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PART FIVE Classified Ads Willi ted. CtlHIlCCH, Help Situations, Ktc. Financial?Realty City and Stato or Exchango -l'or Sale, Rent PART FIVE REAJ. ESTATE KHi SALE Highland ! Park $4,250 i P^imna, J roomi. bnth, gas. c'e *-.???'c I iifchtn, near car line ami park. laOO, Glance like rant. You shouM see ? this. Possession Kept. 1st. REX O. JONES CO.. INC $7,750 New si*-room, stucco. sleeping porch; wood floors, full bane jnrnl, hot water hciit. I?ol ,r.'lxl 10. Griffin Ave. Se<- Mr. ! 'A IIIIACOTT. Mart h >n SORO, with \v. s. noniN.soN a-, co. Highland Park $7,750 1 . tnodfrn home. hot-w ft t't slate roof. near '.'r lir.e .< :i<l park !'i*> ess Ion Snjit I ?? t l.ji ;. ter'n IlKX <j JONES CO., IN'" F'' R. SAT.E $3,500 Seven-room frame, 1400 Mcok West rary; No. 1 condition !.arg?j lot I'ine pr.ip* arbor Grove Ave. Brick Home KPKCIAb. da rqa in barren room" (nil aleeplnir porch: four large cloaeta and tile bath; cel lar onder enttrfi honso; hot-water heat, oak floor*, metal weather strips, *ha/lon and screer.8 This property nas Ions back yard and Is set In full , proving ahade trees. Owner will sell at a price und?->r , cort of present construction and give [ Sept. 1st possession. RTIjANI) REALTY CO. 807 American Hank IlulldlnK Randolph C\~. For Sale, Easy Terms Five rooms, Stucco Rungalow. o' Fulton llill. Klectrlc 'lights. i.o' ?.0*135. Possession Septeinbi.-r Is! I'rlce, II.ICO.00. H. T. RITHESON &. CO.. 11 OS B. Main Street. I $6,500 Modern Home i F.a a t of Robinson .Street, seven !?rpe bright rooms and bath; base-! merit under entire Owner has' left town and must soil fall Mr. i Dudley. ? MOOBBFIELP <fc BLAKE, INC. GROVE AVENUE Modern house, * rooms fbrirk). In I the best section east of Robinson Street. Possession September 1. Price, 112.500. Tern-.s reasonable. JOHN* DEO EN", Real Estate. 21? Travelers RMc Income and Investment West End. brick stores, leased to; good tenant, corner property, can be fold to produce better than 13 per cent gross. See us at once. OH A PI N CliARK. Sept. 1st delivery, of good brick 1 residence, 7 rooms, modern, on Allen Ave, A bargain for a quick buyer ! 11-726, care Dispatch WEST "END ~ I TOM E "i* large rooms and llle bath, brick. I modern in every particular, tapestryi ".nper, inlaid hardwood floors, hot water hrat, lai'tro double decked' porches, front and rear This home is not of ordinary type but is a ro:tl wargaln tor one wanting a touch oI individuality. ?8.2 bft will bliv thi" liome anil possession mav he had on September 1. ROGERS. .SMITH II EMC P. No I Mutual Huiidinp Madison 1747. HEAL ESTATE FOK SALE For a Few Days can nffor desirable North Rich mond corner home, at a .?i>rciai low price of $8,000 Will built, s rcfitu:*, jr? ?J w?ath <r stripped. u;i<| rcn*; hot wat? r In at. tile bath. pretty lawn ami t>nrubb';t y. real home, litaullfullv located and priced below present cost of construction KVI.ANI? REAI.TV CO.. X07-SOS Amer. Hank llldg. Modern Home Highland Park $6,500 Enflow Avmiuh. near park. 7 room*. hot - nutfr heaf. ?!.-???? roof. Possession 1st. rex <). JUNKS CO.. INC $5,000 I.arge six-room 1 ? r I < ? Vv Belmont \venue Good condition. ~ $6,000 North Richmond ,-',t-room home. North Rich '1. on good av< nm, two blocks of it lit;*-, modern in evcrv respect. .'