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51 THE SALT'IjAXE TBIBTJISTE: 1-"RIDAX MOItNTGS'G-, JANUARY 29, 1904. 3 l f -LUNGED SPIELER : IN DANGER OF MOBS 3 s first work undertaken by the WL ike City Society for the Suppres rid Pretention of Strange and il Noise;," said a well-known t ?yestcrcday, "should he to cut n Ithe flower of his youth and the "v.; of his hmg power the vigorous ly A L young man who 'spiels' so i'fl piisly for the variety show on M lc- South street. Talk ahout fhi ?"ln a voice that fellow could 'jflKa first-class sawmill and never ;JmI1p hflS a foghorn faded on every count. His voice wouldn't stop toLBc, but it would start a scrap In jKghly civilized community. The day when he bellowed 'Nex' P iRce g'in right away a mule team tjhi'tay on Tenth East and a woman Sifflt In the Dooly block He I? a .LKnan In stature, but he has a mis Te wn'cn In'nt oe nls fortune if , lie could only out it up Into sections and not try to use- It all at once. The boy may be all right In his way, but he's a disturber of the peace. During the time that show'p on there's noth ing else doing. There might he someone taken ill in the southern part of the city, and I tremble at the conse quence. Even the Isolation hospital Is 'not a safe retreat for anyone who needs rst and quiet, when this terrible out break Is on. The roclety should get busy and corrall this young man who is so exceedingly Industrious in exer cising his abnormally developed vocal organ:?. I understand his name is Do "Walker, too, which is another thing against him. It might as well be De Murphy or Von Oleson. I am for peace." And after thus delivering himself the citizen with a grievance set out for a visit to the boiler foundry, where he could enjoy the novelty of hearing him self think. SrS ARIZONA MISSION; II DR. BICKEL PROMOTED Ifl J. L J3Ickcl. pastor of the First Jiyt church of this city, has been 1 Sand accepted the position of su Jlft indent of the Methodist mission of is! iii-.aml v. Ill leave this city as eooii -, trigements can be made by Bishop iVi on for a pastor to succeed him In . Ity. Rev Mi' Blckel was offered jyi Sice between the Arizona and Wyo ZJ mlsjlons nnrt chore the former. Sfij fe his determination to leave this &i Rev. Mr Blckel has received many TOiS a from thr members of his congre ss P who hnve nlfo written to Bishop ija ion. asking him to rcmnln In his il n. DUt- '''5 decision to leave In, ac cording to the reverend gentleman, Irre vocable. The more his work Is considered by the people of th First church the more loath are thoy to give him up. During the brief time he has lived hero Rev. Mr. Blckel has displayed two rare qualities as particularly fitting him for the position of superintendent of a mission tact and In domitable energy, and these, with the way In which he has handled the difficult church problems which presented them selves when he came to thn First church impressed Bishop Cranston and tho offer 0 promotion came. It Is not known as yet who Mr. Bickers successor In the First church will be, but as soon as the proper adjustment can be made he will leavo Salt Ijiko with his family and go direct to I.os Angeles, their futuro home 1 IRISTIAN GRAVES IN J 1 MOROCCO DESECRATED 'JwParadcs Streets, Bearing Human Heads Upon Poles, Hp Raids Jewelry Stores and Attack; Jews. ingler, Morocco. Jan. iS. Morocco city has been the scene of serious dls nccs In consequence of the Government's attempt to force the circulation rv'and unpopular copper coins, on which it placed an artificial value, and jlt is to receive in payment of taxes. Business is paralyzed, provisions wree and starvation is threatened. mob arose and first attacked the Christian cemetery, lately given by the jto the foreign missions, burned clown