Newspaper Page Text
For a Good Used Car Read Ads Under Classification 1 I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING koh iiuiCK l?r (he 'IVIcpli.Mif?? ai 1 Itnndolpli 1. A*k lor Wnnt AU 'Inkor. '.la<*ttlheil ii<1 ver llbeineiitti ordered1 for 1JIK IIICII.Mo.Mj TlMKS-JJiS-! 1'A'I CM dully tnoriiltiij <>1111011 will "Pl";".r III til* In-A I .ililioi: ><I T11K r?\ liNI.Nii 1 >1 SI'A'l <'I I. Tho raiett , j-'lvon herewith cover mur nli.K and ? vcnliiK Borvlce In all liiuiam.eH. with ; J'"' i xceiitloii of X II lu H U N I> A Y f IMKS-l.iIJjl'ATCi!, which la prleotl I beparatuly. Schedule of Wnnt AU Itutea. 2c u word dully, minimum 25c, nut (solid. :jc (i word .Sunday, minimum 26c, bet hi,lid. 3 colibacilliv?; Ilia- i tloiiH, In cluding Sunday. &c a word. 7 coiibb'.Mi 11 vu insertions, in - cluriitiK Sunday, I'": a w<>r?l I.Nntv tin- reduction lor fului-cuthc inarrtlomt.) Illnplii)' Type. The liiiKCMl typo permuted in the Want Ad pitKUr iu 1- point, und ih?. Hnnillent nuacv lu which a l?-poiiil ?>!>?) ad may n<: ?-t m olio Inch 'l'he late lor thm UHK" type iu centa a word dally and 7 a tenia a word .Sun day. 'I ho bailie bCa.n ut redJctl Ha will apply an for regular wai.t ada. Chini, liroiteli Illicit. v. hlta apace .in tiiai h'* '! for al ti.e tegular a 1 ta ?? ?cMlmaled 6 Wulilrt lo Hit lili*-. i.onKer let tn rates t or liUbineaM ad - vcrliaira on r?*'iu< ?t. Advert I.'iithiii la n-ceived as late an 10 A. M .Hid U 1' M. 1-acli week day .inil U|. to H r. M. Silt Ilia :?/' ? '/rieul . , ia <-1 i. i:a::' :i in th- i. i'' T1' ?N. 1 /JiV/VOl i\CEMt.MS Dt'ullu ' UOSTON?Died. Frtda/. AUKU.?t la. h-y rnour lioaton. sk* >';au. i : t.'gni rer?: * of h'.s *;?*? ?. Mr* it. A ijturii, Jit W'irti th ? .^au- , ri\y nft.-rnoon. ?.t u o ;NNI> li.rl, huturday. Au?mI 1>. *? hi 4 M . at his r thiuun* i j ^ tiiiut/t u. Knnkm aKvl ! y?ar? Ho i? *urvivc?l :>y h.s wifo. oim ?on, v. r* J-nrus. nut] daughter, ill*. } I), (jwuiii 'Ihu *uncr.\. vvil. takt ('.a< this iSuuilay aftomoon >*' ? i.'fj o .?? \2ln-T*.. Vh? i*avw.?{ this t:lty it l P. M 'IL?c remains bt?? av# at W?od>'s tuxiaru, ;?xrlox lu Meinoriaiu U Hul/r? ? n ni^n.'xry of i'.atl* WUlUmt liolt. wn # c!.?5?1 *?v? a j %4fn a|9 l< | A*-? j-*. : lili. Ofl%n \v)i?n Ui? tWiir.K Cr + ty across your lowly ?Ve n?M) Mi'l.y ki^ll be?1U? you, I'lioliiK :iov?in? o ?r your Mother an'l IN MKiK'HT OK JOHN 1L IfCVtiilLHii:. 'JtuCri ii?VMri'I^o,** uj he /miil.lur.)' Kr.twr. ti> hl? ho?t erf trl+r?t:.\ U** you*i?; rpt ?<Jii of -Ji* John \S\ ant! Mary IUilinv? w?va bom June 23. 1V.2, > nil <l!?d at hi a horn* In this cliy Au^tiat LO. ivr*. Ho w.^a united lu to In. th* fidaci daughkr of tho Jatc ? ?; * <-. t x? JJ.<rtit>an T. vm*, of this city. Kit? ..?ry 2T. 1^51. In Clay iftrcot J.. **hui h. f v/hlch th^y w?r?i bovh tnumhars. !!?? - ?urvlv^i \fj hts wlrjrnjr. No r mora dsvotrd husb&M ? vt?r ?rrt. and his loyalty to a frlond und^r . conditions was or.n of W. i b:1yht?sa'k < ;si11 ? s* In lAn ciharaov*r. Hts ch<#^rful ! nappy ;>?*raoRarity ius^Ss LUn UaVr&>? .\tlcomf. and liln *ya.?aLh?UC honrt 'i;nf?tfd r:.any of kl:*lr?Q?ib !n cor w niiii tr^uhlA. HVs faith In God wa* ^tronir, wruoh s?v*aLn?4 hl:a vLmi U?? r nal imnoMns ofui.%. ? imrcl J'niicral Directors Mourning Orders Dyed. ? ir?l*r? rteelireii t>*(ar? ? X_ l'_ rwturnrJ I..1K day. in Clt&ulnir Ox, No. T .limtn E'.nn fitr*-U I1ouI?*tiM ?"1 r H.iulevard ?Ji. anUKf/lNO ORDEItB bl*HD. 2?-hour ??r vlce. Tin* department !? clven our at rial Attention. HcUioea. Cl?!ftnor? amd [ Dyer?, 108 North Fourth bir?ut. M?JI- | i?n Lioi or Itandolph ItlS. bpucLai Motlctiu ? k'iJtk nKAirf r l'AituoiC ?^s" i-S,.: llroad. lla'lnnia (iron*. i>roprli<to*. Spv cluJ iirlceo durlnK month of Auifutt. "lnwtA Hupld," <> iruir ur.:?? 1 color. n< for ?riy hair, apphud or ?oid Lere ^ladiaon bni. KUSII PONI>? iiX> yaars old. within lo mn*. of city. Ow-nnil and control.?d bv qlvT), fxnly atatUpped vrith tlutihuuie, k?aTar*a hntuo. bouthoura. h'-nta etc. t\"lll inorenaa Ita m?mbcniihlp by ??,?? to maximum of thirty motnbaro. Kor par ?Jooiurs addri-sa P. O. ll"> C.