jKidjnnmli ?m^-fli&atrh lllK TtMKX TILE DUPATCU K*t. ) K * X Kst. 13 3 0 Jvjtlcrril .liinurir* JJ. IDO.'i. ut Hip l'n?t>Oflite at Kiclimoitri. \n? :i? *rmiii|.<-lut"?u- at 10 South X^nlh r street. Iilrlimmnl. \ii.. t?.' The Tinii-N-IM?p;?W-li I'ub Ilslilns: Co. Inc.. 1-. lliolirool., lailtor auU MiinurT* AIlllKKSS AM. (O.MMOXIl.V TIONS lu 'i'lic Tlmra-llis patt-li, :ml not to ln:Il\Kltial*. i i:i.Kriio>K! iti i. Urn licit lAchanxo vviinri'tlnc with nil depart - I IK'II i >. ItliANCII orriCKS: Wash* inclon. I I IB New \ ork \ve iilie; Xi w York lit*. l iftli Atemie lliiilitin:? ; ?. liIc ;?c<>, l'rfi|tli''s lluihillig; I'tiiiailrlphl'.i. Colonial 'ItK*' tllilltliilK. M ItM'KH'TION It ATMS IN Al?VAM I. i? mail: l?ait> .mil .Mmdu.r. niii> jear. : o montli*. yi.'tU; iiih> month, 90 icnl!?. I >.?!?> iinlv. imr \?ir, Mi.50; (i ?miiitlis, $:i.,1(l; ;< in?it:l(H, nno month, ?>:"> i eilt?. >unila> i>tilj . olio year, S.i.^u; r> months, si.;.->: 3 month*, !>0 < '??">? ,1>,1,M|;VV rim*o-I>i*pateh. 'S?,-iitx a ? reW; I tail* tvilh M.sohitrlj I in-proof. "??, ("onlay. rents * it i'fk i smitlaj only, ? cents. 7 I' our friemls ?\ lin favor ns with manuscripts anil illii>ir;itious for ?itihlh iltioii tt Isli in liave unavailable jirll'lm rrliirnnl, ili?> nnj?( 'n j;II in>rs ?rl)il stamps y>>r tliat iuirpn.se, , ~ Ml Mltl.lt t>l Till; \SM)('IATI'.'O I'ltUSS The paper, and ulsn the local ?i.-\? s published lirreln All riKiits ol republic.! ? ?mii nl sprt'i.ii iii>p;ttrln'v lierrin art' aii beginnint; to tell on ' ?jis temper. -I President Wilson on Christmas Day signed j the Edge bill, designed to promote American j participation in foreign trade. Now. if the ! Senate will hurry up and ratify the peace 1 treaty. American business will soon get in i position to seize opportunities for the expan- j sion of,its commerce in foreign countries, for ) which the competition from now on will lie ! very brisk. li tre.ily ratification is much ! longer delayed. American business will be | placed at :i ci< disadvantage in the* coin- ; petition for 111i;r.?<1 ? ;t disadvantage which 1 it will not he able to overcome in flie future, j Delivering an alleged sermon in hi.- Fifth ! Wenne. Epi.-i ?ip;ilian Cliurch, Kev. I'ercy ? Stickney (!t;:tii comjtared ilie departure oi' j ihe anarchists to the sailing of the Pjlgrinirt ! in.in I'lymoatli Discovery ()t similarity be- ! tween tlui.He \\!:u . ame here voltiutarily to ti.-MTt npligioa ;iri? I establish law. and those j who v11 invohnitai 1> because th?-y lioastfully liiit ? religion :? n be ? x.;>? ?"??(! from an intellec t ?-.! teii;iat<-d "V ? ':?? pen ing of f.. liionai)l" i ? "iigii gijtitiii i? t".*i? er.'ivings are cmicen- ) ir.it.-ii on pubi. ity and mcii ati-ui. .Mr. Grant ; ? night l<:arii ami r?-? i;e a few liiolisatid time I "My Duty in dy \i igiiboi in tin ratr-chbni ! "? Hiown i."iioin;i;;t' ioii. ,i- preliminary ; measure toward t*?? ? a"; anie nt of -ome cot:: n at 5-etTSf. In the pet:1 ion v\ it; <-b tl. .State of lUia! I.-utiid has pre-.-nl . <1 i., I'liiN-d ,?? ? S iprei e Con: to -t the vnlidiiy ot i) ? *g!:te< r,th .. an ni nt. i he >. u.. j,;. ( ' ;. I.- .'tl :?< fn w!:?-' ::er 111*- [ ,er. - I a 111 n of J| ' Si. '" i ;m '11?.? ? i-,it? :o ?!i. I-V.ler.i. -. (ivf rt.ni'-iii .! pOWC'I N\l.. !. i iief>ji|. . 12 t! Si, t'- 11; t \, n-ver d-;--gated ? i,.. i..;',Haiure ?I-tm-v a . i ame contention in . . ?' Hied ? tenth an.euilmec.t to th?' r"i>' ?: . til." ' '! now.-- - not delegated ; . t,. ' in'wl .- I, t j?. st it tit ion no: i . bit ed by .- ' . din-ci vote of the people, no stale Degivlattire ha- ( vet been able to probibi- th nrc nnl sal" (>t such beverages; therefore, it )v pointed out b;. thtj-e support it.ji v. that in the ratiticalion of die eighi*-eiiii. amendment Stat! Legi.-!;.. .ir. ?