Newspaper Page Text
lUEHLUAMflSE Wuntctl?To liny WANTED, Second-Hand Safes. Phone Mad. 481. Barnes Safe and Vault Company. ROOMS AND HOARD * lipoma with Hourtl or iiUOAD S'l'.. K. 101. -Itourii* mul board; riit-H rotuiitlil", ItmiUuiph 1IJH-W. ( Kit AN K 1.1N, \V, 2 Ov?Ituum wiltt buui'l. ! with or without liitllii 'ATT II ACT IVB furnMiVii roiii with lni.<ri|. I,.iMi. j liuii- . .MU'llsuii ?iSiO-W a n i!,\< ri\lii.v fuit..hi..,.i i'.'jui. ii.itii 4i*i Joll.ini:. l/ri;tkfiHt anil < v? iiIiik '!1iui*:. IHI'J Wi Hi ijr.ii i . Muul. v.ii.l JOJti. IIKI'tiltK ???-!??<-tint; i 'I' IIkIi' fully cool i?Mj:ti. with t ililt Imatil, la rnllhvU homo, > .ill .11 IIUS \V. at til .11 v. llooiUM Without Uuiuvl <58 CKNTHAI# Two ? \? ? lutj/iiN, private t?ath. tu Ki th?*r. ?'? 1 htt?l l .ar/. IIIANKI.IN (if it i Hat s iU'jtt / ? l<iii mrut nUh-I ruuiit; i-i ivntu b&iu, Uin i? fii? i |>r?:f?;r r t ii. iJ >u!r * a r ?J ^014. I KAM-. UN (fitfai lioj rlaiJii)?bplMiitiuily I ?l lllhil* ?! rOUtll, II' XI to tlUttl, fc'VllttV iii-Mi onl). v.ikI ::il4. CilNTKIt I'AllK IKItllAOK- I '?ui Litfht in I'li-r a to t'tfiuh. ?? V- i y ti.uii; rurni.?in?: M211 !jj? W. ?. It A ? ?. ST.*. W. V;V Kuru.-i.' 1 x r 14. *<1 i.'iiiiriK bath *;? iiti**ri..?ii ? f? ricJ. 1 i 1<< ul*- t .11 <1 '? li?\N*>\'KJt .YVK ' *? ;i:. . ? J 1., in .ri ru ? ? i.?.' 1. i.-* ii ? 5? ? f. r 1 .! I . ^ .if- f..ii* J' . j ? v ?r 1 IIS. \V. M V ! ' ! V. '? ? 1 t ?? i> P a',* ??. . . I. Il l !. ? !>? ? (II \ 1. M Ailij. 11 ? J Mw.\ 1 i'.i.i I a j. 1:1 N hi tn ?CJ**??ii. ?? - 1 <?<. : j 3 ul . 4 j ii <].? 1 j , 12 iu IT * ??*<% ?> S? ??%: mkn r \ 1: r . 1 \ . tin i *? ?r> ir.H h I ??ii 1 ?r iH-Ji) tui 1 ?r. ? 1 ? . .. ? ? s .????,: Iioftti . .f ? M .fiiirn*'r.' .'v . ? 1 I'i. t- t ii ?u.* j .* 1 Kooiiik for (it) II ?;.??.i? i nr.r.*i s .? i 1 ? .?ii -, , ? ? ? r - .1 * . r .t tj> , .?.s hous?*k?ti; V u'.nUoii I'lart*!! 7U A^llI.AN'i ? "iii ? ii,?l r***i ti moil h ? l: f * . . ? ". I .? ? u: ; ? 1 it xvn, lai K" 1 n ? ii?- f ?.?? Ji % t* itiwii ? ?? ? ? I fa 111 ft./ t.?t?t?* Mfi. i a ill's II Mar rim. 11 > x J 7 Ii \ \ A t ? X- . Mr . r?? -in . ro'i 1 titi!* i; ??a ? ? 1 ?. f 11 f ? f ? a u. * ; : t |.. 1 : Mi-.. ii >a* I j.ft . . ? M WhitltK IlliillcS Cil>. \ .? It K I ? \'?> 1 \1 ' > I' l>< ?AHI?r:lCh' ?ru .1 A.Mi-?.? M -? Mi !'.. l'ati**riiovi? : M? :? t i. \ ;? vl.NJr.K It ?.? Ii* I r? lM.iii'1 ut tu* . ? 1 1 j ?? ? ft -u 11 11 j ui; t. .i? .? ?? f 1 r.i iivn. it ? Ij.% W lli?l U I ? I i . rt < U I.- . V -i. , W lift 1 .i? n? 1 ??v% i* 7J 1 1 1 * : ? ? I r % '? - V. ? !,. , ? 1 .. iomi . ri rt .t aihI ? . . i I.K .? .? ? . til' .%'.?! .:U , . ? ? I, t [ lift .?? I ><?Tf?N M > !m r i?: llli/ll. / .s/ ?</. ?fcl\'l A|initinuul.s tiuti MatH 7-4 l oOitrii Ijl Fso'utu IOC Secondi~l)?t I ? ; ? ? . : 1 ? r 1' . 1. ANS'B i 3A *. ( Ys -. . M . ? 1. ? 1. ? Ave iiU' .????% t'T. room' - lialV* . >li*i>t fv ? u !? I v ?? htm . lit: t .? ? ..r - ft ?* ' ! . it A I .K \\i. 1 ; ?? -t?i* ? 1 ;:t'. furiil?h*Mi -r unf urnlf hcil. 1 ?? .. -i -? pur.?? ?? 1 uorrift A I . . Kl r I nr -I. ? nil ti .11 i ui.f .? . tr?; r.. 1 it : , 1 ' .. . -.1 .\2.x 1. :.??!* ? ? - . .v . 'ft t . 1 l.? Ii ?\ ?? r . r 1 ji?-.?t . : \ jii.-' ni> j . r ? > FOR RKNT. Beautiful apartment in the WESTCHESTKR, C. L. & H. L. Denoon, Inc., WOT E. Main. VEKV il-nghtfui b>cli*lor apartti)ni)t, two I rooirif it 11.1 htttli, &?*;.urate Im.t.. : it bin tor couiilu .ir two or n.ori: m-n, t prlvntQ family. Went l-'raitUltn; rof?rl inc.). Handoljiii Uftl* FOR RENT, Apartments in The Alexander, 101 South Boulevard. 1 Three rooms, tile and shower bath. i Rent reasonable. All ou . Bide rooms, giving plenty oi: light and ventilation. Rex O. Jones Co., Inc., 16 North Eighth Street. Madison 3007. KOI! RBNT. Two romn*. bath and k!ti nmiMtP; hoat ami wntfr furnlatisd; on llilr.l ftnor of iitnrlfrn I'loyd Av^nuv hoino. PiiBH^aamn Se|it?ntlif.r lat:> per month. A 1.1.AN. MAVII.I.K * SNUAIJ. INC.. 10< Nortli Si-vcnth S'tri-et. Ramluliih 3J26. FUTlNISHBn or tinrnrrilaiietl npartniont In Ki unit Hall; J rooms, kltcliurmtt^ ami haih Adtlreas llox 1'* 122. cure The 1>im |ili I' ll. MODERN APARTMENTS. Krom three to seven rooms, absolutely mod ern, in most desirable sections of West End. Rents reasonable. Brooks & Richardson, Inc., 14 North Eighth Street. Hu.sIiich.s I'iut'L's fur limit 75 NBW. A'l'TIt Al'i' IV K STt Ut MS AT KII'ST AND M A It.SII A 1.1. 8TISHKTS; ONI.Y TWO I.EKT; UKDUCKD ItUNT. J. A. CONNEl.t.Y & CO. MADISON Ull. Farms for Kent 70 DAIRY farm; 200 ai'ri.-a; 5-room house; Ann dairy barn, tlox U 131. care the Dispatch. H ouscs for Itcnt 77 irofjKRN. X-roont hotmo, Mi'eplnR porth. Karago, etc.; {ionacaslon ut oncu. 2107 Qrovo Avenu*. BRINGING UP FATHER Copjr.^p'it. Hit, Iriurtia U. 11 MY BROTHER c^/WE ME. THl *b MONEY TQ C.WE. W HE. 'oAHt) HE OWE^> IT TO XOU" fSt /5>Vr I too *bifie HE,4b NOT tiO Ci/NO AFTER ALL'! Cz?lM,. \ m COLLV ' ?