Newspaper Page Text
H 2 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 190CT. - f I in!f Eft Lily Golding, Heavily Racked . Favorite, Disappoints Her Supporters. fADES AWAY WHEN THE FINAL TEST COMES JackfuII, at Ten to One, Takes It Easy and Captures Honors Handily. BAJJ FRANCISCO. Feb. 9. Lily Goldlnp, bucked for thousand of dollars In the. fourth raco, ftivl thn hottest fnvoritu of the clny, opt-ned up ft imp of olrrht length, but falvl way to almost nothing and finished third. Goodchtld rtvuin too muoh uro of tho marc and had nothing In reserve when tho final tent c&mt. JjLckfull, at 10 to 1. was always well up onfl, tvium tho others KTfivr weary, camo on and Tvon handily from Fastcwo. Weather ftnoj track fast. Oakland Friday Results. First raoo, six furloncs Lorn Heeil. 13 CTrsuiwl), & to 2, won, Mlmo, 103 OTorberl), 5 to J. sooond. Follow Mb, 100 (C. "WHIIoms). i to J, third. Time. 1H. Golden Sunrle-i, Mo jregoT, Dundreary, Shady Lad. Olonbrl&r. Bon nie Reg1. Eelollo J., Dollj Vardon and Sir Christopher qJjo ran. Second race, rr.ll Adirondack. 107 fMlnder). It to C iron! Homutod, 110 fDucnn). 11 to ID, second; VJgporoso, 102 (Appleby), i: to 1, third. Tlaio. 1:424;. Omnia. Lolla Hill, Ho rarth, Loono, Play Ball. Tlzona. Duko of RJah&nira. South Sldo and Faotn also rnn. Third raoa, mil Dusty ITIlIor, 110 Duk-anl, to 2, won! Major Tenny, 107 CW. SmlthJ, 15 to 3L second! El Chihuahua. 107 (Clark). 1 to L. third. Time, l:Ui. Blrdlo P. Storllrur Towers, Flaunt. Eihol Abbott, Crljrll. Olcn Jic Instrument and Lady Kant also ran. Fourth racA. mllo nnd fifty yard Jaakftill, VH (T. Sullivan). 10 to 1. won; Fnntnio. 1IH (J. Kolly), 11 to 2, Fooond; Lily Ooldlnff, 101 (Ooodchlld), 11 to S, third. Tim. I:l3i. Pronto, Harbor, Eshcrln and Lono "Wolf ran, "ifth rao Fix fiirlonrs M1L'b Pride, ICO (Qraham), 4 to 1, -won; Sir nrlllar. 107 (Clark). 13 to C. toondl Military Man, 110 (Knnpp). a to B, third. Tlmo, 1:18. Jurist), Beau Ormonde. 6t- GeoTffo Jr., Brlarthorpf. Ten Oaks and LI da IV also ran. Slrth raco, town furlontrs Mnrtlrurui, ir3 (Clark), IS to C, wont Toupoc, 103 (Kobln.oon), T to 2, eocond; Iloyal Rogue, 105 (J. Kollj), l to 1, third. Time. Conf eiomt and Now Mown Hay 0I50 ran. I Oakland Saturday Entries. First raco, four furlonsa Nappa 115. Charley P4J-no 1W, Plmklm 10$. Sam McOlbbon U$. Laewen 105, Dorico 103. McGlbhrn und Laxsen, Jonnlnfui entry. Stcond roc', ovon furloncn, Mlllnp Ba-kor 111. Corro Santa 109, Mountebank 109, Bounti ful 109, Glenarvon 106. El Chihuahua 109, Millar's Daughter 107, Clocho d'Or 107, Stand ard 107, Wntercuro Wt. Third raco, mil, polling Governor Davis IOC, Legal Form 105. Smllor 105, "Watchful 104, J. K. F. 104, Tavora 10 AvonaJln 105, Arodon 101, Rumoro 10L 0 Fourth race, fjiloco Hotel handicap, mlU and a furlong; Proper 322, Grazlallo US. Dentschland 118. Jake Kandern 109. Glntlo W. Corn Blossom 103. Bannock Bell 101. Hammor away 9S. Ry Dl Mundo 9S, Proper and Gra zlallo, Jonnlngs ntrj'. Fifth raco, flvrj furlont;i, saline Enllnbor ough 110, Toung Pilgrim 110. E. M Bmttnln 107, CTasolB 107, Sad Sam 107. DulUt 107. Chief tain 107, Iiavn Run 107. Pickaway 107. 7jiza 105, MJw Huntiy 105, Sourwlly 105. Sixth raco, mllo and twenty yards, rolling- Oatoway 110, Clyde- 103. Tho Mighty 10J, sir Brlllar 103. Lady Goodrich 102, Eckemall 103 Mqj, 10L ChrlsUn A. 10. The Ijidy Ro , hctla P9; Wexford W, Thro Cae S7. New Orleans City Park Kaces. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 9. City Park results of today follow: First race. flv and a half furloncn Wlok ford -won, Honeywell pecond, Burnolett third. Time, 1x13. Sccotjil race, toplecharo. nhort courco Python won, Redman jcond, Flylnc Raln- cloud third. Time, 3U3 1-5. Third rac, tlx and a half furlong Ad"o won, Mrllnco econd, Buzanno Rocamoro third. Tlmo, 1:15 2-5. Fourth raoe, mllo-Tarp won, Belden second. Bon Mot third. Tlmo, l:i6 i-S. Fifth raco, Hvo furlong GarnlMi won, CJilof Hayos aeconiL Precloua Stono third. Tlm. 1:M S-5. B,:tt? J0 bille Doublo won. Del Carina Mcond,. Flying Charcoal third. Time. 1,18 2-5. Sovanth rac, ilx and a half furlong Llttlo Jam8 -woor Tryon econd, John Gnrner third. Tlroo, lOSS-t, IjNow Orleans iFair Besults. NETV ORL-E-NS, Fb. 8. Fair Grounds re toIU of. todaj- follow: Flrct race, nix furlonge Arwnal won. Bone brak eoond, Envorlts third. Tlma. 1:19 4-S. Beond rc, thr and a half furlongfSoll ra won. Helen Lucaa sond, Klnc Leopold 1 third. Tims, 45 1-5 nsconds. Third rac. plx furloncs Ben Lear won. ( Fargo ifloond. Whorler third. Time. 1:19 1-5. Fourth race, handicap, flvn furlong Lady Nayarro von. Deux Tmpo second. James Red dlok third. Time. 1;W 2-5. ,XUth rt' md a half furloncs-Stonor "Ul xmd Urary ran a dead heat, Delmoro third, Tlma, 1:26 4-6. Sixth raco, mlU and a Quarter Los An geienoon, Aurumoator second, Athona third. Time, 2:20. 41 ANYTHING TO SELL? H 4- ny old thing around the Vho-aso that you want to get 4- rid of P - 4- If there is, Bjpend a few cente 4-4- In announcing it in the Want 4- Hj 4- Columns of Tho Tribune and see 4- 4 how quickly you turn it into 4- 4- cash. 4 The Tribune has served 4 4 others. 4 It will serve you. -f. 4 Maybe you want something 4 4 which others have and do not 4- want. 4 In this case tell tho readers -f of The Tribune what you want 4 4 and you will be surprised how -f 4 quickly your money will change 4 4 hand with some other reader's 4-4- for something he has and does 4- H 4 not want. 4 Maybe you want employment 4 4 of some kind, or wish to em- 4 4 lloy some other. -f. 4 Again make this known 4 4 through the Want Columns of 4 , The Tribune. 4. 4 It pays others. -f 4 It will pay you. -f- 44 4U-r 4-4-44-4- Every ninety days you can draw In lerest at 4 per cent on savings denos its made with THE HOME TRUST AND SAVINGS COMPANY, Cash Pald-Up Capital $250,000. , McCornlck Bank Building. Money to loan on chattels, etc.- low mtes. Marnanc, 52 Com"l Blk. H12-K. TVTOT "while you wait" but when you're ready : Bouillon made of Armour's Extract. Prepared in a jiffy. Fragrant, warming, nourishing. Our cook book "Culinary Wrinkles mailed free. c4rmour CS, Company, Chicago IS DISQUALIFIED FOR FHUH HIE OF LIFE Whoa Bill at Prire of Twenty to One, Wins, but Is Placed Last. LOS ANGELES. Fob 9. Whoa Rill won th "rut rac at Ascot today, -nl 'JO to 1. hut was dl.-cqualined for fnullnc Lino of Llfo. the heciv lly plnyetl favorlto. Lin" of Llfn wns pineal first and Whoa Bill Inst. The winner run I up 59M abovo thf cnlerrd price, hut was re tained by her owner. Only two favorites won. Weather clear; track font. Ascot Friday Results. First race, alv furlonjr Line of Mf III Dnvl), oven, won: Karly Houik SS iMIIIod, 12 to 1. second; r-onde. I OS (ilarrl). 13 to 1, third. Time. 1:13;. Huarxil- Anjbltlous, My Surprise. Hngcrdon, Lady Huron. Tho Major. Ml Affable, Chief Alohn nnd Whoa Bill also ran Whoa Bill flnlnhed flrxt but was dis qualified for fouling. Second rare. U-e and a hnlf furlong Red Tape. 110 (Aubuchon). S to 1. won; Water Wagon. 107 (MrDnnlol. 8 to 1. cecond; FAIr atne, 115 (Bullinan). .1 to 1. thlni. Tlmo. 1.0S4. Avoncllu. Ruhlnon. Silent Jran. Stenger. Jack Hcnnrfay, Veritas Vlnclt. Pleas ant Days, Mohur and Elovntlon also rnn. Third rac mllo and one-lxteenth N'lnnn pqunw 107 (Miller), even, won; Hoodwink. 102 (Powell), ) to i, i-ccond; Chickadee. 110 (Au buchon), 9 to 2. third. Time. 1 :1S. Cherlpe. rant and Parvo alo rnn. Fourth race, mile and seventy yards Po trero Grando. 101 (Aubuchon), 6 to 1. won; Stoessel, S7 (Notler). 