Newspaper Page Text
? ? \ -v ? I -I May 8, 19 2 0 NEGROES TRY TO UPSET WORM PRIMARY Men Who Say They WVro for Hirscliberg <.'hnr);c Denial of SufTrupe Account of Color. Judge !>. C. Ulchanlson. in l.lusi >. Jrigs Court, yesterday refused to con sider a petition tiled by W. K. Penny, colored. for James Taylor, asking the'.is of the primary election for Jlavor b?- declared nuil .>1111 \o;ij ati-l th.C. the returns be thrown out Judge Ulchardson pave as his reason for not receiving the petition in his court as lack of Jurisdiction. According to the petition, voters, "because of their race nml color. wer" ri 'Mscl the right t(? vote. Munich ijualitic.l Further, the petition sets forth that the four voters were from Precinct 0. Jefferson Ward, and that votes were thrdwn oat in every pre cinct because of the "race and color of the voters. The petition says if these voters, who were all llirseh bcrg men, had been alloweil to vote, the result would have been a victory for the defeated candidate. Judges !>. U Marlowe and Alexander Itlchanlson. r 1 Clerks W. I* Smith : and J. K. Mcl^enlan are named as defendants in the petition, as well a Mayor Oeorge Ains'.ie Signing t'?*? petition are llartison Bev.-riey. Albert L, Williams, 11 i: W Hlam*. Charles A. Ja kson. James Taylor. 11. C\ Munilln, Plsi'lp Ha. k. _J- H *'?""* tcr. Oeorge K Hooker. VV I. A..eti. t J. >1. I?. Sims W. W Stokes, \\ i'.Uam Randolph and .' ii. Peters. 'he petition was sworn to befon i.iles B. Jackson, a notary. Ity Charles A. Jackson and James Tav ?! 1 .ie petition will probably l?e taken to the City Circuit Court today. Replying to a commun:.-atirni from John H'.rschbeip. defeat- 1 candidate for Mayor of Kichmond, complain ing or "the transfer <?; ballot.- from one precinct to another n the te cent primary. Judge (iuoted as having iNp'.i.ncd that ?transaction was regular and. furtlics. that the transferred blank ballots . were not used after th> iran^tcr. which was made to provide : 1 a pos sible emergency where the vot:n- was heavy, but were not used. AWARD CONTRACTS FOR PAV'NG; COST, $150,000 Jinjror'ii Advisory llunrd Prepare* for WorU (n lie Dune l>> Public W ork:* Depart men I. Contracts for smooth-paving work, calling for the expenditure of more than S150.000, were let yesterday at the noonday meeting "f the Mayor's advisory hoard. Several grading con tracts wtri1 also let. ail of th<- con tracts being for work for the L'cpart meut of Pubiie Works. Several contracts which were to have been considered yesterday were laid on tli< table by the board an.i Will be considered next Friday at the regular meeting of the advisory board. Sections of Hull Street. Williams burg Avenue. Hermitage Koa 1. Chamber lay ne Avenue, Third Avenue and .otacr streets .ire liriudeii to.* Improvements in the list of contracts let. Streets to be Improved and the per sons or firms which were let the en tracts for Improvements yesterday were: To John J. Curl**-; r.m- on- - in ir on I.KUre! Street mid on. Oil I'll" Slrcl. 1.1'iuittn China an I I -? t I., t prices In.I oil previous i-r.i;lr? t. To K. J. Metiulrr .V Co.: A - pliii !t inli oreiu on Williamsburg Avium ?? r Dcnnv. i wci suuares to lie n nut. .?*. unit prices bid. 131.112. Asphi.ltl- I'on.TOte on II-m..1 11;- l'.o.i l l?e?bonr<t Air I.Ini* to llowiml ltoa<l. prices bid. AM'tialtlc n.r,ni't'. on S".r"?t. llouicviiril to lloxiK'Htli IIoj... unit nr.o bld. . Grading on llermit.-iK" Itoad. toIs'i 1 ? Howard Komi. to K. 1. Iltaek A C ? Concrete on Thiril Avenue. Will: ov :?? ?Victor; to C. M. Il"nl".v. /? Grading ?rnl concrete or, Mmc?n Street, Kolirtli to Sixth: to S.tvllic Claiborne. To Mi'Ciny. I'.av atvl H?tter?h.) 1 or. ?creti? on !lu:i Str??t from Tw-n:y-?<*i oa.i iitrti'l in liriini! Hut'k Itiiaii. Grading ??u ihn rsr*.-t to K. I. IS. ? V: ?fc Co. .143. M. Henl?y. to >1. ? r.-.-- *v >rk n ? A'. - nu- fro-.-. -? UX ?T<irr.'"? r'-i: n- Ai-j i- Park-*.. :? t Sri'-?.? prev ioit.i ? i. : f.r en i't. .1-. trliyac Avenue HOLD MEMORIAL SERVICE Parade Will Frarur^ Vnnual I'.tf r clwr?? of Onkwautl Imuriaiion Today at 4. Impress.v^ rer-tr or :-s v. :i] ma-, the n.-triua' menv.rla. ?.rv tees t'.C: afternoon in ij.iW * nr..) iVmnvry un der ausp. us o. Memorial Association. .-?.>?* and city oillclais. Confederate orpsr.izations. ex-service men, survivors of the world war, and gray-clad veterans of the War l!e tween t!ie Slates, besides local com panies o'f miiitarv men and ls.-y Scouts will lake part In thy., parade, wliP-h will move prompt'.?* tropt- old St. John's Church a p.-4 -ftVloek. Kxtr.i cars will lie provided to a.-.ommodate the. larpe crowd which i.-* expected .?ttt'attend the exercises and also tlioso who will take part in the parade. ( The usual ceremonies at the City' %Vharf will follow those at tlie ceme tery. GARNETT HEADS BOAT LINE Xorfolk .