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The Salt Lake tribune. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1890-current, December 18, 1904, Main News Section, Image 15

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

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JafWtakei the Merchants and the Brokers, 1
I Weak Closing.
Klgamated CoPPr, Influ
I cncin? Slump in Prices.
i .rtnv Dec 17.-Thc stock mar
Fff ,v"cn of further strength and
fPjVf conCJenco today, but when
fth .rf Copper began to run down
fla transactions the whole
016 Jn.lv responded, thus demon-
d,JSnr was in consequence weak.
clw'DP Y,,nl,i strength of the day
'rt he Sffs1 Steel
' jtowi pr lch. thero wore many
SSJtof 5 Intended resumpt on
E5 far.rt n.n ons ior a r se as well
g'.W'w'Kai rdl. ana o.hor
i4 U?iinl for omc heavy selling of
alJhlclT seemed to Indicate
; with the plan on the part
tt0J Madders The weakness of
IMrtfhS I some sentimental effect
Hrti list ond the advancing tcn
JhS " the market opened was
fjSd untn support was offend to
W5 VeS movement left many
wKi tat night. The movement
Sn-ovv-ihroughouU except In
yfiSeka for the most part not of
-iJunce Tho $22.0CO.O loan con
JfAlo"ed by the bank statement
?&Su of the stock market llqul
SJrJf ihe latter part of last week and
ftt irt of this week. The nominal
Sb the cash Hem was about aa cx-
Ekslng of the surplus reserve Item
IJbtBWOCOO to above the figure of the
ffitaR week for two years past
5s 1 a matter of Indifference with
amo:U in progress and tho end-year
cfrtatsts approaching But the ex
ta of tho present money market
!i is r.ttlcct of the figures of the bank
bret that prices began to droon
tei ticbangc was strong and rose 2o
sti Total sales of bonds, par value.
5 owning cf the week gave every
WTince cf a renewal of stock market
sritjntlon In as acute form as that
hsndty of last week. In fact, the
liar prk on Mondav were far below
dMlwr on the preceding Thursday.
to the entire lack of resiliency ln
ferj re some stocks which were
k than the lowest of the preceding
Bsiv la the opening break on Tue-3-tt'tbls
week, But at that level pow
ilnpport was accorded tho market by
inrtJ concerted amongst the great
id:l Interests to savo tho market
vtc attention has been centered ln the
ul district on the lurid proclama-
it Ki counter proclamations Incident
tit cendact of tho campaign, which
citevIeJ Into foreign stock markets.
! ucIIms onlnlons which were pro
id of this episode In the market did
wholly conceal the anxiety whlch-lt
E3vi:tk there was no change In tenor
c'in affecting values of properties
B B&inlntcrrunted progress of the Im
Wfcffliat In conditions. The recovery' of
SJMfefrisa exchange rate to the level pcr
'fetfoH export was without apparent
BMlDe money market which would
JHse direct channel for effect on the
fcewrse of foreign trade for Novem
"Kelts of which were reoortcd
BAY& Government agency during
3B, is regarded as adequate expla-gjB-3of
the movement. Tho excess valuo
gHehjDdlse exnorts for November
K to b less than for the preceding
llK T CVr -mww.
lpttMs showing Is duo almost wholly
BBgttJ In tho Import showing, not
JSE .5 the nhtable fall ln valuo of
lABf"-' of breadatuffs and of cotton. Tho
YEAi J?rls reached $9,157.GJG. which
T!w" ,fc0 maximum for any month
MctaKra with a total of S77.CO0.O0J In
'JBBgw of 'ast year, which was tho
IK?... r an' one month ln over two
fli tare movetl In sympathy with
5MLn!lc?, States bonds are un
zKr 63 for the week.
IB" JWH Mcx Ccn 78
IBS' " 'JS8 M- K LTais;'.::::iM4
PR H Mex Nat c 4a siff
jmrr" ...i-4 xi eg zv- ion;
ft AIL Zcnn nv 3wS::::iw4
I Bo vi,- S'ng Ken is ....102
Wf ITS.;::::: v
Bo; i" ' '"I' Union Pao 4a IOC;
iBCi " ,?L, V-ataah lata . .. H7'4
ujHL Sa'.e.f. High. Lew. Close
I tKrt 4 AVi ' W 103H 102i 102H
JKi .. , ', 14'1( 11 300 100ii
y P
.. El P C-f 0
iwihfe. . m8 io!t Wli
231,4 "
BfI"''-- " J
itfw":P'--:-:,.:'"j!" I
rjbf' w3
HfcOsiril r 200 0 j25; 9j,4
iHtn, 'mi C.W) ibU
ffir?'".:"" rlS W'i Mli
ffiBtUt 16U
ml L SO
KJ - . ;..?! l'iw io
4 if' 11 if!
fef Iff
-- .
New York C0c -f
San Francisco .'...COv&c -f
4- London 2S 1-lCd
New York exchange $1.60S-1.70
-f New York exchango ...$H.Gfr311.75 -f
Texas & Pacific J. 1.500 .ToM Jitt' s
T. St L & W 200 36 20 3CW
preferreil jftq Wia wu mu
Union Pacific DS.MO 11H', HO'A 110U
prefcrreil 531?
TVnbaeh i4ow "iU u
nrefcr-rca COO Ui
iv L B jjii
Wisconsin Central .... 300 2ifi iiij iit
profcrrcd .... EOO Vs '
Mexican Central , 700 21 . ziu "iia
Southern Pacific pfd .. 2.C00 mifr 11S4
Kiprot? Companloc
Adams 033
American . 100 cooj; 200?i MS
Unltctl States jjg
AVolIa-Fnrco , 230
Amalgamated Coppor .. 35.1M C0U 67-1 C7
Am Car & Fdy 2.GO0 33i.t 3.t' 334
profcrrod 2M 32 92Ti 92.