<OURE PMc^HT ?N/P <*OT HIM ALL ^ WRONci'. r ?By George McManus \ LL JU^T PUT THl?b ?H THE ftiAMK. r PELR COOD ?> LOCK:'. SA^C-MACdE. COME DOWN HF.Ki: /\m <,\ y Me OUT OR JMI. THM' NOHl Ki .ii. mi-, inn heist V\ lilllt'il?In Unit Ml n.,\ w K/n iii ?.tii i i.tii. i j ? : r- n.ii >i i; v. . ttl. lt. hSIAll. H)H 3/1LE I'???tils ami I.noil (in Mil' 8J FARM BARGAINS. We have a large list of farms thai we can sell at bargain prices. If you are looking for a farm, large or small, see us. C. L. & H. L. DKXOOX, .SOT East Main Street. It EIJ All.!. r ? ... It V ? ?\s N Kf r r. : : . : . .u Ch* * ? ? . r ? - *' . ? mp I : ; ? r H r h j > * : ? vi >? r ... :.? r* h Hi re * ha f? tl*.j. ; . is a 11 ? ? *1 hi h ! '!.? ?H! A -w ? . J ? r > , ? | ? i . ? t\ ? r ? ? ; . ttiUc?< lui;? ? ? r :i? i * K ? V?.t 11 . i;. r A. I ,utr .<? \ ;?mjm lr.- h : ! . KOIi*7fAM: : ? : I I it - it . ? .?.?? I ? \ VJ?. : lb. 2 ? '' ? IliiUM'A M?a Vtic 3 4 I > I) C i 1' 1 !??'?? own* r. i t in* < . ? 1 v It K \ V>. U .?? . 1 ... Jfi.f a(i I J, I* li Mar;. . w , h I! - I!! IhSIN- v .* .???-, ?. i?.; o. 11 i. n ' M ?i?? ?:? ? -? . ? ) \ M? li ?.l<iH \ S? Ni . neighbor* n -1 -?#?!xu c.ric'rt n u?e. bu..t by owner I i li iir ??????> way, include m r-? i?.i ? u??* n . i.?r?c* if *itli g* f * K*'. !'*? i . i'all for .s/?r, It* aity c >. Iiiinclolpn 'ill. AUNK.xVft 1 \HM i: A lit! A INS Hun KtntrVl with f ii n? .?f nil .2- .it ? ?????;. I' ? ! h uutl ?? Mr. West. .: ::i.v h . ? i: . .?? w i: . t , .i ? ? ? ? .. *:? trn he.i: : mi iight*. A Th* Lr.., l.ol> lot h.tlt Ho i i ; ?N iii:.I. i \ 4..0 i .. t?. ..11 r ult ?o M. . 111 r ^n ;u j ? 'term* VV 1 ll. i.i .w Muiliao u JIh l II.VMI'TnN Mis IJ. I1.i%v?-? I. , ??? ;:.t> . .a ii?-t ? ?*r? .NaU'iritii Hun* C<U:\Ki: ? i f. ft I. i < ? north'. . ,>? r 1 ' A i ?ti.: VS ? % .-t? Ilii, ? 1 ?! I .?r .v I' 1 ic?*. I sit'. I # i :i*7 I. A ? ?< 1.iirU> \ ?'o i. ii.- roii 1 tldVr * tc** lull li< Ittcel) A. P Uil. M >j :i ii:it li i ai?. J** uc A f cU in iul c: 1 > :?in 1 l 1 &:i ?vu *t 1 n^.i iiiicca with n:ut.tbiy i* .u? 1.. K ilarvltt. with U E. .V J. rt. HAUVIfc:. M.ta.Avti 0. Mjluul Uldf. FOR SALE, nice building! lot, 40 feet front, run ning back 100 feet, in Highland Park. Ran dolph 1(J48. I. ( ash. } 1 .w-.-'k i.u>, I: Stop I 11 >11 I'.ti - ? a; |.n? . ? A. J. t lia'lKhli t-y, 1 -0;? Mutual lilllhllllg. VVu lit I'll UI'MI LtiltlU ItKAL ChTATE?Ll.-?t your i-r??perty with Uk for aiilt t?r fi?i r?*nt. \V? cub serve >t?u. ?-? t% .ScUuiUlt ?v Co., tii North L glilh SUeel. RE At* ESTATE- Utl your property with ur for Hitit* .>t t*r rent. Morion G. ThaiU.tii?i, bvcuiid FiOor Fun National Lh?nn Hu..'l.i.b H<itiilol;*n 61 and 55. Foil ItK>i'l/rS, h?t your faitn* mrJl city pro^ct t> with t'uiittid .v M.ib'Uy. Uicu IIIOlK 1. X U . Full !?.?#: rtfrtiilip. your property with J utiles I. t *lu l'..?et Mitili .Si reel. I l.o'i?Owti< r t ? t?j? ?i lol \v? ??: of ; M u! he 11 y Mi?H, f??> a lui'fcu.u. j .i?' -?yj. LHT >moi ihtri.iii licignia pr??ptrl> with I Meyei l\.i.:n.iit Mutual liulliiius;. * .'aU Maili&oii m'J I>'? FOll be.-1 I t'fetjlltt. iir I >"'.1 ; I > With u.i. (.iurrcil ?V Co., 111J K.*al Main. WE can supply >out v.aiitj* ?:i leal e?tut?*. \V. E. I'ui cell, Jr., Co., Inc., 101 North ? Eighth >tn ? l. iii. ii.Mi>mi ?rnir'sT com?? any", it.-..i n?- j late I ?? j a rlliielit. .Sulci, lelltlllj' HiiiJ loattM, \ .-nth uiiil Main Fnit liEsri/rs. 111 yuur property with c !..i-. K, i c tic h 11.1 u ti ii, all l^atft Frankl n. F?>it ItEStfl/i'S. 1 Is* t your property wuii n. f. 'lay lor. J J Noith Ninth ?StreoU UlSHLfti CLrlS'iHtD SHERIFF'S SALE My or?lor ..r" i)i<- l.nw anil lOquitv ? 'mill. I sliall .-????II .11 |iu!)lii- auction oil KKIMAV. AI'< 11'ST I. ] ul !"::<>? A .M., iii <*ity Malt. >>n I'ai.itol St nit, the follow .uk |ir..|?rtj , to-wlt: About 50 Trash Cans and Containers Titiiij : CASH This iM'op.-fty is solil .siilijcot to llii- rmliix of Hi.- city ..f UtclunoiMl, as s> 1 out in two f.-ttain rout racts liftwcn National Sanitary Strort Sys tem. I nrorjiora t.-.l, anil tin- oily ?? f jt iclimond, r..s|ieotivcly, th? 2ixl day of AiikiihI. I!)2<l, ?n<l tlio ttli ilay of, ll?"l. on tile In tlio olliro of 1 Iii- I'ir.-. tor of I' WorkH, City Mall, Hlchinoiiil, Vh. J. IlKUBHUT MKIICKK. atieriff of ttiu City ofMUclimond, Va. I 'I'lial Vol I. is ' 'Ml: \ I. ,|. U1 S??a!?-iJ bi?l.. Cl? * k l ri; 1 :?| IVi \ . : 11 ' -l" ? 'n:k.sim v. .VI <.i ' ' ' 'V M . f..r th .-..n-ir-j. UoV, ?? ; &r^\TVu,i,"u*1,1 Chu'riuh to"h. ? "I l-nij i Ii. : w , ...J V :?vuivnir i- ? v ? ?..ri. gravel , .. J 5 ' ' " ? '? r i 'j.n I ad III,. i r?,A ot ?>, I, J SupervllorB. ? ' "/hi f"" m>.r C..M.J ? ' ' ' "" ? ? .r i ... <.ourth..'i. i,. . , .. ftl l" !I*L 1'it i.* r i i.i,] - -l A-i.t,': * 1 r'jMU, .itvo .mu t ;uy. .. ? .? <ruv?;j < >m; , ? ,j u . iuin:r?tv utruc'ur.ji i plpf "4 -? ? ? r: A -rsint <1 ?;h-c k t?. , , ior ?i.? tum or ?? '!'?