Newspaper Page Text
noo.yss /(ao hoahd Hoouin Willi it<>ur<l 4t* <; I'. A' E ST.. ISl'i?Knr rent. attriic llvily furr I.oil front room, bath, Intali fait and evenlnc dinner. Houlcvard , ?UL? 'i HK WIBNANDOAU- Attractive front room, furnished. t'afe In bulldlrii;. "ROOMS, with or Without private bath; *l,orlaI ratn on table boaid. 200 J.uel Franklin Street. llooniM Without Ihwrtl <tH 'MAItHII Al.I. sET K. 10 <J Ci ? < ;<)! 11 f O rtiib I? rooms, running hot mi) told water. e|pc trlrlty. fi< i.i.i.' > it'? n.i.. fi t >...i'h K tcinit. Clean, cool room*. 50c. 7SC. II dally; la ?o 17 w?-?kly. I WC well ? f urnl-.h'-d connertlriK roonis, ad Jolr.lnic bath, Milled double or elnifle. can! rally local* I. Call Maillson C2I. Vncntloii IMucch 7H> HOAItDKHS WANTKU"lit Old f.Nbori Ifttlf. For {lartb iiUra. address Mia. II. M. Hull. Tliaxlon, Va. Where ?o Slop In Town 7?l | SPKI 1AI. tu::wii' r rutaa for well-ventilated and very cool rooms, with hot and cold lunnliiK water; iuli and shower hatha convenient to ail rooms, Hotel Hharlee, I WllKN in luchmond atoy at 101/0 Kast Ciay Street. I'l?;? stouijv space for j autoniobll) ' W(lilted?Itoom*. IbMrtl 7U i SINGLE HOU.M by r?*ftni I bual- i n< in w ? ? j j i it: i f pr?f*-rnbly b**tv\f?n 1')') un?li i - ? Wen Oraci ii Kmtilsllu. !!?** 1 li ?'??. ? ?r?* Th?! I.M-pa t?. h. WANT I.I) H-iora uilh breakfaal tend ewriini; m*-al, In pri vato family, by * youiiiS k? i? :nan. Ho* f 1 cai ?? The I?. ; V 1: WANTI.I) l:> l*-inan, on?* ??r iwn fur ti i ?run with bath, .-tat*- |oalP?ri] mji! i ? r. ? if ' .4. ? .ir? Thi* Olaputch UhAL hS'i 1/1 tOH ULXl Aparluiriilh ami Muti< 7 4 i:.\ It'J? ?N II KhiH I S- r?-r r* i.t, apartment. I*?. It t. i : ; h ji \\ 11 |i i 111,A '?> iJ I'AltK h i t ii*. f I. '1 r ruM.tti mi l i < ?t j:n o. ukju V A'. ? 1 .i . be I we# n . i. ltd ; J-, il. I f. r. ? n. .\10ltllI - -VI' . i . ? .*?. -I ?if n-w a { u r I li i . .v ? ; ? h.i .? .?1*1 l#.i ?. h * * *; li'*u>vHril j ?Ili.N.vM' \ H "\ I !. j \l :.'. . . ~L#?-kirI?bie ? ? . . ; i r,- f jrnt?he<i. raft* ?. nil . Ill . - OOAII ? V.T*7 'l^lrab.* H r .. .. ? ? . ti! . ^ ;/-?! r ?m> ? ?? I ? - I- ; ?? ?!?* WI..M I.Mi r?.orr?*. j . nt?i ? b< . <r ?ju *r Hon In ? rt ?r j.n > ! 1 * ? Hi. i.. . af I . j ? I- v. Um y ? i J] ,i, II ? I . ? . n ' lan-Kii Bt. I ? r he.<, ? cr -i j.; ? L ' ?' hatha, b'Ir. i, 1. *1/ j u. ,? ? ? I :? li ?' T: t ?? 1 r? H'. 1^2 . ; # r ' ? . f. . r. ?? . til- l . .. lit i ? li. TIIAUIIIMKR* 1'lrat National * ''> ? H . ? i 1 / l'h >lie H'.n. 1 SOUTH MirtiltKltltT .ST. ,r " ?'???' ? ?: -it,:. > ii. 1 i a mI i. , ? 1 >a|oo iN. RAVIM.K ,t INC., < N- rth . ? . 11 - ? -e Ik 11. I : . J ? i . s' h?a- r-.iit. V.- ! : FOR RENT. .Modern Hats for eol orod people; rent rea sonable?(>09-11 North Sixth Street. I'OLLARD BAGBV, INC. MODERN APARTMENTS. . . From three to L^ven l oums, absolutely mod ern, in most desirable sections of West End. Rents reasonable. Brooks & Richardson, inc., 11 North Eighth Street. KtlltNI.- ?! KI ? a;. : tniriil, 3 rooms and kith, no h IdS'ii. J'hone Madlaott 7316. Hu.sini'r>s l'lucca fur (lent 73 ijAU.Mil.? Slnr^gf nj?a ? Tor 12 c^r?. l?a:n*. hii ?;? und repair ihop; ????ntrai'y I.M.if* i. ii ill ICui.Juipn 1 i - U i HA I.!, f I road i ? i !?au r<; 1 Hin nul table r .r dnnco h tii. lodK^ loom#, etc. J. A. Voniiejly & i'?>. j &XOKr? UUlliDINO?Kur rrnt a whole) fur retail occupancy, tn yroli . ???.:>? th?* tnn.-t i?ro:n:ntiiJy luratvd blo k in NorfolU, VirKJn'.it. ''('imlats of re', lar an*! throe rtu ?ra above. tllt:t?n&i<?nH ?f tarh floor, approximately iTxCO. J'Offi?-H9:oti January i?t next. Apply to j. 938 care 'i ltd i Hspatch. farms for limit 70 tS'ACItK r \ liM for rant; i to 3 yenTa; near Wilson, Va.; rare chance fur f.trni . ?-r who knoua tobacco game. llox ^0, f'oterwburjc, \ a. iluuaes (ur Kent 77 WBST i:nii?A desirable nix-room house, with moih-rn conveniences. 1'hono Honlevar<l &I32-J. MOUSKS FOR KENT. No J029 Park Avo? 'j tooma. 2 hatha, |100. Marion Heights, S rooms and b* th, {?;. 24 11 The Terrace, I rooms and ball), $75. 3<H>1 West Grace. St. 9 rooms, 2 hatha, |fc3.3 4. 2#0I T'loyd Ave., 8 rooms and ball). }S6. I!i07 Third Ave., Hghland Park. 7 looms and bath, (60. MORTON O. TIIAI.II1MKR, first National Hank Hulldlnc. 1'holia Ra;iuol|)h 61. OIIU'o .hkI Uuoni "8 SFFIcK ROOMS' POR RUNT -One "or three brlRht nulalde roiinei't :r>K rooms; cp n bo us?'tl as olllro or club rooms. Can b?? s? t*n at any Ap ply ll'j North Sim oimI ami ?