\ fiouth fllohmond, V*. KLOOJ18 #'u?J and furnltur? pollf?h?rt. Ioi'r txparlrnca. I'hono Ilandoipb itO'x Tl'PlsXS?Dun | U fi-J 1 &0 weekly, ?j?ara llrna typing &uthoiY mnurrtpn. Write R J. Caroaa. Authors' Ajf. -nt. T&ila Sirrni. Oa... for pa.rtlculank. I Wl!,i, "not be rraponalble inr any bfi'.a , made by any other UiC-Q ovyaelf. llir rl*on Prtca. fPEClAf.-prices th!r we'll on nnp. lllg bancalna H. Cohen, 20S Haat Rrood. i'ersonalM 0 HBlft-S wanted at onc?, ST,0i">0 entnteji aeaklns clalman'o. You may ba one .^end 3-cant atainp for circular. Intor{i..t!ni,al Claim A*ency, lit J'ltt.NurKh, Pa. L<06t and Kunnrl 10 ' HAG?"Lo?t on i>ot?rb'burg Plica, ba: w ?n B?Mwood and P^taraburg; tan Ivathar ! bf?*. Regard for ratuxn to F. V John Hfrn, 131 ChappeM Petcrabur*. Vi. ; Phona 2MZ-J._ I .VXABT?1-rfiat. from No, 2?l8 East Broad j street. Wednesday. August 1?. ciior j yellow male canary bird. Notify Gun- | wltt. Madlaon 19JS-J. I KBY.V Ult, bunch keyi. fteward. G. I l>. II.imc. Atnorican National lianlc. > PAY KNViJiiOI'E?ixiit, containliiK 927.00 1 Friday on I>omb?rdy, Franklin or hau- i rel Street. WKOiMNO KINO? 1/Ciat, atiifravedj Kraat ly valued. Howard. lteturn to Dot i K 122. care Olapatoh. j PARTY taking by mistake pair of lady's shoes from checker's stand, please return to Piggly Wiggly, 206 East Broad. I |,0?ST .\ ;?iii tortofso nholl lyoxlKciies ulth i?1?m "j?. Lost la'rtdav. H< win i Call Madison ?020 J .< ? - r. t fet u ; ? t li. i ?l . tmond I stickpin. Homowhcrv lictwecn Twelfth i simI Hull to KourtiM-nth and Hull. Kindrr \ plvaiin return and rocrlvo reward 11 <?.'? Hull Streot. I.??.-*"! chtid'n Hllver ros.iry, with JiO on ?tons, <?n Floyd Avenue, between Oith? ??i:* and Sju iioc St root to West Mtxl Hunk, l'loiiso return 7 S Allrn Avontio, Inf.iiit'M t.isli:iMr?' sai'k, Friday uiKht. I'hono !<??n?l??l;*)i .*??.!?? \V. !{? uai?l. AUTOMOBILES Au I* uiKihjlca for .Sul#? 1 1 ?* A T ?"| I#x7a C?For Ma iW,~C'aTl iH:ic t ouri ng rnr. in pood condition; Riiarant^ed; 1160. < all at 4 17 North Smith. ? HRVHOhKT k i condition; lato modol; HMr. Ilnwllng . 0 ? West Un id St (,'IiKVI'j|?AND Sedan. Into $oilAl. run &. ooft tnilt-H; will <l'-uioiiNtratc tinder au> ? ondltlonw dc-drrd; thi*? car will !??? ?.??hi .'? t a sacriftce; i>rl\ately owned. Finn dol| U . ?> ?. ? ?jil.l-1 \ K]{<> Kl?i!IT--?No'.v on tlmiday a: , W.Ht C$v:%< ?? SI root l>.\V lll.DKK. ??ton trii'U. new. kuii iium'. ??:>?? iti :!!<?? i t w. ,\lr. Nicholas, j b05 West liioud btreoi. _AUTOMOBILES Autdiiiubllch r??r .s*lo H DAY-ELDER JYucks for sale. Terms and prices right. Kline ? Kar Sales Co., Inc., G13 West Broad Street. IiA V-EJ.UKIt TRUCK, 2 to " 21, -mn V/ootid hoist uiul atnol dump body. i<-.i ly for Imrd nirvig?, KJtwanttitt; t< run. Mr ItHwllnKS, 613 W.-st Hroad Street. IJAY- KLDKH 1-ton. fi.; iirk? r,J(lS ni..J look* Ilk.. n?w, a teal buntala: tortus J,",*.", "Mr- :;icho;"- ??* AroTd ' iVawTSrisw. . Mi* 7 a>'lor, I'ifc . Uro..'l tit. DODGE. Late model touring, iji first-class Condition; cord tires and extras, Lai'gain price. Can arrange terms. E 737, care The Dispatch. KAI'.I. MOTOIt CAKS-W. D. Mo,., n'.l tributor lj, 3: \V.i,t Mala Ktr.-.-t, CSWCX r.ii?'Inter; will ,0n ch.^p. looks ?'<J rux'" u*? ??? Box K Zi'j. c?.r? Tli, l COUPE, condition. ch?ap tor ' \ Call Handolph 2473*Ja Kohj> ton-truck body, cheap. j" ST ? n. H. t. 1) .'j.uiji Ul' hii. n-V ' Mi ' inn*. I'jj e'tulpvcl with r*v~ |I2i. ij_ Tiller. JS'ji We.. i<r .v. Jt<JAl>HTEH. ? -! ri'Mlr,, d^mountablif ri.n.s, k utj?or)#QrA ?.:4j jn A-i condi tion. r.nmiol'h j*7. 1J A11T WOMUl,K. 1012 W liroh'l hlr<?t. 1 .Sbi>A-\, 1/21 inotlrl, completely ? MUlpptd, ir, ?oo*1 coji'l,' ion. tiTi, ijl* ond Avf:lUM Highland p'trk, FORD SEDAN?Lata model; good condition; several extras. A. R. Tiller, 1308 W. Broad. ^'57* PJAN-ift P?rf?et condition; t" hu>.t f,i; N.rth Thr--, ;f. umI. Jit root at'. r ' J>. ' '"r *?-???? .i.-m-.unT ?? rt J j i\ rrinon. ft*ndol;rh iK. : ('IV'hrnon',?'V;''r,; * J"'*""- Ml. TofmiV. 212 ,n ? *? ? f n R?r d h 4 : R^doioh8.^0:01 Thlr<i rlm? "-s&'s l-*oKD TuCJtlNO. lVJt". W>;f..t?rt?r *. | Wtu U8 elTca ftsr ' W-rT1 * *U'tK *" *>*? mode'a *? h..T? ? ?oua U.rd oiu- for you . rtrsonibln price. *' 4 w. a. kino, RICHMOND MOTOH CO JVC Tenth una Rroad Streets! * ''?