Newspaper Page Text
First With the N?ws Full Assoclatod Press Report The Weather nenrrnlljr fsilr tmlny ami tomorrow. ?llb mild tom prrnlnrp. (For Wsath'r Hoport S?-? EJllorU! F'sgo) 71 ST YEAR. VOLUBIK 11 MMBKII t.Vl RICHMOND, VA., THURSDAY, .JUNE 2, 1921. ?TWELVE PAGES. PRICE, THREE CENTS. EIGHTY-FIVE KILLED IN RACE RIOTS AT TULSA. OK LA LET AMERICA'S DEAD REST IN FRENCH SOIL, IS JUSSERAND 'S PLEA GRAVES OF HEROES ARE KEPI SACRED Ambassador Stirs Audicnce at Unveiling of U. of Va. Memorial. BRYAN RAPS GEORGE HARVEY FOR "INSULT" TO SOLDIERS Rector's Slap at Envoy Draws Storm of Applause From His Hearers. ni i.i.f, \ti:s mm: ?k"'r \ in k I.nit) (iiililcs S|n-jikv nt hxrirlM.* Tixla) ?I'ilurtin ;?(?!? tn Mom fccllo. Spr. ,i| ir, t?.< Tihi..v ] ' II Allt.OTTKSVIl.l.K .1 unr> 1. ?- ???<?: :pk I'iiji ;iftf rnor.i. :,t -uivo ring ' th* moinoria 1 a t. I ? 1., 1 hi I ni v'"i'V r'f Vlrcir . > m a r dead. .?til.-y . "r i; I I 'ri-in'li a rnl-.i ? -??I't' i <1, r h? I r1 11 11 Slit's Hurt ' I .rl your so n * r -rr? .11 ri Klropin|? ..n ; h> friendly *-ojl ' France \? >i. Mi- for : 1 < ' lorr, with i*t sfitis of r.i:r ri ;?i|b ' T'Iit* t heir nfiiinrli" arc lov^l ? i ?)i> r _r,?Y*-- .1 re V'-pt -.-a. r? <1. Century *.111 1 > 11? n|"n i.ntnr> hut ? , ? 11 a 1 1? i 11 I ' ll I 11 r?- ? .i hit I M ill t vi- r t< nam il?--ii an'l rev ri ii- 1 <1 ?mr ?I i? 'i villi - fiir'iilnc Mr t it .1 1 <'I thin?--. f 1 ? <1 oi? . They of 1 > 1 ? a v... i?. . f -r 1. 1 w it h Mw * .. flu? thai .11 I- t an. > \? . I- I'.r .- la :?? ?. ? I ? n< < -I nh !i j- 1 w .1 r 1 It r> 1111. i ? I-.1 1 ' 1.1. v' t ? "ihe in ?? - : a !?'? I'll' 1 ? \ in- ri< an sol - ? ? hi \nil>'ir llarv. v " it- it 1 2." .1 m of >|>:>: ? 1 < lie -'at..I that vih.i: America :i.?d I- -.i in ? . ? ,n i.-ul'l '101 t>. in? a.- u > 'I Hi i-.. ..-11 -i i > 1.111 in n|. 1!.- an'i tiial ition would n.>1 be alii'- I r. re |l ? idealist. until |t ha'l 00m f?*|.ii?lla 1 ? 1! such as?-??ft I"us a* 1 it \t;: i.-iM-ador llnrv. v thai Atncri , .it.' Iia-l f'.nclii t-. their skins. | Urines Dcleuii l?-h TiiUPllirr. ?; lie ? v.'lll l.r ughl Hit'! lilt i III II t r . uila. t lor I In first tiin> * It?- <l<-lo-, ijilli.l ! .irnl JJUeMs. w rI<-1 for I I , t mk. .lavs hav.! I.'i-ii taking part , 1 ? ? ntPiini.i! celebration. Tli> ? 1 ri<"l ."Mni. of ill* feminine ,1 ,-.'.r'l\ i-ut uniforms of 1 Car.. n:'n and lit- mult iv "f : ? ilt > .it'd ?l'l< :;atos stood t iii mir^.-t the r ai-s-ii- outlines <1 I.- ff. r..<.n ? inii'. er>it y. 1 ... <lny. which had been opened , .1 w ? !.-oti'< tii il.-l. _r:?t.j. in < *a h' II 1 w hi.h til-- I-" 1 ?? in-11 amhassa- 1 <!? t'. tin I'nlt.-il Slat.-: and thrfo in colletfe pt ? >idci?t * i-.-sp"ii'l . I wa< rounded out t'intgiil Willi ' ? presentation <>f tlx .???nt '-ntua 1 lit "Tlif Shadow of Mi.' Build . 11 the now Mi-lniira- Mr-.-k A in- ' ?h'at.r in askms ill.- invoratton at 1 li<? ; i - :-iorial oM-rrisos. i.'haplaiu Itcvor-j I '.1 ndridc- Tiu-kor. -Ir.. IJIrt'j, pray ,-i that t n- iia 111 l uil'la/onod upr.n : the plain'- might shim- in tin h(-art? i 1fontinii'd on I'iirc a. Col. J.; BOY, 11, FACES TRIAL ON CHARGE OF KILLING 7-YEAR-OLD CHUM Youth Is Alleged to Have Slain Child in Cold Blood With Pistol. I By United NVvvs.-.) kV'-V. IN P.. June 1 ?One of the mi'.'i iiniisnal murder trials ever I,rought before an Atncriean court is l^ing eondiH-te?l in the Slarke Coun ty ?'ircuit Court here. Ci.'il Burkelt, II, is beinp; tried on r, charge of murder in first degree, it is charged that h<- shot anil Killer! in .old blood a 17-.venr-old playmat", lie nny Slavin. The defense holds tii.-it Bennie shot himself by accident. All of 1 he important witnesses i-i the case are children. On the word (? these children the jury will de , jije whether this little boy, who vent lo sleep in his mother's arm.