Newspaper Page Text
, J THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1906'. 3 H . . IH ifcions Are Made sift, wig Show in lLIi PARTICIPATE ptKBe Ogden's Ncg jJuld and the - Girls." "sjlLriia Anal dress rohcar !;jj(blg Bhow that Is lo be , "trim opera-house In Ogden ''."iferday nights, was pulled jjigtage of that playhouse. ESllJjHrector George S. Best JiligJaa highly Pleased with Kpme-sclcctcd artists. STls as follows gtll, Jolin Jletcer. R. A. kBKj- otto Mcckcs, John sS3f Hestmark Kjonsfsts of a number of feillsts of the company. lponslsts of polite vnudc i'lrifta Grace 1 layman will fifty-two girls In a ren Ipugaboo Man," a hlgh fpgden's only ncgle.cted Mfof musical productions (Girls," in which sixteen "carry out the. theme, pent promises to be the ftbvclty ever presented by fc'd the sale of seats In ad Juch as the management Ik PjwfcE RESIGNS. JSrl Wants to Quit His gMb'uhc. JJfltTho resignation of a Fed lCfa' iwaltlun that la In the TZSlco list 1j nn unusual pro fiffalB what Dr H M. Howe. V Sector, has done, hi rosls ftltct at the- pleasure of the JMftriculturc. Dr Uowe has HP10 bureau of animal Indus IRnfent of Agriculture for the RMrvInc two years at Omaha tflfc-yi-nrs at Opden. Ill retirement Is thnt he has Majfof hid own to afford the K nfdutlea. Dr Itowe has ac ingFhlniself, three llocl.-s. as . ,900 head, and these, ho JtattPntlon. j Jtheib, HOLDINGS. mS - Vturers Buy Additional fMay Beds. Subline. JjgCalvcrt & Lock, the Cfoden 3prs, who recently Increased aljiolr brick plant by an ex- H0, have nrmnped for the flacrcs of additional brick Pltf bounded by Madison and rilniV Twenty-ninth and Thlr MJtracl contains a fine bed of ift;hozo h due to tho lncraa fljlek company. Tho consldera- wlef Mention. lOHSbunc. jffilrs Ed Eartlett and Miss 'mSMnuphicr ot E1. nartlett, JmRlo Grande cnclnecr, ore t-..reo Watts of Offdc-n. I tKje, new superintendent of tho IHJern. and Tralnmnuter L. C. lvrjame lino were In Ofrdeii tn jwtirs looking over conditions UlHamp of Loffan Is the guctt yfc Emcr Crockett. Jr. liSfi C. Olson, who were mw iiijDeconiber 2S, returned this IJLIiJrlr honeymoon, which was .-TWthwcsi, and nre at home to -c76S-'NVashlngton avenue. iSjfthe annex to tho Utah Na ydlnRr has resulted In more gded for the oMcca of the llW.Tccelvcd here today that sjjjrmerly of th Urantley Paper ra? Is now In Denver In tho (iie&3 nnd Is prospering, i t Wi D. Brown returned from MlJtmornlnK wlih their three rj(rown wno vlslilnjr friends In -.vrBtho past six weeks Mr. Tirlp a week ago. JntnicUn? agent of tho Amal jimpany, Males that this pea jSpratddly bclnj; conlrnctotl for. iuch larger acreaird than last 'firJ'Ield Pr acre, duo to (he. j'iupply which Is us-sured and itfeTwhUe ly." SLoad to Carry. My'spcpsla comas ncrvous P&l ill-health. Why? Bo Jrcd stomach docs not pe& ;olbo properly digested, and iSslmllfttcd by the system. Aecd with polsona which (disordered digestion, and -ycs are not ted on good, we Bee symptoms of nerv iffnoss and general break inead work, nor over phy AatdocB it, but poorstom tmth poor, thin blood the 'H-tccted aKalnst tho attack yff bronchitis and consump "ffo body at once with Dr. m Medical Discovery a ';on of natlvo r,iidlclnal f. particle of alcohol or WHMorminB drugs, ?jIof extracts, from nromi '.rHthoritles extolllriK every tamed In Dr. Pierce's ijVDiscovery will be mailed jresa on request by postal ddress Dr. R. V. i'lerco, Ifactlve practice convinced e valuo of many natlvo gal agents and ho went to potn In time and in money, ?'Yn.Fecu,iar Processes for both efficient and safe for jp,nd rebuilding agents. popularity of "Golden lRlS1',' 13 dlie uth to Its '''fanalng and to tho actual i , of its ingredienta. Tho jffpbQ names of the Iwjrcdl JfPper of every bottle sold, 0 uco of 'ts uon-alcoholic' j removes all objection to ! BKnown or secret remedy. r ent medicine nor a secret O 'IS fact puts It l?i a class f. ng as It does upon every J The Badtjo of Honesty, in iw s?r1n?redlonts. A ?'cal Discovery " cures, VtIS?i!8eat,on or fyspopsla, Dllloutfueis, ulceration of owlcs and all catarrhal af ijltter what parts or organs to with It. Dr. Pierce's 4U aro the original littlo i(.PuV P 0 years ugo. They nvigortato, stomach, liver iIuch imitated buL never 'Wlr-coated and mhsv to taku "ROY varhez oh . TRIAL Fi ADULTERY Testimony Was Sensational and Defendant's Wife Sat Near Her Husband. