Newspaper Page Text
SEVENTY-NINE GOLFERS SUR VIVE QUALIFYING ROUND AT SKOKIE FINALS START TOOK "Winner Gets Title of Initotl States Officially and of World Unofficially. 72 Jioi.ns will, 1>BCT1*I' .M \TC1I Lending Cltth s*rl?iuf?* "f v" inir ?wr?lon*i "I I nlvrrsr li<? ? r?l Anionic Siirvliiir* of Uuuuii". , , , i i>v ^ , SKOK.iiJ <?'! N"T):Y '"lit i ;!.'?*> CIJU. ILK. : 3 Th- ..iia.i. J in* round* in the national open K'<> tourna:n? nt ? toa..o mtrrow' -'vnii - :..n-> 0 s. and 'fVlV r-i ot a Ji-.'ld r-i.:. .ir.tir.K -vwy flrt'.-f nation of tlx?? world. will ,hl? seven tv - two-hole r'r-.i.- : ? - ' lie jmii.t lean open ohuu.plon.-ii.p. Officially, the .. JfJU Ahaaijuuii ' j|. tin- ??!: '? ' ' . *.d-rud .... I " " ' rl,: ' ? title, :or vi.-rorv w; . en.a. otiiv ;br ' -1. :? .u ' ? ? ?? ? ? i- ? ?lub-swinger* fi :n ?? : ^ ? t ions <JJ '.in! v.-i so. AI.-II.Mlllhl I.l-JI'W I le.ll. Twenty f.-'i: '? fi.'r wo. Jnto ill.' fln ? * If* 1 i,v.\ roui.r1 11 ?:???:: ??>. '. " . driVT.g 1 '!'. ;Cag ? ;>! '?? *?<'???> ,'1' t.'. ? fl<: i with a - ot ? ' ? . | Tl' .' n>'(tr'> r.ce,Mis..: y to ?; i.n ' was All of th. I ..Lars fjiaiJIflo-l. ?? A. A. . Ar; incur, S Vt :i ?"??*' ?' nr.d 1 r *.<J.the ^ i-eii* X?. C.. ? ?>:. v i: ' ? ? ? ?" ?' the up.1:. ? b.mipioi" -hip. C^Ulll liOl R'". 1 ? " . . , i frr>-en. taV.:ns l'.t.* rouid not q-M ' * r''!s V" and endv . with a io:?. of l.>4. tw.? stroke* ' J nianj i^-get n. Four ait.ucurji were in. the n-=t ->r today's juco' WiWie H inter, former }Tl'.?r. champion. l.'ad.r.g the wiv arr.o: t; ".li* n.^nfr 'iS " a s'cor?i of T5-T?> U5. "V11"''* 1 1-L . JSnitr.y i Johr.s-o::, 5 aul s ^rJJ" liant younr taooter, t'5ok ...roi fitPok?<> more. _. ? Powcv v.-bber. of rh'.raso, .il?o US, ar. 1 iliam Katltenbuseh. an other Cotho. . afsurs I , i-i.'iy. in*?kirit l or the ' !".r. ..ays. thirteen. Kor a 1.1..? ?>>? U ?.? if rather hl?rh ^ .'tw ?*' by. but srsj^y ually t.".< ; ?;i:- b'.sur.v ?r, until It ivav * ? - ? i"'i, ' tec-j ?;/?:. -:.4cr ih? J?0 innrK. where thurc- wtr? i .r*' -:. Mond.i} a..o four t<*c": Ti.;.i.:;v ?-M" thA aiie-r noon roir.u '.i. P-r . .. a ' being a., t a- was ?c??ary to push . OUliolli^ -?t Um?S'.r ?>:. rill. at ith.;?s fallii.c --owi. opportunities ti Viva;. .. pa; total. His drivl,,? was m.j. , - ^ l.< re In rr.auy a daj. rot t ?? ' ' a: r A ' ? Slitchei.J. ry Wi re !:? , ai^l laey * "Ut ab solute;;.' . ? .. ph?. l'riv? ? n? Slake. J.- v.rwiai; "r" !'T tor The ? , lottrnau.ent: flrst. , . . thlprl, $200; fourth, I si' ? it" {: " ; mm}.. ??>; sov?nth. *i;V A. i.'-'u. *T'J; tAaUi, $ci\ ei?v?i.'.l^ '? . twelfth. 156; totai, fiT>4. ' v. let ' - 31*1 c-jfr n chair.p'.on- I i . .ii,*i i sold medal. A:;.*- 1 . s ?. ~. r :ViiV'i p->va-. o: L<1-" ,. '? r.v, :is, of f-'hanno^'n. T'a., v jto ?... , ht In a :i in tu* ittortilns >n?l h?: ? ? th- card In t , tius ?v?re . ? wit.'iout any on., i. ? ha/i mad. Ill" 'yar.i, tl.lrtoeri'.rt "'tM.--" '>* ^lie ri' tlmo :* hol? ijc in oih in an Ajn^r'-ar. out.:' r.t. althouRh J-'.: Hvu. !?>'" l-'i ,l"' "ritish 'O-i. tours.aniij.t .1 ya. ago *il , wl! i a a par lour hoi" Foliov Inn a"" thO liaIll/is ara. s,.0^. ? f th?- pUvfra who <r.allfl?id t- duy f'>r th* Unnorrow Suiurday Tiio 1 amateur? ^ Hot. MacDonaM. Chl-ajto, .2-.1?. 1 M.-lvenna, I'.ochestor. N. V.. 75-70?14 S. , ,, 1 1;.* Town*, .Sluinno; :n. i .i., ? H" .. . Will'.aji: M< hlhom, J?lirev?ipor., i^*.. i '*?\v,;^ H ? ???!, Kns'.aiTl, 7T-7r ? 14S. Kddlr !.? ' -*Pr>, 7'i-7."'.- M<:. F.inn:ff Ft'*':-' ?. You r.r?M w ? Oh!' 7i 72-14". i'.it nil ira, K:'*hnion4 County, N*-w 10Tom'j;oy*i.'l*oii UlllvN*^. 71-70? 14 ?Harrison Jt. Johnsto:;, St. )'.i 7'J 76- US. ?J)o'.\'ey Weter, rl-.'.'-auo, - 1 4?. Gcort.'e Jvfirr'tijn, i;#*< hes, X. J.. 7?7S 14v ? William li. itenb'-i. !., a^o, .7 '"d'hai.-n I'.owe, Pitts jrift.., 7C-7:: - "41* "Clil-U" Kra - r, >t. J ml, - 14?- ., ,, - Tom J\' "i li- '?."-.war...;.-, ^ j ? ?> 7i?149. ICO, ? .. ?i- --V" J' V.'.:. !l, ? M. a.'.o, Cyril Hughes; L*:.,a?*r. J>?. n 74-;.i. . 