-: this afternoon dnri^r the session, is 1 a murderer or mercl.% a little fellow v has been caught in a net of in 1 laminating eircumslnnces. Some of the children who testified scainst Cecil made him oul a s-chein Jug lit'Ie villain, capable of most any vlolenet. Others were enually as llrm that Bonnie shot himselC and that- the accused youngster is free from guilt. Norfolk $2.40, Ocean View $2.65. Va Beach 43.2S r. t. every Sunday. Lv. Broad St. Sta 8:15 and 0 A. M.?Adv. America Is On Road to Prosperity, Says Harding I Pv AyfWliitoil I'ref.-. I WASHINGTON, June I :r.nv lo tion thfii the country has |i<ictcr| the inoct Irving period of r* ad justment ati'l is on the toad tn ro eovrrv was 'I toniEht by ? Jov. rnor H&rdltiK. of th' Federal I:- ;-rve Hoard. upon completion of a i wo ttffks' fiirvcy of the agri cultural anil industrial section? of the Middle West ,?nd South. Mr. Harding travelled through Illinois, Missouri. Kansas. <ikla lioma. Arkansas. Tumryei- and AI aha ma. and il"Clar'ii he ?v. everyuh'-re gr'ai aetivit . on the f.ittnr. and an abundtiic, <.f !arm labor, 111> appa r< ritl> every acre of i;ind ?*ij!t iviitoil. h* re*' foi ? be ing utilized tnis y>ar. I'o trip confirmed my convic tion that w< in this country have ti??-.\ passed til' tlion trains pTiou <f t|i<- world? 'A'ide readjustment of trad? an<| price* and ire on th? r>ad 'o r<*o\?ry." said Mr Hard* Hlt Difficulty in Financing Project.-) Being Overcome. Says Reserve Bank. OUTLOOK IS PROMISING Dealers in Lumber. Brick and Other Materials Report Brisk Demand. Hiiiidinu operations are showing t h- liiplieM total valuation for new work r? ported since the Federal Ke s. r\e llatik of rticllinond hepan Ooiil Pilit.c monthly usurps. according to ih- tneMhly bulletin issued h.v that ir >l't ij? ion yesterday. Orders 10 huildiltK material dealers are coming in potter, as compared with condi tions last fall. There are still many obstacles to le overcome, the bul letin says chief anions which arc itthcullics m tinan-inc building pro. )? ? ts and Mi' hiuli wagos in the hutiditic trades. Many steel and lumber dealers complain. rh- huOtiu states, that their business cannot become entirely satisfactory until the railroads enter the market for 'heir normal supply of these products An optimistic note, however, is struck by the re port of the Southern and North Oar olina t'ine Associations for April and lh<- early part of May. which shows that consumption is now ahead of production in the commodity they handle. I?. aiers in lumber and brick say that their prices have fallen from la to :ifl per cent in the last thirty (Continued on I'age 2. Col. 2.) 2.'(-CellI t.nsoline In Miilillir, MOKII.K. A I.A.. Juno 1. The uric* of casoline in Mobile look another nimble when it was quoted al 2:! cents at practically all of (he tilling stations in the city, a cut of 2 cents, as casoline has sold for 25 cents a gallon for the past several months. Britain Determines to End Irish Revolt by Use of Great Army. BUT IS READY TO ACCEPT SINN FEIN ALLEGIANCE If Republicans Electcd to South I Irish Parliament Take Oath Peacc Is in Sight. I.OMIOV June I.? \ llrilish ><>.! olirI mm ohnl itnsi killed tintl ;i ri rn lifcteil fcfililinr itn? Killed Itv n Inimtt !???plnMnn in I In- ?l:i?V incidents <>f ihr IrUh Itetirllinn. I nliinrl I'riirwk hak tik*>nnsnittfri| lit civilian* nt lii? home in I mini)' I An iilliflnl rnmmiinl(|Ur that nnr m>ldl?-r ?a< Killed nml lliree nounilril nlirn ri'tirln threw n hnmli in lllrohinRKin "Irrrl, Dulilin. lit M. ?lohnitmi. I nst?d Nfws St iff <'or respondent. 1/iNI'iriN, .fiiti? 1. -The Hritish pov j'rntmni is preparing fir a final mill ; r:tr> drive in th? South "f Ireland A ! iiifivonunl for war or pe.i'-e- war lo j 11 ? annihilation of Sinn Kein. or t pfsiy o!