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN, Feb. 9. The case of the State vs. Ruy Varnez, alias J-croy Castro, charged with adultery, occupied the time of Judge Howell and a Jury the entire day in tho District court, and when court adjourned tonight the State had only completed its testimony and tho case waa continued until Friday morning. The testimony today was sensational and racy. Varncz's wife oat next to him In the courtroom and listened to the de tails of the ofienRe which Is alleged to have been committed on July A at Glon woodr Anions tho witnesses examined was Miss Ruth White, the complaining witness, her step-sister nnd her mother, and the details of their meeting and what followed wero brought out. Tomorrow tho side of the defenso will be presented. HOSPITAL BOARD MEETS Beport of Secretary Shows Condition of State' Institution. Special to The Tribune. PKOVO. Feb. f All members were present at today's meeting of tho State Mental Hos pital board. The following report of tho ln utltutlon's affairs was made: January rccelptit J9.C03.34 Kxpendllures 8,236.33 Balance on hand $ 767.01 Current expenses, Januury 2,317.90 Salaries v''"' 1-3:r3-S3 Number of patients, December 31, IMS Men m Womrn lSt Number admitted In January Men 3 Women 1 - 4 Number illjharsred - Men 3 Escaped (male) 1 Died In January Men y.t... 3 Women i 2 Number In hospital Jp.nunry 31 Men ' 1K7 Women ' 1SS COMPAiry IS EXONERATED, Inquest Held Over Body of Man Killed in Ohio Copper Shaft. Special to The Tribune. BINGHAM, rtah. Feb. 3. An Inquest over the remains of William llowcrofi. wno was killed Tuewlay nli;hi In tho Ohio Copivcr com pany's shaft, wts held before Coroner I-ee Wednesday afternoon. The Jurors returned u verdict that the kcpaned met his death acci dentally and exonerated tho compnny from all blamiv How croft wns at ono time em ployed as a street car conductor In Salt Lake City. He liavcs a wife nnd child. CLAIMED BY DEATH. Mrs. G. L. Hansen of Richfield Suc cumbs to Effects of Childbirth. Special to Tho Tribune. RICHFIELD. Feb. 9. Mrs. George L. Han sen died In this city yesterday an th result of childbirth and - complications which had developed previously. She was about 30 years of nge. and leaves a husband and two children. J. W. Dupcan of Sprlni;vllle hns succeeded It. A. Greene as tho Denver & Klo Grande station acent hi-rr. Insane Man Dies. Special to The Tribune. V I'ROVO, Feb. 9 John Johnson, n patient at tho State Mental hoepltal, dlcu yesterday of hcmlclocla. He was committed from Sum mil county January U. 1W3, and Is survived by a sister who resides In Park City. Drunks Go to Rock Pile. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN, Feb. 9. Th extent of tho business In Judge Murphy's court today was four drunks sent to the rock pile for (Ho duyH each and one vnsrnnt, who received a sentence of ninety days, and sentence suspended to slvo him time to leave town. Charles Miller and T. B. Cuney. charged with tho burglary of the store of I. L. Clark . Sons company, were nrralencd and held to the District court In tho Bum of 4750 each. They were taken to the county Jail to await trial. TWO RANCHMEN KILLED "Wyoming Stock Men Indulge in. a Fatal Quarrel. THERMOPOL1S, Wyo.. Feb. fl.