'First With the News" Fall Associated Press Iteport The Weather Knlr nnrt mlHer I* the tor Indn) | liimiirrnrr wilt lie fair. Knr full w??ih?r report le? KilUorlal Pa**. 72ND YEAR. VOl.I'M K r: M M It Kit li RICHMOND, VA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1922. ?FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE, THREE CENTS GOVERNOR DAVIS WOULD REORGANIZE STATE GOVERNMENT; BOOKER MOVES TO BRING MERGED MEDICAL COLLEGE HERE; RICHMOND STREET RAILWAY MEN TAKE STRIKE VOTE TODAY UNION PROPOSALS TURNED DOWN BY POWER COMPANY Petersburg, Norfolk and Portsmouth Delegates Return Home to Arrange for Balloting, Which Probably Will Begin Tomorrow on Qbestion of Quitting Jobs. REQUESTS TO ARBITRATE OR DEFER WAGE REDUCTIONS ARE REFUSED President Wheelwright States That Cut Outlined in Proposal of January 1 Is Final?Plea for Con ference Open to Public Also Fails. Kmplnyi-A of tho Virginia Hallway and Powor <*ort;pi?ny will >??? nin hnlt"t Uic toila\ on th? Inti of a Mrik?* on the rompany's lit"", in IHt-hmoti'l. ???tcrOay afternoon, wlwn a proposal if thf rompan-. to i iit thr \vi?u?'S of tl;o n??*n on ami aft?r January IB, IV--. .* ax rotiM'l<'r>>r| I > III pa iiv \sa* v )?>>?< ? <1. Th?- n>pr< "?ntatlves of tin- union w? ri- IS. i? MIIIit. It. I. Smith. .1. \V llurkhoiil. Hathaway, of 1*1.1 I MllOIlt Ii Tlii' ? orup.tnv \> a w rc|iri ?onI oil hy Thotnav S Wln>H wrIt;Itt. pr <-s|.l< iit. loim i: II.)? n il hold .< ine.-ting to-lay. ? ' Allien t||n<- \otlng on the strike *11! t. 1 . pl.o ?-. 'I'll- meeting. whii-h *ili In- hi ,il In I'olotiilo Hall. will |,e {iii litis morn I lit,' at 10 o'clock anil *1)1 !?< >Vi<1 ?v'tii !n much the nami* l arimr as pre\ions meetings of (hi ? ?I.,I I'M i nun Kmpl ??>'?? # H'urklng light ?-.! 11 f l - will vol.- in I In- iI.mv and '-.-?-i- having day shift* will ca s t nil li.'iIt? tonighi. V'tilr In lllhfr l ltlf? Tiilnlirriil* . Spokesmen for I he workers in I'c ? -Miry. No f? ? irv ai.il r irtsmouth an -iiini'il I n.?t night that meeting* i t-.il.ir in Mn oni- to Ik- i-< !?,! iu-n' n 111 In- i-'iidijir ill lii i-.u li of iIik three 1; i? i|i. ii lit fi> I If tin- l.iiil'it ?ii; will In-Kin III t li<- ot n-r ri'ji-s un ill tomorrow. Statements of union leaders last night were t.iat llii- oflii ;als of t!i? "inpany reje tuil 111?? |-r qms t ? naili- to tlicm. They nut lined thai ||| | . a v folio w * 1. h asmiK h ,i 11-?- mil rests ..f the .iilMii- appears as tlii- larger interest n this con" rovi-r.ij. we propose tliatl 111- i-onfi rchi-i- opened to the pllh- j ie anil re|?M-M nt a I i \'es lili/.enn be in-j v I led to a ' lend. 2. We assert that It Im :? *erioll? nenaei lo the iml. ii- welfare for aliv part of mir populat ;wn to lie required to in-rve the p ii Id ic for an insuf 1 lelont wage. \* i- therefore reject iha] proposed wage redtictloll. 3. Still adhering In ! In- principle >f puldie welfare ifailuiL: ill the above I, we propose thai the matter nf any reduction in wages lie suli nitted to arldt rat ion. iKxpInn way ? f arhitralion.) Seek rii?l|ioiiciiii-nl trial Twelve wid.. . I i j?; > ?? i \ s i>le waiks ami plunging them face ilnvn want in slushy xfeets t'mhrellna were torn '>111 of main .< Iiaml, win dow glass fell tinkling Into ttie street, mall package linxr* weie l?l |l I e. Several tall Macks fell I..fore the wind < m?, eighty feet l>In?t. t? ? |r111r>il In Trenlon, X. .1 . falling on feed \vlre>!<*" in shipping ? Ireles. Outside the cit\ tl,e full strength of the storm way felt.*, New Jersey and l.ong Island, especially along the ? ?oast. were hard swept and at severa points a ta lip !e ..f telephone a fti! tele graph wires was- reported. I'nll I ir.tHMI l-*.\trn S?TP|irr?. In the city proper the Street Clean ing Mcpart meat was early astir. Tractors were rolled out and a call Issued -X^r I '-'.ft'"! extra sweeper." Tonight it was reported that all main arteries had been kept open. Several hundred men. women and ? !iil?lr? ii. storm struck, appealed to the municipal Indsinc houses f"t Preparations were made to supply food and clothing to the needy. Many ir<-ak Incidents marked the storm. At Harden I'ity. I.ong- Island Pilot ?I'? 