.iWf I NO BAN ON FOOTBALL i|CT AGAINST SPORTS ;? PROVES UNAUTHORIZED . - . ? '?r DepnMmrnl Kn?-onr*ne* Athletic*. Only Condition. Tlirv ltuat * Interfere \Mtli Mllllnrj 'I rninln?. [|)y A<*orUt?-'l I"! ??- 1 . XVAS11 INOTON. Sept??*>*????? J3 ? ;ball proiiranis for tins f;?l at *?. , ' <^incl unulversitics with Army . tinh i i Training Corps units will not l>r nitri runted bv the Var Dopa?tm?nt- <>;cc u Uwhcro they actually would inlet f?ie .wth military tr.iinine. * Protests which reached mi nib. tconsre" voster,!:., apamst ti.e action of an ollU-cr ?<( the trainini: corps >ei ^lcr >t was s ? at?-iiI th.iit educational institutions would >? ? - "vised fotnialU to h m to curtail the niiliwrv course 1RUN GRAND CIRCUIT RACE ON RAIN-SOAKED COURSE .Murphy l>rl?r?? IHM.v JaeK|?o.. to Mrtilulit Heal X letorj iu Xslil * lin??. SYRACl'Sr.. s v September 13.? The t.ruitd Circuit m et inn in '1" v. ii cot ion with N' ^,'r" M,V' \r :\ ? dosed h.-.. witu tin..- I i t UOOII. The races were '1,1 'ail.ilr and the- t mi. ?.?> -low t.?-c.iur-- or a rain-soaked aii.i h?-a% y ttaik. il??. last Of live allUlteUt uveitis ?*r* Mho day's winner.- Mutph> dtu e % Billy Jackson "? a sua.tut iy?t k t torv in the -: 1'' las.- pare aftet hi ^tinp Walker lead to the three-quat .tr '"liose 111 eil.lt heat with ^a'per. llub 'bard was iho thinl Martii with !? iv'^The'openitm event on M,e prostam wont the lull ti\<- heut- /ron M<. t ^ of the horse- were shipped ? hns to-niuht. but Murpny Kept Mi. Harris M here and w ill drU . her tu an exhibition mile apalnst tinu morrow if tile track dries out Summary; ?_':20 class trot - three In five. i?vit iH.OOO: ? ? , . t Mazda (l.yniani - - .? . .1 enn Dean (Zollcr ? . . . . l .Mice Vlrplnlsi (Rod- ? ^ lioh Kverett. Halhov and Nat I v. Kin? II., also ran. KeM time. _. 1.. I -? ":T" class i.ace?three in live, pursr, j 1,000: . . * i i i ,Billy Jackson (Murphy) \ \ * Harper < Walker ,i ??? ~ ~ 7. .Uellinardine i Hubbard). llcst time. !?:U "lass trot -three In Ave. purse, 51.000: . lit Baron Fri?.-o i nickerson.l L 1. I Monte Volo ' Brume l ; - - Worthv ninuvn iMurrayl . . . ? - < ?? Moho. Indira. Hilda Audubon and Na tivc .ludpii also ran Best Huh. ,^;10 1-4. _ havrFde grace results - IV-si'tuTa. Wkc Mr 0T Morlnon 1 iildoV " A-unn-r Ar . Jonninftaif Mario ( onncll. I atnia, ^niuv^HHohp' 'lionet C.eorBe. Ken,Ionia. Dove Itidpe nl?o ran Thrift ill (Kle? ; Second race -one m.le-Thr fu iori. third fharn! "a. Coinlskev. fotualntlne. ni^u Huv Flrtnc l.in.v JtoHln I irrt. I'lbjen. ST-Lr Al llricht Cray Katie Humilla JloiT Tale 1 ? V*a'lv BUeen. Jack !*.* -1H-ourthra?rr-mil- and neventy v?rd? J.10 ^VT??TiV?mV-?iu.?J;-i5 o: ? V. 1 .TV i,ou 107 (Johnson! J ?Klri? Time 1< i S-a- BoK'l. Theophlh* V . \Vooii Violet' un AVta-n Mnrehmoiu <.l!?o r&re?mile iP'1 a Mixtf^nth Fairv Wond. 10? (Johnson). J it.. :0, H rt. i< Ur Stir fr. Ill ( Itynn J. I" , ond H'ermioi. 11' M'^dlinsl. ?.? ? ?. third Timp I'SH 2-a. from Ku>:i.. I.lliit I'ove. Klect'lon. Bcmonl. Mannehen. I!ab\ Hunch *'sl*th rac?inil<" and a m*le?*nth H?n Hampson, 109 (Sterling > $l3.:o Iu m>. i . 40. flrnt' Harden. 1UJ- llieri!*?ri. Mconil: The Itelcuin 10S iH.-rul.-r.. I.!, third Time. 1:49 I nst url.-t. k"J!l?li. C.reat Dolly. Christi?. Casabii also ran Sevnth ran? mil** anil j si\t>'"nih Trh?l hv Jure. 1?? i M.-rcl'i l. $4 .o. third. Ttin? 1 41 Stuf- Shooter. (>enerou? K<*v ' Otkwood. I'harles 1'ranri? also ? ran. ? BELMONT* RESULTS K^r,x race And ? half fnrlonus?Peier , PipfV. too (MeAter >. k to t o to J. even, i' Jir?i nurkb'wrd t0f> iKi>I??i. r> m I. h i? k. I !o i krrnnd. Arrah lioon II*. il.vhei. 4 lo f i jo . oat. third Tim'- 1 19 Jark Mount. Berlin Annelien also thii Second r*c< .tl.otit tw.? mtlei- K:ntor? >13* ( Rii-a an I. 11 to 10 I I" 1 and out tlr.