OCR Interpretation

Richmond times-dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1914-current, April 18, 1918, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045389/1918-04-18/ed-1/seq-1/

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Silent Salesmen
\T-D Classified Ads Sell When
Other Means Fail
What's the Answer?
Get It From Times-Dispatch
Information Bureau
M .MHKK 10*
Wi: \Tll Kit
ecretary Confers With
President and Gives His
Views of Front.
'otal Will Be Pushed Up to
5,000,000 as Soon as
rendition of Americans "Over
There" I* Kxeellent, and
AJI Wear Smiles.
WA5?FIIN< 5TON, April 17.--Secretary
War Newton P. Kukfr, jiirt back
on Krance. to-day mado known to
resident "Wilson the urc-nt need for
greater American army and a mai
mm of speed In preparations to m";
ft growing emergency on the wcrt
n front.
The ri??t a 11m were c/mmunicatfl to
0 chief executive ami the head? of
e v ar bureaus at tit': Wliitc llou.v
;rlng a conference which lasterj
roushout the afternoon. Under the
reo'ion of Major-'Jeneral Payton C
arch, acting chief of staff, and I'ro
>Ht-Marh)ial-'_icnei al Knoch II. f'rov. ?
?r, (he plans for expansion which
tint be submitted to t."ongres..< already
c taking .shape.
It Is '--tlinatec! the s.i^e r.f t}-.? n. 111 -
ry '? ?.t.11111hhment uius'. he Immediate
Incrc-ued to men. A*- soon
t the marhii.erv for organization can
> enlarged, 'he total will be ptr hed
t to S.0Q0."0<V The nd v i*-al>H i t y of
nut-tine Cot:pres. to authorize an
iproprlatton now for t).^ larger !ip
?e ! under onMd? ration. The House
ilitary Affair. 'ommlttee. antlcipat
g ? ie ;???' reape'l Itmai <l : >r man
r.(er, favorably reported the hill
hkh wo iM include in : ? <? dr..ft a'l
cn \iho have become of a:;e since
ir.c 1!?17. President Wilson I. au
lorized by this measure, which
ad; ha pa: .-< ii :he .Senate. ia!l
en ulio become tw. nty-?r,e y< ir old
n;.\- :i!ne dur'ng the war without
if.h'T '.< ^ elation.
*J I;^ ei-a.-trnc nt of the b j; r\prc?
1 within t!w next few da> 'i'he mil
ary authorities estimate it vill make
cat!:: hie approximately 1 .OOi' rt'" ) n:"n
the majority of whom will "oe
i cla .s 1. "There must be n<? limit
i oi'.r effort to : end tlie- greatest pos
h.e number of men to Ktirop.> in the!
a:' possible ".line" |: |||i> buhstance
' S' retary rSaker'M message a- tin
??rstooii |,y hi- asst. iates in the ad
mist rat ten.
The o flic..-ils who were as V:' d to the
hue 11'. .-e j.\ !'ri. idfnt Wil >n to
ear th? Secretary of War recount
is r xperleti'f! included Bernard M.
aruth, head of '.he War Industries
lo.ird: fhairir..i:i Hurley, t,f the Ship
mg Hoard; Secretary Daniels ."f ilu
avy Hepartrne,u. Herbert '' ll'.o\<
l.od aOminist t ator : I ?r. Harry A. U.ir
[eld. fuel a'ln.ti;: trator : John S Re It on
"illlarns-, representing William <; Me
j'loo. director-general of railroads.
Otlb'ial comment waa not obtainable
t t ?i c conclusion of the conference,
ttt it was said the .->? retarv of W* i r '
id described the condition of the
jmeriean soldiers in I'.'atf e as good.
>t.\i>i; Minn i\ KHANCi-:
"The American soldier Ikl^ made
ood in Franco," Secretary Maker to
ny assured newspaper men who met
im at the War Department. 'The
rennh ant! r.ritish authorities are
niform in their praise of the courage,
ndurancc and soldierly qualities ot
ur men.
The bin thins for America to do is
t? support the war, support it finan
,.?lly and with lirin belief. T!ie right
rin of America is in France. It is
,ired and ready to strike. The rest,
f the body !.? here in tiie United
tates. and it must support the arm.
his support should include subscrip- :
ona to Liberty loans us well as i
-.oral support o;' high confidence."
The condition of the American troops, J
he secretary said, is excellent. They :
11 are well physically and "well in [
very other \va>." Their spirits are
i'igh. their behavior admirable, and
lieir relations with the French and,
?iritish cordial and sympathetic, he'
"One rarely meets nn American sil
lier in France who docs not smile
?.nd wave his hat." .Mr. llakcr said.