1'. I'lovr. flying a mail plane from < *leveland and I'hicapo, reported lie had been unable to land even I hough he gave his nlnne the pas and nosed her down almost perpendicu larly. Kncountcriuir freak wind that swirled up from the earth, the ma chine. nose dow n, s 1"n 1 *?I to hang for several momciils dead still in the air. 'I'b' 11 the pilot tic v.'" ovr llazelhurst Kie'd and anchored his sleet-covered .hip by lathing it to a motor truck. IHtoree lase I* llrln.iril. Trial of a divorce case in Supreme t'ourt was delayed when one of the Jurors, out for lunch, was run down by an automobile in the blinding storm lie went lioni" in a taxi cab. leavinjr the ease |f) be cone!uderl. by agreement, svitli only eleven Jurors. Tom I'.rcen. l?:t. despite his best ef forts, was blown into a taxi cab that stood nearby with its d >nr^ ope.11. (Con'.titled on I'age 2, Ooluinn V) BINDS WOMAN TO BED, KI RNS IIKR to dkatii Story of II tishn ml Tlint ltnmlllM Are ItrN|ioiiN|lile for Crime l>is credileil. |lly I'nitcd .News] S.M.T I.AKK i 'I TV. I'TAII. .|nn. II. Police are- decidedly skeptical ove the story of 11. 1;. Is/a deputy in ternal revenue collector, related fol lowing the dis.-^verv of his wife .Mis. .Myretta Woods, burned to death in her bed. Woods, under arrest, while an In Mliest is being conducted, declared he was knocked down by bandits, W'l 0 bound his wife to bed ami then set fire to it I'olice declare they h;|\*c struck a discordant note in his. story by dis covery 1 ha I Woods secured an acci dent insurance policy for his wife for J.l.oon, which paid double indem nli.v in cast!, of death by fire. Hollowing the tragedy. Miss Tee I.ee Woods, 22, a student at tlm University of- Utah, rushed home to her mother. While hor father ,1s be ing held she is wavering between loyally to him and love for her mother. Police believe they can establish the death was premeditated and hold It. the most gruesome |n recent years. \ RETURNING TO 0. S. i I Iip (.rook. With Leaking Soarns. If Running Into I petli of Tprrifie Calc. CALLS SK.NT OUT FOR I All) KARLY IN TIIK DAY Sniiu Miliirl Slaiifling Ry to I'ick I p Survivors if Ship Sinks. T II IMi I* S MOHK AT n .MI'S Mn,? *?????" Knot, nn Hour, nn.l I'rnr* Are Kxnrrnoril t'nr Safely. I llv I'lilted News.] M:\V Vmiik. Jan. 11.?Already so 'I'-rnl hy waves thai her safety ! under ordinary eondit ions.. was f.ar ?'1 f-.r the Slat..* Army trans port was reported i?t,. todav =.e- t tiiinItiu int., ii,.. teeth ,.f a ter j rill.- kii|e son m,i,.s ?f NVw V)>rk ' w-,s ??vpresse.l at army trans 1 pi.rt headquarters thai the Crook , mluht not make p.-rt unasitixted. f?r v'?'!? was il<.i hi; only seven ? iul.t km.is under her ..u n st.am, .an.I llir heavy seas I hr.-a t eli.-d at a?.\ moment tr. again hash in the which w.-re calked and ??.in. til..I farli.-r in the Soldiers llelleve I'rrw. Members ,.f the ,-rcw. exhaust..,| by their efforts at the pumps. were he ing relieved hy some of the ;< 4 ?> American KIHne soldiers hrtng brought Imi'k on the transport. Hailio messages from Captain Joseph Reppa. of the Crook, said thai the four feet of water in No. | hold had l.een re ?lueed to a few inches. and that the temporary calk Intro heiweei, lb,. ste.-l plate* w.re still holdin? against I ho fen. The transport St. Millie!, rushed to I the rescue when the first S. O. S. : .-nils . .in.- from the Crook, was re ported as standing alongside, and rhe 1 cutters Tampa and < issipee joined the evert to aid in pickinK tip ?uir v Mors if the ., it was announced today I" formulaI inu th-ese fundamental rule.:. It was said, the department I constiltinsr I he State hiuhwnv oill cials. who will have much to do with '?at tying out the purposes of the act. as represented liy the executive ? omiiiit lee .,f the American Associa tion of State highway ollicluls. Kach State highway department, according id the announcement, has hie,, requested to vas said, special attention v. ill he given to social and economic questions involved. BURRUSS SAYS MORE MONEY IS VITA!, , TO AGRICULTURAL WORK AT V. !'. I. I'r. .1. A. Hnrrnss. president of Virginia Ivt????!!r?i?