Newspaper Page Text
Sirhmum) CwrejHBiSpatclj rn;: timks lint. i???. THE DISPATCH Km. is60 Entered January 17, 1908. at the Poft-Office at Richmond, Viu. a* Seitond-Cl?.;<.* Mtllrr. ft'KI.ti-'fil"! ? every day In the year .*\t 10 South r?nth Street. Richmond. Va.. by The Tlmu Dtf-iiat ill Publishing Co.. Inc. IF OCR KRIKNPS who lavor tie with mnnti scripts and illustra tions for pukltoaiion w sii to liava unavull siWn nrtlr j returned, they must in uil euaes ?end b'amps for that purpose. ADDRESS AM. COMMU NICATION'S t o The Times Dispatch and no: to Ind!viduals. TKl.Kl'Ht iNH Randolph l'rivH'it Hrimoh K* ? oh ? n ?" ?? conneotlng with n.? lieonrtmenth. . BKANCH OFFICES: Petersburg. Ill N rth S y r ,i rn <? r f .Stro~t. \V.inMnRton, HH Now Vorn Avenue. New York City. Fifth Ave. :.ue it-.:. dti k Chicago, }?>?? >;i|a s ? , Hii .Idin r . i h . .??: el pl?l a. ?"olonliti Tr'.-sl Rullil: n 4 -? I SCI JPTt'^N PRICES BY MAIL (Pi.yr.h. In Advance) 1 Mo. S Mrs. * Mo*. Orlr } 5 |.1 Th? ' Ahst.: spatch : "proof D IT Da. y a r. KT LO( M?rr ;? i Morn Su-.lav NT}' M T> J.l : Tr. I 6.50 1^.SO -- tinday. <-ap.r:ep. dfi tvfry ser\-t?"E Sani'.i) ....IS * xr??k ?it Sunday..... .1? cents a wnejc 7 <*?tits a week *">F TH" ASSOCIATED PRESS? The a*- int- : Prei- 1s exclusively entitled to the use r repul rsttonof all news dispatches cre.ilt.-i to It '">r not otherwise credited in this paper ?.r. < ?;.? ai :.?? wk ptiblNhed herein All , t if eh ?>? fcoreln u.r* also reserved. " No Separate l'cnre IT To'TVA "the offec'Svoness of the as i>f t idav" that tin* leaders of th? sh<u have rejo. ????! the . ; r?> J'osh'i? : r This effectiveto t fey fovi. would be destroyed by the re : n of any t.nb?t;???inl number of shopmen in advance (>:' n Roneral settlement. That !- t>: ? p'.i'U mt lining of their reply to the compromise pian that y. -it onlay camo to them frntn tlfty-tuo : r: ? through '? n iMin: bri.thorL.' d ?-ti!?'*.- This r? .i-'ii f?? :* r<-ject Ing thn pr<-:? i< llnl.'-d iip w th a eha n tf other apparent reasonl-nt ? a. mo will mrvtvc* a parallel oxaminatinn < : nientH Issued reppertlvely hy *ho e\o. tr ve< . n I 'ho In t: ?? ubn I ;, the ; -'v ea* rler<*. ' ?: ; ? u ? mp! yes that 1?, of t] CO r?>.?d- w ? : o ? definitely BF.sur 'd ':h *anro r.f ,11 that they asked/' I den (len I prqiiiOHala fntni all of the i l l- undoubtedly v ???! 1 !>? . .-??.?p'od Th? ? fifty-two . : nfi't rod to ?:ivo employment to all of their men, except tlioso ?A-!-,' i r- ? j'lil'v f "jir-iVi-n a- ? ?? <>f \.o leni e," at '].? :? n?.ial - ? of \\i.rk, at the :-a!l ?? 11 r ; i ? ? ;ii i ? . : :ii ? ? ? f pay ll\? 11 ;? t"i ?'.ir i' iuk any d> r- tlio ? poii-.ioti riithts or" other P" ?. . h 'a i . tlio ?: tikitiK ? oj had Oi. ?: t ' ' ? - !"!ir t'Tin i' iTvii??>," 11:? ? ? ? 1 th. : s. lv. - to ? ;;iUe ba- k . h [iri'..i l'os liiiiiipairiil ' 1 t ? 11.:? t ;mv disputed ? c ' : et ut . f : heir men, ::i 11, omposed .I ? - and > iiiefs of t he 1': i ' .illy ? peaking, t he !!??? ' every I Otldif i"l? \->_i ? :. a ? ' ho basi* for < .i.divoji, tl u i . e\, opt ? ? : tirt: of :?.!! " i.o ?.t ? : kitiK ? !? '?!! til.- fifty tw o , ;ir i:i' rd: v more t1 i n one ' .In ? ? of I he e\o. ut i % ? carriers e:.v. Th' y al ma*t< - of rtvo rt- . fiv< : term- of tl laid a ' t . ? . . th? ' eniji! i rir:.-. ? ? thi"! ? bf ? ? P11 have ? r. 1:1 ? > le;td ? c. it it had been ? !;?. -u 1? i i iif with ? I ?!:.i; ?i m-iveii with >r a: adj'i-' n.? ? 11. To | ' ' ' "'! o pr,. ,p ,f '? ' te: iMip w ill ,-tr | 1.- imply to ! - : n f i. t. These j sir. ??! i ?i n s I'-'Ttai, s ?>! i' ? WAV . . : oi*! ?*r Fon. been urr>r reading ; an ap: . ; bato for :. Hardly any times, it n.'.v uiilver.sul The fact promir : r licity," ? one at belnji critical, report fillZel ; m ent ? ItH lit t ? Blfco that for ? : ? ; not lie lilteW < The age (,< varloiihl} i"'\ man h again, i i > t.> -t it i, Hie S;vi ('OIl)fi;: '. . huntoi ,:i ; nil for .it |V (on? e: oh ' r?er i The,,, \ If ?fie* the ' 'r.nnce f '1 ' k an . Max Ug? r has ' : nr.r 'itfny of the . at .o.tet tWo i influents, ?? 'a;. o-rce of <\< ? !? jf!. *? fjnrt clubroorn 'f modern ? ' V ven a rnoie re.icw "? ? *>?:? ut -oir. ir th d his Kovem tn f. br ef, f t )lM p< n aid the ? ? i ? I ? .TTl er r. v. 'if, v< a?i\ rijrh in th' : ;? ' ? ave form'd h. r ..wn cot.'" .1' ? r>-t-fi?*? i-.)'. that Ik p?*H!ne:i?. It ' ? ? n/.' v what they (ire about, w!!l teli t < in - and ?hey nre pr'-pnr?d to prove by papaisnd mamma that time doea , I not always speak whon it is too late. There 1s nothing rhr? rest of us may do that would he mnre becoming than to take the advice of Dudley Field Mnlone. the Mct'ormick family lawyer-?and "lot them alone." Working In the Dark AS the rewriting of the tariff hill hy the Senate Finance Committee was sur rounded with the greatest possible secrecy, so the flnal task of composing the -.4116 differences between the respective Senate and House bills will bo carried out with like secrecy. The conference committee is composed of *1* Republicans and four Demo crats. Hut. as in the case of the writing nf these amendments by the Senate Finance Committee, the Democratic members will not be consulted in the matter of the ad just motif of the differences until after the si\ Republican members havo determined jus? how th? bill shall be reported out The Democratic members will then be called in Mid given the opportunity only to register a minority dissent. Any changes they might .