[ ?ii-? i? i'j>ai?i?? ?, t!l , "f th, It,.u l tj ?f s^nvl,,,,, ? '<? Kfl.l t| ? .,(1 f ,r .J t:i?n of th--*- r. , a. ,ir? ' . 1 ? ??:?! - ' 1,411.:, ? it;. VsrLii. " AuKJot s. '? l"Mn.a. IJId.llr.K pro|,oic|a rimy ^ "... Jrit> K. n * ? ;j. ii y >, . . , ?PI I.C..!,. ! ! > Virginia. An *- n k i lt vv?; i ... ... t. ? "it, " ">? " a-jkH. u.... to .?. . . -? ' - HM kh'tw then. ' . ".. . I I,' H ..f rvi.?..r? r v Kt.-u .. ... <??> -he t'liailrm.-in, llo*r.l of ' r,: ~ ' * a J ? -i: '.s. i'i !? i'"i: . ..?? tiii; vii:. si vi % Hl'-.IIU \". . -. ,M v _ A 1 '' isi"'11 m. ,.\i, , ? .; I i. . f ? poutHln r? enti?r ? *. I urn tM-r. ^ \. . 0 * ; ? h \| ? < uMr > ,i.f r . .. . . ?nam; mi us ;u. AI-.' ?" 14 4.100 n\r i s;ir.? - ? I.u 1 n t>?- r ' 1 " T * *'? ^ ??rfinr ?i i.i.i tk * ' bid (let ? - < I'ltniK.T . i ?47 " j n: >. a c> t: .:i. .j 1. i tut i ? ? r * 1 ij.a iMtruij-r ,s 2*, brlilr ?nit y. 10. 2t? i;. in 1 ? ai.u? V'.'!'.. .>iv?iv:nK Ii < : 1 1 : ? .i.'.il '4 " f,Jl J - 'r h'.i lr 1 f t ti. 1 Jij? 1, i ft%* ' " '' ' "l^rMlcittion* ;? i.? v;;". ' ^ '???? a- H i t .. 'V., ? ?.'t. Aii'lii lonai { .ifin ? . ? '"J ?? r.? . n 11 1 Mob?ri, IVI Norih Bill I, rnonUi \ .?. piyniviit of II os ?Ji ?! ?4.i'?nu ??ch. | mint "Mi'inil i-y MVu^',fr?i,/'Vi,,r,'^m1 " .?o.,d V?. lliK,,,VJi ? - r.'Vcn-' Knrli).'?i< will i... . . Bnylntar, Pr?d.,|ck.l,urif W10 "f " 'vi' | Itecilva Ic.l.lrri. It. 1. ? J at : Ur olfW i* - ? f I?i -?r ? i." ' ' * 1 'm| |?.ra Hi.'Siinuii'l! r-'^V'-vi- I:, - -Vl'CUal liih. f,? |'r...w., < v v" -;: ; ??? ' v.; X"'.! j .s-;r',.." Au?u*i StJtv^for ITojeoi Th* S t- }l ?h . .? r.;v?r",h- r,sh'' *:? Ii P. COI,i:A!AX, .NfiTl. i; OF IU;iJKMUJ-Tlo'\ 'J~" j 1'J Mwi.ijkh.s of vn ronv" A.NU "I'll Kit.S COMCtHNKU;' ' i 1 "rlii * L> LilVl" K?nuw* Vu'tory .N?u., li.% known Onit^i1' xlVu, "ili''rw',e Not.? ?f i?". ,!;?.? America Uol.l llnitui.hl,,s r;,,e,V'A H,,c^r L'KordT" bc'e! ^.L^dT h<-'r"" ' "u?^" ??vmg "i, U*.-.-mhHrr>i6|" im"ll!ur"u r|eU'""1,1"" <""" N". I3?. . I *; V.V A |. r 11 ' V ** V " u. Cj rI win. I, ,l,v ,tou.e lvel ' " '?'V- U",,, r llltwl .'hi 01, u,.. ""7 f-r rr.l..?.?*,r?,. "v,^ t-_.ij. M.K il.c .1 ;?"tinkui?i,'i>,'k*'7. i';<1l'\i,"|r|!l" Ti, r:r-;vrv; ;-:r f..r r.-'lon,pU"Sl. ,|u> ? I'f:nci|i,u 01, Aluy i,.< '. uurdliii; t?, tlit'tc (ci 11,a ' ' -? I'cl.lilrll lllfi.llllullol, . .. . p?'z la ixi which ?,:iy ?,e%?t,i;I1B,.(1 ;n,nV\|,_ i:r ' ur> rtiiicm, Uuimk.i, ol |.1>rtllh , . 1. ui 1 ? ik>, ?\ aahininuu ij. ^ OJ trul UvstTv.. " uf "'?> 1??1 a. \v. MKL.I.ON !???:'V?ary of the Trea.ury. 1 la.\ i i'.iit ?\a 1. hank Kiuhiiiiiml. V*.. July J." I'uraiiutn to ri-nuluiion of (he directora |of d Ilu.t.?,IK holu July % . |J... will ().. u .'..Deo m.-eiif ? r lh? ?l,ar.:h.,ld.,ih Si. b. Ii.-I.iut (t,-lr'odf,k IIH hotur. .Mult, and Tw.lld, Str.-ii?. l|,0h. 1 '? I Uu#a..y Augum it. I'JZJ ttt I. o clock 1,0011. for It,u |,uri>.,s? ?r rurth.-r uiiK-i.dli,K .Secll.,n ,i ?t t,?. Ar?rleil of, ?o as to provide for K .U|?H.rU''."l"01"13 "?'i?'?tlnn 01 ,c.. thai, live t^, ?oi more than tw.-nty (^ui H .r'" "? -I'lllloiial ?||. re.-l.irr mu, i,h .Ivicriiiint-.i ii(,oi. . ,..j for th.- tlHllsu. tl.,1, .,| u?y uiliui ?U4|. j llunn i\ tiK-n uoilltJ pro|.erl> i-o,:? o I..r.. ?ttid iiiL-etlnis WAIIHliN M. OOIJUAIU,. ' lallltT. iflsri.A} (.l.siSSIHhU a cull.-.I ? I>ll,!|,tu,|cuti..|, Ml. Ill,)..11.1 It.,II.loli.i, I.?,|.,.. .V". 1.1. A. I'. A A. AI., mil I... h-"i in Mii??,n> iiuii. l-rnnkllii .Str.-.-t. I, c 1 w o ,- n n.i< ... , klKhi?-,*,ill? .,11.1 N'in.-1-.-nih rlil* ovrnln? j.i .,c|oc|< \V.,rk ,? 11 h!,:fr!V Ml-111 lie I H ..f ,M..r .iJ n V ,ra,?"l*nl ?>r? nr., fr?. Icrnully invited ,., w,th ,T* My or.lei t,f ||,U \V,?ral,lpfu| M(,Mor C. 1\ KLUHIIuiK. aocrctiiry. U'gul Ndlin's U1 i ,t. w,?I i.. reii-iv- 1 mi ttiv ' - I.f Jull.H. I'. .lulIVS .-IV -if -ll ' U. OMlllliDSIOi.' rt l.'oin >fiw*u!'.h ??! Ytrtf.niu. Nt?. illi t,u?t '? I. It ? r; ?l. V.I. Up !?* : Hi I t.Mli AY OF Al'UUUT. ttrtiSj i - o'clock r..> ?f. i ?* r ? I f .? .ill ?t t ll f ! .'Ift 1 It Ml. il v\ hi ti ii? !<!???? nca vtf ? :rig r?!*???? * .??*; . i *i ii.?) #ih-i A.irit ? * *..> ?? t f?r?n id Ihr plan* it..I , M ? . I ? , . I ? i l?> t '?? f li'ki I n - i ? n ?? ? ?* .. n J Ki^ ??* . ? ? . ? r i: .-l \ I ? Mil. It! : l.In . i* i. ft'-' ? J 11. ?. . . % ,? ?*?? a l v% ? .f ? t ?1**1 u: a 6' K mi. ImI v a I* .? *ii?J ? 4II ?? i*?.i.h .ii n - . t.i * t i- ??rti ? - 1 J lit* I v\ - ? ?#. I ii' ...? UjiMj.t Itul.'Iir:#c mi..i .? ui* : r I'<rii?'di .V I ?n Ij -' ? Uirnloi ?#t ??!. *- Iiuii<l ?'**;. h * * n ?iid ii ?* 11 ft is. J'/IiN 1. WiJ.Mj.N Oi.. in?:.. 3U. -M ? r .? 'if a, ' AUNKAi. A J ? ?11 N M l> N Al tl 11 ?* 1* t r all*! Ci'ik li*? r n Nil! V A it I'UlN'i- If AN K It I'IT - VI. I. H|i;-.?r . rinu- . ?? I * in- ft'4.u?h* i n ; .\.?> tut Wfcii t !'in.I la iil.'l I* ? xx : : UIIll : .1:. Of ? ? Of hi ?? .. . u ij *. AugUfll 15, 1922, ? 1 ? ? ? ? M r ii. N. ? 