Newspaper Page Text
Every Telephone Is a Dispatch Want Ad Station?Use Yours CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING I.MIKXRI) roll mini iiKrr.itK.vcK. Car thr Telephone?< nil Itnnrtolpb '? Ask for \Niinl V?t Taker. Class::.? d advet tisenients ordered for THK IvlCHMuN I' T1MKS-D1S I'A'fi'H daily morning edition will appear in Hit' next edition ot THE KVF.NlN'i DISPATCH. The rates i;tv?n heron iih cover imirniiiK and ? \ storvico in all inst.inoc^. with the < xoeption of T 11 K S t" N D A \ TIMBS-DlsrATCH. which 1? prKed t-epnmtely S.-hednle of W?nl Ad llntem. .? word daily, minimum 25c. set solid. 2ic a word Sunday. minimum 2Sc. set solid. 3 consecutive insertions. In cluding Sunday. 5c a word. 7 (oii.Ki'Uiivc Insertions, ln oltj.ling Sunday, lfc a word. ?\ote the rejlurtlon tor connrruflvr liMifr(liinii.) Illsplnr T>|ir. The largest type permitted in the Want Ad pages is 12 point, ."ind the ftnialles* space in which .1 1--point tvne .ni nw) be set is one Inch. The tafe f?.r this larfce Jyp* is 6 cents a word dally and TJ cet.ts a word Sun dav. The sam? scale "t reductions will apply as :<?! r'^uli'r..w,l"t1 t'ais. broken lines, white space ar< chared tor ..t tin- rtguiar word ra.e ?estimated l> words t<? lite line. i.ot.c-r term rate* i t Wumness al vortis. rs on renuest. Advertisements n-c. lve l as l.i. ?? 10 .V. M and 1'- *1- e.n h we. * da> arid up t ? " ?" M- >-,s ;,iay..?oi[tioS cla5siliout.'>n :r? the m 1.D1TION. .4iV<VQC M.t.Mi.* 1 S L)cuthn ' H?.?UM>h.S- ' reside"' J " (Souih Addison Pir-ei. at ?:a? A. T-je? 1 . Aatul l-'-. In th? fifty-". r.s.- ?f her J??" EI1,a0"'h-1/,h"'Tj *-Sf? Jo?:-.h ltnukVstt. H??td<-? h<T bukiHl. th? !? survive.! h> flv? rlili'treo. h*tnnet Jn* Joslali ?;hsri?f. William James. i.'harlott* June a n^l Kobert lisojsnitli. <!?1 h7 ' *" brother. Msrttn Kuril!, of It* 11 !n\"r?. Mtl f's'trlek liiin.p. Forest ? il>. 1'*.. kn.i't- u- ?.sf*. Mr.. K.i.ert Cstr. of -.UIOI'. M ? I 1>> ?"> 111. Kl.Th?!t.a? H?dkl>e--,r. ' J" ? r >:n Snored llMrt . ..lll-.lrs^ Ml I' Hiatal i?ii ?"?:i?>i!? * Jlu'JKM.Mi uHUliK!> LI Y KL>. -?? li.iur .ir vlot*. Tliii dttpHritAtui ;? "^r "P* c.*l Mirntivii. Clt?ufmr* una liynm. ios NurtL Kourtli Siroci. *1.-1 ifrOt or ilaudolpti Mourning Orders Dyed. Ordrrt recetv^d befor* S A. M. rolurn^A nn< Addlicn Clesnlii* Co.. Not 4 1 to ui.h Eiin 3treel. bou?ev*rJ *71 er 611. KLlii: llKXUlY l'Altl.OB. iOJ luecto ltnv?ia ??..omuk N*ir ??ur V?.?d:?uu >. UPKCIAL^prlc^B th?r? ur.i< on rum* Uitf H. ('ohp:i, Hrun-1 frifcil Nowlin's window, Sil Maiti tfl.. for ptlnUBji rr?Htn -f ? DO "no t if ;a : f if your upp< inn s; Iihx.* j*(%tjf wjitrhr* nni lo -lt* ?"J ????'* i T?rr?M Bro?. J'roiiu.*, HklKf'-il. ? R?n. UTf. W. 4tS V Hro t ; - l/x>t m\<X I*1 5Xa -l^ft Hi Sir-fJ . :? >. In W-* End, ntio'jt i* P. ?'? ?* ? * ?<????' ' hHTi.1 contalttinif I.i i>> ?v.*.?rlnK p%r?' ItHiurn to M ? ?> 11 tc*l ",,n r?ociv? i. Alii** 1 ? . .i 1 i y Room 4"7. T7A H f' V ?L fc*. MomU), ??'.?!!? tn Thai fitrn';!*'? 8torr? or ???* j*rri, I .? r pin of ?upphir*'* hTid v ^ar ?? lt**w;ir?l for r+t urn N. Granbv >?r H^ul ver-l rXMETi |*H? ? ?' M noon. I'.OO r-wurd ?: > ?'?-? Mar?h:tli r?r c*ll Randolph ^S3 XKMl i< \ i ??. Jitney ^Sunda) . ? ;? w"?t> Ilou.?*Haiti* ?.. r<?c ? rnrn**>, ? - I '?:k x ">r?- i fturn ? ? ' * 'Jr-.v Avenue, r t hj: Ha n ..C< .1. J2t. fv*;: :t fTnyr" r n-arii /II liPMUtllLhS i Itl -villi 0 R I) S E D A K?Lhcl model; good condition; several extras. A. R. Tiller, 1308 \Y. Broad. K ?!'.!? .::?AN 1 v t '.''2 >? 1 S?n. V t.l w w.. f.i It J: y ; .4-1 :j. j: ? ?..? '* ? ' ? r - C ;n i; \i .h. FORD. Panel body delivery truck, with starter; new battery. KAUGHAN MOTOR SALES CO., INC., (30G \\. Broad. Foi'dson Tractor (Rebuilt) and Oliver Plow, $350 Her* ? .1 t?ai<e.n. Mr. l.i i.?? r. llial k vrt you ? f~. .