-mil llolijnck Hay *tcumsliip Com jinny Ohinlnit Mnir ? hnrtrr. Christopher 11 'Sarnett. former chairman of the State Corporation Commission, is president of the Nor folk and Mobjark Bay Steamship Com pany, whose charter to operate it line betwee.n Norfolk. < ?ld Point and oilier points on tin James Kiver. Chesa peake Bay and its tribu'arses, u i Krantod yesterday by the Corporation Cpmtnisslon. M'inclpii! ofllces of the Company will be maintained .1; Mathews i flCit-rs, besides Mr. Oarflett. ate \V IS Smith. Matin ws. secretary: Herman 7Iollerlth. Oeorge K. CalTit. .1 Boyd Scars and J. i*. Nott iripbnm. Dr. Ila;liiii nl V. >1. C. \. Tjt. Charles T. Bayliss. of Brook lyn, traveler, lecturer and orator, represent Ink ;'.? ? Amtrlcati Sociologi cal Contrress. will lie the speaker at the men's un-iitm tomorr'iw after noon at 3:!Hi o'clock in tin V. M c. A auditorium Sunday being .Mothers' Day, and the subject one of ? oncem to all interested in the social uplift of the City, Stale find Nation, women, as well as men. will be welcomed. Judge .1 lloiii ft iek.< Mill address the Boys' Sunday Afternoon cjub on "The. Boy's Best 1-"rn*1 ' Boys ire Invited to bring the,- After the.meeting t oy will be shown over the huiidiriK Mother*' Dny nl I nlon Mnllou. A special music;-, and devotional program has been arranged f ir Sun day. when the Phll<che.i Class of T^nlon Station Methodist I'.pi^ Church will observe Mothers' ? the reyubir inorniiit* .????r, .. a* | i o'clock. Professor Th low will ren der a Violin solo and Mrs. a w. Goodc will have charge of tin ::g ITig. Kemotri! to Smullp?rx Do?p|ial. more children u.-re iiii.i.\..| in "the smallpox hospital from :to?. \Ve-t ? Marshall Street yesterday by order of f the City Bureau of Health when i* was -found that they Aer,- hr. auitu' out with th* disease. Both were \ a< ? cinated last week, following the u -- ? cpvery that a sister luul com t aci.-d tne discafif, but She iiealtli .nitt|..ri ? ti<? stale lliitl the v-i . nation Uo late. The llrst child to lake Hie disease whs i'auiinc Pantell. The two ;? Intler children are sisters. The three are all tiiat are now in iio tCll>i r',. Drrnrnlr ? npllol Moniuoeiil. Arrangements for decoraiing lie ^pnfcdctatt Monument in Capitol "quare on Hollywood Memorial May ror? diacussed at the meeting of jesterflold Chapter, t.'niicd i>auvh of the Confederacy, yesterday rnoon in liolnhridge Street Bap ? Church. Today and Tonight in Richmond t.nml n?r!Mor? nt .MurpkT'* Hotel, 10. Chairmen of permanent commit tee* of Advertisers' Club ut llusl nesn Men** Club, 1-. Annual Onkuoml Memorial Iv\ rrclsc* <i( Oaknoud Onrtrrjr, I. Illtie Killer Clob nt V, \V. 1'. A-. -I. Hoard of directors. I.lttle 'I'hpn Icr League, ni tl North Sixth Street. -I. Ilnxcball?ItIchmond v?. SttfTolk, lloiilevnril Field, I. (?round breaking rirrrlnm at Itnndolpli Street Church, Itandolph nnil Harrison Streets, -t:3tl. Dunce nt Hermitage Club. S. Hnll of Woman's Auxiliary lliiwinrrs' \ssoclullon nt Illties' Armory, StIA. Vlrtlnia Writer*' Club, nt Pro fessional Woman's Ilulldlng. Sittti. I.J rjc?3, ?s30. 714.1. 11:30. Strand?"Polly Prim,** - t: t < I. S:2t?. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF l\ir ?*! Uurnctt was -worn in as* a tr.??::ib* ;? t?f tIi?* Kb hniotoi Fire- I>?*;?art m.-nt >--t-ri:?> by <\ty i.'U rk Alfrvl II Mi I ?o\v< I!. Hy tiunlvrrtcnor. The 'Tim^-Pii-pat^h. in it*- yxioMay morning of tlx quarterly met'tliiK of the rnbvr of ? ft err* <! to th<* "lI'Mno own* ? ?'<>r|M?ratton" a? th* "lit hnuin<l Housing Cot }?t?ralion." ?*ron-r Wh-ittUMd pronoun. ? .1 ?l?a lh ?i'j- natural r,tuv? in :)??? *.?>. of ?; II. Kr ,itr.. ??.. Il-;1 Mroad Kock l?oa<l. \vho wa fourol ?l? jil in be<l ^arly v??M**r<!av morninu. Th-.* bovlv wu.? turnrd ovvr to W. i:!S>v. i^:f: ? f tl?v for th? Fir**:n?? Vs Mutual Ai?l ..\s*Or!it:ioa wa< I'v^ivnl by t li Ft- ??artmrnt yst*?r?l.ty j';on? t?io Tanner l'aint an! ?>?.. i ?.>nip:? nv ,?* an, n ? *? for u <>r'. h!i h ih- -nt ?!;?! At?rl 1 i*i combat* ? in? :h- !it-. :n :h- Tanner riant. 1 t i?: ? s*rr M^ .*4 c i< To b.- ' ? ?? { -rrv?! a* a called .n^etlni; of Mati t h r I.o.U*. N I? A F ?V A. M.. to. niirht .* i ? ?? > ??? I: ;n tho Maf orib* T*?m i'?. Irix tMtton ha.? b*?*n ? \ t?'inl J ui"ni b? r? ?f <i?t*r ortrnntx.ition. Th- Upv. .T a. I." will preach t^ilay i%* thf1*!! k ?.? r* i? r at Sev enth 11 K : ? - ? - ? Church on North MortU S'r- v V.- n S'abbith ?crhooi I ? ) ? i v .. . ... k Th* subject f th?* ?i r ? ?-r*non is * Anu* !? and the .luJu-icnt !?? oS?>." I I ? ? ? Ir11 : "( Wi " W. Cheatham, i*"- Stre< n houne paintor, who] vufftT* ' fr.?turv! r.r:n an <1 ovIut Iti ?? ? - ; h* f? !' from a ?cnffo!i on > ' h w - w-'T. .? li.r.f ?r?l Junior n.;?l s? 1? v a.