OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake tribune. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1890-current, January 29, 1904, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045396/1904-01-29/ed-1/seq-7/

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"m 'mmm
Slot the Day on Wall
HI Stre6t'
fvi Parly Allows the
jjjffiis to Slip Back.
Iirtes Steel Active, but Weak,
yEer shares Were Not in
j Er Splendid. Condition.
1 1
& fjc, Jan 28 The speculative
V ill has persistently supported
V Sgh the later stages at the re
S desisted today and allowed
flp bad: without any apparent
"5" JjreslsU During the morning a
3 fas executed in Atchison, which
y Ttock a large fraction over last
Jj fwhlch was attributed to the
' mill parly for the purpose of
j I Jthc market It was accom
i 'ever, by the rumor that Atchl-
In to be listed on the Berlin
:he fact that Atchison has a
000,000 of bonds for sale was
furnish a motive for stlmu
narket for the stock. The
as ineffective in checking the
idency elsewhere The rally
ur was palpably due to cov
t contracts by room profes
polnted to on inference thut
lllng had been on tho short
learsr however, found it so
ire stocks that the desisted
lying and prices sagged again
f the day The closing was
ill The highly professional
the market makes it fitting
3 bo treated from the stand
tinlcal causes So far as act
s bearing on values were con
ost influential wa3 the frank
tone of pessimism In which
idfc review wrote of tho out
and steel. "Tho tonnage Is
ays the Iron Age. "and tho
t simply adjust Itself to tho
ndilions '
les Steel preferred was not
o weakest and most active
hesc circumstances, A batch
I'orablc railroad enrnings for
rnlahcd another reactionary
of further restriction of
es Is coming up for discus
vlng to the decline In the in
icy to New York. February
nts to be considered include
of a $3,000,000 Central Pa
thc Government, deposit of
ctlre the month's quota, of
r which application has been
i Inoreaso in trust company
mply with the clearing house
dr 7l per cent of deposits In
cent Tho reflection implied
i of the stock exchango au
trlklng from tho list the se
ll Industrial corporation on
T misrepresentation of flnan
was a somewhat depressing
severe weather in the winter
ac it posplblo factor as woll.
rices were 1 to 2 points lower
''left oft titan they were" last
heavy under the leadership
-ten Steel second 5s. Chicago
slumped RMj points. Total
lue $3730,O:o. United States
Ib rcg. 103 j, & x. u. is.... PSi
U? 10a M. c. g. Is 103i
vreg.. W, Mox. Cen -Is.... 69
107 1st inc. . , .... 15
tarcg. 132V4 m. & St L. -Is 97
1334 1 M., IC & T, 4s.. as
He" r, . IOTljI 2nd? SO;
107"?i Mex. Nat. c. -4s,. 7Crii
rcg. .. .1011 N. Y. C. g. 3"h.. lSi,i
fr......l014 N. J. C. g. 5s. ...131
g. 4s. 100 N. Pac -13 103U
f; K9'4 3s 73
A 91 N. & V. c. Is... 97"JJ
;a.. . 161. O. S L. 4b & p. 0C
, ts Penn. e. 3Vs nsy;
Ga. ZH..myt Reading g. 4h...
70 St L. & I. Mt.
Mfta. ..100 consol Cs U2L
Hs... . 7C St. L. & S. F.
!Q. n, is 93H fg. 4s S3C
St. P. St. L, S. W. ists 93
g 103 S. A. L. 4s CS"i
v, c. .X.131VS So. Pac. 4s Kiy.
&P. 4s 71H So. Ry. 5s 11 S-
S1?i V- P. lats...,.HGV,
St. T., SL. L. & w.
Y 721
' IV V Pac- Aii
'l W conv. 4s (ju,
6.... .. S9i4 U. S. S. 2nd 5h.... 73i
JG. 4k.. Wabash lsta ... 110
len 4a.. PS'i deb B 0GA
C wis. Cen. 4s. ...
.....m roio.F.&i. 88.. 73ife
Salco. Irish Low. Close,
fly S.C03 70-H CO'A CflVl
Sa- n2Vi aiiA M
n.10 H.&jO 85ii S3 Slli
!'l--.. 10D W 92 01 V-
JPac . . . 2.3C0 HS'A imj
Mtforaey .. ICO
Wo 5,2.50 36 31U 345'.
t0" lW 8S. S7-ii 37
lVcst . l,m 17 10 lGTf,
100 201 g 29
iW ..
Trana ... 700 ii iiyj n
fg;-, COD 29 20i
1M 79 79 77 &
SLv. i.coo 1S 1S 18i
5"d, a &S 5S 57A
t"red -SOD 27 27 2
H ... 300 273 272. 272A
S2A 22 21
100 72 72U 72
gncd 2.W -ISit 48 47
vai,:;::::: : jil
!?;nt I.SCO lift 133 13311
id 20H..
;iso'::::::-: ;;;; g
K:, ICO 37 37' 3C
asTl1 2.100 107 107 vm
S J' 1.300 144 lllg
g.j- 1.W0 122 121V. 42It4
& fox .... 500 is 17 17
SrotuVx" 000 -10 -10
Cent .... 200 iLi 120" 1137
ti..:r:: C,4W C2," 01 G
otV1' " 12300 2Vi 23 23M
K'tVdd' 11:500 " I
furred ..... s2
lKd Co W.400 25-y; 24 2i
wiiiw: '3)0 w w, $
hrrcu .... '200 4751 47 4
900 35 31U 34V.
S"., 19lK, 14CVi 141 144
?LRy 5.1CO 23 22'$ 22
fy .. 3.&0 27 2C.4 2cg
g 'ko sh
?" 200 91 90 90'
-f- 4-
-- SILVER. 4-
4- New York E5V4c
-f San Francisco '.. 55c
-f London 25d -f
-f- Now York exchange $I.C0GlI.Cj -V
COPPER. . . -f
-t- New York exchange.. HL'.ISlMjlS.ST't
Irregular. 4.