-??<? lit to suggest. will be unceremoniously voted down by the six Republicans bound (?> their own agreement. Here is th" announced program of rnn ferencu secrecy agreed upou between Chair men Mcc'umber. of the Senate managers, and Fordney, of the House manager.-: moot, ir gs of the committee are closed and daily announcements with respect to details of the work of th? committee will be with hold Thov both explained. In defense of ?his procedure, that "public announcement >f tho compromise rates would serve only ?<> Mood the committee with telegrams from :nteri =ted part-es." That is a lame excuse for hiding from the public the successive -?ops in t!io bargaining by which an addi tional burden of more than threo billions annually of Indirect taxation is to be fast ened upon if, with exported returns of reve nue to the Treasury : only about ? 100, o(t 0,0ft 0. Since !h<> bill at all s'acoc of its progress was designed to give a monopoly domestic market to favored American manufacturers, enabling thoni to exploit th<"? consumers of ?he country at will, this purpose will not bo abandoned in any material particulars in the further bargaining that will be car ried on in the conference committee; hence, the veil of secrecy mu-t be tightly drawn v? lii 1 e the finishing : . lies are being put to the wholesali -. ! ?mho of exploitation. Fordney and McCnn her want to complete j their work In the datl;; they are afraid fw any of their '?compromise rates" to leak out, l'-?t the commit ? ?? she/! ! be Hooded with a volume of pu >:, p.otest and tlie ex tent of the outrage they .re determined to perpetrate should be carried direct to all the people i?nd tiiui r>fie tion by overwhelm t;g lepudiikflon of the party which sponsors the iniquity at the polls in November. My j continuing their work .-i secret, they hope ?o keep us many of the country's voters as possible fooled as to the extent of the bur den <o bo pla<<>d until after they have cast their billots ;ii the ??oniing eie<**lon. They liti.? w that the day of reckoning will come sooner or later, bill they want it delayed as long as possible. An Impracticable Coupling VV7 1T1I the spirit of the proposal that VV Monticello. the home of Thomas Jef i< rson. be ac?|iilred j.y purchase as a perma l em memorial tr? sous of the old Dominion who die>l in the World War every Virginian will feel instant sympathy. The sentiment ex pi ? sse,i ,n the proposal is worthy of the American Legion's loyalty to the memory 1 1 its "buddies" who did not return and of the reverence with which, in common with all Americans, it holds the histor,. homestead of Jefferson The soundness of a memorial project so conceived may be questioned only with he-|tatioti and pro found regret. hut reflection must disclose m< impracticable nature of the joining hero ?I nti?H1o Always will ns^iwMafpro doniinnntly in the minds of Virginians and | all Americans with the name and memory I of the great man whose home It was That ' D inevitable nml lining; or, if it is not in <\!'ab'o. the desire of Americans ami Vir ginians particularly should be to make it so No less should It be the desire of every l- Mginian to nstahl -h a memorial that shall -land erduringly and peculiarly a- a sign ' ' 1 ?' Sta'i's devotion to the memory of | i- ''tis who made t!,?, great sacrifice in the | war with Oertnany Hut to attempt a morg I f:g of these shrines would i)o to make cor- ' * a i II the obscuring of one or the other, quite j i 1 !>l> t ?;<? dulling of iioth. i lie f i< ? that M? nticeiio has not alreadv , been mad" secure :i permnnent Jefferson ! memorial must be view-l by all Americans ' v ith a sen.-e of national remissness. b> \"ir- | r.:nians with the lcejing thut both a nation "tnl 11 have been unmindful of a glori ? IS privilege Some ,|Uy. n-rlainlv the ob ligation wlil be met j?kt aa <1;iy ,ll0 ?' ?* 14 ? irginia wli! erect in honor ?.f i*. war de,,d the memorial r..r which the Anier '' 'H'.on has appealed Hut a common memorial, however happily it might solve the problem of physical security for th<< hon,. of Jefferson, would be <t... |, con f u sine. Hughes- Visit t,, Hra/il /"MIAHLFS I1VANS lll'CID:. . . r< ary ."'ate, sailed Thursday . ti <he 1'an f -i ret i j in the visit to Jim?.; wh;.-h Kmperor Dom I'edro made to tin- l'ni*od Stntes in 1876, and to Visit the Hrazillan ? v*? ' ' In eommeinovatlou of :).? hun '? . anniversary of the Indepetido;-,, o . f that , ,,iiitr> from foreign rule While <he t''urn visit of the former Kmperor !, .s b"<n : k *leluyed, its belated re ognit ion tn <1, < | formal method of ?xpronging appreciation of the honor will revive memories <,r ti.e . * as to i, fcn?l be accepted by the Hra/.ilian I' ! 'e a-< : fitflng ei pre-.- i|| .,( jl, w. I iiig I Mend t>hi p and do... r relat..,,,.' |? ? .?, ,' , 1 t tie tw.. . e,II,tries that grew out .if t lie \ hit [if'ti tiie eve of his departure Sc.