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SAVAGE HITTING GIVES N. T. WIN FROM PIRATES buccaneers Slain McQuillan Hartl, but Brilliant Field ing Saves Him. (Hy Associated Press J . PlTTSIJUIICJ, J'A . auk 'i7_sbv bitting Now \?,k a tf-un'l-3 oiui'i'o "vtl '""burgh today. Me trhlli Vl , hU ''u< lectllvptl trlm'h fwi1''1 ' tbularly from run*. Score; ' ttI"1 ltl,M0" hl1 ^ fw Vork. |{'A?i'rnf) A,< U O. A. n. '?roll 3h " ? 0 2 * ^ 0 i-rbljh. V';: i i v MeUAOl. If "i 2 3 I I. Voting. rr 4 1 3 U > > 2 * i Cf 4 1 2 1 ? ? ^miui .? 2 , m o M<-<julllan, j. i j , , r ? Total* 3?- ? ?3 27 Tu Tt I'll laburKli. All U If O. A. K M.'tran vlllc, im. 4 u 1 2 ft 0 ? "rry> cf * . o <? . '"K1" '*? If- l r U 3 I) (| ? .tlMSCil. I f 4 ; ?. -> j ? Ti nynor, 2i? .. ... i n ii j 3 0 1 raynr.t 2b. . . t n n 2 ^ (l " 1mm. III I (i ; ? 0 1, ?hmldt. Mori Idon, p 2 11 1 0 1 <1 A'iUlll*. J, . (j 0 ? ? y ,, ?Uarnhart 0 u ? 11 0 0 Carlson. p 0 0 11 0 0 11 tHazn*i, p. 0 0 0 ') 0 v To'als 54 3 I'l 27 |j 1 ?Hatted foi Admna in tig tit a. Scoro by ItininK* N< w Viiik . . 000 120 'i30 ?, I'll t sbin git 100 1 ?>') 001? .i s iminary Iwo-basi' hit* Man > . Thr? <--bn*?? hits 1 1 Home 1 litis?Carey. "' !??" A .-u' rlllce - Voiiiik Don Pl'?>s Traynor, Maianvllle and 1 1 ay nor, r I ?? 111 e>, Mftinnvillb and ' ?? 1 m it.. I' 11 sse 11, M u ra n v i i It* 11 nd '*?'?? . Il? 11 roft, Kriach anil Kol '? ' ? '1 a i"l KHI\ l.eft <? 11 bases \r? York. ?>. i-ittxburgh I (a ten i n t.a 11? - off McQuillan. 1 off Muiri -- ? 2. ?.rr i.'h rinoii, I. ..rr < > I a x 11 u i. I. >'ruck out-'jy M < (j nil la 11. .1. Uv Morrison, 2. by Adam*. 2. Kith?<.fl ?"(.ri-.ih'jii, in 1, 1-3, Ada? a-. 4 111 ! --2. '.(T '"arlfon, i'?n?> In to In ning inonr out in nin'ht < f ';ia/. ii' 1. n-nc in 1 I.oitlng iiltch'r Mor jri></n I.'in plres, Ol'ay and Hart. T rii". J :>r,. CAHDS STILL SLIPPING f Ry As?oclAtoc| ! 'V' M? ?. An?:. 17. Hrookiyn ifC'.'ltCMl St l.fiu.w In l ho HP.CfH\i\ ^ilfTll' " <>' t.?laj. s t., It ' I'H-aU fifth NtiaiKht l*vcrHt?. .>.unit/, wa t 111 t iklit for th< 1 .1 r?.Inans Max Vln> k wa'i un tin btni Ii with an injurr<| |..K <( jrr II rcink I y ii, AH. it H. ft A i: ?on, 2h 2 2 (I 2 2 0 'hay tor :i 1 vkStpj#* ir 4 1 1 - " v ;;"fti if j 1 0 2 0 0 ?I'-ts, .!. ? n .1 3 0 0 Iclimandt, lb 4 1 0 7 0 o1 !?*>? 3b 4 (, | ;? ] 0 [??hcrry, c ^ 0 0 0 0 i'ani>-, r 4 1 2 0 2 (? ?'Hinauji. I>. ..... 0 (? (i (1 1 () ? Prnlth, |. rt (, 0 0 0 0 ? Tot*' * . . 33 S io 27 ~S ~0 M. I.iinla. Alt P. It Cp j\ k. jChtllU. : . . . h 0 I 4 11 1 roporccr, ss i 0 1 3 n 0 ?" in i t h. 1 f 2 "J 11 2 0 1 tlornnby. 2Ij. . . . J> 1 <.'?.! ?' ? i ..41 1300 l-'<>urnl?r. lb 1 1 2 :? 1 0 ".??mom., c 4 1 fi 1 3 0 .avail, lb. . .... 3 1 1 r. 4 1 ?oak. }> i 0 it ft ii (1 : ?IC 1 J' . 11 '? 1 '1 VortH, p fi n o 0 0 (1 'Sholttn 1 0 '1 '1 0 ft; ?llTllfl p II ft II Ii f! ft ? stuck fi n 0 ft 0 0 ?*?-ilner 1 11 0 0 0 0 ! A:nnmith . 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals . . 3T. 7 10 27 17 4 ?Hatt-.l : iK.ak in flftli 'Haiti 1 j, r I'm t ? .1 111 st>vf ntIi nnd I a iirtli .1 fi; .<? t i'li < a t, hi-: s in!i'i f rr n<?, I : Hattf d f" r ,\i>rt?i in righth Hattfti f t K.uini?