Newspaper Page Text
The Dispatch Classified Rates Entitle You to the Combined Circulation of the Two Papers CLASSIFIED I ADVERTISING l.MIU.XUU t'OH HI UK ? *e Mlr Telephone?( nil llnndolph 1. A?h f<ir Wait! \il 'Inker. Ciussilit <1 ailv t i ordered for Till-; IliCM.MOND Tl>!i;sni.s. J'ATCH daily iiuiiuiiK edition will i< pjiea r in the next edition ot Till, i: VKNINt! I 'ISI'A'i'Oll. The rates Klven herewith cover morniliK und evening service in all instance*, with the execution of T 11 IS ij L" L> A V TIMES-iJlsl'ATCil, which is priced si jiarately. Si lirdiilt' ?if Want Ad little*. -i a word daily, minimum 2Sc, bet !>uliU. Sic it word Sunday, minimum !??*. set s>>lid. 3 consnuiive insertions, in- \ eluding Sunday. f?c a word. 7 coumcuii\c insertions, in cluding Sunday. 10c a word. (.Vote Ihe rtdueilun for coliseeutl ve Insertions.) Display Type. The lar?:c&. tyi?c perm it ted in the Want AJ i-Kj-L." te 1- point, and the unalkst M.u??.e in which a 12-poinl tyjie ad ma., no set is ?>in The late (or tins large type is ti cunts a word tla.; > and j <enls a word Sun ?i.iy. Thv same scale of reductions will apply a* for regular want aus. Caps. broken lines, white space are charged for at tne riKiiui word ulo ??estimated .? * 'ids to the line. lionetr term rales for business ad vci lifi ri 4>n request. Advertisement.? received as lato a.-> If' A M. and 10 I'. M. each week J.o nnd uj> to b r. M. Saturday for correct i Insslilcatl'ii in the next KPITION. I Deaths 1 11 ACHE?PI*<5. Sunday, s.;o r. M.. l.lfa Hardin. w 1 fV of William K in i ll'r i>th )<nr, at III" home of L-i .Uucbttr, ,Mr? C. C. Cunningham, Cliil how.r, V*. iShe 1* sunlvvd by h< i husband an.i live ch'.ldt vtt. Hardin K. und Cyrus McC. lu in. "1 lllchmond. H:?>'h", ?! Atlanta. <?a.. Mrs. C. <". Cutinln*hant, of Clilihotvie. \a., aid Mr> Ttioi". I'i- no Norwood. of Shvxnnnh. i?a. Kun>ral will be held from r> ii"tic. of 11 :i -<i. n K. Itach. . J.'IO Hawthorne A?. imc, Tii'-vluy, Auc i?- .. ? 1'. M. liurlul in Holly - wood. cilHSO.N -Di. l sit th. runldcnfi- f Mr?. iVob, .1: I'.iist (".?>?, this morning at s . . 'n r> in the 7 M h y, ar of h r an . aft't ? .?HF llltuss Mr.?. India Gibroh. Ml'' .? aurvivfd b> three ii'j'htws. Lit. I? M j ?rdlti. Mot Spring*. Vh.. H. W. i ? war ii. south Dakota, and P. r I Cowardln, of Kirhmond. Sorvlctt will I" b>-!d at til- above address Tuesday. j ".0 1'. M. Interment at Sliockhoc ! ' "mot, rv. Krlends United. T< 'V 1'.' 1, >i!?>lily. August list, at hi son's residence. 34 Chestnut Street, .1. :n> >? ? \v11. N V , ThoniKo H Toy. ? rm> rl> - t : Ii:. i :ty. i'Ul.tMul illl1'Cllll> 4 Mourning Orders Dyed. ???Its received b"foto ? A. M n turned i !.?>. Addia n Ch'aniiiK 1 Xo?. T South Elin Street. Uoulevuid 6ij llouletaru t-?2. MOUKN1NO OHUUIIS DVED. 24-hour sar- | \ ice. This derailment 1* given our ?pe- , rial atteutiun. oehloos. v-'lesners and Dyer*. 10? North Fourth Slroet. Madi- , h &&0?i ? 11' ltamlolph U66&. bpcciui Nullcto M l.l.l IK UKAL'TY rAllL,ort, :"K Kast I llroud Madiiuo ?.iror?, proprb t r. .Spe (1 prices durtmc month of Aukuhi. 'Incclo Ilapid," a jruaranteed rolorint,' f - uray hair, applied or sold here. MhIikoii r-ftC. 1 WII.I, Mot 1 ?? 1,-KpuiiNihle for .mi bills made by any other than myself. liar- j rloon l'rlce. Mi ' I A 1. m ii ?? this ?.tk on r I ii k a Hlg bargains 11. Cohen, 2US East liroad. j 1"> not ???? in:, for your appointment*. ? have your v .it. hes and ? lo, li.? impaired , b> Teireil liro?. 1'iorn; ^. skillful ar- j ? irat. . Kan. ititAV. 423 \\\ llroa.l St I Lohi und Putwd in i ?::.!?? PI*Y? Strayed from my r?sl* k* !.?i* n!?tl \V\ st:tw?Tflnn 1 fiqUUKh -?f hil'jt! h JHj'Ht.'M' U f < 1?! I. | Hi i?>l 4?:.ii N!"iictli'Mit .\\**nu*?, .suuday ? .10 *n<\ c i0 ? : ? ii *n.:- lis* .'f all .ilxl ? V. h:?lT whit'*, bik? k ?ind white fai-; aimwi-ri* to mine ??f ?lack li ? . lifWJir.! ? '?ck?* A: Co.. \Vt m Hr ifcd Randolph l :? :?;. 1MN?Loftl, 1*? OmiKu f:.g; ? x :..; > pin, net alt I".1.'. H .i-* \ tbi i J.ui 1 \V. It*: ward. -i# J.i ?ST?> .. i :-u:. h ' -Li'tu riil it? : r 1 1 ? ii. M. M itt hell. K:rj?* J* ?. *? m. hik . ? \vho fo .?..?! w. a. Vaut! ? > ?*.?? u* * . |?ow. 111K ?'? ? * Y.i.. t?>* \:rp:r.ln !>#!.?, V\ 1 I ? .?.-?? dfllvtr to ... 1 - ?*?*:, iiiuhlun i l'airi t?r ? &1! ^?TR-nr.: < ^; k> rond I . ? St.i t I'.-r,. i 1 Han?t ; h I If J. m 1 owmui.t.s 1 ? ':\h K' -ADS ' Kit. 1421 mom., s, .1 .v.