i * M . TICK DISPATCll ?r.ZZT.y ? >800 ^^Ri,hT-7 J7* 100.Si ?t A?" ,hy T1". Tlm??-mi?i?atfh Pub y?o2*erw ** ' Charlea ^ Uanbrook, Editor and ADDRKSS AU< COMMrXICA TJONS to The Tlmea-Dln l'?th, mil not to Individuals. TELEPHONE: Randolph 1. Ptm ate Drum-It (jrlmntA connri'llnt with all drpitrt meati. BRANCH OFFICES: Wash ington. 1410 New York Ave nue : New York City, Kiftb Avenne iorlt llty. Hftli Ituildlns; Clilcujro, in Hirtlilljs; Colonial Trust People'* t>a.s Itirtldluc Philadelphia ltuildliic. SrHSCRIPTIOX RATES FN ADVANCE by mall: Dally ' -mHWrfrrm nu nnd Sunday, one year, $0.00; '*. ' Br1 iH" trU R3 B months. *t.7.V 3 mouths, SC.4I>; one month. 00 centa. Dally only, one year, ?.*>0; $1.7.1: one month, 6A rent*. Sunday only, one year, S3.23; fi inonth*i, $1.73; 3 months, 00 tentk; 1 mi'iilh. 30 relit*. 1JY I.OCA I. CARRIER SER VICE: Daily, with Sunday, 1H cent* a week) Dally with out Sunday, 12 cent* it week: Sunday only, 7 cent*, r ' It opr friend* who fnror u? with manusrrlpt* and lliartrtttfon* for publication wli?h to hate unavailable article# returned, they must lu all lastn ?ud Humpj ! for th^t purpose. ;?f. ?? .MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESA?The Associated I'rrsa In ? \clut?l*ely entitled to the use for republication of all news dlxpMtrliCH cretlited to It or pot otlierwi*e credited In till* paper, and also the local AewK published herein. All rlcht* wf republica tion of special disputcliew hrreln are al>o rf.wrtnl. . It is hardly likely that descendants of the Hun signers of the treaty will organize a s society and seek to afliliate with the Auieri can Descendants of the Signers of the Decla-_ ration. If it was possible to regain and reconstruct old Ananias, the Bolshevists and their rivals In Russia would agree promptly to accept him as joint ruler and make peace, because the characteristic that won him celebrity would strike a responsive chord in both and secure for him their admiration, adulation and cordial affection. Henry*;Ford's suit against the Chicago Tribune ^or $1,000,000 damages for reflect ing on his loyalty is now in the eighth week, with the end still not in sight, in Texas a Bult of ex-Governor Ferguson against the Houston Post for $100,000, on a similar charge, was tried in two days and judgment rendered for $10,000 damages. This shows that the rule against speeding up in court is not invoked to the extent in Texas that it is in Michigan. With the date of completion of demobili I zation definitely fixed us September 30, those thirsty souls who have been looking long | ingly to the President for aid now know approximately when a resumption of quenchers will be permitted to them. That ?will leava a little moro than three months, jj in which"Jtime they must Imbibe a sufficient I quantity bf the stuff that exhilarates to last , _them indefinitely, for on January 16 it will disappear.Via the Constitution. According to a story being told at the national capital, a letter was received at the Washington post-ofiice addressed as follows: ' "Bone-He&d Bureau, Washington, D. C." Without a moment's hesitation one of the letter carriers wrote on the envelope: "Trv War Risk' Insurance." The Bureau of War I Risk Insurance welcomed the letter and opened it. The text ran "This letter was addressed to the 'Bone-Head Bureau' on a bet that ii woulck.be delivered to the Bureau of Wrar Risk kisnVa*nce. Was it?" L The Federal Department of Agriculture has 'issued a statement in which it says that a [ survey of the meat situation reveals that the excessive retail prices now prevailing are not I justified t$y wholesale quotations. That has ! been very; evident for some time. The only I solution the department suggests is more i strict Federal supervision. Since such super- ! ) vision, heretofore lias been restricted to i wholesale prices, one fails to see wherein ' . the consumer will be benefited unless the re tailer is taught a needed lesson. It is now rumored that Italy is to bo brought into unprotesting accord with the Adriatic solution insisted upon by President Wilson by giving it a slice of Germany's African colonies as a compromise settlement of its claim for undisputed possession of Finnic. It is believed that this arrangement will anpeii ? to the mass of the Italian people and com r P,e,tely restore^ the former amity between , Italy and the I nited States, which has been i 6?mewhat impaired by President Wilson's standpat attitude relative to the Fiume problem. a K,?nenkamp rn{irched his men up the hill and now he has marched them !