Guvernator's Restaurant COS IJnut llrnnd Slr*rl. Oysters and Clams ? All tlie Year Round SEA FOOD f-t- A SPECIALTY ? ? ? ?? OKriCEltt Ol' ?run ci,i n. l'rraldrut, M. S. IvuluUt; Vlrr-I'rmldrul, X. T. I.runiltud Scfrrliiry, H:?j tiioinl >lQ?ir; 'I'remturer, Italpli Dombrower Addrcaa comuiu in ..n?, ?-ontrl butloox or iitK ? for "rriflh to \V. 5. CaniphrlU ( hnirman of Pub licity Coinndttcr. ? i?mi-:CTr??. t'liilrrw rll %' j -??bora lor !n*l?n I?m1 Stitr It No. viir: m *fi:-c.aiu.\kt ro>!i?.\.\v, ?. 31. I 'rl?*<|nuin, \i;ria?*y Maiiu|;rr. I :i No rlli Srvrnlli si. M.rriUofi -07, |A|,bm??n J. Vn. CHER' O D A EGAR ? l ?*? w tmf t m,*. ' -?? ?? tmr+Gor. Mutli t?d llroud S(reHi, ' **T*- ? "TrtJlUr RU'kuond, V.. ^ ? ' INSURANCE A L L LINES. STUART RAGLAND ;^VS Travelers Hulliliiig. Kandolph C2S0. Kind. 0452, Han. I3S2 flictrlcal Work of Every Description "ttiniiilrif l ine ??f IJri'lrli'Dl a |>plliinrr?. MORRIS HUNTER "7 *"X?3 NortU Klchth Ktrrrt. Kor I'rrm-li I'altr* and I'lalrlri ml (lunlltj Ask for MAXIME'S Sold Everywhere \Vhoi esoin**. del i'-iously K"?d ;ind .ipliroiirlato for ail occasions. MAXIME'S 717 IJ??I Umrr Slrrfi, REMEMBER!! V, * Write Alt Liner INSURANCE AM) SURETY BONDS Alison, Moore & Sutton, inc. Mndul iiiillillns. FRiQHEIIIC 4DVERT6?ING ART ? ? OI2. T.O.BIOD. [? - rt If l>l IIIM xo-?a. ^ D. A. PRENTISS ::ift \Vp?t Ilroarf Slrrfi. Graut Oldsinobiie Saxon COI.l'JiHM SI'OnAi.H , HATTKHliSM. Phone Randolph 4110. ') Cf- ? The Best Way to help those in need is to "help th?ni help themselves." ! That is the work of the As sociated Charities, and is a work nil Richmond must aid. Let it have your support. The Union Bank of Richmond 1104 E. MAIN ST. Maccar Trucks ARK IlliST la the vcrdlct of many users KING-WILSON MOTOR CORPORATION 820 W. Broad St. |M?4. 1.181. Wolcoint! to tlio Now Officers Through the stres.s of business, M. S. Knight, who 1i:ik been president of the club since the annual election last May, tendered his resignation to the board of directore of the club. The torntal announcement of his resignation was made, at the meeting last Friday. as well as the announcement of the officers appointed by ihe board to fill the unexpired term. S". T. Learning, who .has taken a very ac tive part in the club for several years, and is at tin' present time executive secretary of the Better Busings Mureau. was pro moted from the. vice-presidency to the pres idency of the club. Mr. Learning has a. great many friends and warm supporters in the organization, and because of his position lie will have much time to devote to the up building of the club. His position with the I'.etter Lusiness Hureau, which is a sub sidiary of the Richmond Advertising ''lub, will in nowise effect his cmeiint handling of club matters, but. on the omer band, will be of material assistance to him in 'he work. Raymond Masaey, who has served the club as secretary for more than two years, was promoted to the vice-presidency, certainly a well-deserved reward for faithful service. One new member v.