- ? niirh: r* ;?or:?*! a-*! I'* ?? ? p.?- of ' ' - rl>% cr.>u:..; ami \va> romovfd to \ .?R.r. a Ho-Mtu 1: -r* ? c ? nrhorl fl *?*!,? - v. ? i s.'u.?? tin annual con (m Ktip?rlnten1cntfl ? Y?: ? .. t^v library of ?v St Kut>t rlnt?*iideni ?.f Public In* | r .????-* of Import nr* * ? f? f ? ? h-*oJ v .?r?: wore thor tchiy von* Into .?n'i pmctlcnlly *y*ry \ I ha*" "f r#r ?-?! h cil "iho^l ?*?I'J ? } - ? I . ? onfor^n ???j4 nr? ? l > -arlv ??. , ninty ^Mt>crlnt^r<leut?* in??r-r^ \. r ; !?? I tir.<: th:i >>ar. Mr I 'A' Tl.onm-r-n. M!-? Mar" Jon'*. Mr* \V I! T * ' ?r. ! Mix Anr?# <Jru:?io M-'l r- ?????*? ?* tb? .f t j . r Ho;!yuv.od M^inorin". A*s?? wtlon n the oar a \> ?f* ro??oti w I.- h ? ita-t ?.f the procam for fh- inntr? ni- ? ? ri.?' s?*rvic ?- at ?.?ak wofH C?*n. F | h?-r ? ?,i.-ir*-s? tr'*o*- ] *4 ! a* *" ? ? Ink* ? ' th? .1 ?:??;. r flollyv-oftl Memnrlnl A v i? ' ? ." .r" for ?!? '-at tb?? c * - - f t^.?n '??<*? r*-*- (!* '?! r- H '.lyH-'ioii ?rt\?? t? ry on M?' r.l. M ^ x "^rriutun v.s at? rh*.."rai "f tho onr.v mlttrt for M.. H M t - of flow r-s on mornlns ??? Va** r.t ^r- ? ? 1* ft at t? .> ?'vrNr: wuo<i to ? h ? it ?* *?f \* - *?? Harir'nlr MISSION WORKERS CHOOSE RICHMOND FOR CONFERENCE I'rotrMtnnt CplMropal Church l.encur W ill Mcrt Here In .Nril \ rar'n t unvrnllon. [S|>p il lo Vh<- ] lIOSTtJX. M.?\ T. ? Tin annual con ft.'??! ? vf City Mirsion W"r'.t?r.? fit the t'rotfstant ChurcJi. in i-f-ssion liore. today accfpt?-<l invi tation of :h<- P.; hmond (".? ,:iul of the l.ay:tif-n I-. iK'J-. r.f that city, to n?e?-t ir. Hie: 'nond ii< \t :. i-ar. The f onfert iir.- in ?luilc-s I <. n t;t t ivcH Ironi a doc.-ti or more l<rKe ;tlcs. DREWRY WILfTAKE SEAT IN HOUSE NEXT MONDAY Ne*\lv iriicted Cons r>??iiin n I-'rorti Fourth DUtrl.t Will II,- Cnn dliliiK' for Ite-C.leetion. tSjii-eial to The Tin:-s-Disnati-lt.) I'KTHItSIII'KO. May 7 Patrion. II 1 'rewry, in*wly ?-1 ? . -1 ?? .1 .''?ngi>s.mji^u from the l''ourt!i VirKitua ln.?trict to HUccied the late \V.,i!,r \V;,iM?n. will ii av?- for \V;?.stn?:kon .Stinduv :?iol Will l.iki i is 11 otlH* of Itepri'jientatives on Monday. !!?; has t>?'?;ti at Virginia Hcach for tt'.'* past u. ek recupt tatiiiu from tiie ? f f<-?-is of nit operation it the i'ctcr.s I'tiri; Hospital recently. Coim< sf-nian I>rew?\* has atitioijticod 111--' inndida. y to succeed himself. He will I><?? opposed l>\ I>r H. t* Smith, of Crewe. *PPlj for Hull. Application was mad.- before .ludee Mullen in *li?- I(its11nus ('?.urt here today for hail for John J. <>uinan. fotnier member of the detective corps, now li.-ld for the murilrr of I!. II. Ilro'.vn on Sycamore Street on April The motion was made l>v < ?uinan's outisi-l. former I'nited States I Mst i let Attorney It II Mann, his counsel, and was opposed bv I'nminonw. r.ltli's Attorney Sviik- anil '.?liver A. I'ollard. of this city, who lias been retained hy itruwu's fain* il.v to iii<l in the pros.-cut ion. I't-nd i?'K furthei inv.-st iuat Ion of the case, ?ludue Mullen reserved decision until n?-xt '.veek. Mlnklon Worker lo Spenk. Colonel J. A. Hutnphri.-s, of Pen- : v. r. Colo , and I'. I!. Withrow, snp.-r iuteiident of the I'hion Mission of Charleston. .W. Va. will speak at tie opening of the Petersburg I'tiion ' Mission tiest Sunday aft- rnoon. Iteoiote I'llMlch tl>' lllnplny. 'I iie Westliatnptoii Citiz.-ns' AsHOcia t ion has ; tirod permission <?! prop. eii\ owners alonjf_Cary S;rr>-t aii<l l'hr?.?* < *hopt from the city limits u ? st to rt-movt- ail advert i k ;?? i s ^tis except billbniirds The work v ill begin Monday, i.nd it Is planned to ki this entraii'-- into lllchmond tree from unattractive displays on fences and trees. The assofiai ion also has secured p. rmission from t -.. Virgin! i liuilway nd power Company t.. grail.- the land ? each sid>- of the right-of-way between Stops I ,i ml '.'7. improving tl-is portion oi i.!?- ; ra.k age as ^ parkway. Two \re Sent tin. W. 11 in ni, colored. Wll llarjies, charged with t ?>. theft o! J107 from the College Hall Cafe t.o .i. .nd .1 aines Settles colored, alias "Kr.istus-." chnrged with Wounding I. P. Paterson with pistol, wero s. nt on to til. grand jurv in Police Court >i sterday. tula Mprcdem Are I'lnrd. cour sp.-eders were arraigned In J once ' our'. Part II. yesterday I ' .? 11a rg> .I with so. , dim; oil t>..- i-.-.-utlj improved Petersburg I irnpil:.-. and were fined 125 and . '. its each They \\. re P. < t. Jack ' " itow?-l!e. I: II. S'.iilor and A I! Tastorti. !.i. *y-rU Mil of ^elimil l\l<lillr?. Max.i A ins lie jist.-rdaj included i fiool tea.