> rapidly are tho famous loaders of the Civil War period passing that | soon tlie old order will have become but a | glorious memory, a tradition to be cherished for ever and ever by generations that must | learn their history of the South only from i its written records. Of those heroes of the j N\ ar Hot ween the States, who through valiant .service achieved the title of brigadier-general, i but two now remain alive. General Cox was typical of the South, of j the South s_ best in strong, self-reliant, inde- I pendent manhood. Like thousands of others | of its voting men in the years immediately j preceding tlie war. lie saw tho clouds gather- j ins over his beloved homeland and he set ! about preparing for the breaking of the i storm. Tho first shot at Sumter found liiui i ready, his troops organized, and from that j hour to the day when his soldiers, his sturdy 1 North Carolinians, acting under his orders. * tired the tinal volley at Appomattox, he was i in active service, lighting, fighting, always} lighting, tor tin: Cause he knew was right, ; but which he was doomed to see defeated. ? Kleven wounds he bore to the grave, honor- ! able wounds from Northern bullets, scars in ! which he gloried throughout the long years , during which he was spared after the com- ' ing of peace. The list of engagements in which ho fought, names written in letters of living light, is sufficient evidence of the war rior s role lie played?Moadow llridgo. Seven ! i>uys, .Malvern Hill. Shnrpsburg, Fredericks- j burg, Chancellorsville. Spotsylvania, -with its Hloody Angle, the Valley Campaign. I'eters- ! burg. Appomattox, what memories they stir, and what a heritage of glory for any war- ? rior to leave! As ho fought for tho South 011 the field of I battle, ho he fought for it in the dark days I of Reconstruction, his ardor and determina- i tion undiminished by the unsuccessful out- | come of the armed conflict. Setting his face to the tasks of peace, he took a leading part in the work for his native State. As a Judge, member of Congress and as a wise leader in the councils 01' his porly, lie did much j for the restoration of tranquillity and for the i maintenance of supremacy of the white race. 1 threatened by the old carpetbag regime, j Had he cared to do so he might have received ' far higher honors than those he accepted, but j he was ever content to work along his chosen j lines, curing little for personal preferment, 1 and to his crcdit be it recorded that his j achievements in peace wero equally meri- 1 torious with those of war. And in his ripe. ' old age. honored by North and by South, he ! gave to the service, of a reunited country, gave gladly and proudly, a son, who fought I in Franco under tho Stars and Stripes, u son | who brought fresh credit and happiness to the aged warrior. Now he has answered . the last roll call and passed over the river " where one likes to believe that ho is reunited ' with Lee. and Jackson, and Ramseur, and all those other fellow heroes, whose glory even the passing of time cannot dim. Give Thrni a Square Deal O l OKhSAllvN for the live great packing houses which have now agreed with the govt rnmont to divest themselves of all their 1 interests except that or butchering, poultrv. ! ??ggs. butter and cheese, and have submitted ' ? h? ?' business practices, it is not too much 'I,.- packers to ask and receive immunity fro , further interference with their affair's bv governmental agencies. 'n? '"spute the fact -hat the great . in? hmn.'s perform a very useful service ? >" 11 ?" American people. They have created group of raarvelouKly efficient plants. They ?*?>?r?es and highly skilled in ? TI;.-: ? o .airy forward their work, and ? ? '""titi'd to !hriv< and to profit by ''ffi'-"i"ncy. their superb or < "id thel, broad experience, so ; operate within the law, so long pr?-par?*d 'o !e: 1 h?>|r competitors ? '' ? 'hey ,|r, in.?;(, monopoly. The packing '? 'air treatment at the ?,,hI ,!!p government, and , ' "?"? bmb the public' ? '"'Mont are positively asnured of ? ? ? I behavior -,f the pnclrei j . ?? "Moid N V.. wlcpf contiuu 'I "" ' i,; ' ;,yh' dbte an e(forts to ?'"'?'?Ly, |a?i? pjnoit, a talk Wi" '"Otlon *n4 Hbc a. irom lt"r long slumber. True to ?