the gates, desecrated the graves, Sed the bodies, cut off their heads, and paraded the town with the heads on poles rioters proceeded to the Jewish quarter with the object of destroying jtthey found the gates closed and strongly guarded. The Jews were stricken until they found that the protection of the authorities was ef The rabble subsequently looted the jewelry shops, robbing and woUnd Any Jews . . WilKpGovernor attempted 1 to quell the disturbance, but he was stoned, pur mP$ obUoQ to seek refuge in the palace. The authorities finally induced wiobfto withdraw on the promise of temporary withdrawal of the obnoxious m : j TING OF TEACHERS 5 jidid Programme for the jSBjennial Convention. itlaborate programme bus been nr-p-jfbr the biennial convention of the county" public school superln- Is of Hip Stnie of Utah, to be held -0 f'clly Friday and Saturday. Fob Ij ft. and 0, WU. The programme as ;cd Is as follow. ay, 2 p. nv. Slate University 1. 5 the requirements for promotion fho eighth grade be tho same for the nd the county pupils'.' Supcrlntend $11. Clirhtenson. Salt Lake City, and I jntendent B YV. Ahton, Salt Lake Ijoald the examinations for thp pro u of pupils from the eighth grade be rm throughout the State? Supcrin nt Olivrr Chrlstenson. Juab county. ijPJipcriiiteiiilont James Langton, Lo- 'JS'?rai discussion. ItP. m.. Barratt Hall Through the Sigey of Superintendent D. II. Chrls Jjpitand Superintendent B, W. Ashlon jounty Hupcrintendents are coitllally Jlfcl to attend a Joint meeting of the ilers City and the Salt Lake county OKrrani m o for evening: (IRire, Hon. William H. King. gPure. Rev. Klmer 1, Goshen. FKr 10 n m- City and County aiinjr-l. The relationship of the State 5Rt n?' 0 1,10 I,lJbllc schools. Prcsl 5tt; 1 Kingsbury X'nlverslty of Utah. ZJm9W can the uural school be made 5lractlvo to Its pupils? President ijAiHerr grlcultural college. PBrral discussion. ?J.m.Hpw can the superintendent rman the teacher to continue her pro w1 -BowOi'-Prof. William M. BR1', s,?te formal school. K dlscuealon. g Um ON THE M8VE. g nizations Preparing' to Take ossession of Their New Tem , Pie on State Street, u. nw j.abor Temple at the corner of and Fourth South streets Is so Vj completed that the Utah Federa M Labor and Its affiliating unions Iready preparing to move next month clr new home. The temple Is a S?mo three-story yellow brick slruc iii?r,t'U c'sr-eclally for the use of payor organizations, with lodge f,jin1'iB Parlors and ono largo au mi' 1 Ss lllflt tho quartern R-eorner of West Tomplo and Sec K' i I al,!e? tB u' bc vncalel by the 'v'Si.nwL l,y v- H- 1-nnnon. will be Vol1 for Itorlal and composhvD fr "Is new paper. gfc PERSONAL MENTION. BK?,.3, formerly of tho Laco House, tmtr i ? :L l'0;,,tlon with tho lCo.Ith- 5lMeD'.li?U.ori " lf 1110 Jnt-t .ird MV 1 nBJ Kflth-OHricn com- gBPd " XlW Yrk "'ly j BEF0RE i. John Martin secured comfortable lodg ings for a month by nskinp an officer to Klve him the price of a bed. lie way whisked away to the station and charged with vagrancy. Yesterday afternoon im pleaded suiliy and received a thirty-day sentence with apparent satisfaction. . Had the case of Johnny Myers and, Wil lie Andi!ion been dramatized and pre sented In a theater there would not have been a "dry cyo In the house." Dut It was simply nn Incident In real life, the bravo struggle of little Johnny for a live lihood was not the figment of a plnyriKhl's fancy, so there were no tears. Tho trnKe dy was not. however, wholly lost on the habitues of .the courtroom. Brcathlcsa silence prevailed as tho Utile fellow .old his simple story to the Judge, and cverj man realized the fearful handicap under which the lad was cntcringr the raco of life. John and Willie were charged with vagrancy. Ollfcer Gulbranson