Newspaper Page Text
I. The Salt Imke Tkibtotb: Sitkpat Mokstn-g, Jajhjary 31. 1904. H liGUS LABEL MAKERS rW MAKE A NOVEL PLEA 'Wrork. J-- so.-"Why, your nJ9' shouted William Strauss. "I am UtafctatiW business man and I cannot Einot help that," replied the court. toiQ4fcfio sentence of the court that you twKniiam Haas must serve ton days 2Pn awition w payIng a llne 0 5500 'Gfil. Imi voUr honor." cried Haas. "I am Kn Europe on Thursday next I f. jinked my passage and have my Uokets. It will ruin, mo to co to jail." "You tried to ruin many men bv these counterfeit labelE," said the Judge, "and the sentence of the court will not be chauged." Both remonstrated loudlv as they were led away to jail. Strauss and Haas were found guilty of counterfeiting and selling labels. The Judge who heard the caso sentenced them by first announcing a fine of $500 each. They seemed pleased at this, but when the Judge added "ten days In prison" they sprang from their chairs In protest.. Legislators dodge 2 vote for senator spoils. Mi. Jan. 30. Today's scs- U Hi fihe Maryland Senate was prob- 1 te most unique In its history. The - in railed to order in the regular i Vbf President Jones when the fQT meeting arrived, ho being the i Smttor present. . Afters in tho chamber wero Sec Ill -Vs. Thomas J. McNelr. messen Ulft i the president, who acted in va- Itticldes; Chaplain Mills, two XV M per men and one spectator. Z ? McNeil had called the roll and mui the lack of a quorum, he ctituted os s-jrgeant-at-arms and n(i , rtho absent Senators. Ills report P I St none could be found. Xo busi- 01 ms tbercforo attempted. About noon Delegates Collins and- Wil liams arrived and escorted tho Senate in the person of President Jones to the House of Delegates' chamber, there to ballot as required by the statutes of the United States for a United States Sen ator. The roll call thereupon developed the fact that only six Delegates were pres ent, the Speaker announced that owing to the lack of a quorum there would be no ballot for tho election of a Senator. Thereupon the Joint assembly was ad journed on motion of Delegate Duvall. The session of the Senate having re sumed. President Jones announced thf adjournment of that body until Mondav. The balloting for United States Senator will be resumed next Tuesday. f; WATER USERS' SIDE OF THE QUESTION jar Tribune: I read with a smile fditorlal in the issue of oven date 4, i,t"Tiie TVaste of Water." "We are igto much of this sort of thing of gj irid while I would not excuse or ofe' K the act of those who wasto wa- tla 'gammer or winter. I wish to call ill hi attention to tho fact that thero lEfls to aides to this water question. t' wrly spring we arc served with IK br the use of water for the whole Htsi through, and accompanying each ,Jrf; lithe threat that If the amount is ah !l wlth,n a certaln tlmQ the fiup" iaj'u :vater will be cut off. Charge in this bill Is based upon xpectatlon that it covers a aufll ee.4 ''quantity of water to sprinkle a it 'tteg 'area of lawn twice each day. and iafe j,pald tho bill, one supposes he , wight that quantity and paid for rlVllogc of use of same. 3 wi' ba3 the tlrac exPll'ca ln which ' : bills should be paid, or the threat -.t dout, ere we receive a notice that ioaii enot to be allowed to sprinkle the : --.J ,more than once per day. with Jt ! threats in case this order is dls- il M iy Poplc feel that, having paid trattaa ( nc of water to snrlnkle a lawn , :3a!ay, they are entitled to it, and ' ' $w- 's a l snarD Practice on tlie f,rd)Bf tho city to take pay for some- - wf;it U unwilling or unable to fur tun icd thl3 being the feeling, many , jA if they are justlfled in helping ptn elves. :tf! e ENTITLED TO IT. t ffo to a merchant and buy goods SI & i, paying therofor, is he not bound f'aad honesty to deliver to me the t 'purchased? And the city having Miif for water for sprinkling tZtl W daJ' can ,c restrict Its use to . 