Newspaper Page Text
I v Tttv, p,atw "Rattr Trtbukb. Stosdat jMoes-jdst6-, d-amr-AJtT 31. 1904. ' . Ijll UNCLE SAM OUT OF GOLD. , Washington, 30 For the hrst time in many years the treasury finds itself without any gold coin in itsr-vnults. It is explained that this condi- tion Is the result of an unprece- dented demand for gold ccrtlfl- f catcs during the time when the -f i mints have been fully employed I in coining Philippine silver and I subsidiary silver for the United States. The increased demand I -f for gold certificates, which could 4- ; -f- only be issued for gold coin in v -f the treasury, came about I -t- through the needs of large bank- ' ing institutions In the great com- I, 4- merclal centers which had large ! amounts of notes of small de- - nominations on hand which they 4- wished to exchange for gold cer- 4- 4- tiflcates of larger denominations. 4- I 4- The Secretary lias given in- 4- i 4- structlons for the mints at 4- I 4 Philadelphia and San Francisco 4- I 4 to begin the coinage of double I n 4- eagles on February 1st, and to 4- I 4- work overtime until a sufficient 4- 4- supply has been coined to meet 4- 4- all demands. I 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- I1 ONE DEAD, ONE DYING 1 AS KESULT OF DEBAUCH j San Francisco, Jan. 30. Charles Kel- , lar was found dead and John Harvey ' in a dying condition this morning in a bunkroom of the Alaska Codfish com pany's drying plant at Hunter's point. They were discovered lying on the floor in a nude state. None of the officials of the company can account for the death of the one and the precarious 1 condition of the other. ' Kellar was a German, aged 40 years, ' who had recently been operated upon In a hospital, where he was cautioned to I avoid strong drink. Harvey is 60 years I old. Both had been on a protracted , spree and were under the influence of , i liquor when they retired. Harvey wan ' laken to the city and county hospital, and has regained consciousness. The attending, physician says he has every symptom' of poisoning. An investiga tion of the case will be made. I WOES AND TROUBLES OF TWO ARMY MEW Washington, Jan. 30. Capt. George . I A. Armes, IT. S. A., retired, has ad , I dressed a letter to the President, charg ( ing an unjust treatment at the hands of the. military authorities. He asserts r ( that important documents bearing on j his record have mysteriously disap peared from the olllce of the Adjutant- General. . Second Lieut. Frank Pratt, on duty ' . at Fort Wayne, Mich., has been de S , tained In thiy country after having 1 been ordered to the Philippines, because -, i of more serious charges than those pre I ' fcrred against him in Manila, which he was returning to face. Ho is charged I with gambling in Manila and with be lt Ing short in his funds to the amount I of 57500. He has explained that the missing money was placed in an en I , velope and left at the place where the j mail was collected. IZIONITE COUPLES ON HONEYMOON JAUNT , New York, Jan. 30. A parly of proml- ' "j nent members of Dowie's Zionlte t church. Including Deacon and Mrs, H. ( E. Cantel, Deacon and Mrs. Percy Cllb born and Deacon and Mrs. N. B. Ride out, sailed for Liverpool today on the fl steamer Saxonia. The three couples , i have just been married and nre on an t extended wedding trip, as they are go I ing abroad to work for several years. Mr. Cllbborn has been appointed gen eral manager of all Zionlte Institutions ,1 in Europe, Mr. Rldeout holds the same j ' title and rank in South Africa, and Mr. i1 Cantel has been for several years sta ll tioncd In England. He returned to this country to be married and is now go . Ing back to his post. Mr. Cllbborn said he expected to meet Mr. Dowie, who lias already started on his tour of the SL world, in Naples, and to arrange for yt meetings there and elsewhere In Eu- , rope. I' ' j" MRS. C. W. CLARK AT - FINAL REST IN NEW YORK .' ' ilT New York, Jan. 30. Funeral services jL for Mrs. Charles W. Clarke, daughter ly In-law of Senator W. A. Clark, were , held today at the home of Senator I (I Clark. 