Am Cotton. Oil il
preferred t "'
American Ico 2.20O OS' 07i 07'i
preferred ... C0-D 30 33' 3SA
Am Llilpoed Oil 15
preforred 39
Am Locomotlvo i,000 33i'i 33" 33
preferred 200 102 102 102;
Amerlcnn S & It L700 S0:4 S0-i 70i
preferred . 2W 113 mi 112'
Am Sugar Rof 3.000 142 140 140
AnncondD Mlnlnir Co .. 2,400 106?; 104 100
Brooklyn Rapid Translfl0.400 614 591;
Colorado Fuel & Iron.. 9.400 46;4 40 ' .a'
Consolldatctl Gas 1,000 202 20m 201W
Corn Products 20"fc
preferred 200 "S'S 7sU 78H
DIsllllera' Securities .. 700 13 37A 37A
General Electric 11.000 1S3 1S6'
International Paper .. 1,500 24H nl'4 21
preferred rAO 77,i 77,i 77U
International Pump ,'2O0 40 40. 31
preferred ry.
National Lead iw ji 3i.j u.
North American COO lOU't 101 ' 100 "
Pacific Mall ZOO 44; H
Peoplo'a Gaa . soo 105?; 105H locsj
Prcsjod Steel Car 1,100 33 391; S3
preferred ...j-..., 100 M MV4 M
Pullman Palacr Car .. 100 233 23.1 2,13
Republic Steel 1,405 ic I5i 1G
preferred 00O MV4 CSV! CSV,
Rubber Goods 100 27 27 "6:
preferrcil 031.
Tcnn Coal & Iron 1.700 72j 7l'" 70'
U S Leather 123.20) ' 10 ' 13H UK
preferred 12.20-) 1021S 101 101H
United States Realty SO
U S Rubber SCO 32' 3214 32"
preforred 300 93H, 93U 93
United States Steel ... 71,800 20V4 29i; 23W
profcrrod 72.S00 S3 913; 91
W'estlnghousc Electric 2.HVJ 1S5 1S1 1S3J
"Western Union 605 94 V. 31 31
Total sales for tho day, 03-1,701) shares.
New York ifoney.
NEW YORK, Dec. 17. Close: Money on
call, nominal; no loans. Time loans, easv;
sixty days, ninety days and six months,
3(ff3?i per cent.
Prime mercantile paper. 4tfj4V per cent.
Sterling exchange, strong, with actual
business ln bankers' bills at $1.87.50 for de
mand and at $4.Sl.SOfH.S4 85 for sixty-day
bills; posted rates, $4.S5Vj and $4.SS; com
mercial bills, M Si(jM.S4.
Bar sliver. G0;4o.
Mexican dollars, 4S4c
Government bonds, steady; railroad
bonds, firm.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec, 17.-Sllvcr bars,
Mexican dollars, BOfiSlc.
New York Metals.
NEW YORK. Dec. 17 Local metals
wcro dull today . without reflecting any
change In general tone, or price from Inst
reports. Iron showed a firm undertone,
quotations unchanged.
Copper, dull und nominal, with official
quotations aa follows: Lake, $l4.S7y.
16.50V; electrolytic. $M,75ff-15.00; casting'.
Tin. spot, $29.2oV29.C0.
Lead. W.GOfH.70.
Spelter, $5.75fru.S7V6.
Total Imports and Exports.
NEW YORK, Dec. 17. Total Imports of
dry goods and general merchandise at the
pert of New York for tho week ending to
day -were valued at S13.7S3.493.
Exports of specie from New York- for
tho week were S1.73S.S12 gold and SS3S.530
Exports of specie at Now York during
the week wero JS03S silver and JC0S.S77 gold.
CHICAGO. Dec. 17.-Callle Receipts
400; Texans steady; good to primo steers.
Jl.20g4.15; cows. $1.0ON10; heifers, $175
6.00; canners, Jl.0032.30; bulls, J2.0034.00;
calyea. $X507.00.
' Hoga Receipts today 19.000; Mondav 45.
000. steady; mixed and butchers, $4.25
4.C5; good to choice heavy, $4.57V2ff-l.C7;
rough heavy. $4.35tH 45; light, ?4.3054.15,
hulk of sales. $I.5OS14.C0.
Sheep Receipts JOCO; sheep and lambs
steady; good to choice wether, 54. I0U5 25;
fair to choice mixed. $3.50gM.C0; Western
sheep, Sl.00ft5.E0; native lambs, $5.00g7.15;
Western lambs, $5.00210.75.
SOUTH OMAJIA, Dec. 17 -Cattle Re
ceipts, 400; market nominally steady; na
tive, steers. J3.25fiG.25; cows nnd heifers,
$2.5053.90; Western steers, $2.90fi4.70; Tex
as steers. $2.75fi3.75; range cows and heif
ers, $2.3Ofi3.C0, ennners. $1.50fi2.25; stockers
nnd feeders, 52.60fi3,85; calves, $2,00fi6.25;
bulls, stags, etc. $1.75fi3.75 Hogs Re
ceipts, G5O0; market 5c higher; heavy, $-1.-10
G4.G0; mixed. $1.424.45; light, J-l.45fi-l.B0;
pigs, J4.00fil.40; bulk of sales. $4.42Vfrfi-L45.
Khcop Receipts. 22CO; market unchanged;
Western yearlings, J-i.SOfi5.35; wothera.
$4.G0'5G.25; ewes, $4.00fi4.75; common and
stockcrs, $2.50fi-i.&0; lambs, J5.25fiG.40,
Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY, Mp.. Dec. 17.-Cattlc-Recclpta
150; market unchanged; native
steers. $3.50fi5.EO; natlvo .cows and heifers,
$1.75'5C.25: stockcrs and feeders. J3.50fi5.00;
balls. J2.COiT4.00; calves, J3.00fiG.CO? West
ern steers, J3.00fiG.C0; Western cows, JL75t?
Hogs Receipts 3000; innrkot 5c higher;
bulk of. sales, 5l.35fi4.C0; heavy. JI.55ff4.G5;
packers, $4.45fi'I.C0; plg3 and lights, ja-EOfi"
Sheep Receipts nono; market nominally
St. Joseph.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Dec. 17. Cattle Re
ceipts, 5000; rfil0c lower; natives, J3.75fi)
5.55. cows and helfecs. $1.50fiL25; slockoi-3
and feeders, J2.50j75.30.
Hogs Receipts, 9500; steady to 5c higher,
ndvanco lost. Light, $l.3OJx'1.50; medium
and heavy. J4.40fi4.C0.
Sltocp Receipts none; demand strong.
New York Butter.
NEW YORK, Deo. 17. Butter Weak;
street prices, extra creamery, 20fi2GVic; of
ficial prices, creamery, common to extra,
12filCc; held, common to extra, lDfiSIc;
Slnto dairy, common to extra, 15fi2lc.