>?10 Mr. li'idlt'V. Mad MOOREKIEI.H A- HI,A K K. INC. Bargai Ginter Park ;ain $16,500 One of the beet blocks on Seminary Avenue. Home con talnn 10 rooms and hath. In excellent condition;, double ga rage; lot 100x235. Can arrange convenient terrna. Mt'HI.F.MAN A- KAYHOE. 10S N Ninth St. Phones Mad. 210-211. STUART AVENUE $ 10,000 New detached "-room home, hot water heat, hardwood floors through* out; concrete basement; nicely deco rated; well located, close to srliool and car line. MUHLEMAN & KAYHOE, 1 OS North Ninth St. Mad. 210-211. "lots AT BARGAIN TRICES. Corner 100x180 feet. In Battery Court. $1,800. Comer 100x150 feet, Noble Avenue, $2,500 50.\135 feet I.amb Avenue. J1.I00. JOHN l>EOEN, Real Estate. 212 Traveler*! Bldg. STOr PAYING RENT And buy this T-room stucco tnod ?rn HOME. Highland Park. 2 lots ?asy terms. ?."i.G60. Eight-room HOME, corner lot. 120 feet front. Highland Park. $6,000. Seven-room HOME. West End, 2 lots. $5,500. Fix-room modern Klo\d Avenue HOME. $5,750. Call. JOHN K. FONVII.I.E. with W1 M.I AM M. M II,I,K K. THE IIUMK SULl.Klt. 28 N. Ninth St. Alad. 327. FOR SALE $1'.SOti.OO Eight-room Brick House, modern; one of the best in the West End. $7.250.00 Ten-room Brick, West End; In good condition; modern except heat: good basement; easy terms. Posses sion September 1st. $R.000.00 Eight-room Stucco, Ointer Park Terrace; modern; large, bright rooms. $3,750.00 Six-room Brick. West End; tlln bath; modern except heat. SS.OOO.OO New eight-room Brick, on Weflt Grace Street; modern except heat; in a beautiful block. $?',.000 00 Six-room brick; modern except heal; West End. PI. A CATI.IN & COMPANY. MR. PAItRlSH. Mad. 401. $4,250 Highland Park. ?>-room bungalow, desirable location. Possession Sept. I Easy terms. CIIAPIN X- CI,ARK. -Eleven North Eleventh. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE STUART AVENUE SPECIAL Substantia) ricta^h'l homo of K rooms and bath; hot-water Meat, nowly I'Hint'l s< n >1 pajiercd, shades and screen-'. larcc lot. Special low price of $|0,.'>f)i> fmi' quick sale. Mnil.KMAX ft K A V HOE. 1 r,% North Ninth St. M.i'I. 210-211. Highland Park Home $5,500 Corner horr.' . built !?> present own ir f'Vi-ral ) f ,ir? a?o. best of con struction; j.l'-nty 'f shrubbery .tnrl flowers: eight rooms and tari;*- l..?th Owner has u|it>' r lloor leased for good JnvestiiK nt They wish to continue their lert ?-e at a higher rent We know this is ;< largaln and going to he sold '"all <ir, at '.nee. MR. I?t"T? LEY. Marl r.f.r.h MOOREFIHI .D ft nr.AKK. INf. yzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzmzmztzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzl West of Boulevard Near Lee School A beautiful detached 1 room home. with sleeping porch. tiled bath. large closets, built .n re frigerator, hot-water heat, hardwood flnor<. papered, shades. screens, metal weather (?trips on front of house, 'till concrete tiH'^'n'Tit with serv ants' room and bath, lauridrv tubs Rfi'l co?| bin; deep lot. on corner of alley. The lions'* is very light and in beautiful rw,. dltlon A real hnrg.-iin at J? 3:.0. Muhleman & Kayhoe 10"? N Ninth .w't Mad. 210-211 IWS/tiMV*.WsA'VVV.VS.V,'?-. $15,500 Grace St. Home Near Allen Avenue. Prick, detached, ten rooms, large sleeping porch and servant's room, hot-water heat, oal; floors first and pln? second I.a rue bath, two lavatories and servant's toilet. Concrete basement, gas and ??Ject rlclty. Owner wants to move Into entailer quarters and must sell. i'all Mr. Dudley. Madison 5508 for appointment. MOOREFIELD ft I7LAKE. INT for sale. A pood fi-room modern stucco home, well located In Highland Park Very reasonable termm. 