Newspaper Page Text
Read Schedule of Want Ad Rates at Top of First Column CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 1.M>1?.\ 1>|J Foil (tVlCU Illil'lJHUMK I ?e the Trlrphunc?l ull llnndolph J Auk I or W uut Ad 'laker ciaasiUea *u. u. l.oiiuoule olorrou Aicit duuy uiormug euiliou ? ni v." l^?, lieil ol J ills. ^ WWAiCH. The rates hi\eij Iiercwita co?uj aiuniiug &nt ?t?uing #ei ?!<.c 111 all IllMuikc, wiUi Vf wi?^':.tVV.ou ?r 1 a K a U >?' i> A V 1 IME.i-DISl'AlCli, which la uric *d tcpuruteiy. aefcrdttie of Want Ad Haifa 2c ? wora aiiiy, luiuiLuuiii 26c, set eoila. ?V*c H word ouujuj, mmimuai ?.oc, aui aouu. J coi.sscuU'. e inaeriicue, lu ctuding ouiiuitj. oo a woiu. 7 cooufcutive Lnatrliohs. lu clLdin* ?uud<i>, ;yc a word. t.Note tin- riilui'Iluu lor luuirtallti lM*;rtiutta.> my 1 > yt ilie l>i?e ?.ei?u>lted iu Itii ? ?<?;.> au .a ... i/onji. ai.u lii-j liuajieai sya.c .u vw.itu a i^-yoiui l>l<e ad is.a> k.o ncl .a ouc iucU. I&le lor iii^a la.t?e Ij (?(; .? o cell la a Word iiaii) alia ? c?.:iia .i ?* oru outi Ca\. itio same demv ol i'edUclluUa viii ns i, r r>KUiai want Cay*. liu?cti li.-co. while apace u; <. cha:hta iui at iw w oru i*ic " ? alimait J W oi ah lu tile illle. ??uil*er term io? vunucu aj 1 l' ",l'- wu :tii4uc?k N *'* ''Semeula received .?& iato at A" "uu lk i*. Keen oa> *do up to o t\ M.. iaturo.i} lor correct k.ASbii.^atiou lu the i*eAl i^L?iTIoN. AJSMjUSSC?Mt,i> l>tiauu, 1 ile.NAMEE--Diea. at the Retread at A V. . - ' j , , - tVamti*. uui-niH .' ' " ox r. W. j >.?.? i . . ??? f . ?. a*. 9 c a. wCfx L, 4 . ^ ? ? : ? ja ry L a* ; ? . i. '? ? ? ? 2 a>> a. w;i* a,tid :r.r*e ohJ.drwa. I ard.H ol Ihunio) W '.'UwL'r,. I ? !?;?An? Um .y A H. W. ?\ Kildnde. ao fcTAit::. ; * ? rv V* , tc w 1 LU ;.'*r eiyr-^. .a ;a..r o?. 1 uuniu 1? ircctor# Mourning Orders Dyed. Ordere rrce|T?<J before ? a. M. returned ? ?m? Addison CU'umng Co., .s JA. l-i ^out ?iui ft ir? tx>o ti.e vk; ? ? l tr iiju.ewr^ ItOUR.NlNQ l/HDKP.a I' lili, 2*-aour ?*r v.Cf. Tfc.e deparui>ent 1* ?iv.r. our en,. CU. ?t :?>niii>r?- bcn.w. c.? ,art ?-'i'.-t, . ? North i-'ourta atr?i". il?a . ? ? .. .r r.indo.p.1 ii?j. hpi:ciiU .NiiUcca a ANTIQUES ? )?jjr?r and kppraUer of antlfiuee. Jlo? Tm, Hlenmonj 31 n i . ? 0. r-i-lifi. 1'Ahi.oH lovet Koh,>T, Jewelry Store. iOt Broad . itudam n.uBf. i i.jii. iiai? ,u,'; a""?e. Miici ;""5' ,I",'cl0 i?^on;.s ro, <rH> .,. i iitnn* uwiauuti ol .t.. *l'l ? '.il aurc. ior ";?? ' ntmtnL -N ' f i ?" E TO THK ?*t?* . a ;.4 j40l n#, 4iiv?ibl? i r l*o.? :* ljj any on# oin^r Jhaii ? i>nn; iifcrion ."?ri:ciA.. notice, h?*n th?? o:x?#r fallow i .-i A.tch rai.ii.r .i.*. lad* ?<u *4? :a ? tr> for 6?I Sostf Brii^ to v - v. .,-r ? v. ^ 1 ' * ' tn?r?g ?ij " v " , ?"'?? " ; Company, ? ? ?> ?? i. s\ . a .iu J Vrxtualft y -,r'J ifer.oe .-?an-l '";???'* i:?.. .Bin., ,r ** . i1 a Ici ? !"'? lillil i ?*11(1(1 J (J f '? 1 -i. s\l. . .11,1 f,, , - li4X. >. ? -0 ilonuinent, A .icn t,j ?. > return lsij 1 a H f d. ?. l.uinh of ??>?. f?->r ' ' ?>) a;.r!jrlr.? ?t M ...hl?r K ?' ' , tf .ng f, : fc.\. >"? ? r" '.i r.?i Shl^idi. 1^.. ? '? I'O* fs.... , 4 j y . 1 ? ' ? ? n j \ i w. K iL v Li. i f K.k d?*A!gn or e:u 4.?-lttnt of v Jlnun; ,* : A ? .,j AL I O UUIill.hS A'utOUtOlMil'A illf .SUi*: Chalmers 1? 1? Touring )!(? r :i Call Mli. ALHLY, CHAN; i ' - fc cur < Chevrolet Touring A.l * dlUon. , J. i?rm? ;? <-??? ? Call MK. AI.Bi.Y, CliBVhul.K' , oondit: * , wood A ? li?*. Dodge Touring, l'.o Com; ? > v# ? \ ... to qiiCik bu>er ? ? Call MK. ALBKY, !Ch ri'S .; li i .l', ?barI i'.'j; >Jt exits. \v. ; ... .. jrtbutor, t.. '.I W??l Main f -r\ FORI) TOURING, 1?U>. C?t l" -<rr !'f ? t:??? I. > b?'.* r. - :r r- ? h.>. Call MR. ALBEY, H*r IVph ! ? 1< FORD TRUCK? r. iefo ??:?: run four w?#y? > j>h Ch?rr P:r??t. PV.oi.? Mv. ??vr. ll'.T. KKCj^H trjc.?. ?:50. Dirt Wombli IimmJo.tii 117. AITOMOIULES Automobiles for Halo 11 'Fordson Tractor (Rebuilt) and Oliver Plow, $350 Her* !? ?? bargain. Mr. F;ir?it??r. that give* to j h working unit h t a r:dJculoueIy low jrlcc Th* K -r?!