Newspaper Page Text
II. S. IS UNCONVINCED OF GUILT OF CONSULS Government Will Not An I n til I horou^li Iri\cslifiii. lion Is Minln, f Ry A t I Press | WASIIlNOTdN, S. |.t | Hi.. Washlnirton eovi-rtiiiiotii ,? vln^e.) that ilw mi? rpiot nri th? pari of irv. Mv? ,.,nsulat ofTieer? 11 Newoasilo Kiielm* who r?rp,it|y ?'?rf i|opr|ve.| ,.f thejr .in thnrity l?v HrHuMi nflflfial!.. anil II n! 1! " proper In vest lc a t ion h;m t.e..n marie nr. Mop* .1rr u. f?. taknn ro#,p,.n the N?wm?lli> ???? ti?it I a t ?' The action ?r 1)1* Rrltlsh author. ' In <il nrnll nK M|e *ge*j||all|rt the two audits ji ? a . pointe.) mil tr.riav, i. a |t r < '?ilt?d in Mie r-1 <,mi nc of t|,? ?*> ? + n n'! tf lnrf(fiv??nUnro Hrifi^h ? th)?ei. ?l3. rtaulteil. tho v. 1(11 It v for it tlocn not r?*i upon \Vnnh. iUKt'Mi Kor the ? ? ns ula r nthcerx an ? v m i < .-? t.U f?, t n? Neu-.-aMle post ? . u (1(| ativ cnHo thi? K. v. . . i, ...i, . v "it. t. v|. ,| |n hav.,K tll, ?ll>t uhl.h h;i. heen ,nw| .? . nr. a-.,. , . U... ? ? ih. other . IIMIVCV |(, 1 ? "fi f.HH n.R N ,| ,,, ,, . ? . In v,7..., ?y " Inf.. I, . ,| ? . ,. I - ?'( Ih H r , >n?ula ? .> .t.,s..,j ,, ' h? ? L a | Ion I,. il.K ?' > * U'l.ri a n .| Ih.. .. "? "? ? i . . il, ? 'J?"M h> ,<r Pt.nlh? of the I ! I he I ' i7 ? er ? <1 .n this iirl;. I.O>|\|; |||.- I <|\s| I.VI i: I I'XIVI'S OIIIITIM. i IHI-I.K* I II* V It.'.| Cf , | NK\V? ? ANTI.K < iV TV VK , Kl |? ?hl|.|?tnK a ., .1 I,.,,,.:. . ... TI.I T lori o?.! n.r ... ... f"H? ?hi(i? ..! v " a '1 V .... h. I.' - ,.f f' ? f Ih. I'm;!...] ? II.1 In th? in.*.iii11 wnrklnK )??? tiln.I ? ? ?![> Ml.. I If , I? t i . ii. ? ??|i.un>,-r l? ? oii^ |. f i "in lli>. w li .< It ih- . ? f I li * "? > in in - Ml ? I i . : . V .. ... II : U?*nt ' > ^ 111" ? ,ii I ,o n r1 > 'i a r ra n a .-in n t \vh.-r.|.\ . . an iiro....ri1 I.i: \ ni ITS \\ i;?i-;tt Hn.\HI) (IK J HI S'l |;i;s ft I ... K.. I ? \ V I I.I. K \ > ?ii. i ?,.. i :?t ' ?' I llit I f.< I L..I1 .,f ? botrd which U.t \?*nr I l >\ ?;|r I r, ... ?' - l: '\ i . Mr !.#?? |?r. fi. x ,.f -r ??., V r ;4 ?? ????.?? .J t??l>t t'i . ???]! M ? <i t?. .) ? k ,.?i o i ...i .. i.... ?< 'II.,. ?or- . |. , ., .1. ? ? I' -'I . ?II I'll |,i. S> .1, . I ? "? ? ' ? f ? .. in,. r.i . ' , J Mr I..., ,t. ?? * ?"???"'?> ?.h? it,m.. rta??h of i * K' '' "" - r" I" i * t -i| i r a ? V " ' ,n*" 'i fr-.-, . ? "> t.. ., . ,,.k , , r t" ? ? ..n.lurt | , I I ,r . Hill .Mr ! ,? ;< .i ?? ff ?? HAII.HOM) MA\A(;i~HS DISCI ss PMnm.KMS PKTKi:si:rm; vx' '' '? ? ' 'I <"I?. ?u v xv ,, ,, ?"an? in nporatr- .h? rallrrtaili. th*v f pr. w. I. -n.trw..,? J J! ni |. a 111 ^ ? a 11 ?n,|..| ? ' -'f ? -I II ? v ,\t I ? \ , . "Vflr i ? .1 v Hair A V.'* n'1""-'.'l till p? If .*h:, t i -. . ., , . I ii^ lira.Is , ?>r -ii.. r..ii..\? L. r.? ,i ? ill I -IH ^ ?>,r K llop. w . I: ,. ,1 , ' ??? k c.,,1 ,.,,| W ' ?!?*;? iri \\ Mil, t u. lo t ..I ? nf ? t- rsi.-.r^, |{o,m ? HI ,.,,r| , ? -v IV.j,, A. .1 Sharp,- ,ar .1 mi.Klo ? ?hr?.<. r. >:i i|i-. H k M-i??n ?''PTint. ikI.m ,.f Mi. I: .v \ i; -am Wrik-hi. -n p. r i in .|,.|. in !,i nil ipnii-nt Of Ml. r.1.1,1, Mu.K ??'?mail, fupf-iiiil.iiil.iii ,,f ., ii. fill of |||,. |*. <v |- ,. ??tlon o t A y ft It.. I I Ri.Tku.ll. - ii p.-rlnli-mli m of ;;r" I"'"-." .,f iv?.,.ililu. "p|| ari'l City I'oint i;.ij|\va> II ri'f lvf? I nil |? Hoi-klrr. \\ \ - KH K1 >KI: li'Ksnr l;i; \ V k?v. .1 K \\ I**i<>|i|, r... t..r of Trio ity KpU.-opa! . 'liiir. h of Mm. ircHvtrt a ...II ... st Siophcn'.* Kpic ?"?P?l < hur.1, at Up. uif-y. In , | .?".??? Of \V,.y| Vim ill in I{,-V Mr l-'lfld rotiiMicil from lu.kli-, I * w h.-ta- hi- has . ii r . |i I he IIH.I ovi-r. Mi Ki. lil ' ^ >1 wllfl ll ?? I hi- will ??"TKr \\. IliirrUon I., m I'KTK ItSIII' It* I. VA.. S. pi. '] ? \\*. Il.ii i i.on. ptisi.l.