1' ' ' J! irt. Marietta ??!ilo. - 151'. . , m. ]'. >. J .. .-, Kr. / ? "O'l N i ., . 7'J 1 -\v ' . i? jr.'. ti.J. khan, lad., : ? j;. "\V J'. : ?? If ".or .-':?rir u Mi Jl .! - | I ' ) J >V:?s:.. )( .? t- r d ' lis ? . 'J J>"I: P.II ??? Vo.'l. J 'a'. ?? J. . IC7. A rnoi._* t , ', the, nt aTy; .. , .s M ... Fraj 1; . r it. ii. 3?: tI . \ 11 a ii i J i At Char!. At ?/!. Vvt ,S; .a . . A.MU{J<>,.\ 11 At,I Y. nr:si i.t*? vi-a i i hua v. Jfw V?rK-M. i.oul.x riiin, XiOHton, ( Iim pIjiihI, -J Philadelphia. I>: /'??liuli. 1. Wuth)ui;lvn-tMc'Ui(>?, ruin. STAMJIKi Ol I'M'iik, Wopi. I.Obt, |'ol, Bt. 40 3t ,V"i Tit w York 4^- :io r,71 t" -VJ .'!!> Mtt Detroit >4 tJ M<) Washing'"" .... ?? 3~. IV IT "i f/lev<!Jm>'l .-f . t 110 i? .Tii l"hil tn) ?? I i/li In i 'I It. ItoflOui . 17 1^7 |Vilt:ilK llli \ 1*1 A \ 'I <ll)A v, ChicKV.'i *' \\ unIiI n;. Inn. llflroll al l'lit|mltl|il)(ii. .St. 1.tinil ut >ch Vurk. (UcfplLtiif ut ilt'hlua. VIRGINIA*li'iAM I. l?i:srr/i> i i>ii:i'.in? BlchDODil, 10; llorl. jr >(<>uiii, |.t. STA.VIll.ii' ul l I I |i>. \\ wit. |..i?i i'i r. Wll?<'n ?0 .-.vj IlooUy' >1 ifunt ?'?!> r.'i? Portsmouth ;?<> :? r.-i-j Kwrrport Ve??? S" Sir, :.l i Hot-folk . 31 :i $ V?7 Jlteluaimd . ...T -?} *'i !?.?:$ wiiioni; Tiifiv i'i.a* jtocVr bioiuh- (it |<J<.iiiiioiit|. Iforsr Hazard Is Latest innovation at Skokir [Hy I'nlt.'d Ni'.vs.) SKOKIK CUUXTli V 0 1,1*11. GL?BKC<<K. mu. July 13.-?Ktitor thx hor'? hazard tti c?'f. W. Mi'Q'ilr v a memh?r of this ??lub, ,ih')'i11nif t Jj?? Mixtoontl; 1; >1" in ?jualifylnK. found la I f lillI) kttii*I nisido i ? !?? ;? ril t?? ? ?(Tort ?<> out. Ills sliot wuh .so wild It w*nt through u distant barndoor to tho injnl ami ; ind u:s'!-?r .i hor.H'. ijol! ..itlcla ??, 1< .Jt liili DuMilii o\'i>r. yaw t li ?? lii-aa link in Ills I'j'n i ii <1 ? 1 . 11? < 1 Mo ivulro hail licit.-r not tili<">t . hi ?. from 1ln?r?\ If" ?'< i : ? ?r 1?t. Mild. Incidentally. \\ as an th?< day's trajfffllos. m in AFTER REST OF MONTH Cul>* St ajic Hiitlinir Hully in Twrlflli anil \\ in From (riant-. fHy AswliitK! l'r.-sj J I'll K- *.;? >. .1 ily i I. ' i u-'i ?' isv d n butting. r:i v In * 1.<? t If'li :t - nine anil <!<?:?? ?? ?? ? I >?'??? York ????lay. ?? to 4. Th? '! ant. : rj " -=?? ! ? -.! 1 ho ser vloex of llelnic Oroh, who returned to t).f> line-up l.i.iay. if- -r hvlnc >-U :nnr< than i ?!???:??>> ..-? ? .*?? ..f an in jur-1 1 *!.? ?? In n:t?ii ptit j.: t<> :'??:.I a bunt liy o'Karrell In tin1 t \v ? ftli, <iroh " rri?*.l t'li' si mo an I !?> be ??sirrlrd ofT the !l"M. The visitors ???ok t>.r? lead \vh.?ti 'ivnh j ? .i; hom* run !n the third, whlrh gonl tvr.-> runners In aliea 1 of him II.? hit (1 >wn the t Mril - hi s.? 'r.> and the '?all : 1.<'1 in ler ih.? iVt. ??. .?>?? ore; \pw York. AH. R. H. O. A. E. ltnnr.rnft, bs * 3 0 1 S 2 Oroh. 3h 5 1 1 2 .1 0 2b ft ft ft ft ft 0 Frlsoh. 2b.-3b 5 0 ft ?> 3 ft Miumel. If 4 ft ft I 0 fi Yotinu, rf 4 ? 1 2 " 1 Xoily, lb *. ?"> 1 13 1 ft Itohertson, rf 3 ft l 4 0 ft Cunningham, cf. ..1 ft n 1 <i 0 Smith. ?\ 1 ft 2 ! " T"tn3? 41 4 5*33 :T 3 ? N<??*i' out whet. v. ?.*. r.ii run was ?eored. I Tiloncro. A It. R. 31. O. r. H'-atJuvnte. of _? n ? 3 0 ft' * V ri b**r^ ft 1 ft ft ^ Call.i?han, nt 2 ft 1 3 ft '? Hollo her, fa ?? 1 4 4 - * Terry. 2b 4 3 3 4 s 2 Miller. If 4 ft 3 2 3 ft I-3rl)?r, rf .3 0 2 2 0 1 K>Heher. lb ?: ?? (? 3 3 " ft 1 K-Uff 3b 4 3 3 ft 3 ft f''K:jrre'.l. <? r. 3 2 4 1 ') Aldrldgn, p ?; 2 i) 2 1 Totajf 4-' ' 3 30 3". 4 1 ^H.mi i >t Huatin-piti.* !t. Snor?? l.-j R. Xnrw Yorii 004 ft"l ftn0 4 ! Chlotigi -'"1 ft"3 n,13 " '3?o Humr.iary : Tiro-has- hits?T^rry. Toang. llom^ run?Oroh. Ht"lon lutse?lCrlly. S.xcrltli-^s?Itar'o^r. T>-r- ? ry <2), Singer. 1 i"Karr?*!l. Poi!i> j .ays?Mlllor t ?> 1 ??J'arr?-ll; O'Ka fr?U to T?rry; 1*.H11 rrof; to I'rlbch to K<? 1 - ' lv. Yrl\ on li.oi-j ? Npt Y r'.i. <?; I 1.3.tali? o, 37 Hi-'.s . n! i <? fT '"ati | ?*y. on Aldr.'lK*. ". Struck out?? by Aldrtdff". 3; 1.- < lusoy, ? Hit 1 r* y pttohfr?by A'drtdjr? <Mnu?o|). 1'rnplrrs. Kloru'ar.d J' ! 