-r in ninth. :? f>: c by 111 nInfir^ R. ? k!vn 3 ,0 f'Zfi 11 1?8 1 I/lulu I ? 101 041?7> Tm - t - 11r ? "by.' rhree-b?se lilt---<?rllflth. Stcrlflcci 1 > if fit tli, i.ilson iJeitcrry. Mutlloi \)i.smith. fiotible play;?Toporccr. 1 Hurnsby and Fournler. I.eft on J ? *s?Hrooklyn. r?. St. [.on In, 0. t.t f* 011 balls -off Vnnco, 3. off Por 1. 1, off Itoak, 4, off Mamaux, 1 ruck out?by Vani-t*. 3; by Mamaux, by poak. 1. Hits-?off Var.<t>, x In 1-3, off Mamaux, 2 in 1, off Smith ? no In 2-3; off Jjoak. i> in 6. off Per a. 2 In 2 off North. 2 in I . off 11 rdel. 1 in 1. Hit by pitcher?by ?iiys Plant .luloe Relieved Dis. ordered Stoiuaeh and Bad Nervousness. "I plory in lettlnfr everyh?ay know fiat Plant JuIcr has restored me to ormal health after I had been In * cakened, nervous, rundown condi 31 us. kdw. \vac;.vi;u. ? on for six years." said Mrs. Edward '\-iKner. of Diincannoii, Pa.. Hural oute No. 2. in 11 recent interview , ith the Plant Juice Man. "I was so nervous that I cotild not ''P and chewed my finder nails un le they bled. I suffered from Indi- ! psllon so badly and my stomach was ji disordered that often I could not ..?cp tlio IlKhtcst food 011 my stom h. Ons would form; then I would .?come nauseated and ihrow up all I f<d eaten. I had terrible spells of j oating, when I would have to un- . osen my waist and unlace my shoos ;? stop my misery. "i on'V weiRhed S7 pounds, hut now. ! nee takiiiR seven bottles of Plant 1 lice, l weigh 115 and feel like a i fferent woman. Tho stomach trou- j i- Is gone; my norves are Quiet; the | oat lug attacks have disappeared. I ??'.pie who try Plant Juice certainly 1 i?', not waste their money. It Is ! 'f.ncVrful" Plant Juice Is sold In Richmond at! agio's Oriik Store; in Petersburg by ' lorrlson. Hie Drug Man; In Chase I jiy by the Chase City Drug Co.-? ! GAMBLERS SEE HANDWRITING ON WALL IN FIRING OF DOUGLAS Crooks Shown Baseball Isn't Their Game bv Summary Dismissal of Giant Hurler From Pastime i'or liven Entertaining Intent of Treason. Ily Wratbrook I'ealer. l.'nlteU Sows Stuff CotriHpttnd' iil NKW VOHK, Auk. 17?If the Hp.ick Sox eplsodo didn't convince them. tint Rambler* and niera who hold crooked | carnival at soine of the lltfhts ami horse racen. probably are ioiivlnced row that baseball Isti t their sani" For tho llrst time. organized baseball has (Ired a man for entertain:ng tli<; I intent of tri-.non to hi* chili In alt previous cant**, not wit hsta nd- ( In* the in out convincing evidence that corruption wan afoot, ill. < ;ub owners and league directors waltou until crookedness had become .< diu rnal fact mi the history of their , straiiKe admixture of ?port and biisi ne*?, ba/oro taking action I'hll OouKlas happen* to have n peculiar disposition which causes : hlin to do extraordinary thine*, and hie personal friends ate advancing the explanation 01 excuse t'lat he probably was not jn a mood >! full responsibility *'h?n he made lit* ai le^i (I offer to advance the fottunes' "f rival clubs by deprlvlnic h.s own <>iant* of their best pitcher. hitr.telf, at Iho iiioal critical Ml etch of I tie m< e \e\er Siiit Any III I ok Till lli^ll. | A few seasons urii a ro-.v of this kind would have been settled a* a club matter, hut baseball prom?