Newspaper Page Text
"First With the News" Full Assoclatod I'rcss Report 71 ST YliAli. VOl.t'MR T. M Mi??;u ifti The Weather Pnrfl* ??lomlt it ml ?nrnt?Mi : tie morrow t m<I. |?r"l?nli|> rr*, niiU rnoler l?,v iiiitlit. (Kor weather Kcport ????? b'dltortal I***' PRICK'. THRRF. f'F.NTS. GEDDES URGES BRITAIN AND AMERICA TO UNITE FOR PEACE OF WORLD Ambassador Brings Ringing Message to University of Virginia Audience. DELEGATES TO CENTENNIAL VISIT JEFFERSON'S HOME j I Pilgrimage of Distinguished Guests to Monticcllo Is Feature of Day. I'INMII IN II ISTl Iltl( ' IIOI'I MH l?r?rr?-s Will Hi* ? Miifrircil Till Morning?i menial .Mei-l inijH Mi'lil Ijiilfr. f.Spe- I..1 The I'lim t- ? I ii j < Il.\ l;l.r?TTl - vii.M; VA .luiif Th>* u.n|.f i-iliti ? In I ??.. ??? i:n>' .ilnl Ii . It |. ?| Htati-fc wa ?*re>.i.| i I . I ^ r A uck la nl 1 ;? 'lfl< - I r ? 't Ii .1 tn I .1 ' t . ? .. ' r.H.-U .-?at.-j-. :?>l>tr< ei-nl' ' suti :? i.f tin I nlvi-rsitv ??( Vir In I In ii. a i Ii ? ? k a ;: .ph.! hi-an-r. . IVif .i mi'i.i,r not .'ill* ? iw rt t:;i [i. i> ? 1>. ' w . . i, | it. ? v <<'.pea k 'lil [HI.;.].- Iml -ai>i fh.if fir- w:i-li<-i| ? o all t i> Klliril-ll ? pi-.l k 1T1K p. '.pie* ..f tn>. wurl'l li.ilirl. r\ !'>K' Ihrr in a a'l. r - h i p of nations "to ilir . r;i a! ? i .j j>. .n'f. ll. it. t'-nz"1 war .i.- f nt li? ami 'iime ? ?>? ? nary ami f-.t 1 H ii (iii <1 it y rviry iimmtmI)' lo plant It ib>- tliiii'!.? ' tit mm iiit< I|o. tii.i .?'ilMr. ti :i trin un- ? ? Ir- rs' a t.'I imi- .it ??> ? ''"ft, *o : that n? vo . u-Itt -ho.ii '? !.\ u III 11?.? lot t h> ir tiaii'i-.- turt' t he ilr>'..-l (i r' ? ? t rn mi-1.' ? ' irmi>." I li.iv.- ' tiiat a In n I. as Kr.isli .!?..?? i- i'i ? r cp<-.ik of pi-,. . I .?.?j-, um;;i!I> suppo-'.l l.> smiie in ivy ;.-i|n-r r< ;"-rt ? r to i|r> t ? ? :nm. -I la or <-ar outbri-ak "i war l>etwi-i-ii; ? 'ir n w T l?in aii'l ni;ii'-,' ??,..! .\inl*as , .1- t ? :? M? f \\ I ill* Nation-. Jul nr.I fur I'fliri'. \T ,i \ I - a \ 1 i-a I a in not .. i ? ' . rout ii;-iani ? ii ? l ?-1\ i ll i'l y int.. Ho 'u' i;rr of ;..-l w.-.-n .ut pcopl. s o i.'i'Vi.'ii; .1 ||< I ?>.- t> ?? ? ?' 11 ll J - I i.'.nai liv.r thai I H-. ni.i flreani ; h<- < nnl :ti?-'.-n- of ; rnptur. >\ ii i ,?> rp .-on .-rii'-'l with is - mi. tin ii: *i-At f?i*niis to rrtfar ur.-at. t- -I nobl'-r I v i Ii :?> '? >* * Knjilisli speakins peopl. ? i.f t!ie world ha nil .-M topetlu r r*h p of all th* nation*, lo th- era of ? orlil pc-are. an<l, H.? a firM step to the rr.i In a hich th'- vars whl.-h pvi>n now ..n rc< "pnt7.i? a" fiiTilo ami unni-cpf sary, am iloti" with fori-v-r "Nations oannot squandor thoir best anil maintain iho standard of tli? r ?tock. Chllrtrtn tend to l>r like the n,i rpn t s thai th'- nation Irts thftn v,-1 v,> gi-ti.-r.'itinn a'ti-r Koiii-ration the stofk may tr> to ircl hack '.o it?i aur'-stral typo, loit ihi- >trliiBi-nt ' ?ion of war. ns Konic um?iI. w ? I n tho I'-i.t liol'l tlo- populal on ;u rh.- IcVl-l t" clll.-ll ><--|.-rl l'?l? Vlrllr mill llrinf ^iirilir. Vor ne.'l w> l ar thai praco will j rot the vitals of ii nation. After ? ?o o<*nftirii-- in wliii-h slir kn'-w no ir Japan provp'l In r i-ourage on i ii l>a11|..'tleli]M of Manchuria. This is what we should exin-cl. In tin ... .,, ..ful striig^l - :?t ??x:st'-iice there -. a pri-niiiini pI;11-? ? ? I on llie virtues. | I .- vlrll' ii it 11 i In- hrav. survive;; Is,?. Kill- w eak a ml ili.-sipa I eil =.. lo the i I. ..iiiinui .l on I'ajii- ilol. - ) Wilson Renews Loyalty to the U. of Va., In Message to President E. A. A Mem an (pi-clul to Th?- Tlni" a? I >i>|>at?:l? | < ll.MU/' I Tl. ;VII.Ui. .1 iit* - ? I tic follow inn IcM.-r wiik i ? .?? J to lln' I < !it<rnni:?l rl?'l"'Ca t f - ;?' I "ni - Vi-r.-llyof Viru IIin (-M rrii^ toil ay floln forili'T I'i< .?? 'I' lit \\ i.\v Wilson ;i I ? 1111 Ii-l Ui'' i !j "f 1 ?SI r "My I a ar Mr. A T ?1 ?mill*??: ' It is v illi h<-.?r!t? lt n i;r? ? t .it I ttri'l myself unable t? ? uttfn-i th< u"-?-;it f?-~tival "t tin ntiiv<-r.sitj i !'? t |)i ii n i . i ; t v u : i . . n . II in*: ;ifr? ? !|on. a It, Tl a ? I < I ? > with tli- k" tu-.'t Inter" ? ati'l with 111.1 f: I - , i ? i ? ? . < I?> ohta lil" ?lii> . ! !- !?? i .hi r lav ti' .itpl 1': tli" i-t 'ii i' ting ? ??;i.? r? ? tii u . ? ! .i \ < i -t t ?> ] Kullie: iiiM.iit tin .?