Newspaper Page Text
COLTS TAKE THIRTEEN INNING BATTLE FROM SHIPBUILDERS Thrilling Game Featured by Sensational Fielding of Hotli Chilis. AAAt;?\ I,KAON WITH STICK Winning Coiintrr Snirm Whm Grrenne In IJ loel.ed nt Home I'lntr by Nrtrpnrl I'lteher, Imptre Allowing Hun. [Special t" T) i Tlmi.s-l>isi>atch ] NEWPOllT NEWS, VA, auk. 4? Jn a thrllllnr thirtoen-lnnlng duel botweun Honlfnv and Dodson. tJi?< Colts emerged v ? "orlous here tod ?y by the fcporc of 3 to 2. A ij.nst. >n sble decision, when Bonil'.iy blocked ? jrTTint? corn'iij.' >me 'i a wild pitch In the thirteenth by A'estervi It, com him t\ Kutne. liri'i'Hit' having failed t" touch tin plate The Colts and Iiuiidtr.-> battled 1 '<? 1 tip to i!n tonth when the ".'??'is "Hod and th ?? Bu'lil'":; camc buck aud ti-d it up en hits by Whiter. f: n:d Mnllotn . Both tonms fielded sensationally. Score: It It'llmend. Ait. H. 11 O. A. E. Homos. ef ?' 11 ?'? 2 o o Arnfson. ih ' 1 ?< l '? 0 Kiiler. if 1 ?' 2 '' l> W on f er. It. -5 0 l IP 1 0 Oldrinf:. If e 1 - '} 0 Thompson, f? .,...4 0 1 3 ?> 0 Coir.:sk( v, 2b. h " 0 2 4 0 C?ret:..ic, c h 1 1 h 0 0 Dodson. r 4 0 0 0 1 _0 Totals ? . .... 4 i 3 10 o3 17 0 | \>ntmrt >???*?. AH. R. H. O. A. K. I Smith. If ,\ <> 0 4 0 0 \V hi "craft, ea ' 1 - 3 6 0 Dowel I. c '< 0 ?< 2 0 Palmer. 2* ?"> " 1 *> 4 J Mnllonee. rf 4 0 2 ' 1 " Wo. d . f 5" ft (? S ?> " Kt nnert v. ' 3b 6 1 1 1 3 " . M-Miihnn. lb R 0 1 16 " 0 | 3 , f,. \ . ji 4 0 i' 1 1 V ' Totals 46 3 S 3S 10 0 a. . by innincv. B. ; 1!;' I'.mond '"'0 010 000 tMO l . v. ; .r: No? s . 0<'0 "1" "00 01"> " 2 ! S' : it inn r v; T'.vo-ii.tP*' hit? McMa- \ In: "Idiil'iR. Tho:r.p.-.u. Kenn.dv, r.ii i S ? rllict' :.*.?? Thompson. \,'f , i , Ma'b>ne<? anil H?.nW?ty. 11n i a ..lis ? IT l>ods >n. J; "ff It'inliay. | 1 1 .? f ? >>n l aet s N> ? I ort News, >. Richmond. ."?? Hit by pitcher?by Hn.i "ii '.-m'th). Hirtick out?by :. ;>v Dodson. .'? Wild pit !? . 'rime of fieme. 1 :i>0. I'm- j . ? W. -Ivrvelt ai.d !>e l.-'iVi:. THl'CKKHS DKOP TWO fSi..-rial to The Times-Dbpnteli 1 : ; '.TSMOl'TU. VA ? AuK v j|iorl<t Mil l: work and S.i\iiIi|,!i?' Mati.i'tvn and I'eters -n j MirMi'i-- In excellent style. Norfolk rook both ends of a douhe-header I Portsmouth thlB afternoon, l>y ?.'no scores of 10 to 5 and 3 to I. Inj ' frames th? visitors catne from' ehitid to scoro the wins. They pavo tbe'.r boxinen fast support, Including four d'-ublo plays. The score: jrntST r.AME. Norfolk. A B. K. ?. O. A. E 'rtce. It .......... C 2 2 \ 0 0 Burke, cf. ....... 0 2 \ 0 o 0 TV.gem rt. .^...... 4 0 2 3 1 ? KelUher, lb. ...... f? 1 ? ?? 0 o i i.-vUnirher, 3b. .6 113 3 2 Wnflkt, |kt>. a 2 1 3 0 0 Maltland, so. S \ 1 2 C 1 HvKlfrlTU, o. ..6 1 3 0 3 1 Mothowi. p. 4 0 K 0 2 0 TotI?l4 ...41 10 1C 27 14 4 nirtninniith, A.B. B. H. O. A. K Bans*. 2K , ?. Ooo?s?tm(>, Six VOlerv H3. .. 0*Brteiy. a Bodney. lb. Naliy, If. 4 Baahonar. ?i. 1 \ n. >!!? s o l l o eooy 2>" 2 0 0 0 4 Patoclbi, jp. ???&... ooooo . TVtr.lff .80 E 8 ?7 14 2 Bore W Jnnlttcs: B Norfolk 210 000 01 fi?10 ; Portomcrutn 200 110 010? 6| SntnTnarj-T Two-base hltH?Kelll- ] Tier, Maltland. Home rtins? 'loose- t tree. Voter. DtjUbln plat s- ?* JallHKher to Maltland to Kollther, Oullai;her. | Tinassloted; ^fHtlle.t^^ to Maltland to i Kelllher; BIkrb t K*.l!U;r H.u-rl- ] fice hlto?B1k_'s, MaitJunU. Voter., stolen bases U'ooney. Ki i'.l lier, Tloo. Left on bas<-> Norfolk 32; Portsmouth, '? Struck out - b\ Mathews. F.: by Sfio. 2 Bases on' 1'ftUs?Off Mathews >? ; ??ff Soo, S. ' Hit by pltcl ?>i 1' ai.d \'k \ by] 7>fa4.' ew h Time "f Kunie 10. 1'm pirr q? l'r' 1 . aii'i 11""i ''kburn sixnvn i.\iik. Niirt'olU. A H. B. II. O. A. i: Tlte. If 4 ! 1 2 0 1 Burke, cf 3 0 0 1 o 0 J r: rf I (i 1 2 0 0 K. iliher. 1'. 4 0 2 0 0 0 <?a|laKhcr, 3b .... 3 0 0 4 3 oj Watt J)>. I ft 0 S 2 0 Maltinnrt. hs ...... 3 1 1 2 f. lj Duaehy. ........I 5 l l fi o 0| Peteroon, p. 2 0 0 1 0 01 Totals ?!> 8 6 27 10 2! 1'ort tminKh. A H. O. A. E I Pengs. 2b ....: 0 0 2 I Oj Ooosetree. 3b ... 