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RETENTION OF DA VIS CUP DEPENDS UPON TILDEN AND JOHNSTON WRICK MUST Will I OF SINGLES MUTCHES *Big Bill" Play? Anderson After "Little*' BUI Meets Patterson. IEPEVD Ol bp?rt? Aaaert Klon?r*ted nitrlip* Wlnnf'i Irnmr Improi r> With GiMtrr Opposition?Term#rl In Dimrhiilt it* H?jrr." Hy \\ putlirook IVglrr, fatted Ners Staff f!orro?pond?nt XEU' YORK, Popt. 3.?Two A m # r - ?an Pill*. He PHI Tlld#n. of Phll ri#Iphla, a::d Mttl# WJialchcnc Hill nhnemn, i r l.,uiinmu->lehl Callfor ian. ar# in u h .kIa responfilii? for n# further retention of th# bt? *|| * r hf>? I ami platter. scribbled over '.th famoij. "#inis iiAm?< known ?. -ho p#vis I'up. the frreatest tro. hy in sport. If :h# reslll#.nt little f*lln? from he Coast r;tn ta'*o his match ro.-n Gerald Patterson. captain of *1# Australian challenc itiR (rrtnip. ?hich is 10 b? the fir? i match ..f (iinda^ af'^rnoon. tlx .!h#r one be tveen Tilden and .1 i in# s <> And?*r ?n w :li l.c ni'-rr o\h bit ion. If it tie Bin >h"'ilil fail, nmvevfr. th*1 'hp|# responsibility ? ill finally d# ve upon Til<l?n. puttlnt il up to im defeat And#r?on f the cup i to remain in America. Depend t poll Tllrten. Assunilnp that th# honor ..f final!* cfenrlinp the cup fall t<. Tilrteti. it# is more (ban his marvelous trent'th nn'l hi? master;* i?nni? schniqu# upon which to bus# the "!'#* of llie tennis minded lenient of the I'n: t e<| States which >i? faces K.??: and thumps its fur# fad on th# t'irf in the direction of .ilmrlian Forest Hills, where th#r# i no fores*, and n h#re landscape ?rdeners hav# r#\ to find any topo. : bump i -.-orvinc th# nam# f hill. "lii'i'ti h.t? pro*. I mm* times that ?' '.1.1 * Iif.ii: , lii;h;:nK sports. >an- ..<? : :i ?? . -a a money player 1 :?.!?' b.i 1,11 no \ proved it i'?rf -? ? 1 k . _ !h;i;i it .? match It h ??:!?? ?Ml 11 ;? >1 'li?* s.i III. .|o. M 0 ? ij^ i .j i '.. i , * I,iiM2 Ilnn-J .-"tHi , ... , ,, ? ?ied h f ??*: ? . h. .Shim I ,.| T 111- third and Xtli ????!:? ? . - ' ? Il ?? | I I. |i II ' ma.)* : Hi ? :i i L' .1 til. ?I" I in ? *? . .11 ? ii,. t bird anri (he fmiri'i. . . ?_? a".I .*?/?>? Ik-It- ? !?.# .ii- n c nr i ., r.^j ? ? t ? I Hnrl. \ iIII Mi. biird*. J- ? , - ? ? ? ) ' . "* . ' , ? ? I H a > * r ? j ? . att'r.- ? r. i ' > Mild it "? \!ricr (; Kn ? * n it: h ? IT !;.!!!.. ? . :! t ? I ? i ?r ir ?< n? i MKT th. f r r \ 4' a ?% i > ? .;. rlinc mi a; . ?: ? ? y-r ? ?r pup : t ?t h-r ?la for t ha n o ? ? d. I |?!. t rn'lii! i\ As j t)i? vo mat >?r vtar If ' UP ??m! is! U i n T I M Wi- t -< n. :h* ? ? *? f n:<: h ; l nr .* ft i*. r.? r^caiti rn hTi'l % ncW'rson ? ' "?#' ai d f tbo* i ftrrnoon li rv mill t he i ? mp them fjuit' PI.AV r, \ MK IN 1:16 '"I KVI , * V. i' h#r I >\ s.rid hi? dm i ? 'th :nt. tiz ?!-.>~d Th st t i m ? t hard -?.?d |'re?? 1 -ft " >,..?#. " ' '? ,M mc ? Kr ?? . * 1.1 ' ? I t |; ... | . ? , , * ? =i i d t? on .*. ti, A. a h't tint*: 'he >'M t.? hed ' 1 ' I 1 ? ' ! t.e ' ' " s ? !<? nshln u-M * ti linitn, ie#ly ; nstil ru n > rn? ? H. Jialk. r a ~ H! m n ? i i rtn#v a nr. by. 2b >nnolIy, r ?rdn#r ?h fnwell, ? fiod rf r I r, t I ? 11 ?IU. r ale r " " ? U 11 1 t li *elnni1. A'"1 P H A K Totalf fth r # by : nil it 1 ? e' #!a r,d Sum mar-. Tv , i la rd r(*? r .!;? rii' ainl.y. U ..,.d |.. ? Wa m b \ . j|i I n i ? i Mi i ji ft i a . f*|f v# lar.d .11 s - off f 1 a nk # r, eh I p ! b> Blankenship 1 by 1 ? '.'hie. :? Hit# off ai! 3 i-J off Courtnev, i.'irt pitrn?r niar,k< t .* M o r a r 11 v ?? r d ' i **?. i?; Siiii t Ii #.f n *t ,i n< v , ? ')r l#an# Memph.H 1 l. Mi Idl#. A11 ;t tit: isiirln lion. " ? v 11) e, ; Miin'ififrham, Hock, 0. 1 International l^agii^, Buff*l??. 5; Hi t;, i. Pyra.rust. 4 Newark, 9. Kech??t?r. L, J?r??iy City. i. "DOPESTERS" CAN'T PICK AMATEUR GOLF WINNER \ iotor in Hroiikliiic National Tourney Is Mallrr of Specula! ion. \ O > K C II t> .