Newspaper Page Text
I The SaitLiAKE Tribune? Sunday Morning, January 31, 1904. 19 1 rfer?Sh her daughter. Barbara -Kinnerslcy has gone V5t on a ebc months' visit. Inni A. G. Clark has gone to Kan Wtfs n tvro wecks,.lc?VC C abaence if, and Mrs. Edwin S. Ferry were rc OtaSli 2 the Congratulations of their gftMce vlnff the t b arrJval of &en daughters at their home, who "ISSe Sri 0" Wednesday morning. ! irr. Walter Miles Harvey has re u?! 1. J",i to her home in Seattle, after be S !r the gue3rt of Mrs. Walter O. Filer , $r Sfee weeks at her home here. 4L ' frr Elizabeth Cavanaugh Center re SSl Lrned to this city lost Tuesday evcnlng iVn. year's absence in Michigan, and i ! fiScs? at the home of Mr. and Mrs. gJ Jj, E.Dooly. " f mi Beer3tccher of Montana, who ) . a cuest at the home of Mr. and iJK Hoyt Sherman early the week, has Sft!1 to California for a visit of some 3 Mrs. James H. Ben tie. formerly well iinwn in this city, but whose homo is ' 5S l! SlS is visiting here for oshort . A. ord. ... Mr And Mrs. Windsor V. Rice are tih in Xow York, whero they went on 2.? Sunt of the serious illness of Mr. Sfe $55 "tether- Latest advices are that T' Ktr Rice. Sr.. is improving and is now 'nsiderod out of danger. Mr. and Mrs. $ce rail this week for a four months' :a tour of Europe. l ' Miss Alleen Maclean is now in St. Au- "'fc rustlne Fla.. but will sail shortly for i iuba with her aunt she may visit the r.rmudas before starting homeward. U&i 'ana is not expected In Salt Lake until 1tk In the spring; S Mrs Mao M. F. Allen of Park City N ",has been spending the past few days 'tttf Tith 6alt Lake friends ' X " X.IW i Lieut. Chambers expects to leave ear Ani? this month for a short visit at his pii 'bid liomc before going to the Philip- m :pmcs. . . , i Dr Robert Roy Hampton has re- ' i flurried to his home in Mexico. Mrs. k W 'Hampton will remain here some time ski longer with her parents, Judge and Mrs. n, jflowRt. . A I 3Ir. and Mrs- Oscar L. Cox left Tucs ilftffc day for a brief visit in Denver. Mr. !Cox will be home comorrow. but Mrs. Isbj Icoxwlll not return until Wednesday. ' ti .to S55si ' "Mr. J. C Weeter left Thursday for her w? home in Pocatello, nftcr visiting for , '.'reveral days with Park City and Salt friends. iTsU The friends of Mrs. Burgess, mother (Of Mrs. William C. Jennings, will be K,aa t0 lc'arn tllflt snc ,s mucn lm" ' fjproved, after a very serious illness. f . - i Mrs. J M. Hamilton has gone to Call- Jfomla for a visit of several months. ei CjS t c p Overfield has gone to New Mexi co and will be away a month. fe Mr. and Mr3. John E. Dooly left viiiS Thursday for the East, where they Acere itS lled by the illness of their daughter, "JIargaret. who is attending school-at "Vashlncton. Dr. A C. Hummelbaugh leaves tomor- iJa trow for San' Francisco, where he will , .make his home. Mrs. Hummelbaugh (trfli -IH Join him later. trt' L' K. " i itlss A,ene Crlsmon and Miss Jose- , 1 fphlnc Wells havo returned from a visit H(3f I-'111 fricnas 1,1 Brlgham City. 8 T Mrs. John Pike is visiting for a few ,.j Bdftys In Provo, the guest of Mrs. Sam rJ.'B I?0""'110' lEnsiiiVv ..L After a very pleasant visit of several ' y:eeks in this city. Mrs. Thomas J. Ry . dfcr left on Wednesday evening for her , J .home In the City of Mexico. She will be I met at El Paso by Mr. Ryder. , ri Mrs, L. L. Donnan of Upper Falls, gS i Provo canyon, visited in Salt Lake dur- i 'Ps lho Pwt week. Alltf r .!' MIes Florence Grant, who has been f fa Si llns the famil' ot George A. Snow, Chicago, for several weeks, will go to ' - MeYelan(1 shortly to visit Miss Grace l!lBcMiIlan, who made many friends dur a stay in Salt Lake last summer. bpijiMMr. and Mrs. William