-rtM, demountable run*. Mi ? - 1 1 la knd in A-J condi tion. italiu . ; 11 . si. I \!1T WOMULK. : .. \V Hr. ? J Sir** l"lVl 1 iJhKD ''Alts. Cvrnp.':*- - x 1. tii*" ?"d snod'-ls. AV? h.v a f 1 ,i? d xt ! r y.>u at a teast'itable ; r ? ? m:k \V KING. Ill' IIM'iMi .M 'T'Jlt ' INC., Tenth ai. ; l-.touc Strretn. I'll ? It*. . ? ; h ' '. IM-i' 'Alts OK i:::ai. ii.HMI HAltl'KIl M >T 'it ' " , INC., 1,.' \V IIIttlAD. I- il'I.KV \Kp l-'j. i 'f*.D ? '? n ? ?: t .i.itit'. 11. ??heap North :????>' - . ? ? ? ? 1 v, ,i ? > 11' > A ' .' .?: ? 1 *?. . ?ne jr. rKJ ? ? Hiv.i.1,. Mr. Kubarik. UNUSUAL VALUES. Out ; >:?: -i an t-'.t g in th* sutornobll. world ttim ar. noi f * d * , . b..' * ' 1. .a. ti#.. t,/ '? ' ? ??? 'v. .1 nia for ...ij auto. " ?" '??>' ?' ?' ' V u .. ? !ft . t r- : ? f r a r ? ban w- a j. j Kb" lb .s It. 1 1 .. r by ? . . ?! ? a. tb- 1. - ? 1 ar ' *'??? ? ?? I ' kr...<? . '? *> f r ? lah.i: 1 < Ii 1 r. i s?. O.N;. . Ill IV ll#?At?- ! :.ll }t:o. Si.i. IIIJS ONK . I A. 1. 1 l Andolon Auto Co., Inc., 1837 West Hroad .^L. AVTommn.ES .\ 111<>111111>11 i'.m for Sale 11 BARGAINS IN USED CARS. We offer for your approval the cars list ed below, which are in first-class court i t i o 11 and priced right. We will demonstrate to your entire satisfac tion or no sale. .We have other cars if none mentioned meets with your approval. < m:\ i'.< ?! i:t ? t ?.-? ? n u n INC. N l: W TIltK.S a 1.1, . .{-co tui hino juO k-m:.\ <1. II til v s N !;\v . <;o 111 uson -i i'ku six 1 n il IMS . <25 IIA INKS rufUINc. a;.0 m i'i?i:u.\k;;k 4-?.:vi.indfii T'intlMi. THIS CAM IIA.S IIKK.V NKUI.Y I'AINTBD. 425 AS AN BXTIIA SPBCIAl*. WE A Hi: i 'I'KKHINU A ItKO a'l'KKD \VAU< ?N. IN i; X O B 1. 1. K N T MIAI'K. WITH IjOOI.) T1/IE3 AI.L, AROUND, KOJl J350. If you have a good used car you wish to sell, bring it to us; we can sell it for you. Sell ing used cars is our business. Jordan Used Car Exchange, 2015 W. Broad. Boul. 3047. BIG USED CAR SALE. For those who were unable to attend or were not in position to buy last week, we have decided to hold the low prices we have on our used cars for the next couple of days. We have real used car values and know it. If you will call and in spect our stock you will be convinced of our sincerity in the above statement. Saxon (i, 5-Pass., $250 $1'"' ? 5II. Js j.vr ::umth f? I; months. Oldsmobile, $500 J. c ?tii. ; m, ,. j - month iu month*. Oakland 5-Pass. Touring, $375 *!''> i-h inn) Imliini'i: in 22 monrhly J.;tyiii-mii*'. Packard Roadster, $650 I I-Ii i-ii v:i|. i,: ,,f I.'HII. J, 11,1 !;{??? ] ? i' lltonth f >r lj month*. tuhvx t h s ??...!?*!. 11 ;jl bar gain. Buick Light Six, $450 *; Ml iMj?h rhH ? ? r. ImIiih.? Clil i". 11' lltvmhl) HiMiill iik'ii - n( }.; ??>. Kline, 7-Pass., 1921 Model, $850 ' ' ' I* ? *? ?'1 ? \ I lo II t ?<. t, .| i T loll ' - 1 'inr^ I 4" . .1 II I Si- i ? i iii-tiii li f t.r i .? in..mi h<. Chevrolet "490," Touring, $175 ll.-r. ?- . it i-li.ii. ? |>uy t.n oi ? ? i-t :?? ? ; . 1,1-1 T ,-Hi <..r I ?v IK ' ?!?!> J ' ? i -ll ill .1 I 1 t.. . ; ,-| :i i - ? t li f..r l. ni'ii* !i Hupmobile Touring, $500 Jl-if* ?? ; k-u|> - ? iiioi.] II j;-ii fur lldti 1-1.-ll . |,. r inuiith f ,r l; m.ntll.v Maxwell Touring, $200 I Jr.- car iu ?\ i?i 111 man than \v.? asking f-?r ,r l.ut it ??>. voms * ' ???*!? i ! ? 1 ! 1 ?? I li: ? ? 1: l )i t J. Late Model Kord Sedan, $450 ? ! >l> - ?-h . }. 1 ? I iifii: h l .1 :11 uh. Harry C. Stutz Special Sport . ?... I?. ealn t ll.'j'in. i.i,ns. Essex Roadster " '' 1 ? . ? ?? 11? * ? Ollil; t ion 2irou*r;i i 5 ; . t? t.,;5. \\ e have placed all our used cars in first-class condition, and wher ever paint was needed we did not spare the expense of repainting. ^ es, every car will be demonstrated to yo\ir entire satisfaction or n<i sale. Come early; the values are here. W.M. 1'. ATKIXSOX CO., -22 VV. IJ ROAD. LAX. . >> < AUTOMOBILES Autollioimi-n lot Mi if- n I'W IX-St.K 1 'aI'k.i:A, i-asli, lialutiro monthly. Itaiighuu Motor Sal's t;o.. In**., tiotj West Itroad Street. SKK u* for used carZ Apply ltcarn Motor i'ii. ^ WB l>u; . sell or cicnmige iis",l cars. C. B. Hatch. t302 North Urahani. USED CARS. Are you considering liuylnK * ?ihm1 car? Yes! Well. don't fall to look over our stork to-fore mak ing your iJiirohnw. uiir used cars art* all In good condition uri(l priced very low. Coburn Motor Sales Corp., 1 ? IT Uroad. USED CARS % AND TRUCKS. We havr a coniplet. stock of Rood us. .1 .