* ui... . . i .ji. u. .i./ low p. lie Ti.? I ?>.' i ' ? r it k .J.< I <ii tertl . liv :i |.trf.? t . Universal Motor Cu., Inc., 3 0]^ U'ti: S: Jt i.mond Vt M ?li OAN * . T f ' ? I m?sXsL> J ( * X . il. i.l f e.i;i> . ??' 'I 1 u ) i N ur i ? ?? if . t\ rr. t. I.e. At. tl i/l.i?-lrfi'.| Ad* i\e i?nl>?. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Suie 1J STUTZ?For s.ile. Hed Sluts Bearcat. 1910 m.-.Jrl. in excellent condition, plenty of -d. If Intorested. wrltu or phone at , on. t, S. H. Curtis At Sona Motor Co. i.- Hall. Va. si. iBUAKEK roadater, good condition, chenp to nulok buyer. Boulevard 1iZ?J. STUDEBAKER. Our Used-Car Department serves as a convenient meeting place for the man who has a used car to sell and the man who , is in the market for it. We are the disinterested and unprejudiced party that fixes, by careful and expert appraisal, a price for that car which is fair to both. USED CARS. Anionc others. now have for your in ?pectlon the following used car* each of which roprnmli nn exceptional In i veatnicnt of proven worth: Studebaker Special Six, ! Touring. Very late model; roflnlshed: equipped with cord tlre?; upholstery good; compare# very favorably with new car and la a i very substantial saving. . Studebaker Big Sixes, Seven-Passenger. ! On* of efh In *jn and '21 modal*. Both in vary good condition, good tlrea. ra and for the road. | Buick '10 Touring, Fi ve-Pa ssenge r. ! Repainted; upholstery In flne condition, fully equipped In -wry dotal!. Chandler '21 Touring, Seven-Passenger. Very low mileage; carrying original tires, in excellent condition an. looks tha h.trijH um new. Kline "21 Touring. I An exceptional bargain at it* price. Among other* we hava? KLIN 13 ROADSTKK. OAKLAND TOURING. PAIGU TOURING. WII.I.VSKNICHT TOURING, KORJi TOURING. TWO FORD SUDAN'S, 1'ODUK TOURING. All are guaranteed to be a? represented. If not satisfactory. can be returned within twenty-four hours and the credit applied on *n> car that we have, either ii< w t?r COB URN MOTOR SALES CORP., 1217 West Broad St. Houl. .1078. j RECONDITIONED USED FORD CARS. ?II - : V i "I'll < (I'I'Oll | I 'NIT V T? i .-KCURU A ItKNmVKIi ? \1; * GRKATI.V llKHL'i KU I i: I'll KSK < A It* I.IJI IK ANI> KC.S I.IKK NKU fllK 1 l.< iWI.Si I'Kli Kl) AND MOST it' i.i a in i; i it a nsi-oi; r.ii ii i\ It! 1 \ l-.iltl. AMI MMiNIi i UK I'll I i liKNCK. l-'iilUt nil li I NO. I :i. 1 iiulifl,. l.'Ulip, i d With ;.t .i I t >'r and de iu<? .j11*.?: . run*, ii.*u viv nizt " I I Io?.-k. -M. .luuiKa 1 con d.i. i r xccllclit, g..od in is. I ? It 1J roUKINU. 1 S;n Mi.'UKU, l.<jui|,id with niurt. r ?nd d? I iiiouiitiitil^ i un>. This i .r uaed b> 'ti'trviitlie di iv. i. *. inl shows on!> n.iilht I <JR1 ? lU'NAUOl I . II ! ei|viipp? | ? 11Ii starter I ..nil ||. I!... J||t.11.|. rlrne . \. nt i unnii'.^ > ? I"< ? I:I? simian. l?'.'l in .1.1. equipped with d?. , mount* bio rlina, natural wood wheel* and atarier; now tue# runs like new. Ki'llli Sl.IiAN, ]j;n MOI>Kl?. l 'HHi .i. .1 with starter and ds Iti.UiHubie ri r.s. It. oiidltloncd In shop. Kims ?i1(j win p. otect.on uintir and sum mer l 'i|il> T. >N TRUCK CHASSIS. I ni.nle). Ifl excellent tne ? ? ? ' ?' ? ndltl >n, r. p,< in; ? d. ' '<'''' 1 with i:or.l t Ir. ?. < tan only afford to silver I 3 e few 111 thctll. s.'.etmen ..ri floor will demon *':???? any lis In our stock with ...i any obligation on >uur part tj buy Ite* s.)fiat.,r ttrtna on new or u?. d ( ats. RICHMOND MOTOR CO. INC., Authorized Ford Dealers, Broad and Tenth Sts. Opposite City Hall. USED CARS AND TRUCKS We have i, complete atock if good used <-.r? ?nti trucks. Are you coo alderlng buy. .? the near fu ture' if iliin t fall to sea our #' ? ? ? '? sklng y. ur pur ei.ii- Out right. ierminal Motor Co., Inc., Ninth ii 1.1 Cary ?ia Ran. 4 St. 1 Used Fords, All Types. Pries Right. Univor.