Newspaper Page Text
I si ff ? TEE classified j t p i I 1 ly I J F CHy loL Sl ilk: IL L t S 1.!, m L I I GTVB BEST SE" I 1 jf '...i'- WEATHER TODAY Fair. oi. XLVI. No. 287 --10 Pages. Salt Lake City, Utah, Thursday Mobkxstg-, Jantjahy 28, 1904, Five Cents. 1 fl EIGHT A SUICDE oter and Fi :ier Prefer Death to il Servitude z of Potassium! Drug which He Short His Life fflth; and It Was V ken While Doom 8 as Pronounced. I f4 -f -r 4- -r- 2 udon, Jan, 27 --A poet mortem jlhatiun lias shnrn that Whit- -f- fovrlphf commit tod Mdcldj by -f ig cyan!iie of ptlasslum -f Jjj jtavestlgntfon made iuui.ntes -f ft fl'hight must have s-.vnIlo-.ved -f 1 poison while standing before -f ! co Blgham. after receiving A3 icntence It 5s recalled that ii? jSt pulled a handkerchief from pocket and appeared to wlpo 1 face and It la surmised that - ir- E cover of ihls he took tho . 050. 'Site, Jan. 27. The Inquest over iKalns of Whltaker Wright, who DBggftddenly yesterday after being ijwlto seven years' penal servl iVfraud, will be held tomorrow. glc event Is the one topic of In md everywhere Is discussed In features. The possibility of the &s escape from justice by sul clearly foreseen by Detective Who brought Wright from New Acting on hints dropped by during the voyage, Willis gave ft' officials a special warning to closest guard over him. To pe conclusion of the trial, espe luring Justlc Bigham's severe if it became evident that there ijly be one verdict, eo If Wright term'incd on self-destruction in it of his conviction he had time ire a method for outwitting the as he muet have foreseen that srse verdict was Inevitable. A document uas found on the court which had been occupied Bht, showing that he had a pre n.of his sentence. This was a fi blotting paper on which he. Ibbled during the Justice's sum ?. -The Roman characters "VII" jlclcly scattered over the whole This was before the verdict had todercd, but the number coln Ith the sentence he received. In Idle of the sheet appears the Tnfent," the last word Wright jpposlllon papers continue ma finehant comments on the Gov ,tT "which," they say, "declined is-, duly for reasons now shown to lisn absurd in lav and which are repugnant to common sense." JhaiidHnir of this matter," says fitminpter Gazette, "has reflected EUscredst upon thu Government ts' other mistakes with even 1 consequences Distinguished trove Involved and some of them Ml lutppj escapes." Financial News says: "Wright Shave made disclosures which ijave seriously discomflttod some Jbut he was loyal as well us ppns and he carried his eccrets Brave. To prevent others from BE what ho choso to conceal ho d many papers, thus complet reported that a six-cbambored f, fully loaded, was found in r? Pocket by the police. P post-mortem examination of p! of Whltaker Wright his fea fcowfed no trace of the suffering Klhave endured before death. His la-cahn and peaceful. Ills brain Bind to have been abnormallv Rod. as the examination profane- doctors found evidences of tot potassium, which confirmed fjgevlous impression of the cause POSSIBILITIES F RADIUM. Jviissan Soientist Declares Tliat Its Discovery Will Revolutionize Modern. WRrfare. 4- St. Petersburg-. Jan. 27. Ptlnco Tarkhanov, the sblentint, lcclurlnK' 4- -i- before the Jlilltary assoclntlon, 4- 4- made soma interesting statements 4- in regard to the possibilities of r?.- 4- 4- dluni. Ho prosfiited two cancer 4- 4- patients who had been cured of nin- 4- 4- Hgnant growths on the face by tho 4- 4- ugo of radium, and cxprcKsal the 4- opinion thct tho problem of dctor- 4- 4- mining the ei of children, which 4- 4- Prof. Schcnck had failed to solve, 4- 4- avUI shortly ba, settled by the aid 4- -t- of radium. 4- t- When large quantities of radium 4- 4- were available, the Prince contend- 4- 4- cd, the whole syptom of modern 4- 4- warfrre would le revolutionized 4- 4- as powder magazines, whether in 4- forts or In the holds of vcspels 4- j 4- would bo at the mercy of radium 4- 4- ras, which could explode them at 4- 4- long distances. 