Cheese Unchanged.
Egg Weak: Western fancy selected, 31
fi32c; AVeatcrn average, best, 2Hfi00c.
St. Louis Wool.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 17. Wool Steady; me
dium grades combing and clothing, 23fii
29c; light lino. 18fi22M:c: heavy fine, HfilSc;
tub washed. 27fi41a
New York Sugar.
NEW YORK. Dec. 17 Sugar Raw,
firm; fair rcllnlhg. 4c; centrifugal, .9G
tcst, lc;, molasses sugar, 4Vc; refined
firm; crushed. $0.35; powdered, J5.75;
granulated, $5.05, (
Storms Cause
Scarcity of Fish
High Seas in Pacific Northwest Hc
sponsible for Shortage of Fish
on Local Market.
For several days past the supply of
fresh llsh, especially the varieties which
come from the briny deep, has been qulto
unequal to the demand In Salt Lake, and
the shortage. In a measure, may accoun'
for the suddenly Increased call for poultry
noted within the past two or three 'days.
The shortage In fish has been due to the
storms and high seas prevailing In the Pa
cific Northwest, making it impossible for
tho fishermen to bring in the regular
hauls. Local dealers think that thoy will
be able to meet all calls early In tho com
ing week.
Yesterday was tho best day In all kinds
of business that has been experienced
since Thanksgiving time. Dealers wcro
rushed all day lining both local and out
side orders, and tho stores were kept open
until late at night In order to accommo
date lalu customers. Chickens were very
much In demand yesterday, and largV
quantities of them were sold, hens at 12
cents a pound, wholesale, springs at 13
cents. Dealers say they are unablo to
purchase Utah turkeys at any price, or,
at least, havo beeri unablo to thus far.
These birds aro quoted at from 21 to 23
cents, wholesale, In the East, so dealers
arc at a loss to say definitely whether or
not they will bo able to bring In enough
even from outside markets to satisfy tho
Christmas trade.
A shipment of pineapples came In yes
torday. tho first to arrive ln some time.
Tho fruit Is unusually large, but too
green, and will bo Just right for the holi
day season. They sell at $3 a dozen,
Wholesale Quotations.
Hay. Grain and Straw. Oat straw, per
bale, 30o; alfalfa. $10.00; timothy, per ton,
baled, $13.50: wheat, per bushel. 90e(j$l 10;
corn, per cwt., $1.30'' 1.35, corn, cracked,
Jl.35fil.40; oats. $1.40, rolled oats, Jl.50fil.G-5;
barley, rolled, J1.35; Hour, bakers' No. 1,
J2.."?0; flour, straight grade, J2.10fi2.50;
Hour, high patent. J2.COfi2.70; rye, J2.C0;
graham Hour. J2.50fi2.7O; cornmOal. $1.70fi
2.00; bran, $1.00; bran and shorts, $1.10.
Meats. Dressed beef, per pound. -Mrfi
5c; dressed veal, per pound, 7c; dressed
lambs, per oour.d. 7c; dressed mutton, per
pcrund, Gfi7c; dressed hogs, Gc; llvo, J4.C0
cwt.; mincemeat. 8Vft9!c.
Poultry. Dressed hens. 12c; broilers, per
pound. 13c: turkeys, 20fi22c.
Fruits. California grapes. $2.00; Utah
apples, por bushel. $1.00: 'Idaho applos,
$1.25; Santa Paula lemons, per box. J5.00;
bananas, per bunch, J2.25fi3.00; cranber
ries. J9.50jri0.00 per barrel: dates, per
pound. SfilCc; orangey. S3.00IT3.E0 box.
Sugar. Beot sugar, per 100, JG.40; cano
sugar, J6.50.
Vegetables. California bend lettuce. 45c
per dozen, oyster plant, 45c per dozen;
celery, dozen, 50c; parsnips, per cwt., $1.25;
groin peppers, per pound. 6c; yellow
onions, per 100, J1.50; vegetable marrow,
per dozen, GOc; red cabbage, per pound,
24c; sweet potntoes. per cwt.. $2.00; Utah
cabbage, per 1C0, $L75; potatoes, per cwt,
90c; turnips, beets and carrots, per 100,
$1.00; green onions, per dozen. 20c; pump
kins, dozen, $1.25; Utnh lettuce, 20c; cauli
flower, per pound, 7c.
Dairy Products. Butter, per pound. 2Gc;
cheese, per pound. 12c; eggs, per ease.
$7.50fi'7.75; comb honey, per crate. $2.75;
Sweltzer cheese, per pound, ISc; llmbur
ger cheese, per pound, lCc; cream brick
cheese, per pound, 17c; Edam cheese, per
dozen. $12.03.
Fish. Utah lake black ba?s, 30c; sal
mon, 13c, mountain trout. 20c; halibut.
12c; striped bass, per pound. ISc; soles, per
pound, 9c; flounders, per pound, 9c; Cali
fornia smelts, per pound, 12c, catfish, por
pound, 12c; perch, per pound, 10c; lob
sters, per pound. 15c; oysters. New York
counts. $1 GO per 100; selects. $2.25 per gal
lon; Olymplas, $3.00 per gallon; barracuda,
per pound. 12c; Cromarty bloaters, per 10),
$3.50; codfish. Gfi9c; smoked salmon. lOfi
Eetail Quotations.
Meats. Prime rib. l"Vc; porterhouse. IS
fi20c; pork. 15c; mutton chops, 10fil5c;
legs. 12&c; lamb. 12tfil5c per pound; veal.
12fi20c; veal loaf. 30c.
Poultry. Dressed hens. 15fil6c; broilers,
17filSc; .turkeys, 22fi25c: ducks. lSfi20c:
roast springs, 20c; 4eal ducks, 30c a pair;
mallards, 75c.
Fruits. Utah apple3, per peck, iO5T40c;
lemons, per dozen, 25c; oranges, per dozen.
25fiC0c; bananas, per dozen, 20fi30c; pears,
three pounds for 25c; grapos (black), per
basket, BOfiGOc; pomegranates. 16c per
pound; pineapples. 20c and 40c each; grape
fruit, per doz., 75 cents and up; straw
berries (California), 2. por box.