<)! Kaat 1-VanUllii. i'oss^.-slou Sept. l.^t. Itan ?)olpb i to., Cl?M|ce? for t("iii 77a RAHAOK Hear 1n 2 \\*f!.t tlrmc Street i.'nll Honltivard OA ft AtiklS Hear 201'. N. Addlaon^,,. 201 N. Kim. ' .1. A. CONNKI.I.Y A CO. Madison ^3ul. S>ISPATCH ClaailHad Ada are received aver' tbe phone for your oonvonlaooa. BRINGING UP FATHER MALE'S BROTHflR vuz. in 1 HERE an" t>OLO me thit> pop j fer TEH DOLLARS- he ,?' needed ^THE MON^- \ TVlAT't* JU^T the KIND Or a OCX, that 7 Likc--*: r IT Copr;:xi?t. 1?J2. Intemttlonal Ntwi Servl;* H** U. B l'?t. C *. i'M <LAD I BOUGHT IT FRom 0\fST"Y- i ll ^IVE ',t To M AOCi ie AM'it'LLM/\KEA "V hit with HCR- r ^r? * ?By George McManus .11 WELL- V/HAT OO "YG!J TH\NK of | the OOC,^ ( ^Tf*\ ; j 9 J oh: he's a L Ev\Ri_\n<; dot tell me: HOW o\o too HAPPEN to HAVE Hin \r~ N l eoO^HT H?M THl^J I MOP.Ntls<, ANO told 5ROTHER. to TAKE hum OUT FOR A WALK! ) ?! .fr?\J-fc suss s 2vi, CoD/T.?Sr I?;/ bv Inil Ff?n?t? 5?rv,?. In niAl. EST ATI-. FOH KENT WuiiUmI?l o lli*nl HI j IIOU.HK?Wanted, small furiilBhctl kovn foi vjnter. I till Miidlfon 3496 i\\ MAKIUKlJ ;rivav family.' 1 u*K' brlKht io'?in. with breakfast nr.i rvenifiif ?llnn?-r, \V?*nthaxnpton or of ml;oi? j?r?? f? rr?;?l. lirj. y t H 7 3* ? .?-? Th" !?;>; at' h ? M \l.l. I'l.AT. fjiniahoi ??r two roorun f'?r ! * hi h r ??? I'inj: by 'i t married ro'iplv; ?tiburi>n pr?.ferr?U. K jjj ' I ? ? l ? ? Dlssmtch I HEAL ESTATE FOH SALE llusliM'ss I'mpiTty Hil ? i ? >? ?I ^ a till ? ? :.?*ry Mtorcft for aa*-. M. Uifi?un, Ml-li Mutual illdt;. !'h??n* -MIT. I'anus ami l.ani] lor Jiult> M;{ KINK i . nt Va? Ortn(( L- unty faxro. i. tr ii.?fhw*y, bvtwc?n , '.ith. K- li14'i K?ji?]ai. \* on C*. A- O ' ?t? ! > **???:?. Vta?i ?. a>* f?:u:-. highly ?ult;valt'l; well \vut<tc<) ari'i tlinbi-re'l; ? ? K' a o -.. a, fruit an-] <iairy, ^ r.houi*', r*?;/A!nt ? ?1. outluiMiric?? . *: i>'\. tr.? ? ?r out* < ?*.?. mulvs. ! ? hornu. i. . turtni. A. li. ttrro. Owntfi Dpi I $6, Oranil?, Vi, r'?i: - \!.K v * r.i. ? fr-jin irnsbi-rf. it va *.:< !*r t it. I'.iN'.' nil- timber, .arice houne. o'l* l otMiri**. orchor*!: $12,000.1 terma Hoi 112 II iMtiiburi Va :3*i ACHES fc in. ? v ? ! oir; . 2*room houa*. A l/Hitfiiitt *i t J SKK W 11 If A KYI K, WII I! 1 i: v -5. if a it vi k. i.; m rr\;. hi.l*g.. MAiiisoN FARM BARGAINS. We have a large list of farms that we can sell at bargain prices. Ii' you are looking for a farm, large or small, see us. C. L. & H. L. DENOON, 807 East Main Street. OAllNKAl.'ci KA KM KAlt'-JAlNS. V, r ti<w ..alid v% . h -jn (arm* of all ?:*?* ?; i i ?? rtpt . t, n a?lty *nj :: u a <> ? M?rif?iri fir. . ? ? Mi VVcti. j u r \ a li Ni -:n t- Mb S',.r.?-t. T r 'ii hk>ur''. .".'oitehnj ?rd ? i. ilt.'K. :inir?. rlcht ?t :iatton. ! k)l- ' < ? ill iT"' flv . r. ? .!?! J K ! : r. ? 1. A ? 'ul l.Uy .! It If j' i wjni w-ifii in ihu ?:ul llv.j Hi tlio country i!i.? la wry "llii*. Kkl>* '.*ru,r. i.\ ACKKS? in. 1^ In h'rh ? ?; < u'.tivution. ? mil n i.f Ittch i ? t , i.?ar H' H-r . -h l-.v n/ !n *uilful srfive. \v;:h i,< 'u?.:y unt il!.: ':S?. ll'lOl il i.lUTlU i ia i I . fi. ?.? iiond. If * *ti ur- K it.ii.; ? ?f *t HtH*'.'. 'i-in in'Hr 1 111 h ni ??nil. <1 ii. overlook - 4 ? * i'ii". .it t'.i . uii vi*ij rimy t' ' Ii?. Mr. N'it, <S A H K K i r A COM P A N V. : i:: i: in m,i m st ???? . f<u hate Ml UAIITON rfmcTUTS?nig ~ And. s-room < ii !!? r. inoiK'rn lid:: r. lU'-r-V." home, linn 1." ni?-l)' p.i;>fi'Fil. ;mll:? ? i!. hlKll iind ilry; 40-foi ? iot: brst location. *??>? l"!:i:s n-mly to movi- in. fi. I. 'rhmntiii, It:iu<loli>ft w th Morton O. Tlml hitnor. CHURCH HILL. lit 1 k, s x roomi and \>a?h. I2.5L0; iiniiU caah j-ayinent, e like rent. Call Mr. Burch, with GARRETT & CO., 1112 E. Main Street. Randolph 733. llliilil.AND I'Altk ? I'or ?* ??. tii.nuuu!il> ?in ii-ni >-rnf>ln -tii'-ro ilwillliiK aii'l lot. h -. M itlun 111till!;? Ml r.n>. 1 'r i? J' .-l ?Sl'; kiiihII cu*H p.tyineni, balance ???>'. I liurly sr-iun. II M. McCSulru, Rvai 1> no. 1 iovi 1 ?? v ?r<l ? Hi. MAI'l.i:\Vii.-ilJ A VIC.??'.ir:ii'r al^-room I home, iU'cpliiB por -li, full baaeinent; ono I Mork to nyril I'nrk; iIkIi' In tlu path v.ay nf <l<-\c-lopnifiil. I'ricu cu; live hun dri'it <lnll?rs. ri-niformblo tciins. S I.. Thoinnm, Randolph 64. ^uh .Morion U. | Thalhiinir. _ NOKTI1 RICKMO.ND?Modern 7-room I home, near cur !ln<". liiiiiicillatu po?