-N'ewu has reached her of tho killing of two ranchmen In a quarrel. Dick Tyndall, one of the wealthiest horse breeders in northwestern Wyoming, got Into an al tercation with James Kester, a neighbor, on the former's ranch on the Cotton wood. KeBter drew a gun and while Tyndall was trying to disarm him Tyndall's son. John, was accidentally killed. Tyndall was so enraged that when he secured tho gun he beat out Kenter'fl brains with It. Destroyed by Tire. SHAMOXIN, Pa.. Feb D Two four story brick buildings In the heart of the business section of this place were de stroyed by fire tonight. Ios3, JISO.00O. Certificates Aro Issued. Tho State Board of Pharmacy Issued certifi cates to the following: successful applicants Thursday: Full reclBlrntlon certWcatoa to E. A. Charon and Fred Doff, Salt Lake, L. M. Barr of Lo;cnn and A. F EnKberfr of Spanish Fork; OK&lstanl pharmacists' certificates to C. F. Bailey and J. A. Wnltmlre of Salt Lake Tho nest meetlnc of the board will bo held May 9. U. S. WARSHIPS SAIL Battleship Division Starts for Island of Trinidad. WASHINGTON. Feb. 9.-The battleship division of the Atlantic nect, wun u ten der, has sailed from Culebra for Trinidad. It is explained at the Navy department that this movement has nothing to do with tho Venezuelan situation, although the Venezuelan coast Is only a few miles distant from Trinidad. It is said that tho ships are simply working out part of a war game In the exceptionally favorable wators of tho Gulf of Parla. The armored cruisers of the aarno fleet have also sailed from Culebra, but tlioy are bound for somo of the Windward Isl ands to give the sailors brief shore leave. CAPTAIN WAS DISOBEYED Witness Says Valencia Boats Were Handled Recklessly. VICTORIA. 13. C. Fob. 9. At tho Gov ernment investigation Into tho Valencia disaster this morning Quartermaster Tar py said Captain Johnson did not order the boats lo wared to the water. His orders were to lower them to the Baloon rail and lash them. Hj did not know who "was responsible for them being lowered. The starboard boats would have 15-vcd through the night hnd they remained nt the Baloon rail and would havo boon able to save mapy pnssongero. There would have boon fifty times more chances for tho boats to save passengers then thnn In the night nttor the steamer had struck. Millionaire Banker Dead. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 9. Charles Smith, head of tho banking Mrm of Charles Smith & Son of this city, died at his homo horo last night, aged 0 years, lit- left un estate of several millions of S .lnllara. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPLETES TRACK After Expenditure of $500,000 Problem of Salton Sink Has Been Solved. PREPARING FOR THE COLONIST BUSINESS Rio Grande Has Arranged for Seventy-Seven Tourist Gars Each Week. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 9. Alter an ex penditure of $000,000, the Southern Pnclflc oin clal.s luinounced yesterday tho final completion of a new piece of track thirty-nine miles Ioiir In tho Colorado desurt which will nahle their trains to run without Interference from' the wators of tho Colorado river, which have tilled the Salton sink nnd ruined about forty miles of their main line. The new track will become purl of the main line unless the Salton sink la llnally rid of water by the proper control of the waters of the Colorado. Tho new track leaves the present main lino at Mcccn. s .station thirteen iiiIIob rant of Indlo, and Joins the main .lino ngaln at a pluco called Volcano. It Is ilfty reel hluhor than tho piece of main line It supplants and Is nbout two miles nwny from the present ltvcl of the walor In the Salton sink. "SHORE LINE UMITED." Southern Pacific Will Inaugurate a New Service March 1. A new train, ' the Shorf Line Limited." will be put into service March 1 by the oouthern Pacific botw.un San Francisco nnd Los An Kcles. Tho train will bo operated dally, leav ing San Francisco at 'J a. in., arriving: Ijos Anrjeles 10--30 p. m. The same selic-dulo will prevull for the return trip. Convenient Stop-Overs Arranged. The servlco will contlnuo until the end of May and longer If necessary, and convenient ptop-ovcrs at tho principal coast resoria ami cltlen have been arranfeed for. Tho equipment of the new