2:41. i iOMiain Ka i)ES(T a m i: TRv A-.s" iti'l I'rrs-.l CINCINNATI, )3.- The Rods I t filled to lilt V .?,???? t! in * 1 y todny, 1 ICouch w?? ???? i freely vrh^n 1 hits moant ruir ?: ?! Itrooklvn von, !? to 2. stopping: t ? winning st.-. rtt the Rods .p trains rtold'-d ?veyi. Mitr-liell till t :iouo* nin l:i th fourth lnnli.n .on> jr 1 man al.- ad of him; which decided the I ? ?'?nt??t. S 'f 11. I A1 It. 3 (. ? ?. V T-:. Olson, ft. r> 0 ft c 3 ft IHlgh. St . 4 '? ft 'J 1 > ' 7 1 Jrlflitli, rf ? 1 3 2 0 0 W'hoat. if ? 1 2 2 " " 2b :: 1 1 0 4 3 M.t/:h??n. 31i 4 3 :? ' i?. cirimtJ.. cf 4 <1 3 :: " " I'-lmrry, .4 ft l 3 C fi Vjn"!;, j< 4 0 ft ft 3 ^ Sii.lth. j> 0 0 ft '? 0 'J'otsl? 3?! 4 3 3 27 *.? 3 4'lni-lnnotl. /- V J- H. ? \ K Jturikr. if . . 3 iaulW rt, Vj 4 l) 3 3 I ft ? I. JI -a.-.. II : Uai 't>ui, rf * 3 3 '? ft ft J-'.#!>???' ? 2b : 3 4 4 1" tie's!: 3b 4 ?? 3 3 7 0 )\' n ?i:'.<?k, os 4 2 1 " V.-:n#.? ?? 4 3 * JS'jJ. ? . . 0 '"'jiioh, I). . . n '? ' 'iiu.jkr 1 ' ' ' Oft t T '? :t x 2 7 3 .". 0 ? Jtlill 1 r W'.r 1 '? * I 1 (Hit tM.S ' 1 < '? ? ? ! ,S.:or? hy iwiltiK R, )-.i ookly n , . . ' " ' l'l 4 I'".ii.-ijujHti ft": 3 ' S 1111 ii,.'!: y ? ? .<>?t I ' - llarj??ir, I'lJ'.n'.Il 'A I * ?' '} i.r-1- . ? ! T. (irlftitlk, Myers 11 ih< run? i Mttclioll. Htolan bnso llurii#. Ha< - 1 .fi ? 11 v"i'm. 1 ? . ? ;1' ? - K 1111 - 1 rr .? ]'?!.<?. 1 to 1 .?<!?? rt J.< I t Oi, Ua ?> ? lit ? I', . I . It f a- '? |1 . ff ? ? I . I*-, . by 'I. I r 1 ??ff V;, :?- - '??13 Sn 1 ? .ri ' W: t. i.tijff j.ituh. 1 V 11.. . In.;-!. . Hart I and ? Tli : (ft ONi: HIT !OI! IMIll.S I! . V - .!?:?! I't I i \f ? - ? I . ; ' ' fi ? ,r-!,i < ? <?.?? <r'i' ? ?. ? f ???%??' "'i' ) ? ih !? i. * ? 1 to iy /it! J ? r ' i ? I 'I . ? ? ? ) ? .i .i,i i It- >'j ? ? ho . lily i '? ? i ? in o ? '? ' ? iii- ' ; ,. ???'?) I iii1' i ? ;i s i; ? I'lt. ? . M ? . i i ' h li u i) .'h. !w n. , 1 ? I ? I ? ?? ? ' 1 l'htV Hi <-?/!?. 2),. " <? < cnii11\. iti. ....... ? ? i ? 'A ll ifi.'jj-., i;r' 4 'I 1 U'.iiki r il i ? ti>.? Il ... T- : i I i ' J.i'fi.i'? ' ? '? J i.i, ?w'u. ?Kiii ils 1.2 i 5; ';?! . : ]!i n f i y. ?? ! iflil lii I" )' : P./Or:.;.-! ih. >iu > 2";i. .. . J-tr/'iir Jy I.avnn, ?? . ? } if 3.1 j .... Tr.liK >rur. li. r i'ltiU'lt >1 ... ? I Hi ] r I!< i < ?. f ? J?>\jbl>> j.:. jr. I' !? ..i n i,:J< u J'l.l.lJ'l :i ? I. .'iSfl. J'f.l.Jl'l:! llaeod o:. l>i?I ? ?>: .? ? i?.. . r B'i.1 > .i ? . ? li !</ 1 " tU, ij W .I? j 1.1?. . i,^ . "O. .'i ^lui- i . I COLTS RETURN HOI 10 ARE LICKED GOOO Rocky Mount Finishes Game J>y ]3-lo-l() Count Just as Deluge Starts. Cslnic !mt>? vigorously, the Itoeky Mount liall .irkri'kM f I">ti put .111 end to the Co|t?* two-Kftme w'.miltiK -freak and took the Ioiik side of a 1 3-to -1 ft score yi> ?terdav .11 I'.'sump. tloii of host Hit ies at M.iyo Island i'ark. a.s tho shower of base h!*s dtow t<> a close a delude struck tho .ity and hundreds of faithful fans who had waited hopefully In the it a: her:T1u darkness. were aroiined : >r more than ati hour by the <lo\vn - Pour. while the players t hcmsel ves ?a ? i .? rescued by seagoing autoiuu ? 1 1 ?* * While it wan unite a remarkable r>:it. st. it,.. in. was ii : .-.I by error*, froe iriuisjlortuttoh and lit tlo baseball. Tho Cblls erred four w h 11? th. i: riva s I*:i':?'d one ? ?l?la>. On. of II..' 1..? t crowds of til.' -. asOtl wlti'. -,-ei| the II. laiftus 4t.?rt?<l the k.iiik' Itloh :iio:u|, i ud ji |i,> 1 any wilder. alienists w .:;!?! have heen .a I led ir.. No.-! ik tip the pj'ehir.jf duties and periornieii creilitald> until the ninth, when !!%?? i in- \\ . r- sliov.'d a.tons. Into the seventh frame, the I'oltH 'A . I, trail m- I. > a score of ,S to .1. 1 hen caino .1 batting Hilly that ??I ? : i' in >z h t i" ;lt In overl ing the '"illll, hut only three runs v. ? re made. I:.imos |e.| with :i iloti le ai..| A i a k 'oi -.Tilled. Keller ? or-l them hotii \V:th a double to iinht. W.-ai-r a tid Thompson drew pas.e- I" 115:11 -r 1 h 1 <s an.