Vegetables. New colcry. 5c a bunch; oys
ter plant. Gc a bunch; parsnips. 20c a peck;
red cabbage, 5c a pound; sweet potatoes,
pound, 3r-; cauliflower, 15c a pound; pota
toes, peck. 20c; cabbage, por pound, 3c;
turnips, 20c peck; green onions, 2!c. car
rots, 20c a peck: beets. 20c a peck; lottuce,
fc; pumpkins, 15c; Hubbard squash. 10fi
15c; hothouse lettuce, 5c per bunch; spln-ar-h.
four pounds for 25c; California
French artichokes. 10c each; Utah Brus
sels sprouts. 10c per pound: green peas,
two pounds for. 25c; California string
beans, 15c per pound.
Dairy Products. Butter, por pound. 30c:
cheese. 16c; eggs, per dozen. 30fi35c: fancy
cheese, per pound. 25c; comh honey, per
comb, 15o. strained honey, per pound, lBc;
Swiss choose, per pound. 40c; llmburgor
cheese per pound. GOc; cream brick cheese.
25c; Edam cheese, each. $1.25.
Fish. Black bass, S5c: salmon, 17c;
mountain trout. 40c; halibut. 15c; stripped
bass, 25c: Mackinaw trout. 20c; codfish
15c; perch, 12Vtc, sturgeon. 15c; whltoflsh,
20c. mountain herring. 15c; lobster. 17!4c;
solcct oysters, GOc a quart; barracuda, per
New York Fruits.
NEW YORK. Dec. 17 The market for
evaporated apples continues quiet. Com
mon' are quoted at 3',jfil'c; nrlmo 4,-fi
4$ic; choice GfiSc; fancy GfiG'Ac.
Prunes show no change, olthor as to
general condition or ln point of quota
tion. wYlch ranges from 2c to Gc for Cali
fornia grades, with Oregon varieties
ranging up to G'4c for tho larger sizes.
Peaches quiet, with choice at 914c; ex
tra choice. lO&cilc. and fancy at UViM?12c.
Apricots nro firm on small offerings,
choice, 10c; oxtra choice, lO&fillc, nnd
fancy llfilGc.
Chicago Grain.
CHICAGO, Dec. 17. A weak undertone
prevnlled In tho wheat markot from tho.
start. Ab a result of lower cablCB and be
cause of Improved weather conditions
Southwest, thero was qulto general soil
ing at tho opening. Receipts ln tho
Northwest wcro fairly liberal, and this
contributed to the bearish sentiment. Ini
tial quotations op May were down Vi-fic
to Hfic. at fUWi to J1.1L Thero was
rather light support to the market until
May dropped to Jl.lQfil.lO. Prlcos hov
ered around this point the grealor part of
tho day. with only a moderate volumo of
business. News from tho Northwest was
lees bullish than of hue. the demand for
'cash wheat at Minneapolis being reported
much lighter. Prospects of a large In
crease In tho visible supply Old not tend
to encourage hull enthusiasm. A feature
of trading -was covering by shorts ln the
December option. The result was a slight
not advance In the prlco of thnt dollvcry.
Distant deliveries benefited to some ex
tent by the comparative firmness of De
cember, but the general undertone at tho
close was weak. Final quotations on May
were aific lower, at Jl.10.
Tho corn markot was without special
feature. May closed 'fi'.ic lower, at
Trading in oats was extremely dull.
May closed unchanged at 31i031?c,
Provisions were easy on a lack of sup
port from packers. Trading was very
quiet. May pork closed 10c lower, lard
wnsflown 5c and ribs wore 5fi7tc lower.
Artlcleo Open. High. Low. Close.
Wheat, No, 2
December l.oSH 1.1014 1.0SK 1.03V,
May i.io 1.11 l.lOUj 1.10'b
July 9S'.S - SSV6 PS 3S?i
Corn, No. 2
Doccmbcr 45". I34 45 45'6
May 4SU 45 45 45V4
July .' -J5& 45',4 ' 43H 45Vj
Oats, No. 2
December 234 roi 2314 23U
May 31U 31 3H4 31
July 3iyt 3Ui 31,4 31',i
Mean pork, per barrel
January 12.W 12.M 12.47U 12.47,4
May 12.3214 12.93 12.S2 12.82
Lnrd, per 100 pounds
Jnnuary C.SJ C.S5 O.SO C.S0
May 7.10 7.1256 7.07'i 7.07
Short ribs, per 100 pounds
January G.47t C 47',-i G.12U C.43
May G,77'j G.77 C.72W c.70
Cah quotations wcro ns follows: Flour,
nteady; winter patents, $5.10flG.20; straights,
JI.S0fi5.00; pprlnec patents, M.90&5.M;
Ktialghts, J4.C0g-l.90: bakers'. $2 70J3.E0; No.
2 sprlnn wheat, U.0S91.11: No. 3, 33c. .11. 10;
No. 2 red. $1.12ffl 1IW; No. 2 corn. 45V?4Cc:
No 2 yellow, 45l?46c; No. 2 oats. 29Hc. No 3
white. 300Miic; No. 2 rye. 73tf71c; Rood feed
ing barloy, 37$J8Sc; fair to cholco malting. 41
(UISc; No. 1 flaxseed, J1.1S; No. 1 Northwest
ern. $1.20; prlmo timothy need, $2. 72V4; mesa
pork, per bbl.. $11.20611.37; lard, por 100
lbs., JC.73; bhort ribs sides (looro), $C.23QC60:
short cloar sides (boxed), $G.C20.65; whisky,
basis of hlKh wines, J1.21, clover, contract
crade, $12.75.
Articles Recelpts-Shlpments.
Flour, barrels 18,400 G,7O0
Wheat, bushels 93.030 40.400
Corn, bushels G21.900 23D.2O0
Oats, bushels 75,100 IS, 100
Rye. bushels '. 2,003 4,100
liarlcy, bushels 79.SO) 1G.EO0
On tho produco . oxchanco today tho buttor
market waa steady; creameries, 16g'2Gc: dulrlos,
lGC(2c. Erics lower:. at mark, cases Included,
I3&23Hc; firsts, 24c; primo firsts. 2Cc; extras,
2fc- Checso blcady; US 12c.
Pacific Coast Grain.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 17. Wheat In
active but steady; December, Jl.-HVi
atked; May, J1.44M: bid.
Barley Inactive but steady; December,
J1.13K bid; May, $l.tyt bid.
New York Stock Letter.