-i . Xan Slayer. Hi iUv?t.*>. * '?> ?> t to j out. iM-onti: Tonpv Nil !.>?? > ? Ir.-.-n ? >? to I . J %f 1. ."> to h ihirtl limf. 4 1. l.ath ?Inr am! North M..r .?i? Third ran- mil.- .dce. iOf. t Wnile i "v-n 1 u. -.-H first yrankiin. lf( iThurtx-r >. 1. to - " to 5. out. ? g^cond: iilootny 'iui*. 102 i Mr.ffmaiil T<> .. 1 to to. out ihir.l Till!. . I-. ? > I>ud ? dr * Choice nl.-o r.. n Fourth r.o'. nr.I-* and ;> ' mate. ld^ H'allahuiil St.. i to . ..lit Arst: Starry Hjnn< - "" nrat ; Starry H..i,n. t . s,-hu? tu.?.-r . 6. third. Tun.-, r T. ;. Mr l- . ., &nd Miss Kanitie also r.,?> " ' ' V" s " _ _ Z1*' r I ti ra ii' (ir ,- f iirlnni;*? S.tllor Iti IKna pp). ? lo 1, ; lo ! . ?r?, yn , Adam. 11:. fllustoti) jr. to : 10 j - .!' .* second; H imloi.Ht a r j::. (|{u'i,ir.?.i,n i ? i 2 to I. f\*n tlnr.l Tin,- i i>} ? OaiK. Urounrtsw. ,| Skv .Van ; mi.'.i, n > ' 4 to i v IO L 4 to 5. Kfrond. Mad Hat;.-, | , -. . linger). 4 t<> :. * -J -- ' m :?^. MAirjri* Maitland sir.n Kinrr ?/prrar... M-rrv Prm.-ess S. ,A % ar Mask aim, ran ! Truewilell I? U inner. [ RTK. X. V . September 13 \Y f. ? Truesflcll. of iJardi-ti <"i:> \v.>n liic >?? ' niors' '.iolf Assoi-Sa: .on tournament ?-:oyer th\ Apawamls Hnks whptuie.-l ?' tb-tioy with a thirty-six hole total of m - - CAMP LEE QUARANTINE RULES ARE STRINGENT 0 . Many Heartaches Would Bo Avoided if Relatives From Other States Kenli/.cd Fact. MOTHKKS OFTKX IHSAIMMH XTKI) Jewish Soldiers Will Celebrate \ om Ivlpptir ? Conscientious Ohjeetors Will Work on Farms in Cliestet field County. (Special to The Times-Dlspatcn. | C\MP LI-IK. September 13.? If the ;?< ople of the States whose quotas are forwarded to Camp Lee would realise the necessity of the present i|iMran tine la tion's. anil would govern themselves accordingly. there would l>e less heartaches. The riil^s require "h it tio civilian be allowed to s -e a man qnara nt ined for oversea service '"iviiians coming into the ??amp may 1. a v e Itpcn subjected to co c. t :iv ' ?> ti s dis ease. such as measles and nitimps lit ? \ ? in they meet their relatives there would lie danger of spreading disease. Hundreds >-> Tins ? >n!\ add<-d grief to the hearts of th?- visitors, as well as t.'i" soldiers Also, regulations to t he contrar\ not w it hsi an the -'.<"?0 Jewish soldiers now on duty here. Almost without exception the irteii have been riven passes extending tr?.in .Saturday at 12 o'clock until Tucsdav n.orning- at reveille This will enable tie majority to spend th- holiday at li< me. Several hundred will spend the period in Richmond as the guests of the Jewish people of that city. More' than ^Oii enjoyed the liosh Hashana holiday as the guests of the people of that city. Invitatjon has been extend ed through Mrs. S. t'ohen and Miss II. Conn. Secretary S. Dreyfoos. of the Jewish welfare work at 'the camp, will l>e at tlie Voting Men's Hebrew Asso ciation Building. in Kit:h iriond. on Suii day. Services will be held at the camp on both Sunday and Monday The entire camp was grieved at th announcement carried in this morning's papers of the possibly fatal injuries suifereU by Major Kobert K. Lea. of l'au\ilie, \a.. at Camp Perry yester day Major Lorn was promoted this W'? u from captain to major. He was th. commanding t Brigade He was receiving a ? ?u:se r.f instruction in rifle tiring at <".uiip Perry range when struck hv a stray bullet. Twenty-five conscientious objector* < who were recently adjudged con.