< K \ IIKKIMTKI.Y Kxperts Vlilllr Tnllfr, SnrrKfr, F*.vnn?. liiillfiiril, Oniiiiel. (turilnpr, Wrlherrd nurl .lutiri \ inunu Mnit Knnoldiilile Cniitrnilrra for Title. II r William Sln< run MeNnil. COIJNTi: V < I.I I! Iiltoi iKI.INK, MASS, Si-pt. .'< Sunn- ini|il isit ivc hiinKt-r-oti nroumi lli? i'iiihii i \ ?'lnl> lit H roil k i I ii ? where the it inn I i-ur golf er.s ill two k i ?-;?I gulling i-oiilll l ies arc KMllioinl 1supreme test, asked linliht JmIii* of AI 111 ii I ;i. who Ik* IIioiikIiI W 11II III will 111 ?? toiirilll loom. ltolihy wrlnk led his hrnws in seri ous IhotlKfll. II,. tllOlmllt of I toll t i.i rdhoi. former I it Icliuider. wlni vt.-tii u t kiiiik on Saturday ami tinned in tli?* low modal for I ho dat's ? uhtcen. ii ?nappy sfvuil >-one. lie llioucht of I 'III. I, i\v litis. also furmiT i illflioldfr u ml not hiittiiiK I lit-in 1 <1 - al nil rik01 now. He thought of |*'r!l in-is minuet. who v lint,It- to upset any colling as- 1 piratit any old time anil who is play, inn over Ins home i-oiirse in this j ? ?tent. Ill* ihouuht of Jesse (ttiilforrl. i !hi present i'Iim ni|iioii thai other I .! *-s?-, nnn Sw I'^tfiT. who won thft j .V> <M ropol itnn so handily this year. Thinks of llrllhlirn, Then he thought of tin hurlt t'vril ! ' I" o 11 o *?. she ila nuerous Knc I isli ma n, j ? in of Rr.|:cr Wet hered. the lone, l?*an j |:ritnn. ? lin was in trouble ail day j Saturday. taking an #*? i p h i y-1 hrep. hut who may yet qualify anil take some V merira n for ? rude rMr in the Ii nn I s Holili.v t hoiiK hi of all I host- tricky j t- . Tits of the golfing world assembled i here to seramhli> for a seat on the supreme summit of tin- mountain of ( !. riKs prnminem-o. Perhaps. he thought, too. of himself. so great a u o 11?. r for so ma it y ynnrn anil so j ?nu denied thi* satlitfai t ion of a j iti'Ml victory. Win ii he not throujrh lliinkli ^ In- shook his head ri i. ? 1 --poke | "??rils nl tt i.-doiii hi-fit l iup a man of | i pe r u-.irs "I ilon i see loot anthodys uoing t ? ? win." In ^? nl seriously. II *? til. in -I liopt y? I Some one, i'"iir?i-, ?- ???iinii to iv in. Ion as 1 toliiiy .limes s-ij-s. its III! I'll to Injure ?II how a n V I.I against tin oji I" ? It loll here ? ?f ilo* NhKlish visitors present the | . ??St feared are CmII Volley, a rare lieet. anil oiii ale spi'i-imi'ii ot i_. Itrilon, tt ho s)11.i at-oiiini in \ ? ill > - I'l.'.ir oil Salurdat ami linger \\ eihei'eilt Will) ;i?i.ns ji'HS lioiiIt to ? '?>??1 the rot nml Toilet ran ' to III. ill'll hut Willi, ill spile ; i- la?*k of hone anil gristle ran i'ii. a liolf li. into a .111:111 ami i ? ?ui a i ??. v i.i' iliniu t tin 1 makes him ot tI ant ueot. i tii Sattir'lv, \\ - * ki.- r-? ? i p;, , | ...i n si .1 ories, nia? !e inlse'-.ihie siowinc. taking an ? *.*htt .tht-e, f>.i ih. ilav's eighteen - p.i* iii|o rn.ii v i . sip'h an initial ? Ml.';, p h. in., ,,ol . j ? i.?| f \ it is pMssihii*, on | ho ot hot i:itp|. that tii.- lean ami lank* youna I'.ncliKhman ha< tot all tin* hail ijoifi of ills At St.-til anil may ? orne " ""Sh to an ?? some Vno-M. an U|?-nle t|>Mt n Itunkei Mill eXperiolMT ill III.- liiials If Weth-j : ilrops In t ne uayshle ami lie III ha t ?? in s III mi t a .seventy-four or J I ? ilia pv on. stroke heitei on Mon "-?> tn si.,_t on i in* pallitvat to i m ;'"'?l"? III* I. I ile amateur milling ?!'?* "( "I- dual III | |.- i.s|e nnist : ' "ii ih>- hroatl ami rapahle : sholllilers ..I t'yrll |o||ey. I"1 ft x it,. 11 p, of Kiij;l Uiiiunn ' ix ail \ .-it is, nieiit s : or "I ?? "I i .-a I ii>|ii.i II. tx hnsi.y ''i'v loo I ? ||,, pa 11- ii t ? ? " ?? man's il, i ipi ion ..| i he I.I aft. : : . ' "? 'lie plopio-tli' coil Vers-ll t loll i in- ,|..p, ~i. i x i||(. , | P.ol.l.t .tones, of Atlanta, ' ? . >'s all lh< i . " \|.,sl of i he tali. - ? i ? . in to iliiuk thai I'lil,lit is ,iut I. ih "toaili.-r liiis t.*ai than rvri ixhil.ils * I,a la in " of; ? i|o-iiim.iit liii lo-rlo ia.kiiiit Sell- I i lo.- ix ami int. nl as a I tvuts. in- ' ? *"<1 1 n l ens... i,hi older ami "t'iiei than e t?-1 Imagine a l?h> Jones playinit with his ui'ctlH- I 'in*'! 