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The Salt Lake tribune. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1890-current, January 30, 1904, Image 4

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4- The Salt IjAJZE Tjroiinb: Saturday jNIoejstgs-g, Jaisiiit 30, 1904. 1 J
H ' Issued Every Morning by
Hj Salt Lafco Tribune Publishing Company.
B Publisher and General Manaqer.
Entered at tho Postofflce of Salt Lake
City as second-clans matter.
H Daily and Sunday Tribune, one week. 5 .25
H Dally and Sunday, one month J.w
1 Daily and Sunday, two months .... -.w
H Dally nnd Sunday, three months.... -.09
H Dallv and Sunday, one year J-.w
H Sunday Tribune, ono year.... z.w
H I Sundnv Tribune, fix months l.w
H Ceml-Wcckly Tribune, onft year l.0
T All remittances and business lcttern
H should bo addressed to
H Salt Lake City. Utah.
H S C Bockwlth. Special Agency, Solo
Eastern Advertising Agent. Eastern of-
H flee, -C5-i-5-78-4D Tribune Building, New
V Tork. Western office. 610-512 Tribune-
H Building, Chicago.
Hj Washington Bureau 1417 G Street.
H: Tribune Telophono Numbers.
Hi Business Office. S0
T Citv Editor. !4-3 Rlne
l ews and Night Editor -Aw 2 Rings
Hj Saturday, January 30, 1904.
M -
H If you have ns grind luck as tho city
H chemist did whoa he secured twenty
H samples you arc getting purft milk.
Hj TVhltaker "Wright, who was greatly in-
H1 terestcd in mining, showed' his eonfi-
H dence in the cyanide process to the last.
H "WlUi one month of leap year about
H gone, surely many a young woman has
H i fry this time picked out her June groom.
II, The British expedition to Tibet would
I be a very successful one, indeed, if it
I; bad limited its purpose to looking for
I trouble.
i Hussla. is taking time to prepare Its
r answer to Japan, not wishing to dash off
J 1 , in a careless manner a letter that could
, !have but ono meaning,
I 1 sot bavlng flipped a coin to sec
. vhethcr or not it should confirm the
I J library appointments, the Council is not
i pure that its action was correoL
I -
aln. Bryan is in no hurry to give out
I j the new idea lie enya he gained in 33u-
j j rope, his old ideas still being sufllclcnt
f to keep his Democratic enemies stirred
' up.
Mcmbbera of Councils In various cities
, j will feel that their class has been dls-
I graced if it should prove true that
Murray Councllmen are guilty of taking
I so small a sum as 2o Improperly.
1 Many Democrats declare that it would
I be- suicidal for their party to stand
i again on the Kansas City platform,'
evidently thinking that tho platform
k has a noose and a trap door this year.
But the true American girl will not
follow the practice of London girls' of
' being engaged to several men, thinking
'! 1 It right to have but one flanco at a
' lime, even if she keeps him but a few
( weeks.
The complaint of the Superintendent
i of Water Works that many have been
' leaving faucets open to keep pipes from
, ' J freezing up has doubtless had great ef
, feet, in suggesting to others that they
do the same thing.
1 It is a comfort to bo assured, as the
i public is by City Chemist Harms's an
' ( nlysls, that the supply of milk received
I by this city Is absolutely pure. The
, jbables should therefore bo thrifty in
growth and sturdy in body and. mind.
A young lady In Minnesota put her
h arms around tho young man who was
driving in a aleighing party, and prcs
ij ently ho was found to be dead, of heart
J failure, Toung ladles should be careful
1 how they set tho hearts of young men to
pumping, in that way. Tho Minnesota
case is a dreadful warning to them,
which they should respect, especially
, ,' this leap year,
'j; More trouble for the cigarette. It 1$
; the scorn of the public, and evil contin
'! ually. Its latest offenso is in starting
1 1 the ?20.000 Are in Murray yesterday
,j: morning. It has been well known for
' years that for Arc-starting perils the
j cigarette is cltief; and so much is It
j dreaded that some careful house-owners
I in this city havo a rule prohibiting the
, j smoking of cigarettes on the premises.
' j And it Is a good rule. too.