9m# city taxes." OOLSAN ft NASH. INC. NEW HOMES North Thirty-Third Street S?v*?n rooms, bath, pantrv. electric lights, rift pine floors, good lot ar.d nice location. POLLARD ft BAGBV, IXC.. Phone Mad. 424.1. $7,500 West end. S-roo:n brink house, on alley; desirable location. Terms. CHAPIN ft CliARK. Eleven North Eleventh. PAY On a HOME each month Instead of paying rent. CHl'RCH HILL. S2.S00.00. Six rooms, gas. electric, lights, water, sewerage. largo lot Pos session September 1st; small cash payment, balance easy terms. S4.500.OU. Six rooms, on Thirty-third Street, modern except heat, large lot. Terms very easy. HIGHLAND PARK. $ t.00".00. t.'.Oti.OO cash, balance very easy terms; 6 rooms and sleeping porch, modern, good lot. Posst-.s.sioii Sep tember 1st. FLOYD AVENUE $7,300.00. Splendid 9-room HOME, de tached brick, large lot, also large basement. Possession September 1st. This !s a special bargain. Can also be arranged for two families, fall IRA L. PASKILL, with WILLIAM M. MILLER, THK HOME SELLER. 2S N. Ninth St. Mad. 18T7. NORTH RICHMOND TWO FAMILY HOME $4,500 Frame, S large rooms, halls, two kitchens, bath, gas. electric lights, newly papered and painted. Posses sion Sept. 1st. Small cash payment; balance like rent. REX O. JONES CO.. INC. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE Pretty Stucco Bungalow $750 Cash Balance Like Rent I?0~at?M| |,l Olio of ?!,. I?Sf.-tlonS or North I'.ii'hinoni) Has live rooms, pipeless furnace heat. hire" cellar; now and complete in detai! wmte &? com pan v. ?T2.*1.-2 t American (Tank HMc FOR SAI.E $30 Per Foot '.'IIAKKI.V ANH DAVIS STS Small cash payment s? e w. i; pcrckm., .ii:. en., ixc 1 cI N. Eighth St root. . * ",w, >,..77777: $ 1,000 Gash Balance Like Rent will IM; One of Our New Houses on Edgewood Avenue (In 270* Block) Six room*. stu.-ra. hot-water heat. terraced lot* ami vcr> at tractive. These are the best, moderate priced home.* wo have hail for a ionsr time The price is cheaper than you can build at the present time I,et us show them ti> you. JULIAN C. ANDERSON & CO., 11 N. Ninth Street Grace St. Attractive proposition. centrally lo cated; 1| rooms ami four baths; 30 foot front. No phone information Sea CIIAFIN & IICME. TWO LOTS Money-Makers! Onc_ In Battery Court addi tion. 00x190 feet, only one block from Chamberlityne Avenue; first-class lot. If sold at once only J500. One on Moss Side Avenue. Gln ter Park. 100x200 feet, nlcnlv located. We can close out. if at once, at 519 foot. ?ICMAN C. anderson ro. 11 N. Ninth Street Floyd Ave. FOP. r.EN'T. I Eight-room home on 1000 block. 1 Furnished; *100. Elne lar** rooms. I oeap lot. Seo CHAPTX A IICME. FOR SALE, Kensington Avenue Two Blocks from Lee School. Direct from owner, new. modern seven-room home. corner f.? inK south: hot water heat; hardw.-od i floors; tile bath; Bleeping porch, j weather stripped, screens, awnings, etc.; with brick rrmko facing on j Kid? street. Priro below present j builditii; costs. Possession September ,f!!,rInformation, call Boulevard 1324-W. FOR SALE Splendid Suburban Home With i;. acres. On trolley iine R. I! CIIAKP'IN & CO, INT J wclrtH and Main Streets BARGAINS CHURCH HILL Six rooms, hath, electric lights de tached. Price. 33.750. Possession ; September 1. WEST END. Rosewood Avenue. 