- | M's^ion. I7.4UO. See J. 1"., , With It s. llll'U tiH .v < u. M U i;23ii. I WKsr KN'l) liiiuni- mil lot f"i ivrhungf;! nlre /.-r.iom frHiiic houm>. K'?"i now | i .-tit rn 1 ll'i's; Kit'l. slMiily ri uii r. I'llv . I I J.T.'U. Will i .i i\ i* i; i ii 1.1 !.k-!i: 'iir mi.I I '"O I Rsil IIUiJ | ||i! IkI ! il t|i*l I.Ill', l*vi? aim I Ii i ? Hiiiliviiril 4t'4 \VE8T KNIJ brfck home, 6 rxira lirnv ' rni>iti?; ti.iwly p.ipr.n d. funtrul location mid t'tinipletPly iltlai'l.rd; ahady altln of t Kir.ootli-pa vi.-il nt ri ' t; *7.r.<>0. ?? a.*v terms, ilylalitl Itoalty ?'o., llandolph 617. Uoulavard 3481 nfi^r C. WEST END. If you have a limited amount to spend for a house in the West End, see what a comfortable home $5,500 will buy here; 0 rooms and bath, newly painted and papered; thor oughly modern; full con crete cellar, sta t i o n a r y tubs; nice yard; close to school and car line. Price includes shades, screens and two gas stoves. Im mediate possession. Owner will show, 1503 Floyd Avenue. MORTON G. THALHIMER, Agent, WK can auppiy your wnntti in real oat ate. W. 13. Pureed, Jr.. Co.. Inc., 104 North Klghih Street. a REAL ESTATE TOR SALE Houses for Snlc HI WHV K1CNT wh*n yui ran buy f r u j ? riu!l f rnih jhwiitU an?l balance llkt* I r*nt th? following horm?. H.MtTON A VBNI'K, lUrton Height*?1 j room*. bath, modern. cxc#*j?t heat; J -0. ; LAM 11 AVLNli:. lfar!on 11 ??! fr !i ?? T room*. bath. modern, hot*\\;iUT heal. NOKTir TWIJNTV -FIFTH STKF.ET?S rooms, t .$:V r-"?l ? $2.CuO. N*)HT!I I Wi:N'| V- 1 If 1 ft 1> STHKET- '? room*. L.i i. A - a* oargu.n a' fl.v . Mr. N*a 13 A ItItKTT A ? OMI'ANY. Ill: I'.a-" Mam Sir*-:. rilOl SANIi (LLAHS IIKDIWTI S for 'juirlt a- tlon on (larMy liar* '", , 1 f ? . :r ? - ? ro'irn :uo-.I?-rn In " <1 ?? : fr ??n "-.vriT. M&diion .*?t? r -lx homm ijmtta'.ji:, ii'." ?* i: ? I v v r. 'i". i . i 1. Iiiiwt ft I J- ? ?v .. , ,j ,v - S?? I! ?w ii l I ? ..t !. iv.lh '? It< ., William*. Lots for Salt; W'ESTHH AMI'TON LOTS?.Mrs. K. I.if. 'Jinb 317 Ain?r:> an Na? .r USE roi.'l! T.ot or home as part payment for modern hn:ne In \\*.-?t l.nd or 1 llffhi.i n?! I'ark. For pari! jlara. ? up at ones. P.KX O JONKS t.'O.. IN D1HRCT KIIOM OWNKIt?Ulnter Park . Tarrac*. S rooms: strictly modern; li-" 1 bk.UIt ?? >iA" I*. *. ii>Uie\ald 111'' '? .1 i.'I < Illi.7. I*< (;? i lot- n I'uiton ' If..I. Tin- i.i,Mt Jii i.un> tor mi , \v. i. lju.,] iv . .??!.? ; >KVI.I;.V1. >. j. ? :i .n :.tyar -jmr? i Utiir i nurt for Mail.Mir, it,. j i i I I- \ I: I i ?" 31 ({.> It. .it It; i hulot.d . lu-a it Til It :n N rtli l::> h:n i. i T< : ? m ' ?"??at Hi" h't. Ilav- |'.i d Ji'." on .? I. a.atire ; a> u | * :.i ??.?.. i11 j. ji. I<v?Just what I have ;ni.J?.i. 1 I u tr.iiiff"r n.y Int-rest t ? ? u. TliiJ J ;i> f.?i t ? if wi.rth j: ? i..iv. N'i J ii -iii-v i:ti:nedlat-.;>. O . Icji^i T)i- UUpiatch. I \VB SBL.I. LOTS. .-EE US. ' t ItAVEE NOltUI.S .V COM HAN V. INC.. | 3 .Ntutii* M;4|: _ Ph?i.? Han li33. ' I. ' A.-lt. tl i>*r weak. oa)> lot St'ip II. on ijevr IMn?? car lit.*. Will kivo ' 1 lot free If y 'j will Uuitd rlgtu a way. ??? A. J. Ua .is lit try, 1Jj5 Mutual Xiulia Wantcd?Meal Rxtute K AI HmTv A NT K It.' We liava a number >r \?-ry Jrsirable r.*y In ome pruierticn than ? n:i b? .\ .'langi-l f "i fi.rm.?. 1.1st yojr far.n with 1.5 n.ik...;. .1 lnt?:? atrtl. i.'haa 1. It j f.t in i. t. > 1 T i**: alliil. II Street, K|chmon<l. Va. i l.KAl. Ii>'i ATE?l.iat your pri?in-ily wltli , u- !? i or fo" i.-nt, Mirton <i. rh,? l. 'ii- r. S>T?n<t Kl'??r. Fin; N.ttlona. Iijrl, li'i Miiib, Ilan>l'i'.i'h '? and !i'j. Hi.a;. KSTATIi?Llat jri ur proiierty witn to; v:i or for rent. VV? run NrvI r^. s'chinidt a: Co.. Norm Mlchth Street. lil' Tl Mt>NI? "f Itrsf" COM I AN V. It. .il K? tat<5 Depart :ncnt. j-itlrs, r< ?nJ lour.f S>-v?ntn anj Mum Slrrns. KC'it lirat r-Mi.:?, l:?t >.'ur prKp-it.. with us ts.irre'.i X Co., i 11 ? Katt Main. ! .'.1ST ynui H^r: .tt ptoperly wit.. Meyer K->:..ian. 10s Mutual llulidln.'. I.'ttll Maii:..nn .'JI6. aaNTKO > ur farm, with or without tiiiproveiin-iit*; suitable fori ,- nall I nil. mil!.' be w ft of city. Ili<* ?.'vi. Station A. < :t>. J FOIt itKSL'l.TS. Slut your property with I O. C. Taylor, ^2 North Ninth Str?.?t. j WE HAVE Purchasers waiting to be located, Church Hill, North Side and West End. Let us know your price and terms and we will make every effort to sell promptly. Phone Mr. Burch, with GARRETT & CO., 1112 E. Main Street. Randolph 73o. I'Olt HKST riMiilis. llat ymir property tvitli ? I ' l-:.isi Mi.jn Stf-'.. ?ttii I H. ?