limited will be entirely new and will constat of a baccate ear. two parlor cars, a diner nnd an obiiorvntlon car. AGAINST THE BROKERS. Mastar in Chancery Hopkins Decides Against Scalpers. Another st-p In tho effort to extinguish the ticket brokerage business In ChlcnRo ha been taken by tho nil I roads of that territory. In consoiucnco of proceeding Instituted by tho Pennsylvania and mipiwrlod by tho Railway Ticket Protectivo bureau. Every broker In Chicago waa mado defendant In bills for In junction, nnd tho matter was referred to Master In Chancer)' James S. llopklnm who hn rendered a report sumnlnlntf thu railroad contention Tho master finds that the tlckft brokers are organized throughout the country Into the American Travelers Urokera' associa tion and tho Natlonnl Tlckot Brokers' nsjoela tlon. It Im slated that tho objoctn of these organizations Is to aid the membera In carry ing on their unlawful transactions ond to pro-t-ct them when they get Into trouble. Tho winter also reports that tho brokers act In ccnccrt In transferring non-trnnsforable tlck elc, nnd In making use of fraudulent devices I and In securing fraudulent .signatures. On all questions of law tho innstcr holdH that tho Injunctions should be mado broad enough to prevent tho brokers from ongaglng In business. COLONIST TRAFFIC. Denver & Rio Grande Is Making Preparations. In anticipation of a very havy colonist movement this spring from Kastcrn points to Colorado. Utah and tho Pacific coast, tho Den ver & nio Grande has un-onccd for no leivs than seventy-sevxn tourist cars each week, or a dally average of eleven cars from Chicago, St. Louis and Mlasourl river points throueh to San Frnnclfco. Los Angeles and Portland. This extraordinary through car service will contlnuo from February 15 until April 7, tho closo of the colonist period. It Is expected that romo 3),(X") people will como West during the time tho ratea are In operation. GOES TO SALT LAKE ROUTE. T. P. Shepherd of Short Line Will Be come Cashier. T. P. Shepherd, chief clerk of tho local treasurer's ofllco of tho Oregon Short Line, will leavo I lie service of that roail on February 12 and will become coHhler for tho Salt Lnko ftouto. with headquarters at Los Angeles. Mr. . Shephord will bo succeeded by C. V. Dalton, an omployeo In the ofllce of Mr. Jenklnson at Short Lino headquarters. Mr. Shepherd will ltnve for Los Anseleo on Saturday evening. Proposed Electrification. A favorable report has been obtained from experts employed by the Denver & nio GrnnJn to advlso a to the fenslblllty of olcclrifylng Cfrtaln portions of the company's line In Colo rado. There waa doubt whether tho high grades of this region would Interfere with tho change In motive power, but this doubt. It Is said, Ih now removed. The Colorado Midland Is alio considering the use of electric power for lt lino from Colorado Springs lo Woodland Park Railroad Notes. The nio Grande will run an excursion from Tlntlc and Intermediate points on Fcbrunry 12 In connection with tho spectnculnr show at tho Salt Lako Theatre. "Beauty and the nent." The following day the Salt Lako Route will bring In nn excursion from Santa quln and Intermediate points. Four cars of sheep ond fourteen of cattle leavo Salt Lako today for Is Angclns and Par. Bernardino, via tho Salt Lake Iloule. Tho Micep were brought In from Garland nnd tho cattle from Franklin. Ida., and Logan, Cacho county. A letter received from W. W. Be.tts. for merly agent of tho Chicago &. Alton here, con veys tho Information thnt he Is regaining hla health at Mesa. Ariz. Genernl Superintendent A. 13. Wolby ot tho P.lo Grande nnd S. V. Derrah. general freight agent, left for a trip over tho road yesterday. fol. L A. Benton accompanied ihern as far aa Provo, roturnlnii In the afternoon. To Aid Sufferers in Japan. An entertainment will bo given under the auspices of the Keturnod Missionary society of tho Kloventh ward for the relief of tho suffcrora In Japan. In the