-as elected to the board of directory The ciub is forttuiate to have W. \V. Woikman to sit on the board. His long experience and wide acquaintance in j advertising circlr:; will enable him to ren der valuable assistance to the activities of j our organization (J-nas Taylor was made secretary. We all know Cervas and know that he is going to put his usual pep and enthusiasm in the ork that lie is now doing. A Busy Season lac Richmond Advertising Cluli is poten tially the strongest civic organization in Richmond. Its membership is larger than any similar organization. It has brains; it lias muscle. It is capable of doiug al most anything it undertakes. It. is farniliar wlth that most powerful of all forces? printers' ink. There is just one thing that can make ! these weapons ineffectual against the prob-J letns undertaken by the club- lack of en- ! thtisiasm on the part of Advertising 1,'lu.b j members. Collectively, we can make the wheels of i ommerce in our fair city spin at a terrific rate. Divided in ou? .thoughts and activj,- ' tics, '.vc become ;ui i' ono.-hoAc shay com pared to a twin-six automobile. Let ns all get in and work Tf Richmond is a good place to live in now. it is worth making better. 11 'j \v can 1 help? That question is easily ? u ore-l Whatever yon are asked to do. do it cheerfully and enthusiastically. Get' .?'i and appreciate the importance of the ia ii that has been assigned you and you ) ? til find real joy in doing things. ?*r <:il-'s -ail tha' "life is doing, aiul do - i;i li: There never wos n trtt'r sta.e )>:!:? true hnppincAn comes in doin.*,' hinrr- in seeing things progress, not stand ? The satisfied mnn is si failure in every ? of the word. Attend the club luncheons. You P3: somewhere. it only requires .1:1 hour and ; PROGRAM TODAY SALESMANSHIP By Prof. II. 11. Seay. .Jr.. Associate Professor of ICconomics, University of Richmond. Those who missed Professor Seay's lecture on "Retail Merchan dising" missed one of (lie treats of ihc year. Profti by this hit of auvieo mil hear him today on "Salesmanship." Luncheon at the Hotel Richmond, ! 2: 50 .sharp. ! i i a quarter of your lime to attend the Ad Club luncheons. If vnu have reached tint stage that you cannot learn something from association and intimate contact with your fellows, you are in a had way. So, attend the luncheons, take part in the work of the club, offer suggestions. Do something, if it is nothing but tall;. Make a noise like a man. The man or the woman who does not exercise the right of .iUlTrage has no right to complain of poor overnment. The same thing is true of Ad Club membership. Personal stuff Our well-known citizen and mail-order ex pert. .Milton ("one. lunv lie se?u Huicking out to the Hermitage Club on a certain morning in the week. arriving promptly at t* o'clock. object: to top a brnssie itaymond Maseev. local insurance expert, was in Norfolk last week. Isn't there enough water in Richmond, Raymond? Frank Davis, business manager of the | Merchants .lournai of Commerce, says he , never vHl forgive Henry Ford for the dirty ; trick he played on him. Exactly four hours, ' fifteen minutes and three seconds from the j ime Frank put his John Hancock to a check ; 'or one of Henry's sedans, the price of the said sedan was cut ".3 1-3 per cent. Better, luck next time, Frank. H. Morgan Shepherd was s?;en going I through Capitol Square last Wednesday. Two hours later the said Governor raised' cain *' ith the Federal bank. We are for j you. .Morgan. Kx-president Kzekicl is making frequent trips to New York lately. Is it always busi ness. Kd ? Stonewall Jackson Court Saville, orator ami diplomat, threatens to attend a meet ing of the Advertising Club soon, llopo to see yon Bob Julian Whitlock My?;> lia.s earned our everlasting gratitude, lie says hats Ior our wives are routing down. Wop" ho. Julian, but don't be like .