1' i ? ?' ami without liatnli-i 1411 "f In tint ion that has hel.l him k some it hat In olhei years 'naKlrie a .tones with all lie ever 1 'ia.l. a lit] ailileil to all thai .o?,p|,i, . """a nil of hiinseif, a ml then try | ? ??I I rn a j; i i . soup* one an I,eat | urn Try ami >lo n Itol.i.t is ,im*. ?!!.I M? || I!.,i.i n' * I1 ?'' * r ^ 11 a ml ile 1 t him t el ? I" i ." ji, I.hi ih. ,i.ui\ will hate ? 'oak- .in a tt fill tvi-.'u ,,f ||l(, xi ? ?'i a tt miilei to pi e ..-lit him entor 11 a i t a r.i this fall with a n.iual i*ha in plonsh i p l,, llauni in the! ? es of the sophomores, I'he-e tt ,. x no i haril|iloiishi|i plav j Siiriilay Tim font e?t a nt h kepi .-ii U"ltii ij ions, les looseneil up |,y ' i* aving I?i'sI hall foursomes for the ] ? ti'Tii an Kolfer tioph v. < n'opyricht. It.:'. It I *n 11 ei| Nrw*? MKS. MAU.OKY WINS FROM MISS NVILI.S '? r-5 I> A R IT I* P. s T. Sept 3 tf, ,. Mo a Mnlloit. of Vaw ^ *. nut lonn 1 ?i.ih?m> tenuis Iinptnr, tort.,, ilef.ated Mis- Helen Will* of Merk ele v. Cal . |? r(, '?iic'rn three-set match. 3 f. fi-1. i;.j, the flr.s. reiinrl .f 'he Kockawat 1 " ' ' ^ ''lull's Invitation toii na 'he (eriinil time In a few ' ?? * ' be ? 11 ? I 'a i-1 ftp Ct.a si t irl .r fori i ?1 Mrs. Mallorv to extra ? S ? ? ? , II \iisx \vi!u pair "I with \lis.? i,e?. . Hanrroft. \\ ,.?t \ewton. \Iih ?-X 1 ,1 -e. mm in -lie doubles AflAt. ?. ? fe? t Injf ,\ir? M a I lor y ?n?l Minn Wplsh ',f I hi In ile >ph Id, in ?' ? ? r M x, , ^ " ^ a ml Miss Bancroft ' 'f.eir final bracket by rte r t; \! ? ? Mat Sutton Bundy and Mr*- I'.rfrsyt U'allaih, .',-7. ?;-< f.. ' '* Mrs Ma lory and Miss Walsh ? nna'erl Mrs ("andeeanil M:- Kliz.iteth Handy. r.-4. 7 - si. In 'In other semifinal. VIRGINIA I.HAGUE m K?i i i.'i s \ nvi Kn n k r. I Nil Karnes n'bpil n led. I STt\lll\(i (IK ( I.I hi, \\ on. I.osl. IVI. u 11 *?in 117 4? r,7M N e it purl Nets* 111 ,<%.( -;t(l N"rf"ik ,mi nr. . .m.-i Itio I. % Monni .-,7 r,n IsT I'er Is hkiii | h ?,! ? I it Inn on,I ... . . -17 Id 4 I It W ur.HK THKt I'l.u 'rriHAi. ?Hi hmond nl Nenynrl %>??? A. M. ^'"-port \?t?? m nirkmnnd P. Jf. ^nrfnlk n? Pnrtiimiintli A. M. at Vorfnlk P. M. ?* Mo""? at YVIUnn A. at Rorkr Monilt P. jj. When a Feller Needs a Friend By Brig JzJx na/mem "The Re ST of tmct fakailV ?5 Too INTERESTED IM voor FIRST LETTER from VOVJR PIH ATI'S MOVK IT rn> Prow* J ('Hh'Afl'V S*pt. .1 H' ? liomp run d r I v ? brok* up an ?|#v*n-inninf? P tohin* du*l h?!? c?n Alexander And Hamilton and kjv? Pitt?biirsh a ^ -1 a - o victory f<v*-r ? "bloac". F'ittn bursrh al*-o panned I'hicaKn for s*oond P ai'f hy lialf k gamr. Afior two ivor* out In thf <?!<? votiih Carey nin K) r?1 ii nil Mole sfi und Highop ful Ihwi'iI with III" four hsuRpr, Th? I ii.tino was rpplot,> with brilliant playa. Sonr*: I'll I?tin ruli. V M i:. II. ?>. A. F. M.i i an v II lo. s? ii I 2 4 ii i rr v, of ....... I 1 3 0 ?? Higbo*. If. ... '.1 2 I rt o I*nnnoiI. rf ii o t fi a Tii-riu ,\. -.'Ii ? A 3 2 S ft Tiavnoi 3h .. ? ii (? I " ?! r; i in III. lb ........ 4 'I S 14 " ft Ii. o I ft 1 fi 1 ?> I l;i in 111 on. p 4 ft ft ft 2 ft Total* . in 2 l?? 33 IS " I hlrnffo, Alt K. 'I I?. A K. SI Hi*, of . . ft I 1 1 ft llollorhfr, ss, 4 it I 2 2 " N-rry, Jb 4 ft ft 2 ? ft ? rimes, Ih 4 ft ft 14 ft ?* Krlhfrn. rf S ft 1 4 1 ft .Miliar, If 4 ft ft 2 ?) ft K HI |f. Sh 4 ft 2 1 4 ft ? t'Karrell. e. ...... 3 0 2 7 2 ?' Air* and or, p 4 ft ft ft ft " Tola In ...37 0 7 33 11 '? Si'ort by innings IT I'it t sbiirgh "f,ft ft"" ""ft ' i'Ii . ago "ft" nftft ft"" "ft " Summitry Two-ban* hits Kriborrc. < ? I'arri"! 1. Three base hits?Tiern*y. ii|'arr?ll. Home run Itlgbep. Stolon baHen M a run villi'. f'aroy. Sacrifices I l'lrHrrrll, Telly. I.ofl nil banes !? i: t ?hn r n h f>; I'lib-ag". 8. Hitses oti tin I In? off Hamilton. Struck out ? lint Alexander. a, by Hamilton, fi I'liiplrrn, tj ti I k I e y hnil Moran. Time, ?I lit. Virginia H??rnen In I'mnt. | WIKt'llKSTKIt. V A., So|.t ? The lioraAn Rock tit Inst or ami Surf Rid*r, which recent I y miii ilia nooil Whisk - I ;? ?? ii r and Moi vi< Ii at Sara Ions* [ raoes. trr i?w noil by .Munlforil ami |< It .lllllOS. it'l"| h of tli ? ' Aitillny" iluil farm ii ?