'i r.-iii *1 .. ? . I U t. V? Hi-i 114 ? -Ii ll.ii . i . ? ? ; . m; . i..t * ? i i? ws .'!??.> .. lx - i n .? I v. i ? .hi Tin* v\"t?r and al* h??i;. i . U. I'.nptny hi- ?:rio\v it fr.|? Ma. ui Ah * n??? plain. Utili r r? ? . . . ? r Ii. .i-. . f <t* it i4 w ilh ' ?:np '? hi. r i ? I a : < in?*li;< at .i ru t. :*?!?:? ? I fur'h-r . i f ir i..i: n. .? . ? > ? > ' Haihli . Att?Mlie> ? 1 ' . .? -a i UISI'L i> i i.lSMr It. IJ $6,000 NOR i H RICHMOND >? \ -1 Mum f i .i iiir 11.?11.. N..n!i I?ifli ."inl. ill ^???(<(1 ;i\ilill< iiih- l.t'K'k "I ,ir I i tl >* III. I 'i !'? ? v fl \ I ?In.IK- Mr. IXldlvy. Mini. S"-';1.. M. ?? ?Ki'.KI Kl.l ? .v HI.A K i.. IN'' I'Ol.l.AllI) .V KAiJHV, INC. U. .il IZ.-1 ul?* A ti?'l loiii-i, 11"'.' Mam Strict I(li-liin<>ti.l, \'ii'K>iiia \l i'TION SAl.i: ??K A1.1. UK TIIK I'HOI'KltTY. IIIJAI. A.N'D I'Kll MiNAl. <>K JAM ICS ItlVIOIl SAND AM' MltAVKI. < 'I >lt A'l'H IN, . '? iNSISTIN. i ?lK I A<'I: ICS ' 1. M > ('t (NT A I N I N< i VAl.l AiSI.K I ? I; I ?? ?SI*I> I '!?" SAM ? AN'IMiliA vi:i.. AN!' Al.l. M A< "i 11 .N 1: 11V ANI? !>.jrii'.Mi:NT i.' i<"a'i i:i i tiii:kk ON OONSISTINO OK A WA.SIIINU TO XV Kit. SANK KCItKKX. STIC A .XI SHOX'ICI.. UiOOMOTIVIS. OAltS XX'ATKII TANK AN'I) X'AIUOUH '.llll.i: Tonl.S M.M III.MCKV ICyl'll ? MIC NT AM' III ll.lilMis i'? iNS'TITt "IIN<: I.N ITS ICNTIIMCI 1 \ l-II.I.V I :<.jl' 11 'I 'ICI? I'l.ANT K'Ht i ? I: ??i ? i i ? i n .; \v A si I ico sand and ? ;a.\ \' ki.. I ??!; - 11:.: I? t.. '.ni.r "I tin- Oistr'-l I",,.II a. r 111.- llllliil Slil?.- . I'll- III." ICtlJH'tn Dlstrid <>1 X'lrilliilHi o'lileretl ..ii l lit Villi tl..> <>I July. ill Iln ii.ill- i "I" Jam..- liiv.-r S mil ami Hi'.iu'l i '"i in.i iii ion. hanUriipi. u. wi! Mill ll;.! II l"? Vc-llli-M t loin, ll |H*. p l'-|: 11?A V. AI11 * ST 4. IHJJ. I:. ^ nil. I Hi; :il o' I'. M. Tlnj .-alt- will lako (ilacn on tin* lir<iiiiM- in i.'!i'll>-l<! t'ountv. X'ir ii'.Ma, al.i.ut ??.?ven miles l'roin ih> fily >.f Itioliinnnil. anil mar Si?>i? I'll tin tlu- Kk-limoiul ami l*ol?i sUurn Tiirniilk'-1. All jivi>oii? at ti.-nclin^ s a I o may receive ln?tn'.ctloiis as to lora in>n 01 ili.- |iro|>.-riy l>y liuitiiry al tlu -tor. .it .-aid Stop TIih i>i i>i>.? i t >. ival am) pi-i'minnl. will Him lii! oir.-ivil ill separate ilem. a ml parcfls. a- tollows I Tin- r?-al i-stat. consisting: < I 1 ?i'? a. it!.-. IviiiK i.'ii Itol It m'I.-s of ;i roail l<-a<)itiK from Iticlimoml ami I'.-l.-rs loiin Tlltn|nk?* lo whiM'r Willis' Wliat'f \s :i - locutuil on tin- .laini-s llivi-r. . Tin- n al . stair I'oiiMisI Iny of live ;u lioUtiil. ii on the north l?v Kin?s lainl I'liiL on tin- ras-t hy 111? ? lanl ot Myi-is. on tin- wi'st l.y the la mis of W I'. Crovif, ami on tin- south hy a line fitrallel to KiiiKKland Oreek. .'i One Moili-1 No. 18 t)s^ooil St.-am Shovi-1 ami one Stamianl tiallge Moyul Locomotive. ?i. Three six-yard Standard <iauK<! Ouni|i Cars &. All of the oilier personal prop-' oily locati-il on said properly ami lorim-rly iit>cil in tins operation of said plant. ii. Stii-h riffhts as the Janus l!ivi*r Sand and Crav.-I Corporalion may have l.y virtue of a lease, (luted June 11. art. l.ilw.-1-n til.- Sealioar.l Air Kailv. iy I'omiMi.y and William A. Smith. It. XV. Weils, A. C. Tipton and II. I.. Tipton :n ..-rlaiii rails ami ..ihi-i i*. | ii 11 > i:. i-ii I lociilod on tlii! strip of land l.-adini; from the riuht "f way ? I - iid company to sai.l plan I. 0111 not imli|diii}< any inn-ri*st hi tli> l... in I or eollat.-tal niv.-n as s. i-urity to' -aid I? - ? AM. OK SAI!> I'UOI'ICitTV, KiCAI. AM' I'ICUSI >NAI.. Wll.l. TIIICN I: I: uKKICKKO AS A XVIloMC All sales will In- mailt- tree of ami from all liens on said properly and subject to copfli mill n.ii i>\ the curl. In olT.-titiir said property as ? whole, tini uiid.-t'sii;iieii are authoii^. l to stat-- thai a purchaser may enter into leases for a period of ten y.-ars from the date id' sal.) al a total an nual rental of $500.00 will, the own ers of l he land, on Which Is locale.I tli- spur track UailliiK from the Sea board Air I.I11m Ilailwuy (.'oinpany lo (lie said plant. The said properly will he sold upon the following terms: If said properly, leal an.I personal, is sold as a whole, one-fourth cash and the residue in three installments, to he t vi delic.-d hy the neKOtlahle notes ..( the purchaser, lieariiiK date on the day of sale it ii. I carrying interest at Mu rine o| six per ci-utiim p.-r aimiim I rum dale, and payable at I - ami IS m ? > it t lis aflei date and secured l.y n deed of trust on all of said prop erty. If said property is sold in sep arate Items and parcels, liter, sai.l personal property will lo- sold for tash only an.I the said real property will lie sold upon ihe terms ami con ditions no lit loncil atiovc as in th> sale of Mild properly, leal ami pcr soulll. wll.