James A. Pollock & Co., bankers and
brokers. G West Second South street, fur
nish tho following etock letter and gos
sip received over their prlvato wire:
NEW YORK. Dec. 17. Logan & Bryan
Stock Letter Tho stock market closed a
little bit Irregular but with very llttlo
change from yesterday's close. Some sell
ing pressure developed ln tho last ten min
utes' trading, which wiped out quite a
considerable portion of the early gains.
Tho bank statement was better titan ex
pected and on Its appearance eomo profit
taking developed. The plan of reorgani
zation on United States Leather waa not
favorably received by stock holders or tho
street generally. The market for thoso
stocks closed sharply lower. Wo sco noth
ing at tho moment to change our Ideas as
based on tho underlying conditions affect
ing stock values. Railroad earnings com
ing to hand are all favorable, ns ovidenced
by Missouri Paclllc's report for November,
which shows a not Increase of J7S0.GG0. Tho
market has scored substantial advance
over tho low point and holding as It docs
Is certainly most encouraging. It Is rea
sonable to assume the accounts o timid
traders havo been liquidated and it will
take something more sensational to stnm
podo the present holders of securities.
Whilo we look for ultimately higher prices
in the stock market, we would not bo sur
prised to see an Irregular tone pending the
first of tho year settlements.
New York Hutlon Stock Letter Thero
was continued grcnt strength to the secur
ities markot in today's short session, tho
steels being the feature. Oood rallwavs
stocks continued to bo well bought, though
not aggressively. Just before tho closo
word came from Boston that steels and
copper would be attacked early next
week, resulting ln a small selling move
ment. Regardless of what copper may ao
we believe the steels would be protected
vigorously by interests hero and wo would
prefer to buy rather than to sell these se
curities on any sharp Recline.
New York Walker Stock Letter For
next week wo look for a fairly actlvo mar
ket and with tho tendency upward. Tho
bond market should be strong ln antici
pation of the January disbursements.
New York American Ico Tho plan for
tho reorganization of the American Ico
company. It Is said, contemplates tho
formation of a holding company with V0 -000.000
capital, nil of which will bo one
class o stock, to take the placo of the
present company. Of this J20,OCO,000 stock
J15,000,000 goes to holders of tho present
preferred stock, share for share, tho re
maining J5.000,000 to old common stock
holders, who will get one share of new
for each live of tho present holdings.
Now York Marshal. Spader & Co. Stock
Letter Today's market was strong in
every respect, and tho bank statement
suggests that from this direction no un
favorable Influence can originate. Wo
havo only to consider the sharp advance
and Its posslblo effect on tho trading pub
lic. We think the market should be
bought on declines.
New York T. A. Mclntyro & Co. Stock
Letter The outlook Is favorable for a
continued good market next week, as to
day's bank statement Is, nruch better than
has been hoped for and Insures a continu
ance of easy money over tho turn of tho
year. We would think It would be better,
however, to adopt a trador's position nnd
operate for only moderato turns, rather
than load up with stocks at this level, as
wo think we will have plenty of reaction
ary movomenls or soft spots from tho
slr.ftlng of tho long Interest between now
and January 1 settlements.
Now York Dick Bros. Slock Letter
Tho markot has been very Irregular today,
The steels wero very strong, but practi
cally all other shares sagged off aftor
the 3trong opening, and closed rather
weak, well under their best prices. Tho
oteel stocks also weakened at tho close.
The bank statement was very favorable,
showing a decrease of more than twenty
millions In loans, and an lncrcnso of more
than llvo millions In reserves. This, how
over, did not help tho market. Tho United
States Leather readjustment plan being
very unfavorable to tho common Btock,
caused heavy selling and a sharp dccllno
In that stock. Fear of a Lawson attack
on Monday had more or less to do with
tho weak closing.
New York Summary General sentiment
Is more cheerful. Todny's bank stntemont
will show position of banks for tho weok
considerably strengthened. Liverpool cot
ton futures this morning nro a few points
higher than last night and the tone Is
London sends higher yrlqes for Ameri
cans this morning, with steel stocks tho
feature. Steel common Is up and pre
ferred up Vs. Standard Oil has made a cut
of 5 cents ln crude oil. Exceptional ease In
money. It loaned on call lVj per cent; best
bid for nix months money Is 3Vt on good
Financier's Weekly Eovicw.
NEW YORK, Dec 17. The Financier
says. The statement of tho New York
clearlng-houso banks for tho current week
Is noteworthy as marking a continuance of
loan liquidation and deposit shrlnkuge,
bolh operating to lncrcnso tho surplus rc
servo without the addition of actual cash.
The estimated movement of money last
week showod a loss of little If any cash,
but the statement of averages revealed a
decrease of almost J30O.0O0.CCO, Loans con
tracted, J22.031.7CO, an unusual llgure, and
deposits fell off J21,922,500. Tho loss In tho
latter, of course, mado the requirements
of cash which the bunks hold as a reserve
Bcnkoro and Brokers,
l 6 W. Second South St. 1
Bait Lako City.
Orders Promptly Executed ln H
StockD, Bonds. Cotton, Grain and jij
Provisions. Prlvato leaned Wires B
H with LOGAN & BRYAN, Corre- Mj
Js npondontu, Members New York m
:r. Stock Exchango. New York Cot- E
A ton Exchange, Boston Stock Ex- n
-J change, Chlcngo Board of Trade. H
. We handle all prominent Utah H
$ Mining and Commercial Stoeku. H
Nearly everyone wants "to bo shown."
A teot of
let Nearly twlco tho weight of other
package cereal foods at -sarao cost, or
2nd Less cream required ln sorving, be
cause tho flakes aro firmer
3rd All of tho nutriment of tho grain
I'j preserved.
4th Thoy are great brain food and
muscle builders.
"The Big Board. n ct
UAsj cfectaccTb Lulhe leading
JTOCKJin the above djrcfo.
REGULAR CA 11 &5"-2-PM- fl
Salt Lake City. Utah. Dec 1. 1901. No
tlco is hcroby given that pursuant to tho
terms of tho Bonds of tho Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Lo
renzo Snow, Trustee ln Trust, datod De
comber 31. 1S93. there being sufficient
money ln the Sinking Fund for that pur
pose, the following described bonds of
Scries A nro hereby called for redemption
on the first day of Janunry. 1905, viz.:
$100 Bonds Nos. 1 to 503, inclusive JEO.0O0
$500 Bonds Nos. 1 to 57, Inclusive .... 23.500
Total $73,500
Bonds must be presented to the under
signed Trustees on or after January 3,
lr05 at the Deserct National bank. Salt
Lake City. Uta with Coupons Nos. 13
to 22 attached, nnd interest will cease on
all above described Bonds on January 1,
c57 Trustees.