H. Jones left HffK?wMaJ,for three week's trip in Ida- niklfl,. , " f ' Rtifrs' JoscPh Geoghcgan and children inri-'ft. vif S0Qe t0 CaIlfornla for nn extended rflrti.urgc B- Greenwood left the first of J3'? k for leaver, after spending a n F?B, lays with Salt Lake friends. ill t " " ' - fW ,Franc?s Eddy of Ogden was a oil S caunke visitor during the week. hi Uft dvtaJ?d.MrB' J- J- Daynes left Frl . Btfc'mi' min ,C21,fornIa- where they will re rmedr "definitely. n s e ''SSI tht Cleaveland left the first of 'Jm will iot for L0" Angeles, where she i.rT rctt nf Cleaveland and remain thu elXJTlf winter. tWj Prof , te lkeiSE fricj,,, .J- McClellan visited Payson e wft flrst c theveek. r 3 bal!gu&?PleIce"of Brigham City .SR nf Irs- George L. Savage. 1 famliyQSr8; George Lockhart and Ofm incnonp dny last week. ioicM'w Mr p me Kemmerc'r ?uerily hnR returned to idJtfP Mh. ji b '? spending a week -with S4 litneyfthls city. 11,4 .A Lmih s nd? thlS Salt Lake visiting i vanesSynaftafb ftt hcr h0m n of 5 day n on"0 "Pnt Sun- tiwS utEL A DdOjJ ? ntnt hall irThat VC ln 0,0 araUeC ftddtJ ; wnlng 1 ncxL Monday r alUgJ?" . ; 'SrSf IfKta oSenSSl il e Is vlsit Stone. atES'Lln E. B. Social topics at the capital. I TRIBTJKE SPECIAL. Washington. Jan. CO. Among the guests at the last reception at the White House were Senator and Mrs. Dubois. Senator Smoot, Representative and Mrs. Joseph Howell, Miss Howell, Hon. and Mrs. Frank lUondclI, J. D. Whelpley. Senator Warren and Miss Helen Fran ces "Warren. Representative and Mrs. Clarence D. Van Duzer. Senator and airs. Stewart, Senator and Mrs. New lands and daughters. Senator and Mrs. Heyburn, Representative and Mrs. Bur ton Lcc French. Senator and Mrs. ' Kearns were among the blue room guests, the latter ln an elegant costume of filmy lace. a At the latest White Houzo muslcalc. among the guests were Senator and Mrs Heyburn, Senator and Mrs. Kearns.' Senator and Mrs. Newlands and Miss Rowlands. e Mrs. Clarence D. Van Duzer. the at tractive wife of the Nevada Congrcss- nn Ogden visitor the early part of this weolc. '. . Misa Francis Eddy is In Salt Lake vislt lnr friends. Yv?ir'i ar5d ,Irs-..J' u- Rh,no arc visiting friends In Rawlins. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lowls returned TV cdncsday from a visit In Salt Lake. a Mrs S. r. Day returned Tuesdav from salt Lake, where she had been visiting hcr daughter, Mra. M. A. Brecdcn. . Miss Minnie Klesel Is visiting friends in Salt Lake City. a . Mrs. F. J. KJesel entertained a few of her friends Tuesday afternoon at lunch eon. r u Dr. and Mrs. Rich attended the Lewis Craig nuptials In Salt Lake Tuesday af ternoon. or Mr. and Mrs. James Ballard were Salt Lake visitors Tuesday. Mr. nnd airs. W. G. Hampton roturncd Monday from a visit with friends at the .capital. - Mrs. L. II. Harding and son of Salt Lake are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton at 2117 Lincoln avenue. a . Mr. and Mrs. Madscn of Pierre. S. D., are visiting a few dajs with relatives In this city. i- ti Mr. and Mrs. Ceorgc Lockhart and fam ily wore Salt Lake visitors Wednesday. c Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Shepcrd of San Francisco aro In Ogden visiting their daughter, who is attending tho Sacred Heart academy. " A delightful social affair was- the en tertainment given by tho Men's club of tho Presbyterian church Tuesdav evening ln the parlors of the church. It was la dies' night and tho club members proved themselves capable entertainers. a a The sixth annual ball given Tuesday evening at Dlgnan's hall by the Amalga mated Sugar company complimentary to ItB employees was a very successful social affair. About 200 peoplo were present and the festivities