*t< rs , have recovered from the nearsighted ness whlyl. prevented them froni'Hce. ; Ihk questionable fi lions up to the s:l>nri)er of lVJ'i \oW they can Sl:i? ' around corners to future mvii*"Iis It was Uan Johns .n hlniKeif who abused the Fjiort writers w! en they llrst hinted at dlrjy w. rk a'tr-r the world's s?rl's of 1>I? "'hrlMIe .Mslliev r.'in had evidence <v.i>s tlonable act ior.? by llal Chan hut n*'- no .?<? 11 ? > ri In the -natter until Chat- bad run h ? j < ? reet I Heinle Zimmerman and Henn> Kauff Vance <Sm!th). Passed hall* -De I'tiiy Winning pltchei Vance. 1 Lotting pitcher?P?oak. limp!re* Mo ; Cortnlck and It jfler Time, * hours. HUBBELL WINS GAME [ My Associated Press.) CINCINNATI. OHIO. Autr. 17.? Iluh ! bell not only p 11? hed brilliantly for ; Philadelphia to(l?y, shutilng out >he i I'.eds, hut won his own game with a two.badger In the fifth, scoring the only run nf the contest on a single i | by Parkinson. .S?.ore, Philadelphia. AH n M O \ K. 1 Wr It:ht Millie, 3 b t <i 1 it ) 0 Parkinson. 2r> 4 " j I a ! Williams, cf. ...? a a ??> a ft Walker, rf. 3 0 I) :t ft 0 Mokmi, If ? 0 0 l ft 0 ; Smlth. hs t ft I ? 4 ft ? 1 I .es lie. lb. ....... 3 " '? 14 0 ft I ltenllne ?? 3 " a 2 '' ft I liubhell. p ....... 3 1 J 0 2 0 Totals .3; i r. 12 o ( Inclnntitl. AH It It O. .\ T.. HurnS. rf .... 4 <? 1 1 ft 0 Daubert. lb 4 0 3 13 " 0 I 'iincan. If ... 40040ft I lloush. if. ....... 3 '? ft .1 ft ft Kottseca, L'U. .... 4 (> ;t 4 3 ft Plnelli 3b ... 4 0 u ft 0 0 t'nvmi v. ss 2 ft ft 1 f- ft ?Harper . I ft n 0 ft ft Klmmlck. .. .. ft ft ft ft 2 '? WI n R o. r. .... J <? ft 1 ft ft ? llrtssler *. . 1 ft 0 ft ft '? ? '"ouch, p - - . 2 ft ft a 1 0 Keck, p ft " ft 0 <? 0 Total* 32 ft 7 27 11 0 ?Hatted for Ca\eney In seventh ? Hatted for Couch In clRhth Score bv innlnc* P. Philadelphia . <?"0 010 000- 1 Cincinnati ft"ft "0" ftftft- ft Hummary. Two-base hit H ibbeil ?Stolen base ? Parklt:soti. l'-,uhlc plava?Smith to 1 .<m 11 e 121 I.eft on bases ? Philadelphia Cincinnati. f. on batls? off Cou?'h, I: "ff llub br-fl, 1. Struok ijt?by Cotton, t Hits?eff Couch. 5 In -; ? > fT Keck none in 1. I.osmn pit.lier?Coifcn 'L'mplres, Sentclle und Klern Tin:" 1 1 2s of the <!iant? were banlnhtd from the icau <? for definite acts, on>l noi for Intentions which may have been more or less commonly understood In tl e I'H'kor r00inn before their ac complishment it's hard to keep ae ir<:? I*, n cluhhoune 1.title Bay Selljll< knew there was dlrtv work Iti the world'* ser!?.s of 1319 and "iiutjt'-cl th? Black Sox on suspicion. I ? vi'ii though the crooked gambicrn knew iil? character too to rink their * hi-m<? hy approachlng him. fine rainy Hundny In the fa!! of 1511, when the White Sox and Iteds were helil up for it day In that fake world's series, Kid fJIeason ?0t In the hards room at I'omiskey Park. t'hlcaKo. worrying and puzzling over | the queer way of the verier | 'I don't know what'* tip he said mixing his cri1" head, "hut I do j know ihi? and I II bet "n It j?:e t team Ifn"* wlnn n? things ain't ? right. and vou can draw your own f onclusions" I And not-.v 11hstaridii k bit suspicions j voiced in the very tnld3l of that world's series fakery. U?