Newspaper Page Text
H; ' $ fHE SAIr.LAKB TRIBTOTB: FRIDAY MOKJQsG, J.A2TCJARY 29, 1904. J I IN THE WORLD OP SPORT I THEY BEAT THE BOSS i Big Gambler Is Whip-Sawed . by Little Ones. ! ' J 1 NEW WAY TO PLAY RACES I ! 1 A Padlroom Magnate Makes Theusands far Others, i i i Unique Scheme Worked by Clerks of a Bookmaker In a Conspiracy to Rob Their Employer. i Sow York, Jan. 2S. A-ftur havlnj? boen Iob-i1 several day?, n number of pool ifoms here controlled by :i bookmaker who Is credited with lia.Yins: won nearly St .000,000 on the racetracks last season reopened. "Yhon the places woro rlcseil It was said to be due to Use raise In nrlcc by the telcjrrnph company for raclnir rfMills, but, according- to the Jlor a d, the true reason wtw that the pro prietor discovered a conspiracy among mployecN whereby more than ?0,()O had been paid out In five month:?. A new staff of men now run the rooms I, H Is understood that all wagrers made ' In each room were honestly recorded on ' raeh shoot by the conspirators, but on j! i ie. Hhoet would lo recorded wapern that wt-re not made. If the result of the race showed thf fraudulent wnjjers to le euc 1 cessful the aheet on which they were "'Corded wna turned Into the central of Ico of tho syndicate. If the result nf ":e. j-jco showed the fraudulent wager be looses tho honest sheet was turned Ut. Thus the dishonest employees stood i i no chance of loss, and almost every day , i hey were able to take thousands of dol lars from their employer. Tn other cases Hie results of races were held back by ! operators until wasers on the winner could i be recorded. The net result was that whllo the svn dicate was dolnp a great business, taking Iris from other rooms the proprietors of which did not enro to risk largo ''mounts, and announcing- lt willingness i to accept wagers of any size, the bank account showed steady depletion. When Hie head of the syndicate determined to bid out who was petting oil his money he went from one room to another, de voting a day to each, but the sheets in the one he visited invariably showed prof Its while others turned In balances on i (he wrong side. This convinced him that a conspiracy was In full operation, and detectives were put to work. Tho result was the closing of the rooms and the en tire reorganization, but there Is no re l course for the gamblers In the courts. (BIG JEFF AS A HERO. Stops a Runaway Horse and Saves a I Woman. I New York. Jan. 2S. Champion Heavy weight Jftmes Jeffrlen has distinguished I l.imerlf by stopping a runaway team In 1 Central park and saIng from probably f ( f-orlousi injury tho man and wifo who f t wr re being curried rapidly toward a nar- ' . row brldgo spanning a gorge through the 'Hive. A bit had broken between the laws of a spirited horse attached, with i a mate, to the sleigh. Trie animals hnd run somn distance, and were approach ing tho bridge at a rapidly Increasing speed when Jcfirios, approaching In a cab. hennl the woman's screams. Looking ahead, ho saw the runaways, and sprang , to the ground. He seized tho near horse I- S8L0NS ON A TOUR. I . Probing Into Affairs in Zion to Get i Pointers for the Junction City, j ' Councilmcn Page and Emmctt of. Ogden 1 wero in the capital yesterday, looking into ; Ihc system of bookkeeping uded by tho J City Recorder here, with the idea of hav- i ing the method adopted in the office at figdeii. The two Councilmcn have been k delegated a committee to mako Inquires j; along this line and report to the Cltv J Council. Hoth men are members of tho water works committee, and paid a visit to Su- porlntcndont l lines for the purpose of fa i miliarlzing themselves with the water , , system of this city. From the fact that I iho water system in Ogden is owned by e private corporation, the city has expe c rW-nced considerable trouble, , The city Is now considering tho qucs ' tion of buying th'e water system or put J ting In ona of its own. , There seems to bo a difficulty In agreo mg upon a price for that svstem. and for i J..!ut reason " nev' ytern may bo put in. , , Jhc Ogden "Water-works company is paid to be disinclined to lay out nnv money I in making urgently needed Improvements and consequently the citizens are the suf ' fvrers. If tho company does not come to