0 0 0 1 0' Voter, ts ii 2 3 3 0 I O'Brien, c I 0 0 4 l 0, Konnoy. lb. 3 0 on o ij j iS'rtf Iy. If. . 4 0 0 4 0 0 Bashanjf. rf 2 1 0 l o 0 Viox. f. < o 1 2 0 >' Pror-tor. j> X o f. o : 0 Chlsholin. p 1 0 o 0 * Totals 80 1 8 27 11 > I Score by lnnlr^L-s: I. Norfolk i < o ooo ;( Portkim>uth oiooooooo?i Summary: Two-5 ?? Mts Ti-f. X<eft on l?;.bt-K --'Norfolk, 4 Ports mouth. f. Dodl.i. i l.iys- lihUiiKi'er to Kelllhffr B? rys t r .t?-r Sn flc bits?BurVo. < ;..uri?raer, lv,.t fon. stolen base.-i? Ti'ru, KIkk Bingfi, "i'otor, Struck out ?by Petcraon, ; ! iu tor. 3 li. on nal.v?oft p. : . 0fT Pro -tr.r 1. Hit by nlte u B&nKS by Potorson. T- ?, Ifmpires? Blackburn arid ! ?< n LAKESIDl i.r S i ARI5 MEET .VMJVOl.K i l.AM TiiO I,i\'ki ;d< > ' : t .. Ii t? r,; '? t < arn will ; \ ;... V , ? v riub at * jjftke?ld4 iodhy. the ached Uiij ci*'l'tii; f .r matches in . V ies : ? ? ib ? io;,... T!ie It . .i ?. ;i.,. .. ? . l?e eo:i.!>fi i ..f te ha hi? >?. \V?ller?!ein :i It.ii.c !:. Wai; ? n hi. E ,N Ch . K Or -, d M Mitt, i riorfnr. r. r.. a .... ai.-i I. Wi.!:. i Ptein, : ... -..ill , .,v..r t . nvenue il.-f. al .'.milled f . t. j.-mt year Jn No: : ... i.r.,. . <l. ? toriou.s 1920 And both cliilis are anxJr.ui to \? :.. : r.< i ?. . >. ? . A l.*?t!fO i'.e!? /,< ? I?.r? N :: -.!lc members are e\p. <-ted to a? i- ?:.,|.ai.y the t^iir.. ii i! ..: l.e < tn >i ia ii.. a if t or. if f.t t . aIi i. h all ? ? -r - 1 T? (?( the !,?!<<? .1 flub ii re :n t ;ad A riievl.'H ii A **<<??! it 11 ii. . At Iniiinii, ? At Toi?*.'<!? ? ? t "? . i. :. A ? ' oj : m t>V ? . * '. t :t| < . ?(. 7 At lfOu^vlil':, 6; i.intr.* t.Mj, 5. McGraiv Uses Two Fonuer Boston Hurlrrs in Double* Header. AI.KX A\l)i:il IS llttKEATKI) rm.j* o tii lit i (iitiiium riuh in Both (?ninrn, hut Ari- Able lit Kmerice ^ letor Only In llir Pirat Cojt I ml, (IJy Af-nor Jntr'i rress ] NKW YORK. A lit,-. 4.?The Now York Uiants lost llrst i?laco in mo National lannuo race today, dlviuin;< a double-header with tin- Chler.Bo Cub*. a sensational ninth-liinriiK rally enabled Chicago to win mo Hrul 1,> a score of 3 to 2. Now York defeated the veteran Alexaiuier ill the second eont< St. 2 to 1. Two formi-r Moston pit.hots. McQuillan and Srot'. piiihfd tin- double-hoaoor for the ?Slants. Score: Kill.ST t.XMr.. < lilcoifii. A.M. K II O. A. i;. n?Hihoot?, rf 4 o ;i i it >i I lol locher. b.? I 0 0 1 2 I Terry. f> 0 o i o 0 'irim-'i. 11> 4 0 3 ii 3 o Krlhorp. rf 0 n l o o Mlll-r, If 4 ] l r, a 0 Knur. 3 It 4 l) 0 3 3 it < ?' Karrcll. c 3 1 2 2 2 0 Kaufmann, p 3 0 1 1 1 <1 ?t "a :;?i-han 0 l o 0 a it VI. s.mdi'V, p 0 o l> o o 0 Totals . 32 3I027H l Nrtt Vttrk. A.n. n h. o a. k Hancroft, ss ,r. i f, ;; it Glob. 8b f. o 2 2 1 e Krisch. 2b 2 0 1 3 4 (t Mouse!. If 3 0 0 0 n (i Young, rf 4 1 1 3 l> 0 Kelly, lit 4 1 1 > J it .St on col. of 4 0 14 n t> Snyder, c 3 <i 1 2 I I' ? Smith 0 o ft o n it JiCiiig .it i) i) i) |i o Mcquillan, p 3 (> o 3 o .lonnnrd, p 0 n o n n i> {CunniiiKhnm 1 o o 0 o p Totnls 3 4 2 S 27 IS 0 ?Hatted f?n KnufiiiHiin in ninth tltatied for Snyder in ninth. Ulan for Smith In ninth 5 Matted for Jotinard in ninth. Score iiy Innings: H. ' 'hi. ano fta0 000 Of-3 3 .Now 1 i?rk 020 iioo ooo J .Nummary: 1 wo- l?ase hit t*rim*'s ! Home run?Kelly. Stolen has..---' I :a no ro ft. Sacrifices Kribi-rn. Men s; !. J lolloclier. Double p'.avs - i r.s h and Hancroft; ilroh, l-'ris.'h and Kelly; McQuillan. Manorolt Shy "er and C.roh. Lelt on basos- SYiv 'i 'tk. Chicago, {>.,, on balls - oft McQuillan, off Kaufinann -* off A lo.xandor, 1. Btruck out by McQuillan, 2. lilts?off McQuillan, '" }n * 1 "jf Innlnvw; o(T .lonnard, iwno ::i . -n; nff Kaufman, 2 In S' off Alex ander. none In 1. wild pitch?.Ion nard. WlnnlnK pit.her?Kaufmann. I.osliiK pitcher McQuillan. I inniroi ?Moran and QuIkI.v. Time?1 ;.%0. SECONO t; A 1111. ChlcnKo. ? ... . . A.II. K. H. O. A. K. Hcathcote. cf ., i 2 A 0 0 iTollochcr, 89 4 o 2 H ? o Terry, 2b 4 0 ^ g ?? Ur mos. lb. 3 0iaoo \MU>fcrKi/r 3 0 1 = 0 Oi Miller. If 3 o 0 2 I o ' Krur.