Newspaper Page Text
[society) Major-Oenera I John A. Lejciiiit>, '???mmandnnt of the I*1111<?<! states Ala rlno f^orps. and his aid. Captain R l.atane Montague, i>ori ?>f Congress mnn M< ntagoe, will arrive In liieh 1"?"'' I" riday afternoon from Char lott. Ville. ivlirri' ??!??% at tcinl'"l t III American Helton convention. lie will In- met a I the train bv Captain <5"orif '}. Miiik ? , tin will Vinll with him the pl.i.. .| historical Interest around Mich r.<1 ' 1 " 1 '" 'i ' ?"ii?ral I?cjiine will l o enterta ltn <1 a' <llnh**r at IIih Coun try CI till The SMICHtx will ln<lud< who K'TVi'i] iiinl- him in P'ranee in the Second (Marin*) Mi vlslon and their fathers They are Captain fjot.riin i| Munce. ?"n lit ri I ri Addlsnn flaarnn. <?. Stanley Clark", tfenry Ta vlor. Captain v |> Strong. Captain Archie Nilm?. < "apt a In Mor Mn n. Mill*. Jr.. A I, McC|?ll.-m. father of Murray McClellan. an of ficer In the marine corps. wh ? was killed In Frnn'<>: John S. Muti'''', fa'hT of Captain r.eorge t? Mwncr-. and Senator Mr.rufin H. Mill*, father if Captain Morgan H Mill*. Jr. \%..rr?-nlon lliirnr Shim. Of ininr"t to society In Richmond snd throughout th<* State In th? Warr"n'on Horsi- Show, which take* pl?<*e far h year the latter part "f AnKunt, Krotn nil over Virginia fashionable* roc|et.v gather* f r ft." vroiip ^f continuous f??t|\*lt'.? Fa mous r.!d estates oprn their ? 1 ? '.r?? to relative* nnd visitor?:, with the ctjs tornarv Southern hospitality Many member* of Itlrhrnond so ciety nrr attending if this year M s Elizabeth ? rren wh'? has been the irueFt of Mlw* Kllz.aheth Kempe, at Vr him" n'lir Cppervllle. will t.? <ftnong tl." fttie?t? at a l>n party th*re Others attending It will he Misses Avl* Vonn* I'orothy Me? k and Mrs. Mary Pure Randolph. .Motored I'roin I 'liii rli?tte*vll le, r'olon*l anil Mrs Jnllen Hill and Misses Micy and Travers Hill rro tored from Charlottesville Tuesday They will h?* Jollied In a few ?!-< o by th? oth-r M'lsf-s Hill They have t.eejj spend / the summer at t: home of ColonH Varney. n?-ar f'hsr InttoFvllle Mi?s l.ucv HI. will h" a r." n (r tho d'htttanles of this *?-a t< r.. ?f'onred In the North. I?r aid Mrs ciiaib-s Kohlns hav? refm ned from a tno'or trip t < >*? r. - Tilt, Main* They were afinn ;%r. ;*d I' t: >? 1 - d.?ughte-?, I ? r-. t >i > Kv.t?trl Ites. .. r>u returning honi?. tin y ! irr I the White M ?untatim. Jiela and f.'h'-r Northern places. ",t iiorothv Hr-hlns wj> one of la1 t ?.tii"" ? s atlra'tivi- debutantes 'mm (lien t Wiiinrn AMenil. Prominent w- inen are !r.ter???!?d in th? ? "eMIf n f'f the Alt !? plop a) .'h will lnr-l>ide r.-pr - sent a ? t -.en of the Ameri'-ati l.'Klon A'lxll ary Tiie folln^ int won- it will ?; > frrrr le.htvrd Mrs ? T !l'.:ti<r. Mrs. H W Faint, Mrs. V M. Vaujthan Mrf ]"?. I K?rri dl?' aid Mis-. Kl:ra herh I.eMa-. ,r:-' Mrr iin.r(r? Way:' And? rson w in jo:n t mm from Afti -i. and Mr* K 1 ?. Ho'rhkl**. who ? now at her i-o-mtry home near Charlotts ville. will al?o attend the convin t.r n. Stopped In lllrhniond. Jifif and Mrs Thrmaf B rr'he*t icn, of Hopewell, have returned to net." ni" ? -?re. a?t?r an *xr?r. l?d t"? p Tt" y -om?