- ;ii rvi >tor Co., Uscfi C;;. ?: >? > ?i tment. .41 TOMOBILES : AntoinoijiicH fur Sale 11 ' \VK buy. sell >>r oxchtn|? used car*. C. B. Hatch. 3'); Norin (iriham. I UNUSUAL VALUES. ??ur position le utronjc In the automobile world we are not for?:ed to pur h?\pp our business by fooitph allowances tor old Auto mobiles. We nrv*r nl|r>tv any more In a trad" fnr an ol?| rar than would Rlvo In asJ? for i:. and are there by *nab!?*?l to t.ffor th?- u^d-car bu.v*r t h<* lowest prl^s ever known In thlfi city f->r dependable mnr chandlsf. one i?:* nrrr roapstkh. SBK THIS ONK. Anderton Auto Co., Inc., ISoT West Broad St. t'SKD ? 'Alls OK RKAI, VALUK. TERMS IF DKSIRBD. HARPER MOTOR CO.. INC., 1336 \V BROAD. BOULEVARD )30i-j. OUR BIG USED-CAR SALE NOW ON. We are offering in our big Used-Car Sale only used cars of sterling worth. Each and every car offered by us in this sale is in first-class condition. If in the market for good used car, see ours before buying els e w here. Listed below are just a few of our real bar gains. Ford Touring... $275 Chevrolet "490' . . 275 Hupmobile Tour.. 500 Maxwell Tour. . . . 225 Ford Sedan, excel lent condition.. 425 Saxon (>, 5-Pass... 250 Buick Light Six.. *425 Overland Sedan, like new 525 Packard Twin Six, ti50 We are offering real values and we know it. We can p r ove the above statement to you if you will only come by and inspect our used cars. Don't hesitate. Come at once. The values are here. First come, first served. WM. P. ATKINSON CO., 322 W. BROAD. RAN. 3373. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. We offer for your approval the cars list ed below, which are in first-class condj t i o n and priced right. We will demonstrate to your entire satisfac tion or no sale. We have other cars if none mentioned meets with your approval. > H i:\ liOl.K l ? ? :??? h >;? it I.Vi; NKW TIKKS A1.1. A l(i )P\|i ) in i|n;>; T?in:lN<; "H I'.SNri.\ AS Nl'.U 17S iinwriN si ren m\ r >1:i: inij n \\ \K.? r?>i uino H". I 1)1*11 \ K K H : iVI.INICtU '?< I It INC. I'lllS ? AR HAS lU.r.N XHWI.V IWI.NTIf.l'. \- AN KXTRA SI'K.'IA!., \V K \ri: iKKKitiNO a nr.ii spkkp \\ v*;' in i v k x r r. k 1.1 n r SIIAI'K. WITH nriliU" TIKKS Al l AIKH'M', l-.ilt ? ..0. If you have a good used car you wish to sell, bring it to us; we can sell it for you. Sell ing used cars is our business. .Jordan Used Car Exchange, 2015 W. BroiV.i. i vi-i ft 'T \ THE DISPATCH PAPERS? rerflvr want ncln orrr the phone for yimr convcnlrnrr. Whrn you hnve lout ?omc llilnR, found noinrthlnsr, wlnh to bur or sell nnineChliiit, pick, up your phone and rsll Ttnndolph 1. An ail takrr wltl nntlil you to compile your ndvrrtlirnicnt economically. rail Ran. 1 AWAKE! Poor Old Rip Van Winkle! When ho went up In tho mountains for a walk he hadn't the slight - est. idea ho would fall asleep and not wake up for twenty years. After that long period of seclusion Kip was mystified when he wan dered hack to his native villuge and found himself completely out of touch with the world. Here In Richmond it is possible to sleep many years without going to the mountains like Rip did. One can be physically alive, but mentally dead to surrounding possibilities?such as exist in The Dispatch classified section. There YOU can learn where to buy the automobile you've been looking for or procure tho nurse-maid you need, or make a sound financial Investment or sell some article which is appar ently of no value to you. Life Is too short to sleep both at night and In the daytime. THE DISPATCH MORNING ? EVENING ? Kl'ND.A V liny and Sell Through Dispatch Want ,\ds Al TOUOfllLES Automobiles for Sale 11 1321 FUllD SEDAN; perfect condition. S.-# Mr Chlldn y ?23 North Thirty ( )Ur'h Sti <?? t. afi?r t> P. M. For r-al bargain* in us?