-hers and pupils in his g. n ira! apj.eal for ?leaner streets. The t.ppeai was iii a general letter ad dressed to Superintend, nt of city Schools All.nt H Hill I'eiliSled Wlilioui Permit i I 'lneri, charged With peddling without a license. Char:<:* .leffries, colored, was fined $.it) and cofts in Police Court ? yentcrday. ADVERTISERS PROTEST FEDERAL TAX MEASURE! ! ? ? - ! Resolutions AVill ilo SiMit to Vlr-; Klnia Representatives in Con gress by Richmond CIul?. Resolutions protesting against a l>iII now before Cotigrce's which would tux advertising heavily wi!l l?o drawn tip and sent to the Virginia mcmhe:s of tlio Senate and House by ; the Richmond Advertisers* Club. lie- j clslon on tills action was taken yes- ' terJay at a mooting of the organiza- j tion at the Business Mens* Club. and a committee was appointed to draw up the resolutions. ?The member* are ?!. K. Massle, C. It. Bailey and M. W. Brown. Practically a too per cent attend ance marked the first meeting of the club under its newly elected officers J and M. S. Knight, the new president was given an ovation when he took his seat to preside. Kd ward K. Shumway. of the Cmimiunity Recre ation Association, leil the club in giving three cheers for the new of ficers of the organization. Most of the time of the meeting was given over to the "On to In- . dianapolls" committee, which Is pre- ? paring to take u large delegation of advertisers from Richmond to the national convention of the Associated Adve-tisers' Clubs of the World. June 6 to 10. K N. Ezekiel. former president of til.' club; Robert Saville, of Allen. Sa ville ?<- Sne.'id. and l.eroy Cohen, of the Cohen Compvny. Inc.. were ap pointed members of the executive committee of the newly formed Ret i-r Business Bureau, and will repre sent the Advertising Club in t }> a * or ganization. '?overr.o- Westmoreland Davis wl'.l ? the speaker a' the next meeting of the Advertisers' Club, which will be V.-lil next Friday at the Business Mens' Club. A meeting of the chairmen of the standing committees of the Adver tisers' Club, which were appointed ?i.r'.y in the week, will be held at the , Business Mens' Club today at 12 o'clock for the purpose of appointing i onnn'.t: cc. TWO APARTMENT HOUSES TO GO UP IN WEST END Jnmen I*. ( nlinon and Mr*. I.ucy Ilrnnrtt ill l-'ln.ince Ilnterprike I'onlnc 3110.000. Tw.t apartment houses will be ? rented in t.'i- West Ilr.d within the next few weeks, a*, a total cost of $ll".00f> lean-d yesterday. James j;. Cannon a*id Mrs I.ucy Ben no" ^r- the builders Dr * Cannon is now hiving plans prepared t>>r the erection i>: an a;>3 ri me'. house on liro^ Avenue, near Harrison Street, wh h it it est I - mated v.-ill cost tin.oO'i l'lans for the apartment are now being drawn1 up by Hunt and Itow < ;t. architects The r; i!.e:i? will be 4S by 100 feet and will be <j: Italian design, of stucco and ti'" construction li will he entirely .1 ff.rer.t in design from apartments which have been built ! h< -e for some time. Mrs I.ucy v Bennev. who stated sorn. time air ? that .t was her ln tention tci i."i:d an atuVmea! house on t)i? north ot corner o' Grove Av.-?i .? itnd Plum Stre.-- made ay P M!;m tl i* office >?( li^'id'.ng Ir? spector Butler yesterday fur perrn.t '<? i?tii a* a ost estimated at $Tfl. i *!0 T .e b'ji'd nc will h-j'jse twelve 'p' lie? -'ie plan? slow. he '2. by fee* .>-.<1 :: !> s^petl to c*> rn - ; let., the building b- S< ? tember. Building Inspector Butler ats-. li.-.i-itel a permit to H L. Frost and S T Reveridge t^? erect an automo bile sales building o-i the nore?twest corner cf bodge and Stree-c Mstimated cost of 'he proposed bulld ir.K if given as $53,000. C II. ilutrhes was granted a permit to bull i a stucco garage q* 110S North Avenue, at a cost of t.'.OO. Mtpecl Report tin llnld Today. Detailed renort of the raid made on four illicit distilling p'ants dis covered finl destroved between Rich mond and j-uffolk Thursday afternoon by Federal prohibition agents is ex pe ted to be received today by Super vising Revenue Agent S. R. Rrame. Arrangement of the stilus wa? ile e'ared to he unit) I ? by Mr. Rrame. The stlls were a-r-?n?ed at four cor ner', forming a squat e. :? :nan being stationed in a central position to give an r.larm win n anyone was coming. It was poss'ole by ? h s ;>I *n to uti'ize fine jr. n as a watcher for a'l four plants The llrdc-grow: h had been e'earcd away and (he no~t bor? signs o' beini; useil f*>r living Vievlqua-t - er<. bed clothing a:;d cooking uten s Is being found. ' Seek I 'til form Truffle I an*. I.ieutenant Daniel Sylvester, at the trattle department of the San Fran cisco police, and president of the Na tional Traflic otllc-rs' Association. a:nl C l?e\\'itt .manager of '* ?? National Trafb ? itli-e-u' Safetvi First Kxposition. will be in Richmond within the n? \l few days >r. the in terest of uniform traflic laws. Chief c. a. Sherry received a letter yester day informing him of the proposed visit. Sylvester and DeMar are tour ing the I'nited States and Canada, ex plaining advantages which will re sult from inauguration of universal traflic laws and signals. Petty 'I'liefti llnirncr I'oliee. Minor thefts engTged the attention of lh. T'oliee veste'day. Mis? 15- . .i Mavflehl. 