The only sad Americans there are
hose who fear they may have to come
iome before the Job is clone."
??The information I went to get, I
;ot." Mr. leaker said. li?s trip, he
aid, would bring r closer and more
mderslanding co-operation between
lie War Department and the army.
\s for the secretary himself, he feels
hat lie is "now equipped with the
neans of judging and appreciating the
cind of co-operation needed."
"The American, iiritish, French and
Italian armies are filled with this
.remendous spirit, and the civilian
lopulations show the samo feeling.''
ie said. "livery one is quite confident
?>f the outcome. I would say tliat tho
general sentiment is one of inspired
"So far as the work of our own
"orcca is concerned, it gives one. the
nipresslon of magnitude, thoroughness
ind speedy accomplishment. No hours
?>f work are being observed and thero '
ire no limitations on labor. A glimpse j
>f the tremendous extent of tho
American supply facilities, lines <<f
;ommunirii lions, warehouses and tiu
noroua schools for men and officers I
(Continued on See o nil Pa gel) i
I,ate Kettirns Indicate Kightrcn Xcw
York Cities Votcrl Agaio.st
Liquor Trulllc.
Lar-Rr Cities Remain Wet, the 1 ^ist
Including Syracuse, Where Billy
Sunday Lent Hi- Influence to
Cause of Local Option.
ALBANY. N. V. April 17.?Wet's and
dry?: ran neck ;md neck in '.he t*o-d;iy
speci.il c\':is' election which rloacd to
r.'pht. Iteturns from thirty-two ot th*
( it c:< in which th1* cle t;ons were hc:d
showed that fc.jrhteen had jor.c dry and
twnty xve t.
Syracuse, where "Rl'l" Hunday lent
hi: Influence to the ?iryr. went wet bv
about l'?,000 on the t-aloon question.
The wets claim a s^tfe nrirgin on the
other tlin f question.1-.
In New Itorhelle and Mount Vcrnoi
th'- w ?? I s swamped tin- drys. despite
th?- Mrone campaign mad*- against the
calnon?. in tlio'? title:'. Mount Vcrnor.
giving the wets a majority of about
Schenectady remained wet by a ma
jority of 2,S4'J o-i the taloon question,
and .i nifi margin or) the other three
;>iopo. illon?
Of the .hreo t^fcond-class cities vot
ir.c. Uinshampton ewang i no the dry"
colutnt;. The *1 r>r? claim a tuh^tan
tial majority there.
The 'our propositions laid before the
voter-' were:
*. Shall liquor be so'.d to be drunk
on ;he premises'*
" Shall liquor be sold in bottles and
n^t ronsumt fl *>n th" preniif.es'
Shnll it be sold by pharmacists on
a physician's prescription?
4 Shall liquor he .????Id by hot*.'?
Th"1 results cn the e.irlv returns are
as, follows:
l'rj-s- Auburn. Ithaca. Oortlar.d. err
inns. Jamestown, tta! a via. Watertown.
? leneva. Salamanca. Binghamto::. l\:l
ton, Piatt sburg.
^\*e;? Syracuse. Schenectady notr.e.
Little Kills, KItr.ira. Mount Ver"on.
New rtochel'c, Oswegfo, 'ineida, To
nawanda, Ogdenrburg, T.ockport, Am
sterdam, Kingston.
Feelinc of Di*nppointment I* Kiprm
ort Iit 'PicaMiry Official* a*
How Richmond
Buys Liberty Bonds
Siltmrrl pt Inn* rnlrrrd liv the linnK^
rind lru*l i-nnipaiilm ot It Ir'i iiioikI
III much the rto*r of tin?I ?><'<? \ jci
tcrdo.v ?rrc nnrmiincod l?> 111?? lo
cal coininlllrr lunt iilctil n* lotion*:
? Appor- tVls. J>ub
lionmrnl. ?rril)<'d.
A nirrli nn
< out. ,t l'i'u?ta . . .
Hro'ld Mrrrl
< litiri'li llill
Mrrhnnlrs A llrr
Old Dominion . . . .
SinIr nml t'llr. ...
XI. K'T.'Mmi
I SO.flOtl
in::, too
i. f<;.t,.viu
;ti s,:tnu
I ,<).V?,IMM|
I'lniilrra l.nniVMiu
Truvt & vn>liiRi
Mn Ins* llnnk . . .
t nlon nnilk . . . .
\ Irulnln Trinl . .