9 to 2. second: Cabin, IK (Miller). 7 to 2. third. Time, 1:15. Sunray. Hlppocrat. Marpeosa, Sal. Foncasta nnd Henchman alo rn. Fifth race, four furlong Mabel Hollander, 112 Borol). S to 1. won; Tom Gllroy. 10J (Morlarlty), 3 to 1. wcond; Alonza. 112 (Pre, ton), .". to 1. third. Time. -lOA seconds. Early Flower. ArcKdln Belle, Stella A.. Dainty Maudlo and Ponemnh nlo ran. Sixth race, mile Tavanness. 102 (Morlarlty), 2 to 1, won; Kumiss. 91 rMlller). S to 1. sec ond: Seertcak". CNottor). 12 lo 1. third. Tlmo, 1:42. Charles Greene. Ellwiheth V., Chactas. Creston Boy, Col. B. Palmer and Noltlo Roth nlno ran. Ascot Saturday Entries, Flirt race, filing, mile Golden Light 112, Prlnco Chlng 112, Sheriff Bell 110. Hockey HO, Gondolua 107. Stono Arabia 107. Nc?dful 107. .Dlxclle 105. Rctndor 102. Pyrrho 102, Bill Cur tl 102. Elfin King 102. Tangible 1W, Kntlo Crew 100. Snd race, gelling, mile, and a furlong The Huguonot 102. Blissful 102, Luclan 102, Ikkl 102, MIm B.tly 97, Freesla 93. Thlnl raco. handicap, mllo and foi-enty yardn Marshal Ney 105. Chimney Swep 102, W. H. Carey 102. Rnui 91. Kmbamuisment 55, Mo rlta 97. AVorkmnn 97, Roycrofl 50. Fourth rac-. Woodland Btnkcs, four furlong Ray Egan 123. Native Son US. Hoot Mon 11$. Blue BotUo US, Horace E. lis. Tony Faust 10S, Halto'n 118, Ponemah 105. Handmaiden 115. Silver Stocking 115. Lady Alice 115, Sylvan Dixon 115, Allerlon 115. Valuoruso 110. Kilter 10?. First Pirate 10?. Marie Esher 103. Couplo Jlay Egan and Katlv Son. Stoer entry; Jloraco and Faust, Schrelbr entry; Halton nnd Ponemah. GrlfTln entry: Kilter and Pirate Holland entry. Fifth raco, wven furlong Hippocrates 107, Masedo IK. Gilpin 103, Good Luck 100, Charley 100, Ebony 100. llormltugo 10). Cholk Hedrlek 90, Chantllly ). J. y. ionohue W. Wrenni- 90 Sixth raco. soiling, Uilrtc.n-fllxtectithi of a mile Confejr HI. Requlter 1W, Geo. P Mo Near 101. Revolt 102, Snnditorm 59, Vaienelu. 57, CJulnduro 55, Col. Brorrston 92. NOTICE Elks' Excursion February 10. TIcketF now on pale at Elkfl' club. Salt Lake. Railroad tickets be Hipned bv parties who expect to travel on name. Bring your Pullman receipts with you. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Colds, Ctoup and Whooping Cousin. AUTOS TO FvACE HEBE. Vanderbllt Cup Event "Will Be Held - on Nassau Course. NEW YOBK. Fob. 9. For the third vear tho Vanderbllt cup raco will take placo In this country In 1907. For tho socond year it will bo over tho Nassau circuit In Long Island. Tho dlalanco will bo approximately 290 miles, an In the Inst raco, and thw date will bo cith er Saturday, October C, or Saturday, Oc tober 13. Thoso facts were made known In a cable gram rocclved In thl city yesterday from W. IC Vanderbllt. Jr.. donor of tho trophy, who went to Franco a fortnight ago to consult with the sports committee of the Automobile Club of Franco concerning the disposition of tho cup, By vlrtuo of the victory of Hemery In Iho last cup contest tho automobile club of Franco had tho prlvllcgo of naming a route In that country for the raco of 190C. Thu stand takon by that club, however, n gainst tho encouragement of Hjcd competi tions placed French automobile IntercatH In an embarrassing position, to relieve which and to Inxuro a rnco for hie trophy Mr. Vander bllt want abroad. It was there ngreed that as an American car flnlnhftd third, next year's raco should bo held here. Buys Prince "Wilbourne. CHICAGO, Feb. 9. John E. Madden paid H7.000 for Prlnco Wllbourno 'at the Splan sale hero yesterday. The price Ih among the high cut over paid for a horo In tho West. Dyspepsia Is an indication that the stomach and other digestive organs are weak, tired or debilitated. It causes no end of aches and pains and is most common where people bolt their meals and