-retaiv , Hughes rave out this statement "| | it iking for* ird to ibis visit to Hra/il with | ,h'' keenest pleasure it u a ;'tRr,?; j able flu: v to which the special ml on lias bteii a*BlKn<j? of cnnveylhR to tiin govern ! " ' ' ',! ?' ' ? ol '. It 'IT t. pubi l our ( . r <1 Ifi I g<'??,.llg^ a i'i) f. .? i la 11??ii ?. ' : he I caslon of their H"i \e.,i"X ,,f j,j..j?... I'tng II i ?? ?Ve< (e , | (i j . f . , Ship between the twi> peoples, ami we aro looking forward to the happii < , ? f,pera tion in the fni ure ' Toward t -,< i; '? thl- h o d . f f; . ,oDhip. :?,.< ?. !' of j Si . rotary Hughes Is w.<li timed, an : ? T? | Milt no douht win be i-roductivo of ? or nndf r<-tnndinj: of the c<-onom:.: pi litems in which both peoples are niutuallv lr:<er fcstefl. and to that extent nhould prove help. fill in opening up larger opportunities for trade exchange between the two countries. A similar visit by former Secretary i'f State Klihu Root as a member of President Roosevelt's Cabinet in 1006. when he pre sided over the Pan-American conference at Rio do Janeiro, tended to clear up many misapprehensions existing throughout Pan America as to American purpose and Amer ican ambitions, and the line impression that was left was Quickly reflected in a growing increase in the voluino of trade slnco car ried on between these countries and the I'nltrtd States. We dare say the impression that will be created by Secretary Hughes' visit to Hrii7.ll will be attended with like results. Xot for Their Hire Alone OKDKRS to resume work havo been re ceived with universal rejoicing in the coal-mining fields. Celebrations approach ing in sweep and abandon tho demonstra tions that marked tho day of the Armistico are reported from the villages where live the mnn whose prolonged idleness has kept the nation in a state of nervous apprehen sion. With a step of more than wonted quickness, faces radiant and a song on their tongues, thousands of miners havo piled into the shaft buckets for tho drop to their hidden Held of toll; their wives go about the affairs of the household with a manner betokening tho removal of a dulling care; a new laughter and zest in the play of their children reflect the burst of relief and con tentment. The vision of another pay day lingers and dances before every eye. "Merchants re ported a big business?credit now. but cash in two weeks- on all necessities of life With schools opening shortly, kids tumbled | into shoe stores and felt tho tlrst leather that lias been on their feet this summer." j The specter of want has been dispelled; streaming sun rays have broken through clouds unrlfted since tlietr gathering in mid spring. Hut is that all? Is it only the prospect of a more generous material allotment and emancipation frotn anxiety that has brought to tbo miners this sudden wave of happi ness. this gift of song? Few who havo shared the experience of enforced Idleness will deny that there is another, if less read ily apprehensible, reason. It is not alono for their hire that men give tln-ir days to toil; though no other desideratum loom so large in their consciousness, though. Indeed, awareness of any other be lacking alto gether, it is not this alone that is the whole sum of their compensation. Consciously or not, they toll for the expression of an impulse, an urge, that reckons not of pay envelopes, but of a reward that is the in stantly answering thrill of every honest stroke and of the sweetness that falls upon " the sleep of a laboring man." Up With the Times 11T II. O. II. It may h? nl e to hear that the value of the American rl !ar !?* climbing so rapidly, hut. unhappily, few of us can got to Germany to spend It. "Cfincr"" Acts to Prevent f"oal Shortace,** says a headline. Tcn't I* comforting In these dark times to know that ('"ncre** Is always ?br? '.vhToif 1* '.ooklng out for us? Au?*r!i may s'and In nerd of t)i? warning rtnty ?? * in 'I'M again?' a" a ' ianeo with i;.rr> it l.ut. :f ??. tt ?n i?t k !? a use Austria 'Ir.-li rif w sp<tp?rs and ten. A* V. r. <'lty. 111., thov } <? .!'v? the enr'h to If ".it arid we i an rendily understand why ?' t v fe< that way w lion wo ren.l of Klric \'..!iva'? order that "men a?:d gtr'.s must bathe a ? ?? pa ra t e heaehes ' It must be admitted that th? brotherhoods did everything lti their power to ptill th? strike negotiations out of the desert. It seems never to have occurred to the bonus framers. who are "wonder nc" what the President will do. tha' tinder energetic <|iiet?ifir. I tiff the President mlgli; Rive some vague h 1 n t. Echoes From Down Home In F.nglmd titles are n"w pur<*ha ?a b'e in Phih. ratlr America, oil- > are purchased, tnirham Herald. There n?ver ? a? le?s t" " mat'rial for the ? instruction of a ?? artvr than William Z. Foster, but official iiincoinjioopery may yet c'|, . .?-.i in haticlr u ;? ? r ii "f martyrdom on I s *a ..lie a> vu d- lirei nMnirn News. \V '?? the .?? try !s In dlt" distress he - . , j>. . f it .I :*'- at war the farmers of Amer ica ar?- di 1\ s'rauhT ahead Thiv are 11.. ! .1 i' ?: i olv auainst a I th? S t< r "lis 11 11 ? u . ?; : e fa I rner desei VI-S ? rea t praise. f ? t?. Ii ??* 1 e given credit for w har. \of s< iMIity we have in these perilous i'ii.> Winst .in-Sa :ein .loiitnal. TI an1 .ah r I....I eu of a railroad ? r a ri y other ?? n. pii- \ : rig ? in pa t v. left t,, t hem - s. . es, verv seld. rn fall to str:k? an agreement that ts mutually satisfactory.?("harlotta Oh ? ?? t ve r. I'p ? ri'.< tt 1" difficult to realize that a 1 .'.iti.