1-room cottag* with Hath and electric lights, Price. I ?2.7.>0. Possession September 1 No j Information over tho phone ! ROGERS, SMITH A H F.SLEP. No. 1 Mutual Building. Madison 1747. West End Bargai am ALL MODERN West Grace, 2701?9 rooms. West ('.race, 2518?0 rooms. West Grace. 2819 S rooms. Floyd Avenue, 2502--!) rootns, ??Floyd Avenue. 2?IH?S rooms! Floyd Avenue. 330fi fi rooms if you want a bargain, phone, write or sro us at once. moorefield & BLAKE, INC. 20 N'. Eighth Street. J KEAI. ESI ATE FOR SALE W. GRACE $13,000 Positively one of the best values': on this street. Strictly detached. mod ern home of 8>lar?<>, bright rooms; long lot. If you want votir money's worth, seo this pla^e. Call Mr. Pod tun. MOOREKIELD *? BIjAKW, INC. FOU SARE Just 1 8 Days To September l't. You ran buy from us it homo, to occtipv at that time If you act quick. See These <>rt Maplewood Avenue, neu housea. 6 or 7 rooms, detached or seinl-detached. CJreenwood Avenue. * rnoms. modern: servant's ho is? ?nd Kara go on lot fill K. I^elgh Street. 1* rooriM. :i baths. OI n tor Park. Hawthorne ? ? ? ntie?10 room*, modern s.-\ ant's house anil t:ann<>. 1 'Sinter Park, Seminary Aw nue?A rooinB, modern. garage. 10?.t?35. ?linter Park. Brook Ro.t! * rooms, modern; ifto foot lot Richmond tut"st rri. Seventh and Main St? FOR SALE Several highly improved FARMS wind up estates R. B OIIAKKIN CO.. INC. Twelfth and Main Street". FOR SALE Fruit, Truck & Berry Farm i.f C3 acres. highly improved. within three miles of the city, on good road. Six-room dwelling, usual outbuild ing' Sufficient timber and wood for home use. Price. J'-.O'iO. R. B O'lfAI-'PMN Xr CO.. INT Twelfth and Main Streets. FOR SALE Excellent Acreage on H.. K. & P. Railroad. Suitable tor manufacturing. R. B CHAFFIN X- CO . INC. Twelfth and M a i n Street?. $3,675 Will buy TWO well-built 5-llOOM frame houses in the East Knd. pav ing 11! per cent find rented at very reasonable price. These houses are in splendid condition and a real bar gain. Call E. W. Evans. at POM-ARM <K- HACBV. INC. Phone Mad. V-'H. FLOYD AVE. HOME Beautiful 8-room detached modern ( home i>n Floyd Avenue >vliitn brick ! front, large b t. Everything in splen did i:omiition; near tlio Boulevard. Will trade for small home or invest ! ment iiroperty t>r good lot. I MOOKEFIELP & DTjAKB, IXC. $7,300 A dandy 6-room, modern hoine, in West Knd: tile batli. hardwood floors, etc. Owner determined to *??!! this | week. Terms. 'See Mr. 11 ce>. J. A. CONN KM, Y & CO. 1201 S.Allen Avenue IM M E I >1 A T IS I 'OSSESSION. Detached frame house of five large rooms, liail-rooin. hatli and pantry, with electric lights, gas, etc. Tin owners are moving to another .sodnot and arc anxious to make a quick sab Will sell on the EASY-PAYMENT plan, a small cash payment and the balance like rent. Price, only $J,fi00. See II W. TERREKI.. with A. J. CIIKWN1NG, .IK., 2if N. Ninth St. $3,750 West Knd i-roam homo and gar.ifie for two cars, electric light*. gas etc.; lot 80x1'JO; now rented for $?.<) ,i month. Possession September Isi. East of Robinson Street. Kent is $35.00. MOOKEI-'I KKD A- BRA l\ K, INC. FOR SALE OR RENT 3115 Garland Ave. IMM15 DIA T E POSSESSION. flood detach'd house of fix rooms bath and pantry, with Kns, electrb it > and other modern convenient papered and In good condition; lar{{<' lot. :mi\1;s'i feet, with a number of fruit trees and a largo grape arbor; outbuildings include Karate. scr\ ant's'room. laundr.v rooin. etc. Will i sell on easy terms See II. W. TERREU. with A. J. CH WW NINO, JR.. U K. Ninth St. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ~ "for" sa'm:. Modern Corner Dwelling Seven rooms, large enclosed sleep- ' :n? porch, beautiful ImseniiTit under j entlru house, complotn with laundr.. tubs. servants toilet, pipes and fur-] narii covered, laundry finite from see- i ond floor: Karate facitiK oti Md" I street. a'tic floored over and ?:alr\vay to It. T!il.s Is one of the most at- j traotlvely urratiund now homes In | th* West ISnd. situated on Floyd Avenue, west of the Rotilevard, and ran lie occupied at one". S?'? Mr Thompson, with N. \V. I SOW K R- SON. 110 X. Seventh Street. West End Bargains J6.5DO On long street. near >ulcvaril. beautifully located: b r<???:?i brick. tiled l?ath: hot-water heat; hardwood floors, brand to w. immediate possession. Ka^v terms, JS.TiiO?Near the new lake with splendid view; H rooms and large leeplng porch. hot-water hrat arid hardwood floor*. A beauty. Hanover Avenue Home -eight rooms, modern. Owner nut of town and will sacrifice for <pilek sale. Possession September 1 r?t. See T. l>. Wallersteln. with MORTON O. THAIiHIMKR. First National Hank Hldg. Kaud. ol. $4,250 \ well-built S-room frame hotne ! ???ated on W. Main Street; 30-foot lot. I.ot alone worth J.t.000. A genuine bargain. Mr. I'ce. ?I. A. CONNEM-T &? CO. $6,500 moi:?kun roRNMit residkncf.. Six rooms, brick, east of the ISoule krd, In ona square of Floyd Avenue: -ot-water he<>t. hardwood floors, iargo cellar. See. MOnitKFIKI.l' X hi.nni: INT. INVESTMENT PROPERTY r.ri Franklin St.. one-half block from ? ?ffice building now being erected. Present rentals paying good income j on price asked H. F. ,t F. 1>. KB HI., c North Ninill Street Ginter Park Home $ 13,000 Beautiful homo on Noble Avenue:! eisrht large rooms, bath, hardwood floor*;, best electrical fixtures, hot water lieat, double garage, large yard with plenty of shrubbery. Pos sess!.?n at once. Phone Mr. Dudley. MOORKFIKJ.D & BI,AKI!. INC. Quick Possession WESTHAMPTON HOME Direct from owner, new S-room.' model n stuccoed home; hot-water I t. hardwood floors. tiie bath, plenty closets, full cellar, laundry tubs. nice porches, awned and -cr< ened, parage, large lot. shrubs .iiiil flowers; city water, best location, just outside city, close to car. Price. $10,S5O. Terms easy. \V. IS. SUM-IVAN & CO., Mad. 5979 or "09 IS. JKranklin. West End Home, $4,850. Fast of Robinson Street, south of Main. In good neighborhood. I)e | tached f rome home, seven rooms, re ception hall, large bath with best fix tures. hot air heating system, pol ished floors, electricity, large vard, plenty of shrubbery and flowers, grape arbor and fruit trees. A bar gain. Call Mr. Dudley. Mad. ii56S. MOOnBFIEL.D & Ml.AKI-:. INC. HIGHLAND PARK $r?.ooo.oo. A beautiful stucco, fi-room modern home, nt sacrilico price. Uon't nils* this opportunity. See I.. I ?. Waller.stcin. with MORTON G. THAMUMER. First National Hank Bitlg. Itand. -I REAL ESTATE 'OK HEIST FOR RISN'T., I 909 West Grace ' Street Fourteen rooms :t bath*. doubl* garaKC. with 'i rooms and hat it over , -raiage. Thoroughly modern. 