I trrms and sell or makf the necessary Im 1 provemcntK, there is strony likelihood that , a new system will be Installed by tho ' j c!ty. The two Councilmcn were much j . impressed with the excellence of the bvo torn here. They returned to Ogden last 1 i night. I Beginners' class for ladies and gentle l men Mondays and Thursdays at 8 p. in. ut Lolselle's school for dancing, 115 East L First South St- I GOOD MAIN STREET DEAL. I ' John J.' Daly Secures a Good Lot, Al most Opposite the New Fed k crnl Building. I j The lirst transfer of. real estate on ilaln I ,1 street in several months was that made R yesterday when John J. Daly purchased a f . "Iccc of Property bo t ween Third and . , J-ourth South from Lillian U'nntland. The , property In question Is Just below tho St. i James hotel, nearly opposlto tho now I'ed- eral building, and Ih V: feot front by 101 feet det-p. The consideration was Sll.inX). k ' ov .(() per front foot. This properly- Is i ia!(1 ,tn cb'iper than that on Hast Third I South str.;et betvt-eu Muln and State I streets, llr. 3Jnly does not eorftemplatc I making any In provements, saving he merely made thtoVnl as an lm-eslment , , Learji to dance at Loi.stlle'H school U for dancing, nr. E.-ist First South St. , h j N"e-w clasj-es. Private Instructions. PPHf ' Twenty Rounds to a Draw. iiH 1 ' v-ri!ev0' ,CoI-, Jpn. 2S -Andy Walsh of iiH 5X?,!ti..?rh ?'Jl1 Jlm, J'"'-vn" of Pueblo llH v rouaht twenty sounds to a dra here to- by the head and was dragged along somo distance, but managed with his free hand to grip tho horse's nostrils, choking It quickly into submission. Tho woman in tho sleigh was slightly hurt, but Jeffries was uninjured. ROSS AND LEWIS TO MEET. Big Wrestlers Matched to Grapple in Zion. In a hard-lought wroclllng match pulled oft last "Wednesday evening at Baker City, Or., Frank Lewis, the' cx-middlc-welght champion, who will appear hero on the night of February oth to wrestle Charlie Roi-s, the local king, easily demonstrated his superiority over WatkinB. the Austra lian champion, by putting him to tho mat twice in twelve minutes. Lewis entirely outclassed his opponent In science" and speed, nor was he lacking In strength. Ross Is undisturbed by these reports that loll of his rival's great victories. He m-ys they will only add to hin victory, for he is absolutely confident of winning. I For months ho has been working hard, so that ho Is now in tho best of condition, and ho hopos by this careful training to overcome the grand liandlcap in weight Lewis will have over htm Thoy are nlgned to wrestle best two out of three falls, no hold burred, for a $100 side lr;t and gate receipts. LowIb has left Oregon and Is now on his way to Salt Lalce TTo wlJ prob ably arrive today. As a result of his recent matches ho will bo in the best of condition and only a little daily exorclao will be necessary to keep him In good shape. According to the northern papers, he foels confident of defeating Ross and will tako every precaution ot accomplish thla end. Rofs reports that he has arranged as a preliminary contest for the uamo night a wrestling match between Clarence Driggs. a local boy. and K. 1j. Pilling, a Canadian whirlwind. Tho contest is for tho amateur championship of Utah and will be governed by Police Gazette rules, two out of three falls being neceeearv to win. Payson Bowlers Beaten. TRIDUNIC SPECIAL.! Springvlllc. Jan. 2S. The bowling clubs of Payson and Sprlngvlllo had a contest of live games hero today. The Sprlng vlllo club was victorious by 392 points. Tho bowiorj and their rcspectlvo scores were: SPRTXGVILLE. Ihiymor.d . cv; Dallln 7 Eel) "733 Cook j J:. 734 . PAYSON". Bills " ", (9 llalluday , J.".!"gS0" Smith 03 one : '.'.'.'.in Another match game will bc.plavcd In the near future. j Opening Billiard Match. .CY Xork Jpn s- J- Do Mtinn Smith of St. Louis and Arthur Macotto. the Canadian champion, have been selected to play the opening billiard match of tno amateur championship tournament which begins next Monday night nt the Llcder lc.r.n.wz cly.b- Because of tho fnilurc of llllam P. Foss to enter, tho winner of tho tournament will becomo tho recog nised national amateur champion Broke the Track Record. Los Angeles, Jan. 2S.