* Institute, ad ilrrsHiiiK (ho convention ??f l In1 Virginia Stiilo Horticultural Snrioly In Murphy's 11 nt increased ii|i|ir(iprlnllnn. Mo said il was imperative the Inst it tit Ion have m??!*?? funds anil orpiip mont or rnrollinont must necessarily l?o curtalloointo<| out tile fact W f. I. hail doubled its enrollment in two ami a half years. Hankers from various communities reported a total of f L'B.OiHI.oUH in vested in the apple anil allied fruit industries of Virginia, anil that from the apple crop alone in this State, a gross return of from si\ to eight millions was averaged yearly, a large portion of which pays local lahor anil buys materials. The hankers urged that fru't growers present their financial difficulties before the Kedcral ltesorvc Hoard, expressing con ti de nee moneys would he forthcoming. State and local fruit brokers stressed the need for lienor grading n nfl packing and advocated co-operat Ivo packing houses and better production methods in keetilng with lite efforts of V. 1*. I. \\\ S. t'nnipftelil. of Winchester, declared Virginia fruit growers must this year produce the highest finality mill best grad* of aoplca ever be ure in the history of the industry in order to recoup the failure ot the 1921 crop. President It. K. Mootnaw, of ('ioverdale, was re-elected at the annual business session, and Secretary \V. I'. Massev, of Winchester, and Trefts urer T. W. Woolen, of Cronet. also were returned to office. MAKES PLEA FOR CENTRALIZATION TO GET EFFICIENT ADMINISTRATION ? _ \ : HALIFAX SENATOR IS PATRON OF BILL IN UPPER CHAMBER Carries Into Kffort Views of Majority on the < Commission. WO I LI) CONSOLIDATE 2 SCHOOLS OF STATIC Prm ides for Transfer of .MihI ical C??|lr?n'*s Property to I niversitv. ? *~ ?i|\K KI I.I. I III IIMC IN It It'll MO\|> \M?r III?.1 'I'rni'hlnit nf I'rofeNsloii nl 1'hnrliillrnAlllr V ? lilil lie IHacnnt Inoril. .Mcriior of the medical department ? ?f lite I iii versi I v nf Virginia ant) tl.e Medical College ,,f Virginia | provisions of the |>ill. Senator Honker was one of th? members of the commission which considered anil reporteii on (lie mer er. The bill (litroiluoe.I ()y i),,. Sena tor from Halifax embodies the- views and position of the rnajorlty of that commission. The measure provides, upon transfer of control of the Medi cal Co! lepe of Virginia to tlie rector of the University of Virginia, thai the duties and powers of the hoard of visitors of the .Medical College ot Virginia shall cease. Won III Trnnsfer College l'rii|iiri >. The I il! directs the rector and visi tors of the I'ni versi tv of Virginia trt estaIdish the niedieal department of the university, including the schools of pharmacy and dentistry, al Kicli mond upon tin- unconditional trans fer of the property of the Medical College of Virginia, suhject only to its existing liabilities The measure sets forth that the commission of medical education in Virginia, appointed in pursuance of an act approved March I !?, l! merger of the Medical Col lege of Virginia with the University of Virginia through the unconditional transfer of fhe property of the Medi cal College of Virginia, subject only to its existing liahililies. The bill further provides that, upon conveyance and transfer, without condition, by the Medical I'ollcgu of Virginia to the rector and visitors of the University of Virginia by deed duly executed, acknowledged for re cordation and delivered on or before .1 uly I, IH'J'J, of all the propci-lv and assets, real and personal, of the Medical College of Virginia, the last (Coniitnted on I'age Col. 3.) DANVILLE JUDGE FIGHT STIRS VIRGINIA SOLONS Battle Before Demoerats Between Friends of Aiken. (Governor s Appointee, ami ('.lenient Intensifies as Delegations Reaeli ('.itv?(lanens Tonight. i in;; ilcl<'^iiIl?>iis from the Seventh Judicial Circuit swiHipml down <>n Uichmoiid \ es t e rda > an I in tensified the battle whirl* has raued l?>r <)}:?> lltich Pillard. ami friends of ?!. Turner rh-mciil, '"omnion wealth's At torney for Pittsylvania I'minty. So in tense lias become thi- llirht for the circuit judgeship thai it has some what overshadowed I li?