* Wppodrome by ? Ilea son's tea in ?r-a.? allowed to | jiron ed and the Black Hox were ex - ' posed from the outside n year later j \tmllsh Appe?trnncm of Kill. The New York (Jinnls. from bual nent motives If f-?r no other reason, hav?- I.fen at pairs to abolish ap pearances of evil. As Phil Douglas shuffles out of the national disturbance on his fa mous. widespread pair of St. ftirtj 'id <1 Kw. the be *t pitcher 'in the Olants' t?am and. potentially. th? ending pitcher of u-.e National 1,- iKtie disappears from the game. It ;s strange. hut trie, that thus for ? ! <? s'.-ond time In two years, a lead ? K richer Iv drutnme.l out for I n fl ? ?i? i 11; Kddi?- f.'lcotte led the Amer ican I,i>skiii> In 1919. his year of he. * ra ? a ' with a mark of S0R (.11 W SWEEP FOR CHT. ? IIv Associated Press.1 ''llli Auk 17.?Chicago made j a < < an ? i. i.f the ?erirs with Bos. ton hy t.i n:. the final game. 7 to 2. It was Chicago's seventh contecutive | victory. Boston baa failed to win ' h staple came here this season S>ore lln? Inn. ,\B It It r> v K Powell r f j n fi 2 0 0 Kopf 2b 3 0 1 a 3 a Nicholson rf 4 a i ; u a Kord. s? 4 1 1 2 1 a Holke ! h ;t a in a 1 Nixon. If 4 a a n r. a Itarbare "h 4 a ; a * a O'Nell. . .4 a 1 .1 fl 1 'i s liti (i 3 i a a a a ?Itocckei 1 a n a o a Totals ... 31 ; 7?23 10 2 riilrncn. AB B H. <">. A. T. S'a-z rf 3 2 1 4 1 o I lol locher. ?s 3 1 I 4 0 Terry. 3 o 1 4 r, 1 ? Jrlmes, lb 3 a 1 io a i lleath'.ote. if 4 1 1 2 a a Krlherg. If 3 a o I a a Kmc Jb. ....... 4 1 2 a 2 a <>Farrell. e 3 1 1 4 1 0 Stueland. p 2 a n a a a tBarber 1 5 r< a n n Jones. p . 1 a n n a o Totals . . . 30 7 t> 27 1? 2 ?Batted for Oe?chg?r in ninth; 'Statz out h t hy n\vn batte'i ba'.l ?Hatted for HteuJnnd in r.lnth Score by Innlnfta. B Boston aia aaa inr??2 f'hlc ago 001 60x<?7. Summary: Two-base hit* 'iritnes. Krutr Three-base hit- Kopf. .?'?<: - rltVes -llo'.ke. Terry. Krlhers. '?ritnep I.eft on bases ? Bovtm s; <'hlcat;o. r?. Bases on ball"- -off Stf-uland. 2 off OeschRej-. 2. Hits? off Steulnnd, 7 in 7. o:T Jones, nunc in 2 Strui-k out?by Oesohffer, 1: hy Steuland. ?. Hit by pitcher b> Oescbpi-r (Hollocherl. Wild pitch ? i!i-,.ohi?<sr. WiiuilliR piti her?Steu - land I'tnpires. Mnraii and Qtiijrley Time i _ \ ppnliiclilnn I,e?Riie. Knoxvllie, . Kinsport, 0 ibv for frltl. Cleveland, 1. ? ireeneville, 3. Bristol, 6: Johnson '"ity. j. H c 1 tl Srorclcs% for Eight Frames, Leader Stage Suc cessful Rally. WASHINGTON. Aug. 17.?Aftor be ing helpless befirfj MogrMKe In eight Inning", the St. Louis ilrowiu staged a ninth-Inning rally at the expenso of Mokrldge arid Mk relief. Krunols, that netted them e!?ht runs and the game. 8 to S. today. Score St. I.oula. AM It It o. A. v.. I j Tobln. rf 4 l 0 S l ft I Poster. 3b. ... . 4 l l ft 2 <>t (Staler. lb f. I l X 0 0 .lurutmon. If . . ?, i o 4 "0 Mc.Manus. 2h 4 2.' :t ." I W11II a m?. r t . 5 | ?> 11 f> n S>v.-rel'l, . i | 3 f> ft o (Ifrlior, m* t it i i 3 I Da vis. p 4 ft 2 ?' 1 ft Wright, p. .... u o 0 ft ? ii Totals \t nslt I nit t on. \i! i: Tt A K. Ilire rf Harris. .'Ii .. . . n 0 3 f. 0 i .1 lidgc. 11. .... 3 ft ( II 2 <> ' ? ioslin. If 3 1 1 1 ft ft i llrowcr. if 3 <? ft :i i> ft .Shanks 3I> ... 