-. - ent ions in their objections u> milita-v service, were granted farm furloughs.1 I. I' Lurford. county farm agent for < hestertield I'ounty. was at the camp and arranged to take the entire num .!' for < 'hesterfield Count v farmers All of the men are white. ' There are now IOC objectors working on Virginia farms. They receive $.10 per month and their hoard. In event any sur plus is paid for their services it noes to the lied Cross. Judge I lark, who has he en in charge of Knights of I'olumhiis work ai this camp for the past several months, left to-day on telegraphic orders for Pamn Meade, Md. Twenty-two ofllcers of the One Hun dred and Fifty-tifih Depot Brigade left to-day for Camp Dix. X. J., where iliev will report for duty with the Wight Hundred and Eleventh Pioneer Regi ment. Colonel H. It. Davids, who was formerly stationed at this camp, is the commanding officer of the regiment Those leaving to-day were Majors Austin B. Kinnard and Frederick \ Hoyse Captains Will <; Atwood. Dan iel II McQuiston. liladdeu II. Sii?i? - ner. Joseph II. Walton. Charles P lliu ch in so it. Kdwin F. Transne. Kvan'D l|osey P.urt F. lianback and Thomas IL Wilcox; First Lieutenants liustav W. Sligh. Arthur S Woodland. Lewis II. Cox. Felix 11 Thompson, John V. Kspenshade. John ti. Hoatright. James P.. Beth tiny and Frank II. Diehl: Second Lieutenants Wayne W. Mackev and Ueorpe <5. Slirum. There will be an intcrbattalion ath letic contest Saturday afternoon be tween the battalions of the Third Sec tion of the Depot Rrigade. Fifty cots have been installed on the third floor of the Army Club in Petersburg for the use <>/ the men in uniform. The charge for a cot will be ?*? cents per night. The building now has for the e?m fifrt and entertainment of the men in uniform six pool tables, three bowling alleys, writing-room and a check-room. MARINE CORPS LEADS M. .1. Wllnoii Makes Total of I n:t In President'* Mnteh nt Ittllr Shoot, I Hv A the elnna of peo ple yon vronld be Klnd lo hnre In ynnr employ. I ?e nnd rend the Help Wanted Ada. Unchanged Prices on Retail Markets Dealers Do Not Anticipate Any Early Reduction in Figur Consumer Must Pay. es. it There aro practically no chances in the retail markets to report. The deal I rs in all kirnls of catahles say they lo not look for any lower quotations and they may have to again/mark u| poods before many more moons. Wa termelons are. of course, cheaper owinu to the large supply and the ueai ? inn of the end of the season, hot csm taloupcs keep u|i to the high figure they have been commanding pioity much ai of the season. The following quotations will rulr to-day: Apples, quart Orange*. doj.en 7a 'it 1.unions, dozen 1 > >1 Haim nus. do/en I'eaelies, basket CO *i> II rapes. Cotiiord, 11> 1/> Oriipe*. Malaga. lb l.artlett r?. do* vr Swliol penis, quart '#?? Preserving IVart, puck '?/ U.misons. basket .... '?! Vegetables. flroon pepper*. do/'-n It'I <& lil'rn Iptliirf. bum ti !.'? ??/ Cu hlia ce. iniun'l Ci Cat rots. hunch .i '< Ouiois. 'J quart) for it "'yinlltiRs. doieti Cm-umber.-'. apiece ? fish mill Other hen Kon(I. |!i> ma r!(?? re|. pound I'rout. pound n <"r.ili tii'ui. quart o ('lain*. it fan trout, pound \t llutit-rtisll. pound tt i'.iuettsh. pound .... *? Sll??|?lii':iil. pound ... -V lioi-kfl?li. pound 3" it Surimp quart (f'roaket ?<. puud if tvifl ctahr. do/.en 1 ?*) tt ? 'rub ItaUe. pound '<} .spots, pound . .. *i HopOsh. pound v Flounders. pound a Spa nlsli mackerel, pound o Oyster*. ?;uart .... . *? a iwr. Por'? rhous? ?i?nk. pound 5'* W riirioin Hi'ak. pound t.