1307 Grove Avenue. i'.m l.'aineil that a gray fur ne.-V was taken In a local theater Mrs 1 I'bilip Abit, si:< W?-,t Cary --ni'. r. I' ll te.I '?t a small boy eriKr.-d - home i nd -an ofl with a rilcke' < 'o k t'aliud ; t it. Thieves were fr.aht a l ,:* '? ? i ?.'tempt was at; ? ? r i'l t |e !<r OS ?! S I... sto. e. II Alain Street. Mrs. H. tt. KIdd. ttf the Shi : :..i.l ial; Apartments, report ; 1 tl;e theft of :. bicycle valued at <tunlif>- an A d in In Ih< rn iiiro. Alfred T. Harris qualified yesterday ?u the Chancery I'ourt before Judge Monciire as administrator of the es tate of Mrs. Marion S. Harris, who died recently, leaving an estate valued at $;<:!.000 |j s. Slieppard qualified as administrator of (lie estate of Nan nie W. McCoy, valued at ll.R.'.n, 'ieorge W t'iiainlee iiuaiilled as ad ministrator of the estate of Harriet Cordon, valued at $i50. and Wirt G. Qiiaries. executor of the estate of Aj;gie T. Wingfield. $10..100. .Miry i IikJs f?r I'laintlfT. .Tudumeni was rendered for the plaintiff yesterday In the City Circuit 'ourt in the case of I.arus & Broth ers \ s. Walker D. Hiti'S. former di ?eclor-general ?? f railroads, operating the i )|() Dominion Steamship I.ine. Verdict was given for $102.20. l.oss ; of freight was given by the plantift as the grounds for the suit. Jiitin?on tin). \'SmI( Itlchmontl. Republican leaders in Rlchinond have been notified that Hiram John son. candidate for President of (he I'niteil States, may come to Richmond 1 on a tour that is being planned through the Southern Slates. If the' plan is carried out. Senator Johnson will make Uiclimond his lirst stop, ami will come in about ten days. I'lned for Heckle** Driving. ?barged with carelessly and reel; Dssly driving an automobile truck. Thomas Johnson, colored, was fined liv Justice Crutpliflelii yesterday. It was (.stilled that Johnson backed t is machine into a tricycle ridden by ? Gertrude Herring'. 31 South Davis Avenue, causing injury lo the child An appeal was noted Complete Chitmberlnyne Avenue Work t'oncrele pouring was completed on ''haniberla> ne Avenue, from bardy to Brookland Dark Boulevard, by contractors yesterday. The work has been delayed by Inability of the contractor to get cement and ma- : terlala. Conditions In Retail Markets Late Spring Makes Veg etables Scarce and High. i Tli? lateness of the spring. the oon I tlnucd cool. not to nay winter weather, and the uncertainty of things gen erally are Soldiii? buclt Bupplios of prt-eii stutY from the llichliumd retail markets. an<l the housewives arc llnd | Ing many articles that are usually in .season in May conspicuous by their absence. However, those who pot to the mar kets early today will llnd fair sup plies of Knglish peas at 15 to 20 cents, lettuce at the same old price, rhubarb a little cheaper than it was a week ago. cabbage somewhat off in price and potatoes and onions as liiuh as ever. In the fruit line they will flud strawberries nicer than they have been and somewhat cheaper, the price now being H5 to 40 cents per basket. They will llnd '.'tat oranges and grape fruit are scarcer aud a bit higher. There are but few California i ranees ott the market, the Kloridas holding the fort :?t 75 cents per dozen fos the very best. Apples continue high, aHliough the supply is large enough. J Poultry remains unchanged. al though hens are more numerous. Si ring chickens are kept scarce and hitch by the cxcesslve demand. Kggs are a little higher, strictly fresh coun try hen fruit commanding 50 cents per dozen. There are no changes whatever in meats. Spring lamb is still in most active demand and the price shows no inclination to come do*ti. The fish market is abundantly sup plied. tine shad, excellent trout and croakers being abundant and a fexv Norfolk spots to be had. A few sofc crabs are showing up. but they are yet high, going at J 1.50 to $2.50 per dozen. UNION SEMINARY WILL GRADUATE TWENTY-TWO Commencement Kxerclae* llrcln To morrow Mornlnc With Hae culurate Sermon. Commencement exercises for twen ty-two graduates of I'tiion Theologi cal Seminary will begin at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning, with the bacca laureate sermon by He v. Henry Wade l?uKose. I). I).'of I>ativiUe. in the chapel seminary. Kvery o?e of the twenty-two grad uating classmen has been engaged for permanent work, three of them having been selected as missionaries to foreign climes. On tomorrow evening t'-.e annua' address of the Society of Missionary Inquiry will be given in file chapel seminary l?y Kev. Robert I'. Bedin ger. of l.uebo. Congo Ite'.ge, Africa. He represents the Ginter Park Pres byterian Church in the foreign field. Annual meeting-of the board of di rectors will be held Tuesday morn ing at 10 o'clock, as well as the re ception given by the senior o'.ass ?""losing exercises will In- he'.d Wednesday morning. The address of thr- graduating class will be deliv ered by Kev. W. Met*. White. l>. I), of Raleigh. Ail address will also be made by Rev. Russell Cecil. D. 1.'