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SAFETY SEASON AGIST AUTO ACCIDENTS NOW ON jVim to <!ut Last Year's Mark of 325.000 in Half. "Tills tli<? snfety Mn?ni.' m ? 1", S. .lorilnn, sjirrlnl 1 opv.u.-mnsiv.> In trafTI<- nnil safety for tho National Automnlil'p Clnxnib<?r of Co in in on-p. in a "latomfiit announcing jirliros y{ JO !?i<0 for srlto i ,-lil <lr?n lonehcrv. "Th?nr urn slio month* In wlilcli wo can lowrr tho a ?-.-Irl??n? re- . ril of previous }?ars It ;< not too much to ho|?o that 1332 will coo th? ISJ.'V - injurlrs nturc ?f ion i?nt in half. "The S'at|o:p! Automobile i"hani? 1>t of Commerce has vol oil to r? new tlil* yoar 'tf i 'Cl ? <t?->t , f j: ...i.i In prlr"x 'or school chlM- n. ami Jl.f'OO !n aviii-,1) ?rh. ?' |.m, 'irr", for tlir l> oesi\? arnl lo?<.?>i * on Mffly, Lint your tlvro wire .ver fieO.O^O contc*tai ts v ? ir l= liavr been in.l'lo in !ho various ami the nnll"'in1 \\ i v.. i i f.?r 1921 will he ilfltlrl upon slv.itl "Tho direction of Tim !?.f<?r in:-.', ns f.?r r.'ai. win i... i>:. tho lilRhwav ;t!ul hltihwav iransji.ijt I'ntli'ii . ?inmlttc-. Wn*hlnitt<>n l?. i\, from wh m il?':t11? iihiv >>l>lnl;v <1 TllO cotiii . ? .tlo 1 n 11 ? T v. r-.1 i.V tlir I'll I toil St.lti-M 11:. J ? Ml I iillH'.lllon, ArrldriiM .\ol ll?er "Man \ < st: nisitos have l>.-oit niuilf of tlx- anii'iai total "I auiotii'ilillc In .1iir!".>-. lint tin or!. ? tu-_ ;ii. K not ovor imoV Tin ?>'11nt?? ? i.f ir tor flit ni !t !? * : ? .r lie ? .I;t i \ in i ii*l was li'.fiOO. In tin. f?v. hoot Ions whore ii'Ufa'a m ???lilcnt" 1.1 <? i ???? iil .<1 the i a* a.T.M-"s a.' 'it twtnty I'vp 11 ? r.? ' ?. > 'JI: t ?? < I In on- I e I not Inoliiillnir isia-:.. on^siiii: .i .Mint" wtl*? ti- tin. ? .ii . is iilimit Itiroi- lo uno M n**n r. I. ?:?? < * - ru^i twonty?on? III 11 r i ? - ' <???"> fata I It v :i 1N< w Vi.ik ? *ttv 1 ol 1 n nfntn'. in' nts to i vcr; mortality. \;i:' v.ill. .. . ( tho L'i.-ti -l rati , to the 1 ? * v.-s Wli.i llluhnnM Will II.' s>if<-r. "It i ra jinn a lilo to 1 ? ? v i * 1m t h! til" a ' s v. li. VI. I . ? ? ??! 'a f ft v rfcur.l In ?*.'"C I"-' til- '?< (licroaul- u y ."v-.?U.. ? 'li. ' ? Mil lndl vhltui; transportation britu :. In ?]|v lil'ia l r"*ct?' 'nsQ.; ? ? v "Ms^.i ?liu>?,tt? ilvoij I"- .-?< -Mont roooril in \ <i;>i "Twenty ? t!it I! ? > roilui-. il thclt m>-ti'i :'a? n i ?;t:? s ? :i 1 1 "i "t ? - a r. ? i? :m i >|. d t ? l-? : ? ..lis t : a'fl. v| ? "Til. rn 111 ?:??!? aro ??? -u.! n. t! ? ?? an OXC^'.'.illt -??:?! *tru< ? ?' 'l-o.-s Crossin?:s i .111mf 11>. i am;m "Mor.. plnjTfrounilfi are bclim ?!<-? \ o 1 o i. ?? fl INCREASED STRENGTH OF AUTO CLUB SOUGHT Motorists Would Hrromr Sup polling I nil if 1 mport miro \\ rro Kruli/rd. Argued. "TI|n?' i > 11 ?U>'? for 111?? A'l'n ? ;iill iif Ufi?|i>v. v l 1 ? 1 !?? v* 111.?*t If Mi* iv. nitr motorist w.nlil a" i]Uii I n t lilin?. ir ' > li"r""If wl'h 'he variolic lu-tiPilTw Mi,i* will !?" -1 ? ? r 1 il tltroiinli iiif-m' ?"? ^ij? in t h " . '?ilv tin inmicrli-nl p'ri"icth ? f ilo orcunlrn . '.lull wilt 1?" vim ?? in a t ?m I all .* In rt'ortpnl." unlit A ?"?. Swlnk. "f t Ii" ?nelilliri n1i';> . < no m1 * t r ,i. vrstn* <!n vast maturity nf niit'i'iinbllf , hwiii ip ivho ha v-> not \ rt l>oi*i<ni<> .if ? nUa(?<1 \v 1 Hi Mi<> ilui> plioul 1 ami \v?i\ijil. l>o n piij>i>nrtlnc unit If th"*" j fully r?