Newspaper Page Text
T II t VHE SALT IrAKB TRXBUKE; FRIDAY MOKMyG, J-ACTART 29, 1904. .3 jl I IS IS ACQUITTED t of "Net Guilty" in Robbery Case. , BANK IS PR8MISEB Court Froes a Miss mated Wsnian. Zrt Robbers Rounded Up by ilroad Detective Minor ention and Personals. TRIEHNE BUREAU, 2 Ecclca Building. Ogden, Jan. 29. j Ing out for over nineteen hour?, i the rase of the State of Utah r; II Wells, charged with rob rned a verdict of not guilty, tlf an hour before they returned let the jurors sent In a noto to lsklng If they returned a verdict Ry if they could recommend a from the court bo passed upon ant. They were Informed that cither find the defendant guilty I or not guilty. Jerstood that tho discussion In om was at times animated, and that until Into ycBtcrday morn of the Jury revealed the follow Three for conviction aifd flvo Lai Tho three Jurors held out , but gradually they were won a unanimous verdict was ac he defendant, le for which George Wells was the aiding, abetting and coun robhery of tho Zang saloon on Airtight of October 20th last. John Hal l "Dad" lllckey, Dngo" Furcy and I Ireland Han went to the saloon, which i wncd by George Bello and robbed him T ft gold watch and ful.75. That night I llln was arrested In the Ogden house. era fireman on the Southern Pacific, " E. Wynbcrg. tipped" off a little in Fnntlon to Special Ofllcer William Sul iri of tlie Southern Paclilc company. o. In turn, advised Sheriff Bailey and ef of Pollco Browning. Subsequently jll confession was secured from Hallln. If the nrrest of Hlckey. Monroe. Balncs ItWcIti followed The first two wero id and found guilty and sentenced to 3pcnltcntJary for eleven years cuch. nes pleaded guilty and was given thnjo .re.- ' I DISTRICT COURT GRIST, rs in Divorce Cases and Other Suits. :' following matters were heard by ; Henry If. Rolapp In the District ' yesterday afternoon . ecrce of divorce was granted In tho of Fannie B. "Wltheo vs. U. V. K, on the ground of desertion, toe divorce case of Foster vs. Foster itlon for failure to pay alimony was 1, but lator withdrawn, as It was II the money had been paid to tho following probate mailers wero The matter of the estate of Wililnm pton, deceased; letters of adminislrn tvere issued to Joseph F. Crompton: J250 itc of Hannah Crompton, deceased: s of administration were Issued to h Crompton bond, following probate mailers were filed: he matter of tho estate of Zcphlanah i, deceased Francis Caroline Camp lied a petition for letters of admlu atlon. The deceased died on January If and '.eft nn estate valued at about 0, half of whlrh was in cash and tho er half In real estate. The heirs aro Iwldow and two children, one living in iho. llevwood & McCormlck arc tho orneys for the petitioner. n: the matter of the estate of Mary ntgojiery. deceased: a petition has been (Lby Georgo S. Dean, as attorney for 'Montgomery, for letters of ndminlstra rti The deceased dies In May, 1S73, and Improperly worth about S20CO, fR, ELKS' JINKS. casion the Dedication of New Lodge Rooms. Jthc Elks held high jinks lost night at BJucw ball on Washington avenue, the Jaslon being the formal dedication of ih- new home The musical and literary Jgrammo was rendered as follows: rltone solo, "The Rose Song" d Harry Hanson tlon ... Rev. Goshen P Ruby Lash us "hen cam" the formal dedication of the II; the ceremonies being presided over jur. R, S. Joyce. Ford's orchestra fur sied the music, tho whole being in urge of the following arrangements nmltt'e: A G. Home, Prof Ix-Compte 3' A. S. Simpson. Refreshments were served In the banquet hall. wm a big crowd In attendance 4ne opening and Inasmuch aa the price .admission was ono suit of old clothes, I Rood deal of revenue was received for fctSOOl' jj NEW BANK IN SIGHT. t jsws of Its Establishment Disclosed : f1 in Court. n the Dljlrlcl court yesterday in tho e of Sarah Brown vg B. G. Knoth, tes noriv camn out which assures Ogden 'iMt Is to have another bank. George F. own, proprietor of Uir Broom hotel, was 5tnc ctnud and testified that he had bD e an ngrecnu-nt with James Plngree, mcr caBhlcr of the First National bnnk, !rnB iS0" :iH 1,0 ( Brown) could vol B. Anoth, thf druggist, out or the Broom it if hHt pinKne would rent the plueo line purpose of a financial Institution. lKe?em,1n.1' wna Jnado about the mid mfot November Alleged Burglars Arrested. Ifft William Sullivan of the South tmi T.? nitlde 11 clever canture at Tcr dCTii i'M,',M,cr,a' morning, when he !K ?rt ,R n" '! P. A. Gorman, ortlcer brought tho men to Ogden and XwKlnr UP Mt U, CUy JllU n a c,1arsc ii!ie Ui' intM1 r,ro accused of having cn Ka a box car at Terrace liiat Thui-aday. !