I will not bo responsible for any debts
Incurred by my wlfo, after Nov. 20, 1904.
on deposits much smaller, and this ex- '
plains tho Increase of $5,181,425 In excess
reserve, that Item now standing at $14.
51G.G25, the highest reached since tho clos
ing of October.
ln the period named, however, Bpccle
and lcgals hold by the banks have de
creased about J29.000.0CO, while surplus re
serves have fallen off only 2V4 millions.
This rather anomalous movement Is ac
counted for by tho decrease of SIOS.010,000
of deposits and SS2.CC0.CO0 ln loans.
Just what portion of these decreases is
to be accounted tor by actual liquidation
and what portion by shifting of loans to
trust companies is uncertain, but that a
large percentage Is to be attributed to
such shifting Is not to be denied, particu
larly since- tho stock market has been ac
tive during much of tho time. In the cur
rent stntemont It Is notlcoublo that opera
tions of tho larger banks go to mnke up
many of the more Important decreases.
Probably liquidation in the market will
bo urged as a reason for tho falling off of
totals, but other forces must have been
at work also It Is nn Interesting com
mentary on tho situation to note that tho
deposits of tho clearing-house banks aro
now lower than at any time within eight
months, whilo not since Juno 25 last, v
roughly, In six months, havo loans been
ns small as reported now.
This Indicates either that heavy bor
rowings earlier In the season havo been
liquidated, or transferred to other Institu
tions. The more recent stock market ac
tivity remains, on tho face of this show
ing, almost wholly unaccounted for, at
least so far as loan requirements are con
ci'incd. Tho New York banks have been gaining
cash steadily from tho interior for a num
ber of weeks, and thero Is nothing that
foreshadows a change ln this respect.
Consult County Clerk or tho reopcctlvo
6lgners for further Information.
bato division, In and for Salt Lako coun
ty. State of Utah. In tho matter of the
estate of James W. Ashman, deceased
The petition of Mary Hannah Ashman,
administratrix of the estate of James W.
Ashman, deceased, praying for an order
of snle of real property of said decedent,
nnd that all persons Interested appear be
foro the said court to show causo why
an order should not be granted to sell so
much as shall bo necessary, of the fol
lowing described real estate of said de
ceased, to wit:
Beginning 1 rod west and 5 rods north
of the S. E. corner of lot 2, block 22.
plat "F," Salt Lako City survey, and run
ning thence north 4 rods, th?nco west 4
rods, thence south 4 rods, thence cast -i
reds to placo of beginning, has been set
for hearing on Friday, the 30th day of
December, A. D. 1901. at 10 o'clock a. ra
nt the county courthouse, ln the court
room of said court, in Salt Lake City,
Salt Lako county, Utah.
Witness the clerk of said' court, with
the seal thereof affixed, this 15th Uay of
Decomber, A. D 1904.
Seal JOHN JAMES. Clerk.
By David B. Davles, Deputy Clerk.
Stephens Si Smith, Attorneys for Es
tate. dU84
division, in and for Salt Lake county,
State of Utah. In the matter ov tho estate
of Mary E. Carter, deceased. Notice.
Tho petition of Maurice Groshcn, pray
ing for tho admission to probate of a cer
tain document purporting to be the last
will and testament of Mary E. Carter, de
ceased, and for the granting of letters
testamentary to Maurice Groshen and Wil
liam A. Carter has been set for hearing
on Friday, the 30th day of December, A.
D. 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the county
courthouse, ln the courtroom of said court,
ln Salt Lnkc City, Salt Lake county,
State of Utah.
Witness the Clerk of said court, with the
seal thereof nfflyed, this 14th day of De
cember. A, D. 1504.
Seal. JOHN JAMES, Clerk.
By David B. Davles. Deputy Clerk. dll3G
W. II Bramel, nttorney for petitioner.
div'slon, In and for Salt Lako county,
State of Utah. In the mattor of tho estate
of Richard Gilbert, deceased. Notice.
Tho petition of Richard M. Gilbert, pray
ing for the Issuance to himself of letters
of administration, with the will annexed,
In the ctate of Richard Gilbert, deceased,
has been set for hearing on Friday, tho
SOlh dayvof December, A. D. 1904, at 10
o'clock a. m.. at the county courthouse, ln
tne courtroom of said court, in Salt Lake
City, Salt Lako county. Utah.
Witness the Clerk of said court, with the
seal thereof affixed, this 14th day of De
cember. A. D. 1901.
Seal. JOHN JAMES, Clerk.
By David B. Davles, Deputy Clerk,
C. M. Nielsen, Attorney for Petitioner.
batc division. In and for Salt Lake coun
ty. State of Utah. In the matter of the
cstato of Amanda M. Pierce, deceased.
Tho petition of Adam Spiers, executor
of tho estate of Amanda M. Pierce, de
ceased, praying for tho settlement of
final account of said executor and for tho
distribution of the reslduo of said estate
to tho persons entitled, has been set for
hearing on Friday, the 30th day of De
cember, A. D- 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
at the county courthouse. In tho court
room of said court. In Salt Lake City,
Salt Lako county. Utah.
Witness the clerk of said court, with
tho seal thereof affixed this 15th day of
December. A. D. 1901.
Seal JOHN JAMES. Clerk.
By David B. Davles, Deputy Clerk.
G. H. Backman, Attorney for Estate.
Stato Engineer's Office, Salt Lako JIty.
Utah. November 22, 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that Jd.mcs J.
Chambers, whoso postofflco addresa Is
Broadway, New York. N. Y.. has made ap
plication In accordance with tho require
ments of chapter 100 of tho session law-,
of Utah, 1903, to appropriate twenty-Art
(25) second-feet of the water flowing !n
tho Little Cottonwood creek, Salt Lake
county, Utah. Said water Is to bo divert
ed by means of a dam about ten (10) feet
high and a plpo at a point Just below the
tall race of the Columbus Consolidated
Mining company's power plant In section
10, township 3 south, range 2 oaat. Salt
Lake base and meridian, from whore tho
water 'will bo conveyed for about eleven
thousand (11 000) feet and there be used
from January' 1 to December 31, Inclusive,
of each year for developing power for
electric lighting and propelling machinery
In Salt Lako valley. After having been
ko diverted and uncd the water will be re
turned to the natura! channel of Llttlo
Cottonwood creek at a point near tho west
lino of section S, township 3 south, rango
2 east, Salt Lako baso and meridian.