-i, | ,.f | he W. II. Harrison < In.- . w hi. h mail, an a^siunmcnl t..ila\, is i>-p<.ri...j ... !?? ."prions! \ 11: with 1/phonl f. v. i :>l hi? ho ii Walnut Hill. Whil# '? i" ????nililioii i? not i i-Karili-il >,s ?'rltlral. It i.s i-atlHliiK his family anil I' ? onsi.|,.|(i|1l(. , on.-orii. KI?-?-| in I'nuii Drill r;nniniln. IIA.\IPT?i.\. VA., So pi. I Thf I.a I l! i. i" I "'I i \v?ro. North Kakota. I loriila. Arkansas an.l Wyoming of tho Atlantic Kloot. with <>f the supply sh11of tho flpot enmo into Hampton ltoml? Mils afternoon t? sponil th.. wook-oml ami l.ahor May from the Southern drill isrounils. Barroom on Wheels Seizetl in Norfolk 1^1 'ill t<< Tin- | I'OltTHMOUTII, VA.. s..,.t ] ? * l:;i i i'ioiii .in wax lirmiichl t<? llntil In Hi.- m.-Iziiio 'his mm ri I iik ..f a T- nt in Jllmv. '? ?<<?? * ??"! l>v w H lltli i-.,|.,r i.(|. ?a ?ni i? i* I. .11 u i*.| unii t r.i n>|..irUiiK 11 >|<i< < r I' ii <!<? r <:?<< li i,f i|,,. s|,|,. v. ? r?- (??iiik) . ..|.|ii.| tank*' ' < n foot in . nstl, < IKilto. ll .1 rti.v W |r|? a ?|<I . ;; || I #i|- Ion <?'???!< i|io.s,. ha'I :< I |<r ? ix ? ill a t \ I,.,, _;all?.n* -.f i-mn ; ?<???<< r in It. Tin- < i ? li.-r \va? ompty -\'<?!?! for a ti.imorftll >?l'ir ?* th? "f H HI iiia-lo ii<. '?x f H nai I?< !? t'. S<-r urn ii i l.i mi? Itin ?I' |ih .m<l l<.ii...|n< K <" <' h ?? r r v, ^ h<> til a <) e Iho oaptl||< I h * jlii <? v ha? li**n ..jir ra 11nz a lone Mm? M<'>-ontl> 1t I" trail tn ?>?? an .ibjoi-i ,.f *ii*|i|i-I<?ii and an In ? lira t Ii.ii ro?utt< 'l in ihr <017.. LONE-ESTABLISHED FIRM MIKES ASSIGNMENT W. If. II arri-on < .ompaiiY Lia bilities Arr Listed at $210.0(10. '?i:tKitsiinti; v.\ . s..?, 1 u- ,, larrl*. 11 1 .ni|iaiiy. ..f ? t|.x| < .>! Iari!.-?l w l,..|. va'.. r? tail 1 "I win.. unto* in Hi.- ? 1 < |, 11, a, I. a * *i u 1: iik* n t this 1 ti *. r 11 > r w t'i \t ? 1 ? ? ? I . 1 ,|..., |; I,.,!, 1 ? 1 . 1,it ,| M 1 ? * w 11 f. '* 11 <1 t r 1? t ? ? v ^ ; . , .|>( , ? i"tr i.-? at I'.'l" It,. I la 1 1 i?xii .in. 1 << to ? ;? s . ?t ,i 1,. ? ??I,. 1 lioai!\ x..\..|, . t| v, .,t> ali'. ? til- la'.- W l| Hat I, 1 'I lit .11 ? \ till.II, j.l 11.. 111 '?'"'I I:?\| prxh.-it J> u .11.. : I,! ?, 'lie 1.1 <??.<? lit 11111 <? I,lit f.,1 Dip fai-l I lull ?"? rtf . t t Iii.ii ?a I|||? ..f .|,. .. . . ri <t?.'i- tin.-. >. n? au<< ? ti. .i " '? ' iM'iirf "t, Ww r . i ' ' * n 'I II. |. ?> in 11, 1 - 11 ? s.i h1 ? . ,i:l ^ ., v *'' '.1"1 I l.i in 1: 111| 1! 11 . f 11^ nml "I" I ? ?? Is | ? r ..I.a 1.1 \ i,.. I... * 1, 1 11..W1, nit' 11. tii.- -'.mil ti,.in \\ 11 11.11 t .11 I'llllljlMIIX >-..| J I'M I ? I ...||| - 1' ' ?'w - 111 i?i vi itk ra 1 ii. < hi* in. ?' 11 ? I. 1 s I ., II,. ' . Ill ? I s 11, v : K II , Ii ?< i<<I ? 111, < a r<i:, 11.1 a 11 <1 ina '' % TI,.. a??o|. ...... I. - ?... | iK'tW'I'll ? ? ? .t ? J 1 ^ <)|{K Col \TY H<>> DKOWMM; NIC'IIM Jl<-' ? tf Tiio 'I - r ?? ? ;..i 1.1, 1 II \ MI'Tt IN V \. S, p. 1 ? *ii"' > ! I - > -.< ? ?? 'I ..f I. ! > M> "f Vnrk i V.iint v ' ?" '?<?"? ? H i-r?k , o.xr It .. ', -A * O- , ||? , ,, ' t' ? i' f r .< '? w 11, ? 1 ?. ? i,.| r,...1 It. f'.io hit, f:.Uior I limit. M-niriioil tho It. .< ? 11 . .1 h Iiik ua< in ?' ?'??at. 'i ? 1, _ t i, 1 ? ? |... I... v at *.l*o I ll|<loituis in h 11 in nir r I. rmliin I <*?. II V I: I {I >1 1V 1; |' | ? 1; V . I I' f ' I" " rsr 1111 . 1, 11,,. h 1 st .1' ? ..' ?1 " ? 'I Is ..f I,,. 0;,|.. M? ? ?\.f ?<*. f.,< 1 wl.t, ? ? 4 ' ? "? P ! ? ' ' 11 ? r ? ?j? ??? n i ?? n t *. f r r .< ;;i T |i> r 1 If Mil: ?*?' ?i|lttrit?*r * ? ft ? t I" <1 at Ii. 11.11 i s 1,111*|* \. ? . "? ?! .- int <". i ?r i. 