-ah a o o i { \ ,PnTrt,j1' A 3 o i t i 0i Alexander* p 3 0 rt 0 1 o | Tot.tls 30 j 7x23 0 0l Ao?t York. ,, . A .11. It. II O. A I" I nancroft KS 4 0 ? 31Vv * 0 1 :? 0 I. 1 rlsch, .b j n 0 4 0 Metisel. 1j. 3 0 2 , * " } ouns, rf. 3 o 1 1 i a 3 ? ! ?, S Sinlth, "c. '.,'."1 fl 0 ? - ? n soott. P. j j j j j ?0 Totaln 2{> n 6 ?" Ta tednhl?nMTOf' 0,,,? "W by T,,(' hat Scnrc. ?bv Innlnsrfi: n Nown^ork 000 0ft0 0ni--i OOOllOOOx ' Nummary: Two-bn?o hit-Snilfh " hreo-b?Be hit Men*,,] i'nd^Kf MvUIm ii'""1 K"lly : Bancroft and Kelly. Mi!|. r ?ml Terrv KrK-o', ?i-?nrrr,ftr?r?| Kelly. I.eft on i n I ' 3- 4. li-,^.> ,,n bal sv,?(, ?irlu.k , ' 7, i ? *,v Alexander, l. Unu?!ro?? Qulpl,^ arid Moran. Tlmo-V.r! iu;ns RALLY AND WIN nnrJ.i"? vv?sor.,nl"'1 P"M.J U. 1 v j Aug. 4?Tho M ,c .|.. P,nr!r,VP| ,h? todav bx' *rV.iv ,:i."lni,in?i n,"y aft" the ? h - > i v* v. ??urn nut ? v "? Vi-mc-.:; "mV1- Th* -scnr" ??Mmih iU" Tnm I'lneliinatt. aii n. ii. <t. a.pj. II o Hums, cf y'.Kibort, i!> 3 \ r. iii ./?'"??ui. If ! 3 3 Harper, rf. . 3 a 2 0 " Ingo. c. u o i) ] Konnie.l, lb I j ?< y Holu ...2b a o o 0 Harfjrravo. 4 t 1 i Noitio. r." 0 1 n n Hlndll. Kb 5 j 3 n f'nvoncy, tn & a \ ; (Touch p 2 0 i i* Keck, p i a ? ,, ? IJressler 1 o o C Totals llriidklj n. AM K. II. O. A l\ 1 Olson, ss. . . JohiiKton, ib ...... :t ?> ?? "{ 1 f;rllllth, rf 4 ?? ?* ?? \Vhoat, If 4 I :> 3 ,i n of 4 ? , i ? . i hmandt, lb 3 o o 12 i ? , ? : 3 " " 1 * ' ' ?"berry, c. 4 0 110 1 Hfuthor, p 4 a 0 0 l 01 Totals 3 4 j. S 27 It -1 ? for Harper In ninth 'Mnclnnati lay * 30 ft.-? c. I Mroi klyn 200 000 031. Suniniar;. Tvv?i-baso blti" II.' ? r'avvm y Wheat. Three-base : - Myerh- Ho mi runs?Duncan, II; tjiave. T Orlinth. Stolen ban - M'ir. Htmcan Sncrlflees 1 iu 1 .? r. Couch, Schtnand; Double nl.?y? Dltubert and Caveney; (>l?on, Joint -?tor. and Schlnandi . iteijthor, Ols'.n ? d S-^hnuindt. .Sf tiinaiidt (ui.a^n-' <d). I.eft oti ba???H -Cincinnati, 1 Hi 1 oltlv 11. Ma?.-- on balls off < ?? h : off K? .d :; off, ? Mitt- op Couch. V 'II 7 2-3. off Kc.'k, n 1 1-3 W.nnl' pitcher K.?<",<. '.1 , ii D:ij and ll;iit. Time, V. MtSANV TAKKS (iAM I". ! hom \i. nr.\<:n I | - il to '1 lie Tiint-s- I)! -pa*. >1 ] W M-AU V A . An: I W:r - . ?' . *.i 11 : >. ?11 iity ? ? donlal il<-a. h t ? on t' ? lot . i d i'i iiond t ii is a' t.-: ii. .. tin : 1.1 r -? thlrt t . II-"t * '1 : 1 ft > 1 nr.- of tile t;.iine was the i i-ei.ti-i tl. 1 I ?' the . t.-ani, *.vl..> s. ? n'eil three 1. .lil. - pint on , ? Inult out of five trips ? 1 the plat< I II#* drove In fl*. ?? of (he runs scored ; l>y Wamaw. Hediftvl k scored f ?ur Tl.e 'wo lean pi-. -. . 4 a !? ?i-liiniiit' 1 c.'I'ih on t:>- ' ?' 1 ? d ft fit md i..:i 1 ii.-n- tli' in u won by (Colo- I Ilea. I. .. >' ? dk* e lei; I : -1 .1 I...I It V ? 1 ? inn - 1 11 IC. a fi H? : a 1 II.;. , ., t 1, , aji 1 Cii.iiidr?V. [That Guiltiest Feeling ?7 By Briggs V^HEN Voo RCELCOGMlZe Vour 0oss while CADDV1NG/ IN /\nctt*h<=R FOURSOME AnD You HAD toud THAT rAORNlfsJG VOU had "To <3O BECAUSE Your i^a \a/A5 rsl' t '^PefCTED To uve ! Gee*. CBS BEIT PHILLIES IB MOVE TB THE TOP I'our Homers Arc Sn'iaekeil Out in Free-Hit ling Fraras. I My A .ssoi'!at(?(l Press.] I'll.n.AlJKUMIIA. J'A., A.m. i-Thol ?;t I,on Is On rdma Is. i,v tulOjiu tneir socon,] a,raitf)? v(ctory i'nif?i ?lulphin today. ;i i,> w?nt Into the ! } ? " Mo< k ~j:ai-h Knocked out u home run. Score: I St. I<nti|n. Klnrk, rf ?' ?' '} A. H ? ?yt"ok. ??,. \ i !, ? ?lack SmltJ?. If fi ) \ I A " Wornshy. 2I> 4 i i * , ? M uuiii'r, ,.f. .. i ; .J, ,? l-oninlvr. 1!) 4 i 1 ? , I, . ioporcor. ss< 4 Aiiumitli, c .1 ii -j ^ 0 n . luudel, p 3 q fl y .j 0 Totals .... 3R "y 13 27 "J "7 i I'M litdi'llili In. , v. . AH 1{. H. f?. A.. K. 1 \\ riphtstone. 3b. ...4 0 l ?> i n Jim Smith. 2li 4 n .) 7 4 X , Williams of. .... 4 1 ? 3 2 2 Walker. if ?, T 5 (, o Mok?n. if. 4 1 2 H S I fi?C .V' " ?' 1 2 R 5 1 | {:,e11lb 0 111 2 0 Henllne. c. 4 n 2 2 0 0 Singleton, p 1 0 0 0 1 r>. ft* .Vlth- p 2 0 0 1 3 ? l 1 l <1 ? 0 11 arklnpon \ 0 0 0 ^ 0 Totals 3K - 12 27 7?