continued until a lato hour Dlgnan's academy orchestra furnished delightful music and the dancing was participated ln by all. TIagbert Anderson was floor manuger. assisted by Fred Hun ter and Frank Yoarajcy. The committee of. arrangements was composed of Judge Thomas D. Dee. H. H. Spencer and H. H. Rolapp, The personnel of the reception committee was A. G. McFarland, A. II. Williams and A. J. Cowman. ... Mrs. C. M. Andrews was tho charming hostess at a very pleasant card party at tho Vlrgtnla Friday afternoon. About sevonty-flvo of her lady friends enjoyed hcr hospitality. a Mrs. G. L. Eocker delightfully enter tained Saturday afternoon at luncheon. e 4 The T. M. M. I. A. of Webor stake gavo another of their enjoyable dancing parties at Parry's hall Friday afternoon. A large crowd was present nnd music for dancing was furnished by Ford's orchestra. A 1 o A party of young folks enjoyed a sleigh rldo to HuntsvJIlo Monday night. The participants in the evening's pleasure were Misses Anna Anderson. Clara Peter Fen. Olive Moyes, Rita Doon and Tena Starling. Messr.. Ballard, Doon, Moore, Faulkner and Taylor. . u . A wide circle of friends In Ogden wero Interested In tho marriage of Miss Maijdo Lewis and J. L Craig, which took place nt tho home of the bride's mother. Mrs. T. B. Lewis, In Salt Lake City. Tho bride Is the daughter of Prof. T. B Lewis and has lived In Ogden tho greater part of her life. Sho was formerly a teacher in the public schools of Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Craig left on a wedding tour to the East and after thch; return they will be at home to their friends after March 1st at the Cullcn. Salt Lak f V Aglaln-mot Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. N. II. Ives. Thero was a full attondnncc nnd nn excellent 'programme was ren dered, - i, Mrs. A. E. Bobbins entertained tho Rathbono Sisters Thursday afternoon at hcr homo on Lincoln avenue. u n ' HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Friday evening, January 22nd, tho mem bers of the Historical society and many guests enjoyed the hospitality of airs. R. P. Hunter, lho occasion being the annual music ami reciprocity meeting of tho so ciety. The proprnmmc was opened by a selection from tho mandolin quartette, composed of ailsses Baker and Messrs. Hendershot and Patton. Following this ailss Murllln Hunter very pleasingly gave Gottschalk's "Laul Hope." A selection by a trio consisting of aiessrs. Johnson, Hen dershot and Patton followed and served as a preludo to Introduce Rev. Mr. Car ver's appropriate and interesting topic, "Tho Lyrlo Muie," air. Carver showed clearly tho place occupied by music and poetry ln ancient nnd medieval civiliza tion, and the place It should hold with us today. This closed the programme for the evening, and tho guests repaired to tho dining-room, which was presided over by the charming daughters of the hostess. There, screened by palms in the corner, Masters Kenneth nnd Lloyd Griffin and Percy Rhino continued tho music of the evening. After a delightful social hour lho guests departed, carrying with thorn the memory of tho most pleasant meeting of the year. . Tho fifth of a scrips of dances was given by tho Woodmen of the World Wednes dav night nt Dlgnan's dancing, academy anil was equally as successful as the four provious ones given by that order this season. A special train from Salt Lake brought a number of vlHltlng Woodmen to Ogden and altogether there wero about m people present. A special feature of the evening was the exhibition drill given by the Salt Uiko team. Good music was supplied by tho academy orchestra and llKht refreshments were Jierved. The linal ball of thin series will bo given by Weber camn about tho middle of February. 