West Knd
7 t-to
71 I - IO
:t:t a-:i
i*:t1 o
I Bv APSOCtHfil Press. 1
WASHINGTON. April IT.?The third
Liberty loan campaign is two-fifths
over and loss than one-thitd of the
$3,000,000,000 minimum has been of
ficially recorded as subscribed.
The total reported to-night to the
Treasury, covering receipts by bankv
up to the close of business last night,
was $f*:.2,9-3.^50, or J1*.000.000 short of
the $1,000,000,000 total which had been
expected by to-night. This is ?1^3.317,
1D0 more than was reported last night.
".'-'alts since the, first days of the
campaign, when they started with a
rush, frankly arc not up to expec
tations." siiid the Treasury's daily re
view to-night. "There is a feeling of
disappointment. particularly in the
larg-- cities. The country district* arc
doing better than they did during pre
vious campaigns, but the gains '.hat
they are making are not of r-uflicient
size to offset the lack of sales in the
larger communities.
"The need for constant, steady driv
ing by sales committers every day
throughout the remainder of the cam
paign is plain."
The St. Louis Federal reserve dis
trict has subscribed t">n per cent of
its quota and continue;; at the head
of the list in this respect.
Drop* Krnm sin Altitude of f.r.OO Port
(n Dentil nt San Diego,
< nl.
i f?v Associated Press. I
SAN DIKcSO. t'AL., April 17.?Second
Lieutenant Ouiun \V. Mai tern, of nay
ton. Ohio, was killed here to-day when
the airplane in which he was prac
ticing for his reserve military aviator
lieense went into a tail spin ami foil
l.fiOO feci into San Piegn Hay. Neither
machine nor the aviator's body had
been recovered to-night.
f'nrfonnlst llnrelny Drnd.
ItALTIMORK, Ml)., April 17.?Tom
Larclay, cartoonist, whose, work was
among the most widely known in the
South, died suddenly to-day. lie had
been on the staff of the Sun for years.
Peruvian Cnltlnet Unit*.
LIMA. i'KIUJ. April 17.?The Peru
vian Cabinet has resigned.
i Great Demonstration Is Staged
by Women's Committee in
Capitol Square.
Subscriptions in Fifth District
Continue to Grow Slowly To
wards Apportionment.
'iIto a-e thf ? <-?%
them: you have ye n ihcn in ? i? >: i
here; i hey arc ready to Cr,- t(..v ;? r<
anxious to go. ,0 l.erp Hi* enemy''from
corning over hr-re Ju nam?<, %vjU
you not lend the KOVfrnment .1 f?-w
'?I your dollar:. to feed 1;.. an,j ,!o,i>e
. them and arm ihr.m properly," c.v.-laim
: cl *'? ? r. I'Jabn 1 mninger of
the liberty !<
'Jli.I'atgr . :o a cm, .v.]
of L'.-OO people collected i? tllo Capitol
.v'lu::ro estTday .1 f< < rr-.o?.n to watch
the maneuvers of Company A, Thre*
Humlr.-l a:.d nftontii Marhine-'iun
1 '?at'a 1 ion. f ?"amp l.. o, under Hie com
tnan'l of Lieutenant Miartle.
If thin appeal d-.' r not reach the
heart ??{ every man l\r ro w ho s work
ing and who can buy a bond at J!
.1 uw-f-k in forty-nine week:, then ii
Will tak- a devin" ine; :-?ge. for such
a one i not really a man," continued
th^ speaker.
f A minuter before, Mr. nahney
had called upon the mass of people
gatherer] around the machine company
to ine "America." to ~et in th" --pir't
of America. "The band is going to
lead: the line is going to change, fel
lows, the rest is up to >n?." he said
?*1A f'M 1 \ i:-(;t n SKCTinv <;ivi-:s
I)I:MO\VIHaTIO\ OI- work
Then, while the machine-gun com
pany limbered and unlimbercd. fell in
and fell out. showed what "action"
means, "chanPo<| post-* for the eluci
dation of civilians, and demonstrated
the arduous toil of actual service, a
squad of women, led by Mr. Habney.
threaded th- crowd seeking sul.scip
Hons to Liberty bonus Tlv crowd
r-sponded liberally to the call, havin
been Impressed by the h, ief ,,ul jt]?
pressive message and the maneuver
of Company A.