President Harper shows himself to be
a man of keen discernment and llrst
rate practical sense, in his definition o
what an ideal college professor should
he and do, In the main points, they go
to excellence In citizenship, and the
Ideal In one case Is much the same as in
the other. President Harper is evident
ly growing with the great university of
which hq Is the head, and with the
wonderful city in which it is situated.
( The tone of tho dispatches from St.
' Petersburg is not reassuring for peace.
The insistent protest that if war comes,
HR , Japan and not Russia will be to blame
; for It, suggests very forcibly
; the idea that Itussla Is framing
i her reply so as to provoke
Japan into declaring war, while
HL nominally claiming a desire to ensure
j peace. The delay, too, in forwarding
I Russia's answer, is well known to be
exasperating to Japan, and probably Is
B, , taken to exasporato. The many rumors
about what is to be Included in this so
H" much delayed reply make It impossible
. to anticipate what It may actually con
HK tain, and probably the best means to
j Judge of it are by the sidelights as indl
cated. Certainly the dwelling upon con
j ' cessions made to Japan, which tho lat
B t ter had no occasion to ask from Russia,
will not go very far with Japan a6 long
as the vital things, which are demanded
of Russia, continue to be declined.
The Irrigation scheme for the best
utility of the streams of the State,
which a delegation from Utah Is now
In Washington to urge, embraces the
Utah Lake reservoir project, the Bear
River and Lake project, nnd the Straw
berry Valley project. All are good and
feasible. The Government has taken
up the first, pronounced it to be entire
ly feasible and ample for the lands that
lie under It, and awaits only the move
of the land-owners to begin the work.
The Bear Lake project Is no doubt
equally practicable, rind there Is an
abundance of good land that could be
legated from reclamation Works there;
this land being both In Utah and in
Idaho. It is without doubt the project
second in importance In this vicinity,
and it will have to be planned for the
benefit of the two States.
The Strawberry Valley project is also
entirely feasible, and it would add a
substantial stream of water to Irrigate
the lands about Spanish Fork, with ul
timate dlschaYge and seepage into Utah
There Is no mention thnt we have
seen in the general scheme -as. present
ed, for the Sevier River reclamation
project, so urdenlly taken, lipid of by
Major Cavanagh pome six years ago
and more. It wns a meritorious scheme
then, and it Is meritorious now; It
should be Included in any comprehen
sive plnn for the best utilization of the
waters of the State.
But the scheme as presented iscxccl
Icnt, in so far as it covers the ground;
and that it will be enlarged to cover
any points that may have thus far been
omitted, may well be assumed. It Is
good and necessary work that is being
done in this connection, by all concerned.
At a meeting of the Utah Poultry As
sociation Thursday evening at the Com
mercial club Prof. Dryden of the Agri
cultural College told of a recent visit he
made to a poultry district In California.
From one town there, north of San
Francisco, he said, the shipments of
eggs and poultry principally the for
meramounted to over a million dol
lars last year. This was from one town
of some seven or eight thousand popu
lation. It wns the leading Industry of
that section. This showed that what' is
usually considered a very small busi
ness in this State may with proper,
management be made one of respectable
proportions. .
From the best available statistics the
wholo poultry product , of Utah-barely
reaches the figures for that one town.
At the meeting referred to a discus
sion was had as to the advisability of
petitioning the next Legislature of the
State for a grant of money to pay pre
miums on poultry nt the annual winter
show, and it was voted to put candidates
for the Legislature on record as to
whether they favor such a measure be
fore giving them their votes. We hope
the poultrymon may stand pat on this
proposition. At any rato, the industry
languishes, though it is ono capable of,
greater things. One trouble with the
faithful creature of cluck is that she
has no franchise to sell, otherwise she
would have lobbyists willing to do her
bidding; nor has it been discovered how
she may be "cornered" or merged Into
one, and this accounts for some of the
paucity of promoters in one of Amer-,
lea's greatest Industries.