*T I for o. .Smith in ninth, tHatted for WrlKhtston* in ninth ' Score }*y Innings: n1;0." Is 115 100 010?;i I I'lphia 002 001 022 V I >iimniiiry: Tuo-haso hits?Stork. .ra.'U Smith. 'loporoor. Walker. Mome I runs- -Williams. Stock. in I rs-i ; ?:"-f :n.-os S-t" -k, M?.?1 l?-r,' Aln - ???mth Hits- -hit Singrlcton. 7 in 2*! off <5. Smith, ii in 7. Struck out ? in' Smith, l: l?y Shordi-I, I. Left oil husoe?St. Louis. 4 I'liiladMpMa .> liases on halls off Singleton. 1 off 1!. Smith, l; <,ff sherrifl. 1. Double j'lny- .Jim Smith, KI?t<-lmr and i,?e. l mpircs. Kit* 111 and Rentcllo. Timo Piedmont I,ensile. At HnlrlKh. Danville, 3. At flrtMMisl.oro. -I; Durham, K. At WlnsUm-Snlcin. 0; lllnh 1'olnt, AMERICAN LEAGUE . ftKS I :K;| . .VJII .Mill 1 ?ir.-i 1 mi iiKsn/rs vksti'iiday. t'hlcilKO. -} M iixhliiKlun, It. Detroit, i'j lloston, O. Clrvelniid, ftt Nnv York, 7. St. I.oiiIm, lit 1'bllnilfliihln, 4. S'l'A \llix(j t?|- <;i,i us. , , Won. l.oNt. 1VI. SI. I.otils ... . CO 4a Xew 1 <irk 1 to || r,; |j < m<?i?ko r?:c .in <" 1 ?? \ t*in ml fc , r?;i r?:i \\ in j,; f 11 n .?s I'lilllMlrlpliijl 4 """???n :?|| ?:i .'r?N2 I wnniti; TWi:v e'l.w toi?.\y. \\ lohliuiiiin at CliiriiKu, I'hilnilt-liihln nt SI. I.oaU. Ituvl011 ill Ilt'lrolt, ??? York nt Cleveland. NATIONAL LEAGUE liK.sri.TM yksthiiiiay. ?N'r?v \ 1?rIi, ?1 f'hlciijLio, !l-|, llrookl) ii. r.i Clnrliiniill, 0. Ilo.ion, n, I'llInliurKli. a" Irnllcd (?IKhtil. rain 1. I'hlladplphl.i, 71 St. l.oul*. fi. S'l'A \ III XI. oi1' t'M HS. K. , . Won. I.out. I'd. SI. I.<tnln 0? ,|| \ ork ... (tu .|(, I lilciiuo " j , 1 inclniinll | .,;t I'll ft I 17 v"n iirookiju .,s SM *;? I liilaili'l|ih(:i ;ir, -,ji ? :?:t iti >\ IIISIIi: Til 1: V I I.A \ toiitv, I'll I ohiirc h Jit lloKton. C'liiflnnnll nl llrookljn. t'hicnuo nl \c? \ ork. Si. I.oult <11 l'lillndrl|ihln, VIK(;IMA LEAGUE II MM I.ts VI'.STKII HAY, ft l< Unwind, A; \im>|ioi'I \ri\n. a 1 ("t Illllltl^S), ' 1 {'(?rlMnoiilh, ft.I, Xorlolk, 10-3, Itnrky >lo 11 m, Mi Wilson, 7. ?TA\mx? or ei,i;ns. ,, .. Won. I.osf. |>o|. u,u?n r.i -in .mm ?102 film |i?irj Ni'u Po.'f %mo|) t h f- .M3 ? ?>??'?111(111111 , .HI 11 ^ortniu : I, j Blount .14 ,|T '4^, . 3IIH II li'hmond ' \\lll:tir. 'Iff 11V l?I, \Y TO II AY, 1 'iiiioiiiI n? Ncuporl \rtvi, X or loll. 111 i'lirtxniiiiith. Wilnou nt Hoik) Jloouiti JOCK HUTCHISON IS GOOD WITH SMOOTH STICKS, TOO Burred From Using Ribbed Clubs. Professional Shows Britishers He Don't Depend Solely on Im plements to Play Winning Golf. ?*z axr ">? *??<? championship nt s.uwhvM,."^^,f7 the'm!!",V? rg"v "1??"nro'nInK'n committee ' s-r" r?,V! un<*,f>n? harred the rihl,^ JuZT' T'M'\h after 11 nt.->hi . ? l,ll,'.s shortly Isli "hnrnpionvil/tp at'si^ '\'nilr!'\* monts"1"0 P,"Vln? w??"' *?eh imploi stop (Nnoksnin \ l !" lf! |,,u i 1 "c^Hpin) on his iiitoh vhfitd ! .. wV0,;* r"T ;r drews with ,h0 rn,hJ jr(Jns j . . ,.rdU?orfy,l1"K h" ''Voko ? ?'? ? 4 , 7, h* "M,r ,>rln^? dar ' ho loWMt ro""<l of the niaKhla?ni< V"""1 lhnt "".chlvon's mS ,?nrt ; Sm r'";0 "rnilV at tho 'lip- nil..,I I S rloso lo ,ho '"t,??'Sr"/r, K?. fonlw,. """ An?'?-ni. Which Is i-.'iuV't,oSs;' 'h,nu:s "> ?? (?arrod . . . u ? ^s^latlon. iuts is '"Sr An'; iS&SSr- ? :ilt ? ?i l '! 'ho Western Col, w" nt J ,h;" thore 'h-iftwi it ""??'?iinlcal In stool 1. ,h,1's ""1 made thom lejral SMS,.'" or th?; !;sa! 'UbH i,r r; it i f. ns'^r";: r,;;,"hr"??rMtcBt comirnoi \ *;?Sl of ,,lf the r"), liar WlM U0 oiub "l U- "round th in" . 11,5,1 "'"re are they KO """ " >>?* M, i""1 wln c""' u, i f do)v" according to the I . xportH ';',Iai"al?le fr?,? the In,. to " - ' Kolr clubs are not K?. and duo, t? !r,?l"0rkctl>0ok ?">'???rc ward xrjirti' """.re th,) ?lown- i for th?? ii,k '? , s is K?>od now.s i vho sufr'?.r , ,^ftypr 51,1,1 tl'" ?l?ffor. , when It corner to Hi, links! ' ?f ",Hr '?'-?'?'"'re on ii|U'-oif"! t,U ""JSt O,'""o'?ical moves I his el,il''1' is U'- shaft '/ih""';",-'a,,.is for least it it co 1 ti I ? k"'"T does at ro!,,,? ??? ?t? ?>rass|e out of V. , V?1 ,lrlv,-r or fipllt Hhaft. or ;:""n"1ss,0?