Weather for Today Fair. WoXj XLVH. No. 144 Salt Lake City, U.tah, TFEDirajSDAY MoKraG, September 7, 19oZ ; 12 phgbs.Fiye Qents. (Wreck on Wabash I in Missouri. t Passsngsrs Killed, jmri Fifty Others Are I" Injured. tn'Wheel Causes Derailment of ;Coach and Diner on Heavy- Laden Train. fcLOUIS. Sept. 6. The Wabash juT passenger train southbound Ses Moines to St. Louis was i?3i near Pendleton, Mo., slxty fies northwest of here, this af m, killing eight passengers and ig fifty others. The cause ffwreck has not been determined, flis thought that a broken wheel id a passenger coach which ill the track and derailed the dln rjwith it. Dead. ' NICHOLS, Macon, Mo. fA HENRY FOLCHT. Hunting- SC H. GRAVES, La Plata, Mo. FA PATTERSON, La. Plata, Mo. HENDERSON, La Plata, Mo. ifiANNA GRENNDR. Macon, Mo. 5jj- HEBLER, daughter of A. F. Macon, Mo. MV. L. FITCH, Huntington, Pa. J Seriously Injured. ID BRUNER, Klrksville, Mo. llBILLINGS A. S. BILLINGS, i CURTAIN, La Plata, Mo. ID CRAWFORD. La Plata, Mo. flDULET, La Plata, Mo. RIZZEL, Manltou. Colo. ' GRAVES, La Plata, Mo. tJ HENLY, cook dining-car. ELSO, La Plata, Mo. KELSO, La Plata. Mo. 5 AN.NA MARIENS, La Plata, lAF, PLEMENS, La Plata, Mo. (WILLS, Macon. Mo. jDO WALKER", Macon, Mo. ' ITATE, La Plata, Mo, jfcmshed by Dining Car. heavy dining-car crashed on top jfnd injured were passengers in U'er. There was no one In the xar. It- Is stated, except the em f who escaped with Injuries. jTrain Heavily Laden. he general offices of the Wabash tLouls it was stated that thero ver BOO people on the train, which roceedlng at regular speed when pldent occurred JSleeper Held the Rails. Bleeper, which was the rear car, 0t leave the track. The day md dlnlng-car which went down ibankment were totally wrecked, (casualties were among the pas sion the former car. Bellef Train Sent Out. sljef train was sent from Mober llylBion point of the Wabash, and lured and the bodies of the dead )jaken to the Wabash hospital In 'dead were Immediately taken In Mby undertakers and were sent j.ltowna In which they had lived rht trains. il- MERCY OF RAILROADS, if . ftl Judge Renders Decision Ro- farding- Arbitrary Routing. i NGELES, Cal., Sept. 7. Judge W Wellborn of the United States -t court today announced his de f 'in the case of the Interstate Com- -commlsalon against the Southern ri,and tlie Atchison, Topeka & I If e Railroad companies and their itlng lines, holding: that the arbl j routing of citrus fruit shipments tial lines la opposed to the pro- I'of the Interstate commerce act ''' u dc3troyB competition and j ;,the shipper at the mercy of the t d companies. Judge Wellborn or- a, decree entered granting a writ a inctlon. ? Lv yellb0. hn his decision -icoplouo extracts from the tes rt or Paul Morton, former second 4 reB'flenj- of the Santa Fo com , and of other prominent railroad a. in which they say that the ar- r, routiner of citrus fruit shipping t PUixlse ot stoppfnir the re i v-'h,ch. It was claimed, was ,"T iment of the 0011111 ahlppers, ( Wnu t0, ,nn,ntnn tariff rates. ' I, rn ho,dD thal thl position ?iable,ld gainst both the leUer J act of th0 interstate com- Jt guilty of murder. W AeQinst ldhoan for Sensa :oual Killing IB Dismissed. jjU.CE, Ida., Sopt. C.-Tho chargo of magalnat Fred Engntroni, who was Wi? onnHat,lon.Rl kl"'ng of Edward rnJ,c.Be1 timber-claim jumper, mtot county on AUKuat , was dls miloday at the prellmlnnry hearing. iBan.i ,llJodued, showing that ,E ngstrom hod quarrelod prior Sd tiJiRbut.lhero waa no ovldenco K,'"ai iSngetrorn was present when Wer was committed. Maude Adams Alarms Afenooniies Quiet Folk in Lancaster County, Pa., "Worried Becauso Actress Ob serves Them. NEW HOLLAND, Pa., Sept. 6 Mon nonltes, Dunkards and Amlsh, the "plain people" of Lancaster county, are exercised over the rumor that Maude Adams, the actress, Is among them studying their peculiarities, their good points-, their faults, their customs and their costumes. The natives believe that the actress