> -m tractor .? guaranteed b- : ii j?orf*?rt condition* Universal Motor Co., Inc., l? Wont Urcud R:hmond. Va. KRANKLIN CI rib Kofcd?t#r. 1?:?; *ic< > nt condition; **d'. rh? np. i'hon* Iloule \ a r d 3 4 1 FORD ROADSTER, With starter. Bar gain. $200. A. R. TILLER, 1308 \Y. Broad. AMAZING Is the only word to de scribe the volume of business which we have enjoyed in the sale of used cars this season. For the Reason, Ask any one who has purchased a used car from us. Our policy of treating others as we would like to be treated has pro duced wonderful re sults. See Us for Used Cars of All Kinds. If we haven't what you want, we will get it for you. Anderton Auto Co., Inc., 1537 West Broaci St. OUR PRICES CANNOT BE DUPLICATED And y>*\ ran tviy * nd i??d car 'r m us airiri:, 't. 1. I* a^ It ff^r* reod valu* f I? in condition t* ic've BECAUSE : \y?. ?,-a building * permanent buptn^n* 2. In :hl h ?r*> n: ratlin hir er mu?' " ?? ; ?>.*<*?? i >r !h- ?*!? !i r.ot . UJ> . *? We '? r ?t urge . > i ? I iy. ^ J ? \N '*?>I"E4*T ? ? I" J< (?**?? us* ' Mill, i \ I , ? N ' v ? ? * - S KR\ V. <i A * * ?' ? v.- ft nd . ? ri I f , ?t? p!a c* ir r* ? ?r-rn^n'? : r; ? ? ur hand* ?>??! ? ?' r ? fj * } nr.! fa ? li ; * ' * 1 Fl*l?w Are a f a w :r c ! 1!>2<? ('handh'i'. T-Pass.; perfect paint, tires and mechanical condition. H*19 Chandler, 7-Pass.; extra good condition. I)odge Touring. Haynes 5-Pass. And others of various makes which we are offering at very low prices. Madison Motor ('orp., -1M \V. Broad. .Madison 808. Open Evenings Until 10 P. M. \VK M1 'ST VACATE OUR I'RKSKXT BUILDING. All l.'sed Trucks Reduced ")0 Per Cent. Atlas rton t ruck, was mi; soiling price, ?2.*><). j-ton Stewart, with i <>dy, lv< public 1-ton truck, was .><>0(1; selling juice, $->00. (}. M. C. ?" j-ton truck, was t''; M-iling price, $2">0. ?ton Selden, with body H i. !!cih!?'hem 11 --ton truck, was si'iou; selling pj'ice, $300. \'the- above in running c >nditi<>n, some with body. Small cash payment, bal ance on time. A. MKYER'S SONS CO., ; 012 E. Cary, - 731 FjjCary. * AVTOMOHILES <%iitomolnU*f? f?ii Sale 14 mo USKH OAK s \ j.n NuW ON'. Al l. IVVItiiAINS. W.M P ATKINSON CO., 3:2 \V. IIIHIAU. HAN. 3i73. _ Used Fords, All Types. Prices Right. Universal Motor Co., Used Car Department, Sluifer and Broad Streets. USED CARS OF MERIT. 1)22 rolin If ? W-; WIRE WHRKI.S; A 1 ri 1 \ NEW. 1920 DO DOR r??Ut?IN*? H50 ]?l# NA<II KIVKI'ASS 5J0 i?:: kokt> cuiri: ?30 J'JlS lU.'irli tiOO 1'Alitlv. 1?:<> lloliKI.. NKW I'AINT; m:\v iii;h.>. i.s i;\t'i;i.i,KNT ^IIAI'K 550 I '? ' KI' ItO A l#S I I. il Wl III STAIi licit.. 27i } ? UlllS. ??. iol ItlNti. AII .- 'I.I tki.Y I.HAND NKW S7S 1. ? It I ? I>>1 lil.Ni. 10U 6Tt.'l>KllA K Kit six * 3 u0 in r.\t> 'in 1.1:. Willi; w;iuki..s .... m IV Hi.AM? :? ' 200 max \v 1:1.1. 1.1. >i"lti itn j?o < VKl:: V NI? ItoAKSIKIl ISO t VtKI.AN'.' Kul'll luL'llINlJ. GOOD AS NKW , 176 Jordan Used Car Exchange, 2015 West Broad. Boulevard 3047. W K PI V ?? <>r ii*M curii. F< ll?. !????. aU3 N'or'h (Jt thnm. i' 'V\ MNOM.N ii#!nnn?trm Ion. Mr. ? .Idrey, L"n Motor C??. y ?K rSF.l) i'AltS. *??*> Richmond Kline , i USED CAR ANNOUNCEMENT. We have several used cars recently traded in as part payment ctn new Durants that we will dispose of at ex ceptionally low prices. We consider them good trades, else we would not have taken them into our stock. You can purchase any one of these cars and give it a three-day trial. If it does not prove as we represent it and does not give satisfaction, THE FULL PUR CHASE PRICE WILL BE RETURNED TO YOU without question. Our service includes free driving lessons and securing license tags for the purchaser. FORD TOrKlN'i ?:; i ?VKill-AN 11 ' T' M It t HL'ICK *. T< >1 !. ... " . > V I". It I. A N* D < -OI>\N . ' ?' nVKiii.Asr' ? ic? *i>sti:it .?-> - rt i > k ha k y. it t< 'fit i Nr.. 7- PASS. . <"0 "VKItWNI. ? T< 'I' It I N (?.... 1 ? ? Terms can be ar ranged. Used Car Dept., HARPER MOTOR CO.. INC., 1335 W. Broad Street. Telephone, Boulevard 1301-2. SALE USED FORD CARS. W K MA'.K A n.Jtl'I.KTK STOfK A I.I. 