175 West Fifty-eighth street. The If Rev. E. Stirnos conducted the services is there and at St. Thomas's church after yh ward, and the body was then taken to jjf Woodlawn cemetery for Interment. Ijjl BURGLAR'S BULLETS ' j- LAY LOW BANKERS ' ,!h St. Clalrsvllle, O., Jan. 30. A negro burglar last night shot and probably fa- l; tally wounded Albert Troll, cashier of r the Second National bank, and his brother, George Troll., manager of Troll's ; clothing store. The three Troll brothers suspected a thief was lying In wait in r their store. They caught Howard Bap- I t Fico, colored, who managed, however, to M " get out of their hands and shoot his way i out. A posse is In pursuit. 1 In Memory of Charles I. London, Jan. 30. Wreaths and other fioral tributes today bedecked the statue , lj of Charles J. In Trafalgar square, In comm6moratlon of the 255th anniversary of his execution. The Royal Oak club 1 of Edinburgh and the White Cockade ', club and other Jacobite societies sent 1 their usual wreaths. The statue was ; visited by large crowds during the day. I Out of Gubernatorial Race. ) - Topcka, Kan., Jan. 30. Gov. W. J. ! I Bailey today Issued a statement with- l S drawing from the Gubernatorial race, , J stepping out, he says, "because It is ap- I parent that the bitter factional fight that I j is now going on in the Republican, party I L m Kansas is a menace to Republican I I success. H it h ' : B,! "Treasury Statement. B Washington. Jan. 30. Today's state- H ment of the treasury balances in the H Y general funds, exclusive of the 5150,000,- m jj ,000 gold reserve in. the division of ro-, D j In dcmpllon, shows. Available cash bal- H Ml ance, ?22,CS0,9C9; gold, $94,293,321. &tm& Appointments. Presbyterian. First Prcsbvtcrlan church, corner Sec ond East and" Second South streets. Itcv. W. M Padcn, D. D., pastor, John C. Lin coln, assistant. Morning service. 11 o'clock. "The Po3llivenefl3 of Truo Kcllg ion ': Sunday-school, 12:20 p. m.; Junior Christian Endeavor society, 4; Senior so ciety, C:30; evening service, 7:15, "An Un known Evangelist," third sermon In scries on the Bible. Preparatory services to communion, which Is to bo observed next Sunday, will be held Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday evenings of this week. Southwest mission, cornor Second West and Mead streets. Sunday-school, 4 p. m.; evening service. 7:45. The topic will be the "Katlvltv and Childhood of Jcaus, ' and will be illustrated by the slcrcoptlcon. Westminster Presbyterian , church. Fourth West street, between First and Second South; Rev. John Rlchclscn, pas tor; residence, 715 South West Temple. Preochlng service, 11 a. m., sermon by pastor. Sunday-school, 12:15 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30 p. in. Preaching service, 7:30 p. m.. sermon by Rev.. Josiah Mc Claln of the Third Presbyterian church. Third Presbyterian church; Rov. Josiah McClaln, pastor. Morning services at 11 o'clock. Sunday-school, 12;I5 p. m. Junior C. E. at 4:30 p. in. Senior C. E., C;15 p. m. Evonlng services at 7 o'clock. Rov. R. G. McNIece, D. D will preach In the evening. - Unitarian. First Unitarian society Services at new Unitarian church, 140 South Second East street, at 11 a. m., the Rev. W. H. Fish, Jr., pastor Subject of sermon, "Strength in Weakness." Mr. II. II. Mc Corkle will sing an anthem and the Unity quartette will sing "Just As I am." Sunday-school and Emerson class at 12.13 Im mediately after service; Sunday evening lecture at 7:30 o'clock by Rev. W. II. Fl3h. Jr. Subject, "Personal Impressions and Recollections of Naples, Vesuvius, Pom peii and tho Modern Miracle of St. Janua rys." All Invited. Seats free. Unity clrclo meeting at 2:30 p. m. Wednesday. Scientist. First Church of Christ, Scientist. 33C East Third South Sundny-school at 10 a. m.; church service at 11 a. m,; subject, "Spirit." Each Wednesday evening at S o'clock a meeting Is held to listen to tho testimonials of healliiK of both ain and sickness. All nre welcome to these ser vices. Free reading-rooms opon dally from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m.. In rooms C07-C0S Scott-Strevell building, l&S Main street. Take elevator. German Evangelical. German Evangelical servlco at the East Side Baptist church. Thlid South and Sev enth EasL Sunday-school. 