4- 4-4-4- 4--r- 4-4--f-r 4-4- NAVAL BUILDING PLAN Secretary (Vteody Concludis ? His Recommendatiens. Washington, Jan. 27. Secretary Moody concluded his recommendations today be fore the House Committee on Naval Af fftlrs. He presented two plans prepared by tho general board of the. navy as the building plan for next year. Tho first was based on an expenditure of $34,O00.MO and Included provision for one battleship, one armored cruiser, throo pro tected cruiser?, four scout cruisers, two squadron colllcre and two submarine boats. Tho second plan provides for an expenditure of 3CD.CO0.000 and is a dupli cate of tho first progvarnmo with the elim ination of two of tno scout cruisers. The Secretary recommended building naval Bin lions at Guantannmo. Cuba, ann Subig Bay, P. I. The station in Cuba ul timately Is to cost J12.000,(nX) and the one in the Philippines $3,OX,0CO. One million dollars Is usked this j-ear for tho Guan tanamo station and a little less than that amount for the one In the Philippines. Whllo nothing definite was decided Qn. general discussion in committee of a per manent naval programme revealed a de sire that the strength of the navy by 1S1S should be forty-eight battleships and half that number of armored cruisers, with auxiliary boa.ts in proportion. BURTON BEFORE COURT United States Senator Pleads Not Guilty. St Louis, Jan. 27. United States Sena tor Burton of Kansas, indicted by tho grand Jury of thla county on charges of nccccpting a bribo of $2500 for his Influ ence in having sot aside a fraud order Is sued by tho poslofflcc authorities against a get-rlch-quiek concern, appeared in court today and gave bonds of JOOCi for hiB oppenrance, at the same time cnter: lng a olea of not jrullty. Senator Burton asked the court for an early trial- United States District Attor ney Dyer stated that an early trial was satisfactory to the Government. Senator Burton was then ordered lo ap pear in court on Monday, March 7th. THREATENE9 BY FIRE. Timely Discovery of a Blaze at Weiser, Idaho, Prevents Cost ly Conflagration. ITRIBL'NB SPECIAL. Weiser, Ida., Jan. 27 BuL for timely discovery and prompt action by h bucket brlyaue, this city would hnvo besn the theater of a destructive lire thla morning. Shortly after 2 o'clock the roof of tho pumphouso in the rear of tho. Wclacr hotel was discovered on fire. By harou lcan work tho blaze, was extinguished. The piunphouse Ih located within fifteen or t-nty feet of the hotel, which con tains moro tlian K'J rooms and Is sur roundwd by boxes, wood and ether In ilaumbl material, which had It Ignited ivould have takon the nnt!r block and caused a daronge of J103.000 or more. I Currency Act Passed, at Manila. Manila, Jan. 27. Tho net for main taining the parity of the currency has been passed. It provides for the purchase of Mexi can silver coin as bullion, und Imposes a tax on all contracts made In debased curroncy after October 1, 1904. IpPERADO TAKEN IN IPUTLAWS' STRONGHOLD gjl. ITRIBU.N'E SPECIAL, 1 ipftul Junction, Colo.. Jan. 27. Sheriff Struthcvs landed here in Jail to yjBj V. Bee, who Is charged with cattle-stealing In this county. 4 K-1 '8 considered a remarkable one,- ils Bee waa taken in .'-what K'1 "a tiie "Robbers Roost" country, thirty miles south of the gjwlver. in Utah. ylfr str"lhers arrived at a place called Nongicrs, kept by a Frenchman, "fXt7 emilns: He located Bee, seated In the tavern, and. colled on him ,jjus up." This Bee quickly did. thoutlng: "Don't shoot, don't shoot: I'm rtgVlo thieves flee to the "Robbers Roost" section and consider themselves pro. This Ir the first arrest mude there in years. RUSSIAN AND JAPANESE DIPLOMATISTS REVISINSU REPLY. Mikado's Representative at St. Petersburg Summoned to a Con ference With Czar's RepreseatativeKssia Desires to So Shape Note That Conflict Will Be Avoided in the Far East. Paris, Jan. 27. Ofliclal uuvlces re ceived herefrom St. Petersburg show that Foreign Minister Lamsdorff, be