<l cam. Jonci Motor i!?? lhl\ West Uroad Street. W11 SKl<i? >??ur usod car?. Scay. Hell Tlr# ?v !lutil*?r <*o.. 201, N. ilelvl d**r* Street. rh ?n?- llati 61IS1 RKAL USKi> ('AH v.\l.ri>. \Watcoit *??*?." !<? v*M?-passciiR??r. I'.ilRO "fi," f?VO.pa5-HiM?K?T. I'aiK* "6.** vf it ? j>ass"itK" r I Chandler ' i^siMi'iias^nKflr. St U'.l**l?ak?M* "l." s, \ u JiwHSt'HK'T. Saxon ii\?- i? partner, Saxon "4." ? roatlMrr. Foul toiiMtii;. iSrant touring I'll KNTISS MO I?Jit CO.. U10 W ltlt? ?A I ? STIt K KT. HAN* I ?? ?!.?' II ? ? I 1 ST??HA<;i: 11 ATT KII! K>. UKNTAl.S ANI? ? IlKPAIItS BARGAINS IN USED TRUCKS THIS WEEK ONLY. | M1WHI.KIII-M P.-T..X TIU-.-K K \KM STAKK llnnv. ,AH. PNKIM \T, ':s fit. >NT. soi.ids M\ ?<i;.\ It. S ... ,, -V ",KI- WITH STAIITKit S.^SHTI.V V'?Kb; "??"S SKI.DEN ; ri >\ EXPRESS i'A 11. \K\V TlltK.S; CliljMKTT ;i,TllN. i'AU AND l'T.\K E II" >DV. ???>" ATI.AS " M Elt< "II A N'T'S DISPATPH nl'KN HoDY AND < AI?. I ?0fl. A. MEYER'S SONS CO., 731 East Gary St. US"D CA.'tb AT RARGAIN PRICKS. MADISON MOTOR i.URP,, 111 WKST liltOAD MADIHON (OS. SPECIAL AUTO SALE. JiinM ?iulnr maU.!. ?f lvrr ! l-'U-i, Hli,| terms we are HI l?K rul'lllNlJ. K -45. S-I'ASJ., S-OY I. . $700. HI'li'K TOURING, M vl, $27*1 lU'lCK TOURING. PASS.. K-ID. 0 iI... $$00. ni'H'K TO! Jill NO. r. pa ss . B-fv i.. ?-6o. ? 'M A N DI.KK. 7 -1'ASS.. * I VI.. J.liO. KORD skuan, $.*.&0. 1'OKI) SEDAN. $300. P.UGK. io;: MO Die I.. 7-1'ASS.. II.IOO. I OR DAN, 1921 MODKI.. IS.. <' A I.I I'olt Nl A Top. $1,100. i' \ DILI.AT, Ni>. 53. TOURING. l?f.O. ?ADII.I.Af. No. TOURING. J7io I 'oDlJK, & PASS., $226. ''OlMJK, ? PASS.. $37!, KKO. J?- I* ASS., I'ATB MOhKI,. *401. Thofp earn h.ivo a'I lien reconditioned 1 lif'ha ni**? lly. r*paliil?*d, topa an>l up- j lintM^ry rc;?larv.| or put in yuch coiidi tion itk to vlv? Kiiod f-' rvice. Kvrry Automobile Wo Soil Is to IJc i Jum .?.*i Hepr? a*nt?d. Ask About the "G. M. A. C."' Purchase Plan. JONES MOTOR CAR CO., INC., Used Car Dept., W. <\ H>,d. Mm. 1 <551 West Broad Street. Mtil(ifi)cic? iiiiti I >1 lytic* 1:3 EES >-? It Gl.t J...if . ,111.1,. ? *? a in* i ? ? 111. i :n ntJ> # ^ ' ??'iitx .Mr , Mi-y.!# fo. th i;> ".-t ? )(mii. J. t,. t%?Uai . . . . ; on. J \ . -it A w'tr/ct, iNi.KAt Ulvyei# rrpitirlf*" i????. I h TuMimn.Es A ui u At'CChuuriea X 4 Al'I'o SI'ltl.Mi.r .;? am. biarliiRs and* wheels. Wilbur 1". liotsoti, a " llro'jk AV"ii<l?v i'h C'YI.IMJfclit ai.'l ? uin?ish;?ft rrrfrlndlnx. A. I. KW'iiiIiik'" W ? 11 *1 k ?<>>?> Ciiiillt.i. ' j \N > *L Strict. liouie virii 4025. Vlltoi.MA Alio TOP AMI TRIMMING CO.. rvur ol West liroad. 306-307 Muoford Street. WE l A.\ fAVK Vol; 'za to 1 o7, on YOUR TIRES. , NATION A I. TIRE ANl> ItUllHER CO.. ?2J W at Ilro.i'l Street. Viv . <-/ NoNSKll> t'OlttiSv ten.. r,?ntf i t?r?t!?, jst.i' S M. Tire ?.v.. .t;; \\ lif.t.l Street. ! Service Stations*?Ke|>airiii|; 15 A I'TOMOHII.E SI'lttNU.S mail- and put mi aatii<' day 'jia 1.1 i? brougnt tti. Siuitb Moore Vehlcl'S Co.. 31i North Fourth Siritl. KIaK HfeiU Tlll'S, I.. *?*. Cobby AUto Slipplj M.l'IIS"ll ilt'Jli. NICK EL i'LATINO. Automobile iniu a specialty. I'oi'.s'll L# end l.i'HUtriiiK brass fixture*. RICHMOND METAL riluUL'CTS CO.. 326 SOUTH FIFTH ST. oOi3. ROSS A CAHLL ? Automoblle rcptlrlnf onci general machine work. lu'Jo-12 W. Main Street lii.un>\*rd 125. K S. UlLSUN?L)oili;v rc^ftlring; night servtee. '.Ml West Uroad. Wi: A It E IN A POSITION TU D'j FIF13T CI.ASS PAINTING ON Al.l. MAKES OF' AUToMolilLES. BEST OF MATERIAL ASU WORKM VNSIIIP. PRICES RIGHT. It I ? II M <> N 1> MOTOR COMPANY. TENTH AND IIRdA L> STREETS. Aulii liivi-ry?(iarit^CN 10 APT" IS lot hin . per Hour. Lay or nigh: iKjiof t r i 7;.c and II. O. K. U ..tie Randolph 4S70. AUTOS, ii.i'i, Ij. J3 per hour. j I>,i'i Itn.i|.