'n :"r.< am? thksk < ars ?iA HKKN H> M '.H I at KIM1 ' KK' >ni?: utikiu.vkii i>S A l; V ANI) Wll.l. (ilVK thk ri i(i ?iasi:is Tin: i.mwkst riu<Kij A I? HKSI Tit ANM'OltTA I :? ?N K< ' It I? T<>! RISC \l< i|iK|. , u ! v. *t h ........ * ? i . ,, ' .?i,*. ' ?iii> *. ? i tjK*? moiith.?. FORI) t60lti.S<i. i-.'I MOUKI., ? * I..' ?* ? .?n I i irn .!?.?? n?-w K >It I? I ' >1 it ! ? ; M'i|ii-.i. i'i ! with ^r:?-* ."ifl tl?hi<?iihtittyU ?. .-???? oi.l ' ? : ? ?* 1 ? ? ? . I-'"' I t r ?!'. i ? . ? .i T.; n? ; : \t ?.i ? i-.:.. in 1 ? th liliirirr nn<l dWnotintablt ? ? i ii * i ?? '1 t#\ ???i-f ? - ? ? ?JI#ht ?? ?r. y '? ' 1.1' .. : * '*r ?II'I ; ? m II wh??la; ' ? r? ? t ?' l ?? n ?? ?io|iRrit n ml mc ch' I rf.n'llt ? ?' ' ' It I'a If 'I' 1. 1'. M< >1 >KI.. I ?? n r ??r'?r *-i.| plain * h<*el?, ' ' ' 1 ? ?! ?'"I ; r. ???! x iKht. K? ? H I ? I i NAIi'il 1. !?>; Mi ?r ., ' ? r i . ? . .iflu ii'il in i.llr ' , ? ' ? ?! il'inri'inl K' "' I? v I. .1 : . .. \|i 11 > KI., ? . i.;ij>??1 ? . -r-r ., .ii >|*ni-nintabla I > t *? i. . i? :i. I . l r iii* * .o.l, I ' >n11 hi i \ Mi ii?ci., J - I ? ; |I ? ' f. r ? ? i * ii . I m njni a Ma I'." < i i..*'l in 'iiu Mi'?; Itiina t ? ? -1 *.???: w. , [.rule m?n wmt- r jrit KORU :<>N 'IltlVK fHASHIH. ? .--J . a th (iri?iirfi?41 ? f. f-ri.ri.l * ii* i *j..J r in* Ilk* n?*w. ? ? h?r ( ? ? n r. lis!*-! '* ' ? a > ?ri.^f i n Il i-if ?* 11 it?nioiii>irstn ? . i' n'.-rt ? i'Iiml nii> -ili ? ? i. ? . , ?ri I'. t.-.?'Ui:i i. ? ? - r r> ? nri n^n' or unM lilCilMOXI) MOTOR CO., INC., Authorized Forrl Dealers, I >road and Tenth St.s. Opposite City Hall. ??*a .???. Itf" S\ ^-Tn\ \ Dispatch Want Ads | Find a Way Put your proposition in Muck and while anil have il published in The Dispatch want eoluiuns. ll's the only way that you rati reach hundreds and thousands of people interested in yuur particulnr proposition economically and with such rosy prospects of mooting with success. Dispatch want ads find a way of doing many seemingly impossible things. Those who aro thoroughly familiar with this means of reaching the public realize tho full value of Dispatch classified advertising. Save Time?Phone Your A?1 to l"s. THE DISPATCH PAPERS M orn intr . F veiling RANDOLPH 1 AUTOMOniLES Automobile.-* (or Sale 11 OOOD USKD CARSl ? 91? l(U|>iii -I' ir.iiB UiU. \V ?? t ; : ? ""in r I'm I?Hiocliiti-r. HrUfnt I'..ui lit;. S.t?r?n t J< ? . ?:oo. !MtKNII.<> M 'T 'K CDMI'ANV, luniloiph ) : 11n Mr m<l SI. Mi' ? r. ? INr.'.i arm K--;>nlrv USKD CARS AND TRUCKS W** a ror?:pl?-*< Mock of k? ? iJ U*?' ! rT a i* f,?i ? . V fV you con* *ld**r:ni; buyout ? h* n^nr fu ruf " If * 1 n : full to h*'o our ntnrk b*f?-re n nine y???ir pur rhn?". our pric** are right. Terminal Motor Co., Inc., Ninth a ii 1 '?:> Sn. Kit n. 11'. 1 I'SKD CARS. BAL'GHAX M'?T?>R .-.VI.KS CO.. INC.. ?ifih W-st II: *?!. USED CARS. Are you considering buying a ufd cir? Vej?" W*ll. don't fall to look over our *to?rk before mik tr.U your purchase. Our uiod can are al: In good condition and priced very low. Coburn Motor Sales Corp., 1217 West Broad. lioulevard lOTt. > K F. t*> fnr u?*d i r*. Apply H*arn K'?K r?i, t'%rr-i1n? ;n U3?*d ?ar? .Inn^s \t ? - ?"! W*?t I{rt? 1 Slr^"'.. TRUCK for sale ? 2-ton furniture truck body. Apply 305 Munford St., rear (>12 W. Broad. KKAI. SPKF,1? \VA?;??\ pari?l body. b?ar.d n? v. only run I. |miles, roroe j ? Ii^np i r raah. John H. Rllley Su ; ? Nor* h Third. F?*KI? ? * ?.M MKH'M A l? H*?f>IKS?l.arge stock to from. VTe install nodi** a*:n? da> r*irrhaa?d. We have the pi Ice in<l term* to suit. Any style lettering rr work that la n*?d*d We do all the work under ?? n* roof. A. Meyer's Sons. :: 4 South Eighth Street, STUI)EBAKER BIG SIX S?ven-pa?>*eng*r car, in A-l condition. A t? % ba*Ki n. <'iii bought for less than } l>r:na ?f desired. Call MR. ALBEY, J: i ? lolph Hit. Motorcyclt-.s mid HIcjtIm 112 i;|i'VCI.KS Sie !.? 11 thai your children i?r? healthy and remain ?o. Muy a o. > cl?- loi thriii. Wf hro agent* for tn?* i ?