<? -i ti K Minor II via . ,i .?ri-at t> . in i, and I 1?? ? ifl n . 'If Ii > ]M i in.ini .: ']> lil -r "May I not . > jit ? <l" ri' ""I>i t t .H lii;: !???' :: \ ? :. tin Iiltivn. ' :i,.i. ';iV.? nn II' W III"' ' 'With a if- t i\;i'i\ ? > [hi ti'.l'I' uti. v< : i: "K ? ,i ?\i ii I; 11 :? i \\ V. Ii, . \ " HLHH MtS FULWILEH SOUTHERN OUT OFFICE# ? l'r!ii|l<'lon, of lialr ? in. A|?|i<?im???I I'loliilijtion llin'r. tin* fur > irginia. hi rices to it i. m \ i \ iiKit!; Itcprt-M-m at iv<? i'. Ilasrom Slrnip Aniwiiinif- I!. \. \mlorMin, 'of Marion, \\ ill lie Knltii*<'**m<'Ui ? Mliccr rot I .Jito. I .*'[?< ? IJ to T . T-: .. ? ? h. ) V. A.-ll I > . ; !? .N J i ?..tutnlh Mf.n. r <.f Int. i i il lie i mi" Watr t.. 'l-i ? in k.'i i ?? ? i ii ?met' nt U"l.i "t A I 'ii ' v? ? r .1 mill* nt ft' publi an ?Hi)--: f St.! ?J l>??.n \ a I o l>e -in: I'. pvoIim t.-.n aitmt fur I ti? .-?tilth department which ii" i|il? ? thi >' 11. nt Yir Kit i. I ' i ilui.i > >utii ? if .;iii:i T>nn< ? ami K<*11111 Ky. At tin value t;m. Mr l!la:r an r.i-'iii' .-d ih< ,ipp<>; n Um-tit of I'har'. s ' I'' ndli'ton of ? * 11 > . \'a , to thr l-Vder.T '.iii'hi!. i mi direct.i- f"r \ 1 r ulhia. mii ? ilitii; I. .i: II Mii'.hi n. Tli'' Killul!< t .1 Pl"'llittiiriit u ,c iv. elusive] fi>t<<| mi Th" T':tti-s l>.s patch t? i il.ijf afi Mk ho11 (.? j ? ?. I >: an leader.- ... Ken lin k > ml \ rirlni.i acrii-d to <tip,'..rt tl . Yir p ?li ni t./r th- priMlioi It ha-l liri n Intimat'd t h'* ii that t|n head'iuar- , it.i if tin Sou'lnrr. department n.ght transf-md from lUfhnioinl in Staiint-'ti as a matter ??( ? nnvitil ence to the new prohibition agent.! T.iday'p am "iun-< nwut I.v.-r. i.<1 leat<i\ tliii: the h d<|il.irl. t- ..f 11? r r-'liil ,i> well a.1- that ..V the St .it- <lir< . inr auuld prnbahtv re-! ina ?. w II l e It is It*-Jirfsi'tua11v? ' I*..i Sietnp announced todav t it f: \ Anderson ? >f Marlon. Vn would natit. il prohit ilion erifur ? m. nt . olllfCr fur Virginia. SIMPLE FUNERAL FOR GEN. HORACE PORTER; N I:W Y'*>H K. June ? i ienera! Horace Porter's rc<|iiest that his funeral In ihe simidest a man could ! have -a word, a ?onc or two anil a i pravor- was ? ?? ?r?iplied with totiay. The wiinl ami prayer wore ?.atd hy i Hi v. .1 ilism Kclntan. 1 >. [v. at the Kifth Avenue Pre.sbyterian I'hurch. Th.> j soups wore 'l.ead. Kindly l.iuh:." and 1 "There Is a Uml H< yond the Setting! Sun." A bugler sounded "taps'" as the j services wi n concluded There was j ti" M-rtnoti Tin re were no honorary pallbearers, hut the church was I crowded with mourners. i Millnii Sit ecu mlis In Injuries. William Milton, who was accident- j ally shot throusrh the brain by a , ?'??tnjianioti n.-arly two month? ano i and had been waring a ftrone battle 1 iR'nii.*' deaih ?;ik.- that time, sue- . ? -umbed vfs.'^rfoj in Memorial Hos pital. Milton was a veteran of the world war. having fought in several i battles, and the Woman's Auxiliary! of the American l.emop will defray the expense? of tiding the body to his home in I'lorida. BRITISH SEA DOG IS $300,000 WINNER ON$3 TICKET TAKEN ?'JUSTFOR FUN" ON THE RACES Captain Albion Jones, Retired Naval Officer, Declares He Had Never Wagered a Dollar Before Friend 01'- j fered Him Chance on Calcutta Sweepstakes. II3' IVrc.v Mirl. fnitfl Staff t !orre.Npon?Jent. ' LONDON. .Inne 'J - Captain .llbiou | Jone.% . fitt in his oil) re on i t h* B!aek\v;jli dock <>f the. I'mon | OaM le Steamship Company with u j Ift-mpec ticket on the iJcrhy in his p,.eket On it was printed the woril ? Humorist.'' Captain .Foils, I?. S. O, i-oncc-rned (or tiie monient in soeinK that Hie ship Dan Stephens was properly painter), had forKotlen the t ioliet. A highly excited siil.ordinafn J rushed into I Ito office. "Cap'n, please, sir. Tniorist wins nnd you Ret sixty thousand blinking quid." "Never iniii'l about Humorist." s;ii?l Captain .lone*, It. S. <?.? "i^ the Man Stephens painted .vet'.'' That Ir the story th?> toll about the latest British hero?the man who, * V 11 N A ' . ' . : - /: *! ..V. ' ? for an investment of about S;t, drew down llir winner of tile ?*;< I ? ? 