| luxie Walker - \ i:. I from Mi" mound and lleh: to >.s relief. Thomp "'I', WcifC'l h 'III ' i |i.hi, for.?Inn Kel'er home. ibimiskey was over anxious and hit en -onie had ones, nakinir the s>> .mil mi; ltul>.? Old rinu went in as pinch hitter for Hope, hut lifted a hi?h fly. which Johhtty Hafes iv.h waiting tnr. Tiie Hronchoso w<mt wild In the ninth and scored five more runs. With three on has.?. Hates hit a hall to the Clubhouse and made the circuit, F. Walker followed with a blow which bounded over Keller's head and ? Ullired for four !?:> 15?. A train in the ninth llichmond t hrea t eiii-il to do the seetiilnijly im- | possible. Keller and wilier sln ~ 1 and tin bases were 1 ideil when Thotnpson was hit by a pitched ball atter ] >. Is a fanned. ?' nii-.ey drove tho pellet to tlie center-tleld fenre, cleaning the bases and landinK lllm ?el( at tho third corner* 'ireenae brought him in with 1 slnsle. but ?a is himself for ed at second by Noel. H unos sent a lon;r drive to right rteld. Which ffoni the press b^x and tit arid stand b?ok<? ! fair I'mpire !<:? siin. howover. saw it different and ? ? t NooI ba.'k to and Kamos to ? e j.'.ate. The Cuban then iiit weak 1\ ?n second base. endit:c the K.'itne. Hock) Mount. Alt. 1!. II. O. A. 10. nates, if 1 :t 3 1 ft y V- ?ll;er. .f a 2 1 ;. 1. 1 W nston. rf 1 _? 11 11 ii J J a., tel. <? ?; 2 t T n II Narli ski. ss i> 1 ft n ft S'Aaaln.a, lb .'1 2 2 ( ft ft "???inbrptiti'-r, L'b. ... 4 2 .1 3 J 11 ?"alder. 3b I 1 > r. 0 o 1> Walker, p 2 '? '? ft ft ft He hi. p 1 1 1 ft ft rt Totals 42 13 IS 27 d 1 It l(*li 1110 nil. Alt. P.. H. O. A. E. Ramos, ct t> 1 1 3 0 0 Vi a cor. 3b 4 1 ? .1 2 ft Keller, if 4 3 2 2 1) 1) W.v.fer. lb 3 j 2 l'l ft 0 r'odson. If ;i 1 1 1 11 ] Thompson, ss 2 11 14 1 Corn Is key, 2b 1 ;t 2 2 ft i H 3 'i ft 0 I.oft is. p 2 ft ft 0 2 2 Np :t it ft 0 1 ft ?Oldriinf 1 00000 Totals 37 10 13 27 11 4 ?I'.atted lor in .seventh. S ore bv Innings: It. n ky Mount 202 ft3l COS?13 i:. Miiond J 10 .aft 304- in .- imm.try: I'v. ?? hit- Arason, 'Wa ina. I'onnske ]> l.-on. liainos, K'!|er Thre(?-tiuse hit- *"oiiiiskev, H 'wlind. Home runs- |:,itn<L K. ^ -i ?*?"? rit'-e hit.- I ? \valker, y. I I' d. T! J K .tible plavs Narleskl t i >te,: .rentier to Swi ? > . Hates t ? Nat i.'nminkcv to T!.oiiip-on to W-at'e: II,t bv piteheil Thorn:. - ? :-> I |. ..I i. J,..ft on ? - i;? ? ? i? . M >i;i.t ; i: ? hmond. 0. i! -es on i i i: s off J ...ft us. 4: off V' -i, 1 iff J ? \V.? -r. oft' Ifehl. 1. H ? ? - off J,.Ml- : ii t 1-3; O IT l>. Walker, fi In 0 2-a. Htru<-k out?by Wa.ker. 3: by I. :? . . Noel, l; i i ? li 1, Tin.? ? ^ i.'- . j". l/n? ,'.fe?, Kla.viburii and JI!r?. I mrrtriiM \MMii'liillnn Itrwults. Ka: - n i "11 y. 4-'.' St. J'inil, 12-2. I ? ?! la !. a poll.-. > *.? I IIItlUS. 3 Mil.', rii -t. .".-II; Minneapolls, 3-R. .It. Ule. \. Toi.-do, 7. NA'110NAL LE/VCUE vi:sTi:nn\T. I'l 11 xlnirKl>-lloslnn. rt Krouuilii. < )lii'lnmiII. IS) Jlroot. 1) ii, I, I lileiiKO, A) \ew i Iirli, 1 (12 ln I?l IIK> I. M. laiuls, it I'hllmtrlphln, (I, STAXIJIM. OP* CMIIIN. Won. I.out. Pet. Xi*n Viirk .......... 10 -7 ,il4n St. I/Otilw .....f ...... Ill .'it .,101) I lili-nito 42 as .."till lirielnnntl 12 to .."12 llriiol. I) r II l?> ..'.Oil rill-l.nrt Ii :|l| III . l.'ili I'll 11 mli-l jih In . 'ill |i| ,:tsr lloslon 2S IS .ails wni-tti: 'i*i*i:v im.av tooat, llomon in I'llinhijrtcti. ill mil. I? n nl ( liielnnntl, > rn Yorfa nt IlilniKii, I'll 11 ml el |i Ii tu /it .SI. I.oiiIm. mtuem STORE CLOSED ALL DAY TODAY BIG SALE STARTS SATURDAY m MORNING PROMPTLY AT 8 A, M. Chinese Brand of Ball Seen at Island GOSSIP OF SPORTDOM Kids Earn Extra Day by Their Rooting 1 ty J71KI.K M l'/. With duo apologies to our shirt and < ojlar wreckers. the exhibition 011 Mayo Island yesterday is best described as Chinese baseball. Tho 1^1 to-lu total speaks for its??!f. Richmond made enough hits t<> v. ir several ball Ramos, but tho visitors from North Carolina made a tow nioro and what counts most made thorn register moro. And in the oarlv stages, when Loftus was not issuing transportation unsolicited. he