I f
'First With the News11
Full Associated Press
. The Weather
It %% 11V lie fnlr toilny nml liiniorrowt
(hrrt* %tIII l?r llltlr chitnise In
trm |irrnliirr.
for Pull \W?th*.*r ll?'i?<?rt. S?*?> I*mjji? 10.
VOl.t'MK It
M MItl'ilt .115
bli^utions Will I'w Con
vcrlctl Into Paper Ma
Luring in 1947.
n< l ira's War Alli.-s J{(!.
i? pay Obliga
tions in Full.
""Mi m'I'im; i'i:i(Mii ri:ii
'iiriilck ,,f |)ni> liiivrrtinir nt Mnj
?>?t llr CxrIiitliK''(J for 'I liufcr
of \ Mother.
I I :? A(??<>< la ted |'i, )
AA IIINTJTON. I >ci p. ? l-'undin*
the lll.ll'ill.Mill.IMM) detlt oW?'l the
I'' 1 MI >' foroicn ii'.vor nin-r,' s
t> "iilicat:.ms mat urmi,* not lat *.*
hi June :and l.earlni; in- i
;il .1 r:it>? Of n,,> |,.k) than *, '
<' rit would lie a 111Imrizt fl umle*
' o.'lini; I'll *'th luiaWy approveii '
!?*}' Vy t hp iiait- K|nnn<r Commit- j
tij?,r111 :i11 I.nrose .. nnoum ed tli.it
;""I ? h? r prov IMuiih written
" ? ' I1 'Hi-'- till! ha- I hern ai;re-o
by -S. rri'i.iry Mi-liun, who at -
Hi.-.! tin- ( omm.t ti " m MMiuri, ari>l the
jti'uratli- ni.inl>.!? ,,{ the (ominit
. He -vrjr|? ?i the rewritten i.-li
? if'* ''<! reporti?ij t<. tlif Scnnio on I
ami called up Tu.Kjay i,\
:'j tor il?.<*iiinlriii-Kinr; Hcpul>
' , on tlf i ommlttee.
ri?r I'rr Ont Minimum.
,.it< rest on tlif new oMli>atlon*
niM I" paid t'i'iiilatiniiiilly. ami th': j
tiiniuni rati- w lili h wotiM i,.- r
I under 'Jii- loll ?." p.r i-.-nt ?
ill- rat*- on t?v existing? olillva
it "st of w li'i h :iri- In tin- forn.
t11 ? i' "t? s if th* f i >r?-: a n pow et t..
Ir a in " In r ii iiii i 'Intent a ppi m .-? |
(In- ? intiiit tct fotir ? ( 11.lie.*
? 1 ri i ? r ? t:n ii. in nil t Mini
conduit the fnu'lini: nei;oti.itlo*i
>uiil i.ivi- t ? l-i ."iil.riniii l.'y i|h
ti.it Th< pr'?vt?'iitn inul.inu th
ni-Mi ? of ili - T:*easur> ih.ilrnii:i
till ? ? .-sfi.n w it -? ri tnit.iil
Ail ?'f tin '-ha ntics in t li< lln'iv.
ramie. it was i\plain..|, w er?* In
uiili those proposed lv So mi tot
unions. of North Carolina, ranklnu
iitocr.it on lht? Finance Comtnittee.
. i* House liill left tn the .iimmissiin
r ipiestions of tin- maturity dates
the oliliKn lions timl the aiimiint of
eri*U lie paid, ami proposed
nat ? i oi.flrmatio:i of only Hiie'i
? tnlxT^ nf tlo) enmniisMioii as wen;
i t.'nhlnet oi!1i:<-ra.
Itflii* ?<? Hi* ('nin**'li'il,
ISotli tin* Seruiti* and llioi.se hills
uVitle tli.it tlo part of the ilelit owed
e I'niteil Slates In the foreign kov
nmpntf shall be eaneelid either in
! mi pa I or Interest. Moth mc:isu.'i*<
ro would provide that there eould
i no elianiri" of lionds hy otn* j;ov
nment fur the liomls of another.
It als<i if provided In Imlli inea5iires
at tlo- eornmission's authority shall '
pire tliri'i* \i-.irs from the enact
ion nf tin* fuiidlnii law, ami that ,
i. I'otiiin'ssion shall make annual |
ports t" the Cioi Kress, in |.e In
idoil with tlie annua! report of the
eretarv "f the 'J'reasury.
The total iiwi.il to the United States,!
inelp'i and interest, hy the for
? ii nations, is $1 l.32!?.2S|,22S, In- !
iilint; $:?'.? t._ta.'!51 in primipal and
:i;res-t from Ktissill.
Neitrn Mo?oil for Safe KpepliiK.
Mtllill.K. A I. A.. Dee. 111.-?I,..in .lael<- I
n, a iiewro, wanted for killing Ktl- i
ii,1 Spinks and wounditiK I'avid and
II Spinks, white men. last ntxht, at I
loina^ville, Ala. was lirotmht to]
>hile toninht from the eountv jail
(Jrove Hill, for safe keepinir. Keel- |
c ran liltth today around drove Hill i
,1 vi' inity against the negro, ae
rdini: to Sheriff Cox. of ihat place,
elisiot made a statement that lie
mini!ted the deed for revenue.
!'eniie**see lloclor WIiim A ei|iii t Inl.
DAVToX, TBN'N.. I>ec. !0.? Dr. W.