-I'-- ?a ..oi,,,.! to i.avr ,i? UtAl word j ;V,V "r a,: country" heron,r w ;,ii '? II hy JbM borrowing ?>?' > tern of bookkeeping and z:: zh,-z'. ' i?a ? tm< nt I - * ,!' ??b'njt boutleioo-i r ,1 '"'"?r. Il.ai ill.. f?oi Daily 'i'k??Bkt. "When a mewl toy back he cara an* raise he tail." raid Charcoal Eph, In a mood. "hit's J?*s l;ik bitln' a policcman t' look him In de heels. Try a couple o' poraehed sigs. Mhjtah Jaiek* -on " Llrnatk. . Jbeer, reading over all Uie magazines. ihm tcdicals, newspaper columns, almanacs and theatrical advance notices for humor. In the old days you coQld And something to laugh ui on nearly every page of any publica tion. Uvtn the m<*st serious c-j'torlals used to j ?>r funny. : llace taken in all the :>ra.e operas, muslca.1 ] comedies end comic mov".e3. acd hava pan dered ail oC the. Sunday cilotci supplements. fVen doing tliia 'or a montt: acd have failed to !:nd a single smile on earth. A? a l;?s: resort, st?i!r;-.i through our twn s.?rapboo? reading bae!c into Sov?n on the fjide, and ihMf i.a-sn't been a fuanv line in this ctl umr? since early in 1617. Is it because our sense of humor u> changir.g. ir- it right that the war anJ II. C. I?. havo knocked all the comedy out of viewpoint? A ?.an of rardlnes tor the best answer. night. say, what's this darned fool clock I bought of yon? I've only had it a week and It's all out oi" wtuack!" "That's right; it's an eight-day clock.'* De?r?ttl. The couMly gentleman of the old school re moved his hat and bowed low as he passed a half-moulted leghorn chicken. "1 respect success." ho explained, as he shifted his dozen of dollar egga under the other arm. A Daily Once-Over Never Mind the Old Family Tree. You should put on the soft pedal wheti you feel that inclination to allude to the fact that your own family arc bo much better bred. Just because your father and mother havo benn a bit bettor educated, or have possessed more money than the family of your better half, is not an infallible Indication that you are brighter, better or more honorable than the one to whom you are married. Personally you may bo several rungs farther down the ladder than your parent*, and your Iif<": partner may be sever*! higher than family indications. If you have *o stand on the reputation of your fumily to gain recognition as to your worthiness, it proves your own foundation pretty weak. You are fortunate if you have a family noted for culture and all that calturo stand? for, but if you do not live up to the traditions of your ancestors you are a smudge on the family escutcheon, are yon not? The one who can rise above early environ, ment Is most worthy of respect. It is WHAT YOU ARE that counts?not what your grandfather was.?Copyright, 131?. From Other Viewpoints Sfmatlon Tcaae in Marepe, HY P1IIMP B. KE.NSPDY. The principal characteristic of European In dustrial and commercial conditions since the signing of the armistice has been uncertainty. llusineKS intn, accordingly, have had to drift along doing what they could without making sanulno commitments for the future. This waiting attitude Is expressed in many ways. Some of tho large munition plants expect to gr. in extensively for the manufacture of rail way materials, but must wait, to know what the government J? going to do with the rail roads. Until a settled railroad policy is adopted the railroads will buy only "from hand to moiit h."' Conditions in (treat Critain are similar to aft.?. urnption of normal conditions Is I so g: ? at thai, steady chances in the right direc- I Hon do not make as much impression as might be exported. Ueneral conditions are complicated by a lurg* amount <>f social unreal. The people generally arc surfeited with abnormal conditions and am impatient. The cost of UVIng has about doubled since 1 'JlZ. Premier Uloyd Oeorge promised the liritish people, "? new heaven and a new earth" following a victorlourt pence. Doth the com n op people of Great Britain and o'lher Euro pean asaoclalftB have borne a heavy burdt-n during the war and feel