11:1 eepstakes and a fortune amount ing. in normal timer, to about $::oo. 000. Captain Albion .loues is a retired naval officer, a war hero and wearer of the Pistinguished Service order. "I never made a bet in my life." he. said in an interview. "And I never took a ticket in a sweepstakes until a friend offered me. a ticket, and I just took it for fun. I forgot it until Tuesday, when I was told that 1 had drawn Humorist. And 1 thought 1 had lost or torn up the ticket. Bui I hadn't. And I didn't have any idea how much I would w i n. "Weil. I've held my job for twenty - four years, and I'm not going to ? in11 now. I told my wife I won a little money, and that sho e.onld buy her self a little two-seater car." PRESIDENT PLEDGES II. S. FOB i UNBROKEN PE&CE lilil l>C(|;nc? \V 111! II 11 - tii !?:?? Cur < ?in-V ( mini i > \"it id i?? *'i\ ili/.-it ion. s i' i-: \ K s to \iii)siui'Mi:\ l'r?<iui>.?'v \n \ iiM-rioMi <>1111 Nliall lie I- iiI. Wliilc III- |v |'t r->jtlcill, in i mw Out ?if llarimnii Willi Viil ion'v ( iiii.M'ii'nrr, II.,- \.... .,t. .| i | \ NN'A Ml. . .1 I' I"v - ? 11 . ? ?! ;iu- .r< ? ? i?...| .) -,l.... ? ?r. the Xiivai .\<!?0?niy graduating ? ? ? .i pr.i y? r tli.i? h newlv ??immis? m-\? - Would l>r I .till- I int.. halt;.. lull U",l(i .in ?: .1 moit 11 ? 'jii ih.u wUlinuites': ? '.L'h* ,|."| .1;, f.,r s , , . w.-ij- ii.ii i ri-ti i m. i.( iii m?<" (...irtii s.if. pu:?rM: . v. /..iimn :il. ;riir In I ?.. - ^ ? t r Hull Ih, ni Kit.-), ,, I h ? I > :. ? 111 ?- ? ] their rela I i \ ?*h ,i i ft f i :r *1,1 > Pil,!...' f .r ih,. era dual ion e\-r.isos. ?-h. I I'r-s d-llt solemnly !'. |fltrill'.fl I. ? I' ill -l r-??. tc :i ml *y. arle^s .. ? pu'-l.c. hut added tliat It. n :it.-d it .ilwaj v p. piiMI. .,r "li'.'li ? i. .... ? T'.. ?in,-I i|. ?- t? ?l of n )' 111 a ?: - ?n* iv-. h.. f-a ?!. ?-<?!)!,| . :i m. ...,, bet w .'??n tli.. jir t of nin!'lani"l ir.. i lUi'nis a;.i| iii. spirit "i the cr-i sad. r With )i;s I \i.w - .. . ..( thai IDltil. I- > I,,,| ,i ;; a 1 li l,, , > " ?> Mr lla.-.iing . oup|-,.| i ?! > ? I..I,, ,? i ?'?? \rn-ri ia vi.iUii h. ? a 11 ? 11 I., -ir. a pIMt, . v ; ? ?' > ansr iii barn v\ >li ; \tin-ri ''?'?II ?' i? in ? i' 11 f .r ? itu- t an?... , , ?? i -i !'. ,i.|.- i . i ;..ri 11 mi.Is Inri, i|is iiitiliimn. 'I 'm Pi . siri. i t * sii..rt addn -.v < i'v-r -1 -i ft. hi had han.lffl . ... h ??f Ih- ..-I' K r ;!.??! atiriK 111 i i s h ipnt' n I, ?Jip nil a anij liail persotta'.H oongia' ulated fiirh on ins '-..tnpUt(on of the acadf tny course Previously .Scre '.-.ry I if n by. of the Navy De partm-nt. Mail mail, the f,,rmal commencement ,-s. advising lit. graduates that their best assets wouWI ?.<? tii,. r^spei i and |r,v#> of th. ir men. and I'onnsrMiic th^m to hf- truly "oilir.Ts a ml Ri nilomon." and ni?vor "ynnhv." Mtnilar ailvioe was given :lit- prail il.itr.N- l.y lit-ar-Adriiiral II Hi-a't-s ?sup.-rii.ti ml. nt of tho a,ad.-rnv. Ar.-ornp.iniod l.y Mrs. Ilar.liiiir. tlif I' hi-ro fr..i? Wash Hint..n and arrivf-d shortly birfor' 11 Among the distinguished ^m-ms who sat on the platform during ih. .?omnn n.-cni..|il prog am was Admiral 1 rill, i f ih" Japan, so n.n >. a m.-ni b.-r of th.- class of ixsj. and th. .?,!>? living Japan, s, graduate of th. acad.-my Formal notj,-,. of his pre.i ? ii.-e was tak.?n by Hooretary Ix-niiy. 1U10. in b.BinniiiR Ins adilivss, .-..r i Continued on I'age Col. 3.) HUN SERGEANT FOUND GUIL TV CFMISTREA TING BRITISH WAR PRISONERS Convicted on Twelve Counts. Must Serve Six Months in Jail. I'KIIVilii. June -j -Sergeant Neu maiin. on tiinl a? on.- of liic "war ? riminaI- . ' was 1'f.nvlctPil 011 (\vi Ive i-oiintt 01 mishandling ({ritish pris- 1 oners. Il< wns sentenced to i.\ months'' imprisonment Will llUenss 111111 ''Uiir 1 riminnls." I'Mils. Jun." 1 'onv.* 1 s.i 1 ions .ire being e\.-hain;od between the Londop .iml Carls v\tth a view to the |i?s,11?I. reop. mu- ,.f th. whole i-|iiestion <<f lite trials of tin "war eriminals." Th- reason for tin move is the feeling that the son fences iieing imposed by the (iermatt Supreme f'ourt at lalpy.ig are .-on slder.-d Insullleletit. I . S. Will t'omjiensate I'lxilloiiN. WASH 1 XiiTOX, June L'. -The .sen ate passed today Senator Underwood's bill "\lending the Federal .