Newspaper Page Text
PACERS CLOSE AT KALAMAZOOi! ( Six StnrtMrs in Free-for-AU Make Thrilling Climax for Meet. tUy Avnoclatn<J preaa.1 KALAMAZOO. MICH., July 31.? CI re.! ft" "Hy ?f lh" Gran,J Circuit meeting' *lv?n ovor to in ri .?T * thr,", evnntB *>ut ov^r in fast time. ,hn f for-nl I pare with nl* "tarter* developed a real ra.-.. bo <w?en Jlminlo MeKerron. Hal Malone ?nd Sir Itooh. The Ohio seldlt.K took the first hen I. after a hard drive lh Mm Mnhone close up, and the '-'?an entry In last spot. The Ray vntry repealed In the ?*rond. hul tV."* ' l" the wire bv Hoy IJrat lVon.<Wni T. t,hlr'1 ',ml Hal Ma nt end of the string Sir J'epixd nut and took the e,i*l JV' ? f',r^l''P '<ay into second noel The iu fi' l! Mahnne In thx third Atxst tiES "! .?,? rr?* ?rv.n 'Vr ' /'"K"r >1 wtrl liUl I. . ClOS.* of ,h? ,*,.on(1 th" ;.art y ?,r""',n "'?*?! favorite at !???!' ' f!!?? I l,it* fav,>r'l? in Iho 2-11 i'ivr CK 1 rnT ' vk- "S" bid* I.. . V . .1 mad* *?v?rnI fi'Kj saw* ^?Vlrv" /"'!?n*rjrt fo Minerva ?p i ? f'i vorltii, tj j I t} i o u*Av i h?* Mnrvin ( hiM* ?ntrv whm t)io wlnnlnc three straight* while fagan and \tt?nt? wmTams we.? */e nt'ry* m a Ve." " ^ off th< Summary. 2 1! pae? three heat*. Park imer Iran purse $; oon Henry Dire, r. , ? , b> Walter l>'rect ' I aIIn t , , , Hal f!?r. br m h. [j j y. (Chllds) .? nai B Th?,f7M?x? e uy s?'r:.: 4 b.r: J- s '? -,.! Lulu Brooke, br m.. br'Xrgnt H^j (McXhhon) .. a i e t-t^t'.T T'l r**"" also S "5 1-4 '' 1*4, 2 04 1 "2 I-r'-e-for-all ; n'-e three h <???!? purse. 11.200: neat*. Jlmmle MoKerron. b. g bv ptr cn, vI'KJfrron ,R*y) 112 < t . h h. w . bv St. Rorh R J 1 n?l .NUhone b. c- V,v \r2.,? ? Hal 'Chllds i . .* ' Ar*?l - , i^vi.?7<,?n hw *- h>' flrattan " Itojr>I (Murphy> 4 , 4 Johnnlf Qulek. rh. h. bv Hodce^'ood Hoy (RKant T 4 dr I.'>^an Hedgewooft siso Htir'/.'1 Time 2:01 3-4: 2 1-4 2 02 ^4 * oooi P?IC',' lhr'"! heat>. pirsr- J].. Minerva f. m > by j?hn Tl. r,entry (Chllrtm . ... ill Minnie William*, blk. m . bv liiacK Bax* (Thomas i i i i Fa^nn b. c. j,y Walter Direct ' rllln ) . t t i a B^ron Brooke, b by J.nii'no ' Ilrook<) (j?hlvlev) ... \ t k ni'lVP'/i?1- Ch" K ' b> Walter ' nirect 'Ray) ... Tim'-. I K f-4: 2 04 3-4; 2:0V 3 4. empire city results . ?five und on^-htlf f'jr Sri tr!,,,winn,r Tsk' An ^ tr> ter* S to \ ?V 'TC?.n'1- Dlrk'' r>au?h r 2 to 1. 1 to 1; third. Sus >' / t02 to 1.1 to I. Time. J.,'5- A ,J> ran?Laurel*. Bijou. I-rlK. . matte: pr,p. /Ceu* L,a?*ie. O'-av Bonn?tt. The . J trl. I'rrne JTweeney J"nni? ( , Heirloom. j-v.ond rare?-mile and ??.v^ntv >ards "Hrst. War Mask. .1 to 1. i t" i Te 7 ,r,e' l'"'1- Qn'seda, > to 5, T to ?r i t , Kn!*hl nf Jh" Heath ?r. & to j. 3 l0 i 7 ,n - Xlm, i 15. Alao ran?Normal. .Marie Max im. MMInee Idol. Zed Third r.i'-r?mile?Klrf l. Oallant ? u,;[ov n.?6 io1 /"'V'.!*?V Tlme Vr]n ^>''ier' 5 f? *' 3 to 5> ""ut' r,n~Wr;" Th" r!Sr^,;?::-"h,:n.v',,,r,rT eecond. Hie- Ifeart. S to i. '? to 1 1 to 5; third. Sweep By, 10 to 1. 4 to ' c~ J? i- 1 inie. l:0;<l-5. Aluo ran V'lthh*' Chief, Oomlr Sonr Tr\i^n(>' Costlfran r,;' ,f:lc'?.ni,,e ??" a clxtfenth ? 4 <o '?s ,o *? 1 to s second^ I^cly /.en*. 