Newspaper Page Text
UnWOOD PROTESTS JOINT WAR CLAIMS BODY (Challenge* Stale Department ami White } louse Claims. ? PKJfir,!! A.\ AI.Ar.OI jl CASKS AMrrta .(rtllrmfnt Ihoilit lie Mnilf H'lth Srniilf ?? CiitKtllnllon Prc> vtdr*?lltntn A <1 in I n In t r ? t Inn'i Af flnna Mny >nt Mr Klnnt. [By Associated Press ] WASHINGTON. Auk. 12. protest a saInst the action of tlii> titration Irv concluditiK ?n s?r>'nifnt iviih the German povorn nient for rstahllflimtnt of ' a joint roTTiTiiM tee to pass on American war r sins kamst Germany was mad< tod<<\ f iy Senator rndorwiiml, >>f AlulMn' li'moorallc Senate 1 ? 1 ? v. 'n n cMr! m Chairman i'iimiiini?. of the Jiidirixr* subcommittee The mhoontiri 111 ??? has before it Senator l'nderwoo : ? Mil for an all-Ameri ca n ffimmilire to adjudicate war ? aims Senator l"nderw ood in his 111??r i,h?l>nt'1') the contention of th. State lV-pa rt me nt and White House that pr?r?(i?n!!< e.Mst.-d for the ?d m :?i i-t ra i ion course and add*"!: Is ?rnnir'? Dllfy. "Ni rre.-iiiuiil, to my knowledce hm ever entered into such an nsree inent provldlnp for the adjudication i f c'aims arising out of war Pei - haps this is duo to the fact that t i* Presidents with but a few noml lal exceptions entered Into an atref ni'iit for the ad;ust ment of a private <*|aun of a fo - e I b tier a sa m ?;! the it'nited States w 11 he i:' ?? iit 11'c the approval of the ffi m|c I.nt I "? h i n k t.hat : is liliefl\ because the se 11 leinr lit of vnr claims l? necessarily part and l-srr?: with the treaty of p? Hi ?? which. of course, under our Consti tution. must be submitted to the J-ejiate f,,r Its advice and ratifi. a - t ion" \i? \ niiliiuon* t 'luri. N'fitie <if the |. i ? ri ilrpt II ti" that 1 \e been liteil Senalu; I'nderwond sa:d, were n na la u '? n -. ' r tln-\ did i ? ? ? t Involve "Ii ii ml i ? d s of \ n ? r! i ;? . ain-y sei-nred by a ppt ox lina tel \ ? imi worth of collatera 1' A <-*-?im in i: that the I ? r ? -. <1 ? ? n * en l ** atlthorlix to fi? goti.ite .<??: sla I ? ? e !nalter? under usual litcum unnees." Senator I"nd? rwood. cmt t'liil'-ii. "1 am doubtful if lie hus , * i. h authority at the present time v i ? li respect to tbe claims of our tia lion and its citizens against the for Mior enemv governments 1 ts pi ol> :? ie| -hat it is Impossible to divori ? t r disposition of the enemy prop ? ?tv held bv the alien property cus t"di?n aid the settlement of out claim* atrnnist the Tinnier ??nemy i t er ?! me nt " till) >nl lie t'lnnl. i,"i" ' ? i: from the Versailles, prr 1 ? and I': a n-ti treaties. reservitii: i ? ? c i ilo dlspo-ai of ftiem\ I i j.^-t\ r.nd adjustment ..f claim* >? ?at I ndenvoinl said it was no) I . .s? < in ? p..jilt out the possibll | \ * h ? t i'<!i;n-s when it comes to ? 1,. i. nf . i: ni> property may re ? ? ? tio rnt.r* maMn of adjustment ? ?I .Mlvi run ilainif." '( v. :>-h to omphiiKir.e." S- n.?tor 1 n?1"r\*""d loncliideil 'that an> s ich dlf1i'"ti:?\ \? .? ij 1 fI lie obviated b> the passic- of the hill | have intro i- pr \ dine for a rom*nisslon imposed ?oIe|\ of \merIertn ?? 111 * i s ?<> a djudii'ia t e ?otcb claims The 'mm:--* ? ii w<mld Irive Jurisdiction !? hear all claims .i|!ain<t fjermany. A'istri.; and liutiKar>' and does not t. n ;il:.: a spe. iai <mmission h< * siii h elaims as ma*,1 pre ?- ' I iii iln-t i :ii'h "f 'h< si- nations. 1 .? Mi. . this i.| ' eqnbl-s t h ? ??'?n i ? ? ? .it oi:e tlm? r.. .in,, t |i i; is|a - t *\ t ? ? t nii' i . .i i t, t ' American - tup ill? ? pr. \ i t<c for the "> >ti d sp .sition of th> enemy The Weather by U. B Wp?th?r Korrrn^t: Vine In lit ? Chindx to?hi> ; tomor rc? . fair urnl wttrnter. .North ( m r u 1 I ii ?? rimulj toillt.v. prolml?l> sliitwrrs on I lit* niUNt; (?u>iorri?t%. Io4*hI atiow rrs; miMlrrato rimtfrl.v \* imu. I<414*111 1Vnt|??