-omperi t-atio,i art to include civilians who served with the American armies abroad Iii the world war. Fares on i~"erlideati- for vari ous occasions Itidge ?'i/-st, Hl.ick Mountain, l.ake .lunahiHka. band of the Sky. Through slieeplng car daily. Southern Railway.?Adv. miiwiEDIA PLEA OF V. R. k P. ani Williams Tells Streets Commit tee 7-Cent l,-arc Urgently Needed. COMPANY PRESENTS CASE; HEARING GOES OVER A WEEK Opponents of Petition to Be Given Opportunity to Speak Next Friday. I" larltiK t'aat Y.minla ilail M a.. and Po\v-r ? '..mpa i ?t* in <1 ? f : nil 11-dial< :i M I i i !? -1 ll> ' |>. ?> 'lit ,t may < j ? \ ? I. ? j. it- ? ;\it ^ and i -d In :i "i ii <? ?i t<< fund ?> tii- t ? li.*> ? s .1 ???? ??? i to in I. K.i. i ? ?! | ?. W illi _*? in ? . ? ?? : -r i !i. . i . i , v la -i 't> m h t ilia i- a ' li'iir a ill! ? t ' r i: ? in* ii l of 'ii. r r. ? ? I Mi- -'ittipii' \ it: ? I:?? r> ? .?!??? an.I -Ii ? .'utiol ? i .1 i:> i;? d ?. ' r. ? l - ? ? 'lii iii .i i ? i ??? I * t \ '( I ? i; r ' ' till II I I ? I >n|. ni'li'l.n;- :i Mri'-lit ? -? :it fa-. M>- \\ ii i .in ? .. ? -.??if.. ...| l?y ? . j.r? ? f ? ....( i, , 1,n .-ii i. I |. |.| ?it. 1 i - I'n sr aa?l i f < .. .-'1 . ?-p .J.. i fav.i: .f ? ii. a ! ill ' til.. 1 ? 'it. ?! : in ? . \ -? ? ? 11.? ? n"ti 'a 111., r V. ... . ? ? l"l III 111. door. 11 h 111? r< - .??<) t>ij? ? r-,>: ? ? i ? <Mi ..f ?i -.. :i ' ;? V t : iiiks it if was M'l'l ? '*-? .luriiii: tin prf . .,?!,? ..ii . I.. Mr Wil .irn. i "n:i. I'tuati ("ill?r mini. <1 III* p?-.-tat?>t> Mia; till >? tin i r* frail) f f i.111 < r |.f. -i:i t I i ? l : ? I > ? .- n 11? IS ? \< ? \ . it..-i ?. i i-r a i ih* prop C - 11 "ll I I \\ ill, . .-ollinlitt. <? 1 .1 ? .in It', i. i'.- Inar in' ?? i> plvinp it". I :..... hi. in s "f t ?? * r>iin'.-i! on tin op p..i l nnil y '.t ? \ !??"? 'Mill; I Itotn.-.'J v? s it v.'i - . vii|. lit l .at tli-. i w ? r? a luimkirr 'if '1>I jir* -? nt who will .<".?t11i17 ????I -. ?'"l. *?.t ACQUIRE Ml INTEREST IK V , ?IU ii n I W r.? liiait-ltnil on. \r? Vork K\ p.iri or* ii iii! I in )xit*t ??!?-?. I'm rlia-r Slo?'K in I .urn I Cnnrcrn. Ml IN M.\ \.\<?K.M I NT ,\<1>iI|i|i Mill Will I Out in lie al lloaiJ ?.f llu?i?i^s I'iiiiihIi'.) in IMS. (ll|l||l.lll> l%ltl|lil>>S ScWI'Jll 11II ii - ? Ii ni \V?n-Urr>. Ti Weyiiian-l?t uton Tol-n.-ro i'..m pan; nf .Vow York iia . ii .ui{ljl a'i . n t?- ro; i iii t h** I'ili 'IViliiii i'i ? oin-j lam I; -lin -lid ii hi am. known' I lsi.-t nipht. T>i- ext. hi i? f III." In.l.l it u- a -|.nrf.I i. lit. N-w \ ruin i | (taiiy, ver. ? <m 1 ? 1 not In l-arn-d.! nor would in tou.-li with llie j affair.- of the local conc-rn v.-u-li-l jj>af'' wh-thoi' "r n>>t Adolpli 1 >111. who. I it if- j-a:(l. would ?:outln<ic al ll)-- h.-ad ? I of llie I'ill 'Tohaooo Conipany, would | j roiain a .-onirolliiik nttrr. 'i in lii.M | firm The Ooin|>aii\ s . -aid io h<- .ni.. 1.1 t .jo . \pi.ri : inc and imiiortint; toba. ro .-..rnjiatii.?? | j ;n t|j<- rountry Tlio (till To tin. <> i'..m|iany wa.v I rht lili.sllf il ;?! S.'.Mit; tlll'.'.-A viMrv .Mr.. - -l?> .I-m-|i1i ii 1 ? 11. :: t hr.'.lhi! ..I tli- tuf-s-nt '..-ad, and now \d.ilph lull mi.-. .. !? ,| to t lio I i. siih li.-y of t'ni- . oni|ianv njx.n the ? !. at Ii of lii:> hrollirr. Thf > oil. pari > ^ t i 11 ... ii|iics th? sani<- .|t:artf-r< 1ml < ot:?i.l. r.ihly *-n | lart'.'.l in W in. Ii ih' I. i: inrvs wasj found. !. al Twrtitj lirst and frank-! lin St r. -mm. It gives mi ploy mont io' ! -.-rvrriil liuiuln-d (irrsoji? mostly' ' yoiili- wn:ti-n, and eric nntoH and ' maniifa.-l ui'. h .-om< of tli,- li. m Known I l.randf >-f loharro. I.otli rii.w.n^ and ? .-nioklns. on Ih- marKrt. Tlir ? ??tn jianv otin at f-s its own h..\ fa t.-i x, I'oitlrtiN nsoii. il v.i- Mulct la>l ii plil. will .-otitlniir as lr.;iMirrr ? iltd th- I- 'Nin'-s. a II 1- r o 11111111 I ; as forin'-rlv in tills rily im.l-r lln> "a tli.* tna na i;i ni.-lll. il w a - Irarnrd. WILLIAM R. WILSON TO HEAD MAXWELL MOTORS M.W VI'.UK .Inn- ?: M'lllii.i Uol'- i ? i t Wils-oli. .'i-r111? rIy vu-.'- pr. - i.l.-nl o tin- Irvirip National 1'itiU l.-dav wi,n .-lorl-rl t'f.M'l. ni . ;' tlic- M i\'i ll M > ? or- i ' ion. l \TCT Q" lumiw Power io Enforce Treaty Privi leges Given Federal Govern ment in Senate Bill MEASURE IS AIMED AT UNFRIENDLY STATE LAWS Proposal. Framed by American Bar Association Committee. Introduced by Kellogg. |f. \ . :it?:d IT. - i >\ \ J. ?! | N< ;T< >\. 1 'I! \ ;. r.ipo.' al t< tlf? r up' ii I? ? r;i jrovrii piont |iti?f ? t.. ?!? ?? i mmo :in? I ? nfotv. ? \f .u.i axl ! 11 ? ? thrills w:.i. itifii: :n tin I tiito,l Hi it.s may l>. \ ? . .! ? mi r" Iu ? ?l i <m|.i h ? .