found them begglnrr In .saloons at midnight. John gave bis age us 13 years. "I have been working evjry oay," he said. "What do you do?" "I shine Hhocs In a barber shop, but yes terday was a poor day. I oian't have any thing to do. so 1 had to ask for money to KOt a bed." The court recalled the fact that the boy had bacn brought to Uk- station two vcars ago fron the O. S. L. depot with his feet frozen. Willie Anderson, aged 16, came down from UuUp City with the Myers boy. He camo originally from Milwaukee. Wlx., and said ho nud no parents or guardian. Both boys expressed a desire to leavo town. Johnny said he wanted to open a cigar stand In Butte In the spring. The City Attorney thought it would be a kind ness to keep the lnda In jail until the weather grew- milder, but Judge Dlchl yielded to their pleadings and gave tlipm a chapce to leave town, nsurln;? thorn, how ever, that they would be cured for Is :hey were unable to catch a rldo out of town. Johnny Myers Is better known as Johnny "Shine," because of h's occupa tion. He has a father In Butte, but evi dently derives little lament from fiat fact. u O Kd Murtle. who was released In the morning and returned at 3 a. m. on Uio following day, loaded to the mtjsxic, v.i arraigned on the charge of tlrunkpnue "1 took a drink or two. y'r 'Annor." he so id, "and I'm very sorry, y'r 'Annor." The usual sentence of Unity aays wns handed out to him. W". T Holmes, proprietor of tho. Knuts ford bar. pleaded guilty to the charge of allowing women in the buffet within the prohibited hour?. City Attorney Wllley hiiggested that the mlnl:num fine be Ini IKscd, but a readj'jp of the new ordinance showed that there la no minimum line. A maximum line of 1100 Is thi? only penally prescribed. Mr. Holmes was accordingly fined Marriage Licenses. Alma V. White. Clifton 54 Harriet B. Sail Tjuce City ..'II Alma J. W. Gardner. Murray U Sophia Sleeker. Murray ,Z"$ William II. Shafer. Salt Jake City 2 Mary Rogers, Salt. Luke City Joseph M. Chantry. Suit Lake Clly ... .''A Bertha C ICohlor, Salt Lake Cltv . . ..c, ErritHt J. StanK , Hamilton, Utah . -i Kosctut Tcrpcntng. Arnold, Utah .... I'l George 1"' Sorcnson, Salt. Lake Chy . Mcna Jensen, Sallna , .'S - : . . .. ; jj I Art Association, tells young women what to do to avoid pain and suffering caused by female troubles. "Dear Mits. Pusktlvm: I co.noonsfiiontioiislyTecomniend LydlaE, Pinkliam's Vegretablo Compound t o those of ruy sisters suffering with female wealcness and the troubles which so often befall women. I suf fered for months with general weakness, and felt so weary that I had hard work to keep up. I had shooting pains, and was utterly miserable. In my distress I was advised to use jLydia E. Pinlcliam's Vegetable Compound, and it was a red letter day tome-when I took the first dose, for at that timo my restoration began. In six weeks 1 was a changed woman, perfectly well in every respect. I felt so elated and happy that I want all women who suffer to get well as I did." Miss Gcila Gannon, 359 Jones St., Detroit, Mich., Secretary Amateur Ait Association. It is clearly shown in this young lady's letter that Lydia E. Pinkham's Ycge table Compound will certainly cure tho sufferings of women; and when one considers that Miss Gannon's letter is only one of the countless hundreds which we are continually publishing In. the newspapers of this country, the great virtue of Mrs. Pink ham's medicine must be admitted by all ; and for the absolute cure of all kinds of female ills uo substitute can possibly take its place. "Women should bear this important fact in mind when they go into n drup store, and be sure not to accept anything- that is claimed to be " just as good " as JDydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, for no other medicine for female ills has made so.many actual cures. How Another Sufferer Was Cured. 