*rnl itr?* Vi'MitiIh.v. '* IV M. 1 **ui|M?rM t ??r#? .... Mm vlMiinn h'mpi-t;?t i?r*? to v I* \i ... MSii tniim t?Mtip*-r a t ur*? in * I*. M \J ? i n t finp?*rN t ur?* Nor hi u 1 t ? *n p?*rm in m f??r !hM dat#..., l'?llf|on. y yp.?t*nlay K\?*e?n (iltiro Mrd Ii I l?*flclency 111?*?* .1:4iun?r\ 1 Vt.nnfall 1bom? !! .?. nf? il " t hours ! h Piiv ?* M?r< r . f,|||<**? .1 H II ill Kitiiifitii. i ending s P. M 1 in fl'i I in nl UtM*orvnllon? nt R P. M. VmIitiIhv, \\ !? (1 illrertlon? ?in?l velocity, i. hish?Mt wind jT.itcrday, I "?. weather a^ < i\ M cloudy. S|i4*4*lnl Unfa. * AM. I P.M. * I'M. r*tnpr>r.41 in r. dry l?ulb. ?> I ?<fi iVitip?>ra I tin*. \\?'t hulh. *' 3 fcf. f.$ | llHativr humidity M Ft sr, fONlHTlllNS IN IMroiiTWT UTIKS. *P?* tii it ur?? * P. M. II c h. l,ow N?h'vil> . ?.* Tl f2 \ ? 2 a n t \ 11? nr H.?sr..r Muff.*:.i . . . *hi? t !* .??om . , 'hir-aso lien vr r ? fi<lvf!itnn . . . Matt "run I.I vi * lacU ?*on vj 11* K ?Cl?v M*?nt Rom*r v \ c \\ I i t l r ?? n ? N.n Tork . X ? ? r f f > r.< *. i . . . ? I i lift in a . . " ? ? <d?ur sh p.* sh * til !?*?:? tifi tr< ?hiiicton 'h?v. I r 7 o li*r Cloud v Cloud y Cloud v H a i n I*. rloudy Cloud \ ?"; #* a ** P. i !??ndy C1 * a r Cloudy ?*ln idy ?*|Aiidy I *l"?4 I P. ? loud* P i-loil'l V Cloudy 4 'loud v * 'loud v cloudy Rain C|?ar i *l<?a r Cloud y Clouily Cloudy i 'lea r mini vrt iti*; aim \n AtiKH*! ' . 1??22. h h;ii *ri Sun rl?ii"i R:?i? Morn nj; S \s < in s-*.? T :?>.*> KviMiitm S H MANY PROMINENT MEN | ATTEND IMS FUNERAL j liislinps Fay (flowing Trib utes to .Memory of Mclh oilisl I .curler. ( 11 v .V ssocill ted I 'l i - s 1 t'llAIII.oTTK. N. C. Au?r. 12 ? -5. ?<?!??? ..f |K r.HOIIS prominent ill edu cational and .Methodist Church rlv | t lcs in IId- I'llii>lIliHs And other Si :i I ? ?*. j ik'! 'idl im bishops. ????! I pre -1 ? I ? n t s and many ministers, formed part i>i lli?- large assemblage \vhl?*li atletirt ?! t!.?- funeral m rviri's lici t* t'xl.ij of Hisliop John i'. Ki'.itn, ? ?f III- Sunt lii'i ii Methodist I'htllch. wliu died earl* Friday morninn Tin- si rvici-s w i-i'i' conducted by I'.ishop Warren A. <'nndler, of At lanta. assisted I y Hishop Collins 1'enny. of Kjili itt ?? t ? ? I, both of whom paill tlmvint tributes to the life ami w orU of Mil- deceased. Ilishop Cand ler especia'ly emphasizing his work .is president of Trinity College. at Durham. N. as r.Mnai kal'lo in that ln> took a "st t naulillit college aln*-J to die anil put it "it its feet." ami made it one of t hi- greatest piIucr tiona! institutions of the South. Hishop Penny also paid tribute to the ib'ii-a si'd bish<>|i as an ? executive and a ureal preaeher. The mass of dotal offerings which covered the chancei spare and later blanketed the Initial plot, included designs from Fairfax Harrison, pres .dent of the Southern Itai'way, of which Hi shop Kilgo wiis a director; from .1 I! Duke, multimillionaire, mid from num? tons Trfnil\ I'ollege ? tea n i'/a I ions ami from many ur banizations of ministers Those present included President W. I'. Few. of Trlitiiy. ami President II X. Snyder, "f WofTord i'ollege.. r>? which Hishop Rlleo ?.ts an Alumnus. \t.