2 p. ni.; preaching, 3 n. m.; the ladlos' aid society will meet Thursday. February 4th. at 3 p. in., at tho home of Mro. Anna1 Hook, M South Sixth East. You are cordially In vited. Rev. G. A. Zimmer, pastor; resi dence, S2S East Second South. Lutheran. Our Sovlor's Evangelical Lutheran church. Fourth East between Fourth and Fifth South. Sunday services at 10:30 a. m. hi EnKlIah and at 3:30 p, m. In Nor wegian. You aro cordially invited to at tend. A. G. H. Overn, pastor. . . Christian. Central Christian church, Third East and Fourth South streets Dr. Plnkcrton will preach at 11 a. m. on "Tho Gospel of Cheer." nnd nt 7:45 p. m. on' "To Whom and for What Am I Responsible." At the morning servlco the choir will slnfr "To Him Who for Our- Sins "Waki Slain." and at tho evening service "There Is a Happy Land." Sanday-schoOl "at 12:30 p. m.; Christian Endeavor at C:30 p. m,; Junior Endeavor at 4 p. m. Tuesday; prayer ser vlco Wednesday at S p. m. All' aro in vited to attend thesV services. i Congregational. First Congregational church Preaching by the pAstor, the Rev. Elmer I Goshen, at 11 a. m.; Sunday-school at 12-30; Chris tian Endeavor society at G:15 p. m. Phillips Congregational church. East Fifth South and Seventh East; Rev. P. A. Slmpkln, pastor. Services this day: The Rev, J. D. Kingsbury will preach at 11 a. m. Sermon by the past"- 7:15 p. m. Sunday-school at 12:15. C. E. at 6:30. Cordial welcome to all worshipers. Methodist. First Methodist Episcopal. 33' East Third South, the Rev. J C. BIckel. A. M.. S. T. B., pastor Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. nnd 7:30 p m. ; morning theme, "The Constraining Power of Love." Vocal solo In the morning hy Miss Ruth Wil son. Music by a special quartette in tho evening. Sunday-school, 9:45 a. m.; W. A. Price, superintendent. Junior Leafiuc, 4 p. m. Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. Mon day evening, S o'clock, regular monthly meeting of tho official board, following men's meeting. Tuesday, 2 p. m.. meet ing of the Ladles' Aid society. Wednes day ovcnlng. 7.45, mid-week prayer serv ice, followed by Sunday-School teachers' meotlng. Cordial Invitation to all. Seats free. Second M. E. church. Fourth East and Galena, the Rev. W. B. Burton, pastor ireacning at n a. m. ana p. m. oy tno pnstor; special music by tho choir at tho ovcnlng service; Sunday-school at 10 a. m., Ellis Jaync, superintendent; Junior League at 3 p. m.; Epworth League nt C:45 p. m.; prayer meotlng Tuesday at 7;30 p. m. Ladles Aid meets at the parson age Thursday at 2:30 p. m. A cordial wel come to all of these services. Liberty Park M. E. church Services: Sunday-school at 10 a. m., preaching at 11 a. m., Junior Leaguo at 3:30 In after noon, Harriot Lanoy, superintendent; ser vice of song at 5:15 p. m. by tho class; preaching at 530: Epworth Leaguo at 6:30 p. m. A cordial Invitation Is extended to everybody. Louis R, Bailey, pastor. Illff M. E. church, Ninth East and First South, D. M. Helmick, pastor Preaching at 11 a, m. and 7:30 p. rp.; Sunday-school at 10 o'clock; Epworth league at 0:30 p. m. Come and worship with U3, Scats free. Episcopal. St. Mark's cathedral, the Very Rev. James B. Eddie, B. D., dean 7:30 a. m., holy communion; 9:15 a, m., Sunday school: 11, morning prayer and ser mon, "The Greatest Loss In tho World;" 6:30 p, m., Bible class; 7'CO, evening prayer and address, "Life As a Race;" St. Peter's chapel Sunday-school at 3 p. m. The public Is cordially Invited to at tend tho services, St. Paul's church. MaJn and Fourth South streets; tho Rev Charles- E. "Per kins, B. D rector. Services: S a. m.. holy qommunlon; 9:45 a. m., Sunday school; 11, morning prayer and sermon; 7:30. evening prayer and sermon. Strangers and visitors are cordially wel comed. All seats free. St. John's chapel, Perkins's addition: Mr. B. W. E. Jcnncns. lay reader. 