- ?"?? to a ulnir nf thft *ind fit tho ho^in hi" he^1th;it pot dMver ??lf Ihe wr...?r >V mo;,r" eltir " III sta. d f'0;,, A M001 cluh and out. ?"ny "casons Indoors Shnrtn Hand,. for Jh,Si'^S 'rh" l'?"M?l?'a shop Jil .. , , 1 ' "??< t s' t of golf clults," is tho eli.-'iv^' fT >r,,'hofi al tll<- root Of :zr^7!F :i"S ???ot,Kh It not l|iifreq'u'i?'iit'l(? --vers ^i'z;;1 are res ii r raiiBe tho Sl" ",,rf>0??' as to th. world h",rh,,;i W,?nd,,r Whnt -on ,, m -"S more ,vith regard "o ;C? " hll worse than useless, nnd . n Pront deal of this shifting about is sfter rnort> fancv vo n "quiVy ,rno ,hnf man evJr "orks his way Into tho |o-,v hnndloa I and "tpl? V'*U' haVin* ' purrlti,,, | tried acoica of clubg. 1 j, u-, to proficiency is literally . tr> wn with their wreckage. ami Mire Is little doubt that in it oh of thlr experiment ing Is due to innnrance of what is best for one's style of play. Ni'lrrt ('lull.1* C iirrllilly. As stool shaft' <1 clubs and th?lr advantages become more ami more appreciated there is certain to bo loss experinientitur 1 tiseardinir this or that cliili h-cause of ills, roal or imaginary, will practically uti li<-iir?l of. If f"r no other reason, tin- savlnu certain t*> result over a period of years. should Hppi-al to tii" avrat?e player, llioimh It has ever I'll a fact that a golfer will part w ith his mone> with less Krunib lln^ wh"ii mill' - to the purchase of dull.-', In any other de pa rt m.-nt i f i lie m a ino. For litanj years, in fart ever since the an<i?-nt sport attained a foot hold in this country It has he en customary for a player to buy a dill) with little or no Idea as li v.hethor j or not It would remain Ioiir i'n | use. If it fails to come up to ex pectation*. immediately ho discards 1 it without further ado In favor of a new purchase, ?* , Furthermore, when a favorite ini pieme nt is broken it rarely matters how* exact the duplicate may be the new member of the kit never per forms it.-- work nuite so satisfactor ily as the ulii oil", th 'Uirh possibly if stiveri Mif'i-lent time, it mb;ht be come an equally uillinu Kervant TIk en!', i u hen ;;e 1 .?r11nK a club should l>e (ireful to i;ei on that units hi: style. for he bet of all por.-.ons, is ill" on a to know what amount of "f? ? ? i"* he requires in the shrtft. If h : . ?vlim be of the slow deliberate ki'.i. then a Miff shaft will obvious)v pot pet the best re sults. 1*! is not sheer weight that' produces the lone ball, rather ac curate timiiiir, and t'> brinu that about the player should use a cluh that he can swiiiK without effort. As far as jhe number of Imple ments carried in Hie ban woes, the fewer the ie'ter. A too extensive variety t < ? .select from has Its dis advantages. if there are two irons or two ma shies of equal power It is sure that which ever it taken Is the wrons one. There should he one set and that set the one to be used. Kx trii clubs of course, may he taken alotijj as suhititutcs in case of break - in r. I'vntiM Trios tinny Clubn. Apropos of KcttiiiK clubs' entirely to one's lilting, those who despair might do worse than take pattern after Charles Kvans, ,lr., the former national amateur and open champion. "Chick" says that after something Jlko fifteen yearn of picking and choosing he has accumulated what lie believes is as near lo perfection as can be found Probably no one will ever know, not even "Chick" him self, how many and varied types of putter he has tried out. With the craze for length more or less in ovirjcne's system# polfers surely think of the occasions where too mm h distance In driving ii I worse than loo Utile. In a fourbnll exhibition match for the Hod Cross nt-Apawaaiis several years ago Jim i' lrne.t had more length to his drives than lie. needed. I'alred with < ill Nicholls he played acalnst Walter Hurcii ami Tom M. N'a.aar.i. At the seventh hole I'arnes hit a ball nearly Sua yards from Hie tee and brought up In the rough. while (from the tenth lee 1^. hall rolled into the pond. I! was at the scventei nth. "LITTLE BILL" JOHNSTON California Flash Handily De poses of H. Morris Wil liams in Final". [ Hy Associate! l'r, 1 SKAHKIUIIT. N J.. A ii. 4 ?Wll ! 