>v;?ril 22:. "J10 J. HUPMOBILES, STUDEBAKERS, OPEN AND CLOSED FORDS FOR RENT. UV the MILE. without DRIVER. CHAUFFEURLESS TAXI. SERVICE, 602 E. LEIGH ST. RANDOLPH 318(5. THREE HLOCKS FltoM THE CENTER OF THE CITY. Wanted?Automobiles 17 Al io- i.oukS".'.. Mold or exchanged. Mr. K.iw'..uga. Motor Ex< nanRr. ?lj llmnd Stre.-t. BUSINESS SERVICE liu.sim.-8t, tfcrvlcen ??Qeioa ltJ HE.MM I i ? II1.NU. buttons mmlc, pi-.1 tin;;. I ? li ft Shop. Fourth a nil J i.UAlAN 1.NT W A VINO, guaranteed ?tx months. Hughes llulr Dressing Parljr, 2u? Nortll Third. SERVH'ES for sal? lo wax >otir Hours ati<l polish your lurniturc. Phone Ran il" I'll It' lJuiltliiiy?Contracting 1U IIEFOKE you build a eieei garage, sea James W. Keudier, tliu Metal Celling Man. J1J We;? Alain Street. Randolph III. W r. WILL lit' your !>'? w r<-?..|. ti. . A-'k for estimate. Madison <.'.11. I'aintini;?rajjui'iuj; i^-i l-l.N'i. w.ill pi.iel. tl. J. Gruel', IIM East Urate Sii. i t. WAl.l. PAPERING. We ha v. .1 ? oiii|il.'t? as.ioi t snent of wall |>a|.?TS anil our |no .1 ale light. Call us lu-iure I'lacitiK you i next orii^i. N III..soN .v JONES HltOS , l&OS W. Main Uoulevard 1613. waLter t:. rHA*"sek, FINE WALL PAPr.ItS. WE CllAl.LENUE COA1PETITION. RAN. 02:1 21 to N. AOAalS. rrinting?Stationery ilti FEl'iEHAL 1 'HINTING < O.. INC.. ^13 la Hann t i|?lioiio X.uiiauii Kithmonil. \ <*. koSBN'VllAUS, ?;? Ka?t Main Street* J'huiie Macitjoii '4J. + 1. L*ngravei?. prim* r*. NEW laiKJATlO.N?T. S. L*?*akc. rrlnter* b S. Mvih St., between Main and Cary. Professional Services i37 IIAVE yoili i ;.. ? e\ainiiu'(l. E It. Fisher. }?;>?; S;?? ?ii5t, Second and Clay. Kc^Miirin^ HAGGAGI- ulril'Allll.NJ?Prutupt nerViCa. Kouiitrve TrunK and lias Co. Madlaoa ii6&. HALF-Sol.ES. |l, rubber heels, 60c. Man huttan bhoe Repair Co., Jiv N. Flf t.t. SilOE REPAIRING?lilbt Repair Shop 612 Weal Itanaolpn lttl-W. WE apocUlize in jewelry repair. The Moiria jewelry Co.. Colonial Theater. Tailori.ig untl - l'rossinj; ;tt) I,!>M.H. till l.nlli!.- tailor. The only tailor '.it i :>? ?? 11 > vino makes ? sjieiiai./ el .i lito.l-lllli; . iMrilllli.l oi la .l. i, ^ t .. ,.u< III I 111 litti/al style. Mlits, cubii, i.i'^net. in u ue tu unlet t'rotii lour uivii t lit iilo?i i, ,i iv pili'i . M. i^aa^,| ^^^^wtul^^^amii^iite. cofiitr u.i.i!tti..i BUSINESS SERVICE Wanted?IluMnoos Sorvlc^ 81 f*} ?Kellablo sawmill contractor, wim mill, to cut several million loet pine timber. I?le of Wight County. Ad ilrn.B No. 61, H?.MIniton Building, Nor folk, Va. ? _ EMPLOYMENT Help Wantod?I'ewttle aa COOK WANTtU, rolUblo. p. "o, Hox I _ .Matloa.JL. Va. ' l.ADY to look after boarding hou?e~for one or two months; give phone number. nox K 162. care Tho Dispatch. POSITIONS WITH HKUULAK 8ALAHY INi.'KB.lSKS ARB ro SINGL.K W'OMISN DETWEES THK AUKS OF 14 AND 25. lioo'l eyesight. hearing. b./.lth an<i wliiinitn'rvi iu work the hi?urs assigned ?.lie essential uUMlifliHtioue. NO PUUVlOUS KXPBItlKNCli NtitiUUO I APPLY HOOM 602. 7in K. OIIACE ST. THK CIIESAI'KAKE <v PO'lV>.\lAC I TKI.lSPHoNH CO. uC V1KUINIA. WANTED. ! Lady with college educa tion and refinement, good! disposition, to care for my son, age ItS months (mother j dead); good home, with servant help. Write fully, giving age, salary and ex perience. P. 0. BOX 937, Wilmington, N. C. WANTKl'?Tw" r.. np.'tent t,ilnn-.| girls, one us th' oth?r .<> ?>?? mid girl! comprising K?iier;il housework, Mat* age. <|ualltWMou? and r> f. ten . ? \.i dies'. A. F ' I' l liiHtn. .Jr.. X.kiimu Mich. \\ \ NT 1.11. I * * ? ? t n i i ? ., f jiren in parlor; plraiiant nicupa llori. . ??iiv- .. -tiriomiiliiiKM ,\p. Ply M? !'.? .1 - MM.I. It \ ... Ml T' ill N;.? i\ . . . k lit ... i. llolp Wauled?Mair aa A K'l I, TlX'TI'ItA 1. DllAFTS.MAN ? Per mamnt puaitn.ri for IlKtl, nian anaw.-r by letter. Ui?; . ? -(1,i "Mctid. Un Jji. llrnJuiun. Carpenters Wanted. !.