| down again. With a blare of trumpets and confident prediction of a speedy tying Un of the country's wire business, he called what was press-agentc-d as a great strik" of the Commercial Telegraphers* Union. Less than | a month later he orders the men hack to thr-ir an acknowledgment of defeat The ?pibTic never has understood just what the .Strike was about or what definite end it wis hoped to attain, and it is doubtful if Konen karop himself had as sane a view of this point as he should have had when he proposed to throw a monkey wrench into the machinery jj. Of a .whole nation just emerged from a crea't ? Certainly, the strike was ill advised, 'I and it is well that it has ended quickly. | To Republicans looking in and Republicans plooklng out there is a remarkable difference In the aspect of the political landscape. When ;i, the Democrats had control of Congress the | G. O. P. was righteously rampant for a Fed ;|feral budget system. Now that the go p f is in control and has the chance to enact one the parties stand com vptttted, and it sees visions of park through retent,on of old, discredited methods ,;?tth*s recanted its faith and defeated the vr-rv "^hing to which it had pledged its word and J.JU^honor. It is a matter of wonderment how Uxt American people will submit to the wasting of its resources and the misconduct ing of its financial affairs in a manner that would cause the officials of any private cor poration to be kicked unceremoniously from their jobs. V: Try Him Too ON BETHMANN-HOLLWEG, who was tho Imperial German Chancellor at the outbreak of tho war in 1914 and did not re linquish his post until acts of outlawry had I been committed which forced America to I enter the conflict, has como forward with tho i proposal that the allied governments put him I on trial and not the former Emperor. Ho assumes full responsibility, as the actual head of the German government, for all policies and acts of that period and seeks to vindicate William Hohenzollern of any guilt in connection with initiating or prosecuting the' war. The first half of the former Chancellor's invitation should be accepted. The allies should arraign him before a high court of justice, and if he is guilty of forcing the war | on Europe and tho world, he should be made to pay stich price as one human life can pay. But the second hnlf of the proposal should bo rejected and it will be rejected. The late Kaiser cannot escape the punishment for his own crimes because a faithful follower is willing to go to the gallows in his place. It Is tho manifest duty of the allied gov ernments to try both men and all others who participated in the fateful decision to back Austria in its wanton assault on Serbia, who demanded that war on Russia be declared, who urged that war on France be declared and who resolved on the violation of Bel gium, an act which compelled Great Britain to throw itself into the great struggle. When these counts in the indictment are disposed of. the same court or another might call to the bar of justice the men who planned and executed the unrestricted submarine raids, plotted the destruction of the Lusltania, the Arabic, the Essex and scores of other de fenseless passenger ships. Not one of the arch-murderers of the Ger man empire has paid with his own life or his own blood for the war which they began. William Hohenzollern and his brood of princes came through the strife unscathed. Hollweg. Kuehlmann, Zimmermann, Von Tirpitz, Hindenburg, Mackensen and the rest of the red-handed brutes escapcd with their lives, although they drove millions of German men to their death and drenched the Conti nent of Europe with human blood. Hollweg may imagine that he is doing a heroic thing in offering himself as a sacri fice to save the former Emperor. He may be acclaimed by the monarchists who fought hard throughout all the peace negotiations to gain immunity for the men who made this war possible and to save them for restoration to power, if the Gefman republic should col lapse. But it is not enough that the late Chancellor should be brought to justice. It is not enough that he should be found guilty, even upon his own confession, and his life taken. The whole world knows that if Wilhelm IT. in 1014 had decreed there should have been no war, there would have been no war. And the world knows that, it was his decision to fight that plunged practically all of Europe into tho maelstrom. If his accessories both before and after the deed wish to be placed on trial too, the allies will have no choice but to take them at their word, but they cannot assume all the guilt or even the major part of it. Paying An Old Debt THERE are many reasons why the United States should pay to the republic of Col ombia a reasonable sum of money for the property taken by force when this country undertook the construction of the Panama Canal. It is no more defensible for a power ful nation to sandbag a smaller one than for the footpad to waylay an unsuspecting victim. And, meritorious as was the project which the Roosevelt administration had in mind when it perpetrated its international grab, the fact remains that lands of Colombia were seized, appropriated and absorbed into tho American territorial scheme without any recompense whatever to the loser. The Colombian claim should have