fore giving Russia's answer, has called In the Japanese Minister, M. Kurlno. The two Ministers are now conferring with the view, of so shaping the re sponse ns lo avoid a conflict- This is considered to be an explanation of the dispatch from Tokio saying Japan has requested Russia to hasten her reply. An Count LamsdorfC and M. Kuvino are , having conferences prior to the sub mission of the reply it Is regarded as evidence of Japan's Insistence of an early answer and of Russia's desire to avoid a response which might preclpi I tate hostilities. Count LamsdorlT's I course In conferring with M. Kurlno before answering Is cited as showing Russia's willingness to go to the last limit in order to avoid war. But. it is added, if the efforts of Russia fails fihe will be prepared lo strike very hard blows from the outset. All Information reaching the highest quarters here tends to show that the crisis continues acute. It appears to be the accepted conviction in Govern ment circles that the final determina tion between peace and war cannot long be deferred. The ofllclals continue to hope for peace, but they make the reservation that the discouraging as pect which tho situation assumed dur ing the last few days has not been ameliorated. A cntegorical denial Is given so far as France is concerned to the Peking re port that the French Minister is taking ' IRRIGATION PROJECTS. State Engineer Doremus, F. S. Rich ards and Utah. Delegation in Con gress to Discuss projects. TRIBUNE SPECIAL. 4- Washington, Jan. 27 State Engi- neer Doremus of Salt Lako City 4- arrived In "Washington today, and -f -V tomorrow, Jn company with F. S. Richards, will have n conference -f with Senators Kearns and Smoot 4- 4- and Representative Howell to dls- 4- cuss matters which it Is desired to 4- -f secure action upon looking to Irri- -f 4- gatlon projects In Utah. 4- 4 At a meeting tomorrow tho va- 4- 4- rlous projects will recclvo thorough 4 4 discussion, and subsequently tho 4- 4 Utah delegation In Congress will 4 4 take the matter up with Secretary 4- 4 Hitchcock and Prof. Newell of tho 4- 4 geological survey. 4 4-44- 4444-444 4444- HEROINE QF IROQUOIS. Identity of Child Who Saved. Pifty Lives in the Theater Fire Is Disclosed. Chicago, Jan. 27 At the Samaritan hospital, her head and left side swathed In bandages, lies Carrie Anderson, the child whose deed of heroism at the Iro quois fire was recounted In brief during the Coroner's Inquest, but whoso name has never been learned until today. Through the steadfast bravery of this fourteen-year-old girl at least fifty llve.s were saved on the fatal afternoon. She Jt. wai who, despite the fact that her en tire left side was being lapped by flames, caught the end of the ladder thrown across the alley from the Northwestern university building and guided it to a firm resting place on the Are nscapo of the second balcony. Across this ladder many men, women and children scram bled to safety. She was In the balcony with her mother, who was employed as a cleaner at tho theater, and while cho escaped her mother perished. The child docs not know yet that her mother 13 dead. j TRIAL OF MACHEN. Prosecution Closes Its Case With Testimony of Postal Inspectors Defense Opens Today. Washington, Jan. 27. In the trial of Aucujt V. Maclien ni:d others charged with conspiracy to defraud tho Govern ment In connection with tho sale of GrofT letter box fasteners, the prosoc.u tlon today rested Its case. Today's tes timony was confined entirely to Postofflce Inspector Muyor. Inspector Meyer under continued crosfl-evnmlr.ntlon declared that ho made no promlso of immunity from proxecutlon to D B, GroiT. Inspector Williams and Inspector Farrcll detailed their conversations In Toledo -with Dr. ond Mrs. I.orcus prior to their arreet. From Mrs Loren3. they said, they had secured a statement that hIic never" know or hoard of D. B. Groff and that she had received no chocks from him and had no knowledge of her husband receiving any. Six Indians and $1200 in Gold. Iis Angela;. Cal . Jan. 27. A special to the Exprcar. from Bals, Cut, snvs Six Indlaun and about $1200 In gold were lost by tho upsetting of a. boat on tho Colorado river, noir tho Indian reserva tion a frw days ago Jamie Oundlff nd FrtxJcrIck Loiismcye", prospectors, v.