2:45 p. in., Sunday-school; 4 o'clock, evening prayer and sermon by the Rev. Charles 12. Perkins. Persons residing In the Im mediate neighborhood particularly Invited. All welcome. Baptist. First Baptist church, Second South and Second West, the Rev. D. H. Brown, pas torPreaching at 11 a. m. and 730 p. m.; Sunday-school at 12:15. F. J. Lucas, supor lntendont; B. Y-- P. U. at 6:30; conquest meeting. "Pioneer Baptist Work in Amer ica", leader, Mrs. George Paul. Monday evening at S o'clock tho Young Ladles' Bureau Blblo class, Mrs. C. J. McNltt, leader. Tuesday .evening at S o'clock, the Young Men's Darko club, S. W. Darke, leader, Wednesday ovenlng at 7:30 o'clock, regular monthly covenant meeting. A welcome to all. Burlington chapel, Indiana avenue nnd Navajo street Sunday-school at 3:30 p. m.. G. J. Badertscher, superintendent. Friday evening service at 7:30. Rio' Grande, chapel, Second South be tween Ninth nnd Tenth West Sunday echool at 10 a. m. George Pual, superin tendent East Sldo Baptist church, corner Third South and Seventh Eoat streets, Rev. Frank Barnctt, pastor. Regular services Eczema How it reddens tho skin, itches, oozes, dries and scales! Some people call it teltor, milk crust or salt rheum. I The suffering from It Is sometimes In tense; local applications arc resorted to they mitigate, but cannot cure. It proceeds from humors inherited or ac quired and persists until these have been removed. Hood's Sarsaparllla positively removca thorn, has radically and permanently cured the worst cases, and Is without an equal for all cutaneous eruptions. : Hood's 1' uro tin. beat cathartic trlcoUciihts. at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m with sermon by Rov. Bruce Kinney, general missionary Y. V. S. C. E. meotlng at C:0 p. in., lead er. Miss Jennie Martin: Sabbath-school at 12.15 p. m., Mr. E. Hn Brown, superin tendent. Rcgtrlar midweek prayer sor vice on Wednesday ovcnlng at 7-30 A cor dial Invitation to these cervices Is extended to all. German Lutheran. Evangelical Lutheran services In Ger man Sundays at 3 p m.; Sunday-school at 2 p. m. at Swedish church. Second South and Fourth East streets. The Ger man 3peaklng public Is most cordially In vited to attend. Tho Jugcndvereln meets next Tuesday ovcnlng at 8 o'clock at 953 South Second West. J. R. Graebner, pas tor, 953 South Second West. INTERMOUNTAIN NUGGETS. David Cozier of Nephl, who has small pox, 'has only a light case. Bert Olson of Salt Lake has been visit ing Fillmore on legal business. Mrs. E. A. Thompson of Clrclevllle. Utah, Is visiting her cousin. Mrs. W. L. Cook, at Ncphl. II. B. Jennings has returned to Rawlins from Salt Laku accompanied home by Mrs. Jennings and two children who have been In this city several weeks. "Tuesday ton head of stock wore In our city park, browsing off the park trees. What has become of that ordinance keep ing stock on the streets?" asks tho Fill more Progress-Review. Mclba, the four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Ball of Coalville, died very suddenly, the cause of death being membraneous croup. The child had been sick onl a few hounrs. William Bertelson, who sustained an In Jury to ono of his. eyes by having a piece of stool fly Into It while doing blacksmith work at Sevier about five weeks ago, found It necessary to have the eyo re moved as tho steel had nearly pierced tho ball. The operation wae a success. Dr. Jonathan Partridge, who died at Oak City, Utah, recently, of cancer, was born In New York In 1S2S. and when a young man went to Klrtland. where ho was Intimately acquainted with Joseph Smith. He came to Utah In 1S51, and lived at Lchl and Deserct, and wont to Oak City In 1369. This leap year notice has been Issued at Tooele: "Como one, come nil, to the Rosebud's ball. Invitations have been sent, but on them alone we nre not bent Committee Ada Nelson. Alice Tate. Alice Martin, Allco Marsden, Annlo Bowcn, Edna Nelson. Emily LIndberg, Ethel Tate, Marie Brown " Tho Vornon correspondent of tho Tooole Transcript has this rude reference to somo Salt Lakers. "On the 21st a pnrty of fourteen elderly sportsmen of Salt Lake came out for a rabbit hunt; they took back with them some 400 to 500 rabbits which they killed In the neighborhood of Cook's ranch. Plcaso como again, good friends, wo have lots more to spare " Clyde Gillespie of Tooele, says the Transcript, met with a serious accident at the Honerlne works. Ho fell from a scaffold twenty-flvc feet on to a cement floor. Strange to say he fell square on his Xect, and tho Impact crushed his heel bones In a frightful manner. His feet nre so badly swollen that It cannot be deter mined for a time Just how badly ho Is Injured. A young son of Lorenzo Comejr of Lehl fell and hurt his leg some time ago, which has caused him moro or less pain. When Dr. Steelo was finally called In he found that the bone was badly