3 to i, r, to s I to? s"1!Xf)ornh"l?'e. 3 to \\ t-,1 c?. ^ Time, l;47 l-.?. Al?o i?K u' . 1>rn"?!us. Orcus. Corde lalr. The Sphinx. Refrain. outfaeoo,XzevnVnt- V?2 to f third Wlllam fell. <S io Ifi't^V. and Drake's"\aw? M??.ran~nuc,f" FAST AMATEUR NINES TO PLAY ON ISLAND Chtirrh Hill Athletlr r>i.,K Instead of nt Hyrd Rarlj a?? HrK mcnt was made Inn nlKhf'bv Arrhu Kvans and "Dike" Kleve?ahl m.i fibers of the tcaui* Uini n<k. i I closed with rho park' fJlftrlnl, for the u*e of the prounds ",c,nls tor the Wifh. .Tnkola londliiR the com morrlal Leafcuo by a paine and n find Church Hill the runner ?n ? klea of the Importance of tomorrow afternoons ?ame can. he jfathered The teams will meet onLv after tomorrow, and If tfie Baatrnrt Unine loses It will be out of the r^'.n nltip for city honors. ln" Joe Boehilng or Johnson m-iii a the hurllnpr for Churoh HIH wifs ?Doubles" Xapler and Ifirhert Har releon making the atronpeat bid for hurllnpr honors on Takola. Napie? haa been goln* like a house a?,I rocontly and Is a hard man to beat Harrolson also has shown consider able mound ability and la <M**r for team 'be pennant for hla DEMP TO TAKE ON BIMl BRENNAN NEXT n2?t ?nhn!c ia" knocked out, Pivnn . DRy. according to I.eo Is ?i'nJ ? F/'T nt frennan. Flynn Is ahowMnLr* ?jT iwher'k Dempaey a. fA. ^ thonter, to sign for tween r>?mplevn2nd#<ri,lon bout bo" Tarbor, Mich The0,T?' ??oton he MltWll weat ^m* R,okar<5 RroEN GIVesIjF ATLANTA MANAGEMENT ?i^T?x?Lr'^? aMNNWKfejii'J . ...-m**,. FflflTEflNITY TO HOLD FIRST GOLF TOURNET Kappa Sigmas lo Meet on ? Links Here INcxi Tuesday. A fraternity golf tournament 1* the latent Innovation In the golfing world of Richmond. Announcement was made last night that th* Kappa Sig mn will hold It* first annual golf tournament next Tuesday on th<> links of the Country Club of Vir ginia. The entry Mm will clown to night. All entries should be sent to ?_!. Stanley ?.'lark''. who may be , reached in th<* American National 1 Hank Building. | The t ou rna in en t will he conducted ; under medal nlay rules and will In* , for eighteen holes. Two prize* will l>e awarded- the successful golfer*. Fifteen entries have been received to date, and more are expected In today. While no definite plans have been mad"- for such an event, it Ik proba ble that~ln the near future other fra ; ternltlea may challenge the Kappa Sigma.-< to a golf tournament. 'iolf J Is threading like wild fire lit Ittch : and the fact that the Kappa Sigma Fraternity has taken up the game in of interest to the local golf tine fraternity. Daily (iolf Catechism, i With Results Simplified llj- Innla tlrovvn. u flaying in a recent match over a stran?;e course, my ball stopped on a email patch of crass, roughly eoni\ alent t'. two P(|uar? fe?t of space located in the midst of a wl<l< expanse of sandy surface, considered a hazard. Did I have the right to ? ground mv club on thin gras?