. l>iplomas will be presented by George W. Watts, president o; the board of trustees, closing the commencement at 1 o'clock Wednesday wii; be the reunion banquet o i tne eiasses of i^T", "?0. "fr". IttOO and ir?l". Tho?e Who (iradnate. Names of the griduat'-s. with their home addresses and the fields of la bor to which they go. are: tame." Kr.Rlls.i CoU5?r. Jr . llithoitvill*. .- <" mt.'i.on;'ry to Japan J,-.:r?? It I- Iterry. Kmm?tt. Tenn.: S-_i>ka? Caunty. N. C. Harold Thox.i? 1! i<lKni4a. nicatr.ond. %'h . mSdonarv to China KSwar-i Culvin Cly?i?, Ausu?:a. L?a.: Wa'hiprcis ae. Va. Horace Newton rrunnlcxham. Nat ' S ?]<>< hti. T?-x : Mareeda*. Te* l.rantril Hugh Kikel. Kort Wh:t?. Kia ; WlllUeiivlllf. Va. <J*orc-* Hi'i'Ft*. Staunton. V? ; ?ven tfurlnis?. N. Dar. !ri'1 "ton Grahatn. Abinc Ion. Va.: Northlork. >V. Va. Waiter Ellis Harrop. I.yn-Jon. Ohio; Ch??? city. Va Joan K-mp !l',h?on. l'oir.t of f:Mil ; missionary s?* Africa. Walter Klnu Kty.L. Kmmett. T?r.r. . I'.jx liury. Va. John'.e Mclirlde. Gia<l? Va >y. X. C : Stuart. Va. Ht-rbart rf. Morc&n.* Atla:::a. <ia ; ?? ville. Va Peter Jninea Murdock. P.i<-":'.onin l Va , nil hmund. Va. Wl'l'.arn It-own Nelll. Kehna. C Itwkv Mou-t. N. C WKMarn Pau. Nlckeli. Clover, :: C C'.ovar. S. C Kavmnnd Jlnward It?t< hfor'l. (Sa.-;onia, N. C.: Parmvtlle. N C. Wj.ifr Gray Somerville. .\!i:thei!.,\ Va : H'1. Is vllle. Va. Krn**t Tri-e Thomnson. Charleston. W Va ; Moses D. liar; Kelln-A*. Jean Andrew Vaehe. Philadelphia. Pa.; South Oiar'eaton. W V. Howard MrKwIn W:!i?on. Clover. S. c ; Stuart'H Ij aft. Va Fran!: Hrrulerron SeatterROOil.'. Tenn.: Greenville. K C. >lr?"imfr Fined In Dili) C:i*e. Frank Messlrner, of New York, van fined $20 and costs by Justice ?'r'Jt-h fie'.il In Police Court yesterday t".,r assisting In taking a baby from Mrs. Jose Gentry. 1001 Kast Mi.-Kh.tM Street, and laying violent h'miis on Mrs. Gentry. Me?simer. it w is 'esti tied. -len'etl he had used for--, bid admitted shoving Mrs. Gentry out ?>? the way. Mrs. Irene Hamilton, daugh ter-in-law of Mrs. Gentrv. nnd mother of the baby, was arrested on a warrant sworn out by Mrs. Gentry ch.irg-ng lu r with ;<ssault. but was later dis missed. Mrs. Hamilton hail ask. d Mrs. Gentry to take care of the child and later decided she wanted it back. It wis testified th.-.t Mrs. Ge.i'rv ef fused to give it up without legal pa pers. It is alleged that Mrs. Hamil ton iinil Messimer, accordingly, come to Richmond from New York to ob tain the child. Klwanluna Meet nt (I. Meetings of the Richmond Klwanis Club will be held as formerly, ex cept that the night meetings of the club will begin at 6 instead of C:.'P> o'clock, the bqaril of directors of the club announced yesterday. Balloting i>\ niembers of the organization aided | the board in making a decision on the time of meetings, which will be left as formerly. At the next meeting of the Hub. which will be held Monday, at o'clock, Kilward A. me teorologist, wiH he the speaker. He will address the club on "The; Weather." liev. Frank Pratt. T>. i).. ; will be "silent booster." Will \dtlre?n Itnltan Colony. Kather Scineria. who was chaplain I ' i chief headquarters for the Italian I irrn.v during the recent war and who i s saitl to be tho greatest orator of Jialv. will address the Jtallnn colony ?>" lliclimorid at a place to be desig- I juti-d later, on Sunday, May 11. : .?'ather Semeria has been In Hie I Culled States several weeks and al- ! "?ady has visited New York and Cali Jorni.i He is making nn appeal to t Amerieans through Italian citizens j for aid for war orphans. Charged Wltli I'ullmnn Thefta. . John lit own. a dining-car cook. Is iitv in <i in Richmond on suspicion | of h.wing been involved in alleged j C.i^fts ..f .iiiiciic or. Pullinan tr:Cns r -i*. !!(;>? Miss T'.if.o Woods, en roiit ??. f.-om \. < ii.n^tori to her lioin^i it; So..tit c>ii'.|iiita, ermplalned yester- ' ilav jianiinag. containing a v : t?V. i id chain and ether jewelry. ! i i. ?'l.ipi ;i: >.d ,?ii a Pullman. Hrow.i will be given a hearing in Police C'! im-v: week. For your Sunday Dosaert.