and his playmates wero boot ing the pill like It was a football. It was one of tho host crowds of the season, of course, the attend ance being swelled by tho admission of l>oys froe. The youngsters, how ever, showed enough pop to pay their way. and their pulling for victory, oven while hopeless, was worth hearing. It. might be a stimulating thing to let the kids in free every dav. They are the future cash customers, and in a time when amateur:- ar? outdrawing professionals here, li might not be such a bad i.lea t" catch tho spectators while they are young. The Tarheels Jumped back f > second place by winning yesterday, while tho other Virginia I .??ague pennant chasers wero Idle. Newport News and Portsmouth are tied l'cr third place. Two homo-rtin clouts that >11 i ' l?*:?v?? tho Inland tcrrltorv %\ ? i ? ? . - Intercd yesterday. .lohnn; Who was a Hl.'hmotid fitvivitn hn wore the Putin liver.-. ?! ? illonn tho rluht Ii<? 111 liii.' !' ? t r Imps. ;in<l K. Walk?r i'i>11 ? ? ?! v i a smillar blow. his t;r:i-s ? r hiirdlinp Ko!I?m-'s head. Hube Olilrln^, for 111?? t!i? ?! 'n tn succession, nian.iK"'! t i.i' ?< m tho l>onch. with 1 >?-??! i?ii :1 ^ in tho left parden. Rn e br in*o tlie box Si'oro by yank!-'.- II ?> :ind taklnp his place'at'bat t;i t!-- s- ;h with the stations ov.v a .i ! two ? "it. lie faI!e,I to . 1 !tv? ? i .!? htiny Rate* sh.iwe.l uncanny ? -i? l>y IllO Villi? over t? the 1 eft ' r! lhie Where lie W.IS -let |r ?? ?? I . ? R'.be's lonp fly. Fans wore ? 1 i?a|?j> ?"?;?> ! ' . th< r.ona rriva 1 ??t" Wll\ Mi-;" s I ??? til net into till' I'olt i : ? ?' ' -i V.t'ek. .Martin in employed hi W i?I Inpton and is waiting I r a 'wo n.otithV leave of ahsi tu e He iim y 'm ve in time to work !m!a'', 1 .' : ? I i '.y not come until t ? miorri w . Ry winnitiK froir r.-ter ilay, the Ath letics mo*. . d on* of Ihi' cellar. piviim I'll;l;?.|.?|phia the thrill a en in of not havlnp i r m ? sen! 11 i ve at the bottom of tlie !.'?!?!.! out of four j, the court ! : tli" Ma.-U llien against the T;... i A thoroiml.bre.l wV.ili fir:'iron in Rochester boHovo will scatter dust In Daily (iolf (latrcliism. AX itli Results Simplified nv i.wis nitow.v Q. In match play where a player's hall lies on the putting preen. atnl his opponent's ball. play..I on an ap proach shot from ihli'y yards ' more away, hits !t and Ur.ocks t away fr in 'he 1 is the player al lowed ?o iej>lace it? A. Yew. the rule that permits a player to r. place Lis ball when it Is if displaced by that of his opponent oil the pultittp uie.Ml. d I not ?lulre that '*oth balls lie on th. put ting preen when 'he stroke Is played that catisos the displayenient. 'J. If a player plays his tee shot out of hounds, can ho choose any other spot on the tt-.-lnp ground from which to play novt stroke? A. No. the rule provides that the next stroke be played as nearly as possible fioin wli're the preceding one was played. It-;! on tile toe. inp protlnd. merely entitles him to re-tee without penalty. ll.> has no more rinht to c to another part of the fe than h" \\ jid have to walk to another -; .ot ,,n the fairway to drop a bail i.) jio.s the rule which allows a player t<> li!t a ball and toe it with a I'.sh <>f two strokes in medal play apply where the t..iil stops in a haz ard." Also, can the ball be dropped hack of the hazard" A A ball may be lifted from a hazard utuler the conditions named. It must !>?? trod back of the placii from which it's lifted, but the player ran K" "s (nr back as he chooses. KM PI RE CITY RESULTS First race, about Fix furlongs fi t ~t. .Sea nililt. 15-1, ii-1. 3-1; second. Sling. 30-1. 12-1. <;-i. third. I?aydue, 10-1. 4-1. 2-1. Time, l 13. Also ran. Siren Maid. Ma\ urneeti. Valor. Ten Muttons, Romulus. l'ride of India. Shaffer, Quc.'iail.t. iZTture, J.oril llri g hton. Second race, mile and sixteenth?, 3Jevastation. 1-4. out. out; sec ond. Itelliiolar. 5-1. 1-2. out; third. 1 ?pportnan. 16-1. 2-1. out. Time, 1:52. Also ran. Two Feathers. Third r.ncc. live and one-half fur lotitfS? flriit. IJ>?niei. 2-1. 