> 'patch? ? A. rally pp^aklnp. ^rouim permanently covered by grass, even though adjacent to t e\ en surround ed by a hazard, is not a hazard, it would appear that und'r conditions described, you should have been al lowed to ground your club. The club ? hould have a l<>< al rule estaullshed to cover *uch cas's O do the rules ?v*r permit the roplaving of a strike, where come | kind of interference has """ 'airlv to the player, provided th? op ponent gives his consent A No The rules make no pro visions for replaying a stroke under i sueh conditions. Those thtngf are a.l a r*rt of the taran. I o Is a plaver entitled to have his own caddie stand at the hole ne I makes hl? putt, if his opponent rat e s 1 an objection' A Yes. The player is entItl-d to >end his own caddie to the hole while he is playing his stroke . Q In a medal qualifying round a plaver drives a ball Into the rough i near a boundary line. There Is a local rule tha: a ball Out of bounds is pen alized by distance only, but a loat ball with both stroke and distance, a provisional ball l? played at once. \fter a five minutes' search, the play ,.r continues with ills second ball, leaving his caddie to search for the flrst one. After playlnc two innc strokes, the player learn* that his I caddie has found his flrit ball out of bound" 1? be entitled to discount Ui- penalty stroke? A. If the ball was seen to land s? near the boundary that none could Ray whether the ball stopped In b^ind* or nut, .in?1 thf player, aft^r a flv* ?".irch in ??OUn'l^. fa lied to And ! h<> ball, he was entitled to assume that it was out ~l bounds and proceed accordingly. WAR VETERANS FAVOR CANDIDACY OF DAVIS Portsmouth Aasoetntlon Will naclt Former (.overnor for Senate nnd for Congress. The War Veterans' Association of Portsmouth will back Westmoreland Davis for the United States Senate i *nd Joseph T Deal for Concress j from the Second District of \ irglnla This was made known last night when th? association adopted reso lution' strongly urgtps the citizens of Portsmouth to support Ex-C.ov .> r n o r Davis and Mr Deal for the Senate and House of Representatives, respectively. .... Di the preamble It ts set forth that the association Is formed entirely of citizens of Portsmouth who have fol lowed th? flag In time of war and who have band.-d themselves to gether for the purpose of obtaining h medium through which their Ideas i of fair play and justice may be ex ! pressed In ti political way. I To further Its desire to decide Ifairlv between the candidates for public office to be voted for on Au gust 1. invitations were Issued to ,11 candidates, it was stated, sothat I their platforms snd measure* to r.e supported by each might be learned. Only two candidates appeared, it is ' said', and as prompt action was de ; aired the association went on record ; unanimously. It I* reported. In favor ! of Davis and Deal. SECOND OUSTER OF WEEK IN RUSTBURC, (Special 'to The Times-Dispatch] ! i,vNcnni'H?. v.v. July 21 ??1 second ouster proceeding of \he has just been started at RtistburgIn the Circuit Court bv Thomas ^t,lJ I head, attorney for the State Prohl ! i.itlon Department/when he caused a rule,to he Issued .against Ft. "p< ? n justice of the prftce of Jll,s',,l'rK District, to show why he should l.e removed from office, the charge being that he was drunk on the streets of Rustburg. D Is understood that the magistrate will not wall for the hearing, but has tendered his ? resignation to be effective at once. I