The machine-pun section wa? loaned
the Richmond women s commitiee'bv
Major-Oeneral Cronkhite, of <amp l.ee,
and along with it came the Three Hun
dred and .Nineteenth Infantry band
irom he cantonment. Promptly at
o clock_ the demonstration Ncgan. pre'
|.oede?i by.a concert, and for f.,,jr hon
exhibition after exhibition u ,t? civ. -i
The men. .-lad In he,mots iike
^ 10., e i..?.ed "over there." burier; their
faces in the soft
grass in protection
rj ? ??..? hi |?ro;ri
imaginary bullets during ih<
J" 1 rn r: a f t * r ti m o the
:t ion
through their exercises. Thrv ,-u-h-,1
to the front of the grassy plot <e?e. t. <1
m'the'V rrk' Set Up thefr machinei
for the ^ "eri?d ?f l,m"
or t.ie proper rang.-. all.l 0!t ,.0!?ni..
*' r'~ rf,arjy to unloosen a --torm ?
lead The demonstration was one to
awaken the most dormant h*art to
-?-r.d a thrill through the veins of ,.ier>'
man. woman and child u ho thronged
?-r;'j.ire, and throughout -he after
noon there was a st*adv flow ?f i
P,r to ???rh th* exhibition
Richmond going forward steadily
the dr.ve. ;in,j
??II d i r ec t o r
pre.- id 1 nts and
**very hank and
company i? lh. citv wiI, at
meeting of t,? loeal comin,l|M
noon to-day at -.he Chamber of Com
merce. The progress so- far made will
b* S,vrn at thls mating, and the bank
t? w.:i he told wh.it they must do to
?Take the dr.ve a success The wm.
en's corn mi t tec will have a special
meeting this afternoon <u 1 o'clock,
and both gather.ngs are expected to
materially help the campa'sn.
All department head.* in the city g o v -
crr.sr.ent will meet at 11 o'clock to
morrow in the Council Chamber at th*
City Hall for th<- purpose of organizing
themselves to help in the movement,
111** meeting w ill l>e presided over by
Mayor George Ainslie. who is a mem
ber of th- Richmond committee. Un
usually effective w rk is being done by
the Henrico committee, of which .lulieti
Gunn is chairman, and a mass meeting
will be held in <Ilen Lea School to-mor
row night at S o'clock, at which time
many subscriptions are expected.
Aid of the life underwriters of Rich
mond was enlisted yesterday by John
Kerr Rranch. chairman of the commit
tee. in a short talk to the organization.
As a result, 1 "*0 workers will canvass
the downtown office buildings to-day
and to-morrow in an effort to place
i.Mi'i.m i :i :> \t iiwks
rmni ion i'kh i i:nt < i.i ii*
The committee announced yesterday
that employees of three banks had
formed I'"1 per cent Hubs. The first
to (to "over tlie top" was the National
{-?atc and City Rank, with the em
ployees of the Merchants' National and
the I'nii'ti Rank of Richmond follow
ing closely. N. P. Sills spoke yester
day afternoon at the Lyric, while. \V.
H. Adams and Henry Sellwarzschlld
made sh?rt talks at the two night per
formances.; W. Kirk Mathews will
speak at this theater this afternoon,
and Kdgar R Knclish and State Sena
tor .lames K. Cannon will address the
audiences to-night
Mr. Ilrarnh ill s peak ;:t noon to
' morrow to the employees *? f the >h*'.ps
! of the Southern Railway, i.'ompany, in
| Soulli Richmond. Mr. Rranch is a <li
'rector of the Southern system and !<e
1 lievs that employees will co-operate
j in every way in the sale of the bonds.
! President George W. Stevens, of the
| Chesapeake :? ri<l Ohio Railway Com
pany. has just addressed a letter to
I all employees urging them to purchase
j bonds, and plans are under way for
1 a campaign r'mong its employees.
Governor George .1. Seay, of the
I (Continued oa Second Page.)
Dean of Virginia Delegation in
National House Called
by Death.
Body Will Be Brought to Old
Home, at Warsaw,
by Boat.
' H'. A*-?oriatrtl Pro- !
WA?II I.VflTfiN'. Ar.ril 17 r>nrr; r?.
fatly* .lone- of Virginia. died l>rm to
flay from the effrctr t. f ;troke o*
paralysis s u ITe red more than a \? e. |.
Representative ,lor/ - wars n-?* nn!v
th'' dean of ihf Virginia delegation in
f'ongresr, but the dean of the Itemo
cratic sid<* of the Hou:^. |-'nr fourteen
tout inuoup terms. or practically twenty
eight ynvy, ho h:nl represented th<
First district of Virginia in the 11 o u s
outraiikiii(t "very other member f<jr
continuous ^fr\ i. <? and ranking next to
former Speaker <*annon, u nose twenty.
one t'-rms in Congress has broke,, all
r"' f'i He was Mxtv-nino year? old.