If the hens of this State are produc
ing, under a system of neglect, a million
dollars' worth of eggs and poultry a
year, it is but an Indication of what
might be done if they were given better
care, If the business were prosecuted
with that degree of intelligence and en
ergy that every other successful buel
ness demands. True, there are many
failures In poultry keeping when It Is at
tempted on anything but a small scale,
whatever the reason. Thero were fail
ures at Petaluma, Mr. Dryden said, but
that did not prevent others making a
success of it. Instancing one farmer who
had made thirty thousand dollars out
of hia poultry In fifteen years. When
such Instances of success are on rec
ord, though they may be few compara
tively, it shows that it Is merely a nues
Hon of men and management, not of
Tha Porte has found a new objection
to the reform project for the govern
ment of Manchuria. The Sultan hears
that the fierce Albanian Mussulmans
have determined among themselves thnt
they will shoot any foreign officers who
undertake to exercise authority in
Macedonia. There are two ways, how
ever, to head off that scheme of assas
sination. One Ik to hold the Sultan re
sponsible for the conduct of his Alba
nian coreligionists; the other Is to catch
and hang the murderous conspirators,
even if Albania has to be devastated' to
do It. The Sultan can be well assured
that the reform will not stop, and also
that the Austrian and Russian ofllcers
sent to Macedonia to ree that It is car
ried out, will neither put off the uniform
of their own country nor put on hla.
The action of the Supreme Court of
Minnesota in freeing ex-Mayor Ames of
Minneapolis;, will of course be a great
Joy to that man and his friends. It will
also be a source of helpful cheer to
boodlers everywhere in that State. It Is
notice to all concerned, and to the pub
lic, that If-any small technicality can
bo Interposed by that court to prevent
the punishment of boodlers, the Judges
thereof, the majority of them, will
hasten to interpose It, There is no ques
tion whatever as to the substance of
the matters Involved; Ames was un
questionably guilty of Doodling and cor
ruption In office; he wns proved so. and
after a full hearing the Jury convicted
him. The Supreme Court of the State
In overruling that conviction, has added
another proof of the Ineffectiveness of
the courts to do JustIceyto the public and
punish those guilty of crime.
The putting In of mi extensive electric
street-car service by Americans in Ma
nila is a distinct sign of advance in that
rlace. It is proposed to spend four mil
lion dollars In the enterprise, the power
no doubt to be generated by water.
It seems to us thai this would be the
true business for the whole archipelago;
to build electric lines instead of steam
railways. Such lines could easily bo
supplied with ample power from plants
on the mountain streams, and the line
could be equipped with freight as Well
as passenger cars, and would be able to
.take care of all the transportation of
fered. In a region such as the Philippines,
the greatest need is means of transpor
tation; but the trafric Is not now and
will not be ior years, generally speak
ing, heavy enough to call for the con
struction of steam railways. These are
very costly in construction and mainte
nance. The electric roads, on the con
trary, cost comparatively but a trifle,
and arc cheaply operated. They could
easily meet all present and immediately
prospective requirements.
Now that American capital seems to
be getting a start In the Philippines, we
believe that this electric railway propo
sition can be made the solution of the,
chief difficulties of communication and
freightage. Lines in all the Islands could
lcadfrom the interior to the main ports,'
and so solve readily and cheaply the
whole question.
We do not sec among the names of
those connected with this enterprise the
name of A. B. Johnson, who was for
merly a resident of this city, later U. S.
Consul at Amoy, China, and after
wards the first one to suggest the trolley
system In the Philippines. "We.. should
naturally have expected him to be con
nected with any move of this sort, and
later It may turn out that he Is the real
promoter of the enterprise.
Mr. Lorlng, president of a Massachu
setts cordage company, claimed the
other day 'before a Senate committee
that there is not enough Americnn ship
ping to curry the freights between the
Atlantic coast and Manila, and that
therefore It is necessary to let the
contracts to foreign ships. If this Is so.
it is a shame to the country, and a con
dition that calls for instant remedy. But
the statement is challenged, and Mr.
Lorlng's contention that the require
ment for these freights to be carried in
American bottoms would work a hard
ship on the East coast shippers to the
advantage of the Pacific const ports, is
emphatically denied by the Marine Re
view, which declares that there are two
American ships ready for this trade for
every cargo that is Hkely to be offered.
There would appear therefore, to be no
reason. In fact or In sentiment, why the
Philippine trade should not be deemed
coastwise trade.- and be confined exclu
sively to American vessels.
Ono would hardly think that at this
late day, and after p.o many Jniprove
menlp In fire-arms, that the United
State still owns lots of Hints, for use In
muskets; but it docs, and Is going to
soli 166,500 of them at a sale on Febru
ary dtli, at Augusta, Georgia. At the
same time and place tho Government
will sell large numbers of swords,
knives, forks, spoons, and various old
fashioned equipments; also. 3753 quires
of emery paper, noted as very old, oer
a ton of flowers of sulphur, also old, and
seventeen tons of old brimstone; the lot
comprising many curious things besides;
one wonders why they were ever bought,
and what they could have been used for.