4- "Wheat Steady, hlglior. -f
Corn Firm.
Oats Irregular, steady.
-f Provisions Steady.
-f Cattle Slow, lower. -f
4- Hoga Lower.
Sheep Dull, lower.
Wabash 1,100 20 20 20
preferred S.400 40V4 39Vi 39V-
W &. L Erie &X) IS'j 1S IS "
Wisconsin Cent 100 214 2l,i 21
preferred 1.400 47? 47 47
Express Cos
AdaTis 223
American 19:,
United States 110
Wells Fargo 205
Amalg Copper IC.3C0 f-OMl 4S 1S
Amer Car & F l.WD 204 20 20
preferred S00 71 70 70
Amer Lin Oil 10
preferred 27
Amer Loco lS.-W 22. 21 21&
prefen ed COO W& 79 79',',
Anicr S & Ref 3.9CD 51 Vi &0 50-
lirefcrred 1,900 9l',i 93;i 93
Amor Sugar Ref . 22.S00 129?i 127 127
Anaconda M Co 73
Brooklyn R Tran . 9,500 49-i 4S 4Syt
Colo F Sc Iron 2.CC0 31 3P,i 31
Col & I lock Coal .. 2,cO0 1C',' 15 15'(f,
Con Gas 4.300 lCOt 192J 191
Gen Elcc SCO 175V4 372 372
Interna Paper 100 13VV 331 33
preferretl 200 Ct C0' GG'
Interna Pump 33
preferred 72
Nat Biscuit 101 39 SS 39
Nat Lead 100 15?i 15 V&
North Amer 300 S7 87 SCVv
Pac Mall 700 2D 2SVj 2S4
People's Gas 3.100 302 101 301
P Steel Car 3.SC0 33 31 31
preferred 200 7214 71', 71Vt
Pullman Pal Car 217tfi
Rep Steel .. 1.20O 7 7
preferred COO IG I'i'A 45't
RubberGoods 700 72 21 21
preferred 100 79 79 TSVi
Tenn C & Iron .... 3,500 40 3S 3S
V S Leather 1,100 7 7& 7
preferred 3,500 79'A 79 79
U S Rubber 700 li 13 13
preferred SOO C3 K56 63
U S Steel M.S00 31 11 33
.preferred S2.900 t'7 ."T
West Union 600 S8 Sf- SS
Nor Securities 93V-
Total sales for the day, G72.700 shares.
Consols for m... SS !., IC & T.. , . 3S
for account .. SS N. Y. C 124
Anaconda 31 N. & W &SU
Atchison 72j pfd S9
pfd 94'.-:, O. & W 24'
B. & 0 87 Penn G3
Can. Pac 122U Rand Mines .... 9'A
C. & 0 3G Reading 24
C. Gt. W 17, 3st pfd 41
C. M. & St. F.1G1 2nd pfd 31Vi
DcBeera 20 So. Railway 23
D. & R. G 23 pfd S7
pfd 75 So. Pac r2
Erlo 29 U. Pacific St
3st pfd C9Vj pfd 93
2nd pfd. (c. d.). 49 U. S. Steel 11
T. C 335 pfd 5S
L. & N. 111 Wabash -11 V
Bar silver. uncerUiln; 25 9-lCd per ounce.
Money, 2173 per cent.
Tho rale of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 2'f3 per cent.
The rato of discount In the open mar
ket for three months' bills Is 3 per cent.
Silver and Drafts.
San Francisco. Jan. 2S. Silver bars,
55r; Mexican dollar?, nominal; drafts,
sight, 12'; drafts, telegraph, 15.
Money and Exchange.
New York, Jan. 2?. Money on call easy,
at 1$2 per cent, closing bid 101 per cent:
offered at 2 per cent.
Time loans firm; sixty days, 314 per
cent, ninety days and six months, 4ftl.
per cent.
Prime mcrcantllo paper, 1Vs3J5 per cent.
Sterling exchange, weak, with actual
business In bankers' bills at $I.S3.7014.85.75
for demand and at ?4.S3.10ff4.S3.15 for slxty
dav bills.
Posted rates. $J.SI and 4.RG-
Commcrclal bills, Ji.S2i I.S2.
New York Metals.
New York. Jan. 2S. Tin was weaker In
London declining fil 2s Cd, with spot
quoted at 120 12s Gd and futures at 127 5s.
Locally tin was sympathetically easy,
closing at $27. 75-'QCS.2ii.
Spot copper was 2s Gd lower In London
at 5G 12s Gd. but futures were unchanged
at 50 32s Gd. Locally copper was noml
nallv unchanged. Lake Is iuotod at
512.fi2VsfM2.67V4: electrolytic, $12.50312.75. and
casting'. $12 37ftl2 G2.
Lend was steady at 5l.f-Off4.iV) In New
York and Was quoted at 11 lis 3d In Lon
don Spelter closed unchanged at 31.9j?75.03
In the New York market and 2s Gd. lower
nt 21 75s In London
Iron closed nt 49s 9d In Glasgow and 12s
4d In Mlddiesboro. Locally Iron was
quiet. No. 1 foundry. Northern Is quoted
nt SIS.COftlO.CO; No. 2 foundry. Northern.
$14.COffl5.00; No. 1 foundry, Southern, and
No. 1 foundry. Southern, aoft, ?13. 751 1.25.
Grain and Provisions.
Chicago, Jan. 2S. Severe cold weather
throughout tho West and Southwest, with
rain in Argentina strengthened whsut
prices today. A gain In the price of cash
wheat In the Northwest also contributed
to the advance. The close was firm. May
being up 5c. May corn closed fo
higher, but oats were precisely where
they left oft yeserdny. Provisions -were
unchanged to 5c lower.