>tained Lhroush the threat of war. w hI hever t h ? south of Ireland j r |. tto choose. If the newly ol-clcil members "f ih<- .-'<>uth?Tii Parliament refu-e t" tak*?i th. oath of allegiance. and. thc-refon- riiuM: to function under t hv hy no rul'- bill. Iia 11 a I ion after battalion of Rritl-'h troops will ?hft ferr;ert across the channel, pourinc int" ? vcd city and town outside of t'l.-ur. driving into lh.- hill*, comb ing tli. hill.- f.?r rob. Is. and staging ,i short. -harp, aii'l probably decisive conflict. That much i- authoritative. How | -fis an army England intend* to Bond* it'out inu> d >?ii I'ag* -? Col. 5. DECLARES CONDUCT ON FLYING FIELD "DISGRACE"' l Hy Associated I'ress.) WAS11INijT" ?N, .Inin* 1.?IiivrMisa ] tioii of conditions in the air mail ' service ha! shown that a Checker board I'lying Kiold. ?'li iMB". thcie lias 'been i-on? itl'-l :ihi' incompetency in connection with tin service, and ?1rniik? nnes.s and disgraceful conduct "11 and off ih?- ticld." iil< J'ost-ufTlce Ijepartincnt announced tonight Tin- announcement referred i.o the removal of officer.- there, previously made public, and said I wa- li"t bt~ 1 jeveil "tlure will he any fut^hor sit uation^ found wherein it will he o'cessa: > t" tak. such .sivcpiim dls . iplinary action as at Chicago." A final report o 11 cond tions at >>Uier ?toints is expected within two or t It weeks "PEGGY" JOYCE'S BIRTH AND MAIDEN NAME ARE MYSTER Y TO HUSBAND AND A TTORNEYS Whs Telephone Operator When She First Stepped Into Prominence?Actress' Dark Past Will Be Delved Into When Case Is Resumed. lit .lames |? KilRiillrn. ! By United N e ws. | CHICAGO, .June I.? Who is?or was ? IVgpy Joyer? Whore was she born'.' Who are her parents and wha* wa.i her maiden name.' What seminary, if any. did I'eggj attend V What was ?<he doiiiK before sl:e turned up as a telephone operator in a Denver bote) just before idio met her first wealthy husband.' These rather leading questions, a mystery to her third and presen f millionaire hiishand. J. Stanley Joyce of Chicago, and .Joyce's attorneys who have conducted an exhaustive Investigation, are expected to ho mercilessly delved Into when the hearing on Peggy's plea for ? 10,000 a month alimony is resumed next week. v No one seems to know an>thin^ about Pej;py before she bobbed lip in Denver where she was maried to Kverctt A Arc hi ha 1/1. In 1010. Joyce's attorney, Alfred S. Aus Irian, says he doesn't knuu'. "Who] is this Peggy per.-^n. anyhow? Is his way of putting it. Iff hasn't j been able to find out. She is ji?st Peggy, the frail "hire" of million tires. and. allegedly. of prlncrs, dukes. bartendes and ramblers?a peeiiliarlv fasinal in>; alln-it eoslly youiiK woman. It has been saiil that she was horn] in Norfolk, Yii., :ui<l that her parents'| name was Sutton, l>ui a search of Ihf- hirth rwords at Norfolk- has failed to reveal any otlutlul cog nizance of pengj Sutton At Peggy's law.xers oilice. mysier.v is o'pially dark. The I'nited Niwa was lold there that it was believed that Peggy's maiden name was Ma run ret Upton, hut nothing do - finite concern is Pcggy'w early his tory was ohtainahlo. ? Weymouth Kirkland, Peggy's law yer, is going to New York tomorrow to see her about filing a reply to Mr. Joyce's latest charges. It is conceivable that bo may?em phasis on the may--find out who Is? or wan?Pegsy Joyce. President Makes Personal In quiry Jnto Present Ship ping Conations. HARDING TELLS OF DISTRESS OF WESTERN FRUIT GROWERS Roarls Renew Plea to Have Government Pay Its Debt to Them. ( P- Associated Press.) V. \ >11 I N"< iTi ?.\ Jijiir I,?iVhili raiir?>ad executive.- ,w ir prctflnc .<e-I ror- Congress tort.iv thrir pica for re- I lief from*-1 ? I embarrassments I'rrvld' |i ii . rditig took >| r. . ; nc '"?D l<> Hilj.'