-If-newiod iho accklont and managed to nwo one o tho occupants of the boat. 4 St. Petersburg, Jan. 2S (6 a. m.) 4- ; 4 The Council of Stale, will moot to- 4 4 lay, under the Presidency of the 4- 4, to consider the terms of 4- 4- Russia's reaponso to Japan's last 4- 4 note. 4. -J 1 J 1 L J. ' l 1 1 i i i . i . T-r-r-rr-r-r-T-r-r-r-r-r-r-rT--?- part in negotiations with the view of mediation of France. Great Britain and the United States. A cablegram from Tokio 6ays: It Is understood that the Cabinet, assisted by the elder statesmen, has completed a financial programme which it is an ticipated will be published Hhortly. It is said to Include the issuance of ex chequer bonds to the amount of 100,000. 000 yen, increasing taxes to the extent of 50,000,000 yen. i TINKERING WITH NOTE. Poace Diciples Trying to Find Way Out. St. Petersburg, Jan. 27 Tho exchanges regarding the Russian response to the Japanese note aro still progressing, and the Foreign offico here announces today that there is no chango in the situation. Tho Japanese Legation does not credit tho report from Tokio that Japan has re quested Russia to hasten her reply. M. Kurino, the Japanese Minister, has re ceived no Instructions on the subject. On the contrary, ho apparently realizes thnt uie delay lo consequent upon exchanges between SL Petersburg. Viceroy Alexlcft" and Baron de Rosen, tho Russian Min ister at Tokio. M. Kurino reiterates his opinion that Japan will not press Rua sla for a reply. The Admiralty Insists i HARBISON EXONERATED Chicago Executive Is Not to Blame in Iroquois Fir. Chicago, Jan.' 27. Mayor Carter IT. Har rison was this afternoon ordered by Judgo Tuthlll to bo Immediately dis charged from custody, from any respon sibility for the wholesale los6 of life in tho Iroquois Theater fire. Tho Judge de clared that the Mayor was in no way whatever guilty or liable and that tho Coroner's jury. In ordering Mayor Har rison held to tho grand jury, had put an tnjuat stigma on tho Mavor, who had failed in no particular whatever, either in omission or commission. uM.n dJ-',lvering tho opinion Judgo Tut hlll said: "I have gono over tho testi mony of Fire Marshal Musham and Building Commissioner Williams and of tho Mayor particularly, and I cun say without quaUIIcatlon oi hesitation that r find not one word in the evidence, as fnr as I hnvo examined It, which tends even remotely, in my Judgment, to show that the Maor hud any knowledge of this matter, or that he was in any respect negligent of any duty Imposed upon him by tho laws or by the rules that com monly apply to persons who are reapun slblo for the safety of others. "1 Ilnd that thero were gross violations, not only of tho city ordinances, but of common rules of safety that evorybodv without any expert knowledge, would hnvo said were absolutely essential at tho Iroquois. But how the Mayor, who Is simply the head of tho city government, could Ho hold rceponsible for anv mis conduct on his part In view of tlils evi dence I cannot conceive." Oldest Pv-ailroad Engineer Doad. New York, Jan. 27. William H. Gor don, the first engineer to become a bene ficiary of the Pennsylvania railroad pen sion system and Avho was believed, when he retired In 1900, after flfty-slx years service, to be the oldest engineer in the country, Is dead at hiB homo in Plain field, N. J. He was among tho first to run tho John Bull engine after it wa brought to this country. Judgment Against Sage. St Paul. Jan. 27. 13. C. M. Hand wan piven a verdict of STKO by th jury In Jud?e Lewis's court today In Rand's suit against Ruscsll Sago for services In con nection with Sago's trusteeship of the Hastings and Dakota, land grant. Rand sued for 515,000. 