decayed, and recommended that the boy be sent to a hospital, which was done Wednesday evening, tho doctor deciding that the leg would have to be amputated to savo the boy's life. Jacob Lund, who has a largo raneh and apple orchard on the Big Laramie rlver had a frightful experience with a 1500 pound horse. He was loading tho animal to tho drinking trough, when tho horse becamo frightened and Jumped on Mr. Lund, knocking him down and cutting a long gash In his leg, bruising his hand and wrist, and making a dozen other abrasions and bruises on his person- At a meeting of the Albany County and Intcrmountaln Fair association at Lara mie the following trustees were re-elected: Ora Haley, Mrs. M. E. Ingcraoll. Fred A. Miller, A. C. Jones. W. H. Holiday. W H. Frazce and George R, Eykyn. Tho trus tees re-elected Ora Haley as president. Si Dr. Lilly's Compound 2j Syrup of White Pine If ...and Tar... X a great remedy for overy sort A w of Cough and Cold. It relieves W ABk throat irritations, stops night coughing. Tho heallnp and w m soothing properties of Pino and tg Tar aro carried to the seat of g trouble. It Touches the Tickle. Ilh best recommendation Is (2u ' x! that people who try It onco U3e Wjg It afterward whenever a M iff Cough Remedy is required and flPB recommend It to their friends, QB 2 Good for young and old. H 50 cents W Bruefol & FranKen, DRUGGISTS, 1 wjj Southeast Corner Main and W M Third South Streots, Salt dfe Jg Lake City. g 3 AGENTS FOR LIQUOZONE. .S Mr. Miller as vice-president, Mrs. Ingcr coll as secretary and Mr. Jones as treas urer. Tho date of the next county fair will bo fixed by tho trustees at a subse quent meeting. We are prepared to invest your funds so that they will bring you the largest returns compatible with safety. You hold the security. We do the work. McGurrln & Co.. 13 Main St. 4 4-4- 4-4-4 4- 4- TOO MUCH WHISKY. 4- Large Distilleries Close Down -f 4- Because Decrease in Demand. 4- 4- Peoria, 111., Jan. 30. The Mon- 4- arch nnd Atlas distilleries, two 4- -f of the largest houses owned by 4- 4- the whisky trust, will shut down 4- 4- today for an Indefinite period. 4- 4- The closing, they say, is due to a -f lack of demand at present and 4- 4- the lnrge amount of spirits on 4- 4- hand. It is probable both plants 4- will remain closed until the busi- 4- 4- ness season next year. 4- 4- Tho Corning distillery shut 4- 4- down last October because of an 4- 4- explosion and a subsequent fire. 4- 4- It will begin operations Monday, 4- 4- while the new Woolncr distillery 4- will start In a few days. Both 4- are independent houses. 4-4-4-4- -f4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- ACCUSES HIS BROTHER. Army Officer Charges Mismanage ment of a Trust. Peoria, III., Jan. 30. Gen. John Green Ballance. U. S. A., who was very prominent In the Philippine campaign, has entered suit against his brother, Willis H. Ballance. When Gen. Ballance went to war he appointed his brother as agent and al leges that his brother collected rentals and sold property, diverting the pro ceeds, large sums, to his own use; that he refuses to make an accounting or surrender the books. Gen. Ballance owns much Peoria real estate and Is a member of one of Peo ria's oldest families. LIFE TOO STRENUOUS FOR J. P. MORGAN New York, Jan. 30. Rumors of practical retirement from active busi ness by J. P. Morgan, circulated and denied a day or two ago when J. P. Morgan, Jr., arrived 'from London, are reiterated today by the American, which declares that Mr. Morgan, Sr., has determined to shift the burden of his great interests to his son and spend a large part of his time hereafter in England at Aldenham Abbey, a splen did Hertfordshire seat, built in 1550, where he will gather his vast collection of art treasures now loaned to various museums and galleries abroad. GALL STONES DRIVEN OUT Dr. Lovell Cobb, President of Duval C ollege, Atlanta, Ga., Suffered Agony for More Than Three Years With Gall Stones, Tried Many Remedies in Vain, Thought Nothing Could Help Him, but Was Finally Cwed by WARNER'S SAFE CURE Dr. Lovoll Cobb, widely known through- out the South as a successful author and President of Duval College, Atlanta. Ga., owes his Ufa to Safo Cure. In a recent letter he says: "I suffered for thrco years