Eleventh ward as hornbly hall, corner First South and Eighth East, thin (Frltlny) evening. A fine pro grainmo has been ormnued Contributions will be received ot tho door. No Delay In kcrplnp social or business engagements caused by nervous or sick headache, or olhi'r pains or aches by tluwo who have learneil the merits of Dr. Miles' Anti Pain Pills. Thoy simply take a tablet when tho symptom appear, and they are quickly dispelled In fact Dr. Miles' Anki-Pam Pills Will provent. and also ctre. all pains of every nature, and aro absolutely harmless. The soothlnn Influence upon the nerven and muscles, quiet and refresh the Irri tated conditions. "Dr Miles' Anti-Pain Pills always cure my headache, and the beauty of It Is, It costs such a trifle. T am. Rind there Is such a remedy for people who must work, sick or well. Headaches Hover prevent me from koeplnp cnpaRomouta." MRS. G N. GRIFFITH. SnnUi Ana, Cal. The first package will benefit. If not, lh diugglsL will return your money. 23 doses, 2G cents. Never sold In bulk. NEW fill LIFE !!EY SQUANDERED Special Trustees' Committee Se verely Condemns McCall and Hamilton. NEW YORK, Feb. 0. The special com mittee appointed by the trustees of the New YorkLlfe Insurance company to In vestigate the affairs of the company to day made a partial report of Its labors to the directors. This report deals only with the relations of Andrew II. Hamilton, the legislative agent, with the company, and Is a severe arraignment of his meth ods. John A. McCall. former preohlent of the New York Life Insurunce company, also comes In for a share ot the committee's criticism. He is blamed for his mothods In connection with the "bureau of taxa tion and legislation" during the last ton years and for allowing Hamilton to pay vast sums of money without a proper accounting. Make Them Pixy Back. Special attention Ig called to remit tances of JlO.Oft) to Mr. McCall in London nnd $131,000 to Hamilton In Paris, in 1330 The purposes of these remittances, tho committee savs, It has been unable to ascertain, and recommends that proceed ings be Instituted against Hamilton and McCall for nn accounting or repayment- The committee adds on this point appli cation has been made to Mr. McCall for Information regarding the transaction, but that it Is Informed by Mr. McCall's family that his physical and nervous con dition 13 such that the subject cannot be taken up at present. Hamilton Is a Dodger. As to Mr Hamilton's health, which has been reported aa bad, the committee says It has been Informed t'.iat he was physically able to travel and has exerted every effort to Induce him to return to mnke a full disclosure of bis payments, disbursements and transactions, but without success. Responsible for $35,000. The committee also holds McCall and Hamilton responsible for J35.WW advanced to Hamilton to pay the State tax and which the comijiittcc declares was used by Hamilton for his own purpcacs. Tho committee Is advised that both are liable for this sum. The committee maintains also that It is a matter for legal adjudi cation as to whether George W. Perkins of the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co. is not liable for the payment of Hamilton's notes for 59.310. Mr. Perkins paid this account, the committee holds, out of the New York Life Insurance company's share of profits In Its participation In a Fnltcd States Steel corporation syndi cate. The committee holds also that tho payment of these notes by tho company war? unwarranted. Perkins in Good Faith. It is onlv Just lo Mr Perkins to sny. tho report adds, that ho acted In tho mat ter In entire good faith; that he derived no benefit from the transaction, nnd that his liability, if any, Is a technical one. The committee recommends that the law department of the company institute appropriate legal proceedings to carry In to effect the findings and conclusions of this report. The report Is signed by T. P. Fowler, Norman Renm. Hiram Steele, Augustus