3 1 I I 1 I | I *??( k in paujc h. to. ... 2 1 ft t a (i , Plclnl Ii. < .... 3 ft ft 3 0 ft j Mr<|jriilK> p. I n n ft 2 it I'r.imi:'" p ... ii ii ii o i) o ! ?CJoebcl 1 i' ii ft ft ft ' ti Jna rrit j- 1 1 I '? 0 0 Total* :?.< 5 27 li I , ?Matted I'.r l'lcjni< ti t ri ninth ?I'.atti.i f..? l-'ranilsi in ninth. Ht. I.ouls 000 000 ftftS -ft Washington . . 000 oil 003?'?> Suinmnry Two-basic hits W.iltam* Slt.inkK. Thvfi'-iiait" liltH ? slin 'ihnrritv Home run ? nil < Stolon has* IPirri- Sacrl Mie* l'r> kliipa'ii;h tJerhei. Rice. I > <??: t.; ? plays Harris. Pork in pa ugh tin'I Judge. .Indue and inpaiiuli: Toil:ti anil 'ierhcr; McManus. f.erbcr an>J S "lor. McManns and Sister l.cff on bases? St. I.o'il", V. Washington, >'? I'.asi-s ? -i balls off M?i(!r!ilK. 3; ..ff Davis. ?? rack out by liavis, i bv MogrldKe. 1. llitn?off Mot ridge l11 In 8 --3. off Francis, 4 in 1-3 off Davis, f> in 8 2-3; ofT Wr ght, no:,- n 1-3 lilt by pitcher -by I la vii iShanks). bv Siog rldgu <Mc Manusi). Winning pitcher?Davis. I..os I re pitcher?Mogrldgf. t.'mpires, fjuthrtp and Connolly. Time, J S'j. WIIITR SO?DROP TWO | Hy Associated Press. 1 BOSTt iN". Aug. 1" ?UoBton took both ft.'" if a double-header from t'hnatto today. 3 to 2 and 5 to 1 Pratt h xingle to rieht s ored tlift win nine run in Hut tenth inning of the lii;-t name. Ferguson 1 ? !?1 the White Sox to !hrei> him In the sec ond contest. Scores rill ST UAMK. <' b It-flKo. Ai:. U. II. O. A E. Mullican, r,h. .. .. 4 o 2 1 2 ft K.' Collins. 4 " 4 - 4 ft Hooper, rf 4 I 1 3 ft ft Hheelv. lb. I I 1 15 I 1 Monti! cf 't it 1 3 ft ft Kalk. If . " 1 - '> MiClellan. >s 5 ft 2 ft ?> S. hnlk. o 3 ft I 3 I Kaber, p 4 (i I ft 2 Totals 3ft 2 14*29 1<5 llontnn. AH. P.. H O. A K. I.elbold. cf t 1 1 3 1 Mitchell. m.? 3 ft ft ft 1 i i|)onnell. ?.? . ti ii ft ft j IlurnH. lb . . . ft 0 | H 1 I "rati. :?>. .ft o | 2 3 Western Schools Ban Stiff Training Rules [Hy Associated r.-osa ] HACHAMONTO, CAL. Au? 17. ?JIlKh school principals of Cali fornia today received Instructions from the Statu superintendent of publlo Instructl >n that titu'.cr no clrcunmtano.'d should students bo permitted t.> Interfere wlti their :iormal jjrotvth In order to "walm weight" In athletic comnetl"Ion "In som? itiscmce* measures have been tjk-:u mer- y t> p?e vent a boy from gn,r>ltv< weight uhuuily duilntf t 'o up >r" season." tl.e superintendent said. "In other cases boys have been sweated and dried out and even sturved In order to take off wltcht to a point considerably below the normal for the !n two extreme oa*e? physi i a n :< ha\e asserted tha ? training down was dlrecllv responsible f'-r ?he d?a:h of two hltjh sch i ?? I j* ul i contracted pneu.-nonia and bad tr.: ?.?itllrient rex-rv* Hfntth ?>) pull through." I la ri l.i If 4 o l j o ft Menosky. rf 4 " I 0 0 0 I l- ' Wdicr, 3b 3 ? 0 I ? li | Walter? 1 1 I ? 3 o| I 'en nook, p 3 1 I l * <? j t Ivarr 1 0 0 0 0 *> | Totals Zo 3 7 30 iv i, l 'Two out when wlnnlni; run scored. 1 tHatted for Mitchell In seventh. Score by Innings: ft 1 ? 'hlcago ... .. . 100 0?