-ll offered as a whole, oi all cash, at the option of any purchaser, whether sold as a whole. i>i in se|i aiate items and parcels. The uiiderslKiii-d and the above mentioned auctioneers will furnish additional information <-n request. It. It, WILT-COX. Special Commissioner. Mechanics' i Kulldlng, i'etersburK. X'a. UOHT. N. POl.lwXKP. j Trustee In ItanUruptny, Times-Dis patch Uuildinu, lUcimiond, X'a. s i.natK c( > in (;i .1 i)i:s DISCI SSION ON WOOL | liv A S'SOI'la t ltd ITl'HS.l WASHINGTON J11! > : I ' iihldtr lltloll l.f till- Wool St >-dll!.-. Will' ) ll.lS ! ? i ? i - ! i v I t h ? ? ? > i ? I ? I g 11: t i in t! ? ? ? . itmlnlst: ition tariff liill H is < <? ri l>let.?l to?ia\ Iiy tl. Senaf aft.r t ? :t IM'i " without thaniic ? <! i11? t>? ? i>i..' iiy the l')l nance Coinmlllce iii;i jmil > <<ii .'ilaiik.ts we.iriui: .t . |.ml iiikI floor cov. rin;-'*. Tin s:'|. In 'i||.i then was taken tip and lead ' II W.I ? llllpcful lllilt ? oil':IL)t (???' !i Ullllllrni Ills lo III is <-0 It 111 l><: d'a-i ["?.-til .r toiuoi row. TOO I.ATI: TO CI.ASSIK I'. ? ' 'I **; ill: ?* ?*11 .. ? hi.- i ? ?. il -ii ? . "si tIhk Mill. M? nr. u fouut). .Iul> ;i ? < I- M II I' Uoux- r. ?t: 1 "J" >-..i - II ? ?urv:v.-.| l.y hm wlf- mill tw.i .?>><>>? II lioujo-r ;.nl ll.iyck Utiujier on ' .i ti ? I - i. hm ir r?*an**. Filarial i. tl ?? liv r. uiM'i.,n ihu l'Y VV.M. I'. 1110 Oil, HISAl.TOTt. Trustee's Auction Sale of Lots li> virtue ot five certain Heeds of Tt isi ail dated Ketiruary 17. 1!'H. ami ? ? ? . > t <J t-?} in i 'heatei tiulri County Cir ruit ? Curl Clerk s Oflice, default liav i.e Imm-ii mailt' Hi I lie payment Dl tin: >:? . t>r ?? ? 1 liv cat h of said lo-cds <?( Tr'ihi .ti I Iiiiviiik heen r<-11ii? i I ov tli?* i j t* 11 ? ? Ii ? ? i; i r *. ii mi el' ouch ?. t sa nl ilt ill." to 1111, 1. tlu- ii ii ile isigned iriixit't will 'in I lll'KSI i.\ V. A'.'lil'.sr :i. r.fJJ. i:?'Umning at I o'clock I' M n th. i. ..ii - i.I thr Kit timolol Ilea. l-.M.r- i.M.niiiK'. Nuith Nliilu ? I i ?-? I. I :?.'h" li il. Va.. srll at pun I .in. M"ii tin- r?-aI entail* convnyeil ??> Heeds i.i Trust, tie lug I've ? ? tit land in Chesterfield ? '<? i??I>. j V: r i; t ii i i. Known anil designated as! lots Xns u".. 17. I t and I'J. in the j I> ?! "ItosaItc. ? recorded in the said Clerk's OHicc in 1*. B. 3. page 80. Sa id lots will he sold In tin; fol- i lowing order: l.ot No. 15. under j I >t'fi| of Trust recorded in the said) i Clerk's Office In l> 11. 135, pane 464. | l.ot Ni>. Mi. under liteil ot Trust re corded In Haiti Clerk's Ijflice in D. 11. 133. page 462; l.ot No. IT. under Ueetl ? ?f Trust recorded in said Clerk's of fice in 11 I: 1.1 ii piiKe ft0'J; l.ot No IS. under Heed of Trust recorded In Mild Clerk's Office in I? It 136. pace f?:i|; and l.nt No. Hi. under I'eed of Trust recorded in said Clerk's Office In D. It I pa lie S'.ir, TKitMS. i-ash It. i\ HOLSTKAH. I!'.. I Trustee. W i: SCI.I.IVAN & CO, !:? a 1 Ksiate Auctioneers. Auction Sale tu-' 31 1 0 M Street i I:. | I Is ii a in f ot a decree ol tin; t'iiii. t|\ i'..mi ol the I'll) of Itlcli :i ?: .'I. \ :i i:'erei| .1111 > IS, I 'J'J. in tin- s nl of ?'laluiil W Mosliv, t.-i ills., \.. U'm -I. Mosliy. c-t ul? we will, on Kit 11 ?A V. .11' I. V L'S. l'.t^'J, At f> o'clock I'. .\1., ! offer for sale on the premises, the property known as No. -110 Street, with tirick ?hvelHii|; and lot, frontlllKi I.'. li .-t lu Inches mi tin- north line of j M Street. hetween 3lsi and 32d Street.-, with ii depth of 16t* leel. more ? i less, iioundtti on the West Iiy land I i.rri.' i i> owned l>y I'. C I.arus. TI'.IIMS Onc-thirtl cash, imlanee , its ? \ and twelve months; or all cash. 1 .t !:.?? option of the piirchasei-. .IIMI.N II WI J||, N Tllo.MAS MOSHY, Spin'ill I Colli III I SS )o lie I'M. Tiie l.iilid reiitnretl of the Spe-lal , CttiiimlsMoin'rs have htell tlllly given. I'llAUI-liK (i. SA V11.1.I'J. Clerk. iiAini; to rain, the above sale was postpoiied until TI'KSIiAY. AilKUSt 1, Itl'.'i, J At 5:30 o'clock P. M. SARATOGA TO BRING OUT BEST TWO-YEAR-OLD TRACK TALENT l iidrlcrniiiiulivc Character of^ <?n Other Tracks Makes Impending Meeting \ttrartive?(ironp of Races W orth SI 00,000. *1 i? timil il i hutact?t nf 11??? 1 --v. .it-olil raring ill .lamaiea. Ai|ue du.-t and lii'liiioiit Park invests wlili |iar liful.'u sigtiifii-jitli'e t!i- impending - ? > ? ar-i>I?J raring of the S.irnloKa A Mt:.It lull fm |||t! improvement f.f tilt . ? ir?? i ? I of horses Til* Saratoga meet- | :ng w (il< h will take ul> the entire j month of August, will in- marked by j tin- renewals of shi*h specials as th* 1'iaKli, tin- Splnaway. tin* Urnti'1 I'tilon. tin* I'niled States. Ilio Sanfotd Mi in rial. lht? Saratov.i Special ami :lit> !i iii-ful a croup nf laves thai j "ill liavi' a KruNH value of upward 1 n: 2 10 ii(Hi. ami attract the lioM rolls j jimI lillif.s of the greatest stables of tlii- K.tM ami \Yest, 'I'll. rouhtry will in' no llrst-rlass -?\i.u-olil racing between this time atiil 'In? Saratoga opening. K?