'I'm i- nt x ?.hi i u ' 1 t ' III 'I S t* ' llo . ? ' ' l>" 'ho "i<< n ? .<ir ntuilKirliim. ? ' ? - i I i' ' -' -ill" t tit. imIoi ? ?< ' ?" I ti ?' i i. I I t ... : I ii.t ilal <- > TI , i ii ii < ? s. ? *? '.|f ?' H ' ? ? _ ? ? i ?. -1 on r< : In. ? ?, t ' < h ?t..r\ in. :. ? i ., f, ; i, ?t j,|. It's It.ivlns at I. Iifl. <| th. ??.. torin* *ii,tnln? tnjllrr m II n nil. M-< .TTS\ ll.l.K. \'.\ . >..pi i _ Whlii- \? ? rriti' n< h : < j >! a n -= null i V"'th Si-i.t*svll ? a f"? 'la * ac>.. !. !. 11 a vtnan ha<l tho in; ?^<>r' uno ff- ! ho f .refiner .'<n<l a (.art t. ? th* thiiT. . nn Ills ;<?'? han<1 Tito injured han<l is .l"inc i ir.- \ nn<i<-r th? rar* ? I I *r I '< r ? \ I l.i i i s ??t III ill or Nnriiinl I'onii ? Inaoa, IK I: l ? l; i: I ? Ksr.ri;.;. \- \ . j Til - 1 ,, i, . (l . . | r ?h'" :.' th.. I'l ?'I'r i.-k ?t.i| r c Stat* .V'<rni?l <!?.<' il Ifiilhx aft. r a .in-. . > f I s. . w The S I m Hi t> ii < ('milium; Hrllf<i "We flml f ? <<? il t on r I nrd Triieli Tlre% iiritten the Iriii-li nie.-hn n i?ni by their exlreme oiKhlnnlns. Irxen repair hill*. |o%xer npernllnu l-nalo. nn,| Ini-renae nprrmln? enii'leney.*" And nn* !ht Cnrdyenr CuiS ion Truck lire i< made ?ith th* famout /111 ? ll'ralhtr Tread for added tftilietice and potilne traction, and nith a preiud-on bate for eaiy and ireure application. GOOD>YEAR For Salt by \\ inn Aufo Sujiply (Jo. Iltdlt H oil llronrf Slrerl. Norlli Ninth Sireel. .?\?ir?h r.n il I'lininliorlnyne ?1 ? enne. A Tonic in Hot Weather The weakening effect of the depressing heat lowers Vitality. GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC Re stores Energy, Strengthens -and Fortifies the System to withstand the intense Slimmer heat A big appetite and sparkling eyes are the best proof of its tonic value. You can soon feel its Strengthening, Invigorating Effect. | In Richmond's Pulpits Mi:riiom?T. XI ll.'liriv Slln'l tt<-\ I-:. V C:ir ?ii Will |ir-a.h :.t II \ \| ? f hi i*|iur.ti Work.'" ami a I nl?lii .in |,<.\. l.-f " Sun.las I .iii.l m. if* h i,!. ? ?!;??-? ,.i -i .in v. M K|iunrili I.??.!?:u.- ;u 7 |- m. X l Trill. 11 K. \ 1:. I: will |.i? :ii (i ill II \ XI ,,n.| . IV M. Siim - ?l.i\ M-iii.ol ami ,X|. i. - |: 11.1j. i V M K|iu m Hi I .".ii;'I'' at 7 1 "? IV M \* .\l:?|i I ?- liriivn lt?-v. IC??y I 'ri'-f ? II |n h ;ii II \ M ^i,.| , f M .-?Hill.. ?. V III.1.1 ;i I II. \ \J Xi I '??nifiiii r\ Till' pastil. I!? . T > mi mi, will iirpHrh In thr> tniir nlnx i?fi ' I ? in a ii ?? ii I |'ns?Mvi.ii|c ami a* nttfllt mi -lia'ton ?. ..f |i?.(?i?r T'hillK*1 -nmlav ?.h.n.! ,ii :tn A xt an?| K|> ? '.rlh I...HKi|r> a? T f. \1 \t XX oixlla i,.| II?,k||*k |>i \X \ W right w ill (irrni h ,ii |] \ XI mi Till- ?*nri?| iii'.?l i.f I. '? ml ,ii ? |*. W fin Wti.-n i*.t|]u. iv \>:r?v Sumla> ?. h..i.| .? i '< .In * M. ami Kpn nrih l.. :iu 'n ,-i > 7 I' M Vt |i?. amr Sf.<- H.. v I'.fi ii f. lirav will jirin? ;. ... 11 v XI. Th \ ?< ti.ry ?>f Knith ami .n * I' >1 >.i The 'lain- of I.f- .-'iirt?la\ - Ii.miI ?I :? S'l \ M .111.1 Kpwi.ith I.. i. IJ - IT : i:. IV M. X* Hart..ii H.- jjlit. Tli.* iia.-tnr Hi". \V. - I \ ? 1All. ;. f -a > li n n I n u ?. ii I*'. I'lliiiu t li.? \lulii . <1 Xi. m.*i \ 11 . i: ti. < Ii t ^ - I I at ?> <i \ M \t Ci an It M. in . ,i I:\ \Vt: I lain I: l'.i-i-1 \<'.II pi*.n-li >.ii I'll.- |'rii\?r Tlmt T?-a> Ii. - t'raj" at II X. ,\l in.I ..n -Tli- \. . .I-.I \ i -1.. r. ? .ii ?. I' M. Mtlnilav .- tin..,i at ?? :u x M K|> Ii Ia i' ?? I . . ? . 1 . f M XI 11 Ii la ii*l I Ml I. IN V * .? I- .11 ..| N.-n 'a. 11 1.1 -.1 ? Ii It II X. .XI - i > !i, I ?.. *. I Mlili'tH at !? A. ,\l Kpnorili I.?*.<k .)