<? ..I.. I :? ?.??:?? .Ill Minni' ? Ia : ii Ii t ? .rT n f .1 i??! f 1 ??in. ?1 i \ ii..- 1 i \ ????mni :i: 1 . . ! 1 lie 1 r. .1 l:., V. ? K ? 1. 1 ? ! I ho in. ^ 11 1 |ilit I ? ? ? ? ? 1' < .? a till not 1" i (?l?l Iif - S. ? f 11> : ? .1:1 III ??111' ?, ua I . ? UnOrr tho hill, tin- I'rcBhirin would 1 . ititi,I .. .. ;? ? .:? ?.it I- > -I i-. ?? -I . r.-i-m y .1.11? 1 : ? ? _i.t? .-r aii. n . ??? 1 ? ? 1 ? 1 Ti mi 11 ' 1 . ;! , lo. .11).: h: - ' I I. oili I ? !h r : i' ? .1 to l*Vi|?.ral ?????iris lot 'I'hi I '? 1 r.i ? 'trt ?.? oni<| t.. ?.. I . I! 11 t o! ' lo II I 11 \ I It.1.1 1.1 .11 ...III ill; I I. d .1 ^:i ? 11 ? I 11 ? 11: \. ? 1 ? 11 \* oii;.| ? ? "ill!- ? r 1 tin .- *;?!?!? i" M:ii" '.:i? s ? ii:.| |nttalt"j vvriiar to tlio^. provid . <i pi tto >tai< -tatutis would hr Itii 1 1 in 1 a??i "i" 1 ? ? 1: ti^ait-.t Amr?rI* :? n ? I ?>.? ? i t'liit.'l .--!.??? III..1 'il!> .llli]. If arm; or 11.1v; |.>r.-?s. ?ii i|.| !??? .i\aila ? !?-, to 1 nfor. o <!? - I".!<;.?? |ir. . ni . .> 11 ? 1 iI i?1 r 1; ??!-? i> no !.iw a ill lfrlz ? lie int .-r v?-nt Ion ly t ti? I*'. l""al C'lVi "UltKoit f.o i!io pt'otrc 11 "ott'l Ituo.l "ti l'a?o J. I 'ot I I GREEK SETS 18 YEARS Hfaiinj: ?if Xpjjro bir AllnrK I pun \i>uiig <'iiotriTiHd Wiiti!;.it T?*r itiiiinti'il al Mitlmitht. TIUAI. DKDHitl.V IIIKOt (llllIt T *Vnrl? nf Iiii|uiiM'lititr ?Jury I>i?l Nol <>!?? I ndi-r Wjij I'nfil ?-! n'llnrk. Muitun io Sri Asttli" Ycrdii'l I < ivrrrulrd. A ft i r a trial thai lasi/rl front oVlo.-k \ -r. -,j;i , a f. tiii.on at.til five miitH < h. !orr m In mM i otv-r Orr-.-ii, .loroi! was ootiv iol nl hy a jury hi lit.- i'h. -tot-liolil ? :<iti ii I v i"ir.-tiii I'oiirt ami wa.. ih 'Tfiipoti sontr !it*r-i) hy .lu-ic.- IJr.h."rt tj. South all. who pros'.!, d to viphl.*oti Mars in Ibe pr nftont iary Thr h'arlnc throughout ?a.i or derly ami at no tinii was th> r.- any how of f< I'liup Wurk of inipaiiol inc a jurj. whioh w as s.-lioilul-.1 lo hopin yii^torilay nioininc at 11 oVIook. fliil nol ret iimlvr v.iy until o'cloi-k. il? lay r. startlm; th< trial was fn'.-asioiifil l>y th. ahs. ti.-.^ ? i' two v lln^rsrs for ihv .lof.?n:'o Motion to fs.f th. vt-rilii-t as , i-otitrary to llu> law ami ttin- ovi ti- nwas ov rritl.-.l w lo roiipon . ..inifiM tor trio tn\'r.i ^.i \ r iioti.-. tnal a ii .ifiiral w otiM l.o takoti I mini; To>?lllir>. Th' yotinp woman vh?lii v; was sai'l I" I'.a .i al ta -kod in ? V:..sicrilcl<1 sovi-ral wp*lis figo l.-stitii-.l thai th>? ;ir?ro nr'trli hi>r a. rns th. ha k wMh a sti.'U and wrote! a po.-k.>i hoo|; from her li ?af oil this i !iari;r hiuhwa.x ioI.Im ry and not a;. ; t. mptrd ??riniittal atKu l;, that ihc ! man wa- triod Tlo- itnprossioii iiai! fr.iin.ol iirrfii''> that i'i- ??liarc a - ? of a nior.' nous nattirf iitif of lis. most int port a in w!t t?? i ? ? " I '; rf.-l w.i- ,i .-oi(<! I or on ill* I; i ? ? I. in ? ?: i ? 1 I *? i > i - r>i ru* < l? I til- ?i,ti|w a> liant'd I law I;"ho to;.. 1 till if I that the ii'-Rro ho.inlod In- >-n r , it.out " ?? 'lni*l< on th<- ?!?. itioon of tin- atlafk. tirffti. Ii* toslifioil. loft thf .'.11 in tii" *? i?-iiiity of thr orimo tl.iw V - positlxoly iiloniiii' il iltofti. as , >l:d th. jfitinp woman he .s said t'i ' ha v- a'. i a-'V'."d Tii, t.-siiiiion\ of two youths, who <n)d tin'. aw l'ii' tiouro n thf rtein lil.ortiood f.f t ho soctto of the al H 'out iti no.I on l'ag. t'il -?) University of North Carolina Fights for Share in $650,000 Estate of John Neal I Spec in I I?? 'I'll" Tim. ? I >|<.i i < li | i V\ I XS'I U.\ -SAliKM N. 'V June 2. In a ?avrai i i I ? ? < t i?-.?!.?> t.\ counsel i or tin ('ni x eisiiv of N'urth I'arolina. Forsyth ;-ii|?<-n?>r Court i(> aslt.-rt to di-.iaiv<l Vlllll t lli- <l]ll'K<(l Will "f .1 oil ti wli"> ilieil 111 Nfbr;i;-Un last year, which disposes of an estate valued at $t?,ti00. In an afhdn\U, .los.-ph Oliei'itre. ) of Knl-Tgh, alleges. on inforiii.i lion and belief. that .lolin N'oal i died hit estiit >-; that in \vn;< an ilh-mtlinutc child. Ilia 1 lii: mother j i:i dead; lie wan never mar- ; rii'il. .1 ml has 110 hildre:i Mr. Oieshiro allows to tin- . olirt t under the Constitution of North Carolina. all afs.ts of tin .stit<? 1 if : i id ?>< <'< '!?' 11: ? I1..11! | ,r > ! i'a In ami miii \ est ? ! ? n t !??? Uni versity 1 if North <\ir<diiin < ion.