hurry and worry as tthey do in this country. Hood'sSarsaparilla cures dyspepsia it has "a magic touch " in this disease. For testimonials of remarkable cures Send for Book on Dyspepsia, No. 5. C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass. WILL HAKE KNOfl IRBBJIHff Professional Bicycle Riders of Salt Lake Hold a Second Meeting. WANT SUSPENSION UPON W. B. SAMUELSON REMOVED Root of New York Barred From Local Track for Alleged Crookedness. It Is evident that the newly-organized body of professional bicycle riders now making Salt Lake their nlode. mean to make ltelf known lo the cycling world. Tho riders held their Hccond meeting Thursday night nt the, oKlce of tho Hydro-Cnrbon Light company, und took action on vaitou mutters demanding their attention. Name Selected. It :is decided thnl thu new orcnnlzatlon should b known n the Western Racing Cycling ansoclallon. It whs tho sense of the meeting tlmt .Chnlrmnn A. O. Bnlchelder Of the National Cycle nsxoclntlon should bo re quesle,! to remove the suspension plnced upon W. E. Siiuiuelsoli of Provo. In view of the lam that he Is a great drawing card In cycling elides. It will be remembered that Snnuiel son wns suspended from riding In Aineilm for an nlleged ""(mine. up in a match race with Rider Hamilton of Denver In that city hist year.' It Is said thnl upon the request of the olllclnl of th Denver snueer track. Sum-ur-lsor. pemiltted himself to be defeat id by IlHinlltnn In ii match rnre. Bar Boot From Local Track. Th- association pawed n resolution bnrrlng Eddie Root of Now York City from riling In Salt Luke City. It will be remembered Hint Root was tho winner of the last fix-day inee In New Tork. It Is claimed that Hoot hcciime. winner of th race through a cotiihlnailon with several riders, he ngreelng. It I nlleged. Hint he would divide the prize money among thoe contestant who made It possible for him to win. I'pon the nwnrdlng of the prize money, It said Root repudiated his agree ment with his fellow rider In the combina tion, and after a "gun play" by his wife, he succeeded III celling away with thn entire nmount of the prize money. Slnco there were a number of combinations of rider In Ihe six day race. n of which hnd chnsn a crtnln rider to win the race, the Salt Lake associa tion mnlntnln that rtont oclcd dishonestly In repudiating his agreement with his companion riders, and for that reason he has been bnrred from riding on the local track. ureato Accident Fund. I The association decided to create an accident fund, to be started June r, next, and to be uced for th ine.-iicnl enre of members Injured whllr contesting In n rnre. The nmount which each member will be assessed weekly fr the fund will be decided mter. nnd a committee will b nppolnter to visit all Injured riders, to see thnl they are well taken care of It was also decided to requusl the manrigeinent of the local Kiucer track to entlrelv resurfnr the bowl. Intend of n part of It, and lo build an Inclosure In the arena for riders and train ers. It was further decided thnt In Instances of disputed decisions as to results of races, the ofTlclnln of th track be rcqnuMed to con sider th matter with repreentntlves of Urn riders privately, and net on the bowl. Lawson Heard From. A letter from Iver Lnwnn of Salt Lake, who. with W. F.. Samuelson of Provo, I now riding In Aim I In. wns rend nt the meeting of the rider. In hi letter lawson slated that he has won thirteen out of fourteen races In which ho hns contested since his arrival In Australia, but that cycling In not a popular In that country at present as In previous year. Samuelson, lawson wrltei.. sharing badly In the rneing. due to the fuel thai th climate does not rgree wllh him SENATORS LOSE OUT. Meet Bitter Defeat at Hands of tho Tuxedo Bowlers. In the City league match at the Crown alley Thursdny night the Tuxedos vnnqulihcil the Senator three tnilght gnmex. The score follows; Tuxedos- 1st. ;,. 