> tln:?- with their hrotl?-r, A F Roherti^n. of HowardsvlKi Alhernarle I'oiin'y. afe Milk For Infants & Invalids NO COOKING Tho "Food-Drink" for All Ages. 3uick Lunch at Home, Office,and Fountains. Ask for HORLICJCS. ssr Avoid Imitations & Substitutes Wedding Flowers i ArratiRn for tlo<oraiions ami s I'Ntwors for Fall W'otldincs J now. Kntor vntir tirtler with > tis and dismiss iho matter ? from your mind. Kvpryihintr > will bfi attondfd to at lh<* ? riRht time and just as yon j wish. | \ John L. Rat cliffc \ s I'honos: ltnn<lol|ili l7H(l-:t771. 7 ? UOl> >\'?'.hi Hi'oatl Street. ^ * s Woni a n's Bitrden s This Is n subject which has b?en approt^'hed from all aiiKh'M?? \'W he fore men played Rolf and went flsh ln? and stole off to the club while tho duties of motherhood and the house hold stayed strictly at home. , It is possible that part of woman's burdens has been self-imposed. Hiuh heel shoes, with pointed tons and ri^id archcs are said by the best au thorities to have brought upon wom an a considerable amount of tuiloiii piness which could ho a voided. I'or example, backachn, nervousness, headache, weak or fallen arches, be sides frequent eases of internal dis order due to tho unnntural strain on the or?ans when the body in lilted forward on hlRh heels. More and moro women nowadays are lightening tlio burden by wearing i tnslble shoes. Cantilever Shoes are so good looking that there Is not very much reason for any woman to wear the harmful kind, during the day at least. Cantilever Shoes remove that much of woman's burden which begins at her feet. The heels of those shoes are sensible and modish. There is room foi th.- toe* without crowding. .The flexible arch bends as the foot bends, giving a feeling of comfort and freedom The snug-fitting In step affords a restful support, either U-alking or standing. The foot, be ing unrestrained, keeps Its natural strength through exercise. There is no foot strain, the body posture Is good, and a new feeling of health and happiness naturally follows. Hold In Richmond only by ; ( Seymour Sycle 11 w. DROAD, Theater Calendar l.Yltlc Keith vauilevllle. HIJOi;?"Th?; Storm." with lliiiiHi! I'l'ters, ?4ii*l other ntarn. HK??A I?\VA Y Hetty Hlythe, In "Him Wlfe'.s JltiKhaii'l" HU Kill KO- William ItusHell, In "A ScK-Minlo Man." fill/?N I A I.- "iliildcn r>rentti!<" with Uliilro A<l?m? an<l Carl t'ant VIHII't ISIS Walter Miller, In "Tlie HouttxKKurK." < i|>IC< ?X? "Turn to the ll-Kht." all-star east. the Kastern f-tar. The j.ulille is in Vlteil I'nrl) Alumril I In- Murlr, Jolliers K?