John W. Fortune, justice for Brook l vllie District, had a similar rule I served on him last Monday for tn_ jsame charge. Close Hairy Nenr Lynrhbnrg. LYNCHBURG. VA.. July 21?Be cause of a case of typhoid fever has been found In the home. J. W. Col bert, who operates a small dairy just outside the city limits, the dairy has been closed by the City Public Welfare Department. The patient Is a 17-year-old hoy. The dairy Is located outside the city. Itetnll iJrnoers Organize. LYNCHBURG. VA.. July 31.?Local retail grocers have formed a city as sociation with R. O. Wood, president; R. B. Prlngle, vice-president; Mosby Rylsnd, secretary, and C. O. Thorn hill. treasurer. Freed of Pry l.nty Charge, Erne?t Redd wal acquitted of a charge of violation of the national prohibition act at Prlnoe William Courthouse following a trial yester day before 1'nlted States Commis sioner Melvln Flflgenhelmer. Tllg Reception for floorer, [By Associated Press.] NEW YORK. July 21.?An elaborate reoeptlon will be tenedered Walter Hoover, of Duluth, national sculling ohamplon and winner of the diamond aculla at the reccnt Royal Hetiley regatta In England, -Upon his return to this country next wook. TRUCKERS TIKE PAIR FROM HE'S Tins I * Both Games Go Over Limit, Fans Seeing Twenty- ? 'I hree Innings. NORFOLK. July 21.?Playing all round hotter base hall. Including kii parlor pitching and hitting. Ports mouth grabbed both ends of a dou ble bill in extra Innings, by the score of 1 to J. md 1 to 0. The fl rst mmo traveled thirteen In " In ks. nii'l the second ten. kIrkp was t he Watting jiar of the two bat flew Manning clearly outhurled Stanley. So nth paw fino held th?* Tar batters In the (ilnrhra. The scores follow: KIRMT (. \ M R. Portsmouth. I AH It. H. O. A. K. Hangs. 2b t? n 1 4 3 rt ? Jonsetree. 3b 7 0 3 2 3 0 I Voter. s? A 0 1 3 ft. n ! O'Brien. o ft 1 2 fi 1 1 Rooney. lb ft 1 2 1?? 1 0 Nally, if r, 1 2 0 0 0 Rasliang. rf s 1 2 ? 0 o ? 'hisholm. rf ? 1 2 1 0 0 Manning, p 6 1 ? 1 5 0 Totals 51 r, 17 39 19 1 -Norfolk. AR n. H. n A K. Tire. If 4 I 0 2 0 0 Htirke. rf ? 1 2 1 0 n Riggs. rf r, n 4 3 n rt Gallagher. 3h r, n o ?> 1 n 1 Crouch. lb. 4 0 ni?5 j n , Lea hey. c 4 n 0 ft 3 n Verwllyea. ss h 11 2 7 3 T [Carey, 2h ft n 2 3 3 0 Stinles, p 4 0 0 0 S 1 1 Xr,!a'* 2 10 39 1? 2 ?ore bv Innings. n Portsmouth .... nor, ?n0 nrn pnn 4 t, i Norfolk flnn nni rtio onn n ? 2 Pummarv T-.vo-bas? hits ? Rlggs" Roonev, Manning. Sacrifice hit* - - Rooney. Nallv. Panes S?ol Onllagher. Voter. V?rmilvea. (Jnojo. tree. Riggs IWf on ba.?e*?Ports mouth. 11; Norfolk. (?. Struck out ? by Stanley, 4, hv Mannlnr. 5 Bases ?n ball* off ytntile*- ?. . fr Mannlnc t Pns?o.1 balls O'Brien. 1; Ln?hv 1. Time. 2 20 I'mplres, Brosltr, Black burn and Shaeffer HErosrn kamk. Po rtumonlh. AB R. H. O. A K. Etancs. Jb ft 1 3 2 3 j '?oosetr#?. 3b 4 n 1 13 1 Voter. 4 rt 0 2 3 2 .O'Brien, c 4 0 2 7 0 0 Roone*. lb 4 0 013 n 1 Nallv. if 4 n 0 rt n r Bashang rf 2 " 2 3 0 0 Chlfhoim. rf. 4 n i 2 0 "I 1 Son. r ^ 0 rt n 7 0 Total* *ft 1 9 30 1<S S Norfolk, ... ,, AB R H. O A K. I,c#- If 4 0 1 2 0 n Burke, rf r, n 2 ft 0 n Biggs. rf 3 0 1 1 1 o |Oal!?gher. 3b 4 rt 1 2 3 0 I Crouch. lb. 4 n rt 7 0 rt Hudglns. c 4 n 1 <t j a Vermllyea, as 4 n n 3 ? n ? 