Allen, ??harucd with the murder
Htireii ('.ardenlilre. was found not
lilty liere today. The verdict was
livei' d thiAmorniiiK jifter the Jury
III riltiained out till lilKht. Allen I
iiiltted k i 111 n K CSnrdenhire, 1 tit
limed the act was coniinllted when
(dlscovercd his wife in the arms of
(/ latter.
Oetn?e 'rlintH'i Mlruek liy ("nr.
HAVKM"' ?KT. I'lWA. Dec. 10.?
<iii Alice French, known natlonnlly
Octave Thanel, author, suffered a|
ictnred collnrhone and severe j
iiises ahnilt tIio liod.v, when she was j
'lick b\ ?< street car while on her !
iy home here last evcniiiR.
\ M>ir Oil l.ninp Krrr
^ lluriiM lll'/i Air
). S. .lohnson. II WiisiilnKton I1!.,
\v York, the inventor of a wonder
new oil lamp that hums air
1 iieatn pas or eletoriclty, is ofTer
r to rIvh onn free to ihn first user
oaoh locality Who will help. Intro*
?f It. Write -hlm^for particulars.
Flood Commended in
House Resolutions
| Hy Associated t'ri'Cii.l
WASH IN't !T? IN. Uee. 10. Reso
lutions roinint-it<1 iiik Ihi! lute llenry
1?. l-'iood. tlemocratic member of
the IIuiiki' from the Tenth Vlrninil
I tint rh-t, i'?r hi* service* in tli??
House aml hm a member ami for
mer chairman of the Foreign Af
fairs ?tommittee, were idopted to
ila v l>> I In- i ???iiiiiU iit,
"Thiougltout*a liirn r of twenty
? ??i?- years in tin' House of It" 111 e -
senta 11 ves, serving as < >ia i ma n of
i >i?committee Iiiiineilia tpro
i ?-<liiiK aii'l iliirliiK tin* world war.
lie <Iim{? Ia>>-? I ?niirkul capacity for
l< ii tt 11< service, exemplified the
Inchest ?iliHlltU-M nf personal
diiiniriiT, am! was ever ictuai"!
I>y patriotic jiiit m an I lovr !or
republic," the resolutions
? <;.-ntl?- and iir???n?? hi personal
relationship.'' they continue'!, "he
was yet ?lua>K the virile ihain
S? I? >ri of aiiy cause he espoused. Me
was an ornament to the pnli!'e life
i.l the nation. .?i? ? I h's deat i i * an
irr.'parabl" loss, not oniv to those
who had the priviO'jje i.f | h .
sin la t )<iii with him. hut to our
< "inition ??mint ry."
Yilhigr ??f C.Iayville Is Seene
of Haiti 1 ?y Squad of
( )flirei>.
Plants Captured Have Com
bined Capacity of 9r>
Capture of three etlll*. the con
fiscation of an aulom"blie ami the
itrrest of ,three inon, declared to he
the. operator*, were the result* of
a raid made !>;? a s<|tiad <>f officer*
?if Powhatan ('onmy yesterday after
The -tills w ? re found in the vicinity
of Clayville, a village i,f Powhatan
'"?itintj J. i' ^???.tt. .1. R. iialtnn
and Alto rt III'!:: w re arrested on
warrants cha rt i ny them Willi violat
ing the prohihition act, They were
tit'nt before Mactsirate Ni< bolls an I
placed in the Powhatan County Jail
upon fa: tire to furnish hond in th?<
-inn of Jl.MiO each Tltej will he
t.ven a hearing before Magistral-!
Nicholls on December I ?"?
< ?ne of the stiils had a capacity of
sixty gallons and anothir thirty,
while there was one small live-gallon
Mill The officers experienced little
trotihle in arresting the men and
demolishing the largest still. Sher
iff 10. It. Itauch, of Powhatan, has
taken the two smaller stills and the
automobile, which is said to he the
property of one of those arrested.
Into custody.
No whisky was found at any of
the stills, which were operated close
to each other, hut two gallons of
mash was discovered. The raid was
hy Sheriff Bauuh and Com
monwealth's Attorney Itonivant, with
the ass is ta nee of other county offi
John I'. l-'hi nautili. Richmond at
torney. represented the men al t'le
Seeks to llexlrnlii l.nlior lloaril h'roiu
Deelnrlng Company in Violation
of l.aiv.
| |!y Associated Press.1
cnir\\<;?>. I>ec. la.?Judge Kene
saw M. I .and is today set iiecemher
"1 for arguments on the Pennsylva
nia Kail road's petition for a perma
nent Injunction to restrain tho Cnited
Slates Railroad I.ahor Hoard from
Issuing an order ilcularlnK the rail
road to he in violation of Cc trans
portation act and the hoard's decis
Tim temporary Injtinc'i' n gr;titeu
yesterday, ami which expired today,
v n.? not renev.'fl v nen J'.i'ig.; It. M.
Mart on, chairman of the I.ahor
Hoard, told the ? n c the hoard would
hold the contetnpl i:? d order against
tho railroad in alie;.anco until after
the hearing Deceml.er 21. Au.ri'cys
for the road and ??oard were in
structed lo exchange specifications
of their arguments December '.7.
Seek to fii'i Itclienr ln?r.
ATLANTA, (!A? Dec. 10.-?Request
for a rehearing of its recent order
that railroad surcha rges of 50 per
cent on Pullman berths and chairs he
discontinued within the State Iiecem
her 20. wni* asked of the Oeorgia
Railroad <'omiiii.^yion toila.v. by coun
sel for the roads. The commission
announced It would grant a hearing
on Monday on the request to reopen
the case.