3-5. 1-5; hoc ond. Ambler. 0-5. 3-f., l-r.. third. Hlll ho'iMC. 3 0-1. 3-1. 1-1 Time. I ;.>*? 2-5. Also ran. JI. of Jilue iUdge. l-'orest 1 .ore. Fourth race, one mile- fl: t. Ttrain storm. 4-1, 7-6. 3-2; second, I'rodip 'ou*. 2-1. 10, 1-3; third, llephaistos, 1-1. 2-5. Time. ; i". Also ran, l'lrm Friend. Cornlc 5-opp. Fifth race, mile and seventy yards llrc.t. Service Star, S-l. 3-1. 7-5; sec ond. Artnistico. 15-1. 6-1. 3-1; third. ?l-.e i vps of Mcrvl. h stn l WhlsKaway ha.1 lit'on fount! In an i>M ttray mare .?t tlx* city pound . i Willi I in; the nr r i\ 1 nf an om ai'r or a racetrack pro ?nulor. The horse, wnnderine In a .street near the business section. ??#? picked up by a driver of a Itoi-h'stcr taxlcah oompany, who, after tylriir ili > animal to tho rear of his ma chine, "stepped on the *as" until his speedometer registered thirty-five miles an hour. Th? animal galloped alone anil was unh.iimoil after a two mile Journey. Tex Hlcknril scored another do elaion over the Jersey reform crew yesterday when his ;>r"tn'?ter'> license was renewed anil a permit granted for the I.eonard-Tendler mixup. ? Jo'f hlstorv will !??? rn;ide at Skolcle today and tomorrow when s^oine of the palriiiKK will luing toi-etlwr nomo ? f the n'.ost mil i-d mit'a percha pmiinl' TS of the w il l. I.ew Petnpsey. lljrhtweiuht bn\cr, will give an exhibition toniirhl at the Cliurch Mill Athletin Club, whore In- is tralnlnu for his bout on Mon day night with Pick Harness, of At lanta. Hutcher Shorkett will work ? ut with I'l'inpsny, With the pennant chase reaching a hich point. Portsmouth has ironc out and sc. ur? d a new pit her. lli-> name is Seydler and lie h turnel over to thi' Trucker* hv tae iJtmts. Seydler is slated to work'iv. Ilalu, *.t-r>. 1-1 Time, 1 51. Also : in. Itoyal Jester. Martin A. Noonan. rderly, Iteckna. S.xth race, five furlongs -first. I ?rt*a insit er, -' I. 2-?V >nd. ?Speed ha II. I.* 1. r. 1. .1-1. third. U waiin. .t i. n-r>. Time, l m l' ."i \l.?o ran, Kthnea, Klla <" Winner Take Ml. Irene Sweeney, Kll Dn l?*er, X >i n;an. Interna tin nn I tensile Itrmilt*. Tor- Newark. 1. HufTalo, .1; Jersey ?' ty, 1.1. Svr:i' jse, 4. H.iltimore, 2 !:? ail ::c. I. |{ot:hes:er, 11\ Southern tssiH-lnlliin. At Atlanta. 0-0: Memphis. 4-S. A' Kittle I toe k, IWriuuiKham, 4 At i "hat t anooiia - New Orleans, rain. At Nashville. 3: Mobile. 1. ATHLETICS CLIMB OUT OF CELLAfl ONCE MODE lleilinnnn Gets Two Homers in (/iinie Lost l?y Detroit t<? Mai'kmen. ;it\ VMj.i>rlai< <1 Pres<?.l P1111 .A I P111 A. I 'A., .Inly 13 ? I 'li i I it ? I : p!r :i today f t ???! Iirtioit. '? to i. Howard Khmko was fonnd for thirteen lilts. including a pair of triples and doubles. marie heme rui>< In tin? sixth and eiKhiit. [ running his total t?? sixteen. Viath also lilt a home run. Score: l)c< mil. ?Ml. It. J I. O. A K Hiuo. n? o j :i i < ?tones. 3b 0 0 2 (i I Cobb, cf a 0 0 2 t| it Veach. If 4 1 - 2 (t ii Helliniinn. t !' I 1' 2 2 0 0 Clark. 3b 3 ? 1 2 2 0 ltlicney. ss ? 1 2 2 3 fl Ma nton, c ? " 2 3 2 2 Khmke. p I 0 o 0 2 0 Totals 3?j I J! 24 12 2 I'h 11 nil i*l |ili In. AM It. 11. O. A. K Vonnn. 21) ?"> 1 2 4 ?' 'In I to way. ss I 0 I 3 2 1 Walker. If i 1 0 '> 0 Mauser. 1 f> t J I 1 j Miller, rt I " 1 4 0 (t ! I*. rkln*. .? I 1 2 I 1 ti | Walch. rf 1 2 I 5 0 " 1 ' My k on, 3b I 0 - 2 1*0] ' Masty, p I (f ?< 2 3 0 Totals 35 0 13 27 II 2 Score l>y Innings: It. Detroit fli)0 j 020? 4 Philadelphia "?"<> ?" i 100 ' Summary Two- ',i?c hits YounK Perkins, <"lark Threi -b.-io? hits RlRnoy, Hauler < S ? Iloim runs Vcn.-li, llellmnnn ?2) Stolen Iuk * ?Welch t.eft on bases- -Detroit, .?. Philadelphia. .*>. !*;?.? .n bal's -off ! i:hmk? 3. off Hasty. !. Sv ?: -k out , ?by Ehnike. 2: by Hasty. 