-.i i I r r y v 111 e, i i'i.i rli?> i 'mi in v. vi here 11? ? ? \ pr<?bal?l> will be i|'ta I ' ?i>i| next wiutiT along with dtlifr hoi son in I by the .l?*nes lirot Ii'" * Tin* ,1 onos h.?|-Mos did not ntnrl well In the earlv spring and nuinmer rating. owing lo ; influ#nnn, whlob attacked many sla | hie*, but they now sir* rounding Into i form. V. I*. I. Announces Revised Schedule | |i\ Aesorla?i??l Crois | VA.. S< pi. 3.? 'lainm** r. Mil's. cra<luatr man 4cr of arhl?>tii-s at the Vlrjrinia Polytechnic Institute. tunicht announcer! th' following revised fnnthall si hflul?' for the msmhi ? f 1H22: ^Hicmher 23? Ha nip<|p|i-Sidney, i sliiirc. Si'iiicmhor 3? Kinc rn!|nji>, I'.l.. i,sliiii t. i i. tolifr 7?William an>i Mary, I W.M'k still I B. iii in!..i H -iVpnrp I'olleg*. I! i ii mninl. ? ictoher 21 I'avi'lMin ''olletr*. I ? '!?=??!! ? 2??i'atho||r 1'ntvrMty. \\ .. - hint ton. November 4 ? l.'nlverslty of s land. FMarkcl><irb \ivfmli?r II?North '"arolina. Norfolk. November 1*?Washington and ! .? * I .v nebbing. Virginia Military I ii??it ?i?f. Rnannk'. AMERICAN LEAGl-'E HF.M I.TJi VBSTKRIIAY. A\ nshlnirton, IfM lln?tnn, fi. I In flnnrt, A; rhli'nco, I). Ilrtroll. I: M. I.mils. .1 (II Innlngnl. HHhfri not M'hrdnlril.i M \ MJi.Nt; t?r ri.i n?. \\ on. I.nal, \ <?? Vurk f* SI Si. I.(litis 77 t lie troll Ill IIU 4'lr\rlnnil Hi; lit I hlriiBii til U.1 \\ nkhlDKlun 511 IKi I'h llml ?*l I'll In .VI 7:? Huston Till 77 WIIKItK TIIKV l'l,AV 'I'OIIA V. Ilrtroll ?t rhlrnso. A. M, nnil I*. M. ?'le\rlnnil m SI. I .nil Is, A. >|. and I*. >1. I'hllinlclpMn nl \\ nnhliiRlnn. A. M. nml I*. M. Ilnslnn nl Nrn I iirli, A, M. nnrt P. M. OMAHA SKI.LS TWO PLAYERS TO MAJORS I pv a ssfM-iatnl Press ) OMAIIA. N KIV, Sept. .1 Sale of t \\? plavi i = of ! he Omaha f'hih of ih" Western l.eaglie was a nnnunced llenry .Matin'sh. outfielder, was <nlil to the l'?lrti|l AiiK-rlcan I.?agtie ??lull nn an optiotiRl agrmmfnl. il.orge Cranlham. ihlnl baseman. ? as purchased outright liy Ihe Chi also N'a l I'.na l.?. | Itoth pla\.-rs arc to report at th\ spring training < :unp?. P. I. iM?r. . 5SK V.'(l SOS inn 47H . 4UI . an i v Support Your Favorite Fan! 'C\\ VOTING Jamatf ~Jm:f COUPON Free Trip Content TotheWorldi Series \ Editor Famous Fans' Contest: Credit this vote to Name Address ? ?i ? w* ? *? ? ? ? ??? THIS COUPON' NOT GOOD AFTPTR SEPTEMBER 11TH RECRUIT LOOKS GOOD ( Ry Associa t ed Press.| Rl!< n iK I.V N. Sept. 3 ?Brooklyn knocked Oeschirer nut of the box to ilitv and boat F!n?iftn s in 5. flepee. a pvcher. finished the irame for th* Rravn and mart* a frnnd lm P r e ?51 o n. Three of the e i ft h l h 11? off ??rimes *-fr? for extra pases. Srorc: DnMnn. AR. P. II. !">. A F. Powell. rf 4 1 2 t ft o K'?|?f ;?> 4 0 n o ?? n t'ruise, rf 4 'i 2 f> 0 ft Roser. If 2 ft ft 2 ft n I ?;? rba re 1h 4 ft 3 ft 1 " Ciltimn. 1 b 4 " ft 10 I ft Kord ?s 4 2 1 ? 4 ft ? I'Neill e 3 ft ft 2 I ft iifjnhcr P 3 ft 1 ft 5 ft 'pec, !' Total? . . 32 5 S 24 12 ft nroiikltn. AR. R. H. O. A. K ? >1 -on, 2b ....... 5 ft ft 3 3 ft ?lohnsfop 4 2 3 2 4 I T. Griffith rf 4 2 2 1 ft ft n'hfHt. !f .... 3 1 1 2 ft ft N'eis, rf ft ft ft ) ft ft Mx*r<t, rf 4 1 2 ft 0 " Si'hmandt, lb 4 1 ft 13 1 ft Hah. 3h ..3 1 1 ft 3 0 Miller, c 4 ft 1 4 1 ft Jrimes, p 3 0 2 2 4 0 Tots lit 34 S 12 27 lfi 1 Score hv inmnf R. Boston ftftl ftl 1 ft2ft?5 Brooklyn .... ftftft 402 2ftx?S Summary: Two-hnse hits?<*rui'e, .lohneton. T?r- e - hasc hits?, Kuril. T. Griffith. Ihelv Stolen na?cs Johnston. T Griffith. Sacrifices ? lifistr, (I'.Ncill. IIieli. Iiouhle ? itl-iin and Sohmandt. I.>?ft on bascR ? Boston. Brooklyn, f>. Ilast-! on hallo?off rieKcltiter. 3. off Grimi-*'. 