\cccp<H Foreign Office.
ROflOTA, COf.OMniA, l>ec. 10.?
Olaya llerrera. a prominent leader of
the I,literal party, today accepted the
office of foreign Minister. I'pon an
nouncing his acceptance, he said .lie
would support the sentiment In the
Chamber of Deputies, /which Is In
favor of modification Rt, tho treaty
Wtwfceo- Colombia , and\~th? United
~m ???????
Moore Amendment, to
Keep Jurists on ()ne Jc?I?,
Killed Out.
Judges. Wuddill and Croncr
Ait Ouoled in Opposition
1 *? Measure.
| ISy XssociateU Press j
WASHINGTON. It,,-, jo. Ii :i
I "f J'?7 In fin the Walsh l.ii: provhl
ing for a ntment of twenty-two
I additional Federal distil' t Judges. was
l'l""l late to,la> liy the House am!
j sent to the Senate after an amend -
; iiK-nt w lm Ii would Ii.'im' rt ?|uircii K. ,|
j eral Judges to devote ail their t) rrl*>
t?i Judicial duties Iih? I been ru 1?l out
i on a point <?( nrilT.
The amendment offer, d lij llcjire
sentatlve Moore, I Virginia,
would have affected .fudge I.anil f. of
Chicago, who recently became ?*i- !
I preme arbiter of professional baso
{ l>all.
Mann l'rlllrlr.r? "Old l"oglr?."
.Speaking in defense of Judge l.a n -
I ilis. Mr Mann declared that
[old fogies who never played 5 as-'hail
sit here In tlie House criticising a
, man who, iiccauiic he w.i? above sus
picion, was able to rescue the gume
when it was in a critical situation
and the publ1<: had lost confidence
In It."
"Jump on him ami roast him," .Mr.
Mann asserted. lit can't eonie here
a nd a newer > oil "
Heprcscntat ivt- Motirkc I'ochran.
Oemoerat, New York, deriareil that
) .1 u?l r ?- I .a mils should liavtt lip en 1m
, peat-lied, an was proposed during the
I last < 'onglesv by I Cepresenta11 Ve Wel
I ty. Democrat. Ohio.
i 'on tirm;' t ion of tlif Judgeship* was
advocated |,\ chief Justice Taft.. At
< torney?(Smictat I ? i ugh-rt v. ami a
t group -if Ketlt'ral Judgt * and district |
i itltnimyx which made a survey to ?1 ?? ? i
termini- the causes at. ! extent of
dock ft c.ingest ion in various dls
i riets, ami th- means of expediting
jthe handling of rases
\llitliueni of JtnlgeM.
I'lltler tile hill the lle'A jUllgt v WOtlil]
, he alltttiil to districts as ftdlows:
I Massachusetts. two; Southern New
York, two; and one each to Kastern j
New York. Kastern Pennsylvania.
Western Pennsylvania. Northern
Ohio. Kastt m Michigan. Northern
j Illinois. Kastern Illinois, Minnesota.
| Kastern Missouri, Western Missouri,
i Kastern oklahonn. Montana. Arizona.
I Northern California, Southern Call
| fornia. Northern Texas. Middle Ten
I nessie and Southern Florida.
The l>i!1 also provides for ?lie Itold
j ing annually of a innference, ? to l?e
I presided over b\ the Chief Justlee of
the I"niled States with senior eireuit '
i judgt s. ilistriet Judges, jf deemed ail
| visahle, and the Attnrnev-lJeneraI
' part ieipat ing. Mc'toro would tie sub
C ontinueil on Page lv. Column It.)
I'arls Surgeon lleclares. Neither j
Knife or lliidiiini I'wril in
?\ l'*V I 'o rin ii I ii .
ispeclal I 'ahie to The Times -1 lispati Ii. | J
P A 111S. ii,,.. in -it js reported In 1
I'aris today that I?r. Itarouami. sur- I
get.,, emeritus of the .Municipal Una
pita I of Minis. has siiffeetled in ef
i feeting tlie positive flirt* for cancer;
[that for'sonie months he lias been
| treating several patients with an en- !
jtirely new formula, witcnul. knife or;
| radii;>n. and is satisfied they not only
are etiriil, but declares he has defl- ?
| nil el y proved that cancer ha.- a!
physiological origin in certain glands,
j l>r. Martina mi's researehes, which he!
. has eotitiufled for a number of years, j
have been the subjects of numerous
,papers eoii innnlfnteil !., (he Kn neb
i academy of sciences while he con-'
tinned Ills development of the gland i
theory at the Minis Hospital.
His theory is that cnncer starts!
from trouble In Ih?- secretions of the.
' glands mi which occurs, consccutively ?
;?n alteration of the globules anil
| blood plasm. He claims the cure Is
j effected by the applifatlon of a I
, chemical organic treatment, which]
?not only reacts on the general con
dition Of the patient, hut heals the
| cancer without directly acting on m.
The Interest of many scientists has
been directed recent l.v'to the work at
I Minis where Or. Maronamlx is demon
strating lijs thcorv.
j (Copyright. 1S?2I, by I'ublic Medger Co.)
II r tit in I anil l.loyil (ieorgr to IIInciiss
It rpnrat Ions In
I My Associated l'res*. 1
I'AMIS, I iee. in. ? Premier Mr land
j says an ofllcinl announcement issued
i today, will leave. I'aris for Kngland
Oei-enilier lf> or 20. He will meet tli
Mrltl?h Pr)me Minister "in responso
to the Invitation that he visit London
to' dtecuia tlie German repaVAtlona
,ouc?tlon. t
- ? ' . ???