Is absorbing "local atmosphere" that she may star in a dramatized version of "Tlllle, the Mennonlle Maid," a novel, which has been received with Interest In this locality. Some of the residents doubt the Ptory of the mysterious actress, but many ac cept II, and view with apprehension a dramatic representation of their quaint characteristics, and the countryside teems with gossip and suppressed excitement. MUST LET NEUTRAL3 ALONE. A Russian Volunteer Fleet Steamers Given Orders From Czar. ZANZIBAR, Island of Zanzibar, Sept 6. The British cruiser Forte early this morning found the Russian volunteer fleet steamers St. Petersburg and Smo lensk within the three-mile limit and communicated to them the orders of the Russian Government to desist from interference with neutral shipping. The commanders of the Russian vessels said they would forthwith proceed to Eu rope. Word was brought in yesterday by the German steamer Kron Prlnz that the St. Petersburg and Smolensk were coaling In territorial waters. The Forte immediately proceeded to search and found the Russian vessels. They were not coaling, but after the orders of the Russian" Government had been delivered to them the Smolensk and St. Petersburg joined a German colliery and proceeded to Daxes-Salaam on the African coast, twenty-five miles south of Zanzibar. The Forte returned here this afternoon. DELIVER UP SOLDIERS, "War Bureau Directs Seven Artillery men Be Given Ohio Authorities. WASHINGTON, Sopt. G As an out come of an attack by a body of regular soldiers and militiamen upon a mllltla provost guard at Athens, Ohio, recently attended by the killlnc of one of the guards, a telcBram today was received from the Governor of Ohio by tho Secre tary 01 war requesting ino uouvory ol seven men of Fourteenth battery field ar tillery located at Fort Sheridan. Acting Secretary Oliver lmmodlutoly re plied by telegraph, saying: "The com manding general, Department of tho Lakes, has today been directed by wire to dollvcr at Fort Sheridan, tho addi tional soldiers desired on demand of prop er authorities, with a vlow of their ap pearanco at a preliminary hearing beforo a committing magistrate. Department will toko pleasure In cooporatinc with civil authorities In bringing guilty par ties to trial." ENJOIN CITIZENS' ALLIANCE. Federal Court, Denvor, Issues Order Against Cripple Creek Association. DENVER, SepL C Judge John A. Marshall, In the United States District court today, granted the application of tho Inter-State Mercantile company, a Montana corporation, for a temporary Injunction restraining the members of the Citizens' alliance and Mine Owners' association of Teller county from Inter fering with Its bunlncss In the Cripple Creek district. The Inter-State com pany acquired the union store formerly conducted by the Western Federation of Miners In Cripple Creek and it was raided1 and wrecked by a mob on the night of August 20. The hearing wa-? continued until September 20. HAD BOGUS MONEY. Quantity of Counterfeit Silver Dol lars Found in Camp Outfit, MISSOULA, Mont., Sopt. 6. J. T. Daly was arrested near Iron Mountain yester day at tho Instance of tho Salmon City, Ida., nuthorltlos on tho chnrito of burg lary. An examination of Daly's camp lnir outfit, which was found noar Iron Mountain, disclosed a quantity of coun terfeit silver dollars and somo crude ap pllancos with which the spurlouu coins might have been made. One hundred and fifty of those coins worn found, and but for a perceptible light nesn, are exception ally good counterfeit!, Daly will b? hold hero for appoaranco beforo tho United States courlH, although tho Idaho Sheriff Is on route to take him back to Salmon City. THR0WN FROM A HORSE, Well-Known San Francisco Merchant Probably Fatally Hurt. SAN FRANCISCO, Sopt. 6. Morris Slmlnoff, a well known merchant and donor of the Masonic homn, met with accident In the parade that muy prove fatal. Ho Is a member of California commandery and was mounted1 on a