\v hh ama tk; ci.rn IvYIT.KT WINS A(JA1N Invltr^ I'lilille in Knrent llill tinnlrii Tlienter \e\i Tiie??l n y \ IK III. ?In He Free. The public is Invited. without Itarai'. to an enti tt ainnnm whicl "ill !??? given ti eM Tuesday even luu at s I "? o'clock In the Fores' Ilill Harden Tio atei situated at 3101 Xew Kent Avenue, which may In reached by taking 1 lie Purest 1111 ..?its to Thit t v-first Street, thenci Fixture Superiority Demonstrated In every lino <>f business there is a loader?some mip who hla/.os the trail that others fol low. For ton years KNfiRl* RKRt; & liKAR has blazed the fixture trail. ENGELBERG & BEAR Electrical Con tractors Fixtures and Supplies 11<> N. Klphtli Street. Katulnlph The Chicken or the Egg? Which Was First? This Question has pu/.xlcd Thinkers and Philosophers since the World becran. We Have Solved the Problemt Floyd Avenue Office Hnj<l Avenue and Holiinson Street# American National Bank T? WHITFIELD HAKKISON, Manager. And Vol* can lay to it that We are right?-the Kgg was First. The World itsolf is an Oblate Spheroid its course around (lie Sun is an ellipse? ?So? First you C1' one of our Nest Kggs. Set your fertile brain to work on it. and lay by your dimes and quarters. and bring it to us when fu11. and w?> II batch you out a nice interest (?heck every six months. (Jome In and ask for one of our NKST K('i(i HANKS and start laying up Treasure for your future. Wp Will help you feather your nest. i\?lkv< iv(i\*/WrfwL going to the right a short distance to New Kent Avenue, where the entrance "to the amphitheater is ?hn\vn by red, white and Mile lights. This is one of a series of ?jnt?r taininents given in the interest and J he th** organisation of 11? ?- Community Open-Air Dra matic ami Musical Association for the promotion of dramatic. and musical entertainments. such as plays, festivals, fete*, musicals, pa - geunis, folk dances and other com munity amusements, flee to tho pub lic. The movement for "bis otRanl*a t ion ha.s been launched Two en tertainments have been civil in tills series, which were pronounced ar tistic successes, and it is planned to hold at feast one each week during the remainder of the season. In "Humeri ill I he Hlnkf," SAN MATO. C A I.. Aug. 12 While being "hurn^p a! the stake" l?y savage Indians." during the tilming of a motion picture production, Itnli ? ?rt Moswell. nc'or. Mtif|>r?'l painful burns a no ut the fa. , and haiuls. Mis injuries are not considered serious. DEATHS IN VIRGINIA Mrs. K, l>lr*' Knnernl. Funeral services for .Mrs. K Ksies. wife of Kddie H IM-s. of Glen K. ho Park, who died early yesterday at I he He treat for !!)?? Sink, will i?e con ? ducted tomorrow at .Mineral, Va. John II. I'nrnter. Fneral service* for John II. Pa rater. a^eil ?:?. former captain of police lin e, who died in W "a *hincton Friday, will lie conducted tomorrow* from St. Patrick's Church. Iturial will he in Mi Calvary c.>met<Mv The hodj* will arrive lit Kichmoud today. Mr. Parater, who has been in fail ing health for the last six months was an employe of th* Washing! on Vavy Yard a number of years until he was pensioned two years aco \fter NcrvliiK riKhlcvli or Iwonl y j I?!????liertt. Theodore, John ami Sher man. Tlifl fun oral tonk place Krl <l.i y, I? ? 11 i;i| lii-lnn made In tin- family Imi yln? crounilK near Moran, \ a. years on tin- Hiclimond police force lie resigned In IXKI. Ilf was a for mer captain of t'ontpatiy K, l*'irst Virginia Iteultni'lil. t'rs. Nannie Talent t. Mrs, Nannie <'nrringloit Talcott, willow (>f tile late T M I! Talcott, ilieil at I!? North Hmilevatd at t :u? o'clock yosterilav mot nine She s.'i years olil. Itinera! services wilt lie coniiucieii from the resilience this ufterno^n at & o'cln.