Savs Aniilo-Jap Alliance!
Km Is When New Treaty '
Is Ratified.
Asserts New Four-P o w e r
Agreement I> Hut Perfection
of His Greatest ishes.
| I'.v AssoriiiK il IT?-?-s?. I
W A SI 11 N< :T< >N. |t'-r. ]?' K-illow
.ri?: is tlie text of the speech "f Al'- I
tinir J. Balfour. head of t'.e Kritisit;
dei..cation ;it tli? arms cont< renee lo-!
; da> :
"If I rise ty occupy your at * m :*?n
for en" *?r two moment*, it is not :?> :
with th" treaty in it* cut irety. ;
tut merely lo say something arn.ut
on.. clause in that treaty. 111 wtl rlt
i only iny friends from .Inpitn and tne
Dritlsh delegation can regard them
selves as immediately Interested. a 1
tl ? ugh I thintt it touches, in trj.l.l
! and in reality, the interests of t!i<> j
j n li<)|ii world
Trent} I'limfi to Ilmt.
I -Von will all have noticed that
flans'* IV. provides that wh-n this
treaty receives its ratification at the
b:.Mls of tlie signatory power*. that
| at thai moment the treaty betveen
Ja|>an and Great Britain I'omf 10 mi
i end. Now. I am perfectly well aware
i that the treaty between Grea: Hrl-,
tain anil Japan has been the nuco i
of niU'-h sear<hlngs of heart, of -o-no j
suspicions. t'f a good ileal of anlm-1
aJv.-rslo^ Iti important sections of j
Opinion in the United States, anil I '
think that from a historical point of
view, that attitude may at Hist cause]
surprise, for certainly nothing w.is i
further from tin- thoughts of the
original frttmers of the treaty he-'
I tween Japan anil (.rent Itrlt.im than
' that it coulil tou< h in the remotest j
; way. either for good or for ? vil, the!
I Interest' of the I'niteil States. The
I'niteil States seemed as remote from!
any subject touched in the original .
agreement a? I'liile nr i eru.
"I think that was the original vie?v j
taken in the I'niteil States by all sec
| lions of opinion To .vlfat Is it that j
the change of opinion Is due? I 1
| think it is <ln* to the fact that a
i state of iiitet'ii.11 ionaI tension did
! arise in the I'.o'itic area and 1 hope j
iContlnued on Page !?., Column 1.) |
I'.Hitor \t i^riinilll \e?? I'borKcd '
\\ llli I'll II ii re to (ilie Infor
mation lo ,lnr>.
I Hv Associated I'ress. |
C|| l< "A<ii?. I?ec. in.?A writ of
habeas corpus was issued here today |
| in behalf of Hector Klwell. former
, city editor of the I'hlt ugo Kvenlng
| American, and now manuring editor
I of the Wisconsin News at Milwaukee,
Wis., by .Indue Kitzhenry. in Keil- j
eral Court. Klwell i? out on bond of
J'J.OOn peioliiiu fulfillment of a jail !
sentence for failure to reveal sources j
of informant.!) on which a newspaper!
, story was published in the American !
Klwell was sentenced to jail until
? lie should give the grand jury the de- j
I sired information, and counsel for ,
i Klwell I'oiitemis that the Jury having j
been dismisxeil. is now a "dead Jury."
Attorney \V. \V. Wheelloclt, for the :
government. argu<'d that a grand Jury ;
was not legally dismissed until !ts
work was completed, anil that nppcl-j
late courts had ruled the grand jury!
! was a de facto body
j Hewing was set for next Friday on ,
whether Klwell shall be released or !
held to the custody of the United 1
[ States marshal.
1*1* presses \ ppreelnI Inn ?( Cortllnl
Iteceplioo \o'ui'il ed lllin In
A nierlcn.
Illy Associated I'ress. |
NKW Vt>RK. Deo. 10?General Ar
ma nil" Diass, commander-in-chief of
the Italian armies, during Ihe war.
who came to this country several
weeks ago as the guest of the Amer
ican Degion. sailed for Italy today on
the steamship Oinseppl Verill.
! Before his departure. General Diaz
'expressed his appreciation of th" :
cordial reception accorded him bv the
nation and predicted that Ihe rela
tions between Italy and the United
States would grow more and more !
Ship Coal Dow ii Warrior Hirer.
MCIIIMC, A I.A., Dec. 10.?The llrst j
j coal from Alabama mines shipped I
| down the Warrior Itiver for trans
j portation at Mobile for Galveston, j
Texas, is now being loaded on sea
goinjr barges for the latter place. The
nev; line will carry about Si,000 tons
of Alabama coal to Galveston every
month and carry return cargoes of
7,000 tons of sulphur. The coal des
tined for Galveston is for hunkering
Capture Negro In Alabama.
GUKKNVII.DK, ADA.. Dec. 10.?The
capture of I.ewis 'Drown, a negro
wanted for shooting Clarke I.ttckie,
tv prominent young planter, of this
place, on Wednesdffy lost, Is believed
cloee at--hand. fr rouble la i??r?d
Joyful H carls Arr Heating
Today in Humble Hicli
momi Homes.