^n?XoIph *07. r"!'1r tf> 60 to ^'rtiVVriii ! e- ? r?al oorvlei . ca?h paymr-it ll?o I Mr- Xtcho,... S0? Nvc^-aVoud Fordson Tractor (Rebuilt) and Oliver Plow, $350 Hero'i. ? barwln. Mr. Farmer th?t itH^. to t.e lr, correct condition. '""need . Universal Motor Co., Inc 10.s we.t nro.d St.. Richmond, vx"' ' HUPMOBILE, LATE 1920 MODEL. This car in fine condi tion; cord tires. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Will take part cash, balance on easy terms. K 198, care The Dispatch. INTkWnXti<j\xjA lU-ton. r??rtF"To~To to work, will Ki-rn real service; ohsIi rhynicn;. 1150. Mt Hawlin/rn. 613 W Hr-cifl >(reft. J' 'HI'AN demonstrator; Iftte^TKodoli one Mr" Kub""" Ky**r 1#1*?W"! ??? at a l>ftr?ru!n; ii reasonable. Mr. Taylor. 60J w Hroad Sfrtret. MAXWBL.L?For ?*!#, Maxwel^tourlnv 'wlj"5 J n' W battor>'. l>ra<!lral!v i-'ic r.uV. COV r,""r- ?M,,(,on cords front. f.r. trh K ri,r" Tl18 1"-: N| r.^U/nI'i' ")'0r Ma*weTi touriiiR X?rt>l Hm|?h.COn<"''0n; Appt' 417 ??? mortal, poi.i ?*ltv ',,l?'>n for scIIIriB >av!nc " ??? W <?? . ?"n*h. I'hotip Mail lr on . """ ,l" "2CU Ht 616 IC.n.lo St. ? i r E.?.N 1 ? ,"r?- This :m n .r,? ;. Civ W" r'l! .f",r ""???half prlco, with "u>'. u- Mcliola^ 606 \v?ht llroatl St. touring, K".">fl inocliniilont r,: luo" r,^' ?.ic, ,-1 ? f-'Miir>r>eii with shock .bn,"-r>-""" -"icr. The n^iBjr,TCuvT uiuttv'r ? ?"I North Kifl.onth^ M.i.ll ?" K""1 Ap'ply* 1600 Jl>attrOrice,0r ,; USED CARS. Aro yoti hiiylne a i.s. d car? Ve?; \V. J?. .lo,,'-. fMl| ,"n,t "V'T our stock before in..k iiik Venn iiurcliu*.. Our us. .I (;.rs ,r" r4" >?<...'l condition a nil iv ? ?! v< ry low. Coburn Motor Sale* Corp i.*i; w.,t iti'oii.i. 1 '' r.oiilv.c.l i?j.s. ,X ii \'U,y- vr IIJC.I kjlvu. C li Hutch, ju; North Orahant, j 11 BIG USED CAR SALE. For those who were unable to attend or were not in position to buy last week, we have decided to hold the low prices we have on our used cars for the next ?.ouple of days. We have real used car values and know it. If you will call and in spect our stock you will be convinced of our sincerity in the above statement. Saxon 6, 5-Pass., $250 1100 cash. bnlnnn* I I 1.2% |>T month for IS month* Oldsmobile, $500 $?00 (aili, balance 927.95 p*r month (or 14 months. Oakland 5-Pass. Touring, $375 1160 /in*! ba!an?-*? In monthly paymwntA of 1.1.1 L*. Packard Roadster, $650 payment of J2C<J, and 01 ; ?r month for 12 montha. ta'*.? this wonA.-rful bargain. Buick Light Six, $450 11 fcO cash lakiM thli ens. l?; to he paid in 12 monthly install ments of 92S.S0. Kline, 7-Pass., 1921 Model, $850 Thin car 1m In ficellent condition 41'i! It Is jours for 13 40 cash* an'i J4C.3S p?*r month for 12 month*. Ford Touring, Late Model, $300 1120 cash ami f 16.96 p??r mont h for 12 months takes this bar K<itn. Chevrolet "490," Touring, $175 Here'n your chance to buy .?n ??x ? ^ 11?nt little 4-cylinder car t'>r a son*. Only I"*j cash find II .. pep month f?.r 1. months. Hupmobile Touring, $500 Here's a pickup?late model Hupp for ?:??!) ca -h *nd 127 bl p-:r month for 11 month? Maxwell Touring, $200 This car 1a worth more than vv* are t.mclr.g fur it. but :t la yours for ffu cfuth and $11.60 p*r month for 12 months. Late Model Ford Sedan, $450 "Nuf ?<?<!; cash and f2S.ll ;*r month tor 12 month.-. Harry C. Stutz Special Sport Driven about H.000 mil?*. a r?-al bargain at $1,600, terms. Essex Roadster l?ate 1!*20; excellent condition throughout, 9676. terms. Brand-New Ford Sedan This 8?dan Is absolutely brand new and has Ji'4si worth of <>xua ? equipment. Our price on thla cur la |M>0; term*. We have placed all our used cars in first-class condition, and wher ever paint was needed we did not spare the expense of repainting. Yes, every car will be demonstrated to your entire satisfaction or no sale. Come early; the values are here. WM. P. ATKINSON CO.* 322 W. BROAD. RAN. 3373. ALL USED TRUCKS I REDUCED. KOIID ton truck chassis, last over hauled. CoO.OO. ATI.AR "Dispatch" A post express toj. body. $100.00. PBI/PBN 1 1-4 ton lartre top body, with cab; worm drive; {500.0O. QAHKOftn. lar^e furnlturn body, flrst class condition; newly pamtod A bar gain. A. MEYER'S SONS CO., 731 East Cary St. l-*Olt SA I.I -I ?ino t from owner, IKS model O-cyltndir, ??