that, they can not whIL fur the realization of the fuller life that tbhy have anticipated. H is iiUlicult ftom this side of the Atlantic to realize the tensity of the European' Situa tion. Prominent ofiioials and business men lu flreat Itritain feel that an adjustment can fee obtained, but that a dilllcult period Is ahead. On the continent of Europe it will take tho most tactful handling to steady the position :md enable Industries lo revive. It is a time when Europe needs help. The United States mutt eo-operata In ft broad-mind* eii ami courageous mannttr. And complacent feeling on our part that European conditions will gradually adjuut themselves if left alone In unwlue and unnafe. American commorc'o and flriancc are today no Interwoven with Eu rope that anv calamity there would be greatly to our detriment. The better conditions of peaoe we must win together with our Eutopeyn ;i*f*octntes. ?. - A couHtructlvo policy is a long-tlmo policy. < onditlon!? are today abnormal. The first step In to vtart restoring fundamental machinery and so relievo thi tincertalnty. The w6rld ii'ed? prod'i?:tion. There is room for all. Un |"i?h we s'piarely face tho situation and set about remedying fundamental difficulties our ?trade will have to depend upon false uonOdence and forccd enthu?i?cm. A short >tIr lit Ccpyrigtit, 1919. National Newspaper Serrtce. To the Anonymot^--Dr. Brady bcgq to remind reader* that letters to him must bo signed. Thin la a uecocwary rulo of thla department but tho namen ot the writer are Been by no one but the Doetor hfmaclf. PhickinKn Byebrews?*I>oes any harm come from plu?:klng the eyebrows with tweezera? (Mrs. f>. M. T.) Ar/awer?No harm. Far H:idden Rapid Heart Action?1 am of a nervous disposition and I frequently suffer tVoni a sudden running away of tho heart, extremely rapid heart beat, lasting for several minutes. What fa the be*,t thing to do when tho heart goes fast like that? (J. K.) Answer-?Got down on nil four?, rest on the elbows, and make moderate steady pressure with your tlngeim on both eyeballs through tho ckw??d lids for a mlnuto or ninety weconda. Santo Old Foolish Worry?I urn to bccome a mother lit April. Some time ago a thoughtless persona, In play, flapped me over the eye, and 1 quickly put rny hand to my eye. I have heard that SDCh an experience in likely -to ciw? a birthmark and I wort*y all the time about it. Answer?You are foolish to listen te ouch fairy takfcn. Of course all that is mnk super stition. Voice of the People IMtvro aitnt grlve (he nine aad alireu at t%? tntfrf. -tame %tI1I Mt be ??Muhrl If tuttci1 aa rt to a near-by rreek ana have a waahup. They take th"ir wash to the house, where they are to atop and hang out their laundry. It is said that this i? why j i.Mothed lines coat more iu a small town than lilgh-coet-of-llvlng-efiEs. These changuu ocaur in tho homea just as well. A man will put on a linen duster in the morning, and a woman will Con a Mother Hub bard for morning prayers. By the time the huckstf-r comes around with a lo.id o' rutu- j bagaa arid parsnips, the weather has changed | so that the inmatts who hove not already con* ' out will get into their overcoats and carmuffs > and the wtnncn will g#?t out their muffs and ! heavy wraps. Every am who wears a watc*i j hang? a thermometer on the tether end of his | ''twin. a;id sometimes you will sec one of these indicators Worn as an ornament to a fob. When j the nirn come homr in the nvciiius they arc ! likely to come in their shirtsleeves, the tern- i peratore having gone up since morning. The lady who has worn her winter clothos j matit of the day is upt to greet her lord on his return 'attired in decolette, and sandals on her J feet. When they go to bed they an- quite llk<*ly 1 to do so accompanied with an old-time heating- ' pan. Sometimes a fnan will knock ofl' ennupli j Icicles from the eaces of hta house to give him | enoneh ice for the next cummer. In the late i afternoon he is sitting in the shade of hia I house, barefoot"d. and with a