spirited horso. At Market and Seventh streets the horse became- frlghtenod and Slmlnoff was thrown from the saddle. Before the 'frightened steed could be stopped Uk unfortunate rider had been dragged two blocks. Ho was picked up In an unconscious condition and carried to tho Central Emergency hospital. His skull Is fractured, but ho may wtcoYor PERISH IN A COAL NINE Two Men Killed by a Fall of Rock. Third One Who Was With Them Is Seriously In jured. Accident Occurs in the "Winter Quar ters Colliery at Scofleld, Utah. Special to The Tribune. SCOFIELD, Utah, Sept, 6. Two men are dead and a third seriously In jured by an accident In the Winter Quarters colliery. Dead. BISHOP, THOMAS. HUTCHINSON. THOMAS. Seriously Injured. GENTRY, JAMES. The men were at work in the mln'o when, without any warning, there was a fall of rock and Bishop and Hutch inson were caught and their lives were crushed out In a twinkling. Gentry also was caught by the cave-In, but managed to extricate himself from tho debris, though seriously Injured. Ho was found later on and brought out and his injuries cared for. Both the bodies of the dead men were recovered late this afternoon. WORE ODD COSTUME. It Enabled a Trusty to Make "Jin Es cape From Prison. NEW YORK, Sept. 6. Private Frank Reese, an army prisoner serving one year on Governor's island for desertion, has escaped in an unusual manner. Reese was a model prisoner, and as a "trusty" had acquired the complete con fidence of Capt. Horton of the Eighth infantry, quartermaster of the Island. CapU Horton left the post Saturday night for Manassas, Va.. to take part In the maneuvers. A company of coast urtlllery not familiar with the. prison ers, was detailed to the po9t In place of the troops sent south, so that Reese's flight was greatly facilitated. When the Captain went away he gave the prisoner a key, to his house and ordered him to take care of things. After Reese disappeared a search ot tho Captain'9 quarters showed that tho prisoner had gone away In a peculiar disguise. He had donned a dress coat and shirt, a big red necktie and a pair of riding breeches. This novel outfit he topped off with a silk hat, and boldly walked to the landing place and took the next boat to New York. His odd costume caused much amusement, but no person spoke to him, and when the boat landed at the battery he lost no time in disappearing. A search for Reose later by the guard disclosed the Identity of the person who had furnished so much amusement to the sentries, who were much chagrined over the escape. SPANISH WAR VETERANS, Commander-In-Chiof Announces His Committees. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Sept. C Capt. W. E. English, commander-in-chief of the United Spanish War Veterans, has appointed1 the following committees: Executlvo The commander-in-chief.. Senior Vico-Commander George M. Moulton, Illinois; Junior vice-commander, William McKee. Indiana, Governor W. T. Durbln, Indiana; Senator Charles Dick, Ohio. Appeals Senior Vice-Commander Moulton, Col. James McCllntock, Ari zona; Wilder S. Metcalf, Kansas; H. L. Warren, Michigan; Harry F. Huber, Colorado. Rules and regulations Judge Advo cate Col. I. N. Kinney, Michigan; Thomas F. O'Nell, California; Ferdi nand Koenlg. Pennsylvania; J. L. King, District of Columbia; S. D. C. HayB, Wisconsin. FOUND UPON GRAVE. TvUiinway Girl Is Discovered in Queer Hiding Placft. NAPOLEON, O., Sept. 6. Snugly curled upon a grave In Glenwood oeme tery, with hor head reBtlng on a foot stone and the sky as a cover, little Sa die Bryan was found by Adam Glour. The Sheriff was notified, and he took her In custody. She had run away from her parents In Defiance, she aayn, because thoy wanted her to marry against her wishes, and had used this graveyard as her hid ing place for two days and nights. She wa3 almost starved, as nothing had passed her lips since Sunday, vherv she left home. 8he was taken to Defiance by Sheriff John. Le Nordcz Has Resigned. ROME, Sopt. 