2b 4 0 n *> n n EVt?r?nn. p 4 rt 1 n 2 r. '???hv, r ft n rt 0 fi rt 1 ?Mathews rt ft 0 0 0 0 I Totals 3H 0 7 30 ?? rt ?Ran ft Hudglns In eighth. I 'for? hy innings: R , Port t nir.iit h rtrtrt rtrtrt rtrtft 1 i J Norfolk rtrtrt iirtrt ortrt ft ._rt Summary r Double ;ilavs?pe.terson >to Gallagher to Crourli: ?oo to Voter to Rrtoney. .= a<T!(lc? hits ?Roonev }oter. Rlgg* (2). Crourh. Stolen base. - Banrr <2). Nally. r,oo*^tree Bashang. G?llaKh?r. T.rft .,n bases ?Pr.rtsmoij'h 11. Norfolk. II Ptrurk | out.? by Soo 7 hv reterson, ft. ria*"* inn balls?off Soo. 1. off Peterson 5 Wild pMrh Peterson. 1. Tim#. 1 4 ' mplrrs. Blarkburn, Shaefer and Bre^iln SOX PAY $50*000 FOR STUBBY MACK [Rv Associated Pres? ] SEATTI.K. July 21.?Frank G ' "" M.ii'k, Seattle s young /right handed pitcher, has been sold nv the ??attle Paeiflr Coast league to the ?""IilraRo Americans for rash and play ers. It became known lure today. The deal wh? reported <0 aggregate In the nr-'ghbornood <?f iftfl.rtOO. Ilornsby \rnr l.engne Itecord. ST. I.OI'IS .luly 21.? With a total of twentv -siv home runs to his rredit today. Rogers llornsby. of the St. Louis ^urdlnels. needs onW two more ! circuit drives to establish a new hom?-run record for the National League. Williamson, of the Chicago team. f ?t the present National League record In 18S6 with twenty seven homer*. Arthur Merrlmnn Demi. 1 MEMPHIS. July 21 ?Advices re- 1 reived today announced the death at| Pebago l.akv. Maine, of Arthur Mer- 1 rlman. 70. Memphis capitalist and known to amateur sportsmen throughout th? country as a field i trial ludse BRONCHOS SPLIT EKED IS BOOSTER Bit SET Two Carolina Teams Play Be fore Record Crowd at Rocky Mount. | Special to The Ttmes-Dljpatch.') ROCKY MOI7NT. July 21.?A Roos ter Day crowd th:?t packed the Kinnds saw tho Tarheels ?n'l WlUon spilt a double bill thin afternoon, the home rlul? w Inning the fist came, 4 to 1. while tho visitors came hack in tho second and tagged a 5-to-2 de feat on the Walkerlte* With a half holiday cranted by local business houses. one of tho {argent crowds of the season saw the two snappy con tests that abounded In thrills. In thi* first encounter Fn*d proved too much fur tho visitors. whll<- the locals got next to Qulnn in the plnrh^s To win tho An^l flncountrr the Rugs Eiit next to Hehl In the fourth inninif, when they K.-ore.l three runs. After one run had been scored in the fifth and the hasus he came loaded he was yanked, and '?reen, a newcomer In the Tarheel fold, sent. In. With only one *lovvn, ihr youngster retired the ride with out further ecorinjt.'holdlnp the Rubs runlesa for the retnainder of the fray and yielding only three hits FIRST fi.VMK. Wilson. AR. R, H Maths*. If a 1 1 Adams, cf 2 0 0 P. D. Walker, ss... 4 0 2 Walterr. .lb 4 0 2 Miller, rf 3 0) Hot h. 1 h 4 0 0 ?'unnin^bam, 2b.... 3 0 0 Head, c 3 0 0 Qnlnn, p 3 0 0 A. K. Totals 23 1 6 24 14 Rocky .Mount. AH. K. H. O. A. Rates, If 3 Stelnbrenner. 2b... 4 F. Walker, cf 4 Wln?ton. rf 4 Rowla r.d, Swaclna. lh. ... 4 3 Narleskl. ss 2 0 o 1 2 Hall, 3b.. Fried. p . . 3 o 3 1 Totals ? ? 