>.>?l-t\<,AL$ ix>t:ui Xuilt'ia ui I'llUi'UiiAlijj Poll TWO OWICKHS' tjl!AKTKnS ? Ofllre of CoiihtructlnK i.?iiHrtf riuasler, Kort Monroe, Vo.? , Sealed propoaula will be received hero : until September 20, 1922. 11 A. M? and ; then opened, for furnlxhliit; labor uiul itiuierlul required for two oHleera' quar tern fit l.unKley Kleld, Va. 1'lnna and fue:ifleatlona upon te'iueat at the otllca <if <*on>lructlnc Ouarlermeater, Kort Monroe. V?? upon depoalt of <10. | DISPLAY CLASSIFIED \ STOP! LOOK! and LISTEN! ! llnrton 11?? I^111m home. fi room*, j liatli. I'lcrt iii'lt y, n^wly |iap?T'd and painted. Houhlc uaragc. l?ot j I'rlfu, $1,500. . IVrnu, $7"i0 cash, i ! bnlain-" like retit. Think this over. Auk for Mil. HINTOX. with 1 lUHSKIt.S, SMITH X- HK8I.KI'. Mail. 1717. No. I Mutual liulldiiiK. CHURCH HILL HOME Thirty third Hiroet, rooms, itns 1 and electric liithts. In oxccllcnt i .?ondillon. Prlcn, $3,750. Terms, f 700 ' cash, hulani'c like rout. ROOIJU8, SMITH & >1 KKIjKI', . Mad. 1747. Mo. 1 Mutual liuilding. 1)1 SPL 4 Y CLASSIFIED J'.V \V I I.I.I AM K WOUfi, Ileal Cstate Aucii-nu-r. 16 N. Ninth Street. TIIL'.ST l'Jli'H AI'CTION SAI.K OK THAT DKSIKAHI.K STOl'.K AND KI.AT above and the dwelling adjoining 728-730 N. 28th St. !:i ? ion of a certain ?1< m| of trn?,t to tin,- undersigned, dated .lulv "I'm. itnd nc'iidi'ii iti the Cl< lk'.S 1 If!! of tin- l|ichll.'.nd ("hati i < :I'nurt ? >! the <'lty of Itichtnond. Virginia, in 1 >. M. 22S-IS. i are d> lault having ????.*n tnnde iti a part of the debt therein secured and t>c.-i11k letjuired so to do by tlif ho!d< r tlieie. of. ?(. will *.?.? l; by public auction, on the prenusi on THl'I'.SDAV, Al'Ol'.ST 2ITi1, 1322, 5:30 I*. M. tin: roa; estate u?m ribed in >aid deed us follows. A IS that certain piece. or - lot of land with :h?? store and dwelling designated as No. 728 and To'.*. North Twenty-eighth (21Uu Street, and all other Irnpr venients thereon, lying and being I it the City of Klvhmonili Virginia, on the went tide of Twenty-eighth <2*th) Street, hetwon "M" and "S" Street?, and bounded an follows: It. ginning at the southwestern intersection of Twenty-eighth (2Hthi and "N" Sts ; thence running southwardly along the Western line of Twenty, eighth (2Sth> Street and fronting thereon Thirty-nine (30) feet and nine (3) Inches* tothe center of an alley, three wide feet, to be used J'dtiMv by .-s.-tI>1 t-ai i.-state conveyed and the dwelling adjoining it on the south. and ex tending back westwardly from Twen ty-eighth * 2 H t h ) Street. between The Southern line of "N" Street and a line parallel therewith, one hundred and twenty-Ave 1 1 -?" i '? '. to an alley fourteen (ill feet wide. T i: It M S fash. I' M. I'OXI.KV A. a. " 11 K W I.\<. .IIS . TriiKtvc!<._ Hy <\ i.. & 11 I.. L>KN<>ON. INC.. Heal E.'tat,* Au< tioneers. Trustee's Sale OK A NKAT DKlA' in.Il KUAMK IHVKI.L I NO. NO. KB WIS STItKKT. liy virtue ?? f a certain deed of tru.-t. dateil .Inly J'.:. 191 J, of record in the Cb rk's (jlllce of IMchmnnct Chaneery Court. I >. B. 237-C, page 201 default having been made in the payment of a portion of the debt therein secured, and being required so to <lo, I will sell by public auction, on the premises. on THL'HSDAY, AL'Ol'ST 21. l'J22, At a:30 o'clock I*. M., the neat detached dwelling. No. 1204 l.nvis Street, with lot fronting 37 feit 0 Incliesi on the northern line of l.ew Street and running north wardly along the western line of a public alley li'l feet. thence west wardly 27 feel o inches. thence southwardly to I.ewis Street. This property is located in an im prevn.g sh*i tion ai.'l -si well tented to an ? :m ??ili-iit tenant. TKIIMS: Cash as to expense of exe cuting this trust, any taxes due and unpaid, and to pay the sum of $IlS.uo. baiance at 1 and 2 years. C." 1., UIONOON. , Trustee. West Avenue Home l-'OIt RKNT, si:i?t. 1. JOi'O per ani:um. Might rooms, one bath. I.. \\\ McVKICII. rn tt DISI'A | | li ' A4j bnnn tare Mful outck rpiulli. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED Hy C. D. & II. I,. DENOON. INC.. Krai Estate Auctioneers. Truslee's Sale OF FRAMK dwelling ON THE KAST j SIDE OF THE NATIONAL. HOAIi, retu'EEN HROWN AND L.ew1s streets. Hy virtue cf n certain deed of trust, dat'-d Man:h 30, of record iti the Clerk'jt (Jinco. Henrico ?"ir - cult Court, II. B. 10-U, page lhl. default having been made in the payment of a portion of tho debt therein secured. 