>?itl7.".t tho Imixirt.TTii-f. thr lip<>.| nn.I tlio va'ur if tho an Iv 111 wlii.-li tli- i? 1 'ili fusToro ami promote!" ' \i?ii.iili ? imio .if ibf?? ai-Hvltlo* t lie An'..ii .I II" <' -ili f Itlohnmml maintain* ii UHirliu: bureau at lt? l?i>;lilnu;> i i iM'? In :)u ,I"ffir*.'li Hotel, where i- vi ' ? I Information ?>n ronits ami roil I ?? i I" avalla Me 11 'n work lnA for -ci't'tx fur 1*1.1 Ii )>"ili ?trlaii iltlll II'. ?''?lint. til" |l !?<?!??!? ?t 1 ??ll of K'""l j roarix tin iuIi.ii t t'i" State. nnil it I" 'tllC 11 tl I'l >< "-. ? nf til" 1'ltlll t.1 Jlll?t til" rumli i :u1 Iat tii?r from lii'ltnioti.i wlili mIkii" "Ii ivliic i ? ? ir11 ??? .1 l?i n n.-ep *.. tin' "It.v. mill nl? i tli" loarkliii; of 11:?I. U ?* I' hiioto." "It In tin- aim nf III" A lltoinolille i'IiiIi of 111 ? -11 in ? ii i ?! tlirniitli mi i.lM-ralloii \*'!'i tli" i-lty nml iMiuntv lll'.tllill It I to I'l'lltlOO ACi'lllotlt ?> to ti minimum. -;ii.t I.iwl* ?' William*, in-i il<1"i.i or-iii,. .-IuI. ' Wlil> niont 11: "t Ol'lvt?. ill" lllw-.'llililtltu ami I'll!'" fill, ninny Imvi1 not tiiUi'ii tl," pain? 1 ' is Ii I'orni t Iiimii""! vi-M i.ii ili. i'ili-"i of '.ll" In.111. If I'lU'll lll.ilorlMt will dill H t It lit*' lillllPt'lf K .?? >111 III 11 I i'l* of Oil*' to 1 ..*U iiji tin* ilrlylni: riil"i. nml thru live iiji to tlii'tii. lil.? example will go a loi n iviii toward i urri'i'l :it honii' of tin* |?r? '"lit-iliiy itaimers .< i: *:ml ln?r l!i" operation nf a u I turn I*1!*'H on tli.* Fti.*.'ts "f mtr .'lt\ an.I tli" highways of the Stat". Many ol 'lit- a .1 i'-nts tliat ori'iir are, In a lira - lli'-a ?"iirii. ? 1:1r? tn f hnijrhtl"*N oi a la of "? inslil"rat|r>n for 'In- rlirht* of tli" other driver." Mrll' Oftlrlnl *4""* A 111 l?? 'I'rrirli*. T. i" l'owi'11, vlre-prosliltMit of th" I'rlf KuKr.nid renin:'k"?l In n r"""nt ?diJrc*M that "Tli" lallroJi'ls mu?t Ii" ri'lli'vcil of tlir uni'rotli nhort linui iiri'l tcrmlnnl trnMIc and iIipv l-.ok to th" motor tru.-k. Ini'liullnv ?.ho fiirni motor triii'k, i? ? l>rln? this al. "lit " Tin- iml.ll.' In liitifliill^ th> 'auto 1' ir ut nf i xlst. ii. " I. ? i.. S'.ii.. .i ti ti national ??. 1 -1. .it or- :i ? ? traliilim .lillclnu in jirop. i rotiiln l :. th" lil|2li\\ays I'll" s.if.ty s"a<"ii l-i ii"**' on" SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK Limited mnnlx-r of so-ampere, <?-volt. 11 -pinto Batteries on hand. Suitable for Radio work. Price 10.00 Bnitpries United for Kadio Work :it i? 1 .;%<> 1'er Month. Buy fn^iu manufacturer no middle profits to pay. Kelly Guaranteed Battery Co., Inc. 101M \N . Hrnail Street. Phone lloul. U S E KELLY BATTERIES FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE 11 -IMiit7 - H ?t o, 1191 ti-Ynlt. Li-Plate, Ford Battery, 118^2 \ The FuiS-N isiou BnkkToj) Combines Beauty and I liiity An i'd )>? ?' ? : I'11i<? i< u|.<viority is the pa't-nted t i ;? ;,d\..m <1 f!#"-lmi eliminates nil.-?f* 11*' \ t?-p i > ;? i;? I \'ision I I'oi 11 w i lids 11: < : ' i ;ic|< curtain. Tf)p and fir'aiii- tail.m : ? pivo p.ri.-ot fir and man a ppcaranco. v , r.'l ' < . s r? ? . . A ? I 1 * ? I"..,: I .. yiiM-i.'h Jones -Motor Car Co.. Inc. 1 (L"> I W . Itroad? Tel. Haul. I Ml When Bettor Automobiles Are BniP. Bl'K'K Will Build Thorn HUPMOBIIE SHATTERS ILL MDHTHLY KURDS June Sale? (?rrally loxrceil 1 Iiopc ?