3r,. Toinls. a,on 1 US 155- . K9 Tobln ..ICO 2f6 "ir f,7 Allen , ICS 191 Ud '.S& Mclcid 172 221 lifl flii G. Smith 190 191 2 C C)7 Totals 3V-' SW jj j Senxaors 1st. 2nd. 3rd. TotalH. SPltJ: 170 211 IK- 539 ndenoii iGt 10 Bellinger 167 207 1S.V- 199 J. Qulnn lir, i.ii ip DarrclL 12.1 10", 2i:t 07H Totals 7S ail S10 2 Crystals Win Out. The Crystals nnd Schlelp trnma of the Com mercial league gpt together Thui.lay night at Ihe Palace alleys. The match resultM n the defcnl of the Schlelp bowlers In two out of three, games. Th score follows: Crystal- 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Totals. Gyllenswnn 210 H0 1M fOi Collin its iM iso .vw Greggs 157 17S ISO i Schmlerer 219 1M nj jjt Burt 170 ltJ7 17S 615 Totals v SI I S2I SIS Schlelp . 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Totnl. Earl 172 ll 130 ?g onugs 177 131 IS7 rs Maughan 17X 179 1SJ m Oonkln 131 17." 1 m Eli- ' 1W 1S1 1S1 CIO Totals S06 833 812 2451 Ogden Nye Team Victorious. ?peclnl to Tho Tribune. OGDEN', Feb. S. The match tonight at tho Palace alloys was between the Dte-Stonford and tho Nye teams. Tho Nyo team took two out of thrco games. The score follows: Dec-Stanford 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Totals McDowell 1I.S 137 181 f6 P. Hcrrlck 182 171 171 62-1 Deo 100 128 m F. Scuddor 1SS m us 72 Lund 119 132 161 U2 Total 77fi 7.1 797 2307 'ye 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Totals. Buckmlller 1 120 ik m Craven 125 HI 157 47 N'ye 'HI VA 1W 454 Seoger 1CT, iu 172 -4SS G. Scuddcr 1C2 1W 1S7 474 Totals y ., 716 7U 80S 22W Entries for tho contest Friday night for tho IB prlzez, for tho best Individual score, follow L, Taylor. Catkins, Lund, D. Hcrrlck, Thom as, Craig, Nalsbltt, Craven, Beareloy and Bartlett. MURDERER ARRESTED Says He Killed a Man to Protect a Woman. LOS ANGELES, Fob. 9, After eluding the authorities for almost four years. Henry Hudley (colored) hiia been arrested In Loa Angeles tor tho murder of his brother-in-law, "Jim" Huff, at LJttlc Itock, Ark., May 6, 1902. Hudley has been employed here for two years under tho name of Charles Johnson. He was recog nized on a meaner description by Patrol man Stovone, colored, and was arrested. To Stevens nnd Chief of Pollco Auble Hudley admitted his Identity and con fessed to the murder, which he declared wao Justifiable. Hudley was arrested on suspicion at the tlmo of the murder anil confined In tho Little Rock Jail, After he had declined to plead guilty to a chargo of manslaughter ho was locked up In tho Jail at Pulaski county. Arkansas, and three months later escaped. Since then tho pollco of tho United States have searched for him. Ac cording to Hudloy's confession, ho and Huff married ulsters. Huff abused his wife, and Hudloy In protecting hor shot Huff and killed him. n You need a tonic If a woman, you need a WJ fcw'CC uintAf II woman's tonic A man's tonic would pass fe aI1 WomcQJj W is probably some irregularity, weak- 1 0f cJtehMU rtJjf' I ness or disorder, of one of your r V weak women. h I female organs, The only V'j 3 Catdui Js a general, natural, pt, 'M 1 way to get rid of female O 1 'gdP etable, specific, tonic and curative B trouble is to take "K r for women of all ages and in all condhionjS?- ft t 11 yPJ CiLxdisi relieves and cures backache, headache. AuM bb aV ' V dragging-down pains, .scanty or profuse rnerjSE K weakening discharge, monthly irregularities, fallmgouj L tlla s Jost you need to make you well. ' SH WRITE At every drug store, in $ S. 00 bottles. J 1 SlSSISo Much Better. Av!