> rr Hound steak, pound I!'.it roast. poun Si Corned beef, pound..... K /: '?'?> l-ainb. Limb, shoulder, pound V 11 l.nrnb. chop. pound? Sprinc lajiib. pound ??? 'a iO Pork. Pork - hops, pound '?n Itoasl pork. pound a '??C l'r.-sh shoulder, pound Veal. Veal eutletc. pound it (?n Veal ehops. pound.. . 15 <1 i" Hound viral, pound .. 'n Ltreast veal, pound. *? 'ti ?"*"> Dressed Poultry. Roastinc chickens. \>i ir d .... *' 9 ? 'hl< ken. hroilors pi.und . ... M> n '?'> St?*wlnR > hl" I vus pound 4' W Duclc". pound .... 't ?" tiUllieHS. npii'iv Tf' 'rt X '0 Mutter. Kcbs. Cheese. Butter, ereimery. pound ".K W 5t Country btittei pound o" < liwi itr.er i-heese, pound *(t fin Roquefort < heese. imunil U' 1 '*-? HAS STRAIGHT RUN OF 111 Vancouver Mnrkaninn \nneves tll;;!i Amntenr Avrriter In \\esiy lloKrnn Shoot. ! By Af.soolat?0 Pres4.) ATI-ANTIC CITY. S" .1.. September 1.; ?p.v bre;ikiiiB 1 ."if. target* uKain to day. I\ M. Troeh. Vancouver. Wash annexed the hitch amateur average in the close of the t iWrtl day's events of the annual Westy llopan shoot. His to tal for three days was o\jt of a possible -ISO. lie had a straight run of ill in his sit-ins to-day. I*. S. Wright. New York, shooting !rt clas? A. was h;?'.t pin of the 200 en tries trv all classes, shattering i ?S tar gets mi' of I If Class P. honors went to W C. I.itter man. Ohio, with lafi hre.-iks. Top honors i;i lass c went to P. K. Watktrs. New York, who broke ir>3. The eastern teatn outshot 'he west ern men t> the tlnhls <.f the three days' content, brlneinc their total to an even 2,oi?0 against -.2Ct. j Klllifer Drnfletl fur \rii?>. CHICA'IO. September 1n. "liip. P.ill" Killefer. called one of the greatest ? ?atchers h.tsetiall has ever known, and who. with Ilollorher. recruit shortstop, is ci edited with keeping 'he Chicago Cubs at th? top of the National I.eneue. )>:? - been drafted. Klllifer will report at Camp '"tiMer Battle rieek. Mich., next Tuesday. The hip fellow is all stir les. Notify Killlfrr to Record. I nv AftocU'c, Presy 1 c|||CA<"M). September 13.?William Kill'f-r. Chicago National catcher. notified to-day to report at Camp Cus ter, Battle Creek. Mich. Tuesday. Kil !:fer's battery mate ''.rover t'levcland Al? \ inder. is in France COOK WOULD NOT ALLOW MEN TO BATHE IN HIS PAN Declared Thnt It Must Re t"?ed for II rend-Ma klnte I'urpoaea Only. SKATTI.K. September 1?,.?The only pan in th* camp of forest fire fighters on North Iliver and the refusal of the rook of tho eamp to allow the pan to be use! ?? a wash basin started t ne trouble whl'h resulted !n the dl? rharBP of par* of the crew, who were forced to walk hack to civilization many a wea-v Tii'.e to en.!<--v the luxury of r bathtub ?r. i restaurant tneals. Th" cook rie,?-?abor Board, they will be barred : from employment for a year and draft hoard will be instructed to reject any j claim of exemption from military scr \ ice based upon their alleged useful-' ness on war production. The President's warning wen; to-day in a letter addressed to the machinists, ! replying to resolutions forwarded to him announcing the strike because of dissatisfaction over the War Uhor Hoard's award and a later interpreta tion by a nr umpire. The letter was addressed to the Bridgeport District l.oilKe of the Inter national Association ot .Machinists and other striking workmen of Bridgeport. < onn." It follows 'Oentlemen.? I am in receipt of vour resolutions of September ?; announcing tiiat you have begun a strike against your employers in Bridgeport. Cm,:!.! *ou are members of the