been paid long ago. President Roosevelt himself should have made a settlement with the sister republic, but he could never be persuaded to believe that he had been a party to an un worthy transaction. President Taft should have found means of disposing of the claim, but he, too, held back on the grouud that this country might bo willing to make a payment in money for what it took, but un willing to make an apology in the same breath or to make any apology at all. It remained for President Wilson to initiate a treaty with Colombia under which the gov ernment agreed to pay that nation for the property it had made away with. He was even disposed at tho outset to acknowledge that the l.'nited Slates was not justified in proceeding as it did in its sleight-of-hand deal with t?he new republic of Panama. But the country as a whole would not consent to such an acknowledgment, and the treaty proceeding languished. Now the adminis tration is moving once more in the direction of justice to Colombia. A new treaty is being negotiated providing that $25,000,000 bo paid over to the Colombians, but that no apologies be made. Colombia has indicated a willingness to sign such a pact and the Senate seems ready to ratify it, although there is a wide difference of opinion on the part of Senators over the amount of money which i Colombia should have. In the first negotia tions $10,000,000 was proposed and agreed to. Later the sum was raised to $15,000,000, and now $25,000,000 is the stipulated figure. A few millions more or less may not be a matter of great importance to a nation now used _to talking in terms of billions. This was the attitude when the government agreed to pay Denmark nearly twice as much for the Virgin Islands as was originally asked. If Colombia feels that its loss has amounted to $25,000,000, interest included, and stands ready to forego the apology which it originally insisted on, the country generally will not get. excited if Congress appropriates the high figure and closes an unfortunate incident once and for all. Ono great advantage the bomb throwers havo over the Secret Service Ir that they do no* look for their press notices until after the performanco. In the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles tho Hun delegates must havo found nothing but unpleasant reflections. SEEN ON THE SIDE DY HENRY EDWARD WARNER From the Window. From the window I look out upon the River; It stretches wide between graasy banks Dotted here and there by rocky breasts Of hills doscrted. Kstuary of the Bay. It rocks to the tides? Rises and falls, and In its ebb and flow Brings breezes?friendly breezes to cool me, Or scorching south winds to parch my brow. The River winds and runs to the Bay, And there joins other rivers in a race To the great ocean. But I cannot think of my River As a part of the ocean. I know it where it rises. It is a tiny spring?a trickling stream? A little singing brook grown into Bigness And mad with Tower. Some men bark so much they loosen their teeth till they can't bite. Analysed. "Brave man, brave man! . . . He went right over the top like a brave man!" "Yes he did! He was afraid to his boots that someone might think he was Beared!" Mnklnit Myself Solid at Home. She sews fresh buttons on my shirt and gets my laundry out; she lends me money any time my own goes up the spoilt. She swears I'm right when I am wrong. Come. t>oys, All up with wine and drink a toast to a paragon: "That Mother-ln-L/aw of Mine!" Providence provides some .comfort for all sorts of men, except fat men. Time's Change. "Not so long ago the health people were tell ing us to substitute leguminous vegetables for meat." "Yeah; now they say substitute meat for beans!" "Uh-huh. By the way, d'you happen to know anybody who owns a potato?" Hang the man who gets along somehow, and crown the guy who bucks the line in an emer gency. She. At 7: A cute little Miss, 1 declare, with elusive gold curls in the glint of her hair and a sweet little mouth, pretty lips that invite a kiss all around when she bids us goodnight. At 12: With her slate and hor books seeking knowledge to fit her for life, with a vision of college; and a little boy waits at the gate, as a rule, to see her safe home when she comes out of school. At 16: Behold, she is wearing long dresses and a dozen boys fight for her slightest caresses. A belle of her set. she begins to evince a settled desire to capture a Prince. At 20: The Queen of the debutante's ball, she sits on a throne at the end of the hall and blushes and pouts, as her soul seems to feel the fervor of love where her courties kneel. At 22: Now she has ten times denied the ru mors that she Is to be a June bride; for Charlie's too stout, Jhck too thin, Tom too tall, while Dick, Hal and George are Impos sible, all! And so it goes on; she has reached 27 and is still cutting men who aspire to her Heaven; at 30 we find her Ft M picking and choosing, but with very few men she's the chance of refusing. At 40: As sere as a last winter's carrot she lives all alone with a cat and a parrot. She jUands in her splnsterhood quite perpendic ular, but wishes, at times, she had keen less particular. It's a waste of time to try convincing a blamed fool of anything at ah. A Defease. I know a poet-humorist, Who borders on despair; He's scratched so hard to raise a Joke He's lost his shock of hair. ?Boston Herald. Well, after all. a head of hair Is not quite all the Jam, son; Consider: Hair caused all the woes Of Absalom and Samson! Business Problems BOLTED BY BRUNO DUKE. Author, Harold Whitehead. Profit Shartn*. CHAPTER V.?