3 t'm plres. Morality and Naliln Time, 5S. INDIANS WIN I By Associated Pros*.] BOSTON. July 13?Jhn Llndsey re lieved Phle in the sixth Inn'.nn today .and held Boston to ono hit lor the rept of the gimo, which Pievelanil won. I to 2. The (?m winning rtir.i were scored in thy o'.tfh'h when, with the him?? full and two nu*. J. f'wll hit to Burns, who threw Gollln*. The Bed S?x pitcher (???ll!d"d ulth Sew oil at flr:<t and h'.s foot was In lured. but Sewell was ruled safe faO'iri; (Ifvplnnil, AH. P.. 11. A K. , 1 .Tain tenon. If 3 1 1 " 1 Wnmby. 2h I 1 1 1 3 fl .Speaker, cf 4 0 1 3 0 0 Wood, rf 3 ?< 1 2 " 1 .1 Se Well, HS 4 1 2 2 .S <> ? lardnor, 3h i ' - " 3 0 Mi Innls. 11> 4 0 14 1 0 ? VNe'lt. I o o i o o rhl- p. 2 I 1 " 2 <? I.Indsev. p J 0 0 0 i? i| ? Totals 33 I 5 27 11 I'l IIOMtOVI, AM It. M. ? ?. A !?: r o I bold, cf t ?> " t " " i )?:. Smith. cf. 1 " o i> a o Menosk \ . If 4 1 ! 2 0 " Burns, lb 4 0 1 12 I o : t. 2b 2 1 1 I 3 1 Mupan. 3b 4 0 ?'< 0 t 0 I. foiling, rf I i 1 " ? '? ftuel, c ? 0 o ?. a (I : PittotiKer. as 3 n a a ?"> : | w. Collins, p 3 n 11 o 0 " 1 Quit.ii, j?. - 0 ?> 0 0 0 0 Totals 32 2 t> 27 -o 2 ! Score by lnnlnxs: B Cl-veLanrt .... ... flni ISO- 4 Boston ? ... "r'0 lr,T noo?2 Summary: Two-has* hits Speaker t Sewell. Threo-liaao hit -1'hle Stolon base Meiiosky. Pacritlces? Wamliy, Pratt. Honhle plays Mc ItinlK to J. Sewell. It11e 1 to Pratt, Plt 'ej.per to Prat; to Burns; lliirns to ?Another Money-Saving Item? Summer Shirts OUR remarkable buying power again accom ?" plished the seemingly impossible in this offer ing of Shirts at 1.05. '"pIIEY'RE the sort of * 'Shirts that well dressed men prefer? Shirts that should ordi narily cost a great deal more. Every one is gen erously cut and fault lessly finished in a man ner you'll admire. excellent qual ity crepe and mad ras with satin stripes that will retain their luster with repeated laundering; also Rus sian Corded Shirts are offered at this price. WHITE oxfords and tan pongee materials, de jloped into the niftiest Shirts with collars at tached that fashion decrees for style and comfort in Summer, are included in this wonderful assort ment of Shirts that await your selection at this low price. All Sizes 1.95 Street Floor Yankee Pennant Hurled to Ground by Lightning IRy Unl'ed News.] NKW VOHIC, July 13 Tho ! great bluo ttrid white champion ship pennant of tho Now York Vankeen, wlKnlfylnx tho club's victory in the season of 1921, waa sent fluttering to earth by a bolt of IlKliiuiiiK wblrb struck tho flan mast yostorilay aflcrnunn In full vlow of 20.000 fans gathered for tin- game. KraRmi'iits of the ohatt>rc?| staff narrowly missed two members of tho St. I.ouls Browns. who were scurrying across tho outfield to tho club house after tho game ha<l boon callo<l off. The Yankees refused to rcfrnrd tho Incident as an ciincs of Aaf?*t thl? season. but many <>C tho taut sheltering in tho grand stand ho. riously rend this moaning Into tho phenomenal sight. Tho flag m.iHt at tho Ktnplro f'ltj rail, track ttlno way shattered by a belt. Thin mast, aurmoiint Ing tho grand stand, crashed t > tho roof ami rolled off onto tho ground. Pratt to Pit longer. l.eft on liases ? Cleveland, 6; lioston, 6. llanos on balls off I'hle. I off W. f.'ol.Ins. i' Struck "ut ?by I'hle. 1; bv I.ln'lsey. 2; by W I'ollliiH. 2, hy Qulnn. 1. Hits ??? rf I'hle, a In in.jno out In sixth): ofT I.lndxey. 1 In 4. ..ff W. ColUni. 0 In 7 2-J. off Qui nil. none In 1 1-n Winning pltch.-r- I.lnd? ov. I.oslnit pitcher- W, Collins. rmplron, Kvaim and Mlldebrati'l. Time. 1:46. f'rtijtil \ flrr 11 ii lit! w, [Uy United Nowm,] PAIIIH, .lul> 13 Through th Wr-Mich Hoxlng Federal lor, Kuitcne '.'rb;>il, t feat herwol(r!it champion ? ?f Kiiropo. has M-nt a demand t'? tho National Boxlnq Federation ?f tho'! s>tat'.?. that Johnny Kllbano. champion of tho world, grant htm a match for tho world's championship. Tho chnllotiuo was iirldre^ei! to the he?df>tlftrters of the national hody in MII waukee h |.n olii r<1a Take Slnich. [By Associated Press.) IIRISToU K.V<?., July IS iVunt flo Comar, ?f Spain this afternoon de feated I?r. A. A. Kiywc, "f Lndln, in the tlrst nvitch of the Sp.".-ila: <1 ? In dian preliminaries fr.t the Pavis ten nis i up. 1 '?-2. ?l-3. 