30 4 a 27 S 0 i Score by lnninps: R. ] Wilson I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tj I Rocky Mount ..0 1 200001 ? 4 j Summary: Two-base hlta?"Walters. Miller. Fried. Rates. Sacrifice hits? i Adam?. Miller. Stolen bases?F. j Walker. I.eft on bases?Wilson. 4; Rocky Mount. 4 Double play*?| Walk ?r to I'unningham to Roth, i riinningham to Roth. Struck out ? by Qulnn, 3; by Fried, 5. Has** on ' halls?ofr Qulnn. 1; off Fri'd. 3 Hit batsman ? Narleskl. by Qulnn Time <>f cam- ? 1 ;20. Umpires?Delave and Wentervelt. 5KCOXI1 CAMF-. Wilson. AR. R H. O. A. E. If. Mat ha ir Adams, if I'. I>. Walker, as Walters, 3b Miller, rf Roth, lh ? 'unnlngham, 2b. Mead, <? Rennett, p Totals 3? S 11 27 11 Rocky Mount. Bites. If 4 Stelnbrenner. Ib.... 4 F. Walker, cf 4 Winston, rf 4 Rowland, c 4 Swac(na. lh 4 N'arleski. sa 3 Hall. 3b 3 Hehl. p 1 fin-en. p. . .., AJt R H. O. A. E. 1 2 0 Totals 4. .S3 2 R 27 7 * Score by Inning*: Tl. Wilson 10031000 ft 5 Rocky Mount ..0 1 0001 00 ft 2 Summary: Three-base hits?Win ston. Two-base hits?Walters. Roth, Ma'haK. Rowland Stolen bases Adams (3). Ijtft on bases?Wilson. 10: Rocky Mount. 3. Hits?off Hehl. * in 4 1-3 innings: off Green. 3 in 4 2-3 innings: off Bennett, s. Rase on balls?off Bennett. 0; off Hehl. 3; ofi" i.reen. 0 Struck out ? by Hen n?tt. 5: by Hehl. 3: hv Oreen. 4. Hit batsman?Head, by rtehl. Time of game. 1:4.1. I'mpires?Westervelt and Deiave. Falls to Strlnt t'knnnpl. [By Associated Press ] LONDON. July 21.?George Michel, the French swimmer, who attempted today to swim tho English Channel, relinquished his efforts when six I miles from South Foreland, on the | Enpllsh roast, after Ueln ? sixteen hours In the water. Michel f-tarted ! from rape Orlsnese, Franc*!. at S:40 ! Thursday evening:. Ml*ke and Fnlton Matched. ST. rAirU July 21.?Billy Miske and Fred Fulton, local heavyweights, were signed today to box a ten-round no-decision bout August 11. WASH SUITS For Little Fellows Specially Priced at $1.65 One very good reason why you should provide a plentiful supply of Wash Suits for your little boy is that they not only look neat and cool, but they are cool ?the coolest sort of clothes for him on hot days. A very good reason why you should pro vide them for him right now is that these specially priced Suits permit you to acquire an ?ample supply or add to his present sup ply with the least amount of expenditure. Mothers will be surprised and delighted at the "individuality of the patterns and styles of these little Suits. Burk & Company JJome of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes | Men'sBathing | Shirts and | Trunks, ^ Men'* Bathlnv S Trunks and Shirts; tho chlrt.s ,iro of wh.'to worsted, k the trunks are of QQ^ S blue n,Tnnt?I; eaeh.. *JOC i?5CT-wowownocoooooceooccocc o \/] Imported Safety Razors With lit r.ltlfttr Snfety Itlmlro Thour Rnzor* are not the Gillette Safaty Itaaors, but n very Bond Imported mnk" that can t>e used with the Gillette blades; compl?t<? raxor and 8 7Q<? blodea ? | Mr. Man, Here's Another Great Sale of I PALM BEACH SUITS New Special Purchase?Just Received Your Choice, 1 l.OO OR* TWO SUITS FOR 21.00 Alterations Satisfaction Without Or Your Extra mfdl and trade