Bridgeport' branches of the International I'nion of I .Machinists. As such and with the ap proval uf the national oflicers of vour1 union you signed an agreement to sub- : ojit Hi" questions as to the terms of your employment to the National War 1 .abor Board and to abide by the award which in accordance with the rules of procedure approved by me might bo i made. "The members of Hip board were not able to reach a unanimous conclusion on all she issues presented, and. as pro vided n its constitution, the questions upon which they did not agree, were curried before an arbitrator, the unani mous choice of the members "f the board. MORIC THAN UO IMC It CKNT HA\ K Alt KI'TI'.I) \\\ A It I) The arbitrator thus chosen ha? made an award which more than :?(' per cent of the workers a fleeted accept. You. who constitute less than 10 per cent, refuse to abide i lie award, although you .ire the best paid of the whole body of workers affected, atid are. thoiet'ore, least entitled to press a further in crease of wages because of the high ? cost of living But whatever the merits of the issue it is cloned i,y the. board. Your strike against it is a breach of faith calculated to reflect on the sincerity of national orgauixed labor in proclaiming its acceptance of the principles and machinery of the1 National War I .a bor Board. "If such disregard of the solemn ad judication of a tribunal to which both patties submitted their claims be tem- 1 porized with agreements become mere scraps of paper; if errors ? recp in'o awards the yroper remedy is submission ? o the award with a tiapplicat ion for rehearing to the tribunal. But to ?trike a; li.ist the award is disloyalty' and dis} 1 I ST UK l ONSISTKVT IN KM-'OKCIVB COM 1*1.1 A.M K "It .s of the highest importance to. sei-iire compliance with reasonable rules and procedure for the settlement of industrial disputes Having >>xi>r ? .'"d a drastic remedy with recalcitrant employers it is m v dui>' to use means equally well adapted to the end with lawl?-?s and faithless employees. "Therefore I desire that you return to work and abide by the award. If > on refuse each one of you will be barred from employment in any war industry in 'he community in which the S t ike occurs for a period of one year Muring that time the t'nlted States employment service will decline to obtain employment for you In anv war Industry elsewhere in the l?nit*d States, as well as under the War and Navy Departments, the Shipping Board tne railway administration and a!! gov ernment apanries, and the draft boards will be Instructed to reject anv claim of exemption based on your alleged usefulness on war production. "Sincerelv vours. "WOO d"row WII,SON." i.KADKit tT nnmr.Ki'onT ADVISKS ITRTIIRR TROTH!.F 'Bv A Slioria y the Holshevik press. , These dispatches maintain the same dcree of secrecy concerning the de tails as that which .M. JolTe. the Hol shevik ambassador. preserved, when lie hurried from ISerlia to Moscow to com plete the agreement The masses in Itusia were displeased hv the arrangement because they knew, it' contemplated the sale of goods so j badlv needed hv the Russians, and es pecially the transfer to Germany of the fabrics which the Soviet Rovorii inent had con li sea ted In great quanti-? lien in .Moscow and I'etrograd. The Hermans also are apparently dis-, satisfied with the agreement becaus iheir effort- ship goods have be.n so r, -ist cd and the> believe Germun\ will have the same trouble in this case that she encountered In the l'krain<- Tlu-\ seem to feel that the I'.olshcviki do not expect to abide by their treaty. iussians iiimikii <:i:iniAN> not Ml SHI 1*11 KM'S 10veil before .Maria Sptridonova made lir e\posut ? ? s nni? ?