1 a The Historical society mot Friday after noon with airs. Bedford, 1333 Washington avenue. ... A very prcttv homo wedding was that of ailss Edith F. Tavey nnd air. George F aicGonagle, which took placo at tho homo of the bride's parents. C30 Twenty third street. Wednesday evening. The ceremony was performed nt S:20. the Rev. Alfred Brown ofliclatlng, and was wit nessed only by the relatles und Intimate friends of the young couple. After felici tations had been extended a wedding aup- man. who has recently returned from a pleasant holiday in New York, will re ceive Tuesdays ln February at her I handsome home on Q street. Ropresen 1 tative Van Duzer has recently been the speaker of the evening at a banquet at Watervllle, Me. w Mrs. John F. Shafroth of Denver re ceived on the' 25th of January very handsomely, with her friend, airs. Les ter A. Barr. I. . air. and airs. Thomas F. Walsh gave I a dinner on Tuesday at their palatial home on Massachusetts avenue, in honor of the- Colorado delegation in Congress. b . . One of the essentially charming affairs of the week wag the luncheon that Mrs. Dubois, the popular wife of the Senator from Idaho, gave at hcr elegantly ap pointed home on R street, In honor of the bride of Senator Heyburn. Only la dles wero present, airs. Kearns, in an imported costume, was among the guests, airs. Kearns was also one of per was served, and later the young cou ple left for the Pacific coast to spond their honeymoon. The bride is tho charm ing and accomplished daughter of air. and airs. H. C. Tavey and very popular in social circles. Mr. aicGonagle is a member of the Southern Pacific corps of civil engineers and is ln charge of the lo cal office afr. and airs. atcGonaglo will make their homo In this city. . - A Jolly sleighing party of twenty-two persons went to North Ogden Thursday night and drove to the home of airs. A. R. C. Smith, where they were very pleas antly entertained. Dancing, music and re freshments were the order of the evening. The members of the partv were air. and airs. Will Reed. air. and airs Cyrus Reed, air. and airs. Oscar Reed. air. and Mrs. Charles Zclmer. Mr. and airs. Maroni Thomnf. Mr. nnd airs Crlsman. air. nnd airs. Joseph Bailey. Messrs. Ray Scovel, Will Toler. Will Hughes and Delbert Hughes, aliases Ellen Thomas. Louise En glish, Jennie Hughes and Barker. . Tho Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi neers and the ladles' auxiliary will glvo a boll at Dlgnnn's hall on February 1st. Elaborate preparations are being made and an enjoyable tlmo Is anticipated. Dlg ran's orchestra will furnish the music for dancing. Tho Elks lodge and clubrooms were the scene of much gnycty Thursday evening when lho local lodge dedicated tholr new rooms. A short but very Interesting pro gramme was rendered. Rev. E. I. Gonhcn delivered the dedicatory oration. Follow ing this a delicious repast was served In the banquet hall. Tho evening was a very enjoyable ono nnd the Elks are to be congratulated on the manner in which they conducted the affair. Hober Hoiner and brother. Henry, came up from aiorgnn Tuesday to visit their sister, airs. C. M. Croft. Tho former has recently returned from a mission to tho Society Islands. Miss aiamio Stallings is doing typewriter work at the Coalville Co-op. 1 Gen. W. H. Kimball went down ,o Salt Luke Monday on business, . A. D. Bower and wife' caaic in from Evanston Wednesday on a visit. ... airs. S. Fnddies returned Thursday from a month's visit to Salt Lake. . air. and airs. Neil O'Kccfc of Park City were visitors here during the week. A " V Wllford Hardy of Grass Creek has been on the sick list thr nasi week. i . Mrs. John Pawlas and children arrived here Saturday from Salt Lake and will remain for some time. - Dr. W. Vlslck has been up the river the past week on professional business. . X airs. William Bell of Kemmerer. Wyo . has been visiting relatives here the past ten days. . Superintendent W. ai. Boyden spent this week visiting the schools In the south end of the county. . Alma C. Lambert of Salt Lake was hero on business Thursday. airs. John F. Salmon has been on tho sick list the past week, but sho Is grad ually improving. , t Georgo Forrest of New York was doing business here during the week. c Tho "Webr house was opened aiondny and prospects aro that a good business will be ilono there. Superlnlondent Callls visltedTRel. M. ai. I. association at Grass Creek Tues day evening, and gives a very flattering report of that organization. . i Postmaster David aioore was down from Castle Rock on business this week. i airs. George W. Edlngton and children left hero Wednesday for Idaho Falls, Ida., where they expect to make their future bono. Tho lnuy'H son, George, Is man aging a promlnont business house ln that city. . W. 3, Johnston spent the past week ln Salt Lake on business. u Attorney Frank Evans went down to Salt Lake Wednesday on a business trip. 4 O . airs. John aicCarthy came In from Cum berland, Wyo., Tuesday, and expects to remain for some time. M E. W. Hogg of Park City was transact ing business here Wednesday. . w aiesdamcs T. J. Lewis and J. E. WHJe entertained a number of their frlonds at cards Thursday nlht at tho home of the latter, Tho parlors and dining-room were beautifully decorated for tlio occasion neatly mounted pictures wero used for tally and ncore-cards, and altogether tho arrangements wero very artistic. Six games of whist wero ployed and prizes awarded to the most successful lady end rentlemnn nlnvor. Refreshnnnt.q of n most delicious and dainty nature wero served, and the guests had a very en joyable time. ThOHi; Invited were as fol lows; alegars, and aiesdames Alma El dredge, L. E. Eldrcdge, A. D. Wheadon, J. L. Uoydon, W. M. Boydeu, O. W. French, O. B. Arnold. C. M. Croft, Carl Allison, U. F. Northern t, John Cnllls, Samuel Clark, Frank Evans; Misses aiar thu Savage, Cornelia Rrnnch, Eliza J. Branch, Amy Boyden, Nellie Rhoades. Tllle Wilde; aiesdamcs W. W. Cluff, John Pawlas. J. A. Smith: aiessrs. J. H. wlldc, Wlllard Hust and Fred Hirst. On Wednesday afternoon the S. Ti L. club met with Mrs. Allison at bor resi dence. The usual routine of business wna disposed of. niter which the following programmo was rendored; "The Jblfo of Christ" was continued by airs. Allison, Il lustrating the character of King Herod in Issuing tho cruel order for tho extermina tion of tho children of Judca undor J years of age, and ih futile attempts ol man to interfere with tha divine pro gnimtnc of th? Master, aira. Annlo Boy den rend a paper entitled "Be Yourself," showing tho advantage of being true tc voursolf, as Illustrated In the lives ot Washington. Grant and othr. The Ken sington will be hold next week at the resi dence of airx. L. E. Eldrcdge. nnd the next meeting of the club will be held tho guests of honor at a brilliant lunch eon that airs. Dryden, wife of the Sena tor from New Jersey, gave at her home on New Hampshire avenue. The Dry den mansion Is one of the show places of Washington. . air. Sims Ely, editor of the Phoenbc (Ariz.) Republican. Is an Interesting at the Arlington hotel. ... air. Waldemar Von Cott. the Salt Lake attorney, Is at the Raleigh. c Ex-Gov. Charles S. Thomas of Colo rado has been at the Shoreham this week. . e The eminent Denver lawyer, air. Charles J. Hughes. Is at the New Wil lard. Also at the- New