1 ?1 til \f. ?I nil n :> t' i|i. of .-all l'ra:ir|pcn iIim "l.itili- Hill" ?1 f A mortcn n li-nnl* was a human mi thi. turf of the .-??:? ?.r t u ?i t I.HWti T.nnl and ; < rii'K i-t ( hili ? <>urt s today, winning tin* singles howl fr<?in H. .\?rrin Wll of Mostr.n. and. p fred with ?H-rivs <i A iidi'rsi.n, oi Ati-'i.tHa won a tn>' toll ii, the men1* double* from K'.hirt a:ul Howard KIiihov, nf Snn Krnnolj" o. In his thriM- i-.?t- with Will nii?. John*ton ni?. 11. an,i amazing. winning hv r?-*? 'i-3, sfop? ,'!??:>?? I to those I.v wlil? h In- vanquished the .."stoiiian In tli<> dual round of Hi? name tourna iii.-iil last y.-ar Tin- sour, i of I iit* 'hull, s ihii.n whs ?'? .'I. 7 - a. I li?* women s doubles |io\i I Went to Miss IS. -1 <? ii \\ ,if S.i l-'ra nolsi-o, ?"?'I Mrs Marian Xtud* t.sti'ln .lossup. of ?\ llmlnutiin. Del. wlni had much trouble in <!? fiat i ni: Mrs Mollu Ilinrut ..It Ma 11 ? tv Vrvv Vork. and Miss 1'IivIII'. Wa ? Ii. ,.r Philadelphia. I 111' ;rc>r< was I 1 !', ii-2. kiciith stkaicnt win I Hy A ssi in | f.,| ;v > : j i i Ii't", a-ik 4. Paws !,'| ' ,"",t ??' " rn'Miiim itsift with I eiinock today iitii) li.-troit .l. 'i-itpij II. 2 to .. It was tin; TltfoliT I ?- i?Ii t It s train hi victory S'ore: Itoftfnn. , . , Ml. K. II 'i. A. K. .... ' rf t " - a ft n Mitchell, ,y 3 (I , , 4 IMirnn. Hi 4 o I 11 ft ft I'rati. :i. 4 (i fl ? j 0 M'-ikok;. If :t a ? | ,i ? Mill' r rf .1 n ii n ? ? Ki'? i tcr, all ,t n ] o 4 ft Walters. c I! n i 4 n ft Peiinpok, p. :i ft o n \ ,i Ml orris I ft o n ii f. i K a: r I ii u ft u n Totals a 8 24 in 0 llptrnlt. AH. It. II O A. K. HHlo. l!i. 4 ? 1 11 I 2 fV'lsh.lw. 21, ,1 n ."5 :* fi ft folil.. rf 4 fi j 2 I f| Vouch. If I ii i ( o n Urilnuinn, rf 4 ft fi 2 n ft Jones, 3h 3 ft i ii i ii Itlpncy. ,ss S ft ft 2 2 <? Wood all, o ;i ii I 4 | ft i>ausp. p a o o o 2 o TotnIn . .. :il 2 ri 27 I I 2 ?Hattoil for !?'<? W!it<T In ninth. ? Hatti'ii for Walti-rs In ninth. Scoro hy innini?.?: ,1. Ho.ston ftoft ftfto ftftft?i) 1 troll nftl fiftft |0v?2 Summitry: Two-b??ft hits -Rluci, f'utshaw. Stolen hascv -Voiich. Cut .?lia w. Sarrino^.* ("utshnw, Kiuney, Mll' hfll. r?.nil.l.. plavs ItiHtioy, <'til<hAw nnd Hlnr. l,i-ft on lmsos-^ Hoh'oii. R; liotrolt. *? Hasrs on nails ?off I'onnock. 2; off I>ati?s. 2. Strtn-U out hy PonntieW. a; hy liaiiHs, a. Ilit hy nitohor?by I>aii.?s t'.MIIlpr). I'assoil hall?W'ooil nil. I'mplris, 11 lldi'hranil and Owens. TIiihi, 1:53. Orinpurjr I', x Ii I Ii II Ion I'oh t pouril. HfiSTCiX. Ati<. 4.?ltnln catiKPd post ponfmont nf n four-round ex hibition bout hot w eon ,|nok imnip soy, heavyweight fliamplon. and ono of his sparring- pari tiers, sched uled for Hravoa Field tonight. The bout will ho hold August 12. however, that h? rnnde tho frallery Rasp. StialRht down the course flew tho rubber core, stopping within n yard nf the cross bunker that in the old days was looked upon as quite !a'd to carry on the second shot. I fad his dejvc been a little shorter 'hi- would probably have been able to ? l?< t In.nif wilh a cierk on his neeonii l?liol. ilcsjilti. (he fact that the hole |na- "i27 yards Ions;. As It was, ho faib d to |.? i i In- h ill up sharply ' ??iioufth to i li -ir Hie li.izi.rd. l.eiiRtli ) ;s always <le ?: "ilhle, ! Iin i :;li mod* "into distance, cntniiincu with eon* jplstenl "I i 11 lion, counts far move in i the end. very Sunday Excursions $-.00 llnhii'1 Trip to OI?l Point, Hnrkroo and Norfolk Jf2.2.1 Orenii View ?S2.50 Virginia Heart) 3 Fast Trains leaving Main St. Station every Sunday 8:30, 9 A. M., 12:30 P. M.. giving 10 hours nt aeaslde. Finn fishing an 1 hatliiviR. Something (loIn? every minute. GAME FROM ATHLETICS Fifteen Extra Base Hits, In cluding Two Homers, Fea ture Batting Orgy. [By Ansorlat??