But some of the things offered were evi
dently captured in the war of the rebel
lion, as the Item, "780 pikes, rebel." It Is
a curious Jumble of stuff, most of It not
worth the advertising.
A new machine Is reported, by means
of which any one, by turning a lever,
may learn the amount of his gas bill. If
that Is all there is to It, the machine Is
not important. What Is wanted is a
brake on the gas meter which will pre
vent It running up a gas account when
no gas Is used, or in excess of the actual
use. And while the Inventor of such a
machine is about it. he might got up a
companion device to perform the like
service for the electric light meters.
Such machines would be immensely pop
ular; everybody would buy them.
An "Industrial Missions Association"
has bcon formed in New York, with the
Idea of Inaugurating and developing
self-supporting industrial missions all
over the world. The secretary of the
association Is Mr. Henry W. Fry, 105
East Twenty-second street, and Its ad
visory council Includes the Rev. Dr.
Charles Cuthbert Hall, the Rev. J. L.
Barton, Mr. John W. Wood and Mr.
Robert E. Speer.
I Undertakfir and Embalmer. 1
N Open All Night. Tel. 364. Ej
m 213 State St, Salt Lake City S
To give all a chance to attend the sale it w-ill not begin 1
until 2 p. m. Saturday. Nearly 200 remnant's are included in 1
the sale. The reduction is made because of the odds and ends I
and broken lines which the big sale of this week has left. The I
lengths are 2 to G yards.
I They must go promptly. H
They will not last long.
New shipments are shown in Shirts, Handkerchiefs, I
Xeckwcar, Hose and other acessories to men's attire. I
Fasliiailc Overcoats
There is only a small number left.
?1..50 values for G.7o. Sizes: 3-1, 3.0. 40 and 42. S
SJS.00 values for ?D.OO. Sizes: 40, 42 and 44.
. $22.50 for 11.25. One size only, 44. 1
if. these sizes will fit you, come In today next week may be too 1
late. IB
I Some English importation? of accessories to correct dress, new-- B
ly arrived, are exhibited In one of the show windows.
It is a very striking display as effective as arc all showings of I
I merchandise of fine quality and newest patterns. U
The exhibit comprises Lounging Robes, Fancy Vosts, Dress I
j Handkerchiefs in colors and patterns, Hosiery and Swell Neckwear.
1 Style and quality mark each line. B
: We have a few smoking Jackets and lounging robes left of I
the line, which la being closed out at half prices. W
j Visit "the tea room and try a cup of our delicious tea. 10 cents. 1
"""ip"'j"m" ' i mp m
and widths, left over from the big sale, are being closed I
I out from 5 cents to 1.50 a remnant. , I
f The Modern Store: Moderate Prices for Evcrvbodv.
: i
Bi On the Square
fvSlffll rHf'X. Bly a sood n,ano and be satisfied. Why
U'S'SisinB VSjfHT bU a P00r Dlano becauso It Is cheap.
1 742 Hi SmKbzZT Whe" by paym5 J,,st a trlfIe more you
Wvl'KrJEn ffl'yfl can get thc l,cst- Como ,n and Sot our
S fUJ"!HrTvl j&Isif Dlfl low ,lRllros a"ll easy terms on HIGH-
f. Vansant Chamberlain
' Z ! i
sja is the wonder of the century. It is the shoe polish which preserves leather I
M m..IFc,'s women's and children's shoes. Won't soil clothes or hands. H
SHINES INSTANTLY. A shine lasts a week and is perfection.
m It outsells all other paste shoe polishes and is easily applied, especially
m so with thc SHINOLA Dauber (5c) and Polisher (20c) as illustrated above. I
Get large box SHINOLA at dealers, or by mail JOc SHINOLA I
m Dauber and Polisher by mail 30c. postpaid.
I SHiinola Co., R.ocinester, N. Y. I
.jBSJJ... iacmpCTg-r-. ! , , u
Prices ?1 to 25 cents Evening.
Matinee Lower floor, 50 cents; Balcony and Gallery, 25 cents.