-am and Iru. -k*. Ar-: you con Md'-rlng buying in the near fu tur? If j*o, don't fail to sec our Hto? U before malting your pur i ham. . our plic-s arc right. Terminal Motor Co., Inc., Xlutfi jiimI I'ary Sts. Kan 4261. FOIl i"'?l l?arj:aiu.^ ii uh<*?| mri, ne? Jonea Motor ? ? . IC$l West it:, a.i Street. Ford so n Tractor (Rebuilt) and Oliver Plow, $350 Here's a bargain, Mr. Farmer. that given you ii working unit at a ridiculously low price. Th<i Kordsoji tractor Is guaranteed to be In perfect condition. Universal Motor Co., Inc., 1012 \N est Broad St.. itlchinond. Vtt. HliAI. fSKI) CAR VAliUB& Westcott^ "0." ncven-pasnenger. I'algis "6," flvc-pasaetiger. I'alge .m-vcii.passenger. Chandler "ft.'* seven-passenger. Studebaker "4." seven-passenger. Saxon live-passenger, Saxon ?'?" roadster. Ford touring, Grant touring. I'KKNTISS MOTOIt CO.. 310 XV HltOAli STltBBT. hanin.11,I'll 40V-41U. STOItAG K HATT Kit I ICS. It 13NTALS AND HKI'AIKS. \\ b 8KI1L youi used cars! Seis Sesy, Hell Tire ami liulilier fo., no.'i N liolvl* dero Slree:. Phono Kan. S2KI. Used Fords, All Types. Prices Right. Universal Motor Co., Used Car Department, Shafer and Broad Streets. ItOAD CONTHACTiiitS. Ni'Tii'i: We ire State dlslrlbu'iira Win- ir gravity dump bodi.-s fin- Ford truck-. dumps load In ?hi'-* seconds. See ,1-iti,munition. A Meyers Sous. Ill sAinh Highlit Street. WE ATTRIBUTE OUR SUCCESS i>iiun<; hit, rsi:i? ? Ait sai.i: T'l Tin: FACT THAI' Hi-: \R|; Hl-lKlllMi I S1: 11 , \ Jts \ T tii 1:1 it in: \ i. i i-:. orn I'tjI.lfV oF TKl.t.INi; .li lt I I S. TOM Kits Till: ItKAI. C<INIMTI<<N <?i-' kvduv rsi:i> ? \|. in ,,t-K ST11CK MAS IIAIi its Ti:i.l.lN<i i:ffi:<t ami i? i? i-; m rms fact. hi: iiavk nv fa it i-:\. ci:ki<i:h .<ru kxim-:i tathjns ami s< ?1.1? Mo UK i 'A KS IN tiihki: hays than hi; ii w> anticii'atkh i?i;ii iNil, Tin: twf.i.vk hays FHiCltKl) < I.N l-'oli Kflt SAI.H. Our stock must be moved by Sept. l^t. !:??.'< CIIANDI.KI! IMSI'ATCII i:<i* ii i ? i ? m < ?him:, . i-\ss l'.'l <-ll WKI.KIt. ;.f vss 1 :< 1 7 11 A VNKS. . i- vss '??<-" < H.\I.Mints. . I'ASS. UIIAIJ. ST Kit 1 '.< 11 l\ INC V. ; PASS. I hese cars are in such condition to give years of service, and will be gladly demonstrated. See Mr. Mills, 1M W. BROAD ST., NEXT TO STRAND TH HATER. MAD. 808. Moloi-cyclcb HUti liltyclea ia UlCVCIiKS See it tliul your children ''"?< '<>? .ii.,| leinain a., l<u>- a 'hem. \V? are agents for ! 11 ?' <n?l i.iir stock is complete K <.'<'?<? - a Son. 612 Wtjt Hi ou J t.l.N \1. I.,cj - .. r* pairing. l'.nis_7FTre ."ill H>-p.?:i i'o. i.i.-.i K.IS., (-J;, y u M,: ' t. w-caly* It- < ? ' ? I - ? U .-?? || . "? ?\uto Act'i'.sMirics j.| > Vi'i lt .1,1 . lar.ksh.ift r, griiidinii." 1 - Wi ..ii,) i?i.iiilihi* v?rd t"-' W": S'r""' ??*??? Wli , an .- A \ loL - ^ 40', ir %in Yon: iikhs. NAIIONAI. < 11:1. A.N'li ItrilHKIt CO.. 4 J , \\ ? .-I ltlu,el SI lee.. * v ' N ? 'N> i\ 11 < ? . I >? v u,,;,, :itee<i niMr. S. \ M. T,ir ;i-.; \y Hi ?.a ,i St . . :. v:iiti:MA M T< I' I" ami I!! I M M INO 1'? ? ? ' ? "t iii .id. ji<i-3oi M III! -1,1 .-'1 ? M l' SI * 111 N' i > i'-a.iinrs and W?1. .'N Wiiloir I- !?'? -..II, v..- llrook \ \ -Ii <1- It., II.I ., Ii . || StTxitf Stations?Kt'imiriiiii 10 KISK ItK?> iof'S, :t. ?... :,JUck~Co5by \ ?? Supp .- ,\l 1.1,-j ... \V t. A It I. I.N V I*' i.Si I It >?t I'l ^ | it i KIHST ? I.ASH I'AINTINU ON At.I. MAKKH OK \i r< <m<h?ii.i:s. i;< i ii \, \ rt itia! A Nil W < >lth M AN II I) I'ltli-|;s |{ H i 11T It I ? II M ? ? N H M ? ? I . ?It . ? i.\l l'AN V* I I Mil \ n I > lilt' < A II SI Hi:i; rs. s (ill.s.iN ? H...ig- n palin g." night ?'-r\:, , 1 > . : W . -? llroail. .? a < ah;.' a . I - , , ? i lei in m< r 11 ii, i. 1., ii. wo.- ,. . ft, ; ? \\ Main Site, i II v .i I |. Nli Km, I I.A flNtil "" A "< >i i-.i- ?- ? ??"?< '.' . I'i>:ishiui; ll-l - < .1., III! "II M- ? v 11 MIM'tl ! .1 .III I I S , , , ?? s< <i i n i ri n s r, I. \ Nl? ? I. I*?I t., .\uli? l.hciy?<(.ii;ij;cs 10 AIT"!- Ii ? ? . I >.? II ,ci- H-.ul. V.I ? I Ni I1' ' *i I i. 11 ,ii ; .-i hour. 1*1 otn|it - rv'< l; i-..|..ip|i ( 7ii WIlliN .ou .(.mi ivlin; yon ..