G. Payne and Claronce H. Mackay, and was unanimously adopted. Hamilton Gets S90.0OO. On October 18, 19A4. the Court of Appeals handed down a decision under which the New York Llfo Insurance company wns allowed a tax credit of 5272.703. This could not bo drawn In cash, but portions of it were assigned to nine other companies for iSfi.CCG. "That sum was collected by or for Hamilton," reports the committee, "and has been retained by him wlthoutt any "ntry In tho books of the company." The committee sets forth thnt this waa oxplaiiu'd by tln fact that Mr. McCall hnd mado nn arrangement that Hamilton wns to have one-third of the tax savings under the legal proceeding This arrange ment the committee characterizes as Im provident, and suggests that Hamilton should be called upon to establish his legal right to retain the SM.OJS. MORE BODIES ON BEACH Passenger for Vancouver on Valencia Lost Life in the Disaster. VICTORIA. 13. C. Feb. 0.-A Clayquot dispatch saya the body of a well-dressed man has been picked up on Long Beach, near Schooner cove. Clayquot. by Georgo Gray, an' Indian Papers found in tho pockets Identify tho corpse as that of Harry Wooirldge. one of the victims of the Valencia, bound to Vancouver, en route east. A Bible was found In his pocket with tho same name Inside. A checkbook, silver watch, JC0 In cash and a Canadian Pacific railroad tlckot was found In the pockets. The body Is badly decomposed. Thirty-Ninth Body Found. The thirty-ninth victim of the Valen cia, an unknown woman, was recovered from the sea today near the scene of the wreck. Tho body Is badly decomposed, and wns burled on the shore by the police officers in chaVge of the work of recover ing bodies The steamer Queen City, which arrived today, brought news that two articles have been washed ashore on Long beach, near Clayquot, which were apparently meant to act as life buoys. They are composed of rope, sheets, blankets, under clothing, mcoqulto netting and a wo man's apron, all worked Into a frame of wood and rope about flvo or six feet high and twenty inches thick, with pieces of rope lashed and looped as though to cling to. Part of a lulc llfo buoy was found on the same beach GUILTY OF MURDER Novadan Is Convicted in San Fran cisco Court. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 9. The Jury In the case of Chllllen Bowen. on trial for killing W. W. Stevenson, last night re turned a verdict of guilty of murder In tho first degree, and recommended the defendant to tho mercy of the court. The recommendation probably will fix Bowen's punishment at Imprisonment for llfo. Tho murder was committed under sen satlonnl circumstances. Stevenson and Bowon had boon neighboring ranchers in Nevada, and Bowen won tho afiVctlons of Stevenson's wife. The woman ramo hero to undergo a surgical operation, and Bowen lived with her after she wna dis charged from tho hospital. Stevenson wa.i Informed nf the situation and, coming here, forced his way Into the room occu pied by tho cftuple. Ao ho entered the room he waa shot dead by Bowen. INDIANS MAY CUT TIMBER Uintah Reservo Lumber Affected by Senator's Bill. Speclnl to The Tribune. WASHINGTON. D C, Feb. 0. Senator Sutherland's bill to permit Indians to cut timber on Uintah reserve and sell it lo homesteaders for bulldlngw and fences was favorably reported today. Senator Warren called up and passed Hie. bill appropriating $100,000 for a public building at Rawlins, Wyo. Hits College Football. CAMBRIDGE, Mass.. Feb. 0. announce ment was mado today that the faculty of Harvard has expressed Its opinion to tho committee on the regulation of athletic oport that Intercollegiate football should be prohibited to Harvard students In 1005, nnd until a renaonablo game shall have been formulated. 