-fi hiin . lf i Kit :i \ j .i?.11 '?( int.'.. part icutarl) <in i ' "ill*' w ii 1 I ^ |..i rt oi t h. railw r. i>lj . ini.-nl W.ilkiiic; unnoticed into the .cfTicn "f 1 he Interstate Commerce Com mission t he Pr'sident inquired of the ? ommissioners what they were doing toward the relic; it .shipper.1-' ulio ?nl found some ot the present raies I unreasonably hurdc::som< II. w.ia | :-ss tired thai tlv w hole subject was ; I'M'lor invchtit.-;, t ^.n ,I f ?< ] t H;i f the ? i?m - inis: -1 ? ? ti hoped so..n tf. eft', ct broad ! r< \ isions through th. voluntary .to tion of thf* rond.v OiM'iis.s ilniillnc < linri:f!?. The hatilinc charts for fruit pro ducts iivi r Western ro;,.|v were made a spr-elllc example by Mr. Ha rdlng j in prising hi*- inquirUs. 11r told fh?"' members of the <*orninih>ion h<* had r^orivofl ininy reports of diro disti ? s.s ;irnonp tho WcMlcru fruit i |crow<r? hr-crauy. of th*> existing hich j t ?? t ?? s, and a^kcri who t hoi* ohanposi 1 micht ho expecto^l soon The coin- j | mi i> si on of!i* *ial> r^pJi*rJ tho fruit ; schedul-}, already were receiving In-I formal consideration. Although -il w . s indi at-d l he ques tion of ratey prompted :h.* President's . ' "'I "" the commission. jt was muted during th. half hours j ??"iiferenee titer. . .. was some men. jUon of the roa.l. proposal that the, I K'.vornment ?!i~.-1. . i ge at once iiB |oobt to, them s;r..*.,fi .,m Kederal j ??. ntrcl This proposal was renewed I f fore the ,-'ei;ate Interstate ?'om- j j mcr. o r.immlti.f' during tlie day by j Samuel flea, president ,.f ;I,pnnsvl- ! I van;a line:-, who argued such .i.tioni , would l.r nr. more than keping the| j word of the govrrnmen' civen at (|lt% tim. the roads were taken over. ? onsliler Pn.vinK Oelu. i I he suggest Ion is known .to have I received careful considerstion by the, , ' resident and his advisers, and was Hie subject of a conference venter- j dav heiw.en Mr Harding. Chairman I Cummins. .,f the Interstate Commerce < 'omtnit: ee. and Dir. .-tor <! | I'a vis. ,.f die railroad administration. 1 I her. has been no indication, how-! I ever, of a decision. 1 In visiting the Interstate Commerce ! j Commission to.i.,y \ir ll-rding tech- ! | nicall.v was dealing with a part of J I the government entirely outside the! | execut iv. branch, and he assured the! : commissioners he had (,.,ne simply | ?ii th.- interest of cooperation and! general uelfiir. Sine. T(. bail ..flj 'in. riphi to communicate with Con gress regarding rate explained, he felt tb.n he might enjoy the samel ? Continued on Page *?/.?. :? > | 'CHARGE INSURANCE FIRMS SPECULATED WITH FUNDS I Ft> Associated Press J M:\V Y? >11K. .lunc i._.Charges thai iiiau> large fire insurance companies speculate,! extensively in the stock market, using funds paid in bv the policyholders, and accusations' that th. New york I'ire Insurance Kx hange use,| despotic methods In dealing with sprinkler Units not as sociated with the alleged sprinkler combine, featured the testimony at today's bearings of the legislative committee investigatinc Jhe buildinc t rust. Samuel Dcutchhergcr. chief . x "niiuer r.f the fire insurance com panies for the State insurance <]? - ] par intent, testified that some c.un panics had indulged in more than I.ftftft individual transactions on the stock market in one year. The wit ness testified that such companies, were permitted I.. Invest reserve sur pluses in any solvent corporations. "Virtually making the sky the limit" commented Samuel I ntermv. r. chief counsel for the investigating committee, who dux-led the exami nations of the witnesses. MARY ELIZABETH WILLARD BRIDE OF MERVYN HERBERT MAI?rtll\ June | Mary Willard. daughter of los. ph K. \\ il lard, I'nl led Slates ambassador lo Spain, was married at n?