-fitticky'n j ? ? i .tig a ml ?*arl> .iijnimer season lias ran Ms routs.> at Lexington. I.ouls v it ? a ml l.atontu ami the lust horses of the most pow.iful establishments i ?t i!i.- Illut* i irass If 11 have 1111.11?? 11 1 this v. ay in ri st tliri-o weeks foi tin* i iiiii.i] struggle wlili ill.- stats of ilu IliiMrni ?tiitfl'w Tli.n- will ? ".;rsi-. I..- sum.* - year-olil racing at \ onk?-rs wlii-ri' soiin- liOii thorough I ? ? i ? \ a i i*Mis a uos ha ve as >0111 hied l : liii' uiidsumimi s.'ssinn ..f tli" I'l 1111 ? 11i' 11 > I:.?? ng \?>|? tntlnii Tlif Whirl, a $ T. *????? affair lif ltVi< fur longs ami a lui.( will hi* iilftl next ' Saturdav tlif Kastview. n ?1<i.(ihii i ,a. f imr tin- short i liree-i|iiari cr> eoursu Ilu- .S.i t iril.t y following llut it is improbable that any of ih<' top saw- ! yt-ru of thi' liu; Kastern stables will ' take part in tlif renewals of either I of these specials They will In- left | to > oiingslet'H of only moderate promise. 11 a i^ i :> i- on Snrntogn. | For twenty years it lias hern the habit of tin! trainers of the eon- | slderahie Kastern establishments to .ship to Karalotfii in the lirsi week of Ju.y in the ??nil that their charges of \r;oas ages. hut. particularly, their I J-yt'iii I'lils. might have a fortnight or i lii i r w eeks in which to te.iiperat e from the fatigues of tarlj spring ami campaigning; for their | August brushes wjth the erael.s ?? f i tin Went a ml Canada. Interstate ami i: 11 i : 11 no 11 alfnirs of speed ami en illiran.e that have given to Sara- i '.o,'.i racing a tone ami ehararter mjrh as the raring of no other part j oi the l oiitinent i an ln>:i-t ?? I. The | up tr- li of the t'urreiit s. iis.ui j is now oil Sllir. the beginning of I I'll* week III.He iiiau ."I'll ilOI'Sl'S. SOil'O 1 ?'.a ^ti-1" cent of tlo iii '.'-year olds, have uriivtil friiiu New York ami the vari ous training i iiur.-i'H of the Saratoga As.-ociatton aif alive with workers | every morning. While tl ? I WO-Je.'ll-l>lil raiillK of tile New Yorii llleellnys l-?..elitly tl II - isheil lias been interest lug enough it Is better than an even thing that mine of the great stahles has yet lini' a genuine aee I'ossllily it will develop that all of the early Mal.e Winners of i'ollsvl|Uenre Itilll I .earner t'restii. M.Kee, t'berry i'le. ! Sunferetiotf. t'osiiawk, MartinK.lli are neeomis. The iiiccniive to keep the most promising two-year-olil mil terbt! for late .stiintner ami fall rac ing is stronger now than it uki.i1 j I.I lie The Hopeful, a ililsh of sin 1 furlong.", i ene weii regularly on tin iast ilay of the Saraiago meetiiig.s. j has l.einllle a $ la.liOO run' The value >t>) } > ?> *>1 >>>) j}r>?>>??>>} r>r>")> >I}r>) >> t> f "r ? '> ' of lli- i!< mou: I'urk Km irily will Mill frum ? t<? $iii).m)u from this season on "I". ? ? m .1 i Ht.OOll f i| - luritv. a i"of mile for colls it ml 11 lie-**. ?? 11 tiie autumn program u; < tin- Mar\lan.I J'., lu-y t'iub lliat Is t? > lu* ri-tii'v.'fil ea< h Novemh- r at l'lm lllO. Tile l\C!|tll k> .1 Of'ii CV "'.\ll> IlilS establIshed .4 IJ5.000 Kentucky I Championship. another raro of one ' mile, as a permanent feature of fall racing at I'lnih .ill I'mvns Tin- j valiii- of tin- l.cxitiBton Futurity has I rlscu to (JO.000. The U'alilen ami the Fastern Shore, which are run i.t Plmltco and Havre ile ? iruce, are i ? I event*, ami It Is highly prob- ! able that the Maryland State Fair Corporation will presently announce a couple i wci-yoar-old .stakes of ! unusual x . ? f'.r (<,-tober racing at 1 .a lire! l'..i, Uatonia. as a f 10.OOP special in toe tjuccn ?"11 > handicap. Mold Unci. \ ouiiKsters, It s iniKhiy hard for Vmerlcati trainers accuhtuincd for thirty years to rush thttr lost t wo ? year-olds into training :u eilrllrst sprinu and have tliein at the top (.f their form in May and carls line, to sit t If; lit while! laces like the Youthful. the Juvenile, the Kerne Memorial, the Hudson, the Trcmiint and the CSreat American are being run. Ilut these late sum mer and fall specials are beginning to hulk so hi?; in their plans of cam paign for hiK money they arc slowly learning to hide their time. Not hint; that looks like a 2-year old c hampion has yet route out of the ruck of Kastern 1! year-old racing because none of the considerable stake, winners of the Jamaica. HeJ inont l'ark and Aqueduct Hestjions has been abei to shoulder penaltieH ami win. No L'-j ear-old is ever called a champion or even r?KUt?i|ed as a formidable candidate for champion ship honors until lie shall have made concessions and beaten his rivals. The best youngsters undoubtedly, are the ones nani.d above Hud l.erner got into racing's :potIight ill Jamaica by wtiiitiiik the }'?.<?