(Continued.) A puzzled look flashed between the brothers. Charles now spoke. "I fear I do not comprehend." "You Ray you have a profit of $40,000?" They both nodded. "And a capital of $200,000?" Again two vigorous nods. "Now. have you credited yourself with $12,000 Interest on the investment?which Is 6 per cent of 1200.000?" "So," snapped James; "of course not. We've drawn our salary as we should, but as for the reat?the $40.000?that Is what we have for our Investment. What's the sense of splitting It Into two items? By investing it oursolves we make $40,000 Instead of $12,000." "Kxactly," agreed Duke, "but let us suppose that you had borrowed that money; you would have had to pay 6 per cent, let us say, for it. Is that reasonable?" They both agreed rather cautiously that it was. Duke refilled and relit his hookah before go inar on. "Then In that case your profit would, have been $28,000 Instead of $40,000." Again two hesi tant nods. "So. for the Investment, the capi talists who borrowed the money would get $12. 000. You two gentlemen for your work would receive your salary while the business would show a profit of $28,000. Tn a word, gentlemen, you must dissociate yourselves from the busi ness and you cannot say that the business has made a profit until a reasonable return has been paid to the owners of the capital. "Tf you want to get a true view of your own personal revenue, you must look upon your busi ness as something apart from yourself. You each receive revenuo from three sources which might Just as easily be unrelated as related. One Is your salary, another Is your bonus from the business you work for and the last la from your Invested capita)." James looked a bit angry and uncomfortable, but Charles spoke up. "Thank you. Mr. Duke, T never realized It that way before. I see now that the profits from the business are really only $28,000 *.nd that is th-> sum out of which wo must pay any bonuses ? that is. If you can show us a reasonable way to do It." "Well." added James, "now we have that straightened?and I hope I'm man enough to admit I was wrong, Mr. Duke?I suppose you have all the facts you need?" Duke shook his head. "No; I've ft very Im portant question to ask you now."?To be con tinued tomorrow. A Daily Once Over. The Inner Sanctnm. A hlch-storipijjJr, smartly-dressed young lady entered the urytb-date office of Dr. F. Klshent, the foxiest physician In Pltchburg. "Do you pull teeth?" she replied, haughtily. "I sometimes extract them," replied the doc tor. "Yes, but why do you ? Oh, well, busi ness first, questions afterward. On with the gas-mitsk. nurse," said the doctor, as ho ? lov ingly picked up a chisel hammer, and a pair of tongs. (In between these two?II?chapters, the tooth was pulled out.) "But. my dear Miss ?" began Dr. F. Fl?h ent. after It was all over. "Truta Ijlphe," supplied the young lady. "Rut my dear Miss Llphe, why hftve you had a perfectly good front tooth extracted?" "Well, dootor, I have Just had ft part in my new play given mo where I have to Hthp. I couldn't llthp before, but now I can llthp eqtSwithltely." she smiled. 'Twurse.!" cried the doctor. "Water?quickl" But-^he fainted anyway, _ w , Health Talks by Dr. Wm. Brady .(Copyright. 1913. by National Newspaper 8?rv! e.) ISatlne Salt. Ordinary table salt contains 9,7 to 93 per cent sodium chloride. A cortaln amount of sodium chloride lf? Indispensable to life. Vegetable foods furnish lltttle of it. but foods of animal origin furnish plenty. The meat oater can, therefore, cut salt out of his diet, but the vege tarian cannot. Vegetables contain considerable potassium, which must bo balanced in the body by sodium. If too little salt Is supplied to the animal economy anemia develops. And there is a di munltlon or disappearance of the hydrochloric acid which Is essential to normal digestion in. the stomach. However, life can bo maintained for a long time without any salt other than that naturally present in foods. if too much salt Is added to food?a habit which many have?the Kidneys are taxed to eliminate the excess, and experienced physi cians and experimental workers believe, that the excessive use of salt is one cause of Bright's disease. When the amount of salt taken Is greater than the kidneys can