1 " WALKERjS I t The fourteenth of February. St Valentine's Day. TVc one and all claim thg privileges of the day which Is act apart and dedl- c I IJ I ( On thnt day the opportunity In sU'on to loy bare our hearts, by meann yncred to I lie saint. MlyslvcH and tokena of love- S I 1 S appear In mnny forms. From the neat little card bearing a Blmple vcrec. breathing tli.j love ntlll unspoken, they range up to S I H S iho dainty and artistic creations of paer, celluloid nnd lace, so beautiful In themselves not mentioning the delicate yentt- S 9 s -At the Walker Stationery Department you will find a very choice assortment of the saint's tokens S at pi-ices from lc each up to S2.00. The delicate and artistic conceptions -will appeal to the lovers s i ? of the beautiful, -while the "same old stoxy" expressed on them will stir the hearts of those who oven ( w ? scornfully refute the word "love." f f I 35c to 50c Women's BeItsSaturday Night You Choose at 12c 8 H This Is a remarkable "special," The object la obvious. We have had them long enough. We have made the E price so extremely low that the time has been limited to the hours from 6:30 to 9 p. in., to give every one a m 5 fair chance The assortment comprises both silk and leather belts in many colors and shapes. They won't Sa IH 3 last long; How could they at 12c each? ffl $8.50 Skirts for Saturday OnlyYour Choice $4.95. I H I This is a small lot comprising biue. black and tan The colors are right, the styles are right and the price n is more than right. You who need skirts should heed. y New Covert Coats for Spring Wear Mow Exhibited. H fl ! The covert cloth coat is again destined to be one of the season's favorites. We are showing, according to i i opinions of those who know, the best assortment in the city. They comprise the bo:; and semi-fitted styles, also the fitted. The lengths are 22, 24 and 26-fnch. Prices range from $5.00 to $35.00 each. I S IH Saturday in the NecRwear and SATURDAY KNIT UNDERWEAR ' I . Trimming Department. SPECIALS. j I 1 Linen Chemisettes at 5c Each. children's shirts and pants, ti are H cream fleeced and worth 3ae each. Saturday your i 2 dozen of these. Probably won t last till noon. The cno,ce -s3 5 sizes are assorted. WOMEN'S VSSTS AND DRAWERS In broken ' 50c to 5.50 Wash Colkrs at 19c Ea. llnes- AVorth L50 the sarmen-t' Saturday- 1'00 !B CHILDREN'S WOOLEN HOSE. Worth 50e and 60c I This unusual offer was occasioned by the collars be- pair. Saturday w.40c I ' Ing slightlv soiled, a defect easily remedied Other- .,,T,..f, ,'T TT f wise they are excellent collars. See them, anyhow. OMEN S WOOLEN HOSE. Worth Joe pair, LACE VEILINGS AT SC THE YARD. WHITE. fOP 50? BLACK AND COLORED. Plain ribbed, worth 3nc pair, for 20c j ff I Women's Girdle CorsetsSaturday Extra Special 39c Each, i H This assortment comprises girdles of pink, blue and white mercerized tape. They are very well boned and 1 ' stayed. This offer for Saturday only. I "Busy Basement" Prices to Please the Economical Housewife. I 9 Before mentioning the specials, we call your attention to the recent arrival of an elegant asortment of De- von China pieces, the beauty of which must be seen to be appreciated. f EXCELLENT TUMBLERS, worth $.1.00 the dozen. PRESS CUT GLASS An asortment of very useful i Saturday tho dozen 60.1 Is wel1 as ornamental pieces. The press cut glass ap- ( proaches as near as possible to the genuine, and as . , , , , , 4 , far as actual usefulness lsconcerned, is way ahead of B t j CUPS AND SAUCERS of handsomely decorated the genuine. The assortment comprises creamers. J P i seml-porcelaln we offer Saturday at the dozen. $1.00 sugars, spoonholders, etc.. at your choice 10c I I . Saturday MIgM the Popular ' I j All weok long wo have been busy answering: cans for "Those S3. 