Gifts Pour In From Every
Seel ion of Stale??4.2.0
Is Coal Sought.
joyful hearts i 11 ten Htchniond
honieK, where. a week ?s?. there were
liroodi n k miser.x it ml ill** ritnslnnl
r i>f hi iff desolation this Is the
tliiit a*a>nii?s today lo those
who ha ve lieealeal the appeal of The
Times-Dispatch to aid the needy peo
pl?? ?,f th? "Ten opportunities."
\V11i*** only two of the aapporlunities
have r? ncheal tlt<? haven. wliirlt means
i.i them securit v nKaln.it poverty for
another twelve months, nil of them
ha \ f traveled far enough aloit# the
li.ml of hope lo feel certain they will
find happiness ?l the etui.
Wonderful \\ eek for lloth.
It has l-efn a wonderful week, both
for the unfortunate families who con
stitute the "Ten opportunities" and
for tliii jjenerous men, women mid
?hildten who. flndinn their fellows
stilcken In the race of?llfe, have held
out helping hands to assist them un
, Against tb?'hea.vy hatifl of adver'iljry.
I*or the one il has revealed the silver
lining lit the cloud. For the other It
lias meant the stirring within them
of that line .sentiment of human
brotherhood which brings aiways a
sweet peace and contentment.
I"p to last niRht.. contributions to the
"Ten Opportunities,1* representing
uKifts from the four corners of the
State, totaled JI .'.P.iT.'.ot. anil they with
potirliiK in with everj mail. The re
sponse has been spontaneous and in
spiring. donations have come from
rich and poor alike. Stories of the
pathetic figures of the "Ten Oppor
tunities" have had a universal appeal,
fhecks from men and women who
arc unusually blessed with this
world's good have found their way
into the fitnil for their less fortunate
fellows. Small contributions from
widows and children and others who
must tight hard in the battle of life
pile in to allevia'e liea rt - rend ins <li<
treSS All have been welcome. The',
tended to show that all-embraclve
human sympathy that Hows fiom the
heart of ever) normal being, whether
he he rich or poor, high or low.
\enrly Onlf Way to liiml.
The "Ten Opportunities," as .1
whole, are now nearly half the way
to their goal. A little over J-t.-OO Is
needed to tide them over the coming
vear. Nearly ('.'.HOI) of that amount
lias been realized. Ilow about carry
ing III.in "over the top" alurliiK the
week that begins today?
IJemeinhef that all contributions,
whether they Ve larice or small, lira
|-I|iially welcome. The widow's mite
to the "T? n t ipportliliit ies" is ii gleam
of light in a darU world that helps
the needv llml a belter ar.d a hap
pier road. It is a chance for all to
show that spirit of charity, which
the Son of Man exeinplifled in the
greatest decree nearly 2.mm years nun
when he gave up His life that those
iCom tntie.t en i'atse 7. I'oi. 1.)
( lileiiKO \ I lornry lleelnres Ser\|ce<i.
' \\ until lie Prejudicial to In
le rents of Defendant*.
|lt* Associated I'ress |
Cllli'AliO. I >ec. It).?Charles Krb
stelu. t'liicaito aHorney, today ail
noun.-e.I lie ha.I withdrawn from the
defense of Mrs. Madalyntt" Oben
cliain. under indictment at l.os An- j
Kelts in connection with the murder
of ?' Iteltott Kcnne.|\
M Krl stein explained he believed
hi- linn with the case might
l?. pr< jud.dal to the Interests of the.
V -sal I i in; District Attorney Wool
wine. of l.?s Angeles, and former
S'ate's Atloriiev Macl.av lloyue, of
Chicago. for Ibe attack on him in Ilia'
l.os AnKa'les ...tin when lie first ap
peared in Mrs. t then, bain's defense.
Mr. Krbsteiti aniiounced he would
seek to have both iiidieted for libel.
i Naval Olflerr in Struck lij Tongue of
M ii not?.
I |iy Associated" I'ress. I
; i?outs.\ioi;tii. va..
? WalkItiK ealmly into a local plijsi
! ci*tti's ofllce supported by a girl com
! panlon and a nrgr... I.lcutcaatit .lohn.
; Raymond Mlddlebrook. . s. N . <>f
ll'owder Springs. ISM., collapse. , aft-t
n basiv examination show .-.I Ills ne.U
to he broken, lie died a few minutes
later at the naval hospital here. A"
cording I" story told by hl? girl
companion. Mlddlebrook had drhcti
his car. in which she was riding-,
head-on Into a mule team, the waRtui
tongue between the mule* striking
bim In th? neck. .;
?v;'. 1 ?>
The Tlmes-Dlspateh tills morning prener.ts the cuse.i of ten ltich
moiiil families who are in tle.silltile oil i umMan. es ami must have the
alii ol a generous public. Kvery one ?t the ' Ten Opportunities" lias
been in veutiKuteil by the AsMoeialetl 1'liarities ami found worthy of
your help. Semi any comrlbui ion jou mity wish, iIi-s.kii.iIiiik the p?r
tlculur opportunity In which you are Interested. to "The Ten Opportunities
Kuinl." "tile Tlimn-Dispatch. Kielimoml, V a., ami it will lie 11 ti I > uckiiuwl
eiljictl through the columns <?f this newspaper. Tlic o:>porl unities* tollow: |
orroitTL .MT\ .No. I.