liniinate, ed-tna (dropsical swelling) occurs. A tendency to ward transitory edetna, and perhaps some ill - stances of that annoying or alarming condi tion called anglo-neurotlo edema (sudden in explicable dropsical swellings hero and there about the .body) may be caused by overindulg ence In salt or salted foods. A diet as nearly salt-free as possible is much proscribed in the treatment of dropsical condi tions if it is known that these conditions de pend upon defective or diseased kidneys. Of course, two out of three cases of dropsy arc due to other causes. Headaches have been relieved in other cases by a low salt diet. In e light weight horse?. On the Western prairies, especially In the In tormoun tain States, are many thou sands of horses weighing from 650 to '.?."0 pounds, too big for ponies and too liiilit for draft and riding purposes. These have had a cinch?or, rather, have escaped the cinch. They have profited by a consistent record of In | efficiency. While their we'.l-grown and ; full-sized brethren and sisters have been ! sold off or put to work, they have ] been left idle and fattening, living in | luxurious ease. Now they are headed i for the sausage mill and packing | house. They will not be salcabla as | meat abroad unless officially inspected and st imped by our government. Hence j the appropriatIon. However, the demand is not confined to Europe. Many people will be sur ! prised to know that in seven largo i cities of this country horse meat now [ is sold regularlv, after official Inspec i tion under municipal authority. Tho i consumers are generally European lm ! migrants, but increasing numbers of Americans, under stimulus of the high , cost of living and the rising prices of beel, mutton and swine, are overcom ing their prejulces and turning re luctantly t>> horse. Wo need not be surprised 'If .there burs'.-* forth an I advertising campaign and a torrent of propaganda on the merits of "equine foo i products," as tho department diplomatically describes them. Dr. Mohler, of the Bureau of Animal In dustry. seems to be an enthusiast on the subject, and a delegation from Montana which went to Washington talked horse in a way never before Letters mint give tke name and ?*? Arena of the writer. Mnme rrlll net i>4 published il writer no requests. The I.ouUlana Resolution. To the Editor of The Times-Dispatch: Sir.?The following revolution pass ed by the Louisiana Legislature, which preceded the passage by the national Congress of th>* Anthony suffrage amendment, is worthy of adoption by the Virginia Assembly: "Wh? reus, under a government exist ing and exercising its authority by votes of the people It is obvious that whatever power shall declare who shall vote will control that government, and "Whereas, if the people themselves shall declare who among them shall exercise the franchise, they are free, and if external powers shall control that privilege they are not free, and "Whereas, there Is in the so-called Anthony amendment a measure de signed as a second attack upon State control of its own electorate, which will pave the way for further control a Information Bureau. Inquiries regarOlae almost topic, eirrptlnK on lr^;nl mid medical aub? jecta, ure unnnrrrd free. Aa all ia quirlra ore uastvrred directly by per aomil letter, n arlt-addreaaed, ataniped rn \ elupe la required. Addreaa Tke Tlniea-liispatch Information ilureau, Itlchmoud, \ u. (?asollne n ?cen?lty. J. W. R., CUrkesviile.?In the case to which you refer the court held that gasoline was a necessity, and. there lore, cwuld be sold on Sunday. Stenmnhlp Rotterdam. H. R. T? Richmond. ? The steamship Rotterdam was built at Belfast In 190i !\>r the Holland-America Co. It Is of steel < r'istructlon, has a length of 650.5 feet. I* cadth of 74.4 feet, depth of 43.5 fe?-t. displacement of 37,200 tons, gross tonnage of 24,149, speed of seventeen knots, jiropelled by two screws, has a steam pressure of 215 pounds per square inch, and indicated horse power of 15,000. Declaration of War In 1812. E. T. C., Boydton.?An act declaring war between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the de pendencies thereof and the United Slates of America was approved by the President at 3 I*. M. June 18, 1S12. The act was drawn up by William Pinck ney. then Attorney-General of the United States. It passed the House June 4. 