Earls' news in the wheat pit was of a
n bearish nature. Cables wcro lower; the
price of consols steady, and crop ijowh
generally was of an encouraging charac
ter. The pit crowd was Inclined to faor
the bear side of tho market and sold quile
freely at the start. Muy opened Vk-uc
lower, to a ahadc higher, at S9 to &c.
but soon sold off to Mc The leading bull
operator then ame to the support of tho
market and on buying by this Interest,
May quickly advanced to S9c. Thcro was
renewed felling by locals 00 tho upturn,
and with a let-up in the demand, the price
gradually declined to SOc. The sentiment
Improved later In the day on the strength
of the cash article at Minneapolis and 1 n
confirmation of rain In Argentina. A
prominent ccmmlasion house had a private
dispatch from London which stated that
the war cloud was again assuming alarm
ing proportions. A decline in the price of
New York stock cuuaed some traders to
give credence to this report and buying or
ders were moro In evidence during tho lust
part of the session From SSc, May close
ly moved upward until It had reached 90c.
Realizing sinles late In the day caused a
decline of Vfcc, but the closo was firm at
krc, a gain of &c over yesterday's
final figures. Tho speculative demand o.
the July option showed some increase. At
'ter ranging between SIVi and F2'c, that
month closed Vjfic higher nt S2c. Fears
of damngo to tho growing crop by the ex
treme cold weather wa: a factor In in
fluencing prices of that delivery.
The corn market was intlucuccd mainly
bv tho nctlon of wheat. The closo In spec
ulative trading was firm, with May nt
40c. The opening was 11 shade lowed to
ji shade, higher at 49 to 49c, and prices
ranged between 49 and 49c.
Oats followed other grains, fluctuating
within a nnrrow range and closing about
unchanged from yeHtorday. May opuned
unchanged to Vc lower at 42 to 42c. cold
between 41f41c and 42c, closing at
42c. locnl receipts were S7 earn.
Liquidation of lard by tho leading bull
Interesta was In forco In the provision pit
early In tho day and tho whole list weak
oued In consequence. Iater, however, tho
market recovered most of the loss on a
scattered commission housu demand
brought out to a considerable extent by
flrjineea In iruln prices. The close was
Prices Materially Reduced
on Local fiflarket.
Fine Grades of lhs Fruit In
Big Lots.
Good Business in Fish Demand for
Poultry Moderate Cold
Tightens Eggs.
Wholesale merchants wielded their
knives on oranges yesterday, cutting prices
on tho Juicy fruit from 50 cents to ?1 a
crate. There arc large quantities of
oranges, mainly of very fine quality, on
the local market, and the drop In prices Is
attributed to the fact that many houses
arc overstocked.
There was good business In fish yester
day and the supply was equal to tho de
mand. The demand for poultry continues
moderate and the mcrchnnts are still rely
ing upon the local supply.
Eggs are a little tighter, on account of
tho cold snap, but a few days of sunshine
will so Increaso the homo supply that the
regular spring reductions In price will
shortly ensue.
Hay, Grain and Straw.
Oat straw, per balo .203 .23
Alfalfa 11.03 -
Tlmothp, per ton, baled 3.4. OO 14. 50
Wheat, per bushel SWt .90
Corn, per cwt 1.25 1.30
Corn, cracked 1. 30$ 1.33
Oats 1.35'? 1.10
Rolled oats 1.450 l.M
Barley, wholo 1.1501.25
Flour, bakers' No. 1 1.90ft 2.00
Flour, straight grade 2.000 2.10
Flour, high patent 2.30
Graham flour 2.10
Cornmeal 1.80
Bran 1.000 1,10
Dressed beef, per pound .05 0.07
Dressed pork, per pound .07
Dressed veal, per pound .OS
Dressed mutton, per pound O3V0.CG
Dressed lamb, per pound .... .07V
Dressed hens, per pound ...5 .15
Dressed turkeys, per pound .23
Ducks, per pound 17
Springs 17
Live poultry, hens, per pound 12
Live spring chickens 1G
Santa Paula lemons, per box. $2 Iftq I CO
California oranges, per box 1.500 2. EO
Lemons, per box 4.000 5 00
Utah apples, per bushel 3-250 LEO
Oregon apples, per box l.Gfl
Figs and dates Bs, Sc. 10c
Vegetables. j
Winter potatoes, per cwt $ 3.25
Utah onions 2.00
Utah celery, per dozen $001.00
California sweet potatoes, per
pound O30.O3'
Cabbages, per 100 3.50
Cauliflower .12V4,
Dairy Products.
Butler, por pound 5 .20
Cheese, per pound .12'i
Eggs, per case 9.000 9.50
Fancy cheese, per pound .... .13&
Comb honey, per crnto 3.00
Strained honey, per pound.... .07
Swcitzer cheese, per pound.... .IS
Fresh Fish.
Slcelhcad salmon, per pound $ .31
Halibut, per pound 13
Striped bass, iper pound 15
Shad, per pound 10
Mountain trout, per pound 253". 30
Soles, per pound .09
Flounders, per pound 09
California smelts, per pound 12
Codfish, per pound 13
Catfish, per pound 12
Perch, per pound 10
Lobsters, per pound .15
Now York oysters (counts), per
100 1-G0
Utah carp and mullet Mr,
Perch 12
Sea bass 12
Crabs, per dozen 3.00
steady, with May pork unchanged at
513.32. May lard was down 5c at $7.12
Ribs were oft 2,c at 50.70fifi.72Vt
Estimated receipts for tomorrow.
Wheat. 30 cars; corn, 225 cars; oats, 7
cars; hogs, 33.0CO head.
Articles. Open. High. Low. Close.
Wheat, No. 2
May S9 mi S9 R74
July' S2 R2Vj Sl S2
September 77 77 77 77
Corn, No. 2
January I". 4o?i 40 40
May AU j!9 49 49?f,
July i' -1S 47& 48
Oats, No. 2
January 3S1
Mnv 42 42 4PJi 42
July 37 37 37 37V
September 32 32-4 32ft 32
Mess Pork
January .... 13.20
May .v 13.35 13.37. 13.27 33.32
January 7.25
May 7.37 7.45 7.42 7.42
Julv 7.40 7.15 7.40 7.15
Short Ribs
January 6.42 0.47 G.42 0.45
May 0.70 G.75 G.70 G.72
July G.SO 0.85 6.80 G.S2
Cash quotations were an follows: Flour,
quiet and steady; No. 3 spring wheat. S30
S5c; No. 2 red, SSTj92c. No. 2 corn, 47c;
No. 2 yellow, 4Sc; No. 2 oats, SS.-Wie;
No. 3 white, 39V'i012c: No. 2 rye, 5Gc;
good feeding barley, 3S039c; fair to choice
malting. 45007c; No. 1 llax seed. $1.30; No.