? i' 7 I' M Xt XI. ..I 1 I Til- |,i-t.,i Mi ?. i: .xi \x ii i ? ? i pi . i i. .t II X .XI ,.n * i .? I in ii. ? <1 at.. ? * Ii a 1 ? ni'' " in.! a ? I' XI ,.n \ n X11 ? - tit ? ? i i W.ll '? KjiWmtli I .??.'IK'I*' at 7 I" -.1 .- nnl..\ Ii.,... ami Mil. ? 1: 11. ? ? . !.|S- -.1 ?? .M \ M xt l:t..?.| - ' i ? ? i Tin IJ.-x I I.-.I I'. I'll' ??:li w II |.J .... Ii at I 1 \ M. ..i, 1 11. 11 i . n.- i . ? >, . ...1 a' ii.|i lit ..I. M.i ? .-I ? i.f IV.i ? -nil,lav at '? 3(1 A .XI. nittl K|> ? ..I II,' I .?? 11 II ?? a: T I ', I- .XI I ii.- in ? "t imum .. ? ?11.1 ? i i...' U"ii>'i. i li ? ni t 'llir '"liiir. ?. f % ?? w t ?? i ?! ? \ ,ii ? . '- ,.f,i a 11 ? I Tli.- I I a |i|i) I. '? ml 11. .n I.. ITnil IV" X t I ii i*.ii .- ? a t |..n Tli<- |.:i t I:.-. It T. Wat.-rf1.-lil. will i.r.a. h at I . \ .XI ail.I V 1!? ,\| Sun.l.i v -? li.. .. r, I :.| A XI Xt Ml.until, tit Til" I.a--..i It. v r;. >,i !??? I-:. C.....I, .1. will at II V XI ..11 -X i ,X1. II X ?.|| . n .'.l ,|.'H||? v., w " a' ? 1' .XI ? ? n I ? , k- - I |i V k.i ? SI..? ? la I in i? i. a ' ? . . v? ? 11 ii u *<?! ? i. ???> ??? lit.ill u ? :?? a M II t I'TlsT. \ t la- uh ~' i. . t l:.-v. II x .;i ? '? ?i . v i |.l. ,i I. at 11 X .XI. ,.ii 'I'll I .? it, i i K t I,.- I ...I '1 ? -n in..-: a in ? i . i* ,\i. n i:>.in.w. ii i:>? I u ??11 ,-iinilli) si*1 a I .10 X M. ami li ^ I' r a 7 I' M At I- -t i:-? ?; x\ xi I Mtu-1 I ? |i nil! |ir<*i??'li at '. 1 x .XI ami > 1. XI Sumla \ -? at i'l A M and It V. I*. r at : !* M x' I? i-ii.. t Tin- j?ti.r. IJi'v '?lam! I.'i..ii,. l'..w. will j?t? Ji a '! A M u'i> l?n> l 'inter N . ti. a li '. -i at li I! lit i.i I I '"tir: -? ' .i I .? 111111 ? i \ - ! I a- '? x. M ., i i| H X I' ' in. . t ? iiuat ' I* M At lira It-v W XX \x.'.-k? will |?r?*?yh Sunilay morriliii ? ?I. In- K : mln?'.?- ?. 't unit a ? ;? t ..ii Nl."ii?n I'"."' iia'<<'.' S'ln ? in ii....1 at ? ?." .x. M. xt Ka ti>1>< I l>h .-it.-it Th?- pn*i?. I:.* \\*. K. Hnlkrtnon. ?'tll pr??fh a .1 X M anil ? I" M Sunilav ?>, h".. A XI. ami II Y. I'. I'. at P .XI X' 11 II lor | 'a t k IS? \V ill iatn It-.I \ n I? |.i ? ? 11 it II X XI mi WiK' l-nis 11- l;ri"il '?? M - ; ami a' > I .XI ..ii T'? ?? .X'. >1.' .- it,.la y I I a . .in A M \i i;r..\- \ v .? 11ui* Tin- pastor. It.-* Ia n H It ithton. |i |i . w :ll pr-a. ..I 11 X XI .. ti I'll- Kiiifluj. ? I.OVH." ami at nlBlit on :'Th? N> \V..n,a i an.! I XI., ti Til- XX ? r I ? TI;! mi j li X ,.. .i:;? hi Ki. ?. I ."?iimla \ ?? 1 .,i ?. ?> \ M ami II. V I' I .. t 7 |- M At Ka ?t Kurt i{.-\ - |:. i?rro|' w Ml ! ria h hi 1.1 A M ..ri Win Snm?l \l?lllPI? ami l*ath. > >. r|n?r Tli.'lr l.iv..* in '!'? it- ' ;i ? I ;?| -I.". ..i, '?ii ?*hiirili ..r -1 . ? .i I'la.r ..f K\ ? ha iii: ?? ' Stitnlav * I....1 at i \ Mi II V I' I .it : i;, |? m. \l In III ill |. I ? .-Will t.r Iw III ? ' ir \ M .111.1 - IV M -limit' .. hi.-.I .i t *i \ \\ i: v prat ! : IV M M'.rti he - ... t ; | |,o -Tl.- ' I Church That I?..?I. Ii? A1 injriitn." ami | j on'rir ?ii?i;..i ? \* ?> i' th? j ? >..?? ? i. Vim' Km rn.iuni \ . ? ? i<? T' ? |ia? ! t..r f;.-\ . .1 M II , A. i|| ai-li i* II \ M ??ii Th. ? jr^h an'l M ? '?n? ard .it ? I' \| ..n Win . i;...| ' ? Siiti.1 v. h....| at 1" A M. * MMiv'ri \ >. \> II chtnml IVirk It. t Ii r ?,.-lir...i I'liKirliiin I: ?..i.| if jiri-it. h at ! I \ V ..ii I: I? -? ? ' ' ii< ."ani-t iiai > " ii .hi tin- I'r ??li v t ?t ? a n ? t ? I' \l Hill ?? - -I1...1I Till \ ,\l nil.I ? . ? I- Kml.-a v<>t 7 I' ,\l \ t Thlrtl Tin- i-.i - .1 I:, v .1. O. :i.-:?.iit* k wtn in ? at 11 \ M 1 ? -I V I" M Sll 1.1I.1 ?.| I .1 ! ?? .'{H M. I111.I .I1111I.11 Ii I. ii..! a t I' I S.-nli.r Knil.-.i v.. .it 7 I* \l. x t 11 iti..v. i v.. t. . t 1- -ui llk'.'t ?... t|.t II V t.f .. \|. .1 . .,1 . -..