straw hat to keep i the flies oft lii<5 head. The official forecaster haa refused to put thki town on hia map. Tlut If you are fond of clrange. the mountain town is the place to get it. Thoughts (or Today Tie Better-men tn af Life. BY MARK BBNIVBTT. Aa a nation we are commlttced to the social I prlnciplo of an automobile ior every family. ! Aa we have approximately twenty million | families, including Indiana not taxed, it will be noted that this ia a large order. Important readjustments will be required in | carrying this new social order into effect, i Numerous ntodiilcations will be necessary in our present manners and customs. Wc havn aeon the universal adoption of many thinga. The bicycle In its palmiest day wan I in everybody's way. You could scarcely cross v street without the help of a springboard or a parachute. Aa for policemen they had them also. The telephone rings In svery home. Its tin tinnabulations arouse ua at all hours. The world would be lost without it. It is a part .of us. In life readjustment the minimum family wage will l>? fixed at the coat of living plus the maintenance of a filwnr. The work-day must allow time for exorcising (?aid flivver. flat life will come to an end. "Own a home with m. garage" will be the new thrift slogan. Play la aa important as ,work. Who can play without an automobile? The new architecture will contain a garage neatly tucked away somewhere In the family dwelling, a noncombuotlbl? room that can bbrn out without waking the family, ' if somebody should get carelo38 with the gasciline. The only hope for the flat owner is to in vent a folding automobile that can be collapsed and slid Into a closet like a baby's go-cart. An alternative would be an articulated auto that could bo knocked down and stowed away In moth proof bags or cheats in attic rooms. The standard of living controls tho wage w-ale. Low atandards, low wages. High st-ind-* nrda, high wages. . The flivver has come to stay. We are continually talking higher ntandards in everything. The higher standard of travel ing is by gasoline. The flat family is gqing to tho nuburbu Just :m soon aa It can get tfcore in Order to, have the coveted auto and all that goes with It. The wine manufacturer will seek the smaller cities and the suburbs artd provide auto sheds for nla employees. . . . ? The 2cr.ith of congestion ha9 been reached and the dissipation of congested centers ban begun Once the electric car caused a rush to suburbs till flnuliy a limit was r?acimd and congest Ion extended to the suburbs. Having had a taste of auto travel und the convenience of hia own conveyance, the city man l\rtda travol by street car or suburban t'falh irksome. There ia a new element in Ma discontent. The auto becomes a part of the family ae much as the dlnlnfar-tahle and tho kitchen stoVc, the library chair and the talking-machine. If the breweries will start making gasoline they nfce<3 m>ver skip a dividend ofid no family hend order their fiuhday consignment sent up after dark to avoid shocking the neighborhood. That we ura to see substantially every fam ily owning an automobile can hardly be doubted In view of what has happened. Few neople lire years Ago expected to llvo to seo a prohi bition clause incorporated in the Constitution of the United fU'atea. We did not belifeve a great war possible till It actually had begun. Anv dftubt of the unlvelsnllty o5" the automo bile in this (iohnlry at an oarlv date (a dis pelled ineroly by turning ofie'H inquiry t6 Cali fornia. whore approximately five of every six families has a maobifte. Our road building pfoaramB cannot but have Bipolar rewulta In etefy fltaie. whnVe thire'a a will thefe'a a way. The will Is developing. The w^y w!ll?be foftnd. The taate for luxury apd gasoline means per manfejjtly high wagea and sho^i Hopra. HoUi k*radr by the. notion In reconstruction. Within a year, government officials -and manufacturers acrco, production of textiles will icach half of the pre war total, and within two yearp, these, men forecast, the 