& Briefs. Kbu3lnCr WCl8 Wil'sr(1 yos'crday ?rdnaKlinlt waR 1,1 Drlsham City jKrcay cn business. WihrVlfv'r'" of,iIc'i" View. Ida.. i.eSummi1,est0n ,k"rt yctenlay for IIcuc. oammli county, on a visit. !andlimu0,l'uw,J0 r?" aw"' fr0fn " "chool a few di.yn ago, w.m cA.STORlA. wtl1 tba lha KirHl Yoa Km Ahvays Boogfil recaptured In Davis county and returned to the school today. , County Commissioner William G. Wil son left for the north yesterday on busi ness. "Way Down East" will bf the attraction at the Grand Saturday afternoon and evening. Misses Pearl Eccles and Anna 'Morten sen left last night for Logon to visit for a fow days. Tho Knights of Pythias of tills city will give a banquet February-Sih nt their hall for a number of visiting Knights. William Krug of the Krug Brewing company at Omaha and Fred Eggcnber ger of Plaltsmouth. Nub., arc In the city cn route to California. Milton Ross. soivof Alexander Ro.3 ot Kanesvllle, died yesterday morning or pneumonia. He was twenty-five years ot ago and a well known young man In that town. James Plngree. formerly cashier of the First National bank, and Adam Pattcr ron, the well-known sheepmun, leavo shortly for Honolulu, to oc gone about a month. HAPPEMNG3 AT PRICE. Alleged Traveling Salesman Borrows Money and Lsvants Residence Burned Notes. TRIBUNE SPECTAL.I Price, Jr.n. 25. A stranger claiming to leprcscnt the Spalding Buggy company visited Price this week and making uso of the credit gained by fair dealing of employees of that company "beat" his hotel bill and borrowed money from tho proprietress, Mrs. Mathls. He also bor rowed sums ranging from Jo to J10 from ether friends of former Spalding sales men. He departed before banking hours the following morning. The home of Jonoph Bunce was de stroyed by fire Monday noon. Loss, about JSOO; no Insurance. Mrs. Bunce, who was confined to her bed, was carried from tho burning building to the house of a neigh bor. Dr. F. F. Fisk Is confined to his room with the grip. His patients feel his ab sence, as many of them are quarantined with diphtheria, mumps and scarlet fever. f. Miss Rayta Fullmer Is In Price, attend ing a younger brother, who sustained a broken arm a few days ago by falling from a horse at their homo In Green River. Utah. Treasurer B. R. McDonald. Clerk Henry Tlack and Marshal John Bryncr are act ing in the capacity of town officers as appointees of tho new board, County Clerk W. H. Donaldson hn.s re turned from a visit to his old home at Glrardsvllle. Pa. BEATH IN THE SNOW. ' Aged Surveyor Overcome While At tempting to" Reach His Cabin, and Perishes. TRIBUNE SPECIAL. Ponguitch. Jan. 2S. William Leuraau was found Sunday morning frozen to death near Georgetown, Garfield county, Utah, whero ho had been surveying. In company with three others. It appears that the pnrt3' worked late Saturday evening and on quitting the three hands, who were employed by Mr. Ieuman. returned to their homes In Can nonvllle Mid llenrlcvllle, while Lcuman undertook to make his way to his camp by a cut-off. He did not reach camp, and the next morning when search was mode for him his bodv was found out on a hill side, whero ho had perished from cold. Mr. Lcuman was over 70 years of age and for tho last year had been falling physically. Deceased was at the time of bis death engaged In surveying for tho Government upon four townships which he had contracted to finish. NEW SCH09L FOR WEISER. Present Buildings Arc Inadequate- to Accommodate tho Increased Attendance. TRIBUNE SPECrAL.l Welser, Ida., Jan. 23. The trustees of In dependence school district are preparing to call an election for the bonding of the dls trfct to build a central high school. The tuo buildings now In tho city aro totally inadequate to accommodate the school children of the city, many being compelled to remain away by reason of tl, Thomns C. Galloway will donate to tho district a half block of land for the loca tion of the bulldlns:. It Is estimated tho building will cost about $20,000. It will bo modern and up-to-dalc In every respect and provided with tiro escapes and exisls. It is the Intention