*' a t a iid our atocU 'a complete. ? J. K ^uarles A: .Son. 512 West liroad Str*?*t. GKNKItAL bicycle repairing. Davis Tire a ad Itepa Ir Co., 609 Kami Clax Aulo Ai'ci'tisui'iun 14 A I 1 ? >.M? >Mi l.K r A INTI.NO Por auto Pointing. s?e Sim; h-Moojc Vehicle Co., j 1N I'lii Fourtn Street. At'To SlMtlN'OH. g**r*, bearings and * he* a \% oifii F. D't.non, a'*2 Hrook Avenue. Hand??lph o?i44. All'' SPHIN'i>. g;ars, hearings and wheels. V. '? ir h. Dotson. 502 Iiruok \\enw- it a ii r>l ph S*?4 4. K* ?ft I? H? ? l ? ^ Ford runabout body com J* ? U3 North Fourth a I It K- l.? VI VN?'K SA!.K 3A*3. |6.2S; A t ?, I.. S -u M. Tire Co, i2i Weal liroad. /1 It i ? 1 N I A Al TO TO!' HriM)KHS, ol2 W ??at llros'i Strait. Itandulph 4'J4k. WK 'AN SAVK YuU il> to Oil iol ll 11 Ill-US. NATION \ I. II UK AND It I'll It Kit CO., 12; West Mroad Htreet. HOOIKS f r .1.; ?? /.? 1 of trucks on hand. iii North Koutth. Mn(?V -K??r **le, *?(?*ul dump bod>. roin Alia lioiat, |1 fjj Alid up. JlJ ?N. r mui tU. Kcr\ltc StulioiiM?llt-imiriiiK 10 i \ I.INI'KU A.*? 1> I'lSTuN grindlRj a *p?>.m.iy. U C th*; latent Wet glllidlng prot-r><iif# mipuiiicdliiK a?l other inrthoiln. S.t t tel v\ hit o JL ? u., *4J? jo liast 1'iMiik hn. h OII.S'lN 1 >ol k r trp.iiniiK, night 4VI \ 14 . 1 \1 I \N . ll: .Mil St. ? VhlM'KIt -f.'l ? i a ok hh.t f t regrludlng. A I. Fleming 4 WeUllng and llilnding Shop, \'<iS Went llioad Street. !<ou??s vard MCKMi laLATINO. A'itoriiobii** k.a:ta a y*p**?'laHy, relishing ??i?'i iac?|tiering braas flaturei* ItirilMONO MKIAK l*lt? ilM'f'ts CO., h??i:tii fifth sr. ItANI" IJ.IMI bO?a. WK A ItK IN A roMU luN t O 1>0 Kl It.ST i*I. Arts la AI N TI N i i ??N AM. M A K ICS OF A I'TOMl ? 1 a I I.KS. I'KSI uF MATKItlAL A N I> WOltKAi ANSIIIl*. IMtH'KS It 11; 11 T. IIICHMON I' MOTOK COM I an V, TBKTII AND BROAI) STREETS. Ill? DISTATt H Clsas.dcd AOa brlTig sura tr?d %uick its Jits. Al TOMOP.U ? Service Sti?ii?.n?.? l(e|tufriiij; 15 MACK COSUV AIM.. xuKanumc tube repair.i k Mm! ? .?, r.?3?> JC.SS A CAItl.K -v rrllHlrln 1 ?' ? ?* . I'. v\ . MHln H . ? ur | l?\,. Amci Livrrj?* u A l IX-.-, r ,R HIKK ?J. .?r ?,,ur ? J-f. J.. Ran ?I 'Ipjl 4 i 'I A K. A . ,I?. Jr^j.",ur NEW CARS FOR KENT BY THE MILE. a'PECIAL. lUi lill CU.MM KHCIAt* THE CHAUFEEUKLESS TAXI SERVICE (Vol A It K V' 'I I! OWN UlUVKR., 6 . i. A - . I.r.l'ill STIIKKI, UANtJt J j I, \\ anl?*il?A iiioiuoliilcs I 7 >S i' ? mill. .1 i . Mf RawUnsa. Mot .r Kmhalll;. (ijj \\ Hi ?? t? 1 Street BVSP.KSS SERVICE liUMines* Service* tillered 18 -?11. .-I a i I 1 t II1NG. bullous umde pleat I 1 lie Gin 1'ourth ana <ix.1t*;. HKi .vllil.N'u- 11. Han is. foriiiuri) I.. .-III. Ii.r.v : >* North \S nii.-j Mil l thvittru .il multe-u;*a for ??? ? Huichen- liair i'dhur, 2c,i N"fth Third St Wi; ???.. r*paii electrical fun*. j. * au1>. jJ?, .\.?rih Third Street. Ituilcliiij;?i onlfactiuj; lu JJi.roK). j i I ? ? j .. ? t a .?? It*#? | g-tr?ifc \\ . Keliai^: itlu Al-.a. ? uii aee lui( SiltWl. ilal.tiut^u I'liiMing?I'lipcring ii-l WAI.TKR i. KKAViiKIl, KINK IVAI,l. i'A PKRS. WK i HAI.I.KN'jh COM PKTITI. >.V. KAN. 6211. 2lb >v A DA MS. WAI.I. P A I'KR IN'(i, u * h"*'* ? comI ? ?iH )rtm?nt of Wall Paper.. er,l our ee are r!Rh?. (Jail u? u*-. re plasms >??.ir nrxt or'i^r. NKI.S" iN A JON KS Hit US., i "2 W Mam. Houlevar.l lid. KINK WAI.I. I'AI'Klt. We guarantee ...ji ? ,, A t,j ?at|sfac torj .ii every w?>. ?l .1. '.RACK, 104 Km f e ? 'lion- It* nl'iiph i'rtntlim?Stationery 'Mi FKUKRAI. PRINllNi; Co.. INC.. 2*13-1 j Hani Street. tPnonc MaUlaun \ Hillntirt, Va. NKW location-- T. .S l.-ak-. |-,inter. o n fcnth ai.. w:;v.-,i Man. ami>. li-.SKNTHA'. S. .1 K.e: M..,, St. J.hon, j Madiaon J.J.. Ki;,;r.o.rSl j,rintei?. l'r(Un>.siiinti| services 'Al liAVK >?ur r,.., aiuica. K. K. Fisher. i-K: .a.lit. .S. ?r.? ?i?l Clay. Jteyuit-Uig iyj I.aj.UAUK ItKI'A 1111NG l'i?,i,,,t a-rvire ?V?U"tree "U"" ""K Cu< Mud mow llAl.i- SOI.fcS. I., luut/.r Uveis, Soo. .Man hattan Mlos i(t>t>air Co., nj N. fifth >"..K RBI-AlMlN.i K.I,, lte,,air Hh??. . - \\e?t liroa.l. ii.n, ; ..pi, j m . \\ . II,?re\Vln.BfV!