% tight Judge .1. K Harvey, of I >.? ii v i 11 In the saint* | jinlii ial circuit. is making for t lie Supreme Coiirl nf A|i|>miIs, tin- posi tion made v.ica nl hy tin- death of J ii<1 is*? K. \V. Similiter*, of Knckv Moiiii t. For a few < I a y s the Aiken-i'leni'-nt contest appeared to lie a matter of preference, hut yesterila.v it loomeil up as a major political Issue. Itcsides DECREASE IN TAXES ASKED BY BREWER No 'lime for Additional IJur-| dens, Speaker Tells House Members. |MAKK TIME, IS ADYICK Warns legislators to He (lare f ii I of Compulsory Kdura tion Hill They Support. In a lirief address accepting th* post of speaker of the House, III oh - ard I.. Itrewer. Jr., of Suffolk, yester day, upon cuing of the tiencral lAssemblj. ' ?It on the high caliber | of tile II'. I l ? pl'e>e|l til)K the various ) districts. mi -aid lie was glad to h privilege.I t i preside over such a sat hering "l.et ine warn von against increas ing the expenditures of the t'omiuoii wealth." lie saul. "Tills is no time for aihlit ionaI I? 11nleii.s to he placed on the ta*ipa>ers. If ever there wits a time in the liistor.v of the t'ommnn wealtli when an Assembly shoul I mark time, this is the time. There should he a decrease in 4axes Im posed on the people of the t'ommon wealth. Tin new assessment of prop erty nearly doubled the properly value lu some communities and should provide adei|iiate revenues for the State's need "I want I" warn t'lix Assembly against loading appropriations for specific pur-io- ... Kvery dollar should come Into lie Treasury and lie appro priated by Hi > Commonwealth. "All hil's canting levies for direct purposes should he repealed I am informed a lull for compulsory educa tion will I"- offered. I favor com pulsory education as a step ill the right direction, hut I warn you to lie careful of the hill you support. See that the lull is well guarded and shows progress We are not prepared to accept compulsory education at this time, our ei|iiipment is not suf ficient.'* Referring to a report that a hill providing for free text-hooks will he offered. Speaker Itrewer said there is no demand for this hill, ami that I* would become a burden upon the <*0111111011 weaIth. "The schools and all educational institutions," he said, "ar? iVcciving reasonable and ample sup port." Speaker Itrewer said that thu one thing in which Virginia is de ficient is roads, and he urged that :t reasonable, sane and conservative program for road improvement he provided. ri:ah-ai>mik \l smith KKMKYKD l)F'DUTY | Itv Associated Press.1 WASIII N't !Tf ?N*. Jan. It.?Itcar-Ad iniral William Strother Smith, who was chairman of the naval advisory boaid during the world war, .was re lieved of active duty today after for ty-live years of continuous service. Ile^ reached the retirement age last September, at which time he was placed on the retired list, fiut has re innlned on duty at the Navy Popnrt ment. lie was born in 1K57 at Rich mond. Va., and was appointed a cadet engineer from Virginia in 1S75. '?astMiu shallow over Hit* Supreme 11 r? l>n 111??. political observers pro f>?>>??.I' i<> see in it ?n alignment of i in- forces iii ilip cmiii in if senatorial fiu h t. In Hi.- tl el eg a t ion arriving from I? work for Judge A. M. Aiken. was Major Joseph II. Anderson. a new member of the House of lickcalcs, ami who will probably | > J n ?-?- the name of .IfYdge Aiken before the joint caucus to held in the hall of thi* House >if Del egates tonight, beginning at S o'clock, others in the party , were former .lodge K. Watson Mrown, Henry I.eigh anil <"ity Attorney .litllan Moailf, of Pa n vi 11 ?? They were ac companied here l>v ????minittees froin Henry anil Patrick Counties. Well-known men from various sections of the circuit are here In liehalf of Mr Clement, anil the ballot 11_ ont inut'il on I'age Coj. I.) URGES RIGID PROBE OF HIGHWAY BODY Senator Tlvrcl hitroduees Joint Resolution in I lie Up prr House. 