&d us all your symptoms and trou- ; writes: "I was Irregular 4 L-b,es- We free adWce (nPnin nervous. Irritable, and suffered from chills every time I earner! r scaled envelope), how to cure them. taklnr three bottles of Cardul, I am so much better and dorftk Addr"S: LadiCS' DCptr The C"at" those bad feelings at all any more." i?noca Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn I mo- FOREIGN TROOPS WILL STAY II CHIHA AWHILE j ; Events in (lie Empire Induce' Governments lo Reconsider Soldiers' Withdrawal. I PEKIXG. Frb. 9. The trmrt of cvonli In t!hlna Inrr the powers ass'-nted l I'mperrtr Wllliani'? proposals to withdraw ihelr from that country has In d;jced them to rconeldT the matl'r Willi all the Govornmrtits xcpt . Gei many havlnp forces lu North China. Iho' withdrawal Is now an open qrcsilorj. The decision will depend upon the doclo inenls of ih noxi Uv: mtnlhs. The it ein rrsldnts In (.'el.ia s'rongly oniio Ihe ithdnwil r-f the trri KussiriChincsc Prcposcls. Th. p:opo3Plr. rf ihe f'hinffe In tl.e n goiiatlnns with R.issla Inclu.-Ip fixing dato for th withdrawal of the rnllwa guarrTs. Ihe rvacuaiion f Hnrblr. tiie n llnqulshmenl c.f cortaln lanls and minet In MnnoSiurla which thfy claim that Hub sla appronriaiod rnd the irpaymmt wlt' Inteiest m nOf.,' la l w!'.leh Chma c:n irlbiitwl toward tho o: ganlzntlon of Ui RiiJiso-Chlnei"- otvk. through the Innurnce of the Into LI, Mung Chang, and u'hicl. she has slr.c-- m.i'io several attempts to recovery ' ' -AMEKICA'S CUP. Possibilities of a Challenge Discussccl in East. .VKW VOUK. Fel. 0. In fllwem nR Ihe ros lhlilll rf J rhnl!rnf 'or ilir Air.icrn's cup j from Kir Thonini l.lpton or auotiior fo-e!jm I' Joureo, nni iho )rnlmllo cour of Hie New York Ynrlit Hub on rrelyt of surh a ehnl- I )'iu?e, baj-s today Tlmij. ihe nMonlshlrc Hatemcnl nn ntndo ly n prominent momber of ihe Nhw York cluh yslrlv ihal the J'.elinnro would l) ieil, in nil probability, iih th (lefnd-r of Ihe cup. oin thotiKh the ihnllense cnllel for a race with xehocnem. a. I hut boi-n HURcented. and thnt to meet thee I I conditions she would bo converted.. I Is a litrftcily practical ug;oHtlr.n. nnd moots "sir ThomuH's nnd any othir challciiKcr ul evcrv dnt. Ji a novrnty-ioot s!oup, hh UKgotcd by Sir 1 Thomas. Im inmod ns tho ehallencer. th chal- lenrr will he accepted nnd tlio Rel'.ince will bo ' uwil ns tbo ihallor-Re )onl. In ,plte ot the blc I J allowance ho would hnve lo ulvo. if tho lin ; foot sohooner Is named, Rollarico will bo con-vi-rtod and will mill Ik- tho doTondrr. If a nlnoly-foot sloop Is namod. It will, of cnurfc. I Im Reliance which will cross the lino as the defendor of Amorieu'n priceless trophy. Under I old rulo or undor now. Reliance Ih loolcod u(on as CMiihlo of auccejoifullj defending the cup I and will remain the club's reliance 1 TO CURE A COLD IN" ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE DROMO Qulnlno Tablets. rrUKBlsls refund mony If It falls to cure, D. W. QROVE'S slcnaturo Is on each box, 'lie. RECEPTION AT WHITE HOUSE Mr. nnd Mrs. Roosevelt Give Levee in Honor of Army and Navy. WASHINGTON, Feb 9.-rresldent and Mrs. Roosevelt gave a reception tonight In honor of iho army and navy. H was the last of the evening levees at the White House for the season, .and waa largely attended. Invited to meet hi? guests of the even ing were, tho diplomatic corps and Con gressional, ofllclal and residential society. At 9 o'clock President and Mrs. Roosevelt entered tho blue room while the Marino bandplayed the National anthem. Cabinet Ladies in Line. In tho receiving line were tho members of the Cabinet and the ladles of their families, while the list In the blue room Included a large number of persons. Ad miral Dewey headed the lino of callers. Ho was followed by Lieut -Gen. John C. Bates, the