\e a ilellrht fill I.mum h p:tii ahonril the Marie on Ku inlay. Aii|?iist L'1', for tln-lr mi'tii liern an?l ft lends. Anionic who at1< ii<li?t WM-e; Alisv.n Iand truile Contliuan. .lean I >lan>oixlsteln. I hint, I.lllle 11 nd SJdle ! ? ;i tuaiieck, I.en.i JSIi k> . Kannio S Itwiti tzniHn, Adlalde lifin -s, of i'hlladi l|ili;a, I a and Itnc ItattlK. and Hilda Ma no ho, of Ha : 11 tn i < , \|i ?Hrf. Morris l.utto, Keevi and Vale |'a??a mar. <?'.?, Have I S|eK"|, Mm- < ? ? ? I ? I i 11, Hordoil llutzler. .\ 1 \\'i slu-rijer, Stin Imari, lly ma r. Ali**: ko\ * and Sain lliinkn, of I'ot r-rslmrK Mr. anil Mrs. .1. I ! Mi< liatlgi eh a |?i ion id I ho a ft air. | stopping In Klrhmnnd on their rc tiii n trip. 1 l<i-liirned I"roin I'opulnr liriitp. Mrs. it. <\ I nival r?-ttn ii? d to Hl<h j mond from Kinj; and ynoi n I'onnty. She hits heeti the K'I>."|I of !n*r broth er, It'ihert Todd, at 'l'oplar tirovi'," for foirne time. (itli'^tii lit White Sulphur. Mi's KIlKHlietli I'opeland. o port .N'ews, who has l.e.n in mond fo M ine time, h it |;i> with Iter inoth.r, Mrs \\ s land, w ho Jolni-d her h>-ie. for t ii IN \ Ml III T III* I'llW N. M , of t'lti and Mrs. home in White Sulphur Springs. Mrs ?"o|i? land and Mmi i'npi-l.i ml vs ? 11 ri'turn to Ht' hiiiond S' 0 ? inlier 11. when t!?"\ uill )><? J ? i h> I'oloin l W. S. I'opeland Ill-foil- l I-1III 1:11,If to til. l ' home in .N'ew port N< -ai;. Druri'iuliiiit of W> nil liana It olier I *?o n. Virginia nocli-tj I. Iiiteiesti'il tn j t li?* lii'irrialfe if .Miss Km i\n 1??? ? \v ; l'. .o> o f Ahlngdiiii, d.?u,;ht<-r if Willoughiiy It cade, of that place, to I.? ? Tn i holn,. son of Mr. and Mrs. W de SMI.?siire 'If I I, In. tin Tile \ve.| dlnir !. "k |.|?ie M 'td.iy evenlntr a" j V o'r!">-k at Mi ad. a s ' tin- h.tuo i.f tin lirld" v j/;.!- irrai.dfathei, ! Wytul'iarn Hoinrt?-..n, a fnriioim Vtr | tclnlan. i Vliltlng In S|inrtnntiurK. 1 Mr aid Mrs liaj rr..;,d ... ?f !<'?:. :. |c t'. n Atonur. are visiting in S'pnrtat Iiur k. - C They :i t !?.. j*i-stf i f .Mrs. John William Jirake f.irmer'.j M:ss Josephine Kinii, of Harton lleii;hts. Ilenellt of Itctrenl for the Slek. Thir nn.rnlm: a' "* I ? home of Mr ? 'harli * ii. Savllle. an Int e res* . ni; ..nil party will lie nlv.ii from H'.3" to 1 o < |ork The affair i?i to he itlven for th< h*rient of the Hetria' ''?r th? St' it. and tahl? r* may reserved throuifh Mt Shields M His!? p. Madison .".tTl-\\ In < himh?rn*>> I'nrk. A- attra'tlvo lawn party will )..? t v?n nil* < v?n!nir fr ?rn 7 t ]?? *;n n?ock at < 'hirnliorai*. I'ark Th<* pr' ?<*fd? Wll. k-o t the I., ni ?lt of A re m?? <"harV?r. N IT. <>rd.r of Kill lie i Ir.e ,\ mire u : . airo, H t In1 i: lest ?>| M r. ? 'ii i rl? s I;nihil, at i heir W es t ha tn pt > ? n. win rainier has returned to hts home after spendinK t in* wummer at ? amp < ir.