Mr Jones had I.?,, |n feeble health
for six years, although during part of
that time he was a f.iithful attendant
at the e : ions of the House, and sel
dom missed a roll call when he was
able to ct to the capitol. His health
was undermined by a strenuous cam
paign for the senatorship against Sen
ator .Martin, in 1 !? 11. About a year ia:er
serious rheumatic complications de
veloped. and for a long time he w,,
Under treatment. While In this weak
en. <1 condition, lie carried out the am
bition of hi- public life, the piloting of
ti n bill for ultimate independence of
the Philippines through the House.
Mr. .lone.-, had regained some strength
during the la i few months, and had
become again .< familiar figure at the
House until April S. when he was
strr km uith paraiysls. affecting lit**
entire right side. M0>t f)!- ,ho Ume
sine then he hn hern unconscious. He
i; survived by his wife, h;a daughter.
Mr Koland Hopkins, w-fe of a major
1" army, and a son. William A
Jones. .Jr.. a lieutenant in the aviation
corps, '2i training camp near Dallas
I Mr .rones was a power in Virginia
politics and his fearlessnes- in attack
ing nplieio.; and people to which he was
opposed v. as a conspicuous charac
wim, i-st nnr thi; uimi.wxs
K?corted by twenty-four member? of
the House and Senate. Mr. .1 .ries's bodv
'Alil "c taken to Warsaw to-morrow
for funeral services from the Kpisco
pal Church there. The steamer At
lantic h^s been chartered to take the
funeral party to Warsaw. I- will leave
Washington' at 11 r.Vlock and reach
Warsaw to-tnorr.c.\ night.
The committee which will represent
the House and the Senate at the
f .neral will be composed of Senators
Swansun. uverman. I nderwood. Hen
derson. .N'orris at; l 1.enroot and llep
re sentatives Flood. ?Mass. Montague.
H .ityon. S.vinder:-. Harrison. 'arl n
.?!;?! Holland ;t.^ Virginia delega
tion. and Hepresentat ives Talbott. of
Maryland Kstopinal. of Louisiana:
? Jarrett. of Tennessee Cooper. of Wis
consin: Towner, of Iowa; Helm, of
Kentucky, and th^ Philippine commis
sioners, Prs. ^ an goo and Devevra.
the funeral arranctmcnts at War
.-aw were completed late to-night by
.Mr. Jones's family. The .1 live pall
bearers wiill bo I*. >-. McCanliss, of
Fairfax: l.eslie c Garnctt. of Wash
ington: lv. H. Ailworth. oi' Kastvillc.
IJ. Carter Wellforrt. "r. II. I, Singer.
\V. V. .Morgan. Judge W. Chinn. >f
Warsaw. and Colonel K. Much Smith. of
lleathsviP- The honorary pallbearer?
will t'O t >i < Philippines eomm i ?ioner>
to 1 iio I':. i?o i States. Colonel 'i'. .1. .
Downing. .1 udge Christopher ?tiar
noti. < m? i n ir M. Ward. i: i'?ir.vav
Haker, lit : !?? rt I. Smith. John N* T:iiii>.
1*'. A. Manuel and Harry Si. < leorge
T ticker.
Chilean Ofl'ioin I \ iriiiii of Mrnke of
\pnplc.*y While Walking
in sirci'l.
W ASM I X< "iTt t.V. April 17.?-Senor Don
Saniias^) Aldunate. Chilean ambassa
dor. died at the Kniergeiicy hospital
here tonight. lie \\ is taken there th's
afternoon, following h collap.e on
tho .-.ireft
lie iifviT rijtaiiKil consciousness, ile
was surrounded by his family and the
entire staff of tin- embassy when he
died. Or. Ruffin, his physician, de
clared hi.- death due to apoplexy. 11< ,
was i\ t y years old
Attache- of th^ eml.i ..y said to-night
that the ambassador left the embassy
this morning for his accustomed walk
in apparent'..* 'be mot", robust of health,
lie f-11 uiieonsoious. near the Kiner
gency H" pita I.
Will lli'sfsn 11* llrml of Mrel I * In 111
if Nsj?nrj- to Produce
Mi I pi.
I H> \ .-o.-l.itcil Press 1
WASH l\<iTi ?X. April IT Charles M
! Schwab '"Id I lie Shipping Hoard to-day
that he. !? willing to resign hi.s l'.ethle
j hem Steel connections if necessary to
; undertake the work of director gen
eral of the Kmergeiiey Fleet Corpora-'
11< n.
Tonnage rather than numbers of
| sltipM is being sought by tho Shipping
Hoard in making plans for a cmitinu-j
'ancc "f it? work next year.