6. In private audlenco with the Pope today Monslgneur Le Nordoz resigned tho bishopric of BIJon. The Vatican authorities consider this an answer to the speech or Premier . Cpmbe.Btt Auxrrre. Sujlte". IS&hJ " V j Great Labor War Is Near an End Proposition Submitted to the Unions Providing for Calling the Strike Off. CHICAGO, ScrA. 6. The Allied Trades council today decided to sub mit to tho unions the proposition for settlement of the stockyards strike. According to the statement of Cass Schmidt, vice-president of the Butch ers' union, the proposition upon which the unions are to vote provided for calling off the strike, the men to bo re-employed as soon as possible, the skilled hands to receive the former scale of wages and the abandonment of the office of steward by the unions. Strikers In the other striking centers also assembled today, by order of Pres ident Donnelly, for the -purpose of tak ing a referendum vote to declare the strike off. Apply for Old Jobs. Early this moring when, according to the packers, more than 1000 of the strikers applied for their old Jobs and were taken back. Men began to seek work a few hours before the time set for a meeting of the Allied Trades con ference board, which, representing twenty-two trades involved in tho strike, was, as seemed to be the gen eral Impression, to consider the ques tion of submitting to the unions wheth er the strike should be called off or not. No Agreement With Union. There was talk among the strikers at the yards about "terms of settle ment." Officials of the packing com panies, however, declared that no terms of settlement had been reached, that strikers applying for their old places would be reinstated without discrimi nation, but no agreement would bo made with the union. Feared to Wait Action. Meetings of all local' unions Involved had been called for today to hear tho result of the deliberations of the Allied Trades board. But many of the men who have been Idle for eight weeks feared to await their action. So it was that a thousand applied for work. Expecting- all would be ordered by their unions to go back tomorrow they went today to make sure of their places. A dispatch from Kansas City says the unions of the packing house trades in the two Kansas Cities voted today to continue the present strike until tho packers Bhould be brought to terms. Light Vote Being Cast. Up to midnight not over 7000 out of tho GO.000 men said to be on strike had cast their votes in the different packing cen ters throughout tho country, according to tho returns received by the union offi cials In Chicago. May Resubmit Question. In Chicago, whero 25.000 men nro on strike, tho total vote cast will not ex ceed DO0O. Unless a greater majority of tho strikers decide to bnllot on the prop osition It was said tonight that In all probability tho entire voto would bo thrown out and tho proposition would bo resubmitted to the strikers after being extensively ndvortlfled. Will Defeat Abandonment Unofficial reports of tho result of tho balloting In Chicago on tho proposed abandonment of the strlko Indicates that tho mon will defeat the proposed aban donment of the strike. Tho reault of tho balloting by the first throe unions re porting tonight Is said to have been 1201 for remaining on strike and but 112 for returning to work- SLAIN IN COLD BL00I. East St. Louis Man Confesses to Mur der of- Two Men. EAST ST. LOUIS. Ill . SopL 6. Accord ing to statements made tonight to Chief of Police Puidy by Louis Kano, formerly a barkeeper In tho Yellow Dog saloon, tho lattor Is guilty of killing' tho two men found dead undor mystorloua circum stances near Black Bridge last night. Kano, In his statement, oaya that his reason for killing Reynolds, a white man. and Green, a negro, was that they wero strlkc-breakors. He told Chlof Purdy that he was formerly employed an a butcher, and although he had surrfandorod his card, he was a "strong union man and had used every means In hlu power to