45 shoes MwKBi on sale." and hundreds of happy feet have worn them away, Ono more PByHR j dny you have to choose from our Wright. Peter's, Val Duttenhoffer's and vB Cross shoes, worth up to So. 00 tho pair, and all new stock, too. All I ! leathers, in heavy and light Frencu, Cuban and Military jp yb A P31 fflR heel. Ono more day they go at, the pair UjLy JT.VJ' aSt j All Qoar Wonisa's $2.50 and 2.75 Bys' and Yontbs' School Shoes Un- H Shoss Saturday tho Pair $2.95. derpriced. I J This is a splendid offer comprising heavy weights Many styles in box calf, velcure. lace and bluchcr. H for street wear, and light weights for dress. Many f R leathers and lasts. New, snappy styles. All fully guaranteed. I WE SHOW A COMPLETE LINE OF SHOES. DE- Si.,e3 0 to 12. WorUl $2,00 lhc ir Saturday... 1.65 f fl SIGNED FOR TENDER FEET. We don t make " j JM your bunions lit the shoes. We make our shoes fit sizes 12 to 2. Worth $2.25 the pair. Saturdav.Sl.S5 t your bunions, and comfortably, too. Expert fitters In attendance. See our new bunion protector Sizes 2Vs to 5V-. Worth ?2.50 the pair. Saturday 91.95 THE U. S. IN CHINA Chinese Minister Hints at Some Vaguo Trouble. BERLIN. Feb 0. Gen. Tenant- Tcheng. the Chinese Minister lo Germany, In the course of an Interview with the Tagc blatt's correspondent on the disquieting rumors from China. uld that China needed reform In her head and limbs. Eu rope, he said, hnd been .surprised that Japan had bfcomc irrenter than China, whoso soldleru, and especially thoae In the northern part of the empire, compare physically with the Prussian guards. China Wishes Trado Expansion. China, tho Minister continued, strongly wishes for commercial dealings with for eign countrlCH. but prefers those without Chinese colonies. The missionaries, ho added, cause hatred of foreigners by their tactless proselyting and the lighting be tween ProtcstanLs nnd Catholics. TEA No tea is so good that people will drink it in spite of bad dealing. Scli!liiii;S r'cot ii a coid foot-ruU to ouiun your cioccr . s The Minister was asked If the navy and army reinforcements which the United States is eendlng to tltc Philippines In tho expectation of difficulties ' with China might rouse the Chinese dragon. He re plied: "If. the American Government sends re inforcements, who can sny It fenrs diffi culties with China? It Is all nonsense. I believe the armaments nre directed against somebody else. I cannot express myself more dcllnlioly." WILL TELL GREAT SECRET Discoverer of Diphtheria Serum Has Found Remedy for Consumption. BERLIN. Feb. 9 -Prof. Emll Von Beh rlng, the discoverer of the diphtheria sc rum, addressing the German Agricultural council today, announced his determina tion to adhere to the resolution which he promulgated In Paris, of keening his tu berculosis remedy secret till tho autumn The professor discussed lengthily tho method of preventing consumption by im munizlnpr milch cows. The aim Is to se cure milk having Immunizing properties. Treating Young Cows. He claims to have approximately solved this problem. Cows nre treated when voung with a lluld which Prof. Bohrlng calls tuberlouse. It le Injected under the skin of tho young cows repeatedly for two or threo weeks. The remedy at ilrut was very costly, because It was almost Impossible to preserve It In good condition, but n method has recently Ueen discovered by which it can be preserved satisfactorily. IH Makes Them Immune. IH Prof. Behrlng aleo treated cows which IH showed a virulent type of tuberculosis In IH their milk. His theory is that children IH fed on milk from cows rendered Immuna IH through his treatment become themselves IH Immune. H Ladies' Literary Club Meets Today. The Ladles' Literary club will mcut tli s IH r.ftcrnoon at 2 o'clock. Amonir tho twiners o H hp lirouinted will bo "The Growth of 1'crlodl- H cul Literature." by Ills Jcwup: "Goldsmith's Art." by Mis Pcareall. Mrs. D. Elliot Kelly will render Instrumental music. unJ Miss ( H WolfKanc will sing. H Casfi or Curg H If SKUoK's Conjamnb'on Cure fails to cure your Cold or Cough, you get back all ycu paid for it. You ate sure of u Cure cr the Cash. H If it wasn't a :uic cure, thu offer would sot be nude. H Can anything be fairer ? If you have a Cold, Cough, or any diseia H of the Throat, Lungs or Air Passages, try WHILOM 25c. per bottle. All dealers guarantee it. B