Thin is u ch.1i: ui lv. ut l>oy a 11
yearn onl, \\ ini.<u mother in ill u
sanatorium, ami uiiii.su miner uas
uenei'tfcil lii**in. Kotir himtlieil tloi
l.irs will kei'ti these noy n al L'uviui;
iuii lor a year, while tlicir molliur
is recovering Uor health. *
.'revionsly MuliiiunluUKuil ...I Si *!.)
lullll IMIIIHIIIK I'ecelletl ycS
te ril it j "?0
Total to ilate Jll- !?>
This is the can.: ol two old peo
pie who ale html yuystcaily iinauie
to *'or?. J III1) nihil Oci.li a ilevoio.t
t'uU|il? lor more titan lunj y earn o>
miii nt'u 111 c. ahtl it till y are s- ill lu
an innlllulioll il will mean tliey will
lia\c to He se|lli rati o. 1 hoy UeCUile
iiiey w oil lii ia titer starve in ilie
stt'ccln III.I ll Ku to lilt: City iioiiii.,
ahtl no are antiing; ln.tl inu pumic
make thin coii|.ic a Christian.* |ire?
i hi ol anolllei year ol lue toifellivr,
'three nllltul'ctl ..ml neviMity uyllais
Mill iiay ioi their rent anil iirovnie
ihent ?v 11 ii Miihcivht fooil lor the
year. Ulliein who are uilerestuii
will see that til-y have suiiioieii.
clothing untl heililms.
Previously ncknow leugetl 'JO
Con I rinul tons receivcil yes
teiilay u'?
Total to tlale $270 4U
uiTuirriJMTV \u. ;i.
Tllln In a I'HKi: lor Which We w lah
to raine ItfUli. The iiushaiiil In
tills tatnlly is a man ot aoout
tony yearn oltl, who tviil never
iic v? olt, 11 In ? He In ci'iiipicil, .iiiil
uiiuiiit' to u>> toil to work. Tlii-ro
aru live I'liiitli'i'ti, '.sen ll, :i, 7, .? alio
Z. Who W III ail hot'ti a Kotitl ileal
of meillcui attention It tliey are t.i
K row ii|i well aiut strong. The
mother nayn nut* will tlnj It nlie han
to give ll |i her t'lllitlleli, Inn sin
? annul o..rn though lo support
deviously atlihowleiltjeil ...I .\:t il.'i
* 'oilIrioillmi)|8 r? !'???% ? ?i )
If I?l.l > ;t'J all
Total to tluie }I2:i i.?
UI'IMIHTt MTV \t?. 4.
1'tiiir tiiiiuiretl tlollarn is hei'tleu
tin two ooy n w hone inotoer nei;
lecteil mill ill-trcati-il ;liem. ami
their fat her in ileim. The imys aie
how wlin relatives. who are iinahlt:
In support them. The Nn.Miclateil
CharuifS han ncen paying men
tmnril in orilcr that tlienu elllllllea
might liavu some home life. They
nave never known what il in to ur
treated decently lor the last year,
l'hoy are bright hoy n who till niak
uootl citizens if they ean have the
pmpor training.
I'rcvlotisly nek now 1 t ill.:i ll J 21
Contributions reeeiveil yes
lertlay ;( in
Total to ilate j y? ;i
OI'I'OIITI' ,\ ITV \??. 5,
Thin in a cu.se ol three toil msters.
They are ail heiween iio ami To
year* oltl. in destitute eircu in
stances. The iihiy home to which
tliey are eligible is ||< t alile to litue
lhi-m at jne.senl. Tliey have liveil
alitl Worked together all their lit en.
They are thrilty. ami alile lo git
jtlmig on a very small e \ peinlit ii i e.
Init they are too trail, after lives
of lilt ril > h i p.s. tn tin h :i ill Work -even
If their eyesight vvoulil t>crmll. Six
hundred oolliii's w ill keep l liem in
getlicr lor aiiother year. Surely the
pnlillc oT Kii'hinoliil ami Virginia
w ill lint allow t!l 'Si people lo lie
s-pit I'll I 111, or sent In I he l!ity llnme.
l'hey are latlit'F who have seen hel
, ivr days, liui hear ?odav's liartlaliip
Iniavviy ami uiieoiinu.i in in b ly.
I'M'l lollSiy HI'l.llli\Vll'UKt'll . ..#ti.N4 7 ?>
I'llllll rOHKlllb I'll'l'l t t.?l >!???
Tul.iI to date Jtisy 75
Tins I'Hdc has Uveii closed.
Ol'l'litn t MTV An. U.
" lie man in tins laniily lias hau
lUUi'l CtlloalS, .ilni 11.13 jual Come IjitcK
.Mini Luc a.iliatill mill. lie la ante
.?? no nKllt. iiiit l-iiine Work. ills
I h a nan IiUic woman, who
... uiiaolv !???> sicuiiy to b'J out. lo
?\oi is, out in. y art- kuu.i |?areilts.
..... ,.i.. iii'inniiiii mi iiicir lo-your
..lil till ai.U i?u lu._Sb.ol S aim u
.. c.i I a oca nil? Ui.y? i? vvc call nnit
...?'if m >ii|i|ii. i..nil t lie Uilloi'.lll Ineil
.i.n.' can citin, llie UiiiiI) will oe
. . i IOr4i*lliel".
.'n't iiiUm.v uckiitiwli'iliteil ... 9 T 1 00
< mill kiiiiioiis rui'iuii yea
ici'tltiy !!(i ju
'I'lilul to date $100 50
Ol'I'OltTt.MTV .No. 7.