further tho caueo of unionism." In describing the killing Kano told Chief Purdy that ho and Bevoral Htrlklng butchors had hud an arcument with Reynolds, and that the latter made a mo tion as though to draw a rovolvor. Kano says that ho then ohot Roynoldn through tho hoart and hid his body In tho buahoa. According to Kane's utatcmont to tho police, lib killed Reynolds at 3 o'clock In tho afternoon. After closing tho saloon at 7 o'clock at night, Kane aays, ho otort cd to go home, and whllo crossing tho Black brldgo recognized Green, who was approaching him, ns a strlko-breakor Kane says that he hid behind a support of tho bridge until Green was within a fow foot of him. when ho placed his ro volvor on a lcdco and ilrod, tho bullet penetrating Green's heart. . Kano was arrested on suspicion on tho night of tho discovery of tho two bodies. RELIEF STEAMER REPORTED Frithjof With Zieglcr Relief Expedi tion on Board Passed. HAMMERFEST, Norway, Sept. G, Tho Norwegian steamer Vlrcola, which has arrived here, reports that she met tho Zlegler relief expedition steamer Frithjof August 27 In latitude 79 north and longitude 52 east. The Frithjof, up to that time, had been unable to reach Franz Josef land. The Frithjof, having on board the Zle gler rellof expedition, which arrived at Vardo, Norway, August 4, after an un successful attompt to roach the steamer America, bearing the Zlegler Arctic ex pedition party, walled from Vardo Au gust C for Franz Jonef land, with coal for the America. The latter vessel sallett from Trondhjcm, Norway, for Franz Jo aof land oil iuno 23. 1903, " . MONTANA MAN 1 SAILS AIRSHIP Travels Over World's Fair Course. Dsmonstrated to All That His Machine Is Di rigible. Scarcity of Power Prevented Its Be ing Propolled Without Groat Difficulty Against "Wind., ST. LOUIS, SepL 6. T. C. Benbow, a Montana aeronaut, Is the first man to sail an airship over the "World's fair aeronautic cdurse. He made a trial ascension today and demon strated that his machine is dirigible, but, owing to scarcity of power, he was unable to propel It without great difficulty against the wind. Easily Handled. The Benbow airship ascended to a height of from 150 to 200 feet, and, starting from about the center of the course, sailed as far as the east gate before descending. Tho descent was made In a straight path and the ma chine was thon led back to the start ing point, Cigar-Shaped Ship. The airship consists of a cigar shaped balloon and an aluminum car. It has a 10-horsepower engine, run by hydrogen gas. The bag is about seventy feet long and has sixteen propeller blades, four on each wheel, and two wheels on each side of the car. The bag has a capacity of 14,000 cubic feet and the hydrogen gas which it holds has a lifting power of 900 pounds. GUESTS OF UNCLE SAM. Members Various Parliaments of Old "World Begin Tour of America. WEST POINT. N. Y-, Sopt C.-Tho members of tho Interparliamentary union, a body comprising delegates from England and from overy legislative body In Europe, were tho guestH of tho United States tc- uuy, wiicii a lour 01 um country uvuu under tho auspIccB of tlds Governmont. Distinguished members of tho various Parliaments of tho old world to the num ber of 15 were officially welcomed to these shores at tho military academy this afternoon after a trip on tho Hudson slver from Now York on board tho United States revenue cutters Mohawk and Grcs lmni. Escorting tho llttlo revenuo flotilla was tho crulBcr Topeka. At tho military academy tho distinguished guests dlsom-, barked to tho firing of tho national saluto of twenty-one guns. Aslsstant Secrotary of the Treasury Henry A. Taylor, who represented tho President, welcomed tho visitor on behalf of the Governmont. Tho rest of the after noon wan dovoted to an examination of tho academy and a review of the cadots. An Interesting dovelopmont of tho day was the dlsclosuro of the fact that tho Interparliamentary union at Its forthcom ing conferenco in St. Louis