1 Northwestern, ?1.17. prlmo timothy
seed, 53.25: mcs pork, per barrel. 513.250
13.27-; lard, per 100 pounds. S7 2207.25:
short ribs sides (loose), 5.37I0.10; short
clear sides (boxed), 5G.S7f(7.C-0: whlnky,
basis of high wlnos, $1.27; clover, coutract
grade, $11.25.
Articles, Reps. Ships.
Flour, barrels lO.'TOO 25,200
Wheat, bushels 27,000 31.70;
Corn, bushels 195,200 1C1.700
Oats, bushels 209.3CO 91,800
Ryo, bushels E.2C0 S.C00
Barley, bushels 50,100 31,500
On tho produce exchango todnv tho but
ter market was steady; creameries, 1502'ic;
dairies, 13019c: eggs, 2Sfi31e; cheese,
steady, 100'10o.
Live Stock.
Chicago. Jan. 25 Cattle Receipts,
lfi.OOO; steady to lower; good to prime
steers. 54.9503.GO; poor to medium, 51.000
4.75; stockcrs and feeders, $2.4001.10; cows,
51X004.10; heifers. $2.0004.00; canners, 51.00
C2.40; bulls. $3.3304.35; calves. J3.50fZ7.12V4.
Hogs Receipts today, 40.000: tomorrow,
30.000; Gtcady Cc lower; mixed and butch
ers, $1.6005.10. good to choice heavy, $5.03
tf?S.75: rough heavy, $4.85ft"5.00; light. $4.C0
01.95; bulk of sales, $1,SG5.00. Sheop
Receipts, 20,000; sheep and lambs, steady;
good to choice- wethers. $4.2O0.C5; fair to
cholco mixed, $3.S574.20; Western sheep,
51 OOfiS.10; native lambs, $I.G0g.15; West
ern lambs, fl.153C.35,
Kansas City. Mo., Jan. 2S. Cattle Re
ceipts, 11,000; lower; natlvo steers. (Z.GOSV
4.60. natlvo cows and heifers, 52.25fc3,G0;
stockcrs and feeders. 52 0OS3.80; bulls, 52.25
3.30; calves. 52.75SG.15; Western steers,
J3.50G4.25; Western cows, 51.50g3.25.
I logs Receipts, 10,000; lower; bulk of
sales. 51,7504.95; heavy, 54.S5'0o,C6; pack
ers. 54.SO0I.93, plga and lights, 54.250 4.90.
Sheep Receipts, 4000; lower; muttons,
$3.5004.60; lambs, $-1,5015.75; range weth
ers, $3.2501.25; ewes, 52.50g3.90.
Omaha, Jan. 2S. Cattle Receipts, MOO"
market slow, 30c lower; native steers, 53.50
03.20; cows and heifers, $2 601x3.85; can
ners, 53.5OS2.50; stockcrs and feeders, 52.75
04.10; calves. JXOOffS.uO; bulls, stags, etc,
$2.5003 90.
1-Togs Receipts, GOdO; market 5c lower,
heavy, 51.7504.90; mixed. $1.7504.80; light,
$1.5004. 75; pigs, 53.7504.10; bulk of sales,
Sheep Receipts, G5O0; market dull, 10c
lower; Westerns, $4.4005.00; wethers. 54 00
01.40; ewes, 53.CK;01.9O; common and stock
crs, 52.501(3 Go; lambs, $4.vO05.75.
St. Joseph. Jan. 23 Cattle Receipts,
24(0; steady to lower; natives. $3.4055.25:
cows and heifers, $2.0001.25; stockcrs and
feeders. $2.7504.15.
Hogs Receipts, S700; 507c lower; light,
SI.G204.9O; medium and heavy, 5li50
Sheen Receipts, 2500; steady to 10c low
er; lambs, $j,S5; wethers, $1.50; ewes, $4.00.
Treasury Statement.
Washington, Jan. 23. Today's statement
of the treasury balances In the general
fund, exclusive of the $ltO,000.000 gold re
serve In the division of redemption, shows:
Available cash balance, $220,962,272: gold,
Butter and Eggs.
New York, Jan. 2$. Butter Quiet;
creamery. 15I22c: State dairy. 14039c.
Eggs Firm; Western, 3G039c.
Coast Grain.
San Francisco, Jan. 2S. Wheat Firmer;
May, $1,373-.
Barley Firmer; May, $1.03.
1 St. Louis Wool Market.
St. Louis, Jan 2S Wool nominal; me
dium grades, combing and clothing, 17
21c; light fine, 15-517e: heavy line, 120
llc; tub washed, 2O03Oc. (
New York Sugar Market.
New York, Jan. 2S. Sugar Raw, nomi
nal; fair refining. 2c; centrifugal, .96
test, 3 5-103Jl-32c; molasses sugar, 2 9-1G
02c; refined Is quiet, crushed, 5.10c; pow
dered, 4.50c; granulated, 4 40c,
Uric acid. Phosphates and Oxalate of
Lime deposits are cured by Oregon Kidney
Tea, ,
Not How Cheap But How Good.
Blue Point Pcrfectos,
Utah's Favorite Cigar.
The State Bank of Utah
Corner Main and South Templo Sts.,
Salt Lake City.
XOSEPH F. SMITH. President.
HENRY T. M'EWAN. Asat. Cashier.
Accounts Solicited. Special attention to
country trade. Correspondence Invited,
CAPITAL PAID IN, 5200.000,
General banking in all Its branohes.