>7 vh"t "?''?"""K f now lo l,1.1 I'liono. Han. I.kt>-V\. 1. a. Hi.'iitill. J'rop. UK apecialu- .n jew-lry r-yalr. Tn ^--r> ? . ? ? Mai 1 t,.-a:er LMl'LOt Mt.M Help Wanted?Keuaalo S2 C. IMPTC >M KT I; It oI-kkaVoR?R-nulre. ?" ">??> *?-nooi ' M'Tiesire; permanent "O'UOI, I., ?. A ,.m,e of Ur?, corpora V,miv> A,"> v,r- ????. Ma",*.,. a| omr..K .jreat A. A |\ I'-a i i... I,:e\.'iiih aii.l i'?nal. Girls Wanted As Textile Operators K.\( KI.I.KNT WoR K INlS CONIMTIONS I.N N PLANT. GOOD WAUES, ?STKAI.Y WORK A NI > OlIKAl' IIOARI>! ATTRACT I V K I .OR M I TO II Y ul'EIUT KU HY COAH'AN V foil TllilSK WHO I'RKKKR. TUB1ZE ARTIFICIAL SILK. CO. OF AMERICA, Hopewell, Va. J'ANTS FINISH KHS? Warned. eauert tnced pant, niilahvrs. Jtn North Savcu leenth St reel. Haiiiliiipti 30*3 W. POSITIONS WITH l(KUl;i.AR SAI.ARV INCRICASKS ARK AVAII.A MI.K TO SI.NO|,K WoMKM IIKTWKK.N TIIK AliKS uF If, AND 16. ciood eyeaiKht. heartnc, health and" W|l|lngne?? to Work the houra aaaiKned art til"* essential qua) I rtra llona. No PRKVIOUS b'XPKItlENCK NKEDED APPI.Y ROOM m. 703 li. ORACK ST. run fllKSAPKAKK A- POTOMAC TKI.RPHONR I'o, or VIRCIINIA. S I'KNIIORA I'll l*:n .I 'l.KRK One eXp?rl in railroad work prefei re,1; ru addreaa ?nil phone, number. Addreo Hallwaj bo 'litm, T, u. Uo* 17:6, City. EMPIA) I ME NT Hi lp Wanted?Fumnin UU STRNOGIlAl'liKIl ? Requtremonta: busi ness collfgr ?r high achool education; r?n<li|?Ti?bl? In dictation, highest references; permanent position in new office of large company. Appl> Manaic^r, t;?*neral <>f?\ees, (treat A. A* P. T?ji t'o., Kte\enth and ('anal. ViM'Ntl LADY wanted, from IS to 211, for JnlTojiilng clerical work In a large n?w office; requirement*: high school education. general e * parlance. highest personal refei wiu ph, |ihu| salary for the tight t> |mi of girl. Apply ofllc* manager, \ \ 1*., Kleventh and ?*ansl. KXPKiUKNCKD private branh *irhnng?? operator, must bo of good appearance Mttd addree*. Knowledge ?' olllee detail desirable but not essentia? If applicant In willing to lear n. Ulv'e full details, In colliding aalary desired, In rtrat letter. Jlo\ *! care The Dispatch. WANTED?-Young ladlea and girls for our bindery, ex por lenced and n<?t experi enced. good pay; nt work Ap | rnrr. . IIUPLU llltDl.t' It l?' .1 *? ? ????? < in ply i?*.?d> for work. Wll'.iams Ptlntingl Co., 11 North Fourteenth. Help Wanted?Male 88 DMiCKUS \\ .?nte?l, tin-* dttchdlgy ? m. those who have worked with piuiulM ri j preferr**?i. ? arb* lloculing ?V i'o., 1 ?? I i : Went liroad. I.A IIUllKltS WANTKD?New buildings. 1:300 blink Koaew I Avenue. See All. Flourney . M>iho-in ? n a K?yboe. MAN wanted. >"ii?k. iliout i2. to do stock audit .ng ? ??? !*tg** new office. ? Requirement* At least high adiool . ,i ; ?*:.??i end p*r*mailt y, s-mi? - . vj..m l-no?*. high***? personal n*ferer.< -t* I ii ii'M. opport in;' > f ? r ? npaol* man with initial w. Apply MaiMK1'', r.eneia. Offices A. A P.. I..' * tn n - nd ? -nai. , MKN wanted, sev,.,:. furniture irxid pi opi ?sit ion. ' nil K ui'l'iph 1M7-J. I'Al'BHHAN'JKKS- Wanted. thr-?. k--?4 paperhang?*rs at on- A Htll. Inc.. 60? F.a<! Main Street. SAJ.K3M AN of h?---r <-'?<? to oil nn physician* and d?nt|pt* -nni^di a*e, j perm a nent. well-pa.d work Stai*? ~xp<sriem*e. F. Itox 1*1. Ph I* I'ljih SAl.KHM I: V |(!\ m?i? r,.,? m.ik. k V:rc:ni? ? nl H w t1"! n k" k-iimI* h'Hiv. ., nnl ? ?ally mi\ .rt ;.?< .1, !<"* US. Iteal ftervlc* N? w V o r ft ( j . FA I i;>MKN WAM K1. >mp.ti|> wpe ?n basis ' For:,,,, >?> t hi wor.'l .nit ti.alih ?? line m titiit> ""-?I * in . itt.i t> ' ??xh < ..ii,,,. " *?' -*l i ?> t- mi: h?H.*. , \| "" J ? in.-1, ? mi I ? i'i'i.rtimlty fi ?n .? rr?i?.| ? ?I Itn^rai r#?. A(luiii< n-nr I fl I '> Mond It. Ik" Washington, L>. < . TINNKit a??l "eb--: ?? -r f ?? fn side and ou' * ?? ii .\ ? ?? r: ?*t. ? ?'0 Ka?t Mi.rshei rnrriv dkivkk ? - i driver \ p;?.y ; ? *.N - v Ma r. WANTED AT ONCE ? Machinists, boilerniak ers, blacksmiths, pipe litters, sheet metal work ers, car r e p a i r men, two experienced coach painters; also experi enced helpers. Perman ent employment to com petent men. Apply K., F. & T. K. R. Shops, head (^f Ixiigh Street. H. J. Wart hen, Superintendent Motive Power. Voting Men Wanted As Textile Operators i..