- pMSMCikKcr touring car; now cord tlrrn a!l round mul now spare tire. Kxcollent condition. Will sell cheap for cash. I'honft Madison 709. I IVB SKI.l. your imud cars! Sao Seay, Itell Tire and Rubber Co.. 205 N. Del vi de? Stu-e!. I'hftllA Han. 02H1. RICK us !or us*'d cars. Apply llearn Motor Co. CARS OK uk.m. T Kit MS IK DKSIItlCn. IIAKi'KU M<>T..U CO.. INC.. 13:::. w. imoAU. ItOl I.KVAIll) 1.101 J. xl.t.iiO row KUtonioblb- for $S00 Never used. I'"ully guaranteed, l'honc Madison 3182. Uoulovam Cia-W, Somebody Out of These Thousands Will Buy What You Have to Sell Thousands of peuple read The Dispatch Papers' Classified Section every day. They don't just skim through it; they read it thoroughly and religi ously. They know full well that it abounds >vith opportunities each and every day, and hence they refuse to miss their chance of picking up a bar gain, whether it be usod cars, old furniture, ollice equipment, homes, etc. You can have an air of confidence after placing a Dispatch classified ad that you will get certain and immediate results. You can sell anything through the? want ads if you pick the right paper. The Dispatch is the paper to place your wants before the public. Dis patch classified rates are very economical. For a small amount of money you can place your wants before thousands. Remember, The Dispatch Pa pers receive want ads over the phone for your convenience. You will find The Dispatch classi fied rates at the top of the first column on this page. Note t he big reduction for three and seven times ads. RANDOLPH 1 AUTOMOBILES Automobile* for Bale RECONDITIONED USED FORD CARS. THIS IS YOUR OPPO1ITUNIT Y TO SECURE A HE.NfcV.KI) CAIl AT A GitKATLV REDUCED I'HICK. THESE CARS LOOK AND HUN LIKE NEW. THE LOW EST PRICED AND MOST RELIABLE TRANSPORTATION. HI'Y A FORD AND SPEND THE DIFFERENCE. FORD TOURING. 152i .MODEL. Equipped with starter and d?' :nnu mat/I u rlmu, new top. oversize wheel and lock. Mechanical con uiUkd excellent, good tires. FORD TOURING. 1320 MODEL., Equipped with starter and de mountable rims. This car used by conservative driver, and shows only slight wear. FORD RUNABOUT, 1921 model, equipped with starter and plain wheels; th.'uo new tire*. Excellent mechunlcal condition. FORD SEDAN. 1321 model, equipped with de mountable rims, natural wood wheels and starter; new tires, runs like new. FORD SEDAN, 1920 MODEL. Equipped w:ih siarter and de mountable rims. Reconditioned In our ithop. Runs good and will give protection winter and sum mer. FORD TON TRUCK CHASSIS. 1321 model. In excellent me chanical condition; repalntod; equipped with cord tlre?. We can only afford to uilver Use a Sew ot them. Salesmen on floor will demon strate any cars In our stock with out any obligation on your part to buy. Reasonable terms on new or used cars. RICHMOND MOTOR CO., INC., Authorized Ford Dealers, Broad and Tenth Sts. Opposite City Hall. VALUE. Success has greeted our endeavor to give the used-car buyers of Richmond real value for their money. Our sale so far has been . very successful. We* have only a few of our large stock listed be low. If the cars listed are not exactly what you wish, drop in to see us; we can fill your wants. These cars must be moved in 10 d ays, which accounts for the f really exce p t i o n a 1 values offered. 131 * "HUPMOUILR. 5 I'A-tS 1 '? 1 S CHANDLER. i-PASS I 317 11A VN ICS. i. PAS.s 132ft CHALMERS, SPAS'S. ROAD S TEH. KING EIGHT. j These cars are in such condition to give years of service, and will he gladly demonstrated. 114 W. BROAD ST., NEXT TO STRAND THEATER. MAD. 808. USED CARS AND TRUCKS. Wo have a complete xtn.-k of good line.I i'mr* iiml iiin 'o Am you con slilerliiK buying in tin near fu Iiiiro ' If fcn, ilon't full In si*!' our ?lurk before making yum pur i h:i?e. Our prices are right. 1 Terminal Motor Co., Inc., Ninth iiml <'m y Si < Ran ?2i;l. I t*HE DISPATCH *'".**s.flvil AOs i/iius .u.> l and i*uick TesulU. ^ AUTOMOBILES Automobiles fur Sale i| barcalnii In uecd can. *ne Jo net Motor Co., 1<151 IVnnt nroml 8trr*s. REAL USED CAR VALUES. ~ ft<?vcn-i>nMSQnger. fl ve.paM?iiRi?r. a"vo,,-I?n?*?*nger. Ftudebax-r ???." >i<!V<-n-pai)?enKcr. ro^"". nve-P""*"K". *"?" "I." Kord tourinir. Orant touring. 