-Ocean Dream. Twyman s mare, won the free handicap at Ascot today, and lncldcntallv clipped lhree-qu.rters of a second off the track record for one mile. A crowd of MfO was n attendance, and tho form playoi-s hod Iho bettor of tho argument with tho books. Weather fine, track good. J Broke California Record. San Francisco Jan. 25. Double Six won the livo nnd a half furling race at Oak and today by a head from Sad Sam, and broke tho California record, covering lh distance In l-.05. This Is a half-accond off the previous mark. Sad Sam was u 1 tp 10 favorite and opened up a gap :.s usual. He tired somo In the final fur ong and Double Six. finishing strong, beat him a head. St. Wlnlfredc was third Josckcy Club was tho only faorito to win. SWUN6 ARSUND THE WfiRLD. Wanderings of Claude Benson,, a Xearns-St. Ann's Orphanage Boy Out to See the World. Claude Benson lias all the qualifications of a successful politician. Ho was found wandering in the vicinity of tho peniten tiary early yesterday afternoon and turned over to Officer "Williams, who brought him to the pqllco station. When questioned lie said that he lived near tho Bryant school. He had go"c homo with a playmate and lost his wav" A reporter who happened to be at the J-tatlon volunteered to take tho voung etcr home. From tho Bryant school he went to a llttlo houao. In the rear of the Illff church. Ills mother was found there and stated that he had boon in St. Ann's orphanage. Claude had a different story for his mother. Ho told her that he had been given permission to come up-town with a. larger boy, had become separated from his companion and had lost I1I3 way whllo trying to return to tho home. From tho orphanage it was learned that Claude ran away right nfter dinner. Ho had no company, and tho sisters did not know what had becomo of him until Ids capture wa3 reported from the police station. Tho New York Limited and Its New Equipment Gives New York passengers via St. Louis gateway the same travel luxuries for which the Pennsylvania limited has become famous. The New York limited, leaving: St. Louis- Union sta tion at 12;30 noon daily over Vandalia Pennsylvania Short Lines now consists of new library-smoking car, drawing room sleeping car, dining-car service and now observation compartment sleeping car with observation parlor The train Is electric lighted and runs Eolid to New York. Passengers reach Twenty-third street station, New York city, G o'clock p. m. next day. For par ticulars address Geo. T. Hull Dis trict Agent, 810 Seventeenth street, Den ver, Colo. A $2;000,000 BLAZE, Entire Block of Buildings iu Pro greso, Yucatan, Destroyed by Fire. Mexico City, Jan. 23.-Fhe at Piogreso, the chief port of Yucatan, Tuesdav night destroyed an entire square of business houses and public buildings, includinir tho market The loss is ,&v Tl u Wtt.j;, f"ceB were also consumod Tho public buildings were not insurT and t e oss on them Is 53..0(1). Fifteen tho land ales of hencquln were burned. The buT ouflT'K ",wh'cl. th 'he fi b roke out. Is half a mile from the wharves nnd fronts on the Alameda, the most beautl ful plaza in Progret-o, The Insumnc wm cover about one-half of the oases FORT WALLA WALLA. Senator Ankeny Will Fight Removal of Military Post to Boise City, Idaho. ITRIBCN'E SPECIAIl "Washington, Jan. 2S, Senator Fostor to day Introduced an amendment for Sonn tor Ankeny, which the latter proposes to push when the army appropriation bill comes before the Sonute, providing an ap propriation of fO.OW for tho construction of barracks at Fort Walla Walla, "Wash. Army ottlccrs have recommended that the soldiers now quartered at Fort Walla Walla be removed to BoIrc City, Ida., be causa of Inadequacy of accommodations at I Fort Walla Walla and thin proposed ' amendment Is to bo pressed by Washing ton Senators to prevent abandonment of I the army post at Walla Walla. 1 IN' HONOR OF JURISTS. President and Mrs. Roose velt Entertain at White j House. Washington, Jan 2S. Prwddent and Mit. Roosevelt entertained at dinner at the Whl'lo house tonight-In honor of the Su preme court. Covers wero laid for a large company of guealH. All the Justices of the Supremo court wero prencnt except Justice White, who was detained at homo by Injuries resulting from a fall while on his way from tho court lod.