'Dear Mrs. PrNxnAM : I cannot praise your wonderful remedies enough, for they have done me more good than all the doctors I havo had. For the last eight years and more I suffered with female troubles, was very weak, could not do my housework, also had nervous pros tration. Some da3rs I would remain unconscious for a whole day and night. My neighbors thought I could never recover, but, thanks to 3'our medicine, I now feol like a different woman. " I feel very grateful to you and will recommend Lydia. E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to all. It has now been four years since I had the last spell of nervous prostration. I only weighed ninety eight pounds at that time ; now I weigh one hundred and twenty-three. "1 consider 3'our Vegetable Compound the finest remedy made. Thanking you many times for the benefit I received from your medicine, I remain, Yours truly, Mns. J. II. Fakmkk, 2S09 Elliott Ave., St. Louis, Mo." Remember Mrs. Pinkham's advice is free and all sick women are foolish if they do not ask for it. She speaks from tho widest experience, and has helped multitudes of womou. $1" flffilfll FORFEIT If we cannot forthwith jiroduco tho original letters ami ilfjnatares of h J J fi 3 I above testimonials, which ulll yrovo their absolute pcnnlnane.v. Uylyy ldii i:. rinkhum 3loU. Co., Lyna, Man, 2on TOF THAN & vftkv The 'Band is the Smokers fmr I i I OSWEGo" j ' CORN STARCH j tahicf: has heen used for 55 years is of un jj questioned purity and neVsr disappoints in j fcj results. It is the ideal form of starch and is s L-msidered the standard of excellence. Mrs. Helen Ar:nsirortg. f Small babies quickly grow to large babies when fed on Mcl lin's Food. Mellin's Food furnishes material for growth. A sample of Mcllln'n Fcod costs you nothing but the asking. Will you aot then ask for it for your baby '3 sake? MELLIN'S FOOD CO.. BOSTON, MASS. rWHEW PEOPLE COME IN EVERY DAY AND BUY OUR j I COUGH MEDICINE, IT I SPEAKS PRETTY WELL FOR ITSELF. IT'S THE MOST I a"5 SEASONABLE THING WE g HAVE TO SELL THAT'S WHY WE TALK ABOUT IT. W 25 CENTS AND 50 CENTS A BOTTLE. I Family Chemists. S Cor. Opposite Post Office. gj . I the best" J-E-O BRUT ! fellow Labd Jold Label v5an !Fran.cis co, C al j RIogcr & Llndlcy. DlstrIbutoi-3. Salt Lake. 9 Wasatch Academy. K GcorRC II. Marshall. Principal B ft Mt Pleasant. Utah fi f NEW JERSEY ACADEMY f I. N' SmUh. Principal . Lofin. I'tah 3 i HUNGERFORD ACADEMY g i Charles F, Romlg. Principal.. . H j Springs llle. Utah g COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. j Jj Robert J. Caslccy, Principal m J Salt Liiko City K i PRESBYTRRIAX ACADEMIES. 3 BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOLS, ftj E9 Catalogues free. Corrcspondcnco W ?ji Invited H ANTI-RUST NON-RUST, tj ' CAN'T RUST J TINWARE SALE I k Eveiy piece warranted NOT jjj TO RUST. A special offering. J 5 See our -west window. Inspect g these goods. I BRUBAKER-CAIPBELL 1 HARDWARE COMPANY I 27-29 West Third South. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH. Fingers roughened by needlowork catch every stain and look hopelessly dirty. Hand Sapolio removes not only the dirt, but also the loosened, injured cuticle, and restores tho lin gers to their natural beauty. ALL GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS. It's the Salt Lake Stamp . Ifs&v Co. PMivV That Makes $3ife!J& 167 S. W. Templa lacaSgS Salt Lake City. SPECIALS FOR TODAY I Without Hesitancy We Pronounce These The Great- 1 I est Bargains Ever Offered in Salt Lake. j , j TODAY TODAY "j I I 200 yards Extra Fine and Heavy All COO yards Double Width Fine " 1 Red Twilled Flannel Black Sateen I :: I Actually ?orth 60c; on sale in our 42 lncne -n-lde, -north 35c: oi pa-le I rrr.. 391 n;a? I - Today Today Only I I 30 pieces White Victoria and India 5j5SdOJ ffl M mm lkl Oriental Sillts. 