5 1 Wr day and withhold the dlffcr t: n Pnca which should be made for i fferenee In service? ( I am going to make a statement ' I presume will bo denied, and yet ifttiBfled It Is true. - re are Borne of our citizens who, y : IhsuEe has boen restricted to once If? ; J, continue to uho it twlco, and uf sjnqulry it is found that they gained permission for such use, or it la tacitly winked at. Last' summer my lawn was suffering for want of water. I went to tho wa tcrmaster and telling him of the fact, asked If I might be permitted 'to sprin kle twice each day for a few days to re vive the famishing grass, and this wus denied me. I told him that some of my neighbors were using water twice per day, and openly, and ho asked, "Who are they?" I am not informing upon others, and am not a tale-bcnrer, consc quenUy wouJd not give him names, but : I want the same service as my neigh bor Is getting, and no more. There should be no "pull" ln this matter of water service, but all should be treated alike. MORNING AND EVENING. There Is another point In the sprinkling of a lawn but once a day that those who- are un acquainted with the facts do not understand tho nicety of, and yet the manner in which the restriction is enforced works a hardship to at least one-half of the users of water for that purpose. When tho time is reduced those ln a certain district aro required .v i.o-w ii lauiiiunjo, luinu luum: living in other districts are permitted to sprin kle .evenings, and this policy Is pursued year after year. .Now. anybody who will give this mat ter a moment's thought will realize, and admit, that water thrown upon a lawn in the morning, after the sun Is up, does little good, for it is soon dried off and evaporated, while tho same quantity of water in the evening will remain and soak into the ground. Hence, I submit, wouldn't It be fair play to turn about? Permit (?) those who are required to- sprinkle ln the morning one year to sprinkle evenings the next, and the evening user take morning for sprinkling? If any of your readers care to make a mental note of this, they will observe noxt summer that the lawns having the evening ser vice will appear fresher and more thrifty than those that are watered mornings. If worth your while, kindly give this a place ln your paper, ns It may result in benefit to others as well as ono who is an OLD SUBSCRIBER. Salt Lake City, Jan. 2Sth. lLROADERS PROSPER ED WITH RIO GRANDE JL3! 1 tfp P of tll9 tourists aud even ihc reg- jjjg, Ktrons of the Rio Grande would wt JJa distinct shock if they knew ,j-fft a dozen or more of the engl- "LA klCr them acroas the ranees and idSr ? tra rfch men not ln ntcd of wr the. support of their families. 4! h la the case and; several of the ? n In the service can show bank . . tta that would make successful J: mm turn green with envy. ,. instance, Engineer John Stuart, J rvJn wlih the company over i flWT-!L,m eilBlnoor, is rated as ui ffiM0 and ls vtce-prcsident LSLrinBil,JLbanlc and of one of llLi1 Provo "Ben" Estos. iil "BarUett" and "Jim" e S thb otht;ra ho Iwive lWrL800d bank accounts, and ' a ,c?nductor, is reputed jut fu!Sijd,fhborhooa f haic a SSi,,naiies a b,ff salary. Hln IKthrJ fof a Eober. relinblo. MmmZ S wl10 can shoulder re- fl TlShB ?,a!,ickly ln emer- tSffim Ll,We11 keeping Wr Addt? w' eambHnt- and late Wfclhlri iu a.Httlfe economy and iRnk nrifi enBlneer knows he has lCfy.r'"" Doubles or trebles the 0lM&ftOt th0 nltt"' gOla igj. f a competence ft uTa10 a 05:038 Canyon 'ifcVT f tnc aioffat llne have H SnoR0Ult C0UntV. Colorado, 1 TMio i Mountaln canyon, thr01. bCn cntcred and pi, 'by le8s an twenty .mrnl0' C' Conklc a aJBW6 th h.,Se PassaEC last week, CFflte!5 (S fricnd vc It up -l5SS;,a wiry llttlft fcl- dlrec tiv ,SJfIy- lf tnls roulc, B the 8LLn th,f; llr,e or survey 553 thlrtt &ar cHcc for a dis Usat ih. 