will undertake to adopt a resolution looking to the calling of another International arbitration con gress of the character of Tho Hague. It Is possible that President Roosovolt will bo asked by formal resolution to Issue tho call. SHOT A SICK MAN. Fool Officer "With a Gun Mortally "Wounds Laborer. SEATTLE, Sept. C Charles Ander son, a laborer of this city, was shot and perhaps fatally injured by City De tective Lane loirt night. Anderson was taken sick and went into an alley to He down. People living near by notified the police of his pres ence and Lane appeared. Lane called to Anderson to hold up his hands, but instead of doing so Anderson ran. Lane thereupon shot "him, tho bullet taking1 effect near the spine. Today Anderson is paralyzed and1 may die- THREE BOLD H9LD-UPS.' They Knid the Town of Newport, Ida., Robbing Citizons. NEWPORT. Ida., Sept. C Three men carrying largo revolvors and sandbags entered Nick Brown's saloon laot night, covered tho night bartondor and secured SCO. Thoy thon fired sovoral Bhots to In timidate the bartondor and departed. A few minutes lator they hold up three citi zens and robbed them of a few dollars and two watches. They struck Charles Die trich a glancing blow, but ho oscaped In the darkness. POSTMASTER FATALLY SHOT. Unknown Assassin Shoots a Fedoral Offloer. SANTA FE, N. M Sept, 6. Postmas I ter Robert Carley of Golden, N. M., has ' been phot and perhaps fatally wounded by an unknown assassin, who made good his escape. The shooting oc curred as Carley wa leaving his home. Carley Is part owner of the famous Gold Standard mine, over which thoro hao been much litigation. , Vermont Remains in Republican Column Plurality for Bell for Governor "Will Be in Neighborhood of 32,000. WHITE RIVER JUNCTION. Vt., Sept. 6. Vermont today elected a Governor and othr State offlcors, two members of CongressP thirty Statc Senators and ono Roprcsentatlvo from each city and town. As was expected, tho Republicans wero generally victorious, electing their entire ticket and maintaining control of the Legislature by the usual large ma jority. Tho day was passed without in cident. The day was flno and tho vote was normal for a Presidential year. Congress and Legislature. David J. Foster of Burlington was elected to Congress from tho First dis trict, and Klttrcdgo Haskins of Brat tlesboro from the Second district. The complexion of tho Legislature is practically unchanged. This Indicates that Senator Redfleld Proctor will bo re elected. Cnmpaign Hard Fought. Tho campaign was hard fought by both of the leading parties, Democrats bend ing their efTorls to a reduction of the Re publican majority of 31,000 given to W. W. Stlckney for Governor In 1900. Re turns received at midnight Indicate that the Republicans elected tho head of tholr ticket by v plurality equal to If not greater than that returned for Stlckney. Plurality Larger Than Ever. Election returns from 200 out of tho 216 cities and towns of the State glvo 'Boll, Republican, SS.SC0; Porter. Democrat, 12.S02. Tho same places In 1900 gavo Sllcknoy. Republican, 3S.01S; Sentor. Democrat. 13,655. Theso figures show a slight falling off In. the vote of both parties and Indicate the election of Bell by about 32,000 plurality. "Wag-gam an Files His Answer. WASHINGTON, Sept. G. Thomas E. "Wuggaman filed answers in the Dis trict Supreme court today to the rule directing him to show cause why he should not be adjudged a bankrupt and why a receiver should npt be appointed to take charge of hl9 property, claiming that a receiver In equity Is absolutely unnecessary and that, as far as the pro ceedings In bankruptcy are concerned, the notes are safe In his hands. GAMBLING MUST CEASE. Portland Authorities to Shut Out All Games of Chance. PORTLAND, Or., Sept. 6. Public gambling In Portland of all kinds must stop once and for all, according to the authorized declarations of District At torney John Manning and Sheriff Tom Worn. The pale of the law will be construed to encompass every species of gambling from faro to card ma chines on the counters of cigar stores. District Attorney Manning declares that If one game Is to stop the rule must be made to extend to every form ui (umui iiivuiviiiB iiiu vicnieni ol chance and his declaration goes to the point where he declares that here after he will enforce the gambling stat utes to the letter FUNST0N IS HOME. General Returns From Tour of Posts in Alaska. 