head of the army. Flags Displace Flowers. Thero wan a lack of floral decorations, but tho national colors, with tho flags of the President, the Admiral of the navy, and other distinctive emblems, weru con spicuously dlaplnyed In prominent places. MIsh Allco Roosevelt and Representa tive Longworth formed the center of an Interesting group, while the sister of tho latter, the Countess de Chambrun, was among those Invited to tho bluo room. Five German officers, who as represonta tlven of the Emperor of Germany are making a tour of tho United States, woro present. Presidential Nominations. WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb 9 The President today sent tho following nomi nation to the Senate: Collector of customs, Myron H. McCord, District of Arizona. j I FOOD I I CURE I 1 Is nature's way back to health. H I Grape - Nuts H 10 days vill prove. .1 1 Read "Tho Road to Wcllvllle." In R IllRlIFI Sufl'rase Convention Delegates Talk on the Campaign in Oregon. ASSOCIATION IS IN A PROSPEROUS CONDITION Xw Vork Leads in Point of M e m b ? rs l p . Pe n nsy I va n i a in Finance. BALTIMORE. Feb. P. At the second lay's ?rt-sfcn of the annual convention f the- Women'.-' National Suffrage ao latlon ihe report of ihe treasurer was raii by Mrs. Harriet Taylor Upton, of .vhlcii tho following is an abstract: Receipts, iiiflurllng last year's balance, 28,333.P2 rflsliursements. 51C.504.S7; balance. ll,"t.06. .New York Leans. The live States standing at the 'head In HQlnt of membership arc New York, Mas sachusetts. California. Nebraska nnd Irwa. The five" Staie.s contributing the I largest .1 mount cf money to the treasury , aie Ppinylvan!a. Oregon. California, Massjichus Ms and New York. A new association "the College- Wom en's Ecina! Suifrage leaguf." was admitted to membership. I The membership was never so large nor the financial' showing so good, but with an active woman suffrage campaign in progress in Oregon, to be terminated by the voters at the election in June. 1SW. there never was so much need for monev. Every believer Is urged to show his or her belief in a practical way. Hiss Anthony Speaks. The evening session of the convention, which was presided over bv President Ira Rensen of Johns Hopkins unlversltv, was given over lo tributes of gratitude from representatives of women's colleges to Miss Susan P.. Anthony and other wom an sufTniglsts for what thy have accom plished for the higher education of women Miss Anthony, who was present, spoke briefly ; JULIA MARLOWE'S OFFER j Actress Will Give S1O0O to Endow a I Chair of Dramatic Art. I WASHINGTON. Fob. 9.-E. H. Sothern ' and Julia Marlowe, who are plavlng hero , this week, have offered to contribute JldCfl I to the nucleus of a j'und for the estab lishment of a chair of dramatic art In the George Washington university In this city. They also agree to give benefits for the I purpose and hope that other players will I become Interested In the same thing When the Paght Man Woos. Pres. Seelye of Smith College. In his annual report, makes an Interesting state ment of the position of tho latter-day college- woman. He points out that marriages of con venience aro made less frequently by college women, because they do not feel obliged to marry t oescape poverty or dependence, and ho says that there arc fewer divorces among them. The most significant of his statements however, is that college women "are as ready to wed as other women when tho right man woos them." ' This appears to be a very plain and direct explanation of a matter that has occasioned considerable discussion It seems to be up to the men who want col Uge women for wives to bo the right men and It cannot be accepted as other than a favorable influence if college women are Insisting upon higher standards In the men that come a-woolng, Boston Globe Bonk Forced to the Wall. CHARLESTON, S. C. Feb. 9.