| . _??? ?.f Vii v tl I ^ \l < ? \ w I 11.11..- in .ui>l!""~ ..1 K.ln. at .11 .'Hi.I | . < ?hut. I. at I I \ ,\l> .... I .1 .in \ M. \ii ?? \. n i.r | ? t > 1. 1 -11 a 11 l .nl. a \ >.| .it 7 ' T \l * 1 I 1 r ti ? 11111 \ \ ? 1 it- I v. '' I'l i ?:lllliir?* ? III Id.'lli h .It II A. ,\l on .111 I Nxi-ll .111 li.I 1. 11.???""* Vt kIkIiI 1 - ??ii''... t vv ill I.. I'l.i 11 v. I *1 ?i t| * an.i ...' t?? (. Itauf " V| I ; Mill V .1.1. I t' V III :? IV | ii.-v > II III til V Nl ..I> I'll. I.-M. ..I i! I It. h." ii tut at ? M. ..11 ? Mni - Mail " - iti'lii I at '? ::<i V M 1'Ii tl vt la ti Kit i. ivm a 1 7 I- M. 1 II l< l? II \ N HI I KM I-:. Vi I' 1 - ? ?' 11 ? 11 . '?1 r i?t s. 1 .? 111 i s t I' : . V v .? ? I M ??.! ili.vv S* . .-. ' -. r V ? at 11 \ M -nl.J." t ?Mat, ' rni>in 1 i:i< 1 v \. V ..1. I Hi*'. . v\ \\ Mniiro 11 I ? v ; 11 1.1 ? .< ? 11 at '1 \ M 1?11 ? I .a v . In..? I .11 '? I". \ M Ymi 11 ? I'? ?.|.! 1 'v I., ti'u*. a ( 7 I'" IV M n.i si-rn.i'< a' . I.I ? \t I' ill..11 Th- j.i-'. 1. It.'V llimli I it/i-al 1 .-I. w il t ? .? Ii at II A >1. .ml % I ? M - . 1 ? ? 1 . v. h iihI a I '? 't1 v M a nil 1 'hi 1 ? t in Kti?|.av..r at 7 I ? M. vt \\". stin 1 ti?1 ?? 1 1:. v \\'. .< iiiii.l"n \ i ||| I a. 1 11 I II.' IIIIII tiiliK ..11 ?lit -v.- I lull . Ii til. I., u lit ..f ? III \\ ..t 1.1 ? ami at 11 in 1 .m ' Tin- Story ?In- ''Ii 1 Is t iii 11 * i Ii l**r.nii tin h ? = -- =? Every Sunday SEASHORE EXCURSIONS |?Ot'NI?-TltlP PARKS NORFOLK $2.00 OCKA.N VIEW - - - $2. V1K(>1MA HKACH $2.50 Leave liroad Street Mtatlon h 11 o and 9 A. M . Sundnj ? THOSE TWINGES OF RHEUMATISM ARE LESSENED many medical t?*t-hoolis you will find iiiicytle *01(1 r*:?<1 an ah aclut* specific for attucklnK tha pa:n if rheumatism Salicylic aria I* ',ali?n !n it* best form In TIN GI.K 5 I.AXO ASPIRIN. Thl? aold content of TINOI.E'S UXO ASPIRIN distend a the iinv cap llarx hlood vessels II re lieves and rtlaien them im) i n - d'.res a healthful perspiratloa. It In thla that alleviates and In many ea*?s st?p? the pain. A dlK?"-ant also found Ik TIN GI.E'S I.AXO ASPIRIN pr??*nts the ulnmach from being upset A ihlrd Ingredient. a laxatlre, com pletes the effective attack on tha pain by ridding the body of poi sonous wastes, which when re tallied in the body, are usually tho real cause of the trouble Thus onlv In TINfSI.K'S I.AXO ASPIRIN does i?ne And the three remedies combined. Be sure to v?l? for TrNCl.ES I.AXO ASPIRIN. The Improved aspirin with tha three points: ?It's absorbed easily ?Il relieves pain quickly ?It's a gentle laxative TINGLE'S I.AXO ASPIRIN Aik Y our DruRfist for the "Three Point Box" Therapeutic Research Laboratories, Washington, D. C. ^ j Southern Railway Wants Experienced Men for Shops The Follow!lift Position* Arc (Ipcn In the Shop* of Thin m % nil ms i m sih:i: r-MKi Ai. \\ iiiikkiis iioii.kiim kKi:ns i:i,i;(thi( ai, \\ oiikp.iis Itl.At KSMITIIS I All IIKPAIIIKIIS I FrrlKhf n ml l*n*%r n?rr ) ( S f n inlnrd nml Working ('ond I f lo n* I Application* *>111 Im ifi'f hf<l for thr 11 !??%?? poNlllonit, Itcporl or npply to *1. II. I)rnke, (.fnrrnl Krfluhl A>;riH# 7U2 TlmfR !>In|inf rh llnlhllriK. II Irtimonri, \ n.t or . II. Owfim, Mnilcr >lf chnnlr, South lllchmoml. \ n. m New Universities Dictionary Micros I'rpscnlt'il bt the Times-Dispatch Publishing Co. One Coupon Sccurw (he Dictionary Present or mall to this paper one coupon like (he ahove with ninety-eight cents to cover cost of hand ling, packing, clerk hire, etc. How to Get It l<"or Ihr Mere Nominal Coal of Mmiufnt-lare aad Distribution 1 c3" 98c secure thla NKW authentic Dictionary, bound In real flexible leather. Illustrated with full puges In oolor and duotone 13U0 pages. 