with gall stones and thought nothing could help mo, for I had tried many different rcmo dlcs without avail, but, fortunatoly for me, ono of my friends called my atten tion to Warner's Safe Curo and I at onco got a bottle, as I was anxious to know what It would do for me. It acted llko a charm; overy dose helped me, and In four months I was cured and have had no re currence of tho trouble since. It has mado a now man of mo, and I gladly glvo credit whore it Is due to Safo Cure." Gall stones, or gravel, aro the result of uric acid poisoning caused by diseased kidneys and a torpid llvor. As the gall stones Increase In size, prolonged fits of sickness attended with great agony afflict tho sufferer. Thousands die yearly of gall stones, and never know what is the matter until the end is at hand. The kidneys are diseased. "Safe Cure" Is tho only complete and perfect cure for gall atones. It dissolves the stones and forces thorn out of tho sys tem, together with all waste and poison ous anatter, without danger, and quickly brings the liver, kidneys and bladder back to a condition of perfect health, and en ables them to do their work properly and You 2an Tell If You Have Kidney Disease. If you have gall stones, or gravel, pains In the back or neck, rheumatic pains or swellings, uric ncld poison, gout, diabetes, Brlght's dlsoaso, inflammation of tho bladder and urinary organs, scalding pains when you urinate, cloudy urine, or red-dish-brown sediment in urine when ft stands 21 hours: Jaundice, skin troubles, tor pid liver; If a woman, bearing down sensation, fainting spells, or so-called fomalo weakness, painful periods, your kidnoya havo been diseased for a long time, aa such outward symptoms seldom show themselves until dlseaso has secured a firm hold in the system. You have no tlont to lose begin nt once to take Safo Cure, which 13 absolutely the only positive, permanent arid safo cure for all diseases ot the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood. Safe Cure Is mado entirely of herbs, contains no harmful drugs, Is free from sed iment and pleasant to take. Prescribed by doctors and used successfully In lead ing hospitals for years. Sold at all drug stores or direct. 50c and 51 a bottle. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. They are wortliless and very often exceed ingly dangerous. Ask for Warner's Safe Cure; it will cure yon. . Medical booldet and doctors' advice free and postpaid to overy one who sends his name and address to Warner's Safe Curo Co., Rochester, N. Y , and mentions this paper. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS move tho bowels gently and aid a speedy cure. I FOR CATARRH AND ALL KINDRED DISEASES, UNTIL CUPp TO ALL BEGINNING TREATMENT DURING FEBRUARY. Wt IF YO HAVE Catarrh, Asthma or Lung Disease, Hay Fever, Catarrh of the Stomach t der, Liver or Kidneys; if you have Pelvic Catarrh, or auy other Chronic Disease, the xKViV X Catarrh, come to Drs. Shores, Salt Lake's Popular Physicians and Specialists, at once anflU ru X yf treat vou until cured for the low fee of $3.00 a month, all medicines included free' jJjSn i ' $3.00 IS ILL THE M0WEY YitS HEED$3.0Q ' fff X Provided you begin your treatment with Drs. Shores AT ONCE. Three Dollars pajtheJWljSL X one whole month, all treatment and necessary medicine furnished free. This generous off J Drs. Shores & Shores to cure Catarrh and Kindred Diseases for the low fee of 3.00 a month' W ' t no sense a charity offer, but is made by Drs. Shores to prove to the public that Catarrh i8 aJp, able disease, and that Drs. Shores' treatment is superior to all others. m ' t This low rate will also deal "Quackery" in Salt Lake a death blow; it will deal the "miILh X medicine vendor" a death blow; it will PROTECT the sick from being imposed upon. IT !KCiryUn FURTHER it brings the price of the services of expert physicians and specialists withi S"5fl I reach of all the people. 