1 will sell at public auction, on the premise*, on THURSDAY. AUGUST 24. 1322. At 5 o'Clotk l\ M., the property described an being Lot No. 7 on the plan and survey attached ,t'> Ami recorded with a deed from Dickersoti to Montelro, dated May C. life'.*, and duly recorded. said property , having a front ?>f ?0 feet on National Road and running hack, within paral lel lines, 11" 8/12 feet on one side, arid 130 1/1" feet on the other side. The improveiiH nt* consist of a neat d?-ta? lied frame dwelling, \v? 11 located on this wide thoroughfare, and will make a good home or Investment. , TERMS: Cash as to expense of exe cuting tills trust, any taxes due and unpaid, and to pay a balance of I300.0'i, with interest from March 30, l'j-l, balance 1 and 2 years. C. L. DKNOON. Trustee. ClIAI'lN i: CLARK, Heal Estate Auctioneers. County School Hoard of Henrico County, Virginia. Auction Sale Hy an order of the Circuit Court of the County of Henrico, Virginia, en tered on the 31st day of July. 192"2. will .sell at public auction. In front of t!ie llenrleo County Courthouse. 22nd and Main Streets, Rlchmotid. Va , KKIDAV. AL'OCST 25TH, 1922, at 12 o'clock M.. the following valuable piece or par cel of land, lying in Mag lst< rial District. Henrico County, Vir ginia. containing 1 7t-ioo acres, slt ii ited near Lailles' Mile Hand, In said .ouniv. .inst north of Richmond and near I'rovidenee Pari;. ? Th>- County School Hoard of Hen ri." County. Virginia. 'i KRMS: Announced at sale. A I'artmknt fou II1-2NT Third Floor. Sept. 1. 1 103 Grove Avenue l-"otir loom* and bath; h<al fur nished; *7 2'> per annum. 1.. \V. McVEKHL Fob rknt. Apartments "Byrd Park" Six rooms and bath; heat furnished, i HAS. A. ROSE CO., 28 North Eighth Street. Special Bargains .? i IIAN'OVKH AVKXl'li. 'J100 Mock ? 10li;ht rooms; hol-wuler heat; i immediate possession. Tlilw is a real barisuiii at i'J.OOO.OO. i l'I.OVI> AVKSrE, 25^0 1>1?.<-1; Nine rooms: detached; strictly mod- 1 orn; unusually lar>;e rooms and lias to be seen to be appreciated. WKST END?Six rooms; hot-water heal; harrtwood floor?; imme diate possession. A sacrifice for ffi.OOO.Ou. NORTH Ult'HMOXD?lOiglit-room silicon; It.-irdwond floors; newly papered; 5>N.0O0.0(i value for $7.40i'.l.)U. Terms ?asy; possession imme diately. This is a real sacrifice. E. F. Schmidt & Co., Inc. ?-?f. N'OKTU KICIITII ST. $350 Cash Balance $40 Per Month W' '11.1, buy a MODE UN f.-UOOM lil'N'GALOW TVI'i: 1IOMK, about ti milcn from city, with eloclrli: lights, hath and heat; on larg?; lot. I.s this not hotter than paying an enur moUK rent in an apartmonl? E. F. Schmidt & Co. North Kighth Street. Randolph 238] WESTERN TOURNAMENT BRINGS 111 SCORES Only 29 of 140 Players Run I ndcr Fourscore Figure. r By Associated Press.1 :ii.\.m. aip'h.. Aug. 22? 1 Playing over u uuurno in perfect coti l dltlon, but which proved to b- one -if I the toughest propositions ever bu'ki'd in tournament contest, ap ? ? \ i ma *. ?? Iv !?!?> pollers toilnv shot ji'io eighteen liul-'M of tin- Oakland . H.IN links In Hie tlrst <|iiallfying round of tl.c We .-torn open t-urtia inent with Mike Hrudy. i-.<al profes sional. leading the Held with a 72, : the only par score of the day. Following clone behind Mike was Johnny Farrell, the Imv professional, of the Quaker ltidge Club, at Mama rotieck. N. V.. with a 73. and ranking next with 71 each were Chick ISvans. jot Chicago, who led the amateur; Pat?Petranck, of Nutley, N. J., cont ? paratlvely an unknown in tourna ment play; George Sargent, the Co lumbus, < >hin. veteran; Gunnar Xcl | sot), of Uafayette. Ind., and the fa mous Jock Hutchison, of Chicago, firmer holder of the British open . title. Th>- feature of the play was the al titude of the scores, for most of thern were In the eighties, only twenty nine running under the four-scoro I ligure. This, in the opinion "f vet 1 eran golfers, was not due in any way to lack of class iti the Held, for lit contained the names of some of the world's best, but was brought about entirely through the fad that the Oakland Iiills course had been made into one of the tough< st courses I In the coun t ry. jCHARLOTTE GOLFERS MAKE CLEAN SW EEP 1 By Associated Press ] ASM K VIU.K. N. C? A eg. -\t.?The