-vy. and Jus tice Brown, who had eyo trouble. The table, In horseshoe shn.po, was set In tho stale dining-room and presented an un usually handsome appearance. The Trosldont escorted Airs. Fullor to tho table and tho Chief Justice Airs. P.ooeovelt. Senator Mitchell was one of tho guests. IN HOUSE AND SENATE. Question of Right of President to Withhold Infor mation. 1 1 , Washington, Jan. 2S. The lime of the Senate today was devoted to debate rather than to set speeches on the altitude of the United States toward the Panama revolu tion There was a variation, however. In that the discussion also had reference to tho right of the President to withhold In formation called for by the Senate. The foundation of the controversy was tho Democratic caucus resolution calling on the President to stato whether he has vet supplied all tho papers In the archives bearing on the Panama affair. Tho debate was opened by Mr. Culbor son and was participated In bv Gorman and Bacon on the Democratic side of tho chamber and by Messrs. Cullom. Spooncr and Lodgo on the Republican side. Tho Democrats contended for the right of tho Scnato to demand Information In the pos session of the Executive bearing on treaties before the Senato, while the Re publicans spoko In defense of the discre tion of the President to withhold infor mation. The Senate agreed unanlmouslv to vote on tho resolution before adjournment to morrow, and at 5:11 p. m. adjourned. IN THE HOUSE. J Washington. Jan. 2S. The House for an hour today was entertained bv a speech of J. Adam Bedc. a Republican member from Minnesota, who made his maiden effort and won his spurs. His remarks were ropleto with wit and humor as well as serious thought. Good-natured colloquvs resulted from his thrusts at the Democratic party Mr Bedo appealed to the Democratic partv to disband, and extended them an Invitation to join the Republican ranks nnd make tho cloction of Mr Roo.-clt unnnlmous. A hon Invited by a member of tho ulnor ity to Join the Democratic ranks, ho in quired who their candidate would be, bu' 110 name was forthcoming. Mr. Van Duzer (Ne ) sought to secure consideration of a resolution calling on tho Secretary of War for Information as to what articles manufactured for tho de partment aro made by oonvlet labor Ob jection was mode to Its consideration on the ground that it was not a privileged resolution and was sustained. By agreement general debate on the ur gent deficiency bill was extended until 5 p. m. The House then went into committee cf the wholo and resumed consideration of the urgent dctlcienov bill. For Over Fifty Years. An old und well-tried remedy. Mrs, Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allaj-3 all pain, cures wind colic and- is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by drug gists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth ing Syrup. BIES AFTER BOXING. Charles Andette Went Five Rounds in a Detroit Saloon, and Then Expired. Detroit. Jan. 23. Charles Andette died tonight shortly after boxing five rounds with Thoxias Johnson In a saloon. It Is thought the exertion of lighting caused a bloodvessel In his head to burst. Johnson was arrested. Ben O'Grady, a Buffalo pugilist, is in a hospital and Noah Brueso lo iindor arrest as the result of a knockout tonight at the Detroit Athletic club. A blow to tho chin in the third round sent p'Grudv to the floor and he was taken In an ambulance to a hospital, where ho revived. MIDNIGHT BLAZE. Park School Building, One of the Largest in Portland, Totally Destroyed. Portland. Or., Jan. JS.-i-Tlic Parle street public school, the second most important public institution of learning In Portland, wna destroyed by lire tonight end about i00 children who wero enrolled at tho school will have to bo' cared for In other schools of the city pending hotter provi sion for their accommodation. As soon as It was certuln that the build ing could not be saved the firemen devoted their attention to saving the exhibit which thu pupils of tho schools were preparing for the eichlblt of the school children 01 Oregon for the St Louis exposition. In this thoy failed. Loss V),m. THAT LIBRARY BOARD (VI ay or and Council Have Made a Blunder. Judging, from the present status of things