<?. I limn. .11 ? -art...HI. I . an.I ? r.i of Ani-r;. ., , .11 | .,;,i ! Iri.U>. Aukuhi : Si Ii. AH a?.| union carpenter*. Out-of-town ?peakcri? and mu?u\ s: ii. It. ..r.ling | I* A It M I. It VV .?ritr(|. i urn c, | r i ?? !i? ?ii far:n>T <?.. > 1 ? ! . rytn.ui fr-f. i 11,c ? about 10 J. his ..I.I. Writ.. ti.,- ?g,. expe:..-!, ? .mil .,r> . tj.o.i.,1 ,, I'ltT. U ,..r.l (il l..,. WillUm-.bui*. V.. I.I\> > I" VI'K wPKIIAToit Wa'nivd. ii ilM'.'ype Ii;., .t p' l IIIHII^Ilt ; '' man prefi-rr.v); t...n union i'i.ip. inn pay union radii * Unloi Printing ami Mfg.Co., Hoanoke, \'a. M i:chanics \vanti:d. Permanent positions op.-n railroad ' mechanic*. win ,u > transput tittlon. points in \\>at.-rn I'-nim, l\?nu uiul Ohio; goou living I'uiiiilllulu, w.iifiu .tliovi. d'.Aiiil4rU AUdrtatt 1'. u. iiox lo:<;. PIUaburKh. Pa. WANTKD BY THE CHESAPEAKE & OHIO ' RAILWAY COMPANY, Following railroad me chanics and helpers, at the rates of pay established by the United States Kailroad Labor Board: 70 Cents Per Hour? Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Sheet Mjtal Workers, Electrical Work ers, rassenger Car Repair ers. 03 Cents Per Hour Freight Car Repairers. 47 Uenis Per Hour?All helpers in all trades. in iicjordaiice witn reso i lut.ions issued by the United 1 States Railroad Labor Board, July 3rd, and ap pioveu by the President in his proclamation of July lith, new men accepting employment cue w i chi iA tneir rights and are not Mi-iKebreakers, anu nave the inoxai as Wen us legal life!**, tiy m raniuad ^>ex v'lce, aim will Have pi'o-' Lection ui ever,y ui ancn oi gu\ u? mucin, bum oiute and national. Apply at Newport News, Va. ; Richmond, Va. Clifton Forge, Va. Hinton, W. Va. Huntington, W. Va. Russell, Ky. Covington, Ky. Peru, Indiana. Free transportation wijj be lurnisned where neces-i sary. JNO. R.GOULD, Supt. Motive Power, Richmond, Va. COI.OItKD I.A MOH KltS for work In tbte city. Apply nt once. Public Employ ment Bureau. Itooin 6. City llitll. ? V-N |.\ I'Wi.i.iUK.N V picl??V?.N.' ?lth?r *ev may .-.irii ?10u t., |;flii monthly .-orree pondluK f?r n? wapupern; }:? to woekly In tipnre lime; experience un- ? i"-rMi**iy>+4l2 <vi; Y.nfln^, Mib>. la . j EMPLOYMENT iit?lp Wanted?Main tt3 1??U Cl?Li>KKl> .MIJN for conutt urtlon and Steel-plant woik. Ohio; big opportunity for good working tn*n; whip Thursday. Apply \V?Mlncmla y and Thursday by 1 o'rlorH to Atid**rson*N Employment S<*rr vl* ?\ 4?? i K.?h? Main Struct, Richmond. HKVKHA1. MN'il.l) M KN, bst w*?n lfc ami "J'I, wanted f ? ? i military police duty. Vtlrhmori't tonight; .salary anil mII 'xptrtM : advanced to those. filling our requirements. Call Franklin Hotel tin tw??n '* and * only, Hoom .11. CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. WANTED First-Class MACHINISTS, BOILERMAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, CAR INSPECTORS, CAR REPAIRERS. A I.I, I" I H S T '? I. A S S ME !'!f1AN,('s w " ? ? ? hi; <;ivkn 'he 1 I l<\ rilA X S I' II II T A T I O .V "'?MK AKTKH liAVS' SATIN. KAOTOIIV SBItVICi:. \V A ?; KS I' A I II AS l>t)B ' ?'T,.;VJ:;rATK8 I. A II* >|| HOAHII [ >1,1 rioNs jn.v j. ai 1 KD BY I'REKIDKNT JUI,Y . wrPOHTL'NITV KOft KNKItUKTIf: T'TNi; M KS APn.Y TO MARTIN & CO., 2f> N. Ninth Street (Second Floor). EXPERIENCED SALESMAN I*or house-to-house work; weekly drawing account al lowed. Globe Furniture Co., 5JJ1 Brook Ave. WANTED, BY THE B. & 0. R. MECHANICS AND HELPERS. PERMANENT POSITIONS. Machinists, Boilermakers. Blacksmiths, Sheet Metal Workers, Carpenters, Electricians. 