1. Struck otji h\ i icsrhKcr. I; by Gritnea, 4 Hit* off i if schifer, 11 in (none out in seventh); off Gepee, I in 2. Wild pitch?OeachKer. l.osin* pitcher?Oeschjcei. I'mplrei, McOr mack and Mart Time. l;3ft. I) MCI OF CHAMPIONSHIP in LOUISVILLK TONIGHT I My VsMi' ial?"! Press.| l.itl lSVII.LK. KV , Sept. 3.?The ? ha mplouship of the Western Chess Ns?sociatlon. which n III close* its tournament tomorow tomeht ap parently lav between Kdward l.^s ker, of Chicago. present champion, and Samuel Factor, of ("hicasro. Factor has iron seven and one half (tames, lost one-half and has two adjourned, while Lasker ha* seven victories, one defeat and one ail.iotirned came Next in the vtandms a-e .lackson \V. Showalter. lieoigclnwn, K \.. si-v<n won one lovt, and X. T Wh'taker. Washington. I>. i\, seven l? oil. lost t II o. In vain'1" lutl'ty F K. .Imlge, f*m linnati, heat Alexander J. Conen. I .otiisville. national league ItFSt I.TS MISTUHDAV. Brooklyn. Ronton. 5. \e? I lirii, X| t'h llnit el phln, 7. Cincinnati, 3s St. I.on In, !?. t'hli'DRn, III I'lttnlinrKh. 2 <11 In n In jgn), ST A \l?l N ?; OF ?? 1.1 It*, \\ on. I.n?t. Pi't, Nfw Vnrk 715 SO 003 I'lM^liiircW "I 57 .355 st. I.onis 711 .17 .551 I hlcnun TO 57 .551 I I ni l II tin I ( no r.o . saw llronk I; n 114 tt-4 .Stlo I'lillnili'liahln 43 Ml .3S0 lliiMtnn 41 K!t .3 47 Mil FRF. 'I'llF.\ IM.AT TOIIA T. Net* Inrli a? Rflatnn, A. M. and I*. M. Brooklyn at Philadelphia, A. M. and P. M. t'klrnin at Cincinnati, A. M. and r. m. fit. I.nali at Itttibmltt A. M. and P. M. WOOD WILL NOT REPLACE ANDERSON IN CUP MATCHES Inder Davis Trophy Rule.?. Captain of Au/./.ics* Tram Asserts, Singles Contestants Cannot Be Changed, Exeept in Case of Injuries. (By A sKoei a t oil Pwss | P'WIKST MII.I.S. N V. 3 I .lani's 11 Anderson, and not I".it " Hjira WihxI as announced lam night, ' 11 opposo Willi* in T. Tilden Innmi - row In c.n? of tho i?m sine I**!* tnaloho* ! U hu ll 'vlll I'lllicl'ldc |h? I''.".' Mavis ; t'up i liiilli<M|:i> runn<l Iic1u'pi*ii Aiih jti iilia a ml tho I nilo.l Slates. C.-i alit , T I'ji 11 orsun, In ?f t ll?> i-hal Ii'hsts, this ii n n<>un<o in,, n i |(( iiIkIii in li'-nyiiir In* line-up had I>?? ?? 11 ? ?ha ngori Patterson. who in..Mi William M .lnlinsi.n in ili?* nt I ?.?i- singlos #n counter. explained that t fl view of * lio fart that ho ami AinUr.'i'ii hud played iii ti1(. nr.i iu'h sinci.-* matches Krirtai ? h??> n?ri obliged, undei- liavls a'up rou it la i ,i.ii x. i.i through with t ho ri-nia nine nvi>nts ? ?nl> an accident >,r oilier unfors?-en ??in nm.?ta tiros i-nuM mako possible a change. ho added. >IhsI Win Itolh tlali-hra. With Iho two matihes to one in favor -if tin I'niioil -tiat??. Nustralia must .-aptur<- both -inicles tomorrow to iak? tho fauiou'- trophy | hai-k to tho antipodes \ \ i. '"t \ fot \merica in eithei mati-h n ill assure j tin defenders pouno>i!iioii of tho . up for a not lior yo,n | "< Hi form Tllilon ami .l-.hnstnii nusht to win. Init we're not without hope." that was th< wa\ I'a 11 ornoii tonight, ?hon a?ked hi* opinion, summed up a situation wh oh experts 1 rott.i rded ati formidable for th?- In vaders ;TIGERS TRIM BROWNS IN 11-INNING CONTEST! Col.lmi.Mi Fifltl llrilliuntly li<> liiml Dhiiss \ t'iirli C.oillli lintrs S|n'<? I;i<? 111;ir (ialcli. (My \ *s.o*iatei| I ? t o s s | I 'KTI'i IIT Sop I 3 Hotiolt tie tiled inpoota. -tilat I v In* h i ml liiiuis l oilu y | anil defeated St. I.oiiIn. 4 to 3. in 'i'V'ii IIInInkft. Itlgney ilrIv 11? k ovnr tl? wl tin I i>k run ?llh a single. iiftor tlio Tl|i'n bad lllioil t he i-iise*. Wa.-h doprlveil tho Kruwn.i of vlc loiv in Iho ii i ii r It wh.-n lir- wont to the foul lino miiiI took Poster's drive with hi* Imrc hand for tho third nut. with throf> St. Iiouln lunnorM on iiliMf. Srorr; Xl. I.oals. AR. 11. II O. A. F, j TohIn, rf f, o j j tl 0 I Kostfr, 3h .', ft | | n n Slsler. lh ,'i ft 113 1 0 William*. If f> ft 1 3 ft ft ?laoohson. of 5 1 l | n n Mr.Manus. 2h X ft 1 S u 0 Severeld. o. 4 1 ; 4 6 .