\i r \vi litkiNu . ?iM?rrioNs IN 'HKItN I'l.ANT. WAC.KS. STKAIlV Wi i|:K AMI i IIKAI' UkAKD. TUIiIZE ARTIFICIAL SILK CO. OF AMERICA, Hopewell, Va. \\ \ i t:i? Vi-.i! k* t???v lt.?rn printing ? ?? ?' - Jithii K.? r' M.?JI1. K.\ I'KltlKN i d ht a- ,%: i i i , fj , x p. M i< 'thy innn n?. '?? in |rla >*s I In . irib!< fnr ? unMj i ? ? r. ? I ??.? i i.? i ? r + . in . ld:r*R ?* \ |. ?If*?| III firs*. 1^-ttrr Mot H ' >??? rh- l?:?>patrh. MKN' Want Ml +1 Mivb* rn?-n. bring dip ? h^rg^. Applv Mr. N<v % N rth ?-? - li-t *** n i A M. and 12 ? h n r> o n. WANTKP F\p^rt ti!^ p'tterp. experienced ?^n batnroom worn. App';. M F H?rn hs*rd at Hro . Ill kapt Main Street. Ili>lp?.Male or K?-ntalo 34 'OKKF.KrKH ? Wanted. rf.'rip**?nt t hf>o?<ke<*per by ? state r.nncern, ptate ^aier> experred ami when available. b?.nd retired. Addr? ilt<x II bii, care The 11.spafch. MKN AND WOMKN want?-d to learn the barber trade. Tuition. tooia free; ? l.piomas giv.-n. \\r:t? for Information. Ftirhmond liarbe*- roln jji-. ?f?4 Kaat Mar* Hhal! Street, or Norfolk Marber College, 224 Bank fttreet. Nort k, Va. Snloniuei: unci Agents .3 SAI.K'SM AN ? Weatern manufacturer wants Ml'-sman In Aphland and Peteraburg. ready a-iler, ready prMti>; n? luv-nt uieI;t. Apply Mox C care Th?: Dia- : patch. W A NTKI>? Men and women demonstra tors to intiodute. tak- ordeia. make tie hverie* liO houa^nobl nocf?-ltl-!?. Food products. apices. extracts, toilet ar- | th les, etc. Now up'd by 'ju million con- i eurners Lirg-st compan>. most useful prod tacts. latg* proftts. < ? ir .<>stem grta he business, no eapital r. ?jtin W. T It ?wleigh Co., 'j.?t ii,bvrt> .-iti^et. Free P??rt, III KM'KKIKN'KD propnetary medicine ?alepman, must own car t > be used in work. I>? n ?t reply unless yoti have proven record <ip mediclriM pajasman, no 111 IX clerv.s uant?ri Addrese K. A. Mrt'ullouKb Murphy's Motel, ltlrhmond. ' \ a., by .eiter. giving phone number, or P'-e him personally Sunday, Difh. Want inen wh?? ran begin w ?ra immediately. Situations WiiuI<h1?KoiiiaIo PLAIN sewing, reasonable. Call Jioule vard 32S.S W. F.XPKKIKNt KD TYPIST, and with some knowledge of shorthand and general i otneo work. dPMivs a position, either! temporary or permanent, salary reason able. Address Ilox 11 671. care The Dispatch. POSITION wanted b> Southern woman; a trained kindergsrtncr; has done plsy- | ground, rase and girl club work; eight years' experience in foreign Industrial neighborhood, also Southern cotton mill > illa/T*. Best of references. Address F. M !?., Ulrls Club, IS1S? Mice ckor .Street, Ullca, N. Y. Mi ii a tli i us WaiitCMl?>lalo 37 HOOK K KKPRH?Young man, now em ployed. wishes to connect with some wlioleaaia concern Immediately as book keeper or general ofllcu helper. Hot II t'.H. care Thn Dispatch. I'll A It \l At* 1ST-?Wanted by Virginia reg. istered pharamclat, position hp relief or permanent. graduate pharmacy; single; good halilts. H t?t.^, care The Dispatch. Mi ll IHM'tillS bookkeeper rtve years hank experience, desires position. Address H tGH. care The Dispatch. "?? >SITlON wanted by young man stenog rapher, five years' experience; refer ences Box C *99. care The Dispatch. FINANCIAL ltuhlneaft Opportunity* liJI BARRRH*9HOr f"> ??!*, in *.->??>.I lorn linn; ?-hoi-p tn quirk buyer. H?x O <47. ??ar* Th* DUpatch. CONFECTIONKRY ?Small *"*ht?ck ; wi!l ? terince If *oi?l ai once, Uox H i((, I care The Diepnlch. FINANCIAL _ I IluslncNH Opportunities 38 DRt'tJ HTOItK for aala. In l.yoohhiir*. one , of tho best stands and fully storked. j I<nx 71. t.yn<"hburf. V? SPECIALTY SHOP Located in the very best shopping section of the city, for sale. This store isi equipped with exception ally beautiful fixtures, in cluding new modern fronts,. and is doing a thriving business. For further par ticulars, correspond with Box L 872, care The Dispatch. Kofi confection* ry ni ore on Church lull. Will Call Ma<llaon 'j9OS Foil SAI.K, complett* bottling work*. run* nlng trucks. < ln hi* f..i ?