1SH output will be surpassed. WmI IndaMry F*?t ftalalag. Tho wool industry In said to be re covering rno.vl rnpklly, with cotton in second place. l.iiicn weaving is re ported to be Slowest in getting back to normal becnusc of the shortage of flax, formerlv obtained from Russia. In Lille and the adjoining cities of ftoubalx ami Tutcoing, whero the tex tile manufactories ure centered, it la estimated'SO.OOO men, women and chll dron now arc busied with combing, I Snipping and weaving, and approxl j matcly .10,00a ?ire employed in the j smaller mills of surrounding towns, I where progress is si u war, but is being pushed with equal vigor. Statistic*) compiled by the govcrn I ment from necessarily accurate state ments. upon which factories are paid reconstruction indemnities, show that in the I,llle district on October 1 last there were o6.:lS-l ptrsons working in 182 textile plants compared with 106. 06S employed before tho war In 2?5 factories. In nil of tho 491 textile mills of the liberated region there were em ployed In August of this year only 21. J 0-7 of tho ir.2,91* per?one at work four I ye:ir?? ago. fondltlao* CltaiiRe <(ulrUI<. Reconstruction of the textile Indus ! try was declared by manufacturers ft i few months ago to bo almost a hope ] lej?.- task. At least tlu*y said It wonld I bo yo slow thai Franco would Ioko her ! world trade- In textiles. Now, however, i ny of I them aro widows. DECLARE THEY ARE UNABLE TO SUPPLY SERVICE ASKED Gfraaim Offer l-'onr Train* Daily in ' Place of Six Demanded for Troon Traimport, PAR 18. Dec. 27.?The supreme council t today received information as to the j results of tho first meetings between | German and allied military experts re garding arrangements for the execu tion of the treaty of Versailles. Tt appeared on tho first exchange of views that the railroad material offered by the Germans for the transportation of Hilled troops to districts whore plebiscites arc- to be held was con sidered insufficient by the. allied rep resentatives. ? . Tho council also consider?d the nature of the reply to the Swiss mem orandum concerning the entry of Switzerland into tho league of nations. The council will reply to the Swiss sug gestion that Its entry into the league be subject to certain renditions. The report on tho negotiations with the Germans over the troop transpor tation question was laid be lore the council by General Wtlgnnd. The re port revealed that tho Germans had declared that because of 'Aclc of ma terial it was impossible to aupplj the six trains dailv demanded by the allies. They made an offer of four trains a day for the time required. MONTENEGRINS PROTEST OPERATIONS OF SERBIANS Complain I charter to a company which was oi< itenslbly to be formed for the pur | pose of Improving the water supply of New York City. The city, then with a population of ZO.OOO. had Jut! passoi through ,a severe epidemic and Burrs project quickly met with popular ap proval* The real object of the Man hattnn company wan to supply Itepub i llcans with the sinews of war. Dinvrtinliivtlvn Charged. | Republican merchanth. it was :>aiil were discriminated against by the i Federalist bank whereas their Fedei | allst competitors wero fre?jv accome ; doted when they sought lunds to carry ; on thth' business. The adroltnra*s | which Burr employed to obtain a char 'ler was emphasized by the fact that the Federalists had a majority In th* Legislature. Hence the omission or the word bank from the Manhattau company. Tim petition for the proposed "water workr," company stated that as It war ! not known how much capital would I be required, the projectors did not ! want to risk failure by a deficiency o: j capital and, therefore, asknd authority to :ahe J2,00f>,o00. Inserted in the' [charter was a provision of Burr's that i "the surplus capital tuay be employe [In any way not inconsistent with th< | laws of the Constitution of the United 1 Stuu.f or of the State of New York." I Promptly Pnued Bill. The Senate and Hoyse passed tin I bill e\|)edltlotisly, few members even taking the time to read it, and none I except 'hose who were in thp seertM suspecting its real purpose. Burr's manipulation of this affair won hlni the favor of a few Republican leaders cut cost him his former prestige, "the people at that time having a chronic prejudice against banks." Four years later, however. Hamilton, unwilling to yield the slightest degree to hlr. op ponent.