1S12, 79 in favor, 49 against, and passed the Senate June 17, 1812; yeas, 19; nays, 13. Itubber. H. E. F., South Boston.?Most of the rubber produced comes from the Val ley of the Amazon in South America, the central part of Africa, the East Indies and a small portion from Mex ico and the southwestern part of tho United States. Rubber from the United States is obtained from a number of plants in paying quantities. The rub ber obtained from the hevea tree Is of the highest quality and Is known as Para rubber, because it is shipped from Para, in Rtsr.U. The Congo region In Africa abounds In rubber-producing plants. The guayule, a shrub growing from three to five feet high, is be coming an important source of rub ber. This plant is also found In .Northern Mexico, and In the south western part of Texas. VOKlr, Famous War Dog:. Subscriber, West Point.?Vesle, the most famous war dog from Europe, and the dog that boasts of the most human friends in the world, arrived at New York February 26, on board the transport President Grant. He was taker, to Chicago, where he will be 'n tho caro of tne mother of Junius IJ. Wood, who, with Raymond Carroll, found the dog. These war correspond ents were in a car neajr the Vesle River when a black, wooly poodle, with four white feet and white nose and breast, came swimming across the river. He made straight for the car, climbed in, drenched the occupants of the car with one heartfelt shake, and made himself at home. Nobody knew whether^ he was a French or German dog until a correspondent of the Jvondon Times put on a uniform of a captured Ger man officer and started to oarade past Vt-sle. He was rescued before Vesle chewed hlin up. There was no doubt that Vesle was an ally. Vesle had been a prisoner of the Germans for six weeks, and when found he was wound ed In tho neck. It was plain he be lieved In "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." Vesle was wounded at Flsmes, where he escaped from the Germans. He was the first member of tho Third Army of occupation to cross tho Rhine Klvcr. He attended the peace conference and hobnobbed with Foch, Clemenceau, Halg. Pershing and other notables who always happen about Paris. Dana Pond's painting of the allied war council included .Vesle. General dl Rohllant, of Italy: General Bliss, of tho United States; General Belin, of France, and General Sack vlile-west, of Great Britain, grouped around a table as if. studying a map. Vesle squats beneath the raised foot of General Snckvllle-West. The dog\<* presence In this plcturo adds a touch of sentiment and seals tho undying glory which ho achieved in tho war. He has his favorite corner In the Rasp berry Club In Coblenz, which was do nated him by Charles Schwab. I heard lo this land. The members ar gued tha-t the little horses canrtot be left to starve, and that If shot on the range they become literally, according to the familiar couplet, "a dean hose, a dead loss." They consume quantities ot forage needed for animals which are useful. Living In the open, feeding on good grass, drinking pure water and doing no work, they become-fat and their meat Is wholesome. All the argument Is for the horse as meat and against him as a nonessential Inhabi tant. Opposed, as an Inherited, In grained prejudice of the averare Amer ican citizen, with which most of us sym pathize for no very clear reason we can give. The prejudice has been banished In Europe. Those of our people Who wero in Paris during the war overcame It for the sound reason that often It wis a distinct case of horse or noth ! ing. Nobody can tell how long will be ; required to overcome It here. It de I ponds, probably, on how long hlght | prices for other meats will continue, i The second or third generation from | now may see, along with dwlly air . trips 10 lx>ndon and adjournment to Lisbon for real refreshments after a drlnkless meal in Richmond, horse meat r?n every menu card and roast, .broiled, boiled, baked, friend and stewed, at Intervals ori every dinner table. Revo lutions move upward. After the peo i pie of modest means and the poor get ; the horse habit the others will follow. ! Then there will be a new competitor ' for the catle. sheep and swine pro | ducers and the present packers. In fact, the lust may feel the competition ; realy and seriously within the next ' year or two. so far as export business | is concerned. However we may sentimentalize, ' however close we may feel to the horse , sis a friend and be disposed to regard the consumption of him for food as i soryhow something like cannibalism. , there is no doubt that such use will . have far reaching economic effects and 1 result In making what heretofore has been a practical waste an article of ? largo commerce and a meant of great i saving In human food costs. Inci dentally, the new meat will be a new I kick to the apostles of vegetarianism. , already saddened by the spectacle of entire nations protesting that they 'could not live and flourish and main tain sanity on vegetable diet. ! of State electorates to the final destruc I tlon of the liberties of the peoplp: be It j "Resolved. That we call upon our ! sister States of the Union to declare I tor State Integrity and the safety of American democracy and vigorously i oppose Federal interference or control I of Slate franchise." VIRGINIAN. Richmond. Va.. July 4. 