Pourth Officers* Training Camp to Open
May 1 5 at Various Divisional Camps
I flv Ass-trial
W <MnMiTON, \|irll IT The
full rill Dlllrcr*' Irninlnc camps III
nprn Mav ITi .it tnrious ili \ I\I<? nn I
lainpn and I'nnlnnnipnl*, Scrrctarj
llnlvT to-day nnnniincril.
'Ihc nrrrrlnrv said that 2 per cent |
?>f ihc enlisted nrrsonml of (ho ill- |
i Ikiiinx and detached nnlts of Ihr 1
regular nrmi, National l.uard and
National Army, rxerptliic tlir coast
artillery and llie *nrlotis ntnlT corps,
itlll lir dc*iminlcri (it attend (hi*
jrlmoli. 'I'lih j?r?>rrdnrr, he said.
111 oprralr throui;h regular nrmy
In n rill l< ion. I here will be ndmit
Iril nil crariual ins members of se
nior (ill Islons. reserte olllrpr*' trnin
ins: i'(trp< units, nhn hn\c completed
Ihr rniirsp prescribed for Ihr reserve
officers* training corps noil nil mi rn
? I I'rci.x 1 j
licrs of Ihc ndtniicc ronr?r, senior
ili^fnionn of the mrp.i. wliu h> May
IT. h.nr completed one ;.eiir of I he
adtanccd course, nnil ?hn hate had
too hours of military Instruction
f.lnrc .lununry I, 1017. under super
vision of nn nrmy officer.
In nddillon, n nnmlirr of men nhn
lime hnd a year's inlMlnry trnln
inc under army olHeers at any tliir
ilurinc the past ten years in cdu
cntioncl Insl lliillons rerncn Ir.eil by
Ihe War Department. %s 111 lie admit
ted. \ 11 n i>?< 1 lea t ious must be filed
by llav I.
The nevcrni educational Institu
tions rccofcnl/.cil hy the internment,
the secretary said, ha>r licen as
nicned quoins, and lliey shortly Mill
lie advised an to ihe method of sc
lei'llnc candidates.
Prisoners in New Mexico Peniten
tiary Madly Handle Uuc of
Their Number.
Camp Cody Oflicer l.oeked I'p in
CharRO of Violating Provisions of
Kspioiiajje Act. Is Ilescued by
Prison Ofliriuls.
I Hv .\>vocin'oi| 1
PA.VTA FIX. M , April IT.?Four
hunt!rod convicts in the State peniten-'
tary thi.s afternoon tarred and feather
' d and led around with a rop? about
his neck Major John M. Birkner, of
Camp Cody, Deming. X. M.. held in the
penitentiary as a federal prisoner. He
charged with violation of the espi
onage act.
Major Birkner, who was born in
Nuremberg. Germany, but who had
been ;n the American military forcer'
for more than thirty years, was arrest
ed lart Friday at Camp Cody, where
he w.i.1 an officer in the One Hundredth
Field Artillery. His home is in Lin
coln. Neb.
Birkner was allowed out in the prison
yard for exercise with the 4^0 convicts.
The warden knew nothing of what was
?o':ng on until he heard loud checring
and rushed out in the yard to find
Birkner stripped and covered with tar ,
and feathers. The prisoners with loud
hoots were leading him about the yard
by a rope around his neck.
Assistant Superintendent Dugan res
cued him. The prisoners evidently, in
accordance with a pre-arranged plan,
had secured the feathers from their
pillows, but where the tar came from
is a mystery. ltirkncr in alleged to
have made disloyal utterances such at
?You can't beat the Dutch." and "the
Germans will sink American transports
au fast as they are sent over." Birk
ner claimed the charges were spite
work by subordinate officers whom he
had disciplined.
Dcelnres Mic Knom Thnt ( oilier ry
rlopn Is Safe in n *?outh
Anicrlcnn I'orf.
I Hv Associated Pr'ss J
XORFOt.K, VA., April 1T.?Mrs. .Sel
ma \V. Worley. wife of l.ieutemint
Comms?nder rieorgc Wichmanii \\ >>rley.
roninutndcr of tin missing n.iv.il col
lier Cyclops. in :i statement issued to
night. declared that the mystery sur
rounding the disappearance fit the .oi
lier will t>e cleared up within the next
twentj-f-ur hours. lti uim> .-tatement
: he is alleged !o have said tli.it the
Cyclops is safe in a South \merican
port, and that an oflicial announce
ment would soon bo forthcoming.
Mr,s Worley is known 10 have vis
iter! the homes ot families who have
members and relatives on the : i .;? and
tohi tli-'in tint to be worried any longer,
that th" mystery would bo cleared up
t o-n igh t.