25 DICTIONARIES IN ONE All Dictionaries published previ ous to this year are out of date M All. OKIIKIUS WII.L IIK III I.KD Add foe I'ostuga; (ll> to !:?" HiIlM,, 7o Up lo JIM) miles.. lOo Up to h?w miles ..14c Up to |0i'" miles ;flc For ?reaiei .Us ui n res ssk postmas ter rale for X lbs. '"nil nf th* Apn?t|f? to th?> XiTniilan I'. r?o( ut Ion." .1 mi ior * 'lirifrt ia n Kn di avur <i t 3 .t" I" M Snii?l?> ?? liool ?it '? .<?> A M ami M? i, ? i%? t \Votu-!i ? IWI.U- \'lass.... ,.i < v M \! <!ra>.- ? "o i-n.mi ft.- \ \\ I". Ilolnifx, .it . ? ill iirfHi ti on "tli* Tetiipuriil ami t(i?- Ktprual "at 11 A. M mid hi iv M |u. i'ii.ii Ion i. I\ rit w i'. :i on I'? ?? i>.i ? i i; 1 ii. 11 ? ii it t < *r ?' ti i ? -1 " Sa lil?a t ii I loo i ? t .in \ \| l: hi.' 1*1 At i |.\ V M Young f? n .,i ; r M. u rii fi ri.. |...?ioi ie?-v ii .i Will .1 II' V < : ! ; .. |o| II. t <ITI' I'l .11 11 \l N> fVonitis servl<'<>. Sunday ?' iloi.l .? M . . I I ?! Til v \1 A |||| I ? ' ?' ? . i v. . . ? "..r Hl.ll 4II'I Will. II ;i! ?' V M \t M i /. I, i -Thr iM-'nr, I5<"- .1 l> K ?? ! I) w, I I? t ? (i ;i | I | V M \l ?U'lt II oi. ..f'I I'ark clnirrh** Wit t b?- h*l?l In Mix* ? 11 i 'h ii n il w 1111 .i i imoii n l< ?? \ . \'. ill At Kirst I: ? \ y "I .M< I'a.lrn l> !' i !i? r at. ;?.??tor \< tl !'!?.< Ii at ' li f morning mtvIi'i. V .nuKi'iia ? ??al tn ..<*? I in; ill h<. h? I'l ii lis ? s?- N>. n ik m hitvii ? Kl'l??OP \ I.. \t fhf t'li'iti ti of ill.- Ki?-j.liati\ l!-\ .1 II. <:ilil.ori. \ II ;iri.;n >>' al : A M .111.1 ?> I' Vl S'lii'la \ >? ho..I :? :in \ .VI alul Young People ? 1 .??.! u lie a '. T.I I'. A!. Vl ilra.f V ????iinon ami . > l..|>ia ?ti ?! III t 'i ? iii til l li ?. Ii \* . lie In-Ill ii Ili<- II o rii.. I, t \ . ? K if li ill K ' ? II * I* I .Itlll MMIIIHII .It ^ I* V| ?l|ll ?i.i> Ml I" \ M ami lillile lei it- foi in- ii , nl ? on . ti .ii i ?.'i A M At V Sn n t?. I<. J V I >ow ii - will 11:. 11 .ii I! V VI aii'l !? .VI S ii nil a > >? I at '? .In \ M \ I Si V i .1 i ? v * II' > '".iii 11 o'. IIMil 'I II V M . I ? II III H Sf I . . ami ??? ' it."ti at ? IV VI I{?-\ V\ < ;. I w ? l I' \? 11 I 111 ? I ' ;i i ill ?! Ii ? ? ? * 'I'lli mornItiu ? 11?ji-1 will ? I 'a n * I' ra > ? ' ;? i >1 : i > r vm n u ? .1 11 ? ? m VI. t Tr * K!\ l-'rom ?I ? Wor )<l ami l|..? ti,? U ..'li| Kol - ?.<1 Tlifin M' n - It! r ? 'lav- in . - . at *.i A M I.I I II Kit \ V. V i I" ? ?' Knal l:< ? .1. .1 - i'l'.ir M',,1 |.rra. h at li V M ami I' Mi itii|n\ '"'.i| at "U> CAR, IN RACE, BREAKS AXLE; DRIVER MAY DIE \\ iiirlu?$t?*r Fair Smw of Ar ci<l<atil. Auto C.ratliing l lirougli Kcricr. ia * ? 'I'ti* Tim" l? mm'< h I IV I Xi 'H KSTKI!. V V. S<MH I K*> Wnnll. S;4|?inau Ml?*h . i.i'fll; Injured iu r.n \\ i n - ?h> st- r l-'.-iii ir.n> ? h?n an t\|c lir<>k<- I'll i ?nti>K>i-valv? Korrt it h?' n.i? ilrlvinu l" .? I.000 fiv<> i r:' r U ? ho \v a * ?#??oti?l ??n la*# 1 lap. ?* n thin a n eighth of a mll(* ? f th?* J'|?1ko? whrn tho a vk ? lir??U*> Tnp *ar ?larfoi| thrntich a mil fr?n?i? *n?l ?ho ?Mo far !????> ii<?h I -hv A apllntrr<M I ? ? t ? I in flu t.?| ,i ?1o*p *A?h J?i?f ahovo , hi" ho art Th* I o ft arm ras torn I i fill ? rwh^'l. a nil hi? \va< I nvoi 'A I Mi >.? ?ii?.* v | Hovpita: fsu r i: ??nn* said fonts* hf h* lu'i w ?si; a n operation Kiv? ar* w?? i h oil m t hp rH? ??. whirh "A" a f? won \t\ Krank Hipplo. Jut roit. Irixir.k* .? Ilnviio* "Tw i i m ?* w it s k 11 |s h 11 > i ? v ?? i v? n? v-rtv^ mil*** p* f hmi? I.rn% r for Hlafe (;i?lf?*rn* Mrrl. m \ m rr? ?\ \ v . s. pt i lohu m* Monamon. .la mo* \|. M?*nam*n. I ?t .1 i: ltagh> !? v McMnrran, Charl** Hart lot i. Harr> II Kimhorly .1 r ami i ?r ?'raw fort! loft toniuht fr?r Ho* ? ..k# t?? roproyont ih?