Directors J. B. Cosgrlff, John J. Daly,
O. J- Ballnbury, Moylan C. For, J.
CoagTlff, W. P. Noble, Gcorgo M. Downey,
John W. Donncllan. A. F. Iiolden.
Bait Lake City, Utah.
Established 1S52.
The Oldest and Strongest Bank tn Utah..
Surplus V..$18,ao,81Z40
Undivided Profits I
Transacts a general banking IwMlneir,
dom;tIa ond forolnn.
Direct connections with banks In aU
principal cities of tho world.
DrsJfti. ) en H
Letter of Credit, prominent
Telegraphic Transfers. J eltlen.
Deposlta received subject to check.
H. L. MILLER. CaobJar.
H. P. CLARK, Asst. dtehler.
G. DUN & CO.,
The Mercantile Agency,
GEORGE RUST. General Manager,
Utah. Idaho and,. Wyoming,
Office In Progress bldg.. Salt L.nx City
CAPITAL FULLY PAID, $200,000.00.
.EfiUbJluhcd 1SS9. Incorporated 1903,
Transact a Ooneral Banking Bualncsa.
Salt Lalco City. Utoii.
Capital, 5500,000. Surplus, $250,000
President. VIce-ProsldenL
Cashlor. Asst. Cashier.
Saie doposlt boxes for rent.
FRANK KNOX Prealdont
JAMES A. MURRAY.. ..Vice-President
W. F. ADAMS , Cashier
Banking in all Kb branches transacted..
Exchange drawn on tho principal cltlea
of Europe.
Bait Lako City, Utah.
M. S. HANAUEK, Manatee
Removed to 1C2 South W. Temple.
will receive prompt attention. Analytical
Kvorlt a Bpeclalty. Send for prloo Uat.
f W "W, Srd South, Salt Idtfc Cltyj
New York Stocks, 1
j Bonds, Grain ' j
I and Provisions, j
: Stocks bought and sold on margin !
n or for cash,
H Continuous quotations direct from
m New York Stock Exchange. I
m We have a Hpeclal department for n
j buying and selling fetocks and bonds n
I for cah. which enables un to glvo
I best of satisfaction to bankers as H
a well ae individual Investors. nj
1 C. V. CUMMINGS. Manager. B
S Rooms 211-212 D. F. "Walker Block. K
I I II Ilil III I I.I II Mil II il HU'TVy?
Cheese, Butter, Tobacco,
Rice, Meat Sale.
13 bars Diamond C "White Russian
Soap .50
Buttermilk, per gal 3!
Beat Creamery Butter 21
Pumpkin, per can 30
Twin Bros. Mush, 3 packages 25
5-lb. packages premium Wheat Flakes,
worth 30c 37
40c Navel Oranges SO
Good Lemons, per doz..., 10
7 pounds good Coffee 1.00
Dunham's 1-lb. pkg. Cocoanut 29
fi lb9. Prunes, for 25
Ben Davis Apples, per box 1.25
COc Tea 33
Cranberries, per quart 10
3 Oxford Flakes 25
3 1-lb. packages Raisins 25
Gallon can Best Sorghum 59
50-pound can 4. SO
10-pound can 1.05
C-pound can Co
3-pound can .35
2 pounds Limbergcr Cheese -2S
Good Table Butter 20
Ammonia, per bottle 09
2 Bottles Pickles 19
11 bars Beat-'Em-All Soap B0
I caps good Tablo Peaches 25
C 1-pound packages good Starch 25
Picnic Hams, per pound 10
3 cans Peas 25
3 pounds best Gloss Starch .20
Macaroni, per pound 10
High Patent Flour, per cwt 2.30
Straight Grado 2.10
Bakers' No. 1 2.00
2 boxes Cocoa , 19
3 cans Good Salmon 25
fi-pound box Crackers i -10
Horse Shoo Tobacco, per lb 42
3 lbs Best Cream Cheese 50
5 lbs. Good Rico 25
Best Swiss Cheeso 25
"Warranted Baking Powder, 2 lbs. for .25
Cooking Eggs, per doz.... 20
2 pounds Comb Honey 25
Good Vinegar, per gallon 35
'Phone 1-US-Z.
I V 1 Hll ' LY. If you axo oexcual
sitl HO I ly weak, no nxattoi
1 I 1 I WM I from what cause; unde
nit B HI ft 11 veloped; havo stricture,
mSasssmMBSmm varicocele, eta, MY
PERFECT APPLIANCE will euro you.
No drugs or olectiiolty; 73,000 curod and
flevelopod. 10 DAYS' TRIAL. Send for
free booklet. Sent sealed. Guaranteed.
Wrlto today, a, 9. Emmet. ES3 Tabor
Block. Denver, Colo,
I Progress j
B H. WARD, Prop. I
l Tel. 797. 1
3 139 W. Second South.
City Pouudkeeper's Sale.
Notlco is hereby given to the owner or
owners of the animals hereinafter de
scribed, and to whomsoever It may con
cern: That there aro impounded at the
present time. In the city pound, the fol
lowing described animals:
One red and brindle. streaked with
white, cow. about l years old. branded
H II on right rump, I X on top left flank,
big U upside down on left sldo with
bar under it, end of right car cut off, left
ear quarter cut under three notches.
Also ono Jersey heifer about 3 years
Also ono Jersey steer about 38 months
old. all with samo brands.
If said animals aro not claimed and all
amounts due thereon paid, and said ani
mals taken away within ten (10) days
from tho dato of the first publication of
this notice, they will be Bold by tho city
poundkeeper, at public sale, at 30th So.
and 8th East. February 8, 3901, in this city,
at tho hour of 2 p. m., to tho highest bid
der. C. II. GATES,
Date of first publication, Jan. 23, 1904.
The annual meeting of tho stockholders
of the Edison Electric company will be
held at tho office of said company, In
the Beckwlth banking building, In tho city
of Evanston, State of Wyoming, on tha
fourth Thursday of tho month of Fohru
ary, 3904, at the hour of 12 o'clock m., for
the purpose of electing trustees to hold
otllco for the year next ensuing, and until
their successors shall have beon olected,
and to consider and act-upon such other
matters, when lawful, as may be pre
sented. "WM. R. STAATS.