-al i in;paii;i 1- going on In North <"aro 11n i Are tl ?? politicians in a still hunt?? Wl n trig ton Star. ?' trie to t, It i.f It, forigrrssmen are the !?al fellows to say what should he done to f < t. who (1 n't si.'iv on the JoK ?A she vllle 1 i.. 'a; 'i p lender* sef|< to make Newberrylsm paramount issue'' When you rome to think about tt the' ar? r ? t far wrong. If nenator v i>, I., i ticl.t avi so d In the market a r c ??'. >'i ri ri i ti t > a t a n end \ 1' . ft: ? i. ?? , ? ? 11?? p. pnhli atis propnse |.? i . ? ? ? ' r" ? > whitewash Newberry t . h'? '.?? lainpalKli. they shoiiiil 1 . t ti e . . r i per a I i on ..f tho I mnn > - ? it 1 ': ? ? . ? ;? t ? <? I'. i all d" t t 111? ti ? ? ? i t' put mi the soft j? ? I il u til respe t to N.,vhetiy. Kiilii^h and ? il fror. T'.e S :'l ? rii Itai way '"otnpatiy would never "i i. rnlt Its force* In the Spencer t.i t ? t rn i of men. If It r> t ?!'. ? I.Mt there !? no purpr,s? ;ii' i a i; a in j. ?. ?? 1 TOO workmen on i I Tli" ra Ir.'id men ela'm that with a f < ' r( t.?.pin. ii In service, and the . . f ? i In i or v a nl/at Inn ahnllsliid. they ah!" t , i|i. in much work hk 'J.O'io men ? ii ? rly did uixlnr union rules, 't'his they . .I for on Do fioiinil that iliey luive been . | .. r11 it ii i. Hi- lii-iiain ?, to ?nciire tin' si iv ? ? ? f a t-'ei ill worker for an> hpeeliil need "f an ei.?rlne. the itncln'TH not being privileged to "fix'" anything that might v.ronit und needing the attention of a n>H > hltiUt. Thl* !? orio/eatlire <if the strike that ha< l.een generally Vvt-rlookcil by the public, r? Chariot !? Observer SEEN ON THE SIDE n>- henry ri'WAnn wahner ( hfrr l'|?! (Tn Irvlnu B ?) Cheer up, friend! No vain r^cret Will k c t you anything: No moping mood *vlll mnvn .1 Muse To sinu von souks of Spring! What It tnny t>?? irnuhlfs you. What poison's In your cup 1 do not know . I <lo not car? .... I only say: "Cheer l?p!" That Yi'slonlny 1105 mIM honesth Tho rose*, anil Tomorrow Is yet unborn with what It brings i if passing* (oars at Harrow. V1.1t have Toila.v It I* your own!? Hreak fast, ami dine. and sup! . . . Iilvi> while you tnny who eke must die. And while you live 'Vheer tip!" We may n see the beauty In Theso skies beyond I'liniiar" ? Hut thoiitch wo <lo nut see It. Son. Tint 1'o.uitlfut Is there! Takf off your goggles for a while Anil uso a tplosi'o|ic, And brlnsr your vision on th? Joys Of love, ami faith, and hope I An-I you shall benr the n-iK->ls sing, And you shall smell th<> rose. And you sha!! feel the thrill of Spring When first the South-breeze lilows! And incn airaln anil vet acaln Hrea_k fast, and dine, and sup! Today Is all thoro is of life?? So t.iko it. and cheer tip! Clmrconl I'ph's Itiitii Thought. "Hit ain' so fur t' heaven i-aid Charcoal Eph. moodily. "Ko' (mrc folks, hit am a girl's house, an' fo' *ome. d? hootl^cKcr's home address. Eat a pickle. Mistah Jackson" I.OKnlnppp. Th? crylnc of a child Is muflc. hut so is a nfw trombone. Patronise your friends and pav cash to your \Vh??vor Invented the cost "f living? Ki'?p etne, Ol' Topper: you don't have to llv? always. Health Talks by Dr. Brady nrninrnl of Tonsils. Pr. Albert ]">. luKrr, of K '?'?r. N". T. hi< recently published a valuable report of j a careful study of tho effect f removal of the ; tonsils In :.,'io0 children. and there 's prohahly j no record in ri 1 11 :il literature ? hi- li run com pare with th':- report In Importance. Not only w .1 ^ a pair iking study .>f the fond - tioii 1 .' ?'.?<-ii ? : t ti?- 5 ????o children made a year i after the i'i? rail ? r?. but I >r. Ka <er anil Ills associates studied itnl examined 10.OO'? children b?-tor?? th? ? \ cp. i.itr.l i :i iyr ills' as'wi i t.uisi:-. Th-' lui 'Ml'diio tliiiH ri- |Ulr>d ?? 11111 1i?h j I ir. K user '?> sp*-ak with authority I am limiting some of his conclusions here. 1 >f ' the 1 1 U'l-' . h 'dr. ii operated or. tl.ero n.u ti"t a siirK- al t it ?:Ity. \' th?* end of a year, v I per , . nt the :.?>??? children studied were found In bi'ter ph. s' al health than they had l.? en 1>> fore the tonslln were retnovt'd. I ti the \ear following t lie operation IS of 'he ."..nan .-I 1 ren hsd diphtheria, and eleven hail icar ? 1 fever. In the san e year the rate for other children In t e dtv who hml n<>t hud their tonsils out una practically twice as high for both ilipht Inrln and ' arlet fever. Heforo ' per.-it "n 31? per cent of the fi.OOO children were 7 per r'nt or more under weight. A yc;ir after the operation only C> per cent of tie < hlldren were underweight. A gain of fri-ii ten to twenty yotinds Iti weight was ? n; n In the year fo'.io'Vlng removal of th>- ???nsils. The paretr .? < hlldren operated on had their own vlf ws of the value of the oper- | a? ion. The |.air v 1 4.24" of the fi'.io ?? I; s 1 - ' ilren reported t at the children were better In health after t'o removal of the tonsils; the parents of 70 i.f th? children rould see no definite change, 'he par'nts of Ml < f the children rrpor'?d that their children had been less heai'i y *. before the removal of the tonsils, The effect of r'f 'Vil of the tonsil" on en latjfed lymph 11 ? '!??* or "jr'.anils" fkernels) In the neck was ?? ? 1 r .j r>f the le.o.wi , in i|r> ti operated on. -t.l'iO had more or less enlarge ments of the cervical Ivinph nodes b< f"ro t)i? tonsils were ren . | n per cent. A y. ar ! later rriore than ! 