Mayor Morris seems to have made a blunder in his appolntmont of an entire now library iKiurd and tho Council to have gono equally wrong In confirming his ap pointments without ascertaining their legality, in the first place the atatutc clearly provides that tho mcmbcrn are to bo appointed tor three years and thrco each year. The nlno appointees of Mnyor Morris, according to hlH communication to tho Council, uro for "the ensuing two years.". In tho second place tbore is a grave question as to whothor any of th appointees can take office until after tho first of July. The statute provides that they shall assume their duties tho 1st day of July following their appolntnenl. Thrto of the members appointed, or re appointed, by Mayor Thompson in Oclo ber, 1KO, will not have to step out until next July, an their term or ofllcc, accord ing to tho law. was for three years from tho following July, In 1MI, There la also a question if Mayor Thompson's failure to appoint the directors of this board was not In the nature of a tacit reappointment of all of tho old dliectors. Tho matter is agitating the Mayor somewhat nnd he united the City Attorney for an opinion in regard .to the appointments. From tha fact' alono tlmt the appolnfjnonts wera mndfl for two years, when tho statute says three years, the appointments aro consid ered by somo to bo Invalid. Jigs,, reels, clog, hornpipe, skirt dance, buck nnd wing, cake walks taught by Loiselle, 115 East First South St. DEADLY TABLOIDS (Continued from Page 1.) Wright even intimate that he con templated suicide. STORY OF SOLICITOR. Ills- solicitor. George LwIe, Jr.. said the deceased nil olong implicitly believed that ho would be acquitted, or that, at the worst, he only contemplated a disa greement of the Jury. Even after his sentence, Wright showed only indigna tion. In talking: with Mr. Lewis, Mr. Eyre, one of his sureties, and Mr. Waters, the accountant of the London & Globe cor- I poration. Wright said: "I really think I am the most com posed of you all." As regards an appeal, Wright said he would do exactly as he was advised. Asked If someone had not better tele phone the verdict to Mrs. Wright, Wright said: "No; there is plenty of time for that." Taking out his watch and chain, Wright handed them to Mr. Eyre, Eay Jng: "I shall not have any use for this in that place," meaning the prison. "I give It to you. Eyre; keep it for mo." This was all that occurred. After Wright had taken the poison, holding a glass in his hand and still sip ping its contents, he said: HIS LAST CIGAR. "Waters, give me another cigar." Mr. Waters took up Wright's cigar case, which was lying on a table, nnd Wright deliberately cut the end off a cigar and struck a match. Just as he was going to light the cigar Wright flung tho match from him. Bank back unconscious and died without uttering another word. Tho doctor who was culled in to at tend Wright said ho had not detected any smell or sign indicating poison, but the official analyst. Dr. Freyburger, who conducted tho post-mortem examination, testified that from every organ of the body exuded the peculiarly penetrating smell of pms9lc acid and that there was not the slightest doubt that Wright's death was due to that poison. In its cya nide of potassium form. The deceased had not suffered from any other dis eases, there were no lesions of the brain and the heart Avae healthy, though twice the normal size. It transpired at the inquest that Wright was only searched after his death. A tabloid found in his pocket did not appear to be poisonous. The revol ver was discovered by the police after tho law court . officials had previously searched Wright The Coroner com mented on this and Indicated that ac tion probably would be taken by Uie higher authorities. "I KILLED SARAH SCHAEFER" Polico Receive Letter That May Lead to Arrest of Young Woman's Murderer. Bedford, Ind., Jan. 23. Marshal M. C. Russejl today received from Louisville tho following letter: "1 killed Sarah Schaef er. I Intend to kill myself. I will drown rnysolf at 2-15 o'clock Thursday afternoon in. the river between Louisville and New Albany. In my pockets will bo found let ters from her that will explain all. "W. H " Marshal Russell at first was disinclined to treat the