>f Any Other Month. Acaln nil |irpvl?n? lluptuohllp I monthly production ami shipment i records hnv. t? ? ? ?i l??-.? U?? n. nn*l t])*> .1un? achievement st.imls s?? th?* high est point In il>" 11 v ?s Iilslnry, Ni?' ?'til\ wns .InTi" ih? InrKest pro ilnctlon in.-nth ili,<t Hi.- ??ntnpmiy has I. v??r i 11J ??>*?*?!. hut ili*' sit month pi> , rio.l. ??inl'nc villi in* t", fi>?m a jproduct Ion standpoint is more ttinti twice r\? larf* n? nnv ? ? 11??-r similar period in tli.- company's lil!?? l.ast January ilip ?ompany planned i . inr.|o than double lt?= factory out put. ami it is |ntere?tlnir n ndo that thn* far Its perform* n.-*? has kept ovrn pare with Its plane That even ii-rjso plans worn Inade ?|iiai.> !? proved liy the fact that on | ths first day of Jul v tlir. company finds M?*lf with unfilled mi Its Iio.'kk from prtii't Iim ''? > every fpi'Uiiii of i ho roiint i y '? i* Hutchinson, kftioral sain* | tnan.-.a>?r can ?c<> no cassation In the ! demand dtirttij; ul.v "At Hits time." ho lays, "nt ioast ! half of our distributors havo sold | cars so fur In excess of their allot | iiietit. which, tn Itself. wiiii twice that ! of 11*21: that !t 1* necessary for us : to lncr*nin their allotment contracts | ! fur thn IhiIkiico of the year." j I An in? ninny outstandlnK features BUKVSRS'&aHISHSBa let of th? June pnl?s wn? the Scranton, Pa., sltuat Ion, where tho local llwp mniitlp distributor, tiotvvIt hHtnmllnu the fart Hint ho wns It) th? henrt of tho anthracite strike district sol.1 In the first si* month*, ax tnatit curs iih ho It ml FHllniHti'il hi* would acll for tho entire tciir. Stonily lmprov< mont In the export (loli! xv jim also tioti'il durtnn llli1 month. "Maximum liroiln. will bo continued." salil Air. Hutchinson: WOMEN'S DIVISION OF AKMV MKKTS MONDAY Will Rrrrlrr Heporls From Tnc liny. It n mm nice Sole noil Other 4 otiniiItlprti Mr?. St Uporm* Krvnn )tn? calVd a Uteetins t'f th?* women's dlv|sh.n of the Salvation Army for *^inorr?? mornliip at II n'cl'M'U. at !?<>it ftroa.l street. I!r>|.?rts w ill be i celveij from til" tr?K day oonimlt!??? th" merting at the linvprn"! v Mm slon anil tho cr.mntlttee lit ? barer of th" riitmnnce sale. which act I v 11 i hove nil trrnifplrxl hi 'he la?t two month?: Tlt? committee In plmrc- ?<' piirchiiltip property for 'he home an<l hospital also will report .in ?"> eral iir'.spofi' which have he?n np proved f.>r 'lie purpose It l? desired that nl! outntnnllhS contributions be hirn?.| In at t.ij? nicotine. s>> that a full financial re port may he cotton otit Nnto RI4.000 Per Vrnr, Th? oftlclaIs of tho Knlon Trans port a tU>n fi.nipatty of Now Jor?e,v, ea ' Mmate that th?,v will save nearly *)?? ,000 annually throush the mihatt Uitton of motor rati cur equipment | for a steam locomotive hihV rail road oars. h i b n rb d a b b i a a Storavj* !'it f"r|n K * rh a r u ???!. Itobuilr. I * ? - f 11 o and I v ? i>;* i re '1 .Ww and K* ino?!M* ?l !?attorir?s nn Sal*-. '-57UH l'!i;sl MfirslutU Si root V'osl IIi-iukI SH'i'pI onraEonHEn!aE53awH(nwRRipnrarai<*i MOTOR TRUCKS Worth of T ruck Parts Are held in reserve in the Richmond branch house lor the service of the Inter national Motor Truck owners. A perpetual inventory guarantees that any part can be obtained without delay or extra cost. How much is this worth to you? Call Mr. Boxley or Mr. Bingham for Information. International Harvester Company OF AMERICA, 1709 E. Clay Street. Phone Mad. 4076. I WliU HKOKK NF.CK 2 YEARS A(;o; [sow nmvKS car |Ppi*Hal to The T!ine.