|?j|?k Kl? ?rl?* Mottling ? o . I'lford. la. jOO ItEAli KHTATK not*'. iIuq nbout nln* ' month*. ?j i#* r in lni?*i?M. Will f ?r |4I?u. AiMrt*itii 1'. o. Ho* I'i'iS IP YOI7 W V.ST you! buftlne** ?o!?|, M")>r Kidman .M'tiutl llld* . and u * ?. 1. M *dl?on ."li. roll SAl.i;, ' 'IK ? *-??*. r.M-rnh.if K v*. .?r?? 1 f * ill JI > 11 -?? 1 ?? . f??'n| |??ca tlon, t-.*t.?t?lltfh?-*l ?*.?nd prt? r r-4*011 I .?!????. Ou n*-i ? ? Ing ?!*>. Mo* I. ** S, | . The 1 h I lnv<>>( IIH'IU'., Stock*, lionil^ ao! I*#,?l SAI.F.?Virginia ''urolina Rubber Co. >!<?' .f Inteieated. writ* Boa i. Am IhikI, .4. Mono) lo I.oan 40 A LOAN. CITIZENS' LOAN SOCIETY LOANS, $16 TO $300, LEGAL KATES. A DIFFERENT K1NI) OF LOAN COMPANY. ?117 E. BROAD ST. RAND. 1496. HKT A BKNKKI' IA I. 1.1 'A N HKNKFB'IAI. I.ur. s. .1 IK1V :'?> n. six i ii s t ki:k i t.OANS l:s TO J'.OO. 1)1 > ? ?? II .:.I' V.I..I 1 I,. I,, ni nr. '? ?? "? ? "'" I > I?r IV: Iihi . i ?! ...??? .? mi!,,I,, t ,f . I... i tir J|,. t|,? ? ! ?!. lui. tii. liiate.l ill' l-l I. ? ? MKllll lit "i l>f > uur .i. ? ii. ? t ?? iii?n them Kiia 1..11 nil1. ' > ?' > ?.?f wurrlvil. i Ii' m k It -.?! .l..l ,f ?. rjiii ,,f I.... ??? rvlr. tu ??u .-ni; Medlsun t j I 2. l.K'iAt. HAIKU HM,1 ki;a ii'iAitii SKi'fiiiiv i ??>.. : K??t M * III Street. . 'j M?JU Hi. line. 129 LOANS |1o? On furr.ltur*. planes. vlrtrolas or Inrtoi??:n " nt. t'onfldenrial. iul?-k ?ervlr?. It't *y In ?mali monthly l<a>m?r.ts f'?> in f ill at ?ny tlms wan i a ** f u. rate -jf Inuieil oa ua l.i'j only. STANKAHD CltKUiT >MI'ANT. 26k l.yriu Madison HU. MoNKA ?t i'i iint in. IlK'hinony prop. ? I,rr. <> H.,X ?38. ItSSTKI LTION L/ocal liinti'Uciion Cltc*>soe, 14 JNs I ltd 1 I' l.S'S A i linn i ills- tijfbt. 1? : HiiKimitI'll, Mu ll.on iil'i-W, Musicnl, liiiiu inj;, Dramatic -1-41 liA.NOINd Mi? tiinnr nh? u?cr. J) North lUrrUon b(ic?i, jjutiran:r?n in c.o lea* itiiiin, l'h >u? Mail.sun liil*vV. >ANl'IN'i I\.f: Sluritjif i .Studio, jtio . m UH r.-; ?>. 11, 4 i J 2 ? J . U\h STUCK Douh, Culft, l'et? 47 J*IIU?S, p?rrol*, < ^K**?. bowli. a'tppllea. .^uur*' H.r<\ .^ho;?, ! ? It Kut Gr^cr. Uorhot, Cat tit-, Vehicles 4M ? kukaI.ia SWKKIj .? ull f.-<1 nt rtr Iruls xtl"A .1 I ? nr?-M!n* fn" K la ra in?????! ?h??w 11 on ?*<k. K# #.rt m un it is bal fciMTcil ration. Micoriliris to opinion HKAIKK K KA.^TKN, \2(,k Kiat Our)' htrt-ai. I'oultry Mud Supplies 4U KC.iiS fr<?m National ?Sho* j?rjz? winners. L.ITh* a n'l ?!*rk Harrr<t llorka, rartricl*?? I*l> mouth llorka. S C. JChoOe la;?&n<1 ll??cla. ?* H!a?*k Minor' a% an^t S. i;. Wriltu Leghorn. K*l. ivr? k, II. F. Ij. So. 4, 1 > 1:1 Hoad Hbn<loiph 4190. KtlOS fr??:n prlxt ? winning Harr^?l llocka, light niuilnK. i?i to, k. Iai mimI ?nil hMi. lat pullet, .?r?l anil itn cocker?l. aiso ;>arindgu t-KKS. W. Kirk. 3014 Fen ?iall Avenue. l'hon?j Maiilaoii 3 8)7. MUUHA.SUiSh Ai ni if. lur Baie 01 .\sli CANS. IIAHIl W1HK?Npw 68-puunJ cutis. s;iKhtl>" rusty, 11.2s per coll ?n?i u;.. *.ih c it lis. usiU. ioc an?l up. shovels .Hid apsdea. 40c to lie idch. .Spa- scr-?u doors. Ii. L?. Itosn ^ Co., I2U liruok A\rnu?. PUKN1TUHK n? guarant*fit iiuahty snd kY<<rkmnti?hlp at iiiedlum i>ri?:e? .ml 111< - Hiul teini?. Andfiaim a. llro.a at Firal. Paints, Oils, Builders' Hardware, Household Supplies. Elba Hardware Co., Inc., 422 West Broad. Madison 3552. SPORTIS'O bOOIJS a' wholesale ;rir?a. ,l.iroh'.? I.ohn iifflre. i21 KrtSt Broad. TKX"i,ll".\l. Ml "are yard. Tapestry ruff. 5*12. I12.&G up. Small ruga fioni '.?lir up. Se<? ua fur liarsain^ In theae. ]]l North Fifth Street. Kt'll pipe and mtlnKa, see Brenner St Mli'liaelaon. 6n& HrooU Avenue. Jif III li.T bTcYCLiKS, Ij cash. 12 weakly. ' itowletl's. ?ll W. Broad. BIG FURNITURE VALUES. Used-Not-Abused. Phonograph* $39.7S i'hotiottrh |?hn $49.?S N'-w Ht'coriN. 4 H^lfrilona.. . $1.00 Dtnlnx Uoom Sullf $?n oil linlroom Suit* Mh l?y Walker* ".'