Willard from Denver are M. H, Kennedy. W. K. Free man. W. A. Weigele, and from Salt Lake, P. L. Williams. ... air. and airs. J. E. Dooly of Salt Lake are guests at the Raleigh. DAISY FITZHUGH AYRES. Wednesday afternoon, Fobruary Oth, at the homo of airs. French. ... ailss Alllc aillls of HoytBvlllo very pleas antly entertnined n number of hcr friends last aionday nlsht at hcr homo. The evening was enjoyably spent ln playing games of various kinds, cards, etc De licious refreshments wero served and all present had a delightful time. Those pres ent were: aliases alary Beech, Annie ata lln, Anlce aicMlchnel, Cora Wilkinson. Cassle Fnddies. aiargaret Faddlcs, Ethel and Bertha Hohson; aiessrs. Frank. Ches ter and Roy Malln. Rob aicMlchaol. Ed aillls. Joe Wllklns. Albert aillls. Bell and Dicks of Grnntsvllle. . One of the prettiest parties held in Coalville for a long time wns given Tucs- ; day afternoon by Mr. and airs. L. E. ! Eldrcdge at their home. In honor of thel son. Emory's, third birthday. About fifty llttlo boys and girls were present, and I had a delightful time. A number of games were played, such as wero suitable to the little tots, after which they wero seated around the lurge dining table and treated to delicious and dainty refreshments. The little folks greatly onjoyed themselves nnd were reluctant about leaving for hone. 1oGCIEJ; Logan. Jan. 23. A very delightful party was given at the home of air. and airs Georgo Balllf on Tuesday cventng in honor of air. Ballif. who left Thursday for Europe, where he expects to remain tho coming two years. The homo was ar tistically and prettily arranged with pink roses and carnations and during the even ing music and dancing was enjoved. airs. Balllf was assisted In serving by ailss Af- I ton Genevieve Thatcher, ailss Rav Camp bell, ailss Blanche Cn Ine and ailss Junlc Blair. Those who enjoyed the evening were: air. and airs. Blair, air. and airs. J. T. Calne. air. and airs. Squires, air. nnd airs. Barber, Mr. and airs. R. S. Campbell of Salt Lake. air. and airs. Nap per. Mr. and aire. A. D. Thatcher, air. and airs C. Nlbley, air, nnd airs. Benscn. air. and Mrs. S. Bonsen. air. and airs Joseph Campbell, airs. Parkinson, airs. H Balllf. ailss Peterson, ailss Juvet of Salt Lake. air. Don Campbell, air. Edgar Thatcher, air. John Balllf and airs. Frank Balllf of Whitney. a airs. Thad Naylor entertained a few frltnds most pleasantly aionday evening at the Hanks hotel. o The many friends of air. and airs, aioses Thatcher, Jr.. will be pleased to learn that they havo moved from Pres ton and will make their home 'or the fu ture in Loiran. ... air. Edgar entertained Thursday evening at a most pleasnt stag parly. At 1 o'clock a very delicious dinner was served to thf following guests: air. L. Thatcher, air. Don Campbell, air. A. Blair, air. L. Squires. Mr. Seth Ilanaen, air. Seth Lang ton. Mr. S. Jcppson nnd air. Edgar Thatcher, After the dinner music and Rnmcs wore indulged In until a late hour, the boys thoroughly enjoying themselves. airs. R. S. Campbell and daughter. Flor ence, returned home Friday after a pleas ant visit of two weeks at Logan. u . air. and airs. Jessie Earl 3pent the curl part of the week with Salt Lake friends ailss Junie Blair wns hostess of a pleas ant Informal party at her homo Wednes day evening. Dainty refreshments wero served nnd those present were: Miss Afton Thatcher, ailss Calne, ailss Juvet of 'Salt Lake, ailes Genevieve Thatcher, air. Rose, air. Thatcher and Sir. John T. Calne. . . it air. J. Wash. Young of Salt Lake spent the past week at Logan. ... air. Joseph Campbell was in the city Sunday and Monday. w air. nnd airs. David Reese left Mondav for aiontpcller, whore