'ffn t Start in at once and you will get Drs. Shores' 5 a month treatment for 5. Consnltiifcn T and examination free to all. "KlSifl1116 The Treatment m TREAT AND GORE fe Ttlflf flrifPQ iff v Catarrh nnd Stomach Troubles, Nervous a J55tflS 4. HUU I VU1WO w Kidney Diseases. Bladder Trouble, Heart jSSfS X Cfl Diseases of tho Stomach and Bowels, Pllta, jvJS'V T - .nfcSfS ftnd 11001111 DIsea5es Female Complaints, ewfjfolc T lU $P1 I HM ty- Etc" D,scases oC Women and ' rJrw.'iSffptt X x -"v ll mfa ly 1 EM Rickets, Spinal Troubles, Skin Dl&oasw, Ds8 4. P - l I Wlml VP I WnV ncs' Asthma. Bnchial and Lung TrMttSTtT X Kl j)y I)" 1 f $9 Consumption In the First StaEe3, bvTmH W JL KWL J? " tISm' Hay pever' NeuralSia, Hysteria, EytJT 4 jV T fN E,nr D,scases' Go,trc or neck. La Gripj J; g rL Wpyt'- J Manhood, Blood Diseases, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Sr' X KK EJmm(llh ula and aJI forms oi Nervous nd Chronic D'J-' -r WljinJiJ" (Umt ar0 curable) CAL,L 0R WRITE. "ttf85" tl a7 jjrclf $r No onc deprlvc1 of Lho benefits of Drs. ShorWilJ1111 U cewr W$Mt' i I because of living at distance from the offlct. K?!0 VKwlSSU MJ) ' III, I same -wonderful and uniform success attcndln? tf ! SMWm K I 1 treatment of Drs. SHORES In their office la fourd! , t BrSK'Kfa' ' MM their HOMli TREATMENT OF PATIENTS 1191 -P Knfra!irofi?H MAIL. By the use of a symptom blank they arttifcr ff BlfflffiSl1! W flrT to dlagmose cases and prescribe for them and by eXLtseo I 1 B B reports keep a close watch upon them. Pali t I WlkWMMWr JS 3 ln- in the country may enjoy the benefits of 3 V vh1 WmMWySC1 I Shores' SYMPTOM BLANK and have your cas fiXeCrtit t MfeRm!BS nosed frce Drs- Sh0I"es' ,ow r:ile of S3 a iBonlhMleiaa T "PllWWIi a11 Catarrhal Diseases, medicines free, Is made for tMm VW-vma tai-s5' benefit. Write today If you can not call and lakeH&VJ , i X j jUT vantage of this grand specl,al offer. lESiaat X BANGER SIGNHLS. Of the Ears. 'iiSSfp 4- Catarrh oxtonds from the throat d0 you havo running la the tc&fti ,Ju 4- . , . , alone tho eustachian tubes Into tho eis?" JT -f Aches and Pains Are tne Danger eartJi causing partial or complete Theso aro tho sevca simple !.'ru iKti c' a Rtrrrink Tlmf Ynu Are Slek and deafness. Quickly cured with little dlcatlns di3easo of the liver. the btgnais XJiat xou Are mck ana cogt by Drs shores' famous treat- hnv0 any or au of thera, sk DT. "r Need Treatment. mcnt. Shores now and bo cured. mt&fu- 4- "Is your hearing falllnp?" ''ttt 4- Read tho following symptoms over "Do your ears discharge?" Catarrh of the SlomnfV jrfob1 4- carefully, mark those you feel In your "is the wax drying In your cars? ' owunxz. -f case, and send or brlns them to Drs. "Do vou hear better somo days than Catarrh of the stomach Is uaSBit, , Shores and thov will tell you whether others'?" caused by swallowing mucous. tllKr T you can be cured FREE OF CHARGE. "Is your hearing worso when you drops down from tho head and thrJr-"' , -f have a cold?" at night. Quickly cured at Uttl cjffi? I1 4- , j mi j. Don't neglect this until your hearing by Drs. Shores' famous treitnnarKw 4- The Head and Throat. la rreparably destroyed. Drs. Shores "la there nausea9'- Vfey T This form of catarrh Is most com- can cure you. "Do you belch up gas?" AiibUo.' T mon rcsulUng from neglocted colds , Are you consUnated? iliicllr I aulckly cured with little cost by Drs. Kidney Disease. "Is your tongue coated r ll.ain T Shores' famous treatment, T7oCitc n t wvi-hv tikine cold P.ou bloat up after eaU;ir X "Is vour nose stooned un?" Results in two wajs-oy taking com ..ja tnere constant bad taste b Cy MWk X "Docs vour noso dtechnrjce?'' and b', overworking the kidneys In mouth?.. ; , i;t X "Is ur nos? sore and tender?" separating from the blood the ca- Now ls the tIme to penajBeiS "Sffiifrnront of hSd?" rnral AffcMllttfcS .Dra. Shores are cmfci to X "Do you hawk to clear tho throat?" Shores' Kou Z X "Is your throat dry In tho morning?" b'..TD, n- ZVLA a? roet swoU?" , rt -lc' nI?,.you sleep wlth your mouth "?slt0notl?ed morS Vnight?" Symptoms of Diseases of & ijntt X You can bo easily cured now-don't bShCr0 Pal" th 8maU f th2 Nerves f 4- let It run Into complications. y '..Hng tho pcrgpimtlon a bad odor?" Tho majority of nervous dL'UH w (f T "Is thero pufflncss under the eyes?" aro caused by poisons in the baa t T The Bronchial Tubes. "Do you havo to get up often at Poison circulating In tho blooJ tint jrj T rL . , L night?" ses tho brain and nerves, and hs 4- When catarrh of tho head of throat "Ia there o. deposit in urlno if left symptoms as theso follow; fwt 4 is neglected or wrongfully treated, It