letter seriously, but. on in vestigation and consultation, concluded that the writer may be the slayor or Sarah Schaefer. He telephoned tonight to Chief Rldse of Louisville, requesting tno Louisville polico to investigate this fea ture of the case. ff If wo must bo afilicteit with sore, weakjl and inflamed eyes, it isconeoling to know Is always wltbln reach and ready to euro 1 J us if we follow the dlwtlons implicitly 1 9 R CUHES ALL EYE AFFECTIONS. I 1 SALT LAKE TURF EX0HAN3E KENYON HOTBLi Mltnk ut iuitm In it. I "Ii'.J;;,. i .cit(toaooatfia aaoeeooooeaoeao oeaa n o o a o c a o o o 00 00ZS 52 0 !! B 09 SlHin Wi :';;! YOUR CHOICE OF MEN'S AND YOUTHS' " 0 . f' '; (t eS. 000 '; 1 ; This means the complete closing out of our entire winter stock, to accom 'f "III plish which we have not stopped to count the cost. The price we nam for "" the choice of these suits would not cover the cost of cloth and trimmi'nes ''.'.lit The styles are this season's choicest and 'are up to the hour. Gentlemen' you are invited to viev this unmatchable o;fering in this GREAT SALP 1 1 rft ::::: . v "j '- :::! ' 61-63-65 main street. 4 jll mo9 -r 99 j ' ::::!! ?5S?55SS5S5Sf SSSSSf S2S5SSoSS2?fSS2f?SS SSS?3S?2SgSSS9SSSK!S!8!B :lfff1Hn? 5? S 5?? S? ?????????? HI?? ??;?!???::!! 555 s s ????! ?f?!?ff!!HHH!H I For HJJII I 1 jPH. WE TREAT AND CURE .jjjgl jSl CATARRH K-i,Dftf,;.rt Mon Women ond Chlldron. A j &f Our many voluntary tostimonJa.Is from S? homo people Is positlvo auzk.rtti.ntoo of JTr skill. $5.00 a. month for eJI Catarrhal oiSt ChrorWo Disocs&s. All Medfolnos Froo. fe '- , a2$ Consultation Free to All. vlPT'' In All Private Dioeases of Men. (o Show Our Good Fa.ilh and Skill. wiTarc Always Willing to Wait For Our Fee Until a Cure is Effected. Contracted Disorders Wfaat Weakness Is and I varicocele Be snro your cure In Hw w TAKiLULCLt. Iborouoh. Not one or How W5 CUTO It. Abolulolr nJni.. our patlcnM has crcr treatment, ihnt curod aod So cn in Vnponi of chronic Inllammauon li fcto 10 u r moihod. It fn time tllS 0,0 or prostate gland. l-rouRbi on by early ,0 only U.orouchly darj formi or 2,MP,l'on or V Iraproucr treat- ont flo treatment for mtnt require. cordploto nod radical euro l. tliert-foro Ployed. k - question of rostorlns tbc prontato . ! Blend to Its normal state, und this re ' Specific Blood Poison. nccompllEh promptly and completely Snormnfni. A iviu. witboultbo uso or lntemal rcmcdloi SPriJV,- 7 '.oca ho daDBorons tnltxrala Our trcalmuut la a local ono entlrolT tttrJcturcj, X I leu, C 10 drlTo tho Tlru to It Is orlclnal and icleiitlllQ, ana hi.' Uv.i 1 ' V,nod' tho Jntorlor. tmt Unu. txxjn proron absoluloly on-dlre br 7 3 roi!.Vk"' Se'ul- leas blood-oloaniln thousands or lest. Wo aro convlncnd "Uiioiih. I roraedlos, that reinore that by uo other inetliods cm ruU anri oto.. "re aUu j tho lam polsouous permanent rosioratlon of urcarth ar!i ninonS clo U- I oi- vJcor bu accomplished. rmcn wc ouro I I to Btay cured. I HOME CURES 13 Y MAIL. j We make a specialty of turlrw patlonte by mall. Wo hi mm n."n....n P nOTOr seen us pcrM)nally. If yon aro amiotod and cannot call wrlto uk tnr Who baT0 torn blankB and iro will Klally adrtBc you renllnr rour ciw. rTeo of rt wcS 0 " m" I I OflJw Hours 9 a, m.loip.n,; Eronlncs.7 to 8; Sundays and Uolldnrs 10 a m lo 1? I I DHS. SHORES & SHORES, Expert Specialists, rj:uilh $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 II For any $12, $15 or $18 SUIT OR YEReHT ' I ' IN THE HOUSE. Mo H. DESK 205 So. Main. . a a A ,ti ' 10 E. 2nd So. tA Woadtr c'; j 5 )r-l flborint3 ' ) 3f H didn't j ;, J i clothci It i j jj f r - Meighn St ;C g Successor to Pleasant Tfc ra Coal Company. Ifc b iPifrWrif''H1fTIHTffiBf I WEUI KNIFINf PRICES! our shop If not a slorA 3 It's an oxchangpchangicfk 3 Intr for cash- Kmbrace tMWtj a portunlty to save m?J y spending It here. c RICHES Clothiers and Gents' FurtlRi l 27 South m I Main Street S i H. P. WILLIAMS, I, 1 E. IND SO. WL ': All bln33 of ifagmk everything from the mnW : and patterns to repaWnC -m jjiruK jfi' I ARE ALWAYS US:rg 5 THE TOILET SILVES j TICLES WE ARE NOW S IN& AT 25 PER Jf i ARE EXCEPTIONAL TJES. IT IS OF TJfUKi B RATED UNGEB BBJJ SIGNS AND ZXim.. WORKMANSHIP, A Mfc DO NOT EXPECI W RIETY TO LAST L00. Where tho jR) CarsStoV JLj