they will bo the guests for a month of Mrs. E. D. Bur goync of that city. m m . airs. Frank Thatcher entertained at a very prettily appointed dinner partv at her house Friday evening. The table was artistically arranged with cut (lowers and evergreens. Covers were laid for six anil the evening was most pleasantly passed, the dinner being in honor of air. Lawrence Thatcher. B air. Claud Williams of Salt Lake was a visitor to Logan Wednesday and Thurs day. ... ailss Constance Juvet returned to hcr homo In Salt Lake Saturday, after a visit of one week as the gucat of ailss Afton Thatcher. . 0 One of the pleasant affairs of the week was the dancing party given Frldav even ing nt tho B. Y. college by the Y. M. and Y. L. ai. I. associations of the Sixth ward. Tho hall was decorated with greens and bunting and during the evening light refreshments wero served. Jeppson's full orchestra was ln attendance and tho party will be recalled as ono of tho most pleas ant tho ward has yet given. o airs. H. Naylor of Smlthflcld spent the early part of tho week with Logan friends. The Agricultural College Woman's club met aionday .with Mrs. aiaughan, "Re naissance Sculpture ln Italy" being tho topic, which was interestingly discussed by airs. Thad Naylor. n air. Spcrry Lawson of Salt Lake was a visitor during the week In Logan. . w The Beacon Light eociety will meet Tuesday next at the Brlgham Young col lege building. aiiss Veda Eccles of Ogden returned from her homo ilonday and will continue her studies at the Agricultural college. o . ailss Ray Campbell entertained a few friends most pleasantly aionday nftcr noon. n I Dr. and airs. W. B. Parkinson. Jr., will mnkc their homo hereafter at Logan. They have been living prcvlouslv at Wellsvllle. o air. O. D. Bench of Preston spent Satur day nnd Sunday In Logan. . air. Le. Grand Young, Jr., of Salt Lake visited with Logan frlonds the early part of the week. A Jolly crowd of eight enjoyed a pleas (Continucd on page 2v.) A SPLENDID $27.50 SALE OF EVENING Si I j COATS AND FUR JACKETS- (I UP TO $65 KINDS. I I OTHER COATS AT AS INTERESTING REDUCTIONS. Ill I Perfectly new cortts. Good in style, good in every way. Just the usual thing of clearance after inventory makes the great price difference. Even were it a case of "forced" sale, though, jH (i such value and wonderful reduction would not once m- years be your opportunty. Three days H Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday are given to send all away, but many will be snapped up the H, jH t very flrst day. Hurry along for best choice. These prices: 1 1fftk EVENING COATS made of white panne, r$syi rL zibsline and esquimaux cloths, very rich and B yFM) handsoms. long and short styles, $45, 550 I "5gj! and $60 wraps, choice $27.50. i'l I FUR COATS electric seal, nearseal, China i h I sfw i f seal with and without bsaver collars, $35, if jB $40' $50' $55, $65, coats' choice-$27-50- H I yQl J Here Is News of A!I Others In Stock: H ' C?iv Two very beautiful coats, one of black velvet B: y'lW m tnc other of black cloth, both elaborately I I I (O V acc trmme lined with white silk, $J25 RJ t WfA llJ and $J35 each regular, choice $50. ! If "r gK7 One handsom black coat, short style, $225 jj I wn rWm. regular for $75. wll k Jl lk 2ibdin? jackets worth $25 each $9.75; jH I li I Jl vk W one brown zibcline coat $22.50 regular for h 1 1 Jh II i it $9.50; one black kersey military coat, $30 D fl I I i I v for $13 50; two black and tan coats, $27.50 jl H ? f Hf" cak or $2; one black kersey jacket, $20 J i JStMSlS or $?75; one black zibelme coat reduced 1 I B from $40 to $18.75. H bLSs. Twelve jacket3, mostly small sizss, for misses g 'Av or little women, $6,50 