All protests against the granting of
said application, stating the reasons thcre-fc-.
must be made by affidavit ln dupli
cate, ami f!!1"! In this offlco within thirty
(30) days after tnc completion of tho pub
lication of this notice.
State Engineer.
Dato of first publication. Ncvember 24;
date of completion of publication. Decem
hr 24. clG33
Extra Dividend Notico.
At a meeting of the Board of Dlrcctora
of the Silver King Mining company, held
nt the office of tho manager, ln Salt Lako
City, November 22. 1904, an extra dividend
of CO 2-3 cents per share was declared,
pavablo Decomber 23, 1904. Transfer books
will close on Decomber 13, nnd remain
closed until after Decomber 25. 1901.
By order of tho Board of Directors.
(Signed) JOHN A MALIA.
d497 Secretary.
f PURE GOLD 1? 2511 Mi MW I
M Mount Whitney Gold MIno Is 'mowing better nnd hotter values ns develop- E
B mcnt progresses. Wo have Invited you boforo to securo nn Interest ln this
coming gold mine beforo the price of stock advances. This is a mine, not a
1 prospect-
1 If we Interest you Jn this stock, and It Is as good ns we say. you will
1 become a regular cllont of ours. If wo mako money for you, you will buy 1
1 again and ndvlso your friends to buy, und they ln turn will do llkowlse. Wo .
H could not afford to offer any security that was not llrst-class.
I if you havo any" ldlo money put It Into this gold stock. Tho facts we state
I hero aro provable, historical and Incontestable truths. Wo claim the prlvl- H
I lege of verifying every statement. j
It takes gold to dig gold, and tho way to get gold Is In' tho sale of slock.
I Wo have remaining from the original allotment of stock loss than SO.OOO shareu.
When this Is sold It will bo onousrh to carry on tho devolopinont work to j
completion. We believe this stock will be disposed of ln the next few
weeks It will, If you buy and your frlonds buy. Keep ln mind that the I
money you pay on your stock goes directly Into the development of this great '
property. y I
I Wo stand ready and .willing to prove that thoro la no other Invest-' jy
mcnt opportunity within the reach of the readers of this paper, that v-
we know of, nnywhero near as big and prolltablc. or as certain of v
I tremendous future devolopment, as tho one-we now offer. Thlej '
AVe know that no business on earth comes up to tho earn- Dourjon '
Ing power of a good mine. The Mount Whllnoy Gold MIno . I
promises to bo one of tho richest of tho Golden State, a yy wnen. sent
stato that produced In 190.1 minerals to tho valuo of Sy to us, will be
5 $37,759,040. yy received in full
I Don't wait to write Send in your application for Sy
stock at once, and wo will send comploto liter- Sy pajniencior sir .
i nture and pictures of tho property. Tho stock -'months subscription to
I will bo Issued nt 10 cents a share. No order v''Investment Securities " '
for less than 100 shares received, on larg- y i -o,,-ui 'e
or amounts our 'easy payment plan is lit a Caliiornia Publication of i
your disposal. Send us the coupon gTeat value. If you own, or "
In this ad, oven if you do not want jyS contemplate owning- any stock in ;
ic sloe . rs nny. compnnyf miy place, this Jour- ;
Southwestern Securities Co. yyt nl " furnj9h yu valuable iuformn-
S'S tion nnd may savo you inouoy. South- 3
J. W. Hollman Bldg., western Securities Company, Los Angelos,
oAgelcaah nMMMiiiiiiiMjaamM
Consult County Clerk cr repcUv
renera for iUrtber information. I
d vision. In and for Salt Lako county, f ,M
fatate of Utah. Tn the matter of the cs- ' IH
tate of Joseph J, Burnswood, deceased. ' tilllH
Notice. t,'iH
The petition of William P. Rowo. nd- HH
mlnlstrutor of the estate of Joseph J k
iiurnswpod, deceaacd. for the conflrma
tlon of the sale of the followlng-deccribed l
teal cstnto of said decedent, to wit: That
certain group of mining claima known 'M
and described as an undivided V- interest
VJ tno Granite lode mining claim and the
(jranite lpde mining claims numbered 1 to 1
14, Inclusive, situate In Llttlo Cottonwood ,
mining district. Salt Lako county, Utah; lWWWH
nlso that certain parcel or tract of prop-' i
erty situated ln Alta City, Salt Lake 1 .
county, known and described as tho "Old '
Menry. property," for the sum of
$1110.00. And upon the following terms, to
..it: cash upon confirmation, aa appears
from tho return of sale, filed in this court,
oJiu b,ccn set for hearing on .Friday, tho 1
30th day of December. A- D. 1504, at 10
p clock a. m at tho county courthouse. lB
ln ,tlle courtroom of said court, in Salt tlWWWB
Cu'- Salt Lak0 county, Utah. iH
Witness tho Clerk of said court, with ''
the seal thereof affixed, this 16th day of "
December, A. D, 1901. i
Seal JOHN JAMES. Clerk. i
By David B. Davles, Deputy Clerk d!32S i
oivislon, in and for Salt Lake county, i jH
State of Utah. In the matter of the cstato '
of Daniel S. Davidson, deceased. Notice. IH
iho petition of Utah Savings & Trust 1. IB
company, administrator, with will an- '
noxed, of the estate of Daniel S. Davidson. JM
deceased, praying for the settlement of IH
final account of said administrator, with IH
will annexed, and for tho distribution of !"
1 he, reslduo of said estate to tho persons ,
entitled; has been set for hearing on Frl- i
day, tho 23rd day of December, A. D. 1504. ' IH
at 10 o clbck a. m., at tho county court- IH
2V.sv tJ2 courtroom of said court, in
&LLnke cltJ'- Sa't Lake county. Ulan.
Witness the Clerk of said court, with
the seal thereof affixed, -this 13th day of , tH
December, A. D. 1901 UiH
Seal JOHN JAMES. Clerk. ilWH
y'Vv- Davles. Deputy Clerk.