'iC'1' 11 iB thought, i$m h(i eDSlucer will not uk the canyon, "but swing the road either north or south. N. Y. CENTRAL TO REBUILD. WJLL PULL UP TRACK 3TOR THIRTY-FIVE MILES AUD USE ELECTRICITY. Now York, Jan. 30. Plans have been mado for the entire reconstruction of tho New York Central roadbed for a distance of thirty-five miles from this city northward, and the elimination of nil grudo crossings on the Hudson river and Harlom divisions. These have been submitted to tho local authorities of Yonkers, Mount Vernon, Irvington, Tarryiown and Osslnlng. Tho local and the township authorities between tho Harlem division aro also consider ing piano for the several sections of the railroud passing through their territory. As soon as tho necessary consentjs and agreements of the municipal, vil lage and county oftlclaln aro obtained the work of reconstruction will begin, which will include the laying of an elec trical third-rail system over or under all the streftts, roads and highways now crossed at grade, Two immenso poWer-houeen equipped with steam turbines, ono at Yonkers and one at Fort Morris, will supply tho motive force for the electrical engines, which will tako tho place of stenm power. The cost of abolishing grado cross ings la to be borne under the law, one half by the railroad, one-quarter by the State and one-quarter by the local ity affected. C. F. & I. Delay Again, There ls an excellent prospect for fur ther postponement of the special meet ing of the stockholders of the Colorado Fuel and Iron company, This great Men on the Car Platform I Thankful for Swamp-Root I Attacked by Diseases Due to Cold, Exposure and the Terrible Strain of Their Work, I Motormen and Conductors Are Made Strong by This Wonderful Remedy. ' I The daily work of a motorman is enough to break down a constitution of steel. He must face cold and storm day and night. H Cooped up on his narrow platform, he must stand while the bitter winds pierce him to the bone, no matter how heavy his clothing H Every minute he must be on the alert, and in the midst of suffering his judgment must be quick and sure, for an error may ccst H a human life. Tired and hungry after hours of work that keep his nerves tense as fiddle-strings, he sits in the corner of a car to de- H vour a cold, hasty meal from a tin pail. These brave men are exposed to great as those of the battlefield. Fortunately, ' H when nature can stand the strain no longer, the railroad men know whereto find'irew strength and energy. The statements printed i H below tell of wonderful cures by Swamp-Root, the great Kidney Remedy. ... ! H Swamp-Root Cured Me. (To a Reporter.) "Like magic fittingly describes the manner in which Swamp-Root cured mo of poor digestion, coated tonguo and loss of appetite, of many years' stand ing. I tried nearly overy medicine for stomach trouble that was recommend ed to me, without relief, until I tried Swamp-Root on tho advice of a friend. It did not require more than four bot tles to set my stomach right, and for the past two months I have been eating with a relish anything set before me. something I had been unable to do pre viously for yean;. Am stronger than ever." . . 100D Xostrand Ave., Br'klyn. Colorado corporation is now in the hands of the Rockefeller and Gould in terests, and these interests have ad vanced largo sums of money to pay the running expenses of the company. These sums have been secured by the transfer of coal and Iron lands, and to secure further and necessary funds for developing and carrying on the big company It is necewary to make an other Issue of bonds. To do this, It will be necessary to secure the consent of the holders of certain debenture bonds, who were assured, when their bonds were issued that no further issue would be made and no additional liabilities in curred. Railroad Notes. R. B. Moore, superintendent