4 IN HANDS OF ICE KI2TG. 4 4 4- 4 La Crosse, Wis.. Jan. 27. The 4 4 thermometer this morning, tho 4- 4 fourth day of the extrcmo cold 4 4 weather, was 23 degroea below soro. 4- 4 At Rhinolander, Wis., John Brunt, 4 4- employed In a lumber camp, was 4 4- found dciid two miles from town. 4- 4- Ho had attempted to walk to the 4 4- cniip. but was orercomo by the 4 4 cold. 4. 4 4- 4- St. Paul, Jan. 27. The mercury 4 4- dropped during tho night from 35 4 4- below to 23 below. There Is severe 4- 4 cold weather In tho Red River Vnl- 4. 4- ley, but at Rapid City, S. D.. tho 4 4- thermometer i 23 abovo and from 4- 4- thoro to the coast tho woathur Is 4 4 comparatively warm, Indicating 4 4 warmer weather for this ec-ctlon of 4 4- the country. 4. 4 4- 4- Indianapolis, Jan. 27 The cold- 4. est weather of the winter, 7 de- 4- 4 grc?n bolow zero, was reoorded 4 4 here today, while towns Jn south- 4 4 crn Indiana reported 16 below. 4 4- 4 -f 4 4 4 . 4 4 ; t . & that the movemcnt of Russian uhlps in 1ho neighborhood of Port Arthur aro en tirely without significance, saying In ex planation that they aro probably merely routine change of station, and certainly mudo without the expectation of a colli sion. A prominent Admiral said, In an interview today; ADMIRALTY" LOOKS FOR PEACE. "The Admiralty bollevc3 In the peaceful termination of tno negotiations. Some of our ships In the far ISost nro still In reserve. The steps now being taken should Iks described as precautionary ra ther than warlike preparatlona" Prlnco Khllkoff. Minister of Railroad Commipsionp. will leave here In a few days for Irkutsk, to Inspect the nearly completed railroad line around Lako Bai kal, which connects tho two ends of tho Siberian road. Thin conneclloo, which Would permit the movement of through trains, Is considered of great advantage, especially In the evont of winter mili tary exigencies. The Czar, vhen voicing his approval of Prince KhllkofT's mission, sold in sub3tancc that he desired peace, which he believed would not be broken, but that it was proper to bo prepared for all emergencies. Some of tho Russian newspapers are again becoming b?llloosc. The Bourse Ga zette declarer that Russia has reached tho parting of tho ways, and must now choose her position and maintain IL It discusses seriously tho "yellow peril," contending that It is the duty of the pow ers to Intervene as they did after the Chlna-Japancso war. Tho Gazctto concludes its article by soylng that if Japan persists in her war like attltudo Russia Is not going to be In timidated. Tho Novoo Yremya says the conversion of the reserve battalions into regiments, rchich was not canied out some months ngo for financial reasons. Is now being executed because more military unity aro needed In tho East, and becauso Ger many's Increase in recent years demands a second lino of defense. jBULLETS INSTEAD 8F COIN. Mine Paymaster in Arizona Kills One Would-Be Hold-Up and Wounds Another. Tucson, Ariz., Jan. ST.Ji Star 4- 4 spoclal from PatagonlR, Saiita, 4- 4- Cruz county, says that Michael 4- 4- O'Moro, a well-known minor In 4- 4- that Hcotlon, was held up yeator- 4- day In tho Patagonia monntaJne, 4- 4- whllo on tho way to his mlno, by 4- 4 three strnngora. O'Mora had J3CC0 4 4 on his peraon, which ho waa tak- 4- 4- lng to the mlno to pay off his mon. 4- 4- Tlio highwaymen called on him to 4- 4- halt, but. Instead of complying, 4- 4- O'Mera opened flro with a Winches- 4- 4 tor, killing one and wounding a 4- 4 second, who, with tho third, fled 4- 4- in such haste that they left their 4- 4 horses. It is believed that all threo 4- 4 were Mexicans. 4- 4-444 4-4444- COLLAPSES IN COURT. Woman on Trial at Kansas City for Killing Hor Husband Breaks Down and Faints. Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 27. Mrs. Lulu Princo Kennedy, on trial a second tlmo for the murder, In January, 1901, of her hus band, Philip II. Kennedy, local contract ing agent of tho Merchants' Dispatch Transportation company, collapsed in court today. Mrs. Kennedy had been In tears all morning, and when her mother assumed the stand and admitted that the defendant had been oecrotly married since ( her conviction for the murder of her hus band. eho fainted and It was necessary to carry her from tho room. A few duys before ho waa killed by his wife Kennedy brought oult to have their marriage set aside, alleging that Mies Prince's father and her two bro thers had forced him to marry her. She was convicted and aentencod to ten yearn In thi penitentiary. Tho Supromo court recently reversed tho decision on a. tech nicality. It developed today that nho re married John Kramer, a local lawyer, neveral months after her conviction. She killed Kennody becauso h refusod to 1 !Ivo with her. Will Prlnco was convloted nnd served a s-entonco In tba penitentiary on tho ohargo of conspiring with his sinter In tho murder of Kennedy, and Albort 1C Princo. another brother, who waa drowned in tho recent wreck of tho steamer Clal lam, off Victoria, B. C, was Indicted on a similar charge. NOOSE FOR TW0. Denver Burglars Who Killed Woman While Bobboing Hor Husband's Store Are to Hang. Denver, Jan. 27. Charles O. Peters and Newton Andrews were tonight found guilty of murder In tho first degree by a Jury, which fixed tholr punishment at hnpzlng. The crlmo for wnich thoy were convicted wus tho killing of Mra. Amanda Ycungblood while they, with a compan ion, Fred Arnold, wero attempting to rob tho little grocery store of Thoman Young blood, the husband of tlu-lr victim. Ar nold, who Is alleged to have been the leader, and the one who planned tho af fair and tired the fatal Bbot, Is to be tried separately. Ex-Con greseman Dead. Fort Wnync. Ind.. Jan. 27. Judgo Robert Lowry, former member of CongMse fron tho Twelfth Indiana district, and one of the beat known Jurist In tba State, died at 3 o'clock thin morning nt I1I3 homo In this city, aged 80 years. CIL0RA19 DISASTER. Mutilated Bodies of Victims of Ihde pendenco Mine Accident Brought to the Surface. 4; Victor, Colo., Jan. 2T. All of tho '4 4- bodleo of the vlctlma of yesterday's 4- 4- accident at the Stratton Independ- 4- 4- ence mlno havti been recovered, and -f 4- four, thoHo of John Scbeck, C. C. 4- 4- Staten, Joseph Overy and Harry 4- 4- Cogene, havfc been Identified. It 4- 4 was at first thought that none could 4- 4- bo ldentlllod, but this hau proved 4- 4- to bo a mistake, and It Is now cor- 4- 4- tain that quite a number of tho 4- 4- other victims will bo identified. 4 4- Tho bodlea are lying on two rows 4 4 of benches In a carpenter shop near 4-. 4- the shafthouse. They arc dl3em. 4- 4- boweled, dl8momberod, decapitated 4- 4 and otherwise mutilated. Only one. 4- 4- of tho victims. Edward Twiggs, 4- 4- waa recognisable from hiB features, 4- 4- and his arma and legs woro broken 4 4- and the back of his skull orushed. 4 4- There was not a particle of cloth- 4- 4- ing on any of the bodies or dls- 4- 4- nvombered limbs when recovered 4 AFTER THIRTY YEARS Mystery of a Missing Rtan Cleared Up. TRIBT7NT3 SPECIAL." Friendship, Mx Jon. 27. A letter re ceived horo today from George. Gibson, o Penrose, Utah, has cloarcd up tho mys tery surrounding tho disappearance, thirty years ago, of George Geycr, of this town, whom every ono hero bcllovcd. to havo died long ago. Tho letter, which waa received by H. M. Collamere. non of Mra. Melyn. Colla mero, and nephew of tho dcoil man, nays that Gcyor had died recently In Califor nia, lonvlng considerable property, and that unlcsn the property Is claimed by relatives, It will probably go to strangers, an hn left no heirs In tho Wo9t. Mr. Glb- Hon announced that he would give details if tho relatives would open correspond ence with him. The disappearance of Goycr was ono of tho moHt mystcrlouo that tho State of Malno ever had to deal with, and It was flnully accoptcd oa a fact that tho man had beon murdered, a body being found later which waa supposod to bo hin. A brother nnd slater, living hore, and an other brother, Co-pt. Ellard Goyor of Somervlllc, Moss,, are among tho heirs. THIS FARMING'S NEWS. ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. The dead In tho Pittsburg mlno disaster aro muti lated beyond recognition. ...Twenty per sons Injured in a street oar collision in SU Louis.. ..Charge against Mayor Harrison In conncotion with tho Iroquola disaster dlsjiisaod.... Woman on trial In Knn."aa City for killing hor husband breaks down and faints.... Facta disclose Hint Carrie Anderson, a fourtoon-ycar-old girl, saved ftfly lives In the Iroquoln theator dlaas tor... .United Stales Senator Burton glve3 ball at Bt. L-oubi.. ..Another dull day In Wall street.... Important pension bill In troduced In the Houso of Representatives O'Brien and Ryan fight to a draw In Phd adolphla. FOREIGX. Post-mortem devoIopB that .Whltaker Wright commlttod suicide In London.. ..Negotiations) on In SL Peters burg for the eettlcrrusnt of tho Russo Japanese trouble. MOUNTAIN AND COAST. Mlno pay master In Arizona kllla ono hold-up and wounds another.... All the bodies In the Viclor mine dlsnnter havo Iieea recovered. ....Republican State committee of Idaho fixes day for convention. ...Gold-seeker frozon to death at Skaguay... .Company G, Colorado National Guards, aolr.o armory building and contents at Puoblo. STATE. Sensational developments promised In tho trial of ex-deputy treasur er of Cache county... .Park City miner meets with painful Occident.... John O. Allen is dead at Park Clty....Ogden Rapid Transit conipany Is sued for large sum.... Good showing mado by Ogdcn banks.... Michael Brennan on trial at Nephi for murder. CITY. Death beat.i Clark In his raco to bedside of hla wife.... Fuller found guilty.. ..City Attorney Dey dociden that old city salaries must stand. ...Death of Mrs. Halo. ...City Council talks horae.... Bruco Johnson on trial. ...Whltaker Wright gavo A. H. Tarbct a Uft....Lace Houso goen Into bankruptcy.. ..Prepn at the U. of U. declaro war....SoldIcra boatan at Indoor baseball. ...Roal er.tato mon elect officers... 131ks havo a successful social session... .Real estato transfers, $1190. ... Bank clearings, ?47C.C77....Ycnterday's stock sales, 77.1CO shares, for $7230.87 Ore and bullion ncttlements during the day, ?S7.-K0. WON BY DEATH I Son of Senator H W. A. Clark of I Montana Beat- , I en in Race I His Wife Dies in New I York City While I He Is Breaking All 1 I Records Across Con- I tinent to Be at Her I Bedside. H In a nice across the continent with doath, Charles Walter Clark, son of Sm ator William A Clark, finished second ' and will reach New York city too lato to sco his wife, who expired in thitt city last nlcht. Mrs. Clark had been under medical trcntment in New York for about six weeks, but was not thought to be crit ically 111 until Monday, when her hus band and othor mcmbors of tho family wcro notified to come Immediately. IH Charles W. Clark, tho Senator's" oldest IH son, was In Arizona at tho time. Ho reached Albuquorojio, N. M., yesterday, Ho at once chartered a special train on the Santa F for Chlcogo, In order to con- IH nect with tho Twentieth Centurv Llmlu d 3 , ? Lako Shore for Now York, Tho special waa composed of an engine, prl- IH vuto car and coach. It left Albuquerque at 5"i vesterdav mornlivj- fM It Is expected that tho run of 1277 miles lUH from Albuquerque to Chicago will be mndt In tv.-enty-nine and one-half hours, which HH 1b coven and one-half houra faster than the tlmo of the Santa Fo'6 WLntbound Cal ifornla limited botwecn the eamie points and about three hours quicker than lh time of tho weatbouud Lowo Bpcclal last 1 August. Mr. Clark will reach Chicngo about 11 o'clock this morning. The funeral will lako placo on Sunday. 