-enhrier, Virginia. ^ Mr. iitiil Mrs. Anderson, of Nor Nl.w- folk, ale spelillll.y a few days with Ulfli- | Mt and Mis I: i* M' litjre lill;li' j; Amerii ilis n'luntni; home ''I" | front I. iroj ? in the pimi few da- ? w .i - Iteri .nl K II irr son, of the Imperial ToI.m. . . i i nn J . n>, Hi ill ii oiid, who arrivi d at ,Ni-w V>.rk 'tn ia^i on tin- White Star liner I' - Hie, from nstowu and l.tver I POI.I. Ml a Ml Mt'. W. H Allen. Jr.. and ldaii|;ht<r, of llti;ii)aiid I'ark, have ! re- ii i d after a week -er.d ft.i\ at tin Ik.i.'Ii They w 1 motor to th'i | otiiitry In a few days, for a hrlef I visit. \\ (111| A' >11*.IVI-1 M.S. ? I'l.i-d of mnriaifers for the l<e. I "rear f. r tin SI<*k will hold Its r?gu I I^r meet ii(r this inornltiK at 11:30 |o'clo.*k nt the hospi'nl. A; pi n'l' M f"r permits to btilld tw' i.ty no on. vt??r\ dwelling hOUfce ?? was II - d Ity Max I". H'i? hrmund In f r.f M huildinir In sp# etnr j y? . 'erda;. Tt.. hnriiei are for small f.iirilllrs and a*- fixed at priors wltMri ' t i .i. l- of t ho w age earner and small sa .r ed mini The total ro.?t of the, r ew htit'.d'? tigs is placed nt | 11 o'? The l.ttildlnt." are located on Taylor i Street, west of Rein!?eii Avenue. s?j- (the Alnmeil Poller thief. Ko lowir.i; a dramatlr scene In , llr. 'id Street. Mr- Maud Start, j Stop 1 J'etersbtirjr Turnptkf, was arr>st.| . ? rda. chn ru< d with ! d: "orde t ?> .'induct find ahtislng i Major A Sherry, Chief of p., ,ce. , Slw* w :ts b i:i?<i f r a h'artnK it: j }?..!!. e Potirt t i s rr.oi ti 1*. c. GREGORY & GRAHAM 108 and 110 East Main Street Randolph 1802 Celebrated Eclipse Gas Range Contractors, Builders and Home Owners Supplied Just Received Two Carloads for Immediate Installation CJtinrantffd 5 Yrnrs. Ask Our Price Before You Buy on New Universities Dictionary COUPON l'rcsfiilftl I?y (ho Times-Dispatch Publishing Co. One Coupon Secures the l>lrtia*niry How to Get It for the Mere Nniiilnnl foal of Manufacture aid Ulnlrlliuttun Coupon and 98c set-tire this NEW authentic Dirt lonary, bound in real flexible leather, Illustrated with full paRCs in color and duotono l.'lOO panes. ' I'rescnt or mail to this paper one coupon liko the aiiovo with ninety-eiKht cents to cover cost of hand ling, packing, clerk hire, etc. MA 11. OHIIKIM WII.L HK FII.I.KD Add for I'oatftg*: ITp to 150 inllea.. 7o Up to 300 iutle?..10o L*p to $00 inil-*?. . 1 oo Up to in on miles.20c Por jjrenior dm* tancec fink podtntaa ter rato for 3 lbs. 25 DICTIONARIES IN ONE All Dictionaries published previ ous to this year are out of date ii The Weather ? -"????--I by U. ? (Vnm?r Ilurtao.) CT JH I'orr?'a%t: Virginia? l'nrtl.% ?'hin?l> toilny; |ir??h(il?l> *liow?*r*? In ?*\ ? Irfiii** portion to morrow; local ?ho\\rr*. mo?l?*riiti*l> worm. North t Mr oil mi?4icn ??ri?ll> fiilr toilay niol lomorroM ; no rliimgt* in t**mp?*rut nr?*. I.ornl l***t?i|??%rnt iir?? \ **??! ??r?lu> 1 |\ M. {..fiiprr. Maximum !*rnj.< M!n mhiui ?? m; ? ? M? ;? n t"rn :?? ? ? ? ?mp'Tfl rrvml l?. !? i. Ki? r>?? ?4; rjr ?? \hr I)"flci?n<y /??nr. rj%tur*? to < P M. iitllir To S p. M 1 ?? >? ifi-f.Uy in *>\r thip ?la"? h 1 unitary 1 l<??nl ICftlnfnll. Ilainf'ill IS hour ? orid:n( * |* M. Its Infill .i hours ending * **? M Kif.'hH (In f M?fh I |;X. .... y 11.1 r *, I Nlf.? No i?? l.