to have the building completed by the time school begins next fall. LEHI BUDGET. TRIBUNE SPECIAL.! Lehl, Jan. 2S. Yesterday was "old folks' day." and all residents over GO years of age were driven In carriactss fro.n their hemes to the city pnvllion, where a ban quet was awaiting them. Eight long ta bles were laden with viandH, and a bevy of pretty girls acted as wallers. After the tables were cleared the following pro gramme was rendered, William Southwlck acting as master of ceremonies: Anthem, "Hark, Listen to the Trump- ,tors" Old Folks' choir Address of welcome A. R. Anderson Rmarko , Mayor Roberta Selection on piano Miss Lulu Dortun "Holy City," on the graphaphone. Speech Thomas Barrett Recitation. "St. Peter at the Gate" .... Thomas Barrett Song. "Call Them In- ....Old Folks' choir Comic song. "Old Bill Jones," on the graphophone. Remarks Bishop Gardner Conic aong Walter Woodnden Remarks Bishop FJold Selection Choir Remarks t, p. Crystal Remarks William Clark Remarks by Jacob Cox. who rode In tho first wagon that came Into Lehl. Remarks Joseph Broadbent Closing hymn, "Ilow Firm a Founda tion ' Choir Prayer William Soutluvlck During the programme candy and mils wero parked around among the veterans, after which they sp-nt some time ex changing tales of bye-gone days. In the evening many of then came back to a ball given by the committee. William, tho sixteen-year-old son of City Councilman G. L. Corner, wns taken to Salt Lake City yesterday, where he will have one of his Ickh ammiiated. A month ago ho noticed a soreness In the thigh Ye.Merday Dr. Hasbroucl; of Salt Lake City came down, decided that ihu bone was diseased and thai amputation would be necessary. A letter from Colorado says that the su gar factories at Grcoley, Eaton and Wlnd sr.r hav consolidated and will hrratter he operated under one managenienL That c A. Granger, formerly auperliitend'r.t of the Lehl factorv, has boon made gennril manager of the new consolidation and that Hyrum Tlnmothy. another Lohl man, Iuib been made general agricultural super'n tendcut. j PLAN A GAY SEASON Young Set of Park City Form Social Club. FIRE FISHTERS ORGANIZE Voluntear Deparimant to Bs Brought Up to Standard, Yicious Dog Attacks a Prospector, and Is Promptly Put to Death Personal and Otherwise. TRIBUNE BUREAU, Park City. Jon. 20. Tho Park City Social club held a largely attended meeting tonight. G. F. Cava nagh occupied the chair and R. H. Wa ters was secretary. The meeting was en thusiastic and well attended. The report of the committee on agreement shows that a contract has been drawn up with J. F. McLaughlin, proprietor of tho Dewey Theater, by which tho latter agrees to put In a first-class dancing floor and the club will have the privilege of selecting any nights for balls and socials that do not conflict with theatrical performances. The contract Insures tho hall to iho club for ono vear Tho committee on membership reported a totnl of seventy iilni members. Enough money has been raised to cover tho terms of the contract wjtb the Dewey Theater management, and surcc-asfullj finance tho project. The opera-house management has ordered the lumber for the door and men will at once be put to work making tho necessary al terations. About SJW has been "sub scribed, with more coming. The club Is planning for a grand opening ball at tho Dewoy Theater for February 22nd. WITH THE FIRE BOYS. Volunteer Department Being Put in Shape. Park City Is experiencing a revival In the matter of the lire department, whloh Is undergoing a thorough renovation as to service and facilities. The voluntary lire department met tonight and tho ques tion of the needs of the organization was thoroughly aired Charles Gctsch was elected chairman and C. A. Wado secre tary. The oir.mlttec called upon to draft a resolution In regard to lire apparatus was granted further time, IL S. Town-sc-nd, a member of the committee, re ported that two chemicals and three cut offs for the main line were needed. Fire Chief Blrcumshaw reported only one cut off In town. Mr. Blrcumshaw Instructed the men and oflicers. of the department as to their duties In case of fire J M Lockhart suggested that all business houses be instructed to keep flro extin guishers. Andrew Martin reported that tho business men of Park City have guar anteed to maintain a team for the chem ical engine on condition that the