1 ' . f these were free fr^rn th? enlartrenieiit of tin lymph nodes Hut 1.10a <>f the chlldre* who tiad had '? ?> en'arceil lymph nodes i;i t! ? tx k before If rt tl of llie tonsils f|id hav.. Kiieh erilarKed nodes a \car after tii'ir ? ? \ batl been reni"vn| 'I his Indicates tl at Infect Ion of tho lymph nodes of the neck ' 1 \ < s place oven without dl? t used tonsI's More than one In c.o-h five children oper ated on had had #a- trouble, d..? harrctr ear or deafness A ' ' ? ffr removal of the tonsils only one ? 'i twenty-five ,f tie children had at > ?? ? trouble. l-'our hundred of e e-..i chi'dren had suf - f? led from fre<|U< r at' i 'ks of feverish i'.l liisi lo fore ri'tvu'v 1 the tonsils. I ? ? the year after removal ??< the tonsils only fifty children had had ; 1 attacks. Two hundred of ? > e children bad had "jjrowitiK pain*": removal of the tonsil* onl\ thirl -seven children liail had such pains. Of the a.mill chtldri". H.fitiO )iad been mouth breathers: a year after operattlon only 4r>0 r.f them tvi it mouth breathers. News of Kiftv Years Ago (Kr?>m tho nlchmond 1 . tch. \ug. l^Tj ) Captain ?l. It !?'!? "1 Via- recently Hp pointed one of the I'.ipitoj police, was yes terdav tnortlltiB the ? j.'crit of a handsome silver badge, prrsen-e.; ? . him by the ern ployes of the Ci;v ilri Works as a testl n.onlal of cnnlldenre at.! friendship. The cap- , tain had for some tin-, been employed at the <;as Works Captain ?' ' EnRlish made th* presentation speech Ijev | ?r. Moses I? II has left the White Sulphur Springs for M ldletown. N. J.. where be will be the gufft of Governor Randolph for a week or more. Thoma Wat kins. wV.o had his let; roken ir t- 1 "liurch 1(111 tM? 1 a few days ,U'o, dird| at the hospital tticht b-fore last. li. tiry Cut. of the 1 mt 'i (lap farm. Henrico County, talsed a crop ..' wheat this j which treasured out - \ > lu'-hcls to the acre Th - is hard to beat. There was a torch lie ht procession in Nash ville. Tenn . on tho nisli' of the L'Hrd. In whl'h 111 11 -1 ? 1 people participated in honor of ex I 'rf side nt .lohnson. who made a rousing; speech. It Is understood that Mr. Johnson j will run for Congress a* Congressman at large j from Tennessee. Minor Pane, depot agent f .r the Chesapeake and 11I1I0 lit Keswick, was prostrated by sun stroke last Thttrsda j. from tl of which, be died yesterday afternoon. Mrs Anna 1; idon. w ii'c of Mr Oaviil ("!or don. of Warrentoti. .lied suddenly at the (Irani! Central Hotel. .New York, day before \cster d? y. There was a big Conservative meeting In Staunton last night, lion John It Italdwin. ( Colonel Robert K Withers. .1 Handolph Tuck er. Colon*! Wil'.iam S. illlham and Colonel J. 11. Skinner were the speakers. It Is announced thst rresldent Orant will stay at Branch ss long as tH? summer hotelaitlior* remain. ov?Q? OF INTEREST TO RADIO FANS Today's Radio WIIA7.. (Dl?patrh Papors, Richmond.) 7 ("? lUi?.rl>nll ."pore? 7 fto?ncivs flashes and weather report. 7 S:> Sti?.-u quotations nnd bed time story. >,.(10?Sign off. KIIK A. < KiifU Pittsburgh.) 1 i1'! P M t'l'i'Mlur ennccrt by (ho Melody Juniors of Pit I shurgh h co P. M Popular concert, it ?>?> I'. M "Activities ?t May. view." Mr< Kriorh Mauh, 1 >epa rt m?nt of Charities. ?-1?v of Pittsburgh. Pa. 7 'to P. M I'll 17.'?hot h IUi'M" l.loyd, soprani, of Hon Avon M )?: Church ilt It. Horse Stmllo); Mary lteos# Wllf-'ti. ????11(t al?t ot Sorond Pusbv i? r itu rhfir.'h. Wllklnsburg in It Stuillo); R. Ft Itooso. baritone, (Harbor of singing Joan Wessner. rel'ist. and \V. A. lUger, areompM nl?t. and organist at Hon Avon M. K. < 'hurrh. \\J (Newark, X. J > fl.oo I". Al ?1"I'ncle Wliciclly'a tlme stories," by Howard K Oarls f.:4a P. M.?"KaHhlon Talks." 7:00 p. M.?Concert by Herbert W. Hcltli and liIn MnntilIkIiI Serenade? Harold .1. l,ohdell, piano and cornet . Harold 'I' (till, violin; Milton Kelleck. banjo nod piano; ll?rlti>rt \V. 11?? 111?. saxophone, piano and dnrlliet; Wil liam .Mason, drums K .10 p. M.?Ooncfrt by James Mac Donald, baritone, Yonkers, N. V. V WW.I. (Detroit, Mich ) 7:00 p. M.?The Tiotrolt News Or I che?tra; Kdlth M lltiobekam, nnisi. I lecturer; Fred \V. Jenks, baritone, Donald F. Miison, basso. K V \V. (Ohli-aito, I..) fi oo i' M Vocal atnl Instrumental selection* inrr.'toKfil throuKh cour te?y of 'l.von ?*? Mealy, nrtl?t and concert department i, by l?yon A llealy Orchestra, I,"land Hutterfleld, p.mist. Harold Saxler. cornetist; H?n r> <"?cI*m. saxophonist. Wayne Wad - hams, banjo, and Jack Armstrong. Violinist . Olive Mel ?iirtnlrU VVU? ?II RAII MEDIA TION ENDS IN FAILURE; FINISH FIGHT IS NOW ON (('nnlInuod From 1'lril Piko.) Issued n statement outlining tIk? posi tion of tho mediating hrnlh'rhimils. Mr Sheppard s statement was unit In the t> rni of a letter tn lianlel Wil lard. president of the n.lltlmore and Ohio.' and H. M. Jewell. head of the shopcraft union In It Mr. Sheppard said that the mediating bro;herhoods had reached tho point whore there Is "nothlnar more to suggcFt Kiectitl vrn ?.l?e Thftr "Idr* Tho executives statement folirw? "Following thn general meeting of the association of railway ? x?cutlves he|?. In Now Vork tho day h?fnr? yes ?er4fc v, A us n*' 2' a uronpof railroad pr. ? dents representing flftv-twn companies 'with an aggregate ?.f s. fOO miles ..f linos. . ntiiiuo.) its .or f'To nre with tho lealriH >.f i ho fi -, train nri'1 I'licltii'ini n i t-r? t h?