<ir?l Olixrr\i(ll?ii? hi H I". M. \>?lrriln? . Will'! i!*r? V'.n. .oii'h. wind v<- ?. .?) f *t ? I'. M . rl'ir. Kpoclnl llatn. * AM. 1 t'\T. S PM. <r. .1. ?? l.-ilh. ?i'; sn 71 I ? ?>.; ? r. ? |,u|h. t , 7 Relative humidity s; 0 :2 ?; COMilTIONS ? h".' ? 1 !;? IN IMPOIITAST CITIKS. Tempera* ur" * \ M Ii iC>1 I w 7'1 T'* I'lo'iily lltlffsln h* r;r ?ton 'hi. mgo . , ' ? r? 'r\* h nj" N#w York .... | N'orfo V ? ??< ? ah'vmii P: ???burgh j H*lMrh y*. !."ij!ja . San F* l?ro Sivinmh .... Ta fnp4 ... IV a ? V. n s * t n .. Wyth*vllU ... I'M 80 .-8 J'. ? i?1 v ? '.'iiy ''><ir P Hotnly ' 'I** r ? jdy ?? ? m-ly P r i o 11 ? J y P **: O U ri y Clear '.OU'S y HIMATniK AI.MANA?\ Ausum 24. 1^22 If lOlf TIDE: .^un r:*?* R:33 Morn!nit ... * '>2 Fun * .. .. <5 5J Ev#n;ng $;$? \ ik(;ima w i:di)im;s am) kn<;a<; km i-:nts l''lCi:i*i:itli'K>ltl i;<;. v \ . \<>K IIIV i t ul Inn .s hav.- I..- .* 11 is?. i i ? < 1 t *i tli?? ? ipproai li iik n h i .nj ?.( M .\ tvna Tli.Mix.i I >ii hi.i III, >l.i hi; hi. r >f .Mr ami AlrK ll.-irv l>aninlil, Sr. ? ?f i Ji > -i .il v. t.. \\ ,|..s..|.|i II. lf ??riiian. of l-'IIii?. .M .-li w 1111 11 will 1m> nolfiniilKotl in si. Marj ? Ciillidlln I'llllM'h. tlii? <it\ .11 \\ .'.III. -.1 IV ru.irnliiK, .Mikiisi :(? , ;.i s .! .. . '... Ki:Ki?Kiti?'Ksm i: : \ \ \iiK r:i Walt.-r Satinn- ..f ? 'arollfii* ?' ??ii 111 a... I ,\l | ,i; i: an Hall Sit ti f nr?l. "f th ? n .? mar 1 ri?<l hoi" la * t nlir 1 l'!ii. Iiflilf is In ilnuRhtor, ?f uml ,Mrn Jo8<*|tli | A Siriforil .-f < "a i ? ''??pit-. Tl?? VMiniu ???.*? |?I?* ?il. t. .1. ? ? ir .1 i.? . wl'frr th< Rrmim If . iu m.-.| in f.iitn Iiik I'll A It I .< )TT KS V I I.I l;, V.\, \iii_ Kniif)'>l;ih II t'lar^. anil Mi>< N.-lli. i! iw>.\r.i?iT? i?.'tit "f>s\ iii. , \'a . Ii;iilnr"l to thik ?' Iv yrst.-rrlav ; an-l w?r . marrlcl a* th. i>ai "..iiau.* GIRLS! LEMONS BLEACH SKIN WHITE S-iu.'. z..* the Juice of two Ivmuus Into a (>ott!o containing ihr**?> ounces of Orctiar.l White, which any druK Ht .ro will supply for a few contH. bIiik.; well. ?n<l you have u quarter pint of harmieun and dollKhtful leinuii bleach. Massage this sweetly frnBr^nt lot|.?!? lino the face, neck, arms ami hawlj each day. thon shortly noto tho beau ty and whiteness of your skin. Famous stane beauties use this lemon lotion to bleach and brine that soft, clear, rosy-white completion. ? Iso as a freckle, sunburn, and tan bleach because it doesn't Irritate.? Adv. New Vogue Quarterly .11 ST nPT. I attenis In Stuck. j hi: cjift shoi?, :t-0 I'.nut l.rner Slrcfl. N!ail i Tders Filled I'rompll.v. If there is only ^ grain ofsugar in aroom a fly will find it! IN hot, sticky weather exposed sugar attracts swarms of flies. You can't protect yourself from this menace if you buy exposed sugar, because sugar can't be washed or cleaned. You have to eat it just as it is, germs, dirt