-K Airs. Talcott Is stir vi veil hy five daughters. .Mrs. Truman A Parker of < *a li foi ula . Marx Harriet It. Kvm ?ami Jennie Mel* ll'ah + i't. and a sister, Mrs Wilson Miles far\ I Mls? tnltierloi I*" 111-: i >ki: i < ?? s r. i i;t; Misv Catherine Wine, t;<i, ? id I'oiinty. died at the hmne ? tor. Mrs .Martha Jane It. . d. \\ I tie. V.\ . Auk i: t;v, ?>( staf Imt ill Iv 11111 day morning. ; re two lirhlliers. K Wine, and two gist < l!eei| and Mrs. I.ucv Surviving hei W. and John W ?i s. Mi s. Mai th: ? Illy, all of Staf 1.111 Iff* (ilrl l)ln. Bl'HK KVII.I.K, VA? Aim. 1? little daughter of Mr. and Mrs I'. Jenkins iln?i| at her home Iturkeville Wednesday night, sides lor father and mother. '?>? ?1. Intel merit was made in the family loirylng ground Thursday af ternoon following Services conduct.i| .Mrs Keed's home, near Mountain View, hv He v. .lames Jett. Mrs. \\ 111 III in II. \\ llile. The i Ki:i:iii:i:n*Ksnrn';. v\. Aug. i'-v John I Mrs H?>sa II Wilde. I _\ wife ..f near 1 William II Wilde, nf this city, died l!> t lie Mary Washington Hospital c|ie s ar1\ Friday, nioi ning w lo ie ~11.? h.ol stttrvivff d hj throe sisters, Isahellr Klorrie Mae and Morothv, and tlire l.i a lew il.ijV for ileal ment li-i hit-hand "In- !? Miirvivi He. d by RSflHRtanEIHBBDBffian ts a ? a a ? ? c Good for the Eyes This phrase, originalnl l?\ its tnanx \ears nc??? Is meaningless, hut Is a ciiikIi'iisimI ilolittit inn of tin* nlijot't of our aint and work. Ask your Oculist. jIHsS. Galeski <|f|i Optical Co Main anil 10i^rf11It Streets VlVi.'l Fast Hroatl SIreel kodak iifcAi>yr.\r,Ti:us I\v<? ill lit: lit <Ms, .Mr.n. Kmiii.i IM.'liitril *??11 ami Mr*. lVail t 'ast iin'l. r. nt nt In lliis ?-lly, ami uiio a ? I ? > t > (I ? ii, ilmvaiil Wllih .4 >lr??. \ iim* llriir.t I'rcm. ItKI ?l- i Mil >_ Auk. I J Mr*. Anno Hi-iir.v I'rins, wifir uf T. I* I'vas. ?Ii? ? i| at tln'lr linmi> msir Mhki>< |mj-*s IIiI'Ikp, Thiirstltuv iiIkIiI. aftfr (lilies* of ni'vi'i'iil tvnilih. All's. I'ri'ang wa.H n-aIt'll In thin ???Mint}'. Iht hiiMlianil. alio Is aurvlvM Uy th~ j fi.llinvlni: II\ #? .-la licit-, n. .Mrs. ?' ; Hiiuh. i.f Mrl.stnl; ,\t i s iMIn t'nii.ff, .. *?lia xt <>nI li.wn t<) I'ro.i'i, i>f Ituannki' '.Mrs. <;<>?> rjs'' i'i..i|h r, <>f NVasli Inutiiu [ami Mism Alvlo i>ri'i'in> ?if lli'ilfiiril, Semi-Pneumatic Truck Tire 2 Truck Tires in One Eliminates Truck Tire Troubles \lr "iinr' In ?li?Kli'-|?lrr? lm??' kIk'k fill' r?'?lllrnry fur nlinlr |?rrln?l iif thf llrr'n ?i*ri l>'^. Thr only IIOI.I.OW ?F.\ VI'H Tnifk Tlrr nm>lf hnv Inu n IIM-.-PIIU T. IMrnly nf rubber fur Inng, haril nfnr, Huffman Auto Store ( Inrorpomteil ) Goodrich I>l%< rlbiitora \ I s \\ KST nilOAM STHF.FT I'hm.f Ilnndnlph '2'22\ Trin-k nnnrrn lntrrr*1etl In fronntittenl ??|??*nit Ion mtiMt 1 h l? Tin*. I rn11? KNtr! If* here! ROUNTREE'S MAKE GOOD FURNITURE DOUBLY DESIRABLE We think about homo? every day just do, and our main thought is to offer you something that will beautify, give long, satisfactory service, and make your home a "Better Home." We are showing new arrivals in Living Room Suites in such construction that when you are seated the evening can he spent in comfort. The new Suites are in the latest designs in Tapestries and Velours in blue, mul berry. taupe and variegated colors; some have hard arms, some loose pillow arms, some spring arms. You have your own ideas how you want your home to look. Our large selection will help you cany those ideas out, and maybe by studying our displays and values you will get ideas you may want to include with yours. Dining Room Suite 10 I'icrrs Ctimplclc, S:$ This Stilt'* is an excellent value at the price asked. Its slender linos make it especially desirable. The finest veneers, in rich