1'oa j session Sept. 1. I Ji KIMRROITGH. MCCARTHY A CHRISTIAN. INC. 123 N. Kighth Street. Ran. 3451. September First Possession i New detached brick home in West | Knd. six rooms, sleeping porch, hard wood floors, hot-water heat, auto matic water heater. Price V.1,760. ?1.750 les^ than cost. Terms like rent. . K. F. SCHMIDT A CO , INC., 26 North Fighth St reft. Randolph ..iS7. FOR KFNT. 102 N SIIETM'A RD STRKF.T. j Si\ rooms and bath, modern; sepa | rate front and back porches; also sep arate heating plant, and In the pret tiest neighborhood in the West End, I 1 Will ront either furnished or unfur I nlsbed. Price, $.?0.00 month W. D. N El.RON A- CO.. Agents. I 1# N. Ninth Street (Second Floer). I HE 41. ESI ATE t'OR Kh\T """ Poii~i11:n t. RTEAM-HKATEP APAHTNIENT IN" "The Bellevue" Si* room s an'l bath. iiS^O per month. wm p rei?i>. 30 X. Ninth St. GARAGES | For Rent UGIIT .WW WATKI! It'-ar 171S \\*. M-t in St . Jh.en prr ip.'-nl !i. Rear 2112 llannver Ave., JS.oo per month. Rear 31 IT (irov A\<*. $3.09 prr month. Rear 207 Kim St.. $T.,*.0 por month. R*ar 3 Ifarvlc St.. ">.00 per nv nth. ?i. t. i;icin:soN .v co. 1103 East Main Slrott. Fall Rent List i'nil. wrlti> or phone for it A f.>tr desirable homos may it til be had by prompt action. JOHN T. C.ODIMN'S SONS. "FOR RENT Apartment in thf Kakeview. 102 S. Boulevard. six rooms: modern; pos sesion September 1st. Flats?106 N. Meadow St.. 4 rooms: modern in every r? speet. $.">40.00 per annum; possession September Istt. Flat?1C0S Park Ave., five rooms; modern. per annum. H. T. WCHESON & ro, ' 11f>2 Kast Main Street. Apartments For Rent *?'l N Mulberry Street Aparinents. 1 and -?5 rooms and bath. $?>t?0 per annum P-ll S Third Street Apt. 3 ?2 rooms and bath: $4'JO per annum. , 12 E. Main Street? 3 rootiis and bath. 10 N. Fourth Street?"J rooms and bath. 703 W. Gracc Street, first door apt. ?4 rooms and bath; I7S0 per annum. 1721 Grove Avenue, first floor?C rooms nnd bath; Jl.000 per annum. SEE N. \V. IIOWK & SON. Ill N. Seventh Street. Ra nd. 3 4 3-344. FOR RENT Kyrd Part Apartment ? <5 rooms nnd bath. 301 Park Ave.--" room* an 1 bath *110 (? rove Ave.?B rooms and bath. 3210 \V. Franklin St.?5 rooms and bath 321S \V. Franklin St.? 5 rooms ami bath. 2100 Hosewood Ave.?S rooms and bath. .102 South Third St.?12 rooms and two baths 12 South Firsl St.?S rooms and l>n t h 2012 Pleasants St.?7 rooms and bath 2S02 F. Clay St ?5 rooms and bath. 900 North Twenty-sixth St rooms (iMrneri. Smaller houses nnil stores for rent. CM AS. A. ROSE CO, 2S North Eighth St. Apartments For Rent Just one apartment left In THE STATI.EE. 2f>14 Floyd Ave Five rooms and bath, front and back porches, on first floor. west side, private entrance, comfortable. ,\ real apartment. $t">5 per month. N \V. HOW E .fr SON. 110 N. Seventh Street FLAT FOR RENT 3111 Hanover Ave? 3 good-sized rooms and tiled bath. Second floor Strictly modern. Entrances, porches, furnace and meters separate. Very attractive and only 55.r>. Possession tat once. Kent starts Sept 1st. 11. T. P.ICIIESON X- CO., 1102 East M.iln Street. FOR It EXT. Store and Dwelling of 6 rooms and bath. Good business local ion. WM. P. REPP. "0 N. Ninth St. FOR nISN'T. 505 W. Grace Twelve rooms. "5 baths, electric lights. Possession September 1st. WAI.UERSTE1N REAT. ESTATE CO. 1112 East Main FOR HE NT. No. 216 E. Grace St. Nine rooms and 2 bath?. hardwood floors, hot air heat; desirable loca tion for commercial purposes. Pos session at once. SEE N. W. BOW E & SON. 110 N. Seventh Street. KOI I RENT. PORTER STREET APARTMENTS 1301 PORTER STREET. Four and live loom apartments, bath and kltclv n furnish heat, hot and cold water, janitor service; lo cated in the finest residential section tn South Richmond. Possession Sept. 1st. Rents $36.00 and up per month. W. P. NELSON A CO.. Agents. 