1 SEATTLE, Wash., Sopt. C Brig. -Gen. Frederick Funston, accompanied by his aide. Lieut. B. J. Mitchell, returned to night from Nome on tho steamship Oro gon. Thoy have Just completed a tour of tho army poets In Alaska, with the ox coptlon of Fort Llsoum. That post Is being inspected by AdJL-Gon. Maj. B. K. Evans. Gen. Funston reports all tho posts and soldlors In excellent condition. Ho will make no recommendations for further post construction. The General will leave Vancouver barraok3 about Oc tober 1 to assume command of the De partment of the Lakes. TELEPHONE CONTRACT VOID Rocky Mountain Company Not Le gally Qualified to Do Business. Special to The Tribune. BOISE, Ida.. SepU G District Judgo Stewart today, In passing on a tolophono contract, hold that tho Rooky Mountain Boll Tolophono company woo not legally qualified to transact business In this State, having, failed to comply with tho new law requiring the filing of articles of Incorporation. The case will bo ap pealed to tho Supremo court. If affirmed tho effect will bo far reaching, Invalidat ing every contraot with tho oompanv In this Stato. HELD FOR ROBBERY. Shoriff in Butte Arrests Two "Well Known Mon. BUTTE, Mont., Sopt. 6. As a sequel to the attempted robbery of the gold vaults of tho Granite Bimetallic com pany at Phlllpsburg, Mont., last Sat urday, Frank Noble and Jack Boyd, both well-known mcn-about-town, were arrested here today and held for the Sheriff of Granite county. Boyd was formerly watchman at the company's warehouse in Phlllpsburg and was in charge when 3175,000 was stolen from the vaults three years ago. PLURALITY FOR DAVIS. Arkansas Exectitivo "Will Have Less Than Forty Thousand. LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Sopt C Lato re turn tonight from tho Stato election yes terday show that while tho unopposed Democratic nominees for State ofllccs re ceived &5 nor cent of tho total vote, tho plurality for Governor Davis, Democrat, will be less than 40.000, and may drop to 30,000. Tho next Legislature will stand: Sonata, Democrats 34. Republicans 1. Houao, Domoorata 25, Republicans C. KUROPATH 13 STILL SILENT St. Petersburg Has No H Word from Him. H Whole Nation Is Anxious IH About Fate f His Army. It Is Believed That an Order to Mobi- IjH lize Several Army Corps Nl Will Issue. 1 . The dearth of Immediate pross and of- lHjjl flclal dispatches from the present actual fjl scat of war of the far Eastern struggle; pHI continues. It is admitted by the Russian PfH "War offlco that no telegrams whatever Ml wore received from Gen. JCuropatkln IfH bearing Tuesday's date, the last message nMI to the Emperor from the General being wjl dated September 5 and briefly telling that ys tho army was advancing northward; that Kl It had extricatod ltsolf from a dangerous Hl position; that there was constant can- lH nonadlng of tho rear guard, and that the jll losses on that day were about 100, The Pl situation, in tho light of the latest infor- QH matlon, may be summed up as follows. 1 KtlH Pushing on to Mukden. KMH Tho Russian forces arc pushing on to lHI Mukden, greatly Impeded by heavy roads p9 and floods, conducting an orderly retreat, rol and followed step by stop by the Jnpa- nese. Details of the fighting and of the Fnl exact position of the opposing armies are ral lacking. j Iwl Rear Guard Not Annihilated. rfil The roport that Kuropatkln's rear ifl guard has been annihilated and that tho jjl Russian forces arc In danger of being surrounded Is denied by the Russian gon- fll oral staff. The Russian War office is entiroly confident that the retreat' is H slowly, but surely, being effected. 