}oii today lo Meivvn llrrbcrl. Senelarj of the. iirilish i:i.ibass\ in Madrid, un! half brother of (he Karl of Carnarvon GLADYS DEACON ENGAGED TO DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH I .ON DON", June I.?The lamdon Times announces the engagement of the Duko of Marlborough to Gladys Deacon, daughter of the late Rdward ! Parker Deacon, of Boston, Mass. INCENDIARY FIRES IN CITY'S NEGRO SECTION LEA VE 5,000 HOMELESS; 500 WO UNDED SUPREME COURT DRY RULING ANNULS OLD REVENUE LA WS; HASTEN ANTI-BEER MEASURE i llou-e. ?lurlicinry Committee Am*t?cs on liill Outbiwiny Ileer as Medicine. IB;. \ssociated Prcsi? I WASHINtiT<"?N. Jun>' I ?The Vol ?-1 ????-? rl bill, dositinecj to prevent the use of medical beer. whs ,1 rrpi rl upon today by the House J udiclary t'otn inlitff, u hieh will rcpDri it t'? t!??? Hoiss?-. probably tomorrow. with a request for it.- immediate passage. Prohibition !*?;?r|?rrt> declared there ?''r' votes enough to put it through I.. fore th>- burt ??! of internal rev.-nue > ould make .(Teetivc propose! recu la t ion: b>. whi.'h beer ? ould pr? : ??rw'li?,il i.r tin- .? i i t n ir und< r a ru'ltir: ? f .rut. r Attorney-tJen* raI PalnKi. Althoutrh t)i. measure as .? w|iol? would mak? tin prohibition enforce ment art ntnrr drastic r^procpnlii ? tives of th- drui; and flavoring extract ' i U'li w on tb. ? Jiisltl auainst a J t ion requiring tin- medicating or d< - ' Maturing 01 alcohol. prior to it." with drawal from *.a rehouses and dis tilleries f..t manufacturing purpose*. These and other trades doclaroii such restrictions would work a hardship on legit itnate Industries whoso pro [ ducts wore not for drinking. Chairmar. Volstead. I>y direction of jthc committee, introduced late today ja re-draft of his hill, slightly modi ! li'-il in some particulars. The sect ion prohibiting Importation and matin I facture of liquor until the stocks now 'Continued on Pace 'J. c'of. 3.) | HOUSE PEftCE BESQLliTlON DIFFERS FROM KNOX PUN I'nliUc in That No l'ro\ ision for, !<c|)Pntinx Declaration l> I ucl titled. WAS IMTlODl'CKl) VIISTKKOAY I Vcnstirr 1'rovidos Thai America utid Its Nationals Will Have All Ulfilifs to Collect I ii<I?>iii nil Jim I I ndcr Armistice Terms. I By Associated Pros? j WASHINGTON. June I.?The Por t ci peace resolution, for termination "if the state of war between the .'nitcd States and Germany and Aus tro-lluiiitary, as approved by l.cpub i ir.iii members of the Foreign \ff.*?irs - Coinmjttee. was introduced late to j Hay in the House. Pnlike the Knox peace resolution, i ' reeentlv passed liv the Senate, the ! measure -taken no proviison for re- ! seating the de.laralion of war It | will be considered and probably re- j (Continued on Pace " Col 4 i I PRICES ON 3 1-2 LIBERTY BONDS AT LOWEST MARK l N'KW YORK. June 1 -Further j selling today of liberty 3 1-2 per cant tax exempt liberty bonds" forced the price ..f that issue down to rhe Viwest quotation in their history. This represents a net loss in these bonds over night of f.?; points. ' ?ther liberty issues were heavy on increased offerings, but victory notes held firm. Selling of lit.rtyj :tl-2s. according to reports in the' financial district, proceeded mainly I from interior sources and was' ascribed lo the increasing linancial i needs ?>f individuals ami Institutions. Kightrrnlh Amendment ;nn! Vol stead .\??? Supi'isodPs For mer Knnct nirnt.s. | Hy Associted Press.) WASHINGTON. .tunc 1.?Various internal revenue laws enacted prior to adopt ton of tli. eightor nth amend. ti'i'-lit aiul designed to .'ftvfr illicit dlMillini; haw boon ?n per:-ed< .1 an! annulled 1.- tho a ni'ti'l til on t anil t!if Volstead a<'t. the Supretiv ii-t h? , J toilay. Tin ???"?? i r t sustained t ho Unified Stat?.- lxi.