of com missary for tho San Pedro, has gone to tho end of the line to establish camps further out for the graders and fence builders. Superintendent J. H. Young of tfic Rio Grande, who has been spending a month touring Mexico and the South ern States In a private car with a small party, arrived lact night on No. 3. The party spent tho night ln the car and went to their homes this morning. WORLD'S FAIR BANK WILL GET A CHARTER "Wnehlngton, Jan. 20. Comptroller of tho Treasury Rldgcly today approved the application of President FranclB for authority to organize tho Bankers' World's Fair National bank, to bo lo cated on the grounds of the Louisiana Purchase exposition, The stock of tho bank, which la to bo $200,000, will be aubscrlbod by tho Individual directors pf tho several bonks of St. Louie, Splendid Results Obtained by the Use of Swamp-Root. (To a Reporter.) "During the epidemic of grippe in 1SS9 I fell a victim; since then, at the change of tho seasons spring and fall I suf fered more or less severely with fearful pains in my bones, accompanied with a general exhaustion, sometimes so bad I would have to take to my bed. Last fall I was threatened with tho usual attack, and, hearing of tho good results obtained through Swamp-Root, I bought a 50c bottle, which benefited me so greatly that, to make assurance doubly suro, I bought another, which cured me so effectually that I have had no pain or ache since. Swamp-Root has my grateful and hearty indorsement." 156 Marlon St., Brooklyn. WHY SWAMPROOT GIVES STRENGTH. ALMOST EVERYONE, FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, KNOWS THAT THE EFFECTS OF ANY KIND OF SEVERE PHYSICAL STRAIN ARE FELT, FIRST OF V ALL, IN THE SMALL OF THE BACK IN OTHER WORDS, IN THOSE VITAL ORGANS, THE KIDNEYS. THIS IS AS TRUE IN THE CASE OF THE VERY POWERFUL MAN AS IT IS WITH ONE OF LESS STRENGTH, AND IT IS ESPECIALLY TRUE WHENEVER THE KIDNEYS ARE WEAK. WEAK AND UNHEALTHY KIDNEYS ARE RESPON- JM SIBLE FOR MORE SICKNESS AND SUFFERING THAN ANY OTHER DISEASE, THEREFORE, WHEN THROUGH NEGLECT OR OTHER CAUSES, KIDNEY TROUBLE IS jH PERMITTED TO CONTINUE FATAL RESULTS ARE SURE TO FOLLOW. IH SWAMP-ROOT STRENGTHENS THE KIDNEYS AND THROUGH THEM HELPS ALL THE OTHER ORGANS. WHEN THIS WONDERFUL MEDICAL DISCOVERY CAN PUT THE HUMAN BODY INTO CONDITION TO STAND THE HARD WORK AND THE TREMENDOUS STRAIN OF THE MOTORMEN, IT IS EASY TO UNDERSTAND HOW IT HAS IH CURED THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS IN THE MORE ORDINARY AND LESS STRENUOUS WALKS OF LIFE. LH NO MATTER HOW MANY DOCTORS YOU HAVE TRIED NO MATTER HOW MUCH MONEY YOU HAVE SPENT ON OTHER MEDICINES YOU REALLY" OWE IT TO YOUR- j" SELF AND TO YOUR FAMILY TO AT LEAST GIVE SWAMP-ROOT A TRIAL. ITS STRONGEST FRIENDS TODAY ARE THOSE WHO HAD ALMOST GIVEN UP HOPE OF EVER BECOMING WELL AGAIN. To Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do for YOU, a Sample Bottle Will Be Sent Free by Mail. I EDITORIAL NOTICE Swnmp-Eoot is the new discovery of the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and ia used in tbe leading hospitals, recommended by physicians. in their practice, and taken by doctors themselves, because they recognize in it the greatest and most successful remedy that has ever been discovered. i So successful is Swamp-Root in promptly curing even the most distressing cases, that to prove its wonderful merits you may have a sample bottle and a book of valuable in- fl formation, both sent absolutely free by mail. The book contains many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and -women cured. The value jH and success of Swamp-Root is bo well known that our readers are advised to send for a sample bottle. In writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and say) that you read this generous otfer in the Salt Lake City Sunday Tribune. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. . I Don't make any mistake, but remember the name Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on ' every bottle, for sale at all drug stores--Fifty Cents and One Dollar. ' FIGHTING FOR A FORTUNE. CONTEST FOR, THE ESTATE OF FRANCIS R, BRYAN HEARD IN PARIS. Paris, Jan. 30. The tribunal of the Seine today heard argument in the con test of the will oC Francis R. Bryan, a wealthy American, who died here in November, 1002, leavine: 510,000 to the Philadelphia Historical society, and the balance of his largo fortune to the South Kensington museum, London. Two cousins, Mrs. Hand of New York and Mrs, Dewces of Mississippi, con- Don't Worry. This ls easier sold that done, yet It may be of somo help to consider tho matter. If the cause la Bomethlns over which you have no control It Is obviouo that worrying will not help the matter In tho leaist. On tho other hand, if within your control you havo only to act. When you havo a cold and fear an attuck e! pneumonia, buy a bottle of Chambcrlaln'B Cough Remedy and use It JudlclouBly and all can bo for worry as to the outcomn will quickly disappear, There la no dansar of pneu monia when It Id used, yor Eale by ail druggists. . Lame Back Cured by Swamp -Root. (To a Reporter.) "For a. long time I suffered with backaches. I tried .plasters, liniments and divers concoctions, without relief. Hearing and reading so much about the merits of Swamp-Root. I thought I would give It a trial. Before finishing the first bottle the kink in my back had nearly disappeared; this encouraged me to use 'it faithfully. Five bottles cured mo entirely, and although It is over six months since my recovery. I have .had no pain or uchc since. It certainly af fords me pleasure to Indorse Swamp Root." 13S1 Herkimer St., Brooklyn. tested the legacies. Their counsel main tained that the testator was not of sound mind when he made his will, as he was under the delusion that the archbishop of Paris and the prefect of pollco had conspired to poison him. The Philadelphia Historical society and the Kenslngtpn 4 museum were not repre sented. The court will give Its decision by default after eight days from dale- i jj 1 Always .the f 1 Same.... THAT'S A POLICY WE TRY TO FOLLOW OUT HERE. WE EXERCISE THE GREATEST S g CAUTION IN OUR BUYING THAT WE MAY ALWAYS . GIVE YOU "ONLY THE BEST $ OF THE BEST." g) j (T.E.arper, g GOOD THINGS TO EAT. 85 EAST SECOND SOUTH ST. g Telephone 54. S i Weak Kidneys Cured by Swamp-Root '. (To a Reporter.) Outdoor workers of every kind escape grave dangers by tak ing Swamp-Root at the first sign of kidney I or bladder trouble. Don't wait until to-' morrow "In ray case Swamp-Root was the one kidney remedy that cured mo when all others utterly failed, I consider Its ef fect on weak kidneys really wonderful, and am pleased to Indorse Its merits. It cures and gives strength." Jas. Fafrell, " 140S Fulton St., Brooklyn. Heartily Recommends j H Swamp. Root H (To a Reporter.) I "Suffered a long time -with gastrin I dyspepsia, which no remedy seemed to j benefit, until I commenced taking ! Swamp-Root. I first tried a small- sized bottle with Buch good results thatl i I determined to try more, and it curcdl 1 IH me so effectually that, though it ia now ' nearly a year ago since ray recovery, I. there has been no return of the dread. ' r WM gaatria attacks. I take this means of I showing my gratitude, and heartily H recommend Swamp-Root to all suffer- J I Ing the came as I did." I 1G0C Bergen St., Brooklyn. 1 fi TOUR CHOICE OF MEN'S AND YOUTHS' I j I $15, $18, $20 AND $22.50 SUITS I I FOR- t II j . . Once more wg cidl your nltoMlon lo tho unpaiTtllolotl Imp I H gains in tho Grent'Salo In our olTorls to clean out all this winter- 1 , H 1 latest stock. Wo have not pennUleil a question of cost to entey 1 H into our arrangement, jj ' J SEE WINDOW DISPLAY, ij fl