Secretary of tho Edison Electric Co.
Dated January 2. 350J.
California Mining and Milling company,
of Nevada.
Principal place of business In Nevada,
Elko, Elko county. Nevada: principal
placo of business In Utah, 221 South West
Temple street. Salt Lake City. Utah. Lo
cation of mines, Uintah Mining District,
Summit county, Utah.
Notlco Is hereby given that at a meet
ing of the board of trustees of sold cor
poration, duly held on tho 2Sth day of
December. 1903, an assessment, (No. 6)
of eight (S) cents per share was levied
upon tho capital stock of this corpora
tion, payable Immediately to H. G. Flsh
or, assistant secretary, at the offico of
tho "Western Exploration company, the
ofllce of this company, No. 221 South
West Templo street, Salt Lako City,
Any and all stock on which this as
sessment remains unpaid on Saturday,
the 39th day of January, 1WM. at 12 o'clock
noon, will be delinquent and advertised
for sale, and If tho assessment Is not
sooner paid, together with the costs of
advertising, so much of each parcel of
stock as shull be necessary to pay aald
assessment and all costs of , advertising
and sale will bo sold at public auction
nt tho said office of tho company on
Saturday, tho 27th day of February, 1901,
nt 3 o'clock p. m.
By order of tho board of trustees,
"W. I. SNYDER, Secretary.
Consult County Clerk or tho respecUv
flgnors ,'or further Information.
bato division, In and for Salt Lako coun
ty. State of Utah.
In the matter1 of the estate of Edward
Lambert, deceased., Notice.
Tho petition of Elizabeth Bartlctt Lam
bert and Wm. H. Halgh, executors of
the estate of Edward Lambert, deceased,
praying for an order to sell the follow
ing described personal property of said
decedent, to wit:
2', tons of lucerne hay, 2 horses. 2 cows,
1 buggy, 1 wagon and hay rack. 2 aetH
of harness, 1 mowing machine -W chick
ens, IS shares of common stock In the
Utah Sugar stock, cert. 11, 18 shares of
preferred stock of the Utah Sugar stock,
cert 303, has been set for hearing on Fri
day, tho 5th day of February, A. D. 1901,
at ten o'clock a. m.. at tho county court
house, In the courtroom of said court.
In Salt l.ake City, Salt Lake county,
"Witness the clerk of said court, with
the seal thereof affixed, this 23rd day of
January, A. D. 1904.
(Seal) JOHN JAMES. Clerk.
By David B. Davles. Deputy Clerk.
David M. Halgh. Attorney.
bate division, in and for Salt Lake coun
ty, Stato of Utah. In the matter of th
estate of Joe MtncInlB deceased. Notice.
The petition of Charles Bonettl, praying
for the Issuance to himself of letters of
ndrnlnlstratlon In tho estate of Joe Man
clnl! deceased, has boon set for hearing on
Friday, the 6th day of February, A. D.
1JKM, at 10 o'clock a. m at tho county
courthouse, In the courtroom of said court,
In Salt Lako City, Salt Lako county,
Witness the clerk of said court, with tho
seal thereof affixed, this 21st day of Janu
ary, A. D. 190-1. JOHN JAMES.
Seal Clerk.
By David B. Davles, Deputy Clerk.
A. J. Weber, Attorney for Petitioner.
bato division, in and for Salt Lake coun
ty, State of Utah. In the matter of the
estate of Jens P. Mortenscn, deceased.
Tho petition of Edward R. Mortenscn,
administrator of tho estate of Jens P.
Mortenscn, deceased, praying for the set
tlement of final account of said adminis
trator and for the distribution of the resl
duo of said estate to tho persons entitled,
has been set for hearing on Frrday, tho
5th day of February, A. D. 390-1, at 30
o'clock a. m.. at the county courthouse,
In tho courtroom of said court. In Salt
Lake City, Salt Lake county, Utah.
Witness the clerk of said court, with the
seal thereof affixed, this 21st dav of Janu
ary. A. D. 1MU JOHN JAMES,
Seal. Clerk.
By David B. Davles, Deputy Clerk.
holders of the Keith-O'Brien Company.
Notice 1b hereby given that a. special
meeting of tho stockholders of tho Kolth
O'Brlon company, a corporation organized
and existing under tho laws of the Stato
of Utah, will be held at the offico of said
company. No. 100 David Keith building.
Salt Lako City, Utah, on tho 35th day of
February. 190-!. at 2 o'clock p. rh., for tho
purpose of amending tho artlclos of In
corporation of sutd Keith-O'Brien com
pany, the proposed amendment of the ar
ticles of Incorporation of said Koith
O'Brlen company being to change article
Ifi of said articles of Incorporation so the
samo Bhall read as follows:
That whenever the said corporation Is
lndobteu In nn amount exceeding 10 per
cent of tho amount of tho outstanding
capital stock of said corporation, the board
of directors shall havo the power and au
thority for the purposo of paying said In
debtedness, to levy and collect an assess
ment upon the outstanding capital stock
of said corporation In an amount suffi
cient to pay said Indebtedness but not to
exceed 50 por cent of the outstanding cap
ital stock, and shall have the power and
authority to levy and collect such other
assessments upon tho capital stock of said
corporation as arc authorized bv statute,
but only ono assessment exceeding tho
amount authorized by statute shall be
levied by the directors of said corporation
To the ta:tcnt heroin mentioned tho capi
tal stock of this corporation Is hereby de
clared to be assessable.
J. X. FERGUSON, Secretary.
Dated January 2?. 19W.
Notice of a Special Meeting of the St.
Louis-Vassar Mining1 & Milling
Company, a Corporation, Organized
Under the Laws of the State of
Salt Lake City. Utah, Jan. 36. 390-1.