-am ?od wsnt It iiiiiutrdiatcl), ic?c .a. I. Want AtU, Do You Enjoy Being a Renter? OK t'OUItSIO YOU DO NOT! Open your desk drawer during your spare moments, take your pencil and jot down the amounts passed to the landlord every month, for the privilege of which you remain In his house month after month without accomplishing anything for your self, but making him richer tho longer you remain the renter. Do you realize that you can buy a home for a very small cash payment down and the balance like rent? Buy a homo now. Instead of paying rent to the landlord you will bo securing u nest egg for yourself which will coino in handy. lasted in The Dispatch want ads dally arc homos for salo in every locality. If none listed just suits you, pick up your tele phone, place an ad in The Dispatch classified columns under Heal Kstato Wanted, telling just the kind of home you wish to buy and ih>- neighborhood in which you wi.-li to perma nently reside. You will find Tin Dispatch classified advertising rates to be very reasonable, a 1 i:? t of which can be found at the top of the lirst column <*n this |>ag<\ CALL RANDOLPH 1 1'. S Kemeinber, The Dispatch Papers receive classified ads over the phone for your convenience. AUTOMOBILES Auu> Uvery?liaruges 10 HUPMO BILES, STUDEBAKEKS, OPEN AND CLOSED FORDS FOR RENT. BY TUB MILE, WITHOUT DRIVER. CHAUFFEURLESS TAXI SERVICE, 002 E. LEIGH ST. RANDOLPH 3180. THBEK UI.OCKS FROM THE CENTER OK THE CI TV. WHiitcd?Automobiles 17 AUTOS I ought. sold or ??xrhanRed. Mr. Rawlliit:?. Motor Exchange, S13 West Slrd'l, 1 BUSINESS SERVICE bcnlcev OQcrotl 18 ilEMSTI I ''! II N'l!. I>uttnn?', j ? 1 <? .11! 11 g. Tho 1 i 1 f t .Sh'iji, Kourth and tiritru. PERMANENT \V A V1NU, (UtruMetl six mouth*. Hughe* Hair Urcsainx l'urlor _20? North ThJrU. WE SKI,I. III.I n j.air i ll < tri:;U fiiiis. 5713 North Third Street. liulltiiiiy?Couitai-tiug 10 UKKtMtK you build a steel garag". see , J anion U . K? ndlor. th? Metal Celling ; W*1,1 Slrett. Randolph WE WIliL UU?I,! 1 s" ii new n-suionci. i Ask f..r estimate. Madison "54-J. 1'aiuUiiK?1 adoring g-t W.M.TEH E. KRAVSEK. KINE WAI.I. PAPERS. II.W.l.ENUK C(?MPETITION. ?' 1. 2 PS N. ADAMS. WAI.I. PAPERING. >?* a complete asMirlment of wall . . ill our prici ? aro rlglit. Call us before jilai-1 iik }ou rnext order. SKI.SON .V JONES IlltOS., HQS W. Main HoulfiVifil 10 43. ' KINE t\.(',l j-.i|. !. II J. Urai-7 liil East j lira, . .S|r,-?t Printing?Stationery at! ROS ENT 11A l.S, 4'.2 East Mam Street. I'hoiit- Mudinoii iliij/* Engravers, printt r*. KEDERA1 PRINTINU CO., fNC~ 013*16 I H1111 It Street (phono Mndi.1011 Lsii), j Hirhm>>nd. Va. NEW ; o 'a 1'loN?T. s. i,i>.iti>, printer, I !"? s SWth St.. between Main and cary. j I'rofoa.sioiml Services a7 .HAVE your cjua examined. E it. Klsher, Eye Sp.'iallat. Second nnd ('lay. fiepairiug Mi 11AOOAOK ItKI'AlKINCl ?Prompt service. Houiitrco 11 unit and Hag Co. Mudlson l-l H M I I It I*, r- upholstered. repaired and polndied. . ..ters tut and made. We li;t\o .1 nil hiii* of tapestries and ve lout * i all lloulet ard 1 ilii, Jacob L'm la uf SHOE KKPAlHlNla?>i.,la Repair Shop. 512 Went rtroud. Randolph 1441-W. liAI.K-HOI..ES, 11. rubber lire)*, SOc. Man hattan Bhoi Repair Co., 319 N. Fifth. WB ? lit I i so .n Jewelry repair. The M' -rl.i .low.-iry i'ii., Colonial Tinnier. Wanted?Hiihiuess Service tfl ^ x N 1 1 ?1' liifl ?i nitw 11 n tractor, with mill, to ?ut tftvfiai million feet j?inn timber, 1*1* of Wight County. Ad ?1 r* ?>? No. C>3. 11 ad'llngton liuildini;, Nor fOilt. \*H EMi'LO\MtiiST Help Wusiul?1-euiale itil HOOKKEEPER Young lady, over 21, for bonk);?p;iig d-par! mi nt of small olllce; must 1? ? hci'tir.iii- and will.tig worker. Kotirt Iell pur week to .start. Address, in ottn handwriting, K lss, t-aro Tho I 'ispatch. Ht '1 )K K K El'Elt? Young ladv, over 21, 1 preferably him with high school educa tlon or .Homo exp.rl.iim In bookkeop | Iim . Hpli ndtil iippoi tunlly for right K'rl. j Aj>p!y slo Miituiil HUiiding. '01 IK An r \ per If-need Phono Httulovard 22C9. I' ftS E Wanted. iindi-i Ki'adua to nurnQ for li. iii-riil duty in Miiall hospital. Ad j_ I? ?*''* i.iri Thi* l>i*patch. P( IS IT IONS WITH It EtilTI,A R SAI.ARV INCREASES ARE AVAI1.AHI.E TO SINOI.I: WhaIKN 1 HIM U i;i:\ TIIE AOES "1- 1., ,\N1> 2 5. ' tJ.Kid e>"SiKh:. Iitarliig. li-ulth and I wtllliiKiirea to work the hour* aailgiied I aro tlo- ? * * ?? n * la', i| ua1 \1\, at 101.*. j NO I'HI'.VlOUS EX PERI ENV1; NEEDED. ! APPI.V ROOM of*;. *09 II. tilt ACE ST. THE CHESAPEAKE .V hlTDMAl! i TEI.BPHONE Co. OK VllUSINIA. S TKM11 iR aT'II Kit and glrlsi for nilsri.