1'RKNTKSS MOTOR CO.. ilo \v. BROAD STREET , RANDOLPH 409-410 STOBAGU HATTKBIKS. HE'XTAW AND RKPAIRS. T mo^."h!X ,'?r-;,r<1- ?-*" ??h. l.alan. r monthly. Hauchan Motor Sales c.,. inc., ?0< w.?t Mroarl Street. CLARKE'S AUTO SALE, Harrison and Broad, IS .vow AND Al.w.vvs HAS HKKV TUF vol- r.. h! v." sl;u: '?-N' Hanoi; automohilks. rcj.?:reil Go 1 K- -.1 S;ioim1 anil painted I*<?ril Tourliu; * Knr<l Touring i;5 ]>.: KorU l.iurinc wish starter Do.Ik- T.iurln*! ... fh*vr.p|?t Sedan Ov> rlainl Ir.,.,,1 ?uoi . Pu..m<-. ?? xtr;i t arKiln j',n _ 'l,A C-r. 2j?o 250; :st >t .. k r.. si;i.i:,-t Aftll-..-J TKIt.M". 1'i.ME T< ' / CLARKE'S GREAT AUTO SALE, MONDAY, HARRISON & BROAD. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. We ofler for your approval the cars list ed below, which are in first-class cond i t i o n and priced right. We will demonstrate to your entire satisfac tion or no sale. We have other cars if none mentioned meets with your approval. i'lll!\ IIOI.KT "l-Jid" TOUR INC; M:\v TlllKS A 1.1. AROUND DODGE TOURING 300 KSSKX. GOOD AS NKW . 774 mi dson sri-i-.ic six r n u. 'NO ,-S IIA VNKS TOUR I No 3^0 STUDKUA K Kit I UYLINDMt TOURING. THIS ( Alt HAS IILEX' NEWLY PAINTED. <35 AS AN KX Tit A SPECIAL. WIJ A III-: <.|.-|-|;rino A ItK.j .SI'KKD ':N- ,N n <- k 1.1, k m p SII A ri.. WITH liiiOD TWlKS A I.I. AROUND. Full JJiO. If you have a good used car you wish to sell, bring- it to us; we can sell it for you. Sell ing used cars is our business. Jordan Used Car Exchange, 2015 W. Broad. Boul. 3047. Real Values In High-Class Used Cars. one rnod-l r II iipmulille, 6 pasHciiK'-r. $ .oft 1 :> I !? K lin*v $s,;,o. l'*or?l Coiipt*, l.iftft. Htilok Light Six. $;.AC All r,ir? in firNt mocha niral < oiidition. See Seay, Bell Tire and Rubber Co. 20;') N. Belvidere St. Rail. tJkl. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for HiU. it ! UNUSUAL VALUES. Our position !? to strong In tb. automobile world that we are not forced to [turcha^n our buiinni by foolish allowance. for olc\ auto mobile*. Wo n?v?r allow any morn In a trade for an old car than wo would ic!ve In -sen for It. and are ih*r? by enabled to offer the used-car buyer the lowest prices ever known In thle city for dependable mer c band lee. ON E 1320 HUPP ROADSTER, |?50. ski; this one. 6-PASS. 1920 HUPP. 1500. Anderton Auto Co., Inc., 1837 West Broad St. UB'"D CARS AT BARGAIN PRICES. MADISON MOTOR CORP.. iU WEST HROAD. MADISON 101. TR ACTOR, with plow and rldlu* car rlup-. for ?alr. Price, 176. A little work will mike thl. a i;ood tractor. Motor worth more than price ailed. K. I- .Innci, 4013 Forest 11111 Avenue, Itlchinond. Used Fords, All Types. Prices Right. Universal Motor Co., Used Car Department, Shafer and Broad Streets. Motori-yclcH nuil Kliyi'livi lil IU?'YCI*KS -See to If that your children | are healthy and rcttuin >?? Ituy t j *?!?>? 1 ? ? fv?r them. Wo are agents for the h< *t and our stock l? ? ?mpiete. t K. i^uarles & Son, 512 West llroad Nl I .a i. bicycle repairing* Davis Tire! v T \ K- ;.* Jr ? *?')<JK.i ? s.t y. $10 cash, !- weekly. I Hewlett's. 415 West llroad. Auto Accessories 1 & ? YI.lMMill Mini crankshaft rttgrlndlnt. | A I. nettling * Welding and Grinding Sh ?p IC23 West Uroud Street. Iloule v h r11 * '?> L* . weTcan savb you * 25 to 4 o ',V on YOU It TlHttS. NATIONAL lilt K AND HL'HBKll CO.. 4 J 7 Weet Broad Street. NONSK ID ? ? libs. gUM run ? i Uis's. a. M. Tile Co., W. ilr*>ad Street. VIltUlNIA AUTO TOP AND THIA1M1NO Co.. of ill2 West llroad. J0G-U07 Munford Strei I AUT > SIMtlNOS. |j are hearings and wheel*. Wilbur !?'. Dotson. M?j HrooK Avenue. Katid<dph ??M4. j Service Stations?K(-|>airii:^ 10 J I KISK RED fops, IK.V.v" ? Mae*" "Cueby j Auto .Supply Mud!.on o'."3'.. WIS AUK IN A POSITION TO DO KlIiST* i ! < -LASS PAINTI.SC ON Al.l. MAKES OK j ACTUMOIIII.KS, REST ?IK MATERIAL) AND WORKMANSHIP. PRICES RIGHT. RICH M o N 1> MOTOR COMPANY, 1 TENTH AND HKOAD STREETS. It. S. Gll-SON? D" I(J- i-I ail ;:.K . tilKht *-f\.' >-. 