mark owned Money Charge. ooodau- worsted co Refunded. This is a very important sale for the men who are goinp to buy Palm Beach Suits today. Men who are familiar with the price of high grade Palm Beach Suits know what the other stores are selling them for. Many men buy two suits at a time, and should any man want two suits today he will save an extra dollar, as he will note the price the suit is 11.00, or two suits for 21.00. All the newest styles, patterns and colors are represented in this lot?^*3 conservative, semi-conservative and sport models, for men and young men; regulars, slims, stouts, tall and short. Men Who Come Here Tell Us That Our Special 4.44 Men's Shoes Are the Best Values in Richmond Oxford and High Styles 6.00 and 7.50 Values 4.44 Black and brown, all leather Shoes, many styles, English, Brogue, Wing, Square and Round toes, all last and all sizes; also Blucher styles, in black and brown. Gone! That's What We'll Say In a Few Days About These Straw Hats CHOICE OF ANY HAT IN STOCK, Worth to 5.00 Panamas Included Rough straws and smooth straws, 1922 summer styles, for men young men. Come here and out the hat you like best; if your Bize, pay the clerk l.flo, and remember any man desiring a good Panama Hat can secure it at the same price. and b pick 0 it is 8 MEN'S SHIRTS 97c This sale started today one week ago, and the results have been very gratifying. We want every man who reads this advertise ment and who has not attended this sale as yet to come here tomorrow. The best Shirt value in town is here. NECKBAND AND COLLAR ATTACHED STYLES POPLIN SHIRTS ? MADRAS SHIRTS ? WOVEN MADRAS SHIRTS?HIGH COUNT PERCALE SHIRTS Every Shirt brand new, fresh, perfect in every respect?our guarantee with every pur chase; good fabrics, fast color. This lot consists of soores of neat striped effects, in madras, woven madras, poplin and high count percale, in neckband styles; also white and pongee color material Shirts, in collar-attached style, every Shirt carefully made and cut full and correct to each size. You will like these Shirts, and we are quite sure that you will buy them by the half dozen, at $ Ninety Seven Cents Each MEN'S GOOD PANTS At 2.95 At 3.95 At 1.45 UNION SUITS Men's very good grade Striped Worstod and Blue Serge Trous ers, made by bent pants makers. Good, serviceable kind, suitable for dress and business wear; plain and cuff bottoms. Men's Fine Dress Trousers, In striped woj-steds or bine serges. Rest workmanship, finely tailor ed, cut to fit with comfort; plain or cuff bottoms, eto. Men's Pants, made of (rood, strong khaki and other material ; made to gtve good, lasting wear. You'll find these excellent Work Pants strongly made, full out. BEST MAKES 95c Union Suits Are the YALE and TURCO makes, made of very fine quality mercerized madras and check nainsook; very finely made, cut full and roomy, with closed crotch that stays closed, and wide elastic waistband in back; all sizes. 79c Union Suits Are also the YAUS make, and represents the best garments at the price on the market; made of check nalnsoo1;, closed" crotch and el&stic waistband in back; well made and full cut; *11 sizea, . wi' ' A- ?'! : to -