and all. Why take this chance? Buy sugar that is always clean, pure and pro tected ? Domino Package Sugars. These clean cane sugars are weighed, packed and sealed by machine* They are never exposed on the way from our refinery to your home. 5ibt (j)O0? Cane Sugar fiOl0?] ( anoSugar ^ Ciranuliited - a K tpmr tt mp Sitgar 1 Cnm(tarry American Sugar Refining Company "Sweeten it with Domino" Granulated, Tablet, Powdered, Confectioners, Brown: Golden Syrup; Cinnamon and Sugar; Sugar-Honey; Molasses % Take a Kodak With You nn?l (lion, if you want plt-liiivs tlial will limkr yoti proud of ? " yourself as an amateur photographer, lof us do your Kodak B I nnlshiiig. ^ ' KODAK KlliMH DEVKMll'I'lH l-'KKK wlirn piirchas?*(l of us and g | prints are ordered. Mall orders revolve prompt attention. \l*l S. Galeski Optical Co j I Main and Kightli Streets Mast llroad Street ti Southern Railway Wants Experienced Men for Shops The I'oIIimvIiiu Piislt Inns Are 0|ien In the SIi?|ih of This S} stem i machinists siii-:i-:t-mktai. avoiikkms IIOII.I'ilt.M A KICKS I'll.r.t'l'llll VI. W ?lltl\ KltS HftACKHSI ITIIS (Alt K l-'.l'A I It I* ItS tl-'relKhl anil I'nsneiiKer) (Standard IVngf* nml WnrkliiK ('??iii!llinns> Applications will he received for the slime piisltlonM. neport or apply to J- II* Drake, Cenernl KrelnHt Agent, 702 Tlnies Dlapatch nulldlntr, Hlehmond, Vs., or W. II. Otvens, Master Mechanic, Smith Hlehmond, Va. , : of 11. ?? II. kIi Stjo.'i itaptist ? "hur.'li. ' I ?r II W. Mat I li- |M'i r<>rininv: tli.*(1 I ? ? 11 r ii* ? ii v I in nn .l 1.11 > l \ aft.r t li>> i ?< i i'iii* . i \ (In \ 1 ?? f t for <"It* s.i p.'.ilni It. I' ll. At<1 . \ ImI I ' l l' V ? S. aft.-r w 11 i ? h tli ? \ will t .1 ii i n 1 >? i "ha t . ? 11 .x - \ lit* . v\ In ? i- Mi I'.aiki' will ? i.;; 11; in tli" iti"11r;ijilitislni'SM. i'II.Mtl."Tn:SVII,I.B, VA, Auk ?t lanes II ?'art>-i. ?>f Iti'llit'l hi."I Mis* A III*' P.ail KhI i?m. ?>f ?: i ? - ti ?? ? 'utility, w in- nuii ri' il ycMtiTil i v 1 ? v the lt?v. I' Walts, of tli.- Mutlio ?ii*t rtittivh, tin iiwtirriiiK I at tin- jia: >..ii.<i,.? on llmli Stri ' t. ? ? - tiilil I'rllim* to \ lilt l,rlrr*lmrK, I'KTKitSlltiltOi VA.. Aim. 23. - S.v.ral litlliilt.'l i ><l<l I'VIIows '.f I; i 11111.11111 will visit I t ? i- ??<! rn l-i <la> II nht t" t I >!?? .VO .,f nivillK i s jioi* la I ilri'.l at the V. M 4'. A 'I'll.- drill will l>.. Ii. lit uiul<'r tin >ns|...fs of till' Ki'inlorsntl liDile" i.f s -iitii ml. aii.l 111 -t ii" l>: oin|it; . a! i o . loi-U. I'iv ri.-i'ti ii' ii- >.:i tin- hit eitirlian lino will 11 r i ii i; tin- v i . t or - to t Ii ?? til-.. I '*_? t ?? r - l.uri: iiti'l llo|n;w ..|1 Io11n# . ar? i>t ? I'.irini; f'.r t ti ?? v.sltor? 'I'll.- victor: will lirlim 11. i r* ..Mil I.anil The 11 >i 1? - 1 i? - l.s in\ it. .1 - . attend the ilril!. Mi'.ti'lill lil'.wn hair I . .Us I r-J' of all nfti-r a '! <?I ? 