<l V'ross.] ST. LOl7IB. MO., Auu t.?In n lon? ?llstancn swiitfeni toiluy, tha Rrowns defeated iiio Athletics for the ?iW?n4 ytriilifht tlnio. a to 4. Out of the twvnfy-tive li113 miido bv ooth tonmt=, (iftt'pn were ?xtra-base arlvuft. Includ ing Icmf runs hv Tobln and Col lins. ccore: Philadelphia. AU. K. H. O. A. K McCJotvan, rf 5 0 1 2 1 0 L'vk??. 3b fi 1 3 a 3 l \\ nlker, If 5 0 2 I n 0 llaua#r, lh 4 0 1 12 11 0 Miller, cf 4 0 1 0 " 0 Clallouay, bs 4 0 1 1 5 0 Perkins, c 2 2 2 2 1 0 Urupgy, 2 0 0 3 0 I Vouiik. 2b 4 1 .1 1 5 n Harris. i? 2 11 0 0 n (t Oe(|*n, i> 1 0 0 0 0 0 ? Welch 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals an 4 14 24 is 2 >?. I.oilln. Alt. It. II. O. A.K. rjtrbor, fn. 4 1 1 1 4 n Shorten, If 4 2 1 1 0 0 Tohln rf 1". 2 3 4 <? 0 Williams, .f 4 2 3 3 I 1> .lu'-obson. lb 4 n 2 1' " "I Me Vilnius. 2b 3 0 0 n 4 1 Cnlllnn. c :t 1 1 4 0 ?<? Austin. :tli 3 1 " 2 1 ? VuuKil.ln. |. 2 0 0 0 3 0 Totals 32 9 11 27 13 , 1 | ?Hnn?d for 1 ik'ili-n In ninth. S'-om- i.v Innings: H. I'hlln<li-I;itiiit Old 100 201)- \ SI I.oiiIh 004 401 U'J.\- 'J Summary: Two-ba;v him llcrlicr. Iiykes 121. Wll llit in pi. I'rrklltK. Voiin.T (2 >. Mri i-nv.ui. Tlir?>p-bi?sc lilts -T.i blti I2i. W1IIIn ins, Jiiciilxun. Shorten. Ilnine runs ('?tllliis, To hi 11 Su 'rl I* 1 Vaiuslltlcr Stolon Ii.*ikc?Mr Manm; l?..ublf plays Williams ami I'ollliiM. tlallnway ami Yimmik; Mr M::nus. lie! Ii?r ami Jiii'oli.suti, 1 .?? ft OI1 I'.l SIIH Philadelphia. v. SI. I."'I s. f.. Itases on balls off Harris, . off .n. 2. Struck "in -by V.tiiKlbS-t. I; In I iKill'll. 2 Hits 'If!.:.. S :i 4 ??rr ?>n<b O. 3 in ? lilt by pi*. it- | ?r bv ? ?Kil?'ii I VanKil'I'T)* l?osln?{ 1 .iltoher Harris. I' 111p 11 ??*, T'lneon mil .Molarity. Time, 1 4.*> sknatoks'tkim SOX I Hv ,\.vsorluti'i| l'ri'S? ) I'flHWi). 1 auk 4 \Va>lilii|{tor. il - f.'iir. .| ?*li I ??*? k *? '"r 111'' third t-oiis ?*? 11 - live ' ii i- toila \ , 3 t.> : Z.M'lnr>* liclil ih. Wlnl. t . two 1. is .11 Hi.* Jlr-" <Mlit i 11 li I i:v II- was bit safe lv ? il.'.' t'iii>- hi tli" >1 in 1 f?ir i'ii. "ivi <>nl \ num. Two .f WnMilni;. ton's rims \?..i(. earned 1 'f l|..:,iit '??'ii ami tli- tli nl. riil in 1)10 ninth, Whs -In.- u i|.| throtv lo fir-r by Mulligan Sror \V a-lliiiutoii. Alt. 1:. II ? I A. K If . II J ? ft Il.iriIs. 2b 4 1 1 1 Hi Jtl'lh'-. li. 3 u 1 1:, | (I ?.;??? T in. If ? ft 1 3 ft llrowfr. rf. .1 i 11 j ft ri Khank* 3h 3 I 1 ft r, <, 1 IVrkliinaUKh. .*>*. ..2 0 2 2 5 ol Pb lni'-b. r ?> ft i> ; ? (l | Z.iohary, |> 4 0 0 0 I ii Totals ....... 3" 3 ? 27 17 II! 1 li IriiKii. AH. H. II 'i A. K. j J'?bn?on. i.f 1 1 < 1 ? ? .Mulllcan. 3b 4 O n I 11 1 rolllni*. 2b 4 11 1 ,% 3 o HonpiT, rf 4 ft 1 1 i, 11 Mosill. cf 4 n n 2 11 j I'alk. If 3 11 ft 1 0 i? I >h'"ly. 1 ti ;i 11 11 li n n j Srbalk. * 3 n | 1 1 11 II.iln 11 son. |i 2 n 11 11 2 ft | 'Jli i 1 1 1 11 i| n Tot.'I- 32 2 & Sf 1) 3 ?Han..-il tor Holiiirtsoti ill nltitii. j W.IKb^llK'ol 111'! (Mil ll'lj 3 I'll!'.iK" ... . nun HO" l"i'.' -I' ) Sunt ma r; Two-bav.' lift- .liM|;i' Sii'-i Hli'.-s I"irlul.'lt. .1 ii'lui., I'oi kin p.i't^lt |loubl?. pl.i'.N 1'oil 11m 111 .I11I111H1 n 10 .-'liii ly, Slu'i 1> to Ii bnson | 10 t'ol I ins. I.vft <iu huffs. -Was'iinK- , l"n. T. 1 "hiiatro. 3. Ha .sis on b.ulsl ??iff Uobi*risun, 4; off Zai'har>. n.ui'i. Struck "'il -!?> '/.arbary, 2. bv U?ib frtson. 2. Win it lite plt''hi>r Za.'hary, I'mplren. .Vallln ami t'oiuiolly. Tlnio, I 42. COLLKCiK GOLF STAK SHOWN UP BY FATHKB [ p.v Asfioolrito'l I'ri ss. 1 IMTTSHI Iti: II. A iik. 4. .11111 my Crookston. ruptaln of tbr I'enn Sint?? li-Jtin. li'iiriifl till)' a fli-rnoon that Ills 'l.'i'l. .la in is H. I'rook Molt, Sr., In a | pri'tty fair K?lf playi-r. j Jimmy Mas In iln- srmlllnal roiinil of th>> Stanton llr>i|{hts t'lub i by .lux. ph I. Crawforil. forini-r Vrst *1 I'i'nnsylvaniii ainatoiir I'bamploti. I I'rnoksl'.ii. Sr.. won bin inali li Tli. n J. H. sii'P|)?.?l out anil u-omic?il t'raw- | for'l, 1'. a 11.1 t. LEONARD TO SEEK NEW OPPONENTS III EUROPE Champ Plans Tour After One More Bout in Amer lea. TAKES UiyUATIVES ALONG! Offered ftw.noo to Meet