^ Fresh Strawberry In solid fjunrt bricks. THK VKLVKT Cream of Ice Creama. BREAK eaoill FOB NEW II IU"t. ('. H. Arendnll Orator of l>ay. J'*inal Service in Old Structure April 10. Ceremonial exercises of breaking ground for the erection of the new | 175.000 home for Randolph Street hh pt 1st Chureh. at Randolph and I Beverly Streets, will take place this 'afternoon at 4:30 o'cioek. Itev. \V. : K. Robertson. pastor, will preside. An attractive sotig service hv the primary department of the Sunday school will he the first number oil ? the program, ami will he followed by Scriptural readings by Rev. .1. R. Johnson, pastor of Vcnabie Street Ra>ti?t Church. llymns will bo sung' by the choir. Thorbiirn Clark. of i-'ulton Church, and Itev. C. B. Aretidall, secretary of the Baptist Council, will malic the 1 principal address. llymns will be sunk by the choir, ami an address will be delivered by j Itev. T. Clagctt Skinner. 1). I)., of Second Baptist Church. Actual breaking of the flrst ground for the new building will he under ' taken by Miss Rosa Itobertson. I : daughter of the pastor, and Miss' Aunts Bethel. who subscribed the first dollar toward the building fund J for the new church. Closing the service will be songs h\ the junior department, followed by tin- benediction. Kinal services in tlu? old chureh building will be held on April 16. and on April IT workmen will begin to tear down the old building to erect the new structure In its place. CONTRACTS FOR STATE ROAD i CONSTRUCTION AWARDED! Include Hlchmnnri - ('liar lot tent llle, !(Iclinioml-W nnhltictun and lVlernliuru lllc bwa v*. Bids for construction in varl- j ous sections of the State have been' act epted and contracts have been' .(Warded, according to announcement ! trade yesterday by State Highway Commissioner Oeorge I'. Coleman. Contracts went to the lowest bidders, and are as follows: State route. No. 9. Itiehmond-Char lottesvillt? road: Section A?Negro, west "7 miles. <J.4 ?low bid. gravel ro.ul. l.ow bid der. S. K. Construction Company. Se.-tion H?Montpelier. west 5.1 miles: iow bid, $20,749; soil, l.ow bid der. I toss Brothers. Section C?-M-ipleton. towards Jack son: low bid. $7,66(i; top soil. l.ow l-idder. S. K. Leo Construction Com pany Sei tion 1>? Jackson to Cm k?n. T.f' mil., s: low hiil. *50,203; soil, l.ow bid der, S. K. Construction Company. St ise route. No. 1, Petersburg Turn pike: . Petersburg end. nine miles. lS-fnot concrete road, $:Ht>,70t>. l.ow bidder. Perkinson & Finn. State route. No. 19, Kiver Road: Country i"Iub. west three miles; low bid. JSl.ST'J; penetration macadam similar to Three Chopt Itoad In front of 1' iuntry Club, l.ow bidder, Win ston it- Co. State route 1, Rlchtnpnd-Washing t? *ii Highway: Kifty-flve one-hundredtlis miles (in cluding bridges) in Chappwamsic Swamp: low bid. S4C.6S1; lS-foot con cre:e. l.ow bidd-r, Itoss Brothers. JURY ACQUITS KIDD l-'lnd* Him Not liullty of Thrft of Auto?lloml for <;ood llrkatlor U lleiinlrrd. I.eo Kidd was found not gui'.ty by ?v Jury in Hustings Court last night on a charge of cr.ind larceny. The jury w:>.s out about an hour, after a trial lasting two days. Although acquitted by the jury. Judgr Richardson ordered that Kidd be placed under 12.50U bond for hi* good behavior. Judge Richardson told the jury, after i: had rendered its verdict, that he believed that there was reasonable ground for doubt as to the guilt of Kidd. but that he would require bond of prisoner because of "hi,? previous record." Mrs. Kidd. the defendant's mother, who sit with him throughout -.tie trial, furnished bond for his releas". Kid l to;?k the witness stand yester day aftcrn'.ot and asserted that he had :.cver been a thief, although ac cused of tinny other offenses. RICHM0NdT WINS DEBATE Kd?n nl II. WIIUnKhain I* Airardrd Uiilil Medal In Annual State Intrr ??ollcgtute Oratorical Content. Kdwiril B Willingham. represent ing Itichmoml College, won tiic gold medal for flrst place in the annual Virginia State Intercollegiate Ora torical Society contest, whic-h was staged last night in the auditorium of Richmond College. Mr. Willing ham's subject was "World - Wide I 'pact " Meyer li l.avcnstcin. of the l.'ni versity of Virginia, tied with Mr. Willingham for flrst place. Ilis sub ject wis "Alternative to Bolshevism." Averaging of percentages by the judges of both contestants resulted iti the honors going to Richmond College Third rdnce was won by Arva V. Rudy, of Kinory and Henry < 'oil. ge. whose subject was "The I'm rowned King." l fcnrued With Murdering Seammi. MORII.I:. A May 7.?I'eter J. Howling, mate of the steamer I.ake (il'tefjuc, ??t>arged with the murder of Charles Anderson, seaman, aboard that ve s.