1S1I West ltroad. j ic* ?SS ?v CARLE?Autotnobil*: repairing i ; and K-nera! imxhllie work. It.06-12 W. j Main Sirent. Uoulevard 125. N10KKL I Automobile parts a sp-ri.lty. Polishing and la<:<|t|?rlnK btass lixtur-s. RICHMOND METAL PRODUCTS Co.. 320 SOUTH KIKTII <ST. RANDOLPH ?07 I. Auto liivcry?Garages 10 HUPMOBILES, STUDEBAKERS, OPEN AND CLOSED FORDS FOR RENT. HV THE MILE. WITHOUT DRIVER. CHAUFFEURLESS TAXI SERVICE, 602 E. LEIGH ST. RANDOLPH 3186. THREE BLOCKS r ROM THE CENTER OK THE CITV. Wanted?Automobiles 17 POHD -Who Jus a good Ford touring or roadster to Hade for 5-passen^er ti-c> Un der car. good shape? Call (? I 1 Went rwciity .sixth .street. itusiNHss sh:i< \ h i: ilusiuttss SorOcca ? Ifivrud 1H HEMSTITCHING, BUTTONS MADE, PLEATING. THE GIFT SHOP, Fourth and Grace Sts. PKlt.M ANKNl WAV I NO. KUar.iiit* re.J mx months. 11 ukh?*:? llalr Dt e^.sing Parlor, 209 North Thlril. Wli SKLI< and ropali electrl ?' fans S ('audi*. .Jib Norm Third Street IN V KST fn iu> t ? w.?* \ our Moor# and polish yotii furniture. I*hono Itan dolph ??.??<?. SAI'KTV ia/.or hind* ?* hollow ^roun l, pro duelni; the finest th- stee will take. ?! and I * ents. rhoin. ssou DrilK <*<? "11 K. Main St . I tie hniond. BuildiiiK?i'oiitiactiiij; 10 IIKKQitl'j you build .? steel guruigts ie? lames W . K? ndler. the .M *al <'? iIi11^ ' Man, 7 2 *i W?--f Main Street Kaiitloiph , \N 10 vVii.i. i<i'ii.i? you i n w r? sld mico, J \^?i lor ?stSn?a:?. Madison i.?4 J. raiiituiK?rtipcrliig n.\K vTft!k*i?a|?er. It. J. Grace. 104 Keat Orace Street. ^ ^( ^ pAPKItlNG. " J We hh \ ? a eornpl?*tc aasort ito:nt of wall 1-ajM r* and our prices ??r*. tight. Call us ...?for* t?l.?esiiK ><?u r!???.*t order. nin x* JoNlis ltKos , 1 ;,oj . M ? 11 Moul- vard 1G43/ > I'ult'iK \ltornf>M 25 i N VILS'T'oltS <l< rtlrlnK to m. ? nr.- pnt. n:s should write for our hook. "Ilow to (Jet Yotli Patent." Send model or slict? h and d**scrii?tl??n for our opinion of its patentable nature. ltandolph Co., l)ept 40-.? *3? Ninth. W ashiriKton. I> c. ; I'ATKN I v Itooklet flee. Highest ref?7-' eitces. Ii? st resultn rrumptlifHn as aureil. Watson K Coleman, patent law-' yer, H24 K Street, \\ HahitiKtou. I >. C. VATI6NT8 Write foi free guido !??... .. i evidence of conception blank. Send motltd of sketch ami tie.scription ??f in vention for our opinion of the patentable nature fr? e. Iluliest tefrrr'IU-I-S. Itv? son.:hie terms. Victor .1. Kva^is .v Co., , s.iJ Ntlitli. WaslllUKton. I). ?' I'l'ittl li*K?Stationery 211 UO-EN I HAL.-. IIV Ejar Mai|i Mreet. I'boiK llaUUoo S3SI. k.n*r*ver^ ' laiatcta. , BUSINESS SERVICE rrintlng?Stationery 240 IF ymi rlih T. P. f^nko (formerly of' L?,-tke Printing Company) to tak** rar<? of your printing wants call Kandoiph 391. Now located h t f South clxtn Ktr?*t? Utwe^it Main and Cary. Professional Services 2J57 HAVE your ..-yrH ??*.?mined. K K Fisher, , J - . ; . >? ? ? tl , ?. 1 i ay. Repairing XM IIA ?OAOK KCPA1HINU Pi Kountrtte Trunk and Hag ? M.?l..?>ti .?S. KL'HNITURK reupholstercd. repu:r*d j?r.d pollshfd. Flip rover* cut and m*d?*. Wo have -l nl ?? lino of tap?*tri?s and ve lours. Otll Boulovard 7 25. Jacob Urn lauf. b iT6k KKPA~l KINu?? Klb a Re pair SaopT 6 ??: W ?? *t Randolph i441W. liALK-.SOLKH, 1!. rubber h- ? ?; ?. " Man hattan Shoe Itepalr Co * N Fifth. 'A'K specialise in Jewelry r. The Morris Jewelry Co., ? 1 lot la iter. Wanted?llusiin-ss Service HI tt'AMKH ? Reliable s.nvmlll < ? i :or", with mill, to cut several million le?t pine timber. Ial? r>f Wight County. Ad ilrv>M .No. u3, Haddington lluiiding, Nur folk. Va EMPLOYMENT lielp Wanted?Femule ttii I COOK?-Wantad, experienced cuok. Refer- | inefs required. Apply before & o'clock > to Mrs. John Skelloti WlllUmi, Stop 13, 1 W'sthatuplon. ______ ^ WITH KKOULAK HAL.AHV INCREASES ARE A VAII.AUI.E TO S1NOI.E WOMEN BETWEEN THE AGES OF 10 AND 25. Oood eyon'Kht. hearing, health and willingness to work the hours assigned a.r^ th- essential quallfl.?t NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NEEDED. A I'l'LY I too 11 so:. 7 09 E. Oil ACE ST. THE CHESAPEAKE At POTOMAC TEI.EI'HONE CO. OK VIRGINIA. SAEESl.AIlV ?EX1" E RI EN CKD FOR I'll ll.DREN'S DE PART.MENT. PERMANENT POSITION. OOOD SALmVRY. THE WKISUEROWK ca SALES! .A DY FOR SEWING MACtONK DEPARTMENT, PERMANENT POSI TION, OOOD SA 1.AR Y. HIE WEIS lli:itOER <U. STENOGRAPHER anil girls lancouj oftlce work. III jars an I uvi r. part or full time. Apply ltnin? |:;ii ???