1 ti <i!lut Sli.ilu ; A civ. ICEDTEA Is Cooling and Refreshing A Wonderful Flavor McCORMICK C&. CO Baltimore M I know an easy way to clear your skin " My skin was even worse than yi airs, ami I, too, Ii.hI tried so many remedies 1 was discouraged. Hut l<esin<d (tint mint and Rrsiitol Soap relieved t! sutrnrss a!in. .st immediately, ami 1 v\ a . atna/rd when the blotches began ;? disappear and the pores tt> clear. 1: a short time mv skin was perfectl\ healthy. /A' give the Kesinol ment a trial." At all dmccUts. Resinoi I flgsfetai H&gjsi . ins ? euMhbhi? # ? Sensational Bed Sale | Beds; Springs; Mattresses J * * At Prices Below Any Competition $ * a a 8 a * s a * Simmons' Metal Beds and Springs 'Conscience Brand" Mattresses and Springs at Lowest Prices A nent Hod in white enamel flnish, either single or full size. Mas 1 1-lti-inch continu ous posts; height of Hod, fi 1 Vj inches. Keg ular price Is JO.OO. Special this week. $5.05. This atlraetivo Hed has "-inch continuous posts, with five 1 1 -1S-Im-h oval llller tubes head and foot; fiiT inches high; in white or ivory finish. Special this week, $0.75. tA A beautiful Hed In while, ivory or perfect mahogany or walnut finish?any size. Has l ?.\-inch continuous square ptrsts, with tl'tlink * tubes 1 $15.25. 0 ? 8 $ * * $9.00 Simmons' Bed, Only $5.95 * $ $13.00 Simmons' Bed, Only ? $9.75 jjj 'ft $20.50 Simmons' Bed, Only ^ $15.25 \ f. $27.00 Simmons' Bed, Only ^ A very handsome up-to-datn How-Font ^ del, with 2-inch continuous posts and ^ $n 1-S-inch oval fillers. This model lit any ^^08 ? 7% u sh. Special this week. $20.25. t w w y*, ? $6.00 Simmons' Springs, Only ? The Simmons' non-rust, twisted-link Fab- ^ Spring, with 4-inch riser. I Ins heavy oval /I /fl ^ e tube and angle ends and full helicols !t bound edge. Special this week, $.|.-I5. I ^ S .* 1^ $17.00 Simmons' Springs, Only g Spiral Springs (box-spring type) 99 heavy ?? $12.75 contintiotts-wind spirals of best gratle liigh carbono wire Kach coll connected with each adjusted coil by small resilient helicol springs. ^ A very fine spring, very comfortable. Special W this week, $12.75 0 ft << Conscience Brand^ Mattresses r>0-potind all pure White Cotton Mntiress?"Con Mice" Htand?$ 11.00 grade, only $8.25 jjj I'uro I.nver Felt Mattress riO-pound weight and good grade ^ f A ill I u i4ii>t;i ri'ii ?>nuuiw ihi <uiu ^uihi tfp ^ ticking. "Conscience" Hrand?$l.ri.00 value 1 -f Of- (X only M1.Z5 t ?litallty lick $15.00 | a '$ 5 ? P ft A i High-grade Fell Mattress, 50 pounds, with best quality lick ing open ends, (iuaranteed "Conscience" Hrand ?:!?'.00 value, only fin pound all pure long liber Felt Mattress, with open end.'-, "Conscience" Hrand best grade of ticking. $'J7..ri0 value, only Hopkins 1 1 FURNITURE? $20.75 g & ft ?" Dotwecn Foushee and Adiini!* St?. "The Ilome of Good Parnltovo ?nd Liberal Credit' 25 West Broad me mmm simi Mroail ill Fourth. 