Coun cil will provide a sufficient number or paid men for the. service. It was voted to change the monthly meeting night to Wednesday. The next meeting will take up the question of giving a grand fire men's ball. On motion of J M. Loekharl j It was resolved to drop all those from tho organization who fail to attend the meeting. Bitten by a Dog. Jack Creen. one of tho oldest and best prospectors In the camp, was viciously at tacked by a dog In front of Bcrrv's livery stable this morning, and his hand was badly torn by the beast before he could beat him off. Mr. Creen attempted to fondle the animal, when It attacked him. Tho principal wound Is In tho palm of the hand and Is fully half an Inch deep. Poller Officer Peterson shot the animal shortly afterward. Briefs. John Mery left today for Arizona. M. J. McGlll arrived today from ZIon. Miss Mildred Swcnsen arrived today from Logan. Dr. Bardsloy roturned from the capital this morning. Dr. E. P. Lc Compt returned from Salt Lake this morning: Mrs. Fred llayt lft, for an extended trip through the East' today. W. H Blackburn was among the arri vals this morning from Salt Lake. The town has had a 'lively appearance the last low days on account of so many Idle men from the Daly-Judsc. A large crowd of former cmplovees of the Daly-Judge wero on the outgoing train this evening, most of them bound for Butte. . The Southwick Recital. The Plerpont school of oratory and physical culture announces a dramatic recital by Mrs. Jessie Eldrldge South wick of Boston, assisted by Mrp. A. D. Melvln, Eoprnno. Miscellaneous read ings. Including "Chariou Raco" from "Ben Hur," scenes from "Macbeth." First Congregational church. Monday evening, Februory lnt at 8 o'clock. General admission, 50 cents; students 35 cents. MEW I. 0. 0. F. TEMPLE. Splendid Structure In Idaho Town Dedicated, "With Imposing Ceremonies, ITRIBUNE SPECIAL. Nampa, Idu.. Jan. 2S. Tho now Odd Fol lows' temple. Emmott. recently erected at a cost of Jlo.OOu by the Emmettsvlllc lodge, was dedicated today with imposing cere monies, under tho direction of Grand Mas ter Coughonour. assisted bv Grand Secre tary Bradley and Grand 'Representative Roberts. There was a large crowd in at tendance, special trains being run frou Boise and other points. This evening n banquet Is being given, and will be fol I lowed by a grand ball. Dislocated Her Shoulder. Mrs. Johanna Soderholm of Fergus Falls. Minn . fell and dislocated her shoulder. She had a surgeon get It back In place as soon as possible, but It was qullO sore and pained her very much. Her son mentioned that bo had seen Cham berlain's Pain Buhn advertised for sprains and soreness, and she asked hlni to buy her a boltle of it, which he did. It quickly relieved hc-r and enabled her to -sleep, which she had not done for several days. Tho son was so much pleased with the relief it gave his mother that he haw since recommended It to many others. Tor sale by all druggists PRICELESS TOMES i AND WRITINGS RUINED Loot of the Fire in the University Library at Turin Greater Than Was at First Supposed A Precious Venetian and Oiher Collections Consumed. Rome, Jan. 2S. An official report has been made on the losses resulting from a fire -at tho University library, Turin, on January 2Gth, according to which about 3700 manuscripts. Including almosl nil those of OrieJital origin, were destroyed. The number of volumes lost has not beeil established. Tho fire lasted iweniy-four hours and It scema certain that 30O9 vol umes of Greek, Latin and other codices were consumed, ns well as the previous Venetian collection of books from the RUSSIA AT WORK m ANSWER (Continued From Page 1 ) transmitted the contents to Toklo, whence It will be conveyed to the friendly powers. The Russian reply Is courteous, the Dally Graphic continues, but it refuses In un compromising terms to permit the re Insertion In the draft of tho treaty of the two words guaranteeing tho Integrity and Independence of China, upon which Japan Insisted In her last note TIip clause proposed by Japan was that Russia and Japan should mutually ngrco to respect the "Integrity and Independence of China and Korea." Russia has now stricken out twice the words "China and," and It Is understood this will close the ne gotiations. It Is probable, thr Dally Graphic kocs on, that when this note has been presented Japan will notify Baron do