> Orber. ss 4 I 3 4 3 i Wright, p ; ft o 0 2 n 1'rtjeM. p | n o .1 1 fi ?Shorten I ft i n n 1 Total* 4; 3 13,3i j; i llrtrnlt. All R. H O. A K Mill#, lh 4 J 114 0 II It'tilshnw. ?h 3 I J 3 3 0 : < 'ohh. rf S ft I n ft 0 j V#srh, If 4 I 2 3 ft I) F-'ot h#rplll, rf a ft ; 4 W ft llanov. 3h 3 0 0 l R 0 ; Itlcnov, us. . . 4 n | j 3 n Ka*-i#r. r 4 n 2 2 1 (' I '.iu?*. p 4 ft 1 ft 4 2 i Totals 4 11 3S Ki 2 ! ?Matt#rt for Wrirht in aov#nth. ?rin# out wh#n winninjf run I (ti*fir#d. Soor# hy InnI.r.r? n | St l.otiia rtftft ftftft son ft,t?.-j j i ti?trnit Iftft ini ftftft ft| 4 j Summary: Tti? h?? hit.*. - Shorten j MrMantis. Bin*. Kothotgill (21. I)?u*?. >acrlflo#s Pru#'t. o \ o r o I d. t'ut?hawl 1 -) - Don hi? plavs t'utuhaw. Itlir- ' n?y and Blu? IU'ii<, Han?y and ! R!u?. I.#ft on h??.f? -St. Louis, ift, r?#trolt, s. Raios on hallR?off Wriprht, 2: off Pruft, 3. off nans.*. 2. Struck, out- hy I 'a u' s 2. hy Pru#tt. 1. Hit!" Off Wr Chi *? In 7: off Pru ott. 3 In 3 1-3. l.o* tia pitohor?Pru 011. T*mpir#s. tiuthi # anil r?ln##n. tim#. 2 I CARDS BEAT RIXEY i [By Assnoiatoii Ptoj:q ] I'IN'f'IS'XATI. Sf pi. 3.?St. I-ouis l.unch#d flvo hits for four earned runs off l{ix?y in ihr fourth Inning to day and repeated tho dose in th' ?seventh. winning from Cinninnftti '?a.?ily. ^ to 3. Hfirtishy made his thirty-fourth home run of the season off Mnrkle in th? ninth inning Hornchy now |#ad^ both league.s In home runs. Dunran mad? a homo run In the first inning, his third rirouit drive In two days. Soore: St. I.mils. AM. f{. H. O. A. V. Hlailos. If I ft j 4 ft n Toporcrr, ss .S 2 2 2 3 llomshy. 2 2 0 1 0 Moftomley, lh 4 2 1 11 1 0 Stock. 3h s | 9 0 1 ft Mann, cf 3 0 2 a 0 0 Mll?ller, rf 10 0 1 0 0 Srhult*. rf 4 0 0 3 0 0 Ainsmlth, r 4 112 10 North, p 4 1 I 1 5 0 Totals 39 9 12 27 12 0 Clnrlnnntl. AR. R H. r>. A. K Burns, rf 4 0 1 2 1 0 I'HUoert. lh 3 0 1 !> 0 0 I * tl 11 i'h ti, If 3 2 I 2 0 0 Uotish. i-f 3 0 ft 2 0 0 I'onsera. 2b '3 0 0 2 2 0 Harp rave, r 3 0 1 S 1 0 Pinelli, jtb 4 ? 0 0 0 t'.nveney, s? 4 I 'J 2 4 1 fi i \ e y, p 1 0 0 0 0 ft Gillespie, p 0 0 0 M .1 0 ?llarper ?.....! 0 0 0 0 0 Mark I#, p 0 ft ft 0 0 ft iliresRler 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 30 3 fi 27 10 1 ?Butted for fSillespie In seventh, tMat ted for Markle In ninth. Score hy innings: It. St. I.otii.s 000 400 t(il?9 f'inclnnatl 100 110 OOit? 3 Summary: Three-have hit- lum ber!. Ilome runs Hunrnn, lloms hy. Sacrifices?Margrave. Mixoy. I .oft on hasos- St. Louis, fi. I'inciii nati. fi. Bases on halls?off Mixoy, 3; off Not-Ill. 4. Struck oul ? liy Rlxey, &. hy Markle, 2. hy North, 2 Hits off Itixey. 10 in fi 2-3; off ftlllesple, ncne , In I - J; off Markle, 2 In 2. Wild pitch?North. loosing pltch?r?Rtxey. I Umpires, O'Day and Rlsler, Time, [ 2:10. <l|ilv n complete tlpset, It was at r? ? d. ?????? 1 r| prevent the Airr'rlr,; 11S from ret Mining the litle. bill that i ii y Mi 111 k ran happen was demon strated Saturday when the Aus 11 ;tIi:t lis revived their follow i rn' rnn II?i?? !??-?* by takine a liiilllani straight ?.?( vlftorx from Tllden and Vluri'nl Kl'lia rils In tin- doubles. I Inc to \\ mill '? ri?>, 'I'll!* re vtmI, duo rlildlT ;Vkf ?i?'rt acula r plav of Patterson's >nn nor. Pat M'llara Wood uiivc found.*) t ion ii> Hie apparently w?|| auihontl >catod report thai \V<?n?l would ro ll \ndcrson in 111?? kIiikIcs ami in III. bcliif of observers. ? ??? I ?? ?- plimf i II ? - lv i i??-t ea so ill** \ nsl ? a i :a i? ??" chances of vlii iiry. It also was pointed out that Anderson was pl-inl> not up to form in his mat <h aaainst .lohuslon after an illness that kept linn out of tin- uamr for a month Tin- Australians, as well a ? lh? \mcrican* today euga&od m a viir'ii ou-i prait|ri> session on the ??'nirts of U'cjt Side I'luti in preparation for tin" final test Patterson said Hi at \ ndcrson displa ycd eepecia 11 y good form and prod ii-t that l? ? h would I-" in top I'onditlon for tomorrow'" tn a l I'll os Patterson and Johnston will take ill- courts in lli< ft'sl match at " pi o'clock Should the A inorica n win. t he Tifioii Anderson encounter w j'l amount to an exhibition only, while in oxont of a triumph for the Aus tralian. t ho outcome of the series will hlnco upon the final match GIANTS TAKE RAGGED GAME FROM PHILLIES Kiii?: Drops Throw for Third (hit, Which I .oscs Fracas. [Hy As50.Mi11? .1 l'ren? ] NKW V< ?lt K S?