standlm:'" "Do you get glddv"' i wL3 X xtens down the windpipe Into the Don't neglect these signs and risk "Is your mind dull?" j ilmoti T Jwonchlal l,ubcs' a,i? ,af?er awhile at- Brlght's dlseaso killing you. Curo It "Are you easily dazed?" , j-, tacks tho lungs. Quickly cured with n0w. "Do you have headacho?" JJ?Z T Httle cost by Drs. Shores' famous "Are you easily cxcltedr T trcataient. T , QT. TV?c.QOOO, "Do you hands tremble?" f T "Have you a cough?" Liver Disease. "Does your heart flutter?" j luafcu T ;Do you tako cold easily?" The liver ls affected by catarrhal "Aro you easily Irritated?" .Kda T SaV0 you ,DaIn tho side?" poisons extending from tho stomach "Aro you always anxlousf j T ( Do you raise frothy materials?" into the ducts of tho liver. Quickly "Do your muscles twitch' , 4- S you sp'S UP llttlc cheesy lumps?" cured with little cost by Drs. Shores "Is your temper Irritable?" r 4- Z?n feel you aro growing famous trcatmont. "Suffer from slecplesssesir j. r X weaker.'' "Do you got dizzy?" "Aro you easily frlghtcneUr ' II L X . Don t risk, neglecting these warn- "Havo you cold foot?" "Docs your sleep not rrua K;- 4- Jnss stop the disease beforo It reaches "Do you feel miserable?" "Do you suffer from ncunugli; v X the lungs, ..Do you got tired easy?" "Do you havo horrible drcamsr I ' WEHK MEN. ' PHY WHERE DRED. X If pu suffer from any of tho weaknesses or diseases We cure you and thon ask a REASONABLE TU t t VERYPRSON WES WvTCTOtaT'SKTO when you aro cured. You can depend upon ou. We havo proved our skill In curing all CHRONIC dls- Any bank In Utah will endorse it; thousands of raflg g f easos by publishing thousands of voluntary tcsUmonlals have endorsed us. NOW WE WANT TO CURE tol or homo people, giving names, pictures and addresses. with tho distinct understanding that we will not in -I SvBSECSAN,T PUBL1SH OUR CURES IN PRIVATE DIS- a Manhood. Gonorrhoea. Syphilis. Spaeri Jta t, ' ,i , . . orrhoca all weaknesses of mon , Recauso It would betray confidence: hence, wo bavo to Wo cure absolutely Varicocele or It don t cost yi $Z.VC. our sHln,n th,B claS3 oC troubles In another way. penny. Consultation and advlco FREE by letter c. .- TllIs ls our Plan i 'person. CADE OR WRITE. Lyon Block, 56 W. Second So. Salt Lake eity, Utah: Office Hours 9 a,m to 5 p.m. Evenings, 7 to 8 p.m. Sundftys and holidays, 10 o.m. to 12.' u IHHIIIIMimHIHHlHt HmtlHimilHlnnHIHIlH I we're KNIFING j PRICES I Our shop is not a storehouse. I It's an exchange changing cloth- H ing for cash. Embraco tho op- n portunity to save money by H spending It here. I RICH & SON 9 Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers, I 21? South 1 It's the Saltj Lake Stamp jBpSK That Mokes feJPSaL 167 s- Templa LA-CtTS Salt Lake City. I May Depend jj P On tho way a prescription Is filled. !. I Every prescription compounded i j hero will give tho results that the doctor wants. Y'ou may placo every ; reliance on our prescription work, ;' y Its accuracy, tho use of tho best jj J drugs, our system prevents errors, 2 j.1 mistakes aro impossible. El i Telephone your wants. . Telephono No. t D AYTO N 1 Drag Company a Telephono No. p CorStatajdSecon HB Watches g afef Jewelry j OUR. STOOK INCL Jg . GREAT VARIETY OFjH Jj, ELRY FOR GENTI 1 ; SCAHF PINS, CUFF BlCT ; OR LINKS, CHAIN j ! ANTS, SHIRT STUDS, Ej - I TASTY DESIGNS, A I PRICES. I jLYONCftJ g y WBM MANHOOD RESTORED ' mi&WfiS Tbli Great Vegetable Vltallior, tbo prcicrlptlon of !ioe& ulnSk W dmE qoleklrcuroroa of all nenrous or dlaaaio of th cenertiroor " Ner" flPi .rE lood, loiomnla. Puln In tho itacli. Seminal al,,'coce!. ftsllK? kf tfJIi Pimple, Dnfltne.i to inarrr, Eibuu.Unf )r.ula; l,,Jrh If &S c6riMK BVlffl patloa. It nop all lwnei br day or nlcht- Promaturl'I;. ",PEvj5 cie?JriiB -yem tn snonnatorrbeca and all tho Lorrors of lmpotencx c r cot eJxJsrlHh howanorn. CTJPXDENE strtSDStbon aDd wtorM. Tbo reijop '"'K? ,,55 8 oolf f.VmlK' s becauto ninety ir cent, aro ironblol rllh I'ro.tatltli. OUJPJWEy'fl" d niciiey rtvSif B o cure riibout an operation. WCO tesvlmonlalji. A wrltton ruarunico ':.TCnj,nii for trt w" : -oim do DO'.ctlcct a pcrraancnt ourn Bl.oo a bor, lx lor fa U) by mUoe"" ym tfrtlmoojola AiirtM DA VOL MEDIOIXE CO., San l-rDclie, ! nt JJODBE-PITTS DBUG JX SuOJakeCltUtahffL