- lun r !????? 11 issued to In n<Mi.-irr r.i of t!ii- will to appear at llo m\l 11 fin ?: I "1 t 1 t'oitrt in S. |? 14-1111?< r t.i set pro vcditit;* in Hi. <-.isi ami i*iak. themselves parties to t||.- is>:ie. 'I'llO 11 ti 1 v. i>it \ ooiitctuls I .1 .f ? vor exceiiied. which Is 'Itilled, it was not in existence at time of death. I111I hail In en destr>''.? I pre \ii.n tn ilealh with intent to it vol aim. ami was thereby ro v 111. ? ? ? I . t Mil all pro.-ecdiiiud at t.iiip: il oiiiii'i* it should he ill - ? iariil 11 it!i ami Void. RIGID INQUIRY IN TULSA RA CE RIO T ORDERED B Y OKLAHOMA GOVERNOR Denies P ranee Plans F urther Annexations; Says 1 rcops iVlust Stand Guard on Rhine f P.V I 111(1 .1 Sf-VV N. I i 11 i.l i N V. .Imim 'J l 'i ii II' i |>a lit'! tli. . i: t. tit on .>f lnil'i.r a ii!i. ,\ i' Ion.-. I ??lit'- I :.t i-1 fi ?? i. Mi,i | it-' f <.f W'iir. ?|. ' lar?*il in .i -iKtnrt ? ;111? i-li <|i 'n ? n .1 .it -I mi. r j At 11 'In If |il n ? I | v. i'! I Ii ? t'.ril.-li. A M-'-r ? ii .??!'! U. ', i; at n ;i in I.-.- I n llii.- .it ? i 111r task i> itilli.-iiH In haul \\ . til >1 t t.tialla] Vli.l'l I'll I ..?? laiikk .it' tin wlii Ii l'rin. ? li;?>- ii'-vi'i' li.i'! i|i>' Intent inn o.f an t Mtis ! .in >;i> this n rti.irt.r ii.i in '? I .ut K rot if 11 i i\ ; i/.j: ion w , 11 |i.|:.i:,i o ? v<ti li"f . ami tin |>"|?! .'i will I artt t'i > ~t' tn alii Ilk' u I lif .itt.i.rwiii ii .'i |n , ? ? , li'iij; ami < I i tli ?: it 11. itii many | rut Ii III - a 11 I'll 111 ' : 1 11. T i I? r| ,11 tilt' III !? roM v of III! I 1.1 II i I > Ii;. t !? c.n : ? 11r ? i-'t-.i Hi t li i. ii- \ i r ? !? t'i tf^ulati- tin n a lour. I'r.ttii.T I'.riaiiil oni> r ? ? ? nil' 11 ???l In tirt:in<?: am! ltnuli rati >it anil i Sa.!t\ \\ ? 'l.-slff in fauna It'll t< our alllf.-. ,.i"l \* ? a ? ? f-rla n t !? .it tii* alii. \s .' I r.'ii'.. :ti t ru< t' i t hi i ? 11111., ? * 1 i'.l US*' "I ii-riaa n > has nut \i'l lot lift".' <1f I'fut'OII) if f. \ ! I1JJ' Ji i> : ll! i v fii nillit 11-\ r- v. tit.'. i ? i >>r ? h<T I" r llo'lti' ? t'i .? iu>p. . it i - itnsxTiitivf Mini ;!ii ?* ti t ? tt t ? ? r < rti.?I ti mi.;. ,??,..! diujii WAR0 \ilniirult> ,\?i? Unites l-.\(ii.i-ii.ti ?<? 'lime I- ?.-<? ill' Sinn Irimr !><? ??l **??> ?ri H:tili.\ ....... * 'MIK'IU.S CI.OSK I)IC\ IHICKS; t ?>li. ?af l{iiyal IrMi lonsliiltiilnr), W'tuiiKln) In SIkiI W'lilt- liitlittu in \tiln in Dublin. I H> fnti..! I *i ? > ? 1 I.i'iMH 'S. June An .-.\ ph'Slot) aboard oi^e <<l" ihe Hrillfli destroyers wh'.fh lav in dry do.'U in <Ji:? elihtow n, iittilbutH t?> a >'inti I-"' in 11 in*- fuse, has reunited in i|ip I'liK-ina <".f t ho ? lofkyard liy th.- ailliiiraltv fo|- an .mjoiinltf ti rin. \\ 11ili. i'oiisi?<(?!? nt ii i>. mp!o>inoiit of a nuillh* r <?( ship yard workers, The doM rover was I badly damaged Colonel Whiter vlee rnmiinin?l? r of f | the Royn Irish Cnns-iabtihirj'. was j wounded r>v a r-lioi ttre.l at him as he w a riding in hi? automobile in 1 nih il n today In Cork a lit itisli army eourt-mar- j lial iias aeiiuilted four men who par- ' t i? ? i )>.? I ?"-?) in the fani'ii- l>i|>uer . 11 t ? i-olii-iirr'-nl !> with t hut l.-.r.l Majnr MafSwinej . >.f fliam.s ? ? ?nn? fted ' with an .inilm^li of Krit vh poii.e. .lollii a. 'I Peter I'rowlev. and M i.-liael ? ? llcil'.y. .>f I'.aKyland. lamrri it ner|<j ?. 11 ? I i'i a 11 a fh tig a poii.e pa - j irol in July, 1 The;. are .. .. to | Mnml 11 la I on a cliari.' ?? aiding and ' ahettiuu. ' 'tiriMoj.h. r I'ptoii. alt-., ot i I '.ally la nd. J. o a part'.oi pant :n llu I h f. f - nion I ?i.-' hiinuor : triKe. wan a.'- ' ? I u it t rl of the charge o|' diseh.i mi tig I a plMo| in the : Mine att.i 'K KIM. lilMlltliK Mil.!. OI'KV PAHMAMKXT IN IIKI.KA>T 1 | Hy Ar.soeiat eil press' ( I .i;IjK\ST. llcr;i..\NI>, .lull. C. The news letter iculay :<avs it has learned I "on very good authority that in all ! proii<tbillt> Kinvr tleorge will visit | I tell'ast for thi purpose of open ng 1 the Ulster Parliament in state on June 21." [ The parliament will meet next . Tuisilay for the elf. lion "I a speaker ' , n,| ili> swearing ill of t h< member.?. ' Hie pro.-. , lilies w ill he of ^a pilely litis ;n?ss I'll a r.ot ?? l". I'tlioti;"1! tiie l.ord I'H u i ?