Tiv.j ittllHiieu UJM..I a la ueetlecl to
.iiiiu cure oi a nine 11 ?> cui'-otu
?ii., Wnuai! inoiner ia In a iindpiui
uliuer II eminent. '1 lie lulller Ue
j. | itil ii. i ao.i. j yvliik UaO, ...ill lite
.isaUClll leil l_H.llll.cn lias llol lieuil
.11.le lo locale mill. I'lie cllilu is ex
tremely talented. mm w u are an
AloUH lo tii\u l|el' U CIlUllCu lo Blow
all slruiii.il. Sliu has nu one to Iook
.tiler nur until her nioliier ucuiu
coiuea a \? HKC-cill'ncr.
t're v lously him. now n'ducil ...f TO ii
? null inliiini.s rncni'il >(???
luroiiy 2'_' 00
Total to ditto $ 5?S T.'i
IH'l'OIITI Mil ,\ii. K.
Two liuiulreil miliars la m i lled'for
a i.i ? iuI> in w Invii ? in;, liiisimnd is
a riiiiiK on IV ^ii a ween. I Ins a
sick ij wile nun tnrce c.iililrcn to
in o\ nle lor. l wii nunilreil miliars
a ill lute lliem over Hie lireseiH
>ii< r?i" m y.
I 're V ii ills i > ael.lii'W leiljiiil . . . $ 2II 'J "5
. nlil i i out iiiiih i'i'i'i*. ?* *i yes
l. .-.lay :t (Mi
Total tn dale $241! T.'i
Tills ease lias heetl i'Iiim'iI,
OI'POUTt MT\ .No. I?.
W? are anhliiii mr fi'mO for this
family, miiiu liie iili.ei ami moiiier
are until liilicivuiar, ami tne JU
y fiir-imi liny has just come home
110:11 I lie sanatorium. There are
11.in outer noys, rniiniiiK u years
from 10 lo 2. two of whom are
inc.|iii'iit cases, '.'nere is r.n wjikc
e.il'liel ill this family al liresenl,
and II Is a very Heavy load nil the
Associated i.'liarMies. Six liuiiilreii
dollars will see tlieni i.:i'oiikii the
i'oiiiiiik year, ami liy that time we
no 111* lo have them oil their feel
I 1 ev lously nek 110W leil|{eil .,.$100 75
I'nut liliul inns reeeiveil yen
terilay 4 1 5o
'J'otal to ilate $142 2.1
This is the ease of a widow with
two .Htl?- 1* Ii I 111 re 11 to lai.e care of.
The mother is thrifty, ami earns us
much sis it is imssllile fur lier to ilo
III her stale of health. The two
enilil 1*1*11 are well eai'eil for. ami t?>>
r-'Kularly in school ami Sunday
school. We are must anxious to
Keep this family tojjellier. ll will
lake % ii 111) lo take care <>f tlioin for
the nex 1 year.
I'l'ev iliiisly aek liow leOKeil . .$ !l I ,".tl
I'nil t I'llillt lulls reeeiveil Jen
l.i.lav 27 Oil
Total in il
Senator Keeil Denounces Document as Treaty of Alli
ance. Giving Foreign Nations Voice in Settling
Policies of I'nited States.
I ISy Astou-lali'ii I'ri'SH.I
WASHINGTON*. | ?????? III. Imlira
I in 11 s of ti|ijin.v|li(t|i ill tlio I'lllti'il
Slut <?s Semite to ra t ifi< at i.in of :h?
four-power I'acillc treaty ilcvrliiiu-il
'mlJty \\ it bin a f?i\v linur.s afler tin'
new pact was anm>iim'<-il in ilu<
wnrlil at a pl<-nat\ session of tin
armament I'unftTi'iii'i*.
Senator Hi'cil. I ???iiHi.-rat, Missouri,
inn' of tin- Irrcioiii-llaiil's in tin* Ioiik
ami Hiii'i'a-Msfiii lluiit against Die
tromy of Versailles', in a formal
sln^teim-nt. ili'iioiiiii'i'ii tli.- new i|ii:i<l
rnple iimli'i'stamliiiK as ron.'1i.ti.iis,
t reasonable ami ilainuaI? Iami prr
illcletl Dial ' llo ll' w otilil In- a fl?slit
ami a hoi one."
lillifi- Senators of tin- irreeoneil
alili- t;rnii|i for I li?* most part Willi
In-Ill lollllllillt. litit spcakiliK private
ly imliratI'll an unfi ietiilly atlltnilr
lowitnl tin* treaty. while Senator
| UimiI sal<l li?- Oi'I not I to ii'aUii
I tin- fiislit aloni'. S> nator I'???rah, of
; lilalio, li-ailiiiK Itepuliliean IriVron
i I'ilalili', was oiii nf t lox-ie ile.-linint!
| to coin mi n t, loi'Kiim hilii'elf in Ills
| oHiee with a copy of ttii' iloi'iiiiiriK,
It n < Ifleu l Inn I'rrillftfil,
[ Uoplilillrans K*ni'i?all>, Im-luilitiK
' most of ili?* lonilc r?. Imwi'ViT, pre
I ilii'teil I'll t illi'R t Ion or llif treaty liy
i an o^^rwIiDliniim vute. ami in this
prediction lo a greater or less ex
' tent(}vere Joined by ? number o?
rW.VCfV.iiW-. b *'?>?' . i*-. .