Notice is hereby given that thcro will
be a special meeting of the stockholders
of tho St. Louls-Vussar Mining nnd Mill
ing company had and held on the second
day of February, 1904, at 3 o'clock p. m.,
at room No, 10, Walker Bank building;
corner Second South and Main streets.
Salt Lako City, Utah, the above-named
placo being the general offico of said cor
poration. This notlco is given and said meeting
called by tho undersigned stockholders of
said corporation, who aro the owners and
holders of moro than two - thirds of
the outstandlrs capital stock of said cor
poration. Said meeting Is called by the
undersigned stockholders for tho reason
that thcro Is no secretary of said cor
poration and for tho further reason that
tho president of said corporation refuses
to make such call. Said meeting Is called
and will bo had and held for tho follow
ing purposes and for tho transaction of
tho following business:
First To removo all of tho present di
rectors and officers of said corporation
and all directors and officers thereof who
may be or claim to be such officers and
directors at tho dato and time of holding
such meeting, and to elect upon such re
moval of such directors and officers,
other directors and officers to fill the va
cancies caused by such removal and all
other vacancies existing at that tlmo
for any reason.
Second To authorize and empower the
board of directors of said corporation to
levy an assessment of not exceeding two
cents por sharo on each and every sharo
of the outstanding capital stock of said
corporation and to glvo consent to the
Signed M. A. Hughe?, S. V. Shclp, Rob
ert GorllnskI, Ezra Thompson. W, S. Oak
ley. Henry Newell, M. H. Walker, J.
Frank Judge, J. C, Lynch. E. 11. Gorlln
skl, James A. Miner. Harriet L. Miner,
Charles A. Walker, J. R. "Walker, L. H.
Farnsworth, Wllford Van Wagenen, John
Austin. W. S. Willis. J. C. Jensen, Jo
seph R. Murdock, H. T. Coleman, Sam
uel Hair, Jr., Charles Buhler, Fred W.
Hayt. F. II. Officer.
It Is very Important that you attend this
meeting. I you cannot attend, send
First pub! "cation Jan. 39, 1S0I. r!450
on Monday, tho Sth day of February, 1904,
at 30 o'clock a. m., at tho ofllco of the
Venus Gold Mining compnny, at Room 28,
Eagle block, routheast corner of Second
South and WeHt Templo streets. Salt Lako
City. Utah, a special meeting of tho stock
holders of tho said company will bo held
for tho purpose ot considering the follow
ing amendments to the articles of incor
poration, to wit:
Article IX. amended to read as follows:
By striking out the word "seven" In tho
first lino of said article and Int. 'ting in
lieu thereof tho word "five." i. as to
make the lust sentenco of said Artlolo IX
to read as follows:
Tho officers of this corporation glial!
consist of a board of rtyo (5) directors, a
president, a vice-president, a secretary
and a treasurer."
Article X. amended to read as follows:
"It shall require at least three (3) direc
tors to constituto a Quorum 0f tho board
of directors authorized to transact tho
business and oxcrciso tho corporato pow
ers of tills corporation."
This stockholders' meeting la called by
the presldont and 3ecrotury of tho said
VonuH Gold Mining company, this llth day
of January, 19(M. C. L. ELDRED,
Flrot publication In Salt Lako Dally
Tribune, January 16, 1$W
iS?HB-ul CoynlX. a?rk - tn respectlvo i I
signers for further Information. 1
P,atocP'v,alo,nv'n Jnd for Salt Lako coun- '
t , Stato of Utah. In tho matter of tho
cstato and guardianship of Henry L. I
Chrlstcnsen and Clarcn Chrlstenson. ml- f
nors. Notice. (
The petition of Slno P. Solomon, tho H
guardian of tho person and eatatc of H
Henry L. Chrlstonscn and Claren Chris- 1 1
tensen. minors, for confirmation of sale of , , MM
the following described real estate, to- 1
The south half (&) of the northeast one- H
fourth (VS) of the northeast one-half (W ot 1
section thirty-five (35), township one (1)
south rango two (2) west, of Salt Lake l
meridian, containing twenty (20) acres, to- '
gether with all Improvements thereon, mm
and twenty (20) shares of stocks of th 1
Utah and Salt Lako Canal company, all Imw
situated In Salt Lako county. State of I 11
Utah, for tho sum of J3500.00, and upon
tho following terms, to-wlt: Cash upon mm
confirmation, as appears from tho return ;
of sale, tiled In this court, has been set 'Tl
for hearing on Friday, tho 5lh day of Feb- MM
ruary. A. D. 3901. at 30 o'clock a. m. at the . mm
county courthouse. In the courtroom of
said court. In Salt Lake. City. Salt Lake WM
county, Utah. mm
Witness, tho clerk of said court, with
the seal thereof affixed, this 25th day of mm
January, A. D. 3901. Mm
(Seal.) JOHN JAMES. Clerk. H
By David B. Davles, Deputy Clerk.
Kinney & Chrlstcnsen, Attorneys for
Guardian. JU
division, in and for Salt Lake county,
Stato of Utah. In tho matter of the cs-
tato of James Thompson, .deceased. No- MM
tlcc. , MM
Tho potltlon of Frank Thompson, execu-
tor of the estate of James Thompson, dc- MM
ceased, for confirmation, of tho sale of tho , MM
following-described real cstato of said dc- MM
cedent, to wit: Part of lot I, block 37, MM
plat "A." Ogden City survey, commencing MM
at a point 30 rods west of tho southeast 1 1 mM
corner of .said lot, and running thence west
59 feet; thenco north S rods; thence cast
59 feet; thence south S rods to tho placo . mwt
of beginning, situated In Weber county. tmm
State of Utah, for the sum of $500.00, and MM
upon the following terms, to wit: Cash
upon confirmation, ao appears from tn I
return of oalo filed In this court, has been mM
set for hearing on Friday, the 29th day of
January, A. D 1KM, at 30 o'clock a. m., at IH
tho county courthouse, In tho courtroom MM
of said court. In Salt Lake City, Salt Lako mM
county. Utah.