1$ N. Ninth Street (Second Floor) REM. ESTATE TOR REST KOFI RENT Nos. 3207-3220 W. Franklin St. N?w modrrn 5-room flat?. neparat* ??ntranoos. tile bath. attractive elec tric fixtures. hot-water heat. 'arire front at"! rrar porches; built-in re f rlKcrator. Reasonable rental and possession about August 2<ith. W. F*. PURCEl.U JR.. CO.. INC.. 101 North Eighth St. * J. D. CARNEAL . & SONS Apartments i Available Sept. 1st. Belmont?Jt ft X. Boulevard?Five rooms and bath. Oral it?2??1 "* Floyd Aveno#?Ttr* rooms, kitchen and bath. I'akota -25 North Boulevard?B'U-? rooms and bath. Gerard?2?2<> West Grace Street ? Five rooms and bath. Milford?1108 Weot Grace Street Four rooms and bath. Marion Court?110+ W. Grace St.? Five rooms an'l bath. ltvland Court? 1109 TV. Grace S' ? Four rooms and bath. Wei 1 si ey ? IMS Park Ave.?Five, rooms and bath. Waverly?2nrt< Park Avenue?l-'i' o rooms an<1 bath. Avalnn?1ft* North Harvie Street? 1 Four rooms and bath. Parker-?.1105 Patterson Avenue? j Four rooms and bath. j FOfi HKNT. Apartments TUB SHERHOP at the southeast corner of I.ombardy an<l Grace Streets: K rooms, sleeping porch nn<i bnth. Possession Sept. t. KIMRROFGH MCCARTHY <0 CHRISTIAN. INC.. 1 23 North Eighth Street. _ Ran.' 8151. FOR rent. Store and Dwelling No. ?ft] Suminitt Avenue, Scott's Addition. Possession S'-ptembcr 1st Fine stand for grocery. .1. I'. CARNKAl. A- SoNS _ FOR RENT. Apartments TUB "SYCAMORE." 2J00 W. Cary Street. Four rooms and bath; heat. KIMBROI'GH. McCARTHT & CHRISTIAN. I NO.. 123 North Eighth Street. Ran. 3481. FOR RKNT. RYLAND COURT No. 1105 WEST GRACE. I Two rooms and bath. l?esirab!e for 'bachelor or business women. Pos session September lPt. .1 1>. I'AltNKAl, SONS. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. The Sherrod. S. E. corner Grace arid j I.ombardy Streets. | "Sycamore." 00 W Cary Strfet. N \V. corner Sycamore and Carv , .-"tret i?. HOPS ICS. !???!? \v Grace St. . 200 oft Mo. I.VJS Floyd 73.00 Mo. } 7 N. 101 ni Street 70.00 Mi>. j f.03 N. Tenth Street i.ft.'JO Mo II N. Granb.v I12.50 Mo. Basement tU?5 I". Grace . .. "5 00 Mo. STORES. 902 \V. Broad 7ft ftft Mo. 1 !'.:<> \v. Broad f.o.uo s;... 9:12 \V Broad 50.00 Mo. | 111> N. Sluppard St 4M.O0 "Mo. .117 N Fifth St 173.00 Alv. C. A RAGES. No. 1 \V. Marshall irepuir shop).$225 Rear 2301 Monument Ave 10 Rear No. Colonial Ave S Rear 3005 \V. Graco S KIMRROFGH. McCARTHT A CHRISTIAN. INC.. 123 North Eighth Street., 3451 FOR RENT. Modern Apartments Till: Ul'ERNSEY Opposite Woman's Club. ALrSO | One \ery Attractive apartment of 2 j room?. kitchen and bath, at MT. VERNON. Third and Franltlin Streets. CHAPIN & HUME HOUSES For Rent 513 \V. Franklin Street?12 rooms. 2 baths, hot-water heat. $! 200 per | annum. 9 19 Floyd Avenue?12 rooms, 1 baths, hot-water hea-. $1,500 per an num. 2Ur S Thlrrt Street?-12 rooms, \ bath; $1,000 per annum. 3"39 Monument Avenue?10 room*. 2 baths; $1,100 per annum. SO'j w. Main St.?9 rooms snrt hath; $720 p?r annum N. w. rowf: & SON. Rand. 343-341. FOR RENT. West of the | BOULEVARD F.lRht rooms, detached, modern, up-i to-date house t,;ar?n? ?nd servant:* 1 riuarterv Terms, lloerat. Pos*e?el?n !\t once. 112.00*. SWK VT. r. RKDIX 10 N Ninth BB,