>i ooo 0--'; Boston "02 000 (>00 1 -3 ' Summary: Two-base hits?Mi?"lel-' Ian. Hooper. Mulligan. Harris. Hurt f ' Stolen baRes ?Met'lellan. Sohalk. Mul-i IlKan. Metioeky Sacrifices?E. t'ol lins. Hooper. Schnlk. I.eibold. O'lJon - . noil. Double plays- -Belbold to Wal ters. Hums <unasststeil <? I.eft on bases?Chicago. 12. Hoaton. 8. Base < n balls -off Falier : off IVnnirk. Struck out?by Faber 2. by I'eri t ? ? 2 Wil?i pitches Pennock. I'm plrev Nallln and Kvans. Time, 2;10. SKCOMI (iA?K. ChlctiKO. AH. K. H. O. A K. M .limnn. 3b 4 o o i l .. S trunk. cf 3 o o 3 o o I K Toll Ins. 2b 4 0 l 2 3 0 : Hooper, rf i 1 I 3 (I 01 Pbeelv, lb 3 0 0 S 1 n' Kn Ik. If 3 0 0 1 0 ft i MoClellRn. ss 1 o 0 3 I Tarryan. c 3 0 ft n 2 p 2 o l o ?> llod?e. p. ......... I ft 0 f< I Totals . . 2R 1 3 24 II Host on. AH 11. II. O. A E. I.eibold ef 4 ft 1 5 o ft' Mitchell ss :: n i i 4 i Burns. lb :t i l in i ol I'ratt. 2b. t t i a n ii . .1. Harris. If 3 I o 2 rt 0 Menosky. rf t 2 3 2 ft 0 I'owster, 3b. . 0 ft ft 2 2 0 Chaplin, c. .. 3 o i 4 0 n Ferguson p 3 ft o I 2 ft Totals . .27 ft 8 27 12 I Score by innitigH: R. I'hieago ... . 010 000 000?1 Boston . 000 004 01??r. Summarj Two-bane hits?Hooper. I'ratt. Menosky Stolen bases ? Kew sH-r 4 2). Sacrifices ? McClellun. .-'trunk. Fewster (2i. Fersuson. l.eft on bases?Chicago. f>; Boston. 7 Base on balls?off Beverett. .S: off Ferffii s .11, 2 Struck out by Beverett. 3; ! by Ferguson. ?. lilts?off Beverett. ?i In & 2.-3; innings; off Hoilge, -j in | 2 1-3 innings. Hit by pitcher?by Ferguson iSheelyi; by Beveristt <Few - I ster>. Wild pitches?Be verett (2>. Bosiniy pitcher?Bevet ett. L'mplres? Kvans and Nallln. Time. 1:42. &Oj) Every Sunday Excursions ?'2.00 Round Trip to Old Point, Buckroe and Norfolk $2.25 Ocean View $2.50 Virginia Biiach 2?Fast Trains?J EVERY SUNDAY 8:30, 5) A. M. and 12:30 P. M. Something doing erery minute. The nation's first over for a century Budweiser Everywhere ANHEUSER-BUSCH. INC., ST. LOUIS W. H. Harris Grocery Co,, Inc. Wholesale Distributors Richmond, Virginia FOOT-FAULT PENALTY COSTS | AUSTRALIANS CLEAN RECORD Wood's Match Lost With Alon/.o When Anzac Tires, ; After He Apparently Had Spaniard Beaten. De Gomar Bothered by Patterson's "Cut." n? Herald I. Patterson, Wimbledon Slngiet Champion and Captain Australian Davis Cuj> Team. PHILADELPHIA. Aug 17. A pen alty HKnlnil O'llara Wood for >i foot fault during our matches with the Spanish team robbed us of a clean record !n th?i first day's play Instead of being In a comfortable position of ? up. w?< ari< now In 'he sumo anxious position as wo w?r? against the Krenchtnfn In the series preceding this, with the dread P"? slblllty of Wood's arm not standing the strain after a spoiled ?*fforr Thursday. our match with Spain was played i! lutein.- heat relieved only a lit tle by a slight hrce*<> I'onHequent 1. the standard of play suffered and w ;is rather poor in both matches. Tried Too Hard for Ares. I. commenced against fount rt<? (ioninr an'l nerving fairly well, t hough making some double faults fti the i i deavor to -jcore accs. koo?i had broken through IHomar'a delivery and \\ o ti the tl r s t .s e i. I'f CSornar was very uncertain off t'.n itriiund *fter the rally had start - ??'i seemed to be bothered by tlin eut I u jr putting on tli" ball The TI1KK1-; STRAIGHT FOR A S I B> As>o< luted Cress. 