-l ortlte ?i-rk, l<j years and ovi r, I I art ..r full time. Apply imme.l aio'y, ! stating iiKc and phono numlier. Hot i I, ;??!?. The I>ls|Kttcil. j WAI TRESS Wantail, white waitr*' Husv Heo Resiaurunt, 11 North Srve teem h Street. WANTED. Sewing-machine opera tors at once. CALL MADISON 2127. ! \\ II 1*1 II WOMEN U'oi kli K liount'ki epi rs, apply Willi,- i, i lilvisloii, Pulill.- Employ men Mil [i'i. ii lu, ji etij 11 it. 1. i ol.o It I-. 11 Wo.MI-.N l,'ii ttiliired Wtiineil need, il fen fai-toiy unik. Women's l?l- [ \is:ji) Puliln Employ nient liureau It.iinii en > M.,ii u0 (Iris ft.i liglii saitory vor... 11, years: sut! i.tei. p.irt or lull lime. Plenttant uiul coiiiteiilfti worn. A Mil)' liiimvill tleiy, ? ttuiliic tgi arul phono iiumlit r. Ilox 1. ' ??"4. csre The niapaich. I X,..V',11'. ? Xftr'-'M- t.U waltit.kKs. Apply ilti L, UiCttd St, ^ 1 EMPLOYMENT Help Wuntcil?Female 82 COl.ORKD WOMEN?We nopd about 100 colored women at ?>nce for work uh cooks and maids. Work In this city. Women's Division. Public Employment Bureau. Hoom b, City Hull. WANTED, at once, several salesladies. Must reside on Church Hill. Htranf's, Church Hill's Leading Derarlmont Store. ^ri? Mr. H. I.. Stiana from 11 to 6. Glltl,?Young girl to an?wr t<-lephone In ' rmmiMnt. lit Kant Main. WANTED ? Experienced lady stenoB rapher; whoh'sulo supply houao. Hox c To;, rare The DiM"<t>-h. Help Wuuietl?Mult 38 BAliHEK?Wanted, good barber fir good. Hteady Job In Rood town. Apply to J. C. llobKood, Dawrencevllle, Itox 87. CA 111 N E I'M A K Kits Apply ut once. i'ub lie Employment Hun .?u. Itooin J, City Hull. CANDY" MAKEIt?For ?:i around lind KOmls. wluil'Halr huMriefc*. In writing, Stat.: exp-rlelice and y.?!,irv wanted; will be conlldemlal. (!EO. .1. MUEM.KIl, INC.. 3.n> IViinnyIvanla A.-ini-. N. W., Hashlnglon I' <* CI.EKES for gov??riim-nt ;.>n.H. riill ?.i> in.ill und p..??::? I -- rvir.-t; $13.'i i monthly, rartb ular*. addr<???.? Ilex M'J. ' \\'.i>li net oil !> c. i'? M.I.I .<'T'>lts tvaiifd by ...tK- I'atli'dSc l:is:it>itlon t.. work ','<ri time coll", ting balani'' due on .tmall ac-ount.s; Kood rompeii-ati ni. E. .1 I'iril. y, I'urk llow. NVoiK City. I'll. MSEK wanted it once. Apply. w;*h, r? fi r.-nee. White Citanlng Co.. , North Av-nii'-. WANTED?Harness and leather repairer I at Eatvrelicevllle, Va.. good location and good bull i on i in !>?? ?? 'iirtil. all work ! oil" would Wish. Write A. II. Mount castle. I.awr'-ncevllle. Va. CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. WANTED First-Class MACHINISTS, BOILERMAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, CAR INSPECTORS, CAR REPAIRERS. At.I, K 1 It S T - CLASS ME I'll \.\l*> XVll.E HE OIVEN ItE Tl liN TIJA N S I' ii It T A I In N HOME Al'TEIt 60 DAYS' SATIa K.M'TOilV SEUVICE. W A <S E S I' A I 1> AS I'KK UNITED STATES LA Holt HOAKLi It KSul-I'T i*.?NS JCl.Y U. AP PHoVKD H\ 1'HESIDENT JULY 11. C5? o ill OPPORTUNITY KOK ENElt.SKTlC VOUNU MEN. MARTIN & CO., 20 X. Ninth Street (Second Floor). MKNa l( i in?iii f'<: plant and I constrni ;u?n work. *?hio, i?sk op;>or- , I unity f?r m.?n. nhlp \Yc<lnca?lay j af \ An<lorHon*H F.nipioy mMit ? r \. t??j Ktot Main Street.; Klchrio i. 1. DlSTHIt T SAl.KS MAN.MiKU desJr- i by .in Ohio corporation market :ag ,t for navingi bjtiU* ri?.? product l- patent* <1, a no !:>? u which will procure hun <1 rrtN ,.r i \\- accountM for t h< bank. ? m?t reprear ti tat I vo will he placed ..n a 10r, coinnila-rfon. which wonderful poaslblli :l"* Tli.- ;:ppl|can; should hav. the high* ? ? '?>.!. r.tUls. ability t.? han<l!" rh? hanking fraternity an.l able t?? ttaan himself without ;*?! v Mto.s i. n-7, caio Tll0 Dlfpat i BOV -J*o ?:?'i. a* once. Coliseum I.iiii. i *? . I tr '?.??-) S?r-vt. WANTKI* ?; n- r.?I practicing physician, married. 1. - : w ??:? 30 an.l ;?0 yearn of' age. II* ..1 h.M wife to t?? (?f "Northern MethOilict. .M?i.?t he Htri?"t)> lionorahlo a 10! upright. <?thcrs n??e?l not apply.* A.Mr, aa 1 ? ? ... i h ? Dltpauh. WANTED. I Boilermakers, blacksmiths and machinists. Apply! R., F. & I\ R. R. Shops. I H. J. WARTHEN, | Superintendent Motive Power. MLIN ? If uio iiiploy* ?1 an?l really want to work, resist.?? it !>?*.?? rubllc Km* ployno ut Mur. ,.u Itoom i, t'Mty UhII. forxi; MliN ? n?'?a?) yminK men r/ho se.