-triet r'miri in Oregon in ? lu.i.shin^ .hi indict merit. under i lie old Mai'.Ues. against Yugttio v . h ami Cousin Bo?e VuRinovi. h, on tin- i. round tliat no off-no had boon charged iiii'ior t li?? Vol >t end m l. Miss Annoito Adams. As.'istant At torney .< Jeneral who appeared lor tho Rii'i'ininiui in an'tit-.- tin .a.-. be fore tiio Supreme Court. Mini tho oftoi t of tho i tsion would li. t< ibate prosi'i-ut ion in a number '? run's in which indictments w r similarly based. and possibly cause tho romit ta noo of linos imposed in i-,ifos alr<*'.id\ decided contrary i<> to. day's ruling. ' >n tho other hand, Wayno H. Wheeler. counsel for t iio Anti-Sa loon League of Amorica. tooke the stand tonijiht that tin decision woulil servo as furthor support for the ? Iry foroos. In tho course of its opinion, tho court agreed with tlto (Continued on Pago 2, Col. 3.) HUN TROOPS BEATEN OFF BY FRENCH' GARRISON (jorniMii Nohiiors l>fi\o llark Poles in Haltlr in Pnsnwit/. \V<ioi Is. 112 Kill,ill) AMI :tI WOIMU'M) Polish Insurgents Fori'i'd to l-'loo in Flash at Aniiahcrg?Germans Charged With Having nidations With Knrmy imprisoned. | By Associated Press.] OPPKI.N*. S!I,KSIA. .1 line I.?A grave situation Is reported at Ben ton, whore tho Simians attacked the French garrison .'iinrp tichrini fellow.-d in which the Oermans Here repulsed and a en.liber of them were kill d In heavj lighting this afternoon in tho. Posnkitz woods, near <!ross slrehlilr., the PoIoh wore compelled to f;iil back before tho onslaught of tho ?'Sernians. The ?'iertiKins report their casual ties as twelve dead and thirty-olio wounded, who were taken to Krap pit/ The Polos loft 1 :u> dead on tho Hold Their woumleil were remov* <1 Polish ItolK-ls llentcn lir Duns. ANNAlSKKt!. SII.KSIA. .luno l.~ Polish insurgents winch attacked riorman defence organisations In ibis little village, hiiv. been defeated and were rot r eat in^ aort lieast ward dur ing the night Following repulse of the polish at tack. the liernians launched a counter offensive, driving the Polos a4- far as Kalinow. about three mile* to tho northeast, and the I'nlM are reported to bo evacuating tho village of Schimischow. MRS. MARY DOOLEY JONES, KNOWN FOR WAR WORK AND CHARITIES, DIES, AGED 82 Was Widow of Captain Robert McCandlish .Jones, Con federate States Army, and Sister of Major James H. Dooley?Active in Relief Work. Mr:'. Mary Dnoley Jones. widow of ; <Vii plain Kohert MrOandlihli Jmmu. j I'oiifcikriiio States Army, and sis ' Icr of Major James II. l?ooley. died la?! night at the a?e of xj \ears. 1 a: .'clock .it her residein e, It H ll.'ixt Mum Street. after an illness ot ; ? ? -<t flays. Mrs. Jones was tiie d.n;sli- i ter of (In<- Major an'I Mrs. .lolin |>ool'-N o' 'Ins i-ily I for father anil hlisi.anO. vlioin she married in May. 1st! I. were I.mli mouthers of the Kirs I Virginia liogimont. Confederate Stall's Army, dur'nfj tlio War Itetweon t he States and were in I'tokett'H famous charge at * iQltyshurg. Mrs. Jones. an Indefatigable knitter, waw a loader in the woman's work conducted in Hie old Confeder ate 5ov?5rnment luilding. tvhlrh was later 'the Women's College, at Tenth .?nil M.i:>hit!S Streets. during the War l'r I w.-o'i i In Slati'S, and was ex- | ir> nii'l'. .*???? ivf in woman's world wiir i Worlv. Sl.o was il rhiil'ltl' member of ! and -:i-1 ii' worket I'ui the liqiial ' SufTia*r- a t!*l registered two MfoUj. as ' Mr# .1?? ii? ?- v>.is. for many ! sear--. ;i member of Si Peter's con- j Kri'fialimi and much loved for her ! fctivc and far-rcacliin;* charitic-. l?Mii< ? ).