To-night she vi-ited a newspaper of
fice to plead \\ 1111 an interviewer not
to print a story sh" had given ;i n<>
!? (."> why lir>r husband had changed
his na:ne or that lie ?.<s born in <ier
maiiy, declaring. 'I will give a bigger
: lory to-morrow." of the safety of the
A former naval collier commander,
her escort and friend .of the family,
declared the Navy Ocpartment would
probably soon be in a position to no
tIfy relatives of the men on the col
lier >.f their safety, but declined to di
vulge Mrs. Worlcy's secret.
When pressed fur a.PI11 ion.i! infor
mation, Mrs. W'orley added:
"You Know there are oilier ships at
"Have you any reason to believe
the ?';??< lops I. safe other thai, your
hopes and belief?" she was ash"d
"Yes," was her only reply.
Snceeeil* I mini < r.rrnln.
N.MSTKKI (A.M. April 17. Karon Itur
ian has been appointed Austro-Hun
g.irian Koreign Minister in succession
to '"ount Cxornin, according io a Vienna
limine I'n.sscji liuuc III 11.
WASH INC l'U.V. April 17.?The House
to-day passed the rivers nn<J harbors
iiill o.nrying appropriation:' of ap
proximately $2ft.on?).00a The bill now
goo.* to the Senate.
Erie and New York State Rarfjc Sys
tem Will lifive l-'lect
> of IlonUs.
Railroad Administration Will Have
Charge of New Scheme, With CJ.
A. Tomlinson, of Dulutli, Minn.,
as Directing Ofliciai.
I By A??socta tcil F're^s:. 1
W" ASH I N't! TON. April IT.?Director
General McAdoo to-night ordered that
Krie and New York State Harge Canal
system lie taken over by the railroad
administration and that .*i fleet of
barges he constructed immediately and
operated there under tlie direction of
IS. A. Tomlinson. of Duluth, Minn., to
relieve freight traffic.
This is the tirst inland waterway
whose operation tinder the railroad ad
ministration has been definitely de
cided upon as a. result of the extensive
investigation made by the committee
on inland waterways of the railroad
administration. Within a few weeks,
however, the director-general is ex
picted to order several other canal
systems and navigable rivers, includ
ing the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal,
the lllack Warrior River in Alabama
and several Atlantic coast waterways
used actively by the railroad admin
istration to relieve traflic on the "ail
lines. Construction of barges within
two or three months and their inten
sive use in the late summer and fall
is planned.
The canal system, running from Buf
falo to \VuterforcJ, near Troy, on the
Hudson River. is capable of carrying
abcut lO.nOO.OOO tons of freight a sea
son. and probably half of that amount
will l.o hauled th.s year.
Brick nnd Tllr t'lnntn l'Trnt to Keel I lie
MfTrrl.H of ^ oneniient in I
I Bv Associated Trej..- |
WASH iSklTON, April 1 7.? Further
restriction of the country's loss-essen
tial industries, which will drasneaiiv
limit nonwar building operations for
the (Juration of the war, was announced
to-day by the fuel administration in '
the issuance of orders curtailing: the ,
manufacture of ten principal clay prod- ,
ucts from 1". to as high as 50 per cent.
Simultaneously, the ma mi f.iet u r i up pro- j
gram of this industry was ordered re
arranged and divided, placing it on
the basis of war industry.
Face brick, common, and paving
brick. terracotta, roofing tile, door and
wall tile, and sanitarv ware are or
dered curtailed ,"i0 per cent : hollow tile,
sewer pipe and drain tile. per ccnt.
and stoneware, with the exception of
chemical stoneware, is curtailed 1 **? per
cent. Another new order curtailed the
output of e nun*, el ware r.O per cert.
Tho percentage of curtailment in
each case is based on t'ne average out
l?ut for the past three years.
To-day's action by the fuel adminis
tration. which was approved by the
War Industries Hoard, is declared to
l?e the forerunner of similar curtail
ment of practically every Industry con
sidered not viial to the war program.
He Will *?rr\e n* High ( oninii.siionrr
of Frmieo tu 1 nilcd
i in- i.iicl |'r.-.-h. 1
WASHINGTON. April 17.- Reappoint-1
merit of Andre Turd feu us high cm
missioncr of France to the United
States was announced to-day in an of
licial cablegram fron> Paris.
.Mr. Tardieu received the following
message from the Minister of Foreign
"The high mission which von have
so successfully performed in the Unit
<d State? and which expired ?>n tie
l.'ith r>f this week- has been renewed
by a proclamation of the President of
the republic."