Rosen, the Russian Minister at Toklo. that she has no alternative but to tako up arms In defense of her Interests, and that M. Kurlno will be Instructed to demand his passports. TROOPS ARE MOVING. Russian and Japanese Forces Seeking Strategic Points. London, Jan. 29. A dispatch to the Standard from Toklo says thai according to Information from a sure source large bodies of Russian troops aro being moved to tho Korean frontier from Fcngnang cheng and other points In the Interior of Manchuria. Another dispatch lo tho Dally Mall from Seoul reports the arrival of a thousand Russian troops at Antung yesterday. The Peking correspondent of the Times cables that Tseng Chi. Tartar Gcneial of Mukden, has telegraphed the foreign board at Peking that the RusisanB have demanded that he supply oft) carts. Xor ln mediatc military service. Port Arthur. Jan. 20. A telegram re ported to have been snt by the Russian military attache at Toklo was recclvcu yesterday. It gave information of tho mobilization of the Japanese army and had the effect of renewing preparations for tho dispatch of troops already ordered to iho north, but who had been detained on ac count of the peaceful aspect of affairs. INTERMOUNTAIN NUGCETS. Mrs. Gerard Hubbard died at Boise suddenly, while seated in a chair. Meridian, Ida., has voted to build ono of tho beat schoolhousc3 In the State. Andrew M. Freebalrn of Salt Lake and Miss Mllley Gulley of Georgetown. Ida., were married by Bishop Hendricks at. Pocatcllo. "Mrs. B, H. Smith, who has been vis iting her mother, Mrs. J. D. Daly, for some lime, started yesterday for Salt Lake City, when she will realdo in fu ture," says the Boise Statesman. Edward A. Sllbcrsteln of Duluth. Minn.. for Co has quit claimed to Laura Schwartz of Salt Lake City1 an undivided Interest In Iho Silver Crown mine In Warm Springs Creek Mining district, Idaho William J. Wllseck. a railway mall clerk who Jias been running belween Granger and Pocatello, has been held for trial at Cheyenne on a charge of stealing mojioy from letters. Marked money was found in his possession. Ed La no fell under a heavily-loaded wagon near Clover Flat. Ida., and a wheel crushed one of his legs terribly. It was necessary to take him seventy-six miles lo Mountain Home before he received surgical attention. William O'Nell and other Vernal par ties have located an extension of the gll sonlte vein tiiat runs through the claims of the Gllson Asphaltum company near Duchesne It Is claimed that they havo eighteen Inches of ore of good grade and will mako shipments to Price before long. Ben Worthlngton, who went to Wyo ming thirty years ago. Is dead at Raw lins He was not a lawyer, but soon after his arrival in the Territory he was elected County Attorney of Carbon county, there not being a lawyer at that time In the county. He was at one time well-to-do, but died penniless. Joseph Trempe. the young man who was wounded by Otto Lehman In u stabbing affray In Rock Springs, has died from his Injuries, and Lohman Is charged with murder. The two men hud quarreled early In the evening, and when they met later In a naloon Lehman attacked Trempe with a knife, inflicting a dozen wounds. The Mountain Homo Republican reports a sensation: "Considerable excitement was caused Wednesday by David Carson, while Intoxicated. throwing an ax through one of the windows of the Pal ace saloon. He aimed to strike tho owner, but only smashed the showcase, somo of the pieces striking a bystander." Tho Voi-ral Expres says: "Monday Miss Marie Young started to Salt Lake City, where she will bo married next Wcdnes dav at the Salt Lake Temple to Mr. Wil liam Erek.son of Murray, l.'tah. Mlas Marie Is a Vernal raised girl, of whom tho people are proud, and will Join the Express In wishing her a happy wedded life. Mr. Erekson has been In Vernal for sonio time on a visit and has the appear ance of being an exemplary young man. Their homo will be at Murray," COLORADO MILITIAMEN TO GET THEIR MONEY Pueblo. Jan. 2S. Tho case of the men of Company G, Colorado National Guard, who announced yesterday thai they would hold tho State armory In this city until the Stale remunerated them for services In Cripple Creek, looked serious for a time today, when Adjt.