^U a future, n ?? Joh hunte-.?? if you want leal opportunity to !um siles \x<?rk .m?i a r.N sat:st\ed with thii ?\ t?? start, salary :?inl ('(itiuni.^lnn, se. Mr. Ituehlman ^ t ?? M itual liutlcftinA* Tit's ilay mornt in; si1 \T O ?f'TTlt ? i v.rv Want - i. >.n ul?? y.iuuR in.ii! with plca^tns persottaN Ity an<l co?.irieou** m ? r.o r. ^ a?i asHi>- J taut ??; urnl'" s? m , .? ,.\ h xa*I otficf an.l store r??pr?-s? nt.'?t! whose 0 it c. a re accounting per. stenographer j aiol K<*Tie r.? I ol!l>-e wur ;. \!^?? ?!#alinft 1 ?.ylth tbe <o:nm r i.?| puhl.-- tliroujh r#? tail !! 1 t-r. :n s*ore ami ovet telephone I Must he a stenographer, with nomo j hnowleiige of ki(?r?Kkeeptng. In replj.l state salniy expected to start, asuurlnff you of tncroavs with succeatful ability. Box V 191, care Jht Dlipfttch* J EMPLOY 11E.VT H<'lp Wnntetl?Mulo WANTED, BY THE B. & O. R. R., MECHANICS ( PERMANENT POSITIONS. Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Sheet Metal Workers, Carpenters, Electricians. 70c PER HOUR (AND BOARD). CAR REPAIR MEN, CAR INSPECTORS. (ioc PE1C HOUR (AND board;. In accordance with resolutions issued by the United States La bor Board July 3 new men accepting employ^ ment are withLi their rights and are not strikebreakers, and have ino moral as well as legal right to engage in railroad service, and have protection of every branch of gov ernment, both State and national. Apply to B. E. LESHER, Employment Agent, _1210 East Broad Street. WANTED BY THE CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY COMPANY, Following railroad me chanics and helpers, at the rates of pay established by J the United States Railroad ] Labor Board: 70 Cents Per Hour?1 Machinists, Boilermakers, j Blacksmiths, Sheet Metal. Workers, Electrical Work-, ers, Passenger Car Repair-1 ers. 63 Cents Per Hour? Freight Car Repairers. 47 Cents Per Hour?All helpers in all trades. In accordance with reso lutions issued by the United States Railroad Labor Board, July 3rd, and ap proved by the President in his proclamation of July 11th, new men accepting employment are w i t h i n their rights and are not. strikebreakers, and have the moral as well as legal right to engage in railroad! service, and will have pro-J tection of every branch of j government, both State and1 national. Apply at Newport News, Va. Richmond, Va. Clifton Forge, Va. Hinton, W. Va. Huntington, W. Va. Russell, Ky. Covington, Ky. Peru, Indiana. Free transportation will | be furnished where neces-! sary. J NO. Ii. GOULD, Supt. Motive Power, Richmond, Va. , W'A NTIII??<.;>.?. .???i./ril lii:i' t r .?!-.? lint.her 1 :il oa< ?. A|.p!>" ?'<?., :!0I Mull, j I-'AIIM IIANliS -'White, flliRi-i m-u tor dairy ;.n?I k? i?? : ?-1 f.irni >? ? * ? ?> |. . month, room and hour.I. I'ul !im|.!i y. tii*iil I tut j. Koom ft. Cltj Hull. $2,400 TO $6,006 A YEAR SALARY. One* that appeal to you? Ton can qualify for Much a salary by learning ac counting?"the liiiih.'.ii paid profession In the \vr.rl<l." Th're is h 1,1k demand now', from both the rutted State* government ' ; the oonunereial world for cost ap? ? lint*, auditors, comptroller*, Income tax | i ti;?" laiist.. ,-tu.l .j-rtided public accountants at attractive aalSrie*. Vow can train for out of positions in your .spur.- time with the aid of tlia I I A. S elective program of home Kind v. I Call or write today for dcaeriptive booklet, I "Mow to l.carn Accounting." There ip no! obligation. International Ac ountiint? Roc.ety, Inc., til.' Mutual ISiiIIiIIiik. nicliiti.) d. VlrBlnU. MI M.KK?Wanted, ~ 5 miller fwhlte ?r I ' colored) i? :ifu ;# email |>ate:,t roll r mill; mu?t Ri.e rcf< retn e?. l-'or par- ' titular*, write l\ II. MiXamara. Lot,! \llddleaex i'..uiit>. Va. SAUKSMAN ?Iilvo MlMman wanted for j rlrive on electrical appliances. S.;e Mr. I Kyle, hi*; Kimt 11 road. j KXPBnir.NCKi) ntit.. II . .? .ij. ., .i-er. Kte*dy v. or It; ?t?t? salary and refer- I ^ Box C JOS, ] EMPLOYMENT Il??||> WhiiIci!?.Miilo :i:i SALESMAN ?An oppor tunity for an experienced auto truck salesman to sell one of the most popu lar line of trucks in the State. Must be persever ing and a hard worker, j Excellent chance for the right man. Box E 72o, care Dispatch. Help?Malo or Female M SALESMAN* want"*] for china, rut ulas*. ' sllv?:rNvarv and houso furnishing Koodn; I iio ii'jvlr.' ne?*?| apply; go<hl opportunity I (or mm; ? t? n* man or woman. Addi??.ss { ? Mills. Incorporated, Orvunshoro. N. ? \ ! MKN AND WOMEN wanted to learn th?? t>arl?