho fact that while a whole national campaign for tho election of a President and a new Con gross is considerably loss than a year off, no announced candidates have de veloped in either party, an.l no pro nounced issues have assumed definite form upon whh tho tight is to he pio Jocted. Political history will have to na ! searched for many fenerations back to ! produce a parallel to the present situ ation. As a matter of fact, no exact parallel can be pointed to. There may I have been campaigns In which as littlo I Interest has been manifest, but nonej in which so many of the essential ele ments were absent. It is true that the Republican or ganization is prolific in presidential possibilities, thai willing leaders may be found in all pjirts of the country who might easily bo persuaded to as sume tho responsibilities of a nomi nation. but it Is equally true that not one of them has passed beyond the -favorite son" stasje. regardless of the fact that the nominating conventions are less than eight months off. For instance. New York stands forth with Root. Whitman and Hughes; Massachusetts with Weeks; Idaho with Borah; Indiana with Fairbanks; Illi nois with Mann and Sherman; Ohio with Burton. Ilerrlck and Willis; Iowa with Cummins; Wisconsin with La Follette, nnd so on down the list. In all this host, however, there Is no towering llgiire, no pre-eminent leader, no un questioned Moses. NOT O.VK AVOWED CA NOW ATE IX MST Moreover, In this list thorn is not one avowed candidate for the Presl rlont?not one whose friends claim tho privilege of offering to the nation. Hughes and Hoot, probably the two ablest men on the roster, have each declared and redeelared that they are not candidates for the Republican nomination. None of the others has declined support for this honor, neither have any of them come out into the open with intentions of seeking sup-, port. , , The truth is. Republican politics and policies are very much in confusion, nnd this confusion naturally involves possible candidates. There have, been many miscalculations on the part ufj the opposition party since the Wilson administration began. Many read justments have become necessary, much realigning In order to keep up with the big events. When the. Underwood tariff bill was passed, Republican leaders were rea sonably sure a winning issue had been created. They believed hard times would be inevitable, and a prosperity platform had never failed to net them thousands of votes. Then when the repeal of tho canal tolls was enacted, a piece of legislation that seemed to split the majority party wide oPon, another hopeful condition arose. Anti trust legislation was forced through Congress, and this was looked to to increase the dissatisfaction of tho business interests with the now re All these forces appeared for a time to he working for the success of tho Republican party, and. Just as pre dicted. a period of depression followed ,ho revision of tho tariff; business men, pinched by restricted markets, began to murmur, and the majority party or (Continued on Fourth Pagfc.) OFFER RECEIVES FLAT REJECTION FROMPETROBRAD Told That Question of Peace Negotiations Cannot Be Raised Now. KING OF DENMARK ACTS AS INTERMEDIARY Russia More Than Ever Deter mined to Fight It Out to Finish. POLICY OF 1812 IR ADOPTED Enemy Is Being Drawn Further and Further Into Devastated Country. [Special Cahle to The Times-Dispatch.] PETROGRAD, August 8.?From ab solutely trustworthy sources the Bourse Gazette learns that last week Emperor William, through the King of Den mark, offerer! the Russians terms of peace. The reply of the Czar to the j Danish monarch's letter was the cato | gorical declaration that at the present j time there could be no question of peace negotiations. j These statements are by no moans improbable. Having failed to carry out her orig ; inal program of crushing France In the first few months of the war, Germany has now altered her general plan, and is straining every nerve to eliminate Russia from the number of her an tagonists, in order to he able to con j centratc all her energies against the I allies in the west, when they at last are In a position to cause her serious inconvenience. GERMANY HAr> nOPED TO ANNIHILATE ARMIES Germany had hoped, by the mo montum of her assault on both flanks of the Polish salient, to cut oft and ultimately destroy the Russian armies occupying it, and thus reduce Russia to impotence. No doubt, her calculations were largely based on the idea that the Rus sians would cling desperately to the Warsaw and Vistula fortresses, and thus allow themselves to be caught in a trap. Last week it must have become clear to the Germans that their plot was frustrated. Thanks to the timely deci sion of the Russian chief of command, Warsaw was evacuated promptly and with thoroughness. The Germans will I And that the Polish capital Is an em | barrasslng luxury. 1 It is quite natural that, under such j circumstances, the Kaiser should dangle temptations before the eyes of j Russia. No doubt, the terms he offered j seemed to himself generous and mag nanimous. However, the emphatic re . Jectlon of his offer Is a clinching proof | of the steadfastness and constancy of gallant Russia. EJII'IHB IS DETERMINED TO FIGHT TO FINISn Further confirmation of the iron de termination of this empire to fight to a finish is found in a remarkable article contributed to the Bourse Gazette by General Mikhnevitch, head of the gen eral staff, who places It beyond all doubt that Russia deliberately adopted the policy of 1812 of retreating every where, at ease and in good order, leav ing behind a desert stripped of every thing that could be of advantage to the foe. Ho says: "If they want to, the Germans can come on further and further, until such times as Russia shall have supplied her needs. They will have to light for every step of gain, but the Czar's armies wilt not allow themselves to be pinned down to a decisive battle until their equipment Is complete. "Meanwhile, the Germans will leave | the railways further and further be hind them, ami will be compelled to carry every ounce of food they need across a devastated tract, where the roads, at the best times, are few and worse than .anywhere else in Europe. "The only question about which there could be any doubt is whether the Rus sians have the hardness of temper to make the necessary sacrifices. "All doubts on this scorp aro now set at rest. Tlmo is on Russia's aide. In all the fundamental economic fac tors. such as the area of agricultural productiveness and the size of popula tion. her advantago over her enemies is enormous. "While German industry has boen paralyzed by the suspension of foreign trade, Russia's peasantry, 87 per cent of her people, are actually In a hotter position than they were before the war. This Is partly the result of en forced sohrloty and partly because of the great demands of the army com nilssariat. KCONO.MIC 1IKAHT OF COli.XTII V r.XTOUCIIED "The economic heart of Russia la situated 800 miles from the frontier, and is inaccessible to the enemy's I sword. "Tho enemy Is making frantic efforts I to secure, at any rate, part of tho booty he expected to fall Into hU clutches with Warsaw and the Vts? tula line. "Vigorous attacks have been made on the fortresses of Kovno and Ossowetz and towards Ostorov, to the south of the Narew, and In tho neighborhood o? Sorock, where he la trying to cut