1 cither from tho residence of Senator Clark or from St, Thomas' church, and tho interment will bo in 8ena.tor Clark's jH mausoleum In Woodluwn cemetery. Mrs M. L. Cunningham, Mrs. Clark's mother. IH will roach the city tomorrow, and other IH members of the family arc speeding- IH toward New Yorlc. Mrs. Clark waa married Juno 3), !, at Butte. Thore has been no Issuo of IH tlve union. Topeka, RTan.. Jan. 2S. William A. Clark, Jr., aon of United States Senator Clark of Montana, passed through To peka at l.SC this morning on a special Santa Fe train which Ik making- il rec-ord-breaking run. He was called to New York by nows of his wife's Illness. Tho Scnta Fo dispatcher's office reports that Mr. Clark has not yet learned of his wife's death. An effort was mado to give him the Atroclatod Press dispatch announcing her i IH death, but the. train rushed through To- IH poka at the rato of forty miles an hour. No stops will bo mado until Kaneas City Is reached, about 3:20 o'clock. The Santa Fe had special engines ready at all important stations between here , 1 and Newton to be used in case of accl- -dent. None were needed, as no stops were vt made except at u smull Htatlon for water after Emporia was passed. Tho train will reach Chicago about 11 o'clock to morrow morning, In time for Mr. Clark IH to tako the Lako Shore Twentieth Cen- IH tury Limited for New York. , Tho run from Albuquorquo, N. M.. to La Junta, Colo., 17 miles, was made In , S hours. This is 33 minutes fuster tinio than was mado by the Lowe special over jH tho same division lust August All thin IH was through tho mountainous districts of Now Mexico and Colorado, On reaching tho Knnvivs prairies oil previous records were left behind. Tho train luft La.Junt.i at 2;0 and was due in Newton, Kun., at i 9:10. A slight delay w:vs encountered ac I Dodge Cltv and It was 10:CO beforo the i IH train left Now ton. The run of 135 mlle.t , IH to Topoka was mado In two hours and . lortv-tlve minutes. .M Local Santa Fe officials say all past ' J records will be broken and that the run 1 from Albuquerque to Chicago will be mado i in less than thirty hours. A Dead. Man's Million. , Escanaba. Mich.. Jan. 27. The v. in of the lato Manuel Wells, & multi-mllllonairn I of Milwaukee, was tllod horo for probato , ) todav. Tho estate Js valuol at anywbern ' If IH between ton and twenty-llvo million dol- il IH lars. It is left to his grandson, who in M II Jl the son of Fanny Wells Norris, an only 'H daughter. I Ml Blackmailer Sentenced. I J New York. Jan. 27. After administer- , lng a scathing rebuke to iho prboner. Judge Fostor has sentenced Gforge- U. I Stinaon, formerly Chicago repreeentati'-a ' of a mercantile agency, who wns cmviet ed of attempted extortion, to three months In tho penltontlary. SUnsou vnn accused , jM of having tried to forco the company to VM give him ?o000 for papers belonging to Iho NEW WAR SECRETARY GIVEN ROYAL WELCOME Washington, Jan. 27. William IT. Taf t. the former Governor-General of th J; Philippines and new Secretary of War, arrived here over the Pennsylvania road at 5:15 this afternoon. His train was the regular connection of tho Chicago J Limited. He was enthusiastically welcomed by a large crowd at the station. I) LleuL-G-en. Adna H. Chaffee, chief of staff of the United States army; Assistant 'h Secretary of War Oliver and Col. Clarenco Edwards, chief of the Division of In- il fjH sular Affaire, formally greeted the new head of the War department It Gov. Taft was eocortod down the long train sheds by Gen. Chaffee and As- I slstant Secretary Oliver, and ater they reached the gatos and passed through a lane formed there was a prolonjp2d outburst of cheering, which was repeated vociferously by the crowd gathered outside. Gov. Taft, with Gen. Chaffee and , Col. Edwards, both In full uniform, entered one can-iase nnd Gon. Oliver fol- h" IH lowed In another, and. led by Troop H. 'Fifteenth cavalry, from Fort Mcyor, ; jj IH which had been drawn up In the plaza in front of the stand, thoy were rapidly i driven to the War department, where Secretory Root formally welcomed his successor. From thoro the new Secretarj was driven to the Arlington hotel, whera j apartments had been reserved; 5 JH