-nr. ni w'iil attend I.ii.MhiN. J urn ! The Iri h office today stateil It w a? unable to eon- | firm tin- r. port hat 'In K w .njl<l open th. Parl.aiiir-ni of North Ireland WILL BEGIN WCRK ON NEW $500,000 HOTEL FOR STAUNTON Expect Completion of 150-Room Structure Within Ndxt Eighteen Months. sTAl'NTt'S. V.\ . l ine \n .oiiii.-em. nt was 111a Hi- today by A T Mo< re Staunton i ?> to have a '-.noiil'll hotel. '1. i.- 1IO.I I'll.;.Mis :i 11,..-11 for the "1.1 K 1' !'? t property i lie adjoining I ? ? 1111: property. Unst M.. ill a ii'l Mar'.. : ami i. preparing to let font raits tor liiei < onsi riif t "'ii ol I li holt Tin1 I ' ha p 's i ? I th. t. i.l;, ' l.\, st a.j. a nil . final liaastf. Mil! . . elf. .led within a t'i w days Within , . iinr. i in. t ho >'? - * I" 11 1 iiirhliiii; w in ? ?omim n* e .in.I Mi1 Moi.r* lu.pi > to '.ail- the ho--|elr> ...mpl. I > u witiiin i^ht. - ii iiion11 The si'.f will .ost J'.'.'!.'mi' ti. titles and fin nishinjis *?ifi,in?i"i and building*' itself. {I'ui.wui. I' will hi a l.iii i' t met ur< Mv is aii I h -tel in.ill an.) i.a iin porta lit fonniM't lolls with pr unini'iit in' n ot iiie hu: iiii ss r. ili.' K.isi He is a foiuier president of the Virginia I'arolitia Hotel Mina-j' A .-so.'i.i t ion anil ha-, siii'eess !till> matiasi .1 the Virginia for sonn- , J " a'.'. ? i- \ ii Slll.da > l-A. II. 'ions * . 11' ; > i i 1111 Trip \ or (oil., i: Koiiml Trip to Ocean View, Via t' & t>. Kvery Sunday?3 Trains.?Adv. :\m HE S TALAAT m I!) BEATS! Stii'liiil. t?it Trial in Merlin, |m> rlaifs "TurUi-li lliitrlior" Slew 11 is his < o\srn:.v? k is n.?-:.\u| t 'luM*;;!^ Mi-jmI Mail M?!r f'tti* i Slauji'it?>f si of Tliou aml> ? Tr???lt'?f Kofmcp (irart'l ! \ i/.irr i<> <t<*rinan.i . II; Km I II. \ on \\ irsaml. ItCUI.IN. >11111* - AdmitI :u; that lie killed I'aslia. hut 'lirin that lie is guiltj of miir'I'f, Salomon Tciliria 11. Arm. n .11 -1 u.I. rt 1. on trial t?>r sla> 111c t former Turkish "icad ? t. I ??>!.!y : a nl 111 court. ".'1> 1 i?i<? .ci?nco 1: clear'" "Hut." mi id 1 lw> Judee, "imi w.inii'fl to kill Talaat "Yes. I wanted to Kill litm. and ho | s dead to..." ? .il.i tin- you iti: Ar menian. "About two weeks before it happened. tin- picture of tnv mother ? ?.Tint t.> lite 111 1 no niRlit. 11?-r corpse !<???<) U|i .1.1I .~.iid to me. ?Vmi have ?-eon T.ilnai nere and you nave re mained indifferent -j on are not my mil ' TIo n I deti rtnin. il to Kill liiin." Tell* Detail* nf Trn?fil). Askril ii> tli. ci>urt to rei.ite tin- do- ] 1 ul ??! the killing. Teillrinti said: "I ?h^.-isii' :i room across from 1 where lie \* . i ?. living ill order to tie I aide !?> watch liiin. t ?n thai day as I *>.il<"<) 110 .ul d"wn in m. r.'i 111 i saw Talant b-.ivt hi:- house. Then I a~aili I heard ill. *.\ ord? of my ?noiliei. i ? -. ?! I > .1? 1 In man \vh> not on I ieol .- I. ? ? I tin- of ni\ 'Holler, but of iik.ii'iii other \ rineiii 1 n?. 1 ran i ? !n> trunk. . lied n\v re- ' volvor .mil ran out into the direct ? behind Talaat ' "As I c.itiKlit up v nil lii 111 I shot (Continued 011 face 'J, Col. ) j WOMAN ARGUES CASE IN ALABAMA HIGH COURT I r:> Associated Press. | Mi'NT'lu.M KI!Y. ALA.. Junr 2.?Tori tin first tini' 111 the history of Ala- ! ha 111 a a woniiu. snndc oral ar^nm.-nt before a hiirh court win n Mi>. Iternice Summers Ostsoyd. .,sista:it attorney, iri-neral appeared before tin Court. 01 Appeals todiu and aririled tin im>< of th. State \i h. r. :ti the slici iff ..f I'ltownh < "on nl y is rcfist ittK the order of the Stat.- health ollieer to fmee him to tile a daily f I -h. . t in order to seciiri pay tor feedinu prisoners confined in the tail ? 11 hl> count>. The cns-i v as lir .t In an! before .1 II'Ik? Walter r.. .1 -? II. . of th. Mont noniii'! i".iu:ity I'lrcuit I'ourt. on a mandamus writ M-eUinn 1.. the Stale A'ldilol to aililit lilt, feed I >: I i .Hid issue warrant ihi.for. .luil^e .1 mi .*> decided that the lau r? m u iri iik ;he <l.iiI\ food . heit is valid and the ,:ppeal was taken t>> tin iVurt ?>( \ppcals. A di clsion i.s exp-cl eil |.'|-i .lav. lL>if .']! ii luCIYI! POLICE OFFICIALS Denounce Failure of Local Au thorities to Protect Tulsa Negro Population. COMMITTEE FORMED TO AID VICTIMS OF OUTRAGES i'iic Damage Is Estimated at $ 1.500,000. anil Insurance Is Contested. i.nori-.irv \i>!?; \ ii rkstko ' ?? is . .. witia Known Dead v?u prrl.