Witness tho Clerk of said court, with
tho seal thereof affixed, this 18th day of mMM
January, A. D. 3901.
Seal. JOHN JAMES. Clerk.
By David B, Davles. Deputy Clerk. mW
Stophena & Smith. Attorneys.
bate division, In and for Salt Lako Coun- MM
ty, State of Utah. In tho matter of the MM
estato of David Whytc, deceased. No- MM
ticc. mm
Tho petition of Mary J. Whyte. praying
for the Issuance to herself of letters of
administration In tho estato of David I MM
Whyte, deceased, has been sot for hearing mW
on Friday, the 32th day of Februao'c A.
D. 1904, nt 10 o'clock a. m., at the County mWJ
courthouse, in the courtroom of said
court. In Salt Lako City, Salt Lake coun- j fmm
ty. Utah. 11
Witness tho Clerk of said court, with IH
the seal thereof affixed, this 27th day of imm
January, A. D. 1904. JOHN JAMES. 1 mm
(Seal.) Clerk. t I
By David B. Davles, Deputy Clerk. mM
S. McDowall, Attorney for Petitioner. j I IIH
Joe Bowers Mining company, principal
place of business at Salt Lake City. Utah.
Notice la hereby given that at a meet
Ing of tho directors, held on the 23rd day
of January, 1901, an assessment of one- IH
half (.Y-) cont per share (being assessment
No. 10) was duly levied on the capital
stock of the corporation, payable lmme ' WM
dlaf'y to R T. Burton, Jr., secretary of h mmm
company, at the office of the corn- ' mm
pany, room No. 225 D. F. Walker build- MWM
ing, Salt Lako City. Utah mWM
Any stock upon which this assessment I mWM
may remain unpaid on tho 1st day (if J mm
March. 191, will be delinquent and ad- c
vrtiscd for salo at public auction, and I Mmm
unless payment Is mado before, will be j 1mWM
sold -on the 26th day of March, 1904, U mMM
pay the delinquent assessment, together j tWM
with the cost of advertising and expense 'i ll
of sale. R. T. BURTON. JR.. mWM
Secretary. JMWM
Pjom No. 225 D. F. Walkor Building mWM
Salt Lake City, Utah. r20!2 MWM
Tho annual meeting of tho stockholders ' n
of the Venus Gold Mining company will bi lH
held at the office of the company, Room 23. IH
Eagle block, at the southeast corner of lll
Second South and West Temple streets, In ll
Salt Lake City, Utah, on Monday, the Sth IIH
day of February, 1904. at 4 o'clock p. m.. 'IH
for the purposo of electing directors of the "1
said company for tho ensuing year, and for W MWM
tho transaction of such other business as MWM
may properly come before the meeting. I IH
GEORGE CANDISH, Secretary. 1 mWM
Salt Lako City. Utah. January 30, 1904. j 'MM
St. Louls-Vassar Mining and Milling j jH
company, a corporation organized under !
the laws of tho Stale of Utah. Location 1
of principal placo of business, Salt Lake I JMWM
City. Utah. f mWM
Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting i mmm
of tho board of directors of said corpora- 3
tlon held on the thirty-first (213t) dav of MMM
December, 1903, an assessment of two (2) 1 lH
cents per share was levied upon the cnpl- B IH
tal stock of tho corporation, payable Im- ? MMM
mediately to W. E. Lako, secretary, at the I fMMi
banking liouso of Walker Bros., bankers. MWM
Salt Lake City. Utah, and that any stock ' Mmm
Soon which thl3 assessment remains un I mmm
naid on the first '.1st) day of February, mmm
1901 will be delinquent and advertised for Mmm
sale at public auction, and unless payment it IH
It made before, will bo sold on the eight- i ( mWl
eenth (lSth) day of February. 3901. to pay l mW
tho delinquent assessment, togothor with IH
cost oi advertising and expense of sale. 1 Mmm
Tho said assessment Is levied by order ' IH
of tho stockholders holding and represent- . IH
ing moro than two-thirds of tho capital 1
stock. W. E. LAKE. Secretary. jf MUM
Godlva Mining company, principal placet
of business room No. 310 Whfttngham MWMm
block, West First South street. Salt Lako
City. Utah.
Notlco Is hereby given that at a mcot- i
Ing of the directors of tho Godlva Ml- I IH
nlng company, held on the 2Cth day of IH
Januarv, IGOl, an assessment of one dollar H
per sha'ro was levied on tho capital stocK mmm
of the corporation, payable on or be- B
foro the 29th day of February, 1904, to J. JMWMy
E Berkley, secretary of tho company, at I 'fimmm
room No. 310 In the Whltlngham block, on ' MWMM
West First South street, In Salt Lakh
City, Utah. Any stock upon which this MWU
assessment may remain unpaid on thw i
1st dav of March, 1904. will be delinquent MWMM
and advertized for sale at public auction. ) IH
and. unless payment Is made before, will IH
be sold on tho 19th day of March. 1904. to
pay the delinquent assessment, togetnei IIJH
with tho cost of advortlslng and oxpcnsb 11 IH
of sale J- E. BERKLEY, MMM
Secretary. m
Room 310 Whltlngham Block, West First ,
South Street. Salt Lako City. Utah. r21PS I , MM
Lake County. State of Utah . MEmWM
Aromlntlo Walsh, plaintiff, vs. John T. fH
Walsh, defendant. Summons. ,1 mWMW
The Stato of Utah to tho said defend- IB
a,you are hereby summoned to appear '
within twenty days after the service of Vmmm
this summons upon you, If served with- VmM
in tho covnty In which this action Is
brought, otherwise within thirty days (
after service, and defend the above en- mmm
titled actlcn; and In caso of your fall- mWMW
urc so to do, judgment will bo rendered mmm
against you according to tho demand of
the complaint, of which a copy Is here- ,
with served upon you. TrlrT
Plaintiff's Attorney. IH
P. O address: Room 10 Eagle Block. IH
7G West 2nd South Street, Salt Lake City. , MWMm

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