< r brother. she is survived h.v four sisters, .Miss Alice IViolpy, Mm. Henry (I Houston and Moilior j M iry M;iK(lalrn |)oo|i y. of Mottle j Maria Con vent, all of Richmond, and j Mr* William I>. I.ovvts, of Sweet | Springs. W. Ya.; four nieces, Mlsn I Nora Houston, of Richmond. Mrs. Jarvjs Keiloy, of Now York: Mrs. I'ar.V l>rocUenriui;o Woodvillo, ami Miss Coralie is, of Sweet Springs. W. Ya. Martial Law Is Proclaimed in Tulsa Following Hours of Terror?Situation Is Under Control of Military and Colored Residents Are Protected by Strong Guard TOLL OF DEATH INCLUDES 25 WHITE MEN; ORDERS ISSUED TO DISARM ALL CIVILIANS Citizens Take Charge of Refugees, Giving Injured Prompt Attention?Flames Threaten White Resi dential Section as Firemen Are Prevented From Combating Conflagration i - I Kv Assooia N-<l Pr.-ss I II I.SA. OKI.A.. June 1 Now tiglfting has broken otjt on North | lireenwood Avenue. the principal negro business district. according to j t fireman J ?! returned from tlie scene, who says the tire trucks were ? tired upon by four negroes. State troops have also been tired upon, he said. Race riots today resulted in the death of cighty-tive or more per sons. Including twenty-live whites, and the wounding of moro than J 500, according to estimates by the police, and in the destruction of ten blocks of homes in the negro quarter. Despite the. placing of the I fit y under martial law-today, desultory tiring continued during the I afternoon, but the city this evening was comparatively quiet. Four j companies of the National Guard, under Adjutant-General Barrett, are on duty. The reported death list grew all day. At noon the Chief of Police ; notified Governor Robertson at Oklahoma City that the total was 'seventy-live. In one statement Major Charles W. Daly, of the Police Department, put the figure at saying he believed many negroes had been burned to death in their homes. Of the white men known I to have, been killed, five have been identified, as follows: | Homer Cline, 17. Tulsa; Cleo Shumate. 24. Tulsa; Emmett Buck lev. 35. Leroy, N V.; Carl D. I.otseisch, Randall, Kan. Man previously identified as F. M. Raker. Haviland. Kan., believed to be Norman iGillard. Tulsa. The trouble is declared to have started last night from the arrest I of a negro charged with attacking an orphan white girl, and subse quent attempts of negroes to rescue the arrested man. Comparative 'quiet prevailed in the later hours of the night, but at daybreak a group of negro houses were set afire and the city firemen prevented from fighting the (lames. As a result of the. tires 5.000 negroes are j homeless. Armed white men formed a circle about the negro section. SEEKS POWER FOR HOUSE IN TREATY RATIFICATIONj tiriflin A^ks VolMoad's Aid in I'ijllH to Cliaiii!!! I'on stitutinii. 1 I By United News 1 i WASHINGTON. Jn.if I.? Kepivsen t*iti?. Arthur <!ritliu. of New Yotk, calling atteiiiicu to tlio gr^vins part the lovvor ' .??.'inch of CoiiiCi *ss is r.lay'nt! hi foreign policy lc<.ui'on, li;:s written i.'halrniun Volstead. of the Hons - Judiciary Ootnmilt ?. urg ing immediate i-niiunillfv conaulera ? | 11 or . i the firiMin resolution to aim-nd ' ? her < "?>nsi M i Hi n by providing fori -atiflcation of a treaty h> a majority ioio of the II and S? nat -. "1 ttiini: ih<- tini? i.s rip?- ' ex it nsion ???' ..os power l" the uotis.*," lirillin w rot ? "I think the people are beginning t > realize thai i' an itnoinal.x in our Const itntion that th?*j direct representatives ??f the people! should tie <lenie<l a share in I lie re-j -pojisibllit i?