-After a run today, the Columbia Banking and Trust company of Charleston closed its doom, and tonight tho directors made a general assignment of property and as sets for the benefit of creditors, namlnir Edward W. Hughes as assignee! Thf bank was capitalized at $50,000. The llnan. clal troubles of a director caused un easiness and the run today brought mm tcrs to a crisis. Failed to See Eclipse. WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb. 9,-Becauso of a haavy snowstorm tho onicials at the naval observatory early last night gavo up any hope of making observations of the eclipse of the moon, which began after midnight and continued for several hour It was raining hard at midnight, with no prospects of clearing before morning American Auto Association. CHICAGO. Feb. 8.-At iho annual mec-tlnr s-ssrss ofu siB Smelting by Electricity. SAULT STE. MARIE, Fob. S.-Accord-Ing to an announcement at tho Canadian Goo today, pig iron can be mado by elec" trie smelting for $10 a ton. or $5 less than the cost of tho old method. It l predicted that the ron und steel Industry will be revolutionized oh aTeBulu,, , - . e JApjoSj j iJAPEOSEf Jl! Soap -I An exquisite production. No skil make a soap less harmful or more del It beautifies the complexion, keepl hands soft and white, imparts a com bloom of freshness to the' skin, ji JAMES S. KIRK & COMPl 1 1 REPRESENTATIVE CAUSED THE THIMBLE President Makes Public the Of ficial Documents in the Braun Case. WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb. 9.-Prosl-dent Roosevelt submitted to Congress to day all the ofllclal communications In connection with the answer of Marcus Braun. a special agent of the DeD.irtment or Commerce and Labor, In Budapest last May. subsequent to Mr. Braun's trouble with Austro-Ilungarian ofliclals who turn pored with hla mall Tho correspondtneo waa mado public, In compliance with a I resolution of Representative Sulzer. i c,omprl8;s "cores of telegrams, letters ?Jr fi,VUoment3r and reviews the caso from the time of the first Interference with i'f' Br?,un 8 m.a11 unl11 te punishment of nntiSn H,VlK2.r,?n oncIn's and the terml- ot .diplomatic representation on the part of the United States. Hay Disposes of Case. Tn2 letter of Secretary Hay finally dis posed of the caso as follows: I,na"r a13 resnolenol1 ftf fk appears from tho cor respondence that Braun was gulltv of !h5h mp,roJ).cr cond"ct. as an ofllclal of n HiYnlarv fe3 ;nSSl In a mission in Hungary, In openly attackintr tha Hun. tha h0Ve.rnm?lU in the nowSpaiira and that his antecedents are not In Ah as2ert?onn-offUtrhhcr,ilCtion than the proper ?haVt0riTOntl1,! department doe nT& Steamship Line Sold. Bun Over and Killed STBUBBNVILLE. O.. Feb 8 -At c,u railroad, bound from St r ,Wabsh org. lie was r?u?i L?uls to Ptttfl countrv. 3 rcturnK to his native Panama Mail Contract Let sigdontrac,t fef ,nt ?,ros' today company. Pacl,lc Steam Navigation POLITICS IX Eleven Plan to Ompjm sionnl ClstiiiW DES MOINES. Ia iff change In the Consr?fii: Iowa will be made In tlH todav by BcpresentatlTi man" of the Congressional K The aim Is to give fidB districts a population cl H The bill will make co iK political complexion of KJK make a solid Republic certainty. King's "Official" M.ADRID. Feb. 9-A-" the Ministerial Council, Morct held a long co"? Alfonao and as a result fc the King's engagementu of Battcnberg JmKJ Always . Reffl'jMB Cares aCo!diDOcIX7,V FOR &AW Eh-erythlns in BfflB Prices. Headquarter i and Cloth. -rrETHR 'Phon e 2282lndW Salt Lake Tori CaJlfyrnla and ttK wlro for all Mt ' TOO LATE WSM&' EVERY EXACTING of refined taste w ' powder. 4 tints. Hm- Mtf wL