* ilainplnn Itnadc r.oif am) ?'<?untry at th?i ?t ft ft ii ;? loam fonrno\ arn?*nit f h * (:??'. ?*f VrrsrtnlA Satiirilav Sunday i ml Mo nil a > . > rn I oil noli *ipnto1 nl \ li'inndrln. M.KN ANIUMA. V\. Sop*. 1. Th? im\* I'itv t*oiirti'il ??f flvo was In fhiftril Into ofllro n??i?n loilay. th#* ? '.ith ).h\m tf Iwffi a?!mim m orort |?y Samml H?ont \n organ x;ition \va? offortorl ?*lth ?h^ el*rti *n of William \lbort Smnot % a* oh air All Richmond Will Be at the Fair Grounds Monday-Labor Day Thrilling Motorcycle and Auto Races The Greatest Program Ever The most daredevil and blood curdling events that Richmond has ever seen will bo staged at the Fair Grounds Monday. Speed kings, famous the country over, driving powerful, record breaking machines, will com pete for the big prize money offered. Thrills for Every Minute of the Day ?Motorcycle Races ?Auto Races I >ancing ?Vaudeville ?Something going on every minute. A big time is in store for all. Is the World Headed for the Rocks? "The New Woman and the Old Man? Some Observation* During Clip Holidays on the Drifting Age." This is Dr. Hroughton's subject sunday night at S o'clock. A Special Invitation to Flappers and Their Mothers. Morning subject: "The Shepherd or the Kingship of hove"? the tlrst in the series of Sunday morning sermons on the Twenty third I'snlm. OltOVK AVH.XI'K ItAITIHT ('lU lllil. A Full \'est?*<l Choir. All Welcome. IMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Pine and Grace Streets. (iKOI?jK TVliK1( TKItKKI.h, Minister. MllltMMi SIIUKCT: "The Church That l,ost lis .Mission." KVKMMi SI IUKCT: "What Jleaneth the Cross to Vtuii" A cordial welcome awaits your presence. The SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH IMTIKS VOC WOltNllll*. Til K I'A STOIC, DR. SOLON B. COUSINS Hits Returned and 111 Trench at 11 A. Al. and S: I.*> I\ M. QUAKTKTTK CIIOIl^ Mrs. Dorset, Mrs. Slater, Mr. Tyler, Mr. Powell. IT'S AN EVENT OF A LIFETIME! DON'T MISS IT!! Program Regins at I P. M. Re There Early. Admission, Children t'nder 12, 25c, Grandstand, 2 ."?<*. Sunday in the Churches nan. H?? trill * a* M.?\or of Mi* ?*it v taking t h? pi* '? f M ?? * '?r .1 M Duncan Th?> n?*\% <*??un?- ? tak??<* ?h<? ;?!ni,?? of ! w cniy four rn?irnl???r*? ,.f thP ?.|.1 i'on mil \VIWI.'r vl II h ? ?f Sail It Sto Marl*. Midi . wsift ?- ?? ? I Ki|?in. ?? M-triiU'T. ;?4i<! .i'iii>>mii< ? I hat f ? ? r * h ?* j?i *??*?> n i f h ?? ? ?* ??j 1 #1 ' r??? fharico in ?h*? ? ? I? \ #? m r*'? \ Tin* Il?*w < *OU in-il rnmpmo'l ?if N\*il1i.?m * iom * StnoDt Th??ni*?* .? l-' iiiiiMf* \ r t h , r H 1 rt S. J ntl ????! Kdm un?l K l ? r I nnr? I nnnlpf l?> V Ir for ??Hull." M AM l*T? >N \ V j,mmi\t-1\? n n i flii in in i: ' r ? s ?> Fh d? ? ? f * ' . ? . ? f t T |? < t o ? ? * J?' t t * f f. f 11*? ? -v ? x. * ? uiin'ry *rfp. I? % f? *., Day hoi.??.iy?| ?s 11h relwtivfM ?? the Huh <!lty ,2) SERVICE FIRST SATISFACTION ALWAYS $2.50 to $3.98 Men's Shirts There A re 1,200of Them To bo sold for loss than tin* cost of production. Qual ity is far honor than you would ovor oxpoot at only Thov aro tho product of a manufacturer who has boon making Shirts" for half a century, and aro known throughout tho industry as 44 The Shirt Without a Fault! A good description of this group of Shirts is, that thov aro all porfoet, cut largo and full, well tailored, with hovolod pearl buttons. Sleeves with buttons above cuffs, iu 33. 34 and 3r>-ineh lengths. Size range ]'l!?