- coiin'-etcd with ire.its I making ami 11 ;? incidents." NEGRO RIOTERS IN TULSA ' RIDDLE TRAIN WITH BULLETS l I:> A'-sociated press | OKLAHOMA i'ITY . i 'K LA.. June I. - KviiJene,. of III.' fury of ih. race ? lash was borne r?y a St. Louis ami ?an Francisco pass- titer train which arrived lure today from the Kast. Many of the windows in one of the coaches hail biTii shot out ami the sides nt the coaches w?rc seal-red I? y bullets 11 red oil the train as it passed throiurh the neRro section In Tulsa early today. None of th. pass, n- ! tiers w. re injur. d .1 K. Lucas, a traveling salesman.! who arrived here today from Tilsa cave a vivid account of the lighting it the vicinity of the St Louis and Sail Francisco passenger station. NEGROES IN TULSA RIOT REACH BARTLESVILLE BAllTLKSVll jLIS. OK I,A . June I ? Scores of the negroes who tied from I ulsa early this morning following ?he tiring of that section "f the i-ity in which they had lived, arrived here late today and more were arriving tvery few minutes. The r- i"nn?? s also eani' here from Owassa ami ?'oil i lis vil !??. m a r Tulsa anil wher. it was rcpori.'d si^ns of trouble were seen. M.-'iibers i>f tli< American Legion ha ve loruieil a en.n il over I ? ? 11f '.'OP refugees, among them women and liiblreii who lia ve been l a ken to the eii*.' park for the night Want Shoddy I lothr* l.itlx-lled. WASHINGTON. June I. Need of legislation to compel the labelling of shoddy clothes as such was pressed today before a. Senate committee, which began hearings on the Capper* French "truth-in-fabrics" bill. The measure is designed to accomplish in textiles what has been done for foods and drugs by the laws prohibiting adulteration and misbranding in those lines. I'lrc department officials expressed the belief early this afternoon the white residence districts would ho saved from the (lumen that are still rating in the negro section. With martial law in effect in the city and county, three or more companies of national guardsmen plu.-id at stra tegic points in the negro quarter, orders issued to disarm all citizens and approximately fi.flrtrt negroes un der guard in detention camps, of ficials expressed the heli?>f that the situated is under control For several hours during the morn ing parties of negroes and whites faced each other across railroad tracks, on which could he seen a number of slain negroes. \e?r??e?? i'lneed I nder (?tinrd. With the eariy arrival of Adjutant <ieneral Barrett and a machine-gun company from Oklahoma City, a ri-mhlnnce of order was restored. Several thousand negroes were as sembled at Convention Hall, the base hall park and the police station, and there guarded Orders were issued for the disarming of all persons nor. iieinugini; if> the guard, or especially deputized. ' Detachments of national guard were scattered about the city at strategic points especially about the negro quarter, where to 1."?.0ft0 tifirroes. i' is estimated, make their homes Nearly half that number are now under guard. Diek Rowland, the negro, whose arrest led to the disturbance, was removed from the city to an unnamed place Officers declared he would be given a speedy triat Prompt medical attention was civen to the wounded, negroes as (Continued on Page 4. Col. i.) PLAN SUMMER CRUISE FOR ATLANTIC FLEET IN EUROPEAN WATERS Half of Warships to Visit Brit ish Port and Others French Port. I By Associated Press. J \V\sm.\tJTON, .111 n e, i ?A cruise to Kui'opcan waters by the Atlantic t'eet thl? summer is under consld erution at the Navy Department,, .t h.ij leamc.l today. The scheldule of employ nient for the fleet for tho summer. as submitted to the de partment hv Admiral H. P. Wilson. I'lnnui nder-in-i hief. calls for a visit to two European port s m Angus'.. The project iias not as y< t heert formally approv ed l>y Se> retary I lenbv. The tentative plan <alls for H'.m flc-t's depature from New YorK. August I. Twelve days would l><> spent a* sea in taetital maneuvers and excorcisep. and the first port would he visited August 12. Half of the fleet would visit one por' pron ably in France, and the other a port in fircat Pitain. No decision has been made as to tho cities to !><? visited. Rrdu. -ed Week-Knd ami Sunday F*res to West Point.?Adv.