-Grn. Sherman Bell sent word to Pueblo to have warrants sworn out ugainnl cadi of the men. Later, how over, a telephone message was received from Gov. Peabody announcing that Pay master Gross would be In Pueblo at noon tomorrow to pay all the Puoblo men of Companies B and G who were on duty during the strike. BANK SWINDLER FOUND GUILTY IN COLORADO Snllda, Colo.. Jan. 25. The Jury In the caee of J W Ryan, on trial charged with victimizing .two banks In this city, tcdny returned a verdict of guilty. Sen irrce was dcf"rrcd. Ryan, with several ci nfedcrntes was charged willi caching two forged checks, amounilng to several thousand dollars, drawn on two banks her', after having them verified by a con federate over thu telephone. library of Cardinal Delia Rover.?. The co dices from the celebrated abbey appear to have been saved, as was the Incunnbula collection. Among Ihe codices saved in an ancient codex of ihe Fourth century, containing tho GoEpels. as well as many others oC lnt; date. A classic book of the greatest value, called "Hours do Turin," by the Duke de Berry, for which Great Britain onco offered almost any sum of money, now appears to have been de stroyed, as was an ancient French trans lation of Dante. Of thin Dante there ex ists another copy In France. STAN0S BY THE HIGH SCHOOL President Kingsbury of tho Univer sity Clearly Defines His Position. Anent the recent discussion con cerning the question of whether clghth gradc graduates should continue their studies In the high school or some In stitution with equivalent courses, It Is refreshing- lo note the stand taken on the matter by President Kingsbury of the State Unlvcrslt3 In answer to a queip put at tho meeting of the princi pals in the Joint building Wednesday ng to whether grade graduate? should at tend the high school or enter the pre paratory department of the University, he said that he would advise tho pat ronage of the former. While- the courcs offered are quite similar, he designated the preparatory school as a school of emergency. Pupils, he said, who had attended the country schools, where the eighth grade wus the limit, might fined It lo their advantage to enter the pre paratory department of the University, but in all other cases ho advised their entering tho high school. Notwith standing that that every boy or girl has the legal privilege of attending' either school, he advises that they attend the high schools for their preparatory work for ihe University, The feature of the meeting was the able discourse by Mrs. "M. M. Munn of the primary department of the Lincoln school, on the teaching of phonics. The teacher brought a class from the Lin coln fchool with her and gave a repre sentative lesson of her method of in struction In these lines. The discourse was a revelation to many of the prin cipals, and all were most favorably Im pressed with the concise and logical methods of the teacher. SO TIL1JAI3 MAY KNOW Record of Crum's Appoint ments For Senator. Washington, Jan. 2S. In response to Son ator Tillman's resolution adopted by the Senate, calling for the record of William D. Crum's appointments and his service os collector of the port of Charleston, S. C, Secretary of the Treasury Shaw today sent to President pro teni. Frye the following letter: "William D. Cruni wa.s appointed col lector at the port of Charleston, S. C. March 20. lf)3. and a temporary conmls slon Issued. Mr. Crum qualified by ex ecuting bond for 450,C3O, and took oath of office March 10. IMG. Mr. Crum was again appointed December 7. ltXW, and has given bond In the sum of JSO.OOd, and took tho oath of office on January 3, 10W. "There has been no third appointment and no fourth appointment. The samo in formation Is contained in a letter to B. R. Tillman under date of January S, ID04, and which appears in the Congressional Rec ord of January 2o, 1P01. "Tho resolution also asks. Ts Mr. Crum now In office and if so under what au thority of law?' William D. Crum Is do facto collector at the port of Charleston. S. C. Whether he holds his position under authority of law Is determinable, not by tho executive department of tho Govern--nent, but by the Judiciary, and by that only. Ho Is not receiving pay because of tho provisions of section 1TG1." Graceful deportment, ease of manner, morality of motion, physical- culture, the art of acting taught at Lolselle's school for dancing, 115 East First South St. LAID AT FINAL REST. Funeral of Honsou Walker at Pleas- ! ant Grove, Largely Attended New Gun Club Organized. TRIBUNE