32 inches Avldo, In cle- I H I W W I gant tloral deslcns and stripes, 1 T " suitable for Dressing Sacqucs, Kl- 1 H ti . , , , monas and Fancy Draperies; ac- I i; h Actually v.orth 12c; on xalc irt our tually worth 51.23; todav, in our 1 1 , HH. c 1 I I GREAT PRICE REDUCTIONS I : I I Overcoats and Suits I ; Including: all of the Alfred Benjamin & Co. Suits and Overcoats. The 1 following reductions prevail. A"SviR?oATst... $10.75 SUIS S!.!! . $15.00 I I 111 ?A02J!? . m t A CO BLACK SUITS, In Full Dress, I H OVERCOATS aU..P4'5u Tuxedo . Frock, and Sack Suits I H !H All ?-"30 to J3fi trr aL - Pr cent discount. 1 MM OVERCOATS at...P0.50 Alt Monarch Stiff I SUITS, all 512,50 to ft Bosom Shirts at.... . 7 Or m 514.00 values at.. .. J'b Odds and ends Manhattan Shirts, ! SUITS, all $15 to $13 irw large sizes, worth tsif 1 values at 75 51.50 to $2.00. at.. ... . VOr 1 1 Take advantage of this splendid opportunity to supply your needs, jj GRAY BROS. & CO., 154 MAIN j ifl WATCH ' 40 " ANUFACTUBINQ1 J REPAIRERS. 3aay JEWELERS W ! H DIAMONDS I "Look through our lino of Diamonds and Diamond Jevelry, and I you "will find -wo carry tho largest stock in this city, at the right prices. Rememhor that you save 25 per cent on Diamonds houghfe I from, us, as you buy direct from Importers of Diamonds. I 1 I M.&N.UCHTENSTEIN I DIAMOND MEReHHNTS. 1 I I 214 Main Street, pposite Kenyon. I i H l EXPERT Z & A DIAMOND j I H S OPTICIANS fiST t5 tS IilPORTERS I 8 j zz:I AM A "maJNizzzi I jl -.N No matter Iiott -sveaJc I ( ! , S,". you are; how full of , aches and pains; how H " " feeble and old in your I ' jjjgy q- actions, you can he , IH i vy" $St ftir j made a stronger and i IH !; ' j ry better man by wearing I t n y my Electric Belt while 1 ( Pick out the men I ft 11 I who have worn my I vk g v y Belt' Sce them ""lth I 1 i V I I J heads creel, chest ex- m 3 TC'V f panded. Hie glow of H l I fc-irbv v 1 ' sC&r' health in their cheeks, H j p, fSri&sX N-yvrM " courage In their hearts IH ! "'"" you? ' Have you rheu- B' j S matlsm and back pains, a dull aclio and wenkness over your kidneys, dull j IH e headaches, with a tired, stupid feeling? Are you losing your vitality? H L k Do you feel yourself growing aged before your time? Arc you nervous, H H IH 8 k?leeplesy. short of memory and lacking In spirit and self-confidence? Do (J IH g you know that you are not the man you would like to be? Ij sj jf KOi i cm cure you. What you lack Is Just what electricity aunDlies. m D ? My Belt will cure you, and lf you will come to me you will soon be one I 5 ot "DR. MCLAUGHLIN'S MEN." I I I i 1 believe that the best evidence is the word of an honest man, who IK BH I savs "YOU CUrtED ME." II VITAL WEAKNESS. 1 1 VlM Fillmore. Utah, Dec. It. 1003. ' Dl 'rioar'ihYoIir Belt has helped my stomach very rntich. my kidneys and, B 1 liladder are in much better condition, and the left testicle that hn.s bcon so , HHB larre for yeurB 1h becoming more natural. I feel very much encouraged so j BB far and believe that ull your words In regard to whnt tho Belt will do for !, IBBJ ma will be proven true. f VTlS' RUSSELL. 1 J 'iM Come to me and let me cure you. Twenty years of my life have been 1. devoted (o my trade, and I have made my Belt popular with people H ( ( BB who are tired of drugging." 1 cure while you sleep. It's easy and pleas- ant. My Belt gives a current that is a glowing warmth. No burn or I , lH sting K I 1 a j'have a nicely illustrated book which every man should read. I will " iH 'end it closely sealed, free, lf you send this ad. H ' ' 1 dr. m. t. Mclaughlin, I I 931 Sixteenth St., Denver. Colo.