<*r trail*. Tuition, 135. tools free; diplomas kivch. Writ#* lor Information. It I. hi:iot;?l ll.trt* r ridlcgf. i.OI Kast Mar shall Sir'^r. or Norfolk Itarlicr Collet;*. l".* i Hank Street, Norfolk, Va, Salesmen niiti \^cnt? HAI4U8MAN ? high cull 1m r wltli exeou* ! tlve iiblllty ;vbo can <iua!tf** to tuk?* ' charj;? of .?nd ; rotnnt*: . ?? al '??!ao<lsh?'d bu? t,. Titlist liav-i ko(m| rcconl ami flirt ??, bomi. Itox II Ilv. care Tho Dia na tc h. .SAI.KSM KN WANTED, men and women, ^11 hra ml ? n<% vv household article, sells $1, sales manaiTor will he. In Richmond next w>"n Jteply. with uddress ami phone nunib?T, to II. \V. HtMtun, 132 South Heaver Htreet, Turk, l*a. ALL traveling expensea m r?< 1 then ?om?, c?*v 111 ti >c K*-lieral stores our fa!st-:?ellinic "knock '??in colli** side lln*. One sample. Whopper Ovoralla (!)? Cincinnati, Oh MARK an Independent liu >ine by build Injc an accident am! health Insurance hun'nini In jour own town. Mb' policies. favorably known company ami K? n? roun ? om:nl??slomi imtkr our propo sition very attractive to live, e.?rneat agent* Write to John, on A Adams, Southeastern Managers, ? 10 liond Uldrf . Waahlngt ? r > C, Sit nut Ion* WanieG?r*Uiuteln 1MI I TKA'.'II i-.It ? Position In high School by holil-r ?f special c?riitlf*tn In hr.iriw economic*. Miss Ilach?*l A. Harris. Jt. F. 1>. No. 3. llox 40. i'harlotti avllle. Va. W.VNTKP. b> lady, circular* to address; }l p?r thousand. Work called for and delivered. K 2')!. care The Dispatch. j Situations Wanted?Mulo ;17 t;j.i;!:k v< . *::b nigh nhi"! eJucatlin. desires work In storu or cleric al work of any klud. H 71f?. care The I Mapatt li. UKl'GUl.-'l?Young man. *tfu 26 jears. 12 years' oxperlunv*.*; married. Will accex?t any j art of Virginia or North Carolina; A l references Wire or write W. I>. Frye. lis Thlrty-Ofst tttrc-ot, Nawport J W?w?. V. FL\.i*< I 4L UubluuM Opportunities >i<t hakKiit I ??it bAi.i-:?Ku:iy ? r-"i i" 'l. with tw-? ovens. one deportable brick, one trl?\ both two compartments*. anJ all other fixtures perta.ftlnjc to a tirat-class bakeiy, co-tiny over ten thou ?and dollars to iqu:p, will sMl same for llft?*eti hundred dollar*. Will guarantee Ih?. cost to ino\i and Install same In \" 1 s e: nl? estate, le?* than 1-60. If Inter est* l. write :?? J. U. Herman. 2Madl A ei i< a*port News, Va. TAI Lull - IIKUPKK Stead] v >rk k d .... Webber. 4Oi \ Weat Main. >Ta Nl* I* A<.'Tl'It INti ri.ANT for" sale cheap. y The Ktchmond Apron M .fcimf h -'t ur .fur Twelfth and Main. "KltS- Ker s.ii? a: ?t ti^rgatn, doing KOod buxlnea.**. 2 . 3 I' Street. FACTORY FOR SALE. A splendidly mill-con structed brick building, 3 stories high, .280 feet long by (i5 feet wide; situated in> a live Southern Virginia! town of 6,000 population, and located on two rail roads?Southern and Nor folk and Western; sidings run parallel building full length on both sides. Will sell at a greatly reduced! price. Terms liberal. Ad-j dress L 931, care The Dis patch, Richmond, Va. ON A( CO! NT of my wlfo'a 5 r heulth, 1 wtil s. II or exchange my hotel and flour mill hero for ity real estate or j farm property. Write, t.'abvll Kln^*. ? Palmyra. ,Va, i lii\c.stiuonCs9 Stocks, Iinmls :Jl> 1 1 ? i: SAKE?All r in> part of 50 ahares of Federal Trust * ompany'a stoi-k, a dividend payer. Ad<lre?* \\ u. llox No. j Ttlchmond, VlrKlnla M01 try u> Louu 40 A LOAN." CITIZENS' LOAN SOCIETY. LOANS, $16 TO $300, LEGAL RATES. A DIFFERENT KIND OF LOAN COMPANY. 417 E. BROAD ST. RAND. 1496. LOAN'S, $25 TO 1100. Do you realize what a benefit an institution of ihi* kind really 1,7 fer&ay, you ovih a number o f ?inali bllln?to !tl? groccr, tb, doctor, tho landlord, tl>>; lliliall bouae?talcnic mo?i. of your Income 10 no rt ttjeni and con tinually you worried. Tblnk It over u:id If wu can bu eC any ,orvlc? 10 you. call .Madlaou 4J12. UbiUAl- ItAlliS ONLY. BEAHOAItO SF.CUIUTY CO^ Tli> Ka?t Main stroeu SOU .Mayo iiuildlns. MONET at B per c<-nt on ItU-limond prop orty. No brok<raso. 1?. O. llox S96. The Great iVloney-Lencier With a Heart. ? Wo lend money to honeat per aona having steady employment; Iohi.3 for aur.iH needed up to {300, repayable In alx to llfteen monthly Instaiiiicnt,. as arranged to suit cunvunlrnco of each borrowor; legal ratea charccd on Hum atlll 1 duo lor tltlio used; no chaiiro un less loan made; deal* confidential ly. and liono will know you urn borrowing; f.i-|?