* ? ..
Tno Aviators Arc llurl.
HOUSTON. T KN AS, April IT. ?Karl
f.\ Southcv of Uinghamton. N. V.. civ
ilian instructor at Klliiigton Field was
seriously injured and jii aviation cadet
slightly hurt at the aviation camp here
to-day when their airplane fell about
i ne hundred feel in .? spin. Instructor
Southec is In the held hospital but
.r injuries probably arc not fatal.
Struggle (irows More Fiercc
Between Messines Ridge
and Meteren.
Turks Capture City of Batu-.i
Following Fight With
Allied Troops Capture Seven - Vil
la Res on Macedonian Front
Along Struma River.
f Rv .\5.sorUitc<1 Pr^?? 1
'>ut of tho chaos of tho trrm^ndous
battle a'.ong the Lys Bivcr. south and
southwest of Vprcs. tho thunder of
which may be heard forty or fifty miles
away, there have come during the
past day reports which are more on
couraging to the allied powers. The
British not only have hoM all the
ground which they were defending on
Tuesday, but have struck hack so pow
erfully that Meteren and part of
Wytsehaete were rot .en and held for
a time. Only after heavy attacks did *
the British retire attain from the vil
The most disturbing news has been
a report from Berlin that Poclcapelle
and l.angemarck. nortli of Vprcs. have
been taken by the Germans, and the
admission >from 1-ondon that the Brit
isii have retired from certain of their
lines on the Ypres salient. The re
tirement here was expected, for the
advance of tho Germans at N'cuve
Kglise and Baillenl left the positions
in front of Vprcs open to a flank at
tack It Is officially stated t'lat tho
retirement was orderly, and it is prob
i able that it will have more of a sen
[ timental than a strategic effect. Just
how far the British lines have been
withdrawn is not known. It may he.
, howiivcr. that the German claim of
taking Poclcapelle and l.angemarck
was the result of the British retire
! ment.
The battle. now in its tiith day. has
deepened in intensity at many points
along the curved front from Messine
Bidge to Meteren. There have been
reports that the Germans have occu
pied the \ illage of St Kloi. which
I lies less than three miles south of
; ypros. but these have not been con
| tinned. It also \\a.- said that they have
' taken positions on the south slope- of
' Mount Kernme!. which i^ about two and
a half miles north of Wulverghem.
This also has not been confirmed.
On all the rest of the front from
Mcssines Bulge southwest w ard the
German.*; have flung themselves against
:iie Rranitc wall of the British de
fense. Otlicial and semiolficial dis
patches have told of the frightful losses
inflicted on the attacking masses of
troops by the British rifle and ma
chine gun lire.
On the southern side of the salient
there have been engagements of some
magnitude, especially east ot Bobccn.
tive miles northwest of Bethune, where
the Germans were caught by the Brit
ish artillerj lire and scattered.
i.im: i.v riKivr ok ahm\??
Tho lino in front of Arras has again
been th.-< scene of lighting. hut here tho
r.ritish tool; I ho offensive and drove
the tiermans out of Uritish trencher
which had been carried by the enemy.
In tho I'icardy sector there lias been
lively artillery engagements between
the Somme anil i-dse Kivers, hut only
patrol rrnounter.s arc reported official
I'urlher south, only raiding opera
tions have been going on.
The Turks announce that they have
taken the city of Hatum. on the cas
ern s-horo i>f the Ulack Sea. They re-?
port strenuous lighting before tho Uus
-k'.ii defenders of the city were driven
Oil i.
m ( < i:i;i>s t oi NT rzi:ri\n
Karen Stephen I'urian von Rajecz has
succeeded Count Ozcrnin as l-'oreig.
Minister of Austria-Hungary, coming
back to the ofllre lie relinquished De
cember l!>l?i.
The Macedonian front has again be
come active. (irt'ck and l-tritlsh troops
have advanced and driven tho Teutonic
from seven towns along tho Struma
(liver, on the eastern end of the line.
Kreitch forces have also been active
in this theater of the war.
!?v ...!?'<! Pr<v.- I
I.O.VDOX, April 17.?Tho losses to
Uritssh shipping by mini; or submarine
in ihe p.ist week totaled fifteen, ac
cording 10 the Admiralty report to
night. Kle.vrn of the merchantmen
sunk were 1.000 tons or >ver. and foul
under that tonnage. One fishing ves
sel also was stink.
Twelve vessels were unsuccessfully
attacked The arrivals numbered
tailings. 'J, l.">G.
In the previous \ve-;k, only six Vtrit
i. h merchantmen were sunk oy mine

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