to $10 kinds, while H 1 M other coats in stocfc-ONE-THIRD OR I HALF OFF REGULAR PRICES. j A 50c SALE IN THE MEN'S STORE I I Shirts Up to $ 1 .50, Gloves Up to $ 1 .50, Un- I I derwear Up to $3 a Garment--50c for any I H Fifty dozens of men's shirts to make a rush clearance sale. See the shirts and $8 IH I you'll be in the crowd to pick them off as fast as the next follow. White and fancy col- j i ors, in light and dark, stripe and figure patterns. In six hundred you'll certainly find your jg y; size. !New shirts this season, sold at $1.25 and $1.50 each, choice Monday, Tuesday, jH i Wednesday, if they last so' long 50c each. jM i J Odds and ends of men's winter underwear, every size in something, 75c up to 53 a f i garment values, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or until gone choice 50c a garment. $ jH Men's heavy working gloves and some dogskin driving gloves, that were .$1, ?1.25 j $ j and $1.50. a pair, choice 50c. i I jH A broken assortment of 35c. 50 c and 75c men's gloves, to go at 25c a pair. IH I Boy AI! Your Ornamental Hair Combs During This Sale i Hundreds of Beauties Near Half Price, Half Price and Much Less. e $- 25 and 52,50 fancy Back Combs for 51.25. Ileal 50c back combs, t!5c. imitation tortoise, shell, beau- fclf JH I tortoise shell set with -pearl and turauoise. beautiful tlfully mounted. j R torioibc bum ,0c ,)acU combs 25c imitation tortoise ahell with 3 1 B pieces. rhlnestone settings. W ,1 I 3.25 and 53.50 fancy f' '25c and C5c jet barrette combs, 15c. Beautiful as- K arc carved tortoise shell, others In pretty novel shapes, sortment j j IH g Kold mounted or set with pearls, rhlnestoncs and tur- 5c Imilation tortolse BheH halr pm 10c J J H K quoise. p,5c fancy shield hair pins. 15c. i j W 52 novolty back combs for $1. Choice shapes, pearl, 'hiree dozens of shell barrette combs. 25c kinds, 15c. I 3 rhlnestone nnd turquoise settings. Five dozens tortoise shell back combs, 35c kinds, 1 8 , " IH $1.75 back combs, S5c. Tortoise shell,, gold mount- 15c. f J IH K lng pearl and brilliant settings. Eleven dozens of Imitation tortoise shell circulor j. I jl I $1.50 back combs. 7Cc. Tortoise shell, brilliant set- C0m3' Mc. GOc. 65c, 75c. S5c kinds, one prfced 35c each. J j J? i.v u. . Seven dozens of imitation tortoise shell barrette i; i tln2V?ombs 565c Tortoise shell and amber with 0f and 25 c kinds, 10c each h i . . 1. 1 ,vc dosens imitation tortoise shell barrette combs. f J brilliant settings. S5o kinds He i 1 $1 tortoise shell back combs. 50c. rfac Kinds, loc. J, f 75c tortoise shell back combs. 15c, rhlnestone trim- Four dozens tortoise shell barrette combs, COc g y I mings. kinds. 25c. jj. H j Boys' 52.50 and S2.75 Shoes-H95. f " 1 1 i 85c and $1 Arctics 40c a Pair, Under Priced. I H $ .... on fnmiu. in -- Colored spangled trimmings, suitable for evening I I Arctic weather and arctics for all the famll In arcs trimming or to make into fancy collnrs-Mpnday B this lot: ajul week if the assortments last jj . ? , . ,1,-t i 4i i.o i i,i,i -f The $4 a yard formerly, now Jl. J Women's, misses', children's Alaskas and buckle The J3 reduced to 75c. h' SI arctics, S5c and 51 si pair grades 40c a pair. 1 The 52 reduced to 50c; the 51 to 25c. W, i , , , , , , Blaci: Astrakhan, favorite trimming for black IM S Almost one hundred pairs of big boys and men a gowns 5oc up (0 a yard HALF PRICED. I alines sizes 5 to S. made with good solid oak soles, wear 1 All Persian trimmings. 50c up to $G a yard HALF ST n snocs. xiti. THESE PRICES. Ml i like iron, calf and kid skin, reduced from ?-.0 and Kxce)enL assortment of drop trimmings, black and j J v 75 a nalr to n.95. colored, 35c up to 53 an ornament regular HALF 91 ' jH