D. B. Hempstead, Attorney ror Estato. Il
bate division. In and for Salt Lako coun- '
ty. State of Utah. In the matter of tho .
estato of .Clara Z. Doolcy, deceased. y
Notice. '
The petition of Georgo Jay Gibson, IH
executor of the estate of Clara 55. Dooley. '
"ceased, for confirmation of the sale of
tho following described real estato of said
decedent, to wit: Commencing at a , IH
point seven rods west of tho southeast :
corner of lot 3, block 31, plat "P," Salt
r . C,ty, au"vcy. and running thenco
west 3 rods; thence north 9 rods; thenco
east 3 rods; thence south 9 rods, to tho i
point oX beginning, together with a right-or-way
over the following: Commencing
at a point 4 rods west of tho southeast
corner of said lot and block, and running
thence west 3 rods; thence north 10 feet. , itWWH
thence cast 4414 feet: thenco north 13S '
reet; thenco cast 10 feet; thence south 9
rods; thenco west 5 feet, to the point of
beginning, for the sum of $1500.00 cash. ,
and upon the following terms, to wit itWWH
faubject to confirmation by this court, aa I ilJJJJJM
appeari from the return of sale, filed in '
tills court, has been set for hearing on ,
y' thc 231-11 ,la- of December, A. D., " IH
IjOI, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the countv .
courthouse, In tho courtroom of said I
court. In Salt Lake City, Salt Lako I
county. Utnh.
Witness tho Clerk of said court, with
tho seal thereof affixed, this 12th day of iH
December, A. D., 190-1
t?0 . , - JOHN JAMES. Clerk. tH
By David B. Davles, Deputy Clork.
Thompson & Gibson. Attorneys for
Eatatc. dl019
bate division. In and for Salt Lake coun
ty. state of Utah. In tho matter of the
estato of Theodore M. Grow, deceased.
Tho petition of Sarah J. Grow, jH
administratrix of tho estato of Theodoro
M. Grow, deceased, praying for an order
ot mortgago of real property of said de
cedent, nnd that all persons Interested
appear beforo tho said court to show
causo why an order should not be granted
Ik mortgago so much as shall be noccs
sary. of tho following described real tM
estate of said deceased, to wit: ll
Part of lot S, block 11G. Plat "A." Salt jH
Lake City survey, commencing 11 rods ll
3& feet south of the northeast corner of
said lot, running thence west 10 rods.
thence south 3 rods 13 feet; thence cast
10 rods; thence north 3 rods 13 feet to the
place of beginning, has been set for hear
Ing on Friday tho 23rd day of Decomber,
A. D. 150-1. at 10 o'clock a. m , at tho
cc-unty courthouse, In tho courtroom of
said court, In Salt Lako City, Salt Lako
county, Utah.
Witness the Clerk of the said court, IB
with the seal thereof affixed this 10th day
of December, A. D. 1901.
Seal. JOHN JAMES, Clerk.
By David B. Davles, Deputy Clork.
Stephens & Smith, Attorneys for Estate.
bate division, ln and for Salt Lake coun
ty, State of Utah. In the matter of the
estate of Charles F. Stohl, deceased.
Notice. fH
Tho petition of Gustavo IL Backman,
praying for tho admission to probate of jH
a certain document purporting to bo tho
last will and testament of Charles F fM
Stohl. deceased, and for tho granting of
letters testamentary to Gustavo H. Back
man. has been sot for hearing on Friday,
tho 30th day of December, A. D. 1904, at
10 o'clock n in., at tho county courthouso, (
In tho courtroom of said court, at Salt IH
Lako Cltv, Salt Lako county, Stato of
Utah. 1
Witness the Clerk of said court, with ,
tho seal thereof affixed, this 17th day of , JM
December, A. D. 1901.
Seal JOHN: JAMES. Clerk.
Bv David B. Davles. Deputy Clerk. iH
Gustavo H. Backman, Attorney. dl379
bate division, ln and for Salt Lake coun- iH
tv, State of Utah. In thc matter ot tho tM
citato of Jonathan M. Williamson, do-
ceased. Notice.
Tho potltlon of Richard B. Shepcrd.
administrator with the will annexed, BiWH
of the estato of Jonathan M. Will- iWH
lamson. deceased, tendering his res- tM
lgnatlon and praying for tho settle- IH
mcnt of final account of said Richard B.
Shcpard, administrator, with will an- jH
nexed, has been set for hearing on Frl-
day tho 23rd of Decomber. A. D. Jl
1901 at 10 o'clock a. in., at tho county
courthouse In thc courtroom of said
ccurt. In Salt Lako City, Salt Lako coun-
Witness the Clerk of said court with th
seal thereof affixed this 9th day of Do
comber. A. D. 1904.
rSeal JOHN JAMES. Clerk.
Bv David B. Davles, Doputy Clork.
II. O. Sheperd, Attorney for Petitioner.
d785 jH
Joo Bowers Mining company. Principal jH
nlaoo of business at Salt Lako City. Utah.
Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting '
of the directors, held on tho Eth day of JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ
December, 1901. an assessment of ono-half 'H
OA) cent per share (being assessment No.
13) was duly levied on the capital stock of
the corporation, payablo Immediately to
A J. Gunnoll. secretary of thp company, JJJJJJJJJJJJJ
at tho offico of tho company, Iso. 3i South
Main street. Salt Lake City. Utah.
Any stock upon which this assessment
mav remain unpaid on tho 9th day of
January 1905, will be delinquent and nd
vortlscd for sale at public auction, and J
unlw payment Is made before, will bo H
sold on the 24th dny of January, 19(fo. to BBH
pav tho delinquent assessment, together VJ
with thc co3t of advertising and oxpenso pj
of sale. A. J. GUNNELL. Secretary. JH
No 3S South Main Street. Salt Lako JH
City. Utah. dt15
Thero will be a meeting of the depositors ' BVAf
of B II. Schottlcr's bank held Monday
nnd Tuesday evenings. Dec. 19 and 20. at BBJ
S n m.. In room 22, Ilooper-Eldrcdgo
block. 49 Main street, to outline some con-
. certcd plan of action to take care of the B-BJ
Interests of nil depositors In said bank. BBBJ
All interested arc earnestly requested to BB
attend " C0MITT aisa: H
1 'bVbi

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