I >ciimi-rats. iinluillni; h-ailcr* on Dial
? I?? >>( iIk- Sfiuilf 1'hamlnT. Many
Senators <>n lull It sides r^fiiMcd Id
? ?i?m in 11 l licnisclves. ileela rill k they
wisllcil In *tu<|y I lie (met, while a
i iillxiili I'lllili' |irn)>nrt Inn of tin' Sfti
ll 11- iih'iiiIii'r>|il|i wns ali.si-lit from the
capital owitiK in t lie wccli ?cml ri>
I 'I'lnni'iaI if Senators in a iitimlicr
of install. siilil 1111 ? y 11111 not attach
tin- liii|iortatn'i' tn illi\ iIoi-iiiiii'iit as
a ;??? ji?'?? measure thai ?im claimed In
Kcpuliiica n miarli-rs. ami ilesorlheil
it a < "iiiiioi-iioiii." ami as having a
ki'imI similarity tn tin- liar, in- of tui
tions iMVi nam.
Siiilli"* Democrat* pointed tn Article
II of i In- lo w tr.-i?I v. which hinds to
i<ii*n.itorliH If their riuhts in the I'a
I'itlc islands "are threatetifd hy tin'
a kv 1'i-ssi ve nitinii of any other
power" tn communicate "with one
another fully anil frankly in order
to arrive at tut iiudcrstandinK as in
i In' most i llicletit measures tn tie
tiiUeti, Jointly or separately, tn meet
liie exigencies nf the part li-iilnr
; This, they ?uid. ililYrre.l Imt little
i from Artiele V. of llie lea?tie I'lifn.
| nam. which th'? Uenuhlictiii* foiunl
| most objectionable.
| Senntor llnrrinr^ of *JI??ia?lmil,
(.Continued "onT' ^k* 2, Col. I.).
All Misunderstandings Are
to He Subject of Frank
Britain, America, France and
Japan in Covenant, Subject
to Senate Action.
I H.v Associated Pro** ]
WASHINGTON. Dec. 10.1-An open
il'-elaratlon ?f Mr Upon the four
power Pacific- treaty en mo today from
t Senate "I rreconci tables" and in
Predictions by both D?mo
rrntic iui.1 Republican loa.lort that the
new treaty would be finally ratified
Senator Reed. of Missouri, a prom
j "lent Democratic opponent of the
j leaguo of nations, denounced the new
I Pacific treaty as ??treacherous, trea
sonable and daninnlile," and an
nounced that he and prohahlv others
i wf ,he 'rrcconcllat.le group In the Sen
j nt? would tight the new treaty to the
t iiUter ond.
1 ???JJ '
?MOW RlAIHtlfl.K I*Aor
I H.v Associated Press. 1
W ASH IN'CTllX, Dec. 10.?A hmv
<|tiadropl? agreement to preserve
peace la the waters pf the I'hoKIc was
announced to the world todav by the
United Slates, Ureal Britain. Japan
and Prance
As a consideration of the interna
re:ilii;nm.'Mt, Great Britain and
?la|ian agreed to consign to the scrap
heap the Anglo-Japanese agreement.
viewed with apprehension in
both America and Asia.
The provisions of tho agreement,
which Is in the form of a ten-venr
treaty, arc confined to -tlio region
of the Pacific Ocean." Under them
tJie four powers aro to respect each
other s Island posseaalons and to meet
In consultation If a dispute arises or
If the rights of any of the four are
threatened by any other power.
Autumnee Treaty Terms,
Announcement of the treaty terms
was made at a plenary session of the.
anus conference by Senator Lodge, of
tbe American delegation, and was fol
lowe.l by expressions of approval by
the plenipotentiaries of Great Britain
Prance. Italy. China. Relgium. The
N?'l horlaml* nml Morm^nl.
To lie binding on the United States
the treaty must be ratified by the
Senate, several of whoae members
withheld comment tonight ending a
further study of tbe text, open war
was declared on it hy some of tho
Ireconcila hies group" of the Ver
sailles treaty light, but Republican
leaders and some Democrats de
clared ratiiication was certain.
Miniatures \?t \ rt At Inched.
The signatures of the representa
tives of the powers have not yet been
alllxeil to the documetu. and there Is
i an intimatioi. that they may be with
held is it t i I the question of naval ratio
I'"* settled definitely. The
naval situation remains unchanged
pending word from Tokyo, but there
is general confidence that approval
of the American 'T.-u-.T' plan will be
made unanimous In tbe very near
. future.
j In lieu of signature, tho principal
delegates have put their initials on
the oilicial copy of the treaty, and
Lodge *aid tonight that this
(Continued on Page 2. Col. 3.) '
Wwimiii Wins Acquittal In Ilarth
Case, Jury llelog Out lint Six
K.VOX VI U.K. TKN.V. Deo. 10.?
Maud. Moire was acquitted of thf>
murder of i.crm |> llarth here to
day. The Jur> was out only atx.
As the verdict was read, the crowd
1 i the courti it uttered a tremen
dous i lner ami surged over the rail
to congrat aiate. the w oinnn. Tho
ji.rors, la tears, shofck her hand.
Tiic ilef< ndaot's mother. Mrs. Nel
lie M tore, fainted a"I the announce
Allude M iorc ?hut and killed Ifarth,
the .inn of a Wealth) Knox villa brofc
ii'. following a s.-utile beside Harth's
automobile on n road near here.
At i previous trial two years ago,
t-iie wan cor.voted and given a twtn ?
t y -oiie-> enr cut enee.
While out on bond, pending hear
j ing on a .tew trial motion. *h?
and captured at Tacoma, W|?h.,
|??veral monthi latar,
l', . L.U-A