/.? to 17 \ Orpjif Chnirp- ('wn lH>. fm,n'1- as ,horo xV vJ I vtl L V^iiUiL-Ct plain colored, woven madras with silk stripes, hairline and cluster designs; woven colored stripes with intervening silk stripes on white ground madras. Men's Shop?First Floor. n * PTIST. Leiprh Street Baptist Church I Twetu v-flft h and l.elsrh Stroll? ) Rev. H. A. 1.1RI KSKM KH II A. M. "The Mfanini: of the l/iril'.' Sii|ip<r." * : I s 1'. >1 , "Burrovvfil Krlialon." KIM SCO I'A I.. All Saints Episcopal Church > Kranklin Street, between Madison and Monroe Streets!. Sunday, Sfpt'mlirr 3. I?ev4 .1 V rtow.WMAN. H. I'.. IJei-tor. Mr.rnlnc Ser\ w ith s?rninn by the ri',inr, and Holy < "?m mini ion, at || n', lork Kvnlne Prayer at 5 o'clock. M u sir by the choir of men ami hoys. tinder dirertlon >>f Krnest II I'ofby, organist and fhoirmastfr. Grace Episcopal Church Key. W. II. Ml* It l\ H A III ?T, I' P. Hector. ? Main St reet. two blocks below the .1 (?ffcrson. > II \ M ??rninn and celebration of ih? llolv Co mm ti nion. * P. M? KiimiIhi? Prayer and ad Irons. 9 <5 \ M . Mllil?? lecture f>>r men mil women 10 a M . Summer Sniidav School. While llie rei'lor is atloliilini! the letieral i "on venl inn. the llev P. Carj Montautie will have charge of i li?* pa t ish. ST. JAMES CHURCH i Wost Franklin anil llin h Streets i Hpv. C. KH-KKLAN'I) I'KTKU, Iteclur. SERVICES: ft: .1(1. Similar School. 10. Moil's Hihli* Clas-s. 11. l.ilany, sermon. Holy Com munion. 8: IS. Kvoning' Prayer ami ser mon. Mr. P*?ler will prcach al both sprvireRj All th?* pew a In this church ar? ?.i tiii-ha.v Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church (Sixth ami I'liiy Streets.) Kev. O. A. SAl'KR, Pastor. Sunday School ami Milile (.'lass at ?> i:>. Scrvlci's. with (?"?mmiinlon. Jit 11. ?Subject "Til.' I nest itnable Value Ac ?tuiii? from <nir I 'a rocliia I Schools to iiur Homes, ? mj r I'hurch and Our I "Oil II t I V." The i'hurch with a Message. >i KTIIOU13T. Broad Street Methodist Church (Tenth and Hroad Streets.) Preaching 11 A. M ami 8:15 liy th? pactor. Hi'*. Kreil K. I'henault, I >. P., who t? conrlnuinc his iiouMe series of M'rrnnn" ">n "Tli<> I'liiirclics of Yes terday in the l.ife of Todav" and "The llappv I.if.' and llotv t?? Kind It." Mornint* subject: "The Irresolute i 'hurch." Kvenlnit subject: "Makers of Peace." Sunday School, Kpworth l.eacue, ? 15. Kveryboily welcome. e people'.; church In the heart of I h? ci i n C e n t e n a i \v M e t h odi st Church Morning subject: "Permanent Pos Kveninc subject: "Shadows of Bet ter Things." Sermons Ity Pr. Smnnl, StrariK-rs anil visitors welcome. Monument Methodist Church ? Services at C i Sclmnl, Allen anil Kluyil Avenues.) Kev. (1I0i i. K. Him >K Kit. I >. I'astor. Subject at II \ M "Are Men Ashamed of Nn? Subject at x P. M "Taking: Things l"|i Auain." \t the \ * (1111 tr services there will be several special numbers by thft new i ii * ?; r Publi. ...filially invited :? :tn v M mis>ionary program by Sumtav S.liool foi thirty minutes. fill low b> I ? g III.! I . \e III SI'S of Su n ila.v S. ii.... Men's t'lass. l'IM>llt I KK I A N. First Presbyterian Church 1?r. F. T. Mi K.i(|< ii wilt . <>n<1UCt m..; ni!iK \ i? t* at 11 oVIork. ){ I?! ?? ? * I ;? s ? ? m ! 11 ? ?? t ?l :???. Stimlay Srhool .it '* .!?? Grace-Covenant I Yesbyterian Church i ! i". T Mt.11 tim>' itt \ venue ) Kev ? ' II A 111. K S I. IvIMi, I'. P.. Piinor, \t 11 A. M . serin.'it by K< \ _""W R. Holmes .1 r Siiiijt.t: Tin Temporal l tnl i he Kt > rnal." M S I' M Mr Ku.s will preach. "Subject "Prepatlng t)te Heart for "hri?t." Twenty minutes with familiar t< v m ti s - Visitor* ar? alwavs ?*liom?. Second Presbyterian Church !> 4'? A. M Sunday Sr hO'?I II A. M. puhli. worship. prntfhlnff iiy Rev W W. Moore. >? P. pr??ld*Ht i>f I'nlrtn Theological ->rr.ln?ry Vnung People'* L?i*u? At 1i*7