70c PER HOUR (AND BOARD). CAR REPAIR MEN, CAR INSPECTOR, Uoe rhK HO UK (AND i UOAICIJ;. In accordance with resolutions issued by tne United States La bor Board July u new men accepting employ ment are wiini.i their rignts and are nut strikebreakers, a 11 d have me niorai as well as legal right to engage ! in railroad service, and h a v e protection of . every branch of gov ernment, both State and national. j Apply to W. 0. BARRETT, Employment Agent, 1210 East Broad Street. WANTED. i Boilermakers and helpers, blacksmiths and helpers; also machinists, pipefit ters and car repair men. Apply R., F. & P. R. R. Shops. H. J. WARTHEN, Superintendent Motive Power. liolp?Mule or Fcnmle 0-4 A DVKICl 1SKK wish*t? ? rorr^nponil with .111 fcni: hshm.i n and wif* who ari* Inter- 1 * ^t. j ; ii?i underst<inding fanning. I??? x f. The IMsp.ttnh MK N A NI? Wii.MKN .van'-l to |ra?n ? ?<? ' barb* r ttade. Tuition, tools free; ' diplomas k!v? n W:lte mr iua< ? Richmond Harber College. ?10l Kant Mar sha!: Street, or Norfolk Hurler College, -- I Mank St reel. Norfolk, Va. 1 SnleHiiien ami Agcntx ;i.l J SAI?BSMAN calling on general stores. ' Sideline*. Past-selling spaclal boy's over- ? al!. ? sample, Iiig commnodon li??. j peat orders. Cincinnati Overall Mfs. j < o. Cincinnati, ??hlo. CU)oT> Hum MISSION'S, esay sales, easy 1 tortus and a ehanc to makr some quirk I money. Address Itox K 7C?C. rare The j 1 ? >, .< t( Ji. W'ANTKD, ? cigar salesman who knows the trad*' A good proposition for a good man. If Interested, rail or write l*ni< uin Company, '.'25 North Ser ond Street, Petersburg, Vs. sit iKK ions Wuniod?Kemtili; ilOOKKIiKI'i.R?W:nHt><l. by compotoii: woman. book* to keep f ?r phvMdnn or d*i4il*:. c "I''.. rare Tin l>:sp.?tch .. l l.i.lNKlt--ifight >ears* experience m buyer ami n?.* i. gt * of ? trg ?? ;??-? .. i more; lost of reference/, Liux I. 'J~ .. ??? y T!i- lilyl'iiU h. EMPLOYMENT Hituailonw Waofotl?Pivmalo 80 ? TV 1'18T?Throo" years' e*pert?nre,"desirii position. Hox E 719. c?r<. The l>m patch. WANTKD?!'..*ltion i?n managing housf III w|iluw<*r'i huitm. companion. rhi|i?fon. Address Hox 403. University v*u Miuitrl<iii.i WanleO?Male llltl.'li ''I.KIlK-?Wunti'd. by Si-pl. ]v, position an assistant ilruit clerk; four yeara esperlcno; grailuata school phar macy ; lir?t inferences. Address Hox I. 'J 17 7. ram Tho Dispatch. 5iu OQ1S1 Wan tad, l>y ail sxpsrlnncd registered man, slngla, a position; bent of referencsa. Address Druggist, 112'j ? Sirt'i. Alexandria. Viu lUU'OtilST?l(#|liinr?d druggist want* position. youiiK man: graduate and ex perlem?il. Address Uui L. !>14, car?> Tin Dlapatcli. KUi< 11 5U.i II A.N IC. ulfl'i j.- .it a ltd top re Vn. wlshta poaltlon In (arut; in ?? of references, r?amubl? wages and willing to llox JC 73a. earn Th? I >lspm ? It. NLItNl: Whlta mala nuraa, ready For H .rlt Itaiidolpli Aililri'ik \V, H/, '.2<> South I.aurel Strs?-t. i 111? machinery, railroad and contractor*' equipment salesman would consider i haiige. Salary or commission. Well known. good reference*. liox O 74S, tare Th?. Dispatch WaNTKO- Hy y oil rig man now employed '? and bonded, position where, through I honest, hard work, promotion 1* rapid V and eittcleiu-y appreciated. Apply r. o. I M.. * 111',, If Wf*. \ A f'OalTION wanted i>y young man 31 ye&V* ' i,l.l m aonie wholesale or retail station -ry . iiti'iTn; now employed, but wishes to ilium'; can turmah b?-st of refer ences Hox K 721, rar? The Dispatch. | lUMl'KT EST >??!>? man w?7it?'* poaltlon In hard war* atore. E 72*. csre Tlie I? apatch. FINANCIAL _ HtifilniMS Oppoi-tuultlua SH | MA.Sl'F*ACirL**lttNU i-l.AN l ' "f ,r u;? f ch?ap. Apply The Richmond Apron 'j V.-.iiufn.-?utim I'o.. Twelfth and M*ln. MI1.X.1NKKY business for sale] ?~~ bar gain for a <iuick buyer; only tnllllntry In town, established 32 year*. Reason for selling, owner want* to retire; ii 'hrlvtng town on N. A W. Hoi L, ?2T, d it- The Dtspstch. f| r i-Mt srAI.K?i.'onf ectlontTy cor nor store, !} location, fully equipped with mod- j ?in eod* fountain and good flitures. j; III-"1'!! for selling. have to leave clt/. . Kor Herniation, ial! Madison li:( J b?