>?. stating nK'' aril |linn< number. ltux I. i)26. car? Yh ? l>ls|niti':i. STENOliit A1* 11E11 -W.ilit-il. lady In manufacturer's oitiee, one with experi ence. Apply In wilting. giving refer ence (is to qualifications, stating oalary expected for permanent position. Ad dress Hox K 'J?J. care Th- I >:?|>atcll. WANTED. Experienced drapery sales 1 a d y . A p p 1 y Fourth Floor, THE COHEN CO. WOll EN-OIRI.S, over l". wanted for P. S (ovcrnment positions; f92-tl!li) month; short hours; steady work; com mon education sufficient. Write lin me,(lately for list positions. Franklin In.tltute, 727 I., Rochester, N. Y. 100 HAND'CIGAR ROLLERS AND BUNCHMAKERS. MUST BE EXPERIENCED. Very best working con ditions, including rest and lunch rooms. JOHN FOEGE & SON, 22ND & MAIN STS. AT ONCE- Five l.i.lies to travel, demon strate ami sell dealer.,, ?tu to $7j per week: railway (are paid. Goodrich Drug Co.. I>e;,t. l'ij-SS. Omaha. Neb. COLORED cigar tobacco stemmers; best wages paid. John Foege & Son, 22nd and Main Sts. WANTED, experienced Stokee St Stntih operator." <'.in us?> few be^mio-Wil son I'apei Hok Co., :aia East Fi > .lilin Street. WANTED. Sewing-machine opera tors at once. CALL MADISON 2127. YOUNG LADIES Between 16 and hs years, who have experience on automatic cigar machines and wish to learn a good paying trade and always have steady work. Work ing conditions unexcelled bv anv factory. JOI-iN FOEGE & SON. 22nd and Main. \\ Ii I rI: W'OMKN' \V .1KIHK hot|s. ?rp|.. : apply \VDiiit*n'N IMvlrtlon, PuUU' Kmploy 111?? itt M'im .i i U????ni .*? ?"11> li?. nl.ullKh W< ?NI i : \ l ? ii <?!" I v ??:n? n nerdod r?? i factory worlt. Women's I >I - vision I'iiMu Kiii|'I"> infii* r.?ir? uu. It.??on i 'Ity llall 5-i Wf? kl> up tn.rlmil o; Also tint* lr.iv* Iiiik positions, ?? i111* . ??i . Spfv.ct: ?'??.. l'?M't. .i? i? '/?.*?<?niij? . I' ?? k!i .> i??r ll>;ht t.?-:tor> work I ?> > ? .u * aii?I o\ ??: i?;irt ??r fill, time I'lrasaiit ?ioi rouK^'Oial work. Apply imni -.i. it* . s:.?tniK ????' and plion** hujiiImt. 14.?x I. r.irt* The 1 *f?piiti'ii. ol.i?i;ri> WoMKN W- n.f.i , ..jt M volored women ?it once f<?: w.?i k ,n ?'o>rr.<? and m.i ids. Work tn tJiin ? trv. Women's l>Kisi??n. l'ul?lt' I! iipl(?yin- .it lltireau K?miiii ??. fit y Ifall. vV.\NTKI? S?-veraI ?ir!s to *r;?vol N"??rth ?'^r??iifi.? and T?'t?ii''!<h. r. ii. ;nonstrating hoinn tu Uoujo f t i'-unvr for ? arprts, rui;s an.I art .v)U)?r< ?; ??>od pay. easy aoil pfimanont w.irK l?.?n't answ??t un I. >s > ou u ill to xv- It .v H '*?>., II ?N .. t??>Ids11<*i ... N 'V AMKI', >t? n?'K r.? |?V >li>v lot' S ofTI? e. It- w.nt ? ? pij (<?' rnl. \ \ %U1 W t i?t Or nee Street? hvtween 1* mid 1 Mcndsy. , EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted?Feinnlo 02 ATTRACTIVE traveling poiUlon culling <?" old customers ??f ??: vr>'.'. ?? rtrrn t *?x; "t I'M* t?-r.* ir . . I-).1 i m >"* with opportunity f ir rly uivinremini; riiijulr^s woman -f mnM l rs ami person ality, ov*?r 2-\. with at ??-v*? ni^h school education Reply briefly, -duea? '!??n and UK-. F. C. K?!,*< ?. (jirUud I il<1 Hm Chlcajo. WANTED?I si ' et^erWir. I In fanev work, anxious to ?.trn axtra monoy a*. home. spare hour*, writ* Immediately *o rri-l.TWo-.'! Art Good* Co.. i'or'Mii . 'h. '< >hb>. WIIITMIliM/S; * st *n~l Hn i l ? I're* ?he services of ;i bookk^rer ?'d Permanent and ?t ?dh-nt poslu <x-. i -r riKht party. WANTED, * t )ii ao\ rat aaleii 1 II Must reside on Church 11! Stranz'at Church llill's I.e idlns Depart .nont Stor*, Mr. II. I*. ^tr.?!?< fr rn 2 "? to Help WoiiUxl?Mule H3 HARDER?W.iated, R .ofl > irh"r for good, steady Job tn Kooti town. Apply to J. C. ilob^'inj, I,awr^ncovHie, Hox 27. BOOKK2 bll Wi h i . very '? -v book k'-' pTs on tile. If you ,tM unemployed it nilgrht be t?? your lntor? *t t? r??Ktnt#?r i th.* OlTlc*. a:? th-? t rui s^mj to bo In-^r^.t-iniC. Pubi,? Employment Hiir-viu. F<.m?:u Cit y Hall. BOOKKEEPER W mted in? man 1 h some bookkeeping ;?<**? l? *r> ssMyt In accounting department manufacturing plant. I*. O. Hox. 13M. jp~m>k keepIng vol*no man mn*h\k, EXPERIENCED IN J*' ?? ?K KEEPING. REPLY IN w\VN HANhWHlTINO; STATE AOE, EXPERIENCE AND AAL ARV BXl'Kt'TKI'. JP.?X C 710. CARE riME8?PI81'A ? il. r.UilNKTMAKK!'