I Dollar
A Hat.
H There Is that much saving, at I
H least. In buying your hats here. H
Besides that, we arc not confined
ffl to any one style. We have all M
H the fashionable shapes. Wc don't H
H make hats, but we sell the best
H that can be had. H
I Hats. U.00, 52.00. $3.00. M.00.
H Already showing spring styles,
g If you buy hats here you savo
H hat troubles and hat money.
I Rowe &
I Kelly (Bo.,
I 132 Main St.
H One Price
H Plain Figures.
PRICES Safcafci 7a
Three Nights, Beginning
Monday, Feb. ist
Tho Delightful Rural Drama,
"For Mother's Sake."
A Story of New England. Carload of
Scenery and Effects.
Cyour Jlip
2 The fuel required for one
5g ordinary grate fire or
Bj stove is sufficient to
warm an entire house by
HOT WATER circula-
1 ti0n .
C The boiler requires less
Ej attention than does a stove.
Kgl Cleanly, convenient, operates S
feg automatically. S
A IDEAL Boilers and k
AMERICAN Radiator.
g P. J. MOHAN,
K Board of Trade Bldg.,
gj , SALT - LA-K E.
Can bo avoided by calling on a good
plumber at the right tlm Thc rich'
time Is when things first show signs of
getting out of ord!r and the right kind
of plumbers can bo found at our address
To do work for people who are not nar
I tlcular It's a waste of 0od, honest ef
fort and skill. If you have a difficult
Piece of work that you want dona ju-t
right we want tho job. We are thorough
Electric Wiring and Fixtures.
ICS East First South. Telephone To2.
Popular Tailors
P. 0. Box 682. Salt ILake Citj
New York Dental Parlors
Rooms 2. 3, i Eaglo Blk.. 71 W. 2nd So.
Teeth Extracted Without Pain.
Modern Dentistry. Best Work. Lowpst
I Wo ask you to do .1.? ''Ill N
wo kIvo careful. nL1
1 grade sorvlcc VCUrat. Slt 1
prescription denarectTB?
straightforward, hlf,
I nor. Wo pay n rJ'lbiiA
I physicians, Wo nov50nmiilg n
I llshcd MhedulV VS? &Mtt V
I very low for thc e, "ntX Jfi
9 vlco we give. Ai0h..,ty uSkW
118 full value here "J aau, tl
Bpcndj. It. Why nit ,?m'r JMi P
prescriptions? J not lct ua SjPj
I Drag Compile,
c Cor. State and Second SoX1
Delivery to all pan 0f t. Xrf &
or call euid leave vo, 'ytji, JC a
BRDAD A2 cAS.rt'tt "'tift1 j
Vifnna Model Bthh '
I H Good fe
Is a reliable watch, J?t:
way to get it is to g0 toi iS
reliable store and relj S
upon their judgment. '' 'S
We offer reliable watchtj ftd
only, and guarantee cverj
I one. 1 ride
Burton Coal & LuraberCojp
Tard and office 363 W Fifth SoatM'-
Up-town office, 66 W. Stcoad ftv-i
jj Telephone) m
jptljL Diamond!
Slt Watches!
mmm JewelfJ I
I Ladies' hair ornaments!!
are in demand and vrejBj
have a strikingly artfsticE
I and novel assortment, to
ffl suit all buyers. m?
I LYON & CO., 143 Main
Two Carloads l i
Of Fine Furniture Intended ft- H
Holiday Trade, but delayed to tri- j
6 ait, now to bo eold roi,Mn5Iir
3 cost. I frlfc
1 I. X. I. Furniture and CJBJ
I Installment House,
Jl ) ft
I 4S B Second South SL
g Located, In Heart of tho BBp
5 ana Theater Districts. K
j New Wilsonl
I" Rates: Sl.WWtWOperdar; m
I Popular Priced lnahun'?cD V-Bt
I KO Rooms, with Telephone, B
M pjicI Cold Running Water- n
B Privato Baths. -Bfc
That's why I sell xo
much of Watches. Dla- JffM9M
monda. Jewel r" a it u jSB
Clocks rellablo goods at &s2M
honest prices. Expert re- KjllJH
pairing a specialty. w5fed4Hl
75 East Second South st"eJ?rU. !l w
Commercial and StMoJgj
11 SCO Auerbach f&J

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