- a i?"ii ? A M. and ( P. M. t ? ? >'? ery and confectionery atore* 8 f"t '?: ? sr. I.eln* ii, 6 2 1-12 Mutual g ii -u- i'h"ti" itan 8 1 Will i.ii ro a-* ii. t "tl'.ll nun as, - ' e i< * a ..v a lio Would be willing to rtnaip ? th- erection of a plant to menu ? ure x prodU't for which there n * !'.< :y and a big pri.llt. Only or.* up to lata factory of It* kind south n( llo.-.lniore None In ItUbinoiid. Addreti M- ? i* T 11. nr* Th^ Olspatch. Money to lxjnn 40 A LOAN. " CITIZENS' LOAN SOCIETY ,, LOANS, $16 TO $300, V LEGAL RATES. j! A DIFFERENT KIND OF 1 LOAN COMPANY. 417 E. BROAD ST. RAND. 1490. LOANS. 12S TO $100. Do you realize what a benefit as l;*tlllui!oD fOf luia kind really laT ferliAp* you * numt>?r of ? :u&li bill*?lo tn* froccr. tue <1 it lor. tn? ifcR ljor J, iiio iamtali mt-nl house?xnuai of your Incuiiiu lo rxievt tbetii and coo* Ui.aui.) >ou worrleiL 'i bum u u**r uhJ if aa can b? uf any aer.lCn to you. cah ^lAtila^o Hi: l.laO.Vl. UAilCa U.N L. if. BhAUOAUD Hi^CUUITY CO., *i0- t.aat Main Street. 120 I.OANs 1300 On furniture, pianos, elctrolas or > liidorreniet;'. Conndentlal. quick ? service. hrpay In fiuall monthly p.yuients 1'ay in fu>l at any tlms with . a a I ul rale uf iulele*l no OA* , paid ualauce ouly. BTANIiAKU tritEUiT COIIFANT, JOfc l.yrlc Uldg. Mauiaoo HI I, /} MUNEV ?- per cent on Rlcnmond prop* I ?rty N<? broker*u-i. I'? O. Uoi 136 The Great Aluney-Lender With a Heart. Wc l^n?l iii??iiey to honest per fcoi.ji having ht?-.ily <'XiiplMym?nt; !??.?itn t"t sums n? ? 1 1 Up to S300. repayanlc in k!x t?? liftcon monthly Instalment.i. arranKo?l to suU ?-otiv ? ni*';?o? of (-4ch borrower; legal rates chargeil on sum still <lu* f?>r ttm** used, n<j < ii.n un U'?* u uiiiilf . colitliieUtUl ly. Mini no no will know >ou are torrowlnK. s?r:vjki?: ol!lc?s, glad to lt< n"il? .a! i'lan; courteous tr<atm?nt an.i .safe place to bor row. cjuick servlco; new borrowers w? llourst l? to 6.40. Sat unli;>ji, 'j to 1. Call, write or phone .MADISON 2-5-3 7. Beneficial Loan Society, 2CiJ!j N. Sixth St. (Kecond floor l-'ront). l/ct-ria-'d by t'hlef State Hanking ' Kx. miner. Member ,'f Chamber of Coin meres. INSTRUCTION Muhicul, Dam uig, Uraiuatic -1-t l>A.\i'l.\tj inuyiit. .Miss Kate Stumpt a S!U?l|o, \V. tjraci*. Itan. 4193-J. DASi i.NU- Mrs. fcmmenbmuser, 23 North, iiarriaon Street, guarantees in Ave les-J sons. l'hono Madison 13KI-W* LIVE STOCK DugH, Cut.s, I'ets 47 HlltUii, |iarrota, cukds, liowls, suppiiej gouts' 111r? 1 Shop. 1-11 Kast tlrsce. " I'Uri'Y MEALi?The meal for your pup pl? H. H It A I'Kit Xr KASTKN, Distributor!*. 1UUS I-:. Car> Street. Poultry and Huppllc* _**>?' KO?S from National Show pnxe winners I.iKlil and dark Harred ltock*. rsrtrldga i'lyni.iiiili Hocks. S. C. Hhodo Iglau 1 Heils, -j. C. Ulack Mlnorcas and S. C Wlllte I.eghorn. lid. Keck. It. F. P. No 4. Dill Road. Randolph 4i00. KUUS from prue-winning Barred Hncki, light inatlnKi >st cook. 1st and lind hen. 1st pullet. 3rd and tth cockerel; als: partridge eggs. \V. L. Keck. 3014 Ken dall Avenue. rhone Madison 2S97. I'lOKONS?for sale, i^n pairs rutu piKeona, rennonalile. 521 North Eighth Street. MERCHANDISE Artiflcs for Sale ? 01, bicycles. ?i? i-.i-b. 1- weekly. leit's. 418 West llroiid. i a KM V ~R IC F It IO E It A TO US, pracltcalli new, for resiauranla, grocery siorea a^<( hotels, cheap. Sternhelmer Hrothei' :i^0| I.eaier Street. I'honc Itnndolp1^ 144*. liOlljliltM rWO Ile|!i<. w?l< i tube. 264 Hi I'.; two riturn tulnilar 100 horse power, two Krniioililc. lit) horsepower; all hl/rl' pressure. We save yli ll' hioney on , ehinery and mt'cchanleal supplies* I lack ley Morrison l.'ontpnny. Phoju Itanlolpli 1 1 -1. CA KI * I .TS 1 C A It PBJTS1 llavo your old enrpels and Clotliln mi'de llilo new riitr.t. HI;h|iiood Awpt