*-I?|spat.rh 1 liRMXHT'iN, V A.. July !.*?. Slvir lil t I'Nll-Ci'il. of Hl'ow llslMJfK llx. lc hrhlRf Comity, who limki- his neck lw?? >' iiri lit" ?lille iltvlni> in shal low \vnt?i ill l!:iy Sluirf I'nrk; iinur Hn11Inn-1 ? Iiiii and r?* tliriiiil !?> Ill" home. II ?? was ii pa tient !n 'Ii' I" Ii i V ? I 11 >' Hospital. Ital tlni'>|. ii? ? i ?? tlliin ;t year hen I if |*i >\'lim steaillly. I'.i 11 ?? inoii huh allowed l" retnin in Ills homo. HI* phvslian. In ?*? > tti 1111 ?? y. iif the liy>;|.!tii| ^ I ii IT. Ill's J 'is t hern f ii formed iliMl I ? 19 man ????ill lmi?*s In improve Mr. Patterson ?1 rove an rill t o mobile from Rlohmnnil to l.exltilEl'Mi. with no 11! ?'fr<?<??? result InK. according to Iii? letter to I?r. 1111 Willi* at t Iihospital anil after lie was ' Olsclin i'K**<l Putlfiviin ivori heavy linwrn i?n his head and hotly. These hi* lias now discarded. He walks with the aid of a ??rntoh. hum I to pro v en 4IH I ri>*?lnj|N. Ft lire one third of Iimth'm lilKhww.v ' fatnili iM'ioirreil last year at rail Iroml i'I-okhIiikh, the Iowa State High wily l'ellilllUnli>li luii ili'Sllillilti'il 41R I urnile rrnsslnu.s for Improvement j Two hundred ami ten of ih? danger spots have till eaity hern recountrnot ? led In tlilrly-five Install '-s over pass's or underpass. ? have heen hUlil | New Bumpers at $2 Each T?i flt evory makr- of car. fipcond-liand Automobile Part? of All KImla for Sal". Krouse Auto Wrecking and Salvage Co, IMmnr Mn<llsnii 2224. 2002-2004-2000 Kiu*t Main Slrt-ot. JEWETT Richmond's Champion Hill-Climber "NIXKS DO BEAT l'OI KS" The Car That Goes Over the Top Prentiss Motor Co. DISTHIWTOKS .110-12 West Hrond Street Territory Open for Live Ooalors # ' Uy; The dull, gray film that kills llie appearance of your car At mjiy iialtrt It!! \ou, T'alt rait# It .<0 fir .-/-ii 4 PPEARASCEI Asn of, va -how to romove it I SIDF. from cotisi !?ra'.iom of good grooming, or >f pride, <7"'W iififimrnnrf has a definite commercial ,*a!ue. Whether it be automobiles or big red apples, a higher value is placed on that which looh the part. Observe the tipple merchant, rubbing up his wares. He knows. Furthermore, he "cashes" on his knowledge. An investment in opp'nrunr/, pay - and pays KK; I Laltnratnry .Htlves film rrmnrnl ! Careful laboratory tests revealed the nature of the milky film that saps 50 per cent from the value of motorcars. And proved, that the ordinary furniture polish, or any "oily" paste <-r polish, was entirely in adequate for out-of-doors conditions. In fact, it wa? found that oil in combination with dust and atmospheric action largely contributed to the film's formation. Hence, COMMON SRN'SK At:TO poi.ish. The fir^ntUm Cleanser was developed; and perfc ted through prac tical tests on thousands of motor cars throughout the country. Results obtained with common senseacto POLISH prove it intmensureably superior for the pur pose intended; and explain why I? monopolizes the sale of polish in every district where introduced. What Cttmnton Srn.iv it COMMON" SF.NSF is a non-greasy, non-sticky liquid that quickly remove* the film, and restores to the finish - if any of it remains - the brilliant sparkleof the