SPECIAL.! Pleasant Grove, Jan. 23. Funeral ser vices over the remains of Pioneer Hen son AValker were held In the opcra-houso today. Tho building was crowded with sorrowing relatives and friends. Tho speakers wore Apostle John Henry Smith, who oamo from Salt Lake to attend the nervlces; the president of tho Alpine stake, S. L. Chlpman and James H Clark; also a number of other aged gentlemen who had known the deceased for years. All praised the integrity displayed through life and the good character of the de ceased. A gun club wns organized the other day, with twenty members. H. B. Mc Cabo was elected captain and.D H. Rob inson president. Tho club lias adopted the name of the Pleasant Grove Amateur Gun club," and In the near future will give and recclvo challenges In shotgun shooting. The annual old folks' party will be given on Friday. In the courthouse, and, If the weather permits, they will bo given a short sleigh ride, after which they will bo taken to Clark's opera-house, whero home talent who aro getting up tho play "Tho Old Homestead" for the benefit of the meeting-house will present tho play In a mutlnee. for the old folks. NINETY-FIVE BODIES . HAVE BEEN RECOVERED Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 2S Ninety-five bodies had been taken from the Har wick mine at noon today. Thirty more are at the foot of the shaft ready to be brought up, and probably fifty aro still In the mine. The identified number twenty-one. MACHEN DEFENSE Counsel for the Accused Make Opining Statements, and the Taking of Testimony Begins-Chief Clerk, of Free Delivery First Witness. WaslUngtori, Jan. 2S. TJhe defense In the postal trial opened today. Mr. Mad dox, on behalf of the Groffs, sard he would prove that George E. Lorenz, In 1S95, had purchased for ?500 a half Interest In the Groff fastener. He was followed by Mr. Kumlcr for the Lo renzs, Kumler asserted that as-' far back as 18SS Machen, George E. Lorenz and his brother, engaged In the oil busi ness in Ohio, and that ns a, result of their various transactions. George E. Lorenz owed Machen ?25.000. and that whatever Lorenz paid to- Machen was in settlement of an honest debt. When Mr. Kumlcr. in the course of his opening remarks, said that Mrs. Lorenz had been scandalized by the Government which had treated her with cruelty, Mrs-. Lorenz broke down and wept bitterly. She was led from the room by Mrs. Machen and Mrs. Phil Hps, Mr. Machen's sister. The first witness for tho defense was Miss Ina S. Liebhardt, chief clerk of the rural free delivery division, who had testlfled for the Government, Sho gave In great detail a statement of the ad mlniBtrathe duties of the superinten dent of the- free delivery division, and said r.lncc 1001 she had placed Machen's name and initial on nearly every paper going1 out of the free delivery division, and that before that date she- had taken similar action with respect to at least half the mail. She said that she signed Machen's Initials or name to at least 300 papers a day, and that many of them related to Groff fasteners. This she testified, was done, in a routine manner, because the Groff fastener had become a fixed supply. She also testified that various oflicers of the PostolTlce- department were aware that she placed Machen's initials and signature on otllclal papers. She said that In all these transactions Machen never In any way had Indicated to her to Increase the number of fasten ers and never had directed her to take any steps to hurry forward the approval of bills. The witness had not concluded when court adjourned' until tomorrow. "Wo have moved to No. 12 West Third South. Will be glad to meet our old friends and customers In our new loca tion. On account of. cheap rent wo will be able to give our patrons tho benefit of same, and will sell good gooda cheaper than ever. TOM & JERRY CLOTHING HOUSE, I. N. Lewis. Prop. THIS WARNING'S NEWS. ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. Charles W. Clark broke all previous records In his race on a special train to tho bedside of his wife. ...President and Mrs. Roosevelt entertained at tho White 'house Senate debated the Panama resolution Cham pion Jeffries stops a runaway horse. FOREIGN. British expedition to Tibet in great peril. ...Grand Duke Alexis will draft Russia's reply to Japan.. ..Whlta ker Wright had poison in his pockets Grand Duko Alexis wins heavily al Monto Carlo King Peter of Scrvio. ready to abdicate Christian graves In Morocco desecrated by a mob. MOUNTAIN AND COAST. Odd Fel lows dedicate a hall in Nampa, Ida Welser, Ida., to have a now school ... Fresno, Cal., Hooded by Pinkerton de tectives looking for a blackmailer of the Southern Pacific company Mrs. S. A. West of San Francisco suicides by gas. STATE. William Leuman found frozen to death near Georgetown Lohl cele brated "Old Folks' day" yesterday. CITY. V. P. HIskcy made receiver of the Lace House Ogden Councllmcn in vestigate Salt Lako city records for mod els or their city.... Good home talent con cert J. J. Daly buys valuable Main street property.... County assessor v. Ill levy tax on the property of the Utah Light and Railway company. ...President Kings bury of the university takes strong grounds In favor of tho high school . . Street Supervisor Condio submits a valua ble loporl with recommendations Big plans for tho meeting of teachers In this city Boy escapes from the orphanago and leads tho police a merry dauco.. . Gamblers of the city begin to pay the put up Increased lines... .Real eatato transfers, 20,731 Bank clearings, S419.100. ..Yester day's stock sales, CO.TlO shares for J33S3.S7. ....Ore and bullion settlements during the day, JC3.500. A BULLET IN THE HEAD. San Francisco Insurance Clerk "Who Married a Rich Woman Com mits Suicide. San Francisco, Jan. 2S. Charles J Ellis, a real estate clerk, committed suicide yes terday by shooting through tho head at his residence In this city Tho only rea son assigned Is temporary Insanity. Ellis was married two years ago to a wealthy woman ond wns apparently happy Jn his domestic relations. Whirled to Death. Wallace. Ida . Jan. 2S. Elmer Sinclair, an employee of the Standard mill, was hurled to a frightful death today by ba iliff caught in the belting which rups the lnimenso crushers. His head was crushed between a belt and pulley : - I I Taste Good for lunch I Grape-Nuts and Cream Psoriasis, Scalled Head, ; Milk Crust, Tetter Ringworm Complete External and Inter- ! nal Treatment, consisting of Cuticura Soap to cleanse, . Cuticura Ointment to heal, m md Cuticura Pills to cool ' the blood, may now be had of ill druggists for One Dollar. ' A tingle ict U often sufficient to core th Doit dlt trcsslsc cages rrhen oil else fails. , CUTLERY :i EVERY BLADE WRRANTEDj 1 RICH, I I WARM BLOOD. 8 II Cook's Spring Medicine take-1 III UP cut all Impurities, keeps out tho IH ffo substances that cauo thoso IH W fearful rheumatic pains, puts Hi lH tffr new, healthy color In pale IH cheeks, keeps tho blood warmer H0 IH and in 010 nourishing. Thin Is a a, llfl splendid Blood Purifier and en- HV JH 4) richer. All who are pale, anae- A JH mlc, nervous, sallow, run-down, HP (IH fe rheumatic or troubled with ()) fH 2. Bolls, Eczema. Scrofula or other HJ' IHJ A Skin or Blood Diseases. Guar- flBi aT antccd satisfactory. Price, ?LW 5 Hi flp for largo bottle. A ; HH I Oruehl & Franken, $ I DRUGGISTS, 9 ' I I Southeast Corner Main and I A Third South Streets, Salt Z j I II AGENTS TOH LIQTJOZONE. I I l H OCSS6lBUUIB8taeHStnB I sliquozone Frccj I U Auyatekporsnn'frhnhaaneTertiRodX.tAaoEon? 1 H 9 f honld wrllo the LlcjnlJ Ozono Co.. 223 Klnzl M R St.. Chicago. They will send yoa an ordnr on m H yonr dniuirUt for a. W-cont bottlo tree, II ? 1 HI m wtll slato tho dlaeaso to bo Uoatod. 1 j Dollar I I ft Hat. 9 There Is that much ravlnj?, at j R least, in buying- your hats here. j 3 Besides that, wo are not confined jj p to any one style. Wo have all Aljll -H the fashionable shapes. We don't Hi I make hats, but we sell the best 1,1 ij that can be had. IF Huts. 51.00. 52.00, ?3.00. $4 00. I f .Already showing- sprlnp: styles. I I , If you buy hats here you savo I (j. hat troubles and hat money. I ' Rowe & I E Kelly (Eo., 132 Main St. I I One Price II Plain Figures. H I 31 TheeOLLEN j I ON AXJj CAH LINES. f HJ Try It The Next Time You Go Up. 8. C. EWING. Proprietor. : H Headquarters far mining men and stook I I HJ men. RATES J2 A DAY AND UP. I I PICTURE FRAMtNQ 1 I at Popular Prices. J jj H American Wall Paper Co. I I I 6 S. THIRD SOUTH. H . 1 I SH FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE. 1 H WHITE HUNTER & KENNEDY FOR H particulars about Ogden realties. Ogdcu, HI rtab. o35 , H J J. BRUMMITT HAS BARGAINS IN H Ogden realties, Osdun. VeJ qZ10J iHH