1 i'mii. \i?i-;i.i? 111 \ i'A Aug. i I' ladelphl* u on its tlrr-l straight game from <"|eve'land toda\. * to I ? 'lliienee 'Tillie Walker hit hi.s t u ent V-eighth home run of the sea son in the .sixth inning. with two tu'n on base. Score. I le velnnd. AH. H. H. O. A K isni.evia. If I a o 2 ft ft Wiinbv. I'll t o ; -j 2 1 Speaker, cf 3 0 it .1 ft 0 Stephenson. 31) ... .1 ft 0 ? " ft .1. Sew el I. ss .3 o 0 Z 2 ft Wood. r* 4 1 1 2 0 0 Ou-Sto. lb 4 0 I d I II O'Neill. , 3 ft ; : 1 1 I'hle. p 3 0 * " Bug by. p 0 ft ?Gardner 1 ft Trials '?2 I .Philadelphia. ab. n. m. o. a i: Young. . b. .1 1 l 1 1 ?> Hi user lb t 3 11 fi o ft Wai. h. rf I ft 0 4 ft ft Miller, cf f? 1 - ft ft " Perl<|n?. ^ f, ft 2 4 ft ft Gallowa v. <;?. ... 3 ? 2 ft 1 ft Walker. If. 3 1 3 t> ft ft I ?vkes. 3 b .3 ft 1 1 ft Hastj. p 4 ft 3 0 1 0 Totals .3:. s in :: i ft ?Batted for B.ngby In ninth. .Score by Innings: rj. Cleveland Oftft 000 1 "ft ? t Philadelphia 110 003 12\- -S Suniniarv Two-base hit* i'lile, Wamby. Miller. liuisto, Mauser. Three-base hits ? Mauser, tiallowav. 0 0 0 19 2 count was very fa3t rind the "work" on thene shots was given extra p:ic; on thin account. Steadying sonifrhat. !"??? Hotnnr '"?inif close to taking the s?eond ?et. but [ managed to Ret out by a good \ o!l"v. Tlii heat had ff-ted I>? Gomar '?> this time. ami though be inad? a good effort at the end ?>f the t'nlro, h.> <J!il not have enough power t-i pu'l It out a nd win. Knot Knult li?<r> Mnlefi. Oflara Wood sac r I (iced Ji ?? match when, having: served a service ac<* f name and mat.!i. ? foot default hail been i allei! This so distressed him that he lost touch for a while, whUh enabled .Morse to pull ih? match out. although the 1 ast set was the onlv otto in which he. looked like w I n n i n r Alonio look advantage of the st.unlna for which he is noted, and pressed on to victory with O'ilara Wood t.riiiR and disappointed. The match does n<?t nee?l much de?. ription Iim ;iuh?- O'llitra Wood was fa: v . i.-r ?until the unfortunate in. Idem occurred. He had been win nin?: larRol*.' on forced errora. but when th" tide turned, hi- was too tired t<i -tup .Monro's brilliant rush. by I'nited Ncwh.) Home run Walker. Sacrifices ?' Welch. Walker. Dykes. Younff. O'Neill. I.eft on banes?Cleveland. > Philadelphia '? Bases on balls- off Hasty. off I'hle. 1. off Bachy. t. Struck out?bv Mastv. 1. bv I'hle. t: by Uagby. 1. lilts?off I'hle. n in (none out in seventh?; off Bagiv, 5 in Balk? - Chle. Losing p.(ch er --L'hle. I'mplres, Moraritj and Owens Time. l..'>0. Month Adnntlc. Aukusta-Spartanbure. rait ? 'hariotte. 1-1. Columbia. 7-.t. Charleston. L'H. Greenville. i?. "Rabv was teething. bowels verv ha*. I Kiive Pr SKTH ARNOLD'S BALSAM and It Is now all right." Recommended by J. F. Bauer.?Adv. 6 6 6 euros Malaria, Colds, Consti pation, Biliousness and Head aclies. A Fine Tonic. vyyo r.Neuralg a QidckKdicf CDoos noiafivc^hoHoart If Kx-Cacldie Wins Todav. lie Will Hold Tin (.liain pionship*. f Rv l!ntt?d Vo\v? ' OA KMONT CuL'NTKY ?' l?l' [? t| - T<"?N I'A., Ativr. IT Kmni'ti I e.f YoiinKStetwn. i>hi<.. w , 1 ? . ' with the kinx "f 11.?? A ? : i volf iink?. crn" Sarnznri In Krida> ? final match t ?