-rlion.]?* who ha>l horn a ting .< ?> no '..alms, f..r u furl hoi discussion m - shop craft ' lit". t'onfer? s hot worn a small committee, roprr?rniinK those rall roads and tho broth.-S d chiefs. ?a. it- h'M at thr Vale ?".lib. New York ?"ity. Wodlirs la y even .ng. during ;i large part "f Tli 111i.l:ij' this fore man. "These railway exeetlt 1 ve.s. mindful f the !? I?a rt; demand ! I tr.tns p' :i In. <!? nt to the season i f year, a ii ?l aruii.iu ?n that ao. count t ? do everything possible and practicable ?f, bring about a set tle ment of tl.e f \ if i ii.j coiitr' vorsy, hoprfuj t>-at a fijrthor dl?,.;s vl"n in; CM develop eome plan or rnetlioil ..f settlement which won -I not r< ?|ii1 re the saorlfioe i f principles deemed fundamental by either party to t h?> ri>n11 'i vrr ? y ?i ii I il (,l>o I'rnrofiil Mrn Work. "Hating In mind the norn .1 re quirements o( the carrier* fur men n tho v i 111 cra'ts at this scroti of the year. l"t*o>jer w 11 11 the Increased, r? tpiir. ?! i i ? * r? ]'? :c fr'rn a re. ? 111<-?->1 working f"t e f -r ne.arlv two month*. t ! ? .-<- .? 'i'i'.ml??. while tin willing to a i?r? e to any program or method ?.f adjustment which affects the r Ik lit" or privileges of employe* ? .f the shop raf's who ?!'?? not take part In the strike or throe who had hcen otr.plo ? ! slnoe I illy 1, wore willing to pledge themselves to find employment for all of the striking employes n-t guilty of proven it ts of violence, .it tuoir usual class of work, at a rate of pav fixer! hy the l*nlte<! States jt.iij i.ahor Hoard, and at the same terminal point. "With the same Important phase of tho con?roversv disposed ? f there remained only the problem of reach tig an under; tatidit'S - on -mine t>-.e future relations between the rail road employes themselves and he t ween t! > employes > had heen on itri'Kf and their em piny In k com pa n|t-s. "The ra:'ronds difelalm any desire to t ike adva'tace t?f the siruatton tti cur" ii' 11" pension rlphts or other privlleces which the striking em ployes had earned hy virtue of their term "f s< i vie" with the cmnpan :< ?. and the roads at that conference anrrod to take hack all employes with such privileges unimpaired. These railroad companies felt at lib erty to do tills because such action mi t licit part would pot In any way affect or prejudice the rights or priv ileges of others who did not partici pate in the. strike. >?M* So11 lr inr ii t I'lnn MiKUcsteil. "The railway executives also agreed that, if after I lift men re turned to work, there remained an> unsettled dispute growing out of the situation which the companies and the representatives 'if the em ployes wore unable to settle In di rect conference, such matters should he referred for final determination to a commission of i?n members, to be made tip of the chief executives of the five train and ene:inemen's brotherhoods who ivere actine as me diators, and the flve railroad execu tives. experienced in matters sue it as naturally would come before a committee of that kind "The railway presidents also pro posed that if an agreement could be reached along lines substantially us Indicated above. thev would en deavor to carry out the agreement in a spirit of conciliation and sin cere purpose to a general set tlement of all matters In contro versy resulting from the strike. "The railway executives were cer tain that while making substantial concessions to the men on strike, such a settlement as proposed would in no way sacrifice the right or privileges of the loyal men now em ployed hy the companies ropre .?.entcd. Mediators Work Helpfully. "The committed of mediators worked helpfully with the carriers in ait effort to bring about an ac ceptable adjust m*nt. The railway executives who took part In the [ conferences sincerely regret that the representatives of striking em ployes, although definitely assured the substance of all that they asked for. were unwilling to agree to a settlement except under conditions ??<lch the r:i 11 rra y fj;,?,tVP, ,v?rr unwilling a?<| unable t.. nrrcpl "" ,s ?' ">? ?" ?'? llllllKilK HT.V fairer ba^l* of ;n" developed > . ..M '' *'"1 acreed I,v (l|f> riorw fpr'.'pn' ed r, mtI,t ">'rrf..r,. that prr?t,, ?i'' ntrovers y nnnnt |,? a.- 111 *><l 'hat method." Shopmen'* Mde of I ??e ,.M ^'"rmPn- ,h<"r ment. The strike nee, rr.d | ,h? ndltlotis rv lnto>r,-,hl* to ? >,. mrr . , | ? |fh ,x r. v? .,,, 1 ln *"?'?? 'n ?g of l'ro*ldont Harding ..r J 31 of thin year. the repreaentativo ?hp men In volved agr.ed to , r siirnpiion u nrk a ""?,U "'"""r <.f tho (?., remain,'?g SSU?* l,'?? ?ore or.C.roHiy In.o -PC. I" tdifficult*- nam--. i?,r ? <rii:nK wages and working cot.ii r ion s. ?I" H-r-flhi; t,, resume w,.rk .T ?! ? Ir:,v" these matter* to th* r""'' '?nh' r Hoard f..r rohen ring t ? **ti f r? :t?! ji IJ t)lP ioni;??iiiniii that "ho'il'l !"? r< <i?!I r?-<1 or expe, t?? .J *hom the intf'T '"i* of jjcji. ..t || .. ? tidustn. th* other hN iM :'n v..'l v. .; ' * '" ** that iif contra. ; !in> i .-to.;. . in,.| u,,r'K having |, .j... j ,.. ,j . 