1> RO Y 11) KS COMMITTEE Appointees \\ o u 1 <1 Make Searehiii}; Investigation Into Aets t>f Department. Investigation of the State Highway Department is provided in a joint resolution introduced in the Senate yesterday l?y Senator Harry Flood Ityrd. of Winchester. The measure further provides, tin- House concur ring. f'?r tin- appointment of a com mittee, consisting of two members of the Senate, appointed l>y the I'resl metit of that body, and three members of the House of Delegates, appointed by the Speaker. Duties of this committee will be to make an investigation of the "acts iind ?loins*'" of the Slate Highway De partmeiil. the State Highway Com mission and the Stale Highway Com missioner. anil report, as soon as Its task is finished, to the General As sembly. The committee is to ascertain whether there has been any extrava gance or negligence in the expendi ture of public money by the Highway < 'oinin itfsion or Highway commis sioner; whether the contracts made liv the commission or commissioner have been made and carried out upon sound business principles ami with ilii" regard to the interest of the State, ami whether there has been any unnecessary dela> iu obtaining rights- of wa> or in making surveys or furnishing plans and specifications. The committee also is directed to look into any other matter which, in its Judgment, will throw any light upon ill.- etliciency and adequacy of tlie system now in operation by the State Highway Department, as well as the administration of such system. The yum of f2.mil) is to he appro priated to pay the expenses of the committee. The bill went to the Com mittee on lloails. To Vlil lliiitcn <11 Si'iinln. |ily Associated Press.) Ito.M 10. .Ian. II.- Minister of Com merce Helotti today authorized the I tank of Naples to allot f.n.Ofitl.Oiil lire for the benefit of the New York branch of the ISunca Italia <11 Seonto. No Oil for Pershing; Will Remain in Artny I l?y I'nited News.] KANSAS CITY. MO.. Jan. 11.? General John J. I'ershing likes th at my so well ho allows he'll stay iu and has no Intention of resign ing to enter the oil business, as re ported. Ileportv that the distinguished American military leader would soon give up his post here spread on his recent trip to the oil tlelitn of Kansas. "It's just a bit of nonsense," ha *aid. "I'm going to stay In the army." TO CREATE,BODY Savs (/ i" rate r Authority Should Ho Invested in Chief Executive. POINTS OUT WEAKNESS OF PRESENT SYSTEM Tells Legislature Depai>ment Heads Should Be Appoint ed and Removable. ?IKI'OMVIKMIS ??||0\M-lllt \ ?? OATII Sii^Kfntliin of I'lintlItiiflonnl Amrml nirnt N Scn*nt Ion??lllll Drnftcd t nrrvlntf It Out. Centralization anil simplification 'if the State government was the chief recommendation of Coventor West moreland Mavis" message delivered personally to the Joint session of the Virginia Central Assembly yester ilay afternoon. "In or.ler to have elllcient govern ment economically administered, the ilffairs of the State should he con ducted as n re those of a business concern successfully manage,!, an.I the ISoveruor should he iti efTect the ^tati* ma nager, sa id Uovprnur OH vis, who stressed his point that the heads ?>f departments should he responsible ?o the Coventor and appointed and 1 .-movable by him. The executive recommended that a commission he appointed 011 "Administrative Reor ganization of state t ?ovcrnment of Nirginia." anil added "I could not profit in power by the centt'alirntion and simplilication. because it co'ild not possibly be effected during this administration." Pointing out that w, Virginia tom? of the State Ollicers are elected by tITe people, others by the Ceneral As sembly and others are appointed ?'>' the liovernor. and that some of these ollices are provided for hv the One stitutioM and others creati*d by leiji.O. iHtlve enactment. Coventor Davis ?ailed a 11 cut ion to the mulliplieltv ? boards, "large and inelllcient in orKnnization. having the man agement of institutions itl lll0 Ma te. * "Over these." he said, "the Cov et not has no authority, save the "c," "r for ontisrcs, and i>e C 011! in lied on Page I. Col. l7) ' NEW YORK BROKERS SI E TENNESSEE BANK Killer ? h?r?e of r,?h,?w I)r, f Ilonds Alleged to Knve "'en Stolen. I Mv Associated Press. 1 MKMI'HIS, TK.VX. .Ian n -pk "f ;l l,<",k the neg'o ?a .le instrument act for the action of ?? former official in cashing drafts ,r ? have been stolen V' '? - suit tiled 1:1 1-cder." t ourt here ,0mberM .f the New York brokerage of Kean ,?>lor ^ ^ iiV.i!Vi/. "ank' ot lh,s v,ly'