*pt :i Th? Hunts won n rur. K'iI game from Phllailel ph a. i to 7. here today. Wlnu ICiIIK dropped it throw from I.evli#. at first l.ase for what would have been the third out, Krl.sch ururi-d from tecum) with t h?. w I it ii in k run. Young, Ma ii croft, t > roll ami Kellv mailo a tilp'i. ptav In the second when I.c? arid l.eeile hoc an running wnd on ttio bases, ?fti-r I'tnplro Klom had .ailed Smith out on an infield 11 y which Young finally handled. I'hlletlel phln, AH. It IC. li. A F. Wrichtstone. ss. ..420231 'lapp. at. 4 1 S ; 2 0 Williams, cf 412000 Walk or. rf J> 1 0 4 0 0 Hrnllne. c. 5 2 ; 3 1 <) 1.00. If 2 0 ft 2 0 0 l.eslle, Ih 4 0 .1 ]<1 1 0 Smith. 2h 4 o I 2 2 1 Winter*, p .1 o 1 t 0 0 Itinc, p 1 0 ti 0 1 1 Totals ar. 7 ) 2*2?". 10 .1 .\rir \ ork. AM. R. M. <i. A K Manrroft. ss .1 2 1 :i .1 (l Young, rf 4 1 1 4 1 0 Kr. sch, 2h ft 3 2 0 2 0 Kelly. 1 V 4 1 1 1II ft 0 .M?USel. If 5 13 2 0 0 Stengel. cf 4 ft 1 I 0 0 dmli. 3h 4 o 1 1 3 Snydor. c 4 ti 0 3 fi 0 Xo'hf, p 2 0 0 0 2 0 .lonnarri, 2 0 ? 0 o 11 Totals 37 v in 27 n 0 ?Two out w hen w tuning run was sc#> rod. Philadelphia 010 004 200?7 New York 203 ti0(| 2ol~S Summarv: Two-ha?o hits 'Iroh. Hnillno, Krlsch Throe. I.!i?e hit ? Krlsch. Home runs M ousel, Wil liams Stolen ha?e? -Bancroft, Krisr-h. Sacrifices Kelly. Triple play ? Young. Ranrroft. r.rnh and Kelly. I.eft on bases -New York, 7. Phila delphia. 7. on balls 'iff Nehf. ?1: off winters. 2: off .lonnard, 2. Struck out?by Winters, 2: by Nehf. 2: by ,lonnard. 1; by King 2. Hits ? Off .Vehf. ; 111 5 1-3; off Jonnard. .S In 3 2-3. off Winters. !? in fi 2-3: off Rinr. I In 2 1-3. Hit by pitcher?by Win ter*. 1. Winning pitchrr? .lonnard Ivsing pitcher? Ring. Umpires, Son tclle and Klom. Time. 2 SENATORS WIN, 10-3 {By Associated Press ] WASHINGTON. Sept. 3.? Washing ton defeated Boston, 10 to 3, today in the final game of the series. Zach arv was a puzzle for the visitors, while Kullerton was driven from the box In the third, and Russell who relieved him. was hit hard and timely. The fielding; of Klce was a feature. Score: lloaton. AB. P.. H. n. A. P. Mitchell, 4 1 2 2 2 0 Miller, rf 4 't 2 2 o o Fiurns, lb 4 0 0 9 2 o kPrntt, 2l> 4 0 2 2 4 0 .1 Harris, tf 4 0 0 3 o 0 Collins. If 4 0 0 3 0 0 Plttinger, 3b < 0 2 0 2 0 Rue], c X I 1 1 1 1 Fullerton. p. 0 0 0 I 0 0 Russell, p 2 1 1 I 3 o Totals 33 3 10 ?4 14 I \\ nshlngton. AM. R. II O. A P. .1 ttdce. Ih 1 1 1 Hi I t" S. Harris, 2'o "> 1 I I 2 o Rice, cf f, 2 2 n n I Hoslln. If a I I ? ft 0 It rower, rf 3 I " '? " ti fiharrlty. c 3 2 3 I 2 " I'pckinpaugh, ss. ... 1 I 2 't 2 " 1 .a motto, 3h 3 0 2 1 l o Z.ichary, i? 3 1 2 I 3 o Totals :... 3.*i ltt 14 27 1 1 I Moston lfttl OOft 002 - 3 WaHhington 11117 huh lion 10 Summaiy: Two-base hits .Mitchell. Pratt, Rice. SacriticcK?Mitchell, l?a motte. Miller. Mums. Rrower, Ruel. y.achary. I>ouble play?Hue) to Pratt. I.eft on bases Moston, 10; Washing ton. ft. Hasev on balls?off Znchary, 2; off Russell. a. Struck out ? !}>' Zacliar.v, 1. Hits ?off Kiillerlon. 5 in 2 (none out. three runs in third), off Russell, It In ?>. Hit by pitcher ? by /.achary (Russell?. I.osihk pitch er-Russell. empires, I'diinolly and Nallin. Time. I :4.">. Amerlcnn Associntlnn. Indianapolis. 3-2; l/ouisvllle, 7-3. Toledo, t-4; <'oltinihus, 2-1. St. Paul. ?: Minneapolis. H. Alllwaukee, 3-4; Kansas Cltj>, 5-16. TOTH FlllS III ATTEMPT TO SWIM THE CHANNEL J'iekerl Up After Being in Water Over Eleven Hours. WITHIN SIX MII.KS or* r.OAL I,on Temperature and t'nfn vorithlr ?