first invitation g"lf tournament at Biltinore Forest was made an all Charlotte event today, when Fred | U**ton. of that city, champion of the I i.'sfflllo*i, defeated young- Kpps i'.rown. of Atlanta, winner of the j Asheville Country Club'x invitation i tourtiej last week. while Vernon Porter, i Charlotte, medalist in the last C'aii a's tournament, was beat ing II. I; Frazee. of St. Petersburg, j and 3, in the championship flight. Uaxon's victory was by 3 and 2. Finalists tr. second (light: Nelson Mcltae. of Wilmington, meets Henry 1 WcHtall, of Asheville Third tlight: K Taylor, of Green ville. meets W. J. Richardson, of Richmond. Fourth flight: David Gudger. of Asheville. meets J. if. (Jalllvau. of j Greenville. Trottiti(v lte?-ord. Al'IIOHA, lid... Aug. I-:. N\ "Pop" < Jeers, 71-year-old horseman, ! drove his little pacer, Sanardo, i 1:59 3-4. to a world's mile record of 2:02 3-4 for a gelding over a half* mile track, and then won the Una! race in the 2:16 trot with Anna Phelps the Central States' Fair Tuesday. It was Pop (Seers Day. The races i in;.rked the lirst time that Ocors com peted in Illinois for fourteen years, for not in all that time had he left the Grand Circuit. Jack to Sleet l'nrtnern. MICHIGAN CITY, IND . Aug. 23 ? -lack Dempsey, world's heavyweight champion, will appear In Floyd Flt* feitnmons' arena hero Uabor Day, hut not in the defense of his title. o(>\ . ernor MoCray, of Indiana, today | granted permission to stage an ex - | hlhition contest for Dempsey, with : sparring partners as his opponents. I This exhibition will be supported by | four bouts, involving all star boxers. . Amateur Tonrnry Set for Si*|ilrinlitr2. > NEW YORK, Aug. 23.??The open ing round of the national ainat. golf championship at Bro<diliue. Mass., will bu played on Saturday, i September 2. instead of the follow ing Monday, it was announced otli icially today by the United States Golf Association. The total entrants today had reacheil l-.t DISPLAY CI. iSSIFIhl) FOft KKNT. 1634 West Grace St. S rooms, modern, in good condition. i K !M IttlfXTG 11. MeCAUTUV A < * 111(1 ST IAN, INC.. 123 North Highlit Street Randolph 31.11. SlJItCKHAN 1IHMK UOT FOR SAI.K, 52,000 On Brook Turnpike, near car line; 100 by 250 feet Will make an at tractive suburban home. U W MrVKM ill. Kxcluslvo Agents. ! FOR ItKNT, Apartments : The Sherrod , .# f tin.' mjUOi'-'M**! ?,,h ikt ? ? I' Lnml>aiV> .iimI iSrar** Str**"ts; ?'? r<>oins. p<?reh uti<i bafli. |S?^s? s^ioji St j?t 1. Will l?ut in i;oocl ortlt'i*. The "Sycamore" 2200 W. Caty Street Kour rooms and bath; hi at. KI.MPBOl Gil. McCAUTIIY A, Ci I III ST I A N'. INC 123 N. Klghth Street, Randolph 3451, CLARKSYILLE NINE ENDS DANDY SEASON ''Tlm?.s.|?lsj.aSoh.l I .A H Is. S \ II.!,!?;, \'A? Auk. "'I -The larks vi: !?? baseball t* am h.ts rlo.sed a } baseball *,*aso:i and ! feri:f hav" ?cnc {?, ..V'k. <?>?"!'na. Tin* i, xv op. ?..v?*[,'r"'"'" a ?,"'1 M,'rc "'cl-atcrt in XV, ? f KV*V,?n1tS; ?M""> t"-"!'" r>( v ? i * ^ ir^luiii and Nordwrn ,N<t h l at ulina Jiav,* ben <-*?>i.Vu"rl* I t?> < lurksvlilc on th?? fliar?:.? j? ? t t> . I MY?1' ? ? ??1111?? s? ? ?; i .iinc.i ,?7 V.u'-V1 wVikhT: sc.. catcher. M-m.1. y.'l; -?lot ({ail. MeoOild liitsi* a till mfrhor UushoH. U>tr'lliaN(.. Siz,*mo,,.# ] : ,, * ' ? v ilklnv -n. , fioMi r M?'0.yer.*.r'?,,l ?ei.!; Morion. left AcM ? Ho IIUKIUS. 11 .III) Sl,|||i y \i\ i ,l i U nts. Mu. h credit i.s i|uo ? ram,*r Morton manager, and \v. IUi.-v.?i; jr.' i?,.r.V. i arksvtll.. expects Ii,.v ?r i i?: i'.'alon. i!' thtB "e--??osi next FAMOUS 1I0HSES FOR SARATOGA SPECIAL Associated I'rosK.i sauatoca sniisr.k N. v.. A?gr jA^,;?!rw,a5'3 JtuiitlliK ami I Ml lor v, tlu* I in|>ri>\ ,'iiiri'' "^(if 'o"f race'wlilch 'i's to"!!:.""'?,''1, - T(>" *hi P " ' will ' ih 7'' > r '-M c h a .IS I ' url' ?oV !!^ "'s nuVd" ?"'V,"1'1"1 fCU" wiiViir- no1''::;*;' *i%lhT , rXV^re-av. ? MA LONE WILL MEET DOWNEY LABOR DAY NEW YOR^X~N'^i(.k m,_ , lone, the .St. I'uul middle welel t ????? 1 ? ? /''V,1"!"" ?'"! Alike ODuwd I ????!, t'"iind.s to a duoHio^aT'l^'l " | ????<?* Ohio. ?? |,alior !????? if U,,>" flounced Tuesday |,v s'nL I owii ! handles Maiinu* I-ew.s. who ' ? h^Y^'pic1". ,hr? w Jn;,n?i" -"*..,ler Mvlee in one ou a rim*"ny IS?;' sv '""^h!^e,*^^.uK decision llKrit"f?rUtViif. tltV.C"11 for a PAT WINSTON MEETS OWENS IN FINALS ASIIE VI i. LK."' x'.a el!1A u?*1^ I, . I inon"wl,V^ 1 I-'rank ou.