2I What Toklo Says. ihH From Toklo comes tho official report ilfl that the bulk of the Russian forces Is Vl still at Tental. Tho Japnneso Field Mar- eH shal, In an' extended report of the tight- IKI lug up to Soptombcr 4. says that tho Rus- Ijfil slans burned all tho railroad bridges over tho Taltso river, and predicts that, while vHI tho Jananeso list of casualties Is not vot rQII completed, the losses will provo heavj. sifl Russian Commissary Trains. vil The heads of Kuropatkln's long com- mlssary trains have passed through Mule- 3H den nnd arc continuing northward. The attack on Port Arthur continues iffl and Chinese arriving at Chefoo aay the ijgil Russian garrison oxpocta a general land rjl and sea attack today (Wednesday). Jll NO 3tfEWS FROM FRONT. f Russian War Office Without Advices 33 From Kuropatkin. $11 ST. PETERSBURG. Sopt. 7. Thorc has J been no news from Gen. Kuropatkin since KiiH Monday afternoon. This Is attributed to MliV tho Interruption of direct communication with tho commander-in-chief, owing to the lll transfer of tho telegraph office to Muk- JtH den, whither messages have to bo sent by fll courier. Tho utmost confidence prevails fil at the War offlco that the Russian army wl Is slowly but suroly effecting tho retreat ajl without serious riak of being cut off. hJI Whole Nation Anxious. jjl None the leg slntcnse anxloty is felt ftHill throughout the wholo nation, and this Sfl feeling Is shared by tho Emperor. Ills tfal Majesty Is unwilling at such a Juncture 10 absont himself from Potorhof, and has filial countermanded all proposed Journeys Ho cfl will not go to Warsaw or Llbau, and rc- Wl mains closctod for hours with his military al advlncrs. It Is bellevod that tho outcome fll of these deliberations will be an order to Itl moblllxo soveral more army corps. Hl What War Office Says. fcjl Late Tuesday evening the Astfoolatcd ffil Press obtained tho following statement Enl from the War offlco: "No telegrams what- ffiliV over wero received from Gon. Kuropatkin HIIH today (Tuesday). It Is Inferred that the ikH only Russian troops remaining at Ten Tal IHIII Soptcmbor G are tho rear guard, whose Hill mission Is solely to retard the enemy's jiiH "It Is quite consistent from tho position bflllH of affairs to suppose that a portion of tho Ollll Japanese forces ontorcd Yon Tail, there bo- RBill lng no Intention to hold this point, as It ffliH is of no Intrinsic Importance. Tho stores yll there have already been removed, and Oiil whatever was not removed was burned. Sll The transfer of tho telegraph oflloo to PlH Mukden has cauaed delay In the direct pflilll transmission of messages." hII News Is Censored. Ol A Russian oorrospondent of tho Asso- llllH elated Preys font a message from Mukdou fliiiil Tuesday ovonlng, moro than twenty-four H hours after the dispatch of Gen. Kuropat- H kin's last published message. This corre- spondent gives no dotalls of the rotreat, liH and the censor Is probably not allowed to IHjiil authorize the tranmnlsslon of this nows ll until tho commander-in-chlof sends his rc- ffH Undergoing Sovere Ordeal. j The corrospondont points out In his (lis- iiH patch that tho Russian forces are followed liH step by step bv tho Japanese, and aro pjppB greatly Impeded by heavy roads and Ekl floods. He iulda: "It Is Impossible to say iiH how long tho fighting will continue, as the Inltlatlvo Is In the hands of the Japanese." pH Tho correspondent does not conceal the IJPpH fact that tho Russians are undergoing a pJH severe ordeal, but ho ways that the cour- lpJH ago of the troops remains undiminished. DppH Wild Rumors Afloat. jJ St. Petersburg Is full of the wlldoct ru- mors, some claiming that Kuropatkln's pJH 1 ear guard has been annihilated; that Ku- Jpppj ropittkln has been taken prisoner and tlmt JPI Port Arthur has fallen. iifl Theso alarmist reports woro clroulatd Bkkl