origin al factory luster. This, plus an ahtuUitfly liouf-dry, ihitt proof mirfars - water and weather resistant - has created a Standard of Performance. And. established COMMON SENSE, as "The Standard Auto Polish of America". How nn Investment of 5I.OO Will Ailil I * to I lie A (ipen ran re of Your ( nr. Trie first Ipplxillon of Common Sen?r Auto Polish will add al least S150 (I! to the Apppprance of your car. IIul ?sill cost you only 11.00! Your n;arest Druggist or Accessory iJealer hn? it or can get It for ynv. promptly. You are urged to insist on Common f*?n*e, even If you mutt tend direct to the I.anoratorv. SI 00 will bring yu a supply by return ma-!, postpaid. Tentir.g Sample 12c postage Aililrest COMMON SKVSK MAM FACTI BIXC CO., 4t7t> Olive St.. Snlnt J.nnU, C. S. A. Distributed by Hnrwood Rros., Richmond, Vi?. _jlL :ra REMOVAL NOTICE! After July 17th WE WILL BE LOCATED AT 1301 WEST BROAD STREET In Building Formerly Occupied by the Forbes Motor Company ? - KIRKMYER MOTOR CO. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS Boulevard 416 Reconditioned Used Car Sale For Those Who Did Not Take Advantage of Our Last Sale We offer the same attractive pay as-you-ride plan. ???,* i *$!?)$*{)? ' Among these cars are rebuilt' Kline Kars, Franklins, Chalmers,, Hupmobiles, Oaklands and others. Remember thai we guarantee these cars to be as represented, as we have thoroughly overhauled'.and repainted them like new. We Are Not Trying to Entice You to Our Sales Room to Show You a BUNCH OF JUNK, But Real Car Bargains IB Kline 5-Passenger Touring; aigood? user! car at a low price; equipped with continental'motor.* This car will stand a wonderful hit of abuse for family or hacking car. At a price of $150.00 cash; balance $25.00 per month for eight months. Chalmers 7-Passenger TouringU'ar, in a real serviceable condition and one of the best makes of the larger cars on the markset. A reliable manufacturer is back of this car,, and parts are easily securable. Ideal for family use or hacking trade. $205.00 cash and balanced 10.00 per month for ten months. Kline Sport Touring, .slightly used/(recon ditioned). It carries our moral-and binding guarantee. Recommended most highly. $.*>70.00 cash and balance $69.00 per month for twelve months. , Franklin 5-Passenger; thoroughly recondi tioned, good tires and new paint. This is a nice family car and will give excellent service. It has minimum upkeep and long life. $400.00 cash and balance $58.3.5 per month for twelve month it diverts to you. Hupmohile 5-Passenger Touring;?a -1-cylinder car of standardized make, in the medium weight class, in good serviceable mechanical condition, that will outlast several cheap cars,ias it is built of good material. The price is only $200.00 cash and balance $25.00 per month for eight months. Kline Touring (Reconditioned); an ideal me dium-sized car for live passengers; smart and stylish. Richmond-made product, with the fac tory right at your door. If you are looking for a car of good quality and low price, see this one. $225.00 cash; balance $35.00 month for eight months. "We Invite You to Inspect Them." Sale Being Held in Our Showroom, 3 WEST GRACE STREET. Open Evenings Until 9 P. M. Richmond Kline Co inc. 3 West Grace Street Phone Randolph 1695. If You Are Looking for a Good Automo bile, Attend This Sale.