KJce, British TUlij Holder?rVe*ntt?lc? for Match With Niimt German Hour In Ber lin. fBy Associated Pr?tB,] MICHIGAN CITY, IXD.t Aur. 4 After engaging In possibly onn more ronteRt, Hcnny I-'onarfl, world's light weight |iuglllstio <ihatnp|nn, plunn to sail for England In auost of now opponents nml to glvo lila mother an?l winter n European trip tlnit ho has planned since ha took the chain i)lonnhlp from Kreddlo Wolch. J.oonnrd, according to announce ment from Mm training camp her* today, plans to snil for link'lanu about September 15 for an indefinite stny. Ho-will meet Evor Hammer, of Chi cago, in a ten-rouio, bou' hero to morrow afternoon. II" has been offered JiiO.OOO for a wV!.r),i'*r".un'1 b""1 w,th Krnlft litre. Mrltlnh 111 Icholdttr, and nl?o Ik ro Kol iat lug for a contest with a Her 1 man lightweight In Merlin. Heforn 1m !!k' v,'r. Menny may engage I V/. i n '? 1'rotl'?,r of Klchle VI ' '""-round content In : Milwaukee, A uiruHt 26. "Since my dutorrnlnatIon to bo* as I often as possible. I think I havn i donii very well," Lcoiiaril said to I ?l?y. "1 rnnt three Kood men?Itrlt ton. Katisas and Tondler?all within .i |. I. have another tough ] niat- h o!i my handa tomorrow when j I t.f kie llunimcr. "I 1( now he In tough! bo j gave me onn of the hardest matrhe* j of my i areer." . ">?' exception ?,f the out over his r ik lit eye. the champion's '?andliTN "av ho Is in spendid condi ?'on for the match. The eve Is heal, lug nicely. Hammer Is a dangerous loft-hand {"""'?let' and aKKresilvc, Me floored Itili bin .Mitchell and t'harllc White I "I'll left hooks and knocked Leonard down n conteHtpi with the ebnmplon o- Tr. ,'">n,lr<l I"or Hammer nni-d to do any serfou* tralnli,' Hammer nay* he In natlrnVd with hl? condition and tha' he plans ! tVia'n?? loll. "K'lt l? 'mm 11A HI' SI.AMS OIT NO. 19 ... ... 1 "v Associate,! Press 1 v, rU '. , -Ao "ll1"' Aug. t-.VtW i 11,11,,,! 1 *straight from the | jiidnns b> winning today* gam,- 7 liiV, "r!n'*l|>filly to <,'!cveland's riutb km i!f IV" nth home run of ihi> ??aiion'ln m,,r"? ,;",,ran >"?" Vnrk. iiii,, .. All. H. H r? A. E. , ' f?, < n 1 3 IJ 0 I >Ug? n, 3I( ^ n n , . ,r.f < 5 \ l ; * \ 'J'l1. 1 h I ; ?, 0 0 ?""'hiing. ?: 4 j 3 ?> a | If 4 111,, \v?rd. 21. .1 p j { j , .^ s | ?'Itirrny. p Jones, p 2 0 3 0 14 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 l) Totalis . 35 7 12 27 3 4 l "I?? * r Innd. . . ,, AM. It. H. O. A. E. .'amlffon. If 6 0 0 3 o >j Wamhy. 2'r> 3 i o ?? -> f, | M|.eal<.ir. cf. 4 i 4 o f, n ?" ? I. if f? -I 11 1 I) 0 ' S.'Weil, M 4 | I 4 2 ? Jnrdiier. 1b ,% 1) 4 j 1 a I Mi InnIn, 1 b 1 ? -i >. ,, I ,.')''v::il1' r, 1 5 ? ? i 1 ^ I., fiew, II, c | I, , n ft |i I -Malls, p 1 a ,) i) 3 ; Morton, p 1 a o it ^ () t'lib. ]' I <? 1 1 2 ? 1 *Sieph'-nrnn 1 rt 11 I) ft 0 Total? .tK 13 27 ig 3 ? I "r> t ? .-?! for Malls In seventh. f rore by innlnK>" 11. New Vork 0 13 nfift 20ft?; Olevolanrt Olft 021 001 ? '? Summary: Two-haw Ill's?Mouse!. Gardner, nN'till. Threo-iini'e hit ? Mclunl*. Home run ? IJnth. Haorl floos Ward. Scott, Pchanif. .MiiI!f liouble playw Murray. Heott and I'lpp; Hcott, Ward and Plpp- MnlLs. \\'atnhy and Mclnnis. on baiefi New Vork. S. I'levelanl. II. Kase.s on balls off Murray. 4; off Jones, ,1; OIT Morton 2; otr Ma.'-. 1. IlitK?off Murray, 7 I11 4 2-3; off Jones. 6 In 1 1-2. off Malls, 4. in . 'if Morton. 5 In 2 Inniio out in third 1; off >*b!o. 3 In 2. Hit by pI'ojiiM* ?l?v Morton (I)UKin). Struck >ul?by Mm my, 1; by Jones, 1. b\ Morton. 1; hv il.T.'s. 3. AVIItl p|tch-? Malln. Winning piteher Murray. l.o?iniy pitcbor? Morton. 1,'mHren. Evans and <>ulii ;i?. Tlmf. 2:30. DISTINCTIVE NECKWEAR ?AT? $1.00 At (his price we show a wide range of beautiful patterns and attractive colorings; there're solid colors, too. Those Ties are of a quality that give long wear and are practi cally wrinkleproof. They slide easily through either soft or starched collars. For men who are particular. Burk & Company Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes 12?