two-tone walnut, were used in making it. The workmanship is perfect, and at the price of $H7ft.OO you're getting quality very reasonably. Ten pieces consist of Buffet. t'liina, Table, Sorvor, five Side Chairs and one Arm Chair. For the Living Room Pavenp<?rt. overstuffed, covered in velour or tapes try, loose spring cushions?SltiiMlO. ? Arm Chair, overstuffed, covered in velour or tapes try, loose spring cushion $50.00. Chair, overstuffed, covered it! velour or tapestry, loose spring cushion $50.00. The above all match and may he bought as a suite or individually?complete?$200.00. Bed Room Suites If you had thought of a Bedroom Suite that I? dis tinctive and graceful one that has all the little requisites that make for comfort? you should by all means ser> our showing. Some finished in that dull rich tone of walnut, others In beautiful mahog any and rich IvorjK A beautiful Suite, consisting of Dresser, Semi-Vanity, Chiffonier and lied, as low as $1)8.50. SELLERS KITCHEN CABINETS Tftt 'Best Servant in Your flout* " A small payment will deliver any style Cabi net and the balance weekly or monthly, ns convenient. Why deny yourself of the ex clusive features of the Sellers such as th? automatic lowering flour bin. extending base board. dnstproof base, nntproof casters ? when the price Is no more? us show you these and n.anv other features contained in the Sellers and no other cabinet. Refrigerators To close out the balance of our Refrigerators, we offer you a lame saving. Constructed of ash, well insulated, lined In porcelain or enamel. Capacity, 7:1 to 15ft pounds. No. MtlOO? Formerly priced $51.Of). Close-out price .S 10.50 No. HJ?70 ? Formerly priced $80.75. Close-out price $n<)..*iO Xo. MOIIO ? Formerly priced 807.00. Close-out price S7JI.00 Xo. S07 ? Formerly priced $54.75, Close-out prlci . $ 11.00 Breakfast Room Set If yon contemplate fixing tip <he breakfast room, you should spp this sot. Consists of largo Gatelpg Table, with four Chairs to match, finished in rich mahogany. Five-piece sot complete?$65.00. ODDS and ENDS at V2 Regular Prices Here Is your opportunity to buy odd pipeps at one-half former priccs. Lot consists of Rustic Rockers, Fibre Rockers, Fibre Desk Sets, Reed Chairs, Rockers and Chaise Ixmnge. Select any of these piecos and deduct one-half fFom price tags. August the Month of Blanket Values If you are going to need more Mlankets this Fall or Winter, here is a selling too good tn miss. There Is such a well-rounded selection and the prices are so low you will find it sound economy to buy in quan tities. These Blankets are guaranteed. All Wool While light in weight, are warm as a toast. Offered in white with pink or blue stripe; edges are heavily bound with satin. Priced unusually low at $10.05. Part Wool These Blankels are just right for light-weight cover ing. 4 Va-lh weight, size 66x80 inches. Don't buy your require ments before first seeing these-? $5.05 pair. iv FURNITURE ? LUGG AGE 111-115 WEST BROAD STREET. Gas Ranges Kitchen work can be made a great doal easier and gas bills reduced by selecting a Peninsular Gas Range. Shown in low and elevated ovpns. Thpse Ranges offer an exceptional value at the low price of $23,00 to $105.00. Armstrong Linoleum Will beautify the old floor and make It look liko new. Made on a heavy bur lap hack with colors running through. There is a pattern for every room in the house. Linoleum laid by our method will give service for years to come. A telephone call will bring our representa tive, who will measure and fumtah estimate without cost. Solid green and brown patterns, $1,715 nrplare yard.