<") youthful under a) burden > f 1 Hi pounds. Hut John F. i Madden, the bleeder and owner of the son of The Finn, did not think enough of his ability to send him aloiu< tinder a penalty of seven pounds III tile Juvenile renewal, a ft.'i.OOO I'll <? of I.Ve flirlollti* derided al Kelmoiii l'ark on May 110 Insteiid Madden started McKec and Molvee.! with 11?.' pounds in the saddle, (joi ? low ti I nfroni Hud l.erner. nleo. : sideslipped the Keenc Memorial Hi mont I'ark's JHUtOo rare of live fur longs ami a half that used to lie | known its the Fcl'pse. but McKee un- j (lei-took to win that race under it pen- j ally of six pounds and was soundly tbrushed by Cherry I'ie, which packed lla. also, I'resta under 1-'-'. ('anatjue under 115 and Vigil under 111 Mclier Stepped .\?ltte. Alter the Keene Memorial McKee slipped aside to give bis rivals a rlianc. ? aril some penalties. I>u> t"berry I'le bravely unileriook to take up 130 pounds and win the Hudson, a dash of ri v ? ? furlongs anil the (list of the .\t|Ue duct - year-old stakes anil Hud l.erner reappeared umlei I -j 7 pounds. Hoth were beaten by Sunfcreiice under IIS pounds You Have Just One Month In which lo buy and get title to that home yon must secure to occupy September 1st. Pnrther delay is dangerous. Let ns show yon the homes we offer ?'possession" Sep tember 1st. A Nice Home 2603 Grove Ace. Till loom**, '2 baths. lavatory on Moor; hri'vant's (oiltti in hast - tin lit. v i ln.irlf,; hot ? \va l ?*r In ai . moth iii. Sol it Im?iii 17To ? los? jin ?'Hialf ?'an be* xovii only hy a]>|?oin t im-nt. 611 East Leigh Street Sc\?? 11??? ? ? 11 rooms, :i baths, iiwiiirs. diii <>f city, want to sell liooil location lor rnomiiiK house. I :t |>< r cent rental. Mai'Xillfi if quick. Builders*Attention ;(inixl_l) N !?: Taylor ami Sin paril Streets owner wants lo nil I** iii? location for iiuiil i u in ilu lliiius. ami |>ro\tsloii f(?r sl irr i>ii lorim. Rare Opportunity to s. imii'i a liiKlt-cliiss loom . <!??? liv;lit filll\ airangtd ami ll11?<I for comfort ami for enterta itiini;. i oust rm t ion Known to lot suiie rior. about 1.. iimiiii.". To lo- st .-n l?y :. i>i>.?!u111.?? 111. must In- m ? n to bo apt>r< < ial? il. |*"or .salt? to close an ??stati* On one of tli?i beat blocks on Kranklin Street /920 Hanover Avenue Kmht rooms, mmlftrn; an at imclivi! )io?ii<*. 'i\hih|' wants to bell. I.ct iih ahoiv this t?? you, Patterson Avenue Kit* lit - room moiliin. city wa ter. oiectri- llfrhts, fiiriiacit heat. 5 .icies oo corner. ?> minutes from c i t j I. in it.. I>y automobile 2302 West Grace Street Nino loom-, moilcrit. Most >]? Nimbly locate.I well const rncteil ami in koo.I comliiloii. mvnur u ill hell. Barton Heights < I t eel: woOll A\et|ile, lot ut)k!50. S room*. I>ath, inoiltirn; servant s room ami double Karaite on lot Owner wants In ?,ell. Sen this 9-Room Modern at ' irectnlale. Water In lionse am! |?i|i"i| over uroiiinls electric lights. lull i\.iter Ileal , ^nra^e an.I clili'ken house I'liolce s.lirubhciv a ml trees. I I acres, la minutes from I'll y by automo bile Richmond T rust Company Main and Seventh Streets. Salesmen: II. (). Tiller J. P. Parker Real Estate Department (). A. Hawkins, Manager. JESSIE RIGGS TAKES FEATURE TOLEDO HE Kin<; \\ *?11W in- 2:07 *l*r??l in Straight llculs \^uiu>l 1' iclil of I .!??% 1*11. ! !!'. A -...'Hit- >1 I'r ? < - To I.KIM ?. nil In. .1 ? 1 ICiUKK. with Dtck M. il.ih 'ti in t . ? iik;. ? hi Hi* Xc? > He ? ? .i'.<. !?.???? feature race nf tl'e g' ? ?: ? Hit. lu l l- I 111.- afti'l'linoi I ? ?? I'll i:i ..II .'VIM Ileal lh.- t ? ? - I. ? I i ?* II? V Direct, Hill i t?-. i)< I Itlggs s;ag,vl .i bvatitlf r i.? ? 11 > i Hi? 1. .1 "? the stretch but t rot badly. allowing less). Iliggs to jm!. away f <. :v .4 t w leiigt h virt.iry King Watts won tliv - "7 tro' '?Traigllt heats. healing the : 1 ? ? ? 1 ?? I \ r ? starter* with ease ?)??? Itync won tin* J IT tv..' After Hi- first event was . ic pl.U'il i heavv kIiuwit delayed tli lacing lor an Imur .mil caused ;i>?' ponement Of til" " 01 pace until to morrow i ;? heats p!ir.?'. I ? I\ in k Watt- I) li bv General Watts i M D-.nald i 11 ?*i the Great b. Ii . I> I 11 i" Mon i ij. ?mer v i 1 .a in I ??in I Miss Kllen Toild. b. in I". Toil.I M.i, i I'.iliii i . I Me'.!rej;or tin- Great. b. Ii ov 1'eter the (Cox) ... 3 f) Clirmellta llall. tor. m., toy W al nut llall I MurilhV ? *> 4 i "heck ?-r - I'atri.U T ? ? 1 ?!. MainNck. tlaka and I"!./, i Ilil: >n a!- ? started. Tllni' " : II71. "7 | Til- N'i'Wsi. I tee. ? la |ia? ?? Hire, heats; value. {".'HO Jessie ItiggH. Ii hi bv Argot liai (MrMahon) 5 3 11 Heiirv Direct. eh. e bv Walter I >i re.'t -Ptlini ! ^ _ I la 1 lli'r br. ill . bv II.11 It (Clillil*) i l 2 :t M11111 *? Williams. Si I It lit bv The I'.ia ck P...-* iThomasl 3 5 6 ro K. 'till t ? jl Ii III . llV I I.I II I 'a ti'Ii i Mr i t tenfieiil i 11...... ? ? , " ""?in i .; ( . , ." , Waaler Hon,. 1 sLrJ> " <|..(| ami i \v. s lis.. ?, . - f. -OS} ' in " I a ii.I I \v. s also s' I -r ?I I1- V?\- ?: 0 ft J. sTlof rime ii.a. ' "? " ?' beat- purse. Jl.. (5ener.ll Hvn5. hr p by Itin jo|a (Perry) *. I I Trumpa t ????