0*4i 6-1. Spain ill' , to.j* ?? o .. ? . trar-'h. Mail'i.'l Abtisi d' Itij; \ l! ?? ? 7< o in :tra;i.-lit soiu. i-i r,-i* (?: I'lorlrtn Stale I.eagnr. At .lacknun vllle. I I.ak > n?!. 3. At St I'etersburc, 3, Tampik. 1. At Orlando. 1. I'aytona, ?. A|?i>nlnebtnii l.vnmip Ilenatla, K nKM",r'. '? 'Cleveland. 0 i<"n!le<! eighth. rain.) others, rain I' I eit mo ii t l.eiiunc Itosttlfs, Kalelgh. i. Panvll! ??. 3. Winston-Salem, 3 lllith Point, I. i;r.*eiii.t". 2; Imrlnim. t RDO GETS PERMIT i FOR LIGHTWEIGHT GO Promoter Goes for Attorney \N ho Refers to Him as Criofe inal at Hearing. mv JJewn,] NEW YOI1K, July 13.? Declared a criminal l.y llm attorney for the antl j?i't /.eflu lit forces of New Jersey, Tf* lll.kard, the famous promoter. spra.'n fr<>m ills chair at a hearing In tho oftlces of tlie Now Jersey Itoxtni? Commission yestwrdady afternoon an'l made for the man who was speak ing for the reformer*. The net rosult of the h<-arlni? was that lllckurd reo#4vo<l the new pro motfim' ?con?o for wHV-h he hart tip plied, and alnr> a permit to hold the Hrniiy [.Konnrrt-Lcw Tondler !liiht w? ltthr championship hattlo In the I?1' ? It n r ?1 Arena on Povle's Thirty Acri'S. Jersey I'ity, July J!7. "Thlrf man openly admitted that ho ran a KumblltiK house in til's West, that h? promoted prize lights In the V.'.j. ( .ml violated the ! m?- v act. having been convicted of crime," unl'l llcrl.' it iJlnrk CUmoii. attorney for a group of (lilnlBturn who were trying to prevent the l.eonard-Tondler I giif "I'm not going to Hit hero and let any man maid: mlsstatcmm ntf like that. Itlrknrd ("claimed, with a l< " i> from Ills i.'hair. Chairman .\lessano, of the 1 . xlng commission. Intervened. demanding tha* Hl' kard >ontrol himself ?ill son then explained that the , crime he referred to was the Inter State 11 a nspoi t a t ton of tin, licmpscy i'iii pentlcr light I'.lms, ot which lM' l a rd pleaded guilty In several Vedcrnl dlMtrh t court Jurisdictions ; and i ild lines whleh he re gard'd as I a 111 . nse fee. In addition to several New Jersey c< tiKi'i'tl'iHon*. th? famous national l?! ? i law oru.inl7.aMon. the l it. [na tional Reform liureati was represent ed at the hearing < >n hehalt of the opposition it. vhh sot forth that l.ennard Is a stalWr and a foul lighter. Ills many Indecisive fights with Johnny Dundee wero cited an evi dence that he does not always try I to knock out his man. and the endli >r <jf tii<- reci!> 11 r 111 on -1 ?> '! Sigh;. wh*n I.eonard str-i U the kneeling welterweight champion, was revlM.v ed as evidence that the lightweight champion Is a foul lighter. BIFF TO CONTINUE MKKTINf; FI.YW'EIGHTS l 11 v A ?? ^ elate ' 1 'r*fs. 1 Ni:w V ? > 11 K. I-.15 - Johnny . IltifT w ho was s j- ; ?.?nded with J* ?> f.ynch. new |.ar:tam\?olght rhampl"n. t.endirg In vest Ik at ion hy th" Xiw Vot*k S'at' Athletp- Commission t financial arrangements in connection with the < ont'-st. will n't retire from the ring. hi* manager, l.ow 1>|:utioi.1. dec. 11*?? ? I today, in d< nylni; reports t>i that ? Huff ir'endit to r?-st (? r three or four weeks and aft<-i that will ho . prepare.l to defend hi* Jtywolght 'championship against any rontci ilvra who appear to have a chance. I Mamoi.. 1 s.i id Men's Hot Weather Suits Smartly Tailored MOHAIR & M? % The coolest, most shape-rerninini? light-weight stilting a can wear during the hot weather. The longer you wear a PRIESTLEY MOHAIR Suit the greater grows your appreciation of its coolncss and serviceability. COOL, AIRY, FEATHER ? WEIQHT SHAPE- RETA/N'INQ, SHED THE DUST SELDOM REQUIRE P li E S S I N Q Corroct styles for men andyoun^ men? Blue, Brown, Tan, Gray and Black. Look {err (his La bel ' 0 V J /% A Z 7 For Sale hv Leading Clothiers and Tailor*. Stetson Oxfords Are Now $8.50 Burk Oxfords That Have Sold for S9 and $10 Are Now $7.25 The long service that these Shoes render makes the normal price now. At these reduced prices you have an opportunity for marked savings in your Shoe ex penditures. Burk & Company Home of Hart Schaflncr & Marx Clothes