-ircil In ?Nuiiilicr Hut Thin .v. ! i.-M.-.j IT, v. J iir.s\. oki.a., .iiinf ?:?District v.nj,i.hin .an,.| a spe. " ''".lay as the 11 I'M step ill nil in vest inntton ..f the Tulsa, race ^hi. lir-a!, ii.c ..wi T ii-si lay " --in ..>i*l .Mending w..|i Wed. iif-.i.i" r?Mj || (<i in |,.any casualties ':,*l I' I'l-TuTt* damnge The urand j'iry. calling or which r..|lowt.l the >"???'.('1 by .1 <t^lv:*- l.tiddlson of a letter from i ? \ . riirir .1 it. a. Uobertson. will convene .in,,,, s. i? his letter ?''K:n- "';t, -'ii invri i igation be starf ??I. tin- State oxveutivo also asked 'hat ih. conduct of the police de parture ; 11 and the sheriff's office. <vhi?-h he condemned, he investigated. According to ilie latest authentic report, iiino whiter and ttventy-ono ?ir crocs are knoivn to have heon kill ed during the raec clash and many in (lie hospital will die An esti mate places properly damage- at $1 - ;,0rt.00n All this, according to Gen eral c. V Karrett. commanding the State troops called here to maintain martial law, *ms Incited by an iin pud. .it negro, a hysterical girt and a yellow-journal reporter ' M n n ? Humeri in Homes. r.eltef . xpr.'ssed l<v officiate ih.ii i|i. bodies of all i |,t. negroes kiili.j would not he found a.- it was thought a number were humed in i heir lii-nii - Then, too. reports were received at military headrjuari ers that .i number of negro bodies hud been thrown Int.. the river and others hnried outside of (he city. l!epre?>entative citizens ot Tulsa met today and condemned the city and eounty law enforcement otHciais. holding them responsible for the di* tf'ontinued on "rage-4. Col. 3~) SAY HIGH FREIGHT RATES HALT BUILDING OF ROADS ( By Associated Pres.* ) ^ \SlltN. , r?>X. J u n? ShIppeT9 ? >t lumber md of road-l-uildlng m.i '. rai prai tieally from i very section .'i iIm- country urged in separate .'??iifcr. licet- here with rilroad otli c.als today the iliitiiedi.i I e r-duition ticr^ht lati? nil those oottimodi u^:. In I i - le\el in etTeet h, fore the ircneral Increase, i.f las' \llffUiit. The fa ilrnad officials ^<j i?1 they w ould reply i ?> Hi. r fpievt in t few day? Sliipp.Tt of rnad-bulldiiiu materials, r- presenting as-soci.-;tinns of dealers ? i. , em. m. crushed stone, s and and a ravel, contended that !>uildin(T >?< tar as ei.unties and municipalities were concerned was at a practical it.-indMill bee..u e of hig|, freight ^ ?*' turn to form * rates, th.v said would I'ri iv. eii ^ i r iie't Ion. FATE CF Il-YFAR-CLD BGY ON TRIAL FOR MURDER CF CHUM IS IN HANDS CF JURY Cecil BurUeM, Ch<irged With Shooting and Killing Ben ny Slavin, Aged 7, Is Described by Prosecuting Attorney a.? a "Potential Bandit." It* \lri?niiilcr I'. ??h'." r? i?l; .shoot .ipj K U my of ! 1111.,: N. f,:., if .-..riv-,?|.i .... .?nv KNOX, IND? June -Twolv. . .1- .. , , ' .. 1 11 ? .?t rilf** 11. it :; 11 ?<\ I?i riii? r? !t :t ir;. :> ?\ in <?ir<*ijit h?-r? Tlrirsl,?\ ?t. ? 1 ' " ' ' '^|v -loin; .i.lh ?!> h ??i > Mi.I r* ? 11 r ? ?? I l<? ?]??? :?1? . ? t 1 ijntiMi.ti ?!???? :n . ni?*~ )>r?M)e ? Alfred t ? ?? 1 Tho.r .hit: w.i. 1.. i.ilI.t .. r'l 1 1 . w nutui;.? b. f..r. hart r.i, 1m..? n-.'v. .1 I1'? .. 'lit ,hi-.,mli t in- 11 . x for f.i.i't lit 11 ohi|> ..1 II t - ? . il , , , ,| |(<. i|lc Itur'nt: i. n:i'ii i.- nt 1:i". 1 .? 1. t ..r . ( , j,Hir high that uhollt. r hr Is I hi- virtiiii <?! .ii.miiii- (||i_ ;)(,-l(| harilly ioa?h?'d ih. ai ms t>" >?: :i in-.";, tliiil ha v. mud. hie- namt tin ,, ,,n.|, ibs|)it. lourst thai insiMfd on most -lit.. 11 -I Ii'- i -' t ?: >tr*.?iii'i 111^ down hi* :.i- i j-tlflc l Indiana ' tif hid bo. 11 Atlli his brut her ? .11! i a.i'UMil i.i ~!un>t iiij." ?? - ?> I , vfi".\ iiiinuti on i?>i Tli.i .i ^.-Kivlns k i 11 i. ? - 1 !? ti I1> Slavin .. r-o'.l (v nil,,?ulK uluj that iVi-ii hail not 1*1 a \ ma I. u hi;. III. :?? w,t, pi-'. h- nn> SUt vi 11 II. *aid I ho boy t 11 h ?? -iii-'li rill' 'l'h* ihal^<- .,|((| hln.-cll I". a- . .dim,.i. 1 la I In tlr?t 'I. rii'.' Tin* sic. crOSH ? Xa :n: ifi ihc Th. jiir> wi-iii ii. .1- iI. IIIk lalinii j rtjijiKstci h;trpl>. Ilo qulvert'd and with numt haw boon niKod : ? tl ,Jd i'as'c JCol.I ) , inc.. .'i l*t ? j*> 1111, ill.' ? .???<?, >1" . . ? ??I l'r.i>o.MU<M \\ ?; P.aniilnK ? uoduood \\o?li.Kwl and Sunday V'aroi r-tflb^d the bo> at a bun-,lo Wcs>t l'uinl'.?-Adv.