* e. by San I'ranelsco (Krskltte) 'i _? 2 Memore. l>. g . by Dromore II i Me I Ion a 111) ... J ! A n Miss PilloUKhhy. br m.. bv Axworthy (White) :t I liay Klexn. b in. by Ken tucky Klexo i Wolvertnn) 1 ?> :t I'lela Mill fcj?? ii. little lten.1. Zootn bro Dillon. Parkvvorth} nalilv Kea t lierbotie and I.ndv Valentine also started. Time. 1' lftj. I 10j, 2:^3$ IMEHICtN GiniS OFF FOR GAMES III PARIS jl-.. A--..i iateil I'fi^s | VKW Y'lltK 111 \ :! f Vnierii-a will send forth tomorrow the lirsr ? out illgc lit of fill athletes who have ever guile present the nation on foreign soil. They will compete in the Intel national track anil tlclil gatn.s in PcrlgliiriK Stadium, Par.'. August I!'* Much trouble was experienced in si imuli t i 11 k suflicient public enthusi isin |ii | he money to seiiil the team nhrouil. with llie result that nearly all the nirls are payltiK their own expenses One hail to borrow I he funils with the promise of re payment when slin leaves sch??ol. rX'Hnito iilitiitcntiiutit of the nirl ath letes has not yet been niuile by I'r. Harry Stewart, of New Haven, Conn . the enrich, physleUm and individual, mill v ho. more than any other. Is re 8|>ons for this Ions step in fentln Isln. A sin n dients will not be made uiiiil near the close of traiuiiig in Pa l is. With the team, in addition to fir Stewart mill Susunile HecUer, of i in k more School. Mainaroimck. X V , will li? Mrs, Stewart and Joseph l>. Annul.i. of Newark, a member of the American delegation "f lh? iiiterna lional coinniltlee. who also will be accompanied l.v his vv tie The moth ers of two of the Kills will bo along as chaperons. Xone of the athletes has passed the holibed-hair a?;e, ihollgll the tresses ? if all haven't been shortly a nil the yoiinnest, Xaney Voorli-es. New Vorir. of Kthel Walker School, is only 1 but unite a high j ii inner Ti...? high jumper Tli. ..... an Hoarding school misses, though most are. ? >n the team are: Kathcryti Ager. ? 'hlcago. .lanet Snow. Kyv X V ? - tiler Greene, Canal Xone, l.uclle Hc.l liold. lOst li. S. i* . Krances Mead.-, Tarrytow u. Now York. Anne Hard vvi. k, Miami, l-'la.; Maybelle (Jllleland, l.eonia N .1 . Caniillu Sabie, Newark. X .1.. and Klora Habton. vireenwich, Conn. Maud ltosenb.ium. of New Yoik a distance runner, prcceiled the team to Paris, and dally indulges in long-dis tance runs. Appalachian l.engnr. I At Johnson City, 4 Knoxville. 1. At i'l?'vela ml, I, King sport. | At lirectievillu, 1'; ltristol, *J. .Soulliern A xitoeiii I Ion. At Chattaitiiogu. lu, liiriiiiughaui. '. Ai .Memphis, Nashville. ?? (gun culled after livu innings to allow teams to cat. h trains). Al Atlanta, 1; l.iltle Hock. In. i?nl> three games schcdiiU.l Pleilinonl l.eagtir. At Italeigh. u; iMirhmu. 4. At \V i nst oil-Sale III, ;i, I !i feiisboro At Higli Point, I III, I >aIIvilli', S-0. South Aliunde. At Spartanburg, .S. Charlotte. II.. At Columbia, i'. Charleston, j. At Greenville. 5-1; Augusta, ii-7 t7 inning* b> agreement). I li ler mil lonlll t.rague. At It.ailing. ::; lluitiuiore, 0. At liuffiilo, ii, Syracuse, i At Jei.-.y i'it>, i, Newark. -I OS innings). Al Itochustcr, j: Toronto, i.. Staled pr.>posals will In- leeeivrtl at this oltl. <? until o'clock noon, August I Mli, for the const ruction ??' . .'I taiii ill .till lilies Iti (' Park. Plans and specillrutions .an ii.- hud in oillre ..( Iiirertor >.f Public Works. Ilepos't of JIO.UU Will I).; r< i|tlired which sum will lie leturi'.!. provided a lioliu tide bid is received on** . t i.p. lung bids. Conns ??(' i>i oposal.s can be obtained on applic.ti ion A cei tilled check for amount stale I on proposals must .u ioiiipauv ea. li bid as a guarur.iv of exeeutioi' >.f coii tract Tl ?? l>lr? clor of Pub'ic Work.i reserves tin- light t.. reject any him all bids Yours very trul> AI.I.KN .1 SAVII.I.K Director of Public Work.-i. Ol-'KICK (/!?' DIP.KCTOP. OK PCHI.IC SAKK.TY llOoui No. 30?i. City llall Itichmoiid. V.i . July 'J < 19^2 I'ltOPOSAI.S Si: A I. I'll i I'ltOPOSAI.S will to, re cei veil al this oltlce until Monday. Angus! ll, I in'J. .. t 111:00 o'clodk noon. I'ur (in ? i <cl ion ami .oinplel ion of a l'l Hi: KNGlNi: llliCSK III he lomtrd ..ii Soiiiitwest t'ornei of llrookland Park P-oulevard and Hawthorne Ave niie. Itichiiionil \'n uccordliiK i?? plans and spedlic.iI n-n- as prepared l.v Messrs I'ariieal .v Julinnluii, A l i bitect s. Plans and 'tin'cifl' at Ions can )??? -??? n mi l oilier informal lo'i ? i ?! !?? had upon application at the Hulldit.-: 1 llfpei l ol 's olllee, Iti'Olil So. Ulij. City llall A cei tilled check for $1 OO'l.Oy mut' accompany all proposal*, ui .l a boi i enual to 50 per cent of the union 1 of contract will lie rei|i|trvd of Din HUecnrntfUl bldd.r Tim Director of Public Xafe'y f sorvei iiu> right to rrject any si; bids offered. WM. M M VriHS. Director of Public tUfei/. s