-ate ofllces. Klad to explain ll< ni llcial I'lan; courtuou, treatment and sato place to bor row. <iul>k service; new borrower, welcome J. lloors, 9 to u:30; ria t - urdays. 'j to 1. Call, write or phone MADISON 2-5-3-7. Beneficial i-.oan Society, 209Va N. Sixth St. (Second Floor Front). Licensed by Chlof Slato Uanltlns Kt^inlner. Member of Chamber of Commerc. H'UKN plaeing a Ol'patotl claasiflud Ad. ask about our ihreo and aovcn-tlm, rate,; they ar, attractlva. l'H~K DISPATCH ClatalRcd Ad, bring aur, and quick rviult*. financial Mouey to Loan l;'? J.OANS Ijoo "? ruinttiirc. i,i:i.., , , ? iidot ?. . x l?'tro!a* or j,. \.. <|Ulck ?:t|. lawful r?i? , tl""? I-aili !>? 'Ultly on u?. .STANOAK', , , |T ,.omi>an '?>"? 1U.IK. iu.!,.:" ?vl: instruction Musical, liMMcaitf. unt44 M;NuV,;i,'3o"T1 Ur?^* ?K"" ' ??-'?Pr. l?v\. V, 77 "WJ. 'i/ ' ' ^ * '"??"""??lillMllJMT, S'urTh llarr.-ion KULraoKu-H n lv? I stuch tut!), I'eiu _?<?uiv i<'fu i!.'"'? IOV ,'OOIH.K j.Up. 111,11,. |,?"7 " viir.l L'i?j?-.r. * "OuU* uurnva, Cattle, VeJilctaT i? lo\S. I, f .. 1. , 'V-V#*! r^C'Kr X,|Mk 11 A K Asrhv, I'oiillry ami Supplier ~ * .j., !?H\S Ivim, - H ,' w1 fcl'orri. |;,| k.,.iT 1 . ?n"- ?? "ml ""??,? l -" l.'.'.s in,," |,ru..|Ulltll . IlKht fiiiitlnj;. ;s, llufAs, !"t pullet. 3rd imU ?i?, V."",!^'T1 w:k.v;^kv:.;v ??? ?= g - M niUonjm; ' " w enciiaiwhse Artiilen for Nulo 54 . )i A it Ji \V|I(|. ... . iKhfly rut!>. ...'j'0""'1 A.VS ?i.?l lip; J! J.. >( Paints, Oils, Guilders H a r d \va re, Household Supplies. LIba Hardware Co., Inc. 122 West Broad Madi son 3552. liAZOlt ^nUUKS ? HuUfcl.i, JtltUH MXTII ASU lllliiAI). OllTING ? * ??'?;. , , . ? , , - '.!? -a,* I. Kin'* p, "f"*A LtuJ'*?. \.r?ufi* IIvSmjT(a Own.r. ai.j Tr?> ifuiiu: Mi V^,, "" Hrennrr a: u:,t- ;';-rlKht Klarner ft i|f?r*lor, K iltAtjir for bn.rdi, .? , Smtth. MAif'JUAXY an., oak ^?r.irV.,., wl!tl inlrrors without mlrrori v Su'n^ a ho, K,7t T'Mt 8AI.I: -n-;,T" an., on? ;.r , I ,t,JS than half vaiuc ti lj t</?? ' *.-i . *"?? K*?t Main St. ' ? ,:3 di^rv^ o:r?^ Hn; ,;7rB - ?? .Vnrtb V.;r" ?V ? W? ???!? HI Uii-lilt A I>R KUItNITUIliS in?F T.~ Cv. h';, jvullv C'ch*??? 8?-?re. :7 ''"jj1" "n?Jrow Ii?lt troTJEJST \v.. hT,v. for ev"" r?ur".oi'.:rri':h " . b<" I ' h i"1'i" 1>-"1 or> :ft" n'irrh??.. jiuiltli.iK Materialii, ai T?f:w Rtcbmend. \a.. Camp t.Ke. i'<ter*tiurs! K u?*J juitl I-'otxl CO lUtt,;Ks ?r. ?.iv.ncln* In pr,ee hfcau,. . til. fhoftaK" of Coal and th,. k( I ' trtc, of coal. J,u>- now. Shu, ii..ii.? with.ti liourj ?fter .. c. r-p,n, ? i'.r "r ,.r u* >,,ur uf,cr- '? <ytoll Mr. i \\ . ru* i I'st ^ l?,,; ifawon. f. iluu.suhoid Goods 5U ri'ii.Mi ri.K ?iTuoaTxm HT ?;.w j uh' <1 *f lii II1 ( lit O. 1 00 CliUi!# V# ' ^Uf* -*? clr?-SR?r|... <. ,? 1.1 * ,,? -'? nai! ra?*kK, aii'l u;,, t s* arjd up; couk btovex ir? > up; h..t u; aIltl- , ' ?' iron b..U \sith National .-i-rli.*., r ?ti ?"d up &? ci.rpet* fro,,, ^t*u:?pf^ itotcl ?a|u. from ! u; Ho , , I'urnltUf Co. j... l ,(,? f;A,. V;, ? OAS RANUB, kitchen .{ badrootn aultca; excellent condition ^ roiiviiiatilp oftor A...... tirltfln Avrniic. ' 'ill COMiiiNATl.,N (Irak ?nd bookTuT^-b^V' J)r?V:r A vU,V,r- W<trdroH -lc- 3107 ?5\vA.\.?H"lt' ? FI ltNirrui;" co ....;V"' '-N''?n,-o11atkd ?. ? u- !,M,T.,lVvl,?.TliA?l? iN voim .v,''1 TO 1'7.)7 HUM. ST. A " ' KASY 1'AY.M K.N'TS. Alu^icai Instruments, ojj J* ' PIANO, Rood condttloa; -... :h "? Hmnt"' ,U **??* 1 'inr,VV" ?I'?CI?II*0 in tun er ' " if "?>jl rubulidlng planoa an,, o,h r'l? J,"7 method of .luring will iiMkf; your liiano aS n-h.? ,,CW. o, beU.r |.i, on "iv-"- ,ihar,fo or 0?>llB*tlon H?no look n'kV' ?,w l"ont u'r?, ,OUr Piano now n. . <fet >our fur to"' your b'rr |( , ,r "'i"'1. ,irst of ?eptom ? her? ' ^ -T V n'"vu r'"u,os "ny Hnr.lo'li.h -f,i r V? ^orooratfon. Hi, Str.'ttwcntlc-th and Frank \VHUUid lo iluy cili A caah prlcea paid. XoJ h s W- W"" "n?n, 664 ... ? Seventh Street. Randolph 420. ANTIQUKS--Hu>?r an.! ap'praia'e7'~Sr~air S;,? B?Z Ut- i"C""10nJ ssrSS - < onin?.H|(in Hou?c. WANTED, Second-Hand Safes. Phone Mad. 481. Barnes Safe and Vault Company. i SriS~o ^ "?-?ceV KUK.NiTURK?WunictT any ,i,i\- k , i,: Aladlaon l?0t. ' uan'i poitnbl.t holier and engine. Ttve7iv or twenty-rt?? horse-power. Must bo ,n bv'?.' v'a Wr*y iUrkh"m, iloia !"'o" ";r.^^Sf?5!srsa