\\ Iii?l lleaponnlhle for Ilnstonlan'a <>lvlna I |i?Kni'onnlrr niiriciiltr In (?Mlliiit Him 111 to llofit. Illy Amoclatort Prci" ) IWVBll, Supu 3.?Cha r lea Toth. of Baf.Hrdey evening In an attempt to iwlm the Kngllsh <'li il li dp I from hnvor to the French shore. had to r I ve ii t> early thin i it ??r n I ri ic after havlnir heen In the ?.valer for cloven hours and ten min ute*. Toth was taken from the water shortly before ?; o'clock at a point fourteen mil's off the KnRllsh coaat. His manaKors a.?.?ert h? was |n g-ood co'ndftIon. The sea wee choppy and !he temperature of the water wa* ... degrees Fahrenheit. The weather '< i- ? ?? 11. hut a hlRh wind was h low - sinned "iiliirilny. loth and Sam ftlchard?. also of I -'"ii s' ntoil out Saturday evening to endeavor to accomplish a tank that has been done ?-ui-cc.*< fully by only I wo men <*aptaln Matthew W'ehb and T V\ Hurt!' ?s hoth Knic '"?hrnen Mlchard* mate a splendid si hi. I?'11 ? ?? apu-d at thr ond of I wo hniir? and had to be taken from th?? water when he was pel zed with a violent attack of coughing and pa In* in 11??- clit-Nt. Toth ?iii * to his task throuRl-ou*. the 11 i|C ti t, hilt with the t'OmillK of 'lawn, lie also was forced to Rive UP If! eon M"(| ue ni'f of the cold, the louxh sea kil led il|> hv a stiff north west wind and had tidal conditIon*. Tolh had come to within approx imately mv inllis of the l''iei'i'|i coast when li he< a me n e. e- a ry to remove linn from th>- water This v.n a mo* t ? 11 ft I ? ? ? i! I l a ?? l< tor hi- hod> was eo thl'K \ l:il|'|.i| 'w I ti c ? , , .n to ieep out the '??? d tliat hif alt'ndants 'I n an eU i." I n Itrip on him. It was like III lid i Ii u a Kr-at ee| by hand Two of the small boats ae ? oinpa ny IriK the s w I mri < r w*re nearly swamped In the pro<e?? or I ii 111 >i k hi hi n it Mx'iled Ii* nratriijf r. The torpedo-hoat destroyer Mc <"'orni I ok sighted Toth throuuh the first streaks of day: nh? and ftrul r. jr at that time lie required no aii' proceeded on lis way to Spain. Neither Toth nor Richard* will at tempt attain thin m'asnn to swim the h a n n el Henry Sullivan, of |,'iwe<!. M:.v?, and Walter I'iiiiiti- i, Hr;d?e. t ort, '"oiin, however, wI;| e>.<. < . the feat, hoth bavins heen ilnder lone training h?re f"r it I'.i 11 er?on ha, announced hi* intent.on to wait for a form Rht. when the next neap t dr* will h?i running Si:!llvan likely to take to the water a* anj hour. Kt.Rlish "W lrn tiling evper" exprio, rf? uht whether It will h> po?>:h ? !or any swimmer to cro*?' r^ie <>han ne| thin ?ea?on. The ? ".it'nrt ha heen continuously un fa\ ? rah' <? .,r | the temperature r.f the water has i"een. at.d Mill Is. too low They declare that to negotiate the chan nel a virtually motionless tea with a tempernture of ahout t"2 to r,4 d* kh".* Kahrenhelt is required. *>e?* (Mai l?lrl-Trnek Itrcord. H A MI .IN K MINN., Sept. a ,j|p lla iiKhdnhl, of Albert l.?a. Minn., drlvlnir his Wis. on sin special, eet a new world';* record of 2-o ,?ee. onils f..r an automobile over a one mile oval dirt track at th? Minne sota Stain Fair Saturday. He held he former re.-ord of 414-S teronda. IHWIM I ? ?? ?B???? Soiiiiois From rtIO E. I3roail THE FISH Tltf other day ? ?????? We wpnl H-flshing. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Wo rnst u pine? ? ? ? ? ? * ? All piiiiitod. frilled. ? ? ? ? * ? ? It was In fancy colors, And II carrlrd ninny hooks. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? And when It hit ? ?????? Thf wntor, ntnn.v fcot ? ? ? * ? * ? Away, a hip; flvc-ponndcr ? * ? ? ? ? ? (An "Alderman" he was) ??????? Snnrcd and foolwl hlmsolf. ? * * * ? ? ? Bnt lie wna caught * * ? * * ? ? And landed. A poor * * * * ? * * Though unwise fish Hp proved htniMlf to he. And so wo learn A story: Manv haila are flung To us in daily life, * ? ? ? ? ? ? And we are landed. ? * ? ? ? * * The Richmond Clothiers, ? ? ? ? ? * * ,*i|o East llroad Slreet, y ? ? ? ? * ? Will cast none. ????*** A suit of clothee, * ? ? ? ? ? ? All wool, we'll sell; + * ? ? ? ? ? An overcoat or boys' ? ? ? ? ? ? <t Still, with extra f.-otisers. There'll ho no I'oor flsh here. a. mCBMOND^CIOTlSlEftS Mm ? 9 PtWTl