*rning tne i?erman plans !. - ill* Russians laborers and railway men. were effe. tivelv cli"cKlng largt? moventeiits oi goods to <>. in l?ctr?urad th?- do. k laborers tvfuscn to lo d ships with Boons billed for Sweden, but clearly intended for the Hermans ? , . , l.ess than a month aso l.olshevik troops at Mrsha rioted because a tra?n load o' .loth was about to puss across the (Serman line. The situation necatne so grave that the Viennan*- abandoned ttielr plan to ship the :abr ies. Small shipments may slip t lii'oiig h but not the large con sign ir.fiit s Kor s>'iii< time the Rolslievik olHclals defended shipments to <;crinuny oil tae g round that the toodstuiis and clothes j tt iTc for Russian pes-oners, but ttie returned prisoners told such terrible , stories of theri privations that the Russian masses deuouneed tlie explana tion as a pretext < f eornipt oMlelals. SIII I'M IOTS 1I A\ IllllXti ON VC'I'I \l. IIKVttl,LTin\ Millions morning as a result of a third stroke of paralysis, from which he suffered about ten days, fie was eight-one years of age. Sur viving are one daughter. Mrs. S. I. Rice, nf nea: Gettysburg. Pa : and two ??ons. K. R. Shank, of near Kdom. and I-" A. Shank, of Timberville. Mrs. l.ney \mi It I-lit. LYNCHBURG. VA? September 13 Mrs Lucy Ann High!, sevent y-seven \ears of age. widow of 1'.. K Might, died yesterday afterno.>n a: "::!f no military importance. Among the recent opinions on Americans ex pressed by (Sermans. the Kreuz iiei tung. on July IS. said: "If we had I he fighting' value of Americans at a third of that of. the Knplish and French?this is too high, rather than too low?1.000.000 Ameri cans will thus have only the value of a third of a million of trained, experi enced soldiers. All the rest may for I lie present be described as ballast." In the Iterliner Tajyeblatt. Von Ar denne wrote, on July S: "A moment's relied ion shows that an American army of millions cannot be ready for ser vice for two or three years. An Amer ican army must be armed and equip ped. Its ofllcers have no military ex perience. Want of transports is the chief hlnderance to a speedy interven tion of Americans. An army of 1,000, odfi men needs 4,000.000 ions of trans ports? four tons per head. Did this exist, submarines would cut it down. It is. t here fore, clear that even later the Americans will not play a decisive part. They will not be a substitute for the Russians." There appears to have been another ..f the "wronj* reckonings" committed by the Germans to which Von Peyer I recently referred. " | STANDARDIZE SCHEDULE ON WIRE COMMUNICATIONS; Committer Vnmed to Study Telephone' mid TeleRrrtipli Situation to Tbnt KnU. \V A .S 11 IN <1 T O x, September 13.? ] Standardisation of telephone and tele graph rate schedules Is about to he undertaken by Postmaster - General | Burleson. Committees were appointed to-day to study th? services and their j rates, and make recommendations upon which revisions will be based. David J. I.ewis, member of the Post master-General's committee, directing the government control of wire", will be in charge of both investigations On the telegraph rate committee With him will be John C. Willevcr. vice-presl dent of the Western I'nion Telegraph Ct-mphn.v. and Kdward Reynold*. gen eral manager of the Postal Telegraph and <'able Company. Harry 1?. Thayer, vice-president of ih? American Telephone ami Telegraph ' .impan; . and Charles Y McVey. presi dent of the Ohio