.:- A: ; . orv -v V;n llc Employment Uur-un. Room 5, City 1 fall. I'Al'AltLH industrious nirrk for combined ? ?lyrical and stenographic servtrre in business oltlce. Good handwriting and typewriting pr?flclene v **H^-ntlsl. A?l dress in own handwriting. statin? par ticulartf. salary, previous expcrlenc* and references It ?i K 2l.i. ?'tr?? Dispatch. CARPENTERS Thre< i ( ir good tr]m men; report M??nd.?y, 3J0O West Cary ? .1. W Hi:i. ? HAUFFEUR- A\ ftiit? experienced Jit nt*y drlvor with Ji?noy reference. K 2 i *. saTlio r spat eh. CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. WANTED First-Class MACHINISTS, BOILERMAKERS, BLACKSMITHS,. . CAR INSPECTORS, CAR REPAIRERS. AM. F I It S T - (* I, A S S Ml. CHANICS WILL UK UIVKN Ki. Tt UN THA X S I? CI K T A I I .1 X H'lMK AI-TKIt ...I DAYS S.\T1. KAt'TORV SKKV1CK. w a o e s ?? a i o as ri;k 1 NII'KU .STATES LAllOlt HOARD iUISot.UTIONS JULY J AH l'ltUVKl) UY I'KESIUK.NT JULY 11. U'^uu orpouTuxir y io.c ENKKtiUTUJ YOUNG MEN. Al'PLY TO MARTIN & CO., 26 N. Ninth Street (Second Floor). CLERKS liii railway mall Kn<i postal soi vl.'t. moulhly. Write for p.irtlcu lara. Hox%>48. Wtahlngton. i">. C. FARM II ANUS?White, miirI" men for ilalry anJ uuneral farm work: 5^0 p?r month, room ami boArd. Public Employ* mcnt llur<-.iu. Room 5. Otty H ill. Kl It EM EN l>rak?mi*n. Imnmpmi'ii, *>?P Iok car, tri.tii |M?rt.*rw Icolorctll 1110 J J t >t, ..\ptTloiif- uniifc.sis.iry. 5*13 Hall ux;. Ituri'.iu. Hast St. I.oul*, 111. KO|tEM.\N Want..I. a working farm_ foi., h?u?" ami privll.>R<>s for rfehf" loan \\ r11?? lilt'ntso.xl I'iiriu. Oicenloc. Va. I.AWYEU Waiui.l, yousiK lawyer for In v.-stli;.. iiiK an I iiiljustlnt; claims. Apply 411 Tunes-Dispatch Hull.Hub. .Monilay liiornui--. M I l.l.l.K ? \Va:i!t?i|, a miller twhltK ' oi* eolorctD t.> run a small pat; nt roller i :i: 11; nine, kivi i t-f erences. For tleular.*. write F. II. M.Namara. Lot. Mlilillcaax County. Va. OFFICE IIOYS?Over who do not expect to return to m-lioul, shoulil register at this htir.-.iu. Calls ar? cont ln? In now for ?omo. Public Em ploy mcnt Bureau. Hoom f.. i"*lty Hall. PAINTERS ? First-class painters. A. llet^.-r & Hons,'705 \V. Main St. SALESMAN?A lartfe manufacturlni: con corn, located In Rlchmoml, desires (he services of a sal.-smaii for the r.'tatl grocery ami drug trade In Virginia. Must have had some experiene in sell Inc this class of trade. In replyvuir^ givo age. experience and names of former ??mployem. married or single, > i;,i > a d, education and whether . ? 1. Address, for personal int-rview. ijlvliig phone number, P. o. ito\ u.'j. SAI.KSMAN-?l.lvo aal.-sin.tu wanted for drive ,m .-lai-ttleal appliances. See Ml. Kyle, tl l (i East Broad. SALESMAN ? An oppor tunity for an experienced auto truck salesman to sell one of the most popu lar line of trucks in the State. Must be persever ing and a hard worker. Excellent chance for the right man. Box E 723, care Dispatch. > \ i .1; - ME v WANTED j i OFF 1J!; Yi? run I'EOIMsE MK UI^JIMOND ONE ??K THE It EST PllOPi ?SITIONS EVRU I'UESKN TED. RKI'HKSKN'TINO ONE ??F THE WORM'S HltStSKST INDUS I'lMKS SKVKIIAT. 111 * N 1111K D SATIS KIED (TSThMEHS N<)\V IN IHCH M' > N" P. GOOD MEN U'll.Ii KIND THEIR oppoHTf.NITV . ? MAKE HEAI. MONEY. ADDRESS POST-OFFICM HO\ |dl. CI I V MAN ?lt w? i?m r > work on dairy fit r ri, I.? <uis Ki ?. Route 1, U?t hin<?fi.| \ .i. M. IH'>9.R. WANTED party - Hock ??? game <hi.k?n? ,\|> ? ? ... ?- n;a li Havo half >"i t - Hox I 1 ? c.ire Tho MAN. m ? ti farm dairy. \Vr;t' I'a \ ?? >?-. H' - :n uda iiundr?<ls, \ ? ? t' :? X 7 E i Marshall %^'freot, K . h in on 11. Mv:N *?' ' t? i. m""n to travel hy tuto and n?* t n?w ??' ?oiivertor ? ty h -Mf . \\t? ;l rfu nv?ntlon; tml; md t?.iSv? ? i >?'.u w : )i Mil coal \\ ... I n.i k ? * ?? ? -fir ? y n^'d"d. W, furn^h the t r..?. .Smiplfl fre?>. I'll-.mi* Mffj. C.i, < ??!k\?rtur L>.ty ton. Ohio. WANTED- A libit ?m?s i -c 'm-n t?nod lnf >:ti#? h.v i;? a Uw I'nir*'' 5" lio ?????> ,',.i more ? arned; our . oi pro\ ?-?) o you 1 ? t? by M?4p. I..? w ?t>\i.n?-?! men OC'v.-i cupy top p-'Mt ;?>??? ti > b'iv.ww .?ini public hf' W f-irr . ??ryihlnic -? start you. \S Difi I.?1> sit., i *.h Dr-i? \. ? . ft> ? ?hth i 'h?< * ti ? EX PEItlKNTED .? ? Hi , j \ > Wtirk . k. tif c? iiia ( " )? * ' *