-n*. ?>i vH I ""',M 'finals of \u, s,,? " ,,ln lament ' , i,^.'''.J';, *',,? ,,w?;.,,.sl.l? , e lul>. -*an?\llle Country | ??!? 'match S.'asVu ' Vo.l l'vll''Pi0"- WO" h fonlid ? d'*f.*a 11n'u 'i JC, !,,Vi l,j,r"1 ""l .;-v''"sis : "drtsvt io o.f8.A8H.'??vnie* DI NDEE AND KILHANE MAY meet IN ring v i*. iv i'ic-.^. i ? iiikIi-i way for ?V;;.K"1 iul'"?? l"PlonHhI? ??nr ,-A .ft ''r\" tt&xyzj.V: ceiined i., s!,,.. i ri<ri.tiy | j. | at II,,. |,a|| ^ l?**liiff ?.? xliHiltlons I'lllol VwkOP&n'u?'' I < )NEY \\ ILL J\EP( >R'|' TO CARDS NEXT ^ EAR I,lv XbSlMJ.I tf<| I Toss I f ' '^,,K - > Flt il Tit> . \ f?-l?,rt i.. ?i... w'!l nut ?ason. '"irluo h' mcd"' "" ' V.*.''H* i,.",,">,'|*-Vda noon wi Ins r.-turn from Na^hx-i.V J locals p' liiinnt , iianc s ' 1,11 ' ""I SENATE GETS WRIGHT nomination today j 111* \ >... iat, d I'i i w'a<iii.\,:t??.\ v?. "Hl-.llllK h.i n Leu, ', U . '"'V"' '"' n "1 t <1(1 | ?? fj { I l|0 ot : eral \\ ..rlt thai . i... W|!l '?? t*. tlK* Senate i %*ni??rro\\ . 'I i" I' ,.,IM,, <>'??! , , al * deoiKlon , '?> ''*'*111111.*nd the el.v.Hi,,,, ,.f \|; UiiKlit was tal,I ?I. a v.. he,*n ? In ' ijeu.-eil i,\ a report from the Civil ! S?rvic* ??,unml-sion , v..neratln^ Mr u right of ctyarge.i alleglnK untltness for ortloo. . I Mil ON fIRST DflV Record-Break ing (>ow?l See* Larger (,!a.s< .t! Annual Ilor-o l\vent. ISp? ? iaI t ?< The T tin cm ? I dapa t - h ' W M(i:KXT(t\. Auf 23.-F ituri-s by m I< i '* a day larger ? '. iss.js than eve ii.rf??ami rt'i'vrd'br^'sittllK cruwil <?i more than 6,000 puoplo Wurronton' l\v>-m} * !i i r >1 annual snow '/[???..?([ ? ?? ill'* first nine clilivi tvere ?f :?j ' I?i iiiiaril, i j farmers ami breeder.->. anil were ainioat evenly divided beiw AI w i ti g t on Fa mi H'j kland Mail Farm, lr Vmthi; i'arm, 11i <_'? > u rt oi :.<l I). dmrtn ami < .irt":? Simpson. litnU Mali rami winning i aauiplonship and rv e r v e ' '1*1 r t ? t - of general Intnrei* Was : .ill .inks of < .KItt? <'II beaut ? iii oiiti.ii which went after verv w.' .so ijumyvmiva '.o Mr*. P. N !.-?? ?mwW*''A- T,,Wrtn Vorv*M Ward kb' :lrit cup of the (lay wad w ? ? it by 1 ?. M. Wai.t r s iilcbald pony pi ? [? -t.y .shown i,y At iks Peggy Keith. \\ . U'I'Ikv Bowles' ' iitrii M were rlr in li pony lri harness class and llrs also in novi. .? saddle hors> s. (". I L<-ith> liovernur, a. 1, Larrabees '" J*;'K and Henry j|. Norman's Jane r<i!iv? r, iu order named, claimed tlii' ribuons in the stoutly contested free-for-ai i hanriieap jump after keen competition a nd several rounds of jumping off. Ji tiie l'.-;?r, ow nod b? th.: Aycrslilrc Kami ai. ! 1> I". p.- - put I'm A < lent, ridden by Mrs. P N Lee. won tin* iadi-s hunters The exhibition ..f 'i. Tliird i.'av airy wu* a ii-. -lay. Llgh: nn.I. 1. lieu vy-w :^Ut h Liter#. t li. bandv n inters ?, 1?? . .J . tremendously i i1, ' 8 fil lit ?* (Iftj ri ? pdrforril ?ii wore wontWfti lean nn?l ? , ? hc< idcitt ?i any kinct i mi.?rriMl i In* d.i > 1 ? u ?, .1 ?. ?t.. i .. - ;i... t jiit uciiM ? l*aroti <_'our t l;in?i H. Smith, socoimj. ; l|av Colt. I in.-k land Mall Kami. Inc third, liuck la ml Mall Farm. Inc. , suit..Ik or Percheron yearlings? firs-. AI win ton Luther. Alwinton j I'arm; second, Black Pave. Clifton Mllip.SitM I Clvdesdule vearlings?f?r?t. Vlnthlll Annie. Hn.kiund Mall I'arm. III.' second. blank, thlid, blank. | Clydesdale'U ? firs: I \ intliiil Ka.iv, liii.'kiand Mall Kami Inc.. KOiitfiiil, .lacnueliii MriMiaii'. tourtjnnd 11. Smith, third, A'.wlng ton !? ain. Suffolk or IVrcheron twa-vear-old? flint. Wui.-uinc, Alwingtoii Karm. second. CHfton .Simpson; third, blank. ?>i" 1 . or. '''Tchcron mares?first. Piamond. AlwinKton Fnrm; second. Mntchett, Alwliigton Farm: third, uiank. Clydesdale mares?first. C.lenara Queen Courtland H. .Smith; second. n".r:.1 !',?,!'U; "uokland Mall Farm. In. third. !? airholme Xnnuy, Buck li'nd Hall Farm, lnc Clydesdale stallions?first, Raron Ash vale, 1 tuck la nd Mall Farm. Inc. Smith!* tMrd. blaV,kPtr- C,,i,rtIa"d "? Champion purebred draft stal .lons or mares?Mist, Uaron Ashvaie ljucklanij Mail Farm, Inc.; .second blank"' Farm, Inc.; third I to ad hacks ?flr?t. T.eo Mrs P V 1l.\. Mr.-. M. M. Maddux. K, ,'tar 1 J?er lip. third. I .ii d y l.uck. P. M. Wai , lei and son. Mercer Waller up. ? llr,"t 'HMUnNi,,r Cv'1!!1'' ?\Vr 1 1 i n! 1 M. Waller, !????? v K?*lth ( up: fo'cond, K Miss Xlae Le Fei -' iieyhouif": thlid. Bel tie Lee. A \ r ifhbuoK. ! nrlwiUniti0r'";i ?vf;,rfi and under? : '? '? 