1919. Books and Authors I a I "The hand of Strong Men," by A. M. Chlsholm (the II. K. Fly Company. New York), Is a story of romance and ; adventure In the cattle country of the I Far Northwest, by the author of "Precious Waters" and "The Boss of I Wind River." The book Is Illustrated I by Frank Tenney Johnson. It Is the literary flaw>r and the 1 artistry of "The Fledging." by Charles ' Rernard Nordhoff fFloughton Mifflin Company), which makes It distinctive among war books. Certain chapters of the hook wero printed in the At lantic while Lieutenant Nordhoff was I still in France. *' ....... v/i one ot the most Important : books of the war, the offlclal history of the "Lafayette Eacadrllle." Frederic Arnold Hummer, author of I The Web." "The Battle Of the Na I tions." etc.. has Just been accorded the t honor of having one of his novels. "The Ivory Snuffbox" (Written under the pen name of Arnold Fredericks), select ed by the National Library for the Blind, of Ureat Britain, for translation j by the Braille evstem into a book for I touch reading. The book, which com prises. when made up for the blind, three large volumes, weighing fifteen pounds. ha? Just been completed. The work of making these books is entirely don* by hand, and is hence a very long and costly operation. Only a very few can be made each year, and the selection of a novel for this purpose | la. therefore, an unusual compliment. "The Bounder," by Arthur Hodges, I has been one of Houghton Mifflin j Company's most Interesting problems lot this season, but, like most caprlc , lous offspring's. It la a favorite at home. The variety of public opinion expressed In regard to this realistic i novel of New York life has placed It i In the class which has either strong | friends or violent enemies. Its re . views, many and positive, are embraced i by these two extremes of opinion: I The New York Sun caustically de j scribes the book as a 'literary rough house." The Philadelphia Press jays; "It Is a good deal to say that Ameri can literature ts being enriched by work that almost Indisputably spells genius, and yet It Is no exaggeration to say that readers of Thackeray or of Dickens must have felt much tho name When first t/hey read 'Vanity Fair' or 'Dombey and Son," as the reader now feels who peruses Arthur Hodge,s' "The Bounder.' " Rarely does an American hook re ceive the attention in English papers that Is being given to Zona Gale's lat test novel. "Birth." While this volume here was received by the most dis cerning of American critics as a work of unusual ability and fhterest, It would almost seem as though It were to remain for England to accord It the enthusiastic reception which It really deserves. This Is not to say that It has been Ignored In this country?rather that It has not realized the predictions of Its friends or of those leading critics who were certain that It would go to a far wider circle of readers than have Miss Gale's previous writings. .Certainly If the published reviews may ibe taken as a criterion, there is In England a practically unanimous en dorsement of the story as a great piece of work, a work about which there can be no two opinions. Here, for example, are a few lines from a Lon don paper which may be said to be typical of English literary reaction to the novel: "Miss Gale's style In her new novel. 'Birth,* Is notably limpid and free from ornament. At times she suggests Jane Austen and sometimes Mrs. Meynell, with the midnight oil strained away from her prose. . . . We have stressed Miss Gale's style be cause very lew women novelists have ever exercised the patience necessary to reach her pitch of craftsmapshlp. She must have disciplined herself as rigorously as It. L. Stevenson. And her style Is the apt vehicle for an easy invention of incidents, wide human sympathy, keen observation of life in an American township, a gay, kfnd humor, and an insight into character at times almost uncanny; not less so when disclosing the motives of men than when dealing with the foibles of ! women. She understands what very ! few women can be brought to admit, I that tho spiritual side of a man's love Is far deeper and more subtle than that of a maid. This is a remarkable noveL Miss Gale's nicety and daintiness are based upon a strength that Is almost male." "Unidentified Soldier.** The following lines were written a'fter visiting the graves of the Ameri can soldiers In Cralgton Cemetery and reading an Inscription on one of the simple crosses: "America: Unidentified Soldier, 10-6-18." Hero unmarkod thou art! Thy ss Chamber Is thine own. Wrapped In Silence, thou alone oan'st fathom Depth of mystery; and link thys [To a world unknown within tn: I Slumber. Touching the Infinite, Thou canst rrasn ?*ered thy muu Hione oan'st fathom the Depth of mystery; and link thyself To a world unknown within thy .Slumber. Touching the infinite, I Thou canst grasp the destiny unseen; i Yet in thy ailftnce there comes between? ; Carved with thy life and saorlflce Keen?a Monument of Peace! God knowa thee and thy numbart * ROBERT SLACXV J Merrytetta. Goran. -J, ,3