0-. \ (/m. UJ* \\ 1 * COT\ui\ isfeP #5 Taffeta I'etticoats $2.98 O' NLY one and two of a kind. Taffeta Petticoats, in various colors, with tucked and pleated ruffles. Very good quality and very special, ?2.US. WAS A BROKEN DOWN WOMAN Then I Began Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Medicines Donaldsonville, La. ?"I write with pleasures to praiae your medicine ? Lydia E. I' in k ham's Vegetable Compound ? which has done so much to restore my health. Iwasa broken-down wo man until my bus ban d brought me a bottle of your Vegetable Com Eiund and one of y d i a E. Fink ham's Blood Med icine. I had been having pains every month and at intervals between, was weak nnd seemed to be smothering at times, but in a week I felt like an other woman. 1 also used Lydia E. 1 inkham's SanativeWash. It did ma a lot of good too. 1 cannot praise your medicines too much and will ho more than glad to recommend them to any woman who is suffering from female troubles. You may print my testimonial, as it is true."?Mrs. T. A.Landky, (312 Miss. St, Donaldson ville. La. Note Mrs. Landry's words?"as it is true." Every letter recommending Lydia E. I'inknam's Vegetable Com pound is genuine. It is a statement telling the merits of these medicines just as the women in your own neighborhood tell each other, Mother-To-Be, Read This? 5,nTa"'"i-K'?K m in" r e*Vreo^'tr'm ZV"0 that motneut forlntj thnn you hnvol perhaps Imagined. An cm fur nt iitiysl clan, expert In thIs fflcncc, has shown the way. It was bo who lirst prmliirod t h o ureat remedy, '"Mother's Prlend." Mrs. J". Hartninn.j fccrantun, Tn.. hiivsM "With my first two! children I It ail a doc-I lor nml a niirso audi then they hail to use" Instruments, hut with mv last twa children I use.] Mother's Friend ami had only a nurse; wo had no time to get ft doctor becauso I wasn't very Hick?only about ten otr fifteen mln, WrIte f-r frr? bock. "Motherhivid anil th? lj?bv '? rontiliilng Jtr.poitant ln.'tirtn?tinn. 4;nS all about i?.,FrUm1^' 10 . Rt?utat?r Co . ? . ? Atltn t. O*. MoUiec'a Filcad" li ijlil by lixurffijti <jTerr-Tb#rt. ^ Relief for HAY FEVER Sufferers! Hay fe*er can ba definitely re. Many, many peoplo *iMild suffer Iras by taktna tivoi.k-8 I.AXO aspirin Th? salicylic acid of the an. P rl? distends th.% many tiny blood vessels relaxes them and relieves congestion. This ren ders breathing easier. TINOI.E'K i.a.vo aspirin con t.i I iih two other Ingredients not found In oth^r aspirin. A dlgostant has he?n added to counteract any tendency to heartburn or flatulency Th-n there la ? laxative to rid the system of poisonous wastes that Interfere with ?o..d health Only TUti?M,?'S I.AXO AS. PiniN oon : n a ! h ? ,i a three Ingredi ents in o n o tablet Be sure to aik for T I NO Ij K " 8 k A X O AS 1'IliIN the Im proved aspirin with the throe points: ?It's absorbed really -?It relieves pain quickly ?lt'm m aoatl. laxative TINGLE'S LAXO ASPIRTN Ask your druggist for ;h? "Three Point Pox," Therapeutic Research 1 .aboratorlea, Wish* & &