* organized the Merchants" Na tional. whieh opened for business nest d'?or to the. Burr institution. The Manhattan company's actua! achievement In the water works field consisted of the sinking of a well twenty-five feet In diameter In what Is now down-town New York. The water was pumped to a nearby reser voir and thence distributed throug'i wooden pipes to a few consumers. Th-s dama and other projects provided :;i the charter were never constructed Occasionally excavators in lower Man huttan have dug up pieces of hollowed out logs, mementoes of a generation long past. CALEB MARSH VON HAMM,' JOURNALIST, DIES AT MIAMI Mnr Vrlira IIim Ileeu Managing lldllqr of Ilea rat Papera In ?w Y?irW. triy As?oriat?d rre?s.l CINCINNATI, Die. 27.?Caleb Marsh van Ilanim, 58. a native Clncinnatian one of tlie best known newspaper editr>:"* In the country, died from Bright's dis ease today at Miami. Fla., according to word received by relatives here. For the past nine years Mr. Van Harnm was managing editor of Hearst publications In New York City. He was born In Cincinnati. <. In 1S9.1 he married Amy M. Pcrkius. daughter of H- A. Perkins, retired har ness manufacturer, of Cincinnati. Mr. Van Hamrn. after engaging in the practice of law In Cincinnati fur two years, became city editor and later managing editor of the Cincinnati News-Journal In the early 'SO's. In 18S5 he edited a weekly here called "Sam," and then engaged In the prac tice of law again for seven years. He went to New York in 1892 and soon took a position of leadership on some of the largest newspaper*. Suffering from a cold,' he went to Miami, Fla.. recently. Mr. Van Ilnmm leaves n wluow and a daughter. Tlie body will b$ brought to Cincinnati, and tho funeral will bo held probablv next Tuesday .or Wed nesday at the II. A Perkins residence. Interment will bo In Spring Grove" Cemetery, this city. LONDON NEWSPAPERS PR.1ISE MESSAGE FROM LANSING Rrifialt Kdltnm Mxpveaa Admiration. Too, for John D. Rockefeller'* Monlfloeuee. fBy Ae*oolated Press.) LONDON. Dec. 27.?This morning s newspapers, the lirst appearing In this city since Wednesday, give prominent place to accounts of John D. Rocke feller's gift to education, announced on Christmas morning' ini the United States, and Secretary of State Lanslnff r message to foreign capitals explaining th? raanons for the deportations of radical agitators. Many of the Lon don journals comment editorially on these two news features. The Daily News says: I'Mr. Lansings message will rank ambng the great contributions of America to the efforts of the striving world." ? Admiration ot Mr. Rockefeller's mu nificence is coupled editorially with a lament that Great Britain has noed of nn Imitator. ^ The Look, As T were climbln' Jacob's Tor, A soldier 1ad (tame r'.dln' doun; lie stopped an' passed the time o' d:?? An' asked how far to Plymouth toun. I told him. that were all; he took The path that goes toward the sea. I turned to watch him out o' olght?? An' he were lookin' back at me. He waited. Like a stone I stood, Shamed Lo he caught, yet, somehow bound To glvo him look for look; his lips Moved ns to speak, but made no sound. It deemed a lifetime we did look: An drounln' folk may do, they smv,x I thought of every little thing I'd ev6r done. life'rode away. Tremblln' an' smllhi' 1 did sit And tvatched tho larl',3 an hour or more Fly up against tho Kolden light Wi' songs I* never heard avore. heavy breathIrt' by my'slie-I- ' * All else be quiet and still, I fret - And long for day. How can I sletn When tears do make my ntllow wet" ?Gertrude Pitt. In the Broolcman, Lon don.