Telephone Company, arc the committee for the telephone inquiry. All telephone and telegraph compa nies were authorised to-day to tile claims with local drn.ft boards for ex emption from military service of "abso lutely i nd Ispe risible" employees The companies were also notified that, to stop embarrassments to the service re ported from various sections, where ' employees have quit their places with ' out notice, often to engage in non essential work, .ill employees leaving the service should be required to give two weeks' notice CLOTHING ' 613-1*7 E BR.QA.D ST. \ Men's New j | Fall Suits ! I and Hats ; Z * 1 Now Ready ; | Men. we are now show- 5 ing splendid assortments 2 in all the newest patterns 5 and colorings of Men's $ Suits, embracing a variety | that will be sure to delight 3 you. while our display of 2 Hats features both soft } and derbies, in all tho best * shapes and colors. j Come and look. What Is Rheumatism? Why Suffer From It? Sufferers Should Realize That It Is a Blood Infection and Can Bo Permanently Relieved. Rheumatism means that tlio blood him becomo saturated with uric acid i.olson. T> docs not require medical advice to know that pood health is absolutely Impendent upon pure blood. When the mtiBclos and Joints become sore and irawn with rheumatism, it is not a wise thine to take a little salve, and by rubbine: it, on the sore spot, expect to K*t rid of your rheumatics. You must ko deeper than that, down deep Into the blood where the poison lurks and which is not effected by salves and ointments. Jt i? important that yon rid yourself of this terrible dis ease before it goes too far. S. S. S. is the blood purifier that has stood the test of time, having: been in constant use for more than fifty years. It will do for you what it has done for thousands of others, drive the rheu matic poisons out of your blood, mak ing; it pure and strong and enabling It to make you well, S. S. S. is guar anteed purely vegetable, it will do the work and not harm the most delicate stomach. Write the physician of this Com pany and let him advise with you. Ad vice is furnished without charge. Ad dress Swift Specific Company. 435 Swift laboratory, Atlanta. Ga.? Adv. UP FATHER Corrtirht. 1518. International News Service. m 9 m By George McManuj - SMITH -?"LL et AT THRT MEET IN- - CVEtV< POt>T IN THl^? "TOWts "bHOULD at REMOVED - < > r In A Class By Themselves Dixon's and Dixon's alone stop Friction. pl*?Ns Automobile LUBRICANTS Prevent metal contact and form a smooth. lonK-wearinir pontine on trans missions and differentials lhat insures against wear and tear. Ask your dealer for the Dixon Lubricating Churl. JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE CO. Jereajr Ci?r. New Jtrwr Established 1827 BXXXN Automobile Tops Upholstering Seat Covers and Painting OUR SPECIALTY. We nse only the best ma terial and our workmen are experts. Let us give jon an estimate. BAKER BROS. MARKET >0. S?E. Rroad St.?No. 8 Special Saturday Roast Beef, Choicc Cuts, 22C and 26C Choice Steak, Round and Sirloin, 40c Hind Quarter, Spring Lamb, 4-Oc Swift's Premium Choice Sugar-Cured Hams, 38c Choice Smoked Shoulders, 30c Fancy Dressed Veal, Lamb, etc., Lowest Market Prices. Baker Bros. Market Phone Randolph 3787. BOULEVARD MARKET 2802 WEST nnOAD STRKKT. Tomatoes. Celery, Lottucc, Green Pen per*. Snaps. Turnips, Carrots. Butter Bean?, Rlaokeye Pens, Sweet Pota toes. Irish Potatoes, Cabbage, Corn. Oranges, Peachcs, Pears, Bananas, l.emons, Canta loupes. Watermelons and Apples. "Everything: Blie Good to E?t.* Boulevard 346-1835. 4;? ' ? ? ' '