-:, four miles out of I'ort au Piin<e. Haiti, March 5, took the stand in his own defense in the I.'nited i S'a t?H .Commissioner's Court today. ; 11uve you tried our Chcc:l:te M.Ited Milk Special? If nol, order nomo today. T11K VKLVKT KIM), ('renin of Ire ('roams. MAY BALL | AuHpicos Richmond Howitzers' Association Saturday, May 8, lf)20 Blues' Armory Tirkcts, 50c Cclebrnlril Orchestra "The Shopping Center" WOMEN'S HOSIERY -Standard Miller & Rhoads Qualities? But Very Much Below Today's Market Values Why? Don't ask, but come here today, Monday?any day, in fact?and see the mer chandise we're now prepared to offer in our Women's and Children's Hosiery Section. We have felt, all along, that we have been offer ing, sane consistent values in Hosiery?and we have?but here are some of the most ex ceptional offers yet announced. On Sale This Morning In Our Hosiery Section at 9 o'Clock ?Come Early Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery of good. substantial weight, with lisle tops and double reinforced heels and toes; also seamed leg; in black, white and brown, at. a pair Women's Full Fashioned Pure Thread Silk Hosiery, with lisle tops, in black or brown, at, ? a pair Women's All-Silk, Full Fashioned Hosiery, in black only, at, a pair 1 $1.48 od Pure le tops, in $1.75 Kashioned $3.00 Women's Thread Silk weight silk black, white pair Full Fashioned Pure Hosiery, made of good of superior quality, in and colors, a $2.50 $3.50 Women's (ilove Silk Hosiery, full fashioned, in black, white or brown, at, a pair.... Women's Fine Quality, Full Fash ioned Silk Lisle Hosiery, in black, at, a pair $1.00 Floor One?West. May Muslinwear Event Featuring American, French and Philippine Lingerie at Prices Not Justified by Today's Markets This May Event in Muslin Un dergarments lays increasing em phasis on the effort which this store is making to offer dependable merchandise at the lowest possible price. All the garments are new, of good materials and careful workmanship. Arpong garments with imported laces or embroideries, there is a wide selection of patterns. To be especially featured this morning?beginning at 9 o'clock? are the following offers: Envelope Chemise with plain eat-stitching and tucks, also some very lacy; all sizes, $1.59. Satteen Skirts in all lengths, $2.00. Double Panel Skirts of heavy muslin, with scalloped bottom, $1.98. ' A new shipment of very lacy Gowns, some samples and some very fine lacy trimmed models, at $2.98. Floor Two?West. a | "Rebuilding Broken World" Stlrrint; Address by I'll. CI IA HIjICS T. IIA VMS. ' of Brooklyn. N. Y. Writer. Traveler, Orator. OlMOATKR MEN'S MEKT1NO Central Y. M. C. A. Hall Nundny. Mny Otli, Ili.'tO !?. .11. "Molhrr'a I)o>" MEN?Welcome?WOMEN* "Hits traveled over the battle fields." "He held his vant audience and thrilled them with his wonder- j ful addresB." j Buchanan s JKWKI.KRS. P no Al? AT Till no. Wedding Gifts Comprehensive assort!n?n*. in "OlfLa that last." SCPRKMR IN QUALITY. MODKRATB IN* PRICE. ?Confederate Museum 12th and Clay Streets. Open Daily 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. fiaturday D A. M. to 2 P. M. Admission 25 (.'Ants. Sossco o s Rlrlimnnit'H I.rndinir StnMonrr*. | how many 0 times a day do yim write your nninrf Ki-or think how niurh timr- and effort is wasted in ni^ning- eor respondcricc? Have ma mnkr n llubber Stamp of Your Slitnuttire. and save tlmf: and effort for more impor.An:. duties. We Make the llnii ltubticr .Stamp* on Kartli! Ttosendorf's Hunk Cushion Stamps print better, easier, last longer?yet cost nc more. Never sold thru agents?order direct. Brlni? your signature !n. written In black ink. ?Thank You? Twelve-Six Main Station*?, Printer?, X^srrnvrra, llubbrr Stamp, V ?ad Stencil Matter*. L J , -'-.'j iJSif vV-'-ViiiSt f ? ? ? Better Business Bureau Talks A Voice in the ;l Wilderness <> Today, nioro than ever, the !| voice of honest men every- !; where is calling out for truth, |? and honest business and hon est business men arc answer- <1 Iiir with u loud Amen! The I; awakening is not alone a !; moral one. Modern business !; demands better business metli- ;> ods?a revision of its ethical jl code, so to speak, that will permit nothing but 100 per j! cent value In any article of-- ! fercd for xsale, and none but !j absolutely truthful statements 2 concerning tliat commodity or !; Its worth. Business men of-Richmond 'I willing to subscribe to such tenets will welcome the for- J| mat Ion of such an organiza- !; tion as Richmond's Hotter Husiness lUircau. '! Such an organization is lm- '! portant, not alone to retailers '! of, but to bank- a ei-s and wholesalers. For it r Sisters confidence in homo in- ' it ut ions and combats the faker, the promoter of fraud ulent stock schemes?tho wolf that preys on tho public. (Signed) THE TIMES-DISPATCH.