\lr. Sua'lygrass. Dr Campbell "*hus just returned from a trip to Portland, Mo. lie says Richmond is a pretty Rood pi a re to live in. Dor. it's unanimous. W* (ill i \V (in ? Workman says one advan tage about being chairman of the program committee is that he can tnak<* a speech whenever ho wnuta to. ? Vour correspondent will no a burst forth in song. A constant drop of water Wears away the hardest stone. The conutaut gnawing Towser Masticates the toughest bone The constant cooing lovr Carries off the blushing maid. And the constant advertiser Is the one that get? the tr?d?*/ More anon. VOUR COKUKSI'ONDKNT. Heller Business liiilletiiiv Meaning of Value. Speaking generally, the value of an ar ticle is th" pti?c at which two o, in ore rep resentative stores In u certain locality are. at present, selling that article iti .t regular way. Obviously, during a period of falling prices everywhere, the "value" of certain articles is rapidly lessening The use of "regal; r prim" just now is dangerous. But "former regular price" or "originally made to sell at' would convey the truth and not weaken thy t/>e general public Better Buaine^s Bm-oau of Kiehinond, Inc. Mosmiller FLORIST 11 ft Kn>t Main Strret. All tlie season's flowers ure hen1 with all their beauty and fragrance |'|?'irh?astt rn Advertising Acenta' Asa'n. A.iaoci.tted Ail Clubs of tlie World. Virginia Trust Company The Safe Executor lHCHMOXD, VIRGINIA. l'lease Kcmember This?Our Business Is That of Acting as Executor, Guardian and Trustee. Established 185)2?Twcntj-Eiglit Years Ago?for That Purpose. >rm-Drivt Motor Tnli SAN CARLOS HAVANAS 10c Straight and 2 for 25c $t..*iO and $.*5.50 l'or liox Frank Moriconi & Co. Tenth and Main Streets. Tile Firms Who Are WLse AD-VISE "Printing of Distinction" For Ilenulta Brown Print Shop WBorc Clovernor Street Meets Franklin, Richmond, Va. Phone Madison ?8H0. Virginia Engraving Co., Inc. Photo-Engravers Artists and Designers B and 10 North lileventh St., Phone Randolph 318. The Realtors ' To Handle Your Real Estate ALLAN. SAVILLE 6c SNEAD, Inc. 501 -"-3 Ily. & Power Kldjr. Phone Hanilolph 31120-3327. Note. flrnt- (hkt dat- \ KI.DKR THUCKB aro built nM very lineal material* nion-v ran buy. and. wcond, they ar>. Hie most reasonably nrlcftd WORM J>RIVK truck* on llio market. INV15ST10ATR! kar saliks ro.. oors-nia iv?t i?ro?d hir?#t. Richmond. V?. Dance and Dine AT THE RICH KELLER K> rry Ewnini* l'roiii. 9 to 12 Excellent .Ihzz Orchestral from Boston, reduction from menu prices in the ('.rill Room. HOTEL KU'IUIONU, IV. K. HOCKETT, Mnnuger. (.'alli'iK to your altciin"S3 meu and women to eat ? Murphy's Dining Room Kightli unci Uro.ul. I Taxpayers should have th'ir accounts stated in conformity with the- K?u vr*l Tax requirements anil aeicH tiltc acc"un?.injc. We iuvite you to como in and talk over your accounting anil lax pruhlfins, or nt your request we shall call at your ottlcc. l'ulleii, Henderson & Company. < rrtlflrU I'uhllt' Arrouufnnt* II It'll ni??till. I.> hi hliurx. Ilalrixli, Vn. Va. X. C. Better Printing? Better Advertising Tkr SUoji or llrltM PrindnK Garrett Massie, Inc. i::0?-ll R. Kranhlin Mlrect Mndlios 7MD-4 Ouilding on Glas^, Cornice Sign*. Show (,'nrtl*, Bronze, llrass, Nickel itiid Ktched (.ilass Sign*. Mrlal Sibils .Made in l..u'3e Quantities. Grace Sign Co. 1 1ou t.<& North Htunib Ntrert..4 ^ ,',5 ^