1,U';,/,,aF SDUth. Mt. Airy Karm ; hir i i-i i!r"ll',r Vlnthlll Farms. Inc. V..v?! her"V,,n' ,Mrs- n- ?"? Sands, vv i V "ft'""!- ilrsi enltv. Ii." '' ,K0 IJowleit; second, Leo. Mr . .\. Lnc lorrest. Ward up. third Pwcaiuer, Pr i*. S. Carter : lininess cup?Ponated bv i/rio-i.t l'S ! 1,,?">yton?first. Star Fr.fn ? \i .-Tu , Ho?*lca: second. n- H '" ,, ?ss I'-'I'th .Veiblt: third. i? ; Ma?l Ferneyhoujfii, \t- .',.H'S,Vsu,.tal,ie f"r l??to?flrat. The n iu;. hnrlea Danlela; necond, Annie Oakley, Mrs. .John S Onlnes; third lluutHinan, Mi?s Kdlth Nesbit. !? rce-for-u 11 handicap Jump the spu offers annual hu bscriptlon iu nddition?first. Governor C. 1 J.clth I Tuile,1. ""ff- f I- Lnrrahee ' hIrd, Juno Tolivt r, Menrv 11 Sor | man. ? I Saddle horses. IB.2 and under?first. . IV.-.inter. Pr. P. s. Carter: second, i leer.., Mrs Allen Potts; third, itosa i Ii- Up. I. M. Allen. ? 1 i oop.-rs class ? first, fustor. Third i uv.ilry; s.coti.l, C'easeniont, Third . i a vii try : third, Third (' ivalrv. Mir;.-er's* char<ere?First. " daylard. Marbonrd; .second. lie.dwiiii;. i Ilnr.l Cavalry: third. Freckles, Lleii j trnn nt .M IJ, Jo no 59. Fire drill e: ? . exhibition hi- Third . 1 nited States Cavalry. . I'oiiIi-k uv.-r 115 bauds over Jumps. 1 up donated by Miss lMith and Kliza heth NesltH jlrst, .1 w Waller, Pet uy Keith up; second. iSlnger j Tem I < ?\va tli-iny, .1 r.; third. Lady Orav. j Allen Pay. i ,-v ^unt^f-s?;nrst. Jessie Dear. | P I-. I'cbutts. Ajrent. :.lrs. p. x. Le^ i Wi OraiiBe Blossom. K. L. I edtnilii, Mrs. p X. ridlnc; j third, 1 lie Brown Hoy, Spencer III i si..y, Mrs. X. 1.^. ritiing. Lixbt. weight huncrs-flrst Th* Brown Boy. Spencer Illslev, Kdwar.l , Barker up: seemd. I.asy r,? Allendale J arm; third, June Tollver. Menrv 11 | Norman, MUlille-welgrlit hunters?first. Mv 1'iiolce, Alienda'.e I'arm; second, trann?; Bli stom, I-:. I. Kedinon. Kd war.I l ark-r up; tliird. Lady Luck. ? 1 bird Cavalry. Heavy-weight tfcuners?first. Will C.o. I-: L K.-.lm..n. K.Lvar.l Barker up' second, i .overnor C. I T.elth: third. Kuy I ewclothes. Colonel n R Wal lii.-ii, Jr.. up. hunters, to he ridden as follow,: walk to first feuco. tnk.i I dow n top rail, jump fence from stand. lep.ace rail, wallop and jump second ! fi'tice at niinting: pace, then pull up I and take ne\t fence tit a trot, then gallop to Kate, open, ride through. ! and Kate. Manners, perform ance and time consumed ludgrd , first, \ iking. Mrs Courtland II. Smith > I oil it la ml M Smith up; second. John' . Pixon. Vlnthlll Farms: third, Uock I Inuli.ain. Mrs John H. Gaines, Tliurs I t "ii . Mark up. * Iniiiim (iitif Mariiilioii SInrk, Si'1 ?K A XI-:. WASH., Aug. '.'J?The Marathon golf championship of the I nitcd States was claimed today by Arthur K. \ clguth, II. u contractor. iv bo M 'tidav p!a>eil i..uiiiis on the Spokane ?lo\vn-riv-?r i Koif course \ walk of about fiftv 1 three mill s was an incident to ma! - iiig tin- i.'.a.i.I, The 1 'J S holes weie played with an average of j.t strokes I each, total'.y strokes. Har Homer for "Conduct."? 1 B> L'nlted News. | \'i.V\ VdllK, Aug. ','n The province ot the New Vork Hoxing Cf inmissloti now i" m braces the domestic affairs l of boxers and others eonn. to.I with clw ring. Carl Trunin in- the CLve land bantamweight, has been set down Indefinitely for "conduct detrl mental of the sport.' The whistle was blown on th.- ?"In velander be cause of "<| -mi-stlc tiouble." Sel Dull- fur 1'iiwrr lloat Itnce*. BI'l-'FAI.O. N. Y? Aug. 23.?Th* \ iii.licati Fower Boat Association has approved September 14. |j, ifi as l.latrs f..r tli.- v>"st|?o!<d fiow.r r.''.ii on ttir Niagara Itivi i ? w as a mi. ai ii .1 today I-'ivo in.'.* ? > ,.ii the program. The in ! .? 111.1f? Iiydi'..planes In tin- 2.2(ui < !a-s f<'i" t"- n t ert.a t ional . b a in pion sh i ji : ? II .pla.-. in- :.t i.oats In tin- 2.200 d iss .1N|.1 I.-. iii.iiT I. a' s '..100 class, di.i fda iitr.'-it boa I * ^1'.*. . lass. and ? plan's 1.1 .i.i ! it *s. ? Walker ll<(* III lr I lr I >?. I II 11.A PKI.I'll I A FA \:m I' (Tilly I H'alUcr, ?' i i .? ! 1;ilade plila \ men ins. h Ii ?lilrt'fth home run of the sea*..n t., ? 1 -i> In third r lilng oi tl;.- game witi Pettoit FhmUe wits pitching. Appalachian U(?tDr. Klngsnort. a. Johnson Citv, j, BrisUi). 7, Kriuxvllio, St. Greenevllle. 2; Cleveland,, 7. _ j,