?c l??nl* < m 11 k?n?l?u $4 unrl up Living-Hoom Suif* $ivf.hS Flour l.nmpn, Oil Stoves. Cheai? for cash. KA8Y TKRMS. Furniture Exchange Store, 323 W. Broad Street. FOR SAI.K On* lunch counter, ?iool? and Iturk bur; oni lot ??rnnd-h*nd tools ?nd ' rhrtl; lot oornnd hnnrt cook atove*. 1709 Hum (lr?ff i WK ?-?n 'quip your machinery with t Seltlnit that will fU* ><>u the h?st ?*r I vlc? anrt aatlafactlon. \\> are oflfurlnn ii ?l |??>liUln? momy-Mvln* price* I,?t u* ithow I. Bluforcl A Co., 601 N. I fifteenth SiAfl. Madlton ?31?. MERCHANDISE Article* for Sain 51 OUn ISO <ll?monil rings r?n't b? <Iupll t??t for alia and quality. 8eha?f nroa., 4)S Rma( Hi-oad. <*n? Imperial l?afh?r h p|#rn ni?hnx?n; flnl?h?"1 parlor autt*. |S7.*?. ? Ifl* *Vp|r<*a llvllK-rnotn COV*r*'l III I a p? airy. ?!?rv iirmi 1? R. ROTHKNMKItO. MOJ Ka?t Maui Sir*!1!. WEEK-END SPECIALS. "n? R-pl*c# Mr*akat It -oni .Suit, jfray and bliif, 12*.75. On" fc-p|?r# Hr-akfart - Room Suit, jrray and tom, I21.1h. ' >nm R??troom Suit, oak ???.?* fm? n**lroom Suit, oak. i>n* K Din:nk Room Suit, ?.*k. |V?.*n '?n?* Oak Sl'K board. ?i*"1 . I J J ?????? (VimbltiRtlon Itoi.K I'd**, UHk, v < ?n? ?t Ion H k <'***?, n? !.*?! * rn^h'iffatny flni<t)i, uae*l . 11 ; 7s. ''?!? ?? pt?r? S'JH, oak, ? ?n? TS pound i'* p. ? frigerator. u?*d. f! 17s. '?n* ^p^unrt 1 rm ??Jtpar}' I R ?? fr1r??itor. ua*d, 112.**. On* *0 pound lr# rtpur;'- p.*. frr-rj*v?r. t???d I ; * rtn? 7; ;>?und * '?aparity R* f r |f#r * ? r. ia*d 11 I." 0. A N I) E R S 0 N ' S, Broad at First. liutim***. K<|ui|?iix'nl .TJ SM.M.I, *? ? ta f? un' f . f ?> r. J r >r t r;r rir bona (or; muit b* ?? 1 qu *. a r>Mr**!n. 'M r.?nt Marah*I! l-'liriu iiikI I Miry i'ro<Jurl* .'AN I Ai.' ti'l'KS I lei rIs '? cm la ip-% t ?> ? i 111 out I a r ,?r era i? .?% n wlth order rht (Irocro Hhuj lilack vlllr, S C. llouHeiiu!'! (.otitis ftU ?; A S PI. \Tl;S f r ?fii I . . J'< rf# ? r; J " r > rn i' l?, I . I..?m M a r.'li, ! ?*>W A NSIP ?l;? J tiN I .so 1 in* uliiu in a rf.ii Kit Kl 1 K \N S Ml 11 i 4. W. A It * 1N VOt: It vu:k. r:?-i 1?? .. . ii i?i, vr CA^II ??ll i: A S V I'ATMK.STS Mix IniH'r) and fouls OV, V*? ? 8 \: K liy HackU) Morrlaon Co., It 01-22 l.?wl? p> ?? Rand ;n n ? - ?? ? a :? inarbln ? ?) aid mfchm c a I - .; : l*a * + ? ired from fov^rnrnfiit - ? . ? * ?. jn pr+< ; r ???. ' -..*r*. ?r, K r ?? pump* - ' motor* h it r k ^ n c?r??*. 1 pi aH ; . * > ^ m 'hr* furm Itfbtinc piant?. r 1 1*5 I Iron. lr?in p:;?. v?U#t *tr j Musiral liiMruiiirniji, \ O'J NEW ENGLAND 1 UPRIGHT, .$110.50. " Hardman Special, C h a s e Bros., one fourth what it cost new; Emerson, .$05. Pianos used, but fully , guarant e e d. S mall cash payment and easy terms for balance. Saxophones, all keys, reduced prices. Re pairing a specialty. 1 MANLY B. RAMOS, 114 North Seventh. WE WANT YOU TO INSPECT Our new Console model , Starr phonograph, and to know that you can purchase thir or r.ny Starr rcducts at a great saving at our whoiesale wa re rooms, 2-4-6 South Eighth St. Au. ust Gennett : ords now on sale. H. WALLACE GARNER, Factor for the Starr Piano Co. Waau-cl io liny 06 ANTIQUES ?oM on commission; f-ather l.Ms houithl. 113 \V*?t Mmn. Antique Commission Hauii. AXTK1UES?ItlfhMI casn pri' <?* paid. Will call unywnrrt. W. Wnss-rman. 664 N'irth Sfvnmh Street. Ran. 120 Ft' l?N jTl' R E H'n pay hlgh-st < ash prices. MnilUon n'HMTrRR~W?niVfl. ?nv r,uall'.y,~ best prices paid. Madlann 1906. tTjTk CLOCK?Wanted in buy. one fac tory limn clock, full Randolph 23. rni'T'KS- Wanted to ln/y. *?v?ral fotir wh*el trucks for inaid* factory u.??; ahnut 3i?. ('nil Randolph 23. MK.S'S s?iond-.iand clothing bought and ?old. Call Hand ol ph .".67 1. We buy, sell and ex- , change new or used furniture. Highest prices paid. GLOBE FURN. CO., 531 Brook Avenue. Randolph 4054. HIRHfSRT .ash prlcca paid for men'a*ia( ondhmid clothing. shorn. ?lio:Kurin, et j Randolph 4t7. 316 North Sixth. WANTED, Second-Hand Safes. Phone Mad. 481. Barnes Safe and Vault f Company. j ! WK buy* and aait dealt*, otnca forme? I and eafes. Call *f?4uon SI*.