> ;?-? .t . i-. Iiament for the "jonfe ? ?;o- d <1: ?!> pIon snip Sarazan pronre.??*. I ??> th> f ronn'l another tlm^ wh^n he n fr"*n I:?.l>^j < "r'licks'lank. r f sh.-. :i nwuon. * and 1 French e,i.?r.\ n from John (j'-ld^n. ??: 'i' j:<?"?<!? P.irk. I N. Y? S and 6. SHr.iz.iri -hot \ a; f r * ?? ?' ? -t ? holes In the nior:i ? ? I lishin^ .t nt-w II- <>i <1 : >r the i' 1 ?aiU jounny, au?i ut w:i > nn h;:i P to ? foc*>r<i f.rr tho > when he mills ?oin'] pol?ojiou = I y : ' J pil1t s on the way In. Even this h'l I j IiicV: I?? ft hlin with a <>?. how ???or, i which Is under pnr and wh h ! equaled Kronch's performanr<> \Vt*e|ri.'?.day when Krone h shot '.n? i he.-tt ? li;!i!t<>ii holes of tourn.i ( mont as far as It had peine. j Gene wan - ?;? ;it lunch t m??. Cruikshank had a 71. which was Ihrcf under par. against Sarazan'x 0 ? Although Sarnzau He-cmed tiroil in tho nf'ernoon and was not jiVivsntc as w?dl as ho had in the morninss. he increased Jils lead to win, 3 and j iiolilcn %as off his same In thn match with French. At the end ?>f the morning round. Kronoh wat l up. Sarazan is the favorite ?o win Kr - day's dual round If he should win u. iie would holi! throe titles. th4 Southern, the American open, and the professional match-play ciiamplon sh i p. " " Every Sunday | SEASHORE EXCURSIONS VI A llOlNn-TIIIPiFARES NORFOLK $2.00 OCEAN VIEW - - - $2.25 VIRGINIA REACH $2.50 Lmtc Hrnnd Street Station Silft and 1) A. .11. Suneloja Gans-Rady Company's Clearance Bargain Sale For Today and Saturday Again offers great opportunities for money saving:. Many gaps hare been tilled in and the assortments for today and tomorrow will be very satisfactory. AT (got fA broken lots of Chauffeurs Suits?with lone: or short trous ?DU ers. Original price up to $515.00. A T (J*A r*A Natural Color ralm Bench Suits, in sizes !W, 34, 35, 36 VJtjU.only. AT ?P About fifty Office Coats in gray and black, which originally <P?.Od sold at $(.00. AT 0^ Men's white gabardeen <*o 1 f Trousers. AT COI Cf| ^en s an(' Voung Men's Suits, in Cheviots, Tweeds and ?Pul?0U Blue Serge. AT A "TP Men's Blue Serge and (?'ray Cheviot Trousers, inediuni and ?P*r?lD large sizes. AT <?0 PA (hid lots of l'alm Beach and Kool Kloth Trousers. Were up to $0.50. AT d*P AA Golf Knickers made of Cheviots and Tweeds. Worth up <J>D.UU to $0.50. AT AC Men's Palm Beach Golf .. Knickers. $1.50 Breeches. 50c Collars. AT (?1 AA Odd and ends of Karl A M ilsou Satin Broche Shirts, mostly $1?UU pink effects. AT SG>ek soiled Straw llats. Worth up to ' AT PA Discontinued lots of Men's and Roys' Caps. Were up to DUC $2.50. AT (TI AA Odds and ends of Kelt Hats. Worth u|> to tpl.UlJ $1.00. AT tf*1 AA The (Greatest Straw llat'Sale of The Season. The Choice vI?UU of Any Straw Hat in the House, which Sohri'p to $3.00, nt $1.00 Each. AM' AT PA Several hundred odd Washable Vests, made of Kool DUC Kloth, Palm Beach, Kigured Duck. Stock Clearance Price, 50c. ALL WOOL KM SUITS ARK REDUCED. ALL SCMMKK SLITS ARE REDUCED. ALL K XT It A TROUSERS ARK REDUCED. Gans-Rady Company fclH-sl* East Main Street. Opposite Klrst National Bank Bide. MO EXCHANGES?NO RETURNS.