1 b\ 11,,. I'.i llroml |.n>.or Hoard ?'tul nil other government author tte? ' ' *'"n* ?1 ?? r ? J th<> iniitifr 'I <|Ue?t . ?. n of thp standing of 'iiu tren ??II strike mill on <| j,^ u.lH : |vv '" unt I Itijoot ri| |,y ii e ra ?! r, .;u| inn na c <? tuei, ? ?. ,,., t,n_ . ."ii" .,n ??,|r v lien i) 0 ta'lroad ii U'Ni" uti r?f im-,| the term*- ,.f <gi?o>iioiit propi,j?(| [,J. I',,. 11? rit In k llnte \ci \ Isllilp (inflrnritfrn, 1 o :i < pt or submit for accept. ill -'- the t,r<vrnt prop..,a| th;,, 1 110 *l?|!.'? guarantee nr a*-ur nnco of t In. protection of ih? richt? ? r * *ik ? f th" men ;<!< rnllro;ti| ' m |?1 oy f.s ),v th,.in prior to r -,. ' r i k <? .*???! | 1, y yfar* of , . M 'Ii |oii? (it.,] rft:. ;*m ^.-rv ? " \Voij|>{ in-.Tii .nkoil th? I o? |r?( than !)?,<? thlril of 11 ?? ro.nU .tfo, ???.) "i rot urn to w m k \ , ;Ihk I" nvnry ? Son m ml r : r.i: I ro,|.| mrtn.iijfrnrfitx r ?"l^lti; only .?u<-h Nt .tnilliiK nt em ployes ;is rtilKht he ?:rant<.| l.y rn..n u ??? n i o r?15 th^ir return or I.ijat ?leterrnitipfl l.y tln> cotnmlKsl?!, pro. vuled for in lhi> jiroporli on, ti<] t)i? ??mployes of less tlmn one-third th* mj|AiiK? now Involveil retnrim to >vork und^r Mirh . nn'l.tioii* ?? w . i|,| ,'*v? the rni alninif employes , f morn t! t *.v o ? t ii 11?14 ,.f thi milonicn out ? ?f rallroH'1 /inplovm.Mit. and hy r. t urn In p- to work wniM. |n t >?:, t ?ire. lies'rov the -ff e,t Ivene-S of the strike ?s of today. ICven 'in the iy>,ii1h repro^entoil the proportion dors not cme m (? 1:?? <? ii'* rot urn to w '?rk of ^li men t.ti trlke. it only !?, ludos th-if uniier the headinR of shop Tift*, while t I" known h n<1 n?;ieeil that manv men ? ?tho: tl,,?n ti ?. i,K u:nli this d?.-: s nat Ion t ,? | |>r, ?. j, t .. -tr;ke. I minot II o <??> nun end Vi-oopt'inro. "T iere In no intent oti our p., t to 'I 'I e s I lotl the lllt'Rllty of Oil , ,.f r< id - now ronferi nits, hut It mti t ho. ? hvloUfi to all N t;o|| , .in 1,* taken onlv on matters alri ulv de fined In any of the propositions made. I'-ir llr.-t ?orrorn must ho the intor< of all moil in vol vo.I Wo. til.. I'-pr *??111 at I Vos of tin- mpti on strike. ,an iiot reroniniPiid to the mon their ar, '?opt a nee of this proposition without deliberately iinil consciously sa. rlllc ln? the interest of the m. ri invoiv.-d. "We fully appreeiate the lulp. in tetest and pfforls of the transporta tion organization exei'iitive.H in their rapa.ity as iiipdlatrux. and we will roKfpt it if compelled to report t<> our poople that their spli-iidld pf lotts failed hoi-ause of Hip arlntiaiv position lakun hy the carripfs to |iroi|u.'i> hini.i rloar, concrete proposi tion that we ctlld present to and < .mid conscientiously recomniend to tho men we represent fur a ???pi a nee. Act of IMni'lpllue. "Th? conference has shown fi it the group of roads which hi hf.u conferring will at present make no concession?. They stand Arm on the position of the Association Hall way Executives which refuses seni ority right. This refusal of senior ity rights to union men. it is now clear. is not for the purpose of keep in* promises to strike breakers, hut t-olely for tho purpo-o of dis-lpllmngr their ni'-n for a l.-al and justified strike. "This Is a position with which tho men ennnot coinprninjjtf, T?> ?? t l.a.-k under such tPtin.s would mean defeat when a.s a mattor of fact wo are victorious Tho breakdown of equipment and the j-hortaye ,,f cars and locomotives is now show n hv . erniritat stalislt.-s. it will be obvi fins tt? ?very shipper and farmer dur in? the next few weeks. We shall" lie content to let (ho condition of equipment prova that the railroads cannot operate with unskilled strike breakers, and to bruit, the executive? to a more reasonable frame of mind, w <? do not bla in. th. more reaaotribl? executives who has. evldeiitlv void ed to pressure. We believe tho next few weeks will enable them to brinir home to their hard .shelled col lea?; uei the entire tallroail situation In Its mini reality. We can and we will tlKht for our niiniiniiiii tor/ns and fir a nn I Ion-wide settlement as lonK as maiiBnenionts can and will I "In behalf of th? public'? Interest we have offered to conipromse on ovcrv ihlnR but our existence. Now that ^ ,cornT>?"?<* to *sht our victory "ill bring with It victory on all I8. ???? tor wblqh the atrik* wai caUed." soprnnq; accompanied by Elizabeth W Iftwnll. David O'Shansky and Uor.i Wood worth, violinists. XV?i|. (Alodford Hillside.) 9.00 A. M Munlrnl program lo :to A M Official weather fore <a st .1*". meters). - 011 I' Al. Current events, Hoston | Ti n voir r. 2 ?.'> r Al.? Musical program, on I*. Ar Weekly crop report i..inpil.i| 1 ? y .1. A. Sanders, crop ^i.iiivti. ,in for the New Holland St a r ? ? s ? I s.'i met ers). :io I*. At -News flnMhe* and early ?.ports, Huston American. T "0 I*. M. ? Final scores, floston American; Itoston j?>? 1 !???? reports. 7 .'<o r Al ? Kvenlnn program. (1) "The Family Clrclo." ?2> World market survey, compiled l.v Die l'e i>W!'n?M?t of Oommaree, e x pre a kI y f..r New Kn?li*i?<l Huslness. (3) I.ueJlyn I.mice Orchestra, leader, Airs. I.ti cllla Mathews Composed of Alias Kiln Knndberg, violinist. OeorRO Hall, drums; Allss Alartha Pctertion. saxophone; .Mrs. I.'iciP.e Mathews, piano. NOTED BIBLE SCHOLARS SPEAK IT CONFERENCE I'rcsliyfrrinii Churrli Holds Hrli jzinus Meeting* at .Mnnlrrat, ?- ^ (S'p? to The Times-li|spat<-h ] MONTHKAT. N c, Ail*. 3fi_rn. iler th? ?p?<- la; direction of Ttev, V,". I#. 1^1 nwI'}. I'. I")., of r?:Hn? ? nd, Va.. hairman r>f the pros rim covin. t | '<0 ?>' t ? i ?> M< *i(r< ? summer confer "f tli" Southern Presbyterian '"hnrch. th? Mil o conference which s t he feature of the proirrstn th ? ! eek is provlrtir to le o-e t?.A most Interr *1 Inp a t d ??:' ? fit ro: . 'Tffirju ?tf the* >nof\ I -I ? h m or til i)*: Hi v <; C.arnpb.'J AtorKan. !? |i, world reno-ired ?e?. I,, r and pre?"her sj.. ? ?. ... , I ln?'arice . ?i the life . f Chrl*t .is | recorded in the Gospel .,f J.uke, and ? i-h eveititig ne delivers a sermon. I?'irtr v ?h.- ?!*>-? t.e> . 1 , !?!.,% r. Hubert hick VVllsoii. D. I', .if the I faculty- of Princeton Tiieo!. gi : I s em Inn ry, is the speaker, aiiil his I '???I -I t ? ?< I, ? lie ? ? d Te? fi.e) ? a f ?? :' t * I ?i If t I a tllo if *>..? in *?' ; t :lar features of th?- program. I 'r \V - ,,f| ?? r, , ? /? j t* r. ? the World s greatest t. ... Me ; ..f 'the i * ' ? d I . - ? i v ? a r . d ( ' c' ? 1^ ' ?? ! If.iai'e.-???:? . IK. . ), ?> i e ri 11 ? ? ' the .on: in : ? t. ... , rnpns'd ' I: ' ? i' s. h ? nr? ? ! t?.e v. or Id w! ? ' 1 II'--a ' ? '1 t i . I! Id. irtt ? a I,utill" ?? d n > t ? ? t !a ?. n i|.uiff, from th.? i ..rtptr-.r. id.tit? .S-.rian, <'h!r.. -e n d I-;nl*I I > h. Vp.-.tK 'iif of the proof of ? h.) a'l? ?heI t . !? ' the < .*d T.-stare.ent ' ? a I.:' ? 1 ? d ? \ m i niis'-r' pt I 'r W.. ? :' "ii F'at. I 'at tli. 'd< ? ntarri^erlpt I that has lieeii fvuild In tV!s conn'c : Mon hears the date '.jr, j,. an ! contalris 'ho wrltthxH iif the ni?j..r and pr..;-i . ? ? aid ? ha ? t?... ? ' \t . :d. t II a:, i- I ; ? , ? , r ? ,. Pet'ta?. . whl a? w i ? t. ? I'\ I'. He . ailed att. ? ? ; tl-.. f.< "t that It, the or If , ije. , hr.-w i ? >. i, the . I'd | . , ? 1 " w ? '.' * * i 4 h 'i 11 t; I .1 '? ? ; .? ^ . . ?" ? ? M.rne rw.f' r I < \ ? i; ; ? ?! ' -n" va r!.. ? ... !ri ' ! ! ote. ? ,. ; ' ha t t I ?? ril.'a ? : MS >f t ( ^ text it ? .. Illffi' e - ,T. I. v th. -? va: . ""*? v ' at f th. \ ? rf ion - i ? ' h. ' .. d I - t a m?- t u hi- V 1. # . c . e? 11> i ti DO0 A I ? a nd ??>. til p ? ' ? I 4 ve.?> , .Inter, all are substantially tKe sam* .? til., arlc I,a Hehn w and none ' ?he v.-r ti< chanife ar-\ of the K'.m' truths of the r.t,| Te?tarr.ent I'M".If the words, "He 's <;oi| ( ' , ?11" as his text. I >r AtorRan de|?\ . .red one .. f hi- a Id e :? t s e r :r o i? s h r e his theme helttfr ?h<? unity of ai] races of ih- w orld, their linlverpa! ti. e<l ,.f the Savior hi d the power of .fexil <'hr >-t to meet th'-. need He e.n ph.MZ. 'l ?llv the fa. t that the truth of the tin I verKa II t V of ,le?u* !?> ? tie ? hi. Ii lias hee.i sanctioned hv ' 'i ? ris t i :i ri? of al; atrs also that the ?"11 *.'i t'..? e *prii11* from one in created in the imaife of fjocj, that Ih?* pi a n of Mod way that the ra<** should live iii keepiuir with ills law, hut It refused to d.< this: hence Hod a' the in# ir of Itahe!. frustiated the plans of the ra<e in ...der to fulfill Ilia ow n put poxp for mankind I'r AI.irR.ati declared al". that Ool. who mad. of one ill nations .|o..r tnlned their appointed seasons and the hounds of their ha hi t a t i oil s, and that in spile of all I-a.-hIntf to the .?onirary, all rarr h are on., in the. .sense that .lesus Christ J,.,t.| of a!:, and tlio divine id. .) is ha. ;< of all j MOTORLKSS PLANE UP MORE THAN 3 HOURS fH\* A*socjnioi| prrFS.] < < KRSKKI .11. 11 P)|{ Al A N V, Aiir C". . A t einarliahie niot.irlesa airplane lltuht. 'a-tinif for three hours atil 'en minutes, marked the .-lose >er.t.r dav ..f the formal program of the an nual motorlesH n\int; ionipeiitlnhs. Hen lie lit / en. Student liver, if th,. Hanover Teehnhal School, made the 1i?eht. thereby hearjni: hv one hour the record he established .Saturdav "hen he remained in the air for two hours a !i#l t^n socn'ls. f.nunrh I riil*?rr TuUn. ' H A RI.KSTt -j. C., Aug. 25.?"With Miss Dorothy Vera McBlrney, of Tul fa. <ik]a. as sponsor, the grunhoat built at the Charleston navy vard and named afer that Western c|tv, was successfully launched here today. MifS Ale Ft i r ne v, appointed to repre sent Tulsa |?y the Mayor of that [city and who came here with hi r father for the ceremony, slashed a itotile of champagne cid-r againFt the bow of th#: ship as the rr.ift I ttarted doxen the ways. Amerlcnn lle.l Cross Clinirmnii >?alls WASIIINOTdX, Aiik. i'I'.ii man .lolin l<a it 011 l'a\o... of the American it. d Cross, left Washlnif ton today and will sail tomorrow from New York on Hi. A1 .j. -1i.- t., : intend a ineetlnK in I'aris of ilt. board of governors of the I.eauiie of I toil Cross Societies, ,,f win h he |s chairman. The board session "ill open September u ami Ju.lif. Payne expeclH to